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Project Guideline

@Shokoufeh Mirzaei, Spring 2014

Technical Paper body:
1- Abstract
A single paragraph et!een 100 and 200 !ords

2- Introduction
a" #hat is the prole$ that %ou ha&e addressed' (not too $uch details here, details !ill
e in the ne)t section*
" #hat is the i$portance of the prole$ and the data set that %ou ha&e selected'
c" +s it onl% one or $ultiple sets of data %ou are stud%ing' +f it is $ultiple sets, !h% did %ou
decide to stud% the$ in co$ination (proal% %ou had so$e h%potheses that %ou
!anted to test, !hat are the%*'
d" #ho has done si$ilar stud%' (,nl% journals and conference papers at least refer to 10
recent papers (200-.2014*" /o #ikipedia or $agazine references*"
e" #hat are the findings fro$ literature'
f" 0o! %our stud% is different fro$ the literature'

3- Problem Statement and Method
a" 1)plain the prole$ state$ent !ith details'
" #hat do %ou understand fro$ the data' (2escripti&e statistic and pi&ot tales, charts,
graphs and a 3145 co$prehensi&e interpretation of the charts, graph, and reports*
c" #hat are %ou h%potheses' Set up %our h%pothesis (e"g" can e predicted % a and c*,
test %our h%pothesis (using regression, data $ining $ethod* and !rite a 3145
co$prehensi&e interpretation of the result, charts and graph
d" 6an %ou appl% predicti&e $odels' 5ou can use prescripti&e $ethods such ,perations
4esearch if %ou !ish (1)tra 6redit*

4- Conclusion
a" #hat did %ou understand'
" 0o! %our anal%sis addresses the 7uestions %ou raised in the introduction'
c" #hat should e done ne)t'

8or the format and number of pages required please follo! ++1 conference for$at as pro&ided in the
follo!ing link9

Evaluation criteria:
Project Guideline
@Shokoufeh Mirzaei, Spring 2014
2oes the paper address all the 7uestions:ite$s of the guideline thoroughl%'
a" 5es, the report ans!ers all the 7uestion co$prehensi&el%
" 5es, ut the ans!ers are not supported % enough e&idence:references
c" %es, ut the ans!ers are not co$plete (so$e co$prehensi&e and so$e short* or no reference
d" %es, the ans!ers are too short !ith no specific conclusion or reference
e" /o, there are so$e unans!ered 7uestions
f" /o, the report has a reall% lo! 7ualit% and $an% of the 7uestions are not ans!ered thoroughl%"

0as the report !ritten professionall%'
a" =he guidelines for the paper and the for$at has een follo!ed co$pletel%
" =he guidelines for the paper and the for$at has een follo!ed to a good e)tend
c" =he guidelines for the paper and the for$at has een follo!ed to a $ediu$ e)tend
d" =he guidelines for the paper and the for$at has een follo!ed to a lo! e)tend
e" =he guidelines for the paper and the for$at has not een follo!ed

2oes the report contain Gra$$atical and spelling errors'
a" +t does not ha&e an% gra$$atical or spelling error
" +t has $inor gra$$atical and spelling errors
c" +t has fre7uent gra$$atical and spelling errors
d" +t has a lot of gra$$atical and spelling errors
0as the report !ritten professionall%'
a" 5es
" =o a good e)tend
c" =o a $ediu$ e)tend
d" =o a lo! e)tend
e" /o
,&erall 7ualit% of the paper9
a" 1)cellent
" 3er% good
c" Good
d" Mediu$
e" >o!
f" 3er% ad

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