Pit Design
Pit Design
Pit Design
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Surpac 6.5
Last modified: Thursday, 16 May 2013
Table of Contents
Introduction 5
Requirements 5
Objectives 5
Workflow 5
Setting up for this tutorial 6
Setting the work directory 6
Task: Set the work directory 6
Displaying the toolbar and menubar 7
Task: Display the minedesign toolbar and menubar 7
A Simple Example 8
Creating a simple pit 8
Task: Create a simple pit design 8
Data preparation 20
Create ore outlines 20
Task: Create the ore outlines 20
Viewing Whittle outlines 26
Task: View Whittle outlines from the Surpac block model 26
Add slope values 36
Task: Add slope values to the block model 36
Load the outline and Whittle model 41
Task: Load the outline and Whittle model 41
Basic pit design tools 43
Task: Define the starting string 43
Task: Define the slope method 44
Task: Define a new ramp 44
Task: Expand by bench height and berm width 46
Task: Edit a pit design 51
Additional Pit Design Tools 55
Task: Restart a Pit Design 55
Task: Design a Switchback 56
Task: Create multiple benches 65
Creating a DTM of a pit design 68
Task: Clean pit design strings 68
Task: Create a DTM of a pit design 70
Intersect pit design with surface topography 73
Task: Intersect pit design and topography 73
Grade and tonnage calculations 76
Task: Create a block model constraint of material in a pit 76
Task: Calculate Grade and Tonnage of Material in Pit 77
Waste dump design 81
Task: Design a waste dump 81
Task: Calculate dump volume 92
This tutorial demonstrates how to create pit and dump designs using Surpac.
Before you begin this tutorial, you must have:
The objective of this tutorial is to allow you to create a pit design.
The process described in this tutorial is outlined below:
Note: This workflow demonstrates the steps in this tutorial. There are other ways to achieve a
The name of the work directory is displayed in the title bar of the Surpac window.
Tip: For more information on setting up profiles and customising menus and toolbars,
see the Introduction to Surpac tutorial.
A Simple Example
Creating a simple pit
You will design a pit base around an ore zone at an elevation of 150, and then extend it up to an
elevation of 250 with a pit wall angle of 45 degrees.
Task: Create a simple pit design
1. Click Reset graphics .
2. Open ore150.str in Graphics.
You can see a horizontal slice of ore zones at an elevation of 150.
8. Click three points at the northern end of the segment as shown, to create points 4, 5, and
11. Click and hold down the left mouse button at point 9, then drag to point 10 and release.
Note: When you create closed segments in the XY plane (plan view), you will usually
create them in a clockwise direction. Clockwise segments are regarded as an area of
inclusion, and give expected results when you intersect them with other clockwise
13. Choose File > Save > string/DTM.
14. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
Next, you will delete some points to make the outline more convex.
19. Set the selection mode to Select Point/Triangle.
20. Hold the CTRL key and click several points as shown.
The Design string button displays the current design string number .
Next, you will expand the segment horizontally by a distance of 100. At an angle of 45
degrees, this will create a pit crest 100 meters above the base, at an elevation of 250.
26. Choose Edit > Segment > Expand/Contract.
27. Click anywhere in Graphics to select the segment for expanding.
28. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
The segments representing the top and bottom of the pit are displayed.
30. Hold down the right mouse button and drag down or to the left to zoom out.
This procedure can be useful for determining the limits of a block model.
Next, you will create a DTM from this data.
33. Choose Surfaces > Create DTM from Layer.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task run _01_simple_pit.tcl. You need to click Apply
on any forms presented.
Data preparation
Create ore outlines
Geological outlines are a good source of information when performing pit design. They can be
obtained from slicing a geological model (solid or wireframe) or taken from bench by bench
Task: Create the ore outlines
1. Connect to pitdesign.mdl.
2. Click the pitdesign icon on the Status bar, and choose Display.
13. Continue press F12 until you have viewed each plane.
Note: The planes you have created are temporary, and the data in each of the sections
you have viewed in Graphics is not saved in individual files. To save the data in the active
plane to a string file, you can choose Planes > Save section to string files. To save all
planes in a group, you would need to perform this function for each plane created. The
following steps use the section function in the block model module to create and save the
sections in a single function.
14. Choose Block model > Sections > Create.
15. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
17. Enter the information as shown, click Add, and click Apply.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _02_create_ore_outlines.tcl. You need to
click Apply on any forms presented.
8. Choose Block model > Constraints > Remove all graphical constraints.
9. Choose Block model > Constraints > New graphical constraint.
11. Choose Block model > Display > Colour model by attribute.
12. Enter the information as shown, click Scan, and click Apply.
The two Whittle pit shells, 16 and 28, are displayed in different colours.
13. Choose Block Model > Block model > Export > Block faces to DTM.
15. Click the pitdesign icon on the Status bar, and choose Close.
16. Open pit28.dtm in Graphics, and rotate to view the pit.
There are two results produced by the Slice Object function. The first result is a range of
string files called wmb805 to wmb1085 in increments of 10, which contain the extracted
horizontal sections. These files are saved to disk. The second result is a layer called slice
which contains the extracted sections. If required, you can activate this layer and save all
the sections to a single file.
27. Choose Edit > String > Renumber, and click a string in Graphics.
28. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _03_create_whittle_outlines.tcl. You need
to click Apply on any forms presented.
The block model, slope string, and DTM surface are displayed.
14. Choose Block model > Estimation > Assign value from polygon.
15. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
17. Choose Block model > Display > Colour model by attribute.
18. Enter the information as shown, click Scan, and click Apply.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _04_add_slope_values_to_
blockmodel.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _05_load_outline_and_whittle_model.tcl.
You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
the blocks. With Hide Off, you should be able to see the whole outline, as shown.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this section, run _06_load_base_string.tcl. You need to
click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Define the slope method
Note: Before you attempt the steps in this procedure you must have completed the previous
tasks, Load the outline and Whittle model and Define the start string, or run macro _06_load_base_
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _07_define_slope_berm_width.tcl. You
need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Define a new ramp
Note: Before you attempt the steps in this procedure you must have completed the previous
tasks, Load the outline and Whittle model, Define the start string, and Define the slope method.
Alternatively, you can run macro _07_define_slope_berm_width.tcl.
1. If bas880.str is not the active layer, right-click it in the Layers pane, and choose Make
2. In the Layers pane, right-click on ore_blocks.str and whitle_pit28.str, and clear Select-
able, to stop these layers being selected in Graphics.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _08_define_new_ramp.tcl. You need to
click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Expand by bench height and berm width
Note: Before you attempt the steps in this procedure you must have completed the previous
tasks, Load the outline and Whittle model, Define the start string, Define the slope method, and
Define a new ramp. Alternatively, you can run macro _08_define_new_ramp.tcl.
5. Choose Expand segment > By berm width, and click on the ramp.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _09_expand_bench_height_berm_
width.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Edit a pit design
Note: Before you attempt the steps in this procedure you must have completed the previous
tasks, Load the outline and Whittle model, Define the start string, Define the slope method, Define a
new ramp, and Expand by bench height and berm width. Alternatively, you can run macro _09_
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _10_edit_design.tcl. You need to click
Apply on any forms presented.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _11_restart_pit_design.tcl. You need to
click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Design a Switchback
Instead of continuing the ramp around to the west side of the pit, you will keep the ramp on the east
wall. In order to do this you will need to insert a switchback.
Note: Before you attempt the steps in this procedure you must have completed the previous
tasks, Define the slope method and Restart a pit design, or have run macros _07_define_slope_
berm_width.tcl and _11_restart_pit_design.tcl.
Note: You are adding a switchback to this ramp, with an angle of 180 degrees and an
inner radius of 2.5 meters.
4. Choose Edit > Point > Delete, and delete the points as shown.
19. In the Layers pane, right-click ore_blocks.str and whittle_pit28.str and clear Visible, to
hide these layers in Graphics.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _12_design_switchback.tcl. You need to
click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Create multiple benches
Note: Before you attempt the steps in this procedure you must have completed the previous
tasks, Define the slope method, Restart a pit design, and Design a switchback. Alternatively, you can
run macro _12_design_switchback.tcl.
Benches from the current segment through to an elevation of 1000 are created.
4. In the Layers pane, right-click whittle_pit28.str, and select Visible.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _13_multibench_design.tcl. You need to
click Apply on any forms presented.
Note: If you continue to have intersections, you may wish to clean them manually
using the string edit tools in Graphics.
11. When you are sure you have no intersections, save your file as pitdesign2.str
7. Choose Solids > Display > Condense colouring to give sharp boundaries to the colour
Note: To see all of the steps described in this task, run _14_intersect_design_and_
topo.tcl. You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
1. Open pitdesign.mdl.
2. Choose Block model > Block model > Display.
3. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
Note: The constraint file pit_design2.con is created, which is a list of all blocks within
this constraint.
6. Choose Block model > Display > Colour model by attribute.
8. Spin the model around to see the blocks coloured by gold grade.
Most of the blocks are waste (gold=0), and are coloured dark blue.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _15_create_pit_constraint.tcl.
You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Note: Your report should be similar in format, but the numbers may not be exactly the
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _16_grade_and_tonnage.tcl.
You need to click Apply on any forms presented.
The top of the dump is approximately 50 metres above the topography, at an elevation
of 1045 metres. The gradient of the centre line will be set during the dump design
12. Select two points on the dump top, one on either side of the ramp centre line as shown.
14. Following the prompt, select the ramp centre line anywhere where there are no other
strings which you may accidentally snap to.
After selecting the ramp centre line, the dump top outline is modified slightly as shown in
the following image. This change is made to resolve geometry problems at the start of the
Note: In this design you will only have one safety berm at 1025 metres in this dump.
15. Choose Expand string > To elevation, and click on the dump outline.
16. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
19. Check the point numbers to identify overlapping and close points.
20. Choose Expand segment > By berm width.
21. Select string 2.
Now project the dump outline to the DTM of the topographic surface.
23. Choose Pit design > Load a DTM surface and load top1, leaving the display DTM at N.
24. Choose Expand segment > To DTM surface, and click the outline of the dump.
31. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Create DTM from string file.
Next you will clip a hole in the topographic surface around the dump design. For a
boundary string, you will use the dump design string that lies on the topographic surface
(string #4). Then you will append the clipped topographic string file and dump design
strings, and create a DTM of the surface. To achieve this you will use the previously
created topographic surface which has already been combined with the pit design strings.
The two files to combine are pit_and_topo2.str and dumpdesign1.str .
33. Click Reset graphics .
35. Select File tools > Apply boundary string, and enter the parameters as shown below.
36. Open dumpdesign1.str to the current layer using the replace option.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run _17_waste_dump_design.tcl. You need to
click Apply on any forms presented.
Task: Calculate dump volume
Now you will calculate the total volume of the dump.
The form below gives you the option of saving the DTM clipped within the boundary
string. This is done for visualization purposes as this allows you to colour the dump
differently to the surrounding topography.
Note: As a general rule of thumb you should only use clipped DTMs for visualization,
and not for other DTM functions.
After you apply the second Save A Modified Dtm form, the volume is calculated and
written to a note file called top1.not.
4. View top1.not in a text editor.
The report is displayed.