The document provides guidelines for a technical paper project. It outlines the required sections of the paper including an abstract, introduction, problem statement and method, and conclusion. It also provides evaluation criteria for assessing the paper's quality.
The document provides guidelines for a technical paper project. It outlines the required sections of the paper including an abstract, introduction, problem statement and method, and conclusion. It also provides evaluation criteria for assessing the paper's quality.
The document provides guidelines for a technical paper project. It outlines the required sections of the paper including an abstract, introduction, problem statement and method, and conclusion. It also provides evaluation criteria for assessing the paper's quality.
The document provides guidelines for a technical paper project. It outlines the required sections of the paper including an abstract, introduction, problem statement and method, and conclusion. It also provides evaluation criteria for assessing the paper's quality.
Technical Paper body: 1- Abstract A single paragraph et!een 100 and 200 !ords
2- Introduction a" #hat is the prole$ that %ou ha&e addressed' (not too $uch details here, details !ill e in the ne)t section* " #hat is the i$portance of the prole$ and the data set that %ou ha&e selected' c" +s it onl% one or $ultiple sets of data %ou are stud%ing' +f it is $ultiple sets, !h% did %ou decide to stud% the$ in co$ination (proal% %ou had so$e h%potheses that %ou !anted to test, !hat are the%*' d" #ho has done si$ilar stud%' (,nl% journals and conference papers at least refer to 10 recent papers (200-.2014*" /o #ikipedia or $agazine references*" e" #hat are the findings fro$ literature' f" 0o! %our stud% is different fro$ the literature'
3- Problem Statement and Method a" 1)plain the prole$ state$ent !ith details' " #hat do %ou understand fro$ the data' (2escripti&e statistic and pi&ot tales, charts, graphs and a 3145 co$prehensi&e interpretation of the charts, graph, and reports* c" #hat are %ou h%potheses' Set up %our h%pothesis (e"g" can e predicted % a and c*, test %our h%pothesis (using regression, data $ining $ethod* and !rite a 3145 co$prehensi&e interpretation of the result, charts and graph d" 6an %ou appl% predicti&e $odels' 5ou can use prescripti&e $ethods such ,perations 4esearch if %ou !ish (1)tra 6redit*
4- Conclusion a" #hat did %ou understand' " 0o! %our anal%sis addresses the 7uestions %ou raised in the introduction' c" #hat should e done ne)t'
8or the format and number of pages required please follo! ++1 conference for$at as pro&ided in the follo!ing link9 file9:::69:;sers:s$irzaei:2o!nloads:4e7uested8ile<20(1*"pdf
Evaluation criteria: Project Guideline @Shokoufeh Mirzaei, Spring 2014 2oes the paper address all the 7uestions:ite$s of the guideline thoroughl%' a" 5es, the report ans!ers all the 7uestion co$prehensi&el% " 5es, ut the ans!ers are not supported % enough e&idence:references c" %es, ut the ans!ers are not co$plete (so$e co$prehensi&e and so$e short* or no reference d" %es, the ans!ers are too short !ith no specific conclusion or reference e" /o, there are so$e unans!ered 7uestions f" /o, the report has a reall% lo! 7ualit% and $an% of the 7uestions are not ans!ered thoroughl%"
0as the report !ritten professionall%' a" =he guidelines for the paper and the for$at has een follo!ed co$pletel% " =he guidelines for the paper and the for$at has een follo!ed to a good e)tend c" =he guidelines for the paper and the for$at has een follo!ed to a $ediu$ e)tend d" =he guidelines for the paper and the for$at has een follo!ed to a lo! e)tend e" =he guidelines for the paper and the for$at has not een follo!ed
2oes the report contain Gra$$atical and spelling errors' a" +t does not ha&e an% gra$$atical or spelling error " +t has $inor gra$$atical and spelling errors c" +t has fre7uent gra$$atical and spelling errors d" +t has a lot of gra$$atical and spelling errors 0as the report !ritten professionall%' a" 5es " =o a good e)tend c" =o a $ediu$ e)tend d" =o a lo! e)tend e" /o ,&erall 7ualit% of the paper9 a" 1)cellent " 3er% good c" Good d" Mediu$ e" >o! f" 3er% ad