This document provides a summary of Abhiney Srivastava's education and experience. It includes his contact information, educational background from IIT Delhi where he earned dual degrees in Chemical Engineering, academic achievements including high grades and scholarships, relevant internship experiences in India and Germany working on process simulation and optimization, projects conducted at IIT Delhi involving modeling and simulation, relevant software skills, extracurricular activities involved in organizing technical events and cultural festivals, and hobbies of playing table tennis and listening to music.
This document provides a summary of Abhiney Srivastava's education and experience. It includes his contact information, educational background from IIT Delhi where he earned dual degrees in Chemical Engineering, academic achievements including high grades and scholarships, relevant internship experiences in India and Germany working on process simulation and optimization, projects conducted at IIT Delhi involving modeling and simulation, relevant software skills, extracurricular activities involved in organizing technical events and cultural festivals, and hobbies of playing table tennis and listening to music.
This document provides a summary of Abhiney Srivastava's education and experience. It includes his contact information, educational background from IIT Delhi where he earned dual degrees in Chemical Engineering, academic achievements including high grades and scholarships, relevant internship experiences in India and Germany working on process simulation and optimization, projects conducted at IIT Delhi involving modeling and simulation, relevant software skills, extracurricular activities involved in organizing technical events and cultural festivals, and hobbies of playing table tennis and listening to music.
This document provides a summary of Abhiney Srivastava's education and experience. It includes his contact information, educational background from IIT Delhi where he earned dual degrees in Chemical Engineering, academic achievements including high grades and scholarships, relevant internship experiences in India and Germany working on process simulation and optimization, projects conducted at IIT Delhi involving modeling and simulation, relevant software skills, extracurricular activities involved in organizing technical events and cultural festivals, and hobbies of playing table tennis and listening to music.
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Abhiney Srivastava
B-30, Jwalamukhi Hostel, IIT Delhi
Phone: +9198992303! "#$% &-mail: itsa'hine()(ahoo*+o*in % Date o, Bi-th: 8 th .e/, 1983 Education . Degree/Certificate Institute/School, City CGPA / % Dual 0e1-ee in 2hemi+al &n1inee-in1 "Ba+helo-s 3 #aste-s $ "2001- 2004$ I*I*T*, Delhi 9*59 6 10 7*I*.*.*2*& "8II$ "2000$ 9*.*: ;ishikesh 89*0< I*2*.*&* "8$ "1998$ 9*.*: ;ishikesh 82*2 < ey Acade!ic Achieve!ents . "an#ed one in De/a-tment o, 2hemi+al &n1inee-in1. 7wa-0e0 Certificate of $erit in 468 semeste-s till now. 7wa-0e0 Gauri%Parli&ala scholarshi' ,o- e=+ellent /e-,o-man+e in a+a0emi+s* .+o-e0 GPA ()/() in 2 n0 an0 8 th semeste-* 7mon1st to/ 200 stu0ents in *ational Science +ly!'iad, ,))) "an#ed , in 7*I*.*.*2*& "2000$ in m( s+hool* Internshi's/-or# e.'erience . /nilever "esearch Centre , >hite,iel0 , Ban1alo-e , In0ia ".umme-, 2003$ o .tu0( on simulation o, thin ,ilm sta'ilit( in /-esen+e o, &=te-nal ,iel0s* o Thin ,ilm sta'ilit( in /-esen+e o, ?an 0e- >aal@s inte-a+tion to ,o-m a sta'le ,ilm* o Thin ,ilm /atte-n eAolution in /-esen+e o, ele+t-i+ ,iel0 /-o0u+e0 '( late-all( st-u+tu-e0 ele+t-o0e* o DeAelo/e0 an o/timiBation so,twa-e usin1 J7?7 to o/timiBe the e,,i+ien+( o, Human ;esou-+es in the +om/an(* E..on!obil Productions Ger!any 0E$PG1 , HannoAe- , Ce-man( ".umme-, 200$ o Detaile0 P-o+ess &n1inee-in1 stu0( assessin1 +a/a+it( an0 Pe-,o-man+e o, nume-ous Cl(+ol Deh(0-ation units in sou- 1as /-o0u+tion a-ea un0e- -e0u+e0 o/e-atin1 /-essu-es 0ue to the installation o, +om/-esso- station to ta+kle 0e/letion* o DeAelo/e0 a simulation mo0el o, the /-o+ess with /-o+ess simulation so,twa-e HD.D. an0 +ali'-ate0 the mo0el with ,iel0 tests* o DeAelo/ment o, /-o+ess simulation mo0el o, a .ele=ol sou- 1as /u-i,i+ation unit an0 assessin1 the /lant /e-,o-man+e un0e- maEo- /-o+ess mo0i,i+ations* Do& Deutschland G!b2 3 Co, +2G, .ta0e, Ce-man( ".umme- , 2005$ o 7 ,le=i'le mo0el was 0eAelo/e0 ,o- the /u-/ose o, simulation o, a multi/le /a-allel 'at+h -ea+to- s(stem* o Dete-mination o, ke( Aa-ia'les that a,,e+t the /e-,o-man+e o, the s(stem* o 9/timiBation o, the /-o+ess in o-0e- to a+hieAe the 'est -ea+to- usa1e* Pro4ects done in the Institute . De'osition of Colloidal Particles un0e- D-* .*Basu "De+, 2002$* o Fo-mulation o, /-o'lem o, 0e/osition o, +olloi0al /a-ti+les a++ountin1 ,o- ele+t-o-kineti+ /henomenon o .olution o, /-o'lem on #7TG7B to mat+h the e=/e-imental 0ata* E.'ert syste! for selection !ass se'aration 'rocesses "200$ o DeAelo/e0 an e=/e-t s(stem in P;9G9C ,o- mass se/a-ation /-o+esses* o .ele+tion o, most e+onomi+al an0 the-mo0(nami+all( ,easi'le se/a-ation seHuen+e Design and si!ulation of a $otor fuel al#ylate 'lant "200$ o .imulate0 a #oto- ,uel alk(late /lant in a team o, th-ee on P;9-II* o In0iAi0ual e,,o-t was to 0esi1n the -ea+to- ,o- immis+i'le liHui0-liHui0 -ea+to- seHuen+e. $odeling and design of Perva'oration !e!brane !odules un0e- P-o,* .*I Cu/ta "2005-2004$ o DeAelo/e0 a mo0el to 0e,ine mass t-ans,e- in s/i-al woun0 mo0ules usin1 solution-0i,,usion mo0el an0 a++ountin1 ,o- tem/e-atu-e Aa-iations on ,ee0 si0e"+u--entl( wo-kin1 as a /a-t o, #aste-s Thesis$ "elevant Soft&are s#ills/5anguages . 9/e-atin1 s(stems >in0ows :T69860068P, #.-D9. P-o1-ammin1 Gan1ua1es 2, 2++, JaAa, Basi+, an0 #7TG7B .imulation tools HD.D. , P;9-II #. 9,,i+e &=+el , >o-0, Powe-Point Gan1ua1es English - ,luent in w-itin1 an0 Ae-'al Ger!an - will 0o a 1 week +ou-se 'e,o-e June 04 E.tra curricular activities . Pa-t o, the 9-1aniBin1 +ommittee ,o- 2heminiHue @05 "1 st eAe- te+hni+al s(m/osium in De/a-tment o, 2hemi+al &n1inee-in1, IIT-Delhi$* 7+tiAe mem'e- o, the T-ainin1 an0 /la+ement team o, 2hemi+al &n1inee-in1 De/a-tment, IIT-Delhi, 200-05* Pa-t o, the /u'li+it( team ,o- ;en0eBAous - 2002 "2ultu-al ,estiAal o, ou- Institute, 'i11est in :o-th In0ia$* Pa-t o, the se+u-it( team ,o- ;en0eBAous - 2001* Pa-t o, the hostel team in Inte--Hostel musi+ eAents ,o- new +ome-s* ;e/-esente0 m( hostel in Inte--Hostel ta'le-tennis eAents* ;e/-esente0 m( s+hool in JK7:T7 -99 "Inte-national .+ienti,i+ meet$ in #athemati+s an0 .o,twa-e 0eAelo/ment +om/etitions* Ta'le tennis +ham/ion o, m( s+hool* ;e/-esente0 m( house in Inte--House +-i+ket tou-naments at s+hool* E.tra curricular achieve!ents . 7wa-0e0 L.i1ni,i+ant +ont-i'ution to 2H&. "2hemi+al &n1inee-in1 .o+iet(, IIT-Delhi$@* 7wa-0e0 LB-ain o, house@ ,o- e=+ellent /e-,o-man+e in a+a0emi+s 0u-in1 last ,ou- (ea-s* 2obbies/Interests . Pla(in1 ta'le tennis an0 +-i+ket Gistenin1 to musi+