STQA IMP QB (E-Next - In)
STQA IMP QB (E-Next - In)
STQA IMP QB (E-Next - In)
All questions in
the exam may not be from the question bank.
Unit 1 1. Define the term error, fault and failure. Explain the types of error.
2. Define Software Quality and Explain how software requirements
are the foundation for measuring the software quality
3. Define Quality and explain software quality attributes.
4. Differentiate Between Quality Assurance and Quality Control.
5. Write a note on SQA.
6. Define Quality .Explain McCall’s Quality factors of Software.
7. Explain V-V Model of software testing.
8. Differentiate between Verification and Validation.
9. What is static testing? Explain the different static testing strategies
in short.
10. What is Software review? Explain the types of reviews?
11. Explain the code inspection strategy and its importance.
12. Differentiate between walkthrough and Review/Inspection.
13. Explain the seven principles of testing.
14. What is testing? Explain the objectives of Testing.
15. Explain the different Levels of Testing.
16. Distinguish between White box and Black box testing.
17. Explain Equivalence partitioning and Boundary value analysis
with example
18. Explain the term cyclomatic complexity with example. /Explain
Basis path tesing with example.
19. Case study an Equivalance Partitioning/Boundary Value
Analysis/Basis Path Testing (Cyclomatic Testing) .
20. What is Coverage Criteria? List and explain different coverage
criteria in short. (like Statement converge, Decision coverage ,
loop coverage, condition coverage).
Disclaimer: This is just sample a question bank. All questions in
the exam may not be from the question bank.
10. What is System testing? Explain its importance in testing life cycle.
11. List the types of System Testing and explain any 4 types in short.
12. Define the term “debugging.” Explain the various debugging
techniques available.
13. What is Software metric? Explain the importance of metrics and
different types of it.
14. What are the different attributes of effective software metrics?
15. What is the difference between function-point metrics and feature-
point metrics?
16. Explain the concept of Complexity metrics
17. What is defect? Explain defect management process.
18. List and explain few defect metrics.
19. Explain defect life cycle.
20. Explain the format of defect report