738650-Turbulence Training Metabolic Monster Workout Guide PDF NOT A BS Review
738650-Turbulence Training Metabolic Monster Workout Guide PDF NOT A BS Review
738650-Turbulence Training Metabolic Monster Workout Guide PDF NOT A BS Review
This is Not a Review Or a Free Report!
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Here come the Monsters.
Inspired by the surprise response I had to the original "Thanksgiving Monster"
workout posted last November on my website, we're giving you three workouts
that you let you train harder, longer, and more monsterriffic than ever before.
Yes, these workouts are outside of the normal TT rules, but sometimes rules are
meant to be broken.
These sessions were also inspired by the back-to-back full days of filming that
we did for the Home Workout Revolution System. Each day we filmed a hard
workout and then rested while another trainer did a workout. Then after a nice
break we went back at it. Then we had a well-deserved rest. And then we hit
another hard workout.
At the end of the day we were wiped, but feeling amazing at the same time.
So hmmmm, I thought, there must be something to this.
And so the Metabolic Monsters were born. You'll work hard, then rest, then hit it
hard again to finish off "double" workouts.
But you must only follow this program for 4 weeks at a time and then you need to
switch back to a normal - yet insanely effective - TT Workout program.
You're going to love the 4-minute pushup challenge, the 8-minute pullup test, and
the Ultimate Monster 750 rep workout session.
Let us know your finishing time.
Monster energy and results coming your way,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
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TT Metabolic Monster Workouts
These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational
purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if
you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity.
This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only.
The information in this report is meant to supplement, not replace, proper
exercise training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and
publishers advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their
limits. Before practicing the exercises in this book, be sure that your equipment is
well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude,
training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this book are not
intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen
that may have been prescribed by your physician.
exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified
personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask for
instruction and assistance when -up prior to strength training and interval
See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are
taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any
exercise program, including Turbulence Training. If you experience any
lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the
movement and consult a physician.
You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have
high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you
are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician
or a registered dietician. If your orders.
Copyright 2003-2012 CB Athletic Consulting, Inc.
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10 Tips to Train SAFE!
It is very important for all of us to train conservatively and not overdo things.
1) Don't do any exercise that you aren't sure how to do. Always get personal
instruction from a certified trainer.
2) Don't do anything that hurts or "doesn't feel right". There are plenty of
alternative exercises for every movement. Just ask us on the Turbulence
Training forum for substitutions at www.TTmembers.com.
3) Whenever you start a NEW program, use lighter weights than normal, and
only 1 set per exercise. You must expect extra soreness when starting a new
program just because of the new exercises, so don't try to set world records in a
new program right away.
4) If you need extra recovery within the workout or between workouts, don't
hesitate to take it. Safety first.
5) Use a spotter if you are training with heavy weights. If you train alone at home,
follow my recommendations in the manual and do NOT train to failure.
6) Check your ego at the gym door and start with the easier alternative exercises
if appropriate, even if you have exercised in the past. The new exercises, and
new style of movements will cause muscle soreness even from workouts you
think "look easy".
7) Do NOT do interval training more than 4 times per week. Even pro athletes
don't play hard everyday, so why should we?
8) Never skip a warm-up. Use the general bodyweight warm-ups and the specific
warm-up sets in each TT workout.
9) If you want to start TT but think you have an injury, get medical attention and
have a professional therapist rehabilitate your injury before starting an exercise
10) Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise or diet program. All
together now, " Safety first! "
Bonus 11) If you decide to use running as your form of interval training, make
sure you have good running shoes, always do an extra thorough warm-up, and
choose a safe running surface (grass or trails rather than pavement/concrete). If
you use a treadmill, please operate it safely.
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TT Metabolic Monster
Disclaimer: See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program.
You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have
high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you
are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician
or a registered dietician.
Perform this program for 4 weeks then switch to another TT workout.
Train hard 3 days per week.
Do 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise on off-days, such as walking or
Do each exercise at a controlled pace, lowering for 2 seconds, and
returning to the start position in 1 second. (Exceptions: Jumps to be done
as fast as possible.)
Finish each workout with stretching for the tight muscle groups only if
Start every strength workout with this warm-up circuit and specific warm-
up sets.
Bodyweight Warm-up Circuit
Go through the circuit once.
1. Prisoner Squat 10 reps
2. Spiderman Climb 6 reps per side
3. Switch Lunge 6 reps per side
4. 1-Leg RDL 6 reps per side
5. WYI 8 reps per movement
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TT Metabolic Monster Workouts
Day 1 - Workout A - Metabolic Monster
Start with the general bodyweight warm-up circuit.
Rest only where stated
1A) DB Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats - 10 reps per side (2-0-1-0)
1B) DB CSR (Chest-Supported Row) - 12 reps (2-0-1-0)
Rest 30 seconds before repeating 2 more times.
2) 6 minutes pullups - as many reps as possible in 6 minutes...do not go to failure
in any set (2-0-1-0)
3A) BB or DB Goblet walking lunge - 12 reps per side (2-0-1-0)
3B) 1-arm DB chest press - 10 reps per side (3-0-1-0)
Rest 30 seconds before repeating 2 more times.
Rest 3 minutes before the pushup challenge.
4) 4-minutes decline pushups - as many as possible in 4 minutes...do not go to
failure in any set (1-0-1-0)
5A) Wide grip BB Row or DB RDR - 12 reps (2-0-1-0)
5B) Abs fallout - 12 reps (3-0-2-0)
5C) TRX Mountain Climbers - 12 reps per side (1-0-1-0)
Rest 30 seconds before repeating 2 more times.
Rest 2 minutes if doing the Optional Monster Arms
Optional Monster Arms
6A) Dips - max reps minus one - (2-0-1-0)
6B) Biceps Curls with Palms-up 8 reps (3-0-1-1)
6C) DB Lying Triceps Extensions 20 reps (2-0-1-0)
6D) DB Hammer Curls 20 reps (2-0-1-0)
Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times.
Static Stretching
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Day 3 - Workout B - Metabolic Monster
Start with the general bodyweight warm-up circuit.
Rest only where stated
1a) Deadlift - 10 reps (2-0-1-0)
1b) DB 1-arm clean and press 8 reps/side (1-0-1-0)
Rest 1-minute before repeating 2 more times.
2a) Low Box Jump - 8 reps
2b) DB 1-arm Row - 12 reps per side (2-0-1-0)
2c) Spiderman pushup - 1 rep short of failure (2-0-1-0)
2d) DB Renegade Row - 10 reps per side (1-0-1-0)
Rest 30 seconds before repeating 2 more times.
Rest 3 minutes.
3a) Goblet Split Squat - 30 seconds per side
3b) SB or TRX leg curl - 30 seconds
3c) Total Body Extension - 30 seconds
3d) Bodysaw - 30 seconds
3e) Run in Place - 30 seconds
3f) Side plank - 30 seconds per side
Rest 30 seconds before repeating 2 more times.
Rest 5 minutes before the burpee-JJ combo
4a) Burpee x 6 x 30s
4b) JJ or Jump rope x 6 x 30s
Static Stretching
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Day 5 Workout C Metabolic 750 Monster
Start with the general bodyweight warm-up circuit.
Rest 10 seconds between exercises.
Do the circuit five times.
Do all reps for each exercise before moving to the next exercise.
1) Bodyweight Squat 20 reps
2) Mountain Climber 20 reps
3) Total Body Extension 20 reps
4) Pushup Jack 15 reps
5) Switch Lunge 10 per side
6) Bodyweight Row 15 reps
7) KB Swing 20 reps
8) Plank to Triceps Extension 15 reps
9) Chinups - 5
10) KB Goblet Step-up - 10 per side
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TT Metabolic Monster Workout Spreadsheet
Workout A Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
DB Goblet BGSS (10/side)
DB Chest Supported Row (12)
Pullups (6 mins/ as many as possible)
DB/Goblet Walking Lunge (12/side)
1-Arm DB Chest Press (10/side)
Decline Pushups (4 mins/ AMAP)
Wide Grip BB Row (12)
Abs Fallout (12)
TRX Mountain Climbers (12/side)
Dips (1<F)
Bicep Curls Palms Up (8)
DB Lying Tricep Ext (20)
DB Hammer Curls (20)
Workout B Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
Deadlift (10)
DB 1-Arm Clean & Press (8/side)
Low Box Jump (8)
DB 1-Arm Row (12/side)
Spiderman Pushup (1<F)
DB Renegade Row (10/side)
Goblet Split Squats (30 secs/side)
TRX/SB Leg Curl (30 secs/side)
Total Body Extension (30 secs/side)
Bodysaw (30 secs)
Run in Place (30 secs)
Side Plank (30 secs/side)
Burpees (6x30 secs)
Jumping Jacks/Jump Rope (6x30 secs)
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TT Metabolic Monster Workout Spreadsheet
Workout C Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
Body Weight Squat (20)
Mountain Climber (20/side)
Total Body Extension (20)
Pushup Jack (15)
Switch Lunge (10/side)
Body Weight Row (15)
KB Swing (20)
Plank to Tricep Ext (15)
Chinups (5)
KB Goblet Step Up (10/side)
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Exercise Descriptions Warm-up
You must have a Certified Turbulence Trainer (CTT) or Certified Strength &
Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) instruct you on correct form for all exercises.
Prisoner Squat
Stand with your feet just greater than shoulder-width apart.
Clasp your hands behind your head. Keep your elbows back and shoulder blades
pulled together to work the upper back.
Start the movement at the hip joint. Push your hips backward and sit back into a
chair. Make your hips go back as far as possible.
Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position.
Do not round your lower back.
Push with your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps to return to the start position.
Spiderman Climb
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