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The Role of Scientists in Conservation Planning On Private Lands

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The Role of Scientists in Conservation Planning on

Private Lands


Biology Department, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557, U.S.A., email ddmurphy@biodiversity.unr.edu

Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, U.S.A.
The nexus of advocacy and science has been a recur-
ring discussion theme since the earliest days of the So-
ciety for Conservation Biology. When Michael Soul e de-
fined conservation as a mission-oriented discipline, he
succinctly captured the issue. He and others have asked
whether biologists on a mission to save ecosystems, eco-
logical communities, species, and populations can pro-
vide the value-free and independent science that conser-
vation planning requires. Should conservation biologists
be required to check their philosophy and morals at the
door when entering an arena fraught with political angst
andeconomic implications? Does a commitment tosaving
biological diversity necessarily obviate a scientists oppor-
tunities to contribute his or her professional skills to land
andresource planning whenobjectives other thanconser-
vation are included? Although this dilemma has not been
solved, the debate has takena different turn. Some conser-
vation biologists question whether their colleagues can
provide value-neutral science to land-use planning and
resource management where private lands, land develop-
ers, resource extraction, and compensated consultation
are involved. In the context of inescapable trade-offs, can
conservation biologists be trusted to deliver professional
judgment without bias? Can they be anything but accom-
plices to the loss of habitats where species will be taken
and bulldozers will roll?
We think conservation biologists can and should par-
ticipate in land-use planning. Nevertheless, based on our
involvement in a number of the most controversial con-
servation planning efforts in the United States, we recog-
nize that acknowledgement and incorporation of trade-
offs can be accompanied by significant professional con-
demnation. Where conservation planning is adjunct to
land development and extractive activities (e.g., timber
harvest, mining, grazing), participating scientists are of-
ten viewed as simply providing scientific input that meets
the expectations of private interests facing restrictive poli-
Paper submitted September 20, 2006; revised manuscript accepted October 20, 2006.
cies andcostly regulations. Some of our colleagues believe
that involvement in land-use planning that includes pri-
vate interests is in itself an abdication of a commitment
to protecting nature. We think this position and the at-
tendant debate arise from some basic misunderstandings
about how science and scientists are typically engaged in
the context of habitat conservation plans and similar pri-
vate land and resource-planning efforts. We believe that
many of our colleagues simply cannot imagine being in-
volved in planning processes that offer constrained deci-
sion spaces, in which saving it all is not an option; where
natural lands will be lost, but exactly how much will be
lost and where losses will occur has not been resolved.
We believe that conservation biologists must be engaged
wherever possible in land-use planning when natural sys-
tems and the species they support are at risk, even if plan-
ning outcomes include the loss of individuals of species
both common and rare. If losses of natural lands and the
species they support is certain, decisions concerning the
locations and quality of lands being evaluated for preser-
vation becomes crucial.
It is not clear howgoals for conserving the biotic diver-
sity of the United States can possibly be met without pro-
tection and stewardship of species on private lands. The
raw numbers are compelling. For example, the species-
rich state of Texas is 98% privately owned; certainly any
imperiled species program there must focus on initia-
tives and planning efforts that encourage conservation on
private lands. But even at extremes of public land own-
ership, successful protection of species can be utterly
dependent on conservation of the limited private hold-
ings. Nearly 88% of Nevada, for example, is under federal
control, but many of the states wetlands, springs, and
other water sources, which sustain most of its endemic
and narrowly distributed species, are privately owned.
Nationwide, at least part of the distributional ranges of
nearly three-quarters of federally listed threatened and
Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 1, 2528
2007 Society for Conservation Biology
DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2006.00642.x
26 Role of Scientists in Conservation Planning on Private Lands Murphy & Noon
endangered species are privately owned. Moreover, as
much as a one-third of this countrys at-risk species are
found exclusively on private land.
Our scientific contributions can make a difference in
private lands planning. For instance, scientists can inform
reserve design, exactly the process that most of us pic-
ture as the critical application of reliable knowledge to
meet conservation objectives. But increasingly, the lo-
cations and elements of the design of spaces that will
be conserved on private lands are highly constrained or
have been decided outright absent scientific input. Sci-
entists are less frequently being involved, upfront, in the
very early stages of private lands planning. Instead they
are more often being asked to develop adaptive manage-
ment plans, effectiveness monitoring schemes, sampling
designs for postimplementation data collection, or pop-
ulation management or habitat enhancement strategies,
after boundary lines have been drawn on maps. Nonethe-
less, we believe our contributions can be independent
and not biased in all of these pursuits. We believe we
can avoid or greatly reduce the appearance, and poten-
tial reality, of bias or conflict of interest. We suggest that
this can be accomplished by unwavering adherence to 10
basic rules of conduct, which apply to all conservation-
planning engagements but take on special significance
when conservation biologists work in the arena of pri-
vate land development.
Rule 1
Limit advice and recommendations to matters in-
formed by scientific knowledge. Land-use decisions ad-
dress a wide range of issues including economic trade-
offs, timing constraints, political feasibility, competing
values systems, and scientific defensibility. Although all of
these factors are relevant to decision making, scientific in-
put should be limited to the synthesis and interpretation
of scientific knowledge. Useful sources of knowledge can
be broadly defined to include empirical data and expert
opinion fromdiverse sources, as well as model-based pre-
dictions, which may be used to inform policy decisions.
Rule 2
Review and consider all pertinent data and integrate
theminto analyses, the interpretation of which is under-
standable to participating interests and the informed
public. The key guidepost here is an exhaustive consid-
eration of all relevant information. And, certainly, some
preliminary discussion as to what is relevant may be re-
quired. But no pertinent data should be excluded, and all
relevant data or analyses must be considered exhaustively
in initial stages of conservation planning. Adherence to
this rule requires a full vetting of the planning issue by the
participating scientists, with all possible sources of infor-
mation subject to discussion and critical evaluation.
Rule 3
Explicitly acknowledge the uncertainties associated
with available data and models, and incorporate es-
timates of uncertainty into conservation advice and
recommendations. All understandings in science are pro-
visional and conditional on current sources of knowl-
edge. Moreover, nature is inherently probabilistic, mak-
ing it impossible to project the consequences of land-use
decisions with complete certainty. Nevertheless, imper-
fect knowledge and an unknown future should not jus-
tify decision making in the absence of the best technical
information available or default to the status quo. Scien-
tists must explain and justify the use of incomplete infor-
mation, describe the implications of data shortfalls and
shortcomings, and state clearly the justification for mak-
ing decisions based on imperfect knowledge. Application
of this rule gives scientists an opportunity to explain the
value of monitoring and adaptive management, to update
understandings of species responses to management, and
to reduce incrementally the uncertainties associated with
conservation decisions.
Rule 4
Weight and prioritize data to reflect its reliability based
on its source and how it was collected. In general greater
weight should be given to peer-reviewed empirical data
and models, as opposed to gray literature and unsubstan-
tiated observations. Some sources of knowledge will be
more reliable than others, and it is appropriate to assign
greater weight to information with narrower confidence
intervals. As a guideline, assertions made by any party dur-
ing the planning process should require justification, to
the extent possible, by providing the explicit information
that supports a given conclusion. In this way, weights of
credibility are informally assigned to various sources of
information. It is, however, important not to overzeal-
ously apply a peer-review filter, because inevitably some
of the most useful information for conservation planning
on private lands will emerge from state fish and game
agency documents, federal reports and assessments, and
other synthetic treatments of biological information from
parties that may not have ready access to peer-reviewed
publication outlets.
Rule 5
Interpret information in an appropriate spatial and
temporal context. One of the most important ecologi-
cal insights gained in the last 2 decades is an appreciation
Conservation Biology
Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007
Murphy & Noon Role of Scientists in Conservation Planning on Private Lands 27
that most ecological systems are open, and are usually
affected by environmental drivers that originate outside
the boundaries of individual planning units, as well as by
internal factors. It is therefore necessary that the context
for most conservation strategies not be constrained by
ownership boundaries. To meet conservation objectives,
planning must consider neighboring land-use practices
and others that may extend well beyond the immediate
development footprint and the time horizon of develop-
ment activities. This reality requires that scientists explic-
itly deliberate on project impacts in a broad-scale land-
scape context, integrate cumulative effects into analyses,
and anticipate temporal lags in species and community
responses to management.
Rule 6
Make transparent all steps and links from data collec-
tion, to data analysis, to inferences drawn from data
and models, to weighting criteria. All participants in land
and resource-planning processes must be availed of the
opportunity to understand fully the information and logi-
cal arguments that contribute to a conservation strategy,
the trade-offs that are entailed, and the anticipated land-
use outcome. No pivotal, plan-shaping activities should
occur without fully informed deliberations and common
understandings. Transparency is essential to the credibil-
ity and acceptance of a land-use plan. As an adjunct, sub-
jecting the approach and recommendations of a draft con-
servation strategy to external peer review can add greatly
to process transparency and substantially decrease the
likelihood that critical information is overlooked or mis-
Rule 7
Use ecological data to inform cost-benefit analyses and
trade-offs. Economic gain, rather than nature conserva-
tion, almost invariably is the driving objective of plan-
ning on private land. The science brought to land-use
planning must explicitly address landowner values, eco-
nomics, and legal authorities, as well as ecological issues.
Analyses should compare alternative development sce-
narios, open-space allocations, andresource-management
optionsassessing discrete planning outcomes in terms
of both monetary cost and probabilities of species per-
sistence (or other measures of conservation success). A
negotiation atmosphere often prevails in which conser-
vation efforts are viewed by development proponents as
too expensive. The participating scientists may need to
take the lead in insisting that cost-benefit analyses con-
sider nonmarket goods and services, and ensure that cost-
benefit analyses are conducted over appropriate time
horizons. Arguing for more ecologically informed cost-
benefit analyses should be done carefully because such
arguments often invoke the concept of intergenerational
equity, which some argue is not within the purview of
Rule 8
Cast conclusions and recommendations as contingent
probabilities. Adherence to this rule will often be met
with resistance because most landowners seek certainty
in any conservation agreement; however, no single con-
servation outcome can be assured from even the most
ambitious land-protection and management scheme. By
explicitly acknowledging the uncertainty associated with
any set of conservation recommendations, the need for
adaptive management, monitoring, and possible plan ad-
justment becomes obvious. Unanticipated events that re-
quire an adaptive response may occur both within, and
external to, the conservation planning unit. As a result
a conservation strategy must retain flexibility to change
should it prove inadequate to reach its conservation ob-
jectives. Because such a requirement is often in conflict
with landowner desires for certainty in the planning pro-
cess, participating scientists may need to assert repeat-
edly that adaptive management and monitoring are mean-
ingful only if the plan is sufficiently flexible to incorporate
needed changes.
Rule 9
Clarify at the outset that scientists are involved to in-
form the decision-making process, serving as de facto
intermediaries between regulatory agencies and the
landowner. We envision scientists as active participants
in the conservation planning process, often taking the
lead in discussions of relevant information, reliability and
application of data, and ecological trade-offs and risks as-
sociated with alternate courses of action. Scientists, how-
ever, should not make final policy decisions. Experience
suggests that one of the most useful roles for scientists
is to evaluate the possible ecological consequences of al-
ternative policy decisions and to rank the likelihoods of
reaching identified conservationobjectives fromdifferent
decision options.
Rule 10
Clarify to all participants that attorney-client privilege
does not extend to data or conclusions drawn fromdata
or models. Although presented as the last of our rules, this
may be the most encompassing and necessary to assure
Conservation Biology
Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007
28 Role of Scientists in Conservation Planning on Private Lands Murphy & Noon
trusted and legitimate scientific involvement in private
lands planning. The criteria of transparency and openness
are paramount and prerequisite for scientist involvement
in order to assure rigor and validity in the planning pro-
cess and for the planning process to be credible. Without
such assurances, we recommend that scientists refuse to
participate in the planning process.
Although scientists may be brought into land-use plan-
ning through multiple venueson committees convened
by diverse stakeholders, as independent advisors invited
by regulatory agencies, as adjunct critics solicited by en-
vironmental interests, or as representatives engaged by
the private interests seeking permitsthese rules apply
in all cases. They must apply because all the parties in
land-use negotiations have their own preconceived, de-
sired outcomes. Pressures on scientists in these circum-
stances can be subtly applied or starkly obvious. Accord-
ingly, the rules of scientific engagement must be stated
upfront and adhered to religiously. Collapsed to their ba-
sics, these rules require scientists to stick to the science,
use all pertinent information, frame products as probabil-
ities, and offer the planning process the most transparent
reasoning possible.
Who would not want scientists to adhere to these rules
of engagement? Actually, we believe that many typical
stakeholder groupsinterest groups (including environ-
mental groups, but perhaps more often resource inter-
ests and antienvironmental advocates), regulatory agency
staff, and, of course, the regulated landownersinvolved
in the process of conservation planning on private lands
may have reservations. Nevertheless, at a time when sci-
entists may be portrayed as just another special interest
group, self-policing and strict rules for engagement must
prevail in the negotiation process.
Conservation stakeholder groups are well populated
with witnesses to the status of the land and its resources,
sources of specialized information and insights, critics of
the technical input that will be offered, and challengers
to any conclusions that may come from scientists. Excess
pressures on scientists are most likely to occur when sci-
ence is brought in late to deliberations, when short-term
economic costs of conservation are high, and when pro-
cess fatigue might lead weary decision makers to seek
prescriptions beyond the strictly advisory. Again, scien-
tific input can help assure that the process is informed
by the best available information and clarify the costs
and benefits of alternative actions and outcomes; but sci-
ence seldom offers a result so unusual or certain that it
can serve as the lone policy directive. And, frankly, when
there is only one obvious solution, planners tend to find
it without resorting to the consultation of scientists.
It is some of our own colleagues who appear to least
appreciate the realities of conservation planning under
constraints of private land ownership and competing
value systems, and they have been among the most au-
dibly critical of scientists who engage in conservation
planning on private lands. The source of the criticism
appears to be the unwillingness by some conservation bi-
ologists to accept the reality of the constrained decision
space that comes with planning on private lands. Science
in habitat conservation plans under the U.S. Endangered
Species Act, for example, confronts predetermined plan-
ning boundaries, species futures on landscapes subject
to multiple uses, and fragmented ecosystems invaded by
non-native species. Timber will be harvested, crops will
be rotated, and heavy equipment will scrape away natural
vegetation. But scientists can help determine the size and
distribution of the vegetation left standing, the timing of
planting and the condition of fallow fields, and whether
those last open spaces capture and sustain the best of the
remaining biotic diversity. The importance of the appli-
cation of science to conservation in this decision space is
not lessened because the planning outcome is not solely
focused on sustaining biotic diversity.
Can scientists in this challenging land-planning arena
be trusted? By following the 10 rules, we believe they
can. We also maintain that scientists should be compen-
sated for their efforts. The substantial investment of time
and expertise required for a fuller engagement with the
private sector can seldom be done pro bono, and com-
pensation for time invested is appropriate. Nevertheless,
compensation generates the perception that the scientist
is working on behalf of the clientthat is, the percep-
tion that the scientist has become an advocate for the
landowners goals and objectives at the expense of nature
conservation. The perception that scientific integrity has
been compromised can put at risk the professional repu-
tation of the participating scientists. We believe this con-
cern has, on many occasions, acted as a significant deter-
rent to fuller engagement with the private sector by the
scientific community. The possibility of flawed percep-
tions may never be eliminated totally, but we believe that
close adherence to the rules discussed above can set the
stage for full and honest engagement between scientists,
and private landowners and developers. And, although
we do not go so far as to refer to conservation science on
private lands as a noble calling, it is an absolutely neces-
sary task toward meeting the global challenge of saving
our imperiled natural heritage.
Conservation Biology
Volume 21, No. 1, February 2007

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