Table of Amendment in Resubmission
Table of Amendment in Resubmission
Table of Amendment in Resubmission
Name of
Submission Date:
Amendment items Improvement areas Amendments
/ Revisions
Page Number
Part 1 b The examiner rongl! mar"ed it as missing# It is alread! in the paper# See
Part 1 % The examiner rongl! mar"ed it as missing# It is alread! in the paper# See
Part 1 e Added p# viii
Part & b The examiner rongl! mar"ed it as missing# It is alread! in the paper# There is a
sub'se%tion 1#( titled $formulation of resear%h h!pothesis$# h!pothesis are also
stated in the formal a! a%%ording to resear%h methods textboo"#
Part & % Added p#&) se%iotn 1#&
Part * a +ver (, papers revieed) from fundamental frameor" to appli%ations#
-noledgable s%holars should "no that models of organi.ational %hange la%"s
appli%ations# It/s the problem of literature) not literature revie#Please advise %learl!
and spe%ifi%all! hat important theories or appli%ations have missed) and here is
the missing lin"#
Part * b
0niversit! of 1ales2 34A Programme 5 Dissertation 0pdated on * April &,1*
Part * d Added p#*,) se%tion 
Part * b The examiner rongl! mar"ed it as missing# It is alread! in the paper# See se%tion
Part * % The examiner rongl! mar"ed it as missing# It is alread! in the paper# See se%tion
Part * e The examiner rongl! mar"ed it as missing# It is alread! in the paper# See se%tion
Part ( d There are tables to %learl! sho the "e! statisti%al findings a%%ording to the
re7uirement on guideboo"# The examiner %annot spe%ifiall! tell hi%h part is
missing or hi%h part are not %lear enough/
Part ( e The examiner rongl! mar"ed it as missing# It is alread! in the paper#There is a
sub'se%tion 8#* titled $limitations for resear%h$#
Part 9 b Not sure hat does the examiner mean b! $%laimd) inspired %ase stud!$ from the
examiner# There is a %ase stud!) or not a %ase stud!# Is he telling that it is a %ase
stud! or not a %ase stud!: +r something in beteen: 1hat is his %riteria to be
7ualified to be a %ase stud!: This or" use a lot of materials from investiagtion
reports and other materials from se%ondar! sour%es to have an in depth
investigation that gives valuable impli%ations#
Part 9 % I %annot found ho it is unrelated to topi% and out of tra%"# Please advise
Part 9 e Added p#;9) se%tion 8#*
Part 8 b Revised format
Part 8 e The sour%e and lin"s of se%ondar! data are given in the referen%e# It is re7uirement
to atta%hed all se%ondar! sour%e materials in %ase stud! in appendix: Please advise#
0niversit! of 1ales2 34A Programme 5 Dissertation 0pdated on * April &,1*
0niversit! of 1ales2 34A Programme 5 Dissertation 0pdated on * April &,1*