University of Toronto Scarborough STAB22 Final Examination: December 2011
University of Toronto Scarborough STAB22 Final Examination: December 2011
University of Toronto Scarborough STAB22 Final Examination: December 2011
(a) 1.26
(b) 1.96
(c) 1.44
(d) 1.84
(e) 1.64
33. A fair coin is tossed 400 times. Find the standard deviation of the number of heads
that will be obtained.
(a) 30
(b) 10
(c) 20
(d) 50
(e) 40
34. A newly-designed highway sign is being examined. 27 drivers, of various ages, were
tested to see at what maximum distance (in feet) each driver could clearly read the
sign. Each drivers age was also recorded. Some summary statistics are shown below:
Column n Mean Std. Dev. Median Range Min Max Q1 Q3
age 27 51.33 21.944 55 64 18 82 28 71
distance 27 423.33 82.927 420 310 280 590 360 460
The correlation between age and distance is 0.796. Calculate the intercept of the
least-squares regression line for predicting distance from age.
(a) 575
(b) 425
(c) 500
(d) 350
(e) 275
35. In a certain game of chance, your probability of winning is 0.2. If you win, you win
$3. If you lose, you lose $1 (which is the same as winning $1). You are going to play
the game four times. Assume that the outcomes are independent. Let T be the total
winnings from the four games. What is the standard deviation of T?
(a) 4.8
(b) 8.0
(c) 1.6
(d) 6.4
(e) 3.2
36. A simple random sample of 25 observations is taken from a population with mean
80 and SD 20. Assume that this sample size is large enough for the Central Limit
Theorem to apply. Use this information for this question and the next one.
What is the probability that the sample mean is less than 77?
(a) 0.51
(b) 0.23
(c) 0.00
(d) 0.44
(e) 0.72
37. Question 36 referred to taking simple random samples from a certain population. This
time, two simple random samples are drawn, both of size 25. What is the probability
that the two sample means will dier by more than 3?
(a) 0.05
(b) 0.30
(c) 0.60
(d) 0.90
(e) 0.45
38. Bob and Carol go swimming every morning. They each swim a xed distance. The
time each person takes to complete the swim has a normal distribution, and the times
are independent of each other. Bob has a mean time of 10 minutes, with a standard
deviation of 1 minute, while Carol has a mean time of 11 minutes with a standard
deviation of 0.5 minutes. What is the probability that, on a randomly chosen morning,
Carol will complete her swim more quickly (in fewer minutes) than Bob does?
(a) 0.7
(b) 0.3
(c) 0.1
(d) 0.2
(e) 0.5
39. Part of the probability distribution of a random variable X is shown below. Un-
fortunately, somebody spilled coee on the original piece of paper, and some of the
probabilities got lost.
Value 0 1 6
Probability 0.2 lost lost
It is known, however, that the mean of X is 3.3. What must P(X = 1) be?
(a) 0.2
(b) 0.7
(c) 0.6
(d) 0.3
(e) 0.5
40. The random variable Y has the distribution shown below:
Value 1 4
Probability 0.2 0.8
The mean of Y is 3.4. What is the standard deviation of Y ?
(a) 2.5
(b) 1.4
(c) 5.0
(d) 1.2
(e) 1.9
41. The salaries paid to the 13 employees of a small market research company are as follows:
the ve telephone interviewers are each paid $32,000; three administrative assistants
are paid $48,000; three data analysts are paid $55,000, one supervisor is paid $65,000
and one senior manager is paid $160,000.
What is the median salary of these 13 employees?
(a) $60,000
(b) $55,000
(c) $40,000
(d) $52,500
(e) $48,000
42. You toss 2 fair coins and count the number of heads. Independently, your friend tosses
3 fair coins and counts the number of heads. The winner is the player who gets more
heads when they toss their coins. What is the probability that you win?
(a) 0.50
(b) 0.04
(c) 0.39
(d) 0.19
(e) 0.01
43. A sample of size 20 is taken from a population with unknown mean and unknown
standard deviation. What table value should be used for a 90% condence interval for
the population mean?
(a) 1.729
(b) 2.093
(c) 1.645
(d) 1.960
(e) 2.861
44. A test of signicance is signicant at the 5% level. Which one of the following state-
ments must also be true about this test result? (At most one of the statements below
must be true.)
(a) The test is not signicant at the 10% level.
(b) The test is signicant at the 1% level.
(c) The test is not signicant at the 1% level.
(d) The test is signicant at the 10% level.
(e) None of the other statements must be true.
45. A Statistics course has two tutorials (TUT01 and TUT02). TUT01 has 8 men and 12
women. TUT02 has 24 men and an unknown number of women. A student is selected
at random from each tutorial. The probability that both these students are of the
same gender is 0.44. How many women are in TUT02?
(a) 24
(b) 4
(c) 12
(d) 6
(e) 30
46. A car rental company records the number of kilometres driven per day by each of its
customers, and nds that the number of kilometres driven has a mean of 110 km and
a standard deviation of 80 km. Based only on this information, what do you think is
the shape of the distribution of the number of kilometres driven?
(a) Like a normal distribution
(b) Skewed to the right
(c) Symmetric but not normal
(d) Skewed to the left
47. A study was made of movies in 2005. For each movie, the following were recorded: its
budget (the amount it cost to make, in millions of dollars), its running time (from start
to nish, in minutes), and the genre (drama, comedy, action, etc.). The scatterplot
below shows the budget vs. running length for all movies. Two regression lines are
shown on the scatterplot, for predicting budget from running length. The lower line is
for movies of the drama genre, while the upper line is for movies of all other genres.
Which of the statements below do you most strongly agree with?
(a) The dierence in budget between dramas and other movies of the same length
remains constant as the movies get longer.
(b) Dramas cost less to make than other movies of the same length, and that dierence
increases as the movies get longer.
(c) Dramas cost more to make than other movies of the same length, and that dif-
ference increases as the movies get longer.
(d) Dramas cost more to make than other movies of the same length, and that dif-
ference decreases as the movies get longer.
(e) Dramas cost less to make than other movies of the same length, and that dierence
decreases as the movies get longer.
48. For each of the 33 male students in a college class, their height (in inches) and foot
length (in centimetres) were measured. None of the men appeared to be unusually tall
or short. A scatterplot of the data collected is shown below.
How would you describe what you see on the scatterplot?
(a) There is an outlier, and that outlier appears to be an error.
(b) There is an outlier, and that outlier appears to be a legitimate data value.
(c) There is a curved association.
(d) There is no association.
(e) There is a straight-line association.
49. Some people have been complaining that the childrens playground at a certain city
park is in need of repair. Any repairs will need to be paid for from city taxes. The
city will commission a survey on this issue. The survey question is planned to be the
city should allot more funds for the maintenance and repair of childrens playgrounds
in city parks. What would be the best way to conduct the survey?
(a) hand out surveys to parents of all children at some randomly chosen city parks
(b) hand out surveys to parents of all children at the playground in this city park
(c) draw a probability sample from all city taxpayers and contact the sampled tax-
payers by phone. If the phone is not answered, ignore this taxpayer and move on
to the next.
(d) draw a probability sample from all city taxpayers and contact the sampled tax-
payers by phone, following up if necessary
(e) use a web site like to host the survey and advertise it to all
city taxpayers.
50. Suppose you arrive at the UTSC bus stop. You have exactly 4 minutes to wait for
your bus. While you are waiting, you observe other buses that are leaving. The time
until the next number 38 bus leaves is a random variable with a (continuous) uniform
distribution between 0 and 6 minutes; independently of that, the time until the next
number 95 bus leaves is a random variable with a uniform distribution between 0 and
10 minutes. What is the probability that, while you are waiting, you observe a number
38 bus leaving, but you do not observe a number 95 bus leaving?
(a) 0.53
(b) 0.40
(c) 0.27
(d) 0.13
(e) 0.20