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Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST


With huge demands for potable water in regions lacking fresh water
sources such as surface or ground water, various potential technologies have been
explored for eliminating water shortage. Seawater emerged as a potential source and a
major lifeline for such water-deprived areas. Fresh water production by desalination
of seawater is known to be an expensive affair due to its high energy demand. Since
the advent of Reverse osmosis (RO) in 1970s need for finding a way to reduce
associated operating costs was paramount. Seawater emerged as a potential source
and a major lifelinefor such water-deprived areas.

Energy recovery devices (ERDs) are employed in nearly all seawater
reverse osmosis plants. The high operating pressures and low recovery rates produce
concentrate reject streams containing significant quantities of energy. Energy costs
are one of the more significant costs in the life cycle cost of a plant, accounting for up
to 45% of lifecycle costs. The improvement of membrane life and salt rejection,
increase in recovery, and decrease in energy consumption has been the primary
criteria for sifting through available technologies for incorporation in desalination
plants. Many developments have, ever since, occurred in this direction. The
membrane life has multiplied and the Total dissolved solids in the products are now as
low as 100 mg/L. In addition, recoveries of 40-50% have been achieved. By recycling
energy, many Sea water reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plants have
significantly lowered their total energy consumption. Therefore, it is economically
infeasible to operate SWRO plants without energy recovery devices.

The first large-scale municipal Sea water reverse osmosis plant was
installed in 1980 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This plant consumed 8 kilowatt-hours
energy per cubic meter of water produced. This consumed energy was less than half
of what was usually consumed by other conventional distillation processes. However,
the Sea water reverse osmosis desalination technology has one disadvantage. The
seawater, which is to be desalinated, is pressurized wit h the help of high-pressure
Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

pumps. A large amount of energy is consumed during this process. Once the
desalination is complete, the remaining reject water has to be eliminated as waste.
Since the brine reject produced in this process has a high pressure, simply dumping it
back into the sea is a waste of energy. This pressure can be reused and thus, the
energy could be recycled. This idea led to the innovation of energy recovery devices
(ERDs) that prevent the wastage of energy in the Sea water reverse osmosis process.
The hydraulic energy in the highly pressurized reject brine can be re- used with the
help of Energy recovery devices, and energy consumption can thus be reduced by
significant high amounts. The development of Energy recovery devices helped in the
set-up and operation of large-scale Sea water reverse osmosis plants, and facilitated
the economic viability of the desalination process. The energy requirements of
conventional Sea water reverse osmosis plants are presently as low as 1.6 kWh/m
making the process more cost effective and energy efficient than other technologies.
About 80% of the total cost of desalinated water is due to energy consumption and
capital amortization. The remaining costs are associated with other maintenance
operations such as replacement of membranes and other components, labor associated
costs etc.

The role of the energy recovery system is important to fulfil the
requirements like variable peak voltage. The relation between energy cost, interest
rate, labour cost, and civil engineering cost will determinate the plant recovery,
membrane flux, and even water velocity in pipelines. Low power cost, will
challenging plant designers to push the desalination technology to borderline. The
tender requirements have to put limits on several technological parameters such as:
maximum recovery, flux, and velocity to have a reliable water supply.

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST


Farooque-et-al has explicitly described the performance and efficiency of
variousERDs used in several Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) SWRO
desalination plants in Saudi Arabia. They compared the efficiencies of these ERD
systems based on operating conditions for one year and also assessed their effect on
the high-pressure pump's total energy consumption and savings, along with
anassessment of the energy loss incurred during the process stream of the desalination
plants. The mean efficiency of the assessed ERDs varied from 3.2% to 65%, enabling
1.5% to 27% savings on the high-pressure pump's total energy consumption. The
mean power consumption of the pump ranged from 5.56 to 7.93kWh/m
. A
significant amount of energy was wasted due to throttling, which consumed about
6.4% - 21.8% of the total energy supplied to the high-pressure pump.
A brief description of the energy recovery technology used during the desalination
process in large plants was provided by Peate and Rodrguez . They described the
modifications needed for the replacement of Pelton turbines with isobaric chamber
devices. An exhaustive examination of the achievable levels of energy efficiency of
these systems was also done. An emerging technology based on the principle of
pressure work exchange was put forth by Al-Hawaj . The device employed a rotating
member with multiple free-sliding double-sided ball pistons that functioned on
pressure exchange between fluids that were pressurized at varying levels. He also
discussed the technical aspects of the work exchanger apart from assessing the
predicted efficiency based on qualitative comparisons with other ERDs.
Andrews and Laker provided a historical overview of large scale ERDs that work on
the principle of work exchange, beginning with the application of SWRO in 1975 to
the present state of technology in desalination. As is evident from their work,
technology based on work exchange has evolved tremendously since the time of its
Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

inception. They also described twelve years of the application of this technology in
desalination plants.
Furthermore, an important and original calculation model was developed by
Migliorini and Luzzo to account for the different conditions of sea water based on
carbonate equilibrium. The use of this classical equilibrium system for calculations
enabled the formulation of a complete mass and chemical balance of the system,
along with the other characteristics of water. This model of calculation is not
dependent on the characteristics of the membrane and so, can be used for a quick
designing of the plant.
Farooque, Ali and Al-Reweli have stated that Francis Turbines were popular in the
early days of SWRO technology owing to their ease of use and simplicity. As briefly
discussed in the previous section, FT uses kinetic energy derived from brine coupled
with the pump motor of the main feed to minimize the loss of energy during transfer
from one fluid to the other. Due to their limited efficiency, which was below 75%,
they lost their popularity and have been replaced by more efficient devices.
Baig has investigated the theory of energy double dipping in hydraulic tomechanical
assisted pumping devices, Pelton wheels and Francis Turbines. He stated that the
maximum efficiency of Pelton wheels ranges between 80 to 85%. He emphasized the
fact that the Pelton wheel and the FT share a common feature of transferring the
energy recovered from brine back to the high pressure pump by coupling them to a
common shaft. Computing total loss of energy, the energy lost by the high pressure
pump and the reduction in the wheel's energy efficiency was taken into account. This
is what was referred to as "double-dipping" in energy efficiency.
Farooque rendered the ERT turbocharger hydraulically driven pumping in series class
of ERDs similar to the Pelton turbines only however lacking a motor. Nevertheless,
unlike Francis turbines and Pelton wheels, the turbocharger has been specifically
Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

designed for RO systems. Pump Engineering Inc. (PEI) and the Fluid Equipment
Development Company (FEDCO) are examples of companies that currently
manufacture turbochargers. The function of this device is the transmission of
hydraulic energy from reject brine to the feed. These two fluids may be at a different
pressure and flow rate. In this system, there is no need of electrical cooling and other
such requirements.
Lechugal and de Tauro presented Aqualyng as the only company that has its own
patented ERD. The Recuperator ERD employs the pressure of the reject to pressurize
the feed, and this process is maintained by the flow of brine from the membranes.
Thus, the feed and the reject acquire the same pressure and flow, without intermixing
with each other. Since this may induce a drop in pressure across the membranes and
the Recuperator, another pump is required to boost the pressure. The HPPs capacity
must be equal to the product flow from the system. In order to fulfil this requirement,
only an HPP, which is smaller than the typical HPPs, is required. An HPP, which is
60% smaller, would provide a 40% recovery. This process can save a significant
amount of energy.
Andrews described the DWEER
energy recovery device to have two
pressurevessels arranged in parallel. To avoid interrupting the flow of the reject, while
one vessel is under operation, the other vessel is stationary, and has fresh feed. The
pressure from the reject stream is transferred to the feed stream through a piston and
the intermixing between the feed and reject is kept at a bare minimum. As the piston
is designed in such a way that it has the least drag, the energy transfer between the
two fluids is theoretically 100%. Therefore, the direct exchange of energy between the
two fluids, i.e. the reject and the feed is highly efficient when compared to ERDs that
rely on the conversion of energy by shaft of the turbines based on the centrifugal
principle. In the DWEER system, by the time the piston in the operating vessel
completes its working stroke, the other vessel is completely filled with feed, and the
functions are switched.
MacHarg demonstrated how the PX device pressurizes the feed water directly.This is
in contrast with the energy recovery turbine, where the energy of the concentrate is
converted to mechanical energy by rotating the shaft and thus recovering energy.
Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

Because of the direct pressurization with PX device, there are no losses due to
absence of the transformation process in this case. This results in extremely high
energy efficiency achieved by the PX devices. This will considerably reduce the
power consumption of the SWRO plant employing these PX devices.

(Fig: 2.1 ERD Development history)

(Fig: 2.2Improvement in energy recovery for various devices)

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

Pelton wheel was invented during the 1850s. Originating in San Francisco, it is akin
of water wheel. The Pelton wheel used in SWRO desalination plants is easy to
operate. It has an input nozzle through which high-pressure feed is directed onto the
buckets of the wheel. The nozzle is designed such that the entire kinetic energy of the
pressurized feed is converted to mechanical energy manifested as rotation. The
buckets, also referred to as vanes, of the wheel are arranged in series around the shaft,
which intercepts the feed stream. As in the hydraulic turbocharger, the pump in the
Pelton wheel is driven by a turbine. This pump enhances the pressure of the feed
before it enters the HPP, thereby decreasing the energy consumption.
The Pelton Wheel is popular worldwide and is more efficient than the FT. The
efficiency of the Pelton wheel remains constantly high even during variations in the
pressure and flow of feed. One significant challenge, however, is the design and
maintenance of metal parts, as they are easily corroded when exposed to seawater.

The Maspalomas II SWRO plant has a 20,400 m3/day production capacity. It also
employs a 20,000 m3/day EDR (electrodialysis reversal) plant for desalination of
brackish water and is located in Spain, Gran Canaria. A typical SWRO Plant carries
out its process as given: firstly, the raw seawater is acquired and filtered using
anthracite and sand filters. This filtrate is then again filtered through cartridge filters.
The Maspalomas II SWRO has five trains with a daily feed intake capacity of 41,000
. About 40% of the seawater is recovered and 60% of the reject is transferred back
to the sea. The feed comprises of 35,000 mg/l TDS. Francis Turbines are the ERDs
employed at this plant. After its installation in 1987, the plant was expanded again in
the 1990s. The Brine Conversion System (BCS) was tested at this site. In this system,
a 2
stage SWRO plant was added for the recovery of brine from the reject. A novel
quality of this plant is that once seawater has been desalinated in the first stage, the
reject water is desalinated again in the second stage. This use of second stage SWRO
increased the product recovery from 40% to 60% and therefore, led to reduction in
energy consumption. A Pelton wheel was used in the second stage SWRO at this
Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

plant. A yet another system, the Full-scale Brine Conversion System, was then built
after the initial BCS was pilot tested. The advantage of using such a system was that
there was no need of expanding the facilities for intake of seawater and for its pre-
treatment. This plant is credited as the first one to use BCS. The system involves
pressurization of brine to 90 bar. The brine is then driven into concentrator
membranes; where about 33% water is recovered from the reject. Furthermore, during
this process, a Pelton wheel is used to recover the remaining energy from the reject.
The total electricity consumed by the train is 3.77kWh/m
and the total power
consumption by the HPP is 445 kW. The product flow in trains with BCS is 118 m
with a product flow of 41 m
/h, making a total flow of 159m
/h. The Pelton wheel's
total power consumption is 533 kW, and so, the total electricity consumption is
. The energy consumption for the production of water by SWRO with
BCS unit is lower than the energy consumed by conventional SWROs. This is
because instead of wasting the brine produced in first stage, it is reused for further
desalination in the second stage. This saves a lot of energy that would have been spent
for acquiring the water, pre-treating it and then pressurizing it. It is found that in
typical SWRO desalination plants that are of a single stage, the energy consumption
reduces as the water recovery increases because lesser water has to be pressurized for
achieving a required quantity of product. Because of the BCS system in two-stage
plants, lesser amount of water has to be pressurized for achieving the same amount of
product. This is the reason for the increasing popularity of the BCS, which increases
recovery and decreases power consumption. It should however be noted that at the
second stage, the salinity of the feed is higher and so, the level of press urization
required for BCS is also higher when compared to the first stage. Therefore, with an
increase in recovery, there is a decrease in energy savings. In addition; the efficiency
of HPPs and ERDs also affects the energy consumption and amount of recoverable
energy. When the power consumption by a single stage SWRO unit with a
considerably low recovery is compared with that of a two stage SWRO with a high
recovery, other factors such as the salinity of salt water, the kind of pumps used and
the ERDs employed should also be taken into account. It is surprising to know that in
a few cases, single stage SWROs are found to consume lesser energy than two-stage
ones. As for the two stage SWRO plant at Maspalomas II, the two stage units are
more energy efficient than single stage units.
Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST


(Fig3.1: Design of the Desalination Plant with ERD)

(Fig 3.2: Energy Recovery Device (Pelton Wheel)
Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST


The main components of the desalination plant with ERD are:
Water Supply
Diaphragm Pump
RO membrane(TFC)
Pelton Wheel
Generator System
Energy Storage system

(Fig 4.1 Diaphragm Pump Assembly)

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

Diaphragm pump is a positive displacement pump that uses a combination of the
reciprocating action of a rubber, thermoplastic or Teflon diaphragm and suitable
valves either side of the diaphragm

( Fig 4.2 Diaphragm Pump working illustration )
Have good suction lift characteristics, some are low pressure pumps with low
flow rates; others are capable of higher flow rates, dependent on the effective
working diameter of the diaphragm and its stroke length. They can handle
sludges and slurries with a relatively high amount of grit and solid content.
suitable for discharge pressure up to 1,200 bar
Have good dry running characteristics.
Can be used to make artificial hearts.
Are used to make air pumps for the filters on small fish tanks.
Can be up to 97% efficient.
Have good self priming capabilities.
Can handle highly viscous liquids. A viscosity correction chart can be used as
a tool to help prevent under-sizing AOD pumps.
are available for industrial, chemical and hygienic applications
Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

cause a pulsating flow that may cause water hammer (This can be minimized
by using a pulsation dampener)

Thin- film composite membranes (TFC or TFM) are semipermeable membranes
manufactured principally for use in water purification or water desalination systems.
They also have use in chemical applications such as batteries and fuel cells.

(Fig 4.3 Thin Film Composite membrane )
Membranes used in reverse osmosis are typically made out of polyamide
deposited on top of a polyethersulfone or polysulfone porous layer on top of a
non-woven fabric support sheet.
The three layer configuration gives the desired properties of high rejection of
undesired materials (like salts), high filtration rate, and good mechanical strength.
The polyamide top layer is responsible for the high rejection rate of membrane

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

Pelton wheel is a water impulse turbine. It was invented by Lester Allan Pelton in the
1870s. The Pelton wheel extracts energy from the impulse of moving water, as
opposed to water's dead weight like the traditional overshot water wheel.

(Fig 4.4: Pelton Wheel we constructed)

Many variations of impulse turbines existed prior to Pelton's design, but they were
less efficient than Pelton's design. Water leaving those wheels typically still had high
speed, carrying away much of the dynamic energy brought to the wheels. Pelton's
paddle geometry was designed so that when the rim ran at the speed of the water
jet, the water left the wheel with very little speed; thus his design extracted almost all
of the water's impulse energywhich allowed for a very efficient turbine.
Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

(Fig 4.5: Pelton Wheel Structure)

An alternator is an electrical generator that converts mechanical energy to electrical
energy in the form of alternating current. For reasons of cost and simplicity, most
alternators use a rotating magnetic field with a stationary armature but occasionally, a
rotating armature is used with a stationary magnetic field; or a linear alternator is
used. In principle, any AC electrical generator can be called an alternator

(Fig 4.6: Alternator)

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC), which
periodically reverses direction, to direct current (DC), which flows in only one
direction. The process is known as rectification.

(Fig 4.7 : diode bridge rectifier)

A rechargeable battery, storage battery, or accumulator is a type of electrical battery.
It comprises one or more electrochemical cells, and is a type of energy
accumulator used for electrochemical energy storage. It is technically known as
a secondary cell because its electrochemical reactions are electrically reversible.

( Fig 4.8 Rechargeable battery)

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST


1. Osmosis: The tendency of water to flow through a semi permeable membrane into
a more concentrated solution.
2. Reverse Osmosis: The passage of water out of a solution when a pressure greater
than the osmotic pressure is applied on the solution side of a semi permeable
3. Semi permeable Membrane: A membrane that allows water to pass through but
rejects most ions and molecules.
4. Osmotic Pressure: The pressure needed to stop the flow of water through a semi
permeable membrane.

( Fig 5.1 : Osmotic Processes)

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

The main function of an energy recovery device would be to improve energy
efficiency by harnessing spent energy from the reject and delivering it back to the
feed .In the process of RO desalination, highly pressurized water is driven across the
RO membrane. It works on the principle that when a net (positive) driving pressure is
held at the feed side of the membrane, water passes through it, leaving the salts

(Fig 5.2 Assembly of SWRO with ERD)
Energy consumption occurs when water (raw feed) is driven through the membrane
with the help of high-pressure pumps that supply the required pressure to attain a
favourable flow rate. The salinity of feed water, the configuration of the process, the
operating conditions such as recovery and driving pressure etc, directly affect the
amount of energy required in the process. The pressurized brine water is used to drive
a pelton wheel which is connected to a AC generator by a belt drive. Then AC is
produced from the generator which is converted to dc and stored by a battery. We can
utilize this energy for input power, thus decreasing energy loss and increasing energy
Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

(Fig 5.3: Apparatus in working)
The achievable efficiency of SWRO desalination plants using Pelton wheels is 80
to85%. A common characteristic of the Pelton wheel and the FT is that these transfer
the energy recovered from brine back to the HPP via the shaft. While computing total
loss of energy, the energy lost by the HPP and the reduction in the wheel's energy
efficiency must also be taken into account .This can also be referred to as "double
dipping" in energy efficiency. Along with a reduction in the recovery, there is an
increase in the amount of high-pressure feed entering the ERD, which decreases the
efficiency of energy recovery. Evidence suggests that the energy efficiency of
desalination plant using a centrifugal HPP, coupled with a Pelton wheel, increases
within increase in the percentage of recovery. Therefore, most SWRO desalination
plants are designed to work at a higher recovery. In plain terms, it can be said that the
ERD operating at a recovery of 45% has twice more efficiency than that operating at a
recovery of 25%, and it is due to this fact that desalination plants are being designed
to achieve a higher recovery.

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST


Clearly, the benefit of including energy recovery devices in a plant design is reduced
overall energy consumption; however, other potential benefits should be considered
as well. One such benefit is the reduction in the capital cost of the high pressure feed
pump. In the case of an isobaric ERD, the flow through the feed pump is reduced
from the total membrane feed flow to that of the permeate. This flow reduction of 20-
25% for typical brackish systems (75-80% recovery) can equate to an appreciable
reduction in the pump cost. For some configurations, the reduction in feed pump cost
more than paid for the cost of the requisite isobaric ERD and circulation pump. In the
case of the turbocharger, depending on configuration, the capital cost of the unit may
be less than the cost of the interstage boost pump it replaces.

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST


a. Specific energy consumption (SEC): The specific energy consumed (SEC) by HPPs
is expressed in kWh/m
. The SEC is calculated by dividing the total electricity input
to the HPP (in kW) with the total product flow (m
/h). The power input is calculated
using a standard equation.
Pia = 1.73 V I y (1-1)
Pia = actual power input in kW
V = voltage in kV
I = current in A
y = power factor, decimal.

b. Percentage energy saving by ERD (ES):
Percentage energy saving by ERD is calculated using the formula:
ESerd(%) = (ESerd / Pie) x 100 (1-2)
ESerd= Pie Pia (1-3)
where the actual power input, Pia, is obtained from the Eq. (1-1) and the expected
power input, Pie, is calculated using the equation given below:
Pie = WPon / p (1-4)
p = overall efficiency of HPP
WPon = net hydraulic power output
Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

The WPon is calculated using the following equation:
WPon = WPd WPs (1-5)
The hydraulic power (WP) is calculated using the equation given below
WP = (p x Q) / 36 (1-6)
WPd = hydraulic power at the discharge of HPP, kW
WPs = hydraulic power at the suction of HPP, kW
p = pressure, bar
Q = flow rate, m

c. Efficiency of ERD (erd)
The overall efficiency of ERD includes the ERD's efficiency in addition to the loss
inefficiency because of the flexible coupling that connects it to the HPP. The overall
efficiency is thus calculated as follows:
erd= (WPin / Pon) x 100 (1-7)
where, net hydraulic power input, WPin to ERD is calculated using the following
WPin = WPr WPfr(1-8)
where, WPr represents the hydraulic power of the reject entering the ERD; and WPfr
represents the hydraulic power of the final reject exiting the ERD, which is
calculatedusing the Eqns. (1-6). The net power output, Pon, from the ERD is nothing
but the powersaving achieved by the ERD, ESerd, and is calculated using the Eqns. (1-

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST



Low capital cost
Easy in operation
Optimization of Pelton wheel and nozzle design for efficient kinetic to
mechanical energy transformation
High efficiency maintained over the full operation range
The efficiency of the Pelton wheel remains constantly high even during
variations in the pressure and flow of feed
Maximum efficiency up to 80-85%

Efficiency "Double Dip"
Distributor geometry induces dissymmetry and secondary flows at the inlet of
the nozzle

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST


Thin Film Composite membrane (75 GPD) = Rs. 877
Diaphragm Pump (1 LPM) = Rs. 1200
Membrane Housing= Rs.280
DC Motor (6V) = Rs. 210
Battery (6V) =Rs. 400
Other expenses = Rs. 150
Total cost = Rs. 3117

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST


We found out that the usage of an Energy Recovery Devices in desalination power
plant is vital for many countries that depend on sea water for drinking and all
other purposes. In some places which lack other sources of water, desalination has
no alternatives. Most methods of desalination are both costly and power
consuming. Among them, SWRO is most viable and widely used desalination
method. The higher amount of pressure needed to enter the membrane and
disposing of the pressurized waste water in SWRO makes a lot of energy wasted
out through the discharge. This wasted energy can be collected and reused for
reducing power consumption at the input. From the experiment we found out that
the countries which cannot avoid the desalination process must use the ener gy
recovery through ERD as the main source of power consumption. The problem we
found out with the SWRO method is that the usage of a membrane is limited to a
time period. But we can increase this time period by periodic cleaning of the
membrane and using other filtering method at the input for particles larger than
the pore size of the membrane. By the experiment, we found out that the use of
Energy Recovery Devices improves the overall efficiency of Desalination Plant

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST


USED IN SWRO PROCESS by A.M. Farooque , A.T.M. Jamaluddin , Ali R. Al-
Reweli, Saline Water Desalination Research Institute Saline Water Conversion
Corporation (SWCC) P.O.Box 8328, Al-Jubail 31951, Saudi Arabia.
USED IN SWRO PROCESS A.M. Farooque , A.T.M. Jamaluddin1, Ali R. Al-Reweli
Saline Water Desalination Research Institute
Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) P.O. Box 8328, Al-Jubail 31951,
Saudi Arabia.
3. The importance of energy recovery devices in reverse osmosis desalination by Dr.
Boris Liberman
4. Energy Recovery Devices in Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants with
Emphasis on Efficiency and Economical Analysis of Isobaric
versus Centrifugal Devices Mageed Jean Guirguis University of South Florida,
5. Wikipedia and various other websites

Energy Recovery From A Desalination Power Plant Mini Project 2014

Dept Of Mechanical Engg. VAST

ERDs Energy recovery devices
RO Reverse Osmosis
SWRO Sea Water Reverse Osmosis
SWCC Saline Water Conversion Corporation
FEDCO Fluid Equipment Development Company
FT Francis Turbine
BCS Brine Conversion System
EDR Electro Dialysis reversal
HPP High Pressure Pump
ERT Energy Recovery Turbocharger
PEI Pump Engineering Inc.
TL Total Load
GPD Gallons per day
LPM litres per minute

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