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Using C++ Math Operators and Precedence: Example

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C+ + By
Using C++ Math
Operators and
Prec edenc e
If you are dreading this chapter because you dont like mathrelax,
C++ does all your math for you! It is a misconception that you have
to be good at math to understand how to program computers. In
fact, programming practice assumes the opposite is true! Your
computer is your slave, to follow your instructions, and to do all
the calculations for you. This chapter explains how C++ computes
by introducing you to
o Primary math operators
o Order of operator precedence
o Assignment statements
o Mixed data type calculations
o Type casting
Chapter 8 o U sing C ++ M ath O perators and Precedence
Many people who dislike math actually enjoy learning how the
computer handles it. After learning the math operators and a few
simple ways in which C++ uses them, you should feel comfortable
using calculations in your programs. Computers are fast, and they
can perform math operations much faster than you can!
C++s Primary Math
A C++ math operator is a symbol used for adding, subtracting,
multiplying, dividing, and other operations. C++ operators are not
always mathematical in nature, but many are. Table 8.1 lists these
operator symbols and their primary meanings.
Table 8.1. C++ primary operators.
Symbol Meaning
* Multiplication
/ Division and Integer Division
% Modulus or Remainder
+ Addition
- Subtraction
Most of these operators work in the familiar way you expect
them to. Multiplication, addition, and subtraction produce the same
results (and the division operator usually does) as those produced
with a calculator. Table 8.2 illustrates four of these simple operators.
Table 8.2. Typic al operator results.
Formula Result
4 * 2 8
64 / 4 16
80 - 15 65
12 + 9 21
C+ + By
Table 8.2 contains examples of binary operations performed with
the four operators. Dont confuse binary operations with binary
numbers. When an operator is used between two literals, variables,
or a combination of both, it is called a binary operator because it
operates using two values. When you use these operators (when
assigning their results to variables, for example), it does not matter
in C++ whether you add spaces to the operators or not.
CAUTION: For multiplication, use the asterisk (*), not an x as
you might normally do. An x cannot be used as the multiplica-
tion sign because C++ uses x as a variable name. C++ interprets
x as the value of a variable called x.
The Unary Operators
A unary operator operates on, or affects, a single value. For
instance, you can assign a variable a positive or negative number by
using a unary + or .
1. The following section of code assigns four variables a posi-
tive or a negative number. The plus and minus signs are all
unary because they are not used between two values.
The variable a is assigned a negative 25 value.
The variable b is assigned a positive 25 value.
The variable c is assigned a negative a value.
The variable d is assigned a positive b value.
a = - 25; / / Assi gn a a negat i ve 25.
b = +25; / / Assi gn b a posi t i ve 25 ( + i s not needed) .
c = - a; / / Assi gn c t he negat i ve of a ( - 25) .
d = +b; / / Assi gn d t he posi t i ve of b ( 25, + not needed) .
Chapter 8 o U sing C ++ M ath O perators and Precedence
2. You generally do not have to use the unary plus sign. C++
assumes a number or variable is positive, even if it has no
plus sign. The following four statements are equivalent to
the previous four, except they do not contain plus signs.
a = - 25; / / Assi gn a a negat i ve 25.
b = 25; / / Assi gn b a posi t i ve 25.
c = - a; / / Assi gn c t he negat i ve of a ( - 25) .
d = b; / / Assi gn d t he posi t i ve of b ( 25) .
3. The unary negative comes in handy when you want to
negate a single number or variable. The negative of a nega-
tive is positive. Therefore, the following short program
assigns a negative number (using the unary ) to a variable,
then prints the negative of that same variable. Because it had
a negative number to begin with, the cout produces a posi-
tive result.
/ / Fi l ename: C8NEG. CPP
/ / The negat i ve of a var i abl e t hat cont ai ns a negat i ve val ue.
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
mai n( )
si gned i nt t emp=- 12; / / si gned i s not needed because
/ / i t i s t he def aul t .
cout << - t emp << \ n; / / Pr oduces a 12 on- scr een.
r et ur n 0;
The variable declaration does not need the signed prefix,
because all integer variables are signed by default.
4. If you want to subtract the negative of a variable, make sure
you put a space before the unary minus sign. For example,
the following line:
new_t emp + new_t emp- - i nver si on_f act or ;
temporarily negates the i nver si on_f act or and subtracts that
negated value from new_t emp.
C+ + By
Division and Modulus
The division sign, / , and the modulus operator, %, might behave
in ways unfamiliar to you. Theyre as easy to use, however, as the
other operators you have just seen.
The forward slash (/ ) is always used for division. However, it
produces an integer called di vi de if integer values (literals, variables,
or a combination of both) appear on both sides of the slash. If there
is a remainder, C++ discards it.
The percent sign (%) produces a modulus, or a remainder, of an
integer division. It requires that integers be on both sides of the
symbol, or it does not work.
1. Suppose you want to compute your weekly pay. The follow-
ing program asks for your yearly pay, divides it by 52, and
prints the results to two decimal places.
/ / Fi l ename: C8DI V. CPP
/ / Di spl ays user s weekl y pay.
#i ncl ude <st di o. h>
mai n( )
f l oat weekl y, year l y;
pr i nt f ( What i s your annual pay? ) ; / / Pr ompt user .
scanf ( %f , &year l y) ;
weekl y = year l y/ 52; / / Comput es t he weekl y pay.
pr i nt f ( \ n\ nYour weekl y pay i s $%. 2f , weekl y) ;
r et ur n 0;
Because a floating-point number is used in the division, C++
produces a floating-point result. Here is a sample output
from such a program:
What i s your annual pay? 38000. 00
Your weekl y pay i s $730. 77
The modul us (%)
remai nders i n
di vi si on.
Chapter 8 o U sing C ++ M ath O perators and Precedence
Because this program used scanf ( ) and pr i nt f ( ) (to keep you
familiar with both ways of performing input and output),
the stdio.h header file is included rather than iostream.h.
2. Integer division does not round its results. If you divide two
integers and the answer is not a whole number, C++ ignores
the fractional part. The following pr i nt f ( ) s help show this.
The output that results from each pr i nt f ( ) appears in the
comment to the right of each line.
pr i nt f ( %d \ n, 10/ 2) ; / / 5 ( no r emai nder )
pr i nt f ( %d \ n, 300/ 100) ; / / 3 ( no r emai nder )
pr i nt f ( %d \ n, 10/ 3) ; / / 3 ( di scar ded r emai nder )
pr i nt f ( %d \ n, 300/ 165) ; / / 1 ( di scar ded r emai nder )
The Order of Prec edenc e
Understanding the math operators is the first of two steps toward
understanding C++ calculations. You must also understand the order of
precedence. The order of precedence (sometimes called the math hierarchy
or order of operators) determines exactly how C++ computes formulas.
The precedence of operators is exactly the same concept you learned in
high school algebra courses. (Dont worry, this is the easy part of
algebra!) To see how the order of precedence works, try to determine
the result of the following simple calculation:
2 + 3 * 2
If you said 10, you are not alone; many people respond with 10.
However, 10 is correct only if you interpret the formula from the left.
What if you calculated the multiplication first? If you took the value
of 3 * 2 and got an answer of 6, then added the 2, you receive an
answer of 8which is exactly the same answer that C++ computes
(and happens to be the correct way)!
C++ always performs multiplication, division, and modulus
first, then addition and subtraction. Table 8.3 shows the order of the
operators you have seen so far. Of course, there are many more
levels to C++s precedence table of operators than the ones shown in
Table 8.3. Unlike most computer languages, C++ has 20 levels of
precedence. Appendix D, C++ Precedence Table, contains the
complete precedence table. Notice in this appendix that multiplica-
tion, division, and modulus reside on level 8, one level higher than
C++ performs
mul ti pl i cati on,
di vi si on, and
modul us before
addi ti on and
subtracti on.
C+ + By
level 9s addition and subtraction. In the next few chapters, you learn
how to use the remainder of this precedence table in your C++
Table 8.3. Order of prec edenc e for primary operators.
Order Operator
First Multiplication, division, modulus remainder (*, / , %)
Second Addition, subtraction (+, - )
1. It is easy to follow C++s order of operators if you follow the
intermediate results one at a time. The three calculations in
Figure 8.1 show you how to do this.
6 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 2
6 + 6 - 4 / 2
6 + 6 - 2
12 - 2
3 * 4 / 2 + 3 - 1
12 / 2 + 3 - 1
6 + 3 - 1
9 - 1
20 / 3 + 5 %2
6 + 5 %2
6 + 1
Figure 8.1. C++s order of operators with lines indicating precedence.
Chapter 8 o U sing C ++ M ath O perators and Precedence
2. Looking back at the order of precedence table, you might
notice that multiplication, division, and modulus are on the
same level. This implies there is no hierarchy on that level. If
more than one of these operators appear in a calculation,
C++ performs the math from the left. The same is true of
addition and subtractionC++ performs the operation on
the extreme left first.
Figure 8.2 illustrates an example showing this process.
10 / 5 * 2 - 2 + 1
2 * 2 - 2 + 1
4 - 2 + 1
2 + 1
Figure 8.2. C++s order of operators from the left, with lines indicating
Because the division appears to the left of the multiplication,
it is computed first.
You now should be able to follow the order of these C++
operators. You dont have to worry about the math because C++
does the actual work. However, you should understand this order
of operators so you know how to structure your calculations. Now
that you have mastered this order, its time to learn how you can
override it with parentheses!
Using Parentheses
If you want to override the order of precedence, you can add
parentheses to the calculation. The parentheses actually reside on a
level above the multiplication, division, and modulus in the prece-
dence table. In other words, any calculation in parentheseswhether
it is addition, subtraction, division, or whateveris always calcu-
lated before the rest of the line. The other calculations are then
performed in their normal operator order.
C+ + By
The first formula in this chapter, 2 +3 * 2, produced an 8 because
the multiplication was performed before addition. However, by
adding parentheses around the addition, as in ( 2 +3) * 2, the answer
becomes 10.
In the precedence table shown in Appendix D, C++ Prece-
dence Table, the parentheses reside on level 3. Because they are
higher than the other levels, the parentheses take precedence over
multiplication, division, and all other operators.
1. The calculations shown in Figure 8.3 illustrate how paren-
theses override the regular order of operators. These are the
same three formulas shown in the previous section, but their
results are calculated differently because the parentheses
override the normal order of operators.
6 + 2 * ( 3 - 4) / 2
6 + 2 * - 1 / 2
6 + - 2 / 2
6 + - 1
3 * 4 / 2 + ( 3 - 1)
3 * 4 / 2 + 2
12 / 2 + 2
6 + 2
20 / ( 3 + 5) %2
20 / 8 %2
2 %2
Figure 8.3. Example of parentheses as the highest precedence level
with lines indicating precedence.
Parentheses overri de
the usual order of
Chapter 8 o U sing C ++ M ath O perators and Precedence
2. If an expression contains parentheses-within-parentheses,
C++ evaluates the innermost parentheses first. The expres-
sions in Figure 8.4 illustrate this.
5 * ( 5 + ( 6 - 2) + 1)
5 * ( 5 + 4 + 1)
5 * ( 9 + 1)
5 * 10
Figure 8.4. Precedence example of parentheses-within-parentheses
with lines indicating precedence.
3. The following program produces an incorrect result, even
though it looks as if it will work. See if you can spot the
Comments to identify your program.
Include the header file iostream.h so cout works.
Declare the variables avg, gr ade1, gr ade2, and gr ade3 as floating-
point variables.
The variable avg becomes equal to gr ade3 divided by 3.0 plus
gr ade2 plus gr ade1.
Print to the screen The aver age i s and the average of the three
grade variables.
Return to the operating system.
/ / Fi l ename: C8AVG1. CPP
/ / Comput e t he aver age of t hr ee gr ades.
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
mai n( )
f l oat avg, gr ade1, gr ade2, gr ade3;
gr ade1 = 87. 5;
gr ade2 = 92. 4;
gr ade3 = 79. 6;
C+ + By
avg = gr ade1 + gr ade2 + gr ade3 / 3. 0;
cout << The aver age i s << avg << \ n;
r et ur n 0;
The problem is that division is performed first. Therefore,
the third grade is divided by 3.0 first, then the other two
grades are added to that result. To correct this problem, you
simply have to add one set of parentheses, as shown in the
/ / Fi l ename: C8AVG2. CPP
/ / Comput e t he aver age of t hr ee gr ades.
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
mai n( )
f l oat avg, gr ade1, gr ade2, gr ade3;
gr ade1 = 87. 5;
gr ade2 = 92. 4;
gr ade3 = 79. 6;
avg = ( gr ade1 + gr ade2 + gr ade3) / 3. 0;
cout << The aver age i s << avg << \ n;
r et ur n 0;
TIP: Use plenty of parentheses in your C++ programs to clarify
the order of operators, even when you dont have to override
their default order. Using parentheses makes the calculations
easier to understand later, when you might have to modify the
Shorter Is Not Always Better
When you program computers for a living, it is much more
important to write programs that are easy to understand than
programs that are short or include tricky calculations.
Chapter 8 o U sing C ++ M ath O perators and Precedence
Maintainability is the computer industrys word for the chang-
ing and updating of programs previously written in a simple
style. The business world is changing rapidly, and the pro-
grams companies have used for years must often be updated to
reflect this changing environment. Businesses do not always
have the resources to write programs from scratch, so they
usually modify the ones they have.
Years ago when computer hardware was much more expen-
sive, and when computer memories were much smaller, it was
important to write small programs, which often meant relying
on clever, individualized tricks and shortcuts. Unfortunately,
such programs are often difficult to revise, especially if the
original programmers leave and someone else (you!) must
modify the original code.
Companies are realizing the importance of spending time to
write programs that are easy to modify and that do not rely on
tricks, or quick and dirty routines that are hard to follow. You
can be a much more valuable programmer if you write clean
programs with ample white space, frequent remarks, and
straightforward code. Use parentheses in formulas if it makes
the formulas clearer, and use variables for storing results in
case you need the same answer later in the program. Break
long calculations into several smaller ones.
Throughout the remainder of this book, you can read tips on
writing maintainable programs. You and your colleagues will
appreciate these tips when you incorporate them in your own
C++ programs.
The Assignment Statements
In C++, the assignment operator, =, behaves differently from
what you might be used to in other languages. So far, you have used
it to assign values to variables, which is consistent with its use in
most other programming languages.
However, the assignment operator also can be used in other
ways, such as multiple assignment statements and compound as-
signments, as the following sections illustrate.
C+ + By
Multiple Assignments
If two or more equal signs appear in an expression, each
performs an assignment. This fact introduces a new aspect of the
precedence order you should understand. Consider the following
This might at first seem confusing, especially if you know other
computer languages. To C++, the equal sign always means: Assign
the value on the right to the variable on the left. This right-to-left
order is described in Appendix Ds precedence table. The third
column in the table is labeled Associativity, which describes the
direction of the operation. The assignment operator associates from
the right, whereas some of the other C++ operators associate from
the left.
Because the assignment associates from the right, the previous
expression assigns 100 to the variable named e. This assignment
produces a value, 100, for the expression. In C++, all expressions
produce values, typically the result of assignments. Therefore, 100 is
assigned to the variable d. The value, 100, is assigned to c, then to b,
and finally to a. The old values of these variables are replaced by 100
after the statement finishes.
Because C++ does not automatically set variables to zero before
you use them, you might want to do so before you use the variables
with a single assignment statement. The following section of vari-
able declarations and initializations is performed using multiple
assignment statements.
mai n( )
i nt ct r , num_emp, num_dep;
f l oat sal es, sal ar y, amount ;
ct r =num_emp=num_dep=0;
sal es=sal ar y=amount =0;
/ / Rest of pr ogr amf ol l ows.
In C++, you can include the assignment statement almost
anywhere in a program, even in another calculation. For example,
consider this statement:
Chapter 8 o U sing C ++ M ath O perators and Precedence
val ue = 5 + ( r = 9 - c) ;
which is a perfectly legal C++ statement. The assignment operator
resides on the first level of the precedence table, and always pro-
duces a value. Because its associativity is from the right, the r is
assigned 9 - c because the equal sign on the extreme right is
evaluated first. The subexpression (r =9 - c) produces a value (and
places that value in r ), which is then added to 5 before storing the
answer in val ue.
Because C++ does not initialize variables to zero before you use
them, you might want to include a multiple assignment operator to
do so before using the variables. The following section of code
ensures that all variables are initialized before the rest of the pro-
gram uses them.
mai n( )
i nt num_emp, dependent s, age;
f l oat sal ar y, hr _r at e, t axr at e;
/ / I ni t i al i ze al l var i abl es t o zer o.
num_emp=dependent s=age=hour s=0;
sal ar y=hr _r at e=t axr at e=0. 0;
/ / Rest of pr ogr amf ol l ows.
Compound Assignments
Many times in programming, you might want to update the
value of a variable. In other words, you have to take a variables
current value, add or multiply that value by an expression, then
reassign it to the original variable. The following assignment state-
ment demonstrates this process:
sal ar y=sal ar y*1. 2;
C+ + By
This expression multiplies the old value of sal ar y by 1.2 (in
effect, raising the value in sal ar y by 20 percent), then reassigns it to
sal ar y. C++ provides several operators, called compound operators,
that you can use any time the same variable appears on both sides
of the equal sign. The compound operators are shown in Table 8.4.
Table 8.4. C++s c ompound operators.
Operator Example Equivalent
+= bonus+=500; bonus=bonus+500;
- = budget - =50; budget =budget - 50;
*= sal ar y*=1. 2; sal ar y=sal ar y*1. 2;
/ = f act or / =. 50; f act or =f act or / . 50;
%= daynum%=7; daynum=daynum%7;
The compound operators are low in the precedence table. They
typically are evaluated last or near-last.
1. You have been storing your factorys production amount
in a variable called pr od_amt , and your supervisor has just
informed you that a new addition has to be applied to the
production value. You could code this update in a statement,
as follows:
pr od_amt = pr od_amt + 2. 6; / / Add 2. 6 t o cur r ent pr oduct i on.
Instead of using this formula, use C++s compound addition
operator by coding it like this:
pr od_amt += 2. 6; / / Add 2. 6 t o cur r ent pr oduct i on.
2. Suppose you are a high school teacher who wants to raise
your students grades. You gave a test that was too difficult,
and the grades were not what you expected. If you had
stored each of the students grades in variables named
gr ade1, gr ade2, gr ade3, and so on, you can update the grades
in a program with the following section of compound
Chapter 8 o U sing C ++ M ath O perators and Precedence
gr ade1*=1. 1; / / I ncr ease each st udent s gr ade by 10.
per cent .
gr ade2*=1. 1;
gr ade3*=1. 1;
/ / Rest of gr ade changes f ol l ow.
3. The precedence of the compound operators requires impor-
tant consideration when you decide how to code compound
assignments. Notice from Appendix D, C++ Precedence
Table, that the compound operators are on level 19, much
lower than the regular math operators. This means you must
be careful how you interpret them.
For example, suppose you want to update the value of a
sal es variable with this formula:
4- f act or +bonus
You can update the sal es variable with the following
sal es = *4 - f act or + bonus;
This statement adds the quantity 4- f act or +bonus to sal es. Due
to operator precedence, this statement is not the same as the
following one:
sal es = sal es *4 - f act or + bonus;
Because the *=operator is much lower in the precedence
table than * or - , it is performed last, and with right-to-left
associativity. Therefore, the following are equivalent, from a
precedence viewpoint:
sal es *= 4 - f act or + bonus;
sal es = sal es * ( 4 - f act or + bonus) ;
Mixing Data Type s
in Calc ulations
You can mix data types in C++. Adding an integer and a
floating-point value is mixing data types. C++ generally converts
C+ + By
the smaller of the two types into the other. For instance, if you add
a double to an integer, C++ first converts the integer into a double
value, then performs the calculation. This method produces the
most accurate result possible. The automatic conversion of data
types is only temporary; the converted value is back in its original
data type as soon as the expression is finished.
If C++ converted two different data types to the smaller values
type, the higher-precision value is truncated, or shortened, and
accuracy is lost. For example, in the following short program, the
floating-point value of sal es is added to an integer called bonus.
Before C++ computes the answer, it converts bonus to floating-point,
which results in a floating-point answer.
/ / Fi l ename: C8DATA. CPP
/ / Demonst r at e mi xed dat a t ype i n an expr essi on.
#i ncl ude <st di o. h>
mai n( )
i nt bonus=50;
f l oat sal ar y=1400. 50;
f l oat t ot al ;
t ot al =sal ar y+bonus; / / bonus becomes f l oat i ng- poi nt
/ / but onl y t empor ar i l y.
pr i nt f ( The t ot al i s %. 2f , t ot al ) ;
r et ur n 0;
Type Casting
Most of the time, you dont have to worry about C++s auto-
matic conversion of data types. However, problems can occur if you
mix unsigned variables with variables of other data types. Due to
differences in computer architecture, unsigned variables do not
always convert to the larger data type. This can result in loss of
accuracy, and even incorrect results.
You can override C++s default conversions by specifying your
own temporary type change. This process is called type casting.
When you type cast, you temporarily change a variables data type
C++ attempts to
convert the smal l er
data type to the
l arger one i n a
mi xed data- type
expressi on.
Chapter 8 o U sing C ++ M ath O perators and Precedence
from its declared data type to a new one. There are two formats of
the type cast. They are
( dat a t ype) expr essi on
dat a t ype( expr essi on)
where dat a t ype can be any valid C++ data type, such as i nt or f l oat ,
and the expr essi on can be a variable, literal, or an expression that
combines both. The following code temporarily type casts the
integer variable age into a double floating-point variable, so it can be
multiplied by the double floating-point f act or . Both formats of the
type cast are illustrated.
The variable age_f act or is assigned the value of the variable age (now
treated like a double floating-point variable) multiplied by the variable
f act or .
age_f act or = ( doubl e) age * f act or ; / / Tempor ar i l y change age
/ / t o doubl e.
The second way of type casting adds the parentheses around
the variable rather than the data type, as so:
age_f act or = doubl e( age) * f act or ; / / Tempor ar i l y change age
/ / t o doubl e.
NOTE: Type casting by adding the parentheses around the
expression and not the data type is new to C++. C programmers
do not have the optionthey must put the data type in paren-
theses. The second method feels like a function call and
seems to be more natural for this language. Therefore, becom-
ing familiar with the second method will clarify your code.
C+ + By
1. Suppose you want to verify the interest calculation used by
your bank on a loan. The interest rate is 15.5 percent, stored
as .155 in a floating-point variable. The amount of interest
you owe is computed by multiplying the interest rate by the
amount of the loan balance, then multiplying that by the
number of days in the year since the loan originated. The
following program finds the daily interest rate by dividing
the annual interest rate by 365, the number of days in a year.
C++ must convert the integer 365 to a floating-point literal
automatically, because it is used in combination with a
floating-point variable.
/ / Fi l ename: C8I NT1. CPP
/ / Cal cul at e i nt er est on a l oan.
#i ncl ude <st di o. h>
mai n( )
i nt days=45; / / Days si nce l oan or i gi nat i on.
f l oat pr i nci pl e = 3500. 00; / / Or i gi nal l oan amount
f l oat i nt er est _r at e=0. 155; / / Annual i nt er est r at e
f l oat dai l y_i nt er est ; / / Dai l y i nt er est r at e
dai l y_i nt er est =i nt er est _r at e/ 365; / / Comput e f l oat i ng-
/ / poi nt val ue.
/ / Because days i s i nt , i t t oo i s conver t ed t o f l oat .
dai l y_i nt er est = pr i nci pl e * dai l y_i nt er est * days;
pr i nci pl e+=dai l y_i nt er est ; / / Updat e pr i nci pl e wi t h i nt er est .
pr i nt f ( The bal ance you owe i s %. 2f \ n, pr i nci pl e) ;
r et ur n 0;
The output of this program follows:
The bal ance you owe i s 3566. 88
Chapter 8 o U sing C ++ M ath O perators and Precedence
2. Instead of having C++ perform the conversion, you might
want to type cast all mixed expressions to ensure they
convert to your liking. Here is the same program as in the
first example, except type casts are used to convert the
integer literals to floating-points before they are used.
/ / Fi l ename: C8I NT2. CPP
/ / Cal cul at e i nt er est on a l oan usi ng t ype cast i ng.
#i ncl ude <st di o. h>
mai n( )
i nt days=45; / / Days si nce l oan or i gi nat i on.
f l oat pr i nci pl e = 3500. 00; / / Or i gi nal l oan amount
f l oat i nt er est _r at e=0. 155; / / Annual i nt er est r at e
f l oat dai l y_i nt er est ; / / Dai l y i nt er est r at e
dai l y_i nt er est =i nt er est _r at e/ f l oat ( 365) ; / / Type cast days
/ / t o f l oat .
/ / Because days i s i nt eger , conver t i t t o f l oat al so.
dai l y_i nt er est = pr i nci pl e * dai l y_i nt er est * f l oat ( days) ;
pr i nci pl e+=dai l y_i nt er est ; / / Updat e pr i nci pl e wi t h i nt er est .
pr i nt f ( The bal ance you owe i s %. 2f , pr i nci pl e) ;
r et ur n 0;
The output from this program is exactly the same as the
previous one.
Review Questions
The answers to the review questions are in Appendix B.
1. What is the result for each of the following expressions?
a. 1 + 2 * 4 / 2
b. ( 1 + 2) * 4 / 2
c. 1 + 2 * ( 4 / 2)
C+ + By
2. What is the result for each of the following expressions?
a. 9 %2 + 1
b. ( 1 + ( 10 - ( 2 + 2) ) )
3. Convert each of the following formulas into its C++ assign-
ment equivalents.
3 + 3
a. a =
4 + 4
b. x = ( a - b) *( a - c) 2
c. f =
( 8 - x2) ( 4 * 2 - 1)
d. d = -
( x - 9) x3
4. Write a short program that prints the area of a circle, when
its radius equals 4 and equals 3.14159. (Hint: The area of a
circle is computed by * radius
5. Write the assignment and pr i nt f ( ) statements that print the
remainder of 100/3.
Review Exerc ises
1. Write a program that prints each of the first eight powers
of 2 (21, 22, 23,...28). Please write comments and include
your name at the top of the program. Print string literals
that describe each answer printed. The first two lines of
your output should look like this:
2 r ai sed t o t he f i r st power i s 2
2 r ai sed t o t he second power i s 4
Chapter 8 o U sing C ++ M ath O perators and Precedence
2. Change C8PAY.CPP so it computes and prints a bonus of 15
percent of the gross pay. Taxes are not to be taken out of the
bonus. After printing the four variables, gr oss_pay, t ax_r at e,
bonus, and gr oss_pay, print a check on-screen that looks like
a printed check. Add string literals so it prints the check-
holder and put your name as the payer at the bottom of the
3. Store the weights and ages of three people in variables. Print
a table, with titles, of the weights and ages. At the bottom of
the table, print the averages.
4. Assume that a video store employee works 50 hours. He is
paid $4.50 for the first 40 hours, time-and-a-half (1.5 times
the regular pay rate) for the first five hours over 40, and
double-time pay for all hours over 45. Assuming a 28 per-
cent tax rate, write a program that prints his gross pay, taxes,
and net pay to the screen. Label each amount with appropri-
ate titles (using string literals) and add appropriate com-
ments in the program.
You now understand C++s primary math operators and the
importance of the precedence table. Parentheses group operations
so they can override the default precedence levels. Unlike some
other programming languages, every operator in C++ has a mean-
ing, no matter where it appears in an expression. This fact enables
you to use the assignment operator (the equal sign) in the middle of
other expressions.
When you perform math with C++, you also must be aware of
how C++ interprets data types, especially when you mix them in the
same expression. Of course, you can temporarily type cast a variable
or literal so you can override its default data type.
This chapter has introduced you to a part of the book concerned
with C++ operators. The following two chapters (Chapter 9, Rela-
tional Operators, and Chapter 10, Logical Operators) extend this
introduction to include relational and logical operators. They enable
you to compare data and compute accordingly.

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