This document describes an experiment involving digital logic gates. The objectives are to specify the output of gates based on their inputs, investigate the behavior and implementation of integrated circuit (IC) gates, and use single ICs to produce different gate types. The document discusses logic signals, common gate types (AND, OR, NOT), NAND gates, and how to construct gates using ICs. Procedures are provided to construct circuits using NAND and NOR gates from ICs and obtain their truth tables. Guidelines are given for factors to consider in gate construction and the relationship between NAND and NOR operations.
This document describes an experiment involving digital logic gates. The objectives are to specify the output of gates based on their inputs, investigate the behavior and implementation of integrated circuit (IC) gates, and use single ICs to produce different gate types. The document discusses logic signals, common gate types (AND, OR, NOT), NAND gates, and how to construct gates using ICs. Procedures are provided to construct circuits using NAND and NOR gates from ICs and obtain their truth tables. Guidelines are given for factors to consider in gate construction and the relationship between NAND and NOR operations.
Original Description:
This is a document about the experiment conducted about the basics of digital logic gates
This document describes an experiment involving digital logic gates. The objectives are to specify the output of gates based on their inputs, investigate the behavior and implementation of integrated circuit (IC) gates, and use single ICs to produce different gate types. The document discusses logic signals, common gate types (AND, OR, NOT), NAND gates, and how to construct gates using ICs. Procedures are provided to construct circuits using NAND and NOR gates from ICs and obtain their truth tables. Guidelines are given for factors to consider in gate construction and the relationship between NAND and NOR operations.
This document describes an experiment involving digital logic gates. The objectives are to specify the output of gates based on their inputs, investigate the behavior and implementation of integrated circuit (IC) gates, and use single ICs to produce different gate types. The document discusses logic signals, common gate types (AND, OR, NOT), NAND gates, and how to construct gates using ICs. Procedures are provided to construct circuits using NAND and NOR gates from ICs and obtain their truth tables. Guidelines are given for factors to consider in gate construction and the relationship between NAND and NOR operations.
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I. OBJECTIVES 1. Be able to specify what the output will be when the input is zero and what the output will be when the input is one. 2. Be able to investigate the logic behavior, characteristics and implementation of various IC gates. 3. To use the single IC 7400 to produce different types of gates. 4. To use the single IC 7402 to produce different types of gates.
II. THEORY In logic signals voltage signal with zero (0) corresponding to 0 volts and one (1) corresponding to five or three volts. A sinusoidal signal with zero corresponding to some frequency, and one corresponding to some other frequency. Once we have the concept of a logic signal we can talk about operations that can be performed on logic signals. Begin by assuming we have two logic signals, A and B. Then assume that those two signals form an input set to some circuit that takes two logic signals as inputs, and has an output that is also a logic signal. That situation is represented below.
The output, C, depends upon the inputs, A and B. There are many different ways that C could depend upon A and B. The output, C, is a function, - a logic function - of the inputs, A and B.
An AND function can be implemented electrically using a device known as an AND gate. You might imagine a system in which zero (0) is represented by zero (0) volts and one (1) is represented by three (3) volts. To get a logical zero, connect the input of the gate to ground to have zero (0) volts input. To get a logical one, connect the input of the gate to a five (5) volts source to have five volts at the input.
An OR gate is a gate for which the output is 1 whenever one or more of the inputs is 1. The output of an OR gate is 0 only when all inputs are 0. NOT Gates (Inverters)
A third important logical element is the inverter. An inverter does pretty much what it says. If the input is 0, the output is 1. Conversely, if the input is 1, the output is 0.
NAND Gates
There is another important kind of gate, the NAND gate. Actually, the way to start thinking about a NAND gate is to think of it as an AND gate with an inverter on the output.
III. MATERIALS - 7400 IC (quadruple twoinput NAND gates) - 7402 IC (quadruple twoinput NOR gates) - 7404 IC (hex inverters) - 7408 IC (quadruple twoinput AND gates) - 7432 IC (quadruple twoinput OR gates)
IV. PROCEDURES Using a single 7400 IC, construct a circuit with NAND gates that implements the Boolean function F= AB + CD F= ((AB) (CD)) F= [(A NAND B) NAND (C NAND D)] 1. Draw the circuit diagram
2. Obtain the truth table for F as a function of the tour inputs
1. What are the factors to be weighed in considering the construction of other types of logic gates?
Factors to be weighed in considering the construction of other types of logic gates are (1) the feasibility and economy of producing the gate with physical components, (2) the possibility of extending the gate to more than two inputs, (3) the basic properties of the binary operator, such as commutativity and associativity, and (4) the ability of the gate to implement Boolean functions alone or in conjunction with other gates.
2. What does the inverter circuit inverts?
The inverter circuit inverts the logic sense of a binary variable, producing the NOT, or complement, function.
3. How do you define the buffer with bubble circuit of inverter?
The small circle in the output of the graphic symbol of an inverter (referred to as bubble) designated the logic complement.
4. Why does NAND & NOR gates more popular than their complement counterparts?
This is because NAND and NOR gates are easily constructed with transistor circuits and because digital circuits can be easily implemented with them. These gates are easier to fabricate with electronic components and are the basic gates used in all IC digital logic families.
5. How do you implement a Boolean function with NAND gates in a convenient way?
To show that any Boolean function can be implemented with NAND gates, we need only show that the logical operations of AND, OR, and complement can be obtained with NAND gates alone.
6. What is the connection of NOR operation to NAND operation?
The NOR operation is the dual of the NAND operation. Therefore, all procedures and rules for NOR logic are the duals of the corresponding procedures and rules developed for NAND logic.
7. How do you recognize the AND OR diagram from NOR diagram? The equivalent AND OR diagram can be recognized from the NOR diagram by removing all the bubbles. To compensate for the bubbles in four inputs, it is necessary to complement the corresponding input literals.
8. Why is the conversion from positive to negative logic and vice versa essential?
The conversion from positive to negative logic and vice versa is essentially an operation that changes 1s to 0s and 0s to 1s in both the inputs and the output of a gate.
9. To get the output of F, how do you simplify F in AND OR INVERT?
We have to simplify F into Sum of products form by combining 0s in the map.
10. What are the procedure for converting a multilevel AND OR diagram into an all NAND diagrams?
1. Convert all AND gates to NAND gates with AND invert graphic symbols. 2. Convert all OR gates to NAND gates with invert OR graphic symbols. 3. Check all the bubbles in the diagram. For every bubble that is not compensated by another small circle along the same line, insert an inverter (a one input NAND gate) or complement the input literal.
1. Give the truth table of the given functions (through simulation)
Solution: F 1 = xy + xy = y F 2 = xy + xy = xy F 3 = x + xy
Answer: x y F 1 F 2 F 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
2. Provide a 3 input function that will have an output of logic 1 whenever there are two or more input of 0.
Truth Table: x y z F 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
Solution: F = xyz + xyz + xyz + xyz F = xyz + xyz + xyz + xyz F = yz + x(yz + yz) F = yz + x(y XOR z)
I therefore conclude that using a 7400 IC which is a quadruple two input NAND gates we can implement different types of logical gates such us a INVERTERS, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and, XOR gates. From which we can found in different type of ICs. The same with the 7402 IC which is a quadruple two input NOR gates and can also implement different type of logical gates the same with the AND gate. Both ICs called a universal one for they can be used in different type of logical gates which is really helpful to the upcoming experiments while gaining the application of this experiment.