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Gnostic Alphabetic NHLE is an alphabetic list of the texts in the standard English

translation of the Coptic books from Nag Hammadi: The Nag Hammadi Library in
English, edited by James Roberston. As if this material were not chaotic enough in the
first place, the table of contents in that book makes it difficult to locate any particular
text. Over the years, I have found that I end up having to riffle the entire table
contents each time I want to return to a specific document. I provide this list merely
for reader convenience. Print it out and keep it inside your copy of the NHLE.

Gnostic Source Materials (note on sources in the site bibliography)

Gnostic Studies (from Not in His Image) Reading and Research



This large section of the website is not displayed by any button on the menu panel, but
may be accessed at the Introduction. Definitions in the Lexicon are linked
occasionally throughout the site when specific terms such as behavior call for
clarification. I have taken this feature out of circulation because it is a massive project
I was unable to finish or edit properly, so it contains some gaps and errors. However,
it is still there to be explored if you are inclined. The index page lists all the entries
and most of the links seem to work.

If this is only one entry you read in the Lexicon, make it this: Zaddikim


nine chapters of a thirteen-chapter book on the quest for the Holy Grail, considered by
Joseph Campbell to be the most important secular myth of the Western world. The
book traces an untold story: the diaspora of the Pagan Mysteries after 400 AD. It
describes how refugees from those ancient schools of visionary science sought
santuary in the far westlands of Europe, in Brittany, Wales, Ireland. This historical
account of the survival of the Mysteries is exclusive to metahistory.org. To my
knowledge, such an account cannot be found anywhere else on the internet or in any

An Alternative History of the Grail

1. Grail Magic Versus the Paternal Lie

The Grail Quest entails a challenge to expose the paternal lie about the
message of the off-planet father god, and counteract that lie by direct
engagement with the power of the Goddess, the living earth. The
mythemes of hero and goddess and hero (true man) versus
patriarchunderpin the Grail narrative, as explained in my book The
Hero - Manhood and Power

Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach: A Synopsis

Ahandy recounting of the complex medieval story.

2. The Destiny of the Swan Knight

3. Three Currents from the Grail
4. The Radiant Wisdom Stone
5. The Most Enigmatic of All Enigmas
It is possible to describe in a concrete and explicit way what the Grail
was in experiential terms, an experience rather than a symbol or relic.
Doing so, I make an unprecedented claim: attainment of the Grail was
a direct encounter with the Organic Light, the "radiant wisdom stone."
Whoever chooses to undertake the Quest can verify this claim first-
hand. It is not a theory I expect anyone to accept. It is not my pet
notion. It is not a matter of speculation any more than is the presence
of oxygen in your lungs.

6. Spiritual Warriors of the Grail

7. Sacred Love, Sacred Light
8. Faith Incarnate

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