rules hacking by Paul Chapman Updates by Steve Jackson, Philip Reed, and Andrew Hackard Editing and development by Steve Jackson Playtesting and perverse ideas by Michaela Barrett, Andrew Hackard, Jan Hendriks, Giles Schildt, Mia Sherman, Monica Stephens, and Erik Zane. Epic Munchkin, Munchkin, the names of all other Munchkin products, the all-seeing pyramid, and the names of other Steve Jackson Games products are trademarks or registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license. Epic Munchkin is copyright 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009-2012 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved. TM STEVE JACKSON GAMES
Stock #37-2011 Version 2.8 April 19, 2012
Does your Munchkin adventure end too soon? There you are, multi-raced and multi-classed, with three hands full of killer items, buffed up with sidekicks and Munchkin Fu styles . . . and the games over. Rejoice, for Epic Munchkin is here. This rules set includes the Epic rules for all Munchkin core sets and supplements pub- lished through June 2012. Starting The Game Pay as normal until someone reaches Level 10 (which no longer requires a kill). At that point, instead of ending the game, any characters of Level 10-19 are considered Epic and these rules apply to them. Those of Level 9 or below are not Epic . . . if a higher-Level character is knocked back to Level 9 or below, he loses his Epic powers. (Note that Munchkin 7 Cheat With Both Hands includes Epic Junior cards, which let lower-Level characters use the Epic powers.) Winning The Game Levels 19 and 20 may only be reached by actual monster kills. Play to Level 20. At that point, its really over. 2 EPIC MUNCHKIN Kicking Down Doors When an Epic munchkin kicks down a door, turn over two cards and apply them as follows: (1) Traps and Curses first, in the order the player chooses. (2) Everything else except Rooms, monsters, and monster enhancers, in the order the player chooses. Yes, if you turn over a Class, Race, Loyalty, Accent, Style, Power, or Training, you can apply it immediately, before the fight. (3) Rooms. If you drew one Room card, it will apply to the fight. If you drew TWO, the first one drawn applies and the second goes into the players hand. (4) Monsters and monster bonuses. If there are two monsters, fight them both. If you draw both a monster and a monster bonus (that is, either an enhancer like Radioactive which increases the monsters level, or a card like Mate that duplicates the monster) the bonus applies to the monster. (But if you get a bonus and no monster, the bonus goes into your hand normally. And an enhancer enhancer like Mind-Bogglingly always goes into your hand.) Epic Feats Epic characters can also perform Epic Feats of Munchkinry! Munchkin Munchkin Races Centaur (Munchkin 8): Over Herd. Whenever another player discards a Steed, you may discard two cards from your hand to take it into your hand. Dwarf: Hand of the Gods. You may have any num- ber of cards in your hand. Elf: Arrow-Minded. You may fire arrows into a fight in which you are not involved either as main play- er or helper. This works like thiefly backstabbing: dis- card a card and give a monster or player a -2. However, the epic elf can fire two arrows per turn, for a maximum of -4. An epic elven thief can fire two arrows AND back- stab once, if he has three cards to discard. Gnome (Munchkin 3): Sneaky Little Devil. If you successfully Run Away from combat, you get two face- down Treasure cards! Halfling: Garage Sale. You may sell TWO Items per turn for double their value, or one Item for triple its value. Human: Pets Rock. Yes, at epic levels, even Humans have a racial power! Rather than fighting any monster of Level 5 or below, you may make a pet of it (as long as you do not already have a pet in play). Play it to the table. You may sacrifice it later as a one-time combat bonus, for or against any player or monster. If you use it for a player, including yourself, its bonus is equal to its Level. If you use it against a player, it is treated as a Wandering Monster: all its special abilities count, monster enhancers will work on it, and if your rival cannot defeat it he must Run Away from it! At any time that you lose your Epic or Human status, and your pet has not been used, your pet wanders off and is forever lost. Lizard Guy (Munchkin 8): Shed Your Skin. If you successfully Run Away from all monsters in a fight with more than one monster, you may take another turn when your current turn is finished. (You may not take more than two turns in a row, regardless.) Orc (Munchkin 2): Munchkin Munch. When you turn over (or Look For Trouble and find) a monster of Level 1, you may simply EAT it. Your foes cannot play any cards to stop this . . . its a Level 1 monster, you eat it, any bonuses applied to the monster are discarded, yum yum, thats that. You go up a level for the hot meal, and since this is a kill, you can win this way. Race Enhancers Dark (Munchkin Reloaded!): Youre So Bad. And they thought you were evil before. As a Dark Epic what- ever, youve mastered the art of manipulating others to suit your vile needs. If your request for aid during a fight is refused roll the die; on a roll of 5 or 6 you turn the monster toward the player that refused to assist you. The combat plays out against the other player and then your turn resumes. If the monster is defeated you collect its treasure and gain the level. The poor fool that refused to assist you gains nothing. Elder (Munchkin 8): Respect Your Elders. Your Level counts double whenever you are fighting on your turn, alone or not. High (Munchkin Reloaded!): Youre So Helpful. Youre just a people person, always ready to lend a hand to those in need. If you are asked to aid another in combat you use not only your level and bonuses but also roll the die and add the result. If the monster is defeated you may take the top card from either discard pile as part of your reward. Munchkin Classes Bard (Munchkin 3): Super Bardic Luck. As Bardic Luck, but draw two more Treasures than youre entitled to, and immediately discard any two Treasures (your EPIC MUNCHKIN 3 choice). Cleric: Pray for a Miracle. At any time, even dur- ing combat, you may discard two cards, from your hand OR the table, to take the top card from the Treasure deck face-down into your hand. If it is something you can use, you may play it immediately. Ranger (Munchkin 5): Strays Make the Best Rides. You always were a sucker for a fuzzy face. Whenever a monster is discarded, whether on your turn or another players, you may discard your entire hand (at least three cards) and grab the discarded monster. Its automatically tamed and becomes your new Steed. Your Steeds com- bat bonus is equal to the number of treasures that it would have granted if you had defeated it in combat. Thief: Steal From Shadows. By discarding one card from your hand, you may steal one card (you choose ran- domly) from a rivals hand. No die roll is required. You may do this only on your turn, and only once per turn, and (of course) not during a combat. Warrior: Ludicrous Strength. 2 Hand items require only 1 Hand for you, and you may carry and use two Big items. Wizard: Outrun Curse. When you draw a Curse, or a Curse is played on you, you may dis- card a card from your hand to attempt to Run Away from the Curse. Make your normal Run Away roll. If you fail to Run Away, you may play another card and try again until you successfully Run Away, use all the cards in your hand, or give up. Class Enhancers Elite (Munchkin 8): Ultra-Elite. You receive a combat bonus against each monster equal to double the number of Treasures it is worth. Legendary (Munchkin 8): Hit and Myth. If neither Door card shows a monster when you Kick Open The Door at the start of your turn, turn over one more Door card (after resolving Curses, if any). If this is a monster, fight it normally. Master (Munchkin Reloaded!): Youre So Cool. As an Epic Master, you attract apprentices. You have no limit on the number of Hirelings (Minions, Sidekicks, etc.) you may have. Star Munchkin Star Munchkin Races Bug (Star Munchkin 2): Regeneration. Bad Stuff no longer costs you levels. Ignore that part of any Bad Stuff that happens to you, and remember to gloat about it and describe how youre growing your leg back. Cyborg: Assimilation. In combat, rather than fight- ing a monster, you may discard any three cards and assim- ilate it. You do not get a level or Treasures for assimilat- ing a monster. The monster becomes your Drone . . . keep it in front of you. It can be sacrificed like a Sidekick to let you Run Away, or it can be used to negate a Trap card that hits you, after which it is discarded. Feline: Hyper-Curiosity. Your Curiosity power may be used on either or both of the Door cards you ini- tially turn over. If one is a monster and one is not, you may use Curiosity on the non-monster before combat. If neither is a monster, you may kick down one or two more doors, and you dont have to decide if you are turn- ing over a fourth Door card till you see whats behind the third. Human: Pets Rock. Yes, at epic levels, even Humans have a racial power! Rather than fighting any monster of Level 5 or below, you may make a pet of it (as long as you do not already have a pet in play). Play it to the table. You may sacrifice it later as a one-time combat bonus, for or against any player or monster. If you use it for a player, including yourself, its bonus is equal to its Level. If you use it against a player, it is treated as a Wandering Monster: all its special abilities count, monster enhancers will work on it, and if your rival cannot defeat it he must Run Away from it! At any time that you lose your Epic or Human status, and your pet has not been used, your pet wan- ders off and is forever lost. Mutant: Total Freak. You may have any of the following: three items of Headgear; three items of Footgear; two items of Headgear AND two items of Footgear; two extra Hands worth of stuff; two items of Headgear AND one extra Hands worth of stuff; or two items of Footgear AND one extra Hands worth of stuff. Like a regular Mutant, you can switch between these choices at any time. Star Munchkin Classes Bounty Hunter: Best of the Best. The Bounty Hunter may draw two face-down Door cards or one face- down Treasure card after he helps someone else kill a monster. He draws one face-down Door card even when he wins a combat single-handed. Gadgeteer: Trap Master. Your Disarm Traps power now applies to Traps played on you by other players as well. Further, by discarding three cards, you may redi- 4 EPIC MUNCHKIN rect the Trap to someone else! Psychic: These Are Not the Meals You Are Looking For. During combat, you may discard your entire hand (minimum 2 cards) to confuse one of the monsters you are fighting. It passes to the player on your left, who must fight it in addition to any monsters found when he turns over his Door card(s). If you are fighting more than one monster, you pick which monster to shift. You may not ask for help in a combat in which you use this power, and you do not get your +2 bonus for fight- ing alone. Space Ranger (Star Munchkin 2): Youre Drafted. You may pick up any Sidekick on top of the discards, at any time. You may not exceed the legal number of Sidekicks, but you may discard one to make room for the new one. Trader: Master Trader. You may use your Trading power for any Item card or cards among the top three cards in the Treasure discard stack. Munchkin Fu Classes Each Munchkin Fu Class card you have in play enti- tles you to one extra Style. Monk: Clairvoyance. You may look at the hands of the players on your right and left, any time you want to. They must show you anything they draw face down. Ninja: Fight Another Day. If you are facing more than one monster in a combat and they are more than double your Level (and that of your ally, if any), you may slip away and leave them to fight it out. Note that this does not allow your ally a free escape. Samurai: Draw and Strike. During combat, discard your entire hand (minimum three cards) to remove one Monster from combat. This counts as a kill. However, if the monster is not by himself, and you Run Away from the others, you get only one level, and no treasure, from your kill. Yakuza: Crime Lord. You may have any number of Mooks in play. Remember that this also covers Minions, Sidekicks, and Hirelings. Munchkin Bites! Races Changeling: Faerie Glamour. When you play a Monster Enhancer or Enhancer Enhancer, you may recover it after the combat is over by discarding another card from your hand. Human: Pets Rock. Yes, at epic levels, even Humans have a racial power! Rather than fighting any monster of Level 5 or below, you may make a pet of it (as long as you do not already have a pet in play). Play it to the table. You may sacrifice it later as a one-time combat bonus, for or against any player or monster. If you use it for a player, including yourself, its bonus is equal to its Level. If you use it against a player, it is treated as a Wandering Monster: all its special abilities count, monster enhancers will work on it, and if your rival cannot defeat it he must Run Away from it! At any time that you lose your Epic or Human status, and your pet has not been used, your pet wanders off and is forever lost. Mummy (Munchkin Bites! 2): Kiss It And Make It MINE! After you Kiss It and Make It Better, you may discard a second card to take the Curse or Trap you can- celed into your hand. Vampire: Unshakable Will. No card or special power can compel you to aid in a combat if you dont want to. You may also discard extra cards at the end of your turn, rather than giving them to another player for any reason. Werewolf: Monstrous Form. A single monster enhancer, or two totaling +10, may be played on you for a permanent bonus. They are lost if you die. If a trap or Bad Stuff costs you a level, you may discard an enhancer card instead. Super Munchkin Classes Brain (Super Munchkin 2): Super Smart. Monsters do not get their class, race, sex, etc. bonuses against the player you are helping in combat, or who is helping you. Exotic: Weird Adaptation. If you lose a Power to a Trap or Bad Stuff, you may look through the discards and claim the first Power of lower Rank that you find to replace it. Mutant: World-Conquering Lab Rat. You do not lose Powers to Bad Stuff. Mystic: Cosmos Control. You only need to dis- card one card to re-roll any die roll you make. Techno: Dumpster Diving. When someone else loses, discards, or sells an Item, you may discard three cards to claim it. If two Epic Technos try to claim the same Item at the same time, roll dice; the high roll dis- cards his cards and gets the Item. Yes, you can use a Loaded Die (or Cosmos Control, if you are also a Mystic) to affect your roll. Munchkin Impossible Each Munchkin Impossible Class card you have in play entitles you to one extra Training card. Munchkin Impossible Loyalties American: Talking Loudly. As an American, you tend to speak just a little too loud. This behavior is quite distracting to monsters; you have a +1 bonus against EPIC MUNCHKIN 5 monsters and may take advantage of the distraction but only one time during a fight to exchange items during a combat or while running away. British: For the Queen! Youre fiercely loyal to the Crown, as are all other Brits. By shouting For the Queen! when fighting a monster, and discarding one card from your hand, you may force a British spy of your choice to help you. Chinese: Factory Superiority. Your nations factories produce items which are used around the world. Whenever another player first plays an Item card, before it is used, you may discard one card from your hand and roll the die; on a roll of 6 that Item was manufactured in a Chinese factory and is defective. The Item card is immediately discarded and has no effect. Russian: We Have Ways of Making You Help. Though the old regime may be gone, its teachings and methods remain. During a fight, on your turn, you may discard a card from your hand and borrow a Hireling from any other player. That Hireling is yours to command during this fight but at the end of your turn the Hireling if hes still alive! returns to the player you borrowed him from. Munchkin Impossible Classes Assassin: Professional Hit. A professional assassin always does his homework before a mission. Whenever youre fighting a monster you gain a bonus equal to the number of vowels in the monsters name (as it appears on the card). Enhancers dont count. Playboy: Just a Moment, Dear Chap. As an Epic Playboy youre so smooth that monsters will pause for a moment when you ask them to, giving you a chance to sell some treasure. You may sell Items once during a fight and you may not use any Items that are sold during the fight. Tourist: Cheese! Nothing says tourist like a col- lection of bad photos and slides. Whenever youre involved in combat, either on your own turn or aiding another player, you may pause the fight by discarding a card from your hand and saying Cheese! Everyone involved stops and smiles for the camera, during which time you may take the card from the bottom of both of the two discard piles. You may pull this trick only once each fight. Munchkin Cthulhu Classes Cultist: Zealotry. The end is nigh and there are still unbelievers to convert. They must see the light right now. Gain a +1 combat bonus for each non-Cultist in play. Investigator: Nose Where it Doesnt Belong. You like to push things a little too far sometimes, sticking your nose into places you really shouldnt. At any time that another player gives any other player a card for any reason you may look at the card and, if you like it, swap it for two cards from your hand. Monster Whacker: Whack! Whack! Whack! You are a master of the secret art of battle, capable of using long-forgotten com- bat techniques to . . . aw, forget it. Bulk Smash! You have a +3 bonus against monsters of Level 10 and below and a +2 bonus against monsters of Level 11 and high- er. You no longer suffer from Panic. Professor: Encyclopedia Cultanica. Youre a walking library of information and know everything about every foul beastie that exists. You have a +1 bonus against any monster. Additionally, at any time that a card tells you Become a Cultist you may instead roll the die and sacrifice a number of cards from your hand, or in play, equal to the die roll in order to resist the cults call. If you cannot sacrifice the cards, or just dont want to, you become a Cultist. The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin Classes Cavalry (The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin 2): What a Trooper! You get +2 for every Steed in play. Cowboy: Ha, Ha, You Missed Me! A Cowboy with at least one Steed may say Ha, ha, you missed me! after failing a Run Away roll and sacrifice a level to get away from all monsters in the fight. He does not have to do this, if he would rather suffer the Bad Stuff, and he may choose to sacrifice the level even if other monsters Bad Stuff has already occurred (but this does not reverse those effects). Additionally, the Epic Cowboy wins at Level 19 if he has a Steed. Dude: Dude-alicious. The All Duded Up bonus is increased. Every Headgear, Footgear, or Armor item you wear gives you a +2. Every Steed-only item worn by your Steed also gives you a +2. Indian: Counting Coup. When you win a combat unassisted, you may take up to two of your Treasure draws as face-down Door draws instead. Outlaw: Bad To The Bone. Absolutely nothing can make you lose your Outlaw class against your will, or any Outlaw-only Items you acquire. You can still choose 6 EPIC MUNCHKIN to discard, trade, or sell those cards if it is otherwise legal to do so. You may also ignore any Not Usable by Outlaw restrictions. Munchkin Booty Munchkin Booty Accents British: Britannia Totally Rules the Waves. The bonus for each Ship ye have is increased to +3, and ye also get +1 for every Ship Enhancer ye have in play. Dutch: Shipbuilding Mastery. Ye may trade a Ship ye own for the top Ship in the discard stack at any time, even during combat. Ye may still move yer Ship Enhancers to the new Ship, as before. French: Cover ze Retreat. If ye Ask for Help and still must Run Away, yer rolls are are at +1. Additionally, ye suc- cessfully escape from each monster on any roll that is higher than yer helpers, even if it would not normally allow ye to elude yer pursuers. Spanish: El Dorado. Every Item ye sell for a level is worth 100 Gold Pieces more than its printed value. Munchkin Booty Classes Explorer (Munchkin Booty 2): Trailblazer. When ye Open The Door and find a monster or a Curse, ye may discard three cards from yer hand and put the monster or Curse in yer hand. It has no effect. Ye may then Look For Trouble or Loot The Room. Merchant: Polyglot. Ye may have two Accent cards in play without using a Bilingual card. With a Bilingual card, ye may have any number of Accent cards. Navy: Fleet-Footed. Every Ship ye have gives ye +1 to Run Away. This bonus stacks with yer other modi- fiers. Ye may still use yer Discipline ability as well. Pirate: On a Dead Mans Chest. When one of yer opponents dies, ye get first pick of his loot, even if there are other players at a higher Level. (If there be several Epic Pirates, arrrr, ye go in order of yer Levels, but ye all choose before the other scurvy dogs. Resolve ties by rollin the bones.) If ye should die, yer body goes to Davy Jones; no one may loot yer stinkin corpse. Munchkin Zombies Mojos Atomic: Really Feel the Burn. Your worn Items (Armor, Headgear, Footgear) are also at +1 and do fire/flame damage. If you are On Fire, nothing can put you out. Patchwork (Munchkin Zombies 2): Youre Messed Up. You may ignore all Mojo or Power restrictions on Items except Not Usable by Patchwork Zombie. Plague: Deathier Breath. Your Death Breath now gives you +3 per discard, and you have no limit on the number of discards from your hand. Voodoo: Mr. Mojo Rising. When you are hit by a Curse, you may discard a monster from your hand to nullify the Curse, or discard a monster plus another card from your hand to take the Curse into your hand. Munchkin Axe Cop Cop: Cop Out. When the Epic Cop helps another munchkin or gets help, both players get +2 to Run Away if they cant beat the monsters. Man: More Manpower. Allies with Man in their name give the Epic Man +2 apiece! Soldier: Reinforcements. Whenever anoth- er player discards an Ally, you may discard two cards from your hand to take it into your hand. Additionally, you may have three extra Allies. Warrior: Ludicrous Strength. 2 Hands items require only one Hand for you, and you may carry and use two Big items. Epic Steeds! Whoa! Introduced in Munchkin 4: The Need for Steed, it should come as no surprise that your steed achieves Epic status (and loses that status) along with you. An Epic Steed lets you carry one extra Big item. At any time that you lose your Epic status, and your steed is carrying an extra Big item, you must discard one Big item. Hints For Epic Play Dont die. Death is inconvenient to an Epic Munchkin because it takes away all his toys, and without them he will find it much harder to get levels! STEVE JACKSON GAMES STEVE JACKSON GAMES STUCK FOR AN ADVENTURE? NO PROBLEM. e23 is part of Warehouse 23, the online store at Steve Jackson Games. Warehouse 23 is also the official Internet retailer for Atlas Games, Ninja Burger, and many other publishers. 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