This document contains 20 multiple choice questions and answers from a Pega exam. The questions cover topics such as PRPC features and capabilities, including rule types, utility functions, decision tables, flows, case management concepts, and data modeling best practices.
This document contains 20 multiple choice questions and answers from a Pega exam. The questions cover topics such as PRPC features and capabilities, including rule types, utility functions, decision tables, flows, case management concepts, and data modeling best practices.
This document contains 20 multiple choice questions and answers from a Pega exam. The questions cover topics such as PRPC features and capabilities, including rule types, utility functions, decision tables, flows, case management concepts, and data modeling best practices.
This document contains 20 multiple choice questions and answers from a Pega exam. The questions cover topics such as PRPC features and capabilities, including rule types, utility functions, decision tables, flows, case management concepts, and data modeling best practices.
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Which of the following is a RuleSet versioning practice that is prevented by PRPC?
(Choose One) A. Skipping RuleSet versions B. aving two unlocked versions of the sa!e RuleSet C. "ocking a RuleSet that has rules currently checked out D. #nlocking a RuleSet that was once locked Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: 2 Which feature would you use to copy the highest version of every rule in a RuleSet to a new version? (Choose One) A. Copy$%erge RuleSet B. "ock and Roll C. Ski! a RuleSet D. Refactor on i!port Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: 3 What state!ents !ost accurately e&plains private check'outs? (Choose (wo) A. When checking in a private checked'out rule !anual !erging !ight be re)uired B. #se the check'out setting in the operator preferences to specify the preferred check' out !ethod (standard$private) C. Private check'out is available if the rule is checked'out by so!eone else D. "ocking a RuleSet prevents private check'outs E. Private check'out is only available for a user who has previously checked in the rule Answer: A,C Explanation: Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! / QUESTION NO: Which of the following best describes the purpose of ,pplication *&press? (Choose One) A. (o build a si!ple application that will be used for prototyping B. (o build an application profile that will be fed into the ,pplication ,ccelerator C. (o build an enterprise'scale application that encourages reuse1 including the *nterprise Class Structure D. (o build an application 2fro! scratch31 when an ,pplication Profile is not necessary or available Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: ! Which of the following state!ents is !ost accurate regarding declarative rules? (Choose One) A. 4eclarative rules run in a separate thread B. 4eclarative rules can only be used for nu!eric co!putation C. 4eclarative rules should only be used in pure business rules engine applications D. 4eclarative rules i!prove developer productivity and reduce risk by !aking PRPC responsible for e&ecuting the rules Answer: D Explanation: QUESTION NO: " *&pressions that are backward chaining (set to 2Whenever #sed3) e&ecute when 55555555555. (Choose One) A. the target property is referenced O6"7 in data transfor!s or activities B. the target property is referenced in any way C. dependent properties are changed D. data is co!!itted to the database Answer: B Explanation: Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! 8 QUESTION NO: # Which of the following state!ents are true regarding declarative e&pressions and their scope? (Choose (wo) A. 4eclarative e&pressions can be defined relative to the top level page OR an e!bedded page B. ,ll declarative e&pressions !ust be defined relative to the work ob9ect C. 4efining e&pressions directly on data classes can i!prove reusability of the e&pression D. (he ,pplies (o class of a declarative e&pression !ust derive fro! Work' E. 4efining e&pressions directly on data classes !eans they will only run if the data class is a top level page Answer: A,C Explanation: QUESTION NO: $ (he evaluate all rows feature of a decision table can be used to 55555555? (Choose One) A. return !ultiple values to a declarative e&pression that calls it B. return the value of the last row where all conditions are !et C. create a !echanis! to calculate the su! of all !atching rows D. set the value of a specific property for all pages in a page list Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: % Which of the following factors is !ost critical when deciding between 4ecision (rees1 4ecision (ables and %ap :alues? (Choose One) A. Which rule for! the business users who will !aintain the rule feel !ost co!fortable with B. ,lways consider 4ecision (rees before tables as they e&ecute faster C. Only consider %ap:alues when there is one input para!eter D. Which rule type provides the !ost opti!al runti!e perfor!ance Answer: A Explanation: Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! ; QUESTION NO: 1& +iven the following rules and assu!ing the e&pression is set to forward chaining (whenever inputs change)1 which action will cause the e&pression to fire? (Choose One) A. Changes to the values .Country or .State B. Referencing .(a&Rate C. Referencing .Country or .State D. Changes to the values .Country or .State as well as references to .(a&Rate Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 11 Which of the following are !ost accurate regarding utility functions? (Choose (wo) A. #tility functions can use both the standard <ava ,P= and the PRPC Public ,P= B. #tility functions are called by utility shapes in flows C. , new utility function should only be created if no other rules or provided functions can acco!plish a given re)uire!ent D. #tility functions cannot access clipboard data E. =t is reco!!ended1 but not re)uired1 that utility functions belong to a library Answer: A,C Explanation: QUESTION NO: 12 +iven the following decision table> Considering clipboard values> .Country ? @#SA .State?AC,A .%onths*!ployed ? B What result value will be returned? (Choose One) Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! C A. D B. / C. 8 D. C E. - Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 13 , business re)uire!ent is to attach a scanned docu!ent to work ite!s. owever1 only a select group of workers should be allowed to do so. Which attach!ent feature would you !ost likely leverage to i!ple!ent your solution? (Choose One) A. Configure an attach!ent category B. *nable attach!ent level security C. 4efine a specific access group D. Provide a role'based attach!ent security Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 1 =n which situation can the 4ata (ransfor! rule not be used? (Choose One) A. (o set so!e properties as the work ite! advances over a flow connector B. (o copy data fro! a connector C. (o set initial property values on a SO,P service pri!ary page D. =nteracting with PRPC database Answer: D Explanation: QUESTION NO: 1! 7our application has leveraged the parent'child !id'process dependency relationship for so!e of the case types. Which of the following situations should you be concerned with and have your Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! - design appropriately avoid? (Choose One) A. , double instantiation of the child cases B. , broken process C. , deadlock condition D. , critical perfor!ance issue Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: 1" Which state!ent is the least accurate regarding draft flow rules? (Choose One) A. Rule Resolution ignores the! B. (his is a good practice as it allows you to test the flow while it is still being built C. (his is a good practice to indicate that your flow is available only for unit testing D. (hey should not be !oved to production environ!ent Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 1# When is it appropriate to use a spin'off? (Choose One) A. When you wish to route work to a different depart!ent while continuing down the current process path B. When you wish to run calculations in a separate thread fro! the current process C. When you wish to call a connector rule asynchronously D. When you wish to call !ultiple connector rules si!ultaneously Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 1$ Which two of the following state!ents are !ost accurate about the Split'Eor'*ach and Split'<oin Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! F shapes? (Choose (wo) A. Goth shapes allow you to continue processing when ,67 or ,"" of the sub processes co!plete B. Split'<oin allows you to e&ecute different sub'flows whereas Split'Eor'*ach calls the sa!e process on different pages C. Split'Eor'*ach allows you to e&ecute different sub'flows whereas Split'<oin calls the sa!e process on different pages D. Goth shapes create separate (hreads for sub'processes they create E. Split'Eor'*ach can only be used when iterating over a list of work ob9ects Answer: A,B Explanation: QUESTION NO: 1% Which of the following state!ents about work parties is the least accurate? (Choose One) A. 4ata Propagation is the only !echanis! to add a work party to a child case B. Correspondence is pri!arily sent to work parties C. (he 2,ddParty3 flow action rule allows end users to add a word party to a work ite! at runti!e D. %ultiple work parties on a specific work ite! !ay have the sa!e work party role Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 2& ,n assign!ent re!ains unprocessed for DC days and its urgency value is increased to FH. Which of the following Service "evel rule is !ost likely configured on the assign!ent? (Choose One) A. B. C. D. Answer: A Explanation: Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! I QUESTION NO: 21 #sing the flow shown below1 which flow shapes would allow a reference to a 4ata (ransfor! rule? (Choose One) A. (he 0Create0 assign!ent B. (he 0Sub!it0 connector C. (he 0Process *ngine0 uitlity D. (he *nd shape Answer: B Explanation: QUESTION NO: 22 Which of the following flows is not a screen flow? (Choose One) A. B. C. D. Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 23 Which of the following property types would !ost appropriately represent a list of ordered line ite!s in a purchase order? (Choose One) A. Page "ist B. Page +roup C. <ava Ob9ect D. :alue "ist E. :alue +roup Answer: A Explanation: Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! B QUESTION NO: 2 When using a declarative page to store a list of currency rates used by an entire application1 what is the !ost appropriate scope? (Choose One) A. 6ode B. Re)uestor C. (hread D. ,pplication Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 2! Which of the following sub classes of %yCo'4ata'Person is least appropriate? (Choose One) A. %yCo'4ata'Person',ddress B. %yCo'4ata'Person'*!ployee C. %yCo'4ata'Person'Contractor D. %yCo'4ata'Person'Custo!er Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 2" What type of property is 04rivers0 in the following synta&> .Policy.4rivers(OW6*R).6a!e? (Choose One) A. Page B. Page "ist C. Page +roup D. Single :alue Answer: C Explanation: Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! DH QUESTION NO: 2# , linked property 55555555555? (Choose One) A. is a for! of a pointer to an ob9ect stored in the PRPC database B. connects two properties on the clipboard C. provides a way to update PRPC data ob9ects fro! a work ob9ect D. is used to dyna!ically build table 9oins when reporting Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 2$ Which of the following is the best use of a data table? (Choose One) A. %anaging the !apping between account levels and discount rates (appro& DH account levels) B. %anaging the list of rules that should run when pricing a loan (appro& 8H rules) C. %anaging a list of valid vendors and their addresses (appro& 8H vendors) D. %anaging the effective dates of different discounts (appro& /H discounts each with up to 8 effective dates) Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: 2% CO''ECT TE(T Connector si!ulations cannot be used in which of the following scenarios? (Choose One) ,nswer> When the data source is te!porarily unavailable ,nswer> When the interface has not been defined ,nswer> When testing an application ,nswer> When the service has not been developed ,nswer> G QUESTION NO: 3& Which of the following is the !ost appropriate use of Connect SJ" rules? (Choose (wo) Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! DD A. *&ecute a stored procedure against an e&ternal database B. *&ecute custo! SJ" state!ents to i!prove perfor!ance of )ueries and updates to the PegaR#"*S database C. #pdate an e&ternal table as part of a distributed transaction D. *&ecute SJ" state!ents that contain database vendor specific synta& E. *&ecute si!ple SJ" Jueries against an e&ternal database Answer: A,D Explanation: QUESTION NO: 31 Eor a SO,P Service1 PRPC applies rule and data instances in which e&ecution order? (Choose One) A. D. Service Package /. Service Rule 8. %ap =nbound 4ata ;. Service ,ctivity C. %ap Outbound 4ata B. D. Service Rule /. Service Package 8. %ap =nbound 4ata ;. Service ,ctivity C. %ap Outbound 4ata C. D. %ap =nbound 4ata /. Service ,ctivity 8. %ap Outbound 4ata ;. Service Package C. Service Rule D. D. %ap Outbound 4ata /. Service ,ctivity 8. %ap =nbound 4ata ;. Service Rule C. Service Package Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 32 Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! D/ What cannot be done using the Connector and %etadata WiKard? (Choose One) A. +enerate a data structure defined by an LS4 file B. +enerate connector rules for a WS4" file C. +enerate a WS4" file D. 4elete the files that are created by the wiKard Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: 33 Which !ethod of service integration within PRPC re)uires the configuration of a listener? (Choose One) A. SO,P B. *<G C. <%S D. SJ" Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: 3 Which of the following rule is !ost appropriate to read a co!!a separate value file? (Choose One) A. Parse Structured B. Parse L%" C. Parse 4eli!ited D. %ap Structured Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: 3! Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! D8 (he connector rules can be invoked fro! 55555555. (Choose (wo) A. Elow B. 4ata (ransfor! C. ,ctivity D. Elow ,ction E. ,nother Connector rule Answer: A,C Explanation: QUESTION NO: 3" (he 2Set=nfo3 data transfor! is called by the 2#pdate=nfo3 flow action1 which is called by the 2%ainElow3 flow. *ach rule is defined in the classes below> %yCo'R'SelfService'Work'(i!eOff is the class of the work ob9ect. ,n architect wishes to specialiKe 2Set=nfo31 and so he does a Save,s into %yCo'R'SelfService'Work' (i!eOff. Will the new specialiKed rule be called when %ainElow is run? =f so1 can the original 2Set=nfo3 rule be deleted? (,ssu!e that #pdate=nfo is the only rule that references Set=nfo.) (Choose One) A. (he specialiKed Set=nfo rule will not be called. #pdate=nfo is in the !ore general class and therefore cannot call a rule in a !ore specific class. B. (he specialiKed Set=nfo rule will be called. owever1 the original rule should be retained to prevent design'ti!e validation errors. C. (he specialiKed Set=nfo rule will be called1 and the original can be deleted. D. (he specialiKed Set=nfo rule will not be called. When two of the sa!e rules are in an inheritance path1 the rule in the !ore general class will be called. Answer: B Explanation: QUESTION NO: 3# ,n ,pplication RuleSet Stack is as follows> %yCoSelfService>HD'HD%yCoR>HD' HD%yCo>HD'HD (here are four instances of a given rul*. Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! D; Which is chosen by rule resolution? (,ssu!e that the rule is run on a work ob9ect of %yCo'RSelfService' Work'(i!eOff) (Choose One) A. , B. G C. C D. 4 Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 3$ (here are five instances of the sa!e rule. (he only differences between these are the circu!stance settings and ruleset version> Which is chosen by rule resolution1 when the 2Country3 clipboard property is 2+reece3? (Choose One) A. , B. G C. C D. 4 E. * Answer: D Explanation: QUESTION NO: 3% ,n architect wishes to ensure that a rule can no longer be e&ecuted. What techni)ue is best used to handle this situation? (Choose One) A. %ark the rule final B. %ark the rule blocked C. %ark the rule withdrawn D. "ock the ruleset version E. *li!inate ruleset version fro! the application stack Answer: B Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! DC Explanation: QUESTION NO: & What is the pri!ary benefit of having a fra!ework layer? (Choose One) A. =t provides a reusable foundation for i!ple!entations to be built )uickly B. =t provides an application that can be e&ecuted by !ultiple divisions C. =t i!proves perfor!ance by having fewer rules in the database D. =t provides a !echanis! for e&porting applications to different servers Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: 1 =f an agent runs at />8H P% and if itAs configured to run at 8H !inutes interval with a !a& records of CH1 when does the agent run ne&t ti!e? (Choose One) A. 4epends on the nu!ber of PRPC nodes B. 8H !inutes after the last run is started C. 8H !inutes after the last run is co!pleted D. One hour after the last run because all agents can run only once every hour Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: 2 Which of the following state!ents indicates when the PRPC engine leverages its services ,P= layer? (Choose One) A. When PRPC calls a SO,P service B. When a re)uest is co!ing to PRPC fro! another progra! C. When PRPC is deployed as an enterprise application D. When PRPC is configured to leverage e&ternal databases Answer: B Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! D- Explanation: QUESTION NO: 3 Which state!ent is !ost accurate regarding PRPC locking !echanis!? (Choose One) A. Ob9'Open can be used to ac)uire a lock B. (he lock string for an ob9ect instance of a class that belongs to a class group is deter!ined by concatenating the 2Meys3 area properties on the 2"ocking3 tab with the class group na!e C. =f a lock held by a re)uestor is soft1 the re)uestor will need to re'ac)uire the lock before e&ecuting another co!!it operation on the ob9ect D. , PRPC lock is not needed until the Co!!it operation is e&ecuted Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: Which state!ent about the G"OG colu!ns is the least accurate? (Choose One) A. G"OG colu!ns can be encrypted to increase security B. ,ll tables in PegaR#"*S database should have a G"OG'type colu!n C. G"OG colu!ns allow easy storage of co!ple& data structures D. Content in G"OG colu!ns is e&tracted fro! structured colu!ns in the sa!e table Answer: B Explanation: QUESTION NO: ! ,n architect would like to create a report that has data fro! a work class and the operator who created the work. ,ll of the following are viable !echanis!s to do this1 e&cept> (Choose One) A. Configure entries in the 2Class <oin3 part of the report definition B. #se an association rule between the classes C. Configure entries in the 2Subreports3 part of the report definition D. Configure entries in the 24eclarative =nde& <oin3 part of the report definition Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! DF Answer: D Explanation: QUESTION NO: " (he 2Opti!iKe for Reporting3 wiKard is run on a G*6*E=C=,R7=4 property in a newly created G*6*E=C=,R=*S page list property. (o support this action1 PRPC creates all of the following1 e&cept> (Choose One) A. , database inde& on the G*6*E=C=,R7=4 colu!n B. , G*6*E=C=,R7=4 database table colu!n C. , declarative inde& D. ,nother G*6*E=C=,R7=4 property Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: # Which of the following features is not available via the report editor? (Choose One) A. ,dding colu!ns B. #sing a function C. Changing pagination settings D. #sing a defined association Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: $ , report has the following output> Which of the following definitions would produce the output as shown? (Choose One) A. Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! DI B. C. D. Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: % Consider the following report output. ,ssu!e that all three operators have work ob9ects in all four statuses (6ew1 Open1 Pending1 Resolved'Co!pleted). (he filter condition rows for the report definition are as follows> What !ight be the filter conditions? (Choose One) A. , ,64 (G OR C) B. , ,64 G ,64 C C. , OR G OR C D. (, ,64 G) OR C Answer: D Explanation: QUESTION NO: !& , report has been configured as follows> What is a possible output of this report? (Choose One) A. B. C. D. Answer: A Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! DB Explanation: QUESTION NO: !1 Which of the following state!ents !ost accurately describes the relationship of operators and access groups? (Choose One) A. ,n operator can belong to !ultiple access groups but only D is active at a ti!e B. ,n operator can only be assigned to a single access group C. ,n operator can belong to !ultiple access groups which are co!bined to define the roles and privileges of the operator D. Only !anagers can have !ultiple access groups Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: !2 #sing the role related screenshots for the access group shown below and assu!ing no access deny rules are used1 which of the following state!ents is !ost accurate? (Choose One) A. (he privilege1 Sensitive=nfo1 will be granted as the order is not significant B. (he privilege1 Sensitive=nfo1 will be granted since the ,d!in role is evaluated last C. (he privilege1 Sensitive=nfo1 will not be granted since %anager role is evaluated first D. (he privilege1 Sensitive=nfo1 will not be granted since %anager role specified a H as the production level Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: !3 ,ssu!ing only the user role seen below and no access deny rules1 will an operator with only the #ser role be able to open instance of %yCo'R'SelfService'Work'Genefits? (Choose One) A. 7es1 the value C fro! %yCo'R'SelfService'Work is inherited B. 7es1 a blank cell !eans the access is granted C. 6o1 inheritance is not used at all in security processing Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! /H D. 6o1 only the !ost relevant class is evaluated Answer: D Explanation: QUESTION NO: ! Which of the following is the !ost appropriate way to li!it which operators can e&ecute a particular flow action? (Choose One) A. , When rule referenced on the flow action for! B. , privilege referenced on the flow action for! C. , Rule'Ob9':alidate referenced on the flow action for! D. ,n activity1 that calls a decision rule1 referenced on the flow action for! Answer: B Explanation: QUESTION NO: !! ,ssu!ing all other factors e)ual1 which flow action will be available to the !ost operators? (Choose One) A. (he flow action with no privileges listed B. (he flow action with D privilege listed C. (he flow action with / privileges listed D. ,ll three flow actions will be available to the sa!e nu!ber of users. Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: !" Which of the following state!ents is least accurate about the P," tool? (Choose One) A. =t displays the total bytes of data read fro! the blob in that reading B. =t suggests the reco!!ended action needed to fi& the issue C. (he readings can be e&ported to *&cel Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! /D D. =t is always gathering data Answer: B Explanation: QUESTION NO: !# Which of the following state!ents is !ost accurate regarding alerts? (Choose One) A. ,lert %essages are saved in the PRPC database B. %y ,lerts include the syste! e&ceptions that are logged in the user session C. (he alert !essage also includes the rule warning !essage D. ,lert thresholds can be configured by adding the entry directly in prconfig.&!l Answer: D Explanation: QUESTION NO: !$ "og'#sage Reports are accessible 55555555555555. (Choose One) A. in the Syste! %anage!ent application B. the case !anager portal C. when you run P," D. in the (racer window Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: !% (he ter! storage strea! in the P," reading represents 5555555555555555. (Choose One) A. the database table where the work ite! is persisted B. the database table which the data tables and other e&ternal classes are pointing to C. the data stored in the G"OG colu!n of a PRPC database D. the data stored for the strea!(#ser interface) rules Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! // Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: "& Storing instances in the table pr5other is 55555555. (Choose One) A. a good practice as it is helpful in providing fle&ibility to your application B. a poor practice as the table does not contain ade)uate colu!ns and inde&es C. a poor practice as the table na!e is too generic D. a good practice as it i!proves reusability Answer: B Explanation: QUESTION NO: "1 (he button labels on a flow action can be custo!iKed in 55555555? (Choose (wo) A. the properties panel of the p&Gutton control B. the flow action rule itself C. the section rule that is referenced in the flow action D. a section used in the ,ction area of a harness E. the button area of the harness Answer: B,D Explanation: QUESTION NO: "2 Which of the following is not reco!!ended for flow actions? (Choose One) A. *nabling the client side validation on a flow action B. #sing (%" rule as the source C. %odifying the short description of the flow action D. #sing 6O (%" as the source Answer: B Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! /8 Explanation: QUESTION NO: "3 Which of the following is !ost accurate about the branding wiKard? (Choose One) A. Einish all steps in the sa!e order only during creating a new skin B. Einish all steps in the sa!e order only when copying a standard skin C. (he skin can be !odified in the branding wiKard !ultiple ti!es D. %ust always use )uick create when creating a new skin Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: " , section rule cannot be placed in 55555555555555? (Choose One) A. a layout B. container C. flow action D. harness E. portal Answer: E Explanation: QUESTION NO: "! While entering personal infor!ation1 Eirst na!e and "ast na!e !ust accept only te&tual (nonnu!eric). What is the best validation type that you can choose in this scenario? (Choose One) A. 4efine (e&t in the Property (ype B. #se (e&t=nput in the Control C. #se an *dit validate rule D. =nvoke a validate rule in the flow action Answer: C Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! /; Explanation: QUESTION NO: "" (he Spouse =nfo section !ust be visible only when the %arital Status is 0%arried0. What is the best way to i!ple!ent this behavior if the changes need to be enforced at the client side? (Choose One) A. ,dding a :isible when rule on the section include B. ,dding a :isbile when rule on all labels and fields C. Custo! <avascript to hide$show the spouse infor!ation D. ,dding a Refresh when rule on the section include which is dependent on the !arital status property Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: "# When a state is selected the city field !ust refresh and show only the choices that are appropriate for that state1 how do we do that in PRPC? (Choose One) A. #se a decision table to constrain the choices B. Write an activity to get the results for the second choice C. #se dyna!ic select and apply cascading condition on the second one D. #se a custo! 9)uery control Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: "$ What is the !ost appropriate way to fi& the align!ent issue on s!art layouts? Eor e&a!ple1 considering the figure below1 how would you fi& the 0Social Security 6u!ber0 label that is wrapped? (Choose One) Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! /C A. =ncrease the colu!n width of s!art layouts to avoid wrapping B. #se a custo! layout since s!art layouts are not fle&ible C. ,d9ust the s!art layout width in the branding wiKard for a single s!art layout D. Write custo! (%" rule to fi& the align!ent Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: "% Which of the following state!ents is !ost accurate if we need to use a different i!age instead of red L > (Choose One) A. %odify the *rror section using the branding wiKard B. Custo!iKe the i!age in the Perfor! harness rule C. Custo!iKe the i!age in the workfor! section D. Cannot be changed Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: #& , .Product=4 property !ust store Product =4 values (e.g. 0P'D/80)1 but user interface control for it !ust allow users to pickfro! a list that displaysboth the Product =4and the Product 6a!e (e.g. 0P' D/8 Organic 4ried Pears0). Which PRPC #= control would you use for this re)uire!ent without any special custo!iKation? A. ,utoCo!plete B. 4yna!icSelect C. RadioGutton D. p&(e&t=nput Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: #1 Which state!ents pertaining to the ,ssociated RuleSet setting on data instances is !ost Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! /- accurate? (Choose (wo) A. ,ccess group instances !ust be associated with a RuleSet B. ,ssociating a RuleSet to a data instance assists in application packaging C. (he associated RuleSet for data instances of certain classes are set by wiKards D. Only data associated with RuleSets in your runti!e stack can be accessed E. Operator =4 instances !ust be associated with RuleSet Answer: B,C Explanation: QUESTION NO: #2 Which of the following are the !ost appropriate ways to include data instances into your Rule' ,d!in'Product? (Choose (wo) A. Checking the associated data check bo& on each included RuleSet$,pplication B. Selecting individual data instances C. =nvoking an activity that finds the instances based on !eta data D. ,ttaching data instances as linked properties E. 6o additional work is re)uired if the data is associated with a RuleSet Answer: A,B Explanation: QUESTION NO: #3 Which of the following state!ents !ost accurately describes 4CO Sessions? (Choose One) A. 4CO sessions are ai!ed at deciding what can be done in that sprint B. 4CO sessions are only conducted in the =nception stage C. 4CO sessions discuss a single work type1 design draft flows and #ser interfaces for that work type D. ,ll business re)uire!ents docu!ents !ust be available before the start of a 4CO session Answer: C Explanation: Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! /F QUESTION NO: # Which of the following is the !ost appropriate way to start an enterprise application? (Choose One) A. #se the *nterprise ,pplication ,ccelerator B. #se the ,pplication *&press wiKard C. *nterprise applications should use a hand'crafted class structure D. #se the Syste! %anage!ent ,pplication Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: #! Which of the following state!ents !ost accurately describes declarative rules? (Choose One) A. 4eclarative rules are e&ecuted by PRPC directly !aking the! less error prone and easier to !aintain B. 4eclarative rules should only be used in rule engine applications that do not have a user interface C. 4eclarative rules can only be used for nu!eric co!putation D. 4eclarative rules can only be run on work ob9ects Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: #" Which of the following is not a feature supported by When rules? (Choose One) A. Custo! Goolean logic B. Para!eteriKed inputs C. *&ecuting a utility function D. Rule 4elegation Answer: B Explanation: Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! /I QUESTION NO: ## Which of the following rules is !ost appropriate to use for the following re)uire!ent? Re)uire!ent> 2(rack changes to the total a!ount field that are persisted to the database (not te!porary changes). Eor each change write an entry to the audit trail showing the old and new value3. (Choose One) A. 4eclare (rigger B. 4eclare OnChange C. 4eclare *&pressions D. ,ccess When Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: #$ Which of the following is not a proper use of a 4eclare OnChange rule? (Choose One) A. 7ou wish to suspend work and call an audit flow when a risk score goes above a threshold B. 7ou wish to e&ecute an activity to call decision trees and decision tables C. Provide client side calculations of a price when line ite!s change D. 7ou wish to track all changes to a property value during calculations of a risk score Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: #% Which of the following state!ents are !ost accurate regarding 4eclare (riggers? (Choose (wo) A. (hey can be configured to run an activity when an ob9ect is co!!itted to the database B. (hey are run directly on the database server C. (hey !ust have an applies to class that descends fro! Work' D. (here can be only D trigger defined per work type E. (hey can track changes in properties including the old and new values Answer: A,E Explanation: Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! /B QUESTION NO: $& +iven the following rules and assu!ing the e&pressions is set to backward chaining (whenever used)1 which of the following actions will cause the e&pression to fire? (Choose One) A. Referencing .Country or .State B. Referencing .(a&Rate C. Changes to the value of .Country O6"7 D. Changes to the value of .Country or .State Answer: B Explanation: QUESTION NO: $1 Which of the following is the best use of a utility function (either out of the bo& or custo!)? (Choose One) A. Calculating the su! of a list B. Eor!atting a property to be displayed in italics C. Calculating the standard deviation of a large list of deci!al values D. #pdating a work ob9ects status Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: $2 +iven the following decision table> With the following clipboard values> .Country ? @#SA .State?AE"A .%onths*!ployed ? B Which result value will be returned? (Choose One) A. D Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! 8H B. / C. 8 D. C E. - Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: $3 What is the !ost appropriate way to control who can create work ite! attach!ents? (Choose One) A. Configure an attach!ent category B. *nable attach!ent level security C. 4efine a specific access group D. Provide a role'based attach!ent security Answer: A Explanation: QUESTION NO: $ 4ata (ransfor! is !ost appropriately used for which of the following scenarios? (Choose One) A. (o interact directly with PRPC database B. (o set so!e properties on the work ite! as it advances over a flow connector C. (o Parse data co!ing fro! a connector D. (o transfor! P," data into a user'friendly for!at Answer: B Explanation: QUESTION NO: $! Which of the following state!ents !ost accurately describes dependency !anage!ent? (Choose One) Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! 8D A. (he waiting case can !ove forward only when all cases it is waiting for are co!pleted B. =n order for / cases to depend on each other1 they should have a direct parent'child relationship C. (he dependency configuration could be done through the case type rule for! of the top'level case D. , dependency can be configured to instantiate a case when another case has started Answer: D Explanation: QUESTION NO: $" Which state!ent is !ost accurate regarding draft flow rules? (Choose One) A. Rule Resolution ignores the! B. PRPC turns off auto!atically the draft !ode when the flows are !oved to production environ!ent C. (his is a good practice to indicate that your flow is available only for unit testing D. (his is a good practice to indicate to the J, tea! which flow not to test Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: $# When is it appropriate to use a spin'off? (Choose One) A. When you wish to run calculations in a separate thread fro! the current process B. When you wish to !ake a long'running SO,P service call asynchronously C. When you wish to start a different part of the process while continuing down the current process path D. When you wish to call !ultiple connector rules concurrently Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: $$ Which two of the following state!ents are least accurate about the Split'Eor'*ach and Split'<oin shapes? (Choose (wo) Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! 8/ A. Goth shapes allow you to continue processing when ,67 or ,"" of the sub processes co!plete B. Split'<oin allows you to e&ecute different sub'flows whereas Split'Eor'*ach calls the sa!e process on different pages C. Split'Eor'*ach allows you to e&ecute different sub'flows whereas Split'<oin calls the sa!e process on different pages D. Split'Eor'*ach is used to iterate through a list of ob9ects E. Goth shapes create separate (hreads for sub'processes they create Answer: C,E Explanation: QUESTION NO: $% , step of a 2Eor *ach *!bedded Page3 !ultistep iteration has no 2Step Page3 defined in an activity. ,t runti!e1 in which page conte&t will Process Co!!ander e&ecute that step? (Choose One) A. (he Pri!ary Page of the activity B. (he Step Page of the parent iteration C. (he current page of the iteration D. (here will be no page conte&t Answer: C Explanation: QUESTION NO: %& Gased on the Service "evel rule shown below1 which of the following state!ents best e&plains what the Service "evel rule will instruct the syste! to do? (Choose One) A. F days after the assign!ent is created and re!ains unprocessed1 the first passed deadline will be reached B. I days after the assign!ent is created and re!ains unprocessed1 the first passed deadline will be reached C. DH days after the assign!ent is created and re!ains unprocessed1 the first passed deadline will be reached D. DD days after the assign!ent is created and re!ains unprocessed1 the first passed deadline will be reached Answer: C Pegasyste!s P*+,CSS,'v-./ *&a! 0Pass ,ny *&a!. ,ny (i!e.0 '! 88