Sap MM Iq
Sap MM Iq
Sap MM Iq
Planned deliveruy means Number of calendar days needed to obtain the material and GR PRocessing
time means Number of workdays required after receiving the material for inspection and placement into
MMIQ--how can configure release strategy so that anything will be change like one dot text field in po
, po become unreleased ?
Po will undergo release redetermination process if Changeability "4" or "6" is assigned to the Release
system can use condition exclusion to select the best price or discount in six different ways:
Selecting the best condition record of a particular condition type from within one exclusion group
Selecting the most unsuitable condition from within one exclusion group
Excluding all condition types in the second exclusion group if a particular condition type in the first
exclusion group exists in the document
MMIQ--How can you make a condition type compulsory? Does the system picks automatically?
Tick REQUIRED field in calculation schema then assign access sequence with valid condition table
through that system automatically pick value,
MMIQ--can we maintain a batch management tick in material master for a specific material type ie
You can maintain thru batch tick mark field mandatory for material type HALB. Setting thru IMG-
>Logistic General->Material Master->Field selection->Assign field to field selection group and maintain
field selection to data screens
here you have to select field for batch and assign it to HALB and tick required field
MMIQ--How u will transfer LSMW data from development to production? And on which server u will
test the LSMW data?
After recording the data in LSMW you can test in DEV with some dummy data, if that is success without
any error. Then you can update the mapped document that is with LSMW and can run directly in PROD
server, and after running logs can be checked through SM35 which is batch session.
LSMW is for updating Master Data and not for updating configurable changes in SAP, and we move
configurable changes after testing in DEV to PROD.
MMIQ--you create a PO,for 100 qty and enter GR for 100 qty but IV for 80 qty it is possible or not? If it is
possible how.
MMIQ--you create a PO, for 100 qty and enter the goods receipt for
100 qty but u will do the LIv for 80 qty is it possible? if
possible how it is.
MMIQ--what is the item category and account assignment category in sap.what is the perfect answer
for it.
Ans 1. Item category (field) determines the procurement type (i.e, material procurement is via standard
means, consignment, subcontracting, etc). This field controls certain properties of the procurement such
as - whether a material no. "can" or "must" be entered, whether a GR can be posted or not, whether an
invoice can be posted or not, whether a purchase price can be entered or not, etc.
Account assignment category (field) determines what account assignment data needs to
be maintained for the material being consumed (it can be either stock mat for consumption or purely
consumable material). This field is just a categorization of several account assignment objects that
can be charged for a particular consumption being posted.
Ans 2. Item category indicates which type of procurement is that?
It can be
(blank) Standard
B Limit
K Consignment
L Subcontracting
S Third-party
T Text
U Stock transfer
D Service
Account Assignment category used when you are trying to post directly to the FI accounting. Mainly it is
used for non-stock material and service entry sheet.
It can be
A Asset
B MTS prod./sales ord.
C Sales order
D Indiv.cust./project
E Ind. cust. w. KD-CO
F Order
G MTS prod./project
K Cost center
M Ind. cust. w/o KD-CO
N Network
P Project
Q Proj. make-to-order
T All new aux.acc.ass.
U Unknown
X All aux.acct.assgts.. .
MMIQ--Name some of the internal SAP interfaces used between SAP MM IM and WM modules.?
MMIQ--Why we need Customize movement type?and what basic settings we need for it.
SAP Configuration Steps
• Select a standard movement type which is very close to therequirement.
• Select the standard movement type and click on Copy
• Enter the new movement type to which it is to be copied.
The new movement type should either be in 9** form or Z** form.
• Click on “Copy All” when a pop up window appears whichsays “the entry to be copied has dependant
• Update the entries in the “Details” screen and thenmaintain all the different views for a new
movement type.
• Short texts – here you can maintain transaction short textfor different languages.
• Allowed transactions – a list of transactions can bemaintained which are allowed to post this
movement type.
• Help texts – this text will be visible to the user when hepresses F1 for help. It can be maintained in
• Field Selection – Over here required and optional entryfields can be maintained. The fields are
grouped intological groups like Account Assignment, Material Managementetc. Based on the group, a
desired field can be selected.This field can then be suppressed, made a required entry oran optional
entry based on the radio button selection.
• Update Control – This is applicable is WarehouseManagement is active. The settings in this tab provide
thereference movement type for Warehouse Management.
• Account Grouping – In this screen you can maintain theaccount modification keys. The account
modification key isto differentiate account determination for the goodsmovement. The values of this
key are SAP predefined andcannot be changed.
• Reversal / follow on movement – Over here you can maintainthe movement type for reversal
movement. By Indicator typeof posting in this screen, the system decides whether thequantity adopted
from the reference document (which isgetting reversed based on this movement type) may be changed
or not.
• Reason for movement – Over here you can define whichreasons are allowed while posting the
mentioned movementtype. This field is usually used to differentiate thedifferent scenarios (for reporting
purpose) in which thesaid movement type can be used. The movement type
configuration for Field Selection can be used to determineif this is a mandatory or an optional field while
postingthe document.
• Deactivate QM inspection – By this setting you canconfigure the instances when this movement type is
used andQuality Management is not active. As a result no inspectionlots will be created for an
inspection process.
• LIS statistics group – Over here different statisticgroups can be maintained for different possibilities of
thismovement type.
MMIQ--Material number has to be 30 Digit. So how to get this is SAP? The present 18 Digit is NOT at all
sufficient for the business? It has to be Alpha Numeric or sometimes only numbers. It must be external
numbering system only & not the SAP generated internal number range because material number or
name is given by Vendors.
The answer on top is correct, but also think about usability. You have 30 digits, that means over a trillion
variable materials... do you have a trillion materials? Wouldn't it be simpler to talk with all parties and
make an easier standard for new recruits to understand?
User Exits are not specific to MM, but a feature of SAP to introduce new features in an existing
functionality. For example, while saving a PO, if there are specific business requirement (like displaying
custome messages like etc) then special ABAP programs called 'USER EXITS' can be introduced into the
To Summarize - USER EXITS are ABAP programs which are coded to introduce customer-required
functionalities in SAP which may not be present in standard SAP.
NOTE - Message Output determination can be set for not only PO, but for all purchase documents like
PO, RFQ etc.
MMIQ--What is the procedure to delete the Release Strategy, I need this in correct order so that
System does not pop a error
MMIQ--Is there any special indicator to identify subcontract item in the material master?
The Communication Structire in release Strategies.What is that link the release strategy takes
MMIQ--Explain the subcontracting Flow in details which includes the Account which gets Hit & the
explanation of each Account Hit...I was not able to answer in details but explained the flow.
We create the PO with item category L and issue/transfer the components to the Service Vendor with
541 movement type. At the time of GI no accounting document gets generated.
We have to do the GR with reference to the PO with 101 movement type. The movement type for the
finished goods is 101 and if we click on it it shows the list of components issued to the vendor with 543
movement type. At the time of GR accounting document gets generated and the accounting entries are
as below:
MMIQ--what is the difference payment terms in company codelevel and purchase organisation level
Payment term from purchase org will be selected when you raise a invoice with reference to PO,
and payment term fromcompany code will be selected when you raise FI invoice. (Without PO
MMIQ--In a Hospital a material which is medisin they procured it and issue to CC and all stock is
consumed. now stock is "0" Payment made to vendor company.
but after 8 months all a batch testing govt. org. issues a circular that the batch which you have
purchased is not effective. then Vendor company provided new material free of cost again. in this
synerio how to inward that new stock. ?
You prepare the fresh PO with "free issue" tick in me21n so system will not ask the rate for the same.
GRN can make againest the same but accointingdcoument will not be generated.
MMIQ--PO made for 100 pcs and GR for 100 Pc but received theinvoice for 110 pcs. How you will
address this ?
MMIQ--How you will upload the open Pos in SAP through which tool?with steps.
MMIQ--I have situation where, the items are prices on the bases of weight (KG). Now we are to run a
offer where 20% extra is given free within the same pack (1KG + 202G free). It means new material with
its own specification.
The client want to maintain the same price for the 1.2 kg pack. It is not ready to reduce the price on
quantity basis.
How can be make a functionality where, the system will calculate the price for 1 kg only while the
material net weight is 1.2 kg.
Ans1. while making PO create 2 line items with same material. one with quantity 1Kg and another
with 0.2Kg. Tick the 2nd line item as "FREE". Hence system will not consider the price
for 2nd line item.
Ans2. Go to ME12 and click on the condtions tab a pop up box will open whci will have a order uit
.Doubble click on this tab abd this will take you to the condtions screen now in that you give the
condtion type and details with the price and no top of the menu bar you will have free goods condtion
click on it and it will lead you to the condtion of free goods in that clck on inclusive condtion and enter
your requirement and save .
So now when ever you create a purchase order for the frist material you will have a free good created
int he backgrond and at the tie of delivery you will be able to see this item also to be delivered .
MMIQ--What is the basic data required to create PO? What do we maintain in purchase info-record?
MMIQ--In material master do you know any basic tables? What is the difference between MARA and
Can you explain how to use IDOC/EDI processes in purchasing like PO and in what context
Determination of Requirements
Source Determination
Vendor selection and comparison of quotations
PO processing
PO follow-up
Goods receiving and inventory management
Invoice verification
Payment processing
7 completed
MMQ--what are the customization u have done in sap mm
his check box decide that whether the qty and value has to
be updated when ever any goods movement take place.
material master
vendor master
source list
quato arrangement
condition record
service record
MMQ--what is reference purchasing organization?
Stock transfer
transfer posting
goods receipt
goods issue
MMQ--What are the ticketing tools available? which u r using & is there any severity defined?
In SAP tickets from the user can be manged using
Ans2. Remedy
Hope it works.
Supplier returns also happens with PO---> Return delivery---> select the return tab in the purchase order
screen.When you make GR referring the Return PO , mvt type will be in 161,material documents and
accounting documents will be created.
MMQ--What are the tables are available for PO & Material master?
M.T 351 is used for goods issue for stock transport order b/w plant to plant without shipping
Maintain Conditions
Create the condition record for the message type ERS in the
following IMG path
SPRO> IMG>MM>LIV>Message determination > Maintain Conditions
(Transaction code – MRM1)
1. Create Material master record with material type LEIH
2. Create PO with Returnable transport packaging
3. Create GR by maintaining RTP material by selecting the
option transport equipments with movement type 501M.
4. IR