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SAP MM Module Resume

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The candidate has over 4 years of experience in SAP MM and WM modules. They have experience in implementation, support, and post-production support roles.

The candidate lists experience in modules like MM-PUR, MM-IM, MM-IN, LE-WM, LE-MOB and functional areas like procurement, inventory management, and warehouse management.

The candidate lists projects including an ECC 6.0 implementation for a merger, ECC 6.0 on-site support, and an ECC 5.0 implementation.


Over 4+ Years of experience in SAP MM / WM (Functional Consultant in Material Management &
Warehouse Management which covers in-depth understanding of Enterprise resources planning aspects,
quality and customer orientation existing in an organization
!trong !"# conceptual $nowledge in MM & WM !unctional "o#ule$
In%ol%e# in En#&to&En# !ull c'cle I"(le"entation an# (ost (ro#uction su((ort$
!trong %nowledge in configuring and customizing !or MM&PUR) MM&IM) MM&IN) LE&WM) LE&MO*$
E+(erience in #esi,nin,) con!i,urin,) testin, an# #ocu"entin, o! SAP R/- (ro.ects in MM an# WM /
t0eir inte,ration 1it0 FI) PP) S2) 3M "o#ule
Material requirement analysis, procurement, &eporting and deploy new 'echnologies
(ood communication, analytical, pro)lem solving and interpersonal s$ills
Extensive exposure to *unctional as well as 'echnical aspects of E&#-!"#
+mplementation experience includes ,usiness &equirement anal'sis) (rocess to SAP (rocesses) 4AP
anal'sis) 5estin,) 5rainin,) 2ocu"entation) an# Post 4o&-ive Su((ort.
!"# &./ !$ills 0 MM-#1&, MM-+M, MM-+2, -E-WM, -E-MO,
!"# Experience 0 34 5ears
!"# Methodology 0 "!"#
Operating !ystems 0 Windows 6ista.7#.2'.8999.:;, -+217
6ersions 0 EE 3<, E== >9, E== ?9
!"# 'ools 0 ="'', ,@=, -!MW
&eporting 'ools 0 M! Office, M! Excel
@egree and 5ear 1niversity MaAor and !pecialization
,achelor of Engineering B,EC,
"pril - 8993
Madras 1niversity Mechanical Engineering
8$ Rollout Pro.ect
Environment !"# &./ E== ?9
@uration May 9:;: 5o 5ill #ate
Res(onsi<ilit' O%er%ie1=
#roAect is of merger of two companies of !hamurdhi =ement to 1ltra 'ech -td
2ew Org !tructure Mapped many #lants & !t-oc are =reated )y -!MW 'ool
@eveloping test scripts, performing unit testing and contri)uting solutions for the integration testing
1ploading Material Master, 6endor Master & +nitial stoc$s from -egacy system to !"# for all plants using
-!MW and !="' programmes
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>$ I"(le"entation / On&Site Su((ort Pro.ect
Environment !"# &./ E== ?9
@uration Dul 899; 5o Ma' 9:;:
Res(onsi<ilit' O%er%ie1=
#roficient in !"# &./ in MM & WM functional Module E ,usiness process Mapping, =onfiguration and =ustomizing0
"nalyzed, #repared and Mapped the MM & WM Organization structure
=ustomizing of WM elements including WM Master data, !torage types, !torage !ection, !torage )in, storage
areas, strategies - put away and pic$ing, !torage 1nit management and parameters for control of '&.'O
=onfiguration of #utaway & #ic$ing !trategy to easy tracea)ility of stoc$ in warehouse
=onfiguration of Master &ecords such as Material, 6endor and !ervice Master
=onfiguration of document types and num)er ranges for #&, &*FGs and #OGs
=onfigured of pricing procedure
=onfiguration of &elease !trategy for purchasing documents li$e #& & #O
#rocurement =ycle E #&Gs, #OGs, !toc$ 'ransport Orders, (oods &eceipt & +nvoice 6erification
#rocessing (oods &eceipts, (oods +ssue, and 'ransfer #ostings for +nventory Management
"utomatic "ccount @etermination and 6aluation of materials done at plant -evel
!plit valuation configuration done for materials procured externally from domestic and international mar$et
and in-house produced
#rocessing stoc$ transfer and special stoc$s in inventory li$e su)contracting and vendor consignment
1ploading Material Master, 6endor Master, +nfo - record, Excise !etting, +nitial stoc$s from -egacy system to
!"# for all plants using -!MW and ,@=
4$ Su((ort Pro.ect
Environment !"# &./ E== ?9
2uration March 9::? 5o @ul' 9::?
Res(onsi<ilit' O%er%ie1=
#roviding support to End 1ser in their day-to-day wor$
Handling +ssueGs in the form of !ervice &equests and reviewing them to meet on time deliveries on
compliance with the !-"
#roviding solutions to users in MM . FM . WM and providing configuration changes whenever required in the
following areas
=ustomizing of WM elements including WM Master data, !torage types, !torage !ection, !torage )in, storage
areas, strategies - put away and pic$ing, !torage 1nit management, parameters for control of '&.'O and
Mo)ile data entry
(iving expert support and information to the queries raised )y the customer while changing or creating new
configuration settings
'o understand the )usiness process of the clients & provide consultation services
Enhancement in the )usiness requirement to constantly improve the process
-$ I"(le"entation Pro.ect
Environment !"# &./ E== ?9
@uration !ep 899< 'o *e) 9::?
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Res(onsi<ilit' O%er%ie1=
#roficient in !"# &./ in MM functional Module E ,usiness process Mapping, =onfiguration and =ustomizing0
"nalyzed, #repared and Mapped the MM Organization structure
!tudied and configured the )usiness procedures in the Materials Management module in the !"# system
Maintenance of =lient-specific 2um)er &anges in all relevant Master @ata, Material Master, and
6endor master, #urchaing and +nventory documents
=onfigured the module with #urchasing, +nventory management, +nvoice verification
=onfiguring #ricing #rocedures for @omestic and +mport #urchases
=ustomization of +ndia -ocalization B=+2C with Education =ess and 6"' with '"7+22 procedure
1nderstanding the 1ser requirement & developing the *unctional specifications for ","# O)Aects
+ntegration testing and (o-live preparation
#reparation of End user documentation
Wor$ing out data transfer through -!MW, ,@= and !="'
=ross !"# module +ntegration with *+, ##, FM, and !@ modules
9$ Su((ort Pro.ect
Environment !"# &./ E== >9
@uration Mar 9::A 5o Se( 9::A
Res(onsi<ilit' O%er%ie1=
Mapped new #lants, &oll outs for new plants, 1ser training, support for online issues and creation of I
;$ Su((ort Pro.ect
Environment !"# &./ 3< EE
@uration !ep 899? 5o Fe< 9::A
Res(onsi<ilit' O%er%ie1=
!upported end users in day-to-day operations all issues related to MM-purchasing and +nventory
!upporting $ey users and resolved various -J, -8 tic$ets Mapping of new requirements, identifying data
errors and test reports @ocuments
#repare *unctional !pecifications document & reduce cycle time for planning Material for &eAections to
vendors, cancellations, reversal of documents
Enhancement in the )usiness requirement to constantly improve the process
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