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Imson-Souweha Vs Rondez

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[ A.C. No. 3961, September 18, 1997 ]

After this Court, per Resolution dated January 27, 1993, referred to the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP) the affidavit-complaint of herein complainant SaludImson-Souweha against
respondent Atty. Teopisto A. Rondez who filed a comment thereon, the IBP Board of Governors
issued Resolution No. XII-97-10 dated May 17, 1997 adopting and approving the Report of
Investigating Commissioner Plaridel C. Jose, the decretal porti on of which reads:
WHEREFORE, it is hereby recommended that the respondent be absol ved from the
complainants charge of violating his notarial duties and responsibility. However, the
respondent should be strongly REPRIMANDED for appearing in the aforementioned Civil Case
No. 2606-R with conflict of interest.
In a nut shell, complainant Souweha charged respondent Atty. Rondez of being a privy, or
instrumental, in the forgery of her signature appearing in the Extrajudicial Settlement of the
Estate of her deceased parents purportedly agreed upon by her fathers (AnastacioImson) two
sets of children with his first and second wives. She claims that she could not have signed (not
has she authorized anybody to sign in her behalf) said agreement as she was in the United
States. Complainant Souweha thus accused respondent Atty. Rondez, in having notarized the
extrajudicial settlement despite her absence, of failing in his legal duties and responsibilities
and violating his lawyers oath, by (1) causing it to appear that persons have participated in any
act or proceeding when they did not in fact so participate; (2) attributing to persons who have
participated in any act or proceeding statements other than those in fact made by them; and
(3) making untruthful statements in narration of facts.

Respondent, on the other hand, claimed close friendship with deceased AnastacioImson and in
having personally informed complainant Souweha during a conference with AnastacioImsons
children held after the burial, to secure a tax account number necessary in the preparation of
the extrajudicial settlement, complainant being known to respondent as permanent resident of
the U.S. Respondent also claimed that on the date he presented to the children the deed of
extrajudicial settlement which he prepared for their signatures, two (2) of complainants sisters
(Lydia Imson-Sinlao and Flora Imson-Elvina) assured him that the complainant, who had to
leave for the US, had already executed a Special Power of Attorney in their favor to affix her
signature on said deed. Respondent had to leave for a pressing appointment, and when he
returned and upon seeing the signatures of all the children already affixed on the deed,
respondent then notarized the same.

The Court agrees with, and hereby adopts, the IBPs finding that respondent, in essence, acted
in good faith in connection with his participation in/approval of the extrajudicial settlement.
From the foregoing premises, herein respondent could not have been at fault or deemed to
have violated his oath as a commissioned notary public on account of complaints non-
appearance or absence when she acknowledged the deed of settlement as her voluntary act
and deed. Because of respondents close relationship with the Imson family and the assurances
of the complainants sister Flora Imson-Elvina and Lydia Imson-Salud (sic) that they have the
written authority of the complainant to sign on her behalf, respondent thus notarixed (sic) the
questioned document believing in good faith the representations (sic) of complainants sisters
Flora Imson-Elvina and Lydia Imson-Sinlao that they have the written authority of their sister
SaludImson-Souweha. If respondent is to be faulted at all, it is simply because of his complete
trust and confidence on the heirs of Anastacio, particularly Flora Imson-Elvina and Lydia Imson-
Sinlao whom the respondent never suspected would commit the grievous scheme of
misenterpreting themselves as the representatives of the complainant in the matter of the
settlement of the deed.

As a matter of fact, complainant had, by her manifest conduct, reiterated having given her
sisters authority to sign on her behalf. Her two sisters had on several occasions declared that
they have the requisite authority. If it is in writing, then it can only be presumed that they have
suppressed or refused to give a copy to the herein respondent to serve their malicious design.
Or if indeed no written authority exists, then SaludImsonSouweha must have instructed her
sister to sign it for her before she left for the United States. To allege that respondent forced
her signatures on the deed is a grievous and unconscionable assault on the personal honor,
integrity and reputation of herein respondent.

Respondent is of the belief that the complaint in the case at bar was initiated by the
complainant in the light of the recent legal reverses which was suffered by her brother and
sisters as against their half brothers and half sisterMrs.Orlino. Complainant SaludImson-
Souweha is being used by his brothers and sisters, as well as her brothers and sisters -in-laws as
their instrument of revenge or hate. It is obvious that the complaint was prepared for her in
Baguio City although sworn to before the Philippines (sic) consulate in New York.

If indeed SaludImson-Souweha never signed the deed because she was not personally present
to sign the same or never authorized anybody to sign on her behalf, she is deemed, however, to
have ratified the document by her subsequent actuations. SaludImsonSouweha was in Baguio
City for a vacation during the months of July and August, 1992, collected and received her equal
share of back rentals for a period of eighteen (18) months equivalent to her 1/12 interest in the
property which was leased by the other heir, a proprietary interest which she acquired by
virtue of the Deed of Extra-Judicial Settlement. She now alleges that the respondent is
instrumental in the forgery of her signatures on the document where she derives her equal
share in the property.

Respondent pleads to cite recent court reversals suffered by SaludImson-Souweha and her
brother and sisters, as well as recent revelations on their personal and collective filiation, thus:
(a) In Civil Case No. 2606-R, pending before the Regional Trial Court of Baguio, Branch 5,
complainants group of heirs filed on August 11, 1992, a suit to enjoin and/or to terminate the
lease of their half-brothers and half-sister over the property subject, of thei r extra-judicial
settlement. The Court, in its order dated September 9, 1992 denied their attempt to secure
such injunction from the court, a copy of said order herein attached as Annex 2

(b) Salud B. ImsonSouweha, her brothers and sisters insisted on the clients of the respondent
that they are the majority co-owners of the properties they inheri ted from their late father
since they outnumber the five (5) legitimate children (see paragraph II) if they are to share
equally the said properties. It turned out, however, complainant and her brothers and sisters
are not even legitimate and that two (2) of them are not even children of their late father. The
eldest, Lourdes B. Imson-de Jesus and Ricardo B. Imson, are not children of the late
AnastacioImson, Sr., and the five (5) others are illegitimate children, their late mother not being
married to Anastacio.

Respondent could only surmise that the finding of the illegitimate filiation of the complainant
and her brothers and sister and the non-filiation of Lourdes and Ricardo to thei r late father
could have provoked the filing of this administrative complaint against the respondent who was
responsible for the foregoing discovery by his own research of the official record.

(c) SaludImsonSouweha was on vacation in Baguio City in July and August, 1992. Her desire to
join the business venture of the five (5) legitimate heirs of the first group in operating the night
club-restaurant jointly owned was rebuffed. Thus, she was most likely the instigator in the filing
of Civil Case No. 2606-R on August 17, 1992. The heirs leasing the property owned in common
was rented for Twenty Five Thousand Pesos (P25, 000.00) since March 1991 up to the present.
SaludImson-Souweha (sic) share of Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000.00) from the monthly rental
was collected by her, and received and signed for by any of her sisters. For the months of July
and August, 1992, she personally received and signed for her share, as can be shown by the
attached Annexes 3 and 4;

(d) Lastly, before leaving for the United States in August, 1992, she signed a Special Power of
Attorney and Memorandum of Agreement, authorizing the sale of her 1/12 interest in the
property under lease, granted to ConstancioImson and Emmanuel Orlino as per Annexes 5
and 6, respectively;

- - - pp. 26-38. Supreme Court records.

Without proceeding further, it appears that the present case is a typical example of a
practising lawyer whose family friends and at the same time clients who (sic) succumbed to a
(sic) serious family feuds and litigations over the bounty which they inherited from their
predecessors as a consequence of which the lawyer is caught between the cross -fire of the
factions that led to the filing of an administrative case against him under the belief that the
problem arouse out of the fault of the family lawyer.

As admitted by the respondent in his aforementioned quoted Comment:

If respondent is to be faulted at all, it is simply because of his complete trust and confidence on
the heirs of Anastacio, particularly Flora Imson-Elvina and Lydia Imson-Sinlao whom the
respondent never suspected would commit the grievous scheme of misrepresenting
themselves as the representatives of the complainant in the matter of the settlement deed.

- - -page 34, Supreme Court record.

From the various pleadings, affidavits and testimonies submitted to this Commission there is
no doubt that the late Spouses AnastacioImson and his two wives (the fist legitimate and the
second as common law) as well as their respective children became close family friends and
clients of the respondents.

As stated earlier herein the family feud created two factions, the first group is composed of
the children of anastacioImson and Rosario Dizon, who are legitimately married, namely
Constancio, Virgilio, Zenaida, Jose and Erlinda. And the second group is composed of Salud (the
herein complainant), Flora, Lydia, Lourdes, Ricardo, Perla, and Fely, the children with
Anastacios common-law-wife Angustia Braganza. Only Salud is the complainant in the present
administrative case. The other members of her group never intended much less filed or joined
Salud in this case against respondent. From all indications, the present case as well as the civil
cases (Exhibit B-6 and B-9) hereafter discussed sprouted because of the usual greed and
selfish (sic) which prevailed over the sense of fairness and decency on the part of the
complainant Salud B. Imson-Souweha. Otherwise, the family place is (sic) will remain

Aside from acting in good faith as his defense for notarizing the aforementioned Extrajudicial
Settlement making it appear that all the signing parties therein appeared before him, with Flora
appearing as the authorized person in signing the name of Salud, respondent's other defense is
the act of Salud of having ratified said Extrajudicial Settlement when she kept on receiving the
rentals from the Anastacio Club equally with her siblings of the first group and the second
group after the execution of the said settlement and which sharing is in accordance with the
provisions of the said settlement.

To this Commission, however, the ulti mate proof of Saluds act of having ratified the said
Extrajudicial Settlement in her tacit acceptance of the cancellation of the OCT No. P-378 (Exhibit
B-4) which was then registered in the name of the deceased AnastacioImson and the issuance
in lieu thereof of the new TCT No. T-54449 (Exhibit A-9) in the name of the first and second
group of children of the said Anastacio in equal undivided shares. The issuance of the Exhibit
A-9 was never questioned by any of the heirs much less subjected to any action for rescission.
On top of that, the issuance of the said TCT No. T-54449 was based on the very deed of the
Extrajudicial Settlement which was notarized by the respondent and now being used as the
main evidence of the complainant. The said Extrajudicial Settlement was annotated on the
dorsal side of Exh. A-9.

Not only that. The said act of ratification was strengthened by the Petiti on for Injunction
docketed as Civil Case No. 2606-R (Exh. B-5) filed by the second group of children namely,
Lourdes, Ricardo. Lydia, Flora, Perla, Fely, and Salud (complainant herein) against Constacio,
Virgilio, Zenaida, Jose, and Erlinda which was based on Salud, et. als. Claim of registered co-
ownership with the group in TCT No. T-54449 (Exh. A-9) as shown by the pertinent allegation
in the Petition admitting undivided equal shares of the said parcel of land covered by TCT No. T-
54449, which reads:

That the petitioners (7) and the respondents (5) are the CO-OWNERS IN EQUAL SHARES of a
parcel of residential land together with all the improvements thereon located along Magsaysay
Ave., Baguio City covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-54449 issued by the Register of
Deeds of Baguio City on November 26, 1990.

Attached hereto is a copy of the Transfer Certificate of Title in the names of the petitioner and
the respondents as Annex A and made an integral part hereof

- - - page 26, Supreme Court records.

With the said act of ratification and admission of equal sharing contained in the said TCT No. T-
54449, (Exh. A-9), we can safely say that the present administrative case has become moot
and academic. While this Commission is inclined to impose a sanction on the act of the
respondent in certifying in his notarial act that Salud personally appeared before him on the
date of the execution of the said Extrajudicial Settlement there is a serious doubt based on the
testimony of her sister ZenaidaOrlino (pages 39-42, TSN of December 9, 1994), that indeed
Salud authorized Flora to sign her name on the said Extrajudicial Settlement and the said doubt
should be ruled in favor of the respondent. For the record, let it be known that this
Commission, however, is aware of the jurisprudence the pertinent portion of which reads as

The claim or belief of Atty. Dela Rea that the presence of petitioner Gamido was not necessary
for the jurat because it is not an acknowledgment is patently baseless. If this had been his belief
since he was first commissioned as a notary public, then he has been making mockery of the
legal solemnity of the oath in a jurat. Notaries public and other authorized by law to administer
oath or to take acknowledgments should not take for granted the solemn duties appertaining
to their offices. Such duties are dictated by public policy and are impressed with public interest.

His prior acquaintance and friendship with petitioner Gamido provides no excuse for non-
compliance with his duty. If Atty. Dela Rea were faithful to his duty as a notary public and if he
wanted to accommodate a friend who was inside a prison, he could have gone to the latters
cell since he openly admitted that he has been in out of New Bilibid Prisons, not only because
[his] office is here only across the Municipal Building of Muntinlupa, Metro Manila but because
[he] handled a number of cases involving prisoners and guards of NBP as well as some of its
personnels *sic+.

We note, however, that the penalty of Reprimand was imposed on respondent not on the acts
complained of by complainant involved in this case, but on account of the motuproprio findi ng
of the investigating commissioner that respondent is guilty of having represented the
conflicting interests of the late AnastacioImsons two sets of children. This cannot be done
without seriously violating the very fundamental and constitutionally protected right of a
person to be informed of the nature of the charge for which he is being held accountable
(Section 14
, Article III of the 1987 Constitution). To repri mand respondent in this case is,
therefore, not in order.

WHEREFORE, this administrative case filed against respondent Atty. TeopistoRondez is hereby

Narvasa, C.J., (Chairman), Romero, Melo and Panaganiban, JJ., concur.

Report of IBP Investigating Officer Plaridel C. Jose, pp. 10-16.

Source: Supreme Court E-Library
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