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LWT - Food Science and Technology: F. Zare, C.P. Champagne, B.K. Simpson, V. Orsat, J.I. Boye

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Effect of the addition of pulse ingredients to milk on acid production by probiotic

and yoghurt starter cultures

F. Zare
, C.P. Champagne
, B.K. Simpson
, V. Orsat
, J.I. Boye
Bioresource Engineering Dept., McGill University, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, QC, Canada H9X 3V9
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Food R&D Centre, Casavant Blvd. West 3600, St-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada J2S 8E3
Food Science Dept., McGill University, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, QC, Canada H9X 3V9
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 17 February 2011
Received in revised form
19 July 2011
Accepted 30 August 2011
Lentil our
Fermented milks
Functional foods
a b s t r a c t
Pulses contain carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins which are essential requirements in the
human diet and which could also serve as growth nutrients for probiotic and yogurt starter cultures. In
this study, milk supplementation with pulse ingredients is examined as a means to increase the nutri-
tional properties of yogurt and probiotic type beverages. The acid production rate of two yogurt starters
(A and B) and two probiotic cultures (Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus acidophilus) was followed
in milk supplemented with the following soy and pulse ingredients: pea protein, chickpea our, lentil
our, pea bre, soy protein concentrate and soy our. The pulse ingredients had no negative effect on the
acidication trends of the fermented milks. On the contrary, with yogurt culture B, pea bre, pea protein
and lentil our signicantly enhanced the acidication rate. All ingredients used for supplementation
improved the acidication rate of probiotic cultures, and the highest effects were obtained with lentil
and soy our. Lentil our had the lowest pH after 12 h which was signicantly lower than the product
enriched with the same quantity of skim milk powder. The effect of ingredient supplementation on the
microbial composition (ratio of cocci to bacilli) of the yoghurt products was also examined. The ratio of
cocci to bacilli was between 1.8 and 2.5 for all supplemented yogurt samples obtained with culture A,
and these variations were not judged to be statistically signicant (p < 0.05). With yogurt products
obtained from culture B, however, there was a higher proportional level of lactobacilli in all supple-
mented samples, as compared to the milk control; the enhanced growth of the lactobacilli was partic-
ularly noted when lentil our was added to milk.
Crown Copyright 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Yogurt is a dairy product fermented by a starter culture
composed of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus del-
brueckii subsp. bulgaricus. Increasingly, these two species are
accompanied with probiotic bacteria which enhance health bene-
ts (Kailasapathy, Harmstorf, & Phillips, 2008). There are increas-
ingly more fermented milk products (i.e., non-yogurt) on the
market which are solely fermented by probiotic bacteria, and it is of
interest to evaluate the fermentation patterns in such probiotic
beverages as well. Probiotics are live microorganisms which, when
administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benet to the
host (Araya et al., 2002). Unfortunately, many probiotic bacteria do
not grow rapidly in milk (Klaver, Kingma, & Weerkamp, 1993; Roy,
2005). As a result, numerous studies have been carried out aimed at
enriching milk with supplements in order to enhance the growth of
probiotics which in turn give an opportunity for innovation.
Examples of potential supplements to milk to favour the develop-
ment of probiotics include extracts or juices of the following: yeast
(Kim, Baick, & Yu, 1995), citrus (Sendra et al., 2008), ginseng (Goh
et al., 1993), tomato (Babu, Mital, & Garg, 1992), peanut (Murad,
Fathy, & Abdel-Ghani, 1997), soybean (Yajima, Hashimoto, Saita, &
Matsuzaki, 1992), cereals (Kyung & Young, 1993; Vasiljevic, Kealy,
& Mishra, 2007), honey (Ustunol & Gandhi, 2001), berries and
mango (Kailasapathy et al., 2008), herbs (Ray-Chowdhury,
Chakraborty, & Raychaudhuri, 2008) and whey (Christopher,
Padmanabha-Reddy, & Venkateswarlu, 2006).
Since many probiotic bacteria show limited ability to assimilate
lactose, the addition of a more readily available carbohydrate
compound to milk could selectively enhance probiotic growth
during fermentation. A dietary prebiotic is a selectively fermented
ingredient that results in specic changes, in the composition and/
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 450 768 3238; fax: 1 450 773 8461.
E-mail address: claude.champagne@agr.gc.ca (C.P. Champagne).
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LWT - Food Science and Technology 45 (2012) 155e160
or activity of the gastrointestinal microbiota, thus conferring
benet(s) upon host health (Roberfroid et al., 2010). Addition of
50 g/L lactulose, GOS or inulin prebiotics reduced the doubling time
of bidobacteria in milk by 25e50% (Bruno, Lankaputhra, & Shah,
2002; Shin, Lee, Pestka, & Ustonol, 2000). Other potential prebi-
otics include oat and barley glucans (Vasiljevic et al., 2007), gal-
actooligosaccharides (GOS) (Shin et al., 2000), starch/maltodextrins
(Bruno et al., 2002) and rafnose (Martinez-Villaluenga, Frias,
Gomez, & Vidal-Valverde, 2006). Milk fortication is, thus,
a recognized method of improving the growth of lactic and pro-
biotic cultures in fermented milk.
In addition to promoting probiotic growth, fortication can
increase the nutritional properties of yogurt and novel food prod-
ucts. Fibre fortication using food sources such as fruit, nut and
grains are good examples (Hashim, Khalil, & A, 2009; Aportela-
palacois, Sosa-morales, & Velez-ruiz, 2005). Protein concentrates
and isolates derived from milk (Sodini, Lucas, Oliveira, Remeuf, &
Corrieu, 2002; Helland, Wicklund, & Narvhus, 2004) and whey
protein (Drake, Chen, Tamarapu, & Leenanon, 2000) have also been
considered. However to date, little has been done with pulses in
yogurt fortication.
Yogurt is a fermented dairy product; however, some legislation
authorizes fortication at up to 2% of total solids (Canadian Legal
Legislation Institute, 2008). This provides opportunities to
enhance the health value of yogurt and of probiotic-containing
fermented milks. Pulses, including bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), pea
(Pisumsativum), lentil (Lens culinaris) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum)
are good sources of food with potential to benet health. Pulses
contain complex carbohydrates (e.g., bre, resistant starch and
oligosaccharides), proteins, important vitamins and minerals (e.g.,
folate and iron) as well as antioxidants, and only verysmall amounts
of unsaturated fats. Pulse ingredients could, therefore, constitute
a very good source of growth factors and prebiotic components for
yogurt and probiotic beverage supplementation (Miller, Rigelhof,
Marquart, Prakash, & Kanter, 2000) and may offer the possibility of
improving the formulation of fermented milk from both a nutri-
tional and a bacterial growth enhancement perspective.
In this paper, we report on the effect of milk supplementation by
pea, chickpea, soy and lentil ingredients on the acidifying activity of
yoghurt starter and probiotic cultures.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Materials
Pulse fractions used were the following: Chickpea our from
Diefenbaker Seeds Company (Elbow, SK, Canada), lentil our from
K2 Milling Company (Tottenham, ON, Canada), pea bre from Best
Cooking Pulses Inc (Rowatt, SK, Canada) and pea protein fromNutri
Pea Company (Portage La Prairie, MB, Canada). Soy protein
concentrate (71.6% protein) from Oleanergie F2001 Company (St.
Hyacinthe, QC, Canada) and soy our fromADMCompany (Decatur,
IL, USA) were used. Skim milk used was the Quebon brand from
Agropur (St. Laurent, QC, Canada). Mixed yogurt cultures contain-
ing Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp bulgaricus and S. thermophilus were
from the following companies: Yogourmet (culture A) was from
Lyo-San Inc. (Lachute, QC, Canada) and YogothermM133 (culture B)
was from Abiasa Inc. (St. Hyacinthe, QC, Canada). Probiotic cultures
Lactobacilus rhamnosus AD200 and Lactobacilus acidophilus AD200
were also from Abiasa Inc.. The cultures were obtained in freeze-
dried form, packaged in laminated foils and were stored at 4

and only opened when used.
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the process used for the preparation of the yogurt and probiotic media supplemented with soy and pulse ingredients and control.
F. Zare et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 45 (2012) 155e160 156
2.2. Supplementation of yogurt and probiotic cultures
A re-hydrated skim milk (RSM) solution containing 9.5 g/
100 g solids (w/w) (RSM-9.5) served as control and the base for
supplementation. Pulse or soy products at 20 g/L were each
added to the RSM-9.5; these formulations, having approximately
11.5 g/100 g solids, will subsequently be referred to as a function
of the soy or pulse ingredient added. Additionally, for one series
of assays, the RSM-9.5 was enriched with 20 g/L of skim milk
powder in order to have a milk-only product having the same
level of solids as those of the pulse- and soy-enriched yogurt
formulations; this will be referred to as RSM-11.5. The RSM-9.5,
RSM-11.5 and the soy/pulse supplemented products were then
boiled for 1 min and cooled to 42

C. The pH was adjusted to 6.5
and then inoculated with the bacterial cultures as shown in
Fig. 1.
The manufacturers instructions were followed for the inocula-
tion of the yogurt starter cultures. This represented the addition of
10 g of the culture to 2 L of milk at 42

C. The probiotic cultures
were sold in a concentrated form. The commercial probiotic
cultures had a microbial concentration of 2 10
CFU/g. They were
re-hydrated at room temperature in the sterilized skim milk to
obtain 2 10
CFU/mL. Subsequently 2 mL of this dilution was
added to 200 mL media which represented an inoculation level of
approximately 2 10
CFU/mL. The cultures were incubated at

C and the pHwas constantly monitored using a data acquisition

2.3. Product characterization
Proximate analysis of pulse fractions including protein, moisture
fat and ash measurement were done using standard AOAC methods
(AOAC, 1990).
Acidication trend in yogurt and probiotic cultures were
measured according to the method described by De Brabandere
and De Baerdemaeker (1999) using FACS (Fermentation Acqui-
sition and Control System - Forma Scientic, OH, US). To ensure
a homogenous environment for pH readings, continuous stir-
ring at 100 RPM was carried out using a magnetic bar in
a 250 mL Pyrex vessel (De Brabandere & De Baerdemaeker,
The buffering capacity of the different blends was estimated by
acid titration and pH measurements using a pH meter (Accumet
AP61, Fisher Scientic Inc, ON, Canada) and a 50 mL digital Burette
(Brinkmann Instruments Ltd., ON, Canada).
Three microbial slides were prepared from each fermented
yogurt sample. Once the sample had air-dried on the slide, it was
xed by ame and dyed by using methylene Blue. Microscopic
examination of the slide to determine the ratio of strepcococci or
lactobacilli chains per eld was conducted using a Nikon Eclipse
microscope (model E600). Individual cells or chains of many
cells were each counted as 1 in order to simulate the colony-
forming unit (CFU) data which would have been obtained in
a plating procedure. At least 10 separate elds per slide were
2.4. Statistical analyses
Statistical analyses were conducted using ANOVA (SAS 9.1, SAS
Institute Inc. NC, US). Comparisons were made using the Stu-
denteNewman-Keuls test and the two sample t-test for compar-
ison of two means. The linear regression analysis between data of
strain ratios was carried out with InStat software (GraphPad, San
Diego CA, USA). All experiments were done in three separate
independent trials.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Proximate analysis of pulse ingredients
Proximate analysis of the pulse ingredients showed consider-
able variations in protein, fat, moisture and ash contents (Table 1).
The chickpea our was different fromthe other pulses in that it had
a signicantly higher fat content, while lentil our had the highest
moisture level (Table 1). The moisture content of the powders was
not taken into account when the milk fortication was carried out.
Thus, the addition of 20 g/L of lentil our for example only
contributed 18 g of solids. This was taken in consideration when
analysing results.
The bulk of the remaining solid was assumed to constitute bre
and other carbohydrates. It can thus be estimated that bres and
carbohydrates were at low levels in the pea protein concentrate
(14 g/100 g of total solids), soy protein concentrate (19 g/100 g of
total solids) and chickpea our (36 g/100 g of total solids). On the
other hand, lentil our and pea bre supplied much more bre and
carbohydrates since these powders contained 63% and 85% of their
total solids, respectively, with this fraction. Skim milk powder
(0.1 g/100 g fat) contains 55% carbohydrate (lactose) and minerals
but it does not supply bre.
3.2. Acid production in fermented milks supplemented with pulse
The acid production rate was monitored in this study as it is
a more important processing parameter than viable counts, espe-
cially from the perspective of yogurt production. Indeed, the acid-
ication rate affects the time required for processing which is
critical to economic viability. At the beginning of fermentation, the
growth rate is generally linked to acidication. A lack of correlation
between growth rate and acidication eventually occurs (Turner &
Thomas, 1975) when pH drops below 5.0. Nevertheless, the acidi-
cation proles and strain ratios noted in this study do provide
a glimpse of bacterial growth patterns.
The drop in pH of a medium during fermentation is affected by
its buffering capacity. For identical acid production rates, increasing
Table 1
Proximate analysis of pulse ingredients.
Sample Protein
Fat content
Average SD Average SD Average SD Average SD
Pea protein 78.0 0.1 3.2 0.1 0.5 0.9 4.8 0.4
Chickpea our 23.5 0.1 2.0 0.0 7.4 2.8 3.2 0.4
Lentil our 24.8 0.1 9.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.7 0.3
Pea bre 7.2 0.2 5.3 0.1 0.4 0.1 2.0 0.3
Table 2
Amount of HCl (1 mol/L) required to acidify 200 mL of control and supplemented
samples from pH 6.5 to 4.0.
Sample Titrable HCl (mL)
Average SD
RSM-9.5 supplemented with pea protein 7.8 0.1 ab
RSM-9.5 supplemented with chickpea our 7.4 0.0 abc
RSM-9.5 supplemented with lentil our 7.3 0.4 abc
RSM-9.5 supplemented with pea bre 6.7 0.2 c
RSM-9.5 supplemented with soy protein concentrate 7.7 0.2 ab
RSM-9.5 supplemented with soy our 7.7 0.0 ab
RSM-11.5 8.3 0.1 a
RSM-9.5 control 6.9 0.4 bc
a,b,c : Means followed by the same letter are not signicantly different (P > 0.05).
F. Zare et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 45 (2012) 155e160 157
the buffering capacity will reduce the rate of pHreduction and help
to improve biomass yields. As an example, RSM-11.5 had 20% more
buffering capacity than RSM-9.5, and this effect of solids level was
statistically signicant (p < 0.05). Addition of pea bre to RSM-9.5
had no signicant effect on buffering capacity (p <0.05). Other than
pea bre, addition of the ingredients to RSM-9.5 increased its
buffering capacity by 5.8e13% (Table 2).
Acidication trends in fortied yogurt were examined with two
different commercial yoghurt starter cultures. With respect to
yogurt culture A (Fig. 2) supplementation with pulses did not
strongly alter the ability of the microbial cultures to change the pH.
As yogurt starters grow, they produce acid which causes a decrease
in pH. In Fig. 2, pH rapidly dropped during the next 3 h to values in
the pH 4e4.5 range. With culture A, the acidication then slowed
and the pHthen stabilized between pH3.6e3.8 after 12 h. Although
the acidication trends were generally similar with yoghurt culture
A, some statistical analyses were carried out at selected incubation
times to ascertain if the signicance of the differences (Table 3). The
decrease in pH with culture A did not vary signicantly for the
different pulse ingredients nor soy ingredients and milk powder
after 1 h of incubation, but signicant differences were observed
after 4 h of fermentation (Table 3).
With yogurt culture B, no signicant differences were observed
in the pH measurements after 1 h of incubation (Table 3). However,
signicantly lower pH values were recorded after 4 h for the pea
bre sample compared to the RSM-9.5 and RSM-11.5 products. The
same trend was also noted for yogurt culture A at the same time. It
is unclear which specic component of the pea bre contributed to
the benecial effect as this was outside the scope of the study.
However, since this supplement contained the highest level of
carbohydrates/bres, these results would suggest that the pea
carbohydrate fraction may be involved. In other studies, modifying
the carbohydrate composition of milk increased the acidication
rate of yogurt starters (Tamime & Robinson, 1999). Pea protein, soy
protein concentrate and soy our supplemented samples had
signicantly lower pH after 4 h compared to the RSM-9.5 control.
Fermentation rates were overall much slower with pure cultures
of the probiotic bacteria (Figs. 4 and 5) than for the yogurt starter
cultures (Figs. 2 and 3). This conrms many previous studies which
reported slow growth rates of probiotic bacteria in milk (Klaver
et al., 1993; Roy, Mainville, & Mondou, 1997; Roy, 2005;
Gaudreau, Champagne, & Jelen, 2005; Champagne, Green-
Johnson, Raymond, Barrette, & Buckley, 2009). However, the
effects of the pulse supplements were much greater with the
probiotic fermented milks. Many supplements signicantly
increased acidication rates as compared to both RSM-9.5 and
RSM-11.5 products (Figs. 4 and 5; Table 3). In some instances it is
unclear if this may be partly or solely due to the greater buffering
capacity of RSM-11.5 (Table 2). There are treatments where the rate
of pH reduction is faster than in the RSM-9.5 which clearly indi-
cated increased acid production rates. The greatest improvements
in acidication rates were obtained with lentil and soy our (Figs. 4
and 5). Additionally, no inhibition of microbial activity seemed to
have occurred.
The pH measurements with Lactobacillus rhamnosus AD200
after 2 h (T 2), representing the lag phase, were not signicantly
different (Table 3). Acidication after 12 h with L. rhamnosus AD200
showed that lentil our and soy our had signicantly lower pH
values than RSM-11.5. The extent to which this is linked to buffering
capacity remains to be ascertained. There was no signicant
difference between the other ingredients studied and the two milk
The greatest effects of supplementation were seen with Lacto-
bacillus acidophilus (Fig. 5). Decreases in pH of up to 0.4 units
already appeared after 2 h, and 4 products including pea protein,
chickpea our, lentil our and soy our supplemented samples
showed signicantly lower pH values than both RSM treatments
Fig. 2. Change in pH as a function of incubation time during the acidication of yogurt
supplemented with Pea protein (-), Chickpea our (:), Lentil our (C), Pea bre (*),
Soy protein concentrate (,), Soy our (6), milk powder (RSM-11.5) (B) and control
(RSM-9.5) (e) using Yogourmet (culture A).
Table 3
pH decrease of the control and supplemented yogurt culture and probiotic media at different times during fermentation.
Sample Yogurt culture A Yogurt culture B Probiotic (Lactobacillus rhamnosus) Probiotic (Lactobacillus acidophilus)
T 1 h T 4 h T 1 h T 4 h T 2 h T 8 h T 12 h T 2 h T 8 h T 12 h
Pea protein 6.4 0.0 a 4.2 0.1 c 6.1 0.0 a 4.0 0.0 bc 6.5 0.0 a 6.1 0.0 a 5.3 0.1 ab 6.3 0.0 ab 5.0 0.1 b 4.1 0.1 bc
Chickpea our 6.4 0.0 a 4.4 0.2 ab 6.2 0.1 a 4.7 0.3 ab 6.3 0.1 a 5.9 0.04 a 5.1 0.5 ab 6.3 0.0 ab 4.9 0.1 b 4.4 0.1 b
Lentil our 6.3 0.1 ab 4.2 0.0 bc 6.1 0.1 a 4.4 0.3 bc 6.2 0.2 a 5.6 0.4 a 4.5 0.8 b 6.1 0.2 b 3.9 0.0 d 3.7 0.0 c
Pea bre 6.2 0.0 ab 4.1 0.0 c 5.5 0.1 a 4.0 0.6 c 6.5 0.2 a 6.1 0.0 a 5.4 0.6 ab 6.2 0.0 ab 4.9 0.0 b 4.3 0.0 b
Soy protein concentrate 6.3 0.0 ab 4.4 0.0 ab 5.9 0.2 a 4.4 0.0 bc 6.5 0.0 a 6.2 0.0 a 5.6 0.1 ab 6.3 0.0 ab 5.8 0.1 a 5.1 0.4 a
Soy our 6.4 0.0 a 4.2 0.0 bc 5.8 0.2 a 4.3 0.2 bc 6.5 0.2 a 5.2 0.8 a 4.4 0.8 b 6.1 0.0 b 4.4 0.0 c 3.9 0.8 bc
RSM-11.5 6.4 0.0 a 4.5 0.0 a 6.4 0.0 a 4.6 0.3 ab 6.5 0.1 a 6.2 0.0 a 5.8 0.2 a 6.3 0.0 ab 5.8 0.1 a 5.5 0.1 a
RSM-9.5 6.1 0.1 b 4.3 0.0 bc 6.2 0.1 a 5.1 0.0 a 6.5 0.0 a 6.1 0.0 a 4.9 0.2 ab 6.4 0.0 a 5.9 0.1 a 5.4 0.4 a
a,b,c,d: Means with the same letter are not signicantly different (P < 0.05).
Fig. 3. Change in pH as a function of incubation time during the acidication of yogurt
supplemented with Pea protein (-), Chickpea our (:), Lentil our (C), Pea bre (*),
Soy protein concentrate (,), Soy our (6), milk powder (RSM-11.5) (B) and control
(RSM-9.5) (e) sample using Yogotherm M133 (culture B).
F. Zare et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 45 (2012) 155e160 158
after 12 h of incubation (Table 3). Lentil our and soy our again
showed trends of being the most effective in accelerating the
fermentation (Fig. 5 and Table 3).
3.3. Ratio of cocci to bacilli in yogurt
In addition to acidication rate, the ratio of cocci to lactobacilli
in the fermented product is also important. Indeed, the two
bacterial species in yogurt contribute to the production of different
avour compounds, and post-acidication during storage can be
a problem if high levels of lactobacilli are found in the product
(Tamime & Robinson, 1985). Therefore, the cocci:bacilli ratio in the
fermented products were estimated by direct microscopic exami-
nation. Although viable counts would have provided a better
picture of the potential post-fermentation changes in the fer-
mented milk products, microscopic examination of the cocci:bacilli
ratio was used as this was an exploratory study designed to select
ingredients having the most potential to benet the fermentations.
In fresh products, however, there is a correlation between viable
counts and microscopic evaluation and these data offer valuable
information on the fermentation process.
With yogurt culture A the ratio of cocci to bacilli varied between
1.8 and 2.5 and there was no signicant difference between all
supplemented samples (Table 4). In yogurt culture B, however,
there was a relative increase in lactobacilli in at least 3 products,
when compared to the two milk controls (Table 4). It is noteworthy
that two of the products which showed most increase in the
lactobacilli fraction in the fermented yogurt (soy and lentil ours;
Table 4) were also those which improved acidication rates in the
probiotics (Table 3). This result suggests that for the pulse ingre-
dients, the lentil our improved the growth of lactobacilli the most.
The observations that the two probiotic lactobacilli strongly
beneted from milk supplementation by the pulse and soy ingre-
dients lend support to preferential benet to the lactobacilli in the
yoghurt cultures.
It was examined to what extent the yoghurt cultures reacted
similarly to the supplements. A linear regression test between
yogurt culture A and B data showed no signicant correlation in
terms of the ratio of cocci to bacilli between the two starter cultures
(r 0.15) for the different samples tested. However, with pH values
at t 4 h a good correlation (r 0.95) was obtained. Therefore,
supplementation by pulses similarly affected the overall production
of acid in the two yogurt cultures, but the effect on cocci:bacilli
ratios differed.
4. Conclusion
Results from this study clearly showed that some pulse ingre-
dients may have benecial effects on probiotic and yogurt starter
cultures. Minor benets of milk supplementation with pea prod-
ucts, particularly pea bre, were noted for the two yogurt starter
cultures. However, with probiotic bacteria, lentil our demon-
strated the greatest ability to increase the acidication rates as did
soy our. Pea protein, chickpea our and pea bre also showed
some promise. Data particularly pointed to the stimulation of
growth of lactobacilli by lentil our. This exploratory study focused
specically on acidication rate and the cocci:bacilli ratios since
they are two important parameters in yogurt and probiotic fer-
mented milk manufacturing. Further studies to ascertain the effects
of the most promising ingredients on viable counts as well as to
determine effects on avour and texture are in progress as this
information will be instrumental in helping to identify application
This study was aimed at screening the effects of milk supple-
mentation on some biological phenomena. Obviously addition of
these pulse ingredients will affect sensory properties. Thus,
preliminary data showed that the addition of lentil our affects
syneresis, colour and viscoelastic properties of the gel (Zare et al.,
2011). Further studies are under way on the effects of other pulse
ingredient on these physico-chemical parameters as well as on
these sensory properties. Sensory aspects are not to be neglected
since they are critical to consumer acceptance (Luckow &
Delahunty, 2004).
Fig. 5. Change in pH as a function of incubation time during the acidication of pro-
biotic media supplemented with Pea protein (-), Chickpea our (:), Lentil our (C),
Pea bre (*), Soy protein concentrate (,), Soy our (6), milk powder (RSM-11.5) (B)
and control (RSM-9.5) (e) using L. acidophilus AD200 (culture D).
Fig. 4. Change in pH as a function of incubation time during the acidication of pro-
biotic media supplemented Pea protein (-), Chickpea our (:), Lentil our (C), Pea
bre (*), Soy protein concentrate (,), Soy our (6), milk powder (RSM-11.5) (B) and
control (RSM-9.5) (e) using L. rhamnosus AD200 (culture C).
Table 4
Ratio of cocci to bacilli in yogurt supplemented with and without pulse and soy
Sample Average of the ratio of cocci to bacilli
Yogurt culture A
Average SD
Yogurt culture B
Average SD
Pea protein 2.1 0.5 a 1.8 0.1 b
Chickpea our 2.2 0.6 a 0.8 0.1 c
Lentil our 1.2 0.4 a 1.0 0.3 c
Pea bre 2.5 0.8 a 1.2 0.1 bc
Soy protein
2.1 0.8 a 1.6 0.6 b
Soy our 1.5 0.2 a 0.8 0.1 c
RSM-11.5 2.0 0.1 a 1.8 0.1 b
Control (RSM-9.5) 1.8 0.4 a 2.6 0.1 a
a,b,c : For a given column, means followed by the same letter are not signicantly
different (P < 0.05).
F. Zare et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 45 (2012) 155e160 159
The study was supported with funds from Pulse Canada. The
authors are grateful for the technical assistance of Yves Raymond
and Sabine Ribreau at the Food Research and Development Center
of Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (CRDA) in St. Hyacinthe, QC,
AOAC. (1990). Ofcial methods of analysis (15th Ed.). Washington DC: Association of
Ofcial Analytical Chemists.
Aportela-palacois, A., Sosa-morales, M. E., & Velez-ruiz, J. F. (2005). Rheological and
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