This document provides command references for commonly used commands in MOSHELL, the command line interface tool for Nokia mobile network equipment. It includes commands to check alarms, cell IDs, disk usage, LNA transistors, packet data routers, RET calibration, RNC modules, sector status, software allocation, traces routes and more. The document also provides examples of using commands like "get", "list", "lt" and others to view status information and troubleshoot issues.
This document provides command references for commonly used commands in MOSHELL, the command line interface tool for Nokia mobile network equipment. It includes commands to check alarms, cell IDs, disk usage, LNA transistors, packet data routers, RET calibration, RNC modules, sector status, software allocation, traces routes and more. The document also provides examples of using commands like "get", "list", "lt" and others to view status information and troubleshoot issues.
This document provides command references for commonly used commands in MOSHELL, the command line interface tool for Nokia mobile network equipment. It includes commands to check alarms, cell IDs, disk usage, LNA transistors, packet data routers, RET calibration, RNC modules, sector status, software allocation, traces routes and more. The document also provides examples of using commands like "get", "list", "lt" and others to view status information and troubleshoot issues.
This document provides command references for commonly used commands in MOSHELL, the command line interface tool for Nokia mobile network equipment. It includes commands to check alarms, cell IDs, disk usage, LNA transistors, packet data routers, RET calibration, RNC modules, sector status, software allocation, traces routes and more. The document also provides examples of using commands like "get", "list", "lt" and others to view status information and troubleshoot issues.
Note: This document is not a troubleshooting guide. It is intended as a quick referenc most commonly used command. Please consult higher level technical support whenever in doubt __________________________________________________________________________
AetIworxDrvAtmProcIworxatm Alarm in ETMC41 board RNC/RXI/NodeB AiDevice_ExternalUnitFailure RBS3206 ASC/RU/FU COMMANDS RBS3206 ATM LAYER WHEN RBS CONNECT TO RXI Carriers & Channels in nodeB Cell ID Check Feeder Current Check LNA Transistors in ASC Check PDR alarm In RNC Check VC12 is used or not Check VSWR CPU LOAD Disk Usage And HDisk Info DS0 BUNDLE Find RBS for this e1 Find RNC/RXI port to the RBS GCP Signalling & It's associated Physical Link HELP IMAGROUP Disabled E1/IMALINK are OK LOG - COMMAND, ALARM & EVENT LOG MGW Neighbour Relation NodeSynchTp ThresholdExceeded Alarm RAX Congestion RNC Module RET Not Calibrated - RBS3206 Sector Disabled No Alarm In NodeB Sector Disabled No Utrancell Alarm in RNC Sector RejectSignalFromHardware SOFTWARE ALLOC & WHICH BOARD IT's LOADED SS7 STDH TMADEVICE_AntennaSystemProblem TxDeviceGroup GeneralHwError RBS3206 UE REGISTER COUNT UNIX CMD UTRANC/RACH/FACH/PCH Disabled & EMAS/MOSHELL is OK
/ * Usef ul when unabl e t o Moshel l f r omCi t r i x. Remot e l ogi n t o mast er host ser ver , & r un f r omt her e */ UNI X_PROMPT> r l ogi n mashost s
/ * Fi nd number of user sessi on */ UNI X_PROMPT> f i nger
/ * Change Passwor d */ UNI X_PROMPT> passwd
/ * Tr ace r out e t o dest i nat i on I P */ UNI X_PROMPT> t r acer out e <node_I D or I P>
/ * Pr i nt I P/ DNS ent r y */ UNI X_PROMPT> i pconf i g - a
Use Command STR or STRT t o det er mi ne whi ch RNC modul e a si t e i s connect ed t o
RNC> st r RNC> st r t
RNC> l t ^ut r anc RNC> l get ut r ancel l ci d {l i st al l Ci d} RNC> l get ut r anc ci d <cel l _i d> {t o get si t e usi ng t hi s ci d} RNC> l get <ut r ancel l > ci d {t o get ci d of ut r ancel l }
RBS> l t r bsl ocal RBS> l get r bsl ocal cel l l ocal cel l
070603- 12: 49: 44 10. 230. 8. 13 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 18514 ======================================================================================= MO At t r i but e Val ue ======================================================================================= RbsLocal Cel l =S1C1 RbsLocal Cel l I d S1C1 RbsLocal Cel l =S1C1 l ocal Cel l I d 15754 RbsLocal Cel l =S3C1 RbsLocal Cel l I d S3C1 RbsLocal Cel l =S3C1 l ocal Cel l I d 15756 RbsLocal Cel l =S2C1 RbsLocal Cel l I d S2C1 RbsLocal Cel l =S2C1 l ocal Cel l I d 15755 =======================================================================================
Check Packet Dat a Rout er Al ar mi n RNC
3RJ 01> l t packet
Load Pr oxys f or MOs of f ol l owi ng t ype. . . =================================================================================== Packet Dat aRout er ===================================================================================
Pl ease Conf i r m[ y/ n] : y
Last MO: 2810. Loaded 10 MOs. Tot al : 2811 MOs. MO Cl ass: Packet Dat aRout er .
3RJ 01> l st packet
060923- 17: 24: 34 172. 30. 204. 32 6. 1zr RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 12668 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 2801 0 ( LOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=8, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 5b 2802 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=8, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 5a 2803 0 ( LOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=8, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 4b 2804 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=8, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 4a 2805 0 ( LOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 3b 2806 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 3a 2807 0 ( LOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 2b 2808 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 2a 2809 0 ( LOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 1b 2810 0 ( LOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 1a =================================================================================== Tot al : 10 MOs
3RJ 01> l t pdr
Load Pr oxys f or MOs of f ol l owi ng t ype. . . =================================================================================== Pdr Devi ce ===================================================================================
Pl ease Conf i r m[ y/ n] : y
Last MO: 2815. Loaded 5 MOs. Tot al : 2816 MOs. MO Cl ass: Pdr Devi ce.
3RJ 01> l st pdr
060923- 17: 25: 06 172. 30. 204. 32 6. 1zr RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 12668 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 2801 0 ( LOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=8, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 5b 2802 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=8, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 5a 2803 0 ( LOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=8, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 4b 2804 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=8, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 4a 2805 0 ( LOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 3b 2806 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 3a 2807 0 ( LOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 2b 2808 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 2a 2809 0 ( LOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 1b 2810 0 ( LOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 1a 2811 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =23, Pl ugI nUni t =1, SpbDevi c SpbDevi ceSet =1, Pdr Devi ce=1 2812 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =22, Pl ugI nUni t =1, SpbDevi c SpbDevi ceSet =1, Pdr Devi ce=1 2813 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =21, Pl ugI nUni t =1, SpbDevi c SpbDevi ceSet =1, Pdr Devi ce=1 2814 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =20, Pl ugI nUni t =1, SpbDevi c SpbDevi ceSet =1, Pdr Devi ce=1 2815 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =19, Pl ugI nUni t =1, SpbDevi c SpbDevi ceSet =1, Pdr Devi ce=1 =================================================================================== Tot al : 15 MOs
3RJ 01> get 2815
060923- 17: 37: 44 172. 30. 204. 32 6. 1zr RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 12668 ======================================================================================= 815 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =19, Pl ugI nUni t =1, SpbDevi ceGr oup=1, SpbDevi ceSet = ======================================================================================= Pdr Devi ceI d 1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 ( UNLOCKED) avai l abi l i t ySt at us 0 ( NO_STATUS) devi ceI ndI d PDRD- 1 oper at i onal St at e 1 ( ENABLED) r eser vedBy [ 2] = >>> r eser vedBy = RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 1b >>> r eser vedBy = RncFunct i on=1, RncModul e=1, Packet Dat aRout er =pdr 1a spmRef er ence Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =19, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Spu=1, Spm=1 usageSt at e 0 ( I DLE) user Label MS- 19- 1 ======================================================================================= Tot al : 1 MOs
RET Not Cal i br at ed Al ar mRBS3206
GNJ 039> al t
060923- 19: 45: 18 10. 230. 64. 241 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19709 Tr yi ng f i l e=/ home/ ehassha/ moshel l _l ogf i l es/ l ogs_moshel l / t empf i l es/ t mp19684_20060923- 193939/ i or 19684 Resol vi ng t he al ar mser vi ce i n OMS. . . Si mpl e Al ar mCl i ent i ni t i al i zed. . . St ar t i ng t o r et r i eve act i ve al ar ms Nr of act i ve al ar ms ar e: 2 ======================================================================================= Dat e & Ti me ( Local ) S Speci f i c Pr obl em Cause Mo- ======================================================================================= 2006- 09- 23 19: 45: 13 mRet Devi ce_Ret Not Cal i br at ed equi pment _mal f unct i on Sect or Ant enna=2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1, Ret Devi ceSet =1, Ret Devi ce=1 2006- 09- 23 19: 45: 14 M Ret Devi ce_Ti l t Fai l ur e equi pment _mal f unct i on Sect or Ant enna=2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1, Ret Devi ceSet =1, Ret Devi ce=1 >>> Tot al : 2 Al ar ms ( 0 Cr i t i cal , 1 Maj or )
GNJ 039> l t r et
Load Pr oxys f or MOs of f ol l owi ng t ype. . . =================================================================================== Ret Devi ce Ret Devi ceSet Ret uDevi ceGr oup Ret Pr of i l e ===================================================================================
Pl ease Conf i r m[ y/ n] : y
Last MO: 33. Loaded 3 MOs. Tot al : 34 MOs. MO Cl ass: Ret Devi ce. Last MO: 36. Loaded 3 MOs. Tot al : 37 MOs. MO Cl ass: Ret Devi ceSet . Last MO: 39. Loaded 3 MOs. Tot al : 37 MOs. MO Cl ass: Ret uDevi ceGr oup. Last MO: 55. Loaded 16 MOs. Tot al : 53 MOs. MO Cl ass: Ret Pr of i l e.
GNJ 039> l st r et
060923- 19: 46: 01 10. 230. 64. 241 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19709 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 31 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=3, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi Ret Devi ceSet =1, Ret Devi ce=1 32 0 ( DI SABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi Ret Devi ceSet =1, Ret Devi ce=1 33 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=1, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1, Ret Devi ceSet =1, Ret Devi ce=1 34 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=3, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1, Ret Devi ceSe 35 0 ( DI SABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1, Ret Devi ceSe 36 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=1, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1, Ret Devi ceSe 37 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=3, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1 38 0 ( DI SABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1 39 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=1, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1 =================================================================================== Tot al : 9 MOs
GNJ 039> act l r et
060923- 19: 46: 10 10. 230. 64. 241 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19709
======================================================================================= Pr oxy MO Act i on Nr of Par ams ======================================================================================= 31 Sect or Ant enna=3, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1, Ret Devi ceSet =1, Ret Devi ce=1 f or ceCal i br at i on 0 32 Sect or Ant enna=2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1, Ret Devi ceSet =1, Ret Devi ce=1 f or ceCal i br at i on 0 33 Sect or Ant enna=1, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1, Ret Devi ceSet =1, Ret Devi ce=1 f or ceCal i br at i on 0 37 Sect or Ant enna=3, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1 st ar t HwTest 38 Sect or Ant enna=2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1 st ar t HwTest 39 Sect or Ant enna=1, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1 st ar t HwTest
GNJ 039> act c 32 f or ceCal i br at i on
060923- 19: 46: 47 10. 230. 64. 241 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19709 Cal l Act i on f or cecal i br at i on on f ol l owi ng MOs ? =================================================================================== 32 Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1, Ret Devi ceSet =1, Ret =================================================================================== Ar e you Sur e [ y/ n] ? y
======================================================================================= Pr oxy MO Act i on Nr of Par ams ======================================================================================= 32 Sect or Ant enna=2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2, Ret uDevi ceGr oup=1, Ret Devi ceSet =1, Ret Devi ce=1 f or ceCal i br at i on 0 >>> Ret ur n val ue = nul l ======================================================================================= Tot al : 1 MOs at t empt ed, 1 MOs act i oned
Check VSWR
/ * Not e: VSWR < 1. 5 */
RBS 3206 GNJ 039> cabx 060923- 20: 14: 10 10. 230. 64. 241 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19709 . . . ======================================================================================= SMN APN BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV DATE SERI AL NR TEMP ======================================================================================= 0 1 CBU1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2209/ 1 R4B 20060306 TU88281839 +22 0 9 RAX ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2187/ 10 R1C 20060301 TU88252048 0 10 TX ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2240/ 1 R2A 20060303 TU88270614 0 11 TX6HS- 03 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2254/ 3 R3A 20060306 AE52619608 0 12 RUI F ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2245/ 2 R1A 20060219 AE52570192 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ================================================================ SMN Pr oduct Nr Rev Name Dat e Ser i al Nr ================================================================ 0 ROJ 605 116/ 1 R1A Subr ack 20040101 Baseband 0 ROJ 605 116/ 1 R1A BACKPLANE 20060217 TY11320068 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ======================================================================================= SMN APN PORT BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV DATE S ======================================================================================= 0 12 por t _0_dev_5 RU21 st eady 16hz of f KRC 118 16/ 2 R1A 20060127 0 12 por t _0_dev_5 FU12 ON 16Hz OFF KRC 118 17/ 1 R2C 20060226 0 12 por t _1_dev_11 ASC st eady 16hz of f KRY 112 42/ 3 R1F 20060316 0 12 por t _4_dev_6 RU21 st eady 16hz of f KRC 118 16/ 2 R1A 20060307 0 12 por t _4_dev_6 FU12 ON 16Hz OFF KRC 118 17/ 1 R2C 20060224 0 12 por t _5_dev_13 ASC st eady 16hz of f KRY 112 42/ 3 R1F 20060316 0 12 por t _8_dev_7 RU21 st eady 16hz of f KRC 118 16/ 2 R1A 20060307 0 12 por t _8_dev_7 FU12 ON 16Hz OFF KRC 118 17/ 1 R2C 20060222 0 12 por t _9_dev_15 ASC st eady 16hz of f KRY 112 42/ 3 R1F 20060316 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
GRY220> l hsh 001200/ por t _5_dev_14 asc vswr {check VSWR} Br anch: A, VSWR: 1. 12 ( f wdVol t age: 3. 21V r ef l Vol t age: 1. 91V f wdPower : 21. 76dBmr ef l Power : - 3. Br anch: B, VSWR: - 44. 48 ( f wdVol t age: 1. 44V r ef l Vol t age: 1. 44V f wdPower : - 13. 11dBmr ef l Power :
RBS 3202
GNJ xxx> l hsh AI U_SLOT/ por t _of _asc / * RBS3202 */
{not e: VSWR r eadi ng shoul d be l ess t han 1. 5} 060923- 20: 17: 33 10. 230. 64. 241 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19709 $ l hsh 001200/ por t _1_dev_11 asc vswr Br anch: A, VSWR: 1. 29 ( f wdVol t age: 3. 27V r ef l Vol t age: 2. 40V f wdPower : 28. 50dBmr ef l Power : 10. Br anch: B, VSWR: - 3. 46 ( f wdVol t age: 1. 42V r ef l Vol t age: 1. 57V f wdPower : - 8. 32dBmr ef l Power : - 3 $
GNJ 039> l hsh 001200/ por t _1_dev_11 asc l naer r
060923- 20: 17: 56 10. 230. 64. 241 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19709 $ l hsh 001200/ por t _1_dev_11 asc l naer r LNA t r ansi st or s br anch A OK LNA t r ansi st or s br anch B OK $
/ * Not e: f eeder cur r ent shoul d al most equal i n bot h br anches */ GRY220> cabx ======================================================================================= SMN APN BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV DATE SERI AL NR TEMP COREMGR ======================================================================================= 0 1 CBU1 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2209/ 1 R4B 20060803 TU89364175 +21 0 2 ET- MC1 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2163/ 1 R5B 20060722 TU89288159 0 8 RAX13 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2187/ 4 R1E 20060823 AE53239900 0 9 RAX13 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2187/ 4 R1E 20060823 AE53239938 0 10 TX ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2240/ 1 R2A 20050609 TU86368878 0 11 TX6HS- 03 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2254/ 5 R2C 20060721 AE53104061 0 12 RUI F ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2245/ 2 R2A 20060802 AE53149711
================================================================ SMN Pr oduct Nr Rev Name Dat e Ser i al Nr ================================================================ 0 ROJ 605 116/ 1 R1A Subr ack 20040101 Baseband 0 ROJ 605 116/ 1 R1B BACKPLANE 20060609 TY11427985
======================================================================================= SMN APN PORT BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV DATE ======================================================================================= 0 12 por t _0_dev_5 RU22 st eady 16hz of f KRC 118 18/ 1 R1C 20060719 A 0 12 por t _0_dev_5 FU12 ON 16Hz OFF KRC 118 17/ 1 R2D 20060814 T 0 12 por t _1_dev_12 ASC st eady 16hz of f KRY 112 42/ 3 R1D 20050719 T 0 12 por t _4_dev_6 RU22 st eady 16hz of f KRC 118 18/ 1 R1C 20060823 A 0 12 por t _4_dev_6 FU12 ON 16Hz OFF KRC 118 17/ 1 R2D 20060817 T 0 12 por t _5_dev_14 ASC st eady 16hz of f KRY 112 42/ 3 R1D 20050505 T 0 12 por t _8_dev_7 RU22 st eady 16hz of f KRC 118 18/ 1 R1C 20060823 A 0 12 por t _8_dev_7 FU12 ON 16Hz OFF KRC 118 17/ 1 R2D 20060817 T 0 12 por t _9_dev_16 ASC st eady 16hz of f KRY 112 42/ 3 R1D 20050505 T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
GRY220> l hsh 001200/ por t _4_dev_6 f ui get devst at {check f eeder cur r ent } Boar d: f uHw: Hw21P3, f aul t St at us: 0x0, t emp: 18. 0, sv: on, svTmaDegr ad: on, comp: on Dev1: mode: {ModeAuxAsc}, f eedVol t : hi ghPow capabi l i t y: {r esAnt Sv | t ma21Sv | ul Gai nConf | maxUl Gai n} svCt r l : 0x0500, f aul t St at us: 0x0400 t xFr eq: 0, sensi t i vi t y: 0, gai nUl : - 8. 3, vol t : 29139. 2, cur r : 7. 6, dCycl Dev2: mode: {ModeAuxAsc}, f eedVol t : hi ghPow capabi l i t y: {r esAnt Sv | t ma21Sv | ul Gai nConf | maxUl Gai n} svCt r l : 0x0500, f aul t St at us: 0x0000 t xFr eq: 0, sensi t i vi t y: 0, gai nUl : - 8. 3, vol t : 28864. 9, cur r : 324. 8, dCyc / * Feeder Br anch2 shor t - ci r cui t ed. Per f or mvi sual check of j umper & connect or . Do di st a f aul t and check f eeder VSWR r eadi ng */
Fi nd RNC/ RXI Por t t o t he RBS
RNC> l t ^ut r anc| i ub| et m| aal RNC> l cc <nodeB_l abel >
/ * Pr i nt ut r ancel l , r ach, f ach, pch, synch & nbap. Not e t hat bot h nBapC & nBapD become enab e1 i s l ooped */ RNC> l st <nodeB_l abel > {e. g GRY108} RNC> get <pr oxy_of _nBapC/ nBapD> {pr oxy no}
/ * Pr evi ous st ep yi el d t he nodeB I D f or use i n next st ep. Not e t hat aal 2, aal 5, & aal 0 t o an at mpor t , & t o physi cal e1. Cmd get <pr oxy_numb> wi l l show t he at mpor t . I f RXI i s as aal 2 swi t ch besi des RNC, t hen aal 2pat h i s def i ned i n RXI i nst ead of RNC, so r epeat c */ RNC> l st <nodeB_I D> {f or e. g b2000. See sampl e pr i nt out bel ow} 070510- 17: 01: 11 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 17059 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 10710 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1061a2 {aal 2 pat h} 10711 1 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1061a1 {aal 2 pat h} 12906 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1061qb {q. 2630. 1 si gnal l i ng} 12907 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1061qa {q. 2630. 1 si gnal l i ng} 12912 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1061db {nBap Dedi cat ed} 12913 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1061da {nBap Dedi cat ed} 12916 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1061cb {nBap Common} 12917 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1061ca {nBap Common} 13819 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1061sb1 {r bs synch} 13820 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1061sa1 {r bs synch} 14175 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b1061 {aal 2 si g poi nt } 16059 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1061qb {at madapt f or q. 2630. 1 si g 16060 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1061qa {at madapt f or q. 2630. 1 si g 16061 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1061db {at madapt f or nbapD si gnal 16062 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1061da {at madapt f or nbapD si gnal 16063 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1061cb {at madapt f or nBapC si gnal Comment [S1]: 1=Unlocked 0=Unlocked 16064 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1061ca {at madapt f or nBapC si gnal =================================================================================== Tot al : 17 MOs
/ * Fi nd t he at mpor t por t i d, e. g At mpor t =ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma49. */ RNC> get <pr oxy of 1 st / 2 nd aal 2pat h>
/ * one can easi l y l ocat e t he physi cal por t usi ng cmd l ko, t hough not necessar y si nce at named f or easy associ at i on wi t h physi cal connect i on, so J ump t o st ep_4 */ RNC> l ko at mpor t =w- x- y- z OR RNC> get at mpor t =w- x- y- z uses {yi el d t he same r esul t }
/ * I MAGROUP may cont ai n mor e t han 1 I MALI NK, hence mor e e1, so i t i s i mper at i ve t hese s per f or med si nce at mpor t l abel onl y t el l s about 1 physi cal connect i on */ St ep_1> l cc i magr oup=ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma49
/ * I mal i nk i s t i ed t o a physi cal connect i on. One I mal i nk f or each e1 */ St ep_2> l st i magr oup=ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma49 St ep_3> get <pr oxy_i magr oup>
/ * Next , Use t he ETM por t obt ai ned i n st ep_3. I f por t i s VC12, t hen pr oceed t o st ep_5. por t i s VC4( STM1) , t hen RBS i s connect ed t o an aggr egat or ( RXI , HUB_RBS, Or Tel l abs_Agg whi ch makes i t mor e compl i cat ed. Cl i ck l i nk bel ow t o see sampl e pr i nt out when a si t e i s t o Tel l ab_Aggr egat or .
Sampl e Pr i nt out
Pr i nt out bel ow i s obt ai ned when RXI or anot her HUB_RBS i s used as VC cr ossconenct t o co por t s f r omnodeB t o RNC. So per f or mst eps 4a- 4f . */
St ep_4a_RXI > l t at mcr ossconnect St ep_4b_RXI > l st at mcr ossconnect i on=<nodeB_I D> {e. g b1021, obt ai ned i n ear l i er st ep. S bel ow}
/ * Thi s pr i nt out i s t aken f r omRXI used as at maggr egat or */ 070513- 22: 59: 56 10. 10. 1. 25 7. 0 RESTRI CTED MOM- CELLO_4. 3. 2- 3_5_1 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 12314 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 124 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1061sb1 {node synch} 128 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1061sa1 {node synch} 208 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1061qb {q. aal 2 si g} 209 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1061qa {q. aal 2 si g} 222 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1061i b {Mub} 223 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1061i a {Mub} 234 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1061db {nbapD} 235 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1061da {nbapD} 239 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1061cb {nbapC} 240 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1061ca {nbapC} 253 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1061a1 {aal 2pat h} =================================================================================== Tot al : 11 Mos
/ * Thi s pr i nt out i s t aken f r omNodeB used as at maggr egat or */ GRY108> l st At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279 070611- 22: 40: 52 10. 230. 16. 45 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 28990 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 1363 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279sb1 {node synch} 1364 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279sa1 {node synch} 1400 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279qb {q. aal 2 si g} 1401 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279qa {q. aal 2 si g} Comment [S2]: HUB RBS Comment [S3]: ThenodeB_ID of nodeB connected to HUB_RBS GRY108 1411 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279i b {Mub} 1412 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279i a {Mub} 1459 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279db {nbapD} 1461 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279da {nbapD} 1462 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279cb {nbapC} 1463 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279ca {nbapC} 1464 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279a2 {aal 2pat h} 1465 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279a1 {aal 2pat h} =================================================================================== Tot al : 12 Mos
St ep_4c_RXI > get <any_pr oxy_f r om_above> 070514- 21: 59: 13 10. 10. 1. 25 7. 0 RESTRI CTED MOM- CELLO_4. 3. 2- 3_5_1 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 6084 ======================================================================================= 364 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1061ca ======================================================================================= At mCr ossConnect i onI d b1061ca oper at i onal St at e 1 ( ENABLED) user Label vcl TpAI d At mPor t =MS- 27- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc536 {ETM4 t o RNC} vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 8- 5, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc36 {E1 t o NodeB} =======================================================================================
St ep_4c_NodeB> get 1464 {f r omGRY108 pr i nt out above} 070611- 22: 41: 42 10. 230. 16. 45 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 28990 ======================================================================================= 1464 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1279a2 ======================================================================================= At mCr ossConnect i onI d b1279a2 oper at i onal St at e 1 ( ENABLED) user Label vcl TpAI d At mPor t =1- 20- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc240 {ETM4 t o RNC} vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 2- i ma1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc40 {E1 t o nodeB} =======================================================================================
St ep_4d_RXI > l t et m {f r omATMpor t l abel above} St ep_4e_RXI > l cc <subr ac=x, sl ot =y, pi u=z, . . . vc12t t p=a> St ep_4f _RXI > l st vc12t t p=a
St ep_5> l cc < Subr ack=X, Sl ot =Y, Pl ugI nUni t =Z> St ep_6> l st <vc12Tt p=XX> St ep_7> st <pr oxy f r omst ep_5> St ep_8> pget <pr oxy> {check e1 er r or }
End_of _pr ocedur e
Fi nd t he RBS f or t hi s e1
/ * When you see e1 al ar ms i n RNC/ RXI but don t know whi ch RBS i t connect s t o */ ======================================================================================= Dat e & Ti me ( Local ) S Speci f i c Pr obl em Cause Mo- ======================================================================================= 2007- 04- 21 14: 27: 46 M I MA Gr oup I nsuf f i ci ent Li nks l ocal _node_t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I maGr oup=ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma59 >>> Tot al : 5 Al ar ms ( 1 Cr i t i cal , 3 Maj or )
{I assume t hat when e1 i s used, i t cont ai ns an at mpor t . No at mpor t , means not used. . . . }
3RJ 01> l t al l 3RJ 01> l get aal vcl t pi d at mpor t =ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma59 070515- 23: 00: 09 172. 30. 204. 32 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 14286 ======================================================================================= MO At t r i but e Val ue ======================================================================================= Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b2194a2 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma59, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b2194a1 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma59, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Aal 5TpVccTp=b2194qb vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma59, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Aal 5TpVccTp=b2194qa vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma59, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Aal 5TpVccTp=b2194db vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma59, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Aal 5TpVccTp=b2194da vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma59, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Aal 5TpVccTp=b2194cb vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma59, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Aal 5TpVccTp=b2194ca vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma59, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Aal 0TpVccTp=b2194sb1 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma59, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Aal 0TpVccTp=b2194sa1 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma59, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl ======================================================================================= Tot al : 10 MOs
3RR01> l get At mCr ossConnect i on vcl t pbi d At mpor t =ES- 2- 24- 1 {pr i nt t he cr ossconnect , when cmd yi el d not hi ng. Pr i nt out bel ow i s f or di f f er ent nodeB wher e aal l ayer s ar e def i ned i onl y i magr oup & physi cal l ayer i s i n RXI }
RXI 106> l get At mCr ossConnect i on vcl t pbi d At mpor t =1- 10- i ma8 070606- 10: 38: 31 10. 10. 1. 17 7. 0 RESTRI CTED MOM- CELLO_4. 3. 2- 3_5_1 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 2123 ======================================================================================= MO At t r i but e Val ue ======================================================================================= At mCr ossConnect i on=b1042sb1 vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 10- i ma8, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl At mCr ossConnect i on=b1042sa1 vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 10- i ma8, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl At mCr ossConnect i on=b1042qb vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 10- i ma8, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl At mCr ossConnect i on=b1042qa vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 10- i ma8, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl At mCr ossConnect i on=b1042i b vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 10- i ma8, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl At mCr ossConnect i on=b1042i a vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 10- i ma8, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl At mCr ossConnect i on=b1042db vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 10- i ma8, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl At mCr ossConnect i on=b1042da vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 10- i ma8, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl At mCr ossConnect i on=b1042cb vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 10- i ma8, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl At mCr ossConnect i on=b1042ca vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 10- i ma8, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl At mCr ossConnect i on=b1042a2 vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 10- i ma8, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl At mCr ossConnect i on=b1042a1 vcl TpBI d At mPor t =1- 10- i ma8, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl ======================================================================================= Tot al : 12 MOs
AND 3RJ 01> l get i ubl i nk st andbyUni Saal TpRef Uni Saal Tp=b2194 070515- 23: 08: 19 172. 30. 204. 32 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 14286 ======================================================================================= MO At t r i but e Val ue ======================================================================================= I ubLi nk=I ub_GNJ 059, NbapDedi cat ed=1 st andbyUni Saal TpRef Uni Saal Tp=b I ubLi nk=I ub_GNJ 059, NbapCommon=1 st andbyUni Saal TpRef Uni Saal Tp=b =======================================================================================
Ut r ancel l / RACH/ FACH/ PCH di sabl ed but MOSHELL/ EMAS OK
Nor mal l y, you wi l l see t hi s: GRY401> l pr at m
061115- 15: 40: 04 10. 230. 16. 53 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_5 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 16717 =================================================================================== Pr oxy MO =================================================================================== 14 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =1- 1- i ma1 15 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or =C2P3900 16 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or =U4 17 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or =U42 18 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or =C1P5 19 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or =C1P4400 20 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or =U3P1000M80 21 I pSyst em=1, I p=1, I pAt mLi nk=2 22 I pSyst em=1, I p=1, I pAt mLi nk=1 =================================================================================== Tot al : 9 MOs
GRY401> l st at m
061115- 15: 40: 11 10. 230. 16. 53 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_5 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 16717 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 14 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =1- 1- i ma1 21 0 ( DI SABLED) I pSyst em=1, I p=1, I pAt mLi nk=2 22 1 ( ENABLED) I pSyst em=1, I p=1, I pAt mLi nk=1 =================================================================================== Tot al : 3 MOs
GRY274> l pr at m
061115- 15: 44: 26 10. 230. 0. 137 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_5 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 18504 =================================================================================== Pr oxy MO =================================================================================== 20 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =1- 1- i ma1 21 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or =U4 22 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or =C1P4400 23 I pSyst em=1, I p=1, I pAt mLi nk=2 24 I pSyst em=1, I p=1, I pAt mLi nk=1 =================================================================================== Tot al : 5 MOs
GRY274> l st at m
061115- 15: 49: 43 10. 230. 0. 137 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_5 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 18504 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 20 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =1- 1- i ma1 23 0 ( DI SABLED) I pSyst em=1, I p=1, I pAt mLi nk=2 24 1 ( ENABLED) I pSyst em=1, I p=1, I pAt mLi nk=1 =================================================================================== Tot al : 3 MOs
Make CV and r el oad wi t h t hat CV. Al ways make CV af t er i nst al l i ng new hwd such as ASC/ RE t hat hwd i s not yet conf i gur ed f or t he RBS
Car r i er & Channel s I n NodeB
> l t car r i er > l cc car r i er > l st
061116- 15: 50: 46 10. 230. 9. 61 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 28890 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 8 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =3, Car r i er =1 9 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1 10 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1 64 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Ssch=1 65 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Psch=1 66 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Pcpi ch=1 67 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Pccpch=1 68 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Pccpch=1, Bch=1 69 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Sccpch=1 70 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Sccpch=1, Pch=1 71 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Pi ch=1 72 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Sccpch=2 73 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Sccpch=2, Fach=1 74 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Sccpch=2, Fach=2 75 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, HsDschResour ces=1 76 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Pr ach=1 77 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Pr ach=1, Rach=1 78 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =2, Car r i er =1, Ai ch=1 80 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Ssch=1 81 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Psch=1 82 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Pcpi ch=1 83 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Pccpch=1 84 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Pccpch=1, Bch=1 85 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Sccpch=2 86 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Sccpch=2, Fach=1 87 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Sccpch=2, Fach=2 88 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Sccpch=1 89 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Sccpch=1, Pch=1 90 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Pi ch=1 91 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, HsDschResour ces=1 92 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Pr ach=1 93 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Pr ach=1, Rach=1 94 1 ( ENABLED) NodeBFunct i on=1, Sect or =1, Car r i er =1, Ai ch=1
3RJ 01> uer egpr i nt sum
061118- 22: 29: 34 172. 30. 204. 32 6. 1zr RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 2604 Tr yi ng passwor d f r omi pdat abase f i l e: / home/ ehassha/ moshel l / . / si t ef i l es/ i pdat abase. . . $ uer egpr i nt sum 527 UEs r egi st er ed.
OR. .
3RJ 01> uer egpr i nt al l
061118- 22: 30: 46 172. 30. 204. 32 6. 1zr RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 2604 $ uer egpr i nt al l r ncModul eI d ueCt xt i msi r nt i sRnc sRnt i 0 24 420012500115043 16408 0 117 16501 0 179 420012500112181 16563 0 281 420012500240483 16665 0 291 420013500274189 16675
TxDevi ceGr oup_Gener al HwEr r or
GNJ 011> al t Nr of act i ve al ar ms ar e: 1 ======================================================================================= Dat e & Ti me ( Local ) S Speci f i c Pr obl em Cause Mo- ======================================================================================= 2007- 05- 29 12: 34: 55 M Tr Devi ceSet _Gener al HwEr r or equi pment _mal f unct i on RbsSubr ack=RU1, RbsSl ot =4, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1, RuDevi ceGr oup=1, Tr Devi ceSet =1 >>> Tot al : 1 Al ar ms ( 0 Cr i t i cal , 1 Maj or )
GNJ 011> l t pl ug GNJ 011> l st pl ug GNJ 011> act c <pr oxy> r est ar t {pr oxy f r ompr ev st ep}
061119- 18: 38: 35 10. 230. 65. 105 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_5 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 16368 Cal l Act i on r est ar t on f ol l owi ng MOs ? =================================================================================== 5 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =10, Pl ugI nUni t =1 =================================================================================== Ar e you Sur e [ y/ n] ? y ======================================================================================= Pr oxy MO Act i on Nr of Par ams ======================================================================================= 5 Subr ack=1, Sl ot =10, Pl ugI nUni t =1 r est ar t 2 Par amet er 1 of 2, r est ar t Rank ( enumRef - Rest ar t Rank) : Ent er one of t he f ol l owi ng i nt eger s: 0: RESTART_WARM, 1: RESTART_REFRESH, 2: RESTART_CO Par amet er 2 of 2, r est ar t Cause ( enumRef - Rest ar t Cause) : Ent er one of t he f ol l owi ng i nt eger s: 2: pi uRest ar t Upgr ade, 1: pi uRest ar t Er r or : 1 >>> Ret ur n val ue = nul l ======================================================================================= Tot al : 1 MOs at t empt ed, 1 MOs act i oned
Ai Devi ce Ext er nal Uni t Fai l ur e
/ * Pr i nt Al ar m*/ GRY533> al t ======================================================================================= Dat e & Ti me ( Local ) S Speci f i c Pr obl em Cause Mo- ======================================================================================= 2007- 05- 16 13: 34: 34 M Ai Devi ce_Ext er nal Uni t Fai l ur e equi pment _mal f unct i on RbsSubr ack=FU1, RbsSl ot =6, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1, FuDevi ceGr oup=1, Ai Devi ceSet =1, Ai Devi ce=2
/ * I s sect or t aki ng t r af f i c?, i f yes mar k f aul t as l ow pr i or i t y. El se I f sect or i s di sa bl ock t he sect or i n RNC, war mr est ar t nodeB & debl ock sect or af t er per f or mi ng t he f ol l o st eps*/ RBS>l t r adi o RBS>get r adi o
/ * Li st pl ug- i n- uni t */ GRY533> l t pl ug GRY533> l st 070516- 16: 44: 29 10. 230. 17. 49 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 20556 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 1 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =9, Pl ugI nUni t =1 2 0 ( LOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =8, Pl ugI nUni t =1 3 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =1, Pl ugI nUni t =1 4 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =12, Pl ugI nUni t =1 5 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =11, Pl ugI nUni t =1 6 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =10, Pl ugI nUni t =1 7 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2 8 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=3, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2 9 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=3, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 10 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2 11 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 12 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=1, AuxPl ugI nUni t =2 13 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Sect or Ant enna=1, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 14 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, RbsSubr ack=RU1, RbsSl ot =6, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 15 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, RbsSubr ack=RU1, RbsSl ot =4, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 16 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, RbsSubr ack=RU1, RbsSl ot =2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 17 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, RbsSubr ack=FU1, RbsSl ot =6, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 18 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, RbsSubr ack=FU1, RbsSl ot =4, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 19 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, RbsSubr ack=FU1, RbsSl ot =2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 =================================================================================== RBS> l cc RbsSubr ack=FU1, RbsSl ot =6, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 {l oad MO f or ant enna br anch} RBS> l st pl ug {al t hough not shown her e, nor mal l ar e enabl ed, j ust pr oceed wi t h next st ep}
GRY533> act l 8 {l i st act i ons on t hi s MO} GRY533> act c 8 r est ar t AuxUni t {r est ar t RET} GRY533> act l 17 {i f al mr emai n, l i st act i ons on FU} GRY533> act c 17 r est ar t AuxUni t {r est ar t FU} GRY533> act l 14 {i f al mr emai n, l i st act i ons on RU} GRY533> act c 14 r est ar t AuxUni t {r est ar t RU} / * Al ar mr emai n? Check j umper , f eeder , RET & RET cabl e. End of Pr ocedur e */
/ * As i n pr evi ous case, r est ar t FU, t hen RU. I f al ar mr emai n, do t he f ol l owi ng */
/ * Per f or mVSWR Check. Al so check f eeder cur r ent f or shor t - ci r cui t . f eeder cur r ent shou equal i n bot h br anches. Per f or mvi sual check of j umper & connect or . Do di st ance- t o- f aul check f eeder VSWR r eadi ng. End Of Pr ocedur e */
Sect or _Rej ect Si gnal Fr omHar dwar e
The ASC uni t , super vi sed and cont r ol l ed by t he Sect or MO, i ssued t he al ar m. The al ar mi f aul t i n t he uni t ment i oned above. The oper at i onal st at e of t he cel l i s not af f ect ed by f aul t . Rest ar t ASC, i f al ar mr eappear s r est ar t FU, t hen RU, t hen per f or mhwd t est on ASC r esul t s show no f aul t t hen r est ar t RBS, el se r epl ace ASC
Aet _i wor xDr vAt m_pr oc_i wor xat m
Moshell into affected RXI, and key in command lhsh XX XX XX te log read XX XX XX Affected ET-MC41 board in RXI
If alarm Aet_iworxDrvAtm_proc iworxatm.Loopbacktimeout (5s) this indicates ET-MC41 board has hang & restart of board need to be performed.
Mor e i nf o
Check CPU Load
/ * Check CPU Load i n Mai n GPB boar d */ GRY021> capi t ot
061209- 21: 31: 06 10. 230. 0. 129 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19120 $ capi t ot
CPU l oad r epor t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I nt egr at i on i nt er val : 100000 mi cr oseconds Load ( %) 2
/ * Check Pr oc l oad i n al l CPU based boar d */ GRY021> cabl
061209- 21: 31: 28 10. 230. 0. 129 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19120 put / home/ ehassha/ moshel l _l ogf i l es/ l ogs_moshel l / t empf i l es/ t mp19095_20061209- 211058/ l hCm / c/ t mp/ l hCmd19095 . . . OK . . . . . . . . . . ======================================================================================= SMN APN BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV DATE SERI AL N COREMGR ======================================================================================= 0 1 SCB2 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2108/ 3 R3D 20040924 TU84614650 0 2 ET- M1 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2101/ 3 R1B 20040929 TU846768 0 4 TUB ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2104/ 4 R3B 20041126 TU851332 0 5 TUB ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2104/ 4 R3B 20041126 TU851332 0 8 RAX ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2187/ 1 R4F 20040910 TU844607 0 17 TX ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2124/ 3 R1S 20040831 TU843455 0 20 GPB31 ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2106/ 31 R1H 20040917 TU845456 Act i ve* 0 0 SCB2 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2108/ 3 R3D 20040924 TU846173 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 SCB2 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2108/ 3 R3D 20040924 TU84617408 1 2 RFI F ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2115/ 4 R1G 20040921 TU845822 1 4 TRX ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2164/ 1 R3F 20041018 AE513633 1 6 AI U ON 16HZ OFF KRY1011854/ 5 R1F 04w40 TR413331 1 7 TRX ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2164/ 1 R3F 20041019 AE513657 1 9 AI U ON 16HZ OFF KRY1011854/ 5 R1F 00W01 TR416905 1 10 TRX ON 16HZ OFF ROJ 119 2164/ 1 R3F 20041018 AE513634 1 12 AI U ON 16HZ OFF KRY1011854/ 5 R1F 04W40 TR416906 1 0 SCB2 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2108/ 3 R3D 20040924 TU846174 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ======================================================================================= SMN APN BOARD LOAD CAPI TOT ======================================================================================= 0 1 SCB2 1. 8 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 0 2 ET- M1 1. 7 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 0 4 TUB 0. 7 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 5 TUB 0. 8 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 8 RAX 4. 0 10 3 4 1 2 3 3 6 3 5 0 17 TX 6. 1 20 2 7 2 10 1 3 5 5 6 0 20 GPB31 9. 9 12 5 6 18 4 17 5 14 7 11 0 0 SCB2 1. 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 SCB2 1. 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 RFI F 7. 7 7 7 7 7 11 7 10 7 7 7 1 4 TRX 3. 7 4 3 3 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 1 6 AI U 1. 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 TRX 3. 5 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 5 3 4 1 9 AI U 1. 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 10 TRX 3. 7 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 1 12 AI U 1. 4 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 SCB2 1. 5 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/ * Pr i nt CPU l oad r epor t */ GRY021> capi pr i o 061209- 21: 31: 49 10. 230. 0. 129 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19120 $ capi pr i o
CPU l oad r epor t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I nt egr at i on i nt er val : 100000 mi cr oseconds
061209- 21: 32: 19 10. 230. 0. 129 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19120 $ vol s vol ume t ot al used f r ee f r w devi ce uni t / 0K 0K 100% 0K 100%FR- / nul l 0K 0K 100% 0K 100%FRW / d 195M 163M 83% 32M 16%FRWi dedd 0 <4- 399999> / c 415M 359M 86% 55M 13%FRWmi r r or dd 0 <400000- 1250927> / j 415M 359M 86% 55M 13%FRW/ c 0 <400000- 1250927>
GRY021> hdi nf o 061209- 21: 32: 59 10. 230. 0. 129 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19120 $ hdi nf o
Har d Di sk par amet er s: Si ze i n MB: 640 Sect or si ze: 512 No of cyl . : 1241 No of heads: 16 Sect or s/ Tr ack: 63 No of sect or s: 1250928 HD PI O mode: 1 Model : TOSHI BA THNAT640MBAI Ser i al number : STAB46M04009C31460E1 Fi r mwar e r ev: 2. 20
/ * ASC Commands */ <command> <ar gument s> Descr i pt i on - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hel p Thi s t ext . asc sel f t est ASC sel f t est asc vswr measur e vswr bot h br anches asc r l measur e r et ur n l oss bot h br anches asc pow measur e TX out put power bot h br anches asc i nt pow measur e i nt er nal vol t age st at us asc ext pow measur e ext er nal ( RET) vol t age asc l nat emp measur e LNA boar d t emper at ur e asc dpbt emp measur e Devi ce Per i pher al Boar d ( AUM) t emper at ur e asc l naer r set <[ s| b| n] t r ansi st or s> <[ a| b] br anch>si mul at e LNA t r ansi st or f aul t , si ngl e no t r ansi st or , br anch [ a| b] asc l naer r r ead cur r ent LNA t r ansi st or er r or f au asc hwer r set 0| 1 Gener al HWer r or SBCI r eset / set [ 0| 1] det ect ed at sel f / st ar t up t est ) asc pset _dpb <excLow><nor mLow><nor mHi gh><excHi gh> set TMAU_TEMP_LI MI TS ( DP Boar d) t emp. par amet er s asc pset _l na <excLow><nor mLow><nor mHi gh><excHi gh> set TMA_LNA_TEMP_LI MI TS ( LNA Boar d) t par amet er s asc pset _ext <mi nVol t age> <maxVol t age> set TMAU_EXT_POW_LI MI T ( mi n and max s vol t age par amet er s asc gai ncal <i ndex> <val ue br A> <val ue br B> set RAM gai n cal i br at i on dat a ( 0- 255) posi t i on <i ndex 0- 12>
/ * FU/ RU Commands */ ======================================================================================= SMN APN PORT BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV SERI AL NR ======================================================================================= 0 12 por t _0_dev_5 RU21 st eady 16hz of f KRC 118 16/ 2 R1A 20060131 0 12 por t _0_dev_5 FU ON 16Hz OFF KRC 118 17/ 1 R2B 20060123 0 12 por t _1_dev_11 ASC st eady 16hz of f KRY 112 42/ 3 R1F 20060126 0 12 por t _4_dev_6 RU21 st eady 16hz of f KRC 118 16/ 2 R1A 20060131 0 12 por t _4_dev_6 FU ON 16Hz OFF KRC 118 17/ 1 R2B 20060123 0 12 por t _5_dev_13 ASC st eady 16hz of f KRY 112 42/ 3 R1F 20060312 0 12 por t _8_dev_7 RU21 st eady 16hz of f KRC 118 16/ 2 R1A 20060131 0 12 por t _8_dev_7 FU ON 16Hz OFF KRC 118 17/ 1 R2B 20060123 0 12 por t _9_dev_15 ASC st eady 16hz of f KRY 112 42/ 3 R1F 20060125
/ * l i st t he commands f or RU/ FU f aul t management */ GRY070> l hsh 001200/ por t _8_dev_7 "f m"
061212- 10: 41: 46 10. 230. 9. 61 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 2192 $ l hsh 001200/ por t _8_dev_7 " f m" Usage: {col l ect | r est or e| f cease| dt i me| mask| get mask| unmask| get f aul t s}
/ * Check RU/ FU f aul t s */ GRY070> l hsh 001200/ por t _8_dev_7 f mget f aul t s
061212- 10: 24: 07 10. 230. 9. 61 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 2192 $ l hsh 001200/ por t _8_dev_7 f mget f aul t s No r ai sed f aul t was f ound
/ * l i st t he commands f or Access t o t he FU Hwd */ GRY070> l hsh 001200/ por t _8_dev_7 "f ui " "get "
061212- 11: 41: 47 10. 230. 9. 61 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 2192 $ l hsh 001200/ por t _8_dev_7 " f ui " "get " Usage: get {{cur r <devI d> <nof val ues>} | {vol t <devI d> <nof val ues>} | vswr | t emp | f devst at | adcpar | {ee dat a} | {ee pi d} | {ee i mage}}
/ * Check FU & Ant enna Syst em*/ GRY070> l hsh 001200/ por t _8_dev_7 f ui get f aul t s
061212- 11: 42: 22 10. 230. 9. 61 6. 1zr RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_3 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 2192 $ l hsh 001200/ por t _8_dev_7 f ui get f aul t s
Boar d: dat abase : ok i 2c : ok hi ghPow : ok
Dev1: l na : ok ant : ok ext Aux : ok vswr : ok pl l : ok t maLna : ok
Dev2: l na : ok ant : ok ext Aux : ok vswr : ok pl l : ok t maLna : ok
GRY070> l gasmi 2h / * Pr i nt al ar ml og f or pr evi ous 2hour s max30hr s */ GRY070> l gaev 2h / * Pr i nt event l og f or pr evi ous 2hour s max30hr s */ Cel l o> l go / * Li st COMMAND Log */ Cel l o> l gh / * Hw I nvent or y Log */ Cel l o> l gs / * Syst emLog r est ar t CMD et c */ Cel l o> l gv / * Avai l abi l i t y l og */ Cel l o> l l og / * Rest ar t l og */ Cel l o> l h al l l l og / * Rest ar t l og on al l boar ds & aux uni t s */ OR Cel l o> al l l l og / * Si mi l ar out put as pr evi ous cmd */ Cel l o> l gd / * Pr i nt Downt i me dur at i on due t o r est ar t or upgr ade */ Cel l o> l gu / * Upgr ade l og */
GRY070> l + / * st ar t l oggi ng t o f i l e */ GRY070> l - / * end l oggi ng t o f i l e */
RNC> l t r oot / * Cl ear pr oxy */ RNC> l t swa / * l oad SwAl l ocat i on */ RNC> l pr / * l i st pr oxy s */ RNC> get <pr oxy> / * get pr oxy of r equi r ed sw */
3GJ 01> l t aal 5 3GJ 01> l st aal 5
Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 19 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3MJ 1_6 20 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3MJ 1_5 21 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3MJ 1_4 22 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3MJ 1_3 23 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3MJ 1_2 24 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3MJ 1_1 25 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3GJ 2_2 26 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3GJ 2_1 =================================================================================== Tot al : 26 MOs
3GJ 01> l get 19 20 21 22 23 24 vcl t pi d
MO At t r i but e Val ue ======================================================================================= Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3MJ 1_6 vcl TpI d At mPor t =2051, Vpl Tp=2, VpcTp=1, Vc Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3MJ 1_5 vcl TpI d At mPor t =2051, Vpl Tp=2, VpcTp=1, Vc Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3MJ 1_4 vcl TpI d At mPor t =2051, Vpl Tp=2, VpcTp=1, Vc Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3MJ 1_3 vcl TpI d At mPor t =2041, Vpl Tp=2, VpcTp=1, Vc Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3MJ 1_2 vcl TpI d At mPor t =2041, Vpl Tp=2, VpcTp=1, Vc Aal 5TpVccTp=Aal 5Tp_3MJ 1_1 vcl TpI d At mPor t =2041, Vpl Tp=2, VpcTp=1, Vc ================ Tot al : 6 MOs
3GJ 01> l st at mpor t =2051| at mpor t =2041
Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 621 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =2051 623 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =2041
3GJ 01> l get 621 623 user l abel
MO At t r i but e Val ue ======================================================================================= At mPor t =2051 user Label At mPor t 2051 f or ETM4 Subr ack 2 S At mPor t =2041 user Label At mPor t 2041 f or ETM4 Subr ack 2 S
RXI 106> l st b26079
070122- 01: 01: 46 10. 10. 1. 17 7. 0 RESTRI CTED MOM- CELLO_4. 3. 2- 3_5_1 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 28197 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 91 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b26079a2 92 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b26079a1 134 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b26079qb 135 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b26079qa 224 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b26079 266 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b26079qb 267 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b26079qa ===================================================================================
RXI 106> get 92 vcl t pi d ======================================================================================= MO At t r i but e Val ue ======================================================================================= Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b26079a1 vcl TpI d At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl ====================================================================================
/ * at mcr ossconnect means t hi s Vc t er mi nat es i n pr ocessor i nsi de RNC Bear i n mi nd aal 5 must t er mi nat e i n boar d pr ocessor */ RXI 106> l get At mPor t =1- 8- 3 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d| r eser vedBy
070122- 01: 48: 09 10. 10. 1. 17 7. 0 RESTRI CTED MOM- CELLO_4. 3. 2- 3_5_1 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 28197 ======================================================================================= MO At t r i but e Val ue ======================================================================================= At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc45 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc45 r eser vedBy Aal 5TpVccTp=b26079qb
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc44 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc44 r eser vedBy At mCr ossConnect i on=b2
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc43 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc43 r eser vedBy At mCr ossConnect i on=b2
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc42 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc42 r eser vedBy At mCr ossConnect i on=b2
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc41 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc41 r eser vedBy At mCr ossConnect i on=b2
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc40 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc40 r eser vedBy Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b26079a
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc39 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc39 r eser vedBy Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b26079a
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc38 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc38 r eser vedBy Aal 5TpVccTp=b26079qa
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc37 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc37 r eser vedBy At mCr ossConnect i on=b2
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc36 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc36 r eser vedBy At mCr ossConnect i on=b2
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc35 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc35 r eser vedBy At mCr ossConnect i on=b2
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc34 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc34 r eser vedBy At mCr ossConnect i on=b2
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc33 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc33 r eser vedBy At mCr ossConnect i on=b2
At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc32 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or = At mPor t =1- 8- 3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc32 r eser vedBy At mCr ossConnect i on=b2
/ * check di sabl ed MTP3BSRS */ 3GR1> l t mt p3bsr s oper at i onal st at e==0 3GR1> l get mt p3bsr s dest poi nt code
/ * Fi nd out whi ch Si gRout e Uses t he Li nkSet */ CELLO> l t mt p3bsl s CELLO> l get mt p3bl s r eser vedBy
/ * Fi nd out physi cal por t used by Li nkSet Assumi ng al l aal 5 pr oper l y l abel l ed Wi l l l i st aal 5 f or nodeBs i f execut ed i n RNC*/ CELLO> l t aal CELLO> l get aal 5t pvcct p user l abel | vcl t pi d OR: 3RR01> l st mt p3bsl 070617- 01: 07: 04 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 17598 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 11 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=qcs 12 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=p2s 13 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=p1s 14 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=g2s 15 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=c2s 16 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=c1s 23 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=qcs, Mt p3bSl 24 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=qcs, Mt p3bSl 26 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=qcs, Mt p3bSl 30 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=p1s, Mt p3bSl 38 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=c1s, Mt p3bSl
3RR01> l ko 24 070617- 01: 08: 46 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 17598 =================================================================================== MOs l i nked t o 24 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=qcs, Mt p3bSl I t u=g1s2a ( - , D) =================================================================================== t pI d Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=qcs, Mt p3bSl I t u=g1s2a - - - > ( - , D) Nni Saal aal 5TpVccTpI d Nni Saal Tp=g1s2a - - - > ( - , D) Aal 5TpV nni Saal Pr of i l eI d Nni Saal Tp=g1s2a - - - > ( - , - ) Nni Saal Pr of i l e=wi n250 pr ocessor I d Aal 5TpVccTp=g1s2a - - - > ( U, E) Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =8, Pl u vcl TpI d Aal 5TpVccTp=g1s2a - - - > ( - , D) At mPor t =MS- 6- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, V at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or I d At mPor t =MS- 6- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc37 - - - > ( - , - ) At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or =U3P4500M3000
mt p3bSr sI d Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=qcs - - - > ( - , E) Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSr s=qcs r eser vedBy Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSl s=qcs - - - > ( - , E) Mt p3bSpI t u=1, Mt p3bSr s=r 103s, Mt p3 ===================================================================================
Check VC12 i s used or not
RNC> l t aal 2pat hvcct pi d oper at i onal st at e==0 RNC> l st aal 2 070212- 19: 51: 06 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 9982 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 4 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1071a2 5 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1071a1 =================================================================================== RNC> l get aal 2 vcl t pi d 070212- 20: 03: 55 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 9982 ======================================================================================= MO At t r i but e Val ue ======================================================================================= Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1071a2 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vc Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1071a1 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma3, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vc ======================================================================================= RNC> l t i magr oup RNC> get i magr oup=ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma3 physi cal Por t Li st
RNC/ RXI > l t et mc41| i magr oup RNC/ RXI > l cc <subr ack=x, sl ot =y, pi u=z. . > RNC/ RXI > l st <subr ack=x, sl ot =y, pi u=z. . >/ <vcl t t p=x of t he e1 af f ect ed>
/ * af t er bl ock/ debl ock e1 t o */ RNC/ RXI > l cc i magr oup=<a- b- c- d> RNC/ RXI > l st i magt oup=<a- b- c- d>
{check i f I MAGROUP DI SABLED, i f yes escal at e. Cl i ck l i nk bel ow t o see sampl e act i vi t y f pr obl em} ETM Boar d Rest ar t , Del et e & Recr eat e Si t e
/ * DS0 i s ckt emul at i on f or TDM based appl i cat i on. Used f or car r yi ng TDM based speech o si gnal l i ng. Each DS0 Bundl e may consi st of 1 up t o 32 64K TSLOTS. Not e t her e wi l l be no associ at ed wi t h t hi s physi cal i nt er f ace */
MGW> l t ds0 MGW> l st ds0 MGW> get <pi ck_a_pr oxy>
/ * The Reser vedBy at t r i but e i ndi cat es i t s usage */
3GR2> get 119 ======================================================================================= Equi pment =1, Subr ack=2, Sl ot =25, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc1=1, E1PhysPat hTer m=3, Ds0Bundl e=4 ======================================================================================= Ds0Bundl eI d 4 avai l abi l i t ySt at us 0 ( NO_STATUS) l i st Of Ti meSl ot s i [ 1] = 2 oper at i onal St at e 1 ( ENABLED) r eser vedBy [ 1] = >>> r eser vedBy = Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p2TpI t u=4 / * nar r owband si gnal l i ng */ t dmMode t r ue user Label DS0_STG9_22523- 6 / * STG=si gnal l i ng xf er Gr oup */ =======================================================================================
3GR2> get 184 ======================================================================================= Equi pment =1, Subr ack=2, Sl ot =21, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc41=1, Os155Spi Tt p=ATM- 21- 1, Vc4Tt p=1, Vc12Tt p=11, E1Tt p=1, Ds0Bundl e=ATM- 21- 1- 11 ======================================================================================= Ds0Bundl eI d ATM- 21- 1- 11 avai l abi l i t ySt at us 0 ( NO_STATUS) l i st Of Ti meSl ot s i [ 31] = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 oper at i onal St at e 1 ( ENABLED) r eser vedBy [ 1] = >>> r eser vedBy = MgwAppl i cat i on=1, TdmTer mGr p=11 / * 64K based ckt swi t ched */ t dmMode t r ue user Label DS0_TSR1_221111_363- 2337 / * Huawei 2G MSC */ =======================================================================================
/ * Cal l est abl i shment er r or i n RNC, sect or down & no al ar mi n nodeB */ NodeB> t e l og r ead eFr oI d=403243010, devi ceGl obal I d=2306. [ 2007- 05- 15 18: 12: 16. 876] eqcDevNoAl l ocDevPr oxyCR1 . . / sr c/ EqcNehDbccDevPr oxyC. cpp: 165 I NFO: / / TX: 0: 11: : / / DBCC Devi ce Set up successf ul : dbccDevi ceFr oI d=402718721, devi ceGl oba [ 2007- 05- 15 18: 12: 16. 880] eqcDevNoAl l ocDevPr oxyCR1 . . / sr c/ EqcNehDbccDevPr oxyC. cpp: 165 I NFO: / / TX: 0: 10: : / / DBCC Devi ce Set up successf ul : dbccDevi ceFr oI d=402915329, devi ceGl oba [ 2007- 05- 15 18: 12: 19. 100] eqcEf hFhEncC[ 91] . . / sr c/ EqcEf hAi Devi ceFhEncC. cpp: 1121 I NFO: ABN: Equi pment f aul t : / FU: 0: 12: 0: 2/ , gl obal i d: EQC_EFH_FRO_TYPE_AI - 1, auxPower SvFa f aul t Type: AI _FAULT_TYPE_ANTENNA_FEEDER_CURRENT_TOO_HI GH, f aul t TypeI d: 420, f aul t Recove AI _RECOVERY_ACTI ON_NO_SUGGESTED_ACTI ON, f aul t Descr i pt i on: Not suppl i ed {Not e t hat FU: 0: 12: 0: 2 r ef er t o 001200 sl ot =2 whi ch i s sect or A RBS3206. Repor t ed by Fi l ( FU) si nce f eeder i s super vi sed by FU}
/ * Check f eeder cur r ent */
/ * Rest ar t RU. Thi s act i on wi l l r est ar t bot h RU & FU */ GRY249> act c 15 r est ar t AuxUni t Cal l Act i on r est ar t auxuni t on f ol l owi ng MOs ? =================================================================================== 15 Equi pment =1, RbsSubr ack=RU1, RbsSl ot =2, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 ===================================================================================
/ * Check i f f aul t cl ear , ot her wi se war mr est ar t RBS */ GRY249> acc 0 r est ar t =================================================================================== 0 ManagedEl ement =1 =================================================================================== Par amet er 1 of 1, r est ar t Rank ( enumRef - Rest ar t Rank) : Ent er one of t he f ol l owi ng i nt eger s: 0: RESTART_WARM, 1: RESTART_REFRESH, 2: RESTART_CO >>> Ret ur n val ue = nul l
GRY044> al t Nr of act i ve al ar ms ar e: 1 ======================================================================================= Dat e & Ti me ( Local ) S Speci f i c Pr obl em Cause Mo- ======================================================================================= 2007- 05- 14 13: 03: 03 M TmaDevi ce_Ant ennaSyst emPr obl em ant enna_pr obl em Sect or Ant enna=3, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1, AscDevi ceGr oup=1, TmaDevi ceSet =1, TmaDevi ce=1
/ * Check i f sect or t aki ng t r af f i c. I f sect or t aki ng t r af f i c f aul t i s l ow pr i or i t y */ RBS>l t r adi o RBS>get r adi o
/ * Rest ar t ASC, FU, t hen RU */ GRY044> act c <pr oxy> r est ar t AuxUni t {Repeat CMD f or each uni t }
/ * I f al ar mr emai n, VSWR > 1. 5? Send f i el d supp*/
/ * Check Feeder cur r ent , shor t ckt ? I f yes send f i el d supp t o i nvest i gat e */
/ * Check TMA, i f f aul t y r epl ace ASC */ GRY044> l hsh 001200/ por t _9_dev_15 asc l naer r {check TMA} LNA t r ansi st or s br anch A OK LNA t r ansi st or s br anch B OK
/ * End Of Pr ocedur e */
/ * l i st al l l ocked/ di sabl ed MTP3B */ MGW> l t mt p3b oper at i onal st at e==0 OR admi ni st r at i vest at e==0 MGW> l get mt p3b user l abel
/ * l i st al l l ocked/ di sabl ed ETM */ MGW> l t c et moper at i onal st at e==0 OR admi ni st r at i vest at e==0 {Load Pr oxys f or MOs and al subsequent chi l dr en usi ng t he at t r i but e Fi l t er speci f i ed} MGW> l st et m
/ * l i st al l l ocked/ di sabl ed Pl ugI nUni t */ 3GR2> l t c pl ug oper at i onal st at e==0 OR admi ni st r at i vest at e==0 3GR2> l st pl ug
/ * Check MGWappl i cat i on & f an Uni t */ MGW> l t mgw MGW> l st mgw =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 81 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) MgwAppl i cat i on=1, Vmgw=1 82 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) MgwAppl i cat i on=1, Vmgw=2 83 1 ( ENABLED) MgwAppl i cat i on=1 84 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=6, MgwFan=GMSE2 85 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=5, MgwFan=GMSE1 86 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=3, MgwFan=MSE1 87 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=2, MgwFan=ATM 88 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, MgwFan=Mai n ===================================================================================
/ * Check TDM based t er mgr oup */ MGW> l t t dm MGW> l st t dm =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 89 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) MgwAppl i cat i on=1, TdmTer mGr p=97 90 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) MgwAppl i cat i on=1, TdmTer mGr p=95 91 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) MgwAppl i cat i on=1, TdmTer mGr p=94 92 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) MgwAppl i cat i on=1, TdmTer mGr p=93 93 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) MgwAppl i cat i on=1, TdmTer mGr p=92 94 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) MgwAppl i cat i on=1, TdmTer mGr p=91 95 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) MgwAppl i cat i on=1, TdmTer mGr p=90 96 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) MgwAppl i cat i on=1, TdmTer mGr p=89
/ * Check bl ock/ di sabl ed TDM t er mgr p & i n whi ch et mboar d */ MGW> l t t dmoper at i onal st at e==0 OR admi ni st r at i vest at e==0 MGW> l get t dmds0Bundl eMoRef 070517- 17: 06: 07 172. 24. 12. 205 7. 0 RESTRI CTED MGW_NODE_MODEL_R3_17_0 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 20170 ======================================================================================= MO At t r i but e Val ue ======================================================================================= TdmTer mGr p=97 ds0Bundl eMoRef Subr ack=3, Sl ot =23, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc41=1, Os155Spi Tt p=MSE1- 1, Vc4Tt p=1, Vc12Tt p=28, E1Tt p=1, Ds0Bundl e=MSE1- 23- 1- 28
/ * Check Si gnal l i ngRout eSet ( SRS) . MO SRS has an at t r i but e cal l ed dest poi nt code. SRS has t wo chi l d obj ect s cal l ed si gnal l i ngRout e. The same par ent - chi l d r el at i on appl i es t o Si gnal l i ngLi nkSet & Si gnal l i ng l i nks*/ 3GJ 1> l t mt p3bsr s 3GJ 1> l get mt p3bsr s dest poi nt code 1170 {assumi ng DPC i s known, f i nd t he SRS l abel } 070609- 19: 24: 18 172. 30. 204. 31 7. 0 RESTRI CTED MGW_NODE_MODEL_R3_17_0 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 22375 ======================================================================================= MO At t r i but e Val ue ======================================================================================= Mt p3bSpI t u=MGWNI 2, Mt p3bSr s=2- 1170 dest Poi nt Code 1170 =======================================================================================
3GJ 1> pr Mt p3bSr s=2- 1170 {and not e t he pr oxy I D} 3GJ 1> l cc <pr oxy_I D> 3GJ 1> l st Mt p3bSr s=2- 1170 {or l st <pr oxy_I D>}
070609- 19: 25: 32 172. 30. 204. 31 7. 0 RESTRI CTED MGW_NODE_MODEL_R3_17_0 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 22375 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 142 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=MGWNI 2, Mt p3bSr s=2- 1170 206 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=MGWNI 2, Mt p3bSr s=2- 1170 207 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Mt p3bSpI t u=MGWNI 2, Mt p3bSr s=2- 1170 ===================================================================================
/ * You f ound sect or i n di sabl ed st at e f r omout put of st r CMD. No ut r ancel l al ar mi n RNC al ar mi n RBS */ GRY533> al t ======================================================================================= Dat e & Ti me ( Local ) S Speci f i c Pr obl em Cause Mo- ======================================================================================= 2007- 05- 23 19: 32: 08 M Ai Devi ce_Ext er nal Uni t Fai l ur e equi pment _mal f unct i on RbsSubr ack=FU1, RbsSl ot =6, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1, FuDevi ceGr oup=1, Ai Devi ceSet =1, Ai Devi ce=2 >>> Tot al : 1 Al ar ms ( 0 Cr i t i cal , 1 Maj or )
/ * Rest ar t FU */ GRY533> act l 17 070524- 00: 45: 42 10. 230. 17. 49 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 20638 ======================================================================================= Pr oxy MO Act i on Nr of Par ams ======================================================================================= 17 RbsSubr ack=FU1, RbsSl ot =6, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 r econf i gur ePr ogr amPr epar e 0 17 RbsSubr ack=FU1, RbsSl ot =6, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 r est ar t AuxUni t 0 ======================================================================================= GRY533> act c 17 r est ar t AuxUni t 070524- 00: 45: 51 10. 230. 17. 49 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 20638 Cal l Act i on r est ar t auxuni t on f ol l owi ng MOs ? =================================================================================== 17 Equi pment =1, RbsSubr ack=FU1, RbsSl ot =6, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 =================================================================================== Ar e you Sur e [ y/ n] ? y ======================================================================================= Pr oxy MO Act i on Nr of Par ams ======================================================================================= 17 RbsSubr ack=FU1, RbsSl ot =6, AuxPl ugI nUni t =1 r est ar t AuxUni t 0 >>> Ret ur n val ue = nul l
/ * Rest ar t RU i f f aul t r emai n */ GRY533> act c 14 r est ar t AuxUni t
/ * al mcl ear ed af t er RU r est ar t but sect or r emai n down. Check VSWR, l naer r , & f eeder cur shoul d al most equal bot h br anches. I f al l OK, r est ar t nodeB */
/ * War mRest ar t nodeB, sect or up, End- Of - Pr ocedur e*/
RNC> l t gsmr el at i on| ut r anr el at i on 3RR02> pr ut r anr el at i on=GRY781 {pr i nt pr oxy of UTRAN r el at i on} 070527- 22: 01: 30 172. 24. 12. 208 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 9214 =================================================================================== Pr oxy MO =================================================================================== 5125 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY382A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781B 5126 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY382A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781C 5605 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781A_GRY490A 5606 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781A_GRY490B 5607 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781A_GRY490C 5608 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781A_GRY762B 5609 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781A_GRY763A 5610 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781A_GRY781B 5611 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781A_GRY781C 5612 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781A_GRY840A 5613 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781A_GRY840C 5614 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781A_GRY841A 5615 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781A_GRY942A 5616 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY781A_GRY299A
3RR02> pr gsmr el at i on=GRY781 {pr i nt pr oxy of GSM r el at i on} 070527- 22: 02: 14 172. 24. 12. 208 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 9214 =================================================================================== Pr oxy MO =================================================================================== 3247 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, GsmRel at i on=GRY781A_URI 948A 3248 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, GsmRel at i on=GRY781A_URY049B 3249 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, GsmRel at i on=GRY781A_URY781A 3250 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, GsmRel at i on=GRY781A_ZRY049C 3251 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, GsmRel at i on=GRY781A_ZRY299B 3252 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781A, GsmRel at i on=GRY781A_ZRY781A 3253 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781B, GsmRel at i on=GRY781B_URY246B 3254 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781B, GsmRel at i on=GRY781B_URY793C 3255 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781B, GsmRel at i on=GRY781B_ZRI 948C 3256 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781B, GsmRel at i on=GRY781B_ZRI 982A 3257 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781B, GsmRel at i on=GRY781B_ZRY246A 3258 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781B, GsmRel at i on=GRY781B_ZRY246B 3259 RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY781B, GsmRel at i on=GRY781B_ZRY246C
/ * I f al ar mi s r epor t ed f or 1 nodeB, most l i kel y i t i s a har dwar e f aul t i n t he nodeB. O i n nodeB, r i ght - cl i ck CBU & per f or mTU Swi t ch, act i on wi l l f ai l anyway b coz onl y 1 TU avai l abl e. Check i f al ar mcl ear ed, el se send t ech t o check CBU */
3RJ 01> al t ======================================================================================= Dat e & Ti me ( Local ) S Speci f i c Pr obl em Cause Mo- ======================================================================================= 2007- 06- 01 19: 35: 10 M NodeSynchTp_Thr eshol d_Exceeded t hr eshol d_cr ossed I ubLi nk=I ub_GNJ 307, NodeSynchTp=1 >>> Tot al : 6 Al ar ms ( 1 Cr i t i cal , 3 Maj or )
3RJ 01> l st gnj 307 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 5935 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GNJ 307, NodeSynchTp=2 5936 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GNJ 307, NodeSynchTp=1 =================================================================================== Tot al : 20 Mos
3RJ 01> get 5935 5936 ======================================================================================= 5935 RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GNJ 307, NodeSynchTp=2 ======================================================================================= NodeSynchTpI d 2 aal 0TpRef s [ 1] = >>> aal 0TpRef s = Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b2068sb1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 ( UNLOCKED) avai l abi l i t ySt at us 0 ( NO_STATUS) nodeSynchRef I ubLi nk=I ub_GNJ 307, NodeSynch=1 oper at i onal St at e 1 ( ENABLED) t i mDevi ceRef Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =5, Pl ugI nUni t =1, TuDevi ceGr oup=1, Ti mDevi ceSet =1, Ti mDevi ce=1 user Label 2 ======================================================================================= 5936 RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GNJ 307, NodeSynchTp=1 ============================================================================== NodeSynchTpI d 1 aal 0TpRef s [ 1] = >>> aal 0TpRef s = Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b2068sa1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 ( UNLOCKED) avai l abi l i t ySt at us 64 ( DEGRADED) nodeSynchRef I ubLi nk=I ub_GNJ 307, NodeSynch=1 oper at i onal St at e 1 ( ENABLED) t i mDevi ceRef Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1, TuDevi ceGr oup=1, Ti mDevi ceSet =1, Ti mDevi ce=1 user Label
I MA Node B Troubleshooting Guide
1. NSC Ops to verify node b is an IMA/HSDPA site via list in shared folder. 2. If node b is IMA enabled/HSDPA, trouble ticket to be indicated of this and informed to RANO. 3. Upon 1.5hrs of outage, trouble ticket MUST be escalated to EOT NSS Utran Support team. 4. EOT NSS Utran Support to be informed that this node b is IMA/HSDPA enabled. 5. RANO & EOT NSS Utran Support to be informed that within 3hrs of outage, CSR MUST be created. 6. NSC Ops has to ensure that RANO and E/// Field Support personnels can only leave site once site is up & operational (regardless of software level P3/P4).
Alarm Troubleshooting Steps
1. E1 status of node b to be checked via steps in moshell as below :
Example : ET-14-22 connected to RXIKPNG02) RXIKPNG02> lst ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22 060721-17:19:44 6.1zt CPP_MOM_MOM-CPP_4.3.3-1_0 stopfile=/tmp/25696 =================================================================================== Proxy Adm State Op. State MO =================================================================================== 5633 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22 5634 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22,ImaLink=3 5635 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22,ImaLink=2 5636 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22,ImaLink=1 =================================================================================== Total: 4 MOs
2. Group E1 & individual E1s connected to site is checked & verified for operational status 3. If individual E1 is in DISABLE status, routine transmission check is performed.
Alarm as below would be detected at RXI :
(Example : ET-14-22 connected to RXIKPNG02) Loss of Cell Delineation on IMA Link @ local_node_transmission_error @ ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22,ImaLink=1 Loss of Cell Delineation on IMA Link @ local_node_transmission_error @ ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22,ImaLink=2 Loss of Cell Delineation on IMA Link @ local_node_transmission_error @ ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22,ImaLink=3
REMARK - Highlighted in yellow is the E1 for node b. Check for operational status enable/disable.
4. If Group E1 is in DISABLE status, below steps are taken to verify the affected ET-MC41 board in respective RXI for operational status.
Alarm as below would be detected at RXI :
(Example : ET-14-22 connected to RXIKPNG02) IMA Group Insufficient Links @ local_node_transmission_error @ ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22 IMA Group Insufficient Links at Far End @ remote_node_transmission_error @ ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22
RXIKPNG02> lst ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22 060721-17:19:44 6.1zt CPP_MOM_MOM-CPP_4.3.3-1_0 stopfile=/tmp/25696 =================================================================================== Proxy Adm State Op. State MO =================================================================================== 5633 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22 5634 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22,ImaLink=3 5635 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22,ImaLink=2 5636 1 (ENABLED) TransportNetwork=1,ImaGroup=MS-14-ima22,ImaLink=1 =================================================================================== Total: 4 MOs
REMARK - Highlighted in yellow is the Group E1 for node b. Check for operational status enable/disable.
ELS Recommendation
Moshell into affected RXI, and key in command lhsh XX XX XX te log read XX XX XX Affected ET-MC41 board in RXI
If alarm Aet_iworxDrvAtm_proc iworxatm.Loopbacktimeout (5s) this indicates ET-MC41 board has hang & restart of board need to be performed.
SHELL UTI LI TY COMMANDS UNI X_PROMPT> . / mobat ch Usage: mobat ch. pl [ opt i ons] <si t ef i l e> <command( s) >| <commandf i l e>| <commanddi r > [ l ogdi r ect or y]
Pur pose: To send moshel l commands t o sever al nodes i n par al l el .
Ar gument s: - The f i r st ar gument i s t he si t ef i l e, cont ai ni ng I P/ DNS addr esses and/ or si t e names whose I P addr ess ar e def i ned i n t he I P dat abase. See exampl e of si t ef i l e i n: moshel l / exampl es/ si t ef i l es/ . See exampl e of i pdat abase i n: moshel l / exampl es/ i pdat abase/
- The second ar gument i s t he commmand or commandf i l e. See exampl e of commands bel ow. See exampl e of commandf i l e i n moshel l / exampl es/ mobat ch_cmdf i l es. I f a di r ect or y i s gi ven, t hen a di f f er ent commandf i l e wi l l be used f or each node: t he name of each commandf i l e shoul d be <node- name>. cmd or <node- name>. mos. t he <node- name> shoul d be t he same as gi ven i n t he si t ef i l e. exampl e: node- name i s r bs602 ==> commandf i l e shoul d be r bs602. cmd or r bs602. mos
- The t hi r d ar gument ( l ogdi r ect or y) i s opt i onal . I f no l ogdi r ect or y i s speci f i ed, a def aul t one wi l l be used. Opt i ons: - t <mi nut es> Speci f y t he number of mi nut es bef or e t i mi ng out . Set t o 0 f or no t i meout ( def aul t =20) . - p <pr ocesses> Speci f y t he maxi mumnumber of moshel l sessi ons t hat wi l l r un i n par al l el ( def aul t =10) - v <user Var i abl es> Speci f y moshel l user var i abl es. Type " moshel l " on i t s own f or mor e i nf o about t hi s opt i on.
Exampl es: mobat ch - p 15 - t 60 ~/ si t ef i l es/ vi ct or i a- si t es ' l t al l ; get ' mobat ch . / si t ef i l es/ al l - r bs. t xt . / cmdf i l es/ do_heal t hCheck. mos mobat ch - p 5 - t 1 . / si t ef i l es/ al l - r bs. t xt ' cv cu ; r bs' mobat ch . / si t ef i l es/ al l - r nc. t xt ' l t ^ut r ancel l ; st cel l ' mobat ch . / si t ef i l es/ al l - bsc. t xt ~/ bsc- commandf i l es/ mobat ch - v secur i t y_met hod=2, sa_cr edent i al =~/ sam. pbe, sa_passwor d=oemas - p 20 . / al l _mgw. t xt ' hc' mobat ch - v i p_dat abase=~/ ut r an_net wor k/ i pdat abase ~/ ut r an_net wor k/ i pdat abase ' l t al l ; get '
UNI X_PROMPT> . / r ncaudi t *************** Command Synt ax: *************** r ncaudi t <Opt i ons> <Ar gument >
******** Opt i ons: ******** - a <changeAl l _f i l e> Wher e <changeAl l _f i l e> i s a Ranos Change_Al l scr i pt . - b <basel i ne_f i l e> Wher e <basel i ne_f i l e> i s a par amet er l i st der i ved f r omWi nnow dat abase.
See exampl e i n moshel l / exampl es/ audi t _f i l es/ basel i ne. t xt
Thi s f i l e can be di r ect l y expor t ed f r omt he f ol l owi ng excel document s: n/ 19059- HSD10102/ m, wher e: n=3 f or RNC m=3 f or P3 n=4 f or RBS m=4 f or P4 n=5 f or RXI m=5 f or P5
To compar e agai nst a change al l scr i pt , conver t t he change_al l scr i pt t o basel i ne f or mat usi ng t he " mocmd" ut i l i t y.
- c <cdr _f i l e> Wher e <cdr _f i l e> i s a f i l e cont ai ni ng cel l dat a ( Ut r anCel l , Fach, Rach, Pch) . See exampl e i n moshel l / exampl es/ audi t _f i l es/ CDR_cel l dat a. t xt
- r <ut r anr el at i on_f i l e>. Wher e <ut r anr el at i on_f i l e> i s a f i l e cont ai ni ng a l i st of al l ut r anr el at i ons. See exampl e i n moshel l / exampl es/ audi t _f i l es/ CDR_ut r anr el at i ons. t xt
- u <uer c_f i l e> Wher e <uer c_f i l e> i s a f i l e cont ai ni ng " SET" commands f or uer c dat a ( del i ver ed by RAN PU) . See exampl e i n moshel l / exampl es/ audi t _f i l es/ UeRc_CXC1326348_R8D02. mo
- i Consi st ency check of i nt er nal ut r anr el at i ons, i e, t hat t hey ar e goi ng bot h ways and t hat al l ut r anr el at i ons appear i n t he " r eser vedBy" l i st of t he Ut r anCel l s t hey ar e poi nt i ng t o.
- e Consi st ency check of ext er nal ut r anr el at i ons, i e, t hat t hey ar e goi ng bot h ways and t hat t he Ext er nal Ut r anCel l at t r i but es mat ch t he Ut r anCel l at t r i but es t hey ar e r ef er r i ng t o. Thi s opt i on onl y wor ks when t he l ogdi r ect or y cont ai ni ng al l RNC dumps i s gi ven as ar gument .
- s Check f or dupl i cat ed Scr ambl i ng Codes i n Cel l nei ghbour l i st s. Checks f i r st t i er , second t i er and t hi r d t i er col l i si ons.
- o <out put di r > Speci f i es t he out put di r ect or y t hat wi l l be used ( i f none i s speci f i ed t hen a def aul t wi l l be used) .
Not e1: Opt i ons "- i " and " - e" shoul d not be r un bef or e t he nodes' dat a ar e consi st ent wi t h t he CDR f i l e and Ut r anRel at i on f i l e. Thi s means t hat opt i ons "- c" and "- r " shoul d be r un f i r st , necessar y par amet er cor r ect i ons shoul d be appl i ed t o t he nodes, new modumps shoul d be t aken f r omt he nodes, and t he check can be r un usi ng opt i ons " - i " , " - e" . The " - s" opt i on shoul d onl y be r un once al l ot her checks have been done and cor r ect i ons made. Mor e i nf or mat i on i n document moshel l / exampl es/ audi t _f i l es/ Audi t _pr ocedur e_A1. doc
Not e2: By copyi ng col umns 1, 2 and 4 f r omt he r esul t f i l e i nt o a t ext f i l e and r unni ng i t t hr ough t he ut i l i t y " mocmd" ( l ocat ed i n moshel l di r ect or y) , i t i s possi bl e t o gener at e a cor r ect i ve scr i pt t o be r un wi t h moshel l / monode or mobat ch.
Not e3: When r unni ng " - b" si mul t aneousl y wi t h "- a" and/ or " - u" , a message i s pr i nt ed i f some at t r i but es ar e checked bot h i n t he basel i ne and one of t he ot her f i l es. The val ue speci f i ed i n basel i ne t akes pr ecedence.
********* Ar gument : ********* - di r ect or y cont ai ni ng t he modumps
- modump f i l e Modumps shoul d be t aken wi t h mobat ch or monode, usi ng command: moshel l <i p_addr ess> ' l t c r ncf unct i on; get ' ( f or dumpi ng one node)
OR: mobat ch <r nc_si t ef i l e> ' l t c r ncf unct i on; get ' ( f or dumpi ng sever al nodes i n par al l el )
******** Exampl e: ******** >> r ncaudi t - b . / exampl es/ audi t _f i l es/ basel i ne. t xt \ - c . / exampl es/ audi t _f i l es/ CDR_cel l dat a. t xt \ - r . / exampl es/ audi t _f i l es/ CDR_ut r anr el at i ons. t xt \ - u . / exampl es/ audi t _f i l es/ UeRc_CXC1326348_R8D02. mo \ . / l ogf i l es/ l ogs_mobat ch/ 030630- 1830_al l Rnc/
Make al l r equi r ed cor r ect i ons on t he nodes, t ake new modumps, t hen: >> r ncaudi t - i e . / l ogf i l es/ l ogs_mobat ch/ 030705- 1810_al l Rnc/
0- I nst al l at i on, secur i t y, and user set t i ngs 1- Revi si on Hi st or y 2- Tut or i al 3- Command synt ax, r egul ar expr essi ons 4- Command descr i pt i ons 5- Lazy 6- Scr i pt i ng 7- Ut i l i t i es 8- Ser ver Mai nt enance 9- Of f l i ne Mode Ent er sect i on number : 4 {Thi s l i ne cont ai n Bookmar k, do not del et e}
- ! / l <uni x command> - <ose command> [ | <uni x command>] ( t ype " h ose" f or i nf o) - acc/ l acc - acl / l acl - al [ at k] - al i as/ unal i as - b - bl [ s] / l bl [ s] - bo[ r ] / ba[ s] / baw[ s] / bad/ br / br w/ br d/ bp - cab[ sl xr adgt ] - col - conf [ bl d] - cr - ct r l - z ; t ouch / t mp/ xxxx; f g ( abor t MO command, t ype "h ct r l - z" f or i nf o) - cvl s/ cvmk/ cvms/ cvset / cvr m/ cvcu - cvl s1 - d2i p - deb/ l deb - del / l del - di f f / l di f f - edi t - emom - f acc/ l f acc - f cl ean[ f | f f | d| e] - f get / l f get - f l t / f l t c - f r o/ l f r o[ m] - f set / l f set - f t get [ c] / f t put [ c] - f t r ee - get / l get - get mom - gs/ gsg - h2d/ d2h - hc - hget [ c] / l hget [ c] - hi [ <commandFi l t er >] , ! <commandNr > - hpget [ c] / l hpget [ c] - ht get - i nv[ hr ] - i p2d - kget / l kget - l +[ m] [ m] [ s] [ o] / l - / l ? - l c[ 1- 9] / l cc - l d - l g[ <opt i ons>] - l h - l k/ l l k - l ki - l ko/ l l ko - l mi d[ c] - l t / l t c[ 1- 9] - ma/ l ma - mom[ t c] / pmom[ c] / l mom[ c] - mon+/ mon- / mon?/ mon - mp - mr / l mr - nol oad[ +/ - ] - p/ w/ pw/ b - par semom - pbl - pcr [ cf d] - pdeb - pdel - pget / l pget - pget s[ n] - pgu[ c] [ f ] - pme[ f d] [ cgu] - pmr [ ag] - pmx[ hf dn] - pol [ s] - pr / l pr - pr i nt - pr od - pr ox - pset [ d] - pst - pv/ pr i nt var s - q/ by/ exi t / qui t - r del / l r del - r e[ i ] - r emod[ u] [ 2] - r et ur n - r set / l r set - r un - set [ m] / l set [ m] - sget / l sget - sql +/ sql - / sql ? - st / l st - st c[ r ] - st d - st r - t g[ r ] [ c] [ d] - t r un[ i ] - u+[ s] / u- / u? - uer - ul - uv/ user var s - wai t Type: h <command> t o vi ew command descr i pt i on. E. g: h pget
#################################################################################### Tut or i al #################################################################################### ################################ 2. 1- MO concept ################################ ( r ef er ence: 11/ 1551- CSX10109 O&M syst empr i nci pl es i n a cel l o node)
**************************************** | O&M Cl i ent | | ( eg: EMAS/ OE/ RANOS/ moshel l , et c. ) | **************************************** | | **************************************** | CS, PM, AL, NS, I S, LS Ser vi ce Layer | **************************************** | | **********| ****************************** * +++++++ * * | | * * | MAO | Management Adapt i on Layer * * | | * MO- - > * | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * | FRO | * * | | Resour ce Layer * * | RO | * * | | * * +++++++ * *****************************************
The O&M cl i ent can access t he MOs t hr ough a number of ser vi ces: * Conf i gur at i on Ser vi ce ( CS) : t o r ead and change conf i gur at i on dat a. Conf i gur at i on dat a i s st or ed i n t he MO at t r i but es. * Per f or mance Measur ement ( PM) : t o set up st at i st i cs scanner s or event f i l t er s. The st at i st i cs count er s ar e st or ed i n MO pm- at t r i but es and out put t o an XML f i l e ever y 15 mi nut es. The event s ar e out put i nt o bi nar y f i l es ever y 15 mi nut es. * Al ar mSer vi ce ( AS) : t o r et r i eve t he l i st of al ar ms cur r ent l y act i ve on each MO. * Not i f i cat i on Ser vi ce ( NS) : t o subscr i be and r ecei ve not i f i cat i ons f r om t he node, i nf or mi ng about par amet er / al ar mchanges i n t he MOs. * I nvent or y Ser vi ce ( I S) : t o get a l i st of al l HWand SWdef i ned i n t he node. * Log Ser vi ce ( LS) : t o save a l og of cer t ai n event s such as changes i n t he conf i gur at i on, al ar ms r ai si ng and ceasi ng, node/ boar d r est ar t s, j vmevent s, O&M secur i t y event s, et c
The MO i s a way of model l i ng r esour ces i n a Cel l o node. I t consi st s of : 1) a Management Adapt i on Layer whi ch i s i mpl ement ed i n j ava, i n t he MP r unni ng t he j vm( t he O&M MP) . The pur pose of t he MAO ( Management Adapt at i on Obj ect ) i s t o i nt er f ace t owar ds t he var i ous O&M ser vi ces descr i bed above. 2) a Resour ce Layer consi st i ng of Facade Resour ce Obj ect ( FRO) and a Resour ce Obj ect ( RO) whi ch ar e i mpl ement ed i n C and r un on t he var i ous boar ds. The RO i s t he act ual r esour ce model i sed by t he MO. The pur pose of t he FRO i s t o act as an i nt er f ace bet ween t he MAO and t he RO, by handl i ng t he conf i gur at i on t r ansact i ons and st or i ng conf i gur at i on dat a f or t he RO.
################################ 2. 2- O&M ser vi ces and pr ot ocol s ################################
OSE- shel l Fi l e- Ser vi ce MO- Ser vi ces | | | | | | | | | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | ssh/ t el net | f t p/ ht t p | i i op( cor ba) | | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | TCP/ I P | | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RS232 | Et her net / I PoATM | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The MO ser vi ces descr i bed above ( CS, AS, PM, I S, NS) ar e car r i ed by t he I I OP pr ot ocol ( I nt er net I nt er - ORB Pr ot ocol ) , al so cal l ed CORBA ( Common Obj ect Request Br oker Ar chi t ect ur e) . At st ar t up, t he node gener at es i t s I OR ( I nt er oper abl e Obj ect Ref er ence) and st or es i t i n a " namer oot . i or " f i l e whi ch can be used by t he O&M cl i ent t o access t he node. The I OR f i l e cont ai ns t he node' s I P addr ess and some speci f i cat i ons as t o how t he cl i ent s can send r equest s t o t he node.
The OSE- shel l ( al so cal l ed COLI ) can be accessed t hr ough t el net / ssh or l ocal l y, t hr ough t he ser i al por t ( RS232) . I t gi ves di r ect access t o t he oper at i ng syst em, t he f i l e syst em, and par t s of t he FRO/ RO l ayer . OSE shel l commands ar e descr i bed i n t he document 1553- CXA 104 203.
################################ 2. 3- MO t r ee ################################ a- LDN: The MOs ar e or gani sed i n a hi er ar chi cal st r uct ur e. Each MO i nst ance i s uni quel y i dent i f i ed i n t he node by i t s Local Di st i ngui shed Name ( LDN) . The hi ghest MO i n a node ( "r oot MO") i s t he ManagedEl ement , whi ch i s an MO r epr esent i ng t he whol e node. Ther e i s onl y one i nst ance of t he ManagedEl ement MO i n t he node and i t i s r ef er enced by t he LDN: " ManagedEl ement =1" . The st r i ng at t he l ef t of t he equal si gn i s cal l ed t he MO cl ass ( or MO t ype) and t he st r i ng at t he r i ght of t he equal si gn i s cal l ed t he MO i dent i t y. I n t he case of t he r oot MO, t he MO cl ass i s "ManagedEl ement " and t he i dent i t y i s " 1" . I f an MO i s l ocat ed f ur t her down i n t he MO t r ee, t he LDN must cont ai n t he MO cl asses and i dent i t i es of al l t he par ent s of t hat MO, i n a sequence goi ng f r omt he r oot MO down t o t he MO i n quest i on. See exampl e bel ow: ManagedEl ement =1 ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1 ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =19 ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =19, Pl ugI nUni t =1
ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =19, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=DbmFpgaLoader Fr omt hi s exampl e, we can see t hat t he ManagedEl ement has a chi l d cal l ed " Equi pment =1" whi ch has a chi l d cal l ed "Subr ack=MS" ( r epr esent i ng t he mai n subr ack of t he node) , whi ch has a chi l d cal l ed "Sl ot =19" ( r epr esent i ng t he sl ot i n posi t i on 19) , whi ch has a chi l d cal l ed " Pl ugI nUni t =1" ( r epr esent i ng t he boar d l ocat ed i n t hat sl ot ) , whi ch has a chi l d cal l ed " Pr ogr am=DbmFpgaLoader " ( r epr esent i ng one of t he pr ogr ams l oaded i n t hat boar d) . The LDN of t he l owest MO ( t he one cal l ed "Pr ogr am=DbmFpgaLoader ") cont ai ns t he addr ess of al l successi ve par ent s of t hat MO al l t he way up t o t he ManagedEl ement .
b- RDN: The st r i ng l ocat ed at t he f ar r i ght of an LDN, j ust af t er t he l ast comma, i s cal l ed a Rel at i ve Di st i ngui shed Name ( RDN) . I t i s a uni que way of addr essi ng an MO i nst ance i n r el at i on t o i t s cl osest par ent . Thi s means t hat t her e i s onl y one MO i nst ance wi t h t he RDN " Pr ogr am=DbmFpgaLoader " under t he par ent MO " ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =19, Pl ugI nUni t =1". However , t her e coul d be anot her MO i nst ance wi t h t he same RDN under a di f f er ent par ent MO. For i nst ance, t her e coul d be an MO i nst ance wi t h t he RDN " Pr ogr am=DbmFpgaLoader " under t he par ent MO "ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =23, Pl ugI nUni t =1" . Ther ef or e t he RDN i s a r el at i ve way of addr essi ng an MO i nst ance.
c- FDN: When a node i s connect ed t o a Net wor k Management Syst emsuch as OSS, t her e i s a need t o uni quel y addr ess each MO wi t hi n t he whol e net wor k. The Ful l Di st i ngui shed Name ( FDN) adds a net wor k el ement pr ef i x i n f r ont of t he LDN of each MO i nst ance i n or der t o speci f y whi ch node t hi s MO bel ongs t o. See t he f i gur e bel ow, summi ng up t he FDN/ LDN/ RDN concept :
LDN ( Local Di st i ngui shed Name) <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > MoCl ass I dent i t y <- - - - - > <- - - > RDN ( Rel at i ve Di st i ngui shed Name) <- - - - - - - - - - > Net wor k=H3GA, Ut r an=Rnc1, MeCont ext =Rbs03, ManagedEl ement =1 RDN <- - - - - - - - > Net wor k=H3GA, Ut r an=Rnc1, MeCont ext =Rbs03, ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1 RDN <- - - - - - - - > Net wor k=H3GA, Ut r an=Rnc1, MeCont ext =Rbs03, ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS
RDN Net wor k=H3GA, Ut r an=Rnc1, MeCont ext =Rbs03, ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =19 <- - - - - - - - >
RDN Net wor k=H3GA, Ut r an=Rnc1, MeCont ext =Rbs03, ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =19, Pl ugI nUni t =1 <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
Net wor k=H3GA, Ut r an=Rnc1, MeCont ext =Rbs03, ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =19, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=DbmFpgaLoader
################################ 2. 4- MOM - Managed Obj ect Model ################################ Each MO cl ass cont ai ns a number of at t r i but es whi ch ar e used t o st or e conf i gur at i on dat a or per f or mance measur ement dat a. Each MO cl ass can al so suppor t a number of def i ned act i ons whi ch wi l l cause t he MO t o per f or mcer t ai n oper at i ons: a t ypi cal exampl e i s t he act i on "r est ar t " whi ch wi l l cause t he MO t o r est ar t t he r esour ce i t i s r esponsi bl e f or ( a boar d, a pr ogr am, et c. ) . The Managed Obj ect Model ( MOM) i s a r ef er ence document descr i bi ng al l t he MO Cl asses t hat can exi st i n a node, t oget her wi t h t hei r at t r i but es and act i ons. The f or mat of t he MOM can be UML, XML, HTML, or MS- Wor d. The XML ver si on of t he MOM i s usual l y st or ed on t he web ser ver of t he node at t he addr ess ht t p: / / <i paddr ess>/ cel l o/ oe/ xml / <f i l ename>. xml The MOMs f or each SWr el ease ar e al so st or ed i n HTML f or mat on a number of web si t es: - Cel l o MOMs: ht t p: / / t echdev. uab. er i csson. se/ ~er aakpa/ - RNC MOMs: ht t p: / / wr n. er i csson. se/ ~emogr oup/ mom/ - RBS MOMs: ht t p: / / wr n. er i csson. se/ ~enr bsmom/ mom/
################################ 2. 5- MoShel l f unct i onal i t y ################################ MoShel l i s a t ext - based O&M cl i ent pr ovi di ng access t o t he f ol l owi ng ser vi ces: - Conf i gur at i on ser vi ce ( CS) - Al ar mser vi ce ( AS) - Per f or mance management ser vi ce ( PM) - Log ser vi ce ( LS) - OSE shel l ( COLI ) - Fi l e t r ansf er ( f t p/ ht t p) Access t o al l ser vi ces i s suppor t ed bot h i n secur e mode ( secur e Cor ba, ssh, sf t p) and unsecur e mode ( unsecur e cor ba, t el net , f t p) .
a- Al ar mSer vi ce The l i st of act i ve al ar ms can be r et r i eved wi t h t he commands "al " or "al a". ( al shows an over vi ew wher eas al a shows al l t he det ai l s) .
b- OSE shel l Any OSE shel l command can be t yped at t he moshel l pr ompt and t he out put can be pi ped t hr ough ext er nal ut i l i t i es i f r equi r ed. Exampl es: > t e l og r ead > t e l og r ead | gr ep ERROR Li mi t at i ons: Onl y t he " $" pr ompt i s suppor t ed. For i nst ance, i t i s not possi bl e t o t ype "l hsh 000100" and expect a pr ompt t o t hat boar d. The wor kar ound i s t o t ype t he command on t he same l i ne as t he l i nk handl er shel l , eg " l hsh 000100 t e l og r ead" or put a semi col on af t er t he "l hsh xxxx" , eg " l hsh 001400 ; t e l og r ead ; vi i ; l l og " . Type " h ose" at t he moshel l pr ompt f or mor e i nf o.
c- Conf i gur at i on Ser vi ce Moshel l suppor t s t he f ol l owi ng 6 oper at i ons f r omt he conf i gur at i on ser vi ce: * Get Chi l dr en : t o l oad al l or par t s of t he MO- t r ee * Get At t r i but e : t o r ead t he at t r i but es of an MO * Cal l Act i on : t o per f or man act i on on an MO * Set At t r i but e : t o set ( change) t he val ue of an MO at t r i but e * Cr eat eMO : t o cr eat e a new MO i n t he node * Del et eMO : t o del et e an MO f r omt he node
d- Per f or mance Management Ser vi ce Moshel l suppor t s t he f ol l owi ng oper at i ons f r omt he per f or mance management ser vi ce: * Li st Scanner s and Event Fi l t er s * Cr eat e Scanner * St op Scanner * Resume Scanner * Del et e Scanner * Set Event Fi l t er
e- Log ser vi ce Moshel l suppor t s f et chi ng and par si ng of t he f ol l owi ng l ogs: * avai l abi l i t y l og * syst eml og * event l og * al ar ml og * command l og * O&M secur i t y event l og * COLI l og * hw i nvent or y l og * j vmevent s l og ( upgr ade l og)
f - Fi l e t r ansf er Moshel l can downl oad/ upl oad f i l es and di r ect or i es t o/ f r omt he node, usi ng ht t p, f t p, or sf t p.
################################ 2. 6- Get t i ng st ar t ed ################################ An moshel l sessi on i s st ar t ed f r omt he uni x shel l pr ompt , usi ng command: "moshel l <node' s i p- addr ess>" Upon st ar t up, moshel l wi l l go t hr ough t he f ol l owi ng st eps: 1- downl oad t he node' s I OR f i l e and st or e i t on t he wor kst at i on. The node' s I OR f i l e i s f et ched f r omht t p: / / nodei paddr ess/ cel l o/ i or _f i l es/ namer oot . i or 2- check t he node' s MOM ver si on. The node' s MOM i s f et ched f r om ht t p: / / nodei paddr ess/ cel l o/ oe/ xml / <f i l ename> wher e <f i l ename> i s one of t he f i l es l i st ed i n t he user var i abl e xml moml i st . The MOM ver si on i s der i ved f r omt he "mi m" t ag i nsi de t he MOM f i l e, eg: <mi mname="RNC_NODE_MODEL_E" ver si on="5" r el ease="3" > becomes RNC_NODE_MODEL_E_5_3. I f t hi s MOM ver si on does not exi st on t he wor kst at i on ( under moshel l / j ar xml di r ect or y) , t hen i t i s downl oaded f r omt he node and st or ed i n t hat di r ect or y. I f t he MOM ver si on coul d not be f i gur ed out ( i e. moshel l coul d not f i nd any MOM on t he node) , t he MOM speci f i ed i n t he moshel l user var i abl e def aul t _mom i s used. 3- par se t he MOM and gener at e an i nt er nal t abl e speci f yi ng al l MO cl asses, at t r i but es, and act i ons suppor t ed by t he node. 4- i ni t i at e Cor ba communi cat i on wi t h t he node by usi ng t he i nf or mat i on cont ai ned i n t he I OR f i l e. 5- r ead t he FDN of t he r oot MO 6- r eady t o r ecei ve commands f r omt he user At t hi s st age, i t i s possi bl e t o access t he al ar mser vi ce and OSE shel l but t he conf i gur at i on ser vi ce i s l i mi t ed si nce moshel l doesn' t have any knowl edge of what MO i nst ances ar e cont ai ned i n t he node' s MO t r ee ( apar t f r omt he r oot MO) . The whol e MO t r ee can be r ead wi t h command " l t al l " . The LDN of each MO of t he MO t r ee i s t hen al l ocat ed a " pr oxy" number and st or ed i n an i nt er nal t abl e i n moshel l memor y. The i nt er nal pr oxy t abl e can be pr i nt ed vi a t he command " pr " whi ch wi l l show f or each MO, t he LDN and t he pr oxy number . When per f or mi ng an oper at i on on an MO ( get , set , act i on, et c. ) , ei t her t he pr oxy number or t he LDN can be gi ven as ar gument . I n f act , by usi ng a r egul ar expr essi on mat chi ng par t of t he LDN, an oper at i on can be per f or med on sever al MOs at a t i me. Mor e i nf or mat i on about t hi s can be f ound i n chapt er 3 or by t ypi ng " h synt ax" at t he pr ompt .
To save memor y on t he wor kst at i on, i t i s possi bl e t o l oad onl y par t s of t he MO t r ee i nst ead of t he whol e MO t r ee. For i nst ance, by t ypi ng " l t pl ugi nuni t ", onl y t he LDNs of MOs whose MO cl ass i s " Pl ugI nUni t " wi l l be r ead. I nst ead of t ypi ng t he whol e MO cl ass, i t i s possi bl e t o t ype a r egul ar expr essi on t hat wi l l mat ch t he MO cl ass. I n t hi s case, " l t pl u" woul d be t he same as " l t pl ugi nuni t ", si nce t he st r i ng "pl u" mat ches "pl ugi nuni t " . Mor e i nf or mat i on about t hi s i n chapt er 4 or by t ypi ng " h l t " and " h l c" at t he pr ompt .
To per f or moper at i ons on one or sever al MOs, f ol l ow t he command synt ax shown on t he menu. Exampl e1: t o r ead t he MO at t r i but es of t he MO " ManagedEl ement =1, Equi pment =1, Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =19, Pl ugI nUni t =1", j ust do: > pr pl u - - - > t hen l ookup t he pr oxy i dent i t y of t hat MO > get <pr oxy> - - - > ent er t he MO' s pr oxy i dent i t y as ar gument t o t he "get " command or : > l get ms, sl ot =19, pl ugi nuni t =1$ Exampl e2: t o r ead t he MO at t r i but es of al l MOs whose MO cl ass i s "Pl ugI nUni t ", j ust do: > get pl u - - - > t he get command wi l l oper at e on al l MOs whose RDN mat ches " pl u" Mor e i nf o about t hi s i n chapt er 3 or by t ypi ng " h synt ax" at t he pr ompt " . Hel p f or each command can be f ound i n chapt er 4 or by t ypi ng "h <command- name>" at t he pr ompt .
! ! ! I mpor t ant not e f or CDMA nodes: Most CDMA nodes do not keep a MOM on t he node' s har ddi sk. To f or ce moshel l t o use t he cor r ect MOM, her e ar e some wor kar ounds: * st or e t he cor r ect MOM i n your di r ect or y moshel l / j ar xml , t hen, af t er t he moshel l st ar t up, use t he command " par semom<mom>" t o par se t he cor r ect MOM, or speci f y t he pat h t o t hi s MOM i n your " def aul t _mom" user var i abl e ( see chap 0. 2 f or i nf o on user var i abl es) . * st or e t he cor r ect MOM on t he node at / c/ publ i c_ht ml / cel l o/ oe/ xml / Cel l oMOM. xml * check i f t he node has a MOM t hat i s under a di f f er ent f i l e name t han i s speci f i ed i n t he moshel l user var i abl e " xml moml i st ". Thi s can be done by doi ng " l s / c/ l oadmodul es_nor epl " or "f t r ee / c/ l oadmodul es_nor epl " and sear ch f or a MOM f i l e ( f i l e ext ensi on " . xml ")
################################ 2. 7- Di r ect or y st r uct ur e ################################ The moshel l di r ect or y cont ai ns a number of f i l es and subdi r ect or i es: . . . . / moshel l l ogf i l es/ # To st or e t he l ogf i l es gener at ed by t he var i ous ut i l i l i t es ( moshel l , mobat ch, swst at , et c. ) exampl es/ # Exampl e of i nput f i l es r equi r ed by t he ut i l i t i es ( command f i l es, si t e f i l es, et c. ) cmdf i l es/ # Pl ace t o st or e your command f i l es ( t o be used by mobat ch/ monode/ t el bat ch/ t el node, et c. ) si t ef i l es/ # Pl ace t o st or e your si t ef i l es ( t o be used by mobat ch/ t el bat ch/ swst at / swup, et c. ) j ar xml / # Pl ace t o st or e j ar f i l es ( oms. j ar and vbj or b. j ar ) and xml - MOM f i l es ( used by moshel l ) . Speci f i c t o cer t ai n nodes. commonj ar s/ # Pl ace t o st or e j ar f i l es common t o al l nodes gawk # Scr i pt i nt er pr et er used by t he var i ous ut i l i t i es pr og. awk, f uncs. awk # Mai n code f or moshel l , cannot be r un on i t s own. README # Hel p f i l e r ncaudi t # Audi t and consi st ency check of r nc dat a t owar ds cel l dat a CDR, ut r anr el at i ons CDR, basel i ne, uer c, et c. moshel l # The f i l e used t o st ar t up moshel l . Cont ai ns some cust omi zabl e var i abl e set t i ngs. swst at # To vi ew SWr evi si ons, CV' s and del et e ol d upgr ade packages r bsaudi t # Audi t and consi st ency check of r bs dat a t owar ds r bs dat a and basel i ne. Gener at i on of mobat ch cor r ect i ve scr i pt s. swup # Net wor k SWupgr ades mobat ch # Run moshel l commands on sever al nodes i n par al l el cvms # cr eat e and set cv' s on sever al nodes i n par al l el momdoc # conver t MOM f r omxml t o ht ml mocmd # gener at e moshel l command f i l e f r oma basel i ne par amet er f i l e
#################################################################################### Command synt ax, r egul ar expr essi ons #################################################################################### ################################################# 3. 1- How MOs ar e i dent i f i ed #################################################
- RDN ( Rel at i ve Di st i ngui shed Name) Thi s i s used t o i dent i f y an MO i n r el at i on t o i t s near est par ent i n t he MO t r ee. The RDN cont ai ns MO Cl ass ( al so cal l ed MO Type) , t he equal si gn, and MO i dent i t y.
Exampl e: At mPor t =MS- 24- 1 ==> " At mPor t " i s t he MO Cl ass, " MS- 24- 1" i s t he i dent i t y
- LDN ( Local Di st i ngui sed Name) Thi s i s used t o uni quel y i dent i f y an MO wi t hi n a node. The LDN shows t he hi er ar chy above t he MO, wi t hi n t he Managed El ement ' s MO t r ee.
Exampl e: ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1
- FDN ( Ful l Di st i ngui shed Name) Thi s i s used t o uni quel y i dent i f y an MO wi t hi n a net wor k ( used by RANOS/ CNOSS) .
Exampl e: SubNet wor k=AUS, SubNet wor k=H2RG_0201, MeCont ext =St _Leonar ds_St at i on_2065010, ManagedEl e ment =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1
################################################## 3. 2- How t o addr ess t he MOs i n MO- r el at ed commands ################################################## The f i r st ar gument i n t he MO- r el at ed commands i s usual l y used t o speci f y t he MOs t hat shoul d be af f ect ed by t he command. Si x ways can be used t o speci f y t he MO( s) :
1) al l ==> al l MOs i n t he pr oxy t abl e wi l l be af f ect ed
Exampl e: get al l user l abel - - - > get at t r i but e " User Label " on al l MOs Not e: i nst ead of " al l ", i t i s al so possi bl e a wi l dcar d such as ". " or " *" . Thi s has t he same ef f ect .
2) pr oxy i d( s) ==> MO( s) wi t h t he gi ven pr oxy i d( s) wi l l be af f ect ed. To speci f y sever al MO pr oxi es, t her e ar e t wo ways: - Speci f y each pr oxy i d wi t h a space i n bet ween
Exampl e: pr 0 2 5 - - > pr i nt MO pr oxi es 0, 2, and 5 - Gi ve a r ange
Exampl e: pr 4- 10 - - > pr i nt MO pr oxi es f r om4 t o 10 pr 10- 4 - - > pr i nt MO pr oxi es f r om10 t o 4 ( r ever se or der , usef ul f or del et i ng MOs) acc 10- 20 r est ar t - - - > r est ar t MOs wi t h pr oxy 10 t o 20
3) l i nk handl er ( f or pl ugi nuni t and spmMOs onl y)
Exampl e: acc 001400 r est ar t - - - > t o r est ar t t he MO Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =14, Pl ugI nUni t =1 bl 001900/ sp0. l nh - - - > t o l ock t he spm Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =19, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Spu=1, Spm=1
4) mo gr oup ==> MO( s) bel ongi ng t o t he gi ven MO gr oup wi l l be oper at ed upon.
To cr eat e an MO gr oup, see command descr i pt i on f or ma/ l ma and mr / l mr Not e: I n RNC, r unni ng t he " bo" command wi l l aut omat i cal l y cr eat e a number of MO gr oups cont ai ni ng t he cc/ dc/ pdr devi ce MOs f or each modul e.
5) boar d gr oup ==> MOs ( Pl ugI nUni t or Spm) mapped ont o t he boar ds bel ongi ng t o t he gi ven boar d gr oup wi l l be oper at ed upon.
Exampl e1: baw sccp sccp - - - > al l boar ds wi t h t he swal l ocat i on mat chi ng "sccp" wi l l go i nt o t he boar d gr oup " sccp" bl sccp - - - > al l Pl ugI nUni t or SpmMOs connect ed t o boar ds of t hi s boar d gr oup wi l l be l ocked
Exampl e2: I n RNC, usi ng t he def aul t boar d gr oups cr eat ed af t er r unni ng t he bo command: acc mod10 r est ar t pr dc10 acc dc10 r est ar t ( t he boar d gr oup dc10 i s mapped ont o t he SpmMOs) bl dc10dev ( i n t hi s case we ar e usi ng t he MO gr oup cont ai ni ng t he Devi ce MOs, see par agr aph 4. above)
6) mo- f i l t er ==> MO( s) whose LDN/ RDN mat ch t he pat t er n wi l l be oper at ed upon. I f t he command st ar t s wi t h " l " t hen t he pat t er n wi l l mat ch agai ns t he LDN. I f t he command doesn' t st ar t wi t h " l ", t hen t he pat t er n wi l l mat ch agai nst t he RDN.
Exampl e: >> pr ms- 24- 1 r et ur ns: Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1 >> l pr ms- 24- 1 r et ur ns: Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc32 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc33 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc337 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc332 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc34 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc35 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc40 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc64
When usi ng t he mo- f i l t er , i t i s a good i dea t o t est t he pat t er n wi t h "pr / l pr " command bef or e i ssui ng a get / set / acc/ cr / del command, i n or der t o see whi ch MOs wi l l be mat ched by t he pat t er n.
Somet i mes, a second or t hi r d ar gument can be gi ven, whi ch i s usual l y a st r i ng mat chi ng t he at t r i but e or at t r i but e val ue t hat you want t o di spl ay.
The sear ch st r i ng t hat i s used i n t he f i l t er s i s a Uni x Regul ar Expr essi on ( l i ke t he pat t er ns used i n gr ep command) . Ther ef or e, speci al met a- char act er s such as . * [ ] ^ $ can be used. Shor t descr i pt i on of some met a- char act er s:
" . " - - > any si ngl e char act er " *" - - > 0 or mor e occur ences of t he pr evi ous char act er [ ] - - > mat ches a char act er or r ange of char act er s i nsi de t he br acket s [ ^] - - > NOT mat chi ng a char act er or r ange of char act er s i nsi de t he br acket s | - - > OR ^ - - > begi nni ng of st r i ng $ - - > end of st r i ng ! - - > negat i on % - - > r ever se or der
E. g: " a*" means a or aa or aaa, et c. " . *" i s l i ke a wi l dcar d as i t mat ches 0 or mor e occur ences of any char act er " [ a- z] " mat ches al l l et t er s f r oma t o z " [ abe] " mat ches l et t er s a, b, and e " [ ^3] " mat ches any char act er but not 3 3| 5| 6 mat ches 3 or 5 or 6 ^a. *4$ mat ches a st r i ng begi nni ng wi t h a and f i ni shi ng wi t h 4, wi t h any char act er i n t he mi ddl e
Regul ar expr essi ons can be gr ouped usi ng br acket s, e. g: " cel l ( 11| 23| 45) mat ches cel l 11 or cel l 23 or cel l 45
! ! ! ! Not e: MOSHELL pat t er n mat chi ng i s NOT case sensi t i ve ! ! ! ! !
Exampl es of usi ng r egul ar expr essi ons i n t he f i l t er s:
l pr ms- 24- 1. *vp2 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc34 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc35 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc40 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc64
l pr %ms- 24- 1. *vp2 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc64 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc40 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc35 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc34 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2
l pr ! l oadmodul e| pr ogr am ==> al l MOs except t hose mat chi ng " l oadmodul e" or " pr ogr am" wi l l be pr i nt ed.
l pr 20. *os Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =20, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et m4=1, Os155PhysPat hTer m=1 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =20, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et m4=1, Os155PhysPat hTer m=2
pr cc[ 1- 4] Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=At mCC1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=At mCC2 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=At mCC3 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=At mCC4
pr cc[ 135] Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=At mCC1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=At mCC3 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=At mCC5
l pr =6. *pr og. *=1 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =6, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=15 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =6, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=1 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =6, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=14 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =6, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=13 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =6, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=12 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =6, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=11 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =6, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=10 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =6, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=19 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =6, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=18 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =6, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=17 Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =6, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=16
l pr =6. *pr og. *=1$ Equi pment =1, Subr ack=1, Sl ot =6, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Pr ogr am=1
l pr ms- 24- 1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc32 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc33 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc337 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc332 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc34 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc35 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc40 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc64
l pr ms- 24- 1. *=vc[ ^3] Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc40 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =MS- 24- 1, Vpl Tp=vp2, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc64
################################################## 3. 3- How t o speci f y at t r i but e val ues i n set / cr / acc commands ##################################################
a) For at t r i but es of t ype St r uct , use t he f ol l owi ng synt ax: at t r 1=val 1[ , at t r 2=val 2[ , at t r 3=val 3] ] ] . . . I t i s not necessar y t o speci f y al l t he st r uct member s, onl y t hose t hat ar e r equi r ed t o change can be speci f i ed.
Exampl e: >> set si d si b11 si b11r epper i od=128 >> set mt p3bspi t u sppr i or i t y pr i osl t =2 >> set mt p3bspi t u sppr i or i t y pr i osl t =2, pr i oco=2
b) For at t r i but es of t ype MoRef , j ust t ype t he MO LDN ( wi t hout "ManagedEl ement =1" ) .
Eg: >> l set At mPor t =1221, Vpl Tp=vp1 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt or t r anspor t net wor k=1, at mt r af f i cdescr i pt or =C1P4500
I t i s al so possi bl e t o ski p t he f i r st par ent ( eg t r anspor t net wor k, swmanagement , et c) .
Eg: >> cr r ncf unct i on=1, ut r ancel l =30451, ut r anr el at i on=30451t o30521 At t r i but e 1 of 1, ut r ancel l r ef ( moRef : Ut r anCel l ) : ut r ancel l =30521 #i n t hi s case we don' t have t o speci f y r ncf unct i on=1
c) For at t r i but es of t ype ar r ay of MoRef s, separ at e each el ement of t he ar r ay wi t h spaces. Eg: >> set j vmadmcl asspat h l oadmodul e=oms l oadmodul e=vbj or b l oadmodul e=asms_shar p l oadmodul e=i ai k l oadmodul e=cma l oadmodul e=r oam >> acc aal 2pat hdi st r i but i onuni t =1 addPat h Par amet er 1 of 1, aal 2Pat hVccTpI d ( sequence- moRef - Aal 2Pat hVccTp) : aal 2pat hvcct p=csa aal 2pat hvcct p=csb
d) For at t r i but es of t ype ar r ay of St r uct , separ at e each el ement of t he ar r ay wi t h semi col ons. Eg: >> set r ncf unct i on al i asPl mnI dent i t i es mcc=300, mnc=23, mncl engt h=2; mcc=345, mnc=32, mncl engt h=2; mcc=208, mnc=123, mncl engt h=3
e) For at t r i but es of t ype ar r ay of anyt hi ng besi des MoRef ( eg: i nt eger , st r i ng, bool ean, et c. ) , separ at e each el ement of t he ar r ay wi t h commas. Eg: >> set ant f eeder cabl e=6 ul at t enuat i on 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 >> set j vmopt i ons - Xms65000k, - Dht t p. r oot =/ c/ publ i c_ht ml , - Dse. er i csson. secur i t y. Pr oper t yFi l eLocat i on=/ c/ j ava/ Secur i t yManagement . pr p
>> set cel l =3041 Act i veOver l ai dCDMAChannel Li st t r ue, t r ue, f al se, t r ue >> acc managedel ement dat a addDhcpSer ver Addr ess Par amet er 1 of 1, i pAddr essAr r ay ( sequence- st r i ng) : 10. 1. 1. 3, 10. 1. 1. 4
f ) To i nput an empt y val ue: * i n set command, j ust l eave t he val ue f i el d bl ank. Eg: >> set 0 user l abel ( # at t r i but e t ype i s st r i ng) >> set r el i abl epr ogr amuni t er admpassi vesl ot ( #at t r i but e t ype i s MoRef )
* i n cr command, t ype " nul l " i f i t ' s an MoRef or " d" f or ot her at t r i but es. Thi s onl y wor ks f or non- mandat or y ( r est r i ct ed) at t r i but es, because mandat or y at t r i but es must have a val ue
################################################## 3. 4- Moshel l command l i ne ################################################## The command l i ne uses t he Readl i ne l i br ar y f r ombash. Her e ar e some of t he suppor t ed f unct i on keys: - r i ght ar r ow or Ct r l - f : move f or war d one char act er - l ef t ar r ow or Ct r l - b : move backwar d one char act er - up ar r ow : pr evi ous command i n hi st or y buf f er - down ar r ow : next command i n hi st or y buf f er - backspace : del et e one char act er backwar d - Ct r l - d or <del > : del et e one char act er f or war d - Ct r l - a or <home> : go t o begi nni ng of l i ne - Ct r l - e or <end> : go t o end of l i ne - Ct r l - u : er ase al l char act er s backwar d - Ct r l - k : er ase al l char act er s f or war d - Al t - f : move f or war d one wor d - Al t - b : move backwar d one wor d - sel ect or sel ect + ct r l - <i nser t > : copy t o cl i pboar d - <i nser t > or shi f t - <i nser t > : past e f r omcl i pboar d Not e about command hi st or y: i f you t ype t he begi nni ng of a command and t hen use t he up/ down ar r ow key, you wi l l see al l pr evi ous commands st ar t i ng wi t h t hi s st r i ng
################################################## 3. 5- Pi pi ng ################################################## Some commands suppor t pi pi ng, eg: OSE shel l commands, l h, t g, st r , et c. Thi s i s usual l y i ndi cat ed i n t he menu and t he hel p f or t hat command.
Exampl es: >> t e l og r ead | gr ep ERROR >> l h mp t e l og r ead | gr ep ERROR >> st r | gr ep cel l =30456
For ot her commands t hat don' t suppor t pi pi ng ( l i ke MO commands) , t he wor kar ound i s t o save t he out put t o a l ogf i l e t hen r un t he uni x command on t hat l ogf i l e by usi ng t he " l " or "! " command. Exampl e:
>> l + #open t he l ogf i l e, an ar bi t r ar y name wi l l be gi ven >> pr od l oadmodul e #r un t he command >> l - #cl ose t he l ogf i l e >> l sor t $l ogf i l e #r un t he uni x command on t he l ogf i l e. $l ogf i l e i s a def aul t var i abl e t hat st or es t he name of t he l at est l og cr eat ed >> l gr ep - i basi c $l ogf i l e
#################################################################################### Lazy #################################################################################### *************************************** 5. 1- SWupgr ade: *************************************** Cr eat e t he upgr adepackage MO >> cr swmanagement =1, upgr adepackage=<upgr adepackage> >> at t he pr ompt , ent er f t pser ver addr ess and upcont r ol f i l epat h >> at t he next pr ompt s, ent er f t p ser ver user i d and passwor d, or j ust " d" f or def aul t val ue ( wi l l be anonymous) Check t he pr oxy of t he newl y cr eat ed MO and cal l act i on i nst al l >> acc <pr oxy> i nst al l Or : use t he " nonbl ocki ngi nst al l " act i on i n or der t o moni t or t he pr ogr ess dur i ng i nst al l at i on: >> acc <pr oxy> nonbl ocki ngi nst al l >> get <pr oxy> pr ogr ess Check st at e of upgr ade package af t er i nst al l >> get <pr oxy> st at e St ar t upgr ade i f st at e i s "i nst al l ed" >> acc <pr oxy> upgr ade Wai t f or upgr ade t o f i ni sh, t hen check t hat t he UP i s i n st at e awai t i ngconf i r m, t hen conf i r m >> get <pr oxy> st at e >> acc <pr oxy> conf i r mupgr ade Check t hat t he new cv i s usi ng t he new upgr ade package >> cvl s
*************************************** 5. 2- RNC I ub oper at i ons: *************************************** >> st r vi ew st at e of al l I ub/ Cel l s/ Channel s/ Nbap/ Nodesynch i n a t abl e f or mat ( t ype " h st r " f or mor e i nf o) >> l bl / l deb i ub. *<i ubname> bl ock/ debl ock al l i ub chi l dr en ( nbaps, nodesynchs) ( t he . * act s as a wi l dcar d) >> bl / deb cel l =<cel l name> bl ock/ debl ock a cel l >> st r - i <i ubname> vi ew st at e f or t hat si t e onl y
*************************************** 5. 3- Gener i c Node Heal t hcheck: *************************************** J ust r un t he command: >> hc Type "h hc" f or mor e i nf o about t hi s command For t r ansmi ssi on i ssues, an end- t o- end l oopback t est can be done on t he Vcl Tp' s. Thi s i s ver y t i me consumi ng, so i f t her e ar e many Vcl Tp' s, i t i s bet t er t o onl y r un t he l oopback t est on a f ew sel ect ed Vcl Tp' s t hat mi ght be causi ng pr obl ems. >> l t vcl t p| vpl t p >> acc vpl t p et el oopback >> acc vcl t p et el oopback Anot her met hod can l ook f or vcl t p whi ch ar e t r ansmi t t i ng cel l s but not r ecei vi ng: >> hpget vcl t p . ^0$ ^[ ^0] or : >> ma f aul t yvcl t p pmr ec ^0$ >> mr f aul t yvcl t p pmt r ans ^[ ^0] However , t hi s met hod wi l l not show vcl t ps t hat became f aul t y af t er t he i ni t i al i sat i on of t he count er ( whi ch usual l y occur s af t er r est ar t )
*************************************** 5. 4- RNC I ub i nt egr at i on pr obl ems: *************************************** When t r yi ng t o i nt egr at e a new RBS, some dat a mi smat ch mi ght cause t he i ub, cel l , or channel s not t o come up. Thi ngs t o check ar e: t r ansmi ssi on, aal 2 addr esses, vci val ues, l ocal cel l i d val ues: Take a pr i nt of al l MOs r el at ed t o t he I ub and check t hat t he vci val ues mat ch on bot h si des, check i f any r el at ed MOs ar e down: >> l k i ubl i nk=<i ub> ( i n RNC) >> l k i ub=<i ub> ( i n RBS) Fi nd out t he Aal 2Ap used by t hat I ubl i nk i n RNC: >> l k i ubl i nk=<i ub> or l ki Check t hat t he aal 2 addr esses mat ch on al l si des: >> get aal 2r out i ngcase=<r bsr out i ngcase> ( i n RNC and RXI i f appl i cabl e) >> get aal 2sp=1 ( i n RBS and RXI i f appl i cabl e) Check t hat t he aal 2 pat h i d' s mat ch on bot h si des: >> get aal 2pat h. *<pat hname> pat hi d ( i n RNC, RBS, and RXI i f appl i cabl e) Check t hat t he aal 2 cont i nui t ycheck mat ch on bot h si des: >> get aal 2pat h. *<pat hname> cont i nu ( i n RNC, RBS, and RXI i f appl i cabl e) Check t hat l ocal cel l i d mat ch on bot h si des: >> get cel l =<cel l > l ocal ( i n RBS and RNC) Per f or ma l oopback t est on al l VCI s of t hat i ub, t o see i f t r ansmi ssi on i s ok >> l acc at mpor t =<por t >, vpl t p=<vp>, vpct p=1, vcl et el oopback Check RNC/ RBS al ar ms >> al Check RNC devi ces ar e ok >> st d Check Cel l er r or code, cel l bar r ed, act or i nf o, et c. >> t gc/ t gd ( t ype " h t g" f or i nf o) Check RNC/ RBS gener al st at e, l ook f or pot ent i al HW/ SWf aul t s >> hc Check al l cr oss- connect s ar e ok >> st c ( mai nl y i n RXI / MGW) Fi nd out t he modul e MP t hat i s handl i ng t he si t e and check i f t her e ar e some er r or s: >> get i ubl i nk= modul e >> l h modXX t e l og r ead ( t o r est ar t t he modul e MP, you can use t he command "acc modXX r est ar t ")
*************************************** 5. 5- RNC I u i nt egr at i on i ssues: *************************************** Take a pr i nt of al l MOs r el at ed t o t he I u and check t hat t he vci val ues mat ch on bot h si des, check i f any r el at ed MOs ar e down: >> l t r anap >> l k r anap=<r anap> Per f or ma l oopback t est on al l VCI s of t hat I u, t o see i f t r ansmi ssi on i s ok >> l acc at mpor t =<por t >, vpl t p=<vp>, vpct p=1, vcl Check mt p/ sccp dat a mat ches i n bot h si des: >> get mt p code >> get sccp t i t l e| addr ess Act i vat e/ deact i vat e a C7 l i nk >> acc mt p=<mt p> deact i vat e/ act i vat e Bl ock/ debl ock an Aal 2Pat h, check t hat t he pat hi d' s and a2ea addr esses mat ch on bot h si des >> bl / deb aal 2pat h. *<pat hname> >> get aal 2pat h. *<pat hname> pat hi d >> get r out i ngcase=<mscr out i ngcase>
#################################################################################### Scr i pt i ng #################################################################################### Moshel l suppor t s t he use of var i abl es and l ogi cal const r uct s. These can be used di r ect l y f r omt he command l i ne or wi t hi n moshel l command f i l es.
*************************************** 6. 0- Pr eset Var i abl es *************************************** The f ol l owi ng var i abl es ar e set i mmedi at el y af t er moshel l st ar t up: $moshel l di r - - - > pat h t o t he moshel l di r ect or y $gawk - - - > pat h t o gawk $i paddr ess - - - > I P addr ess t o t he node t hat moshel l i s connect ed t o $moshel l _ver si on - - - > t he moshel l ver si on $l ogdi r - - - > pat h t o t he moshel l _l ogf i l es/ l ogs_moshel l di r ect or y $t empdi r - - - > pat h t o t he di r ect or y cont ai ni ng al l t empor ar y f i l es f or t hi s moshel l sessi on. Get s del et ed at t he end of t he sessi on.
The f ol l owi ng var i abl es ar e set af t er t he MOM has been par sed: $momver si on - - - > t he MOM ver si on of t he node ( eg: RNC_NODE_MODEL_E_5_3, MGW_NODE_MODEL_R3_9_0) $cel l over si on - - - > t he Cel l o MOM ver si on ( eg: 3. 3, 4. 3, 5. 1, et c) of t he node $momdocnumber and $momdocr evi si on - - > t he document number and r evi si on of t he MOM ( eg: 15554- AXD10503/ 1 , r ev: Z1) These var i abl es can be handy t o have when a scr i pt needs t o know what SWr evi si on i s r unni ng i n t he node or what ki nd of node i t i s.
The f ol l owi ng var i abl es ar e set af t er r unni ng cer t ai n MO commands: $nr _of _mos - - > t he number of MOs t hat wer e pr i nt ed on scr een by t he l ast r un of t he pr / st / get / pr od/ f r o/ set / del / acc commands. $nr _of _mos_ok - - > t he number of MOs t hat wer e successf ul l y oper at ed upon by t he l ast r un of t he set / del / acc commands. $command_r esul t - - > set af t er t he cr / pcr / pset / t r un commands. Possi bl e val ues: 0 f or success, 1 f or f ai l ur e. $nr _of _al ar ms - - > t he number of act i ve al ar ms on t he node. Set af t er t he l ast r un of t he "al " command. $nr _of _cvs - - > t he number of CV: s t hat exi st on t he node, i s set af t er t he l ast r un of t he " cvl s" command. $nr _of _scanner s - - > t he number of scanner s pr i nt ed by t he l ast r un of t he pst / pget s/ pdel / pbl / pdeb commands. $nr _of _count er _i nst ances - - > t he number of count er i nst ances pr i nt ed by t he l ast r un of t he pget sn command. $moncommand - - > t he command t o st ar t t he moni t or cl i ent af t er havi ng r un t he " mon" command.
The f ol l owi ng var i abl es ar e set af t er r unni ng one of t he l +/ u+/ u- commands. $l ogf i l e - - - > t he l ogf i l e t hat i s cur r ent l y open. Set i mmedi at el y af t er execut i ng t he " l +" command, st ays set even af t er " l - " and wi l l onl y be r eset t he next t i me a new l ogf i l e i s open wi t h " l +" $undol ogf i l e - - - > t he l ogf i l e used by t he undo command. Set i mmedi at el y af t er execut i ng t he " u+/ u+s" command, st ays set even af t er " u- " and wi l l onl y be r eset t he next t i me a new undo mode i s st ar t ed wi t h " u+/ u+s" . $undocommandf i l e - - > t he command f i l e t hat can be used t o undo t he commands t hat wer e r un bet ween " u+/ u+s" and " u- ". Set i mmedi at el y af t er execut i ng t he " u- " command. $undodel commandf i l e - - > t he f i l e cont ai ni ng t he del et e commands. Onl y appl i cabl e t o si mul at ed undo mode "u+s" .
The f ol l owi ng var i abl e i s set af t er havi ng l ogged on t o t he node vi a t el net / ssh or f t p/ sf t p. $passwor d The cont ent s of t he var i abl e can not be pr i nt ed, i t wi l l onl y show i f i t ' s empt y or not . By set t i ng t hi s var i abl e t o empt y ( by doi ng: $passwor d = ) , t hi s wi l l f or ce moshel l t o check t he passwor d agai n. Usef ul i n case t he passwor d has changed on t he node dur i ng t he moshel l sessi on.
The f ol l owi ng var i abl e i s set af t er r unni ng t he "pv" command. $nr _of _var s Thi s var i abl e i ndi cat es t he number of scr i pt i ng var i abl es t hat wer e pr i nt ed i n t he l ast "pv" pr i nt out . By usi ng "pv" t oget her wi t h a f i l t er i ng pat t er n ( eg: pv $t abl e) , i t i s possi bl e t o f i nd out t he number of var i abl es t hat had mat ched t he pat t er n, f or i nst ance t he number of el ement s i n a hasht abl e.
The f ol l owi ng var i abl e i s set af t er usi ng t he f unct i ons " r eadf i l e" or " t est f i l e". $nr _of _l i nes Af t er usi ng t he f unct i on " t est f i l e" , t hi s var i abl e i s set t o 0 i f t he f i l e does not exi st and t o 1 i f t he f i l e exi st s. Af t er usi ng t he f unct i on " r eadf i l e" , t hi s var i abl e i s set t o 0 i f t he f i l e does not exi st and t o t he number of l i ens i n t he f i l e i f t he f i l e exi st s. The di f f er ence bet ween t est f i l e and r eadf i l e i s t hat t est f i l e won' t act ual l y r ead t he f i l e, i t wi l l j ust check i f t he f i l e exi st s wher eas r eadf i l e wi l l t est t he f i l e, t hen r ead i t . Exampl e1: $l i neCont ent = t est f i l e( / pat h/ t o/ myf i l e) i f $nr _of _l i nes = 0 l echo "Fi l e not f ound! " r et ur n f i Exampl e2: $l i neCont ent = r eadf i l e( / pat h/ t o/ myf i l e) i f $nr _of _l i nes = 0 l echo "Fi l e ot f ound! " r et ur n f i f or $l i neNumber = 1 t o $nr _of _l i nes i f $l i neCont ent [ $l i neNumber ] ~ t hi spat t er n pr i nt We f ound i t ! The l i ne i s $l i neNumber . r et ur n f i done
Exampl e: l i st al l scr i pt i ng var i abl es cur r ent l y set >> pv $l ogdi r = / home/ eanzmagn/ moshel l _l ogf i l es/ l ogs_moshel l $momver si on = RNC_NODE_MODEL_E_5_3 $moshel l di r = / home/ eanzmagn/ t ool s/ moshel l $cel l over si on = 4. 3. 1 $gawk = / home/ eanzmagn/ t ool s/ moshel l / gawk $i pdaddr ess = 10. 1. 128. 17 $moshel l _ver si on = 6. 1 $nr _of _mos = 1 $passwor d = *******
*************************************** 6. 1- Var i abl e assi gnment *************************************** A var i abl e val ue can be assi gned i n si x ways, see bel ow. A var i abl e can al so be unassi gned, usi ng t he "unset " command. By usi ng t he command "unset smal l ", al l var i abl es ar e unset , except : - t he " syst em" var i abl es ( $gawk, $i paddr ess, $passwor d, $moshel l _ver si on, $moshel l di r , $l ogdi r , $momver si on, $cel l over si on) - t he " gl obal " var i abl e( s) ( i e: assi gned wi t h t he ": =" si gn, i nst ead of "=") . By usi ng t he command "unset al l " , al l var i abl es ar e unset except t he "syst em" var i abl es. NOTE ! ! ! I t i s al ways good pr act i ce t o unset a var i abl e as soon as i t i s not needed anymor e si nce havi ng t oo many var i abl es def i ned sl ows down t he pr ocessi ng of t he command l i ne. I t i s al so good t o do "unset al l " at t he begi nni ng and end of a command f i l e ( and bef or e doi ng t he " r et ur n" command) i n or der t o avoi d i nt er f er ence f r omun- needed var i abl es. See t he scr i pt exampl es i n moshel l / commonj ar s/ scr i pt s.
To pr i nt al l cur r ent l y assi gned var i abl es, use t he command " pv" ( used t o be cal l ed " pr i nt var s" ) . To j ust pr i nt one var i abl e, t ype: >> pv <pat t er n> ( wher e t he pat t er n mat ches t he var i abl e( s) t o pr i nt ) Or : >> pr i nt $var i abl e
a) f r omt he command l i ne The var i abl e t o be assi gned i s on t he l ef t si de of t he equal si gn and t he val ue i s on t he r i ght si de. Each el ement must be separ at ed by spaces. Exampl e: >> $i = 3 >> $node = RNC >> $passwor d = ( set t he passwor d t o an empt y val ue, wi l l f or ce moshel l t o check t he passwor d agai n) .
b) at moshel l st ar t up, usi ng t he " - v" opt i on I n t hi s case, t he "$" si gn shoul d be omi t t ed ( ot her wi se i t get s i nt er pr et ed by t he uni x shel l ) Exampl e: >> moshel l - v upmo=CXP9011008_R1A03, f t pser v=10. 1. 0. 16, secur e_shel l =1, secur e_f t p=1 r nc34 I n t hi s case, we can see t hat scr i pt i ng var i abl es ( $upmo and $f t pser v) and user var i abl es ( secur e_shel l and secur e_f t p) have been mi xed i n t he same st at ement . Thi s i s ok because any var i abl e t hat i s not r ecogni sed as a user var i abl e wi l l be t r eat ed as a scr i pt i ng var i abl e.
b) f r omt he f ol l owi ng commands: get , f r o, i p2d/ d2i p, h2d/ d2h, uv. The mo- f i l t er and at t r i but e- f i l t er must be speci f i ed, t hen comes t he r edi r ect i on si gn ( " >") , t hen t he var i abl e name. I f sever al at t r i but es ar e pr i nt ed, onl y t he l ast at t r i but e val ue get s assi gned i nt o t he var i abl e. Exampl es: >> get 0 pr oduct Name > $nodeType ( r esul t : $nodeType = RBS3202) >> get et her net l i nk i paddr ess > $i paddr ess ( r esul t : $i paddr ess = 10. 1. 128. 17) >> get conf i gur at i onver si on cur r ent upgr ade > $cur r ent Up ( r esul t : $cur r ent Up = Upgr adePackage=CXP9011123_R12F) >> get $cur r ent Up admi ni st r at i vedat a > $swRev ( r esul t : $swRev = St r uct {5} >>> 1. pr oduct Number = CXP9011123 >>> 2. pr oduct Revi si on = R12F et c. ) >> l f r o subr ack=ms, sl ot =1, pl ugi nuni t =1$ ^r > $f r oi d ( r esul t : $f r oi d = 0) >> d2i p - 4127129085 > $i p_addr ( r esul t : $i p_addr = 10. 1. 2. 3) >> h2d 0xa > $r es ( r esul t : $r es = 10) >> uv ^cr edent i al > $cr edent i al ( r esul t : / home/ er i csson/ moshel l / commonj ar s/ host . p12)
c) usi ng an ar i t hmet i c oper at i on The f ol l owi ng numer i c oper at i ons ar e suppor t ed: + addi t i on - subst r act i on * mul i pl i cat i on / di vi si on %modul o ( r et ur ns t he r emai nder of an i nt eger di vi si on oper at i on) Exampl es: >> $i = 1 ( r esul t : $i =1) >> $i = $i + 1 ( r esul t : $i =2) >> $j = $i * 3 ( r esul t : $j =6) >> $k = $i * $j ( r esul t : $k=12) >> $l = $i / $j ( r esul t : $l =0. 333) >> $m= $k %5 ( r esul t : $m=2) Not e: Onl y one oper at i on per l i ne i s al l owed. A space must exi st bet ween each el ement of t he oper at i on. Ther e cannot be mor e t han t wo member s i n t he oper at i on ( i e: $i = $j + $k ==> OK. But $i = $j + $k + $l ===> NOTOK)
d) usi ng out put f r oma uni x command: The uni x command must be sur r ounded by back- quot es ( `) . Var i abl es can be used wi t hi n t he uni x command. Exampl e1: >> $dat e = `dat e +%y%m%d- %H%M` ( r esul t : $dat e = 040930- 1745) >> get et her net l i nk i paddr ess > $i paddr ess ( r esul t : $i paddr ess = 10. 1. 128. 17) >> $l ogf i l e = $i paddr ess_$dat e. l og ( r esul t : $l ogf i l e = 10. 1. 128. 17_040930- 1745. l og) >> l +m$l ogf i l e ( open a l ogf i l e, don' t di spl ay anyt hi ng on t he scr een) >> t e l og r ead >> l - ( cl ose l ogf i l e) >> $er r or s = `gr ep - c ERROR $l ogf i l e` ( r esul t : $er r or s = t he number of ERRORs f ound i n t he l ogf i l e) >> l r m$l ogf i l e ( r emove t he l ogf i l e) Exampl e2: maki ng a cv t hat has t he same name as t he cur r ent st ar t abl e cv but t he l ast di gi t i s i ncr ement ed by 1 >> l t conf i gur at i onver si on >> get conf i gur at i on st ar t abl e > $st ar t abl e ( r esul t : $st ar t abl e = RBS3045_P2. 1. 5_CU3_A_01) >> $cvname = `$gawk - v cvname=$st ar t abl e ' BEGI N { pr i nt gensub( / . . $/ , "" , 1, cvname) spr i nt f ( "%02s" , subst r ( cvname, l engt h( cvname) - 1) +1) }' ` >> cvms $cvname ( r esul t : $cvname = RBS3045_P2. 1. 5_CU3_A_02)
e) usi ng st r i ng mani pul at i on The f ol l owi ng st r i ng oper at i ons ar e suppor t ed: concat enat i on and subst i t ut i on/ r epl acement . The concat enat i on i s per f or med by j uxt aposi ng t he st r i ngs. Synt ax f or concat enat i on: $var = st r i ng1st r i ng2st r i ng3 ( t he st r i ngs ar e concat enat ed wi t hout space i n bet ween) or $var = st r i ng1 st r i ng2 st r i ng3 ( t he st r i ngs ar e concat enat ed wi t h spaces i n bet ween) The subst i t ut i on/ r epl acement i s per f or med usi ng t he " - s" swi t ch t o speci f y t he st r i ng t o subst i t ut e and t he "- r " swi t ch t o speci f y t he st r i ng i t shoul d be r epl aced wi t h. I f t he " - r " swi t ch i s not used, t hen t he st r i ng wi l l be r epl aced by not hi ng. I f t he " - g" swi t ch i s speci f i ed, t hen al l i nst ances of t he st r i ng t o subst i t ut ed, ot her wi se, onl y t he f i r st i nst ance. Synt ax f or subst i t ut i on/ r epl acement : $var = or i gi nal St r i ng - s st r i ngToSubst i t ut e [ - r st r i ngToRepl aceI t Wi t h [ - g ] ] Regul ar expr essi ons can be used i n t he st r i ng mani pul at i ons. Exampl es: >> $var = abc_def abc ghi >> $var 1 = $var - s abc ( r esul t : $var 1 = _def abc ghi , onl y f i r st i nst ance of " abc" was r epl aced) >> $var 2 = $var - s \ x020 ( r esul t : $var 2 = abc_def abcghi , t he space si gn was r emoved) >> $var 3 = $var - s abc - g ( r esul t : $var 3 = _def ghi , al l i nst ances of "abc" wer e r epl aced) >> $var 4 = $var - s abc - r xyz ( r esul t : $var 4 = xyz_def abc ghi , f i r st i nst ance of " abc" was r epl aced wi t h "xyz" ) >> $var 5 = $var - s abc - r xyz - g ( r esul t : $var 5 = xyz_def xyz ghi , al l i nst ances of "abc" wer e r epl aced wi t h " xyz" ) >> $var 6 = $var - s a. *c - r xyz ( r esul t : $var 6 = xyz ghi , t he r egul ar expr essi on "a. *c" was r epl aced wi t h "xyz" ) >> $var 7 = $var ABC$var 6 ( r esul t : $var 7 = abc_def abc ghi ABCxyz ghi , t he t hr ee st r i ngs " $var " , " ABC" and " $var 6" have been concat enat ed) >> $var 8 = $var ABC $var 6 ( r esul t : $var 8 = abc_def abc ghi ABC xyz ghi , t her e ar e spaces i n bet ween t he t hr ee st r i ngs) Not e: i f mor e advanced st r i ng mani pul at i on i s needed, i t i s al ways possi bl e t o use an ext er nal pr ogr amsuch as gawk t o do t he st r i ng mani pul at i on. See exampl e 2 i n par agr aph d) above.
f ) usi ng out put f r oma pr edef i ned f unct i on Cur r ent l y, t he f ol l owi ng f unct i ons exi st : * f dn( pr oxy) - - - > i nput i s t he pr oxy i d, out put i s t he FDN * l dn( pr oxy) - - - > i nput i s t he pr oxy i d, out put i s t he LDN * r dn( pr oxy) - - - > i nput i s t he pr oxy i d, out put i s t he RDN * mot ype( pr oxy) - - - > i nput i s t he pr oxy i d, out put i s t he MO t ype * pr oxy( st r i ng) - - - > i nput i s t he LDN or FDN ( NOT RDN! ) , out put i s t he pr oxy i d * r eadi nput ( sr i ng) - - - > i nput i s a pr ompt t hat shoul d appear on t he scr een, so t hat t he user can i nput an answer whi ch wi l l t hen be assi gned t o t he var i abl e. * r eadf i l e( f i l e) - - - > i nput i s a f i l ename. Each l i ne of t he f i l e i s assi gned i nt o an el ement of t he hasht abl e i nt o whi ch we have assi gned t he r esul t of t he f unct i on. I f t he f i l e i s not f ound, t he var i abl e $nr _of _l i nes i s set t o 0, ot her wi se i t i s set t o t he number of l i nes i n t he f i l e. Not e, t hi s shoul d not be used on l ar ge f i l es as i t wi l l sl ow down t hi ngs ver y much. * t est f i l e( f i l e) - - - > i nput i s a f i l ename. I f t he f i l e i s not f ound, t he var i abl e $nr _of _l i nes i s set t o 0, ot her wi se i t i s set t o 1. * spl i t ( st r i ng) - - > The st r i ng i s spl i t i nt o t he ar r ay speci f i ed on t he l ef t si de of t he equal si gn ( see exampl e bel ow) . The separ at or used t o spl i t t he st r i ng can be speci f i ed i n t he var i abl e "$spl i t _separ at or " . By def aul t i t i s a space. I f t he $spl i t _separ at or has been changed and needs t o be r eset t o t he def aul t val ue, j ust r un t he command "unset $spl i t _separ at or " . The number of el ement s i n t he ar r ay i s st or ed i n t he var i abl e $spl i t _l ast
Exampl e1: >> l t i ubl i nk >> ma i ub i ub >> f or $mo i n i ub $mor dn = r dn( $mo) i f $mor dn ~ 1023 l cc $mor dn l bl $mor dn, f i done
Exampl e2: >> $var = r eadi nput ( Pl ease conf i r m[ y/ n] : ) >> i f $var ! ~ ^y r et ur n f i
Exampl e3: >> $t abl e = r eadf i l e( / pat h/ t o/ myf i l e) >> f or $l i neNumber = 1 t o $nr _of _l i nes pr i nt $t abl e[ $l i neNumber ] $wor d = spl i t ( $t abl e[ $l i neNumber ] ) i f $wor d[ 1] ~ ^# $nr _of _comment s = $nr _of _comment s + 1 f i unset $wor d unset $t abl e[ $l i neNumber ] done ( Not e: by unset t i ng t he ent r y we' ve j ust r ead - pr ovi ded we don' t need i t anymor e - wi l l make t hi ngs f ast er )
g) Exampl e The pur pose of t he l i t t l e moshel l scr i pt bel ow i s t o make a cust omi zed CV name l i ke: dat e_nodeType_swRev >> cvl s >> $dat e = `dat e +%y%m%d` ( r esul t : $dat e = 040930) >> get 0 pr oduct Name > $nodeType ( r esul t : $nodeType = RBS3202) >> $nodeType = $nodeType - s RBS ( r esul t : $nodeType = 3202) >> get conf i gur at i onver si on cur r ent upgr ade > $cur r ent Up ( r esul t : $cur r ent Up = Upgr adePackage=CXP901913%2_R12N) >> get $cur r ent Up admi ni st r at i vedat a > $swRev ( r esul t : $swRev = St r uct {5} >>> 1. pr oduct Number = CXP901913/ 2 >>> 2. pr oduct Revi si on = R12N >>> 3. pr oduct Name = CXP901913%2_R12N . . . . ) >> $swRev = `gawk - v cur r ent sw=" $swRev" ' BEGI N{ swr ev=gensub( / \ r | \ n/ , "" , " g", cur r ent sw) ; pr i nt gensub( / ^. *Revi si on = | >>> 3. pr oduct . *$/ , " ", " g" , swr ev) }' ` ( r esul t : $swRev = R12N) >> cvms $dat e_$nodeType_$swRev ( r esul t : cvms 040930_3202_R12N )
*************************************** 6. 2- Hasht abl es ( ar r ays) *************************************** The i ndex and t he val ue of t he hasht abl e can be a var i abl e, a const ant , or a mi x of bot h. Al l var i abl e assi gnment met hods descr i bed i n chapt er 6. 1 appl y f or assi gni ng val ues i nt o hasht abl es as wel l . To pr i nt a hasht abl e, do: pv <t abl e>
Exampl es:
Assi gni ng const ant s i nt o a hasht abl e >> $t abl e[ 1] = hel l o >> $t abl e[ 2] = hej >> $t abl e[ hoho] = 5 >> pv t ab ( r esul t pr i nt out : ) $t abl e[ hoho] = 5 $t abl e[ 1] = hel l o $t abl e[ 2] = hej
Assi gni ng var i abl es i nt o a hasht abl e >> $mo = At mPor t =MS- 6- 1 >> $pr oxy = pr oxy( $mo) >> $pr oxyl i st [ $mo] = $pr oxy >> $mo = At mPor t =MS- 6- 2 >> $pr oxy = pr oxy( $mo) >> $pr oxyl i st [ $mo] = $pr oxy >> pv pr oxyl i st ( r esul t pr i nt out : ) $pr oxyl i st [ At mPor t =MS- 6- 1] = 103 $pr oxyl i st [ At mPor t =MS- 6- 2] = 112
Mor e exampl es on how t o use hasht abl es ar e descr i bed i n 6. 4.
*************************************** 6. 3- I f / El se const r uct s *************************************** The i f st at ement must be f ol l owed by a condi t i on. The compar i son oper at or of t he condi t i on must be sur r ounded by spaces. Zer o or mor e " el se i f " st at ement s can be used af t er t he " i f " st at ement . Zer o or one " el se" st at ement s can be af t er t he " i f " or "el se i f " st at ement s. The end of t he i f / el se st r uct ur e must be speci f i ed wi t h a "f i " st at ement . Each st at ement must be on i t s own l i ne and can be f ol l owed by one or mor e commands. Sever al condi t i ons can be combi ned, usi ng t he l ogi cal AND ( &&) , or t he l ogi cal OR ( | | ) . Any number of AND/ OR can be put on a l i ne but NOT BOTH on t he same l i ne. Gr oupi ng condi t i ons wi t h br acket s i s NOT suppor t ed. The " r et ur n" command can be used t o exi t f r omt he command f i l e i n case a cer t ai n condi t i on i s met . Type " h r et ur n" f or mor e i nf or mat i on on how t o use t hi s command.
Synt ax exampl es: a) i f <condi t i on> command1 command2 f i b) i f <condi t i on1> | | <condi t i on2> command1 command2 el se command3 f i c) i f <condi t i on> && <condi t i on2> && <condi t i on3> command1 el se i f <condi t i on4> command2 el se command3 f i
A condi t i on can use t he f ol l owi ng compar i son oper at or s: = equal s ~ mat ches ! = i s not equal t o ! ~ does not mat ch > gr eat er t han < l ess t han >= gr eat er or equal t han <= l ess or equal t han The wor ds ar ound t he oper at or can be ei t her a var i abl e or a si ngl e wor d but NOT a st r i ng cont ai ni ng spaces or a concat enat i on of a var i abl e and st r i ng. Fol l owi ng condi t i ons ar e synt axi cal l y cor r ect : i f $var 1 = $var 2 i f myst r i ng ~ $var i f 10 > 3 i f $i < 2 Fol l owi ng condi t i ons ar e NOT synt axi cal l y cor r ect and wi l l r et ur n unexpect ed r esul t s: i f myst r i ng_$var 1 ~ $var 2 i f myst r i ng i s t hi s ~ your st r i ng
A condi t i on can al so j ust cont ai n one var i abl e, i n whi ch case i t wi l l check i f t he var i abl es exi st s.
Exampl es: >> i f $var - - - > check i f t he var i abl e $var exi st s >> get 0 pr oduct name > $nodeType >> i f $nodeType ~ 3202 | | $nodeType ~ 3104 get f eeder at t enuat i on set f eeder at t enuat i on 4 el se i f $nodeType ~ 3101 get f eeder at t enuat i on set f eeder at t enuat i on 16 el se get f eeder at t enuat i on f i
*************************************** 6. 4- For const r uct s *************************************** The par amet er t o t he "For " const r uct can be: a) "ever " : t o r epeat t he l oop an i nf i ni t e number of t i mes b) <number Of I t er at i ons> : t o r epeat t he l oop a speci f i c number of t i mes c) $mo i n <moGr oup> : t o r un t he body of t he l oop on each MO of t he speci f i ed moGr oup. MO gr oups ar e cr eat ed wi t h t he " ma" command, t ype " h ma" f or i nf o. d) $boar d i n <boar dGoup> : t o r un t he body of t he l oop on each boar d of t he speci f i ed boar d gr oup. Boar d gr oups ar e cr eat ed wi t h t he " ba" command, t ype "h ba" f or i nf o. f ) $var i n $t abl e : f or each i t er at i on of t he l oop, $var wi l l cycl e t hr ough t he i ndex val ues of t he hasht abl e $t abl e g) $var = $st ar t t o $st op : $var i s assi gned ever y i nt eger val ue bet ween $st ar t and $st op. $st ar t and $st op can be var i abl es or const ant s but must be an i nt eger . I f $st ar t i s smal l er t han $st op t han t he or der wi l l be ascendi ng, ot her wi se i t wi l l be descendi ng.
The end of t he "f or " st r uct ur e must be speci f i ed wi t h a " done" st at ement . The "wai t " command can be used i n t he body of t he l oop t o speci f y a del ay t o wai t i n bet ween each i t er at i on. The del ay can be i n seconds, mi nut es, hour s, or even ROP per i ods. ( Type " h wai t " f or i nf o. ) Do not use t he "sl eep" command as t hi s wi l l r esul t i n hangi ng i f t he l oop i s abor t ed. The l oop can be abor t ed any t i me by t ypi ng ct r l - z , t hen "t ouch <st opf i l e>" , t hen " f g". The <st opf i l e> pat h i s shown i n t he wi ndow t i t l e bar . Type " h ct r l - z" f or mor e i nf o about abor t i ng. The br eak command can be used wi t hi n t he l oop t o exi t f r omt he l oop.
Synt ax exampl es: a) f or ever command1 command2 done b) f or <number Of Ti mes> command1 wai t <number Of Seconds> done c) f or $mo i n <moGr oup> get $mo <at t r i but e> > $var i abl e $var i abl e1 = . . . . set $mo <at t r i but e> $var i abl e1 et c. . . done d) f or $boar d i n <boar dGr oup> bl $boar d f acc $boar d r est ar t 0 1 wai t 10 deb $boar d l hsh $boar d vi i done e) f or $pr oxy i n $pr oxyt abl e bl $pr oxy st $pr oxy deb $pr oxy st $pr oxy get $pr oxy oper at i onal > $opst at e i f $opst at e ! = 1 br eak f i done f ) f or $var = $maxpr oxy t o $mi npr oxy del $var done f or $var = 1 t o 6 t e e t r ace$mi n pr ocess done
Exampl es: a) checki ng t he pr ogr ess of a UP i nst al l at i on, ever y 10 seconds. Br eak f r omt he l oop i f t he r esul t i s " 1 ( I NSTALL_COMPLETED) " , and cont i nue wi t h upgr ade act i on. Abor t t he command f i l e i f t he r esul t i s " 6 ( I NSTALL_NOT_COMPLETED) " >> l t upgr ade >> acc upgr adepackage=xxx nonbl ocki ngi nst al l >> f or ever $r et ur n = 0 wai t 10 get upgr adepackage=xxx st at e > $upst at e i f $upst at e ~ ^1 br eak el se i f $upst at e ~ ^6 $r et ur n = 1 br eak f i done i f $r et ur n = 1 r et ur n f i acc upgr adepackage=xxx upgr ade
b) r un a t est case 50 t i mes >> f or 50 r un t est case_3. 1. 1. cmd wai t 2m done
c) i ncr ease t he pr i mar yCpi chPower by 0. 1 dBmon each Ut r anCel l >> l t ^ut r ancel l >> ma cel l ^ut r ancel l >> f or $mo i n cel l get $mo pr i mar ycpi chpower $pi ch $pi ch = $pi ch + 1 set $mo pr i mar ycpi chpower $pi ch done
d) r est ar t al l boar ds i n a boar d gr oup >> ba spb spb >> f or $boar d i n spb acc $boar d r est ar t 0 1 done
e) save t he f r o val ues of al l pr ogr ams i nt o a t abl e and t hen r est ar t ever y pr ogr am >> l ma pr ogr ams_on_sl ot _19 subr ack=ms, sl ot =19, . *pr ogr am >> f or $pr og i n pr ogr ams_on_sl ot _19 $i = $i + 1 f r o $pr og ^r es > $f r ol i st [ $i ] done >> f or $f r o i n $f r ol i st r est ar t Obj pgm$f r o done
f ) r est ar t some boar ds i n a speci f i c or der >> f or $var = 20 t o 14 $boar d = 00$var 00 f acc $boar d r est ar t 0 1 done
*************************************** 6. 5- User - def i ned f unct i ons *************************************** User s can def i ne t hei r own f unct i ons, usi ng t he f unc/ endf unc const r uct . I f t he f unct i on i s cal l ed wi t h ar gument s, t hese ar e assi gned t o t he var i abl es $1, $2, $3, et c Exampl e: 1. Def i ne t he f unct i on ( t he f unct i on def i ni t i ons can be r un i n a di f f er ent command f i l e) Her e we ar e def i ni ng a f unct i on whi ch checks t he st at e of t he mi r r or ed di sks and r et ur ns once t he di sks ar e i n sync f unc check_di sk_st at e #i f $1 i s undef i ned or di f f er ent t o an i nt eger val ue t hen we set i t t o 10 seconds i f $1 ~ ^[ 0- 9] +$ $wai t _i nt er val = $1 el se $wai t _i nt er val = 10 f i f or ever wai t $wai t _i nt er val l +om$t empdi r / di skst at e l h cor emp mi r r or s l - $r es = `gr ep - c " Peer Di sk St at us: *Val i d" $t empdi r / di skst at e i f $r es > 0 br eak f i done endf unc f unc wai t f or user $dat e = `dat e " +%Y- %m- %d %H: %M: %S" ` f or ever $r epl y = r eadi nput ( Wai t i ng f r om[ $dat e] . Type " y" when r eady: ) i f $r epl y ~ ^[ yY] br eak f i done $dat e = `dat e " +%Y- %m- %d %H: %M: %S" ` pr i nt " Fi ni shed wai t i ng at [ $dat e] " endf unc endf unc
2. Cal l t he f unct i on Her e we have made a smal l scr i pt whi ch makes use of our user - def i ned f unct i on. Fi r st we ar e r unni ng a f i l e cont ai ni ng al l t he def i ni t i ons f or our user - def i ned f unct i ons. ( Not e t hat t he f unct i ons can al so be def i ned wi t hi n t he same scr i pt , but by keepi ng al l f unct i ons i n a separ at e f i l e means t hat sever al command f i l es can use t he same f unct i ons) We have cal l ed t he f unct i on check_di sk_st at e wi t h an ar gument " 5" whi ch i n t hi s case wi l l be used as t he " $wai t _i nt er val " par amet er i n t he f unct i on r un ~/ myf unct i ons_def i ne. mos f or ever check_di sk_st at e 5 wai t f or user acc 0 r est ar t pol done
*************************************** 6. 6- Nest i ng *************************************** I t i s possi bl e t o nest one or mor e i f / el se st at ement wi t hi n a l oop st at ement and vi ce- ver sa. But i t i s cur r ent l y not possi bl e t o nest an i f / el se st at ement wi t hi n an i f / el se st at ement and a l oop st at ement wi t hi n anot her l oop st at ement . The cur r ent wor kar ound i s t o put t he f or / i f const r uct s i nt o f unct i ons. See chapt er 6. 5 f or mor e i nf o on f unct i ons.
Exampl e: The f ol l owi ng scr i pt st ar t s t he i nst al l , t hen checks t he st at e of t he i nst al l ever y 10 seconds. Once t he upgr adepackage i s i nst al l ed, i t st ar t s t he upgr ade. Then i t checks t he st at e agai n and once t he upgr ade i s i n st at e " awai t i ngconf i r m" , i t conf i r ms t he upgr ade. $UP = upgr adepackage=CXP9011123_R12F acc $UP nonbl ocki ngi nst al l f or ever wai t 10 get $UP st at e > $st at e i f $st at e ~ ^1 br eak f i done get $UP st at e > $st at e i f $st at e ~ ^1 acc $UP upgr ade f i wai t 120 f or ever wai t 10 get $UP st at e > $st at e i f $st at e ~ ^3 br eak f i done i f $st at e ~ ^3 acc $UP conf i r mupgr ade f i
*************************************** 6. 7- Exampl es *************************************** Exampl e scr i pt s can be f ound under moshel l / commonj ar s/ scr i pt s and moshel l / exampl es/ scr i pt i ng/ Not e t wo t ypes of comment s can be used i n scr i pt s: - vi si bl e comment s: st ar t wi t h t he "#" si gn. These comment s ar e pr i nt ed on t he scr een whi l e t he scr i pt i s execut i ng. - i nvi si bl e comment s: st ar t wi t h t he "/ / " si gn. These comment s ar e not pr i nt ed on t he scr een.
#################################################################################### Ut i l i t i es #################################################################################### The moshel l package i ncl udes a number of ut i l i t i es t hat compl ement t he moshel l f unct i onal i t y. They ar e st or ed i n t he same di r ect or y as moshel l but ar e execut ed as separ at e, st and- al one scr i pt s. Det ai l ed i nf or mat i on about each ut i l i t y can be f ound by execut i ng t he ut i l i t y wi t hout any ar gument s. ( Except f or t he PM t ool s wher e t he hel p i s shown by usi ng t he " - hel p" opt i on, eg: pmExt r act - hel p) .
*************************************** 7. 1- Net wor k Management Tool s *************************************** The net wor k management ut i l i t i es ar e f or per f or mi ng oper at i ons on many nodes i n par al l el . The l i st of nodes on whi ch t o per f or mt he oper at i ons shal l be st or ed i n a f i l e cal l ed t he "si t ef i l e" . The i p- addr esses/ DNS- names and passwor ds of al l nodes of t he net wor k must be st or ed i n a r ef er ence f i l e cal l ed t he " i pdat abase" . The i pdat abase uses t he f ol l owi ng synt ax: <nodeName> <nodeI pAddr ess> <nodePasswor d> OR: <nodeName> <nodeDNSaddr ess> <nodePasswor d> ( I t i s r ecommended t o use t he DNS- addr ess i nst ead of t he I P- addr ess) . An exampl e of a si t ef i l e and an i pdat abase can be f ound i n moshel l / exampl es/ si t ef i l es and moshel l / exampl es/ i pdat abase. * mobat ch : t o r un moshel l commands or command f i l es t owar ds many nodes i n par al l el . * r est ar t col l ect or : t o col l ect r est ar t dat a ( manual and spont aneous r est ar t s) , syst emdownt i me, and upgr ade dat a, f r ommany nodes i n par al l el . Dat a i s pr esent ed i n a r epor t t oget her wi t h st at i st i cs and TR mappi ng and can be i mpor t ed i n ot her t ool s ( such as Excel ) . * swst at : a- t o col l ect SWl evel and CV f r ommany nodes i n par al l el . b- t o del et e UP' s f r ommany nodes i n par al l el . * swup : t o SWupgr ade many nodes i n par al l el . * cvms : t o cr eat e CV' s on many nodes i n par al l el .
*************************************** 7. 2- Par amet er Audi t i ng Tool s *************************************** The audi t i ng t ool s ar e f or of f l i ne post pr ocessi ng of Node l ogs ( " MO dumps") and r ef er ence f i l es i n or der t o check par amet er val i di t y or heal t h- checks. * r ncaudi t : t o compar e r nc moshel l dumps agai nst a number of r ef er ence f i l es ( CDR, wi nnow basel i ne, Uer c dat a, et c. ) . Cer t ai n consi st ency checks can be per f or med ( scr ambl i ng code col l i si ons, cel l r el at i ons consi st ency) . Rncaudi t " - b" opt i on can be used on ot her nodes as wel l such as MGW, RXI . * r bsaudi t : t o compar e r bs moshel l dumps agai nst a number of r ef er ence f i l es ( CDR, wi nnow basel i ne) . * cmpMoDump: t o compar e t wo MO dumps. * net check : a- t o par se moshel l heal t h- check l ogs and check f or obsol et e HW, HW f aul t s, er r or s, et c. b- t o compar e pr e- check and post - check ( eg heal t h check l ogs bef or e and af t er an upgr ade or a t est case) * mocmd : a- t o conver t a f i l e f r omwi nnow basel i ne f or mat t o moshel l command f i l e b- t o conver t a change_al l scr i pt t o moshel l command f i l e
*************************************** 7. 3- PM Tool s *************************************** The PM t ool s ar e f or of f l i ne post pr ocessi ng of Per f or mance Management XML f i l es. They consi st of a number of command- l i ne t ool s, desi gned t o be l i nked t oget her i n a pi pel i ne ( i e t he out put of one t ool f eeds i nt o t he next ) . Not e: t he ut i l i t i es pmExt r act / pmXt ab/ pmDi f f ar e used by t he pmr and pmx commands i n moshel l . * pmExt r act : t o ext r act count er val ues f r omt he XML f i l es. The count er val ues t o be ext r act ed ar e sel ect ed based on t he managed obj ect and count er name. The count er s ar e out put t o t he st andar d out put , one l i ne per count er val ue. * pmXt ab : t o aggr egat e count er s accor di ng t o t i me, Managed Obj ect hi er ar chy or ar bi t r ar y r el at i ons * pmDi f f : t o out put t he di f f er ence bet ween count er val ues i n successi ve XML f i l es. Thi s i s usef ul f or count er s t hat ar e not aut omat i cal l y r eset af t er each per i od ( eg. Cel l o count er s) . * pmLi st : t o l i st al l count er s def i ned i n a XML ROP f i l e. * pmAvgRssi : t o par se RBS r ssi count er val ues. For mor e i nf or mat i on, r un t he ut i l i t y wi t h t he " - hel p" opt i on ( eg "pmExt r act - hel p" ) or have a l ook i n t he " pmTool s" document st or ed on ht t p: / / anon. er i csson. se/ er i doc/ component / er i ur l ?obj ect I d=09004cf f 80469f 5c&act i on=cur r ent &f or mat =msw8 ( ver si on pA1 can al so be f ound i n moshel l / exampl es/ pm_f i l es/ pmTool s. doc)
*************************************** 7. 4- Mi scel l aneous Tool s *************************************** * momdoc : t o conver t a MOM f r omxml f or mat t o ht ml f or mat * swcomp : t o compar e SWbet ween t wo nodes cont ai ni ng si mi l ar HW. * pwr def ( obsol et e) : t o gener at e command f i l es f or undef i ni ng and r edef i ni ng t he power suppl y MOs on t he RBS 3101' s. Thi s ut i l i t y was used at a cer t ai n l evel of SWwher e t her e wer e some i ssues wi t h t he power suppl y. I t shoul d not be needed anymor e. * modi t ( obsol et e) : t hi s ut i l i t y was made f or a speci f i c pr obl emand shoul d not be needed anymor e.
Not e: Ther e ar e ot her f i l es i n t he moshel l di r ect or y but t hey ar e moshel l component s and not meant t o be execut ed as st and- al one scr i pt s.
#################################################################################### Ser ver Mai nt enance #################################################################################### When r unni ng moshel l on a ser ver i n a mul t i - user envi r onment , t her e needs t o be r egul ar mai nt enance i n or der t o cl ean up t he di sk and any hangi ng pr ocesses.
*************************************** 8. 1- Hangi ng Pr ocesses *************************************** A known bug of moshel l i s t hat i t doesn' t al ways shut down al l of i t s spawned pr ocesses upon exi t i ng whi ch l eads t o CPU over l oad and r un out of RAM memor y. Thi s pr obl emshoul d now be f i xed t hanks t o t he use of var i ous t i meout s but i f t hi s does not hel p, t hen i t i s r ecommended t o r egul ar l y check t he r ogue pr ocesses usi ng t he uni x command "t op" . Once t he " t op" command i s r unni ng, you can t ype t he f ol l owi ng commands i n t he "t op" scr een: - " n" f ol l owed by t he number of pr ocesses t o di spl ay ( e. g " n 40" ) - - > t o show mor e t han t he def aul t number of 15 pr ocesses - " o" t o change t he or der of t he sor t i ng. E. g: "o t i me" ( t o see t he pr ocesses t hat have been r unni ng f or t he l ongest t i me) "o si ze" ( t o see t he pr ocesses t hat ar e usi ng up t he most memor y) "o cpu" ( t o see t he pr ocesses t hat ar e usi ng up t he most cpu. t hi s i s t he def aul t ) . - " k" f ol l owed by t he pr ocess t o ki l l . E. g " k 2742"
*************************************** 8. 2- Di sk f ul l *************************************** * To check how f ul l t he di sks ar e, you can use t he uni x command "df - k" . * To see whi ch di r ect or i es ar e t he most f ul l , use t he " du" command. E. g: To see al l di r ect or i es of si ze gr eat er t han 100, 000 KB >> du - k | awk ' $1 > 100000 {pr i nt }' * To see whi ch f i l es ar e t aki ng t he most space, use t he "f i nd" command. E. g: To f i nd al l f i l es gr eat er t han 10, 000 KB i n t he cur r ent di r ect or y ( . ) and sor t t hemby si ze. >> f i nd . - t ype f - si ze +10000c - l s | sor t +6n * To compr ess any l ogf i l es gr eat er t han 10 MB and ol der t han 60 days >> f i nd . - mt i me +60 - t ype f - si ze +10000c - name ' *. l og' | xar gs gzi p
*************************************** 8. 3- Run out of memor y *************************************** I f you get t he f ol l owi ng er r or when t r yi ng t o st ar t moshel l : gawk: f at al : cannot cr eat e chi l d pr ocess f or `/ t mp/ r eadl i neXXXX_hhmmss' ( f or k: Not enough space) " . I t means t hat you do not have enough memor y ( i . e. RAM + swap space) on t he machi ne. Tr y r unni ng t he command " t op" on t he Sol ar i s box ( i t mi ght not exi st on t he box t hough) . I f you can r un i t , you' l l see a l i ne l i ke t hi s: Memor y: 512M r eal , 107M f r ee, 333M swap i n use, 2. 0G swap f r ee A f undament al r ul e of Oper at i ng Syst emmanagement i s t hat your swap space shoul d al so be > 2x t he memor y, so i n t hi s box we have 512Mb of RAM so we shoul d have at l east 1Gb of RAM ( i t st ar t ed wi t h j ust 256Mb of RAM - and we had t hi s pr obl emaf t er openi ng a f ew sessi ons of MoShel l ) . As a r ul e - i f you ar e r unni ng MoShel l on a Sol ar i s box you shoul d gi ve i t at l east 512Mb of RAM and i deal l y 2Gb of swap space. Lucki l y - t her e i s an easy way t o add new swap space - t hi s i s t o make a new " swap f i l e" on t he di sk ( t hen you don' t need t o r epar t i t i on ever yt hi ng) . You can do t hi s i n Sol ar i s by f ol l owi ng t hese st eps: >> mkf i l e - v 2000m/ usr / swapf i l e Thi s wi l l make a 2Gb f i l e "/ usr / swapf i l e" t o be used as our ext r a swap space. But i t ' s not enabl ed as swap space yet . . To add i t as swap space: >> swap - a / usr / swapf i l e Thi s adds i t i n as swap space. But t hi s i s not per manent , next t i me you r eboot t he machi ne i t ' l l di sappear . You can make i t per manent by addi ng t he f ol l owi ng l i ne t o ( t he end of ) / et c/ vf st ab / usr / swapf i l e - - swap - no - See " man vf st ab" f or mor e det ai l s on / et c/ vf st ab
#################################################################################### Of f l i ne Mode #################################################################################### To cr eat e an MO dump, connect t o a node and r un t he commands: l t al l ; l + ; get ( or kget ) ; l - To br owse an MO dump i n of f l i ne mode, st ar t moshel l wi t h: moshel l / pat h/ t o/ t he/ modump. The f ol l owi ng commands ar e suppor t ed when br owsi ng an MO dump i n of f l i ne mode.
MO commands: ************ par semom ma/ l ma/ mr / l mr / mp pr / l pr st / l st st r [ 12t ] st d st c get / l get mget / l mget i nv pr od del / l del r del / l r del di f l ki bl / l bl deb/ l deb l k/ l l k cvl s/ cvcu l t <mo_dump> mom[ ct ] / pmom[ c] / l mom[ c] / emom r un
Ot her commands: ************** h/ m/ n/ o ( hel p commands) ul / b/ p/ w/ pr ox/ t i me/ nol oad/ col ( t oggl e commands) hc hi l / ! bo/ bor al i as/ unal i as l mi d i p2d/ d2i p f or / i f / f unc/ br eak/ r et ur n/ wai t / pr i nt / unset ( and al l ot her scr i pt i ng const r uct s) uv/ pv l +[ mso] / l - [ s] / l ? u+[ s] / u- / u? pmr [ ag] pmx[ hf dn] pme[ d] [ cgu]
******************************************************* l h <boar dGr oup> {<OSE- command>| r un <commandf i l e>} [ | <uni x commands>] ******************************************************* See hel p f or bo/ ba/ baw/ br / br w/ bp commands, f or mor e i nf o. E. g: t ype " h bo".
Thi s set of commands al l ows t he user t o cr eat e boar d gr oups t hat can be used f or r unni ng OSE commands on mul t i pl e boar ds.
The f ol l owi ng boar d gr oups ar e al ways cr eat ed by def aul t af t er r unni ng any of t he boar d commands ( bo/ ba/ br / l h, et c) t he f i r st t i me:
* " al l " : cont ai ns al l boar ds ( MP/ BP) as wel l as SPMs ( i f pr esent ) . * " cor emp" : cont ai ns t he cor e MP( s) , one or t wo dependi ng on t he conf i gur at i on. * " mp": cont ai ns al l MP boar ds. * " bp": cont ai ns al l BP boar ds.
I n RNC, t he f ol l owi ng boar d gr oups ar e al so cr eat ed by def aul t , cont ai ni ng MPs/ SPMs connect ed t o t he var i ous RNC modul es: * mod[ x] * cc[ x] * dc[ x] * pdr [ x]
Descr i pt i on: * I t i s r ecommended t o st ar t r unni ng t he "bo" command ( "boar d over vi ew" ) t o vi ew what boar ds ar e pr esent i n t he node. The ver y f i r st t i me " bo" i s r un on a node, i t wi l l t ake mor e t i me because i t has t o f et ch dat a f r omt he node. The dat a i s t hen per manent l y st or ed on t he wor kst at i on so t hat t he command wi l l be qui cker t he next t i me moshel l i s connect ed t o t hat node. To empt y t he cache and f or ce moshel l t o r er ead t he node' s boar d dat a, j ust use t he " bor " command.
* The ba command i s used f or addi ng boar ds i nt o a gr oup. The boar ds shal l be i dent i f i ed by t hei r posi t i on or a st r i ng mat chi ng t he boar d t ype. The " s" swi t ch adds any r el at ed SPMs t o t he boar d gr oup.
Exampl es: >>> ba gr oup1 1 2 4- 8 114- 119 ==> boar ds 000100, 000200, 000400 t o 000800, 011400 t o 011900 ar e added t o gr oup1 >>> bas gr oup1 223- 226 ==> boar ds 022300 t o 022600 ar e added t o gr oup1, t oget her wi t h t hei r r el at ed SPs ( i f t hese boar ds ar e SPBs) . >>> ba gr oup1 spb scb 3 4 ==> al l boar ds of t ype mat chi ng " spb" and "scb" ar e added t o gr oup1 as wel l as boar ds 000300 and 000400 >>> ba gpb gpb ==> al l boar ds of t ype mat chi ng " gpb" ar e addi ng t o t he gr oup cal l ed " gpb".
* The baw command i s si mi l ar t o t he ba command except t hat t he boar ds ar e i dent i f i ed by t hei r SwAl l ocat i on and/ or RncModul e.
Exampl es: >>> baw modul eMPs modul e ==> al l boar ds bel ongi ng t o t he SwAl l ocat i on machi ng "modul e" wi l l be added i n t he gr oup cal l ed "modul eMPs" >>> baw modul e1 . * 1 ==> al l boar ds bel ongi ng t o r ncModul e 1 wi l l be added t o t he gr oup cal l ed "modul e1"
* The bad command i s f or addi ng SPM' s i nt o a boar d gr oup based on t hei r devi ce t ype. Thi s i s appl i cabl e t o RNC onl y.
Exampl es: >>> bad dc dc ==> add al l SPM' s handl i ng a dc devi ce t o t he gr oup cal l ed " dc" . >>> bad dc1 dc 1 ==> add al l SPM' s handl i ng a dc devi ce on modul e 1 t o t he gr oup cal l ed " dc1".
* The br command i s f or r emovi ng a whol e gr oup or cer t ai n boar ds out of a gr oup.
Exampl es: >>> br gr oup1 1 3 gpb ==> boar ds 000100, 000300 and al l boar ds of t ype mat chi ng " gpb" ar e r emoved f r omgr oup1 >>> br gr oup2 ==> gr oup2 i s r emoved
* The br w command i s si mi l ar t o t he br command except t hat t he boar ds ar e i dent i f i ed by t hei r SwAl l ocat i on and/ or RncModul e.
Exampl es: >>> br w gr oup3 dc ==> al l boar ds whose SwAl l ocat i on mat ches " dc" wi l l be r emoved f r omgr oup3
* The bp command i s f or pr i nt i ng exi st i ng gr oups or t he cont ent s of a par t i cul ar gr oup.
Exampl es: >>> bp ==> al l exi st i ng gr oups ar e shown, eg: " gr oup1" and " al l " >>> bp al l ==> t he cont ent s of t he gr oup " al l " i s shown.
Once t he gr oup i s cr eat ed, t he " l h" command i s used t o r un an OSE command on al l boar ds of t he gr oup. " l h al l " or j ust " al l " can be used t o r un a command on al l boar ds of t he node.
Exampl es: >>> l h gr oup1 t e l og r ead >>> l h gr oup1 t e l og r ead | gr ep ERROR: >>> l h al l vi i OR: al l vi i >>> l h al l t e l og r ead | gr ep ERROR: OR: al l er r ( speci al shor t cut )
I t i s possi bl e t o send mul t i pl e commands t o each boar d of t he boar d gr oup by separ at i ng t hemwi t h semi col ons.
Exampl es: >>> l h mp t e l og r ead ; l l og - l ; t e l og cl ear ; l l og - c >>> l h dc t e e t r ace1 SP_HI ST ; t e l og r ead
I t i s al so possi bl e t o send a command f i l e t o each boar d of t he gr oup.
Exampl e: >>> l h spb r un sp_t r aces. t xt
When many commands ar e t o be sent , t he "l h" f unct i on wi l l put t hemi nt o a command f i l e, t r ansf er t hat f i l e t o t he node and r un t hat f i l e f r omwi t hi n t he node, usi ng t he " shel l - f " command. Thi s wi l l save a l ot of t i me i nst ead of havi ng t o send each command one by one t o t he node. Ther e i s a user var i abl e cal l ed f ast _l h_t hr eshol d whi ch deci des t he number of commands above whi ch a command f i l e wi l l be t r ansf er r ed t o t he node. See chap 0. 2 and moshel l f i l e f or mor e i nf o about user var i abl es.
I t i s al so possi bl e t o r un MO commands on boar d gr oups. I n t hi s case, t he MO command wi l l execut e agai nst t he MOs connect ed t o t hese boar ds, i e t he Pl ugI nUni t or Spm MOs.
Eg: acc mod1 r est ar t - - - > r est ar t t he MP f ound i n boar d gr oup "mod1" st mp - - - > vi ew st at e of al l MP pl ugi nuni t s acc cc1 r est ar t - - - > r est ar t t he SPMs f ound i n boar d gr oup "cc1"
Not e: i n RNC, t he "bo" command al so cr eat es a number of def aul t MO gr oups " ccXdev", " dcXdev" , " pdr Xdev", wher e X i s t he modul e number . So, i n or der t o l ock/ unl ock some devi ces, use t he MO gr oup i nst ead of t he boar d gr oup si nce t he boar d gr oup connect s t o t he SPMs whi ch don' t have an admi ni st r at i ve st at e.
Exampl e: bl cc1dev Mor e i nf o i n " h synt ax" .
******************************************************* cvl s/ cvmk/ cvms/ cvset / cvr m/ cvcu ******************************************************* Command synt ax: * cvr m<cv- name>| <cv- f i l t er > * cvms <cvname> [ <oper at or >] [ <comment >] * cvmk <cvName> [ <oper at or >] [ <comment >] * cvset <cvname> * cvl s * cvcu
Descr i pt i on: A set of commands si mi l ar t o t he "cv" commands i n OSE but oper at e t hr ough MO i nt er f ace i nst ead of t el net / ssh ( i e: no passwor d) . * cvl s di spl ays bot h t he cur r ent cv i nf or mat i on ( equi val ent of "cv cu") and cv l i st ( equi val ent of "cv l s") . * cvcu di spl ays t he cur r ent cv i nf or mat i on onl y ( equi val ent of "cv cu") . UP i nf o doesn' t appear i n cvcu unt i l you have done a cvl s. * cvmk cr eat es a cv. Oper at or name and comment s ( not l onger t han 40 char act er s) can be gi ven as ar gument . The advant age of usi ng cvmk i nst ead of OSE command "cv mk" i s t hat t he Upgr ade Package i nf or mat i on i s i ncl uded i n t he cv at t r i but es. * cvset : t o set a cv as st ar t abl e. * cvms: cr eat e a cv and make i t st ar t abl e ( combi nat i on of cvmk and cvset ) * cvr mcan r emove many cv' s i n one go usi ng pat t er n mat chi ng on t he cv name ( r emove f r omr ol l back l i st i s at t empt ed bef or e del et i on) .
Exampl es: Cr eat e a cv and make i t st ar t abl e ( no user i d or comment s gi ven) : >> cvms Rbs1_P2. 0. 16 Cr eat e a cv and make i t st ar t abl e ( user i d and comment s gi ven) : >> cvms Rnc1_P2. 1. 2_B eanzmagn cel l power i ncr eased t o 33dBm Remove al l cv' s whose name mat ch t he st r i ng " Temp" : >> cvr mTemp Remove al l cv' s whose name don' t mat ch t he st r i ng " Fi nal " : >> cvr m! Fi nal Remove al l cv' s whose name don' t mat ch t he st r i ng " f i nal " or t he st r i ng " RNC": >> cvr m! Fi nal | RNC
WARNI NG! ! ! : I f t he OSE shel l command " cv mk" i s used t o cr eat e a cv ( i nst ead of " cvmk" or " cvms") , t he cv at t r i but es wi l l not cont ai n t he Upgr adePackage r ef er ence whi ch means t hat t he cv wi l l not be del et ed when t he Upgr adePackage i s r emoved. I f t her e ar e CV' s l yi ng on t he node wi t hout t hei r cor r espondi ng Upgr adePackage and t he node i s r est ar t ed on one of t hese cv' s, t her e i s a hi gh r i sk t hat t he node wi l l go cycl i c. To avoi d t hi s si t uat i on i t i s r ecommended t o al ways use t he moshel l command " cvmk" or " cvms" when cr eat i ng cv' s si nce t he Upgr adePackage r ef er ence wi l l t hen aut omat i cal l y be i ncl uded i n t he cv at t r i but es.
Mor e Exampl es:
GRY027> cvset Backup080307 070517- 19: 47: 26 10. 230. 17. 177 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 22360 070517- 19: 47: 26 10. 230. 17. 177 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 22360 GRY027> conf b+ GRY027> acc 23 set st ar t abl e 070517- 19: 47: 26 10. 230. 17. 177 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 22360 ==================================================================================== Pr oxy MO Act i on Nr of Par ams ==================================================================================== 23 Conf i gur at i onVer si on=1 set St ar t abl e 1 Par amet er 1 of 1, conf i gur at i onVer si onName ( st r i ng) : Backup080307 >>> Ret ur n val ue = nul l ==================================================================================== Tot al : 1 MOs at t empt ed, 1 MOs act i oned GRY027> conf b-
GRY027> cvl s ==================================================================================== 070517- 19: 47 CV Name Upgr ade Package ==================================================================================== St ar t abl e: Backup080307 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Loaded: Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070517_0100 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Execut i ng: Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070517_0100 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Last cr eat ed: Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070517_0100 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cur r ent Upgr adePkg: Upgr adePackage=CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B CommandLog: Enabl ed Aut oCr eat edCV: Enabl ed Comment [S4]: Usethis CV in Next reload Comment [S5]: Previously loaded CV Comment [S6]: Loaded CV Rol l back st at us: Rol l back i s on Rol l back i ni t t i mer : 30 Rol l back i ni t count er : 5 Rol l back l i st : s[ 5] = Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070516_0100 O&M_RI YADH Fi _CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070122_2214 Rb_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070122_2155 Si _CXP9010809%1_R30G_070117_1329 ==================================================================================== CV Name Cr eat i on Dat e Package Oper at or Comment ==================================================================================== Fi _CXP9010809%1_R28D_700101_0029 1970- 01- 01 00: 29 CXP9010809/ 1_R28D Cel l o Packet Fi nal CV aut o af t er _i nt egr at i on_wor ki ng 1970- 01- 01 21: 44 CXP9010809/ 1_R28D unknown none I NI TI AL_CV 2006- 05- 11 21: 35 no val ue unknown none O&M_BACKUP_21. 11. 06 2006- 11- 21 12: 09 CXP9010809/ 1_R28D ewi syam none Si _CXP9010809%1_R30G_070117_1329 2007- 01- 17 13: 29 CXP9010809/ 1_R28D Cel l o Packet I nst al l _t mp CV aut ocr eat ed by SU Rb_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070122_2155 2007- 01- 22 21: 55 CXP9010809/ 1_R28D Cel l o Packet Rol l b. CV aut o SU_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070122_2207 2007- 01- 22 22: 07 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Cel l o Packet Temp. CV aut o Fi _CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070122_2214 2007- 01- 22 22: 14 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Cel l o Packet Fi nal CV aut o Backup080307 2007- 03- 08 08: 24 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B unknown none Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070509_0100 2007- 05- 09 01: 00 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Cel l o Packet Dai l y aut ocr eat ed CV. O&M_RI YADH 2007- 05- 09 14: 31 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Admi ni st r at or 09052007 Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070516_0100 2007- 05- 16 01: 00 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Cel l o Packet Dai l y aut ocr eat ed CV. Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070517_0100 2007- 05- 17 01: 00 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Cel l o Packet Dai l y aut ocr eat ed CV. ==================================================================================== >>> Tot al : 13 CV' s
GRY027> r el oad {not r ecommended, do acc 0 r est ar t i nst ead}
070517- 19: 47: 46 10. 230. 17. 177 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 22360 $ r el oad / home/ zm814584/ moshel l / . / commonj ar s/ connect : connect i on t i med out #################################################################################### ! ! ! WARNI NG: For l i ve si t es, pl ease use t he command " acc <l nh> r est ar t " i nst ead, as i t i s a mor e cont r ol l ed ki nd of r est ar t . For i nst ance: "acc 001400 r est ar t " #################################################################################### Br oken Pi pe
GRY027> cvcu Last MO: 20. Loaded 1 MOs. Tot al : 21 MOs. MO Cl ass: Conf i gur at i onVer si on. Last MO: 22. Loaded 2 MOs. Tot al : 23 MOs. MO Cl ass: Upgr adePackage.
==================================================================================== 070517- 19: 50 CV Name Upgr ade Package ==================================================================================== St ar t abl e: Backup080307 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Loaded: Backup080307 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Execut i ng: Backup080307 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Last cr eat ed: Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070517_0100 CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cur r ent Upgr adePkg: Upgr adePackage=CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B CommandLog: Enabl ed Aut oCr eat edCV: Enabl ed Rol l back st at us: Rol l back i s on Rol l back i ni t t i mer : 30 Rol l back i ni t count er : 5 Rol l back l i st : s[ 5] = Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070516_0100 O&M_RI YADH Fi _CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070122_2214 Rb_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070122_2155 Si _CXP9010809%1_R30G_070117_1329 ====================================================================================
GRY027> cv cu 070517- 19: 50: 50 10. 230. 17. 177 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 25528 Tr yi ng passwor d f r omi pdat abase f i l e: / home/ zm814584/ moshel l / . / si t ef i l es/ i pdat abase. . . $ cv cu St ar t abl e: Backup080307 Loaded: Backup080307 Execut i ng: Backup080307 Last cr eat ed: Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070517_0100 Rol l back st at us: Rol l back i s on Rol l back i ni t t i mer : 30 Rol l back i ni t count er : 5 Rol l back 1: Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070516_0100 Rol l back 2: O&M_RI YADH Rol l back 3: Fi _CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070122_2214 Rol l back 4: Rb_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070122_2155 Rol l back 5: Si _CXP9010809%1_R30G_070117_1329 Rol l back count er : 4
GRY027> cv r br mO&M_RI YADH {r emove f r omr ol l back l i st } 070517- 19: 52: 48 10. 230. 17. 177 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 25528 $ cv r br mO&M_RI YADH ok $
GRY027> cv r bset 070517- 19: 55: 11 10. 230. 17. 177 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 25528 $ cv r bset cv [ mk| r m| set | l s| cu| r bi ni t | r bset | r br m| r bcnt | up| synch| upl s| upr m| csum| pr ec| hel p] $
GRY027> cv hel p 070517- 19: 55: 23 10. 230. 17. 177 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 25528 $ cv hel p Cr eat e CV: cv mk <name> [ i d] [ t ype] [ pui d] [ oper at or ] [ comment ] [ act i vi t yLogFi l ePat h] Remove CV: cv r m<name> Set as st ar t abl e: cv set <name> Li st cv: s: cv l s Cur r ent usage: cv cu Set r ol l back i ni t val ues: cv r bi ni t <st at us> <t i mer > <count er > - st at us : 0=no_change, 1=r ol l back_on, 2=r ol l back_of f - t i mer : 0=no_change, 1- n mi nut es - count er : 0=no_change, 1- n Set f i r st i n r ol l back l i st : cv r bset <name> Remove f r omr ol l back l i st : cv r br m<name> Set r ol l back count er : cv r bcnt <count er > Check i f l oaded cv i s upgr ade: cv up Cl ean up cv di r : cv cl ean <l evel > - l evel : 1=r emove al l cvs except one used by cv poi nt er . - l evel : 2=r emove al l cvs except one used by cv poi nt er & r ol l back l i st . - l evel : 3=r emove al l cvs on passi ve si de t hat does not exi st on act i ve si de. Synch f r omact i ve t o MP wi t h gi ven l nh name: cv synch <l nh> Li st upgr ade cv: cv upl s <upgr ade package i d> Remove upgr ade cv: cv upr m<upgr ade package i d> Checksumcv: cv csum<name> <mode> - name: CV name t o checksumf i l es f or - mode: act i ve=act i ve Cor e MP, passi ve=passi ve Cor e MP Pr echeck cv: cv pr ec <number of new CVs>
GRY027> cv r bset Backup080307 070517- 19: 57: 20 10. 230. 17. 177 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 25528 $ cv r bset Backup080307 ok $
GRY027> cv l s 070517- 20: 02: 44 10. 230. 17. 177 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 25962 $ cv l s Pl ease wai t f or l i st . . . . Name: Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070517_0100 Dat e: Thu May 17 01: 00: 12 2007 I d: 1 Type: aut ocr eat e Package upgr ade: CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Oper at or : Cel l o Packet Pl at f or m Comment : Dai l y aut ocr eat ed CV. St at us: ok
Name: Backup080307 Dat e: Thu Mar 8 08: 24: 06 2007 I d: Backup080307 Type: ot her Package upgr ade: CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Oper at or : unknown Comment : none St at us: ok
Name: I NI TI AL_CV Dat e: Thu May 11 21: 35: 09 2006 I d: no val ue ( cv pr oduct i d) Type: ot her Package upgr ade: no val ue ( upgr ade package i d) Oper at or : no val ue ( oper at or s name) Comment : no val ue ( oper at or s comment s) St at us: ok
Name: Rb_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070122_2155 Dat e: Mon J an 22 21: 55: 12 2007 I d: no val ue ( cv pr oduct i d) Type: ot her Package upgr ade: CXP9010809/ 1_R28D Oper at or : Cel l o Packet Pl at f or m Comment : Rol l b. CV aut ocr eat ed at Syst emUpgr ade. St at us: ok
Name: O&M_BACKUP_21. 11. 06 Dat e: Tue Nov 21 12: 09: 30 2006 I d: O&M_BACKUP_21. 11. 06 Type: ot her Package upgr ade: CXP9010809/ 1_R28D Oper at or : ewi syam Comment : none St at us: ok
Name: Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070516_0100 Dat e: Wed May 16 01: 00: 12 2007 I d: 1 Type: aut ocr eat e Package upgr ade: CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Oper at or : Cel l o Packet Pl at f or m Comment : Dai l y aut ocr eat ed CV. St at us: ok
Name: O&M_RI YADH Dat e: Wed May 9 14: 31: 20 2007 I d: O&M_RI YADH Type: ot her Package upgr ade: CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Oper at or : Admi ni st r at or Comment : 09052007 St at us: ok
Name: Fi _CXP9010809%1_R28D_700101_0029 Dat e: Thu J an 1 00: 29: 27 1970 I d: no val ue ( cv pr oduct i d) Type: ot her Package upgr ade: CXP9010809/ 1_R28D Oper at or : Cel l o Packet Pl at f or m Comment : Fi nal CV aut ocr eat ed at Syst emUpgr ade. St at us: ok
Name: af t er _i nt egr at i on_wor ki ng Dat e: Thu J an 1 21: 44: 34 1970 I d: af t er _i nt egr at i on_wor ki ng Type: ot her Package upgr ade: CXP9010809/ 1_R28D Oper at or : unknown Comment : none St at us: ok
Name: Si _CXP9010809%1_R30G_070117_1329 Dat e: Wed J an 17 13: 29: 41 2007 I d: no val ue ( cv pr oduct i d) Type: ot her Package upgr ade: CXP9010809/ 1_R28D Oper at or : Cel l o Packet Pl at f or m Comment : I nst al l _t mp CV aut ocr eat ed by SU St at us: ok
Name: SU_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070122_2207 Dat e: Mon J an 22 22: 07: 56 2007 I d: no val ue ( cv pr oduct i d) Type: upgr ade_t ol _er r Package upgr ade: CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Oper at or : Cel l o Packet Pl at f or m Comment : Temp. CV aut ocr eat ed at Syst emUpgr ade. St at us: ok
Name: Fi _CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070122_2214 Dat e: Mon J an 22 22: 14: 29 2007 I d: no val ue ( cv pr oduct i d) Type: ot her Package upgr ade: CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Oper at or : Cel l o Packet Pl at f or m Comment : Fi nal CV aut ocr eat ed at Syst emUpgr ade. St at us: ok
Name: Au_CXP9010809%1_R30G%B_070509_0100 Dat e: Wed May 9 01: 00: 13 2007 I d: 1 Type: aut ocr eat e Package upgr ade: CXP9010809/ 1_R30G/ B Oper at or : Cel l o Packet Pl at f or m Comment : Dai l y aut ocr eat ed CV.
******************************************************* get / l get [ <moGr oup>| <moFi l t er >| <pr oxy( s) >| al l ] [ <at t r i but e- f i l t er >| al l ] [ <val ue- f i l t er >] ******************************************************* Thi s command f et ches one of sever al at t r i but es f r omone or sever al MO' s. Doesn' t f et ch pmat t r i but es; t o vi ew pmat t r i but es, use pget / l pget .
Exampl es: get al l at t r i but es f r omal l MOs except t hose whose RDN mat ches "ut r anr el " or " i ub" >> get ! ( ut r anr el | i ub) get al l at t r i but es f r omMOs whose pr oxi es r ange f r om10 t o 30 >> get 10- 30 f r omal l MOs, get pr oduct dat a cont ai ni ng t he st r i ng 0843 ( can be usef ul t o f i nd out whi ch MO' s ar e r el at ed t o a cer t ai n l oadmodul e) >> get al l pr oduct 0843 f r omal l Ut r ancel l s, get si nt er sear ch at t r i but e di f f er ent f r om10 >> get ut r ancel si nt er ! 10 get t r af f i c descr i pt or s f or al l vcl t p' s >> get vc t r af f i cdes get vcl t p' s used by al l cr oss- connect i ons >> get cr oss vc get pi ut ype f or al l MO' s under " Equi pment " >> l get equi p pi ut ype get at t enuat i on val ues f or al l cabl es ( i n RBS) >> get cabl e at t en get al l at t r i but es i n nodesynch MO, bel ongi ng t o si t e 1164 ( i n RNC) >> l get 1164, nodesy get al l at t r i but es i n MO' s under "RncFunct i on" mat chi ng pwr or power or si r >> l get r ncf unct i on p. *w. *r | si r vi ew whi ch cel l s ar e connect ed t o whi ch i ub' s ( i n RNC) >> get cel l i ub get al l at t r i but es f r omnodebf unct i on MO, except t hose mat chi ng " over l oad" >> get nodebf unc ! over l oad
Not e: a) when doi ng a " get <mo( s) >" or "get <mo( s) > al l " , one cor ba r equest i s sent f or each MO, aski ng f or al l at t r i but es of t hat MO. b) when doi ng a " get <mo( s) > <at t r i but e( s) >" , a cor ba r equest i s sent f or up t o 100 MOs at a t i me, aski ng f or t he speci f i ed at t r i but es of t hose MOs.
The i mpl i cat i ons of t hi s i s t hat i t i s f ast er but : a) i f one or mor e at t r i but es cannot be r ead due t o some except i on ( eg: FRO not accessi bl e) , t hen al l at t r i but es wi l l r et ur n t he same except i on, even i f t hey can be r ead. b) i f one or mor e MOs cont ai n one or mor e at t r i but es t hat cannot be r ead, t hen al l MOs wi t hi n t hat cor ba r equest wi l l r et ur n t he same except i on even i f t hey can be r ead.
The wor kar ound f or a) i s t o f i nd out whi ch at t r i but e i s causi ng t he pr obl em. The command "sget " ( " sl ow get " ) can be used f or t hi s. The " sget " command r eads each at t r i but e one by one. The at t r i but e( s) t hat i s causi ng t he except i on wi l l t hen be easy t o spot . I t i s t hen possi bl e t o use t he st andar d " get " command wi t h wi t h t he negat i ve f i l t er ( ! ) t o excl ude t he " f aul t y" at t r i but e.
Exampl e: get nodebf unct i on ! over l oad - - > al l at t r i but es of t he nodebf unct i on MO except t hose mat chi ng "over l oad" wi l l be r ead. pget ut r ancel l ! pmnoof r r c - - > al l pmat t r i but es of t he ut r ancel l MO except t hose mat chi ng " pmnoof r r c" wi l l be r ead.
The wor kar ound f or b) i s t o l ower t he speed of r eadi ng so t hat onl y one MO i nst ead of 100 i s r ead per Cor ba r equest . Thi s i s done usi ng t he " speed" command.
Exampl e: st al l - - - > one MO i s r et ur ni ng an except i on whi ch means t hat up t o 100 MOs cannot be r ead I nst ead do: >> speed 1 >> st al l >> speed 100 The command wi l l be sl ower but t he except i on wi l l onl y af f ect t he MO( s) t hat have i t and not t he " heal t hy" ones. The speed command af f ect s get , pget , kget , pr od, and st commands. By def aul t , "speed" i s set t o 100, whi ch means t hat up t o 100 MOs shar e t he same cor ba r equest . By r unni ng t he command " speed 1" , t he except i on wi l l not af f ect t he ot her MOs. However t he speed wi l l be sl ower . I t i s possi bl e t o use a val ue f r om1 t o 200 t o def i ne t he speed. I t i s r ecommended t o not use a speed hi gher t han 100 si nce t hi s t akes mor e memor y f r omt he node. Type " speed" on i t s own t o see t he cur r ent speed.
Scr i pt i ng: I t i s possi bl e t o st or e t he out put i nt o a var i abl e Exampl e: St or e one val ue i nt o a var i abl e >> get ut r ancel l pi ch > $pi ch St or e many val ues i nt o an ar r ay >> f or $mo i n ut r ancel l gr oup $mor dn = r dn( $mo) get $mo pi ch > $pi chTabl e[ $mor dn] done Ref er t o t he Scr i pt i ng Chapt er f or mor e i nf or mat i on.
******************************************************* t g[ r ] [ c] [ d] ******************************************************* Pr i nt LmCel l Tar get Obser vabi l i t y dat a f r omal l modul es of t he node.
Command Synt ax:
t g[ c] [ r ] [ <mof i l t er >| <mogr oup>| <f r o>] [ : <act or Chi l dr en>] [ <r r t - cmd>] [ | <uni xCmds>] OR: t gd [ <mof i l t er >| <mogr oup>| <f r o>] [ : <act or Chi l dr en>] [ <cel l - par amet er ( s) >]
* Pur pose: To pr i nt t he r el at i on MO<- - - >FRO<- - - >ACTOR<- - - >CCDEVI CE f or I ubLi nk and Ut r anCel l MOs. To send RRT commands t o Cel l / I ub act or s or t hei r chi l dr en i n t he act or t r ee.
* Ar gument s: By speci f yi ng t he f i r st ar gument , i t i s possi bl e t o f i l t er t he Cel l / I ubs mat chi ng a speci f i c Fr oI d or MOi d. By speci f yi ng a second ar gument consi st i ng of an RRT command or a l i st of cel l par amet er s, i t i s possi bl e t o r un an RRT- command or di spl ay cer t ai n cel l par amet er s on al l t he act or s t hat ar e mat ched by t he f i r st ar gument . The l i st of avai l abl e RRT commands can be seen by t ypi ng: l hsh 001400 ? r r t The l i st of avai l abl e cel l par amet er s can be seen by t ypi ng: - l hsh 001400 r r t - CXC132xxxx_Ryyyy 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 2/ 1. 1 i nf o ( f or cel l par amet er s) - l hsh 001400 r r t - CXC132xxxx_Ryyyy 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 7/ 1. 1/ 4/ 1 i nf o ( f or nbapcommon par amet er s) et c. . . The pr i nt out can be pi ped i nt o uni x commands, l i ke "gr ep" and " sor t " .
* Opt i ons: The " r " opt i on i s t o r ef r esh t he MO/ FRO/ ACTOR dat a. Ot her wi se t hi s dat a i s r eused wi t hi n t he moshel l sessi on and f r omsessi on t o sessi on, usi ng a cache on t he wor kst at i on di sk. A t g r ef r esh ( " t gr ") needs t o be done af t er a node upgr ade or i f some I ubLi nks/ Ut r anCel l s have been added/ r emoved/ r emodul ed. Ot her wi se you may get er r or messages such as " unknown command r r t - CXC1328831_Rxxx" ( eg, t he r r t LM has changed af t er an upgr ade) .
The " c" opt i on pr i nt s t he f ol l owi ng ext r a ext r a f i el ds: - Common Channel Devi ce ( ccDevi ce) : shows whi ch SPM i s used t o handl e t he common channel s of t hi s cel l - ccDevi ce Modul e ( ccMod) : shows i f a ccDevi ce i s r unni ng on an SPM t hat doesn' t bel ong t o t he same modul e as t he cel l / i ub. Thi s can be f i xed by l ocki ng/ unl ocki ng t he cel l . I t i s al ways best t o make sur e t hat al l cel l s ar e usi ng a ccDevi ce l ocat ed i n t hei r own modul e so t hat t he l oad wi l l be spr ead equi t abl y on al l ccDevi ces. Not e t hat ccdevi ce dat a i s not kept i n t he cache, onl y mo/ f r o/ act or r el at i on i s kept i n t he cache.
The " d" opt i on i s t o pr i nt cer t ai n cel l - par amet er s f or al l cel l s mat chi ng t he f i r st ar gument .
Exampl es: >> t g - - - > t o vi ew t he f r o/ act or dat a f or each cel l / i ub >> t g cel l =302 - - - > t o vi ew t he f r o/ act or dat a f or al l cel l s st ar t i ng "cel l =302" >> t g cel l mod1 - - - > t o vi ew t he f r o/ act or dat a f or al l MOs bel ongi ng t o t he MO gr oup " cel l mod1" ( use " ma" command t o make an MO gr oup) >> t g 67 - - - > t o vi ew t he mo/ act or dat a f or t he MOs t hat have f r o=67 >> t gr - - - > t o r ef r esh t he f r o/ act or dat a >> t gc - - - > t o vi ew al l cel l s/ i ubs and t hei r r espect i ve f r o/ act or and ccDevi ce ( Not e: ccDevi ce dat a i s not cached so i f i t i s not necessar y t o do t gr t o r ef r esh ccDevi ce dat a) >> t g i ubl i nk=3. *1$ i nf o - - > t o r un t he r r t " i nf o" command on al l act or s whose MO mat ches "i ubl i nk=3. *1$" >> t gc | gr ep 0019 - - > t o see al l cel l s t hat ar e on ccdevi ce of boar d 001900 >> t g cel l get at t r cel l Dat a - - - > t o send t he r r t command " get at t r cel l Dat a" on al l act or s whose MO mat ches " cel l " >> t g i ubmod3 st at e - - > t o r un t he r r t command " st at e" on al l MOs bel ongi ng t o t he MO gr oup " i ubmod3" ( use " ma" command t o make an MO gr oup) >> t gd cel l ul i nt er f er ence cel l dat a: er r or st at us cel l dat a: spconf i gf l ag cel l RoSt at e - - > t o vi ew t he cel l par amet er s " ul i nt er f er ence, cel l dat a: er r or st at us, et c. " on al l cel l s. >> t gd cel l cel l LoadMoni t or : t ot AseDl cel l LoadMoni t or : t ot AseUl cel l LoadMoni t or : cur r Dl Code - - > t o vi ew t he admi ssi on t r ee usage on al l cel l s ( P3/ P4) >> t gd cel l : / 8/ 3 cel l LoadMoni t or : t ot AseDl cel l LoadMoni t or : t ot AseUl cel l LoadMoni t or : cur r Dl Code - - - > t o vi ew t he admi ssi on t r ee usage on al l cel l s ( P5 and af t er ) >> t gd cel l ul i nt er f er ence cel l dat a: spbl ocked cel l dat a: spconf i gf l ag cel l RoSt at e cel l del et ed cel l Tr aceAct i vat ed cel l dat a: er r or st at us >> t gd i ub: / 4/ 1 act i veSt at us st andbySt at us cur r ent Cause cur r ent Avai l abi l i t ySt at us r ncRbsLi nkLossOf Redundancy r ncRbsLi nkDown r ncRbsDeact i vat ed - - > t o vi ew t hose at t r i but es on al l t he NbapCommon act or s
>> t gd cel l =9012 ul i nt er f er ence cel l dat a: spbl ocked cel l dat a: spconf i gf l ag cel l RoSt at e cel l del et ed cel l Tr aceAct i vat ed cel l dat a: er r or st at us - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MO ul i nt er f er ence spbl ocked spconf i gf l ag cel l r ost at e cel l del et ed er r or st at cel l t r aceact i vat ed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ut r anCel l =90121 - 106 0 0 2 0 0 0 Ut r anCel l =90122 - 100 0 0 1 0 16002: Cel l NoDr hResour ces 0 Ut r anCel l =90123 - 100 0 0 1 0 16002: Cel l NoDr hResour ces 0
Descr i pt i on: - spbl ocked=1 means t hat t he CCdevi ce has cr ashed and Rnh got t he si gnal cl ear Resour ceReq. - spconf i gf l ag says i f t he cel l has al l ocat ed SP r esour ces or not . Shoul d be 0 i f spbl ocked=1. - cel l r ost at e i s def i ned i n t he header f i l e r l i bRncConst . h: r oSt at eNOK=1, r oSt at eOK=2, r oSt at eDepNOK=3 - cel l del et ed means t hat t he cel l has been del et ed by t he oper at or , i . e. FRO has sent a del et eI nd. - cel l t r aceact i vat ed says i f t he f eat ur e "Sel ect i ve Cel l Tr aci ng" i s act i ve or not . See CR WRNac20241 - er r or st at us i s di f f er ent t o 0 i f t her e i s a f aul t i n t he cel l unl ock pr ocedur e. Range 16000- 16014 i s speci f i ed i n t he f i l e r l i bEvent Nr . h. Cel l r ost at e shal l be equal t o 1 i f t he er r or st at us i s di f f er ent t o 0.
>> t gd i ub: / 4/ 1 act i veSt at us st andbySt at us cur r ent Cause cur r ent Avai l abi l i t ySt at us r ncRbsLi nkLossOf Redundancy r ncRbsLi nkDown r ncRbsDeact i vat ed - - > t o vi ew t hose at t r i but es on al l t he NbapCommon act or s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MO act i vest at us st andbyst at us cur r ent cause cur r ent avai l abi l i t yst at us r ncr bsl i nkdown r ncr bsdeact i vat ed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ubLi nk=1001 1 1 2 2 0 0 I ubLi nk=1002 1 1 2 2 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Descr i pt i on: - act i veSt at us and st andbySt at us ar e bool ean ( 0 or 1) . I t ' s t he FRO' s way t o say i f i t ' s ok or not t o at t ach t o USAAL. User Pl aneCepI d f or act i ve and st andby shal l be di f f er ent t o - 1 i f act i ve/ st andby st at us equal s 1. - cur r ent Cause i s sent by FRO i n t he si gnal s opSt at eChdI nd and set At t r i bI nd and i s def i ned by t he dat acl ass CpxUsaal Ef i _OpSt at eChangeCauseD. Val i d val ues ar e: CELLO_USAALEFI _SERVER_RESTARTED == 1 CELLO_USAALEFI _OTHER == 2 CELLO_USAALEFI _SERVER_MOVED == 3 ( i nt r oduced i n t he f eat ur e Moveabl e CEP i n P5MD) - cur r ent Avai l abi l i t ySt at us comes t oget her wi t h opSt at eChdI nd and i s about "r egul ar " st at e pr opagat i on, i . e. i f bi t 5 i s set t o NBAP RO Dependency Fai l ed. - r ncRbsLi nkLossOf Redundancy & r ncRbsLi nkDown ar e i nt er nal f l ags t hat say i f t he event s l i nkDown and l i nkLossOf Redundancy ar e act i ve or not . I f r ncRbsLi nkDown=1 t hen cur r ent Avai l abi l i t ySt at us wi l l be " Dependency Fai l ed" and l i nkUsedFor Tr af f i c wi l l be equal t o - 1. - l i nkUsedFor Tr af f i c says whi ch i ubl i nk we ar e usi ng at t he moment . Act i ve == 0, St andby == 1. I f l i nkUsedFor Tr af f i c equal s 1 ( st andby) t hen r ncRbsLi nkLossOf Redundancy i s al so equal t o 1. - r ncRbsDeact i vat ed says i f t he event l i nkDeact i vat ed i s act i ve or not . Al l 3 event s ar e def i ned i n header f i l e r l i bEvent Nr . h.
>> t gd cel l : / 8/ 3 cel l LoadMoni t or : t ot AseDl cel l LoadMoni t or : t ot AseUl cel l LoadMoni t or : cur r Dl Code - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MO t ot asedl t ot aseul cur r dl code - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ut r anCel l =30101 320 160 3750 Ut r anCel l =30102 0 0 3593 Ut r anCel l =30103 0 0 3593 Ut r anCel l =30104 1940 969 4218 Ut r anCel l =30105 2064 1568 4375 Ut r anCel l =30106 991 911 3984 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Descr i pt i on: - t ot AseDl i s t he t ot al amount of DL ASE t hat i s cur r ent l y i n use i n t he cel l . The val ue i s scal ed by a f act or 100 t o get a r esol ut i on of 0. 01 ASE, i . e. t ot al AseDl = 1280 means 12. 80 ASE DL l oad i n t he cel l . - t ot AseUl i s t he same as t ot AseDl but f or UL ASE. DL and UL ASE val ues ar e cont r ol l ed by UEH ( by si gnal s admi ssi onRequest , admi ssi onDecr easeLoadI nd, admi ssi onAseUl I ncr easeI nd and admi ssi onAseUl Decr easeI nd) . - cur r Dl Code r ef l ect s t he l ast r epor t ed val ue of DL code t r ee l oad ut i l i zat i on i n t he cel l ( r epor t ed f r omt he RnhCode bl ock by si gnal codeTr eeLoadI nd) . The val ue i s scal ed by f act or 100 t o get a r esol ut i on of 0. 01 %code t r ee l oad, i . e. codeTr eeLoad = 4218 means 42. 18 %of DL code t r ee i s al l ocat ed.
******************************************************* l c[ 1- 9] / l cc <moGr oup>| <moFi l t er >| <pr oxy( s) >| al l ******************************************************* The " l c" command i s f or l oadi ng t he LDNs of t he chi l dr en MOs l yi ng under an MO or gr oup of MOs. " l c" on i t s own or combi ned wi t h t he numer i c opt i on " 1" wi l l onl y l oad t he di r ect chi l dr en. Wi t h t he numer i c opt i ons 2 t o 9 i t i s possi bl e t o speci f y t he number of l evel s of chi l dr en t o be l oaded. The " c" opt i on ( " l cc" command) i s f or l oadi ng al l possi bl e l evel s of chi l dr en under t he MO.
The par amet er s of t he command ar e: - al l : bui l d a pr oxy t abl e wi t h al l MO' s cont ai ned i n t he node.
- <pr oxy( s) >: l i st chi l dr en of one or sever al MO' s gi ven t hei r pr oxy i d. For i nst ance: >> l c 0 - - > l i st t he di r ect chi l dr en of t he ManagedEl ement MO ( onl y one l evel of chi l dr en) >> l c2 0 - - > l i st t wo l evel s of chi l dr en under ManagedEl ement MO >> l cc 0 - - > l i st al l l evel s of chi l dr en of t he ManagedEl ement MO ( same as l c al l or l t al l ) . >> l c 4 6 7 - - > l i st one l evel of chi l dr en under pr oxys 5, 6, and 7.
- <moFi l t er >: l i st chi l dr en of al l MO' s whose RDN mat ch t he pat t er n. For i nst ance: >> l c3 t r anspor t net wor k=1 - - - > l i st t hr ee l evel s of chi l dr en under Tr anspor t Net wor k MO >> l c cel l =3002 - - > l i st di r ect chi l dr en f or MO' s whose RDN mat ch " cel l =3002" >> l cc ms- 24- 1 - - > l i st al l l evel s of chi l dr en under MO' s whose RDN mat ch "ms- 24- 1"
The pat t er n i n mo- f i l t er i s a r egul ar expr essi on, mor e i nf or mat i on can be f ound wi t h command "h synt ax" and "h pr " .
******************************************************* l ko/ l l ko <moGr oup>| <moFi l t er >| <pr oxy( s) > ******************************************************* The ol d l k. Messi er t han l k but suppor t s a wi der r ange of MO cl asses. Out put f or mat ( exampl e) : >>l ko r anap=cs =============================================================================== MOs l i nked t o 1316 RncFunct i on=1, Ranap=cs ( - , E) =============================================================================== l ocal SccpApRef Ranap=cs - - - > ( - , E) SccpSp=1, SccpScr c=1, SccpAp=1 sccpGl obal Ti t l eRef Ranap=cs - - - > ( - , - ) SccpSp=1, SccpScr c=1, SccpGl obal Ti t l e=1 r emot eSccpApRef Ranap=cs - - - > ( - , E) SccpSp=1, SccpScr c=1, SccpAp=2 r eser vedBy SccpSp=1, SccpScr c=1, SccpAp=1 - - - > ( - , - ) SccpSp=1, SccpScr c=1, SccpEnt i t ySet =1 mt p3bApI d SccpSp=1, SccpScr c=1, SccpAp=2 - - - > ( - , E) Mt p3bSp=1, Mt p3bAp=1 r eser vedBy SccpSp=1, SccpScr c=1, SccpAp=2 - - - > ( - , - ) SccpSp=1, SccpScr c=1, SccpEnt i t ySet =2 r out eSet I d Mt p3bSp=1, Mt p3bAp=1 - - - > ( - , E) Mt p3bSp=1, Mt p3bSr s=1 r eser vedBy SccpSp=1, SccpScr c=1, SccpEnt i t ySet =2 - - - > ( - , - ) SccpSp=1, SccpScr c=1, SccpGl obal Ti t l e=2 sl sReser vedBy Mt p3bSp=1, Mt p3bSr s=1 - - - > ( - , E) Mt p3bSp=1, Mt p3bSl s=1 r eser vedBy Mt p3bSp=1, Mt p3bSl s=1 - - - > ( - , E) Mt p3bSp=1, Mt p3bSr s=1, Mt p3bSr =1
nni Saal TpI d Mt p3bSp=1, Mt p3bSl s=1, Mt p3bSl =2 - - - > ( - , E) Nni Saal Tp=csb nni Saal Pr of i l eI d Nni Saal Tp=csb - - - > ( - , - ) Nni Saal Pr of i l e=1 aal 5TpVccTpI d Nni Saal Tp=csb - - - > ( - , E) Aal 5TpVccTp=csb pr ocessor I d Aal 5TpVccTp=csb - - - > ( U, E) Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =9, Pl ugI nUni t =1 vcl TpI d Aal 5TpVccTp=csb - - - > ( - , E) At mPor t =MS- 7- 1, Vpl Tp=vp12, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc34 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt r I d At mPor t =MS- 7- 1, Vpl Tp=vp12, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc34- - - > ( - , - ) At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or =U3P4500M3000
nni Saal TpI d Mt p3bSp=1, Mt p3bSl s=1, Mt p3bSl =1 - - - > ( - , E) Nni Saal Tp=csa nni Saal Pr of i l eI d Nni Saal Tp=csa - - - > ( - , - ) Nni Saal Pr of i l e=1 aal 5TpVccTpI d Nni Saal Tp=csa - - - > ( - , E) Aal 5TpVccTp=csa pr ocessor I d Aal 5TpVccTp=csa - - - > ( U, E) Subr ack=MS, Sl ot =8, Pl ugI nUni t =1 vcl TpI d Aal 5TpVccTp=csa - - - > ( - , E) At mPor t =MS- 6- 1, Vpl Tp=vp11, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc34 at mTr af f i cDescr i pt r I d At mPor t =MS- 6- 1, Vpl Tp=vp11, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc34- - - > ( - , - ) At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or =U3P4500M3000 ===============================================================================
I n t he mi ddl e col umn i s t he or i gi nat i ng MO. I n t he f ar r i ght col umn i s t he r ef er enced MO. I n t he l ef t col umn i s t he at t r i but e cont ai ni ng t he r ef er enced MO. The l et t er s i n br acket s show t he admst at e and opst at e of t he r ef er enced MO: U f or unl ocked, L f or l ocked, E f or enabl ed, D f or di sabl ed, "- " f or not / appl i cabl e.
! ! ! Not al l r ef er enced MO' s ar e f ol l owed, e. g. some MO' s l i ke At mTr af f i cDescr i pt or cont ai n r ef er ences t o ver y many MO' s t hat don' t r eal l y r el at e t o t he MO you' r e l ooki ng at . The MO' s whose r ef er ences shoul dn' t be f ol l owed ar e def i ned at t he begi nni ng of moshel l i n t he " dont f ol l owl i st " var i abl e.
! ! ! Some MO' s ar e not l i nked vi a an at t r i but e but vi a par ent / chi l d r el at i onshi p. Those MO' s ar e speci f i ed i n t he " f ol l owl i st " var i abl e at t he begi nni ng of moshel l . For i nst ance: To l i nk Mt p3bSl s wi t h Mt p3bSl To l i nk I ubLi nk wi t h Nbap, NodeSync, et c. The out put pr i nt s an empt y l i ne, whenever some MO' s ar e r ef er enced vi a par ent / chi l d r el at i onshi p.
******************************************************* l t / l t c[ 1- 9] <mot ype- f i l t er >| r oot | al l [ <at t r i but e==val ue> AND/ OR <at t r i but e==val ue>] ******************************************************* l t st ands f or " Load mo Types" , l t c st ands f or " Load mo Types and t hei r Chi l dr en". The numer i c opt i on i n l t c i s f or speci f yt i ng t he number of l evel s of chi l dr en t o l oad. Wi t hout t he opt i on, al l l evel s of chi l dr en ar e l oaded. Thi s command quer i es t he node t o f i nd out whi ch MOs i t cont ai ns and cr eat es a t abl e wi t h t he MO LDNs and a pr oxy number .
The f i r st ar gument of t he l t / l t c command can be: - r oot : cl ear t he pr oxy t abl e and al l ocat e a pr oxy f or t he r oot MO ( ManagedEl ement ) - al l : bui l d a pr oxy t abl e wi t h al l MO' s cont ai ned i n t he node. Fr omv4. 0, t he met hod used t o downl oad al l MO r ef er ences i s f ast er and uses l ess memor y.
- <mot ype- f i l t er >: get a pr oxy f or al l MO t ypes mat chi ng t he speci f i ed pat t er n. For i nst ance: >> l t at mpor - - - > al l MO' s mat chi ng t he st r i ng " at mpor " , t hi s wi l l usual l y be t he " At mPor t " MO' s >> l t c equi pm - - > t he Equi pment MO and al l i t s chi l dr en ( al l t he way down) >> l t c1 equi pm- - - > t he Equi pment MO and one l evel of chi l dr en onl y >> l t c2 t r ansp - - - > t he Tr anspor t Net wor k MO and t wo l evel s of chi l dr en onl y >> l t ^ut r ancel l | f ach| r ach| pch - - > al l ut r ancel l s, f ach, r ach, pch MOs >> l t i ub - - > al l i ubl i nks
The pat t er n i n mot ype- f i l t er i s a r egul ar expr essi on, mor e i nf or mat i on can be f ound wi t h command " h synt ax" and " h pr ". The ar gument r oot / al l cl ear s t he pr oxy t abl e, wher eas l t <mot ype- f i l t er > doesn' t , so t he MO LDNs get appended t o t he exi st i ng t abl e. I f t he same MO t ype i s l oaded sever al t i mes, onl y t he l at est f et ched i nst ance i s kept . Pr evi ousl y f et ched i nst ances of t hat MO t ype ar e del et ed f r omt he i nt er nal t abl e.
The second ar gument ( opt i onal ) i s a f i l t er const r ai nt f or t he at t r i but e val ue. For i nst ance: >> l t ut r ancel l oper at i onal st at e==0 - - > l oad pr oxys f or al l di sabl ed cel l s >> l t ut r ancel l pr i mar ycpi chpower ==270 - - > l oad pr oxys f or al l cel l s t hat have pi chpower =270 >> l t al l oper at i onal st at e==0 OR admi ni st r at i vest at e==0 - - > l oad pr oxys f or al l MOs i n t he node t hat have opst at e 0 or admst at e 0. >> l t c r ncf unct i on oper at i onal st at e==0 - - > l oad pr oxys f or al l MOs under RncFunct i on t hat have opst at e 0.
Not e: Thi s t ype of sear ch i s ver y har d f or t he node i f i t has t o sear ch t hr ough a l ar ge number of MOs ( i e sever al t housand) .
For mor e i nf or mat i on about Fi l t er const r ai nt , r ef er t o: MO Cl i ent I nt er f ace User Gui de 1553- CXA 104 210.
******************************************************* pr / l pr [ <moGr oup>| <moFi l t er >| <pr oxy( s) >] ******************************************************* Thi s i s t he pr i nt command. I t doesn' t act ual l y communi cat e wi t h t he node, i t j ust s pr i nt s par t of t he r ef er ence t abl e t hat was f et ched by l t / l t c, l c/ l cc, or l d command. The pr i nt command i s usef ul t o t est pat t er ns used i n mo- f i l t er s. For i nst ance, some pat t er ns wi l l mat ch mor e MO' s t han you expect ed, whi ch wi l l r esul t i n execut i ng a command on some unwant ed MO' s. Ther ef or e, i t i s good t o f i r st t r y your pat t er n on t he pr / l pr command, t hen do i t " f or r eal " on a command t hat act ual l y communi cat es wi t h t he node. The pr / l pr command al so shows t he t ot al number of MO' s mat chi ng t he pat t er n. Exampl e: >> pr ==> pr i nt al l MOs >> pr 0- 1000 ==> pr i nt MOs wi t h pr oxy i d 0 t o 1000 >> pr ! ut r anr el ==> pr i nt al l MOs except t hose wi t h an RDN mat chi ng " ut r anr el " Mor e i nf o i n chapt er 3 ( " h synt ax") .
******************************************************* st r ******************************************************* The command has t wo synt axes, dependi ng on t he t ype of node.
a) CDMA BSC: st r [ | <uni xCommand>]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SI TE C1 C2 C3 ABI S BACKHAUL ATMPORTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 96 11 11 11 11 RBS1_Backhaul BHRBS1_Backhaul _BHSBackhaul Span_1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The st at es of t he channel s ar e shown f or each cel l , as wel l as t he st at es of t he Abi sCommon and Abi sDedi cat ed. The MO- i d of t he backhaul and t he at mpor t s ar e al so shown f or each si t e. St at e abbr evi at i on: L means Locked, 0 means Di sabl ed, and 1 means Enabl ed.
b) UTRAN RNC: st r [ 12f t ] [ <csvf i l e>] [ <f i l t er - opt i ons>] [ | <uni x cmds>]
To see t he st at e of al l or par t of t he cel l s/ i ubs/ channel s i n t he node, one l i ne per si t e.
The f i l t er opt i ons ( - m, - s, - i , - c) al l ow t o get st at es on onl y par t of t he si t es/ cel l s, i n or der t o speed up t he out put . Eg: >> st r - m7, 8, 9 - - - > pr i nt st at es onl y f or modul es 7, 8, and 9 >> st r - s ms, es- 1 - - - > pr i nt st at es onl y f or subr acks ms and es- 1 >> st r - i 9012 - - - > pr i nt st at es onl y f or i ubl i nk 9012 and i t s connect ed cel l s >> st r - c 90121, 90131 - - > pr i nt st at es onl y f or t he si t es connect ed t o cel l 90121 and 90131
Ther e ar e f our possi bl e out put f or mat s: The " st r " pr i nt out uses an abbr evi at ed nami ng of t he cel l s wher e i t i s assumed t hat t he l ast di gi t i s i dent i f yi ng t he sect or . For net wor ks wher e t he sect or i s not i dent i f i ed by t he l ast di gi t , i t can be handy t o use " st r 1" or " st r 2" si nce t he whol e cel l name wi l l t hen be shown f or each sect or . The " st r t " command shows t he At mPor t s used by each si t e. - st r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MOD I UBLI NK CELLNAME CELL1 CELL2 CELL3 CD12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 I ub_3011 3011- 1/ 2/ 3 1111 L000 1000 1111 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - st r t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MOD I UBLI NK CELLNAME CELL1 CELL2 CELL3 CD12 ATMPORTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 I ub_3011 3011- 1/ 2/ 3 1111 L000 1000 1111 MS- 26- 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - st r 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MOD I UBLI NK CELLNAMES CELL1 CELL2 CELL3 CD12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 I ub_3011 30111 30112 30113 1111 1111 1111 1111 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - st r 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MOD I UBLI NK CD12 CELL1 CRFP CELL2 CRFP CELL3 CRFP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 I ub_3011 1111 30111 1111 30112 1111 30113 1111 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MOD: t hi s t he RNC modul e t hat t he si t e i s def i ned i n. I UBLI NK: t hi s i s t he i dent i t y of t he i ubl i nk t hat t he si t e i s usi ng. CELLNAME: t hi s i s t he name of t he cel l s t hat ar e connect ed t o t hat I ubLi nk. t he cel l names cor r espond t o t he r espect i ve sect or s. eg: 6306- 1/ 2/ 3 means t hat : cel l 63061 i s connect ed t o SECT1 cel l 63062 i s connect ed t o SECT2 cel l 63063 i s connect ed t o SECT3. CELL: t he f i r st di gi t i s t he st at e of t he cel l . t he t hr ee f ol l owi ng di gi t s ar e t he st at e of t he common channel s ( f ach/ r ach/ pch) . t he f i f t h di gi t ( i f pr esent ) r epr esent s t he st at e of t he hsdpa channel ( hsdsch) . t he si xt h di gi t ( i f pr esent ) r epr esent s t he st at e of t he enhanced upl i nk channel ( eul ) . CD12: t he f i r st di gi t i s t he st at e of nbapCommon t he second di gi t i s t he st at e of nbapDedi cat ed t he f i nal t wo di gi t s ar e t he st at es of NodeSynchTp 1 and 2. St at es: L means Locked, 0 means Di sabl ed, and 1 means Enabl ed. The out put can be pi ped i n ext er nal uni x commands such as gr ep. I f a f i l ename i s gi ven as ar gument , t he out put wi l l be saved i nt o t hi s f i l e i n csv f or mat ( as wel l as bei ng pr i nt ed on t he scr een) . The f opt i on ( " f ast " ) i s f or pr i nt i ng wi t hout f et chi ng t he dat a. I e, t he dat a can be f et ched once, t hen di spl ayed i n many di f f er ent ways wi t hout havi ng t o f et ch i t agai n each t i me. Exampl es: >> st r f | gr ep 3011 >> st r 1f | sor t +1 ( sor t on t he second f i el d)
******************************************************* ma/ l ma <moGr oup> <moGr oup>| <moFi l t er >| <pr oxy( s) >| al l [ <at t r i but e- f i l t er >] [ <val ue- f i l t er >] ******************************************************* To put MO LDNs i nt o an MO- Gr oup. The f i r st ar gument ( mandat or y) i ndi cat es t he name of t he MO- Gr oup. The second ar gument ( mandat or y) i ndi cat es t he Pr oxy I d' s or MO- Fi l t er of t he MOs t o mat ch. I f no f ur t her ar gument s ar e gi ven t hen t he MOs whose RDN/ LDN mat ch t he MO- f i l t er ( or who have t he cor r espondi ng pr oxy) wi l l be put i n t he MO- Gr oup. I f f ur t her ar gument s ar e gi ven t hen a get or pget command i s per f or med usi ng t he second/ t hi r d( / f our t h) ar gument of t he ma/ l ma command. The t hi r d ar gument wi l l be a st r i ng t o mat ch t he at t r i but e and t he f our t h ( i f i t ' s used) wi l l mat ch t he val ue. I f t he at t r i but e i s of any ot her t ype t han MoRef , t hen t he MO( s) whose at t r i but e mat ch t he f our t h ar gument wi l l be put i n t he gr oup. I f t he at t r i but e i s of t ype MoRef , t hen t he MO( s) cont ai ned i n t he at t r i but e i s put i n t he gr oup ( except i f t her e i s a f our t h ar gument ) .
Exampl es: >> ma t est at mpor t . *24- 1 ==> al l MOs whose RDN mat ch at mpor t . *24- 1 ar e put i n t he gr oup cal l ed " t est " >> l ma t est at mpor t . *24- 1 ==> al l MOs whose LDN mat ch at mpor t . *24- 1 ar e put i n t he gr oup cal l ed " t est " >> ma t est at mpor t oper at i onal st 0 ==> al l MOs whose RDN mat ch " at mpor t " and who have oper at i onal st at e mat chi ng " 0" wi l l be put i n t he gr oup " t est " >> ma t est at mpor t physpat ht er m ==> al l MOs who ar e r ef er enced t hr ough t he at t r i but e " physpat her mI d" of t he MOs mat chi ng " at mpor t " wi l l be put i n t he gr oup " t est " ( si nce physpat her mI d i s an at t r i but e of t ype MoRef ) >> l ma t est subr ack=ms, sl ot =10, pr ogr aml oadmodul e ==> al l l oadmodul e MOs connect ed t o pr ogr amMOs r unni ng on sl ot 10 i n mai n subr ack wi l l be put i n t he gr oup "t est " ( si nce " l oadmodul e" i s an at t r i but e of t ype MoRef ) >> ma t est at mpor t physpat her msl ot =23 ==> al l at mpor t s whose physpat her mr ef er ence mat ches "sl ot =23" wi l l be put i n t he gr oup >> ma t est r el i abl epr ogr amadmact i vesl ot sl ot =10 ==> al l r el i abl epr ogr ams t hat ar e on sl ot 10 wi l l be put i n t he gr oup >> ma t est vcl t p pmr ec 0 ==> al l vcl t ps wi t h 0 pmr ecei vedcel l s ar e put i n t he gr oup
Two- st ep exampl es: 1. t o put al l unl ocked- di sabl ed MOs i n a gr oup i n or der t o l ock t hem >> ma t est al l oper at i onal 0 >> ma t est 1 t est admi ni st 1 >> bl t est 1 2. t o put al l cel l s bel ongi ng t o modul e 3 i n a gr oup i n or der t o l ock t hem >> ma i ubmod3 i ubl i nk modul e =3$ >> ma cel l mod3 i ubmod3 r eser vedby >> bl cel l mod3 3. t o put al l vcl t ps t hat have 0 r ecei vedcel l s and mor e t han 0 t r ansmi t t ed cel l s i n a gr oup i n or der t o f i nd out whi ch upper l ayer s ar e af f ect ed >> ma f aul t yvcl t p vcl t p pmr ec ^0$ >> mr f aul t yvcl t p vcl t p pmt r ans ^[ ^0] >> l k f aul t yvcl t p
******************************************************* f t get [ c] / f t put [ c] ******************************************************* Thi s command al l ows t o do an f t p put / get bet ween t he cel l o node and t he wor kst at i on. Synt ax: * f t put [ c] l ocal f i l e/ l ocal di r [ r emot ef i l e/ r emot edi r ] * f t get [ c] r emot ef i l e/ r emot edi r [ l ocal f i l e/ l ocal di r ] Wher e " l ocal " r ef er s t o t he wor kst at i on and " r emot e" r ef er s t o t he cel l o node. I t i s possi bl e t o downl oad/ upl oad a whol e di r ect or y f r om/ t o t he node by speci f yi ng a r emot e/ l ocal di r ect or y i nst ead of a r emot e/ l ocal f i l e. The " c" opt i on st ands f or condi t i onal and means t hat i f t he f i l e al r eady exi st s on t he wor kst at i on/ node, i t wi l l not be over wr i t t en. By r unni ng f t put / f t get f r ommobat ch, i t i s possi bl e t o get / put f i l es t o/ f r ommany nodes i n par al l el . Li mi t at i ons: * Wi l dcar ds ( *) ar e cur r ent l y not suppor t ed. * Onl y act i ve mode i s suppor t ed f or unsecur e f t p. I f act i ve mode i s not al l owed by t he f i r ewal l , t hen use secur e_f t p i nst ead ( see chap 0. 5 f or i nf o about secur e_shel l / secur e_f t p) .
******************************************************* f r o/ l f r o[ m] <moGr oup>| <moFi l t er >| <pr oxy( s) >| al l [ <at t r i but e- f i l t er >| al l ] [ <val ue- f i l t er >] ******************************************************* To pr i nt t he f r oi d( s) of an MO. The f r oi d i s f ound by r eadi ng t he modat a_r 1 sql t abl e i n t he node. The " m" opt i on i s f or pr i nt i ng al l MAO at t r i but es of t he MO ( i ncl udi ng t he f r oi d) . Same f or mat as f or t he get command. Exampl es: >> f r o pl ugi n - - > pr i nt al l f r oi ds f or al l pl ugi nuni t s ( wi l l show r esour cei d and sai r esour cei d) >> f r o pl ugi n ^r - - > pr i nt t he r esour cei d f or al l pl ugi nuni t s >> f r o pl ugi n . 5 - - > pr i nt onl y t he MOs who have a f r oi d mat chi ng t he val ue 5 >> f r o pl ugi n . ^5$ - - - > pr i nt onl y t he MOs who have a f r oi d of 5 exact l y >> l f r o ms, sl ot =10, pl ugi n sai r esour ce > $sai - - > save t he sai r esour cei d of a par t i cul ar pl ugi nuni t i nt o a var i abl e "$sai "
How i t wor ks: Thi s command r equi r es r ead access t o t he node dat abase usi ng t he node' s SQL cl i ent . I f t he SQL cl i ent LM ( CXC1325608) i s not st ar t ed, t he f r o command wi l l st ar t i t aut omat i cal l y usi ng t he " sql +/ sql - " f unct i onal i t y i n moshel l ( r ef er t o hel p f or t hese commands f or mor e i nf o) . Once t he SQL cl i ent i s r unni ng on t he node, t he f r o command wi l l quer y t he t abl es mot ype_r 1 and modat a_r 2 i n or der t o f i nd out t he f r oi d( s) f or t he MOs i n quest i on. I f t he mot ype_r 1 t abl e i s not pr esent on t he node, i t coul d be t hat t he node SWi s t oo ol d ( eg: Cel l o 3 or l ower ) . NOTE: As expl ai ned i n t he Tut or i al sect i on of t he MoShel l User Gui de, not al l MOs have a cor r espondi ng f RO r el at ed t o t hem.
3RR01> l t aal 3RR01> l st b1013 070524- 05: 11: 09 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19957 ======================================================================= Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO ======================================================================= 10683 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a 10684 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i b 11492 1 ( UNLO 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a1 11493 1 ( UNLO 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a2 13443 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013qa 13444 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013qb 13445 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013ca 13446 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013cb 13447 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013da 13448 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013db 14165 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1013sa1 14166 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1013sb1 14416 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b1013 16091 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013qa 16092 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013qb 16093 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013ca 16094 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013cb 16095 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013da 16096 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013db =======================================================================Tot al : 19 MOs
3RR01> l st gr y502 070524- 05: 11: 25 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19957 ======================================================================= Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO ======================================================================= 2049 1 ( UN) 0 ( DSBLD) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1 2050 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Rach=1 2051 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Rach=1 4284 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Hsdsch=1 4285 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Hsdsch=1 4286 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Hsdsch=1 5163 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Pch=1 5164 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Pch=1 5165 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Pch=1 6042 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Fach=1 6043 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Fach=1 6044 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Fach=1 6337 1 ( UN) 0 ( DSBLD) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapCommon=1 8598 1 ( UN) 1 ( ENBLD) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=1 8599 1 ( UN) 1 ( ENBLD) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=2 8892 1 ( UN) 0 ( DSBLD) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapDedi cat ed=1 9185 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502 10062 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A 10063 1 ( UN) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B 10064 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C =======================================================================Tot al : 20 MOs
/ * ETM Boar d r est ar t */ 3RR01> al t
Nr of act i ve al ar ms ar e: 179 =======================================================================Dat e & Ti me ( Local ) S Speci f i c Pr obl em Cause Mo- Ref er ence =======================================================================2007- 05- 19 19: 05: 47 w I MA Li nk Recept i on Unusabl e at Far End r emot e_node_t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I maGr oup=ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma48, I maLi nk=1 2007- 05- 19 19: 05: 48 w I MA Li nk Recept i on Unusabl e at Far End r emot e_node_t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I maGr oup=ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma48, I maLi nk=2 2007- 05- 19 19: 05: 48 w Remot e Def ect I ndi cat i on on I MA Li nk r emot e_node_t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I maGr oup=ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma48, I maLi nk=2 2007- 05- 19 19: 05: 49 M I MA Gr oup I nsuf f i ci ent Li nks at Far End r emot e_node_t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I maGr oup=ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma48 2007- 05- 19 19: 05: 49 M I MA Gr oup I nsuf f i ci ent Li nks l ocal _node_t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I maGr oup=ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma48 2007- 05- 21 15: 36: 58 w I MA Li nk Recept i on Unusabl e at Far End r emot e_node_t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I maGr oup=ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma3, I maLi nk=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 14 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY021C 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 14 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY021A 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 14 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY744C 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 14 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY744A 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 14 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY744B 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 14 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRI 836A 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 14 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY021B 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 15 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY575A 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 15 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY844B 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 15 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY844C 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 15 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY844A 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 15 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRI 836B 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 15 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRI 836C 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 16 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY770B 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 16 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY770C 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 16 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY770A 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 16 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY271B 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 16 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY271C 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 16 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY271A 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 16 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY116A 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 16 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY116C 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 16 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY116B 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 16 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY575B 2007- 05- 24 05: 51: 16 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY575C 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 06 mCchFr ameSynch_Ti mi ngAdj Ct r l Fr ame t i mi ng_pr obl em_m3100 CchFr ameSynch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 22 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY896B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 22 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY896C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 22 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY896A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 22 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY896B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 22 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY896A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 22 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY896B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 22 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY896A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 22 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY896C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 23 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY896C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY766A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY066A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY066B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY066A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY545B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY066C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY766C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY066C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY066B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY066C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY766A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY766B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY545C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY766C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY545B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY766A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY545B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY766B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY545A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY545C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY545A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY066B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY545C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY545A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 24 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY066A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY087A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY022C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY022A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY022B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY022C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY022B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY022C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY022A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY766B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY766C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY248B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY087B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY249C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY249A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY248C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY248A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY248B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY087C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY248A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY087B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY087A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY022B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY087C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 26 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY022A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 28 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY248C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 28 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY249A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 28 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY249B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 28 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY249B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 28 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY279B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 28 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY249C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 28 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY279C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 28 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY249B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 28 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY279A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 28 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY279B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY119B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY087B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY119C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY248C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY087A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY248B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY279C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY119C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY119A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY279B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY279A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY249C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY279C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY230C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY230A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY442C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY442B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY442C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY119A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY248A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY119B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY087C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY119C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY119B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY119A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY249A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 29 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY279A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY442A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY442B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY230C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY230A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY442B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY798C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY442A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY798A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY798A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY442C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY798B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY798B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY798A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY230A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY230B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY798C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY798C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Fach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY798B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY230B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY230C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Rach_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY230B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 31 M Pch_I nt er nal Resour ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY442A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 45 M NbapDedi cat ed_RncRbsCont r ol Li nkDown t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY116, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 45 M NbapDedi cat ed_RncRbsCont r ol Li nkDown t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY907, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 45 M NbapDedi cat ed_RncRbsCont r ol Li nkDown t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY575, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 46 M NbapDedi cat ed_RncRbsCont r ol Li nkDown t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY844, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 46 M NbapDedi cat ed_RncRbsCont r ol Li nkDown t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY021, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 46 M NbapDedi cat ed_RncRbsCont r ol Li nkDown t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY770, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 46 M NbapDedi cat ed_RncRbsCont r ol Li nkDown t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I ubLi nk=I ub_GRI 836, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 46 M NbapDedi cat ed_RncRbsCont r ol Li nkDown t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY744, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 46 M NbapDedi cat ed_RncRbsCont r ol Li nkDown t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY271, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 52: 47 M NbapDedi cat ed_RncRbsCont r ol Li nkDown t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I ubLi nk=I ub_GCW616, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 36 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY024B 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 37 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY846B 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 37 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY846C 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 37 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY846A 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 37 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY295C 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 37 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY295A 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 37 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY295B 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 37 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY853B 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 37 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY853C 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 37 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY853A 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 37 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY024A 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 37 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY024C 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 39 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY332B 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 39 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY332A 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 39 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY332C 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 39 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY064A 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 39 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY064C 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 39 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY064B 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 39 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRI 880C 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 39 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRI 880A 2007- 05- 24 05: 55: 39 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRI 880B >>> Tot al : 179 Al ar ms ( 0 Cr i t i cal , 174 Maj or )
/ * Some si t es di d not r ecover af t er r est ar t , r equi r e anot her r est ar t */ 3RR01> st r t Fol l owi ng 228 si t es ar e up: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MOD I UBLI NK CELLNAMES CELL1 CELL2 CELL3 CD12 ATMPORTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 I ub_GRY292 GRY292- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 1 I ub_GRY981 GRY981- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 1 I ub_GRY316 GRY316- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 8: vp1 1 I ub_GRY297 GRY297- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 7: vp1 1 I ub_GRY106 GRY106- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 1 I ub_GRY565 GRY565- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 1 I ub_GRY394 GRY394- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 10: vp1 1 I ub_GRY398 GRY398- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 9: vp1 1 I ub_GRY899 GRY899- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 1 I ub_GRY303 GRY303- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 1 I ub_GRY309 GRY309- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 1 I ub_GRY994 GRY994- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 1 I ub_GRY429 GRY429- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 1 I ub_GRY235 GRY235- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 6: vp1 1 I ub_GRY238 GRY238- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 1 I ub_GRY480 GRY480- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 2 I ub_GRY062 GRY062- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 2 I ub_GRY524 GRY524- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 53: vp1 2 I ub_GRY296 GRY296- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 2 I ub_GRY108 GRY108- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 27- 2: vp1 2 I ub_GRY795 GRY795- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma40: vp1 2 I ub_GRY016 GRY016- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 2 I ub_GRY704 GRY704- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 55: vp1 2 I ub_GRY244 GRY244- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 27- 2: vp1 2 I ub_GRY264 GRY264- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 2 I ub_GRY975 GRY975- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 2 I ub_GRY536 GRY536- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 2 I ub_GRY382 GRY382- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 2 I ub_GRY617 GRY617- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 51: vp1 2 I ub_GRY863 GRY863- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 56: vp1 2 I ub_GRY445 GRY445- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 2 I ub_GRY028 GRY028- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- 22: vp1 2 I ub_GRY041 GRY041- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma17: vp1 2 I ub_GRY029 GRY029- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma19: vp1 3 I ub_GRY359 GRY359- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 3 I ub_GRY857 GRY857- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 3 I ub_GRY206 GRY206- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 3 I ub_GRY188 GRY188- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 27- 2: vp1 3 I ub_GRY913 GRY913- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 3 I ub_GRY916 GRY916- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 3 I ub_GRY553 GRY553- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 3 I ub_GRY349 GRY349- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 3 I ub_GRY363 GRY363- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 3 I ub_GRY404 GRY404- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 3 I ub_GRY427 GRY427- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 3 I ub_GRY258 GRY258- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 3 I ub_GRY272 GRY272- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 3 I ub_GRY734 GRY734- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY410 GRY410- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY392 GRY392- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 54: vp1 4 I ub_GRY877 GRY877- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY723 GRY723- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 59: vp1 4 I ub_GRY038 GRY038- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY039 GRY039- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 60: vp1 4 I ub_GRY267 GRY267- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY280 GRY280- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY305 GRY305- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY519 GRY519- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 57: vp1 4 I ub_GRY059 GRY059- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY974 GRY974- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY307 GRY307- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY112 GRY112- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 62: vp1 4 I ub_GRY327 GRY327- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY347 GRY347- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY210 GRY210- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 61: vp1 4 I ub_GRY198 GRY198- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 58: vp1 4 I ub_GRY908 GRY908- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 4 I ub_GRY234 GRY234- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 42: vp1 4 I ub_GRY500 GRY500- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 5 I ub_GRY525 GRY525- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma63: vp1 5 I ub_GRY069 GRY069- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma13: vp1 5 I ub_GRY818 GRY818- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma11: vp1 5 I ub_GRY200 GRY200- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma43: vp1 5 I ub_GRY875 GRY875- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma7: vp1 5 I ub_GRY935 GRY935- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma13: vp1 5 I ub_GRY265 GRY265- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma15: vp1 5 I ub_GRY281 GRY281- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma51: vp1 5 I ub_GRY070 GRY070- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma41: vp1 5 I ub_GRY058 GRY058- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 5 I ub_GRY800 GRY800- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma24: vp1 5 I ub_GRY388 GRY388- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma11: vp1 5 I ub_GRY506 GRY506- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma1: vp1 6 I ub_GRY412 GRY412- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma3: vp1 6 I ub_GRY874 GRY874- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- 5: vp1 6 I ub_GRY015 GRY015- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 6 I ub_GRY954 GRY954- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- 36: vp1 6 I ub_GRY728 GRY728- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 6 I ub_GRY843 GRY843- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma40: vp1 6 I ub_GRY002 GRY002- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma1: vp1 6 I ub_GCOW01 GCOW01- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma3: vp1 6 I ub_GCOW02 GCOW02- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma6: vp1 6 I ub_GRY004 GRY004- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 6 I ub_GRY927 GRY927- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma9: vp1 6 I ub_GRY255 GRY255- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 7 I ub_GRY965 GRY965- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma3: vp1 7 I ub_GRY065 GRY065- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- 17: vp1 7 I ub_GRY830 GRY830- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma43: vp1 7 I ub_GRY393 GRY393- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma39: vp1 7 I ub_GRY224 GRY224- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES2- 2- 1- 38: vp1 7 I ub_GRY458 GRY458- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma29: vp1 7 I ub_GRY475 GRY475- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma13: vp1 7 I ub_GRY300 GRY300- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 7 I ub_GRY955 GRY955- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- 31: vp1 7 I ub_GRY971 GRY971- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma20: vp1 7 I ub_GRY076 GRY076- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma29: vp1 7 I ub_GRY997 GRY997- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma19: vp1 7 I ub_GRY346 GRY346- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES2- 2- 1- i ma30: vp1 7 I ub_GRY380 GRY380- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma28: vp1 7 I ub_GRY401 GRY401- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma15: vp1 7 I ub_GRY698 GRY698- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma28: vp1 8 I ub_GRY276 GRY276- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY774 GRY774- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY567 GRY567- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY399 GRY399- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY220 GRY220- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY223 GRY223- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 24- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY225 GRY225- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY014 GRY014- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY261 GRY261- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY051 GRY051- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY053 GRY053- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY308 GRY308- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY426 GRY426- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY443 GRY443- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 8 I ub_GRY522 GRY522- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 9 I ub_GRY720 GRY720- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma17: vp1 9 I ub_GRY531 GRY531- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma36: vp1 9 I ub_GRY973 GRY973- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma47: vp1 9 I ub_GRY111 GRY111- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma43: vp1 9 I ub_GRY554 GRY554- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma9: vp1 9 I ub_GRY345 GRY345- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma34: vp1 9 I ub_GRY786 GRY786- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma9: vp1 9 I ub_GRY619 GRY619- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma55: vp1 9 I ub_GRY424 GRY424- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma49: vp1 9 I ub_GRY194 GRY194- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma43: vp1 9 I ub_GRY446 GRY446- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma30: vp1 9 I ub_GRY909 GRY909- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma36: vp1 9 I ub_GRY009 GRY009- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma59: vp1 9 I ub_GRY679 GRY679- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma57: vp1 9 I ub_GRY717 GRY717- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma59: vp1 10 I ub_GRY813 GRY813- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma49: vp1 10 I ub_GRY203 GRY203- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma32: vp1 10 I ub_GRY205 GRY205- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma45: vp1 10 I ub_GRY897 GRY897- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma55: vp1 10 I ub_GRY742 GRY742- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES2- 2- 1- i ma46: vp1 10 I ub_GRY342 GRY342- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma38: vp1 10 I ub_GRY597 GRY597- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma57: vp1 10 I ub_GRY657 GRY657- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma55: vp1 11 I ub_GRY310 GRY310- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES2- 2- 1- i ma41: vp1 11 I ub_GRY356 GRY356- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma26: vp1 11 I ub_GRY832 GRY832- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma17: vp1 11 I ub_GRY376 GRY376- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma34: vp1 11 I ub_GRY663 GRY663- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- 25: vp1 11 I ub_GRY011 GRY011- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- 42: vp1 11 I ub_GRY018 GRY018- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma32: vp1 11 I ub_GRY722 GRY722- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma5: vp1 11 I ub_GRY535 GRY535- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma19: vp1 11 I ub_GRY440 GRY440- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma22: vp1 11 I ub_GRY868 GRY868- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma53: vp1 11 I ub_GRY901 GRY901- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- 38: vp1 11 I ub_GRY444 GRY444- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma34: vp1 11 I ub_GRY025 GRY025- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma26: vp1 11 I ub_GRY042 GRY042- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma1: vp1 11 I ub_GRY274 GRY274- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma40: vp1 30 I ub_GRY293 GRY293- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 30 I ub_GRY294 GRY294- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 30 I ub_GRY102 GRY102- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma51: vp1 30 I ub_GRY088 GRY088- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- 34: vp1 30 I ub_GRY817 GRY817- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- 61: vp1 30 I ub_GRY839 GRY839- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma47: vp1 30 I ub_GRY379 GRY379- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma22: vp1 30 I ub_GRY208 GRY208- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma32: vp1 30 I ub_GRY912 GRY912- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma30: vp1 30 I ub_GRY895 GRY895- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma28: vp1 30 I ub_GRY721 GRY721- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- 5: vp1 30 I ub_GRY936 GRY936- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- 11: vp1 30 I ub_GRY284 GRY284- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma2: vp1 30 I ub_GRY996 GRY996- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma55: vp1 30 I ub_GRY860 GRY860- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma34: vp1 30 I ub_GRY670 GRY670- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- 28: vp1 30 I ub_GCOW05 GCOW05- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma24: vp1 30 I ub_GRY922 GRY922- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- 26: vp1 30 I ub_GRY926 GRY926- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma9: vp1 30 I ub_GRY239 GRY239- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES2- 2- 1- i ma36: vp1 30 I ub_GRY940 GRY940- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma17: vp1 30 I ub_GRY943 GRY943- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma38: vp1 31 I ub_GRY298 GRY298- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 MS- 26- 1: vp1 31 I ub_GRY370 GRY370- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- 33: vp1 31 I ub_GRY202 GRY202- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma9: vp1 31 I ub_GRY209 GRY209- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma49: vp1 31 I ub_GRI 879 GRI 879- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma9: vp1 31 I ub_GRY050 GRY050- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma47: vp1 31 I ub_GRY099 GRY099- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma30: vp1 31 I ub_GRY825 GRY825- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma36: vp1 31 I ub_GRY366 GRY366- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma30: vp1 31 I ub_GRY889 GRY889- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma36: vp1 31 I ub_GRY236 GRY236- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma43: vp1 31 I ub_GRY027 GRY027- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma24: vp1 32 I ub_GRY107 GRY107- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma30: vp1 32 I ub_GRY375 GRY375- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma32: vp1 32 I ub_GRY396 GRY396- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma45: vp1 32 I ub_GRY934 GRY934- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma15: vp1 32 I ub_GRY513 GRY513- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma20: vp1 32 I ub_GRY515 GRY515- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma32: vp1 32 I ub_GRY959 GRY959- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- 4: vp1 32 I ub_GRY325 GRY325- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma19: vp1 32 I ub_GRY826 GRY826- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma7: vp1 32 I ub_GRY865 GRY865- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma51: vp1 32 I ub_GRI 002 GRI 002- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma1: vp1 32 I ub_GRY005 GRY005- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma2: vp1 32 I ub_GRY237 GRY237- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma40: vp1 32 I ub_GRY250 GRY250- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma17: vp1 32 I ub_GRY520 GRY520- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma51: vp1 32 I ub_GRY735 GRY735- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma32: vp1 33 I ub_GRY541 GRY541- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma38: vp1 33 I ub_GRY976 GRY976- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma43: vp1 33 I ub_GRY804 GRY804- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma28: vp1 33 I ub_GRY344 GRY344- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma45: vp1 33 I ub_GRY806 GRY806- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma57: vp1 33 I ub_GRY807 GRY807- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma59: vp1 33 I ub_GRY408 GRY408- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma3: vp1 33 I ub_GRY389 GRY389- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma47: vp1 33 I ub_GRY675 GRY675- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma38: vp1 33 I ub_GRY465 GRY465- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma26: vp1 33 I ub_GRY947 GRY947- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma61: vp1 34 I ub_GRY850 GRY850- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- i ma49: vp1 34 I ub_GRY950 GRY950- A/ B/ C 1111 1111 1111 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma40: vp1 41 I ub_GRI 984 GRI 984- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 11111 1111 ES- 3- 24- 1- 23: vp1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fol l owi ng 65 si t es ar e t ot al l y or par t i al l y unavai l abl e: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MOD I UBLI NK CELLNAMES CELL1 CELL2 CELL3 CD12 ATMPORTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 I ub_GRY560 GRY560- A/ B/ C 0000 0000 0000 1011 MS- 26- 1: vp1 2 I ub_GRY851 GRY851- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma43: vp1 2 I ub_GRY647 GRY647- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- 19: vp1 2 I ub_GRY849 GRY849- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma21: vp1 3 I ub_GRY066 GRY066- A/ B/ C 1000 1000 1000 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 17: vp1 3 I ub_GRY770 GRY770- A/ B/ C 00000 00000 00000 0011 ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma19: vp1 3 I ub_GRY798 GRY798- A/ B/ C 1000 1000 1000 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 47: vp1 3 I ub_GRY852 GRY852- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 1- 2- 1- i ma46: vp1 3 I ub_GRY853 GRY853- A/ B/ C 10001 10001 10001 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 45: vp1 3 I ub_GRY248 GRY248- A/ B/ C 1000 1000 1000 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 7: vp1 3 I ub_GRY846 GRY846- A/ B/ C 1000 1000 1000 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 23: vp1 3 I ub_GRY442 GRY442- A/ B/ C 1000 1000 1000 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 57: vp1 3 I ub_GRY022 GRY022- A/ B/ C 1000 1000 1000 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 38: vp1 4 I ub_GRY321 GRY321- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma3: vp1 4 I ub_GRY502 GRY502- A/ B/ C 00000 00000 00000 0011 ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48: vp1 5 I ub_GRY527 GRY527- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma11: vp1 5 I ub_GRI 836 GRI 836- A/ B/ C 00000 00000 00000 0011 ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma14: vp1 5 I ub_GRY766 GRY766- A/ B/ C 1000 1000 1000 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 29: vp1 5 I ub_GRY998 GRY998- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma11: vp1 5 I ub_GRY880 GRY880- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma1: vp1 5 I ub_GRY021 GRY021- A/ B/ C 00000 00000 00000 0011 ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma12: vp1 5 I ub_GRY271 GRY271- A/ B/ C 00000 00000 00000 0011 ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma24: vp1 7 I ub_GRY915 GRY915- A/ B/ C 1111 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma7: vp1 7 I ub_GRY470 GRY470- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma15: vp1 7 I ub_GRY533 GRY533- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma3: vp1 7 I ub_GRY040 GRY040- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma22: vp1 8 I ub_GRY530 GRY530- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 MS- 27- 2: vp1 9 I ub_GRY116 GRY116- A/ B/ C 00000 00000 00000 0011 ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma2: vp1 9 I ub_GRY575 GRY575- A/ B/ C 0000 0000 0000 0011 ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma9: vp1 9 I ub_GRY441 GRY441- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma38: vp1 10 I ub_GRY844 GRY844- A/ B/ C 00000 00000 00000 0011 ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma21: vp1 10 I ub_GRY907 GRY907- A/ B/ C 00000 00000 00000 0011 ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma31: vp1 11 I ub_GRY977 GRY977- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma40: vp1 12 I ub_GCW617 GCW617- A/ B/ C 11111 11111 LLLLL 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma22: vp1 30 I ub_GRY279 GRY279- A/ B/ C 1000 1000 1000 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 53: vp1 30 I ub_GRY295 GRY295- A/ B/ C 1000 1000 1000 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 34: vp1 30 I ub_GRY087 GRY087- A/ B/ C 10001 10001 10001 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 43: vp1 30 I ub_GRY834 GRY834- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma16: vp1 30 I ub_GRY411 GRY411- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 4- 1- i ma24: vp1 30 I ub_GRY341 GRY341- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma1: vp1 30 I ub_GRY119 GRY119- A/ B/ C 1000 1000 1000 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 51: vp1 30 I ub_GRY787 GRY787- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma36: vp1 30 I ub_GRY820 GRY820- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 1- 26- 1- i ma7: vp1 30 I ub_GRY001 GRY001- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma57: vp1 30 I ub_GRY230 GRY230- A/ B/ C 10001 10001 10001 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 55: vp1 30 I ub_GCOW04 GCOW04- A/ B/ C LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLL ES- 2- 2- 1- i ma48: vp1 30 I ub_GRY024 GRY024- A/ B/ C 10001 10001 10001 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 40: vp1 30 I ub_GRY944 GRY944- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma13: vp1 30 I ub_GRY259 GRY259- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 2- 1- 28: vp1 31 I ub_GRY964 GRY964- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma45: vp1 31 I ub_GRY350 GRY350- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma55: vp1 32 I ub_GRY204 GRY204- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma26: vp1 32 I ub_GRY896 GRY896- A/ B/ C 10001 10001 10001 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 3: vp1 32 I ub_GRY472 GRY472- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma22: vp1 32 I ub_GRY957 GRY957- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma30: vp1 32 I ub_GRY744 GRY744- A/ B/ C 00000 00000 00000 0011 ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma11: vp1 32 I ub_GRY286 GRY286- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 2- 24- 1- i ma45: vp1 32 I ub_GRY808 GRY808- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 1- 24- 1- i ma34: vp1 34 I ub_GRY911 GRY911- A/ B/ C 1111L 1111L 1111L 1111 ES- 3- 2- 1- i ma53: vp1 40 I ub_GRY064 GRY064- A/ B/ C 10001 10001 10001 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 61: vp1 40 I ub_GCW616 GCW616- A/ B/ C L0000 L0000 L0000 0011 ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma39: vp1 50 I ub_GRY545 GRY545- A/ B/ C 10001 10001 10001 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 32: vp1 50 I ub_GRY332 GRY332- A/ B/ C 1000 1000 1000 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 59: vp1 50 I ub_GRY249 GRY249- A/ B/ C 1000 1000 1000 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 36: vp1 50 I ub_GRI 880 GRI 880- A/ B/ C 10001 10001 10001 1111 ES- 1- 4- 1- 52: vp1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cel l avai l abi l i t y: 687 of 879 cel l s ar e up ( 78. 2 %) Si t e avai l abi l i t y: 228 of 293 si t es ar e f ul l y oper at i onal ( 77. 8 %) Unl ocked Cel l avai l abi l i t y: 687 of 872 unl ocked cel l s ar e up ( 78. 8 %)
/ * Al l si t es r ecover af t er 2 nd r est ar t , GRY502 st i l l down, but t hi s si t e needs t o be del et ed & r ecr eat ed */ 3RR01> l st b1013
070524- 06: 09: 19 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19957 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 10683 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a 10684 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i b 11492 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a1 11493 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a2 13443 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013qa 13444 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013qb 13445 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013ca 13446 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013cb 13447 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013da 13448 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013db 14165 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1013sa1 14166 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1013sb1 14416 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b1013 16091 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013qa 16092 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013qb 16093 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013ca 16094 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013cb 16095 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013da 16096 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013db =================================================================================== Tot al : 19 MOs
3RR01> l st gr y502
070524- 06: 09: 31 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19957 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 2049 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1 2050 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Rach=1 2051 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Rach=1 4284 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Hsdsch=1 4285 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Hsdsch=1 4286 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Hsdsch=1 5163 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Pch=1 5164 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Pch=1 5165 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Pch=1 6042 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Fach=1 6043 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Fach=1 6044 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Fach=1 6337 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapCommon=1 8598 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=1 8599 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=2 8892 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapDedi cat ed=1 9185 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502 10062 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A 10063 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B 10064 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C
3RR01> l st vc12t t p=26| vc12t t p=24
070524- 06: 18: 52 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19957 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 16541 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc41=1, Os155Spi Tt p=pp1, Vc4Tt p=1, Vc12Tt p=26 16542 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc41=1, Os155Spi Tt p=pp1, Vc4Tt p=1, Vc12Tt p=26, E1Tt p=1 16545 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc41=1, Os155Spi Tt p=pp1, Vc4Tt p=1, Vc12Tt p=24 16546 1 ( ENABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc41=1, Os155Spi Tt p=pp1, Vc4Tt p=1, Vc12Tt p=24, E1Tt p=1 =================================================================================== Tot al : 4 MOs 3RR01> l st vc12t t p=14| vc12t t p=15| vc12t t p=16
070524- 06: 21: 27 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19957 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 16561 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc41=1, Os155Spi Tt p=pp1, Vc4Tt p=1, Vc12Tt p=16 16562 0 ( DI SABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc41=1, Os155Spi Tt p=pp1, Vc4Tt p=1, Vc12Tt p=16, E1Tt p=1 16563 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc41=1, Os155Spi Tt p=pp1, Vc4Tt p=1, Vc12Tt p=15 16564 0 ( DI SABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc41=1, Os155Spi Tt p=pp1, Vc4Tt p=1, Vc12Tt p=15, E1Tt p=1 16565 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc41=1, Os155Spi Tt p=pp1, Vc4Tt p=1, Vc12Tt p=14 16566 0 ( DI SABLED) Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1, Et mc41=1, Os155Spi Tt p=pp1, Vc4Tt p=1, Vc12Tt p=14, E1Tt p=1 =================================================================================== Tot al : 6 MOs
/ * Af t er 2nd ETM boar d r est ar t , al l t hose si t es r ecover ed. Now t he engi neer ar e goi ng t o del et e & r ecr eat e */
/ * Del et i on I n- pr ogr ess */ 3RR01> l st b1013
070524- 06: 55: 41 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19957 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 10683 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a 10684 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i b 11492 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a1 11493 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a2 13443 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013qa 13444 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013qb 13445 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013ca 13446 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013cb 13447 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013da 13448 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013db 14165 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1013sa1 14166 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1013sb1 14416 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b1013 16091 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013qa 16092 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013qb 16093 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013ca 16094 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013cb 16095 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013da 16096 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013db =================================================================================== Tot al : 19 MOs
3RR01> l st gr y502
070524- 06: 56: 40 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19957 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 2049 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1 2050 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Rach=1 2051 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Rach=1 4284 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Hsdsch=1 4285 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Hsdsch=1 4286 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Hsdsch=1 5163 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Pch=1 5164 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Pch=1 5165 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Pch=1 6042 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Fach=1 6043 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Fach=1 6044 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Fach=1 6337 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapCommon=1 8598 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=1 8599 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=2 8892 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapDedi cat ed=1 9185 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502 10062 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A 10063 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B 10064 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : "MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : "$dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1" RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C =================================================================================== Tot al : 20 MOs
3RR01> l st i magr oup=ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48
070524- 06: 57: 29 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19957 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 16260 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, I maGr oup=ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, I maGr oup=ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48 16440 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, I maGr oup=ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, I maGr oup=ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, I maLi nk=1 16441 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, I maGr oup=ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, I maGr oup=ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, I maLi nk=2 16442 ! ! ! ! Pr ocessi ng f ai l ur e : se. er i csson. cel l o. mof r amewor k. MoNot FoundExcept i on TAG : " MoNot Found" VARI ABLES : " $dName" = " ManagedEl ement =1, Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, I maGr oup=ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48" Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, I maGr oup=ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, I maLi nk=3 =================================================================================== Tot al : 4 Mos
/ * Pr i nt out f r oml go cmd */
2007- 05- 24 01: 01: 26 MO- C *** CREATE CV: Au_CXP9012011_R8AL%2_070524_0100 2007- 05- 24 02: 51: 10 MO- C SET Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 0 2007- 05- 24 02: 55: 32 MO- C ACT Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1 r est ar t 2; 1 {col d r est ar t ; Pi u er r or } 2007- 05- 24 03: 07: 42 MO- C SET Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 03: 20: 10 MO- C SET Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 0 2007- 05- 24 03: 22: 51 MO- C SET Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 03: 29: 50 MO- C SET Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 0 2007- 05- 24 03: 30: 26 MO- C ACT Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1 r est ar t 2; 1 2007- 05- 24 03: 43: 24 MO- C SET Equi pment =1, Subr ack=ES- 1, Sl ot =4, Pl ugI nUni t =1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 03: 51: 55 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Rout i ngCase=966101000100013 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 53 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY393A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY393A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 53 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065C_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 53 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 53 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065B_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 53 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 53 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065A_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 53 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 54 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 54 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062C_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 54 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062C_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 54 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062B_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 54 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062A_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 54 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 54 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY041A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY041A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 54 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 54 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363C_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 54 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363C_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 54 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363B_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 55 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363A_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 55 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 55 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 55 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY657B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY657B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 55 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY657A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY657A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 55 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY647C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY647C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 55 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY647C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY647C_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 55 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY647B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY647B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 55 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY647B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY647B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 55 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY965C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY965C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 55 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY913C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY913C_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 55 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY913A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY913A_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY913A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY913A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRI 002B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRI 002B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY536C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY536C_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY536A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY536A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY849A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY849A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY849A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY849A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY843B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY843B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445C_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445B_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 56 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445A_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 57 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY744C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY744C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 57 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY744B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY744B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 57 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY723B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY723B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 57 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617B, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 57 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617B, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617B_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 57 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617B, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 57 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617A, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617A_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 57 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617A, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 57 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617A, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 57 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapCommon=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 57 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 57 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 58 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=2 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 58 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 58 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY965C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 58 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY647B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 58 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY647C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 58 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Hsdsch=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 58 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY363A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 59 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY363C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 59 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY062A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 59 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY062C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 59 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY065A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 59 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY065B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 59 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GCW617A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 59 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GCW617B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 59 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_URY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 59 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY744B 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 59 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY744C 2007- 05- 24 03: 52: 59 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY445A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 00 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY445B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 00 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY445C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 00 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY010A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 00 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY010C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 00 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 00 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 00 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 00 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 00 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY843B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY402A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY402C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_COW617B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRI 002B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY445A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY445B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY445C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY913A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_COW617A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY913A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY913C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY363A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 01 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY363B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 02 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY363C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 02 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY062A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 02 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY062B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 02 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY062C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 02 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY065B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 02 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY393A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 02 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GCW617A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 03 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GCW617B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 03 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 03 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY445B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 03 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY570B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 03 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY570C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 03 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 03 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_URY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 03 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 03 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY849A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Hsdsch=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY536A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY536C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY363B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY363C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY065A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY065B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY647B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY647C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 04 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY657A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 05 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY657B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 05 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY363A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 05 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY363C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 05 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY041A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 05 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY062C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 05 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY065A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 05 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY065B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 05 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY065C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 05 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GCW617A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 05 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GCW617B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 05 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Hsdsch=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 05 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_COW617B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY445C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY723B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY445B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY445C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY849A 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_URY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 53: 06 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 54: 32 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynch=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 54: 32 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 03: 54: 33 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 03: 54: 34 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 54: 48 MO- C DEL RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 22 MO- C SET Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 0 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 22 MO- C SET Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a2 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 0 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 22 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b1013, Aal 2Pat hDi st r i but i onUni t =1 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 22 MO- C SET Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 22 MO- C SET Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a2 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 23 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013ca 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 23 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013cb 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 23 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013da 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 23 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013db 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 23 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1013sa1 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 23 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1013sb1 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 23 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 24 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i b 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 24 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a1 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 24 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a2 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 34 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b1013 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 34 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013qa 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 34 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013qb 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 34 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013ca 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 35 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013cb 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 35 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013da 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 35 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013db 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 43 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013qa 2007- 05- 24 03: 55: 43 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013qb 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 21 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc32 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 21 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc33 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 21 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc34 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 21 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc35 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 21 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc36 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 21 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc37 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 21 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc38 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 21 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc39 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 21 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc40 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 22 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc43 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 22 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc44 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 22 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc45 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 30 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 39 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1 2007- 05- 24 03: 56: 46 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48 2007- 05- 24 03: 57: 16 MO- C DEL Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, I maGr oup=ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48 2007- 05- 24 03: 57: 55 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, I maGr oup=ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48 2007- 05- 24 03: 57: 57 MO- C SET Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, I maGr oup=ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48 r equi r edNumber Of Li nks 3 2007- 05- 24 03: 57: 57 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48 2007- 05- 24 03: 57: 59 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 00 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 06 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc45 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 07 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc44 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 09 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc43 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 11 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc40 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 12 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc39 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 13 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc38 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 15 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc37 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 16 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc36 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 18 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc35 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 19 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc34 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 21 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc33 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 22 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mPor t =ES- 1- 4- 1- i ma48, Vpl Tp=vp1, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc32 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 24 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013qb 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 29 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013qa 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 35 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013db 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 41 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013da 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 47 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013cb 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 53 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1013ca 2007- 05- 24 03: 58: 58 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013qb 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 00 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013qa 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 01 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b1013 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 04 MO- C SET Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b1013 aal 2QoSCodePoi nt Pr of i l eI d Aal 2QosCodePoi nt Pr of i l e=1 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 04 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a2 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 08 MO- C SET Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a2 aal 2QoSAvai l abl ePr of i l es 4 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 12 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a1 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 21 MO- C SET Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a1 aal 2QoSAvai l abl ePr of i l es 3 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 21 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i b 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 23 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1013i a 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 24 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1013sb1 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 30 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1013sa1 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 35 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013db 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 37 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013da 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 38 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013cb 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 39 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1013ca 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 41 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b1013, Aal 2Pat hDi st r i but i onUni t =1 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 43 MO- C SET Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b1013, Aal 2Pat hDi st r i but i onUni t =1 aal 2Pat hVccTpLi st Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a1; Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1013a2 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 43 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 49 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502 user Label I ub_GRY502 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 50 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 55 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C di r ect edRet r yTar get nul l 2007- 05- 24 03: 59: 58 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C ut r anCel l Posi t i on 2007- 05- 24 04: 00: 17 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C user Label GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 00: 23 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C usedFr eqThr esh2dRscp - 102 2007- 05- 24 04: 00: 26 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C aseUl AdmOf f set 0 2007- 05- 24 04: 00: 34 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C maxi mumTr ansmi ssi onPower 420 2007- 05- 24 04: 00: 36 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C aseUl Adm500 2007- 05- 24 04: 00: 39 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C beMar gi nAseDl 0 2007- 05- 24 04: 00: 42 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C r out i ngAr eaRef RncFunct i on=1, Locat i onAr ea=3111, Rout i ngAr ea=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 01: 00 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 01: 05 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C sHcsRat 3 2007- 05- 24 04: 01: 07 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C beMar gi nAseUl 0 2007- 05- 24 04: 01: 11 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C usedFr eqThr esh2dEcno - 13 2007- 05- 24 04: 01: 23 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C aseDl Adm500 2007- 05- 24 04: 01: 34 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 01: 49 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B aseDl Adm500 2007- 05- 24 04: 01: 58 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 02: 15 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B usedFr eqThr esh2dEcno - 13 2007- 05- 24 04: 02: 20 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B ut r anCel l Posi t i on 2007- 05- 24 04: 02: 25 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B beMar gi nAseDl 0 2007- 05- 24 04: 02: 31 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B di r ect edRet r yTar get nul l 2007- 05- 24 04: 02: 33 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B maxi mumTr ansmi ssi onPower 420 2007- 05- 24 04: 02: 34 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B sHcsRat 3 2007- 05- 24 04: 02: 36 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B aseUl Adm500 2007- 05- 24 04: 02: 39 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B r out i ngAr eaRef RncFunct i on=1, Locat i onAr ea=3111, Rout i ngAr ea=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 02: 45 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B user Label GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 02: 46 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B aseUl AdmOf f set 0 2007- 05- 24 04: 02: 55 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B beMar gi nAseUl 0 2007- 05- 24 04: 03: 09 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B usedFr eqThr esh2dRscp - 102 2007- 05- 24 04: 03: 11 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 03: 15 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A r out i ngAr eaRef RncFunct i on=1, Locat i onAr ea=3111, Rout i ngAr ea=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 03: 22 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A usedFr eqThr esh2dEcno - 13 2007- 05- 24 04: 03: 31 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A user Label GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 03: 32 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A di r ect edRet r yTar get nul l 2007- 05- 24 04: 03: 38 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A aseDl Adm500 2007- 05- 24 04: 04: 13 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A beMar gi nAseDl 0 2007- 05- 24 04: 04: 18 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A sHcsRat 3 2007- 05- 24 04: 04: 24 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A usedFr eqThr esh2dRscp - 102 2007- 05- 24 04: 04: 30 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 04: 35 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A maxi mumTr ansmi ssi onPower 420 2007- 05- 24 04: 04: 38 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A beMar gi nAseUl 0 2007- 05- 24 04: 04: 41 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A ut r anCel l Posi t i on 2007- 05- 24 04: 04: 43 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A aseUl Adm500 2007- 05- 24 04: 04: 46 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A aseUl AdmOf f set 0 2007- 05- 24 04: 04: 49 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynch=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 04: 56 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 04: 59 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Pch=1 user Label 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 03 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_URY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 07 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_URY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 2 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 08 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY849A 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 12 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY849A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 16 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 13 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 16 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 20 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 18 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 19 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 19 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 23 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 33 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Fach=1 user Label 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 34 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 35 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 8 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 38 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 40 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 7 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 42 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 45 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 6 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 45 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 05: 52 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Rach=1 user Label 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 02 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY445C 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 04 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY445C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 12 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 07 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY445B 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 08 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY445B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 11 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 12 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY723B 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 14 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY723B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 15 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 17 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY445C 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 18 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY445C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 5 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 20 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_COW617B 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 22 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_COW617B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 25 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Hsdsch=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 26 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Hsdsch=1 del t aNack1 5 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 27 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Hsdsch=1 del t aNack2 7 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 28 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Hsdsch=1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 31 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Hsdsch=1 del t aCqi 2 6 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 34 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Hsdsch=1 user Label 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 36 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Hsdsch=1 del t aAck1 5 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 37 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Hsdsch=1 del t aAck2 7 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 38 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GCW617B 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 40 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GCW617B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 18 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 43 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GCW617A 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 47 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GCW617A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 17 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 48 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY065C 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 51 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY065C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 8 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 53 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY065B 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 55 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY065B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 7 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 58 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY065A 2007- 05- 24 04: 06: 59 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY065A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 6 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 03 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY062C 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 06 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY062C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 5 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 08 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY041A 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 11 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY041A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 4 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 14 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY363C 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 18 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY363C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 10 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 19 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY363A 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 21 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY363A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 9 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 24 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY657B 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 26 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY657B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 22 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 28 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY657A 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 31 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY657A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 21 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 33 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY647C 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 38 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY647C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 14 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 38 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY647B 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 39 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502C_GRY647B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 13 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 43 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY065B 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 44 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY065B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 4 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 46 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY065A 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 49 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502C, GsmRel at i on=GRY502C_ZRY065A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 3 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 50 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY363C 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 51 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY363C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 4 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 54 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY363B 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 57 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY363B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 3 2007- 05- 24 04: 07: 57 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 03 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Pch=1 user Label 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 04 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 05 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Fach=1 user Label 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 14 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY536C 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 18 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY536C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 15 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 19 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY536A 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 21 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY536A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 14 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 24 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Hsdsch=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 26 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Hsdsch=1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 28 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Hsdsch=1 del t aCqi 2 6 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 31 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Hsdsch=1 user Label 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 32 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Hsdsch=1 del t aAck1 5 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 34 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Hsdsch=1 del t aAck2 7 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 35 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Hsdsch=1 del t aNack1 5 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 36 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Hsdsch=1 del t aNack2 7 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 37 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY849A 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 42 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 46 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 22 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 47 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 49 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 21 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 52 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_URY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 54 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_URY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 2 2007- 05- 24 04: 08: 56 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 03 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Rach=1 user Label 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 11 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY570C 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 13 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY570C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 7 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 15 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY570B 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 19 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY570B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 6 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 19 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY445B 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 24 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY445B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 13 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 24 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 25 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_ZRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 5 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 27 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GCW617B 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 29 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GCW617B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 20 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 32 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GCW617A 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 35 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GCW617A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 19 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 36 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY393A 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 39 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY393A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 12 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 41 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY065B 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 44 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY065B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 8 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 46 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY062C 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 48 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY062C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 7 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 50 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY062B 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 53 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY062B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 6 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 55 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY062A 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 56 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY062A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 5 2007- 05- 24 04: 09: 59 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY363C 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 00 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY363C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 11 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 04 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY363B 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 08 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY363B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 10 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 08 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY363A 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 12 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY363A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 9 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 13 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY913C 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 14 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY913C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 18 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 17 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY913A 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 19 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502B_GRY913A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 17 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 22 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_COW617A 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 25 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502B, GsmRel at i on=GRY502B_COW617A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 26 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY913A 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 32 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY913A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 18 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 33 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Fach=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 36 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Fach=1 user Label 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 46 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY445C 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 49 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY445C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 9 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 51 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY445B 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 54 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY445B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 8 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 55 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY445A 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 57 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY445A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 7 2007- 05- 24 04: 10: 58 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRI 002B 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 01 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRI 002B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 3 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 03 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_COW617B 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 05 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_COW617B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 06 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY402C 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 08 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY402C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 6 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 10 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY402A 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 13 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY402A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 5 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 13 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY843B 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 17 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY843B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 17 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 18 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 20 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 23 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 23 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 26 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 22 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 27 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 32 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Rach=1 user Label 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 42 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Pch=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 46 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Pch=1 user Label 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 49 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY010C 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 52 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY010C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 4 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 52 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY010A 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 57 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY010A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 3 2007- 05- 24 04: 11: 57 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY445C 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 00 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY445C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 12 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 02 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY445B 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 05 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY445B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 11 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 06 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY445A 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 08 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY445A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 10 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 11 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY744C 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 17 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY744C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 16 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 17 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY744B 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 18 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY744B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 15 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 22 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_URY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 25 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_URY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 2 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 26 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GCW617B 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 30 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GCW617B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 21 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 31 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GCW617A 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 34 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GCW617A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 20 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 36 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY065B 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 38 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY065B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 7 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 40 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY065A 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 45 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY065A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 6 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 45 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY062C 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 46 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY062C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 5 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 49 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY062A 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 54 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY062A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 4 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 54 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY363C 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 56 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY363C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 9 2007- 05- 24 04: 12: 59 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY363A 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 02 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY363A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 8 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 04 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Hsdsch=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 08 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Hsdsch=1 user Label 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 09 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Hsdsch=1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 11 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Hsdsch=1 del t aAck1 5 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 12 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Hsdsch=1 del t aAck2 7 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 13 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Hsdsch=1 del t aNack1 5 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 15 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Hsdsch=1 del t aNack2 7 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 18 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Hsdsch=1 del t aCqi 2 6 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 18 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY647C 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 21 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY647C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 14 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 23 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY647B 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 27 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY647B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 13 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 28 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY965C 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 30 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY502A_GRY965C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 19 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 33 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY502A, GsmRel at i on=GRY502A_ZRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 36 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=2 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 38 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=2 user Label 2 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 39 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=2 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 39 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 41 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 42 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NodeSynchTp=1 user Label 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 42 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 44 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapDedi cat ed=1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 46 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapDedi cat ed=1 user Label 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 47 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapCommon=1 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 48 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapCommon=1 user Label 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 50 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY502, NbapCommon=1 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 51 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617A, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 54 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617A, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617A_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 13 2007- 05- 24 04: 13: 57 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617A, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 01 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617A, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617A_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 12 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 03 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617A, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617A_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 06 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617A, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617A_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 11 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 08 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617B, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 12 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617B, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617B_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 13 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 14 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617B, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617B_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 16 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617B, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617B_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 12 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 19 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617B, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 21 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GCW617B, Ut r anRel at i on=GCW617B_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 11 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 26 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY723B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY723B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 31 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY723B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY723B_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 28 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 31 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY744B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY744B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 37 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY744C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY744C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 42 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445A_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 48 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 51 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445B_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 33 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 54 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445B_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 14: 59 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445B_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 32 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 00 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 03 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445B_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 31 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 07 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445C_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 11 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445C_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 35 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 13 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 16 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY445C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY445C_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 34 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 20 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY843B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY843B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 28 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY849A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY849A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 34 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY849A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY849A_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 22 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 35 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY849A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY849A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 39 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY849A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY849A_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 21 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 42 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY536A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY536A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 48 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY536A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY536A_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 23 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 48 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY536C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY536C_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 54 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRI 002B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRI 002B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 58 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRI 002B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRI 002B_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 22 2007- 05- 24 04: 15: 59 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY913A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY913A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 04 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY913A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY913A_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 33 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 04 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY913A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY913A_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 07 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY913A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY913A_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 32 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 09 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY913C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY913C_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 14 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY913C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY913C_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 26 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 15 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY965C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY965C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 20 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY647B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY647B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 24 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY647B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY647B_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 33 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 25 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY647B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY647B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 27 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY647B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY647B_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 32 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 29 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY647C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY647C_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 30 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY647C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY647C_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 26 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 34 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY647C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY647C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 35 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY647C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY647C_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 25 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 39 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY657A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY657A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 43 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY657B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY657B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 48 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY657B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY657B_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 23 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 48 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 52 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363A_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 29 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 53 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 55 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363A_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 28 2007- 05- 24 04: 16: 58 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363A_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 01 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363A_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 27 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 03 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363B_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 05 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363B_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 21 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 08 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363C_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 13 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363C_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 39 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 13 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363C_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 15 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363C_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 38 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 18 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 22 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY363C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY363C_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 37 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 23 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY041A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY041A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 27 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY041A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY041A_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 36 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 28 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 30 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062A_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 35 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 32 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062A_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 36 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062A_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 34 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 37 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062B_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 42 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062C_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 45 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062C_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 35 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 47 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062C_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 51 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062C_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 34 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 52 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062C_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 56 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY062C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY062C_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 33 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 57 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065A_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 17: 58 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065A_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 29 2007- 05- 24 04: 18: 01 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065A_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 18: 02 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065A_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 28 2007- 05- 24 04: 18: 06 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065B_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 18: 09 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065B_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 25 2007- 05- 24 04: 18: 11 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065B_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 18: 14 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065B_GRY502B sel ect i onPr i or i t y 24 2007- 05- 24 04: 18: 15 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065B_GRY502A 2007- 05- 24 04: 18: 16 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065B, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065B_GRY502A sel ect i onPr i or i t y 23 2007- 05- 24 04: 18: 20 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065C_GRY502C 2007- 05- 24 04: 18: 23 MO- C SET RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY065C, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY065C_GRY502C sel ect i onPr i or i t y 22 2007- 05- 24 04: 18: 24 MO- C CRE RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY393A, Ut r anRel at i on=GRY393A_GRY502B 2007- 05- 24 04: 18: 29 MO- C CRE Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Rout i ngCase=966101000100013
/ * GNNCC r ecei ve compl ai n cust omer ar e unabl e t o make cal l s i n t hi s si t e */ GRY272> l hsh 000800 t e l og r ead {RAX Sl ot =8}
070524- 01: 25: 31 10. 230. 0. 81 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_6 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 21415 $ l hsh 000800 t e l og r ead [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 192] DEC_Fr ameManager . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Fr ameManager . c: 613 I NFO: Pat hs t o FDP ar e st i l l busy ( 0x186 hi , 0x60DBF8F l ow) : 0xDEF8 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 196] DEC_Fr ameManager . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Fr ameManager . c: 613 I NFO: Pat hs t o FDP ar e st i l l busy ( 0x186 hi , 0x60DBF8F l ow) : 0xDEF9 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 200] DEC_Fr ameManager . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Fr ameManager . c: 618 I NFO: Pat hf i nder pat hs t o DFP' s not cl ear wi t hi n 8 ms, wi l l command FP cl eanup anyway. : 0xDEFA [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 200] DEC_Pat hFi nder I nt r . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Pat hFi nder I nt r . c: 139 I NFO: ABN: Pat hf i nder er r or . St at us r eg hi =0x60386 l ow=0x61dbb8b : 0xDEFB [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 200] DEC_User Manager . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Pat hFi nder . c: 558 I NFO: ABN: Congest i on ceased, st at us r eg hi =0x180 l ow=0x61dbf 0f : 0xDEFC [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 240] DEC_User Manager . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Pat hFi nder . c: 573 I NFO: ABN: Congest i on, j obType=0, st at us r eg hi =0x186 l ow=0x61dbf 0f : 0xDEFD [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 300] DEC_Pat hFi nder I nt r . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Pat hFi nder I nt r . c: 139 I NFO: ABN: Pat hf i nder er r or . St at us r eg hi =0x1000186 l ow=0x61dbf 0f : 0xDEFE [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 300] DEC_Pat hFi nder I nt r . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Pat hFi nder I nt r . c: 144 I NFO: ABN: FP wat chdog expi r ed : 0xDEFF [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 360] DEC_Fr ameManager . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Fr ameManager . c: 613 I NFO: Pat hs t o FDP ar e st i l l busy ( 0x186 hi , 0x61DBF0F l ow) : 0xDF00 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 364] DEC_Fr ameManager . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Fr ameManager . c: 613 I NFO: Pat hs t o FDP ar e st i l l busy ( 0x186 hi , 0x60DBF0F l ow) : 0xDF01 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 368] DEC_Fr ameManager . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Fr ameManager . c: 618 I NFO: Pat hf i nder pat hs t o DFP' s not cl ear wi t hi n 8 ms, wi l l command FP cl eanup anyway. : 0xDF02 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 368] DEC_User Manager . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Pat hFi nder . c: 558 I NFO: ABN: Congest i on ceased, st at us r eg hi =0x184 l ow=0x61dbf 0f : 0xDF03 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 12: 47. 408] DEC_User Manager . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Pat hFi nder . c: 573 I NFO: ABN: Congest i on, j obType=0, st at us r eg hi =0x186 l ow=0x61dbf 0f : 0xDF04 $
GRY272> l hsh 000900 t e l og r ead {RAX Sl ot =9}
[ 1970- 09- 27 23: 23: 55. 568] DEC_Pat hFi nder I nt r . . / dsp/ sw/ BackEnd/ sr c/ Pat hFi nder I nt r . c: 144 I NFO: ABN: FP wat chdog expi r ed : 0x1006 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 23: 55. 744] Cs_boar dManager _pr oc osa_boar d_mgr . c: 2305 I NFO: St ar t of @( #) CXC1322250 R11CB02 2006- 11- 28 22: 12: 10 I ST ac103dc3- 0cf f 2362- 2691 ( dbm2_cs_basi ) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 23: 56. 284] Sys_Spas_hwdr v_pr oc hwdr v. c: 1093 I NFO: SPAS_HWDRV Sof t I ni t i al i zed [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 23: 56. 284] Sys_Spas_st ar t _pr oc st ar t . c: 913 I NFO: War mr est ar t of SPAS r equest ed ( ERI : Ref r esh) : spi c war m, asccA war m, asccB not f ound. [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 23: 56. 548] Sys_Spas_i d_pr oc i d. c: 1974 I NFO: APN i s [ 9] [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 23: 56. 548] Sys_Spas_pl ane_pr oc pl anechangecont r ol . c: 1700 I NFO: SPAS_PCC: act i ve Pl ane A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 23: 56. 552] Sys_Spas_i d_pr oc i d. c: 1661 I NFO: SPAS r esour ces f ound 1 SAI , 0 CORE, 0 I SL [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 23: 56. 556] Sys_Spas_i d_pr oc i d. c: 1778 I NFO: Boar d t ype RAX r evi si on R1C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 23: 56. 812] Sys_Spas_pl ane_pr oc asccconf i gur at i on. c: 463 I NFO: SPAS_AC: asccA por t i s conf i gur ed. [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 23: 59. 668] Sys_Spas_i d_pr oc i d. c: 1869 I NFO: SMN i s [ 0] [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 23: 59. 880] Sys_Osa_Nt p_Manager _pr oc nt pst ar t . c: 2634 I NFO: NTP not synchr oni zed [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 23: 59. 880] Cl s_l ci m_pr oc l ci m. c: 316 I NFO: LCI M: No CI M Pi d r ecei ved f r omNS ( Get Ser vi cePi dRequest ) , r et r yi ng
[ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 06. 356] Sys_Osa_cl kDi st r _pr oc syst emcl ock. c: 1566 I NFO: RTC pani c set [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 08. 156] Nss_syci Ssi Bp_pr oc nss_syci ssi bp. c: 462 I NFO: Nss_syci Ssi Bp_pr oc: STARTED [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 08. 188] ecda ecda. c: 1113 I NFO: ECDA CXC1326498%2, r evi si on R3B01 st ar t ed. ( ecda_c64) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 08. 760] bppSuper vi sor bpai _i ni t Bpai _i f . c: 216 I NFO: bppSuper vi sor pr ocess has st ar t ed, @( #) BP Appl i cat i on I nt er f ace ( BPAI ) ver si on: 13. 2 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 08. 772] CbcSer ver cbc_ser ver . c: 521 I NFO: LED( MI SSI NG RESOURCE START) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 08. 772] CbcSer ver cbc_ser ver . c: 572 I NFO: Boar dType: "RAX" FPGAs: 1 DSPs: 6 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 08. 776] bmr bmr . c: 2487 I NFO: Boar d ( r e) st ar t . [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 09. 788] hdr _cl k hdr _cl k. c: 288 I NFO: Est i mat ed cl ock f r equency: 193 MHz [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 09. 896] Cl s_l ci m_pr oc l ci m. c: 331 I NFO: LCI M: Pi d r ecei ved f r omNS ( Get Ser vi cePi dRequest )
[ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 496] bmr bmr . c: 2495 I NFO: BCP Rev ' CXC1323891_1- R26N01' st ar t ed! [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 500] bmr bmr . c: 2527 I NFO: BPP has st ar t ed, suppor t ed BPAI ver si ons ar e: 13. 0 t o 13. 2 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 504] bmr bmr . c: 2602 I NFO: Boar d: ' RAXB' ' ROJ 119 2187/ 10' Rev ' R1' Ser i al Nr ' ' . [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 512] mai n_t hr ead_f unc . . / sr c/ t ar get / Cel l o/ MAI N/ mai n. cc: 273 I NFO: ***RoseRT: PPC Envi r onment [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 520] appl i cat i on . . / sr c/ UbpDcTopLevel Capsul eC. cpp: 263 I NFO: LM_VERS=@( #) CXC1322173/ 1 R25J 2006- 07- 04 09: 37: 31 MEST 0a293774- 0c3cd73b- 2896 ( RAX) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 520] hwLogHandl er . . / sr c/ HwLogHandl er . cpp: 280 I NFO: DC_SW_I NFO=@( #) CXC1322173/ 1 R25J 2006- 07- 04 0 ( RAX) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 532] ubpDcCapabi l l i t yHandl er CR1 . . / sr c/ UbpDcCapabi l i t yHandl er C. cpp: 1156 I NFO: UbpDcCapabi l i t yHandl er : r egi st er i n ose BPAI _GET_DP_LMC_PI D_I NFO_I ND [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 556] ubpDcDevi ceManager CR1 . . / sr c/ UbpDcDevi ceManager C. cpp: 6370 I NFO: Devi ce Manager i s al i ve [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 556] ubpDcCdci Connect i onHandl er CR1 . . / sr c/ UbpDcCdci Connect i onHandl er C. cpp: 880 I NFO: Phant ompr ocess UbpTcDevi ceCont r ol PT cr eat ed f or UbpDcUbchsSer ver ( PI D = 0x100bf ) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 556] ubpDcSbci Connect i onHandl er CR1 . . / sr c/ UbpDcSbci Connect i onHandl er C. cpp: 813 I NFO: Phant ompr ocess RaxSer ver cr eat ed f or UbpDcRaxSer ver ( PI D = 0x100c0) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 664] ubpDcDpConnect i onHandl er . . / sr c/ UbpDcDpConnect i onHandl er C. cpp: 986 I NFO: Cr eat i ng st ar t / st op st r i ng f or DPs [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 668] ubpDcDpConnect i onHandl er . . / sr c/ UbpDcDpConnect i onHandl er C. cpp: 1008 I NFO: Wai t i ng f or DPs t o f i ni sh ( r e) boot i ng [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 11. 668] appl i cat i on . . / sr c/ UbpDcTopLevel Capsul eC. cpp: 343 I NFO: DC appl i cat i on i s r unni ng, i . e. al l act or s i ncar nat ed. [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 38. 180] CbcSer ver cbc_ser ver . c: 521 I NFO: LED( MI SSI NG RESOURCE END) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 38. 180] CbcSer ver cbc_ser ver . c: 521 I NFO: LED( MI SSI NG RESOURCE START) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 38. 184] CbcSer ver cbc_ser ver . c: 521 I NFO: LED( LOAD TEST START) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 38. 216] bl mbl m. c: 1893 I NFO: Loadi ng f r omLMC: CXP901085/ 1- R22K ( RAX_LMC_3) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 38. 316] bl d bl d_l oad. c: 1091 I NFO: Loaded: CXC1323761/ 1, r evi si on: R2D t o sni d: 17 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 38. 316] PARA0 bf p. c: 1593 I NFO: Conf i gur ed f or "PARA0" [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 38. 720] bl d bl d_l oad. c: 1091 I NFO: Loaded: CXC1322172/ 2, r evi si on: R12H t o sni d: 1 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 39. 320] bl d bl d_l oad. c: 1091 I NFO: Loaded: CXC1321358_2, r evi si on: R21L t o sni d: 2 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 39. 920] bl d bl d_l oad. c: 1091 I NFO: Loaded: CXC1321358_2, r evi si on: R21L t o sni d: 3 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 40. 520] bl d bl d_l oad. c: 1091 I NFO: Loaded: CXC1321358_2, r evi si on: R21L t o sni d: 4 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 120] bl d bl d_l oad. c: 1091 I NFO: Loaded: CXC1321358_2, r evi si on: R21L t o sni d: 5 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 564] bl d bl d_l oad. c: 1091 I NFO: Loaded: CXC1322146/ 1, r evi si on: R11C t o sni d: 6 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 588] - bdp. c: 1613 I NFO: I nt er r upt pr ocess ' bdp_hpi 3_i nt _DSP1' cr eat ed OK! [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 588] - bdp. c: 1613 I NFO: I nt er r upt pr ocess ' bdp_hpi 3_i nt _DSP2' cr eat ed OK! [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 592] - bdp. c: 1613 I NFO: I nt er r upt pr ocess ' bdp_hpi 3_i nt _DSP3' cr eat ed OK! [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 596] - bdp. c: 1613 I NFO: I nt er r upt pr ocess ' bdp_hpi 3_i nt _DSP4' cr eat ed OK! [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 596] - bdp. c: 1613 I NFO: I nt er r upt pr ocess ' bdp_hpi 3_i nt _DSP5' cr eat ed OK! [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 600] - bdp. c: 1613 I NFO: I nt er r upt pr ocess ' bdp_hpi 3_i nt _DSP6' cr eat ed OK! [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] dpp1_mai n sr c/ dpp_mai n. c: 409 I NFO: DPP: DPP [ CYB10157/ 1_R13C] st ar t ed f or SNI D = 1 : 0x0001 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] dpp1_mai n sr c/ dpp_mai n. c: 416 I NFO: DPP: Appl i cat i on st ar t ed f or SNI D = 1 : 0x0002 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ DecBoot . c: 270 I NFO: @( #) DEC bui l d i nf o: kl i nt gun 10: 53: 57 Mar 27 2006 : 0x0003 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ DecBoot . c: 271 I NFO: @( #) DEC t ar get : CAX1030053/ 2 : 0x0004 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ DecBoot . c: 272 I NFO: @( #) DEC compi l er : TI TMS320C6x : 0x0005 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ DecBoot . c: 273 I NFO: @( #) DEC pr oj ect : Espr esso : 0x0006 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ DecBoot . c: 274 I NFO: @( #) DEC comment : : 0x0007 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ DecBoot . c: 275 I NFO: @( #) DEC PBOOT ver . : 2 : 0x0008 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ DecBoot . c: 277 I NFO: DSP f r equency: 600 : 0x0009 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ Emi f I ni t . c: 305 I NFO: DSP Par amFU t ype = 1 For mat Ver : = 0 : 0x000A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ Emi f I ni t . c: 308 I NFO: DSP Par amGbl _Ct l _B = 0x2080 Ce_Ct l _b = 0x11124411 : 0x000B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ Emi f I ni t . c: 313 I NFO: EMI F A Gbl Ct l = 0x127A4 CeCt l 0 = 0x109145C1 : 0x000C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ Emi f I ni t . c: 316 I NFO: EMI F A CeCt l 1 = 0xD0 CeCt l 2 = 0x0 : 0x000D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ Emi f I ni t . c: 319 I NFO: EMI F A CeCt l 3 = 0x0 SdCt l = 0x46228000 : 0x000E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ Emi f I ni t . c: 322 I NFO: EMI F A SdTi m= 0x5EE618 SdExt = 0x5453D : 0x000F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ Emi f I ni t . c: 325 I NFO: EMI F A CeSec0 = 0x0 CeSec1 = 0x0 : 0x0010 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ Emi f I ni t . c: 328 I NFO: EMI F A CeSec2 = 0x0 CeSec3 = 0x0 : 0x0011 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ DecBoot . c: 303 I NFO: Pat hf i nder RESET i s r el eased by BP : 0x0012 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 604] DEC_Boot . . / dsp/ sw/ conf i g/ sr c/ DecBoot . c: 319 I NFO: Pat hf i nder ver si on R1B : 0x0013 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 608] dpp2_mai n sr c/ dpp_mai n. c: 409 I NFO: DPP: DPP [ CYB10157/ 1_R13C] st ar t ed f or SNI D = 2 : 0x0001 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 608] dpp2_mai n conf i g. c: 233 I NFO: DEM bui l di nf o: l i ndest e Thu J un 15 11: 01: 23 MEST 2006 ( Wasa R3) : 0x0002 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 608] dpp2_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 218 I NFO: FU TYPE = 2 : 0x0003 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 608] dpp2_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 219 I NFO: For mat r evi si on = 0 : 0x0004 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 608] dpp2_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 220 I NFO: CPU f r equency = 600 : 0x0005 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 608] dpp2_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 222 I NFO: EMI FA Gbl Ct l _A = 0x2080 Ce0Ct l _A = 0x10e14422 : 0x0006 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 608] dpp2_mai n wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 3390 I NFO: ASI C ver si on = 5 : 0x0007 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 608] dpp2_mai n wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 1107 I NFO: SWU WASA I F i ni t i al i zed. : 0x0008 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] dpp2_mai n r ake_ct r l . c: 990 I NFO: SWU Rake Manager i ni t i al i zed. : 0x0009 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] dpp2_mai n dm_cont r ol . c: 712 I NFO: DEM_DM: cont r ol modul e i ni t i at ed. : 0x000A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] dpp2_mai n gamma_sv_cont r ol . c: 325 I NFO: DEM_DM: Gamma SV modul e i ni t i at ed : 0x000B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] dpp2_mai n dbg_manager . c: 491 I NFO: DEM_DM: Debug modul e i ni t i at ed. : 0x000C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] dpp2_mai n sel f _t est . c: 379 I NFO: DEM_DM: Sel f t est modul e i ni t i al t ed : 0x000D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] dpp2_mai n ws_manager . c: 364 I NFO: Wi desear ch Manager memor y consumpt i on = 3 kByt es : 0x000E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] dpp2_mai n ws_manager . c: 368 I NFO: SWU Wi desear ch Manager i ni t i al i zed. : 0x000F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] dpp2_mai n sr c/ dpp_mai n. c: 416 I NFO: DPP: Appl i cat i on st ar t ed f or SNI D = 2 : 0x0010 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] DEM0_RAKE sear cher _manager . c: 577 I NFO: Rake ser vi ce r egi st er ed t o PI D 34 : 0x0011 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] DEM0_BP ocns_ct r l . c: 648 I NFO: Cl i ent 32 r egi st er ed f or OCNS_SRV. : 0x0012 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] DEM0_MDS r ake_ct r l . c: 1153 I NFO: Cl i ent 33 subscr i bed f or t he RAKE_SYNC_SRV. : 0x0013 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] DEM0_MDS r ake_ct r l . c: 1141 I NFO: Cl i ent 33 subscr i bed f or RAKE_I SCP_RSCP_SRV. : 0x0014 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] DEM0_DM r ake_ct r l . c: 1147 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 subscr i bed f or RAKE_LFN_SRV : 0x0015 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] DEM0_DM r ake_ct r l . c: 1153 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 subscr i bed f or t he RAKE_SYNC_SRV. : 0x0016 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] DEM0_DM r ake_ct r l . c: 1093 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 r egi st er ed f or RAKE_RLS_CTRL_SRV. : 0x0017 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] DEM0_DM sear cher _manager . c: 536 I NFO: Cont r ol ser vi ce r egi st er ed t o PI D 36 : 0x0018 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] DEM0_DM ws_manager . c: 401 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 r egi st er ed f or WS RLS CONTROL ser vi ce. : 0x0019 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] DEM0_MEAS meas_manager . c: 1502 I NFO: SWU MEAS i ni t i al i zed and st ar t ed : 0x001A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] DEM0_MEAS meas_handl er . c: 176 I NFO: Measur ement ser vi ce r egi st er ed t o PI D 42 : 0x001C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 612] DEM0_DM_DEBUG debug_handl er . c: 104 I NFO: Debug ser vi ce r egi st er d t o PI D 38 : 0x001F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 616] DEM0_BP di spat ch. c: 445 I NFO: SWU BPI F i ni t i al i zed : 0x0020 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 616] dpp3_mai n sr c/ dpp_mai n. c: 409 I NFO: DPP: DPP [ CYB10157/ 1_R13C] st ar t ed f or SNI D = 3 : 0x0001 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 616] dpp3_mai n conf i g. c: 233 I NFO: DEM bui l di nf o: l i ndest e Thu J un 15 11: 01: 23 MEST 2006 ( Wasa R3) : 0x0002 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 616] dpp3_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 218 I NFO: FU TYPE = 2 : 0x0003 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 616] dpp3_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 219 I NFO: For mat r evi si on = 0 : 0x0004 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 616] dpp3_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 220 I NFO: CPU f r equency = 600 : 0x0005 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 616] dpp3_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 222 I NFO: EMI FA Gbl Ct l _A = 0x2080 Ce0Ct l _A = 0x10e14422 : 0x0006 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 616] dpp3_mai n wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 3390 I NFO: ASI C ver si on = 5 : 0x0007 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 616] dpp3_mai n wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 1107 I NFO: SWU WASA I F i ni t i al i zed. : 0x0008 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 616] dpp3_mai n r ake_ct r l . c: 990 I NFO: SWU Rake Manager i ni t i al i zed. : 0x0009 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 616] dpp3_mai n dm_cont r ol . c: 712 I NFO: DEM_DM: cont r ol modul e i ni t i at ed. : 0x000A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 616] dpp3_mai n gamma_sv_cont r ol . c: 325 I NFO: DEM_DM: Gamma SV modul e i ni t i at ed : 0x000B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] dpp3_mai n dbg_manager . c: 491 I NFO: DEM_DM: Debug modul e i ni t i at ed. : 0x000C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] dpp3_mai n sel f _t est . c: 379 I NFO: DEM_DM: Sel f t est modul e i ni t i al t ed : 0x000D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] dpp3_mai n ws_manager . c: 364 I NFO: Wi desear ch Manager memor y consumpt i on = 3 kByt es : 0x000E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] dpp3_mai n ws_manager . c: 368 I NFO: SWU Wi desear ch Manager i ni t i al i zed. : 0x000F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] dpp3_mai n sr c/ dpp_mai n. c: 416 I NFO: DPP: Appl i cat i on st ar t ed f or SNI D = 3 : 0x0010 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_RAKE sear cher _manager . c: 577 I NFO: Rake ser vi ce r egi st er ed t o PI D 34 : 0x0011 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_BP ocns_ct r l . c: 648 I NFO: Cl i ent 32 r egi st er ed f or OCNS_SRV. : 0x0012 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_MDS r ake_ct r l . c: 1153 I NFO: Cl i ent 33 subscr i bed f or t he RAKE_SYNC_SRV. : 0x0013 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_MDS r ake_ct r l . c: 1141 I NFO: Cl i ent 33 subscr i bed f or RAKE_I SCP_RSCP_SRV. : 0x0014 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_DM r ake_ct r l . c: 1147 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 subscr i bed f or RAKE_LFN_SRV : 0x0015 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_DM r ake_ct r l . c: 1153 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 subscr i bed f or t he RAKE_SYNC_SRV. : 0x0016 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_DM r ake_ct r l . c: 1093 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 r egi st er ed f or RAKE_RLS_CTRL_SRV. : 0x0017 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_DM sear cher _manager . c: 536 I NFO: Cont r ol ser vi ce r egi st er ed t o PI D 36 : 0x0018 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_DM ws_manager . c: 401 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 r egi st er ed f or WS RLS CONTROL ser vi ce. : 0x0019 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_MEAS meas_manager . c: 1502 I NFO: SWU MEAS i ni t i al i zed and st ar t ed : 0x001A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_MEAS meas_handl er . c: 176 I NFO: Measur ement ser vi ce r egi st er ed t o PI D 42 : 0x001C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_DM_DEBUG r ake_ct r l . c: 1100 I NFO: Cl i ent 38 r egi st er ed f or RAKE_DBG_SRV. : 0x001E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 620] DEM1_BP di spat ch. c: 445 I NFO: SWU BPI F i ni t i al i zed : 0x0020 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 624] dpp4_mai n sr c/ dpp_mai n. c: 409 I NFO: DPP: DPP [ CYB10157/ 1_R13C] st ar t ed f or SNI D = 4 : 0x0001 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 624] dpp4_mai n conf i g. c: 233 I NFO: DEM bui l di nf o: l i ndest e Thu J un 15 11: 01: 23 MEST 2006 ( Wasa R3) : 0x0002 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 624] dpp4_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 218 I NFO: FU TYPE = 2 : 0x0003 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 624] dpp4_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 219 I NFO: For mat r evi si on = 0 : 0x0004 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 624] dpp4_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 220 I NFO: CPU f r equency = 600 : 0x0005 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 624] dpp4_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 222 I NFO: EMI FA Gbl Ct l _A = 0x2080 Ce0Ct l _A = 0x10e14422 : 0x0006 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 624] dpp4_mai n wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 3390 I NFO: ASI C ver si on = 5 : 0x0007 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 624] dpp4_mai n wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 1107 I NFO: SWU WASA I F i ni t i al i zed. : 0x0008 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 624] dpp4_mai n r ake_ct r l . c: 990 I NFO: SWU Rake Manager i ni t i al i zed. : 0x0009 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 624] dpp4_mai n dm_cont r ol . c: 712 I NFO: DEM_DM: cont r ol modul e i ni t i at ed. : 0x000A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 624] dpp4_mai n gamma_sv_cont r ol . c: 325 I NFO: DEM_DM: Gamma SV modul e i ni t i at ed : 0x000B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] dpp4_mai n dbg_manager . c: 491 I NFO: DEM_DM: Debug modul e i ni t i at ed. : 0x000C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] dpp4_mai n sel f _t est . c: 379 I NFO: DEM_DM: Sel f t est modul e i ni t i al t ed : 0x000D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] dpp4_mai n ws_manager . c: 364 I NFO: Wi desear ch Manager memor y consumpt i on = 3 kByt es : 0x000E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] dpp4_mai n ws_manager . c: 368 I NFO: SWU Wi desear ch Manager i ni t i al i zed. : 0x000F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] dpp4_mai n sr c/ dpp_mai n. c: 416 I NFO: DPP: Appl i cat i on st ar t ed f or SNI D = 4 : 0x0010 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] DEM2_RAKE sear cher _manager . c: 577 I NFO: Rake ser vi ce r egi st er ed t o PI D 34 : 0x0011 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] DEM2_BP ocns_ct r l . c: 648 I NFO: Cl i ent 32 r egi st er ed f or OCNS_SRV. : 0x0012 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] DEM2_MDS r ake_ct r l . c: 1153 I NFO: Cl i ent 33 subscr i bed f or t he RAKE_SYNC_SRV. : 0x0013 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] DEM2_MDS r ake_ct r l . c: 1141 I NFO: Cl i ent 33 subscr i bed f or RAKE_I SCP_RSCP_SRV. : 0x0014 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] DEM2_DM r ake_ct r l . c: 1147 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 subscr i bed f or RAKE_LFN_SRV : 0x0015 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] DEM2_DM r ake_ct r l . c: 1153 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 subscr i bed f or t he RAKE_SYNC_SRV. : 0x0016 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] DEM2_DM r ake_ct r l . c: 1093 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 r egi st er ed f or RAKE_RLS_CTRL_SRV. : 0x0017 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] DEM2_DM sear cher _manager . c: 536 I NFO: Cont r ol ser vi ce r egi st er ed t o PI D 36 : 0x0018 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] DEM2_DM ws_manager . c: 401 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 r egi st er ed f or WS RLS CONTROL ser vi ce. : 0x0019 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] DEM2_MEAS r ake_ct r l . c: 1085 I NFO: Cl i ent 42 r egi st er ed f or RAKE_L1_MEAS_SRV. : 0x001B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] DEM2_DM_DEBUG r ake_ct r l . c: 1100 I NFO: Cl i ent 38 r egi st er ed f or RAKE_DBG_SRV. : 0x001E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 628] DEM2_BP di spat ch. c: 445 I NFO: SWU BPI F i ni t i al i zed : 0x0020 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 632] dpp5_mai n sr c/ dpp_mai n. c: 409 I NFO: DPP: DPP [ CYB10157/ 1_R13C] st ar t ed f or SNI D = 5 : 0x0001 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 632] dpp5_mai n conf i g. c: 233 I NFO: DEM bui l di nf o: l i ndest e Thu J un 15 11: 01: 23 MEST 2006 ( Wasa R3) : 0x0002 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 632] dpp5_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 218 I NFO: FU TYPE = 2 : 0x0003 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 632] dpp5_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 219 I NFO: For mat r evi si on = 0 : 0x0004 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 632] dpp5_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 220 I NFO: CPU f r equency = 600 : 0x0005 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 632] dpp5_mai n common_par amcheck. c: 222 I NFO: EMI FA Gbl Ct l _A = 0x2080 Ce0Ct l _A = 0x10e14422 : 0x0006 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 632] dpp5_mai n wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 3390 I NFO: ASI C ver si on = 5 : 0x0007 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 632] dpp5_mai n wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 1107 I NFO: SWU WASA I F i ni t i al i zed. : 0x0008 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 632] dpp5_mai n r ake_ct r l . c: 990 I NFO: SWU Rake Manager i ni t i al i zed. : 0x0009 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 632] dpp5_mai n dm_cont r ol . c: 712 I NFO: DEM_DM: cont r ol modul e i ni t i at ed. : 0x000A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 632] dpp5_mai n gamma_sv_cont r ol . c: 325 I NFO: DEM_DM: Gamma SV modul e i ni t i at ed : 0x000B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 632] dpp5_mai n dbg_manager . c: 491 I NFO: DEM_DM: Debug modul e i ni t i at ed. : 0x000C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] dpp5_mai n sel f _t est . c: 379 I NFO: DEM_DM: Sel f t est modul e i ni t i al t ed : 0x000D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] dpp5_mai n ws_manager . c: 364 I NFO: Wi desear ch Manager memor y consumpt i on = 3 kByt es : 0x000E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] dpp5_mai n ws_manager . c: 368 I NFO: SWU Wi desear ch Manager i ni t i al i zed. : 0x000F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] dpp5_mai n sr c/ dpp_mai n. c: 416 I NFO: DPP: Appl i cat i on st ar t ed f or SNI D = 5 : 0x0010 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_RAKE sear cher _manager . c: 577 I NFO: Rake ser vi ce r egi st er ed t o PI D 34 : 0x0011 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_BP ocns_ct r l . c: 648 I NFO: Cl i ent 32 r egi st er ed f or OCNS_SRV. : 0x0012 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_MDS r ake_ct r l . c: 1153 I NFO: Cl i ent 33 subscr i bed f or t he RAKE_SYNC_SRV. : 0x0013 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_MDS r ake_ct r l . c: 1141 I NFO: Cl i ent 33 subscr i bed f or RAKE_I SCP_RSCP_SRV. : 0x0014 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_DM r ake_ct r l . c: 1147 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 subscr i bed f or RAKE_LFN_SRV : 0x0015 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_DM r ake_ct r l . c: 1153 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 subscr i bed f or t he RAKE_SYNC_SRV. : 0x0016 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_DM r ake_ct r l . c: 1093 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 r egi st er ed f or RAKE_RLS_CTRL_SRV. : 0x0017 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_DM sear cher _manager . c: 536 I NFO: Cont r ol ser vi ce r egi st er ed t o PI D 36 : 0x0018 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_DM ws_manager . c: 401 I NFO: Cl i ent 36 r egi st er ed f or WS RLS CONTROL ser vi ce. : 0x0019 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_MEAS meas_manager . c: 1502 I NFO: SWU MEAS i ni t i al i zed and st ar t ed : 0x001A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_MEAS meas_handl er . c: 176 I NFO: Measur ement ser vi ce r egi st er ed t o PI D 42 : 0x001C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_DM_DEBUG r ake_ct r l . c: 1100 I NFO: Cl i ent 38 r egi st er ed f or RAKE_DBG_SRV. : 0x001E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] DEM3_BP di spat ch. c: 445 I NFO: SWU BPI F i ni t i al i zed : 0x0020 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 636] dpp6_mai n sr c/ dpp_mai n. c: 409 I NFO: DPP: DPP [ CYB10157/ 1_R13C] st ar t ed f or SNI D = 6 : 0x0001 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 648] dpp6_mai n sr c/ dpp_mai n. c: 416 I NFO: DPP: Appl i cat i on st ar t ed f or SNI D = 6 : 0x0002 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 648] r a6_conf i g sr c/ i ni t DSP. c: 417 I NFO: Cont ent s of t he RA PBOOT par amet er ar ea: : 0x0003 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 648] r a6_conf i g sr c/ i ni t DSP. c: 418 I NFO: Number of par amet er s: 8 : 0x0004 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 648] r a6_conf i g sr c/ i ni t DSP. c: 419 I NFO: FU t ype ( RA = 3) : 3 : 0x0005 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 648] r a6_conf i g sr c/ i ni t DSP. c: 420 I NFO: For mat r evi si on: 0 : 0x0006 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 648] r a6_conf i g sr c/ i ni t DSP. c: 421 I NFO: ROZ Pr oduct Number : ROZ104087/ 1 : 0x0007 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 648] r a6_conf i g sr c/ i ni t DSP. c: 422 I NFO: ROZ R- st at e: P2A : 0x0008 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 648] r a6_conf i g sr c/ i ni t DSP. c: 423 I NFO: Fr equency ( MHz) : 600 : 0x0009 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 648] r a6_conf i g sr c/ i ni t DSP. c: 424 I NFO: EMI FA GBLCTL r egi st er : 0x00000080 : 0x000A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 648] r a6_conf i g sr c/ i ni t DSP. c: 426 I NFO: EMI FA_CE0CTL r egi st er : 0x20924321 : 0x000B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 648] r a6_conf i g sr c/ i ni t DSP. c: 428 I NFO: Guar d wor d 1: 0xaaaa5555 : 0x000C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 648] r a6_conf i g sr c/ i ni t DSP. c: 429 I NFO: Guar d wor d 2: 0xaaaa5555 : 0x000D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 788] r a6_conf i g sr c/ conf i g. c: 272 I NFO: RA DSP SNI D=6 st ar t ed. Ver si on: CXC1322146/ 1_R11C01 , Bui l d: J un 22 2006 15: 00: 08 : 0x000E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 804] CbcSer ver cbc_ser ver . c: 521 I NFO: LED( MI SSI NG RESOURCE END) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 41. 944] CbcSer ver cbc_ser ver . c: 521 I NFO: LED( LOAD TEST END) [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 0 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0021 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0022 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0023 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0024 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0025 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0026 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 3 : 0x0027 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0028 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 5 : 0x0029 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x002A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x002B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x002C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x002D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x002E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x002F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0030 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 1 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0021 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0022 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0023 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0024 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0025 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0026 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 3 : 0x0027 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0028 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 5 : 0x0029 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x002A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x002B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x002C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x002D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x002E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x002F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0030 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 2 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0021 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0022 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0023 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0024 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0025 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0026 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 3 : 0x0027 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0028 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 752] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 5 : 0x0029 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x002A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x002B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x002C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x002D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x002E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x002F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0030 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 3 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0021 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0022 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0023 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0024 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0025 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0026 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 3 : 0x0027 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0028 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 5 : 0x0029 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x002A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x002B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x002C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x002D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x002E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x002F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 756] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0030 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 972] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 0 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0031 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0032 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0033 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0034 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0035 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0036 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 1 <=> 3 : 0x0037 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0038 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 5 : 0x0039 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x003A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x003B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x003C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x003D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x003E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x003F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0040 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 1 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0031 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0032 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0033 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0034 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0035 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0036 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 1 <=> 3 : 0x0037 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0038 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 5 : 0x0039 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x003A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x003B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x003C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x003D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x003E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x003F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0040 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 2 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0031 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0032 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0033 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0034 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0035 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0036 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 1 <=> 3 : 0x0037 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0038 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 5 : 0x0039 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x003A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x003B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x003C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x003D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x003E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x003F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0040 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 3 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0031 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0032 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0033 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0034 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0035 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0036 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 1 <=> 3 : 0x0037 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0038 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 5 : 0x0039 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x003A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x003B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x003C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x003D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x003E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x003F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 51. 976] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0040 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 0 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0041 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0042 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0043 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0044 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0045 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0046 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 1 <=> 3 : 0x0047 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 0 | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0048 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 0 | 1 <=> 5 : 0x0049 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x004A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x004B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x004C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x004D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x004E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x004F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM0_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0050 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 1 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0041 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0042 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0043 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0044 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0045 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0046 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 1 <=> 3 : 0x0047 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 0 | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0048 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 0 | 1 <=> 5 : 0x0049 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x004A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x004B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x004C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 184] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x004D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x004E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x004F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0050 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 2 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0041 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0042 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0043 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0044 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0045 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0046 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 1 <=> 3 : 0x0047 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 0 | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0048 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 0 | 1 <=> 5 : 0x0049 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x004A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x004B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x004C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x004D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x004E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x004F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0050 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 3 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0041 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0042 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0043 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0044 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0045 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0046 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 1 <=> 3 : 0x0047 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 0 | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0048 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 0 | 1 <=> 5 : 0x0049 [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x004A [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x004B [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x004C [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x004D [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x004E [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x004F [ 1970- 09- 27 23: 24: 52. 188] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0050
AFt er r est ar t RAX=sl ot 8
[ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x004F [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM1_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0050 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 2 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0041 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0042 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0043 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0044 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0045 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0046 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 1 <=> 3 : 0x0047 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 0 | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0048 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 0 | 1 <=> 5 : 0x0049 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x004A [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x004B [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x004C [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x004D [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x004E [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x004F [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM2_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0050 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 490 I NFO: Cl ust er 3 GAMMA_BUS conf i g: : 0x0041 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 491 I NFO: Gamma f or mat = 2XOS : 0x0042 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 512 I NFO: RG l i nk | Br anch <=> LG l i nk : 0x0043 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 0 <=> 0 : 0x0044 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 4 | 1 <=> 1 : 0x0045 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 0 <=> 2 : 0x0046 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 8 | 1 <=> 3 : 0x0047 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 0 | 0 <=> 4 : 0x0048 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 517 I NFO: 0 | 1 <=> 5 : 0x0049 [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 6 : 0x004A [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 7 : 0x004B [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 8 : 0x004C [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 9 : 0x004D [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 10 : 0x004E [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 525 I NFO: NC | 0 <=> 11 : 0x004F [ 1970- 09- 28 13: 29: 24. 648] DEM3_DM wasa_i nt er f ace. c: 531 I NFO: RG r ange 0. . 11 or NC, LG r ange: 0. . 11 : 0x0050 RAX=sl ot =9
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sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 7/ 2/ 2 ES- 1/ 7/ 3 9 010700/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 7/ 2/ 3 ES- 1/ 7/ 4 9 010700/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 7/ 2/ 4 ES- 1/ 7/ 5 2 010800/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 1/ 8/ 1/ 1 ES- 1/ 8/ 1 2 010800/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 8/ 2/ 1 ES- 1/ 8/ 2 2 010800/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 8/ 2/ 2 ES- 1/ 8/ 3 2 010800/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 8/ 2/ 3 ES- 1/ 8/ 4 2 010800/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 8/ 2/ 4 ES- 1/ 8/ 5 2 010900/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 1/ 9/ 1/ 1 ES- 1/ 9/ 1 2 010900/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 9/ 2/ 1 ES- 1/ 9/ 2 2 010900/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 9/ 2/ 2 ES- 1/ 9/ 3 2 010900/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 9/ 2/ 3 ES- 1/ 9/ 4 2 010900/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 9/ 2/ 4 ES- 1/ 9/ 5 3 011000/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 1/ 10/ 1/ 1 ES- 1/ 10/ 1 3 011000/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 10/ 2/ 1 ES- 1/ 10/ 2 3 011000/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 10/ 2/ 2 ES- 1/ 10/ 3 3 011000/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 10/ 2/ 3 ES- 1/ 10/ 4 3 011000/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 10/ 2/ 4 ES- 1/ 10/ 5 3 011900/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 1/ 19/ 1/ 1 ES- 1/ 19/ 1 3 011900/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 19/ 2/ 1 ES- 1/ 19/ 2 3 011900/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 19/ 2/ 2 ES- 1/ 19/ 3 3 011900/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 19/ 2/ 3 ES- 1/ 19/ 4 3 011900/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 19/ 2/ 4 ES- 1/ 19/ 5 4 012000/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 1/ 20/ 1/ 1 ES- 1/ 20/ 1 4 012000/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 20/ 2/ 1 ES- 1/ 20/ 2 4 012000/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 20/ 2/ 2 ES- 1/ 20/ 3 4 012000/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 20/ 2/ 3 ES- 1/ 20/ 4 4 012000/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 20/ 2/ 4 ES- 1/ 20/ 5 4 012100/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 1/ 21/ 1/ 1 ES- 1/ 21/ 1 4 012100/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 21/ 2/ 1 ES- 1/ 21/ 2 4 012100/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 21/ 2/ 2 ES- 1/ 21/ 3 4 012100/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 21/ 2/ 3 ES- 1/ 21/ 4 4 012100/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 21/ 2/ 4 ES- 1/ 21/ 5 10 012200/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 1/ 22/ 1/ 1 ES- 1/ 22/ 1 10 012200/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 22/ 2/ 1 ES- 1/ 22/ 2 10 012200/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 22/ 2/ 2 ES- 1/ 22/ 3 10 012200/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 22/ 2/ 3 ES- 1/ 22/ 4 10 012200/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 22/ 2/ 4 ES- 1/ 22/ 5 10 012300/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 1/ 23/ 1/ 1 ES- 1/ 23/ 1 10 012300/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 23/ 2/ 1 ES- 1/ 23/ 2 10 012300/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 23/ 2/ 2 ES- 1/ 23/ 3 10 012300/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 23/ 2/ 3 ES- 1/ 23/ 4 10 012300/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 1/ 23/ 2/ 4 ES- 1/ 23/ 5 11 020600/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 2/ 6/ 1/ 1 ES- 2/ 6/ 1 11 020600/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 6/ 2/ 1 ES- 2/ 6/ 2 11 020600/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 6/ 2/ 2 ES- 2/ 6/ 3 11 020600/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 6/ 2/ 3 ES- 2/ 6/ 4 11 020600/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 6/ 2/ 4 ES- 2/ 6/ 5 11 020700/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 2/ 7/ 1/ 1 ES- 2/ 7/ 1 11 020700/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 7/ 2/ 1 ES- 2/ 7/ 2 11 020700/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 7/ 2/ 2 ES- 2/ 7/ 3 11 020700/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 7/ 2/ 3 ES- 2/ 7/ 4 11 020700/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 7/ 2/ 4 ES- 2/ 7/ 5 5 020800/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 2/ 8/ 1/ 1 ES- 2/ 8/ 1 5 020800/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 8/ 2/ 1 ES- 2/ 8/ 2 5 020800/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 8/ 2/ 2 ES- 2/ 8/ 3 5 020800/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 8/ 2/ 3 ES- 2/ 8/ 4 5 020800/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 8/ 2/ 4 ES- 2/ 8/ 5 5 020900/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 2/ 9/ 1/ 1 ES- 2/ 9/ 1 5 020900/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 9/ 2/ 1 ES- 2/ 9/ 2 5 020900/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 9/ 2/ 2 ES- 2/ 9/ 3 5 020900/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 9/ 2/ 3 ES- 2/ 9/ 4 5 020900/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 9/ 2/ 4 ES- 2/ 9/ 5 6 021000/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 2/ 10/ 1/ 1 ES- 2/ 10/ 1 6 021000/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 10/ 2/ 1 ES- 2/ 10/ 2 6 021000/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 10/ 2/ 2 ES- 2/ 10/ 3 6 021000/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 10/ 2/ 3 ES- 2/ 10/ 4 6 021000/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 10/ 2/ 4 ES- 2/ 10/ 5 6 021900/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 2/ 19/ 1/ 1 ES- 2/ 19/ 1 6 021900/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 19/ 2/ 1 ES- 2/ 19/ 2 6 021900/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 19/ 2/ 2 ES- 2/ 19/ 3 6 021900/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 19/ 2/ 3 ES- 2/ 19/ 4 6 021900/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 19/ 2/ 4 ES- 2/ 19/ 5 7 022000/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 2/ 20/ 1/ 1 ES- 2/ 20/ 1 7 022000/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 20/ 2/ 1 ES- 2/ 20/ 2 7 022000/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 20/ 2/ 2 ES- 2/ 20/ 3 7 022000/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 20/ 2/ 3 ES- 2/ 20/ 4 7 022000/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 20/ 2/ 4 ES- 2/ 20/ 5 7 022100/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 2/ 21/ 1/ 1 ES- 2/ 21/ 1 7 022100/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 21/ 2/ 1 ES- 2/ 21/ 2 7 022100/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 21/ 2/ 2 ES- 2/ 21/ 3 7 022100/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 21/ 2/ 3 ES- 2/ 21/ 4 7 022100/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 21/ 2/ 4 ES- 2/ 21/ 5 12 022200/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 2/ 22/ 1/ 1 ES- 2/ 22/ 1 12 022200/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 22/ 2/ 1 ES- 2/ 22/ 2 12 022200/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 22/ 2/ 2 ES- 2/ 22/ 3 12 022200/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 22/ 2/ 3 ES- 2/ 22/ 4 12 022200/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 22/ 2/ 4 ES- 2/ 22/ 5 12 022300/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 2/ 23/ 1/ 1 ES- 2/ 23/ 1 12 022300/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 23/ 2/ 1 ES- 2/ 23/ 2 12 022300/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 23/ 2/ 2 ES- 2/ 23/ 3 12 022300/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 23/ 2/ 3 ES- 2/ 23/ 4 12 022300/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 2/ 23/ 2/ 4 ES- 2/ 23/ 5 50 090600/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 5/ 6/ 1/ 1 ES- 5/ 6/ 1 50 090600/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 6/ 2/ 1 ES- 5/ 6/ 2 50 090600/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 6/ 2/ 2 ES- 5/ 6/ 3 50 090600/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 6/ 2/ 3 ES- 5/ 6/ 4 50 090600/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 6/ 2/ 4 ES- 5/ 6/ 5 50 090700/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 5/ 7/ 1/ 1 ES- 5/ 7/ 1 50 090700/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 7/ 2/ 1 ES- 5/ 7/ 2 50 090700/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 7/ 2/ 2 ES- 5/ 7/ 3 50 090700/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 7/ 2/ 3 ES- 5/ 7/ 4 50 090700/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 7/ 2/ 4 ES- 5/ 7/ 5 51 090800/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 5/ 8/ 1/ 1 ES- 5/ 8/ 1 51 090800/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 8/ 2/ 1 ES- 5/ 8/ 2 51 090800/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 8/ 2/ 2 ES- 5/ 8/ 3 51 090800/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 8/ 2/ 3 ES- 5/ 8/ 4 51 090800/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 8/ 2/ 4 ES- 5/ 8/ 5 51 090900/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 5/ 9/ 1/ 1 ES- 5/ 9/ 1 51 090900/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 9/ 2/ 1 ES- 5/ 9/ 2 51 090900/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 9/ 2/ 2 ES- 5/ 9/ 3 51 090900/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 9/ 2/ 3 ES- 5/ 9/ 4 51 090900/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 9/ 2/ 4 ES- 5/ 9/ 5 52 091000/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 5/ 10/ 1/ 1 ES- 5/ 10/ 1 52 091000/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 10/ 2/ 1 ES- 5/ 10/ 2 52 091000/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 10/ 2/ 2 ES- 5/ 10/ 3 52 091000/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 10/ 2/ 3 ES- 5/ 10/ 4 52 091000/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 10/ 2/ 4 ES- 5/ 10/ 5 52 091900/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 5/ 19/ 1/ 1 ES- 5/ 19/ 1 52 091900/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 19/ 2/ 1 ES- 5/ 19/ 2 52 091900/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 19/ 2/ 2 ES- 5/ 19/ 3 52 091900/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 19/ 2/ 3 ES- 5/ 19/ 4 52 091900/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 19/ 2/ 4 ES- 5/ 19/ 5 53 092000/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 5/ 20/ 1/ 1 ES- 5/ 20/ 1 53 092000/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 20/ 2/ 1 ES- 5/ 20/ 2 53 092000/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 20/ 2/ 2 ES- 5/ 20/ 3 53 092000/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 20/ 2/ 3 ES- 5/ 20/ 4 53 092000/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 20/ 2/ 4 ES- 5/ 20/ 5 53 092100/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 5/ 21/ 1/ 1 ES- 5/ 21/ 1 53 092100/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 21/ 2/ 1 ES- 5/ 21/ 2 53 092100/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 21/ 2/ 2 ES- 5/ 21/ 3 53 092100/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 21/ 2/ 3 ES- 5/ 21/ 4 53 092100/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 21/ 2/ 4 ES- 5/ 21/ 5 54 092200/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 5/ 22/ 1/ 1 ES- 5/ 22/ 1 54 092200/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 22/ 2/ 1 ES- 5/ 22/ 2 54 092200/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 22/ 2/ 2 ES- 5/ 22/ 3 54 092200/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 22/ 2/ 3 ES- 5/ 22/ 4 54 092200/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 22/ 2/ 4 ES- 5/ 22/ 5 54 092300/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 5/ 23/ 1/ 1 ES- 5/ 23/ 1 54 092300/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 23/ 2/ 1 ES- 5/ 23/ 2 54 092300/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 23/ 2/ 2 ES- 5/ 23/ 3 54 092300/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 23/ 2/ 3 ES- 5/ 23/ 4 54 092300/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 5/ 23/ 2/ 4 ES- 5/ 23/ 5 30 110600/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 3/ 6/ 1/ 1 ES- 3/ 6/ 1 30 110600/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 6/ 2/ 1 ES- 3/ 6/ 2 30 110600/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 6/ 2/ 2 ES- 3/ 6/ 3 30 110600/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 6/ 2/ 3 ES- 3/ 6/ 4 30 110600/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 6/ 2/ 4 ES- 3/ 6/ 5 30 110700/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 3/ 7/ 1/ 1 ES- 3/ 7/ 1 30 110700/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 7/ 2/ 1 ES- 3/ 7/ 2 30 110700/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 7/ 2/ 2 ES- 3/ 7/ 3 30 110700/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 7/ 2/ 3 ES- 3/ 7/ 4 30 110700/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 7/ 2/ 4 ES- 3/ 7/ 5 31 110800/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 3/ 8/ 1/ 1 ES- 3/ 8/ 1 31 110800/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 8/ 2/ 1 ES- 3/ 8/ 2 31 110800/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 8/ 2/ 2 ES- 3/ 8/ 3 31 110800/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 8/ 2/ 3 ES- 3/ 8/ 4 31 110800/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 8/ 2/ 4 ES- 3/ 8/ 5 31 110900/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 3/ 9/ 1/ 1 ES- 3/ 9/ 1 31 110900/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 9/ 2/ 1 ES- 3/ 9/ 2 31 110900/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 9/ 2/ 2 ES- 3/ 9/ 3 31 110900/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 9/ 2/ 3 ES- 3/ 9/ 4 31 110900/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 9/ 2/ 4 ES- 3/ 9/ 5 32 111000/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 3/ 10/ 1/ 1 ES- 3/ 10/ 1 32 111000/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 10/ 2/ 1 ES- 3/ 10/ 2 32 111000/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 10/ 2/ 2 ES- 3/ 10/ 3 32 111000/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 10/ 2/ 3 ES- 3/ 10/ 4 32 111000/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 10/ 2/ 4 ES- 3/ 10/ 5 32 111900/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 3/ 19/ 1/ 1 ES- 3/ 19/ 1 32 111900/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 19/ 2/ 1 ES- 3/ 19/ 2 32 111900/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 19/ 2/ 2 ES- 3/ 19/ 3 32 111900/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 19/ 2/ 3 ES- 3/ 19/ 4 32 111900/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 19/ 2/ 4 ES- 3/ 19/ 5 33 112000/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 3/ 20/ 1/ 1 ES- 3/ 20/ 1 33 112000/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 20/ 2/ 1 ES- 3/ 20/ 2 33 112000/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 20/ 2/ 2 ES- 3/ 20/ 3 33 112000/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 20/ 2/ 3 ES- 3/ 20/ 4 33 112000/ sp4. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 20/ 2/ 4 ES- 3/ 20/ 5 33 112100/ sp0. l nh CC 11 ES- 3/ 21/ 1/ 1 ES- 3/ 21/ 1 33 112100/ sp1. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 21/ 2/ 1 ES- 3/ 21/ 2 33 112100/ sp2. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 21/ 2/ 2 ES- 3/ 21/ 3 33 112100/ sp3. l nh DC 11 ES- 3/ 21/ 2/ 3 ES- 3/ 21/ 4 33 112100/ sp4. l 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/ * NodeB GRY404 went down due t o mi cr owave f aul t . E1 i s down */
3RR01> al t 070701- 15: 04: 25 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19941 Tr yi ng f i l e=/ home/ zm814584/ moshel l _l ogf i l es/ l ogs_moshel l / t empf i l es/ 20070701- 120649_19917/ i or 19917 Resol vi ng t he al ar mser vi ce i n OMS. . . Si mpl e Al ar mCl i ent i ni t i al i zed. . . St ar t i ng t o r et r i eve act i ve al ar ms Nr of act i ve al ar ms ar e: 10 ==================================================================================== Dat e & Ti me ( Local ) S Speci f i c Pr obl em Cause Mo- Ref er ence ==================================================================================== 2007- 07- 01 14: 15: 00 M NbapDedi cat ed_RncRbsCont r ol Li nkDown t r ansmi ssi on_er r or I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY404, NbapDedi cat ed=1 2007- 07- 01 14: 37: 46 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY404C 2007- 07- 01 14: 37: 46 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY404B 2007- 07- 01 14: 37: 47 M Ut r anCel l _Ser vi ceUnavai l abl e unavai l abl e Ut r anCel l =GRY404A >>> Tot al : 10 Al ar ms ( 0 Cr i t i cal , 9 Maj or )
3RR01> l t ^ut r ancel l | i ub| at m| aal | at m 3RR01> l cc gr y404 3RR01> l st gr y404
070701- 14: 37: 33 172. 24. 12. 207 7. 0 RESTRI CTED RNC_NODE_MODEL_F_5_2 st opf i l e=/ t mp/ 19941 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 3456 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY404 3601 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404C 3602 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404B 3603 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404A 3856 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY404, NodeSynchTp=2 3857 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY404, NodeSynchTp=1 3858 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY404, NbapDedi cat ed=1 3859 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY404, NbapCommon=1 3861 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404C, Fach=1 3866 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404C, Rach=1 3867 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404C, Hsdsch=1 3868 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404C, Pch=1 3881 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404B, Rach=1 3895 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404B, Hsdsch=1 3903 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404B, Fach=1 3904 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404B, Pch=1 3931 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404A, Rach=1 3938 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404A, Fach=1 3942 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404A, Hsdsch=1 3943 1 ( UNLOCKED) 0 ( DI SABLED) RncFunct i on=1, Ut r anCel l =GRY404A, Pch=1 =================================================================================== Tot al : 20 MOs
3RR01> get 3858 ==================================================================================== 3858 RncFunct i on=1, I ubLi nk=I ub_GRY404, NbapDedi cat ed=1 ==================================================================================== NbapDedi cat edI d 1 act i veUni Saal TpRef Uni Saal Tp=b1019da admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 ( UNLOCKED) avai l abi l i t ySt at us 2 ( FAI LED) l 2Est abl i shReqRet r yT 5 oper at i onal St at e 0 ( DI SABLED) st andbyUni Saal TpRef Uni Saal Tp=b1019db user Label 1 ====================================================================================
3RR01> l st b1019 =================================================================================== Pr oxy AdmSt at e Op. St at e MO =================================================================================== 4428 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1019a4 4429 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1019a3 4430 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1019a2 4431 1 ( UNLOCKED) 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1019a1 4824 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1019qb 4825 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1019qa 4830 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1019db 4831 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1019da 4832 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1019cb 4833 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 5TpVccTp=b1019ca 5549 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1019sb1 5550 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 0TpVccTp=b1019sa1 5769 0 ( DI SABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b1019 6050 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1019qb 6051 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1019qa 6056 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1019db 6057 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1019da 6058 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1019cb 6059 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Uni Saal Tp=b1019ca 6769 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1019i b 6770 1 ( ENABLED) Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1019i a =================================================================================== Tot al : 21 MOs
3RR01> get 6769 ==================================================================================== 6769 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, At mCr ossConnect i on=b1019i b ==================================================================================== At mCr ossConnect i onI d b1019i b oper at i onal St at e 1 ( ENABLED) user Label b1019i b vcl TpAI d At mPor t =MS- 7- 2, Vpl Tp=vp21, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc10019 vcl TpBI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 26- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1233 ====================================================================================
3RR01> get 4428 ==================================================================================== 4428 Tr anspor t Net wor k=1, Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1019a4 ==================================================================================== Aal 2Pat hVccTpI d b1019a4 aal 2Pat hI d 4 aal 2Pat hOwner t r ue aal 2QoSAvai l abl ePr of i l es 4 ( CLASS_C) aal 2QoSPr of i l eI d Aal 2QosPr of i l e=ad10bd20 admi ni st r at i veSt at e 1 ( UNLOCKED) al ar mRepor t 2 ( ALARM_LOC) avai l abi l i t ySt at us 0 ( NO_STATUS) cont i nui t yCheck f al se count er Mode 0 ( PM_MODE_OFF) nomPmBl ocksi ze 1024 ( NOM_PM_BLKSI ZE_2_10) oper at i onal St at e 1 ( ENABLED) r emot eBl ocki ngSt at e 1 ( REMOTELY_UNBLOCKED) r eser vedBy Aal 2Sp=1, Aal 2Ap=b1019, Aal 2Pat hDi st r i but i onUni t =1 t i mer Cu 10 user Label b1019a4 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 26- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1247 ==================================================================================== Tot al : 1 MOs
3RR01> l get b1019 vcl t p ==================================================================================== MO At t r i but e Val ue ==================================================================================== Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1019a4 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 26- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1247 Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1019a3 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 2- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1246 Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1019a2 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 26- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1240 Aal 2Pat hVccTp=b1019a1 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 2- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1239 Aal 5TpVccTp=b1019qb vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 26- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1245 Aal 5TpVccTp=b1019qa vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 2- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1238 Aal 5TpVccTp=b1019db vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 26- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1244 Aal 5TpVccTp=b1019da vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 2- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1237 Aal 5TpVccTp=b1019cb vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 26- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1243 Aal 5TpVccTp=b1019ca vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 2- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1236 Aal 0TpVccTp=b1019sb1 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 26- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1235 Aal 0TpVccTp=b1019sa1 vcl TpI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 2- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1234 At mCr ossConnect i on=b1019i b vcl TpAI d At mPor t =MS- 7- 2, Vpl Tp=vp21, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc10019 At mCr ossConnect i on=b1019i b vcl TpBI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 26- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1233 At mCr ossConnect i on=b1019i a vcl TpAI d At mPor t =MS- 6- 1, Vpl Tp=vp20, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc10019 At mCr ossConnect i on=b1019i a vcl TpBI d At mPor t =ES- 5- 2- 2, Vpl Tp=vp51, VpcTp=1, Vcl Tp=vc1232 ====================================================================================