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Of Modern Engineering Research (IJ MER)

| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 | www.ijmer.com | Vol. 4 | Iss. 5| May. 2014 | 37 |
Modeling Of Converter Single Phase to Three Phase by Using Single Phase

Manikant Kumar
, Er. Sudhanshu Tripathi

(PG student, Electrical Department, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad-211007)
(Faculty, Electrical Department, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad-211007)

A wide variety of commercial and industrial electrical equipment requires three-phase power. Electric
utilities do not install three-phase power as a matter of course because it costs significantly more than single-
phase installation. As an alternative to utility installed three-phase, rotary phase converters, static phase
converters and phase converting variable frequency drive have been used for decades to generate three phase
power from a single-phase source.
1. Single- phase In electrical engineering, single-phase electric power refers to the distribution of alternating
current electric power .unison system in which all the voltages of the supply vary in unison. Single-phase
distribution is used when loads are mostly lighting and heating, with few large electric motors. A single-phase
supply connected to an alternating current electric motor does not produce a revolving magnetic field. Single-
phase motors need additional circuits for starting, and such motors are uncommon above 10 or 20 KW in
2. Three-phase- In electrical engineering, three-phase electric power system have at least three conductors
carrying alternating current voltages that are offset in time by one-third of the period. A three-phase system
may be arranged in delta () or star ( ). A delta system arrangement only provides one voltage magnitude,
however it has a greater redundancy as it may continue to operate normally with one of the three supply
windings offline, albeit at 57.7% of total capacity. Harmonic currents in the neutral may become very large if
non linear loads are connected. Power electronics is a very interesting technology to produce a circuit which is
very small size. In olden days people were using a very complicated circuit, which was bulky, costly and low
efficient. But power electronics has made it less weight, low cost and produce high efficiency .Embedded
system is used along with power electronics to reduce the component size ,easy to handle but it require a high
maintenance for the circuit.
Power electronic system is virtually in every electronics device. For example AC/DC converters
(rectifiers) are used every time an electronic device is connected to television and computer. Inverter is broadly
classified into two types namely voltage source inverter and current source inverter. Converting a single phase
to three phase power supply uses semiconductor devices such as BJT (full form).
DC/AC converter are used primarily in UPS (full form) or emergency light .During blackout time the AC will
be used to produce AC electricity at its output to power up the appliances
IGT (full form) is a current controlled device which operates only at low frequencies. The main
disadvantages of using BJT is that high switching losses but lower conduction loss.

Single phase to three phase converter using BJT bridge is our proposed model which uses an
advanced technique such as converter to generate DC current .this paper represented single phase AC supply to
converted three phase .
Abstract: In Industrial application, two form of Electrical Energy is used. Direct current (DC) form and
Alternative current (AC) form. In this paper single phase to three phase converter model is developed
with the help of SIMULINK tool box of the MATLAB software. First of all single phase AC power is
converted into DC power using diode rectifier bridge after this DC power is converted into three phase
AC power with the help of three arms IGBT Inverter bridge. After the three phase conversion Three
phase Induction Motor is run. They are ideal for future workshops, small industry, large building. Using
the simulation result output of the model can be varied as per requirement of the applications.
Keywords: AC source, two arm universal bridge, Transformer, inverter, PWM generator

Modeling Of Converter Single Phase to Three Phase by Using Single Phase Supply
| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 | www.ijmer.com | Vol. 4 | Iss. 5| May. 2014 | 38 |
Converting a single phase to three phase power supply consists of two main circuits. These circuits are
used to convert AC to DC supply and DC to AC supply for converting a single phase of low voltage to three
phase of high voltage. They are
1. Power circuit
Rectifier circuit
Two arms universal bridge
Liner Transformer
3 Inverter circuit
2. Control circuit
Power supply circuit
PWM Generator
Control circuit is provided pulse three phase inverter. Power circuit is used to convert the single phase power
supply to three phase power supply. It includes conversion of AC to DC supply using rectifier and DC to AC
supply inverter.

As we all know any invention of latest technology cannot be activated without the source of power.
All the electronic or electrical components needs power supply of AC supply. So, we are converting power
from single phase AC supply into three phase AC supply. Using these three phase power supply, we can drive
any motor. Block diagram of converting single phase to three phase power supply units consists of.
Single phase AC supply
Liner transformer
Two arm universal bridge
3 inverter
3 transformer

AC power supply of 380 volt is connected to liner transformer and liner transformer connected to two arms
universal bridge converter, converter converted to DC 100 volt power supply to the rectifier .Rectifier rectifies
the voltage and transferred to three arms IGBT .IGBT converts three phase power supply. It is mainly used in
small industry, large building, workshop, etc.
The two arm universal bridge converter convert AC single phase power to DC power and rectifier, rectified DC
power an inverter invert three phase power supply


Modeling Of Converter Single Phase to Three Phase by Using Single Phase Supply
| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 | www.ijmer.com | Vol. 4 | Iss. 5| May. 2014 | 39 |
Power supply units consist of
1 Single phase supply
2 Liner transformers
3 Bridge circuit

When AC voltage is applied to the primary of the transformer, it can be stepped up depending upon
the value of AC voltage needed. In our circuit the transformer of 380 volt and supply three phase power 180
volt. Changing transformer rating and three phase power also change. A commonly used circuit for supply AC
source is bridge rectifier. A bridge rectifier of four diodes is used to achieve full wave rectification. Two diode
will conduct during the positive half cycle and other two will conduct during negative half cycle. The AC
voltage at the output terminals of bridge rectifier is less than 90% of RMS value.
The inverter converts DC supply to AC supply. Three winding transformer is connected with inverter to step
up the voltage from the output and feed it to rectifier.

Three Phase Inverter
In three phase inverter there are three types they are
2 Level output
3 Level output
5 Level output

Matlab Simulink Tools

AC source Peak amplitude(V) 325, frequency(HZ)50
Nominal Powe1000 VA ,frequency 50 HZ, primary winding voltage
220,resistance(pu)0.01,inductance(pu)0.002 ,secondary winding voltage 415,resistance
o.01,inductance 0.02,magnetization resistance 25(pu) and reactance 25(pu0
Two arm
Snubber resistance 25(ohms), snubber capacitance 0.1e-6(F), power electronics diode
arms IGBT
diode bridge
Snubber resistance 100(ohms),forward voltage device I, forward voltage diode1
Nominal power 1000 VA, Power frequency 50 HZ, primary winding voltage220,
resistance0.002, inductance 0.04, secondary winding voltage 770,resistance 0.002,and
inductance 0.04
Modeling Of Converter Single Phase to Three Phase by Using Single Phase Supply
| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 | www.ijmer.com | Vol. 4 | Iss. 5| May. 2014 | 40 |

Transformer primary and secondary voltage and current

Pulses and inverter current

Modeling Of Converter Single Phase to Three Phase by Using Single Phase Supply
| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 | www.ijmer.com | Vol. 4 | Iss. 5| May. 2014 | 41 |

Phase currents Iab, Ibc, Ica

Phase voltage Vab , Vbc ,Vca

The propose model of single phase to three phase converter is mainly used in starting three phase
induction motor, small industry, large building , workshop areas. The main advantage of our model is input
AC single phase source but output is three phase supply. The output of the proposed model is increased by
increasing the transformer rating and other components involved in converting single phase to three phase
converter using inverting cost is also increased according to the required output. Simulation result is shown
using MATLAB software is used to verify operation principle.

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Modeling Of Converter Single Phase to Three Phase by Using Single Phase Supply
| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 | www.ijmer.com | Vol. 4 | Iss. 5| May. 2014 | 42 |
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Manikant Kumar is a research scholar pursuing M.Tech in Power Electronics from Sam
Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology & Science Allahabad ,(U.P) India. He
Secured Degree of B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from V.B.S.P.U Jaunpur (U.P)
India 2012

Sudhanshu Tiwari presently working as Assistant Professor in Electrical & Electronics
Engineering at Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology & Sciences,
Allahabad, (U.P) India. The degree of B.Tech secured in Electrical & Electronics
Engineering from U.P TECH University 2004 and M.Tech. in Digital Communication I
from Moti Lal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad in 2007.

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