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01 Bridging

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4 Oileld Review

E&P companies are investing in the education of current employees as well as

acquiring additional talent. A Schlumberger training program is helping companies
manage such talent and accelerate employee training by assessing, developing and
monitoring employees skills and abilities. Geoscience and petroleum engineering
courses, integrated training programs and competency assessment and development
services are being used to bridge the gap for the next generation of petrotechnical
professionals while sharpening the skills of current employees.
Seraj Al-Abdulbaqi
Al-Khafji, Saudi Arabia
Abdulaziz Alobaydan
Al-Khafji Joint Operations
Al-Khafji, Saudi Arabia
Ravi Chhibber
Abul Jamaluddin
Lynn Murphy
Kalyanaraman Venugopal
Houston, Texas, USA
Jeffrey D. Johnson
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Oileld Review Spring 2013: 25, no. 1.
Copyright 2013 Schlumberger.
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Tamir
X. Aggour, Salam P. Salamy and Khalid A. Zainalabedin,
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; Alvin Barber, Alan
Lee Brown and Patricia Marolla, Houston; Ronald Carter,
College Station, Texas; and Claude Hernandez, Al-Khafji,
Saudi Arabia.
Petrel is a mark of Schlumberger.
Every job requires certain skill sets and knowl-
edge. In the oil and gas industry, skills and
knowledge tend to be honed while on the job.
However, because changes are constantly taking
place, even experienced professionals may feel
some degree of inadequacy. In todays fast-
paced E&P world, operators need interdisciplin-
ary approaches to exploration and production,
an intense focus on new technologies and atten-
tion to the changes in tactics required to pursue
new plays, often in settings that were previously
deemed inaccessible. For E&P engineers and
scientists, these are exciting times lled with
innovations and changing paradigms. These cir-
cumstances require both new and existing
employees to increase their knowledge and
upgrade their skills.
In addition to the challenge of new technolo-
gies and new ways of accessing resources, E&P
companies must also ll gaps in experience and
workforce resulting from a demographic shift in
petrotechnical professionals (PTPs), many of
whom are leaving their jobs as part of the great
crew change.
Many experts who entered the
industry during the boom days of the late 1970s
and early 1980s are reaching retirement age. This
situation is compounded by the baby boom gen-
eration in the US, a large number of births
Global stafng changes, present and future. The percentage of PTPs per age category illustrates
the great crew change dilemma. The retirement rate is at 20% for 55- to 59-year-olds, 90% for 60- to
64-year-olds and 100% for those 65 and older. The E&P industry attrition rate is 1.4%. (Adapted from
Rostand and Soupa, reference 1.)


Age, years
20 to 24 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 39 40 to 44 45 to 49 50 to 54 55 to 59 60 to 64 65+
Bridging the Talent Gap
Spring 2013 55
recorded between 1946 and 1964. The rst of
these baby boomers reached age 65 in 2011,
and the expectation is that up to 50% of the US
energy workforce will retire within the next
At the same time, the experienced mid-
career population of 32- to 50-year-olds is under-
represented because of low hiring rates during
the boom-and-bust cycles of the 1980s and 1990s.
Although companies are hiring young workers
to replace retiring workers, many younger people
typically have limited experience and inadequate
training because companies, under restricted
budgets, have cut training. The result is a loss of
know-how leading to a talent gap (previous
page). Companies are already reporting delays in
some projects caused by this talent shortage.

Consequently, some operators ask relatively inex-
perienced PTPs to assume the responsibilities of
their mentors and managers without allotting
time for them to acquire the necessary skills.
Young employees also have to take responsibility
for complex engineering projects earlier in their
careers than did their predecessors. The result-
ing situation necessitates intensied training
and development programs.
Changing demographics, the accelerated
introduction of new sciences and technologies
and the experience gap are combining to com-
pel E&P companies to reassess the strategic
importance of their training and development
programs. In addition, companies want to
improve and accelerate the transfer of existing
knowledge from senior experts to recent hires
1. The term petrotechnical professionals refers to
geoscientists and petroleum engineers. Geoscientists
include geologists, geophysicists and petrophysicists.
Petroleum engineers include reservoir, drilling,
completion and production engineers.
For more on the great crew change: Coton S: The Great
Crew Change: A Challenge for Oil Company
Protability, Journal of Petroleum Technology 63,
no. 4 (April 2011): 5859.
Rostand A and Soupa O: The Strategic Importance of
Talent, SBC Energy Perspectives (Summer 2011): 4851.
2. Tennant J: Making Informed Human Resources
Decisions Based on Workforce Outlook, World Oil 233,
no. 9 (September 2012): R127R132.
3. Talent refers to a person or persons with ability or
aptitude in a particular domain, eld or area of
knowledge or specialization.
Rousset J-M, Bismuth P and Soupa O: Technical Talent
Shortage Could Begin to Limit Growth, Journal of
Petroleum Technology 63, no. 6 (June 2011): 4649.
Olson B, Klump E and Kaskey J: Dearth of Skilled
Workers Imperils $100 Billion Projects, Bloomberg
(March 7, 2013), http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-
projects.html (accessed March 7, 2013).
Huizer TJ and Portner F: Building a Talent Engine,
SBC Energy Perspectives (Semester 1, 2013): 49.
6 Oileld Review
while those experts are still available. Current
training programs focus on accelerating the
development and transfer of domain knowledge
to novice PTPs but are often rooted in tradi-
tional classroom learning environments, a
methodology that tends to neglect practice and
learning using real data and workow procien-
cies. These prociencies are essential for suc-
cess in the rapidly changing E&P environment.
To make immediate contributions, young PTPs
must have a rm grasp of their subject matter
and have practical knowledge of the data, tools
and workows important to their work groups
and businesses.
The challenge for accelerating petrotechnical
learning is to maximize its efciency, practicality
and effectiveness. NExTNetwork of Excellence
in Traininga Schlumberger company, uses
blended learning-by-doing and competency man-
agement to meet these challenges. The approach
consists of three components:
suh|ect natter learnin
technclcy expcsure
practice with real data.
These components are achieved through a
combination of classroom-based, instructor-led
coursework and workshops, case study learning,
eld trips, visits to laboratories and engineering
and manufacturing facilities, mentoring and
coaching programs and on-the-job training (left).
The exact mixture of these training tools depends
on each customers needs and the competency
levels to be achieved.
Learning-by-doing emphasizes analytical think-
ing and experience gained through a mixture of
traditional teaching and hands-on training com-
plemented by comprehensive technology and data
The goal is to shorten the time to auton-
omy, transforming a newly hired PTP into a compe-
tent, independent decision maker who contributes
to a companys success.
For t-for-purpose training, NExT uses com-
petency assessment and management to estab-
lish the curricula, benchmarks and milestones to
ensure that training is efcient, targeted, effec-
tive and meets the needs of businesses to acquire
talent and the needs of employees to acquire
knowledge and skills to do their jobs. These com-
petency programs are customized to the require-
ments of E&P disciplines and job functions of
each business. Competency management uses a
matrix of specic skill elements and levels of
required prociency for a job at each rank or pro-
gression level. Training and development staff
use the matrix to assess prociency, identify skill
gaps, design curricula to ll gaps and verify train-
ing effectiveness.
This article describes the NExT program, a
training approach created to bridge the talent
gap, and explains how training programs are
tailored to meet specic customer needs
while providing prociency metrics to quantify
success. Case studies of competency manage-
Geology eld trip. At an outcrop of the Desert Member and Castlegate Sandstone in Thompson
Canyon, Utah, USA, a eld trip leader (second from left) shows trainees that what they see in the
outcrop translates to a geologic cross section and a deterministic Petrel E&P software platform
model. The outcrop relief here is about 100 ft [30 m].
Training program. Trainees meet with a Schlumberger subject matter expert (center) to discuss
drilling operations in a NExT training program.
4. Learning-by-doing is a form of problem-based learning.
For more on problem-based learning: Galand B, Frenay M
and Raucent B: Effectiveness of Problem-Based
Learning in Engineering Education: A Comparative Study
on Three Levels of Knowledge Structure, International
Journal of Engineering Education 28, no. 4 (July 2012):
5. Soupa O: Benchmarking Industry Talent Needs,
Journal of Petroleum Technology 62, no. 7
(July 2010): 2830.
6. Bowman C, Cotten WB, Gunter G, Johnson JD,
Millheim K, North B, Smart B and Tuedor F: The Next
Step in Collaborative Training, Oileld Review 12, no. 2
(Summer 2000): 3041.
7. Some program participants may receive masters
degrees from Heriot-Watt University if the programs are
certied by that university for academic credit.
Spring 2013 7
ment and integrated training programs illus-
trate the NExT approach to developing and
executing training programs.
In 2000, Schlumberger and three universities
that offer curricula in petroleum studies created
a limited liability company called NExT, a
Network of Excellence in Training. The three uni-
versities with close links to the energy industry
Texas A&M University, College Station, USA; the
University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA; and
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland
combined their educational capabilities with the
operational experience of Schlumberger profes-
sionals to provide the NExT organization with
training and development expertise.
This part-
nership continues today.
In 2010, Schlumberger purchased commer-
cial rights from the three alliance universities
but retained and maintained their instructor
pool. In addition, NExT augmented its instructor
staff with Schlumberger petrotechnical experts
and industry-recognized experts from various
consulting organizations.
NExT provides services to E&P companies in
more than 50 countries. These services span
three categories: oil and gas courses, competency
management services and training programs
(previous page, bottom).
The NExT course catalog contains more than
420 offerings that include technical and software
courses, integrated training programs, software
certication, and in some cases, credit toward
masters degrees.
Competency management ser-
vices include initial assessments, competency
gap analysis, curriculum development and train-
ing to ll assessed gaps in employee competen-
cies as well as follow-up verication to quantify
improvements from training.
Competency and Gaps
NExT training programs are often tailored to
meet a customers business objectives and tech-
nical challenges. A NExT team begins the process
by building a tailored, customer-specic compe-
tency catalog and matrices for each job function;
then it executes competency assessments and
gap analysis. The results provide the data neces-
sary for NExT experts to propose priorities for
training and development programs and recom-
mend strategies to meet those priorities.
To dene job functions, NExT subject matter
experts (SMEs) work with a company to under-
stand its business and technical needs. Then
they draft discipline-based competency matrices
for jobs within the company. The matrices con-
sist of skill units, skill elements and required
prociencies for each domainthe eld or area
of knowledge or specialization (above). Each
Job prole. A job prole matrix is a collection of skill units, skill elements and prociency levels; only a portion of a matrix is shown here. A skill unit is a
collective job function such as reservoir engineering foundations. A skill element is a subset of a skill unit, such as reservoir production geology. Each skill
element has a required prociency (black dot) that depends on the job, required skill unit and a trainees experience level. The matrix also includes specic
denitions of each skill element (not shown) at each rank and prociency level; including these specics reduces assessment subjectivity. A participant
performs a self-assessment (checkmark), which is adjusted (X) after an SME interviews selected participants. The deviation of the nal adjusted assessed
prociency from the required prociency shows gaps (blue) and strengths (green) in the individuals skills and abilities; where there is no deviation color, the
individual has met the required prociency level.
Reservoir production geology
Skill unit Skill element Deviation of assessment
from required proficiencies
Reservoir Engineering Profiles
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
Formation evaluation
Fluid flow through porous media
Properties of petroleum fluids
Well performance prediction
Well test design and interpretation
Data management
Decline curves
Unconventional reservoirs
Reserves determination
Gas reservoir engineering
Petroleum economics
Analytical techniques
Reservoir management principles and practices
Secondary recovery process
Immiscible and miscible gas injection
Subsurface integration
Interactive real-time data transmission
Simulation-model construction and history matching
Simulation-model behavior forecast
Simulation compositional modeling
Simulation of complex, dual-porosity systems
Gap Strength
= Self-assessment
= Required level
= Final adjusted assessment X
8 Oileld Review
skill element in the competency matrix has ve
prociency levels: awareness, knowledge, skilled,
advanced and expert (above). To reduce subjec-
tivity in the assessment, the matrix includes
specicity about each skill element, rank and
prociency level. A job prole maps the required
prociency level for the skill elements in that job
within the domain. Core competencies are ele-
ments that are critically important in performing
the job or meeting a business or technical chal-
lenge. The remaining elements are called com-
plementary competencies.
SMEs then perform a competency assessment
to determine an individuals actual level of
knowledge and skills compared with the level of
knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies
required for the job.
The participants in the
training program complete a self-assessment
questionnaire by selecting the prociency level
they believe they possess for each of the skill ele-
ments. Following the self-assessments, the
results are compiled and analyzed, and a sample
of participants, who represent the distribution
of responses to the questionnaire, is selected
for interviews to validate and adjust the
Finally, gap analysis is performed to compare
individuals assessed prociency level with the
required prociency level for job functions. When
assessed prociencies are less than required,
curriculum planners target these skill gaps for
training. When assessed prociencies are greater
than required, these are noted as technical
strengths. Gap analysis results form the basis of
recommendations for training priorities and pro-
grams that address skill gaps and raise the com-
petency levels of trainees (below left).
Redening Independent
Small, independent oil companies are often char-
acterized by at organizational structures with
very little vertical hierarchy. Their business
model is simpleto add more reserves through
exploration, development and production.
Typically, most employees are involved in looking
for exploration plays, leads and prospects that
may turn into successful discoveries; preparing
and executing eld development plans; and con-
ducting production or reservoir analysis tasks to
grow or maintain production from existing assets.
These job tasks are focused on growing and
exploiting reserves for a company. As a success-
ful, small independent oil company grows, its
staff increases, and the company eventually
imposes some degree of vertical structure and
hierarchy. To do so, it must understand what tal-
ent it has and how to use it to run the business
most protably and effectively.
An independent oil company in the US recog-
nized that it was facing a personnel development
dilemma. The company was expanding rapidly;
its workforce and proven reserves doubled in ve
years. To address this rapid growth, the company
formed a talent and development division within
8. Knowledge is the set of facts, concepts, language and
procedures needed for a job. Skill is the acquired
experience and know-how needed to perform tasks in a
job. Ability is the innate aptitude to carry out a job.
Competence is the combination of knowledge, skill and
ability to perform a job at some specied prociency level.
9. Sanghi S: Building Competencies, Industrial
Management 51, no. 3 (MayJune 2009): 1417.
Prociency levels and their denitions.
Advises the company on the strategic value and direction of the technology.
Considered an authority on the technology by peers and company.
Proficiency Levels
Applies the knowledge and skills, regularly and independently, in projects
and can demonstrate their use.
Has attended a relevant course or training that covers principles and can
explain and apply technology under supervision.
Recognizes a technology or technique, knows its purpose, can describe
it and understands its value and limitations.
Advises others engaged in applying the skill and can teach or mentor
others. Has applied the technology on numerous projects in several
diverse, complex areas.
Competency management. Competency management is a process that
responds to customer company objectives and business needs. NExT SMEs
and company representatives gather technical requirements, which are
based on the current corporate and business objectives. They align the
competency framework with the technical needs and then create
processes and job proles that represent the projects and position
competency requirements. Working with NExT, the company assesses its
staff and evaluates the gaps between required and actual prociencies.
Last, NExT and the company design a roadmap to close these gaps in the
short term and provide a plan for long-term career development. As the
companys business changes, the human resources department realigns
the models.
Define job profiles and required
proficiency levels
Identify skill gaps and
development needs
Prepare appropriate competency
matrices by function
Perform self-assessments
Define business needs
Competency Management
Conduct interviews with experts
Recommend development options
Review process
Spring 2013 9
its human resources (HR) department to acquire,
develop and manage talent.
The rst task for the HR department was to
evaluate the current level of employee expertise,
assess each employees skill set and dene spe-
cic job roles within the organization (right).
The department also needed to understand the
skill gaps that existed and to align and develop
skill sets commensurate with business objectives;
the HR department had to conduct this process
to understand how to attract, develop, engage
and retain talent for the company and cultivate
future technical leaders within the organization.
The HR department also needed to identify those
with technical leadership and establish a struc-
tured system to transfer knowledge from senior
to junior staff.
The HR department required quantiable
measurement points to determine the business
value of this process. Business value may come in
the form of direct and indirect benets. Direct
benets include accelerating personnel develop-
ment and improving retention of those with key
skills in the company. Indirect benets include
engaged employees who are empowered to take
control of their careers.
The company approached NExT to assist with
talent management. NExT SMEs teamed with the
company SMEs to dene job proles and compe-
tency matrices for each domain represented in
the organization.
For the rst step of the process, early career
staffthose with one to seven years of experi-
encecompleted individual self-assessments,
and the SMEs created skill assessment reports for
each participant. The HR department provided
the SME team with background information for
each participant, including job assignment, years
of experience, education level and place of educa-
tion. This background information helped the
team compare skill levels of participants with skill
levels based on industry requirements. The team
then conducted skill assessment interviews that
enabled the team to validate each participants
self-assessment, and the results of the interviews
allowed the team to update the self-assessment
reports (right). The team of NExT and company
SMEs then planned multiyear training actions for
each participant. Plans included courses, work-
shops, learning-by-doing programs, self-study and
on-the-job coached project work.
Through the competency assessment pro-
cess, the company has aligned job functions
with its business objectives, compiled required
job proles, dened prociency requirements,
Attract talent
future leaders


ss compe





What do we need
to accomplish?
How much do we need
to accomplish?
Are we developing enough
technology and business
How are we doing?
Where are we in
the process?
What entry level skills
do we desire?
Is our development
program attractive to
targeted employees?
What skills are needed
to deliver business?
What is technical
Talent development steps. Counterclockwise from upper left, talent
development starts with the development of competency modelsa
combination of competencies and job proles that are aligned with the needs
of the business (1). The company must attract the correct talent (2), which is a
continual process and is inuenced by business needs and the alignment of
competency models with them to help with recruitment of both midcareer
staff and new graduates. The keys to building talent are skills assessment
and personnel career development (3). Using the competency models, a
company assesses existing talent, establishes the gaps in prociencies and
uses the gaps to develop training options and plans for employees. Finally,
through this process, the company identies, develops and nurtures its future
leaders (4). The measurement points (M) identify questions that must be
quantied to determine the progress of development.
Gap analysis of job trainee population. Every job has skills that an employee must perform at required
prociency levels (black dots). A group of job trainees undergoes competency assessment, and the
trainees nal adjusted assessment scores are aggregated and averaged (X). Gaps (blue) and strengths
(green) in the trainees prociencies provide the data to establish training targets for improving the
groups skills and to identify talent within the company.
Reservoir production geology
Skill elements
Proficiency Level
Formation evaluation
Fluid flow through porous media
Properties of petroleum fluids
Well performance prediction
Well test design and interpretation
Data management
Decline curves
Unconventional reservoirs
Reserves determination
Gas reservoir engineering
Petroleum economics
Analytical techniques
Reservoir management principles and practices
Secondary recovery process
Immiscible and miscible gas injection
Subsurface integration
Interactive real-time data transmission
Simulation-model construction and history matching
Simulation-model behavior forecast
Simulation compositional modeling
Simulation of complex, dual-porosity systems
Required level
Assessed level
10 Oileld Review
completed roadmaps for training and develop-
ment and established benchmarks for assessing
talent and training. The company has learned
what skill sets are required for individuals to do
their jobs now and in the future. The company
became cognizant of the baseline skills for their
current staff, and as a result, established a
training plan for closing the skill gaps (above).
As the independent oil company grows and
redenes itself, the HR department has a road-
map for aligning and managing its talent to t its
business objectives. The competency matrices
will facilitate the companys ability to foster and
reward performance and optimize its ability to
attract and retain talent. The employees should
then have a complete understanding of the per-
formance drivers within the organization, which
will help them develop their careers.
Maximizing Software Prociency
When companies experience rapid growth, they
sometimes need to restructure to adapt to their
expanded size and activity. A medium-sized North
American independent oil company had to con-
tend with growing pains as it sought to expand
operational activities and add seasoned technical
and managerial staff. The company also intended
to adopt the latest eld and software technolo-
gies. In doing so, it recognized the need for effec-
tive software training and thus provided generous
training opportunities for its technical staff.
Embracing the most current software tech-
nologies is a tactic for increasing efciency and
productivity of PTPs on exploration, operations
and asset teams. To benet from changes in
software technology, employees must have a
good technical foundation in science and tech-
nology along with skills for using specic soft-
ware products championed in the company.
NExT was called in to assess the companys
training environment, including the organiza-
tions structure, technologies used, types of
training offered, current competencies of the
staff and anticipated technology needs.
To begin its evaluation, NExT interviewed the
companys management to understand the orga-
nization, its current business outlook and its
expectations for technology in the future. NExT
placed parameters on these expectations to
develop metricsstandards of measurement
to assess experienced employees, dened as
those with 10 years or more in the industry. Most
respondents had been with the company for
10 years or less but had more than 10 years of
industry experience. A sample group of these
employees took a survey that measured their cur-
rent prociency with the companys software
technologies and workows. The company
expected experienced PTPs to be procient with
technology, yet the survey revealed gaps in skills
and abilities that provided NExT with the data
necessary to establish targets for improvement.
Assessment results also revealed that the cur-
rent technology training program was not provid-
ing desired benets to the company (next page,
top right). The self-assessment surveys showed
that few people were highly procient in software
usage. Follow-up interviews conrmed these
ndings. Some PTPs used only basic functions
provided by the software and, because they
lacked awareness and knowledge of software
capabilities, these PTPs did not use other soft-
ware applications.
Survey results suggested that, with few excep-
tions, the company software training program
was not meeting the technical requirements of
employees. Employees software prociency
needed to be aligned with domain experience,
and targeted training had to be designed to ll
gaps between assessed and expected software
prociency. Knowledge transfer could also be
facilitated by fostering a climate in which junior
staff members feel comfortable asking for help
and expert staff are expected to mentor, coach
and transfer knowledge to junior staff.
The surveys and interviews identied employ-
ees concerns regarding the current state of the
organization; their own learning, competency
and software usage; and standard practices sur-
rounding software technology. The survey and
interview results suggested that the companys
Gap analysis. This summary of gap analyses from a population of one
companys production engineering employees revealed areas where
training should be focused to eliminate gaps (blue) in prociency. The
analysis also showed some expertise within well completions, as this
element showed the highest strength (green). For each production
engineering skill, the bars summarize four statistics of the deviations of
assessment from required prociencymaximum, minimum, average (red
dot) and median deviation. Zero deviation means that the assessed
prociency equals the required prociency for the skill element. Positive
deviations are strengthswhen the assessed prociency is greater than
the required prociency. Negative deviations are gapswhen the
assessment is less than required. The boxes along the bars show the
central tendency of the deviations; they are black when the median is less
than the average and gray when the median is greater than the average.
The spread of deviations results from the mix of backgrounds and
experience in the sampled population.
Deviation of Assessment
from Required Proficiencies
Skill Elements
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
Production impediments
Safety and environment
Special topics
Surface production operations
Unconventional completions
Well completions
Well control
Well evaluation
Well intervention techniques
Well performance
Sand control and
stimulation techniques
Spring 2013 11
lack of a software vision and strategy had led to
haphazard adoption of software. NExT recom-
mended the following strategic solutions to
address these concerns:
raticnalize wcrkcws tc alin with ccnpany
strategies and industry best practices
prcvide ncre handscn ccurses usin scltware
critical to the company mission as well as soft-
ware recognized to be E&P industry standards
estahlish transparent uidelines lcr pairin
scltware with asset types and wcrkcws
estahlish henchnarks lcr skills with reccn-
mended software, organized by workflow
and discipline
prcncte and develcp technclcy chanpicns
within asset teams to transfer knowledge of
assets, facilitate peer-to-peer training and fos-
ter a sense of technical achievement.
After implementing various recommenda-
tions, the company saw measurably positive
returns on its training investment.
Accelerated Learning
Aramco Gulf Operations Company and Kuwait
Gulf Oil Company formed Al-Khafji Joint
Operations (KJO) in 2000 to operate jointly and
share equally in hydrocarbon production from
the SaudiKuwaiti neutral zone between the bor-
ders of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. KJO wanted to
expand its exploration activities. However, it
faced an acute shortage of trained PTPs. To
accelerate its training of exploration PTPs, KJO
contracted with NExT to develop a blended train-
ing program for new hires and midcareer engi-
neers and geologists.
NExT developed two training programs, one
designed to train 20 new hires over three years
and the other to train 20 midcareer PTPs over
two years. Both programs started with a trainee
competency analysis followed by gap analysis.
These data formed the bases of blended learning
curricula featuring theory and software courses,
on-the-job training (OJT), workshops, eld trips,
mentoring sessions, projects and project manage-
ment training. The programs included verica-
tion of training effectiveness to gauge competency
growth and individual participation.
The new-hire program focused on training
seven engineers and ve geoscientists in sub-
surface geology and eight engineers in surface
facility operations. The goal was to develop
semiautonomous professionals who were able to
operate at a skilled prociency level. The three-
year curriculum evolved from 100% classroom
training at the start of the rst year to 90% OJT
by the end of the third year. Building a founda-
tion of core competencies in each subject
domain was the purpose of Year 1. Training
included a blend of instructor-led and self-
directed learning and eld trips. During Year 2,
the focus moved to strengthening core compe-
tencies in each trainees primary discipline
through advanced coursework, mentoring by
peers and experts and starting OJT projects. By
the end of Year 3, trainees were expected to
achieve prociency and autonomy in their job
function, to be fully engaged in OJT under struc-
tured mentoring by experts and to be responsi-
ble for project assignments.
The new-hire program started in October
2010. After the rst year devoted primarily to
coursework, the trainees competency rose from
an awareness level of 1.55 to a knowledge level of
2.04 (below).
After three years, trainees were
expected to be at the skilled level of 3.
Self-assessed software prociency and technology t. Fifty geoscientists at one company
participated in self-assessment surveys about their software prociency and understanding of how the
software t with their job workow. The bubble size corresponds to the number of respondents. The
bubble colors and numbers represent average scores on software prociency (left) and t to job
workow (right). Software prociency is low across the experience spectrum. However, the
respondents rated the software as being appropriate for their jobs. These ndings suggest that low
software prociency results from inadequate training rather than from inappropriate software.
9.0 1.0
2.3 2.2
3.0 1.9
4.5 6.7
4.4 5.1
4.2 4.0 3.4



Software Proficiency
21 to 25
16 to 20
11 to 15
5 to 10
2 to 4
0 to 1
21 to 25 16 to 20 11 to 15 5 to 10 2 to 4 0 to 1 25
21 to 25 16 to 20 11 to 15 5 to 10 2 to 4 0 to 1
Technology Fit to Job Workflow
Experience in the industry, years Experience in the industry, years
Low seniority, low experience
Low seniority, high experience
High seniority, high experience
9: High 5 to 8: Medium 1 to 5: Low 1 to 2: High 2 to 3: Medium-high 3 to 5: Medium-low
Return on KJO investment in training. Competency models and measurements
provide a standard for assessing skill levels and ensuring that training is t
for purpose. The range of improvement in the trainees competency since
their initial assessments was 18% to 47%. This result gives the company
condence that the training program is working.
Overall 1.55 2.04
Subsurface engineering 1.55 2.01
Surface engineering 1.50 2.21
Subsurface geology 1.61 1.90
Domain Initial Assessment End of Year 1
10. The competency prociency scale levels are the
following: not aware 0, awareness 1, knowledge 2,
skilled 3, advanced 4 and expert 5.
12 Oileld Review
Based on lessons learned during the rst year
of training, NExT and KJO will modify the new-
hire program. The ability to modify such training
programs illustrates the exibility of the NExT
system. Rather than starting the program with a
year of classroom coursework and ending with
principally OJT, the new program will include a
richer mix of classroom and hands-on training
from the outsetfrom 60% classroom training at
the start to 80% OJT by the end. Program partici-
pants indicated that staggering the courses and
mixing in hands-on training would be more effec-
tive and would also facilitate learning and reten-
tion of course material. During 2013, KJO expects
to hire 30 recent graduates; these new employees
will follow the modied training regimen.
The program for midcareer hires focused on
training seven geoscientists and nine engineers
in geology and reservoir engineering and four
engineers in drilling engineering. The goal was to
develop participants into autonomous profession-
als, able to operate at an advanced to expert level
and be responsible for conducting a full eld
development plan. NExT training professionals
designed a two-year curriculum that began with
100% classroom learning and concluded with
100% onsite mentoring. During the rst year, the
trainees took preliminary courses to ll in gaps in
the groups knowledge and combined their disci-
plines to collaborate on fully integrated multidis-
ciplinary projects. In addition, individualized
courses resolved gaps in trainee education and
functional knowledge.
During the second year, each trainee was
assigned to one of three integrated eld develop-
ment training projects following consultation
with mentors and KJO management. NExT SMEs
designed each integrated eld development
training project to last approximately four
months. In the rst two weeks, the trainees con-
ducted an initial project assessment and took
part in a project management course. During the
following seven weeks, participants attended
courses on the theory and workows related to
eld development plans, including subsurface
reservoir geology and geophysics, surface facili-
ties, predictions of production and eld opera-
tions and maintenance. In the nal eight weeks,
the trainees planned a eld development project
and worked on a subset of data from a general
development plan. The trainees concluded the
program with a nal project and a presentation
to KJO management. After these training proj-
ects, each midcareer trainee is expected to capi-
talize on knowledge gained and become a
contributing member of an asset team.
The midcareer hire program was completed
in 2012. The successor to this program is the KJO
Specialist Talent Development Program (STDP),
which is open to high-potential national employ-
ees with at least seven years of industry experi-
ence. STDP is a competency-based development
program with the goal of transforming employees
skilled in a discipline into specialists or experts.
For the new program, each participant is evalu-
ated for acceptance into the program based on
competency level, then each phase of that per-
sons individualized development plan will be
evaluated by KJO SMEs.
The new hire and STDP programs are
important to KJO because these programs
eliminate the knowledge and skill gaps created
as experienced employees depart KJO through
retirement and attrition. For KJO, the pro-
grams help to build PTP leaders, develop young
qualified PTPs into skilled PTPs who can work
independently and enable the company to
become less reliant on external specialists.
Unconventional Talent for Shale Plays
Saudi Aramco collaborated with NExT to train
and develop expert PTPs in unconventional gas
resource (UGR) exploitation. The company made
a commitment to an accelerated training pro-
gram to train asset teams of engineers and geo-
scientists for the UGR group. The training
program emphasized integrating trainees into
coherent asset teams, in which each team mem-
ber has a core discipline competency and also
has familiarity with the other team members
A typical training program begins with com-
petency assessments of trainees. However, in this
case, candidate trainees received general over-
view coursework on shale gas geoscience and
engineering. Based on their coursework evalua-
tions, the candidate teams of geoscientists and
engineers were selected for UGR training.
The trainees then underwent baseline compe-
tency assessments evaluating their knowledge of
the geoscience and petroleum engineering of
shale gas resources. Following assessment, they
began their UGR training, a blend of 20% learn-
ing, 20% technology exposure and 60% on-the-
job training.
The program began with a focus on the fun-
damentals of UGR technology. This curriculum
consisted of instructor-led coursework covering
shale play geology, geophysics, petrophysics,
geomechanics, reservoir engineering, well engi-
neering, completions and stimulation, produc-
tion engineering and water management.
Following the classroom component, the geo-
science and petroleum engineering trainees
focused on their core technologies, although each
group was exposed to the technologies of the
other group through cross-disciplinary training.
Such training ensured that all participants under-
stood the role of each technical discipline since
interdisciplinary teamwork is vital for UGR exploi-
tation and reservoir management.
The heart of the training program was an
extended period of practical OJT. Trainees were
expected to conduct tasks on actual shale play
datasets and apply knowledge gained from
classroom and software training. The trainees,
separated into their geoscience and engineer-
ing groups, were rotated through diverse paral-
lel projects in various Schlumberger facilities.
In conjunction with OJT, the trainees partici-
pated in the following:
prc|ecthased trainin usin shale reservcir
data under the supervision of industry shale
site visits tc nanulacturin lacilities tc exan-
ine openhole logging tools, wellhead assem-
blies, drill bits and other technology
eclcy held trips tc chserve shale cutcrcps
and correlate them with software-based geol-
ogy models
chservaticns cl selected held cperaticns
specialized trainin cn unccnventicnal as
resource technology.
Following OJT, the groups came back
together to work as asset teams on integrated
facilities and shale play asset management proj-
ects. Each asset team member shared responsi-
bility for the successes and failures of projects
and learned the economics of unconventional
gas resources using a mixture of theory and soft-
ware to analyze datasets.
At the end of the program, each asset team
evaluated an integrated project and produced a
report detailing how it would manage the asset.
Each team presented its report to a panel of
industry SMEs, who graded the team.
Each trainee underwent a closing competency
reassessment to measure and verify improvement
in prociency in shale play geoscience and
engineering. The improvement in the trainees
skill prociencies, which was quantied by the
reassessments, demonstrated the return on
investment from the UGR training program.
Spring 2013 13
Multidisciplinary Learning
The Saudi Aramco training program focused on
acquiring capabilities needed to develop shale
plays. In addition to conventional instructor-led
training, the program exposed trainees to
enabling technologies, eld operations and on-
the-job practice, culminating in trainees working
through a scenario from a real project. This par-
ticular program will enable Saudi Aramco to
accelerate the capabilities of its PTPs to exploit
UGR opportunities.
Unlike Saudi Aramco, many companies in
North America have mature shale play busi-
nesses. Even so, some companies may still need
to expand their employees capabilities in shale
play technologies. Based on recommendations
Multidomain shale training program. This 12-week training program (left) consists of parallel geoscience and engineering tracks. The training is a blend of
theory, data analysis and interpretation (right), site visits to operations, geology eld trips, laboratory visits and projects. The order of training proceeds
from bottom to top. Geoscientists and engineers begin together learning the fundamentals of shale plays. Their tracks diverge for several weeks. At the end
of the program, the trainees come back together to learn the economics of shale plays, form asset teams and work on common pilot projects. Finally, the
teams give presentations to industry SMEs, who grade the trainees on their evaluations and recommendations for the projects.
Introduction to
shale plays
Theory Data analysis
and interpretation
field trips
Site visits
Shale geology
and geophysics
Basin modeling
of shale plays
Geoscience Program
Integrated 12-Week Program
Engineering Program
Shale pilot project
Geology field trip
to shale outcrops

Introduction to
shale plays
Well architecture
and drilling shale
Production and
engineering of
shale reservoirs
Oilfield water
management practices
for shale plays
Engineering pilot
project presentation
Visits to laboratories
and operations sites
Completion and
stimulation of shale
and feedback from participants and mentors of
the Saudi Aramco program, in addition to discus-
sions with SME advisors from US-based compa-
nies, NExT designed a 12-week multidisciplinary
shale training program, which is expected to be
available during the fourth quarter of 2013
(above). Each part of the 12-week program is a
blended learning-by-doing module. In addition,
customer companies may provide their employ-
ees with additional OJT in shale play resource
exploitation and management.
The solution to development and accelera-
tion of petrotechnical learning is to maximize its
efciency, practicality and effectiveness. NExT
uses blended learning-by-doing and competency
management to achieve these objectives and
help bridge the talent gap in the E&P industry.
Learning-by-doing combines learning modes
based on customers business objectives and
technical challenges, while competency man-
agement ensures that the training is efcient,
targeted and effective. Using these techniques
puts E&P businesses of all sizes on the path to
sustainable talent development and puts their
PTPs on the road to prociency. RCNH

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