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Islamic Origins Science

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The Islamic Origins of Modern Science


Fourteen centuries ago, God sent down the Qur an as a guide to all humanity.
At the time the Arab society was in a state of complete degeneration, chaos and ignorance. They were a
barbarous people who worshipped idols of their own making, believed warfare and bloodshed to be virtuous
and were even capable of killing their own children. They had little interest in intellectual matters, let alone a
scientific outlook to the natural world.
However, through Islam they learned humanity and civilization. Not only the Arabs but all the
communities which accepted Islam escaped the darkness of the age of ignorance and were illuminated by the
divine wisdom of the Qur an. Amongst the faculties the Qur an brought to humanity was scientific thinking.

The Scientific Paradigm Given in the Qur’an

The genesis of scientific thought is the sense of curiosity. Because people wonder how the universe and
nature work, they investigate and become interested in science. But most people lack this curiosity. For them,
the important things are not the secrets of the universe and nature but their own small worldly profits and
pleasures. In communities where people who think in this way are in charge, science does not develop. Idleness
and ignorance rule.
The Arab community before the Qur an was of this type. But the verses of the Qur an called upon them
to think, to investigate and to use their minds, perhaps for the first time in their lives.
In one of the first revealed verses of the Qur an, God drew the attention of the Arabs to the camel, a part
of their everyday lives:

Have they not looked at the camel how it was created?

And at the sky how it was raised up?
And at the mountains how they were embedded?
And at the earth how it is spread out?
So remind them! You are only a reminder. (Qur an, 88: 17-21)

In many other verses of the Qur an, people are instructed to examine nature and learn from it because
people can know God only by examining His creations. Because of this, in one verse of the Qur an Muslims


are defined as people who think about the creation of the heavens and the earth:

Those who remember God, standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of
the heavens and the earth (saying): Our Lord, You have not created this for nothing. Glory be to
You! So safeguard us from the punishment of the Fire. (Qur an, 3: 191)

As a result of this, for a Muslim, taking an interest

in science is a very important form of worship. In many
verses of the Qur an, God instructs Muslims to investigate
the heavens, the earth, living things or their own existence
and think about them. When we look at the verses, we find
indications of all the main branches of science in the
Qur an.
For example, in the Qur an, God encourages the
science of astronomy:

He who created the seven heavens in layers. You

will not find any flaw in the creation of the All-
Merciful. Look again do you see any gaps?
(Qur an, 67: 3)

In another verse of the Qur an, God encourages the

investigation of astronomy and the composition of the
An early manuscript of the Qur'an.
earth that is the science of geology:

Do they not look at the sky above them? How We

have made it and adorned it, and there are no flaws in it? And the earth- We have spread it out, and
set thereon mountains standing firm, and produced therein every kind of beautiful growth (in
pairs) To be observed and commemorated by every devotee turning (to God). (Qur an, 50: 6-8)

In the Qur an, God also encourages the study of botany:

It is He Who sends down water from the sky from which We bring forth growth of every kind, and
from that We bring forth the green shoots and from them We bring forth close-packed seeds, and
from the spathes of the date palm date clusters hanging down, and gardens of grapes and olives and
pomegranates, both similar and dissimilar. Look at their fruits as they bear fruit and ripen. There
are Signs in that for people who believe. (Qur an, 6:99)

In another verse of the Qur an, God draws attention to zoology:

You have a lesson in livestock... (Qur an, 16:66)

Here is a Qur anic verse about the sciences of archaeology and anthropology:


Have they not traveled in the earth and seen the final fate of those before them? (Qur an, 30: 9)

In another verse of the Qur an, God draws attention to the proof of God in a person s own body and

There are certainly Signs in the earth for people with certainty; and in yourselves as well. Do you
not then see? (Qur an, 51: 20-21)

As we can see, God recommends all the sciences to Muslims in the Qur an. Because of this the growth
of Islam in history meant at the same time the growth of scientific knowledge.

The Scientific Renaissance of the Middle East

As we have mentioned, when the Prophet Mohammed (pbh) began to preach Islam, the Arabs were a
community of ignorant, superstitious tribes. However, thanks to the light of the Qur an they were rescued from
superstition and began to follow the path of reason. As a result of this, one of the most astonishing
developments in world history took place and in a few decades Islam, which emerged from the small town of
Medina, spread from Africa to Central Asia. The Arabs, who previously could not even rule a single city in
harmony, came to be rulers of a world empire.
One of the most important facets of this
empire was that it provided the stage for a scientific
development previously unmatched in history. At a
time when Europe was living through the Dark
Ages, the Islamic world created the greatest legacy
of scientific knowledge seen in history to that date.
The sciences of medicine, geometry, algebra,
astronomy and even sociology were developed
systematically for the first time.
Great centers of religious learning were
also centers of knowledge and scientific
development. Such formal centers began during
the Abbasid period (750-1258 A.D.) when
thousands of mosque schools were established.
In the tenth century Baghdad had some 300

schools. Alexandria in the fourteenth century Muslim scholars in Baghdat, the world's
scientific capital of the time.
had 12,000 students. It was in the tenth


century that the formal concept of the Madrassah (school) was developed in Baghdad. The Madrassah
had a curriculum and full-time and part-time teachers, many of whom were women. Rich and poor
alike received free education. From there Maktabat (libraries) were developed and foreign books
acquired. The two most famous are Bait al-Hikmah in Baghdad (ca. 820) and Dar al-Ilm in Cairo (ca.
998). Universities such as Al-Azhar (969 A.D.) were also established long before those in Europe.
The Islamic world created the first universities — and even hospitals — in the world.

Islamic scientific manuscripts of the Medieval Age; meticulous studies on human anatomy and zoology.

This fact may be very surprising to modern Westerners, who generally have a different kind of picture
about Islam in their minds. But this picture emerges from ignorance about the origins and history of the Islamic
civilization. Those who get rid of this ignorance and several prejudices acknowledge the true nature of
Islam. One example of these is a recent documentary film by PBS, titled Islam: The Empire of Faith, in which
the commentator rightly states that:

In the unfolding of history, Islamic civilization has been one of humanity’s grandest achievements... For the West,
much of the history of Islam has been obscured behind a veil of fear and misunderstanding. Yet Islam’s hidden
history in deeply and surprisingly interwoven with Western civilization... It was they (Muslim scholars) who sewed
the seeds of the Renaissance, 600 years before the birth of Leonardo da Vinci. From the way we heal the sick to the


numerals we use for counting, cultures across the globe have been shaped by the Islamic civilization.1

In an article published in Salon.com, a prominent voice of the liberal American media, author George
Rafael writes in an article titled "A Is For Arabs" that;

From algebra and coffee to guitars, optics and universities... the West owes to the People of the
Crescent Moon... A millennium ago, while the West was shrouded in darkness, Islam enjoyed a golden age.
Lighting in the streets of Cordoba when London was a barbarous pit; religious tolerance in Toledo while pogroms
raged from York to Vienna. As custodians of our classical legacy, Arabs were midwives to our Renaissance. Their
influence, however alien it might seem, has always been with us, whether it’s a cup of steaming hot Joe or the
algorithms in computer programs.

The Open-Mindedness of Islam

What allowed Muslims to create such an advanced scientific culture was derived from the faculties of the
Islamic understanding. One of them was, as we have noted, the motive to learn about the universe and nature
according to the Qur’anic principles. Another one was open-mindedness. Both the Qur’anic wisdom and the
Prophetic teaching gave Muslims a global outlook to the world, trespassing all cultural barriers. In the Qur’an,
God states:

Mankind! We created you from a male and female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you
might come to know each other..." (Qur’an, 49:13)

This verse clearly encourages cultural relationships between different nations and communities. In
another verse of the Qur’an is it stated that "Both East and West belong to Allah" (2:115), thus Muslims
should see the world in a universalist and cosmopolitan vision.
The hadiths, or sayings, of the Prophet also encourage this vision. In two popular hadiths, the Prophet
calls Muslims to "get knowledge from everywhere, even it is from China" (China being the symbol of
the most remote cultures) and declares that "wisdom is the lost property of the Muslims; he takes it
from wherever he finds". This means that Muslims should be very pragmatic and broadminded in adapting
and using the cultural and scientific achievements of non-Muslims; those non-Muslims are also creatures and
servants of God, even they might not recognize so. The "People of The Book", i.e. Christians and Jews, are
even much more compatible, since they believe in God and stick to moral code He revealed to man.
In the rise of Islamic science, the role of this open-mindedness is very clear to see. John Esposito of the
Georgetown University, one of the most prominent Western experts on Islam, makes the following comment:

The genesis of Islamic civilization was indeed a collaborative effort, incorporating the learning and
wisdom of many cultures and languages. As in government administration, Christians and Jews, who had
been the intellectual and bureaucratic backbone of the Persian and Byzantine empires, participated in the process as


well as Muslims. This "ecumenical" effort was evident at the Caliph al-Mamun’s (reigned 813-33) House of
Wisdom and at the translation center headed by the renowned scholar Hunayn ibn Isaq, a Nestorian Christian. This
period of translation and assimilation was followed by one of Muslim intellectual and artistic creativity. Muslims
ceased to be disciples and became masters, in process producing Islamic civilization, dominated by the Arabic
language and Islam’s view of life... Major contributions were made in many fields: literature and philosophy,
algebra and geometry, science and medicine, art and architecture... Great urban cultural centers in Cordoba,
Baghdad, Cairo, Nishapur, and Palermo emerged and eclipsed Christian Europe, mired in Dark Ages.3

According to one of the great Muslim scholars of our time, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Islamic science was
"the first science of a truly international nature in human history".

Another Medieval Muslim manuscript describing the planetary motion.

Yet Muslims did not only incorporate other cultures, but developed their own. Some commentators
neglect this and try to link the Islamic scientific development solely to the influence of the Ancient Greece or
Far East. But the real source of Islamic science was the experimentation and observations of Muslim scientists.


In his book The Middle East, Professor Bernard Lewis, an undoubted expert in Middle Eastern history,
explains it as follows:

The achievement of medieval Islamic science is not limited to the preservation of Greek learning, nor to the
incorporation in the corpus of elements from the more ancient and more distant East. This heritage which medieval
Islamic scientists handed on to the modern world was immensely enriched by their own efforts and contributions.
Greek science, on the whole rather tended to be theoretical. Medieval Middle Eastern science was much more
practical, and in such fields as medicine, chemistry, astronomy and agronomy, the classical heritage was clarified
and supplemented by the experiments and observations of the medieval Middle East. 5

As noted by Westerners, this advanced scientific culture of the Islamic world paved the way for the
Western Renaissance. Muslim scientists acted in the knowledge that their investigation of God s creation was a
path through which they could get to know Him. Esposito stresses that "Muslim scientists, who were often
philosophers of mystics as well, viewed physical universe from within their Islamic worldview
and context as a manifestation of the presence of God, the Creator and the source and unity and
harmony in nature. "6 With the transfer of this paradigm and its accumulation of knowledge to the Western
world, the advance of the West began.

The Theist Origins of Western Science

Medieval Europe was ruled by the dogmatic regime of the Catholic Church. The Church opposed
freedom of thought and pressured scientists. People could be punished by the Inquisition simply for holding
different beliefs or ideas. Their books were burned and they themselves were executed. The pressure on
research in the Middle Ages is often referred to in history books, but some interpret the situation wrongly and
claim that the scientists who clashed with the Church were against religion.
The truth is the exact opposite the scientists who opposed the bigotry of the church were religious
believers. They were not against religion, but against the harsh clericalism of the time.
For example, the famous astronomer Galileo, whom the Church wanted to punish because he stated that
the world rotated, said, I render infinite thanks to God for being so kind as to make me alone the first observer
of marvels kept hidden in obscurity for all previous centuries.
The other scientists who established modern science were all religious.
Kepler, regarded as the founder of modern astronomy, told those who asked him why he busied himself
with science, I had the intention of becoming a theologian... but now I see how God is, by my endeavors, also
glorified in astronomy, for ’heavens declare the glory of God’".8
As for Newton, one of the greatest scientists in history, he explained the reason underlying his zeal for
scientific endeavor by saying:


...He (God) is eternal and infinite, omnipotent and omniscient; that is, his duration reaches from eternity to
eternity; his presence from infinity to infinity; he governs all things, and knows all things that are or can be done.
We know him only by his most wise and excellent contrivances of things... [W]e revere and adore him as his

The great genius Pascal, the father of modern mathematics, said that: But by faith we know His (God s)
existence; in glory we shall know His nature.
Many other founders of modern Western science were also strong believers. For example:
• Von Helmont, one of the leading figures in modern chemistry and the inventor of the thermometer,
declared that science was a part of faith.
• George Cuvier, the founder of modern paleontology, regarded fossils as surviving proofs of the
Creation and taught that living species had been created by God.
• Carl Linnaeus, who first systematized scientific classification, believed in the Creation and stated that
the natural order was a significant proof of God s existence.
• Gregor Mendel, the founder of genetics, and also a monk, believed in Creation and opposed the
evolutionary theories of his time, such as Darwinism and Lamarckism.
• Louis Pasteur, the greatest name in the history of microbiology, proved that life could not be created in
inert matter and taught that life was a miracle of God.
• The famous German physicist Max Planck said that the Creator of the universe was God and stressed
that faith was a necessary quality of scientists.
• Albert Einstein, regarded as the most important scientist of the twentieth century, believed that science
could not be godless and said, science without religion is lame.
A large number of other scientists who guided modern scientific progress were religious people who
believed in God. These scientists served science with the intention of discovering the universe that God had
created a paradigm that was first developed and implemented in the Islamic world and then incorporated
into the West. All these theist scientists thought about the creation of the heavens and the earth and investigated
in the awareness of God as God decreed in the Qur an and the Bible. The birth of science and its
development were the result of this awareness.
During the nineteenth century, however, this awareness was replaced by a misconception called

The Rise and Fall of the Materialist Deviation

The nineteenth century was a period that witnessed the greatest errors in human history. These errors
began with the imposition on European thought of materialist philosophy, an ancient Greek teaching.
The greatest error of this period was Darwin s theory of evolution. Before the birth of Darwinism,


biology was accepted as a branch of science that provided evidence of the existence of God. In his book
Natural Theology, the famous author William Paley maintained that, to the extent that every clock proves the
existence of a clockmaker, natural designs prove the existence of God.
However, Darwin rejected this truth in his theory of evolution. By distorting the truth to fit materialist
philosophy, he claimed that all living things were the result of blind natural causes. In this way he created an
artificial antagonism between religion and science.
In their book The Messianic Legacy, English authors Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln
have this to say on the subject:

For Isaac Newton, a century and a half before Darwin, science was not separate from religion but, on the contrary,
an aspect of religion, and ultimately subservient to it. But the science of Darwin’s time became precisely that,
divorcing itself from the context in which it had previously existed and establishing itself as a rival absolute, an
alternative repository of meaning. As a result, religion and science were no longer working in concert, but rather
stood opposed to each other, and humanity was increasingly forced to choose between them. 11

Not only biology, but also branches of sciences such as psychology and sociology were twisted
according to materialist philosophy. Astronomy was distorted according to the materialist dogmas of ancient
pagan Greece; a metaphysical faith in an "eternal cosmos" came to be the norm. The new aim of science was to
confirm materialist philosophy.
These incorrect ideas have dragged the scientific world into a dead end for the past 150 years. Tens of
thousands of scientists from different branches worked in the hope of being able to prove Darwinism or other
materialist theories.
But they were disappointed.
The scientific evidence showed the exact opposite of the conclusion they wanted to reach. That is, it
confirmed the truth of Creation. Today the world of science is astonished by this truth. When nature is
examined it emerges that there is a complex plan and design in every detail and this has cut away the
foundations of materialist philosophy.
For example, the extraordinary structure of DNA shows scientists that it is not the result of blind chance
or natural laws. The DNA in a single human cell contains enough information to fill a whole 900-volume
encyclopedia. Gene Myers, a scientist from the Celera company which administers the Human Genome
Project, says this:

What really astounds me is the architecture of life The system is extremely complex. It’s like it was designed
There’s a huge intelligence there. 12

This astonishment affects the whole scientific world. Scientists are viewing with surprise the invalidity
of the materialist philosophy and Darwinism which they were taught as truth, and some of them are declaring
this openly. In his book Darwin s Black Box , biochemist Michael Behe, one of the leading critics of


Darwinism, describes the situation of the scientific world as follows:

Over the past four decades modern biochemistry has uncovered the secrets of the cell. The progress has been hard
won. It has required tens of thousands of people to dedicate the better parts of their lives to the tedious work of the
The result of these cumulative efforts to investigate the cell to investigate life at the molecular level is a loud,
clear, piercing cry of "design!" The result is so unambiguous and so significant that it must be ranked as one of the
greatest achievements in the history of science
But, no bottles have been uncorked, no hands clapped. Why does the scientific community not greedily embrace its
startling discovery? The dilemma is that while one side of the [issue] is labeled intelligent design, the other side
must be labeled God. 13

The same situation exists in astronomy. The astronomy of the twentieth century has demolished the
materialist theories of the nineteenth. First with the Big Bang theory, it emerged that the universe had a
beginning, the moment of Creation. Since then it has been realized that in the universe there is an
extraordinarily delicate balance which protects human life a concept known as the anthropic principle.
For these reasons, in the world of physics and astronomy atheism is in rapid decline. As American
physicist Robert Griffiths jokingly remarks: "If we need an atheist for a debate, I go to the philosophy
department. The physics department isn’t much use." 14
In short, in our day and age materialist philosophy is collapsing. Science is rediscovering certain very
important facts rejected by materialist philosophy and in this way a new concept of science is being born. The
Intelligent Design theory, which has been on a successful rise in the United States during the past 10
years, is a leading part of this new scientific concept. Those who accept this theory stress that Darwinism was
the greatest error in the history of science and that there is an intelligent design in nature that gives evidence of

God created the entire universe, and the whole of creation shows humanity the signs of God. Science is
the method of investigating what has been created, so conflict between religion and science provided that
religion is guided only by Divine revelation is out of the question.

On the contrary, history shows that theism has been the main motive and paradigm for scientific
progress. The two greatest scientific achievements in world history the Islamic scientific endeavor of the
Medieval Age and the Christian scientific leap of the modern era stemmed from faith in God. Moreover, the
latter borrowed a great deal of knowledge, method and vision from the former. The wisdom of the Qur’an first
enlightened the Islamic world and then shed light even to the non-Muslim Europe. If something went wrong in
the Islamic world, this was because Muslims turned away from the sincerity, wisdom and open-mindedness


God teaches in the Qur an.

The materialist paradigm is a deviation from this pattern. It arose in the 19th century, reached its peak in
the mid-20th century and is on the brink of collapse today. No matter how arrogant and seemingly self-
confident its supporters are, the materialist dogma and its main pillar, Darwinism, will inevitably perish in the
upcoming decades.
And science will return to its authentic and true paradigm: A search for the discovery and definition of
the great design and harmony in the natural world, the artifact of God.

Jonathan Grupper (series writer), Islam: Empire of Faith, A Documentary by Gardner Films, in association with PBS, 2001

George Rafael "A is for Arabs", www.Salon.com, Jan. 8, 2002; http://www.salon.com/books/feature/2002/01/08/alphabet/

John L. Esposito, Islam: The Straight Path, Oxford University Press, 1991, s. 52-53

Quoted in Weiss and Green, p. 187

Bernard Lewis, The Middle East, 1998, p. 266

John L. Esposito, Islam: The Straight Path, s. 54

Galileo Galilei, quoted in: Mike Wilson, The Foolishness of the Cross, Focus Magazine)
Johannes Kepler, quoted in: J.H. Tiner, Johannes Kepler-Giant of Faith and Science (Milford, Michigan: Mott Media, 1977), p. 197

Sir Isaac Newton, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Translated by Andrew Motte, Revised by Florian Cajore, Great
Books of the Western World 34, Robert Maynard Hutchins, Editor in chief, William Benton, Chicago, 1952:273-74

Blaise Pascal, Pensees, No. 233

Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy, Gorgi Books, London: 1991, p.177-178

San Francisco Chronicle, 19 February, 2001

Michael J.Behe, Darwin’s Black Box, New York: Free Press, 1996, p.231-232

Hugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos, p. 123


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