Numerical Investigation of Fluidic Injection As A Means of Thrust Modulation
Numerical Investigation of Fluidic Injection As A Means of Thrust Modulation
Numerical Investigation of Fluidic Injection As A Means of Thrust Modulation
Numerical investigation of Fluidic Injection as a means of
thrust control
Brendan A. Blake
Interest in fluidic thrust vectoring has promoted many numerical and experimental
investigations to explore its validity in real world applications. The benefits of such
technology are numerous making investigations into their effectiveness a valid and
worthwhile exercise. A comprehensive literature review of previous work was conducted
from which an appropriate numerical simulation criterion was devised. This was carried
out to replicate experimental results and in-turn validate two dimensional computational
fluid dynamic simulations using FLUENT
+ =
With gamma (y) being the ratio of specific heats (
If the pressure ratio is sufficiently great enough, at the critical pressure ratio,
where p* is the throat static
pressure and
p the inlet static pressure, the local flow at the nozzle throat will be exactly Mach 1 and the
nozzle is said to have choked. The critical pressure ratio can be found using the pressure ratio relationship of
equation (1) using a Mach number of 1 and the ratio of specific heat for air, 1.4.
893 . 1 ) 1 (
1 4 . 1
1 4 . 1
4 . 1
2 0
+ =
2: Equations from Anderson 2007 and Anderson 2003
If the pressure ratio is further increased beyond the critical pressure ratio the velocity at the throat remains
constant at Mach 1 and hence mass flow rate is fixed.
B. Supersonic Compressible Shock Theory
The primary mechanism for thrust vectoring using the SVC method is the presence of an oblique shock.
From a conventional converging diverging nozzle there is a normal shock that propagates from the throat once
the critical pressure ratio is reached as discussed above. Applying a secondary injection of fluid from a slot in
the divergent nozzle wall section an oblique shock is established immediately upstream of where the secondary
Initial Thesis Report 2009, ACME, UNSW@ADFA
flow is injected as if there is a physical compression ramp within the nozzle. As flow passes through this shock
there is an instantaneous change in pressure, temperature, density and velocity all of which increase accept the
latter, Mach number. It is the reduction in velocity over the shock (Anderson 2003) that adversely affects the
thrust efficiency when using SVC as a means of FTV (Deere & Hunter 1999). When using SVC the thrust is
vectored in the direction of the shock due to a change in flow direction as it passes through the induced oblique
shock. Supersonic compressible flow behavior is a function of both the Mach number and hence the local speed
of sound using these relationships.
The local speed of sound (a) is a function of the ratio of specific heats, the ideal gas constant and the
temperature of the gas by the following.
RT a =
For an oblique shock the appropriate numerical relationships for ramp/shock angle, density ratio and
pressure ratio are:
( ) 2 ) 2 cos(
1 sin
2 2
+ +
( )
( )
2 2
2 2
sin 1 2
sin 1
= =
( ) 1 sin
2 2
+ =
1: Equations from Anderson 2003)
In equations 5 to 7 above, theta () is the angle
of the compression ramp that corresponds to the
flow directional change and beta () is the angle of
the induced oblique shock as per figure 11, diagram
of a 10 degree wedge in a Mach 2 flow inducing an
oblique shock of nearly 40 degrees.
Later investigations into the suitability of 2D
symmetrical fluidic injection for throttle control will
be carried out at which time normal shock theory
will be included. This is important as the pressure
loss over the shock will have a large degree of influence on how effective throttle using fluidic injection will be.
IV. Summary of previous thrust vectoring research
There has been considerable research done in the field of FTV and there are several main research facilities
that specializes in the field of fluidics such as the NASA Langley Research Centre (LaRC) in Hampton
Virginia, the United States Air Force (USAF) research laboratory as well as various industry and academic
partners globally. The collaboration of all results from these research venues compromise a considerable
database of fluidic techniques that enable further development for practical applications. The ground work for
FTV began in the 1950s when secondary injection systems were investigated for incorporation into rocket
propulsion systems (Wing & Giuliano 1997). Later, during the 1960s, gimbal and swivel mechanisms attached
to the tailpipe of jet engines were investigated for their suitability for mechanical thrust vectoring. Also during
this decade liquid injection thrust vector control (LITVC) was developed for solid fuel rockets (Anon 1974).
Since then further refinement and investigation of both mechanical and fluidic vectoring technologies has been
carried out. Throughout the 1970s non-axisymmetric nozzle research was carried out on 2DCD nozzles, wedge
and single expansion ramp nozzles (SERN) for their ability to vector thrust (Deere 2000). These nozzles offered
performance benefits with regard to integration and installation above axisymmetric nozzles previously
investigated. In the 1980s research into mechanical multi-axis thrust vectoring (MATV) was carried out for
pitch and yaw control for super maneuverability and for the first time its potential for post stall controllability to
further expand current flight envelope limitations. It was discovered that sub-sonic vectoring techniques obtain
Figure 11: Oblique Shock Nomenclature
(Anderson 2007)
Initial Thesis Report 2009, ACME, UNSW@ADFA
the best effectiveness and thrust efficiency and that performance was independent of both sideslip angle and
angle of attack (Deere 2000).
Initial Fluidic injection research at LaRC began in an attempt to reduce nozzle weights and the radar
signature of low observable aircraft during the 1990s and has continued since (Deere 2003). Activities at
LaRC have included experimental work using the Jet Exit Test Facility (JETF) on a variety of different nozzle
configurations as well as numerical simulations conducted using software developed in house called PAB3D.
PAB3D is a structured, multiblock, parallel, implicit, finite volume solver of the three dimensional reynolds
averaged navier stokes (RANS) equations, and advanced turbulence models are available in the code. With the
vast amount of experimental and numerical simulation carried out at the LaRC and making comparisons
between them, PAB3D has proven its self well in the replication of high Reynolds number shear flows (Abdol-
Hamid et al 2006).
FTV research at ADFA dates back to 2004 with a paper from ORourke titled Fluidic Thrust Vectoring.
Since then several works have been completed by both academic staff and students. FTV research at ADFA has
focused on the method of SVC following the construction of a test rig in 2005 by Chia. Previous in depth
numerical and computational investigations have been carried out using the commercially available CFD
program CFD++by Chittleborough (2005) and with FLUENTby Neely, Gesto and Young (2007). Stagg
carried out experimental work using the test rig after modifications he carried out in 2008.
V. Aim and Scope
The potential exists to use FTV for not only for thrust vectoring but also throttle control. This would be of
significant benefit especially for solid fueled rocket motors which are inherently difficult to throttle through
conventional means. Solid fuel rockets have fixed or very limited variability in combustion rate of the propellant
material which makes thrust variation much more difficult than their liquid fueled counter parts (Sutton &
Biblarz, 2001). The practical applications of a system that not only controls thrust direction but also magnitude
would therefore be of considerable benefit for missile applications such as the Nulka hovering missile decoy
A. Aim
Initially it is hoped that FLUENT
has the capability to simulate SVC in 2DCD nozzles. Having the results of previous experimental work the
numerical solutions obtained will be compared and assessed as valid or otherwise. Once the validation of the
CFD solution has been achieved further research can be conducted on symmetrical injection for throttle control
using FLUENT
with the aim to investigate the suitability of fluidic injection for thrust magnitude control.
Later a basic control system will be designed using proven software such as MATLAB SIMULINK.
VI. Development of CFD Solutions
The selection and development of computational solutions has been driven by the availability of both
hardware and software. For this reason preprocessing including geometric modeling and meshing has been
carried out using GAMBIT
. The requirement
may develop to later use T-Grid for further preprocessing and Tech Plot for further post processing.
A. Introduction to CFD and FLUENT
is a commercially available CFD program able to accurately simulate fluid flow by solving the
appropriate conservation equations in 2D or 3D. Conservation partial differential equations of mass, momentum
Initial Thesis Report 2009, ACME, UNSW@ADFA
and energy are solved simultaneously for each discretised section of the specified grid (Anderson 1995). This
highlights the importance of correct gridding as an insufficiently defined grid will not enable the accurate
calculation and simulation of flow interaction with its self or other physical objects such as walls.
To monitor the accuracy of the solution it is necessary to observe the difference between the left and right
hand side of the partial differential conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy. The difference
between them is known as the underlying residual of the solution and it is necessary to get this as low as
possible in order to obtain a solution to sufficient accuracy. Typically solutions with residuals below 1e
sufficiently accurate.
B. Solver selection using FLUENT
The solver selection is rather important when using any CFD as it dictates to a degree the accuracy of the
solution obtained at the rate at which the solution will converge. For the simulations carried out thus far a
density based explicit solver has been used with reasonable success. Due to the complexity of the flow and the
fact that it does not align well with any possible grid structure it is insufficient to used a first order discretisation
scheme as the convective discretisation increases the numerical discretisation error and as such an erroneous
solution or divergence. For this reason all useable solutions have and will be obtained using a second order
discretisation scheme. There are several different turbulence models available within FLUENT
including the
Spalart-Allmaras model e models, and models. As the turbulence model obtained has a dramatic
impact on the rate and level of convergence (Hamed & Vogiatzis 1997) it was deemed appropriate to begin with
the simplest and least computationally demanding model available, namely the one equation Spalart-Allmaras
model. Although the e model has been assessed to suit fluidic injection problems well and is widely used
(Waithe & Deere 2003) resource limitations have prevented its use to date with the option of later exploration of
different turbulence models.
C. Geometry and justification of 2D solution
Initial geometry was constructed to replicate as close as practical the ADFA FTV experimental test rig using
geometry and gridding software. Physically this apparatus has a throat width of 3 mm, a maximum
converging opening width and length of 13mm and 15mm, a maximum divergence width and length of 9 mm
and 14mm at the nozzle exit. From the exhaust of the 2DCD nozzle, which is boarded on each side with a solid
wall, the flow exhausts into a simulated atmosphere tiered in two steps. The secondary flow is injected through
a 1 mm opening in the upper wall of the diverging section of the nozzle. Above this span wise slot a plenum
was created to facilitate the injection of the secondary flow. Initial attempts to obtain a converged solution were
hindered even when using a first order discretisation scheme due to geometrically induced x and y axis velocity
residuals. This was rectified by altering the shape of the slot to remove a sharp corner at its joint with the
plenum. With the current geometry there also seems to be a concentration of velocity residuals at the corner of
the nozzle exit however these are within acceptable limits to obtain convergence. A picture of the used domain
and grid is included in Annex A.
VII. Preliminary Results
Initial solutions were obtained using a 1
order discretisation scheme and later convergence was achieved
using 2
order schemes. The difference between to two is considerable which further emphasizes the
importance to use the appropriate discretisation scheme when attempting to model complex flows.
A. 1
Order oversized solution
After solving some initial geometry issues which caused
elevated residuals it was possible to obtain a converged 1
solution after some 2100 iterations at a SPR of 3.33. Initial
solutions were obtained using an oversized model and as such this
data is useful only for comparison. Residuals below 10e
obtained when the previously described solver was used. Using
the figures directly reported form FLUENT
0 =
1.62 1.55
Table 3: Comparison of oversized and correctly scaled model vector angle.
Interestingly there is minimal difference of 0.07 degrees or 4% in the vector angle between the oversized and
correctly scaled 2
order solutions. Comparing the two, correctly and incorrectly scaled models, it seems to
indicate good similarity in shock geometry and Mach number magnitude. This is not clearly shown due to the
default magnitude scaling done by FLUENT
which is one area where Tech Plot may be used later. This
however is an accidental discovery and was not initially intended within the scope of this thesis but is note
worthy should a similar situation such as this occur in the future.
Figure 15: Schlieran from Neely et al 2007.
VIII. Conclusions and Summary of Future Work
From initial and very preliminary results it is apparent that FLUENT