The W Engine Concept: Self-Study Program Course Number 821203
The W Engine Concept: Self-Study Program Course Number 821203
The W Engine Concept: Self-Study Program Course Number 821203
W Engine
Conce pt
Volksw agen of A m erica, Inc.
3800 H am lin R oad
A uburn H ills, M I 48326
Printed in U .S.A .
February 2002
Se lf -St udy Progra m
Course N um be r 8 2 1 2 0 3
Volksw agen of A m erica, Inc.
Service Training
Printed in U .S.A .
Printed 2/2002
C ourse N um ber 821203
2002 Volksw agen of A m erica, Inc.
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Table of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................. 1
W Engines, W hat D oes the W Stand For?,
The W Principle, W Engine M odular D esign,
A C om parison
Engine Mechanics.................................................................8
W 8 Engine Specifications, W 12 Engine Specifications,
C ylinder and C rankshaft C onfiguration, Engine C om ponents,
C hain D rive, C am shaft Tim ing C ontrol, B elt D rive, Engine
Lubrication, Engine C ooling, A ir Supply, Exhaust System
Service..................................................................................... 54
Engine Sealing, Engine Tim ing O verview ,
Special Tools
Knowledge Assessment........................................................ 61
The Self-Study Program provides you w ith inform ation
regarding designs and functions.
The Self-Study Program is not a Repair Manual.
For m aintenance and repair w ork, alw ays refer to the
current technical literature.
New !
W Engines
The constantly rising dem ands regarding
perform ance, sm ooth operation, and fuel
econom y have led to the advancem ent of
existing engines and the developm ent of
new engines.
The new W 8 and W 12 engines by
Volksw agen are representative of a new
engine generation the W engines.
The W engines set exacting dem ands
on design. Large num bers of cylinders
w ere adapted to the extrem ely
com pact dim ensions of the engine. In the
process, m ore attention w as paid to
lightw eight design.
This Self-Study Program w ill fam iliarize
you w ith the m echanical com ponents and
their functions in the W engine fam ily.
What Does the W Stand For?
W ith the aim of building even m ore
com pact engines w ith a large num ber of
cylinders, the design features of the V and
VR engines w ere com bined to produce the
W engines.
A s w ith the V engines, the cylinders are
distributed to tw o banks. In the W 8 and
W 12 engines, these banks of cylinders are
aligned at a V-angle of 72 degrees in
relation to one another. A s in the VR
engine, the cylinders w ithin each bank
m aintain a V-angle of 15 degrees.
W hen the W engine is view ed from the
front, the cylinder arrangem ent looks
like a double-V. Put the tw o Vs of the right
and left cylinder banks together, and you
get a W . This is how the nam e W engine
cam e about.
15 15
The W Principle
To illustrate the principle of the W engine
cylinder arrangem ent, w e w ill first show
you conventional engine types.
Inline Engines
represent the earliest developm ent level
in engine configuration. The cylinders
are arranged in-line vertically above
the crankshaft.
A dvantage: Sim ple design.
D raw back: Large num bers of cylinders
result in very long engines unsuitable for
transverse m ounting.
V Engines
To m ake engines shorter, the cylinders in
the V engines are arranged at an angle of
betw een 60 degrees and 120 degrees, w ith
the centerlines of the cylinders intersecting
w ith the centerline of the crankshaft.
A dvantage: R elatively short engines.
D raw back: The engines are relatively w ide,
have tw o separate cylinder heads, and
therefore require a m ore com plex design
and a larger engine com partm ent volum e.
60 120
VR Engines
The need for a pow erful alternative suitable
for transverse m ounting for use in sm all to
m id-size vehicles saw the developm ent
of the VR engine. Six cylinders, offset at a
V-angle of 15 degrees, are accom m odated
in a fairly slender and very short engine
block. U nlike previous designs, the engine
only has one cylinder head. This m ade it
possible to supply the G olf w ith a com pact
VR 6 engine.
SSP248/008 SSP248/009
W Engines
The engines of the W fam ily are a
com bination of tw o VR banksbased on a
m odular design principle.
The cylinders of one bank have an angle of
15 degrees relative to each other w hile the
tw o VR banks are arranged at a V-angle of
72 degrees.
W Engine Modular Design
Proven com ponents from the m odules of
the VR engine fam ily w ere integrated into
the new W engine concept. The principle is
very sim ple.
Tw o com pact engines from the VR series
are com bined to produce a W engine.
The result is a series of com pact gasoline
engines ranging from the W 8 to the W 16.
N um erous com ponents of the VR and W
series are identical:
Valves, valve springs and valve seat
R oller rocker fingers.
Valve clearance com pensating elem ents.
This allow s Volksw agen to m anufacture
m any parts in high volum es.
2 x VR 6
W 12
6-C ylinder
Inline Engine
6-C ylinder
V Engine
6-C ylinder
VR Engine
In the evolution of the 6-cylinder engine,
the VR 6 engine stands out due to its
com pactness. It is m uch shorter than the
com parable inline engine, and narrow er
than the V engine. C om bining tw o VR 6
engines w ith a cylinder angle of 72 degrees
produces a W 12 engine.
A W 16 engine is obtained by joining tw o
cylinders to each cylinder bank of a W 12
engine. Splitting the W 16 in the m iddle
leaves tw o W 8 engines. A W 10 engine
consisting of tw o VR 5 engines is also a
possibility. This covers the com plete range
of W engines.
W 16
W 16
W 12
2xW 8
A Comparison
W hen a conventional 8-cylinder V engine
of com parable displacem ent is com pared to
an 8-cylinder W engine, the latter particularly
stands out due to its com pact design and
relatively sm all external dim ensions.
W 8 C rankshaft V8 C rankshaft
The V8 Engine
The W8 Engine
This is also reflected in a com parison of the
crankshafts. The com pact design of the 12-
cylinder W engine is highlighted by the fact
that it has even sm aller external
dim ensions than a conventional V8 engine.
C om paring the crankshaft of a conventional
V12 engine w ith that of a 12-cylinder
W engine em phasizes the advantage.
W 12 C rankshaft
The crankshaft of a V12 engine
of com parable displacem ent is show n.
D epending on the num ber of cylinders,
the W principle therefore saves m aterial
and w eight.
The W12 Engine
V12 C rankshaft
Engine Mechanics
W8 Engine Specifications
244 cu in (3999 cm
3.307 in (84.0 m m )
3.550 in (90.168 m m )
Number of cylinders
Number of cylinder heads
0.492 in (12.5 m m )
Bank offset
0.512 in (13 m m )
V-angle of cylinder heads
between banks
72 degrees
V-angle of cylinders in a bank
15 degrees
Number of valves
4 per cylinder
Crankshaft journal offset
18 degrees
Firing order
Torque and Power Output
Engine Mechanics
Speed (rpm)
2000 4000 6000
hp kW
268 200
201 150
134 100
67 50
lbs-ft N m
369 500
295 400
221 300
148 200
74 100
16.5 in (420 m m ) long;
28.0 in (710 m m ) w ide;
26.9 in (683 m m ) high
A pproxim ately 425 lbs (193 kg)
Maximum power output
A pproxim ately 275 bhp (202 kW )
Maximum torque
A pproxim ately 273 lbs-ft (370 N m )
H orsepow er and torque
specifications are not final at
the tim e of printing. Please
see w w w .vw w
for the latest specifications.
Fuel type recommendation
Prem ium unleaded gasoline (91 A KI)
Engine management system
B osch M otronic M E 7.1
Installation position
Allocated transmissions
5H P19 4M otion, C 90 6-speed 4M otion
Engine Mechanics
W12 Engine Specifications
366 cu in (5998 cm
3.307 in (84.0 m m )
3.550 in (90.168 m m )
Number of cylinders
Number of cylinder heads
0.492 in (12.5 m m )
Bank offset
0.512 in (13 m m )
V-angle of cylinder heads
between banks
72 degrees
V-angle of cylinders in a bank
15 degrees
Number of valves
4 per cylinder
Crankshaft journal offset
+ 12 degrees
Firing order
Engine Mechanics
SSP248/020 SSP248/022
Torque and Power Output
Speed (rpm)
2000 4000 6000
hp kW
536 400
469 350
402 300
335 250
268 200
201 150
134 100
67 50
lbs-ft N m
590 800
516 700
443 600
369 500
295 400
221 300
148 200
74 100
20.2 in (513 m m ) long;
28.0 in (710 m m ) w ide;
28.1 in (715 m m ) high
A pproxim ately 541 lbs (245 kg)
Maximum power output
A pproxim ately 420 bhp (309 kW )
Maximum torque
A pproxim ately 406 lbs-ft (550 N m )
H orsepow er and torque
specifications are not final at
the tim e of printing. Please
see w w w .vw w
for the latest specifications.
Fuel type recommendation
Prem ium unleaded gasoline (91 A KI)
Engine management system
B osch M otronic M E 7.1.1 (D ual C ontrol
M odule C oncept)
Installation position
Allocated transmission
5H P24 4M otion
Engine Mechanics
Cylinder and
Crankshaft Configuration
Cylinder Offset
The alternate cylinders of a bank are
offset from the centerline of the crankshaft
and positioned at a very narrow V-angle
of 15 degrees.
The com pact W engine w as m ade possible
by arranging tw o banks of cylinders at a
V-angle of 72 degrees.
C enter of
C ylinder
C enter of
C ylinder
O ffset
0.492 in
(12.5 m m )
O ffset
0.492 in
(12.5 m m )
R ight
C enter of
C rankshaft
Point of Intersection
of C enters of C ylinders
To provide adequate space for the pistons
in the bottom -dead-center range, it w as
necessary to offset the crankshaft drive.
This m eans that the cylinders are offset by
0.492 in (12.5 m m ) outw ard relative to the
center of the crankshaft fulcrum .
This configuration w as first used in the
VR 6 engine.
Engine Mechanics
W12 Engine
Crankpin Offset
C rankpin offset controls the relative
positions of the pistons in the cylinders for
an evenly tim ed firing sequence.
The configuration of all Volksw agen
W engines is based on a 10-cylinder engine
m odel. A ll four-cycle internal com bustion
engines com plete their cylinder firing
sequences w ithin tw o com plete
revolutions. This am ounts to a crankshaft
rotation of 720 degrees.
The W10 engine needs no crankpin offset.
W ith 720 degrees of crankshaft rotation in a
10-cylinder engine, the optim um V-angle
betw een the tw o cylinder banks is 72
degrees (720 10 = 72). In the 10-cylinder
m odel engine there is no need for crankpin
offset to achieve ideal relative piston
positions for the equally tim ed firing of each
The W8 engine has a crankpin offset of
18 degrees.
To achieve the sam e kind of ideal firing
sequence tim ing as the 10-cylinder m odel,
an 8-cylinder W engine requires 90 degrees
of crankshaft rotation betw een the
ignition cycle of each cylinder through
720 degrees of crankshaft rotation
(720 8 = 90). To determ ine the optim um
crankpin offset of 18 degrees for this
engine, the 90 degrees of crankshaft
rotation betw een ignition cycles is
subtracted from the 72-degree V-angle of
the cylinder banks.
72 90 = 18
The W12 engine has a crankpin offset
of +12 degrees.
Sim ilarly, a 12-cylinder engine requires
60 degrees of crankshaft rotation betw een
the ignition cycle of each cylinder through
720 degrees of crankshaft rotation
(720 12 = 60). For this configuration, to
determ ine the optim um crankpin offset of
+ 12 degrees, the 60 degrees of crankshaft
rotation betw een ignition cycles is
subtracted from the 72-degree V-angle of
the cylinder banks.
72 60 = +12
Engine Components
W engines include the follow ing
com ponents:
C ylinder block
C rankcase low er section w ith bearing
C rankshaft w ith connecting rods and
B alancing shafts
Engine Mechanics
C ylinder heads
O il sum p and oil pum p
C rankshaft drive
Tim ing chain drive
B elt drive for auxiliary com ponents
M ulti-part intake m anifold
W8 Engine
M ulti-Part Intake M anifold
Split O il Sum p
w ith O il Pum p
C rankcase Low er
Section w ith
B earing Support
C rankshaft w ith
C onnecting R ods
and Pistons
C ylinder H eads
C om bined C ylinder
B lock and C rankcase
U pper Section
Engine Mechanics
C rankcase Low er Section
Cylinder Block and Crankcase
The W engines include tw o m ain
com ponents: the com bined cylinder block
and crankcase upper section, and the
crankcase low er section.
The upper section includes the cylinders
and the upper m ain bearing caps. The
crankcase low er section is designed as a
bearing support and carries the low er m ain
bearing caps.
Combined Cylinder Block
and Crankcase Upper Section
The alum inum crankcase upper section
is m ade of a hypereutectic alum inum -silicon
alloy (A lSi17C uM g).
H ypereutectic m eans that pure silicon
crystals initially precipitate out of the
alum inium -silicon m elt w hile it cools before
alum inium /silicon crystals form . D ue to
the presence of these silicon crystals w ithin
the m etal m icrostructure, the cooled m elt is
harder than a eutectic A l-Si alloy.
U se of this alloy elim inates the need for
additional cylinder liners or a plasm a
coating for the purposes of cooling and
lubricating the cylinder surfaces, because
the m aterial already has sufficient natural
strength and therm al stability.
C om bined
C ylinder B lock
and C rankcase
U pper Section
Engine Mechanics
Crankcase Lower Section
The crankcase low er section is a bearing
support w ith integral bearing seats.
The bearing support is also m ade of an
alum inum alloy. It serves as a fram e
structure for the low er crankshaft m ain
bearing caps. These bearing caps are m ade
of grey cast iron and are em bedded in the
bearing support w hen it is cast.
They are located on the thrust side of the
crankshaft and give the crankshaft bearings
the strength they require.
The bearing support is attached to the
crankcase upper section by four bolts per
bearing cap.
W 8 B earing Support
C asing O pening Tow ards
D rive of B alancing Shafts
W 12 B earing
Cast Element in
Bearing Support
B earing
C ap
Engine Mechanics
The crankshafts used in the W engines are
m anufactured from forged tem pered steel.
Each pair of connecting rods runs betw een
tw o m ain bearings.
The drive gear of the oil pum p (together
w ith the toothed belt pulley for the
balancing shafts on the W 8 engine only)
is pressed against the outer m ain bearing
and held in place by the vibration dam per.
The connecting rod journals are arranged
in pairs and in accordance w ith the
crankshaft throw .
W hen the connecting rods are
installed, the bearing shells m ust
not contact the radii or the edge
betw een the tw o connecting
rod faces.
W8 Crankshaft
C onnecting R od
Journal w ith
C orner R adii
C rankshaft Journal
M ain
B earing
O il Pum p G ear
D am per
Toothed B elt Pulley for
B alancing Shafts
Journals for D riving
the O il Pum p and the
B alancing Shaft
M ain
B earing
C onnecting
R od Journal C hain D rive G ears
Connecting Rods and Pistons
The connecting rods are m ade of forged
steel and are only 0.512 inch (13 m m ) thick.
They are of a trapezoidal construction and
are cut during the production process.
To ensure better oil exchange, tw o
grooves are m illed in the side faces of
the connecting rod bearing caps. The piston
pin is lubricated through tw o inclined bores
in the connecting rod head.
The pistons are m ade of an alum inum -
silicon (A l Si) alloy. The recess in the piston
top surface is very shallow since the
cylinder head provides m ost of the
com bustion cham ber volum e. The angle of
the piston top surface is necessary to
accom m odate the positions of the pistons
in their V configuration.
Each piston carries tw o com pression rings
and an oil control ring. To drain off the oil
w hich collects at the oil control ring, sm all
drainage holes lead from the piston ring
groove to the inside of the piston.
Engine Mechanics
B ores
G rooves for
O il Exchange
D rainage
H oles
Iron C oating for
A lum inum -Silicon
Piston Skirts in
C entral C rankcase SSP248/049
W8 Engine Balancing Shafts
The W 8 engine has tw o balancing
shafts to com pensate for the forces of
inertia. The tw o shafts are housed in the
crankcase. The upper balancing shaft
is driven by the crankshaft and a toothed
belt. A gear on the end of the upper
balancing shaft drives the low er
balancing shaft.
The balancing shafts are installed
through tw o holes on the clutch side of
the crankcase.
Engine Mechanics
A lign m ark on crankshaft drive
gear w ith the joint (TD C of 1st cylinder).
O penings
D rive G ear on
the C rankshaft
B earings run in crankcase
D rive G ear on the
B alancing Shaft
A lign m ark on balancing
shaft drive gear w ith the
m ark on the sealing face
(TD C of 1st cylinder).
Tension Pulley
Engine Mechanics
There is a groove at the gear w heel end
of the balancing shaft. The lock plate
engages into this groove, locating the
balancing shafts axially. D uring installation,
the balancing shafts m ust be aligned
w ith regard to the TD C position of the
1st cylinder.
The balancing shafts m ust be rotated so
that the m arks on the balancing shafts are
opposite each other.
Position of
B alancing Shafts
at TD C of
1st C ylinder
G ears of the
B alancing Shafts M arks
Lock Plate
B alancing Shaft I
B alancing Shaft II
G rooves
Engine Mechanics
The balancing shaft drive is protected on
the belt drive side by a plastic housing
O n the clutch side, the openings for
inserting the balancing shafts, together
w ith the chain drive, are sealed by an
alum inium cover.
SSP248/058 SSP248/059
D rive
Two-Mass Flywheel with Clutch
W engines equipped w ith a m anual
transm ission generally have a tw o-m ass
flyw heel.
This flyw heel design prevents torsional
vibration from being transm itted from the
Engine Mechanics
C lutch C over
crankshaft to the transm ission through the
flyw heel. If not elim inated, this vibration
w ould adversely affect perform ance.
Tw o-M ass
Flyw heel
C lutch D isc
Engine Mechanics
A spring dam per system w ithin the
tw o-m ass flyw heel separates the prim ary
inertia m ass from the secondary inertia
m ass so that the torsional vibration
produced by the engine is not transm itted
to the transm ission. O n W engines w ith an
autom atic transm ission, the tw o-m ass
flyw heel is replaced by a converter plate.
The tw o-m ass flyw heel also serves as a
sender w heel for Engine Speed (R PM )
Sensor G 28. Its job is to determ ine the
engine speed and recognize cylinder
num ber 1 together w ith the C am shaft
Position (C M P) Sensor G 40, C am shaft
Position (C M P) Sensor 2 G 163, C am shaft
Position (C M P) Sensor 3 G 300, and
C am shaft Position (C M P) Sensor 4 G 301.
It has a larger tooth gap w hich serves as a
m arker point. This point is registered by the
Engine Speed (R PM ) Sensor G 28 located
in the transm ission housing during each
revolution of the tw o-m ass flyw heel.
Tw o-M ass
Flyw heel
Pulse Sensor
W heel
Tooth G ap
Engine Mechanics
Cylinder Heads
The W engines have tw o alum inium
cylinder heads w ith tw o overhead
cam shafts apiece.
The injectors are inserted into the
cylinder heads.
C am shaft
B earing
C am shaft
B earing
Cylinder Heads of W8 Engine
O pening
for Injector
Engine Mechanics
R oller
R ocker
Each of the cylinder heads in the tw o W
engines has an intake cam shaft and an
exhaust cam shaft w ith cam shaft adjusters
attached to their end faces.
C am shaft
A djusters
C am shafts
Engine Mechanics
The four valves in each cylinder are
actuated by low -friction roller rocker
fingers. Valve clearance is com pensated by
hydraulic support elem ents.
D ue to the cylinder arrangem ent, short
and long valves as w ell as short and
long inlet and exhaust ports alternate w ith
one another.
C am shaft
C am R oller
R oller
R ocker
H ydraulic Support Elem ent
Engine Mechanics
Intake M anifold
of W 12 Engine
Cylinder Heads of W12 Engine
A ir Supply Intake
Engine Mechanics
Secondary Air Ducting System
B esides the coolant and oil ducts in the
cylinder heads, the secondary air is guided
through ducts and bores into the exhaust
ducts near the exhaust valves. The
secondary air flow s into a duct in the
cylinder head through a Secondary A ir
Injection (A IR ) Solenoid Valve N 112.
From here the secondary air is guided
back into the cylinder head through grooves
in the exhaust flange. The secondary air
then flow s through ducts and bores to the
exhaust valves.
O il
R eturn
H oles
B ores Leading to
Exhaust Valve (Inboard)
(O utboard)
B ores Leading
to Exhaust Valve
(O utboard)
A ir D uct
C onnection for Secondary
A ir Injection (A IR ) Solenoid
Valve N 112
C oolant
O il D ucts
Secondary A ir
G roove in
Engine Mechanics
Chain Drive
The chain drive is m ounted at the flyw heel
end of the engine. Engine pow er is
transm itted by a gear on the crankshaft to
the gears of the central interm ediate shaft
by m eans of a double chain.
A t this point, each of the cam shafts of the
tw o cylinder heads is driven by a single
chain. Three hydraulic chain tensioners
ensure that an optim al chain tension is
m aintained.
Chain Drive of W Engines
Slide R ail
C am shaft
Intake C am shaft
C entral Interm ediate Shaft
C hain Tensioner
C am shaft A djuster
Single C hain
(Sleeve Type C hain)
R ight B ank
Tensioning R ail
C hain Tensioner w ith
Tensioning R ail
Slide R ail
Single C hain
(Sleeve Type C hain)
Left B ank
D ouble C hain
(R oller C hain)
G ear on
C rankshaft
C hain Tensioner
Tensioning R ail
Engine Mechanics
Camshaft Timing Control
B oth the W 12 engine and the W 8 engine
have continuously adjustable intake
cam shaft tim ing. In this case, continuously
adjustable m eans that the intake cam shaft
can be advanced or retarded relative to its
neutral position at any angle w ithin a range
of 52 degrees.
The cam shafts are adjusted by hydraulic
cam shaft positioners bolted to their end
The exhaust cam shaft of the W 12 is also
continuously adjustable.
Valve 1 for C am shaft
A djustm ent N 205
C am shaft A djustm ent
Valve 1 (Exhaust) N 318
The exhaust cam shaft of the W 8 engine is
an exception. It can only be adjusted to the
advanceor retardposition w ithin a
range of 22 degrees.
The M otronic Engine C ontrol M odule J220
regulates the oil supply to the cam shaft
positioners by controlling the Valve 1 for
C am shaft A djustm ent N 205 and C am shaft
A djustm ent Valve 1 (Exhaust) N 318.
Tim ing C ase
Vane A djuster
Intake C am shaft
Vane A djuster
Exhaust C am shaft
Engine Mechanics
System Operation
The follow ing exam ples show the operation
of the intake cam shaft adjuster for the right
bank (bank I).
Neutral position
W hen the Valve 1 for C am shaft A djustm ent
N 205 m oves the adjusting piston into a
central position, this causes both oil ducts
(a and b) and hence the cham bers
(A and B ) on either side of the inner rotor
to fill w ith oil. The inner rotor, together w ith
the cam shaft w hich it is rigidly coupled to,
now adopts a position in the m iddle of the
adjustm ent range.
Valve 1 for C am shaft
A djustm ent N 205
O il R eturn Passage
Engine O il Pressure
A djusting Piston
D irection of R otation of D rive
O il D uct (b)
O il D uct (a)
Exhaust C am shaft
A nnular D ucts
Inner R otor
(R igidly C oupled to C am shaft)
C ham ber (A )
C ham ber (B )
O uter R otor
(C oupled to Tim ing C hain)
O il D uct (aa)
O il R eturn Passage
C ham ber (B )
Inner R otor
O uter R otor
A dvance
A djuster
C ham ber (A )
C am shaft
N eutral
Bank I
Stop R etard
A djuster
C am shaft
O il D uct (bb)
Engine Mechanics
Retard adjustment
The Valve 1 for C am shaft A djustm ent N 205
guides the oil into the oil duct (b). The oil
flow s from channel (b) through the annular
groove and cam shaft and the bores (bb) to
the cham bers (B ) of the cam shaft adjuster.
Exhaust C am shaft
W hen the oil enters the cham bers (B ), the
inner rotor is rotated against the direction of
rotation of the drive, adjusting the cam shaft
in the retard direction. The oil is forced out
of the cham bers (A ) through the bores (aa).
It flow s back into the cylinder head through
the cam shaft and duct (a).
C am shaft
R etard
R etard Stop
C ham ber (B )
C ham ber (A )
O uter R otor
Inner R otor
Intake C am shaft
Bank I
Engine Mechanics
Exhaust C am shaft
Advance adjustment
To rotate the inner rotor forw ard, the
adjusting piston housed w ithin the Valve 1
for C am shaft A djustm ent N 205 adjusts
itself so that the oil duct (a) is put under oil
pressure. A s a result, the oil flow s into the
cham ber (A ), advancing the inner rotor.
C ham ber B is sim ultaneously bled through
oil ducts (bb and b) to ensure a quick
C am shaft
A dvance
A dvance
C ham ber (B )
C ham ber (A )
O uter R otor
Inner R otor
Intake C am shaft
Bank I
Engine Mechanics
Belt Drive
The follow ing com ponents are driven by
the belt drive:
C oolant pum p
G enerator C
Pow er steering pum p
A ir conditioner com pressor
The poly-V-ribbed belt is tensioned by a
hydraulic tensioning and deflection pulley.
Tw o additional deflection pulleys ensure
that all com ponents to be driven can
be reached.
G enerator C
Belt Drive of the W8 Engine and
W12 Engine used by Volkswagen
D eflection Pulley
D eflection Pulley
D am per
C oolant Pum p
Pow er
Pum p
H ydraulic B elt Tensioner
w ith D eflection Pulley
A ir C onditioner
C om pressor
Engine Mechanics
In the W 12 engine, the hydraulic belt
tensioner and deflection pulley are attached
to the air conditioner com pressor bracket.
G enerator C
H ydraulic B elt
D eflection
D eflection Pulley
C oolant Pum p
C rankshaft Pulley
w ith Vibration D am per
D eflection
Pow er
Pum p
A ir C onditioner
C om pressor
Belt Drive of the W12 Engine used by Audi
Engine Mechanics
Engine Lubrication
The oil is draw n out of the oil pan by the oil
pum p and flow s to the central oil passage
through the external oil filter/cooler m odule.
The m ain crankshaft bearings are supplied
w ith pressurized oil by the central oil
passage; the central oil duct is supplied
w ith pressurized oil by a riser.
The oil flow s from the central oil duct to the
spray jets for piston cooling, and then from
there to the cylinder heads through risers
equipped w ith non-return valves.
The oil also flow s to the interm ediate shaft,
to the engine tim ing gear and to the chain
In the cylinder heads, the oil flow s along
ducts to the cam shaft adjusters and the
cam shaft bearings.
The return lines guide the oil back into the
oil sum p.
Oil Circuit of the W12 Engine
C am shaft A djustm ent
Valve 1 (Exhaust) N 318
O il Sum p
U pper Section
O il Sum p
Low er Section SSP248/091
R eturn
D ucts
Spray Jets for
Piston C ooling
C am shaft
A djuster
C rankshaft
B earing
H ydraulic Elem ents
C am shaft B earing
C entral O il D uct R iser
C entral O il Passage
O il Pum p
D rive G ear
Valve 1 for C am shaft
A djustm ent N 205
Engine Mechanics
W Engine Oil Circuit Schematic Diagram
Interm ediate Shaft
C hain
C entral
O il Passage
Spray Jet
R eturn Line
O il Pum p
Three C hain
Tensioners w ith
C hain O il Spray
Valve 1 for C am shaft
A djustm ent N 205
C am shaft A djuster
Tim ing
B elt G ear
(N ot Show n)
O il Sum p
O il Filter/C ooler M odule
Oil Sump of
the W8 Engine
C am shaft
A djustm ent Valve 1
(Exhaust) N 318
Engine Mechanics
The Wet-Sump Principle
The W 8 and W 12 engine for VW m odels
have a w et-sum p lubrication system .
The W 12 engine for A udi m odels has a
dry-sum p lubrication system .
In the w et-sum p lubrication system , the
entire oil supply is retained in the oil sum p.
The single-stage oil pum p draw s the oil out
of the w et sum p through the intake line
Wet-Sump Lubrication System
of the W8 Engine
and im m ediately returns it to the engine
after it has cooled dow n and has been
In contrast to the dry-sum p, the job of the
oil sum p w ith w et sum p is to retain the
entire oil supply. A s a result, it has a larger
volum e w hich affects the overall height of
the engine.
Single-Stage O il Pum p O il Filter and C ooler M odule
Engine Mechanics
The Dry-Sump Principle (Audi only)
In the dry-sum p lubrication system , the
entire oil supply is retained in an external
reservoir, and not in the oil sum p.
To facilitate this, the oil pum p is of three-
stage design. Tw o stages draw the oil out
of the oil sum p at various points and pum p
it into the reservoir.
Dry-Sump Lubrication System of
the W12 Engine in the Audi A8
R eservoir
C ooler
Three-Stage O il Pum p
The third stage (discharge stage) returns
the oil from the reservoir to the engine
through the oil cooler and the oil filter. The
oil sum p can be kept sm all and flat due to
its low er oil volum e, w ith the result that the
engine has a sm aller overall height.
This requires a slightly m ore com plex design.
Engine Mechanics
Oil Sump
The oil sum p is com prised of tw o diecast
alum inium parts. The oil sum p low er
section form s the oil reservoir. The central
oil passage is located in the upper section
of the oil sum p.
Special baffles settle the oil in the oil sum p.
The Engine O il Level Sensor G 12 w hich
inform s the M otronic Engine C ontrol
M odule J220 of the oil level, is inserted into
the oil sum p low er section from below ,
near the oil drain screw , and then bolted
into place.
The oil is extracted from the sum p by the
oil pum p through the intake line, and
pum ped into the oil circuit.
The single-stage oil pum p is driven
by the crankshaft by a separate chain in
the crankcase.
C entral O il
Intake Line
D rive
O il Sum p
Low er
B affles
(Sw ash
O il Sum p
U pper Section
O il Sum p
Low er Section
O il
D rain
O il Level
Sensor G 12
The Oil Pump
Engine Mechanics
The oil pum p is m ounted from below and
bolted to the bearing support.
Oil Filter and Cooler Module
The oil circuit of the W engine has an
external oil filter and cooler m odule. This
allow s the engine to be m ore easily
adaptable to the varying am ounts of space
available in the various vehicle m odels. The
oil filter is designed so that a filter elem ent
can be replaced by service personnel.
Oil Filter and
Cooler Module
of the W8
Engine Mechanics
Piston Spray J ets
The oil is guided from the central oil
passage of the crankcase upper section to
sm all nozzles at the base of the cylinder
bores. H ere, the oil is sprayed below the
pistons to lubricate the piston contact faces
and piston pins, and cool the pistons.
Crankshaft Bearing Lubrication
The oil is routed through holes from the
central oil passage to the crankshaft.
Then it is forced through grooves in the
backs of the low er bearing shells to the
upper bearing shells. There it reaches
the crankshaft through five holes in the
upper bearing shell.
O il Supply
B earing Support
G roove on the B ack
of the B earing Shells
U pper B earing Shell
C rankshaft
Engine Mechanics
Connecting Rod Bearing Lubrication
The oil flow s from the outer circum ferential
groove into the inner groove of the upper
bearing shell through five holes. The holes
ensure that an even oil film form s.
Flow to
M ain B earing
Flow to C onnecting
R od B earing
Inner G roove
of B earing Shell
(In U pper B earing O nly)
G roove in C rankcase
H ole from M ain B earing to
C onnecting R od B earing
Integrated pockets at the transition to the
low er bearing shell ensure a steady supply
of oil to the connecting rod bearings
through holes in the crankshaft.
Engine Mechanics
Engine Cooling
The coolant circuit is filled w ith VW G 12
coolant. The coolant is pum ped from
the central coolant duct in the crankcase
upper section and into the cylinder heads.
B affles ensure that all cylinders are
sw ept evenly. A t the sam e tim e, the
coolant flow is redirected from the
G enerator C
Engine C oolant
Tem perature
(EC T) Sensor
(O n R adiator) G 83
Sm all C ooling C ircuit
Large C ooling C ircuit
R ibbed V-B elt
M ap C ontrolled
Engine C ooling
Therm ostat F265 R adiator
O il C ooler
Engine C oolant
Tem perature (EC T)
Sensor (O n Engine) G 82
C oolant
Pum p
Coolant Circuit of W8 Engine
exhaust side of the com bustion cham bers
tow ards the intake side.
The coolant circuit is subdivided into a sm all
cooling circuit, in w hich the coolant is only
routed w ithin the engine block, and a large
cooling circuit that includes the radiator and
engine oil cooler.
H eating
Engine Mechanics
Coolant Circuit of W12 Engine
G enerator C
Engine C oolant
Tem perature
(EC T) Sensor
(O n Engine) G 82
Engine C oolant
Tem perature (EC T)
Sensor (O n
R adiator) G 83
Transm ission
O il C ooler
Left H eat
Engine C oolant
Tw o-W ay Vacuum
Valve N 147
A uxiliary
R adiator
R adiator
R ight H eat
M ap C ontrolled
Engine C ooling
Therm ostat F265
Sm all C ooling C ircuit
Large C ooling C ircuit
C oolant Pum p
O il C ooler
A uxiliary
H eater
Engine Mechanics
Coolant Flow in the Cylinder Heads
W hen the coolant m oves through the
crankcase and into the tw o cylinder heads,
tw o thirds of the coolant volum e is guided
to the outside and one third to the inside of
the cylinder heads.
This principle helps to
provide even cooling,
and is know n as
C oolant flow s through the cylinder heads
from the exhaust side to the intake side.
This results in very good tem perature
equalization as w ell as effective cooling of
the outlet w ebs and spark plugs.
Engine Mechanics
Coolant Pump with Pump Gear
In both W engines, the coolant pum p is
located in the cylinder block at the face
end. It is m ounted directly upstream of the
central coolant duct and is driven by the
ribbed V-belt.
Electronically Controlled Engine Cooling
Sw itching from the sm all cooling circuit to
the large cooling circuit is controlled by an
electrically actuated M ap C ontrolled Engine
C ooling Therm ostat F265 in the therm ostat
housing. In the W 8 and W 12 engine, this
valve is installed in the crankcase upper
section from above. To replace this valve, it
is necessary to rem ove the intake m anifold.
B y electrically heating the w ax
therm ocouple in the M ap C ontrolled Engine
C ooling Therm ostat F265, it is possible to
control the sw itching point and coolant
tem perature. C haracteristic control m aps
are stored in the M otronic Engine C ontrol
M odule J220. They m ake it possible
for the engine to reach the desired
tem perature in accordance w ith the
engines operating requirem ents.
W ax Therm ocouple
Lifting Pin
H eating
R esistor
Map Controlled
Engine Cooling
Thermostat F265
Engine Mechanics
Air Supply
A ir is supplied through a tapered intake
pipe. It is of a four-part design and is m ade
of an alum inium alloy.
The intake m anifold low er section is bolted
to the cylinder heads betw een the tw o
cylinder banks. The larger intake m anifold
upper section is m ounted to the low er
section. The intake m anifold upper section
is designed so that the m anifolds for bank I
and II can be rem oved separately. This
m akes it easier to gain access to the
individual ignition coils and spark plugs,
for exam ple.
In the W 8 engine, the intake air for both
m anifolds is guided by a Throttle Valve
C ontrol M odule J338.
Valve C ontrol
M odule J338
Intake M anifold
U pper Section
M anifold, B ank I M anifold, B ank II
W8 Engine
Intake M anifold
Low er Section
Engine Mechanics
The intake m anifold used in the W 12
engine is m ade of m agnesium alloy. U nlike
the W 8 engine, each of the m anifolds is
coupled to a separate Throttle Valve C ontrol
M odule J338.
Intake M anifold
U pper Section
W12 Engine
Intake M anifold
Low er Section
Throttle Valve
C ontrol M odule J338
M anifold,
B ank I
M anifold,
B ank II
Crankcase Breather
The diaphragm valve lim its the vacuum in
the crankcase irrespective of the intake
pipe vacuum , allow ing the cleaned
crankcase exhaust gases (blow -by) to be
routed continuously into the intake m anifold
and burned in the cylinders during the
com bustion cycle. N o oil is entrained in
the process. The oil separator rem oves
the oil particles from the blow -by gas.
The separated oil is then returned to
the oil sum p.
W8 Engine
O il Separator
D iaphragm Valve
Engine Mechanics
B ecause the W 12 engine has a
double flow intake m anifold, each
bank has a side diaphragm valve
and an oil separator.
D iaphragm
Valve, Left
D iaphragm
Valve, R ight
O il Separator
O il Separator
W12 Engine
Engine Mechanics
Exhaust System
The W 8 engine has an exhaust m anifold
w ith a catalytic converter for each cylinder
head. A total of four oxygen sensors are
therefore required for em ission control.
H eated O xygen Sensor (H O 2S) G 39
H eated O xygen Sensor (H O 2S) 2 G 108
C entral Silencer
Exhaust System of W8 Engine
R ear Silencer Prim ary
C atalytic
C onverter
M anifold
O xygen Sensor (O 2S) B ehind Three-W ay
C atalytic C onverter (TW C ) G 130
O xygen Sensor (O 2S) 2 B ehind Three-
W ay C atalytic C onverter (TW C ) G 131
The exhaust system has a prim ary silencer
and a rear silencer for each bank, as w ell as
a com m on central silencer.
Engine Mechanics
The W 12 engine has tw o exhaust
m anifolds for each cylinder head. Each
of these exhaust m anifolds is connected to
its ow n prim ary catalytic converter located
near the engine. The tw o exhaust pipes of
each bank then m erge on a m ain catalytic
converter. The exhaust system has a
prim ary silencer, an interm ediate silencer
and a rear silencer for each bank.
Four prim ary catalytic converters and tw o
m ain catalytic converters help to achieve an
effective reduction in em issions.
To m onitor m ixture com bustion and
to optim ize pollutant em ission reduction,
use is m ade of a total of eight oxygen
sensors, four each before and after the
prim ary catalytic converters.
H eated O xygen Sensor (H O 2S) G 39
H eated O xygen Sensor (H O 2S) 2 G 108
Engine Mechanics
O xygen Sensor (O 2S) B ehind Three-W ay
C atalytic C onverter (TW C ) G 130
O xygen Sensor (O 2S) 2 B ehind Three-
W ay C atalytic C onverter (TW C ) G 131
H eated O xygen Sensor (H O 2S) 3 G 285
H eated O xygen Sensor (H O 2S) 4 G 286
O xygen Sensor (O 2S) 3 B ehind Three-
W ay C atalytic C onverter (TW C ) G 287
O xygen Sensor (O 2S) 4 B ehind Three-
W ay C atalytic C onverter (TW C ) G 288
M anifold
Prim ary C atalytic C onverter
Exhaust System of W12 Engine
R ear Silencer C entral
Prim ary
M ain C atalytic
C onverter
Prim ary
C atalytic
C onverter
Exhaust Manifold
Engine Sealing
Each of the cylinder heads is sealed off
from the valve covers by a rubber gasket,
from the contact faces of the intake
m anifold by an elastom er gasket, from
the exhaust m anifolds by a tw o-layer
em bossed m etal gasket, and from
the crankcase by a m ultilayer em bossed
m etal gasket.
The gasket betw een the bearing support
and the oil sum p upper section is also
designed as a single layer em bossed
m etal gasket.
The oil pan upper section and low er
section as w ell as the crankcase upper
section and the bearing support are
sealed by a liquid gasket.
M ultilayer M etal/Elastom er C om posite
G asket betw een C ylinder H ead and
Intake M anifold C ontact Face
Liquid G asket betw een O il Sum p
U pper Section and Low er Section
C oated Em bossed M etal
G asket betw een O il Sum p
U pper Section and
B earing Support
Liquid G asket betw een
C rankcase U pper Section
and B earing Support
R ubber G asket betw een
C ylinder H eads and
Valve C overs
Tw o-Layer Em bossed M etal
G asket betw een C ylinder
H eads and Exhaust M anifold
M ultilayer Em bossed M etal
G asket betw een C ylinder
H eads and C rankcase
Liquid Gaskets
A pplication of the liquid gasket sealant to
m ost surfaces is C N C -controlled in order to
ensure a constant sealant supply.
The liquid gasket betw een the low er tim ing
case cover and the upper tim ing case cover
is applied according to a different principle.
In this case, the parts are first bolted, then
the sealant is injected into the groove in the
upper tim ing case cover through zerk-type
fittings (sealing injection system ).
W hen enough liquid sealant has been
injected, the excess sealant is discharged
from the openings on the end of the tim ing
case cover. The zerk-type fittings rem ain in
the housing after injecting the sealant.
H ow ever, they have to be replaced w hen
repairing the gasket.
O utlet
Low er Tim ing
C ase C over
(Sealing Flange)
U pper Tim ing
C ase C over
U pper Tim ing
C ase C over
(C overing Part)
G roove for
Zerk-Type Fitting
Zerk-Type Fitting for
Liquid G asket Installation
Engine Timing Overview
If it is necessary to disassem ble the
cylinder heads, the engine tim ing m ust be
reset. These are the im portant m arkers
w hen the piston of the first cylinder is at
top dead center.
A djust intake
cam shaft to
A djust exhaust
cam shaft to
Put copper colored
chain link on arrow
of bank II.
Put copper colored
chain link on arrow
of bank II.
Bank II
Place the copper
colored chain link
on the m arked
tooth of the
interm ediate shaft
and the bore hole
in the housing.
Insert the m andrel for holding the crankshaft
into the threaded hole in the housing: piston
in 1st cylinder at top dead center.
For a description of the exact
procedure for setting the engine
tim ing, please refer to the
relevant R epair M anual.
Position the m arker on the vibration
dam per on the housing joint: piston in
1st cylinder at top dead center.
W hen placing on the low er
tim ing chain copper link, set
the colored chain link on the
m arked tooth and the m arked
tooth on the housing joint:
piston in 1st cylinder at top
dead center.
Exhaust cam shaft
retard adjustm ent.
Place copper
colored chain link
on arrow of bank II.
Place copper
colored chain link
on arrow of bank I.
M arked Tooth N orm al Tooth
Bank I
Intake cam shaft
advance adjustm ent.
Insert cam shaft rule for
aligning the cam shafts.
Special Tools
Camshaft Alignment Rule
For aligning the cam shafts w hen setting
the engine tim ing.
For locating the crankshaft.
Engine and Transmission Holder
VA S 6095
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