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The coat of arms of Martin Luther, that staunch anti-Catholic, included the rose and the cross.

There are also parallels with Arabic Illuminati schools such as those of Abdelkadir Gilani, who was
known as the shining rose. However, when we look at the origins of Masonry and the rituals and beliefs
held within, we find they are not dissimilar.
It appears that Rosicrucianism is yet another form of that Catholic-bred Diaspora - just like the Jesuit
creation of the Illuminati, drawing on the undercurrents of mysticism to create a seemingly anti-self
organization. The easiest way of winning a football game is to own both sides.

Just like the Freemasons, the Alumbrados (Illuminated Ones), the Illuminati, and dozens of other
groups around at the time, the Rosicrucian ways were linked to the influential Sufi mystics, who had
influenced the world for such a long time. The methods required the deepest of concentration upon
“the master,” so that absolute adherence to the “way” was normal. It was another method of control.
The void left behind by the strictness and rigidity of Catholicism was easily filled by hundreds of such
groups - including the emerging Protestants.

Today the Rosicrucians are a worldwide order with thousands of members - but their influence on the
world now is minimal. Although there is a hint in one of their books, which tells us that the influence of
the person or soul they call the Ego will keep returning to constantly make alterations to the way
forward for mankind.

In this small piece we are told that it is the same source (Ego) from where all “spiritual illumination” has
derived - and I would agree.
Many centuries have rolled by since the birth, as Christian Rosenkreux, of the individual who we know
and honor by the name - the Founder of the Most Holy Order of The Rosicrucians.

Though by many outsiders his existence is regarded as a myth, it is nevertheless true that his birth
marked the beginning of a new epoch in the spiritual life of the western World. That particular Ego has
also been in continuous incarnation ever since, in one or another of the European countries, taking a
new body as his successive vehicles outlived their usefulness, or circumstances rendered it expedient
that he change the scene of his activities.
Moreover, he is incarnate today - an initiate of high degree; an active and potent factor in all affairs of
the West - although unknown to the world.

As are all such individuals, he is a representative of the Central Conclave of the Elder Brothers of
humanity. His mission was and is to show the spiritual significance of all scientific discoveries, thus
counteracting as far as possible the deadening influence of materialistic science, which, for reasons
previously given, the Elder Brothers dread more than any other manifestation of human activity.

To this end he labored with the Alchemists centuries before the advent of modern science. He, through
an intermediary, inspired the now-mutilated works of Bacon.
Jacob Boehme and others received through him the inspiration which makes their work so spiritually
illuminating. In the works of the immortal Goethe and the masterpieces of Wagner the same influence
meets us.
(The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception by Max Heindel, 1910)
This particular Ego has been manifesting itself throughout time - and I would agree.
However, I also say that it is the same Shining influence throughout man’s history that has been
making these moves, stepping in and out of the scene as cerebral evolution has moved mankind
forward. These Rosicrucians call this influence the Central Conclave of the Elder Brothers.
The text continues and tells us who can “see” these secrets:
It hides from the profane, but reveals to the Initiate the more clearly how he is to labor day by day to
make for himself that choicest of all gems, the Philosopher’s Stone - more precious than the Kohinoor;
nay, than the sum of all earthly wealth!

Apparently Christ himself wrought this marvelous Stone while incarnate in the body of Jesus....The
Reichs-Anzeiger said, in one article:
“Yes, there is a Philosopher’s Stone. It is an Elixir of Life. It is all, and much more than has ever been
claimed for it. Moreover, most people have had it in their hands often, but know it not!”
How absolutely and unqualifiedly true that is, yet at the same time how thoroughly misleading, none
can guess save those who know the secret, but even the eavesdropping traitor who had listened and
overheard the words spoken among the brethren, could have profited thereby.”
The writer then points out that:
To those who are entitled to the knowledge, many a mystery will reveal itself “between the lines” in this
work, suggested but not spoken, for to reveal them, save from the lip to ear to worthy persons and
under proper circumstances, would be a grievous breach of faith, not to be contemplated.
The secrets held within the pages of that 1910 book are simple to behold and, upon reading the text,
reveals nothing more than the enlightenment experience.

We are even told that in order to become an initiate we cannot simply apply.
We will be watched from the sidelines and our merits in this life counted towards being offered the
“golden key to the temple.” Of course, in 1910, there was no World Wide Web, and today we find this
once-influential secret society now offering courses with credit card payments.
Although they still claim to be teachers of the Mysteries and custodians of the Sacred Teachings of a
spiritual power more,
“potent in the life of the Western World than any of the visible Governments; they may not interfere with
humanity so as to deprive them of their free will.”
Reading “between the lines,” this implies that they are an invisible government.

This secret government takes the form of seven Brothers who, Heindel continues, “go out into the
World whenever occasion requires; appearing as men among other men or working in their invisible
vehicles with or upon others as needed; yet it must be strictly kept in mind that they never influence
anyone against their will or contrary to their desires; but only strengthen good wherever found.”

Of course a person’s “will” is dependent upon what has already influenced him or her, and “good” is
relative. Is it really our “will” to run up huge debt while trying to obtain the elusive happiness we are fed
by the mass media?

The Illuminati
In Essai sur la secte des Illumines, 1789, Mason de Luchet wrote:
There are a certain number of people who have
arrived at the highest degree of imposture. They
have conceived the project of reigning over opinions,
and of conquering, not kingdoms, nor provinces, but
the human mind. This project is gigantic, and has
something of madness in it, which causes neither
alarm nor uneasiness; but when we descend to
details, when we regard what passes before our eyes
of the hidden principles, when we perceive a sudden
revolution in favour of ignorance and incapacity, we
must look for the cause of it; and if we find that a
revealed and known system explains all the
phenomena which succeed each other with terrifying
rapidity, how can we not believe it?
The Illuminati are, for many, the “Men in Black,” the silent masters in the background who plot our
To others they are a fable, a boys club, created by frustrated Freemasons in the 18th century. There is,
as ever, truth in all, but we must understand that most of the time we end up believing exactly what the
marketing and propaganda wants us to believe.

Sweeping aside the Christian Bible Belt influence of anticonspiracy theorists, and those crazy ideas of
the conspiracy theorists such as “they came from outer space,” we have to get back to the basic facts
as we know them.

Standard history tells us that the Illuminati was started by Jean Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the
Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt was born in Bavaria on February 6, 1748.
His father, Baron Ickstatt, was a professor at the University of Ingolstadt, having married the niece of
the curator. The baron secured a scholarship at the Jesuit College for Adam, who then went on to
become a law student at the age of 15.
Ingolstadt was a steadfastly Jesuit area and had been for more than 200 years. Dissent was not
permitted, even though they had been partially suppressed in 1773 by Clement XIV. It has been said of
the Jesuits that they were the world’s largest and most powerful secret service - due mainly to the fact
that they were feared by many in the Catholic Church, and that a universal “confession” could be well
utilized for blackmail.

The Jesuits were founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola and nine companions, just like the Knights Templar.

Interestingly, Nicholas Poussin, the infamous painter of the Shepherds in Arcadia, was also a Jesuit,
and it seems, from the pages of history, that the Jesuit Order has been at the center of many outrages.
They are intimate with the Vatican, and history has shown that there is little in the politics of the world
that the Vatican has not had a hand in.
According to a converted nun,
M.F. Cusack: The Jesuits offer the world at large a system of theology by which every law, Divine or
human, may be broken with impunity, and by which the very Bulls of Popes may be defied. It is a
ghastly religion; it is a religion to be abhorred by all honest and honerable men.
(The Trail of the Serpent, Inquire Within)
So according to this 19th century writer, they were even above the Bulls of the Pope. Edwin A.
Sherman, an American Freemason, also wrote, in the 19th century:
The Jesuits laugh at us; and during their hilarity, the rattlesnake is coiled at our feet, climbing to strike
us in the heart.
And even President Lincoln, who was finally assassinated after numerous attempts, said:
The Jesuits are so expert in those deeds of blood that Henry IV said that it was impossible to escape
them, and he became their victim, though he did all he could to protect himself… I know that the
Jesuits never forget nor forsake.
Amazingly, in the conspiracy theorists’ world, the Jesuits have also been implicated in the creation of
the anti-Semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion, as they had already been shown to have been
implicated in The Secrets of the Elders of Bourg-Fontaine, another “stirring” work.

We must also note that the Jesuits have hundreds of links with the Masonic Order and Templar
In the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction, as recorded in the Journals of the 62 nd Congress, 3rd Session
of the U.S.A. (from which it was removed at a later date and quoted here from the book Subterranean
Rome by Charles Didier, 1843), we find that:
On either side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are Papal
colors, and the other a black banner with a dagger and a red cross above a skull and crossbones [a
Templar symbol].
According to this same text, the letters I-N-R-I are established, and mean Iustum Necar Reges Impius
(Exterminate impious kings).

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