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DTM Surfaces

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Copyright 2013Gemcom Software International Inc.

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This software and documentation is proprietary to Gemcom and, except where expressly provided
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any time without notice.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, neither the authors nor
Gemcom assumes responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither will be held liable for any damages
caused or alleged to be caused from the use of the information contained herein.
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Last modified: Thursday, 16 May 2013
Table of Contents
Introduction 5
Overview 5
Requirements 5
Workflow 5
Surface modelling concepts 6
Strings and DTMs 6
Naming conventions 7
Breaklines and spot heights 8
Graphical vs file-based options 9
Setting up for this tutorial 10
Task: Set the work directory 10
Creating a DTM 11
Task: Create a DTM graphics-based method 11
Task: Create a DTM file-based method 13
Task: Create a DTM from spot height data 17
Task: Create a DTM using breaklines and spot heights 21
Task: Create a DTM on the plane of best-fit 23
Viewing DTMs 25
Task: Colour a DTM by elevation 25
Task: Perform graphical animation 27
Task: Save images of a graphical animation 32
Transforming a DTM 33
Task: Transform a DTM to a different coordinate system 33
DTM volume calculations 36
Task: Create a boundary string using the file-based method 36
Task: Create a boundary string using the graphics-based method 37
Calculate the volume between two DTMs 38
Task: Calculate cut and fill volumes 38
Task: Net volume between DTMs 39
Clipping a DTM 46
Task: Clip a DTM file-based method 46
Task: Clip a DTM graphics-based method 47
Sectioning a DTM 50
Task: Create a DTM section axis line 50
Task: Create DTM sections 51
Creating contours 53
Task: Create DTM contours file-based 53
Task: Create DTM contours graphics-based 54
Task: Create index contour file with annotations 55
Draping a string over a DTM 57
Task: Drape a spot height string over a DTM 57
Task: Drape a non-spot height string over a DTM 58
Draping an image 61
Task: Drape an image over a DTM. 61
DTM/DTM intersections 64
Task: Create an upper triangles surface of two DTMs 64
Task: Create a lower triangles surface of two DTMs 64
Task: Create solid by intersecting two DTMs 65
Surface modelling uses triangulation to create two-dimensional models known as digital terrain
models (DTMs). This document introduces the theory behind surface modelling processes and
provides detailed examples using the surface modelling functions in Surpac.By working through this
tutorial, you will gain skills in the construction, use, and modification of DTMs.
Before you begin this tutorial, you must have:
l basic knowledge of Surpac
It is recommended that you understand the procedures and concepts from the
Introduction tutorial.
l Surpac v6.4, or later, installed on your computer
l the data set accompanying this tutorial
Note: This workflowdemonstrates the steps in this tutorial. There are other ways to achieve a
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Surface modelling concepts
Surface modelling concepts
Strings and DTMs
Digital terrain models (DTMs) are created from strings.
Triangles are created between points on the strings.
The result is a set of non-overlapping triangles.
You can use surfaces for such things as 3D visualisation and for calculating volumes.Almost any
surface can be modelled as a DTM, including natural topography, lithological contacts,
bedrock/overburden contact, or water tables.
DTMs are made of triangles, with each point of each triangle matched to a point in the original string
file. As a result, DTM files are not valid without the original string files.To open a DTM file, you must
also have access to the original string file of the same name.
DTMs cannot fold back on themselves.That is, a DTM cannot have multiple Z values for a given X, Y
coordinate. It is not possible to model overhanging or vertical surfaces with a DTM surface.
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Surface modelling concepts
Naming conventions
Surpac assigns numbers to the objects you create by a system similar to that of string and string
segment numbers:
l string - object
l segment - trisolation
l point - triangle
When you define an object, you explicitly assign it both an object number and a trisolation number.
The object is then always referred to by this object and trisolation number.
The object number can be any number in the range from 1 to 32000 inclusive. The trisolation
number can be any positive integer. However, for some functions the object must be named object
1, trisolation 1.
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Surface modelling concepts
Breaklines and spot heights
Breakline strings are strings that represent linear physical features that you can see in the real world.
For example, the crest of a pit, a fault in a geological model, or a contour in a pit.
Spot height strings contain points that represent non-linear or point features. For example, hill
peaks, surface lowpoints, gridded points, and borehole collars. The lines connecting the points in
the spot height string in Graphics do not infer a physical line.
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Surface modelling concepts
Graphical vs file-based options
ADTM can be created in two ways to best suit the data you wish to model:
l Graphical DTM operations allowyou to viewyour results immediately.However, for
large data files, the processing time can be prohibitive.
l The file-based tools allowyou to perform DTM operations directly on the file data, sav-
ing both memory usage and creation time.
To create a DTM graphically, you would use the Create DTMfrom Layer function.
To create a DTM using a file-based method, you would use the Create DTMfrom string file function.
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Setting up for this tutorial Task: Set the work directory
Setting up for this tutorial
Awork directory is the default directory for saving Surpac files.
Files used in this tutorial are stored in the folder:
where <shared_files> is the directory in which the Surpac shared files were installed.
The following procedure outlines the process for setting the work directory in Windows Vista or
Windows 7. The process is the same for Windows XP but the path is slightly different. To access the
introduction tutorial folder in XP, the path is C:\Documents and
Task: Set the work directory
1. In the Navigator, right-click the dtm_surfaces folder.
2. Select Set as work directory.
The name of the work directory is displayed in the title bar of the Surpac window.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTM graphics-based method
Creating a DTM
Task: Create a DTM graphics-based method
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open topo1.str in Graphics.
topo1 is displayed.
3. Choose Surfaces > Create DTM from layer.
4. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTM graphics-based method
The DTM surface is displayed.
5. Choose File > Save > String/DTM.
6. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: Because the string file exists, you are asked if you want to replace it.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTM file-based method
7. Click Yes.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _01a_create_DTM_from_layer.tcl. You
need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Create a DTM file-based method
In addition to demonstrating howto create a DTM using a file-based method, this task demonstrates
the effect of using strings as breaklines.
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Create DTM from string file.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTM file-based method
3. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: The Strings to act as break lines check box is not selected.
DTM information is displayed in the message window.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTM file-based method
The DTM report log opens in your default text editor.
4. Close the log file.
5. Open pit1.dtm in Graphics.
Note: There are triangles in the DTM that are created across strings. This result is not
6. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Create DTM from string file.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTM file-based method
7. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: The Strings to act as break lines check box is selected.
The DTM is created and the log file opens in your default text editor.
8. Close the log file.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTMfromspot height data
9. Open pit1.dtm in Graphics.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _01b_create_DTM_from_string_file.tcl.
You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Create a DTM from spot height data
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open dhc2.str in Graphics.
Note: This file is a survey of drillhole collars before mining and can be used to model
the natural surface. The file consists of one spot height string.
3. Choose Display > Hide everything.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTMfromspot height data
4. Choose Display > Point > Markers.
5. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
The string is displayed as markers.
6. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Create DTM from string file.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTMfromspot height data
7. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
The DTM is created and the report log opens in your default text editor.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTMfromspot height data
8. Close the log file.
9. Open dhc2.dtm in Graphics.
The DTM is displayed with markers.
l The default display viewof a DTM is without markers.
l To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _01c_create_dtm_from_spot_height_
data.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTMusing breaklines and spot heights
Task: Create a DTM using breaklines and spot heights
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open pit2.str in Graphics.
3. Choose Display > Strings > With string numbers.
4. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: You can see that string 9999 is a spot height string.
5. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Create DTM from string file.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTMusing breaklines and spot heights
6. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
7. Click Reset graphics .
8. Open pit2.dtm in Graphics.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTMon the plane of best-fit
The pit is displayed in plan view.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _01d_create_dtm_using_breaklines_and_
spot_heights.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Create a DTM on the plane of best-fit
1. Click Reset graphics.
2. Open topo2.str.
3. Choose Surfaces > Create DTM from Layer.
4. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
5. Click Long section view.
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Creating a DTM Task: Create a DTMon the plane of best-fit
6. The DTM has been created on the best-fit plane for the data.
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Viewing DTMs Task: Colour a DTMby elevation
Viewing DTMs
Task: Colour a DTM by elevation
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open pit1.dtm in Graphics, and rotate it.
An oblique viewof the pit is displayed.
3. Choose Display > Surface or solid with colour banding.
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Viewing DTMs Task: Colour a DTMby elevation
4. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
The coloured pit is displayed.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _02_colour_dtm_by_elevation.tcl. You
need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Viewing DTMs Task: Performgraphical animation
Task: Perform graphical animation
In this task, you will digitise a string to followand use the View along string function to fly in the
direction of the string.
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open eom_pit.dtm in Graphics.
3. Choose Display > Surface or solid with colour banding.
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Viewing DTMs Task: Performgraphical animation
4. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
5. Choose View > Data view options > View scale factors.
Tip: To give a more realistic view, increase the Z scale by a factor of 3.
6. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
7. On the Status bar, click the design string button .
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Viewing DTMs Task: Performgraphical animation
8. Set the Design string number to 500, and click Apply.
Next you will create a layer for the design string.
9. In the Layers Pane, click New.
10. Type fly as the name of the newlayer, and click Apply.
11. Click Snap Mode, and select Triangle.
12. Click Digiteriser Digitise.
13. Click points for the flight path.
The flight path in the pit is displayed.
14. Press ESC.
15. Choose Edit > String > Smooth.
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Viewing DTMs Task: Performgraphical animation
16. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
17. Save this string as fly1.str.
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Viewing DTMs Task: Performgraphical animation
18. In the Layers pane, right-click the eom_pit.dtm layer, and click Selectable.
Note: After you click Selectable, the padlock becomes closed to indicate that the layer
is no longer selectable. This ensures that when you start the animation, only the string is
selected and not the DTM.
19. Choose View > Data view options > View along a string.
20. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
21. Click any point on string 500 to start the animation.
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Viewing DTMs Task: Save images of a graphical animation
The inside of the pit is displayed.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _03a_fly_through.tcl. You need to click
Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Save images of a graphical animation
1. Click Zoom All .
2. Choose View > Data view options > View along string.
3. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: This process produces many output files so the Max. frame distance has been
changed to capture an image every 20 metres.
4. To start the animation, click any point on string 500.
l You can use the output files (fly001.gif, fly002.gif) to create an animated gif file using
other software.
l To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _03b_fly_through_save_images.tcl.
You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Transforming a DTM Task: Transforma DTMto a different coordinate system
Transforming a DTM
Task: Transform a DTM to a different coordinate system
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open topo1.dtm in Graphics.
topo1 is displayed.
3. Open pit2.dtm in Graphics.
4. Click Zoom to extents.
Both the DTM surfaces are displayed.
5. Choose File tools > Transformations > 2D Transformation of DTM file.
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Transforming a DTM Task: Transforma DTMto a different coordinate system
6. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
This creates a newdtm called transformed_pit.
l Old points are the coordinates in the old system. New points are the coor-
dinates of the same two points in the newsystem.
l AZ correction of -800 is applied to move the pit 800 metres lower.
7. Verify that the transformation parameters are correct on the Verifytransformation
parameters form.
If the grids are plane metric grids, the scale factor should be 1.0. Any variation represents
an error. In the example, there is an error of 5 mm in 10 m.
Note: By default, the rotation is displayed in DDD.MMSS format. Shift Y is the
difference between Y1 (old) and Y1 (new) as entered on the Transform Coordinates of
Triangles (2d) form. Shift X is the difference between X1 (old) and X1 (new). In other
words, the shifts are the difference in Nothing and Easting between the coordinates of
the first point in the two systems.
8. Select the Accept these adjustments check box, and click Apply.
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Transforming a DTM Task: Transforma DTMto a different coordinate system
9. Open transformed_pit2.dtm.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _04_transform_DTM.tcl. You need to click
Apply on any forms presented.
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DTMvolume calculations Task: Create a boundary string using the file-based method
DTM volume calculations
Task: Create a boundary string using the file-based method
In this case, you will display the DTMs only for clarity.
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open pit1.dtm and topo1.dtm in Graphics.
The pit with topography is displayed.
3. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Line of intersection between 2 DTMs.
4. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
5. Open intersection1.str.
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DTMvolume calculations Task: Create a boundary string using the graphics-based method
6. Click Faces Off .
The boundary string is displayed.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task run _04a_create_boundary_string_file_
based.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Create a boundary string using the graphics-based method
In this case, the DTMs must be displayed in Graphics because the function uses graphics layers to
determine its input and output.
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open topo1.dtm and pit1.dtm in Graphics.
3. Choose Surfaces > Clip or intersect DTMs > Line of intersection between DTMs.
4. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: In the graphics-based method, you must save the string in the intersection layer
to a string file if you want to use it for further processing.
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DTMvolume calculations Task: Calculate cut and fill volumes
The pit intersection line is displayed.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _04b_create_boundary_string_graphics_
based.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Calculate the volume between two DTMs
Task: Calculate cut and fill volumes
Note: In order to perform this task, the file intersection1.str must exist. If it does not exist, run
macro _04a_create_boundary_string_file_based.tcl.
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Choose Surfaces > Volumes > Cut and fill between DTMs.
3. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
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DTMvolume calculations Task: Net volume between DTMs
The DTM cut and fill report opens in your default text editor.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _05a_cut_and_fill_volumes.tcl. You need
to click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Net volume between DTMs
1. Open pit2.dtm in Graphics.
2. Choose Display > Strings > With string numbers.
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DTMvolume calculations Task: Net volume between DTMs
3. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
The plan viewof the pit is displayed.
Note: String 2 of pit2.str is used as the boundary string for the volume calculation.
4. Open dhc2.dtm in Graphics.
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DTMvolume calculations Task: Net volume between DTMs
5. Right-click in the area next to the menu titles, select Toolbars, and click Scale and trans-
6. Drag the transparency slider to set the transparency of triangles to 50%.
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DTMvolume calculations Task: Net volume between DTMs
The DTM displayed is transparent.
7. Choose Surfaces > Volumes > Net volume between DTMs.
8. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
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DTMvolume calculations Task: Net volume between DTMs
9. Click, then right-click the Save results to new boundary string file check box as shown,
and select Field Help.
10. Close Field help.
11. Select the Save results to new boundary string file check box, and type "bdyres2" in the
Location field.
12. Click Apply.
Next you are prompted to save the triangles from each DTM that the boundary string
Note: It is not necessary to save the modified DTMs.
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DTMvolume calculations Task: Net volume between DTMs
13. Leave the next two forms blank, and click Apply on both.
The DTM surfaces report log pit2.not opens in your default text editor.
14. Close pit2.not.
15. Click Reset graphics .
16. Open bdyres2.str in Graphics.
17. Choose Display > Point > Attributes.
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DTMvolume calculations Task: Net volume between DTMs
18. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
The boundary string is displayed.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _05b_net_volumes_between_dtms.tcl.
You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Clipping a DTM Task: Clip a DTM file-based method
Clipping a DTM
Task: Clip a DTM file-based method
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Create DTM from string file.
3. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: In this case, you are using the same string to clip the DTM as was used to define
the boundary of the DTM.Because the operation is performed directly on the input files,
there is no need to save the DTM file manually.
4. Close the log file generated in the previous step.
5. Open back1665.dtm in Graphics.
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Clipping a DTM Task: Clip a DTM graphics-based method
The clipped DTM is displayed.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _06a_clip_dtm_file_based.tcl. You need
to click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Clip a DTM graphics-based method
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open lev1665.str in Graphics.
3. Choose Inquire > Segment properties and select each segment.
Note: The pillars are all anti-clockwise and the drives are all clockwise.
4. Choose Surfaces > Create DTM from layer.
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Clipping a DTM Task: Clip a DTM graphics-based method
5. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
6. Choose Surfaces > Clip or intersect DTMs > Clip DTM with string.
7. Select any point on the string.
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Clipping a DTM Task: Clip a DTM graphics-based method
8. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
9. Save as lev1665.dtm.
This is one way of beginning to create a 3D model of these underground workings.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _06b_clip_dtm_graphics_based.tcl. You
need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Sectioning a DTM Task: Create a DTMsection axis line
Sectioning a DTM
Task: Create a DTM section axis line
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open pit1.dtm in Graphics.
3. Choose Create > Section axis by coordinates.
4. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
The pit with axis line is displayed.
5. Save pit1.dtm.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _07a_create_section_axis_line.tcl. You
need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Sectioning a DTM Task: Create DTMsections
Task: Create DTM sections
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open pit1.dtm in Graphics.
3. Choose Display > Section axis line.
4. Choose Surfaces > Create sections from DTM.
5. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
6. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: The first section is extracted from the axis start.Sections are not extracted past
the axis end point.
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Sectioning a DTM Task: Create DTMsections
The axis line is displayed on the left. The resulting section coordinates are displayed on
the right.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _07b_sectioning_pit.tcl. You need to click
Apply on any forms presented.
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Creating contours Task: Create DTMcontours file-based
Creating contours
Task: Create DTM contours file-based
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Choose Surfaces > Contouring > Contour DTM file.
3. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
4. Open pit1.dtm in Graphics.
5. Open contour1.str in Graphics.
The plan viewof the pit is displayed.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 08a_create_dtm_contours_file_based.tcl.
You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Creating contours Task: Create DTMcontours graphics-based
Task: Create DTM contours graphics-based
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open pit1.dtm in Graphics.
3. Choose Surfaces > Contouring > Contour DTM in layer.
4. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
The pit and contours are displayed.
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Creating contours Task: Create index contour file with annotations
5. Make slice the active layer.
6. Save the data to pitcon5.str.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 07c_section_pit_by_elevation.tcl. You
need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Create index contour file with annotations
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Choose Surfaces > Contouring > Contour DTM file.
3. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
4. Open annotate.str in Graphics.
5. Choose Display > Hide everything.
6. Choose Display > Point > Attributes.
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Creating contours Task: Create index contour file with annotations
7. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
8. Open index1.str in Graphics.
9. Open contour1.str in Graphics.
The pit contour with annotations is displayed.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _08b_create_index_contour_file_with_
annotations.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Draping a string over a DTM Task: Drape a spot height string over a DTM
Draping a string over a DTM
Task: Drape a spot height string over a DTM
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open topo1.dtm in Graphics.
3. Open dhcollar1.str in Graphics.
4. Choose Display > Hide strings > In a layer.
5. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
6. Choose Display > Point > Markers.
7. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
8. Press and hold down the mouse button to rotate the viewof the drillhole collars as
shown. By rotating the image, you can select the markers and not the DTM.
9. Choose Surfaces > Drape string over DTM.
10. Click one of the markers to select the string to drape over the DTM.
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Draping a string over a DTM Task: Drape a non-spot height string over a DTM
11. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
The DTM is displayed with draped markers.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _09a_draping_a_spot_height_string_
over_a_dtm.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Drape a non-spot height string over a DTM
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open floor1055.dtm in Graphics.
3. Open centreline.str in Graphics.
4. Click Section view .
5. Choose Display > Point > Markers.
6. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
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Draping a string over a DTM Task: Drape a non-spot height string over a DTM
Note: The centreline.str only contains two points.
7. Choose Surfaces > Drape string over DTM.
8. Click the centreline string.
9. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: The option to Interpolate new points is selected to create newpoints where the
string crosses a triangle edge.
10. Choose Display > Point > Markers.
11. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
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Draping a string over a DTM Task: Drape a non-spot height string over a DTM
12. Click Plan view , and then click Edges on to display the DTM triangle edges.
Note: The points have been created at the intersection of the string and DTM triangle
13. Save the string as centreline_draped.str.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _09b_draping_a_non_spot_height_
string_over_a_dtm.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Draping an image Task: Drape an image over a DTM.
Draping an image
Task: Drape an image over a DTM.
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open eom_pit.dtm in Graphics.
3. Choose File > Images > Drape an image file over a DTM.
4. Click anywhere on the DTM.
Note: You will be prompted to Select the triangle of interest.
5. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: The name used for the Registration file must not exist when you are select
register with new points for the Image draping method.
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Draping an image Task: Drape an image over a DTM.
The DTM is displayed first, then the image to drape over the DTM.
6. Followthe prompts at the bottom of the screen to select a series of registration points,
first in the image, and then in the DTM.
Tip: Try to pick points that represent features easily recognisable on both the image
and the DTM. Also, pick enough points to cover most of your area of interest.
7. When sufficient registration points have been defined (a minimum of three points), press
ESC to display the coordinates of your registration points.
8. Click Apply.
The pit with image drape is displayed.
Tip: To give a more realistic view, increase the z scale by a factor of 3.
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Draping an image Task: Drape an image over a DTM.
9. Choose View > Data view options > View scale factors.
10. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
11. Rotate the image to see the full effects of the rescaled image drape.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _10_image_drape.tcl. You need to click
Apply on any forms presented.
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DTM/DTMintersections Task: Create an upper triangles surface of two DTMs
DTM/DTM intersections
Task: Create an upper triangles surface of two DTMs
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open dump1.dtm in Graphics.
3. Open topo_dump1.dtm in Graphics.
4. Choose Surfaces > Clip or intersect DTMs > Upper triangles of 2 DTMs.
5. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: The layer name cannot be the same as any of the current layers.
6. Followthe prompts highlighted on the Status bar.
Note: The image will be displayed in a different colour until the calculation function is
7. Press ESC.
The DTM is displayed.
8. Save the file as upper_surface.dtm.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _11a_upper_triangles_of_2_dtms.tcl. You
need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Create a lower triangles surface of two DTMs
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open topo1.dtm in Graphics.
3. Open pit1.dtm in Graphics.
4. Choose Surfaces > Clip or intersect DTMs > Lower triangles of 2 DTMs.
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DTM/DTMintersections Task: Create solid by intersecting two DTMs
5. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
6. Followthe prompts highlighted on the Status bar.
Note: The image will be displayed in a different colour while the function is running.
7. Press ESC.
The DTM with pit is displayed.
8. Save the file as lower_surface.dtm.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _11b_lower_triangles_of_2DTMs.tcl. You
need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Create solid by intersecting two DTMs
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open topo1.dtm in Graphics.
3. Open pit1.dtm in Graphics.
4. Choose Surfaces > Clip or intersect DTMs > Create solid by intersecting 2 DTMs.
5. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: The layer name cannot be the same as any of the current layers.
6. Followthe prompts highlighted on the Status bar.
Note: You must select the upper DTM (topography) first, followed by the lower DTM
(pit). The image will be displayed in a different colour until the calculation function is
7. Press ESC.
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DTM/DTMintersections Task: Create solid by intersecting two DTMs
The solid from the DTM intersection is displayed.
8. Save the file as pit_solid.dtm.
9. Choose Solids > Solids tools > Report volume of solids.
10. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
The solids object report log opens in your default text editor.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _11c_create_solid_intersecting_2_
dtms.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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