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NFIP NextGen Project

EDG Meeting Number 10 – WYO Co. & Vendor Involvement IV

March 14, 2008 from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM | FEMA Crystal City
Conference Call - 1.800.320.4330 (#904587)

Presentation Purpose: to effectively communicate NextGen Modernization requirements for the new NFIP
Bureau IT applications.

NextGen Team
-Laurie Michie, FEMA Program Manager - Laurie.Michie@dhs.gov
-Jack Way, FEMA IT Manager & ISSO - Jack.Way@dhs.gov
-Amy Fester, NextGen Project Manager (OST Inc.) - afester@ostglobal.com
-Fabio Mendonca, NextGen Lead Data Architect (OST Inc.) – fmendonca@ostglobal.com
-Ed Pasterick, EDG Facilitator - Edward.Pasterick@dhs.gov
-NextGen Pilot Coordinator - nextgen@ostglobal.com

NFIP NextGen Project 1


EDG Meeting 10 Agenda

• Introduction, Welcome & Meeting Purpose
• NextGen Updated Schedule
• NFIP Bureau System Transition
• Detailed Requirements by Bureau IT Service Applications (NextGen
– Encryption
– F2M
• Change Management
• Next Steps & Next Meeting Date
• Questions and Answers

NFIP NextGen Project 2


Welcome, Introduction and Purpose

• Meeting Purpose
– Communicate NFIP Bureau IT Updated
– Review Stakeholder Requirements and
– Question and Answers

NFIP NextGen Project 3

Bureau IT Services (NextGen) Production Dates and WYO Company Involvements

• Updated Phase-In Schedule

• January 2008 – Ongoing
– WYO Company Mandatory F2M Pilot Program
• May 5, 2008
– Interconnection Security Agreements (ISA) and Memorandum of
– Understanding (MOU) from WYO Co and Vendors to FEMA ISSO
– New Business SFR Submission Packets Submitted via FREE to
electronically track submission, workflow and approvals
• May 21, 2008 (April TRRP Data)
– Production for the Monthly TRRP Cycle, SQANet, AW501 and F2M
– New Monthly TRRP Cycle Using the New TRRP Header/Footer Layout
• Encryption
• Data Integrity Updates
• New FTP URL (ftp://nfipbureau.fema.gov)
• May 5 – August 11, 2008
– Daily TRRP Planning with FEMA, WYO Company and Vendors
– Daily TRRP Required by August 11, 2008

NFIP NextGen Project 4


NFIP Bureau System Transition

NFIP Areas As-Is Transition Activity To-Be
Data -CSC Mainframe -Downloading Data From Mainframe (ETL) NFIP Oracle Data Warehouse
-NFIP Bureau LAN Systems -Verifying Data ISS
-Populating Centralized Data Warehouse and
Materialized Views
-Migrate Identified FoxPro LAN Data Sets
New Business -Manual Receipt Management -Piloting FREE Workflow with WYO Companies FREE
SFR Process and NFIP Bureau -Standardized Workflow with Status
Submissions -Limited Records Management -Working with FEMA to Determine Metrics -Records Management
(e-records) (expected turn around time, etc.) for May -Automated
-Query Capabilities
-Developing and Testing May Changes

Monthly -Manual Receipt Management -Piloting FREE Workflow With WYO Companies F2M
Financial Process and NFIP Bureau -Standardized Workflow with Status
Submissions -Manual Workflow Process -Working with FEMA to Determine Metrics -Records Management
-Limited Query Capabilities (expected turn around time, etc.) -Automated
-Query Capabilities
TRRP Monthly Cycle -Parallel TRRP Cycle Processing -New Header/Layout for Daily Loading
-IV&V Review Automation
-Testing Daily with Companies -Daily Process

Security Limited -Conference Calls TRRP Files Encrypted

-Encryption Tests
Reports BureauNet Transition to read off the NFIP Data Warehouse SQANet

NFIP NextGen Project 5

TRRP (April TRRP Data)- May 21, 2008 Requirement

TRRP Cycle
• The underlying TRRP Cycle technology has changed, but the NFIP
IT daily TRRP adheres to the standards set in the legacy TRRP
Plan and the TRRP Edit Specifications for the WYO Program.
• As a result, the layout of the TRRP records submitted by WYO
companies and vendors will not need to be altered, except to add a
header, reconciliation section and footer to the existing file layout
(starting on May 21 Cycle – April TRRP Data).
• The TRRP process will continue to operate in a batch mode, similar
to current TRRP operations.
• Changes
– New FTP Site and Passwords
– New Naming Convention
– New Layout
– Encryption

Note: March TRRP Cycle will be official on the CSC mainframe system; April on NFIP Bureau
IT NextGen System

NFIP NextGen Project 6

Encryption - May 2008 Requirement

Encryption Process – How to Get Started

• FEMA will generate and provide a public and private key, if requested by the WYO company or
vendor. Each WYO company or vendor will need to procure encryption software (e.g., PGP
Command Line or similar product).

• Conference Call Agenda

– Review Encryption Requirements
– Decision – Do you need a public/private key created?
– Technical Questions (e.g., any additional components on top of standard PGP encryption?)
– Test Encryption Process with NFIP Bureau IT (NextGen) and WYO Company
– Technical POCs for NFIP Bureau IT (NextGen) is Mayur Venkateswaran (mvenkateswaran@ostglobal.com)
– Pilot Coordinator is Nilesh Agrawal (nagrawal@ostglobal.com)
– Encryption WYO Company POC – is …
– Create a Schedule
– Provide New FTP URL, Password and User Account (OST)
• Action Items
– NFIP Bureau IT (NextGen) Public Key Dissemination (NextGen - Mayur)
– FTP location and credentials for testing and future submissions (FEMA - Jack Way)
– Review PGP Encryption Format (WYO Co Tech, NextGen - Mayur)
– Encryption Test (refer to Encryption process model)
• Step 1: WYO Co sends an encrypted TRRP File (old data is fine) to the new NFIP Bureau IT (NextGen) FTP server.
• Outcome: 1) Ensure the WYO Company can encrypt using the new NFIP Bureau IT (NextGen) public key
• Outcome: 2) Ensure NFIP Bureau IT (NextGen) can un-encrypt the WYO Company file using the new NFIP Bureau IT
(NextGen) private key
• Step 2: WYO Company receive encrypted TRRP File off the new NFIP Bureau IT (NextGen) FTP server and un-encrypt.
• Outcome: 1) Ensure that NextGen can encrypt the file using the WYO Company’s public key
• Outcome: 2) Ensure that the WYO Company can un-encrypt the file using their WYO Company private key
• Create Test Schedule

NFIP NextGen Project 7

Encryption - May 2008 Requirement

Encryption Process
Receive NFIP
Conduct Send Your
Bureau IT Have Own
Conference Company
(NextGen) Company
Call With Yes Public Key to
Public Key to Public/Private Key
NextGen Team NFIP Bureau IT
Encrypt TRRP Set?
Encryption & FEMA (NextGen)
Initial Requirement 1 2 Cycle Files 3 4
Set Up WYO Co or Work with NFIP Shared Public Keys
Vendor Bureau IT (WYO Co and NFIP
No (NextGen) to IT Service)
WYO Co or NextGen Create a Key
Vendor Team Set

Encrypt File Un-Encrypt
Need to Encrypt Using NFIP Using NFIP
Submit File to TRRP File Conduct TRPP
TRRP Cycle Bureau IT Bureau IT
FTP Folder From FTP & Cycle Process
Submission File (NextGen) (NextGen)
WYO Co Move to Secure File (Not
Public Key Private Key
TRRP File TRRP File 6 7 8 9 Location 10 Encrypted) 11
Submissions Submission

WYO Co or NextGen
Vendor Team

Encrypt File
Pick Up
Create TRRP Using Push to NFIP Un-Encrypt
Encrypted File
File In Secure Appropriate Bureau IT FTP Using Company
from FTP
Location WYO Co Public Server Private Key
TRRP Encrypted Server File (Not
NFIP Created Key
Results 12 13 14 File 15 16 Encrypted
FTP Files Files File)

WYO Co or
NextGen Vendor

NFIP NextGen Project 8

SFR - May 2008 Requirement

New Business SFR Submissions

NFIP NextGen Project 9

SFR - May 2008 Requirement

FREE Submission Process

SFR Packet
Other Request
Submission Yes, SFR
Need Click on FREE
Rated Using Mail Supporting
No "Underwriting No Documentatin,
FREE? Submission" In
2 if Needed
WYO Co or 11 10 Click on
Vendor Yes
"Submit to
Check "Submit FEMA/Bureau"
or View this Upload 9 "Submitted"
Create FREE Select Type of Enter Upload Supporting Underwriting
NFIP SFR Yes Supporting
SFR Quote Submission Additional Info Documentation? Request
Packet Documentation
3 4Submission" 5 6 7 8


Upload Any
NFIP Update Status Continue to
Scan and Mark
Underwriting and Save Additional
Upload Underwrite Incomplete Yes
Yes Reference (Under Review; Underwriting
Supporting Doc Submission Supporting Need
Docs, Select SFR Packet Processes
in FREE Documentation Additional
Analyze Type and Add Approved, etc.) 21
SFR Bureau Action
"Submitted" 25 26 27 18 Note 19
Submission (ISS, FixIts,
Request Using
With Mailed in No, Other Rating Submission Condo, No
NFIP Bureau Work
Supported Appeals,etc.)?
Underwriting List/Expert Review,
Submitted 24 Doc?
Team Underwriting 23 Search Analyze or 20
Request Other Underwrite
28 Request
Mark Request Yes
Notify FEMA
Underwriter of
Required FEMA Review"
12 13 FREE

Upload Any
Review, NFIP Update Status
Use Expert
Analyze or Underwriting Need Bureau and Save
FEMA Search to Find
Underwrite Reference Review, Action No (Under Review;
Underwriting Appropriate
Submission Docs, Select or Upload? SFR Packet
Team Submission
FREE Request Type and Add Approved, etc. Processed FEMA
14 15 16 Note 22 Underwriter Review

NFIP NextGen Project 10

F2M - January 2008 Pilot Requirement

Create Monthly Select Month &
Financial Login to F2M Upload Financial
NFIP Packet Packet As
Servicing Financial Packet Supporting Doc
17 18 19 Submitted
Agent (Balance Sheet, Financial Packet
etc.) (Balance Sheet,

Select Month, Upload

Financial Info from View Uploaded Balanced & Click on
Login to F2M Spreadsheet, and Exhibit and Ready to Yes "Submit to
Upload Supporting Recon Data Submit? FEMA/Bureau"
Financial Packet 1 2 3 Docs 4 5 7 Submitted
WYO Co or (Exhibits, Monthly WYO
Vendor Recon, etc.) Co Financial

Determine and
NFIP Spreadsheet No
Correct Issue F2M

Select Need
Analyze More
Submitted No Information &
Financial Add
Comment(s) Pending "Need
Packet 10
Accurate & More Info"
(estimated time
Submitted Correct Financial Packet
Calendar Days
Monthly WYO Packet?
NFIP Bureau 8 22-25) 9 Select
Co Financial
Financial Yes Approved &
Team Processed
Enter in Data
Analyze Approved &
Under NFIP F2M Generate &
Submitted Enter in Data Processed Saved in Data
Servicing Review
Financial as Exhibits Financial Packet Warehouse
Agent Tile & Reports
Required FEMA 14 15 16 Submit 12 13 Reports

NFIP Bureau Load Files Into

Services Traverse


Trigger Database Traverse Send Files to

Generate Two
Process When All Companies NFIP Bureau
NFIP Bureau Travese Files
F2M Packets are Approved Services
IT Services
All WYO Co 20 21 22
Technologies) Approved &
Packets NFIP NextGen Project 11
FTP - May 2008 Requirement

FTP/G2B Server
• FTP://NFIPBureau.FEMA.gov
– Account & Password (FEMA - Jack Way)
• List of FTP Reports/Files (following slides)
– Frequency
• FTP Report Naming Convention (see
following slides)

NFIP NextGen Project 12

FTP - Reports/Files

NFIP Bureau FTP/G2B Reports/Files

TRRP Output File/Report Destination Location Daily TRRP Frequency
Ineligible/Invalid Losses By Error Code (W2RCINVA) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Invalid Losses By Company and Policy (W2RCINVD) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Policy Error Summary by Company (W2RHPSUM) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Inspection Procedure Properties with Possible Community Ordinance Violations FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Monthly
Losses Open More Than 120 Days (W2RPCLMR) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Ineligible or Invalid Policies by Error Code and Company (W2RPINVA) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Invalid Policies By Company and Policy (W2RPINVD) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Contract Growth Report By Company (W2RPRETB) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Monthly
Policy Growth Report By Company (W2RPRETD) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Monthly
Claim Reject Summary Report (W2RREJRC) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Policy Reject Summary Report (W2RREJRP) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Severe Repetitive Loss Properties (W2RTGCOM) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Monthly

NFIP NextGen Project 13

FTP Reports/Files
TRRP Output File/Report Destination Location Daily TRRP Frequency
Claims Error Data File FTP/G2B Server Daily, Monthly
Policy Error Data File FTP/G2B Server Daily, Monthly
Rejected Transaction Data File FTP/G2B Server Daily, Monthly
Non-Renewed Policy Data File FTP/G2B Server Monthly
Pre-Renewal Policy Data File FTP/G2B Server Monthly
PRP GIS Data File FTP/G2B Server Monthly
SRL Company Data File FTP/G2B Server Monthly
Monroe Inspection Properties Data File FTP/G2B Server Monthly
1316 Property Directory File FTP/G2B Server Monthly
Community Master File Updates FTP/G2B Server Daily, Semi-Annual
Historical Appeal Response Status Report (W2CIPHIS) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Monthly
WYO Discrepancy Notification Report (W2CIPNOT) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Monthly
Invalid PRP Pre-Renewal Based on Flood Zone (W2GISPFZ) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Monthly
Invalid PRP Based on Loss History (W2MYCOMP) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Invalid PRP Based on Flood Zone (W2MYPFZN) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Canceled / Expired Policies Not On PMF (W2NONRE7) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Monthly
Loss Records Error Statistics (W2PRCR03) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Rejected Loss Transaction Statistics (W2PRCR07) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Policy Database Error Statistics (W2PRPR03) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Rejected Policy Transaction Statistics (W2PRPR07) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Additional Data Records Not Received Report (W2RADLTE) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Additional Data Reject Report (W2RADREJ) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly
Claims Error Summary by Company (W2RCHSUM) FTP/G2B Server, SQANet Daily, Monthly

NFIP NextGen Project 14

FTP – TRRP Output Files

FTP TRRP Output Files Naming Convention

• TRRP Output Files (e.g., Claims Error Data File, Policy Error Data File, Rejected
Transaction Data File, SRL Company Data File, etc.) currently have an established
naming convention. This naming convention will be modified to accommodate daily
and monthly file creation with the inclusion of a frequency indicator (i.e., D for daily, M
for monthly) and a date and timestamp. These elements of the naming convention
will be included in between the existing filename and the file extension. Below are
examples of the modified naming convention.
– File Type: Claims Error Data
– File Naming Convention: W2CXXXXX.ZYYYYMMDDHHMM.zip with
accompanying W2CXXXXX.ZYYYYMMDDHHMM.txt record count
– File Type: Rejected Transaction Data
– File Naming Convention: W2RXXXXX.ZYYYYMMDDHHMM.zip with
accompanying W2RXXXXX.ZYYYYMMDDHHMM.txt record count
– File Type: SRL Company Directory
– File Naming Convention: RLTG.COXXXXX.ZYYYYMMDDHHMM.zip
• XXXXX = Company NAIC Number
• Z = Frequency Indicator (i.e., D = Daily, M = Monthly)
• YYYY = Year
• MM = Month
• DD = Date
• HH = Hour
• MM = Minute

NFIP NextGen Project 15

FTP – TRRP Output Files

TRRP Output Reports Naming Convention

• TRRP and TRRP Subsystem Output Reports (e.g., Historical Appeal Response
Status Report/W2CIPHIS, Policy Error Summary By Company/W2RHPSUM, Losses
Open More Than 120 Days/W2RPCLMR, etc.) are placed on the FTP site for
companies and vendors to retrieve. These reports have an established naming
convention, but the naming convention will be modified to accommodate two
changes. The naming convention currently uses the mainframe report code, but as
the NFIP IT report code becomes more familiar, this code will be used in lieu of the
legacy code to identify the report.
• In addition, the date identifier will be modified to accommodate daily and monthly file
creation with the inclusion of a frequency indicator (i.e., D for daily, M for monthly)
and a full date and timestamp, rather than the month and year that is currently
supplied. Below is the modified naming convention that will be used on TRRP Output
– CODE = Report Code
– Z = Frequency Indicator (i.e., D = Daily, M = Monthly)
– YYYY = Year
– MM = Month
– DD = Date
– HH = Hour
– MM = Minute
– XXXXX = Company NAIC Number

NFIP NextGen Project 16

Change Management

WYO Co/Vendor Awareness & Outreach Campaign

• WYO Company or Vendor Change Management
Conference Calls
– F2M Live Meeting Demos and Conference Calls – Completed
– Encryption Conference Calls, FTP and File Testing – Ongoing
– TRRP Technical Conference Calls – Ongoing
– Live Meeting Demo for Any Application – Starting in April
– Technical Questions, As needed
• Pilot Program Submissions & Review Results – Ongoing
• Official FEMA Bulletins
– Updated Version Release Scheduled for Next Week
– Booth Demos
– Workshops
Please contact Jack Way, Laurie Michie or Amy Fester if you would like to a demo or
conference call.

NFIP NextGen Project 17

Demos for Applications

NextGen Stakeholder Applications for Industry

• NextGen Transaction Record Reporting and Processing (TRRP) Cycle
• Location Validation
• F2M (Flood Financial Management)
• FREE (Flood Rating Engine Environment)
• My Profile (Access Control)
• NFIPBureau.FEMA.Gov Web Portal
• SQANet (Simple and Quick Access Net)
• Company Profile
• ezClaims Re-Inspections
• ezClaims Prelim Damage Assessment
• ezClaims Adjuster Console
• ezClaims Adjuster Lookup
• ezClaims Disaster Info
• NextGen Web Support (e.g., feedback forms, etc)
• Forms
• Admin Console (Access Control Workflow)

Live Meeting Conference Calls will be set up for demos!

NFIP NextGen Project 18


NFIP Interconnection Security Agreement (ISA)

• ISA is Required for All WYO Companies, their
Vendors and others Who Submit Data to the
• ISA Includes the Following
– Identifies Systems Submitting Data to the NFIP
• TRRP Cycle Data
• Financial Data
• Any NextGen a la carte Applications Data
– Provides Primary Contact with Signatory Authority
– Provides Technical Systems Descriptions
– Describes the Security Environment
• Security Policies
• Security Controls
Due to FEMA by the end of May!

NFIP NextGen Project 19


NFIP Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

• MOU Primarily Defines Responsibilities for
Parties Identified in the ISA and the Following
– Non-Technical Systems Descriptions
– Authority by which the MOU is based
– Interconnection Background
– Communications Expectations
– Security Compliance Confirmation
– ISA/MOU Timeframes
• The FEMA Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO) will work with each WYO
Company and vendor to complete the MOU and ISA. Jack Way is the current ISSO
and can be reached via email at jack.way@dhs.gov or 703.605.0750.

Due to FEMA by the end of May!

NFIP NextGen Project 20

Next Steps

Next Steps
• NextGen Updated Bulletin
• Continue with Pilot Programs
– F2M Required
• Exchange Public Keys for Encryption
• Next EDG Meeting at NFC?
– Workshop
– Side Meeting
– No Meeting Needed

NFIP NextGen Project 21

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