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The Impact of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming on the Sales from the Motor

Vehicle and Real Estate Area

Assistant Lecturer,Ph.D., Business Administration Dpt.
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Iasi, Romania
e-mail: dnicole@uaic.ro
Faculty of Economics and Business Adm.
University Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Iasi, Romania

AbstractThe purpose of this article is to research and
emphasize the sales efficiency of the car dealers and real estate
agents from the perspective of the Neuro-Linguistic
Programming techniques uses. The importance of the two
fields in the Romanian and global economy, the immediate
need to maintain and attract new clients on the background of
the reduction of the populations incomes, and the possible
success of the NLP techniques in sales and negotiation,
represents serious reasons of research for the present article.
Acting in the spirit of the NLP concept means conveying both
profitability and image capital, to the important companies in
the field. The actual situation from the Romanian market
seizes and offers a new perspective regarding the fields of car
sales and real estate and regarding the efficiency of people
from the system.
Keywords-component:Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, auto
dealers; real estate agents; metalanguage, sales performance,
negotiation, persuasion.


The idea of accomplishing a study regarding the NLP
use in sales and the extent to which the performance
increases due to NLP was inspired by the fact that Neuro-
Linguistic programming is an actuality, complex and
practical subject. NLP offers simplicity, efficiency and it is
a useful instrument through which success can be easily
attained in negotiations, sales and any other field that
involves persuasion. Metaphorically speaking, NLP can be
considered a user guide for the human brain[1] or the
study of human excellence and how we can reproduce it,
allowing the control of thoughts, emotions and actions [2].
NLP is based on reaching the objectives, with the help of
techniques that refer to[3]: meta-language, peacing, leading,
calibration, anchoring, Milton language, VAKOG and for
this reason they are very efficient and necessary in any
process that involves persuasion and manipulation in
different fields in which negotiation is the basis of closing a
It is considered that, by using NLP in car or real estate
sales, the customers button is pushed[4].
Using these techniques, the sales agent can determine
the client to buy things that he may not have known know he
wanted [5]. As a result, a seller who uses NLP can sell

The research hypotheses
In the present research, we considered extremely
important to aim at proving three hypotheses: 1. the estate
agents do not know the NLP techniques, in exchange they
use them unconsciously; 2 the car dealers use NLP
unconsciously, manipulating the clients. 3. the clients whose
sellers used NLP are more satisfied, representing the
premise of returning to the same dealer or real estate agent,
with different occasions; 4. the sellers who use NLP
(consciously or unconsciously) sell more than those who
dont use it.

The research methods
The research methods that were used in achieving the
article consisted in the documentary research and in the
quantitative research through inquiry, which uses as an
instrument the questionnaire. It was applied on a sample of
24 real estate agents and car dealers in order to achieve a
parallel between these two categories. The result obtained
after the analysis of answers will show the field in which
they use NLP, consciously or unconsciously, and the extent
to which the NLP has an effect on the customers
satisfaction and the number of sales.

The sample aimed at in the research is constituted of 12
real estate agents of the main car dealers (Ford, Renault,
Dacia-Renault, Audi, Chevrolet, Skoda, Mercedes, Citron,
Toyota; Wolkswagen; BMW, Mitsubishi) and 12 real estate
agents from Romania, Iai municipality. The sample chosen
is representative for the delimited area since it represents
over 50% from the total number of agents from the specified
fields, from Iai municipality, according to the data from the
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iai.
The questionnaire consists in 29 questions with answers,
presented in annex no.1 that implies different NLP elements
and techniques in order to test the sales agents knowledge
and degree of easiness with which they identify and use
them. The questionnaire application has brought surprising
and different results compared to the hypotheses we started
From the answers obtained after the research regarding
the NLP techniques use in the sales practiced by the
2010 International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics
IPEDR vol.3 (2011) (2011) IACSIT Press, Hong Kong
questioned persons, it results the fact that the majority of the
car dealers from Iasi not only dont they use NLP, but they
do not know the term of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Of
the 12 people questioned only 4 recognized the term, of
which only 3 mentioned that they use it in sales. Of the 9
people who said that they do not use NLP in sales, it
resulted that 2 apply the NLP techniques unconsciously. In
other words, of a number 12 car dealers only 5 use NLP in
sales (41%), consciously or unconsciously.
As regards the NLP techniques, as we can see from
figure 1, the most used NLP techniques by the 5 dealers are
the meta-language and VAKOG [6]. The agents claim that
they pay attention to the words that the customers use, in
exchange they do not use the words from the semantic field
preferred by the client. For example, one of the tests used
within the questionnaire was the answer given by the dealer
when expressing a clients opinion: The price offered does
not sound good to me at all. I ascertained that only one
person chose the variant that comprised words from the
auditive sphere. This shows an incorrect and inefficient use
of the NLP. At the unconscious level, 8 car dealers from 12
calibrated the clients, and 4 of them managed to speak
their language.
Another test of the questionnaire was carried out through
the scenario. If a customer says: The price is too high!
which answer variant will you use? The answers chosen
from the variants chosen showed that 8 car dealers of 12
have chosen the variant that uses NLP. We consider that
this result is due to the fact that it is a situation that sellers
often deal with. The answer of the car dealer: Too high,
compared to what? makes the client think if the price is
really too high. Although the answer offered by the car
dealers was correct, we still realized that they in fact use it
mechanically, without knowing that in this was they use the
metalanguage technique.
From figure 1, we can notice that the car sellers use very
little the Milton language [7], only 3 persons of 12.
Although it is an efficient technique in sales, it results that
the dealers are not their advocates.
At the same time, we can notice that the car dealers do
not use meta-programs, do not caliber the clients
according to the meta-program that characterizes them
and does not present the product qualities that the client
was not in fact to hear. A test carried out within the
questionnaire was through the scenario: A client says:
What do you think? What car should I choose?, in the
conditions that the respective customers need was to be
admitted and not to feel an inner satisfaction. Only 3 car
dealers (at the unconscious level) and 2 dealers (at the
conscious level) of the 12 questioned, calibrated the client
and chose the variant through which they say that the people
would envy him. We consider that it is a too small
percentage since the meta-programs are important in sales,
and their identification allows the understanding of the
customers styles and needs, means offering them what they
need, means sales.
From the analysis of the centralizing figure 1, it results
that the car sales agents create a relationship with the
clients only through the tone, rhythm and volume, the
relationship through posture being chosen only by 3
persons. In order to be as certain as possible of the results
veracity, while we discuss with the dealers questioned we
aimed at seeing if they are attempting to make a
relationship with us through posture. We thought of this
observation since it was possible that the car dealers
imitated the position of the interlocutors body, and in the
questionnaire saying that they do not do that. Unfortunately,
both methods, the questionnaire and the observation led to
the same result: the car dealers do not make a relationship
through posture with the clients. We compare this result
with the theory [8, 9] which sustains the importance of body
language in customers persuasion and in increasing the rate
of signed contracts.
The dealers admitted that they make trainings, but did
not attend any Neuro-Linguistic Programming Training that
ensures the immediate efficiency in sales.
As regards the real estate agents, the things are different,
this aspect being possible to notice from the centralized
answers in figure 2. From a number of 12 people
questioned, 9 real estate agents recognized the term of
NLP and 7 of them claimed that they apply it in the sales
techniques. In addition, of the 5 people who said that they
do not use NLP, from the answers they gave resulted the
fact that 4 persons use it unconsciously. More exactly, of a
number 12 real estate agents, 11 use NLP in sales,
consciously or unconsciously. The real estate agents were
specialized on using NLP in sales, the majority using this
program consciously.
The real estate agents are very busy, are permanently on
the field, as one of them was saying: now we are chasing
the clients, not the clients us, taking into account the
economic crisis conditions and the reduction of the
customers appetite for the real estate. Figure 2 presents the
extent to which the real estate agents use the NLP
techniques in sales. Making a comparison between figures 1
and 2 we can notice the difference between the real estate
agents and the car dealers. The real estate sellers use the
NLP techniques in the meetings with the customers in a
proportion of 80%, unlike the dealers who use them only
in a percentage of 41%.
In addition, the most used NLP techniques by the real
estate agents, at the conscious level, are the meta-language,
VAKOG, the anchor, the relation through tone, rhythm and
volume and the Milton language, as regards the dealer who
used only the metabolism and VAKOG and then
unconsciously to a great extent.
As the car dealers, the real estate agents do not use the
technique of meta-programs, which is why we consider this
fact as being a minus in satisfying the customers needs and
Thus, from these final results, the hypothesis no. 1,
according to which the real estate agents do not know the
NLP techniques, in exchange they use them
unconsciously, is infirmed.
In fact, in Iasi municipality, the real estate agents are
very trained as regards NLP and use it frequently in sales, in
an conscious manner through the techniques of this
The hypothesis according to which the car dealers use
NLP unconsciously, manipulating the clients is partially
confirmed by the final results. According to them, only
41% of the Iasi dealers use NLP. Among them, 4 % use
NLP at the unconscious level and 6% consciously. That is
why we consider that the dealers capacity of
manipulating/persuading customers is low, the NLP
techniques being of a real help in influencing the
interlocutor. The Milton language is the representative
technique of manipulation, which, as it can be seen in figure
1 as well, it is very little used by the car dealers. Idem
Hypothesis 3: the clients whose sellers have used NLP
are more satisfied is confirmed. This claim is supported
by the answers to question 19: How many clients have
returned? with the help of which we decided to measure
the customers satisfaction. The real estate agents have
chosen the variants with a percentage over 50% in a much
higher number than the car dealers. Correlating this answer
with the high percentage (over 80%) of the sales agents who
know and use NLP in the real estate field, it results that the
NLP use in sales increases the customers satisfaction. We
considered that if the customers have returned, they were
satisfied by the sellers and even by the product/service,
because it was exactly what they wanted.
The customers satisfaction degree differs from the sales
agents who use NLP to those who do not use it. The answers
obtained at question 19 of the questionnaire proves the fact
that 83% of the real estate agents claimed that over 50% of
the customers have returned for a new acquisition, and the
car dealers have chosen this answer variant in a percentage
of 50%. Thus, the clients satisfaction depends of the use
of NLP in sales.
Hypothesis 4, according to which the sellers who use
NLP (consciously or unconsciously) sell more than those
who do not use it, was confirmed.
Applying the questionnaire, and centralizing the answers
from question no. 18, What percentage from the meetings
that you had with a client ended up with a contract we
obtained the answers from figure 3. From this figure, it
results that 17% of the car dealers claimed that over 50% of
the meetings with clients ended up with a contract, while in
the case of real estate agents, the situation was different.
Comparing the graphs 3 with 4, we can notice that the
difference between the car dealers and the real estate agents,
or more exactly between the sales agents who use NLP and
those who do not. It can be very clearly concluded that
applying the NLP techniques the number of contracts signed
and implicitly of sales increases. As a result, the number of
contracts signed depends on the correct and conscious use
of the NLP in sales.
Thus, we consider that the managers of car branches of
Iasi should not neglect the fact that their sales agents do not
use NLP. Indeed, the customers purchasing decision
depends also on the purchasing power, but a good user of
NLP can determine a person to buy, even if he did not
indent to. Moreover, using NLP, a seller can convince
without manipulating, but just by meeting the needs
detected in the client, since at the basis of this mechanisms
lays the interlocutors understanding and knowing him he
could present him with the optimal solution. These are the
most important things in marketing and direct selling
according to the theory [10].
In conclusion, we consider that the Neuro-Linguistic
Programming has a real effect on the sales performances.
We can notice this thing only looking at the difference
between the real estate agents and the car dealers, in the
number of contracts signed by the two categories, as a
result, if the managers want the companys prosperity it is
good to offer the sales agents NLP trainings, since the
results are immediately visible.

In a world where the alert rhythm that we
permanently confront with demands the maximum
efficiency in everything we do, in which we all want to be
successful, in which achieving performance is on the first
place, it is obvious that selling, no matter whether there are
products or services, cannot occur randomly. For this, a
well-established plan is necessary, an instrument that helps
achieving the purpose in the most efficient manner possible.
The Neuro-Linguistic programming cannot lead to
performance purely and simply. It has to be discovered,
understood and adapted according to each person. NLP
applied in sales must first of all answer two major
objectives: understanding the customers needs and using it
with integrity. Thus the sellers, applying the techniques,
which must be aware of the customers needs and desires, in
order to be able to present in the end the optimal solution for
It is essential not to forget the two objectives: on the one
hand, to listen and understand the clients and on the other
hand, to apply the NLP techniques in an ethical manner.
It is possible that some agents consider building the
relation with the client expensive or a waste of time.
However, they must be aware of the fact that each satisfied
client will share his satisfaction with approximately 5 or 6
persons, while a dissatisfied client will share his negative
experience with other 10 persons. Moreover, those who
consider treating the issue of satisfaction/claims of
customers in order to earn new customers, the costs are at
least 25% higher.
In achieving performance in sales, we consider that the
managers must focus on specializing the sellers in NLP, but
the simple knowledge of the techniques is not sufficient they
must be permanently used. They must check the manner in
which they are applied and the purpose for which they are
used. If NLP is used ethically, long-term relationships with
the clients can be built, with whose help the earning will be
on the long term, and the client returning for other
acquisitions for himself or for the people he knows.
The importance of this study resides in the fact that the
managers can be aware of the fact that training their own
sales agents through NLP trainings represents an efficient
investment in the success of their own real estate or can

0 5 10
Rapport - body
Meta Programs
LM - Cause & Effect
LM - Cause & Effect
LM - Embedded
LM - Universal
LM - Tag Question
LM - Modal
LM - Unspecified
Meta Programs
Rapport -
Meta Model
Meta Model
NLP Techniques - auto dealers

Figure 1. NLP techniques car dealers

0 5 10
Meta Programs
LM - Modal
Rapport - body
LM - Embaded
LM - Universal
LM - Tag Question
LM - Cause & effect
Meta Model
LM - Presuposition
Meta Programs
LM - Unspecified
Rapport -
Meta Model
NLP techniques - real estate agents

Figure 2. NLP techniques real estate agents

car dealers
do not use NLP
0 - 25%
25 - 50%
50 - 75%
75 - 100%

Figure 3. Car dealers who dont use NLP.
Percentage of success in signing contracts by the car dealers.

real estate agents
use NLP
0 - 25%
25 - 50%
50 - 75%
75 - 100%

Figure 4. Real estate agents who use NLP
Percentage of success in signing contracts by the real estate agents

[1] J.Grinder., R. Bandler, Transe-Formations: programmation neuro-
linguistique et techniques dhypnose ericksonienne, Dunod-
InterEditions, Paris, 2005
[2] A.Szekely,NLP-Calea succesului, Publisher Almatea, Bucuresti,
2003, p. 27
[3] C.Cudicio, Le grand livre de la NLP, Editions dOrganization,
Paris,2004, p.132
[4] A. Pease, A. Garner, Talk Language, Orion Publisher, Australia,
[5] R. Basu, Persuasion Skills Black Book: Practical NLP Language
Patterns for Getting the Response You Want, Lean Marketing Press,
Great Britain, 2009
[6] . Prutianu, Tratat de comunicare i negociere n afaceri, Publisher
Polirom, Iai , 2009
[7] S.Knight, Tehnicile Programrii Neuro-Lingvistice, Publisher
Curtea veche, Bucuresti, 2004
[8] A. Pease, The Definitive Book of Body Language, Orion Publisher,
Australia, 2005
[9] A. Pease, Easy Peasy People Skills, Publisher Curtea Veche,
Bucureti, 2007
[10] Ph. Kotler, Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to the
Human Spirit, Publisher John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2010

Annex no. 1
The first part of the questionnaire (questions 1-4) has the purpose of
evaluating the knowledge of sellers about NLP.
1. Are you familiar with the term of Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
a. yes b. no
2. Do you know the techniques of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
a. yes b. no
3. Do you apply the techniques of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
a. yes b. no
4. What do you think your success in sales depends on ?

The purpose of the following questions from the second part of the
questionnaire is that of checking if the sellers from the direct sales
networks know and apply NLP techniques. Even if some of them have
answered negatively to the first three questions, it is possible to draw a
conclusion from the second part that they use the techniques, but they are
not aware of this thing. We created e question or two for each NLP
technique, in order to check if they are used and if they are, to what
extent (never, occasionally, frequently or always).
5. When you negotiate with a client, do you try to imitate his position?
a never
b. occasionally
c. frequently
d. always
6. When you negotiate with a client, do you speak on the same tone,
rhythm and volume with the client?
a never
b. occasionally
c. frequently
d. always

The first two questions from part two (5, 6) are for checking the utility of
the technique of the relationship with the client through the body posture,
rhythm, tone and volume.
7. During a negotiation, do you watch if the client is imitating your bodys

a never
b. occasionally
c. frequently
d. always

8. When you notice that a client imitates your bodys position that means
that :
a. he is interested b. that I am the one who dominates
c it does not mean anything

Questions 7 and 8 have the purpose of checking if the sellers use the
leading in order to influence customers.
9. During a meeting with a client you are paying attention to the words that
he uses (semantic field visual, auditive, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustative)
a never
b. occasionally
c. frequently
d. always

10. If the client answers your proposal in this manner: This does not
sound good at all. Which answer variant will you use?

a. Let me tell you something else. You will certainly like what
you will hear.
b. I will show you a flier as well. The images from it will clarify
the things.
c. What would make you feel good?

With the help of questions 9 and 10 we want to know if the sellers usually
calibrate the client, and then use the words that they prefer. If at question
10 the respondents will choose the variant 1 it means that they know
how to calibrate the client and use this fact to influence him. This
represents a control key.
11. If the client says: The price is too high! Which variant of answer will
you use?
a. Indeed, but think of the product quality.
b. Too high, compared to what?
c. Why do you think that?

12. If the customer says: I cannot buy. Which variant of answer will you
a. What stops you from buying?
b. Why cant you buy?
c. Could I present you other offers?

Questions 11 and 12 have as purpose to test the knowledge of sellers about
metalanguage and about their use in transactions. The control key in
checking this aspect is the answer B to the question 11, and the answer a to
the question 12. these answers will show if the sales agents are using the
13. If, for example, the client says: I can hardly wait to move into my new
apartment. I want a new couch. Which answer variant will you use?
a. If you take this couch you will feel no difference from the couch that you
c. This couch is very resistant, it will be in the same state in 5 years as well.
14. If the client says: What is your opinion? What car should I choose?
Which answer variant will you use?
1. If you buy this car everybody in the city will envy you.
b. Buying this car, you will feel a real inner satisfaction.
Questions 13 and 14 are dedicated to the metaprograms. Answer c to the
question 13 and b at question 14 show that the seller uses the
metaprograms technique.

15. Do you use these statements during the negotiations with a client?



It is important to listen to me carefully
Tomorrow we sign the contract, dont we?
While I tell you what it is about you may
browse the catalogue.
After you buy you will feel better.
Everybody is interested in the new product.
You can trust me.
It is the best product on the market.
Do you want to sign now or later?
Question 15 has the purpose of seeing if the sales agents use the Milton

16. When the client is in a state of great intensity (joy, satisfaction, sadness
etc.) do you usually use certain stimuli (tonality, gestures, sounds, images
etc?) to anchor his state and use it later?
a never
b. occasionally
c. frequently
d. always
With the help of question 16 I will see if the sellers use transaction anchors.
Part three of the questionnaire (questions 17-19) is dedicated to the sellers
17. What experience do you have in the field?
a. one month 1 year b. 1 year 3 years
c. over 3 years.

If from the first questions, those about NLP, it will result that the seller
does not have the knowledge about this program or does not use it, but
however the second part shoes that he uses the NLP techniques, we will
deduce that he behaves instinctively, unconsciously in their use. Question
17 will show if the manner in which he behaves during the negotiations is
due to experience.

18. What percentage of the meetings that you had with a client ended up
with a contract?
a. 0- 25% b. 25 50% c. 50 75% d. 75 100%
The answer to question 18 will show the performance of the sales agent.

19. How many of your clients have returned?
a. none b. 25% c. 50% d. 75% e. all
The last question, number 19 checks the customers satisfaction. The
bigger the percentage of customers who returned, the bigger the


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