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Inayat Ullah Khan Al-Mashriqi



All righ ts reserved by the Pu blishers

First edition ....... ,......... October, 1987



Rs: 50.00




Edited by


Syed Shabbir clussain

Inheritance in the Earth

II. Theory of Evolution




Pu blished by EI-Mashriqi Foundation,

52 Bazar Road, Ramna 6/4, Islamabad,




The Creative Personality




of Man's. Creation

Ill. The Quranic Verdict

Printed at S.T.





Qoser and closer to makind comes their
Reckoning, yet they heed not'and
They turn away!

21: 1

Not for idle sport did We create

The heaveni and the earth
And that is between them.
If it had been Our wish to take (just)
A pastime, We should surely have taken it from things
Nearest to Us, if We would do
(Such a thing).


To those who inherit the earth in

SUccession to its (previous) possessors,
Is it not a guiding (lesson) that if
We so willed, We could punish them (too)
For their sins, and seal up their hearts
So that they could not hear?

7: 100

EVER since the retreat of the Muslim world and the advent of
the European imperialism about four centuries ago, man's prog
ress has been single-directionaL Christianity, a distorted form of
what lesusChrist .actually brought as Revealed Religion, did
assert in one form or the other but it could not operate as a
directive force and had little to contribute to the new shape of
things in the world. The emerging forces were wholly generated
by the natural sciences which, ~ough initiated by the Muslims,
assumed bigger dimensions in Europe on account of its new
view of the physical world. This new view equipped the Western
nations with astounding economic and technological power
with Capitalism, Communism and FasCism as different facets of
the same phenomenon and hen/ce possessing identical notions
about the pro-blem of humanity. Thus was born the economic
oriented, sensuously motivated artd self-centred man of the
modern age who, unfortunately, in his scramble for power over
fellow human beings, lost sight of the culture of human mind,
a monster
trying to turn mankind into a freak of Nature
engaged in self-destruction with the very forces created by him
by coming into contact with Nature.
It is in this dreadful situation that the Muslim woi:ld has
opened its eyes after a deep slumber, findingitself far behind
the rest of mankind. It is possessed with a new urge; fresh reali
.lAation of economic backwardness and political incapacitation
has created in it a restless longing to struggle and evolve as a
single entity. The past history of the Muslim' countries has so
interwoven their individual destinies that it is impossible to
extricate one from the other. The march of events or the non
march in one Muslim country is bound to affect the destiny
of others, howsoever far off'they geographically might be. It is.a
unique cultural identity, both of upsurge and downfall, which
has sustained itself through a long period of turmoil and suffo
r.ation. It is under the .stress of this i4entity that the Muslim


world is trying to dig deep into the genesis and the feature!>
of this culture, making an attempt to understand the dimen
sions and eventuality of the Message brought by the Last
It is not without significance that this was the last of the
long chain of the Revealed Messages brought to man by God's
Chosen Messengers. It was aimed at removing all differences of
race, colour and geography and evolving man to higher forms of
existence as a single united species. This message was correctly
assimilated by the early Muslims; they swung across deserts,
mountains and oceahs to create this unity. Their later genera
tions lost the thread and went astray, eventually losing even
the semblance of what the Message actually was. Viewed
thus, the Muslim Ummah is today faced with two momentous
tasks; first to remove ignorance, lethargy and disunity within its
own ranks and emerge as a polity which could attract attention
of the rest of mankind; and secondly to show a new way to
mankind for its cultural evolution, making it aware of the true
purpose of man's creation. Looking at the two closely, it be
comes clear that they are interlinked; if mankind is left to drift
in to animality as at presen t, there is bound to be a world-wide
connagratiol1 which will destroy mankind and all that it has
achieved, and with this will also disappear the Muslim Ummah.
Bu t mankind cannot be prevented from ham kiri if the higher
purpose of the Last Revealed Message, that is the Quran, is
not projected, and then enforced, as a creative, invigorating and
1I ni tive directive, and as the sum to.tal of all the messages brought
by earlier Prophets. That obviously is not possible if the Muslims
keep in the backyard, if they are themselves unaware of man's
destiny as stated in the Message, ari.d thus remain stagnan t or
mere camp-followers of those who are dragging mankind to a
virtual hell.
I t is to bring this higher purpose and framework. of func
tions of Islam simultan'eously to the notice of the Muslim world
and mankind as a whole that the present book is being publi
shed as a collection of Allama Mashriqi's observations on the
Quranic concept of evolution. It comprises his writings on the,
su bject, some in the original form in English and others trans
lations from his Urdu writings. As will be evident from what he
said, Mashriqi transcended all known barriers of knowledge and
cul't'ure, and unravelled the mystery of Revelation as well as of



Nature in a manner in which none of the modem philosophers

and scientIsts has done. When he published his monumental
work, Tazkirah, in 1924, he dedicated it to God Almighty; this, .
too, was a unique thing in its own context.

Chairman EI-Mashriqi Foundation
Islamabad, June 3, 1987


THE advent of scientific outlook ,in Europe in the sixteenth
cen tury generated a new thought process in tl1e region which
had remained stuck in ignorance for a millennium and a half.
The stranglehold on free thought which was sought to be loose
ned tluough this process had persisted for a very long time
because of the power of the Christian clergy which would not
allow any deviation from its static view of life based wholly on
superstition. Therefore, when the new culture of scrutiny revea
led new realities about Nature, the entire structure of the clergy
began to totter; for obvious reasons, science was described anti
religion. This new approach in Europe was partly the result of
its intellectuals' contact with the Muslim world and partly a re
action to the futile, rigid and unproductive notions nourished
by their priestcraft. The Western writers have themselves des
cribed their history from 400 AD. to 1500 A.D. as the "dark
age", as a, period of complete intellectual barrenness. Even after
1500 A D., the few scientists who appeared here and there were
not allowed (or lacked courage) to express their scientific ideas
openly; they were persecuted by the Church for what was
described as heresy. But the surge caused by the impact of
Muslim science and inner awakening was so strong that it soon
, the barriers erected by the Church and statecraft,
and endowed Europe with a power fratnework which enabled it
eventually to assume world leadership.
In contrast to what the Christian clergy did with those who
tried to unravel the mystery of Nature, the Muslim rulers and
'ulema' of early period joined hands to nourish the spirit of
inquiry, and much of the scientific development during the
period of Muslim sway over the world was patronised by
the Muslim rulers. During the long period of Islam's in tellectual
supremacy, there was hardly an instance of persecution of a
scientist or throttling of scientific spillthv the(state or religious
leaders as was done in the case, ,of G.all1ec ,anci some other


'lldentists by the Cllristian statecraft and priesthood. The
first m ternauonal conference on science was held in Baghdad in
767 AD. under the direction of the Abbasid Caliph, Abdullah
AI-Mansur. "From this conference date c the. systematic renais
sance of science associated with Islam. .."Fromi this conference
grew the idea of founding of one of the ,worid's first inter
national academies of Scientific Research.
Thus, it were the Muslims who spearheaded the development of
scientific knowledge in the world: they were, in fact, the found
science as it is understood today.

A Western scientist-historian has come out with a categori

cal statement that science owed almost everything to the Arabs.
He says: "The debt of our scienc'e'to the Arabs does not consist
in startling discoveries or revolutionary theories; science owes a
great deal more to Arab cu ltu.re , ':it ,owes its existence. The
ancient world was, as we'saw, prc-:sclentific. The astronomy and
mathematics for the Greeks were a foreign importation never
thoroughly acclimatised in Greek culture. The Greeks systema
tised, generalised and theorised, but the patient ways of investi
gation, the accumulation of positive knowledge, the minute
methods of science, detailed and prolonged observation and
experimentaL inquiry were altogether alien to the Greek tem
perament. Only in Hellenistic .Alexandria was there any ap
proach to scientific work conducted in the ancient classical
world. What we call science arose in Europe as a result of a new
spirit of inquiry, of 'new methods of investigation, of the
method of experiment, observation, measurement, of the
development of 'mathematics in a form unknown to the Greeks.
That spirit and those. methods were introduced into the
European world by the Arabs. ,,2
This culture of inquiry and minute calculation encompassed
almost every Muslim region and c'ommunity, and even when
scientists and scholars accompanied Muslim generals to other
lands they did not lose sight of their basic responsibility. One
such example could be cited of the famous mathematician,
AI-Beruni, who visited South Asia with Mahmud Ghaznavi,
and while the,SI:eat ,soldier was busy displaying his military gen
ius. AI-Beruni, sitting on a nearby mound called Tilla Balanath
at Nandanaput in Jhelum district, was measuring the circum'
ference of the earth'. He calculated it to be 24,858 miles.. onl)1
78 miles less than the calculations arrived at many -ce1ituruf.s




latcr by modern scientists wi~h ~eir highly sensitive instru
ments.] Refemng to the contnbution made by the Muslims to
the development of science, Dr. Iqbal says: "Dhuring tells us
that Roger Bacon's conceptions of science are more just and
clear than those of his celebrated namesake. And where did
Roger Bacon receive his scientific training? In the Muslim uni
versities of Spain.. Indeed Part V of his Opus Majus which is
devoted to 'perspectives' is practically a copy of Ibn-i-Haithan's
Optics4' '. The later generations of the Muslims forgot the mes"
sage and lost the thread of knowledge, leaving it entirely to
Europe which grabbed it with extraordinary vivaciousness. Thus
was reversed the role
ana the tide, too - Christian Europe'
attuning itself to the Laws of Nature and the Muslims becom
ing averse to all that their forefathers had done and making
their Faith a jum ble of rituals and superstition, the very thing
which Islam eliminated from the earth when it appeared on the
stage ofhistory.
Europe's scientific attitude which was spurred by the two
Bacons, Roger Bacon and Francis Bacon, was reflected in al
most every sector of knowledge, bringing within its fold techno~
logy as well as basic sciences, with special emphasis on th~ scru
tiny of the process of evolu tion of life on the earth culminating
in Darwin's Theory of Evolution. This theory was an astounding
declaration, providing an insight into the workings of Nature
and highlighting life's immense potential and its awful limita
tions. Huxley summed up Darwin's enunciation in a few lines
as follows: "Observation proves the existence among all living
beings of phenomena of three kinds, denoted by the terms here
dity, variation and multiplication. Progeny tend to resemble
their parents; nevertheless, all their organs and functions are
suscepti ble of departing more or less from the average paren tal
character, and their number is in excess of that of their parents.
Severe competition for the means of living, or the struggle of
existence, is a necessary consequence of linlimited multiplica
tion: whilst selection, or the preservation of favourable varia
tions and the ex tinction of others, is a necessary consequence
of ~eve.re competi~ion. It follows, therefore, that ev~ry variety,
WhICh IS selected 111 to a species, is so favoured and preserved in
coseqllence of being, in some one or more respects, better adap
ted to its surroundings than its rivals. In other words, every spe
des which exists, exists in virtu.e of adaptatioD, .and whatever

accounts for that adaptation accounts for the existence of thal

The main opposition to Darwin's enunciation in his famous
book the Origin of Species, which appeared in 1858, came from
the Church, and he was dubbed as heretic. There was, however,
one clergyman, Broddie Innes, who had a soft corner for Dar
win and occasionally came to his support. Here is an interesting
conversation which has been quoted by some .later authors as
having taken place between the two and which illustrates where
really Darwin stood vi~a-vis religion.
Darwin said: "There are those who consider my boo]( to be
beyond the bounds of credibility ,and tfiere are some who go so
far as to describe it a piece of erran,t nonesense. Yet those
very people pin their faith in Genesis which must be quite the
most incredible and nonsensical piece of writing ever foisted
upon mankind. How anybody could believe that Eve was creat
ed from one of' Adam's ribs surpasses all unders~anding, yet
there are millions today who still do".
"Yet you have told me many times that you believe in
God", countered the vicar.
Said Darwin: "I believe in God as anatural force but not as
an entity. I am confident that one day, when we are all a lot
wiser, we shall discover that God exists as a form of cosmic
energy capable of producing a single living cell, such as the
humble amoeba, that wi1\ in time become a recogniseable
creature. All my ttIological studies and researches have led me
to this conclusion"6.
It was, however, his other book, the Descent of Man,
published tweleve years later that acquir~d for him the reputa
tion of considering man a descendant of apes. Actually he
had expressed a different opinion. What he had stated was: "We
must not fall into the error 'of supposing that the early progeni
tor of the whole Simian stock, including man, was identical
with,. or even closely resembled, any existing ape or monkeys"
Darwin had been at the Cambridge Umversity from 1827 to
1831 as student of the Christ's College. It was this very college
to which a daring young student from India, Inayat Ullah Khan,
later known as Allama Mashriqi, was admitted in 1907 to create
new records in the academic history of the University. Inayat
Ullah was born in a well-to-do Rajput family in Amritsar, now
in the Indian part of the Punjab, on August 25. 1888. a year



known for the eruption of a- country-wide debate on the future
of the Muslims of South Asia after the founding, in 1885, of
the All India Congress wi th the aim of bringing about "fusion
into one national whole of the different, and till recently,
discordant elements that constitute the population of India".
Sir Sy'ed Ahmad Khan, it that time the foremost Muslim lead
er, saw something very sinister in the creation of the Congress
with the aim of evolving a single nation in India, and, in the
process, of undoing the Muslims as a nation; he asked the Mus
lims to keep away from it. In November 1888, he came out
with a strong indictmen t of the plan and said: "It is my deliber
ate belief that should the resolu tion of the native Congress be
carried ollt into effect, it would be impossible for the British
Government to preserve the peace, or control in any'way the
violence and civil wars which would ensue." . Much of what
happened in the sub-continent subsequently moved around
this apprehension of Sir Syed. Inayat Ullah Khan's father, who
besides being a man of means, also possessed an aura of schO'lar
ship, had close relations with Sir Syed, and had perhaps the
same fears. Mashriqi has, in'a footnote to one of his later books,
Dah-al-Bab, recorded a recollection of his meeting with Sir
Syed in Rampur where he had gone with his father to the
Educational Conference; he was OIily seven years old ihen::7
Apart from Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Mashriqi's father also
had close relations with other Muslim personalities of the day,
including the Pan Islamic leader Syed Jamaluddin Afghani, Mau
lana Shibli Nomani, Abdullah al-Amadi, and AbuI Kalam
Azad, the last one havj.ng actually worked in the weekly Wakeel
owned by Mashriqi's father. j~.ta Muhammad Khan's contacts
with Jamaluddiri Afghani began in 188:4 and con tinuedtill 1896
even during Afghani's internment
Burma by the British;
Afghani .also once visited Amritsar and stayed with Ata,Muham
mad Khan. Mashriqi's father ,was, an author, too, and had
produced ,a number of boqk~, PJose ~ weILas poetry, indu;
ding a \)ollection of Rtfbaiyat and a Qasiiila compos~~r for Sultan
Abdul Hamid'.of Turkey who awarded' him Tamgha~i-Majeedia. '
His ancestors had held important positiO'nsin the Mugbal court,
one of whom, Diwan Lal Muhammad Khan, had embraced
Islam at the hands of Emperor Aurangzeb.
Mashriqi's family thus possessed a religious and s~holarly.
bent of mind which was passed on' to hint Explaining why he
was not sent to Aligarh for eeucatio'n in spite of his rather hav


ing close relations with Sir Syed and the interests of both in the
educational uplift of the Muslims of South Asia, Mashriqi has
stated that the reason for this primarily was his father's diff
erences over the curricula of instructions at the Anglo Oriental
College founded by Sir Syed at Aligarh; Ata Muhammad wanted
greater emphasis on religion. In this religious and scholarly
atmosphere in the family, Inayat U11ah received his early educa- .
tion at home, And when he joined the school at the age of nine
in 1897, he was straightaway admitted to the sixth class in the
B.N. Public SchooL Soon after, he was adjudged the best stu
dent and awarded a scholarship. He passed the Middle standard
in 1990, standing first in the district.
,From 1900 to 1902, Inayat Ullah studied in the Govern
menf'High School A~ritsar; where besides doIng Matriculation
in 1902, he also won Certificates of Proficiency in Mathematics,
Persian and Arar;c, and special prizes of General Proficiency in
Mathematics and Persian. He passed his Intermediate from the
Church Mission College Amritsar in 1904 standing first in ,the
district and winning Jubilee Scholarship and Proficiency prizes
in Arabic, Mathematics and English. He shifted to Lahore in
1904 and joined the Forman Christian College, graduating two
years later and winning scholarship. And then to the bewilder
ment of many he passed his M.A. in Mathematics in one year
securing first class for the first time in the history of the Univer
sity and earning rare comments from newspapers. In its issue of
Apnl 14, 1907, the daily Tribune lauded his performance say
ing: "It .is but the bare truth to say that the success he has
achieved is a record one in the history of the University. It is no
mean achievement to secure a First Oass in Mathematics at
M.A. examiNation, and well might our countrymen congratulate
themselves at the unique succe?s achieved by Mr. Inayat Ullah".
It was, however, at the Cambridge University that he surpas
sed everybody by creating new records in the academic world.
tering the Christ's College at the age of 19, Inayat Ullah
Khan did four Tripose$ in four different su bjects in a period of
me' years. Mter a year'ntay, he topp~ in a pre,ttminary exami
declared Foundation Schohii
nation in Ma'thematics and
The follo~ng year, he did his Tripos in<Mathematics.in First
Class wining the title of Wrangler .and Bachelor Scholar. Two
years later, he did two more'Triposes: ~tone and the same time,
one in the o.!.iental Langu,ages.. (Arabic and Persian) and the





other in Natural Sciences (Physics and Geography). A year later
he performed another wonder and did Tripos in Mechanical
Science. Though the British papers had taken notice of his
academic achievements soon after he joined Cambridge, his
latest perfomance dazzled them. They came out witlr brilliant
comments and paid rich tributes to the young scholar from
India for having passed in four Triposes in a period of five years.
The Cambridge Daily News described him as "the best all-round
Indian student ever at Cam bridge" and "believed to be the first
man to take honours in four different Triposes".8 The daily
Chronicle London said: "The Mechanical Science Tripos result
which was published at Cambridge yesterday was notable for
the success of Inayat Ullah Khan who is believed to be the first
man to take honours in four different Triposes. He must be
placed in the first rank of Indians who have been educateri in
this country".!! WestminstB~ Gazelle described him as "the,
most distinguished Indian ever seen up" 1 0, while the Star
London said: "It was l\i,thel1"o not cOnsidered possible at
Cambridge that a man could ia](e honours in four Triposes in a
short period of five yeats ,but it is to the credit of India that
Inayat Ullah Khan of Christ's College has accomplished the feat. '
In 1909, he was declared a Wrangler; two years later, he secured
First Class Honours in Oriental Languages Tripos and Natural
Sciences Tripos at one and the same time and established a
record performance. This year again he passed the fourth
Mechanical Tripos".1 1 Yorkshire Post said Inayat Ullah Khan
"has proved himself the best Indian student ever at Cambridge.
He is believed to be the first man orany nationalit~' to obtain
honours in four different subjects"12
Leading English dailies had paid him tributes even a year
before (1911) when he simu Itaneously did two Triposes. The
Times London said; "Inayat Ullah Khan of Christ's College,
besides gaining First (lass in Oriental Languages, obtained
Honours in Natural SCiences. He became Wrangler only after
two years residen~.1J The daily Mirror said: "This year at
Cambridge Inayat l1Uah Khan of Amritsar and a student of
Christ's College has bbtained the unusual distinction of success
fully competing for two Triposes at the same time and obtain
ing a First Class and Honours in them".1 4 The Telegraph said,
"Other Tripos lists were issued yesterday. Among the names
)tands conspicuous the name of Inayat Ull;lh Khan who!:f\
University career presents a ser,ies offemarkable ~cte$ses"J 5'

While doing so marvellously in the aca?e~1ic field. In.a~at

Ullah Khan also contributed articles to penodlcals and dai1~es,
including Westminster R eriew, Empire Reri~\V,. J:1athematlcal
Reil'ew and The Times with the result that hiS vIsion expanded
in all directions. The period of his stay at Cambridge, therefore,
constituted an important phase in his life. No doubt, he was
innuenced by his father and his father's friends, ~articularly
Jamaluddin Afghani, but his view of man as a spec~es and ~he
purpose of his creation assumed much ?igger dim~n~lOns dun~g
his stay at Cambridge where he exammed D~rwm s theory 10
depth, and also studied various facets of the mt~llectua~ et~ort
of the Western world dUling the previous centunes..In hIS ~Iev:,
hancis Bacon's N01'um Organllm signified the tummg pomt. 10
the Western attitude towards phenomena of Nature wlllc~1
fl'Sldkd in their supremacy in the realm of science, accompam
eJ. of course, by theil' industlial and political power.
Whik impressed by the manner in which the W~st became
aware of the realities and potential of the physlc~1 wo.rld.
he 'also found the new power of science somewhat dlsturbmg;
the spiritual aspect of life was being pushed to the backyard,
and brute force and sensuous pleasures becoming the.s~m total
of life. Therefore, apart from science he also scru~m~ed the
phenomenon of Religion, its apparent 'di~ference With the
matter-of-fact Nature being uncovered by SCIence, and the c?n
mct in which various religions - Islam, Christianity, Judaism
etc _ were engaged. His effort during all these studies at such a
young age was to find whether there existed any common
ground between various revealed religions, and v:~ether there
really was a con flict between the Revealed ReligIOn and the
Manifest Nature amidst which man appeared to stand as a
unique species. It was not Quran alone which he stu~ed af~esh
in the light of his knowledge of science; he ~lso examl~ed BIble
and other revealed books which became available to hun: When
a decade later he produced his monumental work, Tazkzrah, ~e
appeared to be the only man in the modem world to. ha.ve ~IS
covered the tme meaning of the Revealed Message, m.dIcati.ng
the destiny of nations, and unimately of man as a specIe~, Wit?
special emphasis on the study of forces of Na~re and their uth
1isation for evolution to higher stages of secunty and aw~renes~.
Ilis view of the Universe, the process and pu.rpose of life and
man's role in it was entirely based on.his scrutmy of the Qura!1,



not as a mullah but as a scientist and knower of Nature. Four
years after the publication of Ta::.kirah. this is how he refelTed
to mathematics in which he had distinguished himself at Cam
bridge. Speaking before the Mathematical Society of Islamia
College, Peshawar, he said: "If I have presented a book (Ta::
kirah eel.) to the world that has no peer it is because of mathe
matics. If I had left mathematics and gone on to higher things it
is through mathematics. If I have left studying mathematics and
have seen a higher truth in the Koran it is through mathematics.
In fact, the first truth of the Koran dawned on me while I was
busy day and night prepaIing for the Mathematical Tripos at
Cambridge"] 6 .
Mashiriqi completed his studies at Cam bridge in the middle
of 1912, and after staying in England for a few man ths more
he returned to India in January 1913. It appears that he had
already selected education as his profession because while h"
was stilI preparing for the fourth Tripos he applied to the
Secretary Board of Edl!cation White Hall. London. in October
1911 for the post of a professorship. When he returned to
India he was immediately offered the Vice Principalship of
Islamic College. Peshawar, a post reserved for an I.E.S., which
he took up in April 1913 on the assurance that he would soon
be made I.E.S. 1l1ings, however, did not move in the right
direction and though after a couple of years he acted as Princi
pal of the College, I.E.S. was still away. From 1918 onward he
worked as Assistant Secretary Education in the Government of
In dia, bu t wi thou t being given the ran k of I. E. S. ; it came only in
September 1919, and that, too, as Headmaster of Government
High School, Peshawar. His exceptional qualifications and bril
liance were paid in a differen t coin; the au thori ties did not seem
to give him an assignment to which he was entitled though he
did serve as Principal Training College, Peshawar and act as
Director of Education, but only for brief pedods. Otherwise,
he was kept glued to the post of headmaster. Soon after taking
over as I.E.S. Headmaster, Mashriqi became occupied with his'
monumental work, Tazkiralr, as is evident from his reply to
Maulana Muhammed Ali Jauher's letter. After having decided
to start his own Qaumi Muslim University or Jamia Millia
Islamia in 1920, Maulana Jauhar wrote to Mashliqi in December
the same year to accept faqil'i and join as the head of the
department of Mathematics. Mashriqi begged to be excused

:ecause "an important book is under preparation"l 7. Maulana

jauhar had also informed Mashriqi that Dr. Iqbal was being
"~;roac.hed for Vice Chancellorship but strangely enough th.::
)1,([ to Iqbal came from Gandhi. Iqbal, too, declined. ] 8.


By then, Mashriqi had come to firm conclusions about the

process and programme of the Quranic message and its conti
nuing nature as revealed to mankind at different stages of its
development by the various Prophets. He also had had a deeper
view of the history of the Muslims; how they emerged as the
most active, creative and knowledgeable community within a
few decades, sweeping across the entire known world, and how
they appeared to have completely lost the Message in the 20th
century and become unb~lievers in' the Quranic sense of the
word. The immensity of his awareness, the agonising feeling
about the ignorance, apathy and incapacitation of the Muslim
c.ommunity, the distortion of the revealed Word by almost
every people - textual in the case of earlier revelations and
c~nceptual in the case of Quran
would not allow him to ~it
s~Ill. He must announce the compelling truth, uncover the
hIdden reality and project it with all the power at his command
This was what he was engaged in when he received Mohammad
Ali Jauhar's letter.
When, therefore, in the middle of 1924, Mashriqi ~ul1ncia
ted in the form of Tazkirah his theorem about the Divine Law
of rise and fall of nations, relationship between the Word of
God and the Work of God, man's ultimate destiny and the real
objective underlying the Divine exercise of Revelation with
special reference to the Quran and Darwin's Theory of Evolu
tion, it appeared to be a thunderbolt. It was a torrent of
thought and words with which he wanted to ruthlessly shake
the Muslims from their deep slumber, and at the same time to
give a violent jerk to the Western thinkers who had, in their
one-track movement, completely ignored Religion and its
contribution in the development of man's consciousness and his
evolution to higher levels of existence. He was so much convin
ced of his findings that he dedicated Tazkirah to God Almighty.
This is how he wrote: "God Almighty, I have brought before
Thee a wonderful thing which Thou hast bestowed on me .....
Protector of All, accept ~!1is humble offer from me, and further
chasten my power of thought and understanding ...... Sustainer
of All, set right the affairs of the Muslims and put them, under


Thy Light, on the right path, as Thou didst 'in the past. by
giving a correct direction to their adions bl'C;UlS(~, 0 Cod, tht:y
arc a nation which itself possesses no knowkdge." In Ta:kirah. Mashriqi C]llcstioned at the very outset the
authority on the basis of which followers of cu.:h religion
claimed their Faith as the sole truth and all other Faiths false
and untrue. What this religion was about which no decisive
verdict was possible, and why did not the all-embracing nature
of truth bring various religions on the same plane, and'enfon:e
a reconciliation as happens in the case of physical realities being
uncovered by the scien tists? Wh y was there a can t1ict and if
there was a contlict what this claim of being truth meant'? He
tel111cd these situations bewildering but declared that it was in
the interest of mankind's colk'Ciive survival that these isslles
should be scientitically examined and answered "'because much
of the bloodshed in the world, its most horrifying wars, its great
contlicts and massacres were born out of difference in faitlts.
Often a people has massacred another because it had a difft;'rent
'religion', because it professed a different 'Faith', worsbil'pl'd
another god, had somebody else as its prophet and leader", 19 All
til is. he said, was the result of distortion of the c<)j,cept ,tnd
form of the message on which these relig:iolls took birth: t!I<'Y
were the creation of man's own perverse thinking, und the
stubborn folly of the followers of these religions.
Tazkirah was a new voice, probably the fir~t attempt to
study .and project Religion as a science. The force and rhythm
of its language reflected the power of the mind which conceived
it. Many international scholars described it "as the most success
ful and universal law of nation building", "exposition of the
infallible and divine sociology", "solitary oasis in the barren
literature of religion". Sahibzada AI'tab Ahmed Khan, Vice
Chancellor of the Aligarh University, formally "handed over"
Mashriqi's name to the Nobel Committee \is a claimant of
Noble Prize for literature. Tazkirab, however, according to the
opinion of relevant quarters, could not be considered for sllch
an award unless it was rendered into a European language. That
was beyond anybody.20
Mashriqi seemed to be in a hurry and wanted forthwith to
mobilise support for a world-wide movement, on the one hand
to awaken the Muslims to the true features of the Quranh.:
programme, and on the other to force the Westem scientists


to scientifically examine the Quran which alone was available

as text of what is claimed to be the Revealed Message. To act
upon the Qmanic programme was inevitable for the Muslims for
their sheer survival; to critically examine the Quran was impera
tive for the scientists to carve out a new and a secure path for
mankind. A close view of his two-way thrust reveals only one
objective, the consolidation of humanity as (l single community
subservient to One God to be able to fulfil its assignment on
the earth, that is to harness its forces and reach the highest stage
of evolu tion. He wanted the Muslims to rise and act because
they were in possession of the text of God's Last Word to man;
he wanted the scientist to extend his field of scruti~y to the
Word of God because he was in occupation of the arena of the
Work of God. Two of his letters are reproduced here to give an
idea of his restlessness; one to the Turkish ruler Ghazi Mustafa
Kamal. and the other to Thomas Holland of the Royal Society
of Arts, London. tMashriqi had been elected Fellow of the
Society in 1923). In his letter dated 4th November 1924 to
Thomas Holland, he said:
"For the last many years I have been pondering over the
mystery of ReJigion- what its initial purpose was, why it
exists, what message the vaIious prophets brought, was there
anything of real value in their messages, did they come to unite
or separate men from each other, were they also false i.e. in the
scientil1c sense, how could false or ignorant people initiate and
perpetuate suchvast movements:
"These points have led me to a general study of the variolls
Revealed Books for the purpose of getting at a scientific reality,
if any, underlying the idea of Religion. Of course, I have come
to the conclusion that underlying all these Revelations, there is
running a common streak of perpetual and eternal truth im
mensely beneficial and novel to mankind in general, the general
acceptance of which is vital to the very existence of the Human
"I have taken the Koran - the Islamic Revealed Book
as the basis of my investigations for the reason that the Koran is
. the most preserved of all revealed books, as Sir William Mu ir
and others have frankly acknowledged. Its words are practically
and essentially the same as those given by the originator of
[slam. and, therefore, in the Koran we have a surer and more
scientific basis to go upon. Working on this book as basis




compatin" it with whatever is now left of other Revealed Books

in trallS1a Lion and retranslation, I have come to the conclusion
that all the various prophets of the world brought only One
etemaJ truth with them, viz: The Law of Rise and Fall of
Nations. This is the only thing they worked for throughout
their lives, and the whole of their Revelation is, in essence, an
exposition of that Law, in accordance with which nations per
petuate their ex istence on the surface of the Globe. Religion,
as it is understood by mankind in these days, is an entirely dis
figured and mutiliated form of their teachings, brought about
by sheer fanaticism and mutual hate. The message brought was,
in fact, one and the same in its entirety and was meant to unite
and reunite the Human Race into one homogeneous whole,
rather than divide it into sections.
"This law I have brought out in all its nakedness in the
present book. In other words, I have, for the first time, attemp
ted to define completely, what 'Fitness' is in the Darwinian
Prin ciple of the Survival of the Fi ttest.
"I believe the results arrived at by the investigation and
search of the Revealed Word are so infinitely important, so
vitally necessary and so fundamentally true that it is imperative
that the whole scientific world should, at least, impartially
examine them. In this attempt, I. believe, I have not only dis
covered a terrible truth for the world or solved the terrible
problem of the Death of Nations, but I think I have struck a
deeper note of the union of mankind into one ever-abiding and
great fraternity, combined on one eternal truth, worki~g for
one eternal aim, and possessing one Rational, Natural and
Eternal Religion, i.e. the Religion of Peace, Progress, Evolution
and eventual extinction in the Godhead. When Religion is
once proved to be a Scientific Truth and an active principle,
free from Blind Belief or 'fanatic faith' , it will automatically
lose its sectarian force and bigoted aloofness, and unite man
kind like what mathematical formula or a physical phenomenon
does." 2 1
In a letter to Ghazi Mustafa Kamal Pasha on 18th October
19::!5, Mashriqi s a i d :
"Last year in Zil Hajj, 1342 (July 1924) 1 had the honour of
sending you, under registered and insured cover, a copy of my
now world famous book Tazkirah. which I believe you may
have studied by now.

"By this time, 1 have received so many sympathetic and

warm messages of entire agreement with the message I have
given in the book fr_om s?me of the gre.atest I?en i~ the wor~d,
European, Asian, Egyptian a:1d .Amencan, mc~u~mg M.ushm
rulers, ulema, erudites, men ot SCIence etc. that It IS my ~nten-,
tion nOw to effect a reform in Islam by a general reb~ild:ng at
its fabric on the lines laid down by the Holy Quran as 10 the
time of our Great Prophet. An outline of what I propose to do,
if the Muslim world helps me, is somewhat as follows:

1. A general proclamation by the entire world of Islam

that there are no religious sects dividing them from
one another and that Khilafat in Islam means nothing
but political domination of its people.
Establishment of central League of IslamiC NatlOns
protecting the in terests of every Muslim nation through
effective political force.
3. Establishment of general Islamic Balt-ul-Mal, that IS
common Islamic Treasury, to which every Muslim,
wherever he lives will contribute.
4. Religious and ~oral adhesion of the entire Muslim
world to the elected president of the Islamic League.
I have received enough encouragement from every quarter
of the Globe to think that the above proposals are within the
range of practical politics in spite of the presen t h~l~eless
. situation in Islam. I have, therefore, resolved, as a prehmmary

measure to visit all Islamic countries and meet rulers and great

men the~e in person, as soon as possible ne~_! y~ar, that is, 1926.

"I shall be grateful to your most -Exalted Excellency if y~u

let me know, as soon as possible, whether your government Will
be able to discuss the above proposais with me at Angora,
(Ankara) somewhere in the month of Shaban A.H. 1344 (March
1916). I shall then lay before your government the de:aiis how
far the scheme has a chance of success, how much has 1t adva~
ced so far and what share exactly the Angora Government WIll
have to contribute in order to make it a success."22
Seven months later Mashriqi attended the Motamar Khila
fat held in Cairo from' May 13 to 22, 1926 as his country's
chief delegate. Sheikh-ul-Islam of AI-Azhar who had called ~~
Motarriar and a number of top Egyptians knew Mashnql
through Tazkirah. Soon after his arrival there on May 3, he


realised that the form and extent of the deterioration of the

Muslims everywhere was the same. However, when he addres
sed the Motamar, he put the same proposals before it which he
had sent to Mustafa Kamal the previous year. They were adopt
ed unanimously and a number of subcommittees were set up to
work out details. He stayed in Egypt for two months, contac
ting many 'stalwarts', but apart from a promise of 30000
sterling pounds for the Bait-ul-Mal, nothing tangible happe'ned.
Mustafa Kamal did not seem to be interested, and Mashriqi's
meeting with King Faisal of Iraq while joumeying to Europe,
and then wi th the King of Morocco and King of Tu nis in Paris.
evoked interest but no action followed. During this, he had also
been corresponding with King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia on the
same programme, but the Muslim world was fast asleep and had
forgotten the Message which had lifted their ancestors as world
leaders in a few decades.23 While in Europe, he also met top
scientists, including Einstein, and discussed with them how
('ould the scientist, apart from his study of the dead maiter,
engage in the study of life to put mankind on the new path. He
returned to India by the end of I 92(), resuming duty in
Peshawar in January 1927. 24

After watching for another few years the course of events

in the Muslim world and the outcome of the two Motamars,
one held at Cairo and the other at Mekka, Mashriqi felt compel
led himself to initiate the process and give a practical shape to
his conception of the Quranic programme. He decided to with
hold the publica_tion of theremainjng volumes of Tazkirah;
instead, he brought out a smaller book, [sharat, -which embodied
his programme of reform and uplift of the Muslims of South
Asia. The movement was started in the middle of 1931 under
the name of Khaksar Tehrik
the movement. of the humble
with a two-hour daily exercise comprising 15 minutes for the
evening prayers, half an hour for military drill and an hour and
a quarter for social service irrespective of caste, creed and
colour, the whole exercise to be performed collectively under
the command of a common leader known as Salar. Akhuwwat
was their badge and beleha their 'weapon', the badge indicating
universal brotherhood and beleha (spade) signifying humble



ness, service and manual labour. In the political tul1noil which

swayed South Asia in those days. the conc~pt of prayers,
discipline and service was a novel thing, incomprehensible in
the political sense. The first nine years of the movement were
bewildering; during this period, it swept across the sub-conti
nent constituting one of the most fascinating phenomena wit
nessed by the people of SOli th Asia. However. it underwent a
retreat after a bloody clash with the British-led police in Lahore
in March 1940. What is important is that Mashriqi did not for
get even for a moment his basic purpose in starting the move
ment, that of struggling to enforce his higher view of the
Divine Law enunicated by him in Ta;kirah. The first of the 14
Poin ts of the movement issued in 1937 said: "We Khaksars are
determined to establish, by uprooting all sectarian feelings and
religious bigotry (but keeping religion in tact) an egalitarian,
beneVOlent and non-partisan order which would ensure a fair
deal to all nations and guaran tee their rightful growth. and
which will be based On virtue, struggle, action and supreme
justice. "2 5 The following year while presiding over the All
Faiths Conference in Indore he rebuffed the West for trying to
completely discard religion, describing this attitude as "posi
tively dangerous and ridiculously untrue". He said, "To banish
religion, or in other words Faith, away from human mind and
then Jhink of being at peace with others is a far more difficult
dream to realise than to entertain and uphold religion as the
greatest benefactor of human race and then either endeavour to
accommodate all mankind to one Faith, or make every Faith
accommodating to all mankind". He doubted "if there are alter
natives to Faith half as good in this world of nesh and blood".26
Khaksar Movement was thus intended to produce a band of
people, obviously 'Muslims', who could enforce. his vision of
. the supremacy of the Divine Message and oneness of mankind,
to enable it eventually to take up the real job assigned to it by
the Providence. that of the capture of the Universe. He could
not produce a large enough band of such people but his concept
is still regarded as a highly fascinating and inspiring interpreta
tion of the Quranic message and the forces and phenomena of
During the course of this struggle, he was put behind bars
a number of times. His first imprisonment took place in Octo
ber 1939 when he was arrester! by the Congress Governmen t of



the United Provinces (now called Uttar Pradesh) while trying to
resolve the conlliet between two leading sects of thl..' ~1t 51,m'<",
the Sunnis and the Shias. Soon after, he was confronted with
a bigger opponent, the British Government, resulting in a da~h
in Lahore on March 19, 1940, in which Khak5ars were merci
lessly massacred. Allama who at that time was in Delhi was
arrested and sent to the south to be lodged in solitary confine
ment ror over two years, After the birth of Pakistan, he was
imprisoned thrice, in \950-5 i for alleged attempt to overthrow
Liaquat Ali Khan's government. in 1957-58 for alleged compli
city in the murder of Dr. Khan Sahib, and later in 1962 for a
brief period for conspiring against Ayub Khan's govemment;
each time he was exonerated and c;leclared innocent. DUling
these imprisonments, Mashriqi produced some of the finest
a letter to the international community of scientists
titled "Human Problem" and a treatise called Hedith-ul-Quran
in 1951, and a book on the Holy Prophet titled Takmillah in
1957-58, restating his theorem about man's unity and his
evolu tion to higher forms of existence in a simpler and more
comprehensible manner.
In a brief preface to the Hedi th-u I-QlI ran , Mashliqi said:
"These are my mathematical conclusions about the ultimate
end of the Universe which have been arrived at after deep study
of the Quran and after taking a total view of Nature, I am
convinced that on them depends entirely mankind's future
progress, Man c~nnot reach higher stages of progress and deve
lopment without accepting the logic of these conclusions and
igniting in him the passionate longing for Face-lo-Face Meeting
with the Creator. It is incumbent on man to receive guidance
from the teachings of the Quran, and, while there is still time,
to understand what role he is supposed to play in respect of
This Universe.
"The present age of capitalism, animality, barbarism and
m..:n tal perversion is a dark era or man's history. The si tUH tion
in which man finds himself at the present momen t leaves for
him no way except to plunge headlong into the hell of misery
and destruction; there appears no other course available to
him. If this came about, there would then be the likelihood of
mankind becoming extinct as a species, and God Almighty,
because of man's inability to unravel the riddle of the Universe,
bringing a new species to inhabit the earth wh ich will be super



ior to man,
wide awake, capable of greater comprehension
and better able to understand what this Universe really is and
what it is actually meant for, "2 7
After living a tempestuous life nr 7') years, Mashriqi died of
cancer in Lanon.: 011 August 27, 1963. He lies budcd ill the
courtyard of his house from where he started his Khaksar movL'
ment 32 years before his death, spending all these years in
simple Khaki clothes.
TIle present compilation is split into three sections, The first
section deals with the' general concept of Evolution and its
operation in deciding the fate of communities and civilisations
with particular reference to the Muslims, and an exhaustive
study of the Darwinian Theory of Evolution. The second sec- .
tion relates to Mashriqi's view of the ultimate fate of the
Universe, the role which the scientist is required to play in it
along with his own spiritual evolu tion, and the concept of
Man's Face-to-Face Meeting with the Almighty Creator. This
section is sub-divided in to three parts - the barrier of electro
nics, the ultima te shape, and the Quranic verdict. The last sec
tion comprises Mashriqi's impassioned pronouncemen ts on the
Revealed Word with special reference to Quran as the only
secure and Imimpaired Revealed Document available to man,
and the scientist's responsibility to examine it critically to en
force it as the truest enunciation of the Law of Evolution or,
if found 'faulty', to rid mankind of the 'fraud' of Religion.
A concept and the form of its expression are inexorably
linked together, therefore translation seldom succeeds in
conveying the fullness of the author's conception and his teal
purpose in its enunciation to mankind. It was precisely for this
reason that Mashriqi did not accept translation as an effective
device to convey the force and content of an idea. In fact. he
went further and declared more than once in his writings that a
sublime thought was adequately expressed only when it was
acted upon, when it was enforced as a visible, operative reality,
, when proper atmosphere was created through proper actions.
Otherwise, too, the rhythm of the language in which the
thought is originally expressed serves as a robe of that thought.
the robe having been tailored to the inner harmony of the
writer. The force of expression nows from the vigour of the
author's ideas and experience; the selection of words, their
.arrangement, even punctuation marks are not mere grammatical




manipulations, they pt!rform a specific function relevant to the

theme. The words must. and do, convey the ebb and now, the
life and beauty. the harmony as well as the force and !'my of
the thought. A translated version is obviulisly unable to trans
plant all this ... the gusto and tumult, the anguish and emotion,
the courage and conv iction which furce a writer to produce a
In the case of Allan-.a Mashriqi's writings, particularly
Ta::.ki!'a/I with its grandiose style and nt!wness of concepts and
motivatiolls. it l~ i:I1l1lost impossible to unfold precisely through
translation the storm his philosophy intends to blow in the
mind of the rt'ader. This Editor has read Ta:kirai! several times
dll1'ing the past fifty years and each time has found himself
confronted wi tl1 new disclosures. Words and phrases which once
appeared merely display of the force of pen were found to
be pregnant with original and compact philosophy. It was with
this realisation that I undertook to translate some of his writ
ings, particularly rdating to the Evolution of man as a species
and the rise and fall of human societies. No effort has, however,
been spared to convey as far as possible the cort' of his thought,
though equally potent expressions have not been found for
some of the words used by him in the sense in which they were
intended when they occurred in the Revealed Message.
The Editor



Professor Ahdus Salam. The 'vI/deliS. Vol. -I. No. I. .lanu;lryMarch. I\)() 7.
Rohert Briffault. Makill/r of fllImanifl'. p. 190. as quoted by Dr. Muhammad
Iqbal ill ReCOIIS[l'l/ctiulI o(RdiKiul/s Thollghl in Islam. p. /30.
Professor Hamid Askari. Prominent Muslim SdelJlisls. p. -188.
D" Mollll1l1l11od Iqbal. Re,:oIlSlI'll('liolT u.(Religiolis 771(11):111 i}} Islam. p. 129.
Obilullry by Professor Thomas Huxley quoted by .lames BUnting in Cildll<,s
Darll'il/'s Biograplil' pUblished by Bailey Brolhers and Swinfcnt ltd .. FolhlOlIC
\U.K.) Pp. 78 79.
ibid. p. 85.
Inayat Ullah Khan AIMashriqi. Daha/Bah. ulhorc (1953). pp 255-511.
TIle Cam/)ridKl' Daily ;\'('\\'s. ) 2 June. 1912.
111C daily (Jlronicle. london 13 June. 1912.
10. 11le l1iesle1lliliSlel' (;a:l'lIl', london. 12 Ju ne. ) 912.
II. ThcSrar. London 12 June. 1912.
12. )'orksiJirc.J'oSI. York. 13 June. 1912.
13. Thl' Times. London. 17 June. I') II.
1+. 111e d'lily Mirrur. London. 17 Ju Ill'. 1911.
15. 111 e Tdt'KJ'opil. london. 17 Junt!. 191 I.
16. 00U: :'vIan and ['nilcn,'. Akhu\\wal I'llblil:aliuns. Rawalpindi. 1980. p. 25.
17. l'riv~le ('orresl,onclem'c (unpu btished).
18. Donald P. Li Illc. f:asa)'s ill Islamic ('iI'ili,I',) liolT. Leiden. 1976 p. 212.
19. Inayal Ulluh Khan AIMashriqi. Ta;kil'ail, VOl. I, Amrilsar 1924. reprinled
Allama Trusl. Lahore. Dcebacha p.3.
20. From unl,ublished record wilh Allama Trusl.
21. ibid.
22. ibid.
23. Inayar Ullah Khan AI Mashriqi. Khita/)i.Misr. Lahore. 1931. pp. 5.6.
2-1. From unpublished record wilh Allama Trust.
25. SirarII!.Mtlslaqueelll, Idara.iA1liya. Lahore, Oct. 1937~
16. Man's Destin Iy. Mujahid Pu blica lions. Rawalpindi. p.65.
27. Inuyat Ullah Khan AIMashriqi, fledirl1ulQurall. Lahore, p. 7.



of ce/:taill/i'iel1ds) b1' his enllnciation of tl/(' lall' of life and

".IIIIWIl C()llIll1l1l1ities ~lId the natllral prillciplc'
IUlltance III the eartl! as I/l!plied to the AIl/slillls 1\'hcll .,hCl'
ellie/xed Oil. Ih.e s.{{~g(' of history ,/II(/ tltdr sllbs{'(/tI('lI I fall I() t/;('
dClJths uj 1I1slglll/lnlilce and Itd/J/csslI(,ss. His dlfddatfoll!i
tlte~e c()lIceprs art' re/!rodllced ill rile pllges thal/ulloH' We //(/I'~,
~l:'tt them 1:11 tWI) flarts, The IlIhc!ritallce ill rltc !:'artlt amI Ihe
l'l('ory oj !: l'O/1I fioll, hoth frolls/a ted FOIII Urdll ......... ..... Ed


d(:~!h 0/



A/la1ll<1 lHashriqi defended The Darwinian Theon' of /::1'01/1

tiol1 lI'!liclt was enunciated in the middle of the nineteellth
(elllUr,I', bllt he himself took a higher l'ie1\' of it. According to
him, 1;'l'ollitiol1 is inherent in Natllre as a well thoughT out
flI'I)grOll111le of The Almighty Creator: it has 1I0T merely been
~()illg all erel' sillce cn:aTion, but if will continue for elldless
years till fhe ji{~f/l/1lent of lhe purpose oj' creation If enC011/
/)(JsSeS tile clltire pmcess of life, cOl'ering also the rise and fall
0/ III/man societies and civilisations. Dealillg 1'!/ith all these
aspects, he eSTablished a relationship among man's biological
el'o/Illion frol/1 lm....er creatures, growth 0/ man's Cliiture and
sense of evaluation after passing through mallY stages, illelud
in.'] till! stage of Revelatioll, interplay of variotls civilizations
wit!1 tlte ./i'equcnt domination of one oi'er the other, and
!!roS!!ccts oj' man's emilltioll to higher for m ,I' of cxislence,
cl'entuallJ becoming just (/ 'spirit', He appears al pariance wilh
Darwill who was re/uctant to accept God as all 'entity', alld
also differs with his sOll/ewhat 'limited' ji'amework of 'limess'
which II'he/1 applied to liuman societies is f'ound inadequate,
(,I'el1 false ill certain cases. BlIt in spite of these differellces, lie
gm'(' tIle CII tire credit to Darwin and other Western sciell tists jar
ull('()l'erillg th(' great phenomenon of lIj'e and its evolution to
lIiglll'r forms of existence 'I'ith man coming al the top. III a
foo!1lote ill the Urdu text of the first volume of
Ta~kil:ah ( pl/blished ill 1914) he took a comprellensil'e I'iew of
this phellomenon l'v'itli special reference to, and support oj;
Darwin ill the context of what the Quran stated Ol'er 1300
years ago, But, while narrating the Evolution 171eory, he some
wlla t repllrased what Darwin had said. making certain additions
and offering elucidations, to prOl'ide a total view of ,po/ution
as conceil'ed and eflj'orced--and being enforced--by the (I'eator
of' t!l(' /zcapns and the earth.
, The footnote was necessitated (and written on tIle demawl


Inhet'itance in the Earth

Translation from Urdu, Muqaddima, pages 141 \

Ta:kiralt, Vol. I, published in 1924. hy Idaratul

Ishayat-lil-Tazkirah, Amritsar,


FOR the past two centuries, Muslims all over the world have
been caught in a vortex of continuing decline, As is dreadful
the speed of this decline and the swiftness of degeneration, so
is a'wnising the unconcern and lack of realisation with which
they are dra(~ging themselves to utter annihilation and certain
death in a state of complete complacency, Tn each member of
the commllnity have become ex tinct visible capabilities and
latent forces which constitute the cultural essence and life
blood of a civilization. The invigorating passions which activate
evelY section of community have died down, Each and every
member of the nation has become utterly useless, singly as well
as collectively, The vitalising and creative view of what religion
really is has been lost; with that has also bc.come proverbial
the failure of the Muslims in the field of wordly distinctions,
Will power and courage for initiative, organisational capacity
and work distribution, unity and centralism of creative
faculties, culture of steadfastness and mutual assistance the
pervasive sense of discipline and obedienace, and the le'ader
ship's far-sightednC'ss and ability to guide without which not
only nations but even individuals cannot perform the humblest



iO~l hav;: become

h~' surprising. in

mere words, si!.'.nifying nothing. It would not

this situation, that every effort that the Mus
lims l1ulke to attain their objective eventually comes to naught:
~Vl'rV nhl11 that they initiate for their hett;:rmcnt ends in futili
tv: 'm~n tal con fusion and the dreadful monster of internal
\.iisrllption and dissipation utterly undermin;:s their power of
action. and a d;:cp sense of frustration overwhelms them,
cOll1pletely destroying their faith in their destiny.
I have been watching for quite some time thb; distr;:ssing
spectacle in a!~ony. Historical evidence and the painful story
of politicjl developments over the past one hundred years shoW
that t~1\~ pn.'s~'l1t-d<lY Mu"lim UIIl1l14l1J has touched sllch dertlls
of moral dl''!raJ:ttion wht..'re none of its actions or programmes
achieves its . <.:!;O a I jl1'y wh en: in tltl~ world. If. in spite of gcnend
lack of organised !!flort, an individual or a group of individuals
has been able to evolve a programme, their organisational power
is destroyed from within by adverse int1uences and deadly
gCI111S of despondency before any result takes shape. Take any
national movement. and you will find the same phenomenon in
operation. During the last century. the most important national
movement of the Turks. which was somewhat well-organised
:md had been the result of the political philosophy of a
nromincnt prime minister (Madhat Pasha), was the 3D-year
campaign for u constitutiomtl government and its eventual
establishment. It is. however. a known fact that the Anjaman
1ttahad-o-Taraqqi could 110t even for a few momen ts profit
from tl\e 'continuing b<;nefits' and 'endless blessings' of the
amazingindustrializationofEurope, and its formal enforcement
turned out to he a declaration of defeat for the Turks.


l/l)' cOI/:;trllction lie hidden conditions oidestruction

The tiller's hot blood is the nebula ofharl'est-destroy
ing Ugh tiling.

Turn over the pages of history, and you will come across the
same spectacle. Mehdi's awesome emergence in the Sudan,
Mohammad Abdohu's semi political preachings in Egypt, the
mutinous upheaval in India, the painful end of the Balkan war,
and the induction of Majlis-i-Shura in Iran. were important and
all-embraching revolutions. However. if the real causes of their
failure are carefully examined. there will be found underneath



every defeat and disruption the same death-amalgam of dis

organized efforts and dismal. lack of resources, mental confus
ion and absence of perseverence, chaotic actions and misdirect
ed efforts, frightful cont1ict of opinions and agoniSing dis
persal of forces. The same pai:tern is witnessed in the lesser
activities of the nation. There is no national movement or local
en terprise, collective association or political majIis, philan
thropist spending or trading association, intellectual activity or
organizational effort, which has not ended in smoke due to the
shortish approach of the Muslims.

o thou,

who want brel'if)" in one cry do I state like'

17le wild rue the tormenting story of my heart!

Bu t the calamitous happenings faced by the Muslims in

the beiPnning of the 14th century (Hijra) ar~ unequalled even
by the darkest pages of the last one thousand years o(Jslamic
history. It appears that the centuries-long action of the chronic
disease has weakened every limb of the patient; it has made
painful every part of his body. The continuing fracturing of
limbs and loss of energy have all of a sudden produced dread
ful symptoms; the heart, the brain, the liver have all been
engulfed by. the disease; the last hours of esixtence are about.
to have a final encounter with the monster of death and
destruction; the few temporary moments of borrowed life are
about to take a plunge into the boundless 'eternity of non
existence. If this horrifying struggle between life and aeath is
really the last encounter of unbelief and faith, disintegration
and stability, falsehood and truth, then the ou tcome is inevita
ble. No false and disintegrating body can revive in face of the
unfaltering reality of Death; it is bound to perish, and all
attemp ts to pu t life in to it at this last stage would prove
ineffective. If, however, Islam is a total Truth, if it is Fact
and fountainhead of Reality, if it is a Law among the
. universal laws of the Designer of the heavens and the earth
then Nature's sense of justice and equity cannot tolerate th~
.enforcement of one reality with the sacritice of another or
allow its own forces to engage in each other's destruction. '
~(I"'" .Jf;ff'..I;,
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\r":r") 0









The Religion of [slam is the Law of Go~ on which ha~ He

crea ted all human beings; none can escape I t: and th e~e IS 1/0
possibiliti' of an), change in the God-created !vatu,.e.
is the T,.;/e Programme and the Straigh t Path to be followed In
the world. bllt most among mankind understand it IIOr.( 3~:30)




r'f'J 0 -,."


..w\~,.. v....Z..;;:...>;
No change \vi!t thou .finel ill tile Law of God (33'62)
On the basis of this irrefutable explanation, I arrive at a
firm conclusion that no injurious reality of the Law of Nature
can destroy Islam; the survival of the Muslims as a dominan t
factor in the world is inevitable. and as long as are in existence
the heavens, the earth, and the entire Universe, this situation is
bound to emerge. If the onrush of vicissitudes and the onslau
gh t of adverse develop men ts have caused an apparen t depa~ture
from this general principle, it is an exception, and a temporary
one; it is nothing save that the pressure of hostile influences has
produced an unlikely situation which is bound to end. It is this
foundation stone of Islam's universally creative philosophy
which has, from the earliest, taken upon itself the responsibili
ty for its survival and stability, and which, in spite of the 1300
years of dreadful happenings, makes its existence certain and its
law .et~rnally applicable. The Creator of the Universe has
demonstrated this in every pnnClple and behaviour of Nature.
As long as truth remains truth, its domination is inevitable
wherever and in whatever form it appears. If, in spite of coun
tless disruptive influences of falsehood and fraudulence, pervers
ion and pretension, and tyranny and deceipt, Nature's principles
are in operation in the world and God's Law remains supreme,
itis precisely for this reason; if in spite of the temporary sway
of lust and rapacity, and the transitory grip of animality, th.e
world has not as a whole deviated from the balanced course, It
is only because of this. The effect of an encounter of a false
and disruptive element with a permanent reality isjust like that
of a pebble which when thrown into a de~p sea generates a few
momentary ripples but itself disappears for ever.


The glow that the flame ofa straw produdes lives only for
one moment,
What concern has lust for he honour offidelity!











If, after this short span of time, Islam's inl1uence has now
really disappeared, then there are two conclusions; the life of
the Universe, too, is coming to an end: the order of Nature's
-immense edifice has also moved away from its foundation; the
process of advent and end of various phenomena too is being
rolled up; attraction and integration of particles, combination
and cohesion of elements, interaction of situations, intermingl
ing of consequences, constitution and behaviour of structures,
are all departing at the conclusion of their life span, and after
this awful destructive effects of the course of Nature the end of
the Universe is at hand. If this is not the case, then in Islam
itself, in fact in the Quranic purposes, is absolutely unavailabl~
the essence of truth; Islam's power to influence and operate has
left its abode and shifted to another body; its area of knowledge
and action has shrunk, and the visional power of its mind has
disappeared. After having been disgusted with the company of
ill-mannered and unworthy Muslim, the meek bride of meaning
has been the victim of such an indifference, neglect and callous
ness in the dark recesses of form and suffocating cells of words,
that none today even admits its existence. Today's truth-honour
ing world is at war with the decomposed and useless bones of
this very victim of neglect whose agonising story for centuries
remained hidden under the veil of Mohlat (Respite from
Nature). Time's revealing but unforgiving hand is today con
signing to dust this shamefully mlltilated .corpse whose ~ge of
glory had once been more dazzling a reahty than the mId-day
rays of the sun. Ah! Although the mind's resident has departed,
and the restless soul of truth has moved to better and heal
thier bodies, the strange ways of time, rather the Divine sense
of self-respect, has at least preserved this much honour of the
body that even today, many con turies after its death, the form
of its original features cannot remain hidden from men of
understanding. In the pitch darkness of ignorance and oblivion,
the Quran is still such a manifest and self-evident wisdom
in the eyes of men of understanding that its brightness and
lustre have become more heightened in the presence of black
ness. As is becoming to the common people meaningless and
unworthy of attention all that it contains because of the far
fetched interpretaion and misrepresentation' of its c~ntents,
in the same way is becoming its loftiness more. m~ruf:st to
the understanding heart.The revival of Islam wIll mevltably




begin when, in this bewildering suffocation of misdeeds dis
belief and falsehood and pervasive helplessness caused by v.:orld
wide disintegration, there will emerge from among the Muslims
themselves a servant of God who, while seething in agony and
maddening passion, would turn to the Quran remove the thick
veils of ignorance, misdeeds, falsehood and' faithlessness from
its mournful and depressed face and reveal the reality of Faith
(Eiman). On that day will be reconciled the angry bride instant
ly bringing to life the deserted house of Islam,
For this very reason, Quran's august and tlnal promise
10 verse ,138 of St,na 3, ('And do not lose heart by relaxing,
nor fall mto despair, because ye must eventually gain victory
if ye are true in Faith') has been lin ked to a condition which
is imperative I "I" uninterrupted perpetuation of collective
domination, TI1e life-nourishing Faith constitutes a sure tonic
for the sustenance of every form of struggle' for survival' it
is a key to every success, and a prelude to every victory: it
~en:es as a healer.of br,oken hearts, and 'reviver of dead hopes;
In Its augmentatIOn lies the secret of alleviation of every
h~rdship and in its diminution are concealed the germs of
fallun~, It genera,tes a fresh spirit with every victory, and injects
n,ew life ~t the Sight of every failure, It is the focal point of na
tional umty, 'an orbit of discipline and orderliness, and the basis
of supr~me struggle, Its ~ohesive power arrests dissipating
tendenCies and by re-arrangIng the disruptive forces augments
the power of resistance; its power of assimilation gathers the
digressive and despondent elements and makes them capable
of assuming the fnitiative. Anybody who, in this breath-taking
voyage of life, has the company of such a guide, is bound to
be greeted by victory at every step; a nation, which in this
painful struggle for survival and security is equipped with such
a weapon at once of defence and offence, 'is assured of victory
over hostile forces; the Inheritance of the Earth is a settled
thing for it.
entire credit for its investigation and formulation now goes
to him. But those who gave a permanent shape to its clause

'on evolution were the philosophers of Islam, Ibn Khaldun has


Those amongst you who remained steadfast in their faith,

and in addition perserered in good actions. hal'e a promise ji'om
Cod Almighty that He will. of suret}', grant them stabilU.v in
the earth as He gran ted to those before them, He will establish
firmly their religion--the one that He ha~ chosen for them;
and afterwards will also change their state at/ear which ther
hal'e from the enemy to the one of se~lIrity and peace. Their
course oj' actIon is that they remain subsen'iplf to iMe and
keep on acting on My Commandmellts (ya'bodllnaniJ and do
not associate aught \'v'ith Me anytlIing fla yushrequna bi shaun),
,4nd those who. after this stability and security. deviated from
the. COll1mandlflcllt.S, and through misde:ds f ail.1d to.appreci~tc
fully (kafr) tit is suprem(! favour, thl?;Y ~.Ie the 'rbell101I3 (jaslq)
(and elllitled to collectil'e death). (24:)5)

'Ibadat' 'shirk' 'kufr' and 'fisq' have been translated keep

ing in vie~ thei~ connection with the
foregoing vers~s
(24:48-54) and the one which follows (24:56). In the Qura~lc
syntax, all' the four tenns. and words of like implications which
will come later are so comprehensive and conclusive that to
offer their corr~ct and irrefutable explanation amounts, in fact,
to unc~vering the entire philosophy and prog ram f!1 e of the
Quran, Here; the translation of the. expresslOn J~om
yabodunani to fasequ11 is somewhat before time, but suffICient
proof of it will be avaliable in the later pages of the book. The
inner harmony of the Quran, too, is not so manifest or open a
thing as to be made clear at the initial stages of this book; for
this are needed deep reflection and true knowledge.
At the end pt ~tlfa Ahqaf is, said: "Can a people other than
..the 'fasiq' get..annihHated?" In other words, annihilation of a
'fasiq' nation is certain; on the basis of this should become
obvious why this ,explanation has been provided in the transla
This clear promise made by the Administrator of the
h C'<:ivcns and the earth is a decisive verdict not only on Islam but
.11~0 on the life and death of all peoples of tht' world, TIle
~upreme logic and the decisive -wisdom of the. Quran had

; reached, over 1300 years ago, the natural conclusion about the

struggle for ex istence and resistance for survival. wh ich today

is known as Surril'a/ of the fittest in the terminology of the

Theory of Evolution and Natural Selectio_n, evolved by Farabi,




Haickle and Darwin. This verse has decided .two things. first
that Faith is a per-requisite for "inheritance of the earth
or what is called Sun'iml and ,stay; God's promise for inheri~-- .
tance of the earth applies only to those who possess Faith:
secondly, that Faith must be accompanied by Righteous Act
ions. The individuals of whichever community possess these
two qualities that alone is 'Aslah' (Fit); for the protection
and security of such a community has the Law of Nature taken
the aforesaid responsibility; such a nation alone wiIl, as did the
developed nations of the past, hold authority and remain
stab,le in the earth as long as its people possess 'Faith' and
p~rtorrn . 'Righteous Actions', and have not been swayed by
dIsruption and disbelief.

(I>" \II)

~" '" -.J; . . " . . IIIW , : . '" / . ( ... It I II., ". '"
~<..S"" Z'~ lJ.,iI" ~p\..!:.?cI..:.""..,;:..A...)l"

At this said Hl/d, 'Ifyull turned away ji'om these Comrnand

mel/ts, I at least hare cOlll'eyed the Message with which
I \Vas sent to Y01l And the ille!'irable result of this tllming
away will be that my Lord will, after destroying yOLl,
make another peufJle sllcceed )'011, alld he is such a power
ful enemy that you will not be able to harm him in the
least. Alld remember that my' Lord is watclting the actiri
ties of el'ery people' ( 11: 57)
Another occasion where the word Istakhlaf has been used in

a slightly different sense is in Sura Hadeed:

He dies not whose heart is igllited by Ishq
(For this reason alone) is inscribed ou.r perpetuation in the
annals of the world,

Apart from a)ia Is takhlaj: the word Istakhlaf has occured

four times in the Quran. They are being reproduced to establish
the correct meaning of this variantly interpretted expression.
The first occasion is in Sura-i-Ana'rn.

. And 0. Prophet.! As is your Creator Mercijil! so also is He

ji'ee of needs. If He so desired, He l,>,ould remope all of you
from the earth, and in your place appoil1 t \'1)h0111 He deems j7t as
your' successor, even as He raisea you ji'om the posterity of
other people after destroying themJ n: 134)
(We have translated yasha as deeming fit; its proof will be

available under the title "The Philosophy of Action" in the

second volume). 'The other occasion is in Sura A'rar.

lJ-.1.. ~~:!,J:;,t( /~)~"'I!~':


A t this said Moses. '.0. people, time is now near tha t )'ow'
Lord destroys your enemy, and in his place makes
inheritors in the earth and then see what efJorts VOL; make'


The third occasion is in Sura Hud.

('! &>L) 0

~;;"I ~,.'~-:.r.\.J rt:(

. 0 people. Belic!'1.! ill God as (;()d, illld {fen'flt t/II! Ap()stlt' as

His l'.1ess!llger alld carry Ollt his directiolls. and spend (ill
rhe Cause oI Allah) ollr of t/lI! substance whe/'I!of He has made

vou inheritors aftt'/' ({lilli/Ii/a ring orhers. For those of YOli who
obl!yed the CUI//l1/llll(lmcl1rs, alld \1'110 spent (in charity), jor
them is a great Reward, ( 57. 7)
(TIle explanation of this meaning of aminu will corne later;

it is not under discussion here. )

It is clear from these examples that the Quranic meaning of
'/staklllaf' is to make a people inheritor of a country after
destroying another, nothing more than this; nor is meant by this
particularly the recognised Khilafat which today has Constan
tinople as its centre, although that too is included in it. Nor
does it mean especially the inheritance of Arabia nor of Ajam,
neither of east nor of west. A people which inherited the
country and wealth of another people after its destruction is
'mllsfakltlaj', whether it is of China or of Rome. This is 'baqa'
and 'israqba' (survival and stability) and for this reason have
we given this meaning in the tex t.
This meaning of 'lstakhlaj" is unequivocally supported by
two other verses whose theme should be compared with the
aforesaid verse of Sura Hud.(. 57: 11) It is said in Sura Tauba:










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(I"~lq> o3:'~';~ ~~ {;1,1;

'If (0, ye ease-loving people of Arabia) on this occasion
you did not go forth for battle, God will punish you with
a grievolls penalty and put another, more acti!'C'. people ill
your place. And they will be so powe l1ill that YOll .lIould
not be able to harm them the least, And remember that God
hath power opel' all thillgs. (9:39)
Here synonymity of 'yastabdil' and 'yastakhlif' is obvious.
'yast;\bdil Oc-.:ur~ in Sura Mohammad in the same sense, tlta1



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("''':1''6)''t~,)I":,,,!,.,.J~.ll?!,",,~L.~J:?J '!.~:;:':"j:;
lj you fllmed back and disobeyed rhe Commandmell ts He
will substitute ill your stead another people; And then ~hey
would 'not be evil-doers, disobedient and selj:seekers like
,It is .o~vious from, these verses that 'Isfukhlaf of various
nations IS In fact theIr replacement by each other. A nation
which loses the copabiltity to have authority over the earth,
and undermines its potential by deviating from the Law of
Nature, is bound to be wiped out from the face of the earth.
Whichever people is the inheritor of the earth that alone is
'mustakhlaf'. that alone is superior and more'fit; that alone
remains unharmed and powerful, and the survival of such a
people alone is a foregone conclusion.
'KhalaF has been used at various places in the sense of
inheritance and survival; three occasions are worth mentioning,
.. .....U . ,,:
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(.I ':' ..... .P": ~,(, ... .>' ,,,,t . . ,,, '"

And if it were (Jur Will. We wou.ld have made you angles

and puf them on the earth as your heirs, (43:60). Then affer
their annihilation We made you inheritors in the earth so that
We could see how you act, (10: 14), And whatever you spend
in His cause, God slistains and gives you Us replacemen t.
These examples illustrate that Khalaf ,and Istakhlaf have
been actually used in the same sense and in the same verse is
said, IlIlli jaillill .til ardh-i-klwlifa, that is "I am about to create a


l'iceregen t on the earth ",f!: 30)1 ~ J-~~i 0Y~'1 <i'~ t;..'J.~

Another thing which is retlette.d. in these v;rses: [,;;rtic'lllarly
In 7.:1.29,11:57 and 10:14, is that'action'isapre-requisitefor
attaml11g the status of inheritors of the earth and then slIstain
ing it. The condition demanded in the aya Istakhlaf is 'fit' or
'righteous action '. What is this righteoLls action? The answer
will be available in the length and breadth of this book' it is
not easy to define what stall (righteousness) really is fro~ the
Quranic point of view,
The third thing which is worth considering in these verses
is that the expression al-Ardh (the earth) has been used in
(7: 129), (43:60) and (2:30) in its ahsolute sense: it does not
mean any speCific_area as some commentators have thought of
the word 'al-Ardll inaja Istakhlaj: and have taken it to mean
the land of Mekka, This discllssion will be conducted in the
main text, but it is essential to state here that the word al-Ardh
is absolute. There is a faint doubt in (7: 129) that Moses meant
the land of Egypt, but it is an historical fact that Bani Israel
inherited the land of Egypt after a long time; before that, they
had been the masters of Syria, The (10: 14) also seems sligh tly
to give the same indication, but the doubt is set aside when it is
read in conjunction with the preceding verse (10: 13). In any
case, after taki,ng deeper view of these verses, it becomes
abundantly clear that the Quranic words Istakhlaf Jil-Ardh
mean the collective survival of various peoples on the earth;
neither less nor more. The dogmatic or 'religious' environment
which, with tp.e p~ssage of time, has developed around this
term. is the creation of the people themselves; Quran has
nothing to do with it.
Darwin's Theory of El'olu {ion is the story of individual and
collective struggle of every liv:ing creature, from the time of
creation to the advent of man: it is an exposition of each
species' unrelenting effort for self-preservation and propagation,
a continuing record of domination of the strong. and annihila
tion of the weak, and an unbroken tale of stability and steady
evolution of the Fit 'Species, It has been made clear, as the
basic fact of this intricate theory, that'in the survival struggle
of living creatures, physical force or aggressive power is not
enough for the stability of a species; the real secret of its
security and survival lies in its 'fitness and 'capability', which
ever species faced the obstacles of Nature with vigour and





perseverance. whichever put its visible and latent faculties to

the best and the fullest use. and. by acting upon the funda
mentals of self-preservation, adequately grappled with every
opposing force, tha t alone is 'fit' in the Nature's telminology
that alone is the inheritor of the earth and the wielder of
~ower, and that alone is progressive, stable and truely power
ful. Had this nol been the case, the huge mammoth and the
enormous pythor which had so extensive a population in the
prchis toric (1'1 icsto:ene) ages, could have assumed full au thority .
over the earth kwmg not even an inch of land for man from
the ant t.o tJ?C elepha.nt, and from the sparrow to man, 'which
ever speCIes IS t<:.day 10 ex istence, it does possess, to a lesser or
~reater extent.. fitness of action. It: after having been defeated
111 the strug~le for survival, the .mammoth of Africa has gradually
become extl11ct, or the Amencan Red Indian is about to be
eliminated, then, accorcting to the Theory of Evolution their
'fitness' and power of resistance have been exhausted.
TI:e Qur.an has .. in aya IstakhlaJ: enunciated that supreme
law ot surVival and extinction of creations and rise and fall of
human societies the reality of only the first clause of which has
recently been .co~prehended by naturalists of Europe after
long and contmumg research and scrutiny of the earth's
structure. Since, there is no scope for human-type faith in non
human species, and action in their case is a natural compulsion,
therefore in their case accord or discord of natural conditions
with the needs of their life alone constitutes <fitness' or unfitness'
only that species will emerge stronger or fitter whose defensiv~
resources (with which Nature has endowed it) are balanced
with the external and the unrelenting forces of Nature. The
position of human societies; where even the slightest need of an
individual is not fulfilled without planning and effort is entire
ly different. The question of their security and ev~lution is
immensely difficult and highly complicated. And as in this
race for development various nations are surpassing one
another, the problem of individual well-being and collective
survival is becoming increasingly inslovable. Today, in this
bewildering contest for supremacy, countless requirements of
culture and innumerable demands of civilization have become
part of human life. The astonishing inventiveness of science
and the bewildering pace of activation have made life's race
ground well-nigh impassable. In spite of unbelievable expans-

ion of means, personal comfort is non-existent, and internation

al peace an impossibility. Progress and provision of health-care
facilities have caused a disturbing increase in population.
Procurement of dreadful weapons of death and immense
means of destruction constitute programme of every develolped
nation. TIle crumb of bread which at the initial stage of crea
tion was available to man with the slightest effort and least
planning is not obtainable without supreme effort. In addi
tion to tl"iese difficulties, the sway of materialism has created
in the developed nations a general aversion 'to spiritualism.
Arrogant display of physkal p.ower and material authority,
insistence on overlords hip and reversion to animality have
become their second na.tme. Deceit and untruth have become
the hall-marks of world assemblies; international morality and
unity have become figment or imagination and a
mere dream. BTU teness and savagery of power!\J.1 nations have
become so open and ostentatious that dreadfully destructive
weapons are being increasingly piled tip. In short. ing:enuity's
countless machinations and unwanted efforts have today given
an highly intolerable turn to man's economic problem.


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(1""1', ... ,
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~ll~ (;.';lJ:>. iJ~..u~lt~W?I~"~

. 'We did otft'r the trllS[ 0/ understanding (lnd know/edge to .

rite Hew't'I1s (llId tilt' Fal'lh and the Mnlllltains that tllt'y lI1ighr
accept it. bllt
rhey were Ji'igl!fened at its immellsity. wid
declil1ed il1 silence to undertake this stupendous responsibility.
At Illst .Hun accep ted to sllolllJ.lcr it. bu! indeed he ~\.'as I'e!):
uujust alld l'ery foolish til a t wl1'lecessaniy he pu t !lImselj /fl
trollble. "( 33: 77)
Perhaps the Knower of the Fu ture had before Him the
agonising picture of present civilization's tumultuousness and
modem culture's lustful self-aggrandizement that He called man
cruel and stupid when he ac.cepted the Trust. But setting aside
for a moment this dark side of the picture, the important
question which arises today is what, according to the Theory
of Evolution, that Fitness is and what, in conformity with the
unfailing truth of the Quran, that Faith and those Righteous
ActiollS are which have lifted the Western nations to the
pinnacle of material progress, and enabled them to become
dominant and entitled tr) the position of inheritors of the earth;




and what unrighteous actions have taken birth and what

weakening of faith has occurred in the Muslims which have
destroyed their thousand-year old glory and render~'d them
synonymous with degradation and unfit for world leadership.
Before this question is fully answered in a logical and
undeniable manner in this book, it is necessary to settle how
far aya lstiakhlafs casual and limited view taken by the
commentators accords with its conditional and unambiguous
syntax and conforms to its textual content. Firstly, the verse
is addressed independent of time to the Muslims in general,
but the promise is undoubtedly held out to only a section of
them, though it can, in the presence of faith and righteous
actions, be extended to every Muslim community. From this
point of view, only that section of the Muslims of the world is
entitled to the inheritance of the earth which possesses faith
and tltness of actions. Secondly, the covenant of inheritance of
the earth, in the sense of authority over Arabia or the
custodianship of the Kaaba, could' be made with an individual,
or his descendants, or at the most with the Arab pe'ople: it was
not necessarily meant for the entire Muslim people of the
world. Thirdly, the words kamas takhlafalla :eena min qablehim
have made everything clear because there was no 'istakhlaf
over Kaaba or Arabia in this particular sense before Islam, nor
could the warring Arabian tribes have claim to faith and good
In fact, the Designer of the llniverse has in this verse unfold
ed before the intemational community of Muslims the supreme
programme which could be fully effective in every situation
and at every stage of their individual and col1ective, theoreti
cal ancl practical, and spiritual and materia! life. In this code is
guarantieg the fitness of chaTacter of individuals, correctness of
their conduct security of their beliefs, sustenance of their
courage, . balancing of power, and their religious betterment and
worldly 'prospeiity. In this system lies the secret of political
supremact ()f nations, their economic progress, collective
authority, intellectual growth, and. domination in the earth.
"inheritance in the earth," which was promised to the Muslims
without restriction of time, is not synonymous with a weak and
harmless gowmance of a country which sometimes-back they
had in Arabi;], and even now is available to them in a few small
portions of th,e earth; it means complete political authority, and

full and collective economic supremacy m the whole :",orlc1. or a

major part of it: it signifies the suprem~ stage of natlOnalmde
pendence, active vigilance, scientific and hterary resurgence, total
solidarity and high moral character, which were the hall-marks of
the Muslims for several hundred years during the early and middle
ages, and are today held, in th.e special se~se ofy.le word, ?y some
European nations: it means, 111 the West s polItical ten,nmology .
adoption of all national and international mea~s for Its better
ment during peace-time, and employment, dun~g war, of every
fair and proper weapon for its security. !be det~nce of Kaaba,
complete political freedom of the Arabla.n :emnstll~, and the
establishment and stability of formal Khilatat consotute only
parts, though essential, of the whole; in the words .of '~ya :srak
hlaj' it denotes actual enforcemen t and real dommatlOn m the
earth of God-made Shariah, of His own chosen progr~,me, and
His own path and religion. I t is the ple~sing ~tage 0f rel~gIo~~ and
worldly elevation of the Muslims, their natIOnal and mdlVIdual
superiority, and practical and int.e!h~ctual adva~cement" wher:,
through the invigorating power of faIth and aC!IOn,. the con~ers
ion of every defeat into victory, every destructIon mto survival,
and every dread into security is certain.
Just as, every living being lias a natural ?eSlre to ensure
racial survival and preservation of its proge.ny, I~ the same wa.y
has been, ever since man's creation, the aim ot ev~ry dyna~lc
community to be in authority and ensure successive .sectl~ty,
TIle Quran has used the word 'Is takh laf to d~note tl11S .real.lty,
and has made it clear tha t even before Islam thiS n~tllra: In stmct,
existed in various peoples. The Designer~f man.s (~:)Urse ot
action made with Muslims the same pro~1!Se of m~entance as
had been made with the predecessor natl~ns, an? 111 the sa~e
way has He repeatedly described it as 'inhentance 111 the earth .
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At th1s Moses said to hi, people: 'In. this difj~cult ~ituati~n.

pray to God for help and ,.e~lain steadfast. '0~ EQI',th IS God s,
it is He who gil'es it ill inhentance to such oj HIS sen'Clnts,as He
. only those win who have the Jear of
deems 11-t. and eventual/v
GodJ7: 128)





And ullimatel}'. We made inherilors of the east and the

west of tl1is blessed land those who were considered weak
al1~ of no :'ol1seqllence. And God's blissful promise with the
Ch Ildren OJ Israel was righ tly fuftliled becallse tlin bore with
resolu teness til e hardsh ips ji"om tile e lU!ml'J 7' J .n/
At another place, too, is repeated the su bject-matter of ava



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("'1,1 .,: 1'1) ~~~,,'~4.!l.j,~Ll,'" j


And We lial'', after jilily e.\'pl(/il1;'l~ ~/l rh~ c~mma;d.:nen ts,

recorded ill the 'l.l1bllr tlla t Olll' righ {('(Jus .len ',111 ts alone are
the inherirors of tile earth. Verily in this is a great mesSuRI'
for aI/ obedien t people( 21: 105-1 06)
At the end of Sura lumar is said:


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~.1... \..!.:.~


Alld they will say, 'Gratitude be to God Who has jidjllled

this promise, too, and before this also made us inheritors
of the earth. Now we will dwell in the Garden where~'e,. ~ve
wish', And look what excellent reward is for rhose \vho
struggle hard.f 39: 74)
It has now become clear that the Creator of the heavens
and the earth had, in the aya IstakhlaJ. made with the Muslims
the specific promise of complete political domination which
does not merely comprise sovereignty over Arabia or the
establishment of a weak nominal khilafat which today is not
allowed a moment's respite by the murderous peoples of
Europe, but, in fact, its purpose is actual, effective, political
and collective authority over a large part of the world. Neither
can, without winning this exalted position of bliss, God's Relig
ion be established throughout the world,nor can the sense of
fear, which has today engulfed the Muslims from all sides be
converted into a state of peace and security.
This verse was revealed a t a time wh~n a handful of fearless
devotees and true followers of the Divine Programme had been
forced out of Mekka to take refuge in Mndina. Repeated attacks



by the enemy had created a pervasive state of fear; the situa
tion was so frightening and unhelpful th~1t even for a moment
was it not possible to remain unarmed.; the 'mid-nightly cries
of men and orphans, and the early-morning prayers of women
and the aged were striking against the heavens. In these
moments of dismay and distress surged forth God's Mercy and
gave tidings to ,these handful of the Faithful that if .they wen'!
so firm in their Faith and so righteous in their actions, then
they should rest assured that no power on the earth could
humiliate or overwhelm them. 'You are a helpless and humble
band of devotees of the One God, but do not forget that your
deeds and faith have real value in the eyes of the Lord. In your
breasts billow the rivers of fidelity and the rising storms of
tru th; in your hearts swc II the true passions of love for God
and the real longing for obedience to the Prophet You are
without anything. and have no home or hearth, hit you aim at
the imperishable wealth of the Hereafter and the blissful abode
of the other world. You have no resources, but your unrelent
ing efforts and united actions constitute the real basis for
the continuation of the Divine. support; you are small in
number, but wherever you go, the angels of perseverance and
the unseen forces of courage stand by your side. You are one
but become . ten because of the power of your faith and
righteous actions; your resoluteness and true sense of sacrifice
constitute for you the real signal of survival. The multitudes of
enemy have for a moment overawed and made you helpless,
but My promise with you is that if you held fast to these
qualities, yo'u will not only be the unquestioned custodians of
the Kaaba and the real masters of Arabia, you will also be real
claimants to Cyrus' ancient greatness, acknowledged successors
to Alexander's world-wide empire,true sons of Bikarmajeet's
Bharat and the a blest inheritors of Ceasre's pomp and glory.'

(1("'- 1"":110 0




"'s 1..

}~.:o~~'J ~~~~~~.:o

And the unbelievers !laid to their prophets, 'We will aril'e

you out of our land, or, after getting frustrated, you will return
to our religion'. A t this God revealed (f) them the message:



'.Keep Oil struggling as
tllesl:' rvrallts and afrer
land This is the reward
au t Mr Commandments
pllJlis/;men f. "( 1.4: 13-141.

before, We will certainly aJ/l1!hilat~

them will cause }'Oll to' abide 111 t~1/S
of a people wlIich fear:d Me". came~
and- struggled to sal'e Ifselj jlO/1/ MJ.

TIleory of Evolution

[Translated from Urdu, Muqaddima, pages

11-27, Tazkirah Vol. I, published in 1924
by (daratul Ishayat-liI-Tazkirah, AmritsarJ,
THE Theory of Evolution is among those momentous theoIies
the credit for whose initiation cannot possibly be given to a
selected few. A t various stages in the long history of mankind,
thinkers did discuss this issue and each time some addition was
made. During the Greek and Roman periods, we come across
some traces of its affirmation, but except Hiraclese (died 475
B.c.) and the renowned poet Critese; no ancient philosopher
provides any useful information, In the ancient [ndian books
some remote reference to it is indicated. During the Islamic
period various philosophers examined this issue and conducted
a good deal of research, prominen t among them being Al-Farabi
(d. 339 H., 950 AD.), Ibn Sina (d. 429 H., 1037 A.D.), Ibn-i
Badja (d. 532 H., 1382 AD.) and Ibn Maskwaih (d. 422 H.,
1030 AD.). During the period of European Renaissance, the
most important names were those of Haickle (d, 1250 H.,
1834 AD.), Wallace (d. 1238 H., 1823 A.D.), Huxley (d. 1312
H., 1895 AD.) and Darwin (d. 1299 H., 1882 AD.). Darwin's
book The Origin of Species published in 1275 H., 1859 AD.
has provided such an irrefutable proof of the Theory that the
en tire credit for its investigation and fonnulation now goes
to him. But those who first gave a permanent shape to its clause
on evolution were the philosoph~rs of Islam. Ibn KhalduH has_



also hinted at it in- the Muqad4hna of Tarikh-ul-Ibar. In the
text we have particularly mentionecrtlw naIl1e of Abu Nasr
Mol;ammad AI-Farabi not only because he had played a major
part in the early stages of its research and fonnulation, but also
because this great philosopher is held in special esteem in the
Islamic world. In Wafyat-ul-Ayan, Ibn-i-Khalqan has called this
venerated teacher of Bu Ali Sina as the greatest thinker of
The manner in which Muslims all over the world are trying,
due to their ignorance and lack of knowledge, to belittle and
disparage the Theory of Evolution at least shows how rapidly
decadent communities forget the achievements of their ances
tors. I have already mentIoned the names of a few prominen t
Islamic philosophers who made a definite contribution in the
formulation of this Theory, treated it as a vital part of philoso
phy, supported it by enlarging to a great extent the Knowledge
of Nature, and stated the nature of evolution in clear and
unequivocal terms. Since the Western scien lists have today
provided final proof of thIS Theory and by arriving, through it,
at firm conclusions are engaged in finding avenues of security
and stability, the Muslims have become totally averse to it, and,
by indulging in its derogation, are providing the proof of their
own ignorance. In the vast expanse of West's knowledge and
research, the Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection is
such an epoch-making disclosure that it is not possible to have a
correct idea of its immensity and operative force without true
knowledge of Nature. This Theory has really, and to a large
extent, uncovered the great secret of Nature; by tearing apart
the curtain of 'life', it has imparted to man the first and immen
sely valuable lesson of what he himself is; it has provided him
permanent assistance in the Acquaintance of God; it has played
a major role in proving the Unity of the Creator and the Unity
of Creation, the Unity of the Universe and the Unity of all that
exists in it; it has, by enlarging immensely the scope of man's
knowledge, made him God's viceregent in the real sense. Nay, it
has also, to some extent, uncovered the principles of the fall
and rise of human societies which have not been available any
where except in the Revealed Books, particularly _th.e Quran.
Those who are annoyed at it on the plea that its view of 'auto
matic evolutionary process' amounts to God's inactivation or
an in tolerable suspension of His power of _creation, have a



very little estimate of God's Greatness, Power, and Eternity.
The Quranic words m{l qadarullaha haqqa qadrehee (22:74)
testify to. this. Most people judge the Supreme Creator in
contrast to human powers and weaknesses and precisely for this
reason fail to reach the endless stretch of truth. Briefly, the
Theory claims:
I. "In this immense Universe and the vast expanse of the earth
and the heavens is taking place, from the eaily days of creation
till today. an evolutionary and constructive, a gradual and
orderly revolution which is the immediate and direct cause of
creation; motion and heat are the basic causes of this creation.
The Supreme Cause is that Cause of causes Who has put every
thing on its course by endueing it with a nature of its own".
- 'the Quranic verdict is evident from the words of Moses.
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"Pharaoh asked Moses, 'WhO' th~n, 0 Moses, is the Lord of

you two brothers? Moses answered, 'Our Lord is He Who
gave to each created thing in the Universe its form and
-natllr!'! and directed each on i<ts course, (20:49-50)
2. "every living being m the world, mcluding plants and
microscopic creatures, are linked in one single chain of creation
and can be fitted into an evolutionary process according to
the convenience and formation of their vital and other organs.
All this happened at various stages of creation in accordance
with a definite plan, and in graded continuity. The climax of
this proce~ is Man the :lrrangement of whose organs is, in all .
respects better than the lesser animals.





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H(O dwellers of the earth, every particle of thiS world is a

witness that) We made man the noblest of creations, and
created in his organs the best of fitness and capability. Then,
on account of decline in this fitness, We brought him back to
the (same) lowest of the low (which he once was)".(We have
not adduce'd the evidence of the words atteen-wazzaitun;
there is still time in their explanation, but it is evident from the
words radadna hu that man was lowest of the low at the initial
stages of his creation. The scientific explanation of 'as/a/ sa/e
leen! will be provided in su bseQuen t pages.)


3. "The wond is an immense trial house of struggle where

every living individual is like a Mujahid (fighter). They are all
engaged, within their own spheres, in an endless struggle and
unceasing resistance; stability and survival are totally dependen t
on this struggle. Each species, as well as each individual is
arrayed, within the limits imposed by geography and its ~wn
potential, against a neighbouring creation; it is struggling against
local and natural barriers; it is fighting the more fit and more
powerful species, is planning to size up to the enemy, and is
striving to subjugate the lesser and weaker species. In short, it
is making every possible effort to ensure its welfare and safety,
strength and stability. From this point of view, all existing com
munities of animals and plants are caught, due to the aggressive
ness of stronger species, in a perpetual state of fear to escape
which, and then convert it into a state of security, constitutes
the sole objective of every living species."
The entire programme of the Quran is in complete support
of this individual and colle~tive ~truggle. Some instances have
already been cited during discussion on the word Istakhlaf;
but the fundamental principle of "Ye will get what ye strive
for" _(53:39) is written in bold letters on every page of the
Quran. The theme of aya Is takhlal, too, is a significant story of
the cOhversion of this fear of the enemy into a state of security
and peace. The secure position of stability is available to a
people only when it assumes authority in the earth and it is
impossible to establish this authority without effort and action.
. In this abode of suffering and struggle, the aggressive plun
der and tyranny of the stronger species is so manifest a reality
that it does not need much investigation. Every species, from
the lowest to the noblest of the creations, the man, is acting
'upon this rule. The strong is everywhere applying its power
against the weak; the 'big fish' is nourishing itself by swallowing
the 'small fish'; weak communities are in perpetual fear of the
strong nations, and apparently everywhere is being observed
the law of 'might is right', God had in Sura 'Infaal, by remind
ing the early Muslims of this environment of the enemy's dread,
made it clear to them that the attainment of a secure position
by overpowering the enemy is what really is meant by Divine








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Muslims! Call to mind when you were small iff
number in this land, and were despised and considered helpless,
and were in a state of fright, every moment fearing that the
enemy might despoil and kidnap you. Then God Almighty
appreciated your efforts and took you in His safe custody,
strengthened you with His aid, and by making you victorious
over the enemy provided you good things of the world. And
all this that you value these things from the core of your heart.
(l'aallakum tashkarun}", (8:26). (The proof of this meaning of
shukr will be provided in the subsequent pages; it is not under
discussion here.)
4. "The emergence and survival of various species and their
varieties occured through the combined effects of ex ternal and
local conditions and the inherent potential of these species for
evolution. The species which could not cope with the external
pressures of natural conditions became extinct; those which
proved to be energetic by their full participation, continued to
evolve. The entire process of existence and extinction of life is
taking place on the basis of this overriding principle; self
preservation is the primary motive behind this struggle. Which
ever plant or animal species has inheritance fistakhlaO over
any part of the earth, that species is 'fit'; whichever is losing
this inheritance, that certainly is 'untIe. A species which is most
in authority, which is most 'valiant and most energetic', and
has the largest population and evolutionary potential, that alone
is 'aslah' in its own sphere, that alone is assured survival. Nature
renders it completely free from fear by itself selecting it."
The Quran has enunciated exactly the same unfaltering prin
ciples about the death and life of human communit(es which
today_ constitute the nucleus of West's entire scientific
investigation and material progress. It is said in Sura A'raf:

not an hour can they cause delay, nor an hour can they advance
it. If then anybody offered a plea, We would say, 0, Ye Chil
dren of Adam, We had already told you whenever there came
to you Our Messengers from amongst you, and rehearsed Our
Commandments to you, then whichever people, by acting upon
these Commandments, followed the cOUorse of survival (ittaqa),
whichever avoided the path of destruction (ittaqa) and became
righteous (aslah), on them shall be no fear in the world, nor
shall they grieve." (7:34-35)
We will subsequently show in this very volume what the
main features of ittaqa are; its full explanation will be given
under the title "Action" (in the fourth volume). There is still
time to define what 'slah' means. The glorious a}'aat which
show that the law governing the destruction and survival of
animal species is in accord with the law relating to human soc.ie
ties will be adduced much later. Here we have quoted a few
supporting verses of the Quran; the purpose is not, as yet, to
evolve from them any verdict But an effectual and worthwhile
conclusion which can be drawn from these verses at this initial
stage of the book is how carefully the Divine Book has, at every
step, declared struggle, trial and effort as pre-requisites of in
heritance of the earth (isfakhlaj jil-ardh), which constitutes
tll main plank of the Theory of Evolution. In this context, the
Last verse ot Sura Ana'm is very significant.

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"0 ye dwellers of the earth, God is that Almighty Who has'

made you His assistant and viceregent on the earth (that you
take His administration and management ill your han(l~ ,and
He hath raised one peop.1e manystageSover the,Others.,so urat He
may test, in this struggle [or slll'Vival, your capabilities and
potential with whkh He endued you. Remember that if you did
not acquit yourselves in this test and lagged behind, certainly
God is quick in punishment: And if, on the basts ot your
efforts, you surpassed others, then there is no doubt that He is
Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful." (6: 166)
5. "Man was created through the evolution of lesser creatures,
but a .very long time was consumed in the finalisation of this




immense revolutIon, so much so that even translormation of
one species into the next took thousands of years. During this
long period the earth also remained the scene of countless
geographical and physical, chemical and structural changes
and still is.. The process of evolution has not ended; in fact,
it will con tinue as long as the earth and the heavens exist. It
is very likely from this point of view, that man may, through
the evolution of his powers, capabilities, knowledge and effort
become even a better creation which may be closer to the
Creator in respect of qualities. On this basis, the process of
creation of the earth and the heavens is an endless process
which has been continuing for thousands, in fact, millions of
years, and will continue for millions of years more".
The Quran provides such an amazing and irrefutable evi
dence about this clause that it is much too early to state it in
full. At this stage are being quoted a few verses along with their
. coherent translation, The undeniable explanation about the cor
rectness of their meanings, word by word, will be given at
appropriate places in the main text..

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_. L.-'U<>II")lI","?~I~<S~I.,u.1

"0 ye people! God is Great, Lord of all, Who created the

wonderous complex of the heavens and the earth in six 'Days'
of long durations, and, firmly established on the..Throne of
Authority (al-Al'sh), is running this supreme administratipn. 0
ye human beings! Ye have none besides Him to protect or
intercede for you. His authority is operative everywhere; Hi's
Law is extent to every place. Will ye not then receive admoni
tion from this wonderous world and its supreme admjnistra
"He is that Supreme Creator and Doer ot Great DeedS that
He noats the idea of a Universe-wide law (al-Amr),_ an immense


plan (al-Amr), a supreme decision or an affair (ai-AmI') trom

the heavens to the earth. Then this affair, on account of its

immensity and vastness, slowly and quietly evolves (ya~ojo)

towards (ilahee) His Will over a long period (fi-yaum) which

may be more than a thousand years of human reckoning or

even more, and on the basis of its own inevitable effectiveness

reach<:!s the climax. (In other words. His immense plans ar!" com
. pleted In thousands of years; the enforcement ot His universal

law is felt after centuries; His will is fulfilled even after the lapse
of generations). Such is He the Knower of thousands of years
hence (A 'limul ghaib), an d the true Ascertainer of the presen t
(Washshahadat), the Exalted in Power (AI-A z iz), the Merciful
(AI-Rahim) God on Whose Beneficence, Forbearance and
Supreme Knowledge and Action is functioning this immense
"He is that Great Architect Who has made everything creat
ed by Him most good, and initiated rbada') the noblest crea
tion of man from as insignificant and inferior a thing as clay, .
then slowly and slowly He sustained the progeny of this first
initiation, this lesser creature, this ancient creation, after thou
sands of years of planning and formation, from the sperm (of
higher animals) of a nature of a fluid despised; then after
crossing this immense stage of sperm seeding, He created, after
further planning and execution for thousands of years, the best
proportion (summa sawwahu) in the organs of this new crea
tion. Then in that noblest of creations, He breathed small bits
of His own incomparable qualities; by giving him from His side
a little knowledge, a little authority, a little understanding He in
a way breathed His spirit into him (wa nafakha fihi minrruhehO
And today, ye human beings, after passing you through all these
stages He blessed you with those Supreme Divine favours, and
endued you with those unique exhibits of God's qualities which'
are called the Ears. the Eyes and the Brain with which (not
withstanding the fake ears, eyes and minds of all the lesser
creatures) you can truly lislen, see and understand. AJ;tfi/)$-:JU
value them very little and put them to very little use (qaleelum
ma tashkarunJ. "(32:4-9).

a) It is nQt easy to comprehend the real philosophy under

lying these lofty verses. Bu t, as a preliminary elucidation of the
aforesaid meanil!:gs, the student of the Quran must keep in view




that vdse of Sura Momin where man's creation has been des
cribed so great and momentous an achievement that it has been
compared with the creation of the earth and the heavens.
"0 ye people! If you reflect, you will inevitably reach the
conclusion that creation of the heavens and the earth is a greater
matter than even the creation of man. But most people under
stand it not". (40:57) [n other words, man's creation was not
a joke, that a clay structure was made and then, God forbid, a
magician bl'ew life into it, as the ignorant think; rather, it was
a gigantic evolutionary process which was finalised after hund
reds of thousands of years. This is what is indicated by the repe
tition of the word summa (32:8-9).
Otherwise, too, the initiation of the human race from the
sperm and then giving it a proper shape would appear senseless.
The word bada which occurs in 22:7 indicates that the crea
tion was initiated from clay and not that it ended with it. TI1e
amazing research by the modern science has also established
that man, in fact every living creature, was created from this
wet clay.
"We created man from the sticky clay" (37: 110). In Sura
Rahman is said: "He created man from the sounding clay like
unto pottery". This sounding sticky clay is the first material
for man's creation which is found in abundance at the bottoms
of pools, tanks, mud or SWan1pS or on the banks of lakes within
whose wet material the Western scientist finds, with th~ aid of
his microscope, concealed millions of 'single' individuals of the
Supreme ('rea tor. All these 'creatures' are so minute that a
single cell constitutes their entire universe wherein abides secur
ely the universal embodiment of life. The European naturalist
claims that all living creatures came into being through the
assemblage and association of this single unit of life, and after
passing, over long periods, from one abode to another and one
station to the next on the basis of its evolutionary capability,
reached the stage which culminated in the noblest of creations
man. The Quran enunciated this epoch-making truth 1200 year~
before the soul-stirring scientific research by Europe in such
ilTefutable and stir-creating words on knowing which the entire
community of Western scientists would inevitably bow down
before thIS supreme document
Sura Ana'm Says:







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"0 ye people! It is that Supreme Creator who initiated the

creation of a being of your noblest status from a microscopic
cell (insha a kum): TI1en He transferred that single cell from
one sojourn to another till He brought it to the last station and
the permanent abode which is the mind of the noblest creation,
the man. We have explained these wonders of Our Power to a
people which understands Our Actions and has true knowledge
of them." (6:99)
(The word nafs is very siginificant; it means a single cell, an
independent unit of life. The Quran has everywhere referred to.
nafsill wahidafin: there is nowhere any mention of bashrin
Wahidin. TI1is discussion will, however, be taken up at the
approptiate place.)
There has been available no better and clearer evidence of
the Quran being the Book of God than its verdict, as a Divine
. Document, on evolution and then its cOlToboration from the
visible and scientitic evidence.

B) TIle word ya'rojo which occurs in the aforesaid verse of

sura Sajda, makes it evident, from grammatical point of view,

that its subject should be God and the pronoun of 'nahee'

should refer 'to al-Amr but the commentators have shown
'al-Amr' as the subject of 'ya'rojo' and have held, against the
rules of grammer, that the pronoun refers to the Divine Book,
thus making a hodge podge which need not be reproduced
here. In the aforesaid translatio1.,,,the commentators are genera
lly followed from the grammatical point of view, .though i.t
was not necessary; and since ya 'rojo here means evolvmg steadi
ly, therefore from this point of view, the meaning becomes
more obvious,
"God is thitf supreme Creator and Performer of Great Acts
that He proposes a supreme project from the earth to the
heavens and then this great project turns to Him over a long
period 'which may be a thousand yeats according to your
reckoning." In other words the project is c.omple.ted. after
thousands of years. From this clear translation IS further
upheld the process of evolution.
(c) Su ra Sajda's verse of yadabbir u 1 amI' ~as gI~en a deCISIve
explaination of the meaning of 'yaum'. It IS ObVIOUS that the
earth and the heavens were not created in six days of our



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reckoning which, in fact, did not exist then; rather it took place
in thousands of years, or at least in six thouSand years. But
this fixation is also not correct, because this estimate of 'yaum'
has been deleted in another verse and made limitless with the
use of expression ka aile sana tin in 22:47. "And these people
ask thee to hasten on the PUnishment, although God does not
fail in His promise. And a day to God is like your one
thousand years; why should then He be in a hurry." In Sura
Ma'arij the duration of a day is even extended to 50,000 years.
"The angels and the 'spirit' evolve unto Him in a Day the
measure whereof is as fifty thousand years." There is still time
to explain what Malaika and al-Ruh signify, but these verses
show that Day is a limitless period which can be equal to
thousands, even hundreds of thousands of years, and that the
creation of the earth and the heavens took place in hundreds of
thousands of years. The ascendance of the 'angels' and the
'spirit' (whatever their reality) is another indication towards
evolution, which is evident to every man of understanding.
For the comprehension of the word 'six' in the aforesaid
'six days' more explanan tion is necessary which will be given
in the subsequent pages.
(d) There is a slight indication in the Quran about the likelihood
of man himself evolving to a better creation, which has already
been mentioned during discussion on 'lstakhlaj', and is being
repeated here. 'If We had thought it fit, We would have con
verted you to be angels and made you your own inheritors on
the earth". Here the word minkum is very significant, but
whether the 'angels' are in every respect supreior to man or not
is debatable; this will be explained at the appropriate place.

Some of the branches and leaves were shed off which could be
likened to 'unfit' species. Man is the highest branch which itself
has a number of offshoots; these offshoots are stronger and
fitter than, and variant from, each other in respect of colour,
race and level of intelligence. Whichever people or race today
holds sway over the earth apparently as well as in actuality ~s
saleh; and it is her right to remain entrenched on the top of thIS
gigantic tree,"
'(a) The Quran has stated this symbo~lsm of tree. m very,
profound and meaningful words, but then truth has smce long
been distorted by the unworthy Muslims. It is stated in Sura
Nuh "And 0 ye dwellers of the earth, God produced ye human
beings from the earth like a tree" (71: 17). Si~ce there is n?
visible form of man growing from the earth lIke a tree, thIS
Revelation must have some other mean!ng for which God,
took the care of sending a complete verse, Bu t what concern
have the Muslims of today with what the Quran means, engaged
as they are in procuring blessings for their dead ?y ~eciting the
Quran several times in one night! When at the reCItatIOn of each
word are automatically added to their ~redit hundreds of
thousands ot vrrtues, why should they botner what the real
meanings are. In til is Sura is also contained another great
theme which' has been enunciated in two ,complete verses.





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The other sections of the Theory of Evolution are as follows;

6:- "Various species were born' through the association and
multiplica tion of the 'single cell'. however, every new species
was not only fitter and better equipped than the previous one,
but in each form of association there remained also the poten
tial for evolution within its own sphere, till that species itself
reached the highest stilI!'" In other words EV0lution is a tree
from which sprang varioLls branches,' alth'ough the base is the'
same. These branches flourished on their own pattern', in fact ,
ea.ch branch released new
branches. On them blossomed
differertt flowers, which constitute varieties under this, clause.

"0 ye people, what is the matter with you that you have
no hope of mercy and exaltalion from God; you do not expect,
by acting upon His Law, to assume the best position, although' .
it is He, the Real Benefactor, Who has created you in diverse
ways and after passing you through many stages of creation. By
evolving you from the lower to the higher species, and changing
you from one nature to another, He bestowed on you the
honour of being the Noblest Creation, "( 17: 1314) .
Can the connection between the verses of waqaar and
atwaar be understood in any other manner? And was that
unfaltering Prophet, Noah, addressing his people' without
knowing wh"J.waqaar signified? .
(b) Man's
elioritv over other species on the earth is manifest
to evel:ybody; so is obvious the supremacy of a people which
has mastered the land, the sea, and the means of livelihood.
But th~ Word of God does not accept man's superiority over





all creations in the Universe and gives a definite indication that

there exists a better creation in the endless expanse of the
space. But how many centuries will the West, winking present
ly at the Mercury, require for verification of this fact is not
known. In Sura Bani Israel is said:
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"And certainly, by making them

the noblest creation
We conferred a great honour on the Children of Adam; by
making them masters of the vast stretches of the land and the
sea, We made them real rulers of the earth. We gave them for
sustenance things good and pure, and put them above a great
majority of whatever. We have created in the Universe. "( P :70)
(7): "Bones and skeletons buried many miles deep under
the earth's strata,not only inform of the species which existed
on the earth before man; they also constitute a conti'nuing
record of physical and geographical, local and creative
revolutions which took place-and are continuously taking
place-ever since creation. In other words, various regions
of the earth lying one over the other form pages of the Book
of Nature, and the bones as its indelible letters with which can
be constructed a continuing story of the earth. The lower
regions are certainly more ancient than the upper ones, and
their fossils are true certification of the graded process of
creation. The study of these fossils reveals that though the
process of evolution started in the lowest region with the
earliest creatures which were just microscopic particles of
flesh, in the upper strata near the earth's surface, evolution
branched off with such intensity that very big and powerful
animals (whose even skeletons are many times bigger than the
persent day's largest animal) for long inhabited the earth.
Their eventual extinction from the earth, and the survival
of apparently weaker species for millions of years prove that
mere physical force or aggressiveness does not suffice in the
~trugg1e for. existence. Fitness to survive is something more;
1 t means active countering of the formidable forces of Nature
which stand in the way of evolu tion and which are confront
ing each creation in. proportion to its capacity, If, in spite of


its -physicai weakness,the ant has been in existence on the earth

Tor so long a time, and the mammoth, which was many timt.:s
larger than the present elephan t, has become ex tinct, the reason
certainly is that the ant has fought the obstacles of Nature
more energetically and more effectively.'~
The entire programme of the Quran is such. a complete and
final, immu table and unique embodimen t of this supreme and
highly beneficial truth that the knowledge and achievements
of Europe, its social concepts and collective wisdom, its
scientific supremacy and development policies appear before
the Quranic verdict nothing more than an alphabet The COlTect
and irrefutable definition of 'fitness' is the main theme of this
book the proof of which will be available on every page;
aya lstakhlaf itself provides its .full endorsement. For the
present only two significant verses are adduced as a tormality
" In support of this clause. I fear. however, tl1at some misun'der
standing may arise while trying to derive conclusions from them
at this early stage, thou-g.h they will be repeated in the textaj
appropriate place for the elucidation of what they actually
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"On the one hand was Pharaoh' busy in demonstrating his

overlorship; he was pitting for this purpose various sections of
the weak and depressed people against one another, and sub
jecting the helpless Israelites to tyranny (28:4); and .on the
other hand were We determined to take under protectIOn the
very people who were considered weak in the land, to tum
them by making them obedient to Our Law, leaders of the
land,' and eventually make them inheritors of the kingdom on
the strength of which the Pharaoh was so arrogant towards
them. Nay, We wanted to estahlish them firmly in the land and
show to Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, and Haman his Olieftain,
and their arrogant (British type) soldiers who strutted about
insolently the same destruction and degradation the fear of
which ha~nted them (when they lashed the oppressed brick
makers on their naked bodies and unabashedly pu t to death
their womenfolk and



"If then. apart from the celestial bodie~ the attention is

tocussed on the state of lite, the student of Nature would
inevitably reach the conclusion that the secret of 'life' on
the whole of the earth is the same; its condition and form
is basically the same in every creation; its requirements and
compulsions, reactions and feelings, all are the same. Water is
that common and universal source of life without which it
cannot sustain itself. This is what inevitably is found at every
stage of life's creation, and thus, on the earth, too, the Unity of
Life is an obvious fact.
(c) "The observation of heavens has testified that the 'space
nebula' has not yet been entirely exhausted; in fact, it is
circling in different forms around certain constellations in the
space. On this basis, the process of creation, too, has
not ended, but every now and then are coming into existence
new planets, or the older ones are being destroYGd and con
verted into" space nebula. In short, all this construction and
destruction is an endless process, which, according to the
limited knowledge of short-visioned man, leads to only one
conclusion, that the entire Universe is one, its Cause of causes
is one, the form of its unity is one, the source of life is one, the
secret of de.ath is one, the Administration is one, and the
Su preme Lord of all is On e."
This amazing discolsure about the Unity of Creation has
today become available to the Western scientist after life
consuming research and centuries of observation which surely
no previous age can claim. Bu t the declaration of this universal
and truth-revealing Unity was made to the world 1300 years
ago by the Ummi (unlettered) Prophet of the Arabian desert
(peace be upon him) with such authority and vigour that the
like of that earth-shaking faith could not be produced again.
Though today the ritualistic upholders of this Tauheed (Unity
of God) are being annihilated in accordance with the inevitable
law of the same One God, the Divine Record is indelible. Only
God knows what
meaningful questions, and with what
exclamations of admiration. are agitating the mind of the
Western scientist who has become averse to Trinity and is also
. unaware of the .Quran. Sura An biyaa says:

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"And at last We made inheritors of that blessed and fertile

land in both east and west the same people who were
considered weak. And the blissful promise of God Almighty
with the Children of Israel was truely fulfilled because they
bore with patience and constancy the tyrannies of the enemy,
faced their oppression manfully, and had proceeded forth,
" under the leadership of Moses, to resist them (bima sabaru}
Then We frustrated every plan of Pharaoh, demolished the
grandeur of his nation, and in a short while levelled to the
ground the great works and stately buildings which they had
built with the forced labour of the Children of Israel. "(7: 137)
Would not today, after reading this Divine Law, this
principle of the rise and fall of nations, this definition of
'unfitness' the Phraohnic and blood-thirsty nations of Europe feel
tremors through their bodies? And would, after assimilating
the true spirit of these verses, it be possible for the helpless
and oppressed peoples of the East to define 'fitness' of action
in any other way? The
last clause of the Theory of
Evolution is as follows:
8:- (a) "In the limitless extent of the heavens, the vastness of
which is utterly immeasureable, are moving in their own orbits
countless planets of enromous size scattared over horifying dis
tances. The irrefutable evidence provided by this enchanting
spectacle has today firmly established that in the formations
of all these constellations are included the same common
elements, gases and minerals which exist on the earth. No new
element, no new mineral or gaseous compound has been found
to have entered any part of them. This evidence inevitably
leads to the conclusion that all these planets, near as well as
far off, including the earth, constituted in the initial stages of
creation a single common nebula whose various parts, after
splitting apart (under the centrifugal force), solidified and start
ed moving in new orbits. From the physicist's point of view,
the Unity of the Universe is obvious on this very basis; it
needs no other proof.


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"0 Prophet! Have not the Unbelievers, while rejecting the

Divine Law, pondered over the reality that countless celestial
bodies, including the earth, were, in the initial stages of crea
tion, joined together (kanata ratqan), their material was
mutually joined and integrated (kanata ratqan); their nebula
.was one (kanta ratqan)? Then We clove them apart and made
the h~avens and the ~arth wi th supreme finesse and amazing
orderhness, and estabhshed everywhere visible and irrefutable
living and imperishable evidence of the Unity of Creation and
the .unity of t~e Creator. Not only this; it were We, Who by
making an ordmary and common thing like water as the source
of life of every living being, provided to the entire world a clear
proof of the Unity of Life and the Unity of its Creator. Will
not . even ~ow. these. people believe in the Unity of God
Almighty, 10 HIS Umqueness, Unshared Administration Uni
versal Authority, Immense Creativity and Supreme Order
liness"(21 :30).
Had not., 340 .vears ago, when there existed not even an
iota of We'if's
present-day scientific evidence when the
bewildering darkness of ignorance and superstition had engulfed
every part of the world, an illiterate, orphan and oppressed
lndh'idual from amongst the world's most ignorant, unknow
ing, superstitious, and craftless people, through the force of his
observation, God-given knowledge, and understanding heart,
become such an incomparable knower that today even a
thought of it is bewildering? And was he not, when these
verses were revealed to him, sitting at two yards, or even closer,
to God Almighty Who is the First Cause of all this Creation
and witnessing the Supreme Heavenly Administration? I~
Sura Najam,this orphan has received from the Lord of the
Universe this Y!;..r!/ c"rtifi~tion .. which; after this amazing
disclosure in' aya Rataq, :will be spontaneously testified by
each and every Western scien tist

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"0 ye ignorant dwellers of the earth, and 0 ye who are

unaware of God's Greatness, the star that shoots off the roof of
the sky and after passing through the last stages of extinction
has become much more aware of the Divine Law of Life and
Death is a witness that your companion Mohammad is neither
treading the wrong path nor has he gone astray. Whatever
supreme facts of the earth and the heavens is he announcing to
you, he is not doing augh t of his own desire; they are all
heavenly disclosures which are being made to him; it is the
Divine Voice which is coming from the heights of the heavens'
h~ has .been imparted this knowledge and wisdom by th~
Mighty 10 Power and Supreme in Authority Himself. On the
force of this knowledge has he today attained the highest
perfection and is seated on the supreme horizon, and entrench
ed thus on the heights of the heavens, is wi tnessing the Admin
istration of the Universe. Nay. he ha~ even risen higher and
reached the Throne of the First Teacher and through hisdevo
tion has moved forward and come closer to a distance of only
lwo bow-lengths, in fact nearer. When he had reached this
exalted state of knowledge and humility, observa tion and belief,
ability and devotion, longing and passion, it was then that God
Almighty revealed to His Servant what is before you. 0 ye who
are ignorant and oblivious of the truth, Mohammad has not
. been beguiled by what he saw and understood. Are you, then
disputing with him about the overriding Quranic conclusion~
the truth of which he saw with his own eyes. (53: 112)
Has till today a better and a more permanen t elt'ivation of
knowledge and awareness been possible even for the greatest of
Western philosophers, greatest of thinkers, and greatest of
naturalists? Could in that pervasive environment of ignorance,
superstition and conjecture, the attainment of such a breadth of
vision, so clear a view, such a loftiness, and such truth-unravell
ing heights be the work (God forbid) of an impostor, an
ignorant, self-seeking and status-conscious person? Has the
theme of aya Rataq (31 :30), aya Mastaudah (99:6), aya Nibat
(17 :7) aya Safileen (95: 5) etc. been mentioned by any other
claimant of knowledge, any teacher of philosophy, by an
Aristotle or a Plato of the time except, many centuries ago, by
that Leader of the Universe, that Knower of Truth and the
Acquaintance of God, the greatest benefactor and the greatest
of the knowledgeable, the man Mohammad (may peace be




upon him)? Was not Europe's greatest philosopher, Aristotle,
(d. 321 B.c.) of whose philosophy and farsightedness Europe is
today, through bigotry and prejudice, so proud, and the
attempts to cover up whose monstrous blunders in the field of
science are being made through fantastic interpretations of what
he said; yes, was not this Aristotle, by announcing, despite
Pythagoras' correct pronouncemen t (d. 500 B. C.) two hundred
years before him, the earth to be the centre of the Universe and
stationary, with the sun and the moon moving around it, and
by considering space a void with stars fixed in glassy globes,
making such a fatal blunder, exhibiting such an awefulignorance,
and indulging in such a vulgarity that under its influence, till the
publication of the findings of Copernicus (936 H~ 1532 A.D.),
the world remaind stranded for full 1800 years? And then was
it not the awesome message of that Pride of creation, that
Thinker from Arabia, that Mekkan and Medinite Teacher of
mankind and the pupil of God, who by announcing 900 years
before the acclaimed system of Copernicus (d.949 H, 1543)
A. U.) and in spite of the gross ignorance and lack of apprecia
tive sense of the Muslims had demolished Aristotle's mischevous
philosophy by declaring that not only the earth bu t all the
heavenly bodies.. without a single exception, are in motion?




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"0 ye people! It is God who created -the countless stars

(samawat) of the heaveris and the great planet of the earth.

And now after this amazin~. arrangement of the heavenly
bodies and fixed the time of the sun's rising and setting
does He every aay wrap tile darkening blanket ot night around
the shinin'g body of the day, and then slowly and slowly puts
the bright curtain of the day on the dark body of the night.
And the most amazing thing is that He has subjected the great
planets like the sun and the moon to His Will, and made them
subservient to His Command and obedient to His Directives.
, All these heavenly bodies, the sun and the moon, the stars and
the earth, follow a course for an appoin ted term, and are
fulfilling the Divine Will. 0 ye people, listen attentively that
that Supreme Creator is very Exalted in Power, and is also Oft
Forgiving." (39:5)

Did he not, then, to completely silence the opponents and

establish the immense superiority of Islam's
philosophy over the Aristotelian system, pronounce, by offer
ing an irrefutable elucidation of this very somewhat vague word
(yajri) immediately after the 'aya Rataq' that the stars (samawat!.
the earth, the sun and the moon are all, without exception,
moving in their respective '/alaks' and orbits; and tha t 'assartL. '
(apart from the Quranic meanings of 'assamawat' and 'aJlak')
means that 'secure', impenetrable, inaccessible and invisi
ble 'roof beneath which is taking place the immense activity of
the Uni~erse, and the security of which has today been accept
ed by theentireWe.st1
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"0 Prophet, do not the Unbelievers see that countless

heavenly bodies and the earth were, at the initial stage of
creation, joined together? Then We tore the two apart, and We
created every living thing from water, Will they not, evenafter
this amazing disclosure, believe in the Unity of God? And We
have set on the earth towering mountains standing firm at
proper places lest the earth may (during its motion) bend with
them on one side, and its centre of gravity gets disturbed. And
We made therein broad. highways for the people to pa~s
through. And We made the sky as a canopy strong and safe,
securing permanently every part of it against encroachment by
man or any other creation. YeL even after witnessing this
amazingly strong construction and security-mindedness of GOd
Almighty, people turn away from His safety-ensuring Com
mandments. And ye people, it is God Who brought into
existence from non-existence the great realities of the night and
the day, and created the immense planets of the sun and the
moon, All these, the sun and the moon, the stars and the earth, .
the night and the day, are swimming along, each in its own
orbit." (21 :30-33)




IJO,e:- n01 ullS awe-inspiring explanation of m,ountains on the

earth tully ?orrespond to the fundamen tal law underlying the,
pr~va~ent vle:-v of the force of gravitation and the basic
pnnc.lplc of mtegral calculus which makes it essential for a
rotahng body to have, for a unifonn and stable motion its
centre of gravity within the orbit, and without which' the
pe~et:lal wobbling of that body, in fact of each part of it
I: mevltable? Is not the claim in itself a glaring proof of th~
tac~ tha t th~ Ptolemai,c and Aristotelian system was a stupidity
whIch was tollowed tor centuries by human beings on wrong
~resumptions'? And when every heavenly body has an orbit of
Its 0,""11, t~1en ce,rtainly th: earth too is moving in its orbit, and
movmg :mthymfonn motion, Nay, was not in the Corpemican
system ItseH, by elucidating vital sections of which as facts
Europe has today won all laurels in the search for Truth and
some of whi?h were blindly accepted for abou t three hu~dred
years, yes, dId not the shameful blunder of accepting in this
verr system, the sun as stationary persisted for many c~n turies
W.hIC? was corrected by Herschel (1137 H., 182'2 A.D,) after
hIS lIfe-long ob~ervation only a century and a half ago (1197
H., ~,783 A.D.) In the follo~ng epoch-making declaration?
. . And th~ sun, along WIth the whole of its planetary system
IS Itself ~ovI?g around a distant orbit, and its movement at
present IS duected towards a constellation of stars named
Hercules. "
Ah! Was not then this supreme reality and awesome truth
clearly stated 1200 years earlier by the Quran brought by
MU,hammad {peace be upon him}-apart from the awe-inspiring
words, kullun fi falakin yasbahuna (from which the motion of
the sun ar?und an orbit is quite evident)-in the same sublime
and stu~nmg words which Herschel, ignorant of Quran and
un~cqua1l1ted with
Muhammad (peace be upon him), was
oblIged to repeat?




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the sun is cons tan tly moving tow'ards a station-ot its
own. 0 ye pe~p\e, ,this is the course determined for it by Him,
the Exalted In MIght, the Almighty (from which it has no

('<-I"q: ,..,)ou~ c!.U,.; () 'tJt; b)





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power to deviate). And We have measured for moon's motion

the mansions to traverse. And in such a manner that its lighted
portion continues to diminish till it becomes crooked and thin
like the old and the dried lower part of the date-stalk. Neither
the sun has the power to leap forward and catch up the weaker
moon, nor the night can outstep the day. And all these bodies,
(including the earth which has been mentioned in 36:36) are
swimming along, each in its own orbit." (36 :38-40)
Yes! Bu t wha t power poor Herschel had to compete in
knowledge with that All-Powerful and All-Knowing Being in
whose grip even the sun -- 1.3 million times bigger than the
earth .... is utterly helpless'?
The Quran provides such a decisive evidence about the
Ildrd pan (c) of the last sedion of the Thl.'ory of bolution as
makes utterly inapplicable the inactivation view about God
!\lmi~hty (of which philosopher Ih1-i-3adia was so convinced.',
The Word khalq has been llsed in the Quran ror every type of
creation, [n this very footnote the e-x pression has been used
forman (95:4), (37:11), (55:14), (71:14), for the heavens and
the earth (32:4), (14:57), (39:25), for night and day, and the
sun and the moon (21:33), in fact verse (20:50) pertains to
creation of' everything. From this point of view, all the
pronouncemen ts which arc found sca ttered in the Quran abou t
the initiation and repetition of creation by God are not con
fined to a particular type of creation (for example, man,
animals. or plants), but they mean repeated creation of every
thing in which undOUbtedly are included the birth of new
~'ama\\'at'. new stars, and new planets. Here are mentio~ed a
in,;;tances. Sura Yunus
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"0 Prophet' Ask these peopk, 'Is then' anyone of your

'partners' and accepted gods who can originate creation, and
thcn repeat it again and again?' Tell them that it is God who
originates creation, and then keeps on repeating it. Whitherare
:-..: deluded away then?" (10:34)
This point has been made more clear in Sura Ankabut
\\ lll'\'c has been given an invitation to actually witness the
pru,'csS of repeated crcation, though here by!creatlo;l' h mean-t
ollly the creation on the earth.






{I"-\'l~rq )O..r:::'....;;~(.p~

"Have not the unbelievers seen how God creates fro'm
nothing and then keeps on repeating it? There is no doubt that
all this (initiation and recreation). is most easy for God. Tell
then~ to travel through the earth and see how did God oriRinate
creatIOn; then the same God will annihilate them and
ini.tiate a new creation. Undoubtedly, God has power over all
thmgs." (29: 19-20). (Verse 19:29 relates to the creation in this
world, and verse 20 to the Hereafter).
In Sura Rum, creation h~s been further generalised by
men tioning 'samawat' and the earth along wi th the repeti tive
process of creation.


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"Ye people! It is that Almighty Who begins creation and

then repeats it and for Him it is most easy. And in the heavens'
and the earth is established the Awe of His power. And He is
Exalted in.Might, Full of Wisdom that He can do this,"(30:27)
The awe of power can be established in the heavens only
when there also is taking place creation like the one on the
earth. Bu t apart from these evide~ces whose sense' has been
rendered doubtful by the twists given by various commentators,
and whose correct and inter-connected meanings wilI be given
in the text at appropriate places, there are other evidences too
which clearly show that even after creating the heavens and
the earth, the Supreme Creator is engaged in other gigantic
programmes and is performing new tasks every day. In Sura
Rahman is said:

"Ye people, whatever is in the heavens and the earth seeks

of .Him its needs. He is not idle or inactive God bu t is busy in
domg some stupendous task every day.' (55:29) .
'Yaum' has already been explained in the previous pages

which shows that the task, too, should be.gre.at. There is also
an indication in Sura Qaf about God not bemg Idle, from which
it is not difficult. to conclude that GOdi.s eve:y ~on~ent ~)Usy
bringing forth new creations, and the claIm ot HIs bemg mac
th e is utterly false.
/:t~ (;:'.'l)'''~ ,:',-:: ~;.v... ,.>"~"c,;.:.';'); - ~H:.Al.:i..~-'


(l"'~I()')"~YU~I,;..oAI..O-'''I';.~ ~~~"

.... ' . ,

"And ye people! Verily We created the wondrous work

shop of the heavens and the earth and all the mighty planets
and living creatures between them in six Days of very long
durations. And in spite of the work being so immensely batTl
ing, and the time so long that you cannot imagin~ it, no sense
of weaIiness touched Us, and We are engaged to new tasks
exactly in the same way."(50:38)
About the nature of creation is said in Sura Nahl (16:8):
"And God is also creating those things of which ye have
absolutely no knowledge", seemingly referring to the heavenly
creations to know which is not possible for the short-visioned
man. In any case, all these indications constitute a collective
evidence of the fact that the Master of the earth and t!lf'. heavens
is not merely evolving new plans after the. creatlO~ ot the
Universe, which has already been m~~t1oned 111 verse
radabbirl/( amI'. but is actually engaged to ne~ ventures
~f every type of creation, including .t~e creation of n~w
heavenly bodies. This today is the. talth. ~f the Western
physicists; and it indeed behoves the Ever Llvmg God that He
should keep on doing something every mome~t. Those ~ho
think of Him like the present-day pleasure-huntmg type of an
idler autocrat seated on the throne of ~utho.rit~ know very
little of that Supreme Master. And the fmt, to tact, the last
stage of awareness of God is that there~ should be tme and
empirical knowledge of the Work of God, there should be
correct estimate of His Greatness and Pov:re,r. there .should .be
full acquaintance with and adequate recogmtlO.n of His Routme
and Habits. But this discussion in itself constItutes a complete
theme which need not be agitated here.
This, in brief, is Darwin's Theory of Evolution. The. Qura~lc
evidence adduced in its support, in fact, relates to the diSCUSSion
of "llmul Quran" which is the last part of this book. To rec~rd
them here. is somewhat before time for a book whose aim
is to guide, logically and stage by stage. towards knowledge and



belief, and, by eliminating the element of supposition and

'conviction', to establish the Qman as a universal truth and
superior to all human knowledge. We have provided some
space to these elevated discussions in the beginning of the book
for the sole purpose ot: enabling the searchers of truth, who
believe every verse of the Quran to be an embodimen t of a
permanent reality, to know, to some extent, the significance of
the Theory of Evolution (which, in fact, is the highest stage of
man's knowledge); at the same time to enable the scientists
who consider the Quran a futility and thus have become avers~
to it, to have at the very outset an idea of the profundity 'of
the Quran and the depth of its vision; they should find them
selves in the subsequent pages how much the Quran is in sup
port of this great Theory, and how far its programme conforms
to this immense truth; how its entire course of action guides to
the sole objective of preserl'alion of the selj~ how strongly it
stands for eollectire security, and how forcefulIy it urges for
in diI'idual struggle and effort: nay,' as does expand their
knowledge about the sublime truth of the Quran with the same
speed should they ignore the present day ritualistic and wordy
Islam and instead rivet their attention on the substance of that"
faith-inspiring 'Islam' which had brought about an earth-shaking
revolution in the conduct and character of a whole world,
which had generated in the hearts of human beings such a
longing for action, such a sense of discipline and orderliness,
and such a unity and harmony as constitute the hallmarks of
every dynamic and evolving community ever since creation;
they should themselve_s find in this amazing Divine Document
the supremepnnciples of death and life which are in operation
on the earth from the very first day, whose story is in evidence
in the facts of history, by which are lifted human communities
to the heights of progress or are pushed down to the harrowing
depths of degradation. From this point of view, this footnote,
about whose length the l.Iuthor had no idea at the time of
writing the book and which was written subsequently on
demand, is intended merely to serve as a caution; its connection
with tht! theme in the forequoted pages cannot as yet become
(:I . '. ar, nor is it our purpose to establish the truthfulness of the
'Qman by according acceptarice to the Theory of Evolution. The
chain of arguments in the main text is itself a thing of per
manence which is independent of this footnote. However, if in


the course of these discussions the Quranic Science, by taking in

its fold the Theory of Evolution, proves itself far superior to the
Europel.ln science which has lifted the West to thG highest
pinnack, then this, in itself. is a clear and irrefutable proor of
the Quran being the Book of God.
111e debate on the Theory of Evolution started with the
words amt!l-us-sa/ihal in 'aya Istakhlaf'.To define the express
ion 'amal saleli' is, in fact, to restate the entire programme of
the Quran, and this 'slaheyer-i-amal' alone constitutes the firm
foundl.ltion of the Theory of Natural Selection on which
depends entirely the survival and inheri tance of various peoples.
Thus, in the present age of knowledge and evidence, the Quran
has a naruml connection with this Theory. though the.Western
thinkers came to know of it many centuries after the Quranic
revelation, or the great concepts denoted by the word sale/war
distortions over ages, and
became extremely
circumscribed or utterly disguised, thus completely losing their
original impact. This is further uncovered when after deep
meditation and retlection the student of the Divine Word
inevitably reaches the c(\nclusion that the Quran, in reality, is a
complete story of the causes of survival and annihilation of
human societi.es which the Administrator of the Universe has
handed over to man as an admonition and guidance, and the
adoption of whose course of action is, in fact. to prolong the
peliod or survival on the earth. God Almighty has finally settled
the question of life and death by fully stating this reality in
Sura MUlk.
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n\ ~ ..~ '6 ~ ;1"':",...- ..r- -..> ~,;.

"Ye people! God is that All-Powerful and Supreme Master

Who has enforced the law of collective life and death that He
may test which peoples amongst you perform good deeds, to
bless them with stability as long as they are 'saleh', and to
wipe them out from the face of the earth when they tum
'gl/air saleh' And ye people, do not forget that the Adminis
trator of the Universe is immensely powerful and Exalted in
Might, and is also great Forgiver of the collective sins of re
pentant peoples." (67:2) ,
. ,
Almost t:wry department of human knowledge and bdlCl
has today testified to the Theory of Evolution in such a
remarkable manner that it has become 11 tterly i1111)(lS"ible for


the Westem world to reject it. The pertect arrangement and
organisation of animals, plants and dead mattt!r on the earth
have made this reality still more manifest. The entire story of
the earth's strata is totally in its support: continuous observa
tion of the heavenly bodies also provide the same indication;
all physical changes on the earth reveal the same story;' the
life history of animal species also has this message to give;
same is the account provided by the ruins of cities and the
same complexion has the tale of what has been happening on
the earth. The process of the child's creation in the mother's
womb proves the same thing; most of the sciences like physics,
mathematics, chemistry, biology, physiology etc. fully back it.
Man's own animality-oriented nature testities that he is an
extraction of an inferior creation, that he has been derived from
lower animals. The general view that the ape gradually evolved
to become man is an unjust explanation of the Theory given by
ingorant people, and has as little a connection with it as
apparently has the ape with man. There is, however, no doubt
that the substance of the Theory, too, has been undergoing
evolution. Man was probably conscious of stage by stage change
on the earth (first clause) since a time which cannot be
specifically stated. The ancient Hindu philosophy makes some
queer assertions about the creation of the Universe which have
only a vt!ry slight resemblance to the present Theory. 1l1e
Greeks evolved the view about the agedness of matter but did
not formulate any specific conclusions. The Islamic thinkers
framed permanent views on the first, third and eighth clauses.
But the fomulation and establishment of all other clauses (in

fact, in a way the contlrmation of the entire Theory) is wholly

the achievement of the modem science. The Theory of Natural

Selection (that is, fourth and seventh clauses) was first

enunciated in 1228 H., 1813 A.D. and later in 1246 H., 1831

A. D. by some li ttle known physici~ts of Europe, bu t by discover

... ing it anew in 1274 H., Uj58 A.D. Darwin and Wallace firmly
established it on. the baSIS of their intensive reasearch. Since
. then, every day new evidence is becoming available in its

support, and a stage has arrived when the Westem scientists

would not object to its inclusion among the proven discoveries

of modem science. The word 'theory' has been used in the main

text but the title of 'theory' does not behove it though in




comparison to the definite and immu table truths of the Quran

it is proper to describe this incomplete enunciation as a theory.
1l1e sudden attack which has recently (1341 H., 1922 A.D.)
been made on the fourth clause, the Natural Selection, by two
scientists of the Cambridge University, Dr.
Wills and' Dr. Yule, is not worth formal refutation or
elucidation in this book. Till now, no worthwhile section of
scien tists has given any importance to their claim, and to
cast doubts' on the fundamental principle of natural
selection on the basis or a few vague and somewhat commonly
deducible conclusions is much before time, rather highly unfair.
These gentlemen claim that the,1Nh,l(ritance"of the existing
species and varieties on the earth did 'not take place in accor
dance with the principle of 'suf{lival onhe fittest'; rather every
species remained ex tent and stable in accordance wi th the
duration of its advent and the period of its stay so much so that
the extent of a surviving or an extinct species could be calculat
ed with the aid of ma thematical rules of multiplica tion and divis
ion. The progression of each species and each of its varieties
also, in their opinion, took place on the basis of this criterion.
It is possible that a chance relation was found between. the
tlgures of 'fitness' and 'duration' which might have made it
easier to make certain calculations. But obviously the Adminis
tration of this immense Universe is totally independent of
contrivances and rules framed by man. When in this Universe
struggle and effort constitute the basis of every form of
existence and survival, then the continuation of this struggle is
true 'fi tness', and in the same manner the very ex istence of .this
'fitness' means stability and survival. From this point of view,
the duration of survival period and fitness are synonymous,
having the same root. This is what the Quran claims, and this
is what fundamental plinciple of Thoery of Evolution is. If
<:OlliC apparen t connection is found to have occured between
the period of emergence and that of progression and durability
0'1 the earth, that too is on account 01' this iimer' conneCtion,
and !lot that some new disclosure about the law of life and
death has been made which could not be appreciated by the
c arHer people.





l/as!/I'it!i bdiCl'ed t!nlt ~1'()IIJti()J1, IIIUSt 1;C':\I//~ ill, ,i:~/I1'~
Face-to.Face :l/eetillg witll (d)d Alilllghty. Td/S, III 'loiS IIClv,
. {'fllted the main {JUlpose and programmc uJ creatlOt!, and
tOilS /
I' I
'/;)1' the enactment of this I>rograllll1,le ~\'as 1I1~1l ell( 011'('( IVlt.1
the snecial orgalls of ears, eyes alld Dram, Bejore mall becomes
clir:;ible for this liOIlOW, lie would Izal'e to stmgg/~ hard to,
!Iwke tilll lise of these organs to attain cOl/trol of forc,es of
Vat/lr~ alld eHect conqllest of the UniJ.'erse, Bllt all tIllS has
to be ael/lel'ed. lVit/d1l a specUkd period, 'wit/lill tIl(' terl~1
apfJoill ted', a IJllrase oftel! used by tll~ .'{oly, (Juran" tlia t ,zs ,
before .the Day when God will IInfold ,{llIIseU (tIu/ ,.vllell t.le
earth alld the heaJlens alld all that is betwecll tltem 11'111 be roll
ed /Ill
mall failed to perform tltis StIlP:1U/OIlS jub, s?lIle
o tiler creatioll illhabitillg allo ther olanet 111Ig/lt emerge VICto
rio/l s alit! becume ell titled to Face-to-Face /\.1eeting witl! tit e
Lord Creator.
SII cll all el'ell tllalitl' w()/lld also lIecessi tate a chal1gr: m
the process of man's bi~tll. gradual elimination of?rgall~ .which
are not sllstainable ill other plallets, alld man s ability to
traperse tlirough tlte space at enormolls speed. It was IIllder
tltis (-l)iII/Jelling conl'ictioll that fHaslzriqi formulated a COlllll1.u
nica tioll to the COl/lillI/II it I' of sciell tists (dcscribed by hUll
as Kllowers ofVlIfllrc) lVhiie in i~lil ill 1950. ~llIcl ":s pa: hed it
to sOllle of' tlte leadillR ones affer release III 19:>1. hltat he
wallfcd th~ scientists to do was to Itold (/ lVorld cOllference,
refuse to obey t!le wesent con/Uct-crazv /'Illers of tll~ir .COll!1t
ries who were engaged iI/ utilising the knowledge 0.1 SClelltlStS
(or tftc destructio1l of mal/k.illd t'rrough COI/flicts alld oP/Jres
'slol/, ami assume collfrol ill el'ery part of tlle world. Thlls
alolle cO/lld the scien tis ts filml tli e missioll wI! icIL underlay th ('
gelH'l'Osit.l' of iVa tII,.e ill IIl1folding seere ts of puwer to tl]('ll1:
thlls alulle could tile scientists put mankind 011 the new COllrse



of e)'olll tion to higher .forms of ex is tellce. III fac t,~lashrjqi flad

agitated the idea of a world cOllference of scielltists as far back
as 1924 wizen lie published his 1I101111111elltal work Tazkirah,
and later in 1934 also prel)ared an essay ill Englislzf()1'pliblica
tion in Britain. BI/ t he had already started the Khaksar Mope.
ment and was left with little til/1e for this type of effort. T'le
essay callie to ligh t almost 17 years after Ilis deat!1 lVllile
searchillg liis pOIJers at llis hUlIlble residellce ill Lahore, alld
was pllblished ill a compilation by tllis editor IIllder the title
Afan's R ole ill Life. Mashriqi Itas. in tit is essay discussed variollS
aspects of his world t/leon' ,IS a scientist. Certaill relevallt
portions are reproduced here, ..... .. :.F.d.

The Creative Personality

THE Divine All-Creator of the Universe existed as an estab

lished theory long before man made any pretensions to find
other explanation of things and events which were explained
deductively by inference from believing in the actual existence
of a Great AlICreating Agency. As man could not comprehend
such a Supersonic Being who was evidently far beyond his
experience and all other sources of his knowledge, he began by
what was tangible and perceptible to him, and tracing cause to
cause, he hoped inductively to reach the Great Cause, the
Ultimate Cause of all causes, the primary source of all power.
Since then he has subj~cted ma,tter to very critical scrutiny,
and has made wonderful progress in knowledge. At present his
field of operations is confined to this earth and whatever is
found tllerein. After centuries of research and investigation, he
has found out that the substance of this earth and, as a matter
of fact, of the whole perceptual world, which is generalised
under the term 'matter', is composed structurally of very small
intangible particles called <atoms' each of which is further
divisible in to still smaller elemen ts called <electrons' and
'protons', 'electron' being the smallest electrical unit, 2,000th
part of an <atom'. The whole su bstan tial Universe is thus
resolved in to electrons, the unsu bstan tial 'bricks' which are
united to build up this gigantic perceptual Cosmos. In fact, he



has found out that what appears to be very' substantIal and
objective is really made of what is altogether unsubstantial
without any form. In other words, the material of th~
stmcture of the Universe is immaterial, the character of which
is electric and only mathematically definable or specifiable. He
has observed, conjectured, postulated an idea as a theory, and
experimented to confirm or reject that theory. By this process
he has obtained knowledge surprisingly embracing many
phases of human life. The discoveries incidentally made during
the course of his experiments have led to his rapid advance in
his material life. His primary object, however, has been to find
the real composition of, and to explain, the perceptual
He may know still more. His future revelations might be
much more wonderful than those he has already made. The
question, however, is; "Can he at all know when and how did
the cosmic bodies come into existence? How were they arran
ged in their present position, and how were they set to func
tion? Has each one of these bodies rotatory motion? What
force or forces keep them in perpetual, orderly and uniform
motion, which has not been known to have ever stopped or
been interrupted even.for a moment"?
Now, if man continues to grow intellectually and attains
the highest reach of his capacities, it is inconceivable that
while he remains confined to this earth, he may solve the
cosmic questions mentioned above. He cannot get at the
bottom of the real structure and harmonious functioning of
the Universe. Some other Einstein might spring up to deal a
death-blow to the 'electron theory', and enunciate some other
formation. And so on. At the same time man (of science in
this case) can in no case deny the fact that there is a tremen
dous force, an inconceivably immense power at work in deter
mining the orbit-confined and uniform movements of heavenly
bodies. Does that force reside within each body? No. The
force which determines and regulates its rotatory motion
may be indigenous in the bodies, but travelling in orbit must
certainly be due to an extraneous force which may reside in
the central body of the system of which the given body forms
a part. The nature of the force may be conjectured in physi
cal terms, but man has no means to know its source, though



he may find shelter in postulating an inherent property of the
body to generate the force within itself, or of the bodies
collectively, when arranged in a certain system in relation to
each other. Still the source of such a property would be the
q uesti on to be solved.
Let us take the electron to be elemental foundation
brick of the living Universe. It is, as it were, the element of
'life'. An ever active and functioning body we call 'living'; and
we may say that our earth is a living body, a part of the 'Great
living cosmos'. Electrons may be united in any form to
produce a regularly functioning body from an amoeba, or the
smallest cell, to an elephant, or still large bodies. A certain
combination of these cells of various shapes and formations
may pro?uce a particular structure, or an organism, and be
come a pIece of stone, or clay, or a plam, or an anllnatCom
parative complexity in structure determines the variety of the
organism produced.
1lle 'electron theory' has made it easy for us to conceive
so far. But here comes the crux of the difficulty. 'lIas electron
an inherent property of forming itself into any combination and
producing a functioning organism, or does it do so according to
will or order issuing from some other source than the electron
itself? The first alternative predicates an amount of intelligence
even beyond the scope which man naturally possesses, which
is, therefore, unintelligible and inconceivable. The second is
the only possible alternative. It is e~ident that the source of
such an 'order and will must possess the power of deternlina
tion and creativeness, a power that must be unbounded, and
creativeness that must be unlimited and must command any
variety of combinations and creation.
It follows from this that 'electron' is a unit of force or
energy but without the power or will to act of itself, practically
an inert particle, a lifeless 'brick', a mere potentiality, unless
placed in certain relation witll others of its kind. Their chaotic
existence, in any number, can accomplish nothing. There must
be an ordering, willing, determining Power or Mind, whose
intelligence and creative resources should be }nexhuastible so
as to conceive and bring into existence, with or without appa
rent life, endless forms and structures, or organisms having the
inherent property to grow and multiply and continue for ever.
This 'electron theory' is now generally accepted in the



modem world of science as the fundamental structural basis of
the material, or perceptual Universe. Beyond that the scientist
is at a standstill, bewildered how to proceed further to discover
will, intelligence andself:(letennination in this primary material
so as to evolve out of its mass a living world with living beings.
By itself an electron, as it is, is of no value, Its value and acti
vity depend upon its being placed in certain rela tion with others
of its kind arranged in certain ways. It is then that life and acti
vity spring up. To postulate an omnipotent and perfect Mind
or Personality, therefore, is absolutely necessary. Such a Per
sonality should be dissociated from the idea of a vast laboratory
and mechanical applications, with thought, reasoning, weighing
and fonning ideas, inferring, theorising, experimenting, hesita
ting etc., necessary for a scientist. These mental processes are
human conceptions
concomitants of weakness and imper
fection. The Creative Personality must be perfect. above all
neeas and deficiencies. His will must be His order; His order, in
human terms, must be His breath; His breath must inspire ins
tantaneous life and activity. The electrons. which are semi
materiaL or rather ethereal creatures, at once assume all proper
ties, characters, capacities etc., willed by the Creator. -Such Per
sonality is above the material and perceptual existences; we can
not perceive Him; we cannot conceive Him; we think of Him as
superpersonal, supematural, spiritual, whatever that be. His will,
His order, His breath, are His, belong to Him, and partake of
His nature, are imperceptible like Himself. He lives in His own
special way, and breathes life into whatever He creates. The
more we dissociate ourselves from our experiements and from
our data from the material world, the more deeply we probe
into them, with an hair-splitting attitude of mind, and almost
aproach the imperceptible primary elements of matter, the
nearer we approach Him, and surer we become of His existence.
An electron is such an extremely fine electric particle, more
ethereal than objective, that it might be considered bordering
upon spiritual, more kindered to Him than to His creatures, and
is, therefore, quickened by His breath and becomes whatever He
orders or wills,
Supposing the 'electron theory' to be replaced in future by
some other theory about the basis of substance or matter, it
would surely be in the same direction, and the new basis wOldll
. probably be more ethereal and spiritual than the electron. But


whatever it be, it would be som J' 0""

and self-determination' andei;ll~ld
r mel t, llev~ld of in te lli
of the perceptual world we ~ould still b~r. to explm~l the nature
an All.knowing and All-powerful An
111 n~ed ot postulating
and set it in function.
",ent to bUlld up the Cosmos


The orderly, punctual and unfaT 0" I

tions of Heavenly bodies along w'tl \;n",. c laracte~ of the func
the forces at work in 1lel'r 'f 1 ti~ le mexhutistrble nature of
tine ons as well '\s tl
a.bsence of time limitations. as our to '.
' . :e entire
111110" and end impli
tal 19nor.ance of Its bCfTin
es, necessitate the ex istence of
. II' '"
omniscient, omnipotent Living Af'en
an mte Igent,
. ' . '" cy, who must possess sup
reme will initiat'
, Iveness, mventiveness creativeness . d :

tan y tram I1;C~:r I:~%:r
and aUrlbut .
kmd, whose power

they are als~s ;~: ~10t o~lr .beYOl:d human comprehension, but
the deO"
f h eyon us conJec~ure and imagination. Even
.:>ree 0 t e transcendence of such Sll )rc

~~o~,~,~ha~l;~;~~t wereachcanofconceive
hun~an that
the or t 1"

with its never-failin o

,'" ea
1V1l1g !11vcrse
" .
All-knowin!! and AD' never.;~d~ng, hvmg activity must have an
COS1110S, bl~t we ca -power u Il1tell.igent Author of the whole
Author and ~,1aster.nnot at all conceive the nature of that Great
of honest
man's workers of science d 0 k now the natural Iimita
powers, and mllst after all admit that tIle
k,nown .Author of the Un'
minutest investigations of t~~erse IS ~n ,nowable, that their
etc.) and of the cause and e proP;rtie~ of m~ tter (electron
causes 0 all ItS mamfestations will
brin to t 1em an . .
Immense wealth of the s
and enjoyment in this earthly l'f
. ourceso comfort
1 e, II t nothmg more.

b l' Here one is faced with a plausi ble question: "Why should I
Cleve as real what I do not and cannot kno ?" M y
by the
Istence of what one perceives is easy
. t h e routine
. course
f 1'1',
" no explanatl'on . D 0 we, 111
~er~e~~e~v~' bcheve I~ the exis~ence of what we do not actually
,.or examp e. a man IS travelling in an unknown coun- .
1 y. Somewhere on the road a person meets him and says 'look
'er~, ~ey~~~ the next turning of the road there is a lion l~ing in
~m t~S 1. d1md some bushes by the roadside' please do not go
lur er an turn back if you value your life', The warner is

hav~ .b~eIl misle~



ap~arent plausibilityW~f



io unde~~



sincere in his attitude, and declares solemnly that what he says

is true What would the traveller likely to do? Most probably
he wo~ld heed his warning, and would return at once, for he
believes in the presence of a great danger ahead. In another
fonn of the case, the traveller observes somewhere by the road
side traces of blood in a sheltered spot. His curiosity is awak
ened and he cautiously advances to that spot, where he sees to
his s'urprise and horror a carrion of sheep, mangled and torn
'with the Ilesh half-eaten away, probably by a tiger or some
other beast of prey. On close observation he perccives traces of
the beast's clawed paws, very likely a tiger's and that he had just
recently finished his lunch. He becomes sure that it is a tiger's
work and he has no other alternative but to make a hasty re
treat.' Now, in both these cases the traveller does not hiI~self
perceive the beast; in one case, he believes in the truth. of tl:e
statement of another person, while in the other he beheves m
the conectness of the inference he has been obliged to draw
from the object he perceives. His belief and his consequent
action are supported by reason and common sense. There are
many instances in our daily life wherein we are compelled to
believe in the existence of what does not come within the
range of our actual perception.
Similarly, regarding the existence of God, there are state
ments of the Prophets who have passed, and the most wonder
ful objective Universe which we directly perceive, and fro~
which we infer the existence of its Creator. Of course, there IS
no argument for God's existence which would have mathema
tical accuracy and exactitude, but we must understand that the
creative Force of our conception, which we call God, mu~t be
above all scientific or mathematical measures and calc~latlOns;
and it is for this reason that we cannot understand HIm, a.nd
that it is evidently foolish on our part to think of understandmg

So far man is just like a lower animal. He come.s in to ~1e

world, struggles to live, and. in spite of his strong WIsh to hve

on, death comes to him in one form or another. and puts

an end to him. Like the lower animals, he disappears never to
reappear in this world.
One of the most fundamen tal problems in this connec
tion is that of the evolutionary progress of mankind. The
living world is controlled by the universal law of 'birth and
death', and the perpetuation of species, that is. each living orga
nism is capable of continuing its species, and is subject to
death. Every organism struggles to main tain itself. and has an
instinctive desire to live on. Here we have to deal only with the
human organism. His struggit! to maintain himself is naturally
and strictly his personal affair, and mllst depend entirely on his
own effort. "To enter the.paraQise with the neighbour's help is,
indeed, equivalent to the tortures of hell." When you struggle to
outdo other human beings in this race of progress by using your
might to elbow out some and to trample upon others, to tling
one d&wn and to disable another, without the least regard and
consideration for brothers in the race, trying to keep them back
by force or by trick, your struggle is inhuman and brutish.
When you run on wi thout interfeling in the progress of others,
and depend entirely upon your own resources for the achieve
ments you a1.tmn, your struggle is human and fair. When you
proceed as rapidly and as well-provided as you can, and. at the
same time, you sympathetically urge on others and lend them a
helping hand to keep pace with yourself, your stmggJe will be
excellently human and noble, and you will win the race with
laurels. When your struggle lacks effort, courage and determina
tion, and your speed is slow letting others pass on without
attempting to join or surpass them, and allowing favourable
opportunities to slip by, yopr struggle is weak and unnatural,
and you are among the laggards. You are destined to fall off the
race, and not to reach the goal. Your case will be worse if you
make no effort to advance yourself, and be either content to
stay where you are, or beg this or tl1at one to help you. You
woo failure. There is another group in the race, whom the
strong exploit to gain more strength, and whom they use to
carry their various burdens, that is, as their conveyances. Such
men are not men, they have reduced themselves to slaves: they
reach the goal along wi th their masters, but at the end they do
not profit thereby. They are mere beasts of burden, and they
will be reckoned as the hindmost category of worthless laggards.



h' k'
ll1Us, it is eviden t that there is no alternative. for a t ill I~g.
man but to believe that there must, and, therefore does eXIst
'tIle Living Supreme Au thor and Creator of the Universe, and
the Creator of Mankind.

"''''''''''** .1Ic**.


As with individuals, so with nations. If the progressive stru
ggle of a nation includes killing and murdering, forcibly wrest
ing territories from other people, ousting them from their pos
sessions, and enslaving and exploiting them with cruel and
oppressive measures, such a struggle is extremely inhuman and
brutal, and operates against Nature's evolution~ry progress of
humanity. Such a. nation, however it may base its claim on
civilization and excuse itself through plausible shibboleths,
is a sinner, and will, sooner or later, come to a very sad end. A
. nation whose struggle is humane and fair will head the other
peoples with laurels of lasting glory. Such a struggle is based

on sound values sanctioned by Providential direction and God

inspired principles.

The weaker nations, if they wake up, shake off their lethar
gy, gird up their loins to surpass the advancing nations, and
mould and conduct their lives according to God's law, fearing
none but .God, are sure to succeed and overtake, or even sur
pass, those who are in advance of them During all their strug
gle they must, however, keep in view that they are fulfilling the
will of their Lord, and carry out in their lives His orders in letter
as well as in spirit. If such nations do not wake up, and neglect
God's commands, they are destined to die and disappear from
the earth.
From the foregoing account it is evident that the life of
mankind is subject to the eternal process of evolution. and tha.
the general conditions resulting from the interaction of the
different operations involved in this process must be improve
ment. The present man evolved out of the primitive man is
decidedly an improved specimen. Wha t is to be the ultimate
stage of this improvement, to which the terms of ultimate
goodness and perfections are applied? The ideal condition seems
to be the total absence of evil, suffering, pain, selfishness and
cruelty in all exertions. These terms we need not define; we use
them in their commonly accepted and generally understood
sense. The ideal condition would thus be utopia, an Eldorado.
This is theoretic consideration. While considering the real
conditions of human life we have again to survey the various
stages which mark the results of evolution. For our present
purpose it is not necessary to go into the details of every age
and every stage. It is suffici~nt to note that the intellectual and
scientific progress of man is remarkable. What has this progress



. in fits train? Increased measures of comfort ' the mu It'1
p ll canon 0 human needs, the complication of social relations
altogether new economic conditions new methods of th'
?onduct of affairs in
with group life, and,
Improved mea~ures of hap~mess andjoy. I say 'perhaps' because
pleasure and ~oy are subjective senses or feelings. A western
would not denve the same amount of pleasure from an eastern
daI:ce or song as an eastern would, while the degree of pleasure
denved by the western and the eastern from their respective
songs an~ dan.ces might be the same. An African aboriginal
would enJoy hIS waltz. A mystic thinker would just be as much
pl~ase.d and gratlfied with some of his devotional exercises as a
~cIen tist would be at the success of some of his experiments. It
IS not, therefore, the degree and the kind of pleasure that we
have to consider, but it is the sources of pleasure we have to
compare. Th~. ~ources of pleasure to-day are certainly more
refin.ed and CivilIzed than those of primitive humanity. Pleasures
and JOYS a~e, h~we~er,the .side issu~s of life. The real point for
us to consider IS, Are pam, suffenng, selfishness and cruelty
less to-day tha~ they were thousands of years ago?" They do
not appear t~. be so; perhap.s they are worse. In old times they
were naked and ,!lJ?parent; m tile 'present age they are hidden
unde~ a P?lished, civilized and iegalised surface, but
n?tWl~hstandmg, acutely felt by the sufferers. The' modern
histonan depicts those of the past in dark and hide'ous colours
tJIe absence of which to-dar he makes out as an argument i~
tavou: of the present, but remove the superficial polish': and
examme ~e affected hearts under it, the effect would not be
less revolting. Here again there is probable change in methods
and appeara~ce, but the reality has the same bitterness under
sugared coanng.
. We cannot, therefore, help concludin~ that pleasure and
pa~n are blended in the nature of man, and their causes must
eXISt ~d express themselves, in some form or other even in
th: highest condition of advancement. But, alth~ugh the
eXIS!ence of the sources and causes of pain is essential and
persIstent. m:d not completely eradicable, there is no doubt
that alleVIatIOn and relief can be administered. Selfishness
can be greatly eliminated from the human nature evolving
towards goodness, and personal motives can be purged of
cruelty as the tmnecessary weapon for their achievement..




Apparentllarshness and cruelty of measures can be openly set
apart only as merited punishment for wicked acts and evil
deeds, and their exercise thus sanctioned by common social
sense of fairnl!ss and justice would become quite innocent and
u nobjection able.
Su ch would be the righ t process of human evolu tion. Under
the existing conditions we see that the nature of man cannot be
changed. If the conditions were chahged for the ideal utopia,
mankind would become some other kind, say angelkind, which
would be an altogether different world. The object of man's
life, therefore, seems to be the achievement of a condition
where good prevails and evil exists in its least possible expres
sion compatible with human nature. What would be the state of
mankind after the achievement of that state, we are not at
present in a position to say. We cannot say whether he will
continue to live on in that condition for ever, which the ever
changing expression of man's nature does not con film, or man
kind will be still further elevated in status, and be transfelTed
to some angel land, or will be annihilated altogether.

What is the line of expenments suggested by belief in
God-theory,? When I say that the honest scientific thinker
should give up his deductive methods of experiment and re
search for research necessitated by God-theory, I mean only
research in spiritual domain. Nor do I mean that man should
give up altogether research in the domain of rna tter. I consider
the latter as essential for man's evolutionary progress as spiri
tual research: both should be simultaneollsly carried on wi th
equal zeal and earnestness, one for man's advancement. in
material life and the improvement of its conditions, and the
other for developing and perfecting the spiritual side of his life.
We have already seen that for the real progress of man as a
whole the proper developmen t of both the aspects of his life,
physical as well as spiritual, is absolutely necessary. If he con
fines his activities only to his material advancement, whatever
degree of progress he may accomplish, he is no more than a
mere animal endowed with reason and certain special qualities
which are the apparent human equipment as distinguished from
other living beings. The real exaltation of man and his superio
rity to other living species, however, is established by the spiri



tual aspect of his nature which has the capacity for elevating
him to angelic level, where he can perceive spiritual beings, and
can be further elevated to such an extent that he can have com
munion with God Himself and be a fit recipient of His instruc
tions and His guidance. This is man's highest reach of progress
or the perfection of his nature.
We observe that men differ as regards their degree of capaci
ties or aptitudes in intelligence as well as in spiritual sense. This
difference is partly inherent and partly acquired. The inherent
capacities are manifested in the natural course of man's develop
ment, but with particular training or exercise tl1ey undergo
special developmen t, and such develop men t is called acquired.
The inherent degree of such capacities, the natural conditions of
their subsequent development. and the metllOd and the amount
of training practised for the purpose, determine their highest
reach, which is different in all persons in spite of the equal
amount of training they would have undergone. This difference,
however, need not debar him from spiritual exercise, which is
essential for spiritual developmen t, though the individual may
not reach the degree he desires. Those rising to higher planes of
spiritual development will be comparatively few, and fewer
still will be those whose highest reach will overlap. or even
touch the domain of absolute spiritual existences. It is only the
latter few that are destined to be the spiritual guides of the
rest of humanity, and to communicate to them the truths they
will have experienced and confirmed. Material experiments
may bring out or contirm a material truth; the experiences of
the practical searcher of truth in the light of God-theory may
bring out and confirm truths of moral and spiritual value, and
prove the absolute reality of the spiritual aspect of man and
of the spiritual world, consisting of spiritual exiStences and
spiritual forces above the material world which they govern and
control. Here on the one side, there are the 'minu test' particles,
the ultimate elements Of matter, the electrons, protons etc.,
and the permanen t primordial biological forma tive elemen ts of
the cell-genesis of all living beings, the chrysosomes, hormo
nes etc., which are all to be creationally considered: and on the
other side are the forces which stimulate functional activity
in both these elements of the structure of matter in general,
and also of the genetic processes which produce life with its
varied expressions. Between the passive matter and the active


forces, when the materialist experimentalist fails to discover

why and how these elements express the activity, which, in one
case, forms the unorganised matter, and, in the other, causes the
birth of 'life', the spiritual searcher finds that the Supreme
Creator, Whose every action is systematic and organised, and
Who has created an organised world, has created all these ele
ments, and spiIituaIly infused or breathed into them eternally
continued life or functional activity, so that they become the
parents of every new creation. In other words, the Supreme
source of all life and all forces breathed in to them the forces
of eternal life, so modifIed as to enable them to live for ever
in their progeny, as long as the present world is destined to
exist. The spiritualist finds that the ul10rganised matter is f01111
ed to feed and maintain the organised world, and the latter may
continue by the pIihciple of reproduction and annihilation.
i.e. 'birth and death'.
At this point the scientist and the spiritualist meet with the
only difference of mental attitude: Between them lies the trans
parent electronic curtain of double character, material as well as
immaterial, a curtain which to the scientist appears an im
passable barrier, while in spiritual light it is no barrier at all:
through this curtain both shake hands. The scientist has to take
only one attitudinal step to enter the spiritual domain, and the
two apparently different frames of mind become the two
different aspects of the same mind. Does the scientist lose
anything by doing so'! No, absolutely not. He can use all his
material achievements in the cause of human progress with
peace and prosperity. He is not forbidden in any way to make
rurther researches in the sphere of matter and add to human
knowledge. But why should he at all change his mental
attitude? Firstly, because he has come to a standstill in his
analvsis and experiments about matter, and cannot proceed
further by the methods he is accllstomed to: secondly. because
his principle is research, and he mllst not stop his activity:
thirdly, because after all the spiritual domain is as real as the
material domain, for physical existence .vifhour /ile has abso
lutely no meaning, and the association of body with life at once
brings the spritual forces into play. The scientist recognises the
forces of 'life', but he hesitates to accept the spiritual element
in it. He may have some reason for hesitance when the associa
tion of body and life in the lower animals is considered, for in



them we observe no spiritual sense, as we understand by that
term; but when we think of man, the highest animal, we do not
. only observe spiritual sense in him, but we also notice the
developmen t of that sense into spiritual facuIty that can express
itself in the form of some apparently abnomial and unintelli
gible phenomena which can only be explained spiritually. In
man, therefore, the scientist should have no hesitance in recog
nising spiritual element, and the philosophical side of science
forces him to find out the reality of spiritual life. Now, if only
for the sake of research, he changes his methods of procedure,
and follows the systematic method of spiritual development, he
will soon find out the reality of spiritual life, and will ultimately
recognise the existence of spiritual influence in the first and
evelY following creation. It would be just a part of the ordinary
scientific procedure of the scientific searcher to say to himself,
"A hypothesis is advanced by the advocates of the God-theory;
my scientific colleagues havc been engaged for centuries in
probing the mystery of the Creation. By analysing the products
of nature we have succeeded in discovering the ultiIlI<ttl' ';II'U(,
tural elements of matter together with the primary e\ellwnts
which under certain conditions produce the force and foml of
what is known as 'life' which however, still remains a mystelY.
because by ou~ special'methods we have failed to fa tl10m it. nor
have we succeeded in .producing 'life' under any clear and
definite conditions. Our brethren, the advocates of God-theory.
postulate that the mystery of 'life' lies in the imperceptible
spiritual influence, tile breath or order of the Life-Creator
Himself Who ordered. the first mateIial elements of both the
living and lifeless forms of matter to be formed, and breathed
in to them their functioning activity, ordained one kind to fonn
lifeless matter, and the other to form living organisms under the
conditions created by Himself. Jf this should be true, it is
necessary that, though theIr system of thought and reasoning
does not accord with my system of thought and reasoning, I
should tum the current of my thought and of my practice. and
for the sake of discovering the tmth of the Creation. the attain
ment of which is my only goal, I should honestly and sincerely
adopt that theory and the special methods, resorted to by its
advoca tes, of studying and practising spiritual developmen t,
reaching the final stage of spiritual advancement, and find out
ultimately the association and intluence of the spiritual force



whkh, as claimed by the advocates of God-theory, has const
ructed the world, living as well as lifeless. ,.


. Thi~ id~a of the scien titlc seeker would certainly be an

1011:)Va:101l 10 tl:e ~?rk of sCien.ce - to seek help from a quarter
~hlch IS not SCientific, and whIch does not yield to any scienti
hc procedure. The ordinary procedure of scientific work since
~ts. practical begi~ning, shows clearly that the present yi~ld of
It IS :he result of theories formed first, and then submitted to
expenmen:s, confirmed or rejected, as the case may be. and of
new theones, always tested and contlrmed or rejected. But
these theoties are confined only to the material world, and they
are, and have always been, tested by material methods based on
material principles. The spiritual is altogether a new field for
the sci.entist, bu.t .in so far as the scientist as a human being pos
sesses. mborn spmtual sense, he does really possess the inherent
capacity to turn to spiritual problems, which has been lying
dormant on account of his having practised the deductive
methods in the solution of numerous important physical pro
b.lems wh!ch have exercised hiS whole thought and attention.
I'or carrymg on the process of spiritual development no labora
tOIY, no operative technique, no complex accessories arc requir
ed. The only necessity is undisturbed thought and rellection in
perfect solitude, that is, the suspension, for a certain period
~f the ,receptive activity of all external senses, and concentra~
tlOn ot the mind, with sincere conl'iction. on the one central
p~oblem, the existence of God, the Supreme Creator with all
H~s. rever~nce-inspiring and love-engendering attributes of
Dlvme majesty, glory and love, to think that He is the Light and
the S'burce of all life, and with the consciousness of one's own
frailness and humility, implore His gracious attention and re
q~est ~is g~ida~ce to Himself, that is, to the path feading to
Himself. ThIS Wish should be all-absorbing, with all gates of
external knowledge closed during the given time of devotional
exercise. If the individual fulfils all these conditions for only a
small fraction of his twenty-four hours at the qUietest and
calmest part of the night, with.his self-exculsion from the world
of the routine of daily attention-demanding activity, he will
soon find his mind receiving the light of divine guidance and
the spiritual world
quite a new world - will be grad'ually
unfolded to him, and he will find how it governs and controls
the lower world of matter. He will thus perceive the reality of



God-hood, and experience in himself certain spiritualliplifting.

He will be mentally able to creep out of his physical shell, and
understand that all struggle in the world is only to maintain this
perishable shell, which has no absolute value of its own, and
which has only relative value, viz., service of the mind it con
It may be noted here that since the European thinkers knew
such an exposition of 'spiritualism' by eastern scholars of
theology, they called it 'mysticism', and ignored it as not wor
thy of consideration for the purposes of practical life. 'Mysti
cism' arose from the exaggerated ideas of some Muslim dIvines,
who misinterpreted the spirit and intention of Islam, and consi
dered the devotional part of Islam to be the only way to secure
retiemption in after-life. The idea seems to have charmed some
other followers of that religion, who practised it at the sacrifice
of their worldly interests and occupations. A school of 'tasaw
wuf, called 'mysticism', arose, and the prolific and profound
Muslim mentality of the time built up a vast literature upon the
subject. 'Tasawwuf' was divided into several,,'!;ubn prohlems
according to the practice of certain divines of renown, I! did a
great injury to Islam by monopolising its interpretation, and
split the Muslim community into groups, and seduced the puh
lic mind from practical life and its progressive and really cleva
ting aspect, the object of which had been to unite all humanity
on the. one embraCing idea of Divine Unity, and form a large
homogeneous and united human whole in God's Kingdom on
the earth. The Muslim mind was averted from this side; dis
in tegration and degeneration appeared in the Muslim com
munity, which ultimately reduced them to slavery all over the
world. and instead of converting and elevating the rest of
humanity they suffered themselves to be exploited by stronger
and more powerful groups of humanity. A few centres of the
Muslim world which represented some show of force and vitali
ty, were only worshippers of the deity of wordly glory and
renown. Since then no Muslim kingdom has been the product
of tme Islamic spirit. They turned and twisted the Muslim
law to suit their personal gratifications and ambitions, fell
into the rut of the non-Muslim kingdoms, and remained
Muslims only in name.
The western thinkers were misled by this condition of the
Muslim world, imagined that 'mysticism' represented the spi


rituality of Islam, and concluded that Islam with its 'mysticism'
failed in its mission of elevating humanity and was, therefore,
not worthy of consideration. From that time till now they
have hardly paid any attention to Islam as an important dispen
sation, and have, on the other hand, looked upon it as a hin
drance in the way of the general progress of mankind. 'Mysti
cism' is said to lead away the mind from practical life. The
spiritualism of Islam, with the exception of a few moments
,)f self-exclusion, leaves the Muslim entirely free to use his time
and energies for struggle in life. It does not forbid any profes
"ion or occupation unless it be clearly against the commonly
Jc~'epted moral conceptions. For these reasons no western thin
ker, s.cientific or otherwise, has ever undertaken to test Islam
practically as suggested above. The idea of Islamic spiritualism
i"i, therefore, based on what they learnt through the literature of
Ille time on 'mysticism', and consequently not correct. Islam
tkl'initely and forcibly invited human mind to profess the Unity
of the Divine unitedly with common aim and interest. Islam
t'l1collragcs the general struggle for advanCing and expediting the
human evolution so that mankind may soon rise to the God
in tended standard of ex cellence.


() r life

coupled with in tel/igence hal'e so far he en arailablf;' only

{J'n this earth then millions lipan millions of celestial b{)dies
are lying dead and waste,and Nature is eilher incredibly I~'aste
lui and purposeless, or man stands alone in the .vhole UlUl'erse
presumably for an ill telligen t purpose.

"That Intelligence cannot exist without a life offlesh ~Ild

. b lood will mean that the whole Unil'erse (with the excepflo.n
of earth) is withoul Intelligence, which makes ~at~re .agam
incredibly wasteful alld purposeless. On the wl~fI~ry,. Ih~
'intelligent building' - as understood by ma~y -:- oj Natweby
One All-Perrading Agency. if accepted. itselJ pomts t~ t!t.e Jact
that Intelligence de~'oid of flesh and.blood ~oes eXist In the
UniJ.erse, Fro:U this point we can sajely dern'e that j7e.sll an~
blood are not the necessary adjuncts or concomitants oj Intelh
gent life. also that there many be (ol'er and a~ol'e the Ali-Per
vading Intelligence mentioned abol'e) other forms, lh~n mall.
of liFe and intelligent creations existing in the Uml'erse mdepen
dent of the f7esh and blood of the earth.
"If there do exist other j7eshless and bloodless I~tellig~nt
creations. or eJ!en.if there exist other intelligent cre~tion~ Wltlr
physical organs dijj'eren t ji'om man, they CaIIll?t, 1Il pom I .o.f
in telligence, 'be milch superior to man, as tliell' contact with
man or exhibition otherwise has not yet t~kef/ place. A sure
working hypothesis at present, ~here.1ore, IS that man :tan~s
pirtually most conspicuous in the UniJ,'erse - presumably ./01 ~
Purpose of Man's Creation
set purpose". And what Mashriqi described as the set purp?se.
This he said, "can only be the capture and conquest of .the
It was his commlinication to the scientists in 1951 in which
wlwie Unil'erse, and this cannot be until man el'oh'es .Int?
Mashriqi em'isioned the entire process of ellolulion to culmi
higher forms of creation independent ofJ7esh a~d blood of :hlS.
nate in man's Face-to-Face Meeting with the Lord-Creator and
earth. or at least into forms adaptable to the circumstances oj
called upon the scientists to instantly act to save mankind
all heavenly bodies. "
ji'om defeat and complete annihilation. He did not merely
It was on the basis of these conclusions fha,f he jormulated.
enunciate the fiuure course of mankind as a biolOgical entity.
his l'iews on the curren t shape of th illgs and fll ture course 0.1
but also took a higher l,'iew oj' politics in contrast to what was
evolution. In this. same communication to the .scientists he al~o
being practised in the world between the countries and Within
talked of the cu'rse of Capital whic.h. constl:flltes the l1:am
each one of them. A t the l'ery ou tse t he declared that life did
motive power behind international POiztlCS and mternal m~nlplt
exist or had the possibility to emerge in other planets also
lations all m'er the world. He then analyses the basic deJ:cls In
which COUld. in some diStant future. come in contact with man
man's prescn t know/edge, and enl'isio:1S. a new revoizt tlOn t~
either on the earth or somewhere else in this vast Un iversf;'.
reach the final stage to erolution. ThiS IS how h,e stat:~ thiS
~'nllnciating the "set purpose" of man's creation, he argued ('I(
awesome t/1eol'em to elll'isivll bejore man an endless and
In this limitless expanse of Nature amenities for the existence
enclianting course: on!.v a fl.'\\' essentially relerant exerpts are


reproduced here ... ..... Fe/.

Man's narrow international thinking has led him to suppose,

(I) that no field of his activity extends. as a matter of I/ccessity.
beyond this Earth f (2) that the resources of Earth are primarily
and entirely meant to make one nation dominate others and
destroy the weak, not meant to propagate the human species
intensively over every nook and comer of Earth for a higher
purpose, (3) that "struggle for ex istence" is synonymous wi til
Man's international struggles, beyond which he is incapable of
thinking, (4) that his solitary activity lies in the exploitation of
lifeless matter of earth for the purpose of making man strong
against man, (5) that his investigations, by empiric methods,
about human and other /ife are meant for the preservation or
amelioration of that life for the benefit of a particular group
of human beings - the tackling of the great Problem of Life
for the purpose of solving its mystery with the object of becom
ing competent to create it, being a matter of mere academic in
terest, bu t 11 Of of vital importan ce for the ultima te eleva tion or
evolution of Man to higher forms, (6) that life on Earth exists
mainly for the purpose of consumption by Man as food, or for
destruction as a defence measure, (7) that Man's struggle for
existence as a species against the whole of Nature for the pur
pose of capturing it is a far-fetched idea incapable of serious
though t owing to extreme human limitations. Man has refused
to think so far that the resources of this Earth are meant for
the u tiliza tion of all Man kind equally for a higher purpose than
the mere loot that he is taking them to be.
The above propositions cannot hold water as: (I) there is
no reason why struggle for existence as a sp'ecies against the
whole of Nature should cease in the case of Man alone when it
has gone on for billions of years in the case of lower animals
(even though the struggle in their case was extreme ly limited
in manner, extent and quality); (2) they necessitate the presum
ption that the rest of the Universe is purposeless, that Man has
no potentialities further than that he is the prod'uct of Nature
by mere chance, that the Universe is devoid even of that
Supreme Intelligence which brought about intelligent Man on
Earth under a design; (3) Man's struggle against his own species



is unnatural; (4) these propositions make Man the master of his
own destiny in disregard of Natural Laws; (5) they make
"even Na.ture a product of sheer confusion which is normally
revolting to human intelligence; (6) it is improbable that Man,
w i.tl! such,?maII powers as he possesses at prcsen t as compared
with Nature can be the master of his own destiny.
World wars are gradually bringing Man round. to the idea of
one world government, although the vicious intention of man
against man is peroops still there in the brains of the politicians
who uphold it. On the other hand Capitalistic Democracy on
one side and Aggressive Communism on the other are vieing
with each other to capture the imagination of Man, and the
basic idea of both seems to be to appropriate to the full all
resources of Earth for one partictdar group and destroy or
enslave the w\!ak and 'inferior' "surplus" .population of Earth.
Power is borrowed on both sides from the SCientist who is
slavishly engaged in producing instruments of human destruc
tion with almost a religious belief in his mind that he is doing
the right thing. He works in his laboratory under the subtle
spell of the clever propaganda of his masters as a tame slave
of the politician who snatches his inventions from him as a
'matter of right' for the pittance he bestows on him for his
living. And the Scientist, not only now but from ages, has
been going on as a dumb and mute "mock-potentate" whose
status is actually not much above that of a labouer! Thus
Capitalism in both forms, under the guise of the so-called
"democracy" is the arch-curse which prevents Human race
from becoming a fraternised regiment (even on as elementary
lines as the lower animals) for the purpose of waging a collective
war against Nature with the noble and enlivening idea of capt
uring the whole Universe.

A deep renection on FACTS will reveal the hitherto un
noticed Virgin Truth that Capital has inherently no value unless
the invention of the Scientist is there to be put into use by the
Capital. Another deep thought brings us to the equally startling
conclusion that "labour" comes to a complete standstill if the
Scientist withholds .his invention and refuses to teach the
labourer how to produce it. Brain is, thus, in practice the only
thing which moves Men and Money. The Scientist has realised


little during ages that the world moves only on account of him,
that all progress on Earth (in every conceivable form) is due to
his brain alone, that ages of slavery have brought him down to
the position of a vassal. and that dunces and dutTers of "politi
cians" are ruling the earth with tlleir ignorance and lust, realis
ing little that the development of Mankind is taking place away
from the real biological purpose of Nature.
On the sole count of the supreme knowledge that he posses
ses of Nature it is incumbent on the Scientist to lead Mankind
to that purpose for which it was created and not leave the
Human race to the mercy of the capitalists and the 'merry
makers.' TIle very idea that the Destiny of Man be in the hands
of those who are completely ignorant of the 'wi/!' and 'purpose'
of Nature is revolting and is a glaring instance of the collectively
perverse intelligence of Man. .
Scien tist alone possesses in telligence literally superior to all
even his theories _ on
the rest of Mankind, and his verdicts
Nature in all branches of knowledge have been incontrovel1i
bly accepted by Man as TRUTHS. He alone has brought Power
Prosperity and Beauty 011 Earth. 'without him world would b~
dark! His KNOWLEDGE (of the Eye. the Ear and the Brain)
alone is TR UTH, par excellence, He alone is lifting curtains
after curtains to show wha t exal ted Beauty and Tru th lie
behind the Creat Mystery of Nature: He alone, therefore,
is the proper person to LEAD, nay, Rule" Administer and
Maneolll'J'e Mankind to its ultimate Destiny. The bmte politi
cian, who has from immemorial ages torn Mankind to pieces
on the score of religion, race, colour, etc., etc., is the last person
to be entrusted with the Holy task of the El'ollition o/Man!
. The Scientist looks at Mankind from the point of view of
Nature alone. Religion or race, caste or colOur; geographical
barriers or histoIical traditions do not appeal to him. He dOt?s
not belong to any 'sect' of men or 'religion' and is not swayed
away by 'beliefs', stunts or ideolOgies. His Revelation is from
the BOOK OF NATURE itself
which is the ONLY TRUTH
after all. Hi's inventions are entirely for the benefit of
the whole Mankind and he does not grudge their becoming
pu blic property. He alone can come forward wi th )'alid reasons
as to in what channels the collective activities of Mankind
should lie, what his natural line of action should be as a'Mhol,
apart from the line of action the "politicians" of the world put

the world to through the lust of their own possessIon~ and

ignorance of theultima,t,e purpose of Nature. Lower ammals
have evolved them~lves to higher forms by natural urge, natural
selection and strict following of the process of Nature, but Man
has none of these before him through his being the unfortunate
possessor of "discretion" and "intelligence. "He chooses to
chalk out his own way -right or wrong, SO fa.r rather .sadly
wrong. It is essential, therefore, that the Scientist who IS the
solitary possessor of the tn1 e knowledge of ~~ture sholl.ld mark
the way for him in accordance with the requ1T~ments ~t. Natur~.
The Scientist if he comes to lead Mankind ,polItically, IS
sure to level up ~11 barriers of race, religion, caste, colour, etc.,
etc., equalise the distribution of wealth all. over th.e world,
equalise, as far as possible, the status of the rIch ~d the. P?or,
and thereafter mould human mind to one comIty of nations
and' one frate~ity. He is sure to look straigh~ at all strug~es
created by capital or labour and give them theIr pr~per ~eIght
and importance in the light of world problems. WIth hIm ;.,all
perverse differences between ~e rich and the poor: should
disappear, exploitation of man by. man should. vamsh .and
human politics should be seen and dIsposed of .from the VIew
point 'of the stern dispensatio~ of !'Jature. Ca~Ital and labour
being both subservient to the mtellig~nce, the Importance an~
the power of thinking he possesses, he alone has the locus standl
to stand aloft over all oth~r human beings as their Master.
Disposer, and Leader on this earth. All Scientists, being 0e pos
sessors of One Truth all the world over, must ne~essan.lY h~ld
out the One "Truth of Politics," based on the dIre eXIgenCIeS
of Nature alone, i.e., the polity which would ma~e the whole
Human race run on naturaJ Iin'es with .the sole object of evolv
ing Mankind to higher form's of creation.
All viCious influences of Capital can be termmated by one
stroke, viz. the entire and effective separatio~ of the p.~or .
majority all over the world from the rich minonty by creatin,g
separate constituencies of equal size in every country. ThIS
will bring democracy down at once from the satanic ~evelof
today to the real, scientific', logi~al and human level, I:e., tJ:e
actual rule of those who are the largest in number. CapItal WIll
then have its proper position in the world, viz. five p.er cent of
slugJarrtsa~ainst ninety-five per cent of those ,,;,ho thmk, ~now
anc(in-qent, or shed sweat, blood and tears. HavIDIl been reli~ved




?f the evil infl-Hences of money, this community of majority
In all parts of the world will naturally gather round the Scientist
who IS the source of all prosperity, peace and power in this
world an~ nat~rally. belongs to the poor community. A little
manoeuvnng will bnng him at the head of Man's affairs every
where. ~ .~orld go~ernment will then become within the range
posslblhty, leading the whole of Mankind to one purpose,
VIZ, the purpose of Nature itself.
This REVOLUTION, before it materialises will no doubt
cau~ terrible stir throughout the world at the hands of the
capitalist and the politician, but it is the stern responsibility to
be faced by the Scientist at all costs. The sentimental objection
of the Scientist that ~e is n'-'t a "politician" fails to carry weight,
as after the assumption of power by him the world-politics are
b0l!nd to change fundamentally to a polity which will neces
sanly be scien tifle, dynamic and constructive. Its main features
~ill be: (l) divesting Man of the idea of "Prophet-ridden" reli
gions and the ingraining in him of the ONE RELIGION OF
~~TURE that a~cords with the real spirit of every existing re
hgIon. of ~he world and would be scientifically acceptable to all;
(2) divesting Man. of other man-made prejudices, e.g., of race,
colour etc.; (3) WIdening of the vision of Man towards Nature
for the purpose of total utilization of Earth's resources and
pooling of .all ha~ds and brains for this purpose; (4) creating
meaRS for mtenslve over-population of Earth in order that the
st:uggle for existence may reach its climax; (5) direct dealing
With th.e problem of LIFE in order that Man may be able to
create It for the. purpose of gaining insight into the Mystery
of Natur~, also With. a view to raise his level of in telligence and
evolve himself to higher forms of creation; (6) take stock of
the ex tremely limited and defective knowledge he possesses at
present of Nature and devise means of gaining knowledge of the
Eye and ~e Ear with newer fundaments of investigation and
ne~er umts of measurements of Natural objects than those
which have produced only .the revolving machines, the tele
phone; the t~lescope, the radio, the mathematical equations and
fo~mulae, the hy~rogen bomb etc., etc., but not that Omni
sCIence and Ommpresence which are necessary to make him
pervade the whole Universe; (7) devise means to make human
~truggle .which wou!d make the whole Human Species change
Its phYSical organs mto those more fitted for the conquest of


lands beyond the Earth; Le., make human body more fit for
habitation in celestial bodies.
Until the whole human sre..::i..:s is made to prepare itself for
such an Earth-wide struggle there is little possibility of an urge
exhihiting itself on such an intensive scale as would make
human brain and his physical organs evolvc il1tO hie-her forcL's.

1t is problems like these which shall have to~ome. before
Man during the rule of the Scien tist over Earth, when the whole
of Mankind, through dire necessity, shall have become exclu
sively engaged' in the problem of the Conquest or Nature and
when instruments for .me acquisition of the knowl~ge or
Nature shall have to be changed at every stage of the develop
ment of it to better ones through the necessities of the struggle
. for existence. It may be that the collective effort~ of Man
towards probing into higher regions of Nature bring him to the
conclusion that the present physical organs of Man arc a red
undance and "hurdle" in his way, that intelligence, if it is
'to p~rvade and capture the whole Universe, must be devoid of
most of the present limbs - like hands and feet,which were ori
ginally meant by Nature to work in most limited spheres, or
legs which have no purpose left now, or sexual organs which
Man inherited from lower animals for the purpose of dissemi
nation in limited areas and at leisure, or even the aesthetic
nose, tongue or heart which were meant for the satisfaction of
baser desires of Man and so on. Only tl higher collective aim of
the caputure of the whole Universe, of making the whole
Human race pulsate with new life and energy through the
world-wide rule of the Scientist, can bring about these organic
changes on a general scale'and it is only a universal human urge
for evolution which can divest Man of baser incentives and
desires of today. Psychological preparation of Mankind for this
colossal task will itself constitute an effort of a very high order.
Foran intelligence to be competent enough to capture the
whole Universe, it is imperative that it should be Omniscient
and Omnipresent; in fact the very structure of the Universe in
genelal points out that these qualities cannot be attained by a
life of t1esh and blood. If intelligences exist in other parts of
the Universe they must possess organs consistent wi th the
livirlg circumstances of only that heavenly body in which they

\ '



exist, but for an intelligence capable of existing everywhere,

"the Least Common Multiple" of the living circumstances of
all Heavenly bodies is required and this can only be when that
intelligence takes the shape of a "spirit" - impervious to all
. 'climates and circumstances, but ,is all-lffiowing, all-pervading
and all-embracing. The. aim of the future scientific "super-
man" will therefore be to attain to that goal of perfection by
"species-wide" exertions of brain and limbs resulting in extreme
changes in his present physical organs.
An example. from Human History may perhaps clear this
point a little. Man began to move to America 150 years after
the discovery of that land by COlumbus in 1496, i.e., a little
over 300 years back. Only those left their places who were
struck hardest bv the struggle for existence. Americans now
after a lapse, of 300 years have developed certain distinctive
qualities of head, heart and perhaps body over their comrades
in Europe, which are quite apparent. In another 300 years these
qualities will become definitely more marked.
Migration from this planet will start only when the strug~e
reaches its climax. A group of those struck hardest by the
struggle will then begin to move to higher spheres by man
J1)ade machines or other defective paraphernalia. Thousands,
perhaps millions, will then lose their lives in this attempt, but
the urge itself will produce in this race of. would be supermen
qualities quite distinct from ,the inhabitants of the lower Earth.
Time must then C01J1e when this "race of renegades" captures
a celestial sphere somehow and settles there against all odds.
Only imagination can say what tremendous changes will have
taken place in the organi~,of Man by then, but the evolution
would have starteq in right'earnest: qollective knowledge of the
whole Human Race alone':wolili:i have!?i:9ught about this effort
to fruition. Knowledg '-. not i"_,,h:lpsso'much of man-made
geometry and phySics . but of lh~ Geometry and Physics of
Nature - alone wouldhave,:pa,,~dt4e,wayfor such terrible mig
ration. It will in. faCt
th:e.i:la~rf 6f'divine knowledge,
The Question arises':Wm thiS little Earth be the sole feeder
for building up a race of "Universe-Conquerers" or will "In
tellig~nces" in other quarters also join this wonderful and
staggering race? We may be getting here into the domain of
conjecture but probability points to the fact that In telligences,
even though all not much superior to Man in point of intellect
. ._




yet living in Heavenly bodies and organically develoEed, must

meet Man in this wondertui wilderness. Inspite of all this, Man
shall have to start wi th th6 supposition tha-t "He stands Alone"
to accorr.plish this seemingly impossible but DIVINE TASK.
Sex shall have to vanish at a very early stage of the evolu
tion of Man. When the whole of Earth becomes' "Nature
minded" through the stern and unrelenting effort of the Scien
'tist, it is .most likely that psychologically it will be considered
first of all an undignified inheritance from the lower animals
- even now it is considered so by many austere thinkers. Bio
logically it has been oniy a temporary inheritance. By radical
changes in physical organs Man shall have to choose a much
neater, much quicker, all-pervading and overwhelming way of
self-production, perhaps akin to that of the original animal
when life started, i.e., by constant and interminable fission in
order to become as overwhelming and as near to the "Divine"-",
way ot existence as possible. It is possible that this may become
the starting poin t of Omnipresence, or again, Man may become
a "spirit" which throws its 'perfume' and pervades everywhere.
He may after this terrible conv.ersion tend to become, in fact, a
portion of the Divine Intelligence from which he originally
sprang up and which pervades everywhere like a perfume.
A general review of the above observations about knowledge
and E\ olution brings one down to the following facts:
1. The present knowledge of Man of lifeless matter, resul

ting in machines and engines, cannot transport man to astrono

mical distances for the purpose of Conquest of the Univer,se.

2. Knowledge being inextricably connected with creative

power, much higher, more natural and more efficient creative
power than that resulting in the invention of present machines
is necessary to make Man possessor of that intensive knowledge
which can be a prelude to the Conquest of Nature. This.would
nec(!ssitate, in the first place, knowledge, of the Natural Uhits
of calculation and measurement, also knowl~dge of the Mystery
of Life. Mystery of Life cannot be solved. ,by . the simple
mechanics of the niicroscope or by ,chemicale:kperiments on
Ptotoplasrn. Life is a phenomenon not only of movement, but
of movement with a "will" and a "plan", and so is alli1;pwth
and development. To make life the subject of investigatio~
cannot, therefore, be the task of mechanical instrumen ts alone.
To tlooerstaA-d: the "wiII~'_ that produced'the, u~e of life, that


lINIT OF ELEMENTARY LIFE shall have to be completely
understood in its working which produced the first motion
from dead matter and thereafter scanning will have to be done
as to how many Units there are in a particular case of life. This
cannot be the work of the scientist who deals with dead matter
but of the brain who has been successful in creating life. Man
so far has avoided the subject of study of life, as life (unlike the
lifeless matter) refuses to subject itself to his geometry and
mathematics. He must, therefore, start a new line of thought.
3. Investigations in to the Mystery of Life alone can chalk
out a new channel of knowledge of Man, which must be more
"NATURAL", more informative, also more powerful and more
evolutional for the Conquest of Nature than the present mecha
nical knowledge. Such a course will take Man to the "realm of
the spirit." away from the present mechanical "formulae"
and "equations", and must, in the course of time, open up new
ways of obtaining transporting power of an astronomical order
from the LIVING Nature. Circumstances obtaining in the celes
tial bodies being such as to preclude the possibility of making
a conquest of them with his present physical organs, Man shall
have to go deeper into the Problem of Life to discover how such
a life can transport itself to astronomical distances in the twink
ling of an eye. If knowledge of dead ma tter has given Man such
powerful transporting machines as run hundreds of miles an
hour against his legs, there is no reason why knowledge of Life
should not equip him with incredibly more powerful instru
ments of transportion for the purpose of the Conquest of
4. Knowledge of Life alone can show Man the way to
evolve himself to higher "spiritual" forms of life akin to that
of the Supreme Intelligence that pervades the Universe. Man
unacquainted with the Mystery of Life and unable to create it
cannot hope to claim any power of su bstan tial and extraordi
nary nature in this Universe. The Conquest of Nature presumes
that Man should possess the attribute of OMNISCIENCE, par
excellence. Ignorance about life would create a lacuna in human
brain unworthy of his lofty position. Nature itself would refuse
to be conquered by an agency having this shameful desidera
Omniscience and Omnipresence having become more or
less the attributes of the evolving Man after a time, it is evident

that at that stage of development Man shall have reached the

highest pinnacle of his progress by din t of.h~ exclusive cOl~ssal
"efforts as a species. He would have left thIS Earth b~ that ,time,
many many long centuries bac,k, to acc~mmodate hImself per
manently in the celestial bodIes and hIS progeny would have
captured and possessed perhaps. ev~ry nook and corner. of t~e
Universe through intensive multIpitcity and overwhelmmg dIS
semination, The race of "sluggards" on Earth who had. not kept
pace with him in his march upw~rds, many c~ntune~ back,
would still be lingering on it as ordmary men domg theIr lowly
duties, but entirely cut off -as a fis~ from horse
from the
new race of Universe-Conquerers above,
It is conceivable - nay, natural and inevitable - that at thl~
stage of the development of this "Man," the ~UP~EME
DIVINE INTELLIGENCE that originally created thlS Umverse
in millions and trillions of years with a purpose ~d fi~allY
ended with human e"ye, human ear",and hUf!lan. bram ~lth a
set aim creating them out of a portion ot HImself and after
His ow'n image" throws open with a terrific Universe-wide
Quake the ETERNAL CURTAIN and bursts into a UNIVERSE
WIDE HANDSHAKE with MAN, greeting HIM with the words
with a terrific CRASH in which the whole Universe disappears
into complete nothingness -:- the Divine Trumpeter announcing
If the above is not the true and . logical picture of. w~at
MUST happen some day, this world is a mockery of,the Joking
DEVIL an exhibition of the INSANE and a replica of the
ABSURD. If this wonderful drama of the Universe is not going
to end in this CEREMONY, this world is a TRAVESTY OF
But apart from the question of the Con~uest of the whol,e
Universe which may make many shrug then shoulders at tlllS
~tage of' Human progress and which may take many hun~reds
nf thousands, if not millions of years, f~om now, lterf' I~ the
question of the more immediate evolutIOn of Man to hIgher



fonns which is. readi~y intelligible even at this stage of Human
progress. This smaller evolution also can take place only under
the ~tress of Ea~th-Wide struggle against Nature as a regimented
species and decidedly not in the present hell of international
struggles that are going on and which must end in the ultimate
extinction of the Human Race. The Scientist alone with his
tru ~ ~an prepare :ne Human Race for such a purpose. The
polIticIan who has hItherto run the world is a round thing which
cannot possibly fit this square hole now. If the Scientist of
today has not t~e moral courage to effect this change on point
o~ sword and fue, he alone must be held responsible for this
cnme of the gravest order. His present knowledge must then
be dubbed as the greatest FALSEHOOD in Nature as TRUTH
cannot -result in' the appalling crime of the F t\ILURE OF MAN
~nd . EXTINCTION OF THE HUMAN RACE, which is the
InevItable result of the course Man has chosen for himself.
Human. Race has NOW EXACTLY reached a stage when this
revol1,ltion '!lust happen:_!here is no occasion for waiting as
IlIlgerers haV{) aIW;lYS suggested this so many times and lost the
opportJ..lnitv invariably
SUPREME INTELLIGENCE WITH MAN is the only scientific
?nd true purpose. which is written large on the Face of Nature
Itself and must gIve endless energy and pick-up to Man in his
future efforts. The AIM itselfis bound to evolve into REALITY
by the mere dynamism of i( It is bound to be backed up by
~very npok and corner of Nature once it is put into action. It
IS th: essence of all Human progress, the climax of all Human
emotions, the verdict of the greatest Seers, and the last Watch
word ~.f Pte Purposeful Universe!.
'The Modern Scientist has no way left for him except to
look atNat~re fr~m this point of view. Nature has vindicated'
~om~letely ItS eXIStence now before him and stands chaste
In?nIte an~ PURPOSEFUL! It is for the Scientist now t~
-bnng Mankind f~rcibly round to that PURPOSE and fulfil it
at all costs. Notlllng should deter him from upholding TRUTH
All falsehoods. must. disappear hefo.e the torch of light h~
holds aloft. It IS. theco~rage of his convictions, his unassrulabk
': t~aract~r an~ hlS capacIty to effacef~ls.ehood with One Voice
at W111
bpng-Man successfully to. his Ultimate Destiny Once
the ete . ti
. f
nnma on 0 the Scientist to rule the world is unani


mously announced the Whole world will be wi th him; There
is bound to be a TERRIBLE STIR throughout the world FOR
AGE, but NATURE is bound to smash ALL UNTRUTH in the

The Quranic Verdict
All that Mashriqi stated in his essay 'Man's Role in Life'and
h IS later communication to tlie scien nsts unde!' the title
'HU1nall Problem' was based 011 his evaluation of the Ouranic
programme. This concept of his about the last of the rel'ealed
books was detailed in Hedit f1-ul-Quran where he described it as
"God's First and the Last ScientifiC Word with Mall ". This
treatise and his letter to the scientists were conceived almost
simultaneously in jail, a man'clous exercise: wllil(i the
allthorities were persecuting him for alleged conspiracy to
overthrow the government by force. lie himself was immersed in
the most herOic exposition of the ultimate form in which this
Universe would be disposed of Here are reproduced certain
portions of his analysis of the Quranic programme as done in
the .Hedith-ul-Quran--trallsla ted from Urdu--which are relevant'
to the theme of the present comnilation, that is, Qurim and
Evolu non .......... Ed.
AFTER all the eXf)lanation and elucidation Drovidcd :bv the
Ouran with <mch amazing authority, consistency and cop:erence:
the shape of a nation's highest stage of progress is abUndantly
clear: it tnf'<l"'S the attainment of knowledge, authority and then
revelational power (nabuwwat). The only way to achieve such a
position is first of all to have extreme awareness about the
. Being of God, and then,' after reaching the highest pinnacle of
this awareness, ~t( (lave face to face meting with God. It is so
evident in the -Quran that no further elucidation is called for. In
SuraAnaam is ";lld :

.:..:;;~ & :J;'<l\;,J:;.::~~;\
..., ,



'Do they not reflect in their minds that not but on Truth
has God created the heavens and the earth and all between
them (and in their investigation and search lie's the road to the
knowledge of the Divine plan,. they alone can lift us to the high
pinnacle of progress and cultural elevation, and that the very
purpose of their creation is to make them available to man for
his benefit and through them to rise to the higher rungs of
development? Rather) these things have been created for a term
appointed (so that within this period man attains the highest
level of knowledge, authority and revelational awareness-
becomes entitled to meeting with God
Almigh ty). Yet, there arf' truelv man v among men who reject
(the goal of) meeting wi th the Lord.' (30: 8)
To term a vast majority of human beings rejectors of the
prospects of meeting with God, and, as has been made clear in
verse 179 of Sura A'raf (Many are the jinns and men We have
made for Hell: They have hearts wherewith they understand
not, eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear
not. They are like cattle, nay more misguided; for they are
heedless of the warning), God's ascribing them to Hell and
giving reason thereof their failure to bring to use the faculties
of ears, eyes and brain, testifies that even in that verse the
reference was to non-attainment of knowledge of Nature. In
this connection, the following verse would make things further
... {
... ..,. .. ",,'"
... t

In both the foregoing verses reference to the Universe

remaining in ex istence for a term appoin ted is very significant
in each case, the persuation to undertake study of Natur~
further clarifies the ambiguity about the meeting with God
Almighty. Such a reference is also found in Sura Yunus where
the repetition of the dreadful expression of Ghafif (negligent)
of verse 179 of Sura A'raf, and the reminder about the
eventuality of Hell, particularly the emphasis that such nations
having been submerged in worldy comforts are averse to
struggle, is a proof of the fact that the road to the meeting with
God is the road of utmost knowledge and action, and that this
action is wholly related to the scrutiny of the Book of Nature;
it has nothing to do with the sutiistic or mullaistic taslJeeh.
nama: or verbal remt!mberance of God, The Muslims should
ponder what havoc they have wrought with this priceless
treasure of immense ~nowledge, the Quran.


." J




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II" o.j~"..... r--!='\~/~\.A.k ~91:>)l\

'God is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that

ye can see with thy own eyes; then became firmly established
on the Throne (of Authority) and subjected the sun and
the moon to His Law (for your benefit). Each one runs (its
course) for term appointed (so that during this appointed term
you are able to have full comprehension of Nature and reach
a stage where God would consider you fit for His meeting).
(Keep in mind) that God doth plan the Law (of Nature) (and
this plan is finalised after hundreds of thousands of years).
He explains to thee His Signs in detail so that ye believe with
certainty in the meeting with the Lord.'(,'3:2)

1';1 . '" ., .

.".. , ."", ,...





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,.i '"




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"'1",\, o~~'';''\S~..J\.::..)'~-'\.:.~''lou~\.s.

'(0 ye human bein,gs, keep in mind) that certainly your

Lord is the same God Who created the heavens and the earth
in six Days (of long durations ex tending over hundreds of
thousands of years) and is firmly established on the Throne of
Authority (and is running thi!\ immense administration of the
heavens and the earth). (and also keep in mind that) He plans'



the Law (of Nature WhICh is finalised in hundreds of thousands
of years). (Understand it clearly that after deviating from this
Law of Nature) there can be no intercessor for you but that
God (in case of forgiveness) gives leave (for concession). This
is God, your Lord Guardian; Him therefore serve ye (day and
night and keep on acting on His Law). Will ye then not take
guidance (from this awesome Administration which is before
your eyes)? To Him will be (eventually) your return-,.of all of
you (to account for your actions). This is God's firm promise.
Undoubtedly, He beginneth the process of creation and He
repeateth it that He may reward those who believe and act
righteously (and struggle day and night in uncovering the
mysteries of Nature), and give nothing but droughts of boiling
. water (as punishment) to those who do not believe (in the
reality of this Nature) as greivous penalty for their disbelief,
It is He Who made the sun to be a shining flame and the moon
to be light, and then measured out stages for her that ye might
know the number of years and the count (of time). Nowise
did God create these things but in Truth (and for this very
reason are entitled to utmost attention). (For this purpose)
doth He explain His Signs (in' Nature) in detail. (Keep in mind)
that in the alternation of night and day and in all that God
has created in the heavens and the earth are undoubtedly
(countless) Signs for those who fear '(the Law of) God (which
can lead them to the stages of power and peace), Verily, those
who rest not their hope on their (eventual) meeting with Us
and have become content with (the pleasuers of) this world and
are satisfied with the (futile) life of this world (of mere eating,
drinking and pleasuer-hunting); and also those who (became
Ghafi/ and) heeded not Our Signs (in the Book of Nature}-these
are the people whose abode is Hell Fire because of the (evil)
they earned. '( 10:3-8)
It has thus been established by these verses that the
purpose of repeated creation and the existence of whatever is
there in the heavens and the earth is to bestow ~ith justice
the best of these things on each righteous nation which, with
full faith in .all that God has created, is engaged in investigating
the reality of Nature ana fears God in the true sense; and thus
to lift the' know1edl:!:eable ?Jld God-fearing nations to the high
pinnacle ..>1' power and authority. In these verses has also been


mad~ abundantly clear that the nations which have lost hope or
meetIng God are such as have become iflle and neglectful as
see no Signs (guidelines) in this Book of Nature. 'fhey 'are
aver~e to e~fo~t and action and dislike hardships because they
a~e ,Immersed In, personal lus,ts and pleasure hunting; they are
afratd of hardshIps and conSIder it a torture to act upon the
Com.mandments of God Almighty, and for this very reason
can, In no sense be described as servants (abid) of God, Such
nat,lOns must have hell as their abode. This world is an arena of
actIOn; here ~ood reward is available only to a nation which
does well; LO Idler or heedless nation has any place here.
, The Quran has referred to this final stage, that of meeting
WIth God. at another place in the follOwing few words,
...... L; ,...... p, ~ '>"
.u . 0-", c~\ ~I;A:; ~",::::,)l ~l~ \~,G ~r:"l~~ 5~';;';'

1 ""



'Those whose hopes are in the meenng with God (should

realise that) the appointed term will (one day) expire, And
God is All-Hearing and All-Knowing; so whichever (nation or)
person strived (to make this meeting possible and to bring it
nearer, which ,is not r possible untill man attains complete
knowledge about the Universe and reaches the highest pinnacle
.of progress), they do so for (the benefit of ) their own souls,
Undoubtedly, God is free of all needs from all creations (and
no inte'rest of His is involved in the meeting which is to take
place).' (29:5-6)
In short, man's meeting one day 'with. the Lord of the
heavens and the earth in this Universe is an established fact, and
the only means to this end is the blood-sucking struggle which
has put hundreds of communities to remain absorbed in the
breath-taking investigation of the reality of Nature for the last
many centuries, Since the Creator of the heavens and the
earth is Himself All-Hearing and All-Knowing, He expects man
also to develop the extreme qualities of hearing and knowing,
and with their aid, undertake search of God, This supreme
struggle is for the good of man himself, because by becoming
entitled to face to face meeting with his Creator, man would
be able to become part of Him; he, in that case, would be
endowed with Divine powers and become their exhibit; he
would be a prototvpe of nafakhto f'ihi minrroohi and


present a tme picture of inni jaeilln Iii ardhe 'khallja. In case
he failed to undertake such supreme struggle, remained
negligent and did not attain this high position due to his
sluggishness, he would have hell as his abode; the fire of God's
Wrath would utterly consume him, making him totally non
existent. God Almighty is closely watching the conduct of
each community and each individual. The Signs of Nature
are becoming manifest at a bewildering pace, and every step
towards knowledge announces the disclosure of a new reality to
the entire world; it is becoming increasingly evident that
Nature alone is the Truth in this Universe, that the Creator of
the heavens and the earth is the only Reality, tnat His Revealed
Book alone is the true book. It is being announced that the
communities which have stuck to Truth alone are emerging
powerful, they alone possess authority, have knowledge and are
treading the path of lIabuwII'at; they alone are favourite of
God. Muslims might make hundred and one claims to be an
honoured and chosen nation, but what is actually before us
cannot be denied: reality stands in need of no proof, it shines
like the rays of sun and is its own proof. TIle fallacious attitude
of the Muslims would not allow their condition to be improved
till they take finn hold of the Qurall and again become
synonymous with khlt:cil rkitaha hir{I/\l'lVu
This is what Sura Ha~Mim Sajcla says:
. ---'


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'Time will soon come when We will show Our Signs in tile
furthest regions of earth and (not only across the world bu r )
also in their own souls (to those who consider this world to be
futile and idle away their tillle what trcmcndous a\hievemcnts
have been made in culture mld dvili/~lli()1l on :lccmint of them)
till it becomes to them clear that tllis (N;ltlIre lIndol\bt~dly) i.;
reality. Is it not enough that tlly Lord Llorh \.itness everything
(even the smallest part of man's effort an d aeh icvemen tS):
Beware that these Unbelievers (who have taken this Universe as
false and futile) entertain (strong) douhts ~\.'nceming thi.
Meeting with their Lord, and lake caution that God Almighty
doth encompass everything.' (41 : 5 ~-:'-+)

After this amazing inducement, the' Quran offers many

more indications of great significance a.s follows:

f ..


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'We did indeed aforetime give The Book (Al-Kitab, that is

the gist of the Book of Nature) to Moses. Be no! then in dOl!bt
about Meeting with God. And We had made tillS Bo~k a gUIde
(shining candle) for the Children of Israel, and (by acting upon
it they attained such a level of progress that) We produced
from among them great leaders (of knowledge of Nature)
who kept on guiding with Our Law ( various communities) on
the righ t course so long as they persevered with pa tience., An d
these people believed in Our Ayaat (Signs).'(32:23-24)
~ ".1:' ~ ."
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'So whosoever has the hope of Meeting with God Almighty

let him' make (strenuous and ) righteous efforts (to investigate
the Law of Nature) and in his capacity as true servant of his
Lord Guardian associate no one's (law) as partner.' (18: 110)
1'1" :1"

{.. , ., 1 "".. :I~" - r.l."

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'Those who reject the Signs of God (deduced from Natu r "\
and the Meeting with Him-it is they who have despaired of My
(boundless) mercies and rewards, and it is they who will
suffer a most grievious penalty.'(29:23)








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'And those who denied falsely Our Signs (in the Book of
Nature) and did not act upon them and (consequently) took as
false Hereafter's Meeting (with God, that is they did not take it
seriously that man's continuing struggle in this world w,ouJd
result in their Meeting with God)--such shall be brought forth
to (grievous) punishm~nt.' C~O: 16)
,) ,."...
, ':a.l " ... " ". ,J"' .."
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........... '"

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'(And also keev this in

1 J0




~ \ '1 ~





that) those who showed



a:roga~ce on the earth in defiance of right (and considered My

SIgns Hi Nature unw~rthy of attenti~n)--them will I (Myself)

tum away from My SIgns. And they wIll be ir: such a situation
that ev~n if .they underst~od the reality of these Signs they will
not beheve m them, and If they found a way to tight conduct
and progress, they will certainly not adopt it. Rather, if they
(happe~ to) see the way of error, that is the way they will
. adopt (mstantly). For, they have in reality rejected Our Signs
and reached the (dangerous) position of remaining oblivious of
'\them.' (7: 146,

",;~, J ~1~t-i1\"'!"':':' ~



-;' '...r\ ,\,,::, "\!". 'II.I"? "/", .~'1'\"

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"" .. , ,. ~.~ ~ ,-!/ ,/ ~
(W".: ,,) 0 I.:J~I~ t) l.o~J.

'And those who considered as false OUf Signs (in Nature)

and the eventual Meeting with Us--vain are their deeds. (Then
see) are they being rewarded for anything except what they
have wrought?' (7: 147)

'Lost indeea were those nations who treated it as falsehood

that they would (eventually) meet God. (This latitude is only
for a while during which they might move about in arrogance)
until on a sudden the Hour is on them (to give account for
beinp.: heedless about this Nature), and they would cry out:
woe onto us that we took no thought of it". And they
would be bearing their (dreadful) burden, and 10, what evil
indeed are the burdens that they bear.'(6:31)

"" .rI.. ,"'" .. ( :,.,/1 ~. t":. ~-:... "":.'1.# .. ,..." .. ~

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'And We will leave those Vv horest not their hope on their

Meeting with Us in their (false~ trespasses to wander in dis
tress to and fro'. (10: II)
Today every comniunity which is doubtful about MeeJing
with God--as the Muslims are --considers this immense Nature
false and f'ftile. It pays no attention to the Signs which. are
being disclosed by Nature to th~ progressive nations, or
considers this investigation, at the mo~t, the responsiQility of
these nations alone. A nation which cares not or has nQ l).ope
of the mercies of God is groaning in slavery arKl hunger' is
immersed in worldy pleasures; instead of God AlmIghty; has
bound itself to lesser gods of lustfulness. E~ry effoit of such
a nation has proved wasteful and unavailing; such are the
nations who fino themselves in tfle lurch. and have gained
.95.O)u tely nothing. When on a sudden will ring their death
kneli( they would be left with nothing except l..Il1avll iling
J;'epent~nce--in what did they falter in the world in what were
they deficien1 . .





!." ~"'!.







~t:>: 1- 0 ~~q,"\(~.)~I!~\~""'-'':'':~I~..u

'And the day when we wlil gather them (to account for
their negligence, and this respite during which they strut
about comes to a sudden end) as if they had tarried but an
hour of a day; (then) they will recognise each other (that they
all were treading the same path. ::md will be convinced that)
undoubtedly whichever people denied the meeting with God
remained in loss; and they
were not prone to come to
right course.'( 10:45)
The Quran went so far as to declare that nations which
did not long' for meeting with God and id1e~ aw~y th~ir time
would advance an argument that if this meetingWlth God was
so essential as to make the fulfilment of the purpose of the
Universe dependent on it, then why, instead of human prophets
(who move about in bazars like cornman human bemgs, and
eat and dring like them), were not sent to them angels so that
they could instantly understand the signit1cance of the. message;
if this could not happen, at least they could ?ave a v~ew of the
Guardian Lord from a distance and Fhs
majesty ~nd
awesomeness could have inspired them to long for the meeting,
The Quran repudiates this type of es~pi~m with ~e argument
that. heedless idler communities whIch Indulge In such lame
'excuses are extremely vain about themselves. They refuse to
make effort and expect everything to come to
automatically because of what they consider their greatness'.
They do not realise what immense stages are to ?e pas~ed an~
what strenuous efforts are required before meetmg WIth Go.
Almighty becomes possible, and this is the reason of therr

t 13


a.bje~~ obsession. wi ththeir

to etton an<.iactJOn.




A.\O I'.\'()LL'TIO~

arrogance. and

e'X treme


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such as have no longin~ for Meeting ~;th Us advance

an argument (in their vanity; that (if meeting with God was
so essential) "why are not the angels sent down to 'us { so that
we could realise its significance) or, at least) could have seen
our Guardian Lord (from a distance )", Indeed. they have an
. arrogant conceit of themsel.ves. and great is the insolence of
their rebellion and impiety. ,!'(1S :21 )
TIle Quran goes many steps ahead of this amazing induce
ment by declaring fa wdriklllwf absar (that is man's present
eyes cannot see God and some new eyes would be required to
have a view of Him l. in fact. by listing all the initial stages of
man's creation lthat is, from the clay material to the t1nalisa
tion of man's ears, eyes and brain I provides an indication of
there occuring, after this noblest of creations, man. a new
creation. From this I suspect that after intensive use of his
faculties of hearing,' seeing and brain power, man's present form
would undergo another revplution in which the present sarna',
basr. and afaidah will undergo a new transformation. Their new
fonn would be such as Will, after this new creation, make
possible the solution of the issue of rnan's Face-to-Face Meet
ing with God~ I reproduce here the entire Sura Sajda with its
inter-connected translation. I am cont1dent that every person
of understanding will agree with this explanation of mine. Here
is the Sura Sajda; I have divided it into seven sections so that its
internal harmony becomes clear.
Sura Sajda






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I: 'This Quran is me revealed form (sent down to man) of alKi tab (, that is the Science of the Book of Nature) about which
there is no doubt (and which is a permanent [ruth) from the
Lord of the Worlds (and the Nourisher of whatever is in them I,
o Prophet~ do these people say (to thee in view of its extremely
difficult programme) that he has forged it from his own side'?
Tell them that it is a truth irom thy Lord that thou may est
admonish a people (against the penalty of annihilation) to
whom no warner has come before thee: in order that they may
receive guidance (and tread on the right course I. ( Then to
comprehend this right ..:ourse, consider that) God is He Who
created the 'heavens and the earth, and all between them, in six
Days (of long durations extending over millions of years).
Then He established Himself tinnly on the Throne (of
auth~rity).' (..\nd when authority is with Him, then realise that)
there can be none besides Him to protect or intercede ( for
you). Will ye not then receive admonition? He (the Supreme
Ruler ) t1oat~ a law from the heavens t.,9 the earth. Then that
!law) evolves toward (Gou) (s'lowlv ~T'ld ...Iowlv, that. IS, is
finalised) in a uay (that is, duratIOn) the space whereot is a
thousand years of your reckoning. Such is He, the Knower of
the Fu turc and the Ascertainer of the Present God Who bestows
extreme exalfation (on nationsl and showers countless mercies
(on them for their prosperity and well-being). He is the same
God Who has made everything which He has created most good.
'and Who initiated man's creation with clay, then made (and
maintained) its progeny from a quintessence of the nature of a
fluid despised. Then, He fashioned him in due proportion and
. i.lreathed in to him something of His. Own Spirit (of Divin~
tJ,ualities). and gave youears, eyes and brain. (But how sad that)




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little value do ye accord (to these things). And those people

say, "What when we go astray on this earth (i~ tl1e way the
Prophet wants us to do. and by acting upon the Book of Nature
climbed to the high pinnacle of p'rogress) shall we indeed be a
new (and even better) creation (so that we become entitled to
face to face meeting with God.,?") (To what new creation can
the?, become entitled). nay, they deny the (very I meeting with
theIr Lord. Tell them that "the angel of death put in charge of
you will (itself) put an end to you. Then shall ye be brought
back to your Lord (so that ye are retributed for what ye did.)'
~ \;.~



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)1" -,,.

~"'r "U~

. '(An~ alas!) If only thou couldst see the truilty ones who.
With theIr heads bent low before their Lord ,will be crying):
"Our Lord! We have seen (the truth) and understand (the
reality). Now then send us back (to the world) so that we
perform the (same) best actions (which Thou hadst commanded
us to do). Now. we indeed are convinced (and hence believe)".
If We had so willed. W.e would have certainly brought every soul
its true guidance. But the Word from Me will come true that HI
will fill Hell with jinns and men all togetller" (because I am
convinced that man is not prepared to understand the reality
and ultimate purpose of the creation of the Universe on account
of his self-will, conceipt and pride). Then (We will tell those
~eople to ) taste (this Hell) for committing the (sin) that ye
forgot the meeting of this day. Verily, We, too. forgot you, and
taste this perpetuating punishment for your (evil) of which
you were aware!

Ii 6

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:>", . .



'(Remember that) only those believe in (the benificence of

guidance provided in ) Our Signs (of Book of Natu~) who,
when these Signs (Ayaat) (by emerging before them as reality.
awaken them. that is I admonish them. they fall down (shaken)
in prostration, And Ion witneJ05sing the immensity of power
of) their Lord sing liis praises. and not are they vain Ito
consider this Nature as a useless thing. unworthy of attention).
Nav their limbs (in their restless longing to understand the
si~ificance of ]\;ature and then cliinb to the high rungs of
progress) do forsake their beds of sleep. And out of fear ( of
punishment) and hope IOf ",tinning best things of the world)
they keep on inviting themselves (to the Meeting). And (then)
out of whatever bountks We bestow on them (in the form of
new inventions) they pass them on to th,e peopl~ (for their
betterment). 1\ow. no person know~ what delights of eyes
(imd continuing rewards) are lying concealed for such (men of
knowledge and action) which will be bestowed on them as
reward f'Or their deeds. Is then the people which believed lin
:t\ature) equal to the one which (does not believe and ) is
rebellious and wicked'; Not equal are they. Thus. for those
who believed and did ric:hteous deeds will there be g.ardens (Or
inheritance in the earth i as home of security and as hospitality
'from their Lord). As to those who (lacked in belief and I were
rebellious and wicked. their abode will be the Fire: every time
the\' wished to !:!et awaY from that place land condition of
deiredation. slav~ry. mi;ery and deprivation). they will again
and again be pushed into it. and it will be said to them: "Taste
ye the penalty of HelL the which ye were wont ( to ridicule
and I reject as false," . (Ponder. how exactly this. is the condi
tion of slave nations. )



rr- n: r'Y



,I ....... ,

0 U~.. ; 4 - '

'And it is neceSS:lry tll'I[, :lpan from the Supreme Penalty

of annihilation! Wllich is Our major and irrversibk punishment,
We make these peoples taste smail and temporal punishmen ts in
. order that they may ! repen t and I refrain (from the sin of
heeJlessness :md inat.:tion I. .\nu who (whkh nation) uoes mo;.;
wrong than the one who is akrted about the Signs of his LOfd.
anLi then he turns away therefolTn.) Verily, We shall exact (ful!)
Retribution from (:iUdl1 transgressors:'
, ' 11' /": .\ ''':.'''
~~;'-l..J~~ d""
.. ~.-c:::....' .... '\\.:. ;: .. ~"\

in whose dwellings they (now) move about'? Verily, this is a

Sitm for them. wili they not then listen?'
~ JJ~ ,~/.I! .,.,\~ ..:. ~,~
..I ~..I,:. /11 . ,,.,~, !.,Jt ~ ... ~ .... ~ ,''''''
~LN\~u:> ~\.i...... ~c~..:., ~~ ~ ~j';J"~I.:.\ \.:U";! fJ"


,~(TIlen took birth differences in them over knowledl!e of

a/-Kzrab a.nd verses of the Revealed Message, resulting in -their
detenoratlon.. SO,) certainly, your Lord will judge between
t~em on the Day of Judgement about the matter wherein they
. d iffered .( among themselves as to who was responsible for this
degred~1Jon.) Have not these people realised how many
f:!enera tlOns We destroyed before them (for thes~ very crimes I

'And have they not seen that We do (a]ways) drive the

..vater (of Our Mercy) to the land which is level and low ( and
which is not uneven)? (In the same way does Our Mercy rain
on communities which are even and obedient to Us.) Then with
this water we grow crops and green trees producing food for
their cattle and themselves (arid in the same way We give
bounties to such nations.) Then, do not these people see ( it
with their own eyes of understanding, ) and (instead) ask
thee:"When will that Day be. when (the glorious event of the
disclosure of the Last Secret of the Creation of the Universe and
Face-ta-Face Meeting with God Almighty, that is) Victory
(aI-FarM will occur if what you are telling is really the truth,?"
Tell them that on that Day of Vietoy and Triumph no profit
will be to the Un believers of their belief, nor will they be
granted a respite. So turn away from them. and wait (because)
they, too, are waiting (for their pUnishment)'.
1s it possible. after this coherent and logical translation of
Sura Sajda, to conceive of Meeting with God Almi~hty without
complete investigation of Nature and full utilisation of the
faculties of ears. eyes and brain. or to think that the ultimate
purpose of these immense organs is. anything other than
reaching. the goal of this Meeting with God'! TIle Glorious
Quran is an immensely knowledge-laden and . informative
Divine document: its knowledge is so vast and profound that
superficial viewers get bewildered at its seeming disorderliness.
Actually, its logic is so lecisive and irrefutable that it is not
possible to fathom the meanings of its verses and to connect
the arl!ument of one verse with the other without God-given
wisdo~ and knowledge. This explanation of Sura Sajda is being
related to the explanation of Sura Jathiya to illustrate the
logical conclusion thiH the ultimate object of creation of th~

1 IR





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Ol..)~~~ 0,1;'5-,

'An~ We did, indeed aforetime ~i\'e ~loses (the same Law of

Nature In. the torm of) u/-Kirab (and his peoph: climbed
through thiS to :he high pinnacle of progress l. So, 10 Prophet I,
yeo too, entertam no ~oubts about Meeting with the Lord.
,~nd We fll~de this ::J/-Kirab tan emobodiment of ) guidance
tor the Children o~ Israel. and (by following that guidance,
~hey reached such high levies of civilisation that) We appointed,
t.rom a~ong them, tgreat) leaders and Imams who guided in the
lIght of Our Law so long as they persevered dn action and

e~fortl with patience and continued to have (full) faith in Our

SlgnS (manifest in Nature and communicated through

Revelation j'.

)'" ",,"/ .".' /) ..... >


(J,It>d~~\~\(~~\ .... u : J .J1;.~;.-'I







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Universe is Meeting with God Almighty: tJl~re is no other

Any person who looks at the Universe form this high plane
will also arrive at these conclusions. He realises tha t Sa 1I11'e is
the sale awesome Truth which is before man in this world. and
everything in it is wonder-~spiring, He also understands that
man alone is that being who could have full appreciation of
Nature: God would Himself expect man to know Him or
comprehend His boundless Wisdom. Nay. it is natural. one.
would think. that God might have created this universe tor the
sale purpose of enabling this thinking and understanding
creature. man. to attain. after stmgg/ing for millions of years.
such a high position as would entitle him to Yleeting with God.
It would be considered stupid by every sane person to think
of "reaching God Almighty" by turning away from the God
created Nature and adhering to tasheeh :.tlHl nama::, Whatever
achievemen ts man has made in unravelling the mysteries of
Nature. and whatever rewards he is receiving from God
Almi'gh ty. are themselves a prOal of the fact that to consider
Nature futile and false is an extreme folly. "To reach God"
is. in fact. to "shake hands" with God AJmighty on equal
footing after full comprehension and conquest of God-created
Nature, God has made His Universe a puzzle and a labyrinth
because He wants man to undertake its in tensive investigation
and fully uncover the Secret of Nature. This is the Day of
Triumph; this constitutes the l/ltimate Purpose of Creation,

mullaistic Muslims have becom~ so expert in taking the Quran

as an 'other-worldly' book-entirely unrelated to this world
that whatever in the Quran is conceived as setting 'aright man's
life on the earth, appears to them ,damaging for their faith, and
they refuse to look at the Quran from an.y other an~e. From
. this point of view. the logic and explanauon offered ill several
volumes of Ta:kirah cannot be fully projected in this s~all
treatise, I have decided, to permanently silence the :Vestermsed
as well the Ylaulvi-ridden .'vtuslims. to set as tollows the
connected translation of Sura Jathiya to let mankind know that
neither the Maulvi nor the Westemised MusliI11 is left wi th ,any
way to take the Quran differen tly. and that the purpose at the
Qu'ranic revelation is exactly what has been stated in the
Hedi fh-ul-Ouran.

This S~ra has a speciality which is rare in other Suras. In the

entire Sura which consists of four seetions and 37 ,verses.
there is no other theme except drawing man's a~tenn?n to.
phenomena of Xature: and for anybody, who believes In th!
elevated view of the Quran. the conclUSIOns that have bee.
drawn in the translation are inescapable,


IRa Mim,'




, ,



Sma lathiya
The revelation in the Hedith-ul-Qu/'Gn of this amazing
intlucement to man by the Quran might not be convincing
for those who view the Divine Documen t in a superficial
manner; the present day West-oriented and 'enlightened' Muslim
does not consider worth attention any disclosure made by the
East. Such a Muslim might think that the research undertaken
in this book (the Hedith-ul-Quran) is a far-fetched attempt to
establish the superiority of the Quran, otherwise a continuous
reading of the Quran does not take.a common man to these
conclusions. and he does not feel obliged ttl accept what has
been arrived at in the Hedith-ul-Quran. On the other hand, the


'lllis is an established fact that there are (thousands oC

Signs in the heavens and the earth for those who believe.'


,,~ ..~




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'And (ye people) in your own creation. and what:vf ~

animals God Almighty spreads (through the earth) are Slgl't~
for a people which believes (in the truthfulness of Nature).
(Retlect on the word Ayaat which is being repeatedly used.)







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~ 1..1;;"" ..:e.:.........M..s ~
.... :.. "- ..,,
. F. ::llt!mber, that whatever' We have explained :.lbOvel
that alone is true' Guidance: And those who rejected the
( Re'/ealed) rlyaat (and refused to act upon their directives l.
for them is a Grievous Penalty of abomination.'

'And (ye people) in the alternation of Night and Day

and in whatever Sustenance (that is, water) God sent down
and 'revived
and in the change of the winds-are Signs for a nation which
possesses wisdom and understanding.'

I :....:..


~ tl.P ........ ' '" ~ .;~;' i ,. 1~1 -= ;:/.1 ~ t~:;:t.;~
.I, '~"'>

',' ~ ........ "A.\.l'''''''''';':''''-'-'I.oOIZ~W

- I .,.,

... ~ ."
.,. ~


'(Ye ivtuhanunad'!) These (above-mentioned Ayu(Jr) are ~lI-:h

Signs as We are rehearsing to thee ns Truth: Then (tell Us) in
what greater Truth will these people believe ~lfter (what God
has) stated and (what) His, Signs (derived from the Book of
:'-Jature) denote.'

.. 'lYe people. remember that) God is that (Powerful and

'Oominantl God \Vho has subjected the sea for your (benefit.
that is. has bound it down) so that ships may sail through it
under His Law I Command l. and that ye may seek of His
bounty, :.lnd that ye may ..::orrectly value (God--:reated Nature)
and be grateful.'





~ "'" '-,
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\ "",.N .. ' \-_:~':i ),~"\\?L,.X..:':.-! ~;....>~ t..r ,9J-l\"""~\~
o ,-.,\~.'6~~-:~"""
. 'Woe to each sinful dealer in Falsehood (who is
committing the grievous crime of not looking at the Reality of
Nature, ( 'And considering it futile, is arrogant towards it. Alas,
that) he hears the Signs of God rehearsed to him, yet Ion
account of his ignorance) is he obstinate and haughty as if he
had not heard them. Then (0 Prophet!) announce to (such)
a (stupido) fellow a Penalty Grievous. (The arrogant indifference
of such persons to Nature wiII eventually destroy their
community). '

" '"
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'And (what is amusing is that) when he attains knowledge

of some of Our Sitms he takes them in jest (and as mere frivoli
tyl. For them, there:' will be an humiliating Penalty (in this
world l.'

A.nd (not only this.) He has subjected to you lfor your use)
:is from Him aU that is in the heavens and the earth. Verilv.
in this (new disclosure which has just been made) a,;,e
\ thousands ot) Guidelines (Signs) for a people which renects.'

'eYe Prophet!) Tell

ignore those (ignorant and
the Days of God (that is,
face to face meeting with
for their evil deeds.' .

(.;.; ... ~~l:.

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, ,,,' ..,




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'And (after this Penalty will be hehind them) the He:;

and of nc profit will be to them what they would have been
doing. nor
this that they have taken as protectors others
than God: and for them will be a terrible Penalty.'

those who believe (in Nature) to

pitiable people) who )U1V-: no hope '''1'
the Days during which God will ha\'~
them) so. that God recompenses thl'm




'Whichever people preformed proper and good actions (in

their search for Signs of Nature), it did it to ensure its own
Jenetit. and if it does c:!viL it worked against itself.(But) then in
til end you will be brought back to your Lord (and presented
before Him to answer for your negligence).'



'We did afore time gran t to the C!1ildren of Israel al-Kitab.

Power and Prophethood. and We gave them. for sustenance.
things good and pure (in abundance!. and favoured them above
nations (in every sector of human progress and civilisation). (in
other words, the Children of Israel became supreme and
powerful only through their good deeds relating to the
conquest of Nature).
,.":.' ~"""",~",,,,,.,,
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is no doubt about it that whatever the trans!!ressors (of the

bounds of Namre) do among themselves they do so with mu mal
consultation (because every criminal has a natural tendency
towards a crimina\). But the Creator of the heavens and the
earth is Protector of (only) that people which is (wholly)
fearful of the Law of God.'

, . . . , - "....

.,.,.&.,.. . 1 / #





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, ;:.\ \;~;

'I\o\.\' '(0. Prophet. afrer this destruction of power of

Bani Israel) We !luve pu t the\? on the way of the Divine Law
(that is. on a branch of the Luw of ~nture I so that thou folio\\'
this Course (and take thy people to the unfaltering road to
power and pro!,!ress. and) follow not the desires of those wile
know not. (those who do not obtain any guidance nor draw any
conclusions from Nature. and by splitting apart. drag their
communities to the depths of degredation).'


'What! Do these (peoples) who fell into degredation because

of their evil deeds think that We shall hold them equal with
those who after acquiring (the requisites of) Faith performed
!!ood deeds--that. equal will be their lives an d equal will be their
death: (Remember that) utterly ill (and meaningless) is the
.illd!!ement that they make.'

:>:~ ~"./

-: ;:t:,:,:.,.-'
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....... -' r-. . .,.-., ,



"These \points Wllich have been made in this Sura) constlture

wisdom and a pennanent guidance (for human mmd), ratner (a
;::omplete tountain of) Mercy for a people of assured faith in
them (and whatever truth is stated in them)!' (Just ponder,
that whatever has been stated so far relates to reflection on

~,I"="-\ i.>:~~ ~G'

'And, We also granted them the Open Truths (Sig.ns) of the
Law (of Nature): but it was onJ\' after knowledge had come to
them that "they fell into schism's through insolent envy among
themselves land they weakend their empire. otherwise their
material superiority over the world would han' certainly been
sustained), Verily. thy Lord will judge between them about
til est (dreadful) differences of theirs (as to which section was
at fault),'


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'And now (after mak.in!! it clear that there exist hundreds

of guidelines in the heavens and the earth. and that whatever
is there in the heavens and the e;uth has been subjected to
man's use, ,the awe-inspiring diclosure which is presently being
made is that) God created tlle heavens and the earth as Truth,
and the
purpose of this creation is tl1at' each soul may
(individually) find the recompense of what it has done (in the
investigation of Nature) and that no injustice is done to

'They will be of no benefit to you as against God. and there



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, Cl:J..r--" ...-.....::; ;..l...) I ~ ~\~ (r!

'Tb!!n seest thou not such a one as takes his gods his own
vain uesires. and in spite of knowing that none except God
is the .\u thority in, the worlu'? God left him astray and
sealed his ears and the heart and put a cover on his sight. Who.
then. can guide such a ant! after Gou (has withdrawn His
Guidance)'! Will ye not then receive :.ldmonition from this'!"

. Anu to God belongs the Dominion or the heavens and the

the Book of !'lature) will find ttiemselves in (u tter) loss.'

(~arth, and when the Day the Hour ;.mived, all the falsHiers

('~;.....;.s>-!'J//~, .....


? ..




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'Anu these people think. "This personal life of Ollrs in this

world is all fthat means anything). We live in it and then uie.
and time itself puts an end to us. (There is no motive power
besides this: nor is involved in this destmction of ours a ques
tion of disobedience of any law. or questioning in the Here
after. or accountabilit\' before God Almi~hty, )" llH$e people
have no knowled!!e of this. and merely indulge in conjecture
(because of their ignorance of the Law of the Survival of the
. ~ ... /' \'!j\II~\I~ y"'-:. .J':~' .~,\(.rl/ -'.~ \:;;.\' F{~~ '\!!\~ "
'..:.. \",,>U.,... :r .... D1 1I1 ~ .... c> VI ~
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... \ - '


'And thoLl wilt see that e:1I.::1.:ommunity. with knees bowed .

is being ..:alleu to its Rook \ Wilich was prepared for each of
them and they will be told) "TIlis Day shall ye be re..:ompensed
for all tha t ye did.'"

.>: ,





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.... ! ;

'''This Book of Ours speaks the Tnnh, and We were wont to

~ .: : on record all that ye did." ,

, ",,, ~!.." ~


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'Tell them. "God will give you life. then will give you death,
and then He will gather you together on the Day of Judgement
{~nd obtain account of what ye did)". But most people do not'
know (that on that Day everybody will be individually asked
to give account of his actions).'





'TI1en, as to the pe6ples which beUeved and did righteou.~

deeds. God will admit them to His Mercy: and that will be the
Achievement for all to see.

u~s'..1 ;;~U"ltr.(
'/I~ ~
~~.c...\J ...._,




'And when Our clear Signs are rehearsed to them. their

.ngument is nothing except that (if the Commandments of God
lre tmely the Commandments of perpetuation of nations then)
"brin~ back our forefathers if what ye say is tme




.e. l


o~~ ... "

'. And the nation which rejected God, (to them will be saLi;
(as has been stated at the beginning of the Sura), "Were not
Our Si~ns rehearsed to YOll, but YOll were disdainful' and
arrogan t. and tInts became a people given to sin. ,J,

'And when it was said (to you) that the Promise of God ,!-nd
Hour of destruction were both true and there was 'no doubt
about their happening. you woulrl say. "We know not what this






Hour is: we only consider it u doubtful idea, :lI1d we have no

firm assurance of it.' ,

stated that their conquest and the study of the Book of Nature
can alone lead to man's meeting with the Creator of t.;e
h~avens and the earth, and this alone is aimed at in the Divine
W~ll. 1?en ~s stated how Bani Israel perished by misreading the
Directives In the Book of Nature, and how it was now the
responsibil~ty of the followers of Prophet Muhammad (peace
be upon him) to adopt these Signs of Nature as their course
of action, and to ensure that they do not get annihilated by
following desires of ignorant people. The third stage of this
knowledge comes in the beginning of the third Section when
God Almighty makes the momentous disclosure' that the
heavens and the earth were created by Him on Truth and that
the only purpose Of this creation is to reward each individual
for his actions, and to punish those who do not take: Nature as
their sole guide: those who, by indulging in pleasuretul pursuits,
lose sight of the real purpose of life, and take death and
life as a mere routine without any significance; such are ,the
people as will receive Grievous Penalty. TI1ey will be confronted
...with the Book that was given to them, and Questioned what
their fate was after what they did in taking ail this in Jest'
"Today We forget thee as ye forgot Us, and We meet those wh~
had faith in Our Nature."
In ,short, every word of this Sura .is in support of the claim
made In the Hedith-ul-Quran about the Quranic programme
and about the entire meaning of Islam as explained in Tazkirah
Da_h-al-Bab. __The expressions Ayyam Allah and
Uqa-i-yayl1Ul kum haza confirm in entirety my-~fore mentioned
;hemes--the Status of God, the position' ot man and man's
retum'--that eventual Meeting with God constitutes the
u:tirr:at~ objective of man's creation, and the only course to
thIS IS Intensive and unceasing investigation of the Book' of






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'nlen will be~ome apparent to them the consequences of

evil Jeeds. and then will they be completely encircled by that
which they used to mock at:

'TI1en it will be said to them: "This Day We forget thee as

ye forgot thelleelillg Willi Us of this Day, and th) :lbode is
the Fire and no !\elpers have ye".'

~TIl is because ve used to take the Signs of Goo in jest, and

the pleasures of w~rldy life and neglectfulness Jccieved thee. So
ye shall not be taken out from the penalty of today, nor shall
ye be received intoGrace.'



,,,, ..


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:.... ~ \ ~.,.
" .,...

'TIlen there should only be Praise to God, Lord of the

heavens ;"d Lord of the earth-~Lord and Cherisher of all the
'Because. His is the Glory throughout the heavens and the
'!::rrth. and He trudy is Exalted in Power. Full of Wisdom.
What _is required to be kept in view while tryin!! to
. understand the meaning ot this Sura is stated as follows. In th~
- heginning of the Sura occur the words a/-Aziz-ul-Hakilll:

the same words occur in thalast verse. In the begmnm" ot tae
Sura are mentioned Ayaat of al-Samawa t ancral-Ardh a~d ::>f
the terrible punishment for peoples who considered ~em futile
and foolish: the same picture is drawn at the end ot the Sura.
'tn the second section comes a new disclosure--that all that
exists in the heavens and the earth is meant for man: it has been




[Translated from Urdu, Preface, Tazkirah,
pages 16-61, published in 1924]
THE Western thinkers have fallen into many inaccuracies, rather
committed blunders, while definin~ 'fitness' . TIley accept~d
historical situations or natural tendencies of infeflior speCles
alone as a correct clue to the science of conduct, erected the
edifice othuman character on them, and excluded the two
most important factors --the Will of the Willful God and man's
own free will--in understanding the Providential decisions. They
laboured under the false notion that the law which governs the
rise and fall of nations has been framed exactly as the law of
gravitation ,and the rules of mathematics; and just ~ the
properties of the consituents provide a clue to the properties of
compounds, similarly it is possible to have full knowledg~ of the
instincts and natural tendencies of a people by studymg the
individuals and those of special species of man by studying the
general sp~cies of animals. This line of thinking has to~ay
turned out to be of so little avail that whereas the correct Vlew
of 'fitness' has succeeded more than ever in lifting the Western
nations to the high pinnacle of material advancement, its wrong
concept is fast pushing them down to .the lowest depths ~f
moral degradation. Today, instead of bemg happy over theIr
'materialism: they a,re all wailing ovel Jack of 'spiritual~sm '. If
at one place, the correct knowled~ of politics raises them one
yard, at another, ignoranc~ of Sp'iritl;lalism pulls t~em do:m
two yards. The same civilization whIch, through Its amazmg
utilitarian -power, is populating and enlivening every nook anq.
corner of the world is mercilessly ransacking their own homes.
This is why in spit; of the unique knowledge of rna terial things
of Nature a~d correct information about matter, West's stability
on the earth is highly doubtfuL They know verY little of the



'science of ReliiPons'; they are unaware of a vital part of the
'Straight Path'. Undue sway of politics and materialism has
almost unconsciously led them to believe that 'fitness' signifies
only physical strength and material force--this in main is the
culture of lesser species; in it alone lies the secret of survival of
species. To possess this physical force to the utmost, they are
hiring all things in Nature and, through them, are attaining
increased power. But they are completely oblivious of the
sniritual potential of individuals and the sky-shattering power of
the culture of human mind. They are sacriticing their inner
divine pows at the lifeless altar of materialism aT\d are being
rapidly exterminated at the hands of merciless time. Germany's
unparalleled militarism, much of which p~rished In the recent
Great War, was the symbol of this very non-spiritual and hired
force. And Britain's piratical lllst for land and imperiousness,
too, are, at a lesser scale, manifestations of the same desire
which is undermining her national foundations.
As against peoples of the West, both material as well as
spiritual concept of 'fitness' is non-existent in nations of the
East. To th,em the immense Nature is essentially purposeless and
False; nothing in it is worth examination, worth struggling for.
A deeper view of the world is futile in their eyes; to live here
properly and vigorously is, in their opinion, a futile attempt to
engrave some tlling on the surface of water; they believe that
turning away from this supreme work of God is tantamount tt>
invoking His blessings; thus are they immersed in a pleasureful
, vision of lasting life in the 'hereafter'. Spiritualism in their view
is a life of abstinence which results in inactivity and stagnation,
sterilisation of natural faculties, ineffective rituals and vain
'struggles', or, at least, a purposeless 'piety' and 'worship', the
influence of which does not extend even to ten paces. The
mass-scale reformer, heart-changing and revolutionary concept
of 'fitness' which was once introduced by Prophets has been
completely wiped out in the East; and to remain idle in this
. world of cause and effect and effort and action, and then to
keep on suffering is the sum total of theirJaith. To them religion
and politics have become so wide apart as if there was nothing
common in them. The type of politics handed over to world
communities by Prophets through the medium of spiritualism
has been set aside for the 'hereafter'. The Zoroastrian and the
Brahman., the Buahis,t and the Muslim. are all engageq in the'



th.ankless stntggle of seemingly purchasing hereafter's 'oblivion'
by leaving all that is 'available' for their adversaries, thus
proving Religion a futile thing at least for this world. In short,
whereas the cash-conscious West considers it a crime to take
'fitness' anything other than politics of Iuaterial force, and in
his arrogance of physical might is vainly trying to secure
stability by pushing the alien and unwanted Religion guest to
its original home (Asia), the oblivion-loving idiot of the East,
having forsaken original concept of spiritualism, considers
himself 'fit' on account of his piety and total surrender through
utter weakness and stagnation, and is vainly trying to discover
survival in self-destruction.
I believe that both these manifestations of struggle and
stagnation signify excessiveness and. deficiency, destruction and
annihilation; they are certainly no signs of security and peace.
While living within the four walls of the world, a community's
true religion is the religion of its perpetuation and survival and
this. alone is true 'politics' and true 'fitness'. Whereas supreme
force is certainly needed for stability, utmost purification of
mind is the sole and the surest way to sustain this force. It is
very likely that a group of hired person~ or mercenaries may for
a short while generate strength; it may have all the essen tials of
supremacy and domination; everything in it might appear
incomparable and unique; the powerful might be extremely
powerful, the weak woefully weak; on one side might be plenty
of pleasure and comfort, on the other extreme helplessness. But
such a hired fO'!'':'f! has no stability; it has no inherent durability
of 'fitnes'; it has the brittle strength of glass but is devoid of
the repelling flexibility of steel. It is like a spider's network
which gets demolished by a blast of wind after which not a
trace of the captivating structure is left. MlUQ.r part of the
European civilization is based on this weakrieSl;.and short
sightedness. For a nation to survive, it is essential that tife
character of its individuals should be pattemf(d, as far as
possible, on the character of the Designer of the Universe; it
should reflect man's determination to evolve to higher forms of
existence; it should not descend to the same lesser creations
from which it evolved. Such a civilization is cutting its own
roots,though presently it may be so intoxicated with power as
to be unable to feel the drift towards self-annihilation.
I am convinced that some day the West will have to post

pone the scrutiny of the Work of Goa and undenake the study
of the Word of God. On that day will change into belief their
entire perplexity and state of indecision; their doubts about the
'straight pa,th' wil~ t~tally disappear; the predominantly wrong
concept of fitness WIll undergo repeated corrections and evolve
in fullness; most of the social and cultural principles formulated
in the light of their knowledge of Nature will receive surprising
corroborati~n from the words uttered several thousand years
ago; they WIll be able to form correct idea of the knowledge of
the Prophets; they will obtain precise and correct information
about their own misguidedness and the divine and authoritative
testimony of their rightmindedness. Then will also be rendered
impossible their present pretended ignorance about the Creator
of the earth and the heavens; no longer will tlley be able to reject
the wine while moving about with the intoxicated. An unhesitat
ing belief in the Wisdom of the Supreme Knower, a scientific
view of His Blessings, and a compelling desire to push ahead will
fertilise this vast field of action. Then human beings, too, will dis
play affection for each other; frequent massacres will no longer
pollute the 'paradise' of their social happiness. If the West and
the East truely viewed Religion from this level of knowledge,
and if Science, too, by receiving it with kindness and affection,
proved anew the Words of{;od as the common path of man, his
sole course, one more Unchanageable Message of the Sustainer
of the Universe, one more Infallible Law of His, rather man's
sole refu~e and unique abode of his safety; and if the dwellers
of the earth showed wisdom and prudence, instead of debating
the persons of the Prophets attended to the Fundamental
Directive of God Almighty revealed through them, and adopted
as their course of action the real Law by ignoring offshoots and
symbols then Hell will be totally closed to them, the busy Devil
will have nothing to do in this world, and instead of the
unfortunate earth being its abode, it will have to flee to some
other planet.
It is only today that the immense reality of Revelation can
become manifest to man when his know/edge is rising to the
higllest plane, when he longs for a contact W~tl1 the Mercury,
wher thl! sway of his ears and eyes has extended to the edge of
the sky, when his penetrating intelligence is having a total.view
of the bewildering Universe, when he has before hint full picture
of the fall and rise of nations. What understanding the



petty-minded generations of the past could have of the Words

of the Omniscient ahd All-Knowing God, what value would
they have attached to His Unbounded Knowledge, what would
they have thought of the implications of His elevating
commandments when they harboured the notions that the
"square block of the earth is rotating on the horn of a bull, and
the bull itself is supported on the back of fish"? What could
they understand what the Master of the earth and the heavens
had said, what purp6se He had before Him in saying so, what
supreme objective had He in view. why this insistence on
Tauheed, why the command to keep away from the Devil, what
is meant by Faith, what God's fear is aimed at, why is
<disruption forbidden, what is this anxiety for unity, what
do Paradise and Hell signify, why is the emphasis on
pilgrimages, why the inducement for self-purification, what is
intended in alms, offerings. piety etc? It is in the pr~se_nt age of
. Science and Evidence that do's and don'ts of ReligIOn can oe
exhibited in their true and original conception, that their goals
can be correctly fixed, that permanent conclusions can be
drawn from them, that the Divine Law and the Providential
Proclamation can be comprehended. I t is in this age of
knowledge that the servant can understand the correci'intention
of the Master and the Master can cultivate true relationship with
the servant; personality-cult, bigotry, distortion of Religion, and
the state of excessiveness and deficiency can all be ended; it can
be reliably established that in fact the Message was the same,
on<ly outward forms of its enforcement were different. The real
purpose is the Fundamental 'Deen', the Law of Nature and
awareness of the ways of God; mere symbols do not constitute
the true religion; nay,whichever people has stuck to the
Fundamental that alone is being rewarded from His immense
treasure; only that nation is being annihilated which has
discarded the soul, has deviated from the basic and the
all-pervading reality. This is the age when the goal of mankind's
unity can be reached more than ever before; when a world
conference of knowers of Nature can put the entire mankind on
_ one course; when the gossipy and verbose features of Religion
can be completely eliminated; when its practical and unitive
aspects can be engraved on everybody's mind; when it is
possible to wipe out its conflicting: disru{1tive, revolting and
partisan influences; when stupid debates on 'loud amen' and

'low amen' can be forthwith stopped; when

truth and
falsehood, the proper and the improper can be sorted out in the
twinkling of an eye. Only through knowledge can materialise
real homage to Revelation; only thus can take birth true and
unadulterated faith, ceaseless effort and unshakeable unity; an
awareness can emerge that the course directly testified by the
Revealed Message alone ensures survival and progress. The Last
of the Revealed Books (the Holy Quran) gave a clear verdict on
the present disintegrated state of mankind, and, in fact, on tlle
nature of Religion on the grounds that customs and rituals are
one thing and the Fundamental Directive another. "Ye human
beings! We have appointed for each people an outward
semblance of its worship of God and obedience to His Law
which it is following, but the Fundamental Law (al-Amr) is the
same for everybody (and it is unity). People, therefore, should
not dispute with thee on the Fundamental (al-Amr). Ye
assemble the entire mankind on one point by inviting them to
One_GQd, and through this 'Tauheed' unite the whole world
Verily in establishing this unity between the world communines
you are on the Right Course" (22:67). In other words, any
conflict over the Law of God by disputing about rituals
amounts to.deviation from the Straight Path and Religion.
. B~t apart from such a conf~rence of world scientists, right
thmking persons can see for themselves, while sitting in their
study rooms, that a stream of unity runs through all the existing
heavenly books even in their mutilated forms. They all point to
tl~e s~me goal, reflect the same point of view, and the S,.'lme
dIrective though forms of practice are in some cases. diffe;ent
If there has arisen any difference in the application of the
supreme directive, it is merely a difference of view poin t, of the
shades of the picture; it is certainly not the difference of the
mind's vision. This is why each Prophet testified all the
preceding Prophets; Buddha upheld Krishana, Moses confirmed
Abraham, Christ founded his Message on the Mosaic Law
Pro~het Mohammed upheld all .the Prophets, in fact, th~
SavIour of each people; even the Sikh leader, Nanak. equally
~c~epted. the Last Prophet and his predecessors. This testirnpny
m Itself IS a proof that they were all mutually con/idan ts; they
were aware of the same Law the same momentou's Directive
that is, they were all Seers and professed the same Faith. Thei;
intellect had become so resplendent and thPir teachings so






revealing on account of their lofty vision and wi'de outlook tha1

difference of appearance and form did not seem to them any
difference! Their attention was focussed on that Law, that
fundamental truth, that Religion of Nature which everywhere
ensures peace --peace of communities and tribes, of homes and
individuals. For example, the Divine Book of the Last Prophet
uses the same expression al-Salat for the prayers introduced by
Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, etc., etc.; the same word
al-Zakat is used in respect of all; for fasting IS used the same
expression; the same words have been employed to denote
'hajj', 'jehad', 'hijra' which, having been linked with a particular
Shariah, have become its conventions; for each is fixed the same
reward, and punishment of the same magnitude, although it is a
fact that they all had different forms; namaz had not the same
number of ruku, and sajood, zakat was not of the same
proportion; for fasting was not fixed the same month of
Ramazan, nor the same timings etc. This is so because the
Quran is concerned with stating the fundamentals; it does not
bother about the superficialities of a people. Even today, it
accepts al-Salat onlv that which can generate the same attitude
mmd, the same purposeful 0 bediencc, tne same
self-discipline, the same ability to act, the same fraternity and
mutual relationship, the same cooperation and sense of security
as were intended in the messages brought by Abraham, Moses
and Christ; it is not concerned with the outward form or
constituents of the Mohammedan prayer, and in whatever way
the results are achieved, they are in its eyes acceptable to God
Almighty. In fact, if a namaz fails in this, then in the absolute
sense of the Quran that soulless jumble of rituals is not entitled
to be called al-Sa~at. The Prophets looked at the Law of the
Universe from this point of view, and, therefore, they all saw
the same thing; they all found out the Reality and the Truth.
And if today also, the divine documents are viewed from
this plane, it is not impossible to discover the truth of the
Heavenly Message and enforce unanimity in tile entir~ world.
However, the leaders of mankind must loot at the, mmensl Divine
Law with the aid of Science and Revelation; the'short-Sightedness
of ignorance cannot 'decide what this Straight Path is.
I am convinced that for the full comprehension of the
Divine law and the Providential Programme, there exists in the
world~o heavenly book which is better, more complete. more

evident. and more authentic than the Quran. All Scriptures

have more or less undergone textual modifications since their
revelation; the texts of most of them have completely
disappeared from' the face of the earth; with the passage of
time many of them have lindergone changes which is openly
confessed even by their custodi:ms, but the grievous offence of
textual change has not been committed in the case of this book.
Alth ough in terpre tational distortions have taken place in the
concepts and Il10tives of the Quran, its original and prophetic
objectives have been lost in the combined dilations undertaken
both by the 'ulema' and the ignorant, many religious and
jurisprudential masks have covered its inner meanings, the
divine concept of its directive is no longer clear to the Muslims,
beiief in its do's and don'ts has been confined only to
utterances and gossips, whatever is expressed is done merely in
statements and words, 'whispers' and 'magical antics', but its
words exist in their correct and original form. Now, even the
greatest of forgeries cannot change them, cannot reshape them.
The existence of such a book is a unique opportunity for the
researcher because the words' of the Quran and their verified
meanings constitute, for the relative study of the Divine
documents. a true guidance to the purpose of God underlying
the Revelation. TIle Quran is in a position to give ,a final and
heavenly verdict on an issue where nOlle of the revealed. bOOKS,
in their present form, is in a position to do. Not only that,
the Quran becomes a true testifier of all that today is common
in the various revealed books and whose existence is also
certified by the Quran. From 'this point of view, if most of the
issues contained in a supposedly revealed book are found to
have something common with what is said in the Quian, that
book is testified to have been heavenly at the time of its
revelation. In short, this rare book is-- ektrl!mely valuable in
lifting Religion to the level of Science. The '~archer of truth is
very lucky that he has at his disposal at least (me book which
claims to have been directly revealed b1 God, ~nd which itself is
undefiled and wholly pure. His only task now is to prove it pure
gold by testing it on the touchstone of Science, or, if it is found,
lacking, to completely rid mankind of the 'Grea~t Fraud' of
Religion by openly proclaiming it faulty and fake.



These are the thoughts on the


of which I am obliged



to present this book to the dw~l1l'rs of the earth. I am
convinced that in comprehensiven0ss and profundity, logic
and wisdom, knowledge, and revelation, the Quran is such
a unique document that its Science is above every possible
elevation of human understanding. All divine books reveal only
a portion or a few portions of the Providential Law and the
ISeligion of Nature, but this rare document explains it in entire
ty. There is no department of human sociology and culture,
wordly pleasure and peace, scientific advancemen t and growth,
practical dominance and initiative for whose realization and
perpetuation it does not give complete and meaningful indica
tions. This book is a true guide for man at every stage of civili
zation, every pace of culture, and every step of progress. Its
forbidding finger points to only that which eventually results
in disaster, collective inirmity, total death. Its unequivocal
directive guides only towards that Straight Path which ensures
peace. survival and stability, beneficence and power. Its fore
. most objective is collective improvement of human societies,
but in the context of this exposition of collectivism, it has also
unfolded the true programme of individual welfare. Its Revealer
is that Omniscient, that Knower of the Future and the Present
Who is seeing man's evolution thousands, rather millions of
years ahead, Who is producing the evidence of centuries of past
even ts, Who is pointing towards the fundamen tals of peace, and
is warning against sitmitions of fear and insecurity. In short.
whatever He says, He uoes it with force and vigour, certainty
and certitude, loftiness and independence. His law is so perfect,
that unseeing eyes find fault with it, see flaws, entertain
misgivings, but the vastness of knowledge and breadth of vision
again render these doubts doubtful. Every now and then, new
situation's, new disclosures. m'w views are revealed about each
doubt and
rl'nller the skeptic helpless and
status of woman the number of Wives
crestfallen. The
prohibition, social equality de., etc., ~e some of the issues o~
which mankind at its prcsl'n t stage of culture will not be able to
hold the same view or give the same verdict; they will remain
controversial' as long as man':, knuwledge of Nature is imperfect.
But the decisive and final verdkts of the Quran on these
profound issues are the same as (Ire heing almost unconsciously
accepted by vital sections of the world opinion; they are fie
same as are putting mankind on a new course after having been


learnt from bitter experience, punishments for offences against

nature, ill-effects of generations of neglect, fatal and

self-annihilating consequences of excesses and deficiencies,

and progress of knowledge. Mankind may remain caught in a

dilemma, it may, in the quest of the true path, call one thing

wrong and another right, may attend to Dick after forsaking

Tom and then from Dick may rush to Harry, but the Quranic

verdi'cts are Immutable for the reason that human nature will

, eventually converge to them. Man, who is oblivious of his own

nature is in fact born on them; to give them up means defeat
and dest~uction;' thefr abidance means security and peace.
Wherever there is despondency, it is the result of departing from
them; wherever there is tranquility it is only by accepting them.
Islam, as explained in the Quran, is a Nature on which is created
the entire species of mankind regardless of colour and country;
it is essentially and inherently unchangeable. This is the Straight
Path besides which no other straight course is logically possible .
However, if during their search for it, people give up one course
and follow another, tl1ey do it due to paucity of knowledge.
The day the know\.edge of hurrian nature is perfected, the
straight path will become more radiant than the rays of the sun
and the streaks of the moon.

In spite of the difficulties which arise from the brevity with

which the Qman enunciates the Divine' Law and insufficiency of
one's own knowledge, its framework is so Qbvious to men of
understanding that it is impossible for such a brief book to be
clearer and more thorough. Apparently it is nn extremely terse
document but it claims to have stated everything. Complexity is
inevitable in conciseness but the Revealer of the Quran has
c~uched in extremely simple language
pronounced it to
(yassarna hu belisnekaJ For centuries have the people been
piling up commentaries to explain what the Quran means, but it
insists on being an open and manifest book (al-Kitabil Mu bin),
Scholars of Shariah consider each of its verses incomprehensible
without lone explanatory notes but its own pronouncement
is of being an exhaustive book, an explanation of everything
(al-Kitabul Mll!assalan). The present-day maulvis consider it a
sin to reason what wisdom and knowledge it embodies, but its
own iuvitation is to ponder and reflect (af/a yatadabbarunJ.
The admirers of Tradition do not accept a single verse to be




independent of the voluminous collections of Hedith b ut 't
it is adequate, contains
programme a~d nothmg aft~r It is needed by those who believe,
and the verdIct ~f one of Its greatest admirers (Hazrat Umar) ,
was that enough IS God's Book. The linguists tag it to the rules
of grammar but those who understood and acted
't f
two hundred years did it without the aid of gra~;~/ 11~~
Islam~c w?rl,d has for long been applauding its literary beauties
and h~~':lIS~IC chaJ?1 but ,its own declaration is that it is not a
poetry, B,nn g a wIsdom hke unto this" is what it challenges Its
upholders for the last many centuries have been mostly those
who were by and large ignorant of the Work of God" who had
no knowledge of Nature, and were averse to what is ~atter of
fa~t, but the Quran has invariably addressed itself to peoples
w 0 possess knowledge and have faith Its en '
, e m l e s are
d d'
a mlrers saying in a somewhat subdued
vOlce--that ,the Quran ~s d~~oid of harmony, but it has refuted
thhe allegati~ns by s?ymg, allazina ja'alul quraana idhina", In
sort, notWithstanding diverse claims of its adm'
w an
emerges after I'tseep
and con tinuous study is tha
t i't is
~x~~e;n~IY pr~found and comprehensive document; there exists
~n ~ u a~d fmal programme of man's collective progress' it has
,,~,~, pr?vlded .r0~ deep reflection and utmost contempiation
\ ill Itself, It IS c0"!lplete: it does not stand in need of
vo urnes of human conjectures and opinion-mongering' it is its
own true explanation: it is independent of all man-m~de and
~:1angeable gr,ammar, ?nd has an unalterable syntax of its own',
~ s own termm~logy I~ enough to express its conceptions and
~dedas, for th~m ~t certamly needs no outside help, Its legal terms
constItutional references have been stated 'n 't
context ,with. su ch'
l i S own
a!!.d precision. certitude
~orrectnes~, that not
the slIghtest doubt arises in the
,mte~pretatIo~ of any part of it. ll1ere is such an amazing
cons!st~llcy In the exactness of each word's meaning -- and
GO.d s ,mtention in the use of that word -- that it has the same
ob~e~tl:e fro~ th~ start to the end; no amount of consensus,
tWlsttn", or distortion can alter what is intended by tlle word
~ach verse ha,s only one mea,ning; only one course is possible i~
, s c0!ltext; It has only one purpose, one verdict and one
mtention, ~ne context and one theme, It is on this basis that
the Ouran IS completely free from the ucly human defect of




contradiction or redundancy, Where verses are suspected of

contradiction, or give an indication of repetition or
inconsistency, there has occured some drawback in divining
their true meanings: some inadequacy has taken place, some
defect has certainly occured. In fact, the Quran itself sometimes
puts two apparently contradictory or synonymous statements
close to each other in the same text and in the course of the
same argumen t, and by giving a kick to the slow-paced steed of
man's imagination provides a spontaneous proof of there being
no contradiction or repetition, It is concise, but this conciseness
is the direct proof of the authenticity and unity of what it
means, It is a Law book, but the very fact of its being Law
provides an irrefutable evidence of its harmony, oneness of the
meaning and consistency of the objective, Where it appears
disjointed, there must have occured some confusion in
understanding it, some improper twisting might have taken
place; somewhere grammar has played the havoc, some influence
of a false Hedith has lingered on, customs and traditions have
concealed something, ignorance has caused some confusion,
conjecture has played some mischief, foolishness has made some
inroads, Otherwise, there is nol\-}ing wrong with the two pieces
occuring tpgether; paucity of knowledge, and absence of tl1e
in ter1ening links of the argument in Jhe reader's mind make it
appear disjointed. When the inner meaning of things uncovers
the connection of one reality with the other, the link is
automaticallY established,

, I am convinced that the message of every great leader and

fearless guide has appear.ed disjoin ted, The more a person is
master of his art the higher the level of grasp his knowledge has
attained, the gr~ater'his capability to put humanity on a new
course, or to astonish the people with a neW disclosure, in the
same proportion appears his mess~ge disjointed and unarranged
in the eyes of uie 'masses, and to the same extent he
intentionally avoids --and is indifferent to-- making his message
appear orderly. The torrent of ideas, the' immensity of
knowledge and the paucity of time do not permit him to
produce, merely to please tl1e ignorant, a logical arrangement or
continuity in his message, Like a boundless sea, the gigantic
flow of knowledge billows in his brain; he does not disclose it in
full detail; he only points. in that limitl~ss expanse, to the



towering spots and prominent islands. People are generally
unfamilic1r with this style, and fail to see the inner harmony of
what he says. They do not realise that there exists underneath
his utterances an unbreakable relationship; that below them is a
common and hard ground, a natural and unending continuity of
logic. The towering mounts are seen in separation, but their
bases and valleys, their foundations and common systems are
submerged in the whirlpool of his deep knowledge. He himself
sees them clearly, but the people soon become impatient
because of their limited perception. Jesus Christ's Sermon on
the Mount appears disjointed even today; in it is visible no logic
or arrangement; the pronouncements made therein appear
scattered and unrelated to each other; no permanent conclusion
is drawn what God's law is. Yet, it is admitted by every
Christian and non-Christian that the Sermon on the Mount was
the most widely known, the completest and the most effectual
of all the sermons of that great Prophet. In fact, the Christians
have for centuries taken this Sermon as the sum total of
Christianity's spiritual teachings. People have not so far been
able to understand who exactly these 'humble in heart' are,
what the kingdom of Heavens means and why does it belong to
them; who are the forbearing and how do they 'inherit tll~
earth.' What being Ill~ek in heart means and how God's Vif'w,
IS only their lot; why did Christ not only did not canc~ii'aurah
or books of the earlier prophets, but actually completed them,
though today nothing appears common between the Christians
and the Jews. What tllis teaching of "slap on the right side" is,
how display of love for the enemies could be taken as the
'Religion' of Nature? How could the advice 'not to worry about
tomorrow because tomorrow will take care of itselr be the
teaching of a man of action promising inheritance in the earth,
etc. etc.? If the Sermon is viewed superficially, it is not found
to have any logic, any acceptable argument, any continuity,
any big or small piece of wisdom. The maximum a searching
mind can conclude from it is that it is a 'religious' and 'indiv
idualistIc' teaching dragging human beings to ascenclsm; it IS
well-nigh impossible for a worldly person to get any benefit out
of it. Bu t hardly two years have passed that a prominent and
practical Indian leader correctly adopted a bit of this slap
connected humble-making teaching, and, though failing to
comprehend its entire logic, tried to put it into practice and, bv


inspiring filS people with Its unfaltering spiritualism and
envisioning before them the goal of "inheritance ofthe eartll"',
he created, in a few months time, such an atmosphere, as
completely unnerved the British Government. However, the
earth-shaking harmony of a Prophet's message, and the Straight
Path embodied in it can be assimilated by him alone whose
vision is immensely large; . circumscirbed view of prejudiced
mind cannot reach its inner harmony.
Leave aside the teachings of prophets, messages of other
world teachers too appear mostly disjoin ted to tl1e superficial
viewer. There are found in most of Bacon's philosophical works
and articles intricacies to disentangle which one experiences a
sort of unpleasantness. To find out the conceptual link in the
verses of Maulana Rumi's Mathnawi is not an easy job even
today; they appear rolling like scattered pearls and very few can
elucidate the author's correct intention. Carlyle, who wanted to
belittle the Arab Prophet's Quran as a disjointed thought, has
tried to colour his own writinjjS with an artificial trait of this
sublimeness, though he himself was not a scholar .of high order
and admits in an undertone that the collection of these
scattered ideas elevated the Arabs to tlle highest level of culture.
Most of Aristotle's sayings ,are entangled; in fact, his writings
become intelligible only when gone thrsmgh repeatedly. In the
case of Ghalib, sometimes two lines in the same verse appear to
have no connection. The reader often experiences difficulty in
understanding the adjacent stages of Newtonian argument. In
short, where in a higher-level compilation one comes across
jisjointedness, where words are few and the substance is
immense, where logic is covered with brevity and profoundness,
where knowledge-created imperiousness is inattentive to the
unavailing protestations. of ignorance, and has, through the
force of its own truth, become free of explanations and
commen ta~s, there does reside tl1-e veiled bride of reality; there
lies hidden the true and lasting beauty; behind those ugly and
closed windows is seated the "diffident' beloved of meaning.'
Real and peerless beauty needs no exhibitionism or display; its
Iilitter anq attractiveness lie in being veiled; it is free from fue
vulgarity Of. ostentation and self-projection; in the critical tiyes
. its being veiled in itself is a terrific invitation, a real prompting,
a message of embrace, a call for kiss. Nay, often the threads of a
critical eye too serve: ~s a screen and hide it behind themselves;



they too find it impossible to tolerate the H)dignity of its being

If the Quran is the Message of the Creator of the heavens
and the earth, if it constitutes the words which were engraved
on the mind of the Arabian Prophet by the Master of the sun
and the moon, if it really is the Last Lesson of the First Teacher
and the Original Gui,de to the dwellers of the earth, then its
being disjoin ted in the eyes of the unknowing is its greatest
virtue. Its harmony can become manifest only to those who
have 'probed every nook and corner of the Universe who have
acquired substantial knowledge of the inmost myst~ry of the
Book of Nature, who have been elevated by the loftiness of '
knowledge and spaciousness of truth to the higher honzon of
the heavens and the stars; who, indifferent to the petty
quibbling of lowly logic, are pursuing the inner realities of
things; who are aware of the secret tunes of acceptability in this
supreme music of condition and consequence, cause and effect,
basis' and outcome; who know the hidden melody of the
Providential decisions; who, in this apparently unshapely,
unguided, unarranged, and tyrannous world of contradictions,
find an amazing balance, a surprising justness and harmony,
supreme equilibrium and arrangement. The Creator of the
heavens and the earth could not afford, while revealing His
Message, first to teach man, like the initiators, the letters, then
arrange letters and words, and subsequently explain what
connection varioUs sentences have with each other. His
declaration that the book is complete, detailed, and a
treasure-house of knowledge and wisdom is in itself a great
favour; it is not in man's power to produce the like of it; it is
easy, open, and free from contradictions; it is meant for a
people which knows and reflects; it is a guide and mercy, light
and purity; it is perfectly consistent. These qualities themselves
make it as resplendent as the sun. It is now for man to make
utmost efforts to look for these qualities, to te:;~ th~ Quran on
the touchstone of knowledge, scrutinise it as WIsdom, try to
establish harmony between its various parts, prove it as having a
single objective from the beginning to the end; or, reject it. The
greatest proof of its being consistent and effectual is that a man
(peace be upon him ) adopted it as his programme; by making it
manifest to the people during the 23 years of blood-curdling
hardships. he established between each letter. word and


sentence such an abiding connection, such a logical continuity,

such a definite and practical environment of cause and
consequence. that the en tire world was dazzled. If today this
divine embodiment of cause and effect, the immense framework
of Providen tiallogic, the final verdict of God, the unchangeable
compilation of the Divine Will has, through man's own neglect
and oblivion been rendered illogical and incongruous, how
could the He~venlY au thorship be held responsible.
If God's Words have remained scattered and inconsistent in
the eyes of the common and ignorant people, the God-created
Nature has from the earliest till today, appeared to them even
unknowing even today finds no
more dis~rder1Y. The
connection between most of what God has created; to him
much of this creation is purposeless and unnecessary; much of
it is superfluous and incongruous. He thinks that the world
could have continued without most of these things; life would
have been more orderly and comfortable in their absence. He
sees an unpleasan t disorderliness in the branches of a tree; bends
in the interwoven paths of the river are annoying; trees of a
jungle, incalculable creatures of the sea, seasonal insects, the
stars scattered across the sky, all, in his view, are unnecessary.
He is unhappy with the mosquito; he considers the fly an
intruder' to him cat's devouring of tl1e lovely pigeon is a
tyranny; it is a sin for the cock to swallow tl1e. insec.t; he
trembles at the sight of a born-blind. The heartrendmg cnes of
an orphan a youth's sudden death, a leprosy-eaten leg, the
death-infe;ted tatters of the holy, tl1e towering buildings of
the adulterous, all 'appear to him-from the beginning to the
end-an uneven distribution a purposeless confusion, a baseless
tyranny, an unwanted' oppression, and ?n ?utrig\1t
authoritarianism. Viewing superficially, he fin ds 111 thl5 world
no system, no plan or scheme in accord wi.th .the accep~ed
notions of order and discipline, equality and Justice, correction
and conflict necessity and invention.On witnessing tllese
strange ways ~nd ugliness of the world, he has often denied even
the existence of the Supreme Phmner. ,He thinks that whatever
he comes across is merely a perplexing and enchanting exhibit
of chance or a nauseous and confounding spectacle of bad
planning, 'but it is absolutely without balance and harmony;
it is utterly without logic, mostly without a cause-and-effect




relatiohship, Precisely for this reason was man's attention

diverted at the various stages of his knowledge and ignorance
from the One God to a host of gods, Whatever was found to be
wonderous itself became god, Somewhere sun was worshipped
as ~od, somewhere a river; somewhere fire became a symbol of
godhood; and somewhoce occured a division between land and
water in the names of deities, Diseases came to ,be attributed to
evil spirits; separate authors were invented of plagues and bad
omens, Where in the presence of effect no cause was available,
one was invented; where existed a cause, there an effect was
supposed, This mental confusion for long did not allow man
first of all to arrang~ these manifestations in a natural order by
allotting in his brain a proper place to each, then show among
them a relationship of cause and effect, reaso!,\ and reward,
justic~ and balance, and by relating them to One Basic Cause, to
establish 'the Unity of this immense creation, Even today, where
ignorance holds sway, the outward disharmony of Nature is
spliting God into separate gods, And though the Divine Word is
emphatic in proclaiming,: "Had there been gods other than God
there would have been nothing but chaos", it is well-nigh
impossible to view the Universe as a connected whole, or to
.accept the Oneness -of its First Cause as long as the ignorant
witnesses chaos in the world, as long as is not established,
through the spread of knowledge, a manifest unity and an
abiding connection between the east and the west, the north
and the south, the heavens and the earth, nay between water
and fire, the fly and the flower; as long as' the mean and narrow
concept of tyranny and justice does not evolve to become part
of!the Divine spaciousness and proves the unfair as totally fair,
the wrong as wholly right, and the earth as part of the heavens.
On this basis has the Quran protested to the nonbelievers: "Do
not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were,
joined (as one Unit of Creation) before We clove them asunder?
We made from water every living thing. Will they not then
believe (in the Unity of the Creator and the Unity of the
Creation)"? (21 :31 )
Today, in the piercing light of science is being uncovered
the harmony of Nature; the existence of an inner relationship
between whatever exists is becoming manifest; also is being
revealed a purposeful methodology of the Law of Nature and a
significant unity between its various causes. It is being daily

revealed that nothing that exists within the four walls of the
heavens and the earth is without purpose, nothing is super
fluous, nothing is false and futile. There is harmony between
the fly and the flower, water and fire, sun and sugar, sound and.
light. Coal and the harmonium possess the same tune and
rhythm; the electric current and the candle liaht
are the same'
nay, We thunder of lightning and its light constitute one and
the same thing, Through all of them is running the current of
kinship; same is the Planner and Administrator of all, same is
the scheme and same is the solution, Water and fire are
bewild~ri~g t?an by their friendliness inside the steam engine;
the , mSlgmficant mosquito is tumin 0a out to be man's
excu~oner; worthless and infinitesimal germs are proving
deadher than the gun and the sling. Apparently very insginifi
cant creatures are enga~ed in mighty works: each one of them
has its own assignment; each is inalienably linked in some chain'
e~ch is removino, some defect, is brid.'5ing some gap, curing som;
?Isorder, some fault somewhere. From the day this amazing
~us~~ss and balance, this revealing cooperation, this awe
mspmng harmony and unity in this bewilderin a Universe are
bei?g uncovered, from the same day is really being proved the
~m~y and .oneness of God; from the same day has become the
diSSident mute, spell-bound, and utterly dazed. 'If there were, in
the heavens and the earth, other gods beSides God, there would
have been confusion in both! But glory to God, the Lord of the
Throne:' (Wgh is He) above what they attribute to Him'
The harmony of the Quran is identical to this harmony of
Nature. The narrow-visioned and the unknowing cannot see
this . harmony; by merely looking 'at it, they feel crestfallen
a~d disgu~ted. The ignorant has split the Quran into separate
pieces; the short-sighted considers that many of its words are
unnecessary and superfluous; the maul})i is engaged in its fluent
non-stop reading; the hafiz mutters it in his own way' the
nar:ow-visioned ~ling to different parts and thus have ~t up
is indulging in extreme
their se~arate Idols; the sufi
exag~eration. over a part of it; the seclutionist, by tearing a
porfl~n of It from the text, is creating an atmosphere of la
taqraDus~alaat (do not go near the salaat), Like the famous story
of the nme blind, one is calling it a pillar, another likening it to
a fan, and still another believing it to be a wall. In short the




1 __ ...


revealer of each Quran is different; the god' of each sura and

verse is different. One part of it is arrayed against the other; at
each step is a different viewpoint, on each word is a conflict.
From none of its commentaries is revealed one plan, one
programme of action, one scheme, one goal, one harmony and
continUIty, one course. This is why today almost hundred per
cent Muslime are reluctant to accept it as the Message of God;
there is rejection in their hearts; their brains revolt; their
faculties are numb; they may declare their verbal acceptance
million times, but iB actual fact they are not prepared to move
ten paces on any of its directives. All this is a horrifying
spectacle of ignorance' and a
tumultuous stagnation of
misinformation; there is no remedy for it except knowledge.
The Quran's own argument of its being from God, too, is.;
"Reflect in the Quran and you will find that it is from God
but there are many who differ over it." But absence of
reflection and lack of knowledge have created so many
differences that there is a 'real' doubt about its being from
God; the finality of its commandments is doubted, their
enforceability is dou bted, the promise ofreward is dOll bted, the
significance is dOUbted. The same argument
of 'Lefasadata' which the Quran gave to prove that the heavens
and the earth are the creation of the same Supreme Builder is
here also playing its reverse role. When there is conflict in the
meanings, when one verse is openly at war with the other, when
the Quran is a scene of tumult, why then should its author be
one; why each verse should not have a different god; why
should not there be sectarianism, stagnation of faculties, and
perversion of thought, nay, why should it not be rejected
from the core of the heart. There was a time when so much
reflection and knowledge were needed to understand the Qui-an,
when, after viewing it in totality, so much collective ponder
ing over each part of it was necessary, when connecting orie
part with the others and, after joining them, evolving one
programme and one path was so vital that the Author had
Himself warned the Prophet not to hurry with his conclusions;
'do not race the steeds of your imagination before the finalisa
. tion of a statement, and before its complete revelation; this is
the Word of the Lord of the heavens and the earth; it is not !.l
conjecture; only extreme knowledge will take you to its
supreme wisdom; increase this knowledge and pray for its


augmentation.' This is why it was revealed in 23 years bit by bit;
each verse was engraved on the great Prophet's mind in sUch a
way that for centuries, continued the upsurge caused by this be
lief. Whatever view the Muslims of today have about th~ Quran
let them have it; let them bles,s the dead by reading ifhundred
times in one night: let them bind it in covers and wrapping
cloth, and keep on kissing it; let them place it high on the shelf
or embrace it with their eyes, and move not even ten paces
when the time for action comes. But this is the Word before
send~g which down to the earth, God too (may God forgive)
kept on 'thinking' for 23 years, to understand which His
Prophet kept on praying for zidni ilma (increase me in know
ledge), whose inheritors in the early Islamic period were the
ulema who were as great knowers as the Prophets of Bani
Israel; which is beau tiful like Nature, is likewise boundless,
orderly. peerless, which is irrefu table and final, and which in
the hands of fools has become such a thing of unconcern
~,s makes the heavens ancJ the earth tremble at this neglect.
Those who.reject and disbelieve say why is not the .Quran"
revealed to hun all at once? Thus (is it revealed), that We may
~trengthen thy. heart thereby, and We have rehearsed it to thee
10 slow, well arranged stages, gradually. "(25:32)
It behoves a real law to have only one meaning, to embody
coherent conceptions; each of its clauses must be understand
able only in one sense, there should exist no scope for misin
terpretation and distortion; from whatever angle is it viewed it
should be found to be correctly applicable. If otherwise, then
it is no law; it is a chaotic jumble, a tumult of contradictions, a
fertile field of conflict. Any possibility of a law's misinterpreta
tion disrupts unity of action; people invent their different
arguments and become content with interpretations of their .
own liking; they fall into disillusion or get arrayed against one
another. Then, the very purpose of its promulgation becomes.
sheer madness; such a framework of distortion and distraction
in no way remains law. At no time has any section of a subject
people given a twist of their own liking to the law of govern
ment in power, no conference has been held to take up any
clause of the country's penal code or legal framework to
produce an easy and choice intrepretation to bring the
Authority round to their point of view. Such a clownish group
can be likened to a silly pigeon which closes its eyes on sighting


an approaching cat, and after a few co.mfortable' moments
plunges in to the jaws of death. The law of every organis
ed and authoritative government is essentially undebatable; its
true and sole in ten tion is provided in its own text: the ex
planation of its intricate and difficult terminology is available
only there: nobody's personal views or elucidations can have
any effect on it Categorisation of crimes is provided in it; the
formulation of the charge, the conviction. everything is
recorded there. The accllsed may inven t hundreds of ways to
prove himself innocent, but his interpretations cannot affect
the verdict of the au thority; no lawyer or counsel has the power
to change the meanillg of the law to save his client, and to get
accepted his own interpretation about what it means and
intends. If, according to evidence and facts. it is proved that a
Clime has been committed, then conviction is inevitable; to
think that it will not be pronounced or to entertain false hopes
and indulge in futile pretentions is a sheer folly. Thus, in the
interpretation and explanation of the Divine Law no consensus
is of any use; no personal view and conjecture, nor any twisting
can help; nor the individual or collective verdicts of ulema carry
any. weight. It should itself be so secure, so binding, so
immutable and film that even the Supreme Administrator
should not wan t to change it. I t should be so much in accord
with His Will as to make a change impossible; it should have
been enforced after so much thought that no need should arise
for its revision or cancellation; it should be such an appointed
and determined thing that there is left no scope for any
deletion or addition; it should be so integrated and in accord as
to be en tirely moving towards the same objective. It should be
same for the entire human race; it should point in totality
to One Straight Path. If the Divine Law is really the Divine
Law, then it is absolutely necessary for it to possess these
qualities. If, however, it is amenab}e to twists and can accept
distortions, ifit can be made a law of dis.\;Tetion and choice and
can point to several straight paths, if different objectives can be
construed, different modes of action can be formulated and
several sects emerge from it, then it is ridiculous to de~cribe
such a mutilated thing as Dh'ine Law. Truth essentially is one
thing. its objective is unity; it comes to assemble people on one
common base and collect them on the one plane of action and
this, in fact, constitutes true and lasting consensus. If ~ law


brought by a prophet to a people is Truth, thenit cannot have

sectarianism as its plan of action.
It is for this reason that the Quran has, in principle, estab
lished a distinction between its verses by describing them as
Mohkamat and Mutashabihat. By declar;'::tg la mubaddila Ie
kalematehee. it has, 111 fact, announced that each of its words
carries only one sense, firm and inevitable; it has proclaim:d
that as long as exist the earth and the heavens, this Law Wln
remain in operation. By saying al kitaba mufasselllrl' ~'td
rafseela kulle:v shqYlIn it has decided once for all that wlth
knowledge alone can it be proved a comprehenSIve, understand
able and complete book. As knowledge about God's actions.
increases and the sphere of study of Nature enlarges, so will
become 'manifest the teachings of the Quran. But in spite of
this some of its verses will remain vague at various stages of
evolution of man's knowledge; from them could apparently be
deduced several meanings; it would not be possible to testify
what they really signify and what actually God's intention is till
man's knowledge attains a certain leveL Fault-finders and
mischief-mongers will, by indulging in mere conjectures, incite
people to fight over them, but those fortified with the
knowledge of God's Work will abstain from making any pro
nouncement' on them a~ long as they do not attain definite
knowldege what really they mean. Notwithstanding all this, it
is the duty of every upholder of the Quran to truely and firmly
believe that each one of these verses has only one meaning. And
then fortified with this belief, to remain in search of what
trudy they stand for constitutes faith; to keep on expanding
one's knowledge to be able to understand them, and through
them to find new openings for action, is real commitment to
Islam. A substantial portion of this Law is perfectly clear; there
is absolutely no scope or need for any explanation, debate,
postponement or excuse over it. These are Mohkamat and
constitute the basic Law; whatever else is there, is an offshoot,
but that too is important and, of course, essential.

,.,.JI . . .




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He it is Who has sen t dmv/1 to thee this Book (The LawJ. In

it some verses are firm (and of established meaning): they form
the fundamentals of the Diville Law (Jloh kama t), and consti
tute the basis (Ummal Kitab) of the Law. There are some
otbers which
appear to be paglle and allegorical (tllOllgl, in
their case too, the Dil'ine objective is only one). But those in
whose hearts is penoersity and who lack understanding (due to
paucity of knowledge) follow the part thereof which is allego
rical. seeking discord and searching for its hidden meani/lg
(withollt adrancing their knowledge) although none except God
has the knowledge of ils basic purpose and the ultimate
objectiJ'e. And those who are firmly grounded in knmvledge
(and when they cannot reach their true meanings) say: "We
ii~lly beliel'e ill their truthfulness, and though their correct
meaning is not known, all this is ji'om our Lord (Whose knO'w
led~e encompasses the entire Unil'el'se)," and none will grasp the
lasting conClUSIOns ji'om the Book except men of understand
ing. (Such are those who prodaim at every stage of their
research and inl'estigation); "Our Lord, let not our hearts
del'iate now after Thou hast guided us, alld grallt uS knowledge
ii'om ThineOwll Prescm;e because this is great Mercy.
Undoubtedly. Thou art the Grantor of boullties without
measure. Our Lord Thou art He that will gather people together
on the Day about which there is no doubt (and 'will question
them about their dii/erences; so grant us wisdom that we do
not become the cause oj' any conjlict over Thy Manifest Ayat,
and remain united.) There is no doubt that Thou naer faileth
in Thy promise (and will certainly question about all this.)"
This amazing self-proclamation of the Quran is really a
direct testimony about each of its parts possessing a unity of
thought and objective; it makes clear that the intention of the
Creator of the heavens and the earth about each word and ea~h
sen tence is only one; it is La mu baddila Ie kalema tehee. It , in


fact, is the inadequacy of the human knowledge which is
mllk~l~g their. meanings vague or variant. A people which seeks
s:abIllty can secure their meanings only by excluding from
(JIS~usslo.n the Mutashabihat verses of a particular period but
mea~whlle continUing to expand its knowledge about the ~ork
of God and the Nature around us. Then, if through this know
ledge, tl.le c~inks of light have become wide enough to uncover
. the rea.lIty, It should be proclaimed to the world on the basis of
that dls?losure; the discoverers should, by in stan tly including
the partIc~.lar verse in the Mohkamat, start acting upon it. For
e,,:ample,. 11 at a certain period of time, the imperfect knowledge
?t sC.lenti~ts holds as stationary the immense planet of the sun
:~ spIte ot there existing ~ clear verdict of the Quran which says,
And the sun moves on Its course determined for it that is the
decree of (Him), the Exalted in Might, the Au' Knowing"
(3.6:38), th~n this VCirse is undoubtedly among the Mutshabiliat
of th.at period; to try to interpret it one way or the other is
certa~nly not a proper thing to do; to amend it or alter it in
?be?lenCe to, or by accepting what the scientists have said'
IS dIshonesty. The only responsibility of the Islamic Ummah il~
such. a situation, is to completely avoid offering a 'cor;ect'
meanmg of the verse and constal1tly observe this statemen t
about the sun moving towards' a particular station' it should
collect irrefutable evidence abou t it, work towards this end for
centuries; conduct experiments and undertake observations day
and night; various sections of the Ummah should remain
engaged and determined to establish it as a fact, or if during the
cou~se of this investigation some new concepts underlying that
partIcular verse become available, they should divert their
attention to them. But as long as they do not make the same
disclosure about the sun moving towards a 'station' as was at
long last done by a Western scientist; Herschel, the Ummah's
heavy responsibility regarding this verse cannot be taken off
nor till then this verse can be included in the Mohkamar'
Viewed thus, the existence of Mu tshabihat in the Quran const1~
tutes man's continuous programme for research and im'esti
galion: for the Muslims to fallapart and split up into conten
ding groups is certainly not implied by these verses. As long as
the earth and the heavens exist, the Divine verdict."Verily in
the heavens and the earth are Signs for those who believe"



(45:3), will keep on providing new openings to those whc

possess faith and act upon the Ouran. In their undying passion
to qecome true believers, they will undertake search of every
nook and comer of th.e Universe to understand what God's
ayaat mean. It is possible that full explanatIOn of a particular
verse and the real intention of the. Revealer of the Quran in en
unciating it mav not~e available till the Last day; it might in
the real sense. remain among theAlutaslwbilull i.ln-~tel1l1ty.:But
to undertake mvestlgation of God's Actions as an inalienable
part of the Faith and then to generate a torrent of effort is the
real intention of such a verse; this is its sole and unalterable
meaning; this verily is the objective underlying its inclusion in
the Ouran . The purpose is not to initiate a debate in wilderness
of what types are God's a}'aat in the heavens and the earth, and
to what clause of them God refers in the verse, and then, mak
ing these questions the basis of disputation, should be formed
ten or twenty groups to engage in refuting each other's view
poin t through the paper war of argumentation but not a step is'
taken towards the objective of the verse.
The students of Nature have mostly adopted this method in
their search for Natural phenomena. The scientists construct a
theory on. the evidepce provided by the ears, the eyes and the
understanding heart,' on the basis of this theory they deduce the
causes of natural phenomena; they consider tht combined
evidence of these causes a further proof of their theory; all of
them, 'having re?ched unanimity, test it as a science. Then, as
the theory conforms to actual happenings, as are solved, with
the help of this theory, new problems or phenomena, in the
same manner the theory itself ~ecomes a matter offact and a
reality; otherwise they all discard it, divert their attention to
some other dominant reality, and start raising their structure on
it: 111e amazing progress of knowledge and the bewildering
dI~closures about the reality of matter have taken place only
WIth this mutual affinity and forbearance with this common
attitude of acceptance and rejection. In fact, the unanimity that
h~s ex isted for a certain period on a wrong theory, top, has
otten been the cause of new openings; by fumbling on the
wrong path have been found out such wide and revealing paths
as were not even conceived of before that. In fact, t) e
mutually conducive approach of the scientists and their peace



able attitude has been mainly helpful in the growth of natural
sciences. They have nomlally 110t given birth to sectarianism
on the
basis of mutual incrimination and intolerance.
Wherever has arisen any difference, it has been partial and
temporary; the scientists have, of their own accord, evolved in
the shortest possible time unanimity on a commonly shared
truth through mutual disclission. Knowledge has demolished
t?eir temporary and 10.::11 d.~Yt:rences in the shortest possible
ume, and they have. again shaking hands with eacl10ther
em?arkcd on the search of this boundless sea, which really i~
their goal. The ulema should have exhibited the same attitude
towards ,the supreme realities embodied in the Ouran. The
Words of the Creator of the Universe should have been consi
dere~ profound and worth deep retlection, awe-inspiring and
n~edmg reseflrch, comprehensive and unbollnded as is being
VIewed the God-created Nature; in them, too, w.as necessarily
t~ be. found
the same boundless depth, the same truth
dlsclosmg zenith, the same grandeur of independence and
silen~~ ?f indifference, the same intricacies and doubts of being
benefiCial and difficulties of being esteemed which form
inalienable part of any original and genuine writi~g.
. But alas; t~e Islamic scholars and logicians completely lost
SlghJ of tali(v of action, l11ey rendered explanations of this
unique book in whatever way was possible for them with their
scanty, te fl1 Porary and localised knowledge: by declaring, as
a matter of religious faith, their individual commentaries as
definite and conclusive, they lined up people behind them, and
by becoming sectarian through mutual conflict and bigotry,
they pushed away from the eyes the reality of the Divine
Message. They have not, till today, evolved any common
scientifIC principles for commentary on the Word of God; they
have not established any common basis for its discussion; they
have not determined any correct and evolving spectrum in the
immense wonderland of the Divine Word; no harmony or
consistency, no conclusive argument and basis have been put
forth. It is for this reason that Ouran's true knowledge and its
supreme wisdom have mostly remained hidden from the eyes;
the message originally given by it has been forgotten; it has
itself been rendered a totally meaningless thing worth no
attention; its words no longer inspire people, they experience
no incitement from its commandments, they are 1f,;ot moved by




i:s wisdo:n. The hidden truth, whose con cealm e'nt and attrac
tIveness Itself were enough- to invoke till eternity a whole
world to e~bark on its continuous research, has today become
stale .and . m~ffe:tual. ,!,he Divine verses, the quest for whose
meanmgs 111 ItseIt constItuted a continuing inducement for the
organ of peace and pleasure of this world of action to play
~ouder, ha~e ~oday become a nucleus of stagnation and obliv
~on, sectan~msm a~d im becility through man's arrogance and
Igno~an.ce, matten tIOn and indifference. The
rust of false
c~nvlctIOns and distor~ions is eating in to whatever power is left
wIth the Ummah. The commentators and religious scholars have
bequeathed. t? posterity structures of their own separate and
pe~ty conVIctIOns; everybody is clinging to his own 'idol' and
Idhng. away his time, and quivering like the dying flame of the
monllng candle is providing superficial evidence of his existence
In my view the c~mmentator of a law is duty-bound t~
de~lO~strate that all Its clauses collectively converge to one
obJe~t~ve, ~ne s~preme purpose; he should, with the system of
admullstra~l~n In view, explain the real motives of the clauses;
by de te~mmmg correc~ meaning of each clause, he should try
to explam the system Itself. The purpose Of each directive and
e~ch prohibitive order should be shown as aiming at the coHec
tI~e and individual security of the people; the consequences of
dlsr~gard should be cl~ar; the reward of obedience should be
obv~ous: the administration's power should be fully evident;
~etnbuti.on a~d punishment should be seen as actually happen
mg, ]n fact, It should be -demonstr~ ted bv the commen tator of
~~ la~ th,at unaerneath me basic pOlIcy or do's and don'ts lie a
hvmg Justlce and equity, a faith inspiring logic, an irrefutable
:eas~ll. a dominant cause and an ivigorating kno~""ledge which
m,evItably cause among its followers the birth of a world-wide
sttr and a longing for action. They should witness in that logical
and stable, powerful and just administration an abiding link
between reason and retribution, cause and effect basis and
outcome, and adopt willingly or unwillingly thi~ cause and
effect relationship as their course of conduct. I believe that the
~rop~ets manifest~d ~he Law of Nature to their people exactly
In tIllS. manner; thIS IS why their performance was unparalleled
and thIS ,really .is the first and the last stage of Faith. A commen
ta.IY whIch falls to proje~t the Quran in this form is a body
WIthout soul whose eXIstence or non-ex istence makes no

difference, And the Faith which is not raised to the level of a

visual belief is a lifeless structure whose fu tility in the world l:.
obvious. The highest authority in the tiny administration of
human body is held by brain; the information of what other
organs do or feel reaches it first; this aurhoritatil'e organ
analyses them, declares them righ t or wrong, sends them rein
forcements of hopes or frustrations; it is this supreme adminis
trator on whose directive move and operate all other organs.
Unless a thing is approved by the brain, it is impossible for the
other organs to struggle for it, or form it the basis of their
action, theretore, any explanation of the Qurml which fails
to enlist the support of brain, or to invoke the backing: or
'the understandin~ heart, connot generate in any person an
upsurge ot acuon and effort, or a world-wide glow of faith. This
is why in spite of consistent efforts to explain and elucidate the
Quran, ever since the advent of Islam, no commentaty has been
able to generate even a millionth part of the faith, the mass
agitating belief, and the breath-taking action which were created
by the Last Prophet through 23 years of his face-to-face
interpretation, and regeneration of which, from practical poil'\!
of view, is today considered among the impossibilities. Nay,
this is manifest that none of the thousands of commentaty
writers could convince even a single individual's brain in such
a way as to impell that chief of the organs to straightaway put
. the other organs into action for at least one generation. The
question posed by every great scholar, after reading all that it
contained, was' like the famous story of Zulekhan and Yusef
. whether Zulekhan was a male or a female. What is the end
oroduct of the Quranic teachings? What is recorded therein?
What directive has God Almighty given in a few words? What
is that which in a few years time had released such a torrent
of valour and action in the entire Arab people? Where is that
thing which had ignited such a fire in the hearts of the small
and the big, the ignorant and the wise, the leader and the led,
the poor and the rich, which for ages remained unextinguished,
and for centuries sustained in the actions and activities, habits
and character, conduct and relationship' of a whole Ummah
such a volcanic upsurge as every eye longs to see again? If
today anybody in quest of truth diverts his attention to any
commentary with the hope of rekindling his flame, on the
very first page he finds such a shamefaced collection of human


falsifications and mistatements, fictional narration and con
cealmen t of reality, irrelevancies and disjoin tedness, that the
very soul trembles at the sight of that slaughterhouse of intelli
gence and wisdom. Somewhere are found complete articles on
grammar and syntax; somewhere are detailed discussions when
to put and where not to put vowels; at places are found lengthy
comments on forms of expression; somewhere are darkening
debates of conjecture and speculation; somewhere is the dis
jointed song of haddasna and qal, qal; somewhere are clustered
supposed and
unauthorised tales; somewhere is stretched
disharmony for miles on. Every verse has been rendered out of
contex t, disconnected from the theme, split internally, and
meaningless and inconclusive externally. Where harmony is
quite obvious, there exists a childish .display; where exists the
wide gulf of irrelevance and the need for ret1~ction and
knowledge, all that is found is silence of stupidity. Neither is
there any concen" wi th the principle of meaning, nor is an eye
on the conclusions; neither is quest of knowledge, nor search
for wisdom. It appears that in spite of the sky-reaching high
way of Divine Logic, the commentator has lost the way on
account of entanglements and intricacies of his own side lanes;
he fails to see the forest because of overgrowth, as does the
bee. He drags himself into thorny bushes, and while disentangl
ing at every step his garments from the thorns, he loses the
coveredW-.,r ~11so, and when at last by looking back he 'finds
. no .opening he moves on aimlessly, and keeps on pushing
himself In wilderness. No commentator has re:.llised that a
person who reads a commentary
has his main aim to
understand the reality of the Divine Message; this alone is the
purpose of his engagement in reading such a volumil1ou~ book:
for this reason has he left a 'brief and 'profound' JUCHnien t,
and diverted his attentIOn to what he thinks to be an easy and
detailed book. And precisely for this reason, and in spite of all
the explanations which the commentator has piled up in praise
of the Divine Word, the reader's aim is the same--what is the
substance of the Quran; what, in a few words, is recorded in it;
what, in a few sentences, are the principles which are to be
acted upon; what Divine Wisdom is contained in them; where is
their constitutional certification; why is it zikarullilalameen,
why hudam wa rahma. These are precisely the things which are
n0l!existent in every commentary and translation. People read


commentaries only with this purpose in view, and then are

overwhelmed by frustration. They do not . discover in the
existing commentaries any firm principle, any formula, any
worthwhile conclusion. In short, the study of commentaries
or translations of the Quran has for long been such a useless
and discordant exercise that instead of raising the flame of
faith sky high, it extinguishes even the small spark which
every Muslim possesses as a necessity Dr as part of his nature.
And it has often happened thara-man of sense and under
standing has become totally averse to Islam after seeing these
commentaries and translations, and whatever little longing was
pulsafing in his mind has been silenced and eventually made
A Western critic has given a significant example of these
destructive distortions of a mere laudatory approach with re
ference to numerous extent commentaries on the works of a
reputed English poet. He refers to the practice of Roman
Catholics how out of devotion they would hang the pictures of
. their .sainJ~ in.the churches. and then. according to their faith in
the saInts, ignite candles under these pictures t~ illu~inate their
faces and- make the saints look more glorified. As much as
the people are devoted to a sain t, to the same ex ten tare ligh ted
candles under his picture, and in the same proportion is he con
sidered esteemed. Each devotee ligl1ts candles as he is capable
of; someone brings a p.oUshed lantern of candles, while another
carries to the church an old fashioned oil-filled clay lamp, and
places it under the picture with extreme reverence. The cumula
tive effect of this display of devotion is, however, different; the
swerving oily soot of the candles blackens the face of the
saint; his features are eventually distorted and the oil-blotted
soot-laden picture makes the saint look like a frightful ghost.
The critic says that thousands of commentaries written by
Shakespeare's admirers to illumine his works. in fact. blacken
the real picture of what he meant. The devotional type of
commentators have coined such baseless stories about the
meaning of each of his sentence as probably were never thought
of by the author. This laudatory speculation about the useless
and harmless works of a poet by his devotees may not have
had any adverse impression on a single individual; even a hand
ful of his readers may not have been' misled by all this falsi fica
tion by th e comm en ta tors. Bu t the centuries-long disj oin ted




comments of the Islamic commentators about the Quran, their
wild opinion-mongering and conjectuf'es, ?ave cause~ in the
profit-and-Ioss history of a world commumty such an Irrepara
ble loss such an unparalleled mischief in its attitudes, such
death-in'voking diseases in 'its character, and such shameful
inadequacies in its efforts and actio?s, that t~iS soul-killing
story and the injurious and stagnatmg narration, of human
statements send shivers in one's body, The enchantmg shape of
the Quranic objectives has been entirely blackened; not a single
feature is visible of its original life-nourishing beauty; the
meaning of each verse, sentence, phrase, in fact, at times, also
of words and signs has been perverted; the objectives of the
message have been distorted; nay, intentions . have become
perverse, resolutions have changed, hearts and lIvers have also
changed. The dark clouds of wrong conclusions and reckless
deviations have covered the meanings with thick layers of
black clouds; on those layers has become so old and thic~ the
oil of habit and prejudice after collecting over long penods,
that none accepts even the existence of the original picture.
Instead of the life-nourishing, inspiring and captivating figure,
the world of Islam is trying to put its faith in an oil-blackened
frame and in the absence of awe-inspiring longing for beauty
and ~tagnated by supposition and conjecture, is slowly and
slowly being dragged t~wards defeat and death.
Have I in the presence of this darkening illumination,
also brought,' in the following pages, one more smok:: raising
candle of my conviction, and in this way am guilty ot further
blackening the Quran? The decision about it rests with the
world itself but in the passion of my good intentions I too
am entitled: like other commentators, to make it clear that I
have not in this narration consciously committed any
dishonesty; I have cerainly not put forward any mis~n terpr~ta
tion, any distortion, any personal conjecture or VIew WhICh
could_jn. my opinion be my saving. I have placed before the
. (Juran the eleCtrIC candle of knowledge only, .of real
knowledge; I have carried its penetrating, revealmg ~nd
illuminating rays to the real and the first layer of the meanmgs
of the Quran; I'have shown a glimpse of the veiled, patience
wrecking, beauty-laden, indifferent-ta-display bride of truth
hidden under coatings of colour and oil done by man himself:

I have at l,east conveyed this much understanding that behind

the much used, valueless and visible windows of these words
is seated that dazzling embodiment of purity and light-shedding
piety of human welfare which has not been touched bv any
iinn or man for centuries. That alone, in thi~ Divine Word.
is really desireable; that is really aimed at. By wtnnmg it
alone do the nations become victorious on this life-consum
ing road of love and devotion; by becoming indifferent to it
is today the world of Islam being overcast by the clouds of
degradation and deprivation; the oven of God's Wrath is in
commotion; rewards are being withdrawn one after the other'
death is staring in the face. Whatever t have said in thi~
encouraging forward push of effort and search I have said with
out fear; no compromise with custom and tradition, no verdict
of a consensus, no following of a formal authority, no attach
men t to a king or a beggar. no mullaistic fa twas of kufr. no fear
of any existing government has been able to affect my scrutiny.
of the Quran. I have stated correctly and unhesitatingly what~
ever is matter of fact about the Divine Law; whatever is false
has not been concealed; whatever is the evidence has been
entirely and openly adduced; whatever is distortion has been
tom asunder. If by making a particular statement, I cease to be
a Muslim in the Divine sense, I am not bothered about it to
distort, the features of Islam because one is not himself acting.
upon it is in my view not permissible; along wi th other Muslims
1 am the first to be guilty; 1 certainly do not make any claim to
prophethood or saintliness, innocence or a power of miracle
. .
revelatlOnal authonty or karamat. mujadadyat or leadership,
scholarship or knowledge. To me, to keep in view even the
slightest concession for oneself while explaining the Divine Law
is an unpardonable sin; it is to burden oneself with the sins of a
whole Ummah; it is to assist openly in its annihilation and thus
to push onesslf to Hell; it is to convert one's stomach into an
oven in exchange for a few temporary benefits; it is to become
entitled to God's Wrath; it is breach of God's Trust, a villainy
and wickedness.
What I have kept before me to prove the Divine Book as
GoO's Mamtest Signs is that the Quran is a complete book; it is
coherent; no word of it is superfluous; it is free of poetic
embellishments and exaggerations; its' syntax is provided within
itself; it is its own commentary; it needs no external assistance;

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