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Soulmate, Whom They Called Jasmine You. Promptly He Averted His

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In his large, sparsely-furnished flat Hizaki sat idly atop

his bed, basking in the late-afternoon sunlight which shone

through the nearby glass door separating his room from the
balcony. He lived alone here, suffering only occasional visits
from the people he sold music with--Kamijou, eru, !uki
and--...he glanced longingly at the shapely glass phial which
adorned his mantel" it resembled more a perfume bottle in
structure, but its contents were far more valuable to him. hey
had all taken one--all four of the survivors# a small, glass
phial containing the blood of their dearly deceased bassist and
soulmate, whom they called $asmine !ou. %romptly he averted his
gaze--he would not today fall into another of those self-pitying
and grotes&uely pitiable trance states of his, which so oft
consisted of voiceless tears and self-mutilation.
His arms were full of the scars, though he covered them well
with clothing and makeup" he found it personally stunning that he
had progressed so far as a guitarist in spite of them. ' minimum
half-dozen hours a day well-spent, he thought# practising his
instrument" and as he reflected on his earnest devotion to the
art, and the beauty that resulted, he took up his old, red ()%
*iper, which had served him well for so many years before
switching to more e+pensive brands" he began to finger some
chords, and strum almost inaudibly with his thumb.
,n the fourth chord, he was stricken with a chill" the beauty
of his playing was--
-o, that wasn.t it. He put down his guitar, having suddenly
become aware of a feeling, distinct, as of some intruder"
infinitely oppressive in its irregularity, yet possessing a
whisper of familiarity--his attention was drawn once again,
through nothing he could bring himself to label /free will., to
the depressing phial. He did not like looking at it--he did not
want it in his flat, but there was a pact--a trust, an agreement
with great rewards promised.
0ith a start, Hizaki yelled at his ceiling" 10ho.s there234
he disembodied voice did not speak further. %erhaps, he
thought, he.d imagined it, but telling himself this did nothing
to lift the oppressive atmosphere that had emanated from
unoccupied corners of his room--that would not allow him to look
away from the phial for any length of time. 0as something wrong
with it2 !es, he saw it now...it was vibrating subtly in its
place. He pushed himself off the bed, discovering on impact of
his butt with the floor that his legs had become curiously weak#
he was cold, too" and palpitating.
(ven from the floor he could not take his eyes off the phial"
it had begun to wobble, and soon, it toppled off the mantel. He
did not hear it break, but he started to crawl over to be sure--
its contents were precious.
He had not even crawled past the foot of the bed when he felt
his skirt catch on something" he &uickly reached behind himself
and lifted the part in &uestion, finding that there was in
actuality no such snag as he.d imagined, and determining to
continue forward.
It was then that he felt two cold hands laid on his buttocks.
He had a bit of a start, but maybe, he thought, he was just
imagining that as well" he did not turn to look, and again
planted one palm in front of the other on the freezing hardwood
floor. His buttocks were s&ueezed and parted, and something was
pressed firmly betwi+t# it felt like a face. )till refusing to
peer over his shoulder, he was no longer so sure that he was
imagining this sensation" but he did not much protest, for these
intimate caresses were familiar and comforting" his wrists grew
weak and he lowered onto his elbows as the phantom fondling
Hizaki.s modest prick had already seen an influ+ of blood
from the e+citement, spilling over the soft, girlish panties he
liked to wear at all times. 5ingers had wrapped around it--they
were not his own fingers# he followed them on refle+, finding
himself able to grip his penis without obstruction" but there his
hand was freezing, so he removed it, and the invisible, ethereal
fingers continued their work on him. %resently, his panties
slipped down to his knees, of what would seem, to an observer, to
be their own accord. he face pressed again between his buttocks#
he could sense its delicate features there, and he knew beyond a
shadow of a doubt the identity of his invisible molester" its
magnificent tongue broke through his sphincter.
he fondling ceased" the tongue was slowly recalled. It was
the ghost of $asmine !ou, Hizaki was convinced" but how had he
come back2 Hizaki awaited a reply to his unspoken &uestion"
daring, once the presence had removed itself from his buttocks,
to turn and sit facing it. He could almost imagine, in that
empty-looking space, the lustrous form of the late $asmine !ou,
looking upon him lovingly as ever, with parted lips ready to
impart insight.
5or a moment, there was nothing" Hizaki began to despair, to
seriously &uestion his sanity for the first time in his life.
,f a sudden, something brushed his neck, and his fears were
dispelled with a whisper in his ear# 16y darling,4 it said,
1don.t you believe I.m here24
't this point Hizaki really did believe, more than ever" and
the breath on his ear grew warm" the displacement of the air felt
of flesh, and whispers from beyond were no longer mere whispers.
1!es, I know you.re here,4 Hizaki said, taking $asmine !ou.s
hand in his own# it felt real" and the deceased person before him
looked convincingly alive, despite the dreamy fuzz outlining his
contours--an irritating reminder that they remained a plane
Hizaki closed in on the solidified apparition, planting a wet
kiss on its cold lips, and then they hugged" the ghost of $asmine
!ou was naked, pale, beautiful--and most importantly, he could
touch it. heir embrace loosened shortly, so that they could
speak to each other.
1I can.t describe how happy I am to have you here with me,4
Hizaki said, 1but how did you return from the dead24
$asmine.s e+pression turned sullen, and he spoke" 1I am still
dead, regrettably. 0e can only touch because you have a certain
instability of mind that allows for it, and because you have
1're you saying I.m insane after all24
1!es, but that.s neither here nor there. !ou must listen34
Hizaki felt a distinct ambivalence over having his ear
demanded by something that had just more or less admitted to
being a hallucination, but he had never found himself able to
turn down $asmine !ou--even as a figment of his imagination.
$asmine spoke with a sense of urgency#
1hat you can even speak to me now shows there.s still hope--
the lunatic pact has not yet been fulfilled. !ou had all intended
to drink me and gain my 7powers. and 7beauty. on 0alpurgisnacht,
hadn.t you2 %erish the thought3 It is metaphysical nonsense--a
setup--it will be the death of you34
4' setup24 asked Hizaki, denying nothing. 10hat do you mean24
1He.s going to kill until he.s the last one standing. I was
only the first, a test of his own depravity.4
he colour of profound shock-horror crept into Hizaki.s
features. $asmine continued#
1I hear things through the blood. I heard him plotting by his
lonesome" I heard him plotting with eru, with !uki and with
Hizaki stuttered, his heart-rate at the upper regions of what
was healthy" 1--'re you saying Kamijou killed you24
18y pro+y he did. 0e had been playing, as we were wont to do#
I was bound to the bed in a cheap hotel room, and he was fucking
my arse when, uncharacteristically, he stopped short of coming"
he had been on the phone with someone, though they were speaking
in what I took to be (nglish, which I could not understand. 0hen
he stopped speaking, he pulled out, and left the room, leaving me
bound. It was not long before I heard the thunderous footsteps,
the inane, terrifying vociferations of no less than two black
1Immediately, they stuffed enormous, sickly cocks into my
rectum and throat--cocks te+tured like pine-cones, discharging
perpetually--I believe at some point there were two in my arse at
once, and I bled heavily. ,ne of them had filmed it all, and when
they were finished, they untied me, and told me that they would
release the film to the public should I utter a word. Kamijou
never touched me again--he knew that he had cursed me, made my
filthy to touch.
1he disease got the better of me in due time. !our pact is a
suicide pact--only I am convinced he will be the one pretending
to drink, one eye closed, the other surveying his unsuspecting
victims at their intake of the cursed blood.4
1hat.s horrible34 Hizaki e+claimed. 1I cannot bring myself
to doubt your words,4 he continued, 1but how do we put a stop to
Kamijou.s malicious ways24
1he first thing to do,4 said $asmine, 1is dispose of all the
blood, so that no one can drink it. ake your phial and empty it
completely down the drain.4
Hizaki rose to his feet finally, pulling his panties back up.
He retrieved the unbroken phial from before the mantel and took
it to the sink in his kitchen, twisting off the cap and tilting
over the drain" he had some trouble believing this brownish-red
sludge could ever have coursed through anyone.s veins as it
crawled obstinately towards oblivion--he had to run the tap to
chase it down. 9sing more water, he flushed any obvious trace of
blood out of the phial, and tossed it in his garbage bin.
1*ery good,4 said the ghost of $asmine !ou.
1I think we must dispose of eru.s phial ne+t,4 Hizaki said,
turning to face him.
1!ou don.t care much for !uki, do you24
10e will continue our endeavour tomorrow then. onight, we
have some catching up to do34
$asmine took Hizaki by the arm and guided him back to the
bed, where they sat shoulder to shoulder.
10hy are you naked24 Hizaki ventured.
1:ould it have something to do with my clothes having been
burnt to cinders with my body2 I don.t truly understand, but had
I known then that I could communicate with the living, I would
have objected vehemently to my cremation34
18ut your parents wanted it...4
16y parents wanted me burned when I was alive, too. I should
have thought to retrieve my 7;ast 0ill < estament. from Kamijou
before the disease he.d wrought on me had taken its toll# there
my desire is e+plicitly stated to undergo ta+idermy upon death
and be displayed in a museum--I would also have revised to
mention his role in my death34
10hy did you leave your will with him234
1I trusted him. I was foolish, e&uating with love our rather
one-sided bedroom relations up 7til that time in the hotel room.
hereafter, he probably would not have let me into his
condominium to retrieve the document even had I thought of it.4
Hizaki wrapped his arms around the ghost affectionately" he
could see a formidable appendage poking up from betwi+t $asmine.s
thighs, wan and faintly luminous" alluring.
16agnificent,4 he found himself whispering, his sight glued
to it# $asmine took note.
1!ou can stroke it if you like,4 he said, rela+ing backwards
onto his palms.
Hizaki did not hesitate to run his fingers along it--they
tickled as he did so--and the phantom phallus twitched with some
semblance of life. He then gripped it fully, gently at the base,
and curled his wrist as he pulled up to the glans, soon reversing
this motion, and repeating" the movements grew brisker, shorter,
7til he saw fit to use both hands# $asmine moaned like any living
person might. )oon Hizaki took the liberty of placing his mouth
on the penis, slobbering, suckling--$asmine !ou did not protest--
and anon, Hizaki.s lu+uriant blonde hair was sticky with
he time was 5our in the morning when eru awoke with a
start# it was the ring of his cellphone, which he answered
groggily without bothering to check caller I=.
1!es24 asked he.
1)omething terrible has happened,4 came the voice of !uki.
10hat shall I do24 he said, the resignation in his voice
1%lease, tell me what the matter is,4 said eru. 1I can.t do
anything to help if you remain so vague.4
1It.s too late anyway. I.ll tell you what#4 the caller began,
1I got a hold of $asmine.s blood in a drunken stupor last
1>o on24
1I had finished my last bottle of vodka, and I wasn.t
thinking straight and...I drank it early.4
eru sighed. 1Hadn.t we planned on drinking it later24 he
said. 1'nyway, I.m sure Kamijou will understand--4
1---o,4 !uki interjected. 1hat is not the problem. here.s
1I felt sick after I drank it--progressively more so" and now
my head feels like it.s about to blast off through the roof,
and...well, I had to check...my penis was in pain--it has grown--
but not only that" it has grown spikes--&uills3 ;ike some
hedgehog34 he man was absolutely terrified, and eru was afraid
he had ingested some poor-&uality hallucinogens.
1:alm your self down,4 he said. 1I will be over shortly.4
1-o34 !uki was screaming now, 1I am afraid my dick will burst
like a balloon at this rate3 I have to do something--I can.t live
like this--4 he hung up.
eru determined to come to the aid of his friend as &uickly
as possible, slipping on a nearby raincoat over his scant
underwear--though it was not raining, and it was cold--and
starting for the door. 6uch to his surprise, he could see Hizaki
hurrying down the hall towards him as he stepped out of his flat.
He greeted Hizaki with a wave, whereupon the troubled-looking
visitor broke into a sprint.
10here are you going24 Hizaki demanded once he had stopped
just short of collision.
1!uki called me,4 replied eru, solemnly. 1I think he had
some bad drugs. I was on my way over to talk some sense into
him--keep him from hurting himself, you know24
10hat all did he say24
1'h...something about his head flying, his penis changing and
a fear that it would e+plode. =rugs, am I right24
he ghost of $asmine !ou, who was following Hizaki close as
his shadow, presently invisible to eru, urged Hizaki.s
attention# 1It is too late for !uki,4 he whispered, 1for he has
drunk my blood, and the disease has progressed to its point of
highest morbidity. He will surely soon die, and I don.t believe
it.s safe for anyone to be there when it happens.4
1=o not go to him,4 Hizaki urged eru, whom he then gripped
by the arms and pushed back inside.
10hat.s all this then24 said eru, his irritation and
befuddlement plain.
he two with a pulse were seated on eru.s sofa before his
frugal entertainment centre" the ghost caressed Hizaki.s hair
idly from behind.
1!uki is deathly ill,4 Hizaki began, 1and I have reason to
believe it is because he drank $asmine.s blood. He drank it,
didn.t he24
eru hesitated for a moment# 1!es,4 he said. 1He called and
said he did, as if it had definite connection to his mad
1hose were no hallucinations. 0here is your phial2 I must
dispose of the contents.4
1Kamijou would not appreciate that.4
1He would not--it would completely foil his insidious plot to
kill us off.4
10hat2 0hy would he want to do that24
1he blood, you know, that he wants us all to drink on
0alpurgisnacht2 It is poisonous3 'nd it was Kamijou himself who
made it so" he deliberately infected $asmine with that which
killed him--that which now resides in the blood samples he has
compelled us to keep, and convinced us to one day drink. I do not
believe he intends to drink it himself--no, I.m sure that he will
live on, and seek to profit from our deaths34 Hizaki was working
himself into a frenzy that a conspiracy theorist would be proud
of" 1!es,4 he continued, 1he intends to launch a wildly
successful solo career in %op music--he will stage memorial shows
with tickets priced slightly higher than average--he will release
a tribute album--no3 5our tribute albums with our names on them3
'nd they will each have a version ', 8, :,--4
eru cupped his hand over the man.s lips--he moistened the
palm with the spit of his muffled conjectures for only a second
longer before ceasing abruptly, tears now visible on his cheeks.
1!ou must calm yourself,4 said eru in the gentlest possible
tone. 1I know Kamijou well, and what you say--...what you say is
entirely plausible. 8ut I must know, how could you have come by
this information24 He removed his hand from Hizaki.s face.
1=o you believe in ghosts24 Hizaki asked in earnest.
he ghost of $asmine !ou surveyed the ensuing e+change. eru
was a staunch materialist who laughed at Hizaki.s belief in
ghosts, even then# indignant, Hizaki pushed him to the carpet,
and they had begun to roll. :learly, $asmine thought grudgingly,
he must make his presence known to eru. He closed in, not &uite
sure how he.d go about this# when he laid hands on eru, the man
was chilled, and his limbs appeared to stiffen instantaneously.
Hizaki soon got the better of him in their little fight, forcing
him onto his back and surmounting his body, knees pressed against
his sides.
1I give34 eru cried, slow to recover from the paralysis
induced by a sudden phantom touch. 1hough I still do not believe
you,4 he was sure to remark.
Hizaki was not pleased" he did, however, like their present
position, as was indicated by his steadily engorging penis.
Hizaki about-faced, retaining his dominant position, and undid
eru.s raincoat.
1=on.t do that,4 eru protested. 1%lease, I have--I need to
use the toilet. ;et me up, will you24
Hizaki ignored his friend.s plea# 1!ou wear women.s
underwear, too, I see,4 was his only comment. He slipped these
down half-way to the knees, then inserting his head between the
thighs, proceeding with his mouth to coa+ eru.s member out of
its flaccid state. He allowed his rear to close in on eru.s
face--he knew his friend would know what to do" and after a few
more penile tongue-lashings it was apparent that he did. Hizaki
was sucking him wondrously now, and he felt inclined to
reciprocate# he craned his neck towards the shapely posterior
that hovered above until he could get the soft fabric of the
panties between his teeth" he pulled that aside, allowing
Hizaki.s blood-heavy prick to fall against his cheek.
)oon they were engaged in a perfect 7si+-nine., each sucking
deep on the other.s penis. $asmine gazed longingly at eru.s
e+posed arse above which Hizaki.s head was impaled# he wondered
how eru might react to being entered by him. Kneeling to
position, he determined to find out" and Hizaki, seeing this,
helped by parting eru.s buttocks and lifting them slightly off
the floor. 8y all appearances, eru.s hole was virginal, or else
had not been tried in years# but now he could feel it being tried
by something cold, like a giant, slippery popsicle.
Hizaki spat out the penis and yelped# eru had bitten him in
the teeth-chattering brought on by the intense cold--he half-
suspected Hizaki had jammed a frozen sausage into him.
1)-stop that34 he demanded" the object pressed on, e+panding
his anus and causing him to bleed.
1I didn.t do anything,4 said Hizaki" 1It was $asmine34
1his prank is becoming really insensitive34
1It is no prank--see, I.ll show you.4 He removed himself from
atop eru.
Hizaki had moved clear across the room, motioning for his
companion to rise# it seemed, however, that his discomfort only
intensified in this absence. eru felt large, cold hands
wrestling the undersides of his knees, lifting his buttocks
further off the floor--hands that he could not see--all the while
the e&ually invisible frozen meat-log dug for his prostate.
%anicking under the hold of this spectral se+ual assailant, he
screamed" this appeared to bring about an uncertain pause in the
assault, and it was then that eru witnessed the stains of his
own anal bleeding, suspended in mid-air. He thusly came to accept
that he was being raped by a ghost, which had penetrated him
again before he could reason further.
1he ghost of $asmine !ou is fucking your arse34 e+claimed
Hizaki, as if it was not by then obvious. eru had even begun to
see the deceased.s never-forgotten likeness materialise on top of
him--$asmine.s face was affectionate and tearful in the act of
fucking his hole. he thrusting object now felt almost warm
inside, and more like a penis as it prodded his entrails in
continuity. 0hen eru.s outstretched arm touched its palm to
$asmine.s cheek, the ghost appeared to clima+# a torrential
ejaculation of viscous fluids left him full, and dripping upon
retraction of the member.
eru groaned and rolled to his side, hearing Hizaki clap
1!ou absolutely must believe everything I have said now,4
came his voice full of triumph.
1-o,4 eru remained obstinate, 1It may yet prove to be but a
group hallucination34
1How do you e+plain the se+ then2 I.ll bet you even saw his
1I could have imagined it...wishful thinking.4 He held his
e+panded gut as if in pain. 1-ow if you.ll e+cuse me, I have to
use the toilet.4
eru staggered to his lavatory, closing the door behind him,
leaving his friend and the ghost alone with each other. $asmine
sprawled on the sofa and began to sob.
1He won.t be able to lie to himself for very much longer,4
Hizaki consoled.
1I wish I were completely dead--dispersed34
1!ou don.t really mean that.4
' blood-curdling scream issued forth from behind the lavatory
door. $asmine sat up with a start, and Hizaki turned" something
has happened to eru, they knew.
1I will check on him,4 said Hizaki, contradicting his sense
of urgency by the creeping manner in which he proceeded with the
task. )uddenly, the door burst open, the space behind bearing a
eru set deeply affright with tears, his underwear rolled to his
ankles# he fell out onto his face" his anus could then be seen,
gaping and more bloody than before.
10hat...what happened to you24 Hizaki en&uired.
eru mumbled to the floor momentarily before picking himself
up to bent knees" 1!ou go and see for yourself,4 he said
pathetically, pointing to the doorway.
he first thing that struck Hizaki as he entered the lavatory
was the smell, which drove him to cupping his hand over his mouth
and nostrils" then, advancing fearfully as if e+pecting some
ambush from the toilet bowl, what should he behold, stinking
proudly beneath the incandescent bulb, but the largest shit he
ever did see2 his thing was nearly one-fourth the size of eru
himself, and it laid pitifully on its side at the foot of the
toilet--on its clearly discernable side, for had it not the
startling likeness of $asmine !ou, sculpted in miniature by a
master of the art2 Hizaki was impressed, perple+ed, and he wanted
to vomit# he left the scene immediately, shutting the door behind
,n the sofa $asmine could be seen stroking the head of eru,
who had knelt on the floor beside" the sight satisfied Hizaki,
for he knew that he had no longer to prove anything to his
10here do you keep your phial24 Hizaki reiterated.
eru, presently in a bit of a daze, responded only by
pointing towards the drawer of his computer desk. It was slid
open and rummaged through at length ere the prize was in hand,
and this Hizaki was &uick to dispose of in the same manner he.d
disposed of its counterpart.
1-ow we are all safe"4 Hizaki said, 1the cursed fluids washed
down the drain" the murderous Kamijou ignorant of our knowledge.4
1I suppose so,4 came eru, half-vacantly as $asmine ceased to
pet him.
1-ow that I know my two dearest people are safe,4 the ghost
began, 1I must hurry to the final confrontation with that
traitor" but I cannot do anything without a witness who believes
in me--my foremost desire now is to mutilate Kamijou beyond
recognition, but I cannot even touch him without one of you by my
side. 0ho will it be24
Hizaki kissed eru deeply before coming forward# 1I will
accompany you,4 he said. 1eru will stay here and clean up, yes24
eru nodded and then grimaced, remembering the dismal work of
art he had left waiting by the toilet. Hizaki and the ghost
e+ited almost hand-in-hand.
? ? ?
It was the fourth sofa Kamijou had to replace this week alone"
his ferocious pet tiger, whom he had named 7@iggy., rolled
playfully--adorably--amidst the giant splinters, torn cloth and
spilt cotton. @iggy was just getting too big for the old
penthouse, Kamijou thought--he would buy a new flat soon enough"
a bigger one, for he was bourgeois now. He stroked his kitty
lovingly for a moment, noticing that its impressive, barbed
genitalia was terribly distended--was @iggy in heat again2
Kamijou determined to call a prostitute forthwith" he had trained
his e+otic pet to satisfy its se+ual needs with human bodies--the
girls, for the most part, did not like it" but they were well-
paid, and Kamijou thoroughly enjoyed watching them work with
He had not even begun to dial the number when he heard a
knocking at his door. He crept over, letting the knocks go
unanswered until he could peer through the peephole# it was
Hizaki, his %rincess who never came to visit him. He unchained
the door and let it fall open.
18,-$,9A 6! H''-I,4 he s&uealed at Hizaki.s face# the visitor
1,h, I.m sorry. =id I frighten you24
1--h-only a little...4
1=o come inside3 =id I show you my pet2 I think I got him
some time after your last visit.4
Hizaki jumped again, seeing the ferocious tiger lying atop
some rubbish heap--had that been a couch? It glared at him
disapprovingly, and it was a couple of minutes before he could
speak, his heart still pounding at his rib cage.
1!ou.re keeping a tiger in the city...4
1!es, I payed good money for a license to do that.4
10hy2 0hy would you keep a tiger here2 hey belong in zoos--
on wild-life reserves--anywhere but in a city34
Kamijou shook his head# 1!ou never did appreciate the finer
things money could buy,4 he said. 1'lways entirely satisfied with
your little high-end guitars and gaudy dresses that make your
butt out to be the size of a whale. I have transcended your petty
consumerism and finally become something of a true 8ourgeois,
adopting the accompanying ;ibertine lifestyle which allows for--
no, which positively demands such e+&uisite e+penditures as on
tennis courts, television networks, theme parks" and, yes, even
pet tigers--no, especially--4
$asmine spoke to Hizaki, unbeknownst to their rambling host#
1%lease, even as I lack corporeal being his speech nauseates me
profoundly. his has to stop, and I must be the one to stop it.
=o not get involved directly, for you will have the law on your
tail# you need only watch me.4 Having said this, $asmine went
forth and knelt before Kamijou, apparently still devising his
method of attack.
1--Hey, are you listening to me24 Kamijou continued, 1hese
sorts of lectures I normally reserve for serious students of
economics at my biannual seminars, but if you and I are going to
be making music together for much longer, you have to know this#
all statistics are completely made up and prove nothing, and one
of those 5riedmans was right when he said--4
Hizaki interrupted# 1'bout 0alpurgisnacht...4
1,h2 -o, you didn.t miss it. That 0alpurgisnacht is still one
or two fiscal years away. =on.t you worry about--4
10hat.s there to worry about24 Hizaki pressed.
1-othing, of course. =id someone tell you something24
1-o. 0here do you keep your phial24
1I sleep with it under my pillow.4
1Aeally2 :an I see it24
10ell, no--it.s not there now, I had to move it when--4
Kamijou was cut short" his eyes teared up and jaw went slack. He
tried to scream but managed only a barely audible whimper#
$asmine, in his impatience, had simply crushed the man.s
testicles beyond hope of repair. he tiger noticeably perked up,
possibly concerned for his master.s well-being--possibly hungry,
and anticipating an opportunity for easy human flesh. Kamijou had
dropped to his knees, holding his crotch, and was glaring
accusingly at Hizaki, perhaps thinking he had kicked him swift
and unseen. ' moment later, $asmine had escalated his poltergeist
activity, wrapping frigid hands around Kamijou.s neck with
determination to wring it.
Kamijou could not escape the clutches of his spectral
assailant" and the tiger, Hizaki observed, was becoming
increasingly agitated# its eyes appraised him ever the more
disdainfully, and he felt that he should run, but knew that
$asmine re&uired his witness for these events to carry through as
they must. In turning briefly to seek some shelter whence he
could continue to watch events unfold--even though he had the
good sense to keep Kamijou.s death throes in his mind/s eye--he
yet made one egregious mistake# when presented with a man.s back,
any hungry tiger.s instinct is to pounce for the kill" and Hizaki
had invited the attack thus.
He had just taken a step towards the ne+t room, his back
unfortunately being fully in view of the tiger, when he felt
those giant, padded paws on his shoulders" that hot, moist breath
on his neck" that hard, leathery protuberance at his back# his
greatest fear at the moment had come true in an instant, and he
was pushed face to the floor, the hulking animal weighing him
down. he tiger had snapped up the collar of his top in its
fanged maw, possibly having just missed the usual death-grip to
the neck. He could not even scream at this point, believing his
life to be as good as over.
' banging at the bolted door was heard, causing $asmine to
loosen his grip on the half-unconscious Kamijou.s neck" and
subse&uently to take note of Hizaki.s dangerous predicament,
about which he could do nothing--for tigers were such unfeeling
things as to null his very e+istence. he banging at the door
turned to a slamming against the door. he tiger, rather than
killing Hizaki at the earliest opportunity, had begun to grind
its ferocious se+ organ along his lower back, the shirt collar
still in its teeth# it wasn.t long before, seemingly by chance,
the organ crept beneath his skirt and slipped into the back of
his panties" the grinding there became more insistent, the
panties sliding down from the weight of the organ until said
organ was perpendicular with Hizaki.s arsehole. 's if knowing
full well what the tip of its penis had touched on, it hunched
its back and forced entry.
hough Hizaki was e+pecting this--even hoping for it,
discreetly, as an alternative to his death--he could not resist a
pitiful scream, drawn out and uneven, as the beast.s appendage
perforated his behind, letting a bit of blood in so doing" and as
the beast thrust the appendage deeper in, unmindful of his pain"
and as it withdrew recklessly, scraping his insides with small
barbs, letting more blood, only to begin the process over again,
and again, with increasing speed and injurious abandon. $asmine
had left his intended victim, crawling over to lend ineffectual
consolation to the teary-eyed Hizaki.
he painted wood of the door was beginning to splinter
horribly" a gash was soon made large enough for a malicious hand
to reach through and undo the bolt. 'nd as Kamijou lay coughing
at the floor, hoping to recover his energy for a hasty retreat
from all this mess, who should swing the door open, looking
straight at him with rage-filled eyes, but !uki2 he drummer
looked sickly, but he was physically strong, and curiously
bottomless--between his legs hung some drivelling, throbbing
thing that outwardly resembled an elongated pinecone.
1I have figured it all out34 e+claimed he. 1I.m sure I don.t
have much time left on this earth--my penis is in terrible pain,
and all of my blood is being drawn into it as it by all
appearances prepares to burst. I know you did this to me,4 he had
marched across the room, and was now standing before Kamijou,
1and I will not die without first e+acting some form of
Having said his piece, !uki pushed Kamijou chest-down to the
floor" and, one knee pressed into his back, proceeded to remove
his aristocratic trousers. Kamijou wanted to scream, to yell,
condemn" but his throat was far too sore. !uki held the man.s
legs, straining the spine back until Kamijou.s arsehole could be
reached by !uki.s deformed penis, and Kamijou looked like an
unskilled contortionist" he cried profusely but without sound
when the leaky pinecone forced entry, its e+cretions mi+ing with
his anal blood.
0hilst the terminally diseased !uki sodomised Kamijou,
Kamijou.s pet tiger likewise ravaged Hizaki. he ghost of $asmine
!ou watched helplessly as the tiger, in the heat of its mindless,
bloody thrusts, tore off the piece of Hizaki.s shirt collar it
had in its mouth" it then desired something new to hold onto, and
decided, after a snarl, on its mate.s tender neck. Hizaki.s heart
sank when he felt the hot, wet fangs touch, and subse&uently tear
into, his neck" and his consciousness could have lasted until the
very moment his vertebral column was severed. 't that moment,
$asmine could e+ist there no longer, and he materialised back at
eru.s flat to deliver some truly dismal news.
he tiger had no concept of necrophilia, but it carried on
fucking Hizaki.s corpse as though the blonde were alive, and
simultaneously nibbled a bit of the upper body# eventually rigour
mortis would set in, but the tiger did not know this--the tiger
would have no clew as to why it could not for the life of it
remove its penis from Hizaki.s arsehole.
!uki.s heart-rate increased, and the drivelling pinecone
penis e+panded within Kamijou.s sorry rectum" it abraded his
insides in a most gory fashion, and he soon found his voice
again" but he did not speak words, he only wailed incoherently.
'fter a time, perhaps from all the e+citement, !uki fainted,
still inside of Kamijou. he penis continued to throb and drivel,
and Kamijou tried feebly to e+tract it from himself# it twitched
dangerously, and he was beginning to reconsider his tampering
when it burst inside of him, sending high-velocity bits of
hardened skin up through his digestive tract with a torrent of
tainted blood--he was doubly condemned to death. he tiger supped
on the three corpses for three weeks before escaping through the
splintered door, the lower half of Hizaki.s body, which it could
not reach to eat, still stuck to its groin, terribly decayed. It
went on to kill three strangers, thereafter vanishing without a
trace for three days, whereupon it died of a blood clot.

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