This letter is a request from the International Business Administration program at Sam Ratulangi University to the human resources department of a company for students to complete a 2-month internship program from July to August. It provides background on the program requirement for students to gain work experience. The letter requests the opportunity for several named students to intern at the company and thanks the recipient in advance for their consideration and cooperation. Contact information is provided for any additional questions.
This letter is a request from the International Business Administration program at Sam Ratulangi University to the human resources department of a company for students to complete a 2-month internship program from July to August. It provides background on the program requirement for students to gain work experience. The letter requests the opportunity for several named students to intern at the company and thanks the recipient in advance for their consideration and cooperation. Contact information is provided for any additional questions.
This letter is a request from the International Business Administration program at Sam Ratulangi University to the human resources department of a company for students to complete a 2-month internship program from July to August. It provides background on the program requirement for students to gain work experience. The letter requests the opportunity for several named students to intern at the company and thanks the recipient in advance for their consideration and cooperation. Contact information is provided for any additional questions.
This letter is a request from the International Business Administration program at Sam Ratulangi University to the human resources department of a company for students to complete a 2-month internship program from July to August. It provides background on the program requirement for students to gain work experience. The letter requests the opportunity for several named students to intern at the company and thanks the recipient in advance for their consideration and cooperation. Contact information is provided for any additional questions.
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FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS Jl.Kampus Bahu-Manado 95115 Telp.(0431) 827626 ema!l" #ume$u%&'(ma!l.)om*mel+,-paendon(',ahoo.)om $e.s!#e" $$$.!.a%euns/a#.)om No : /WP/IBA/VI/2014 Subject: Internship Application Letter ate : !une"""""#$ 2014 To" 0uman 1esou/)e 2epa/#men# 333333333333.. 333333333333.. ear Sir / %a&a'$ In or&er to intro&uce an& enhance stu&ent( un&erstan&in) on the co'ple* nature o+ ,or-in) at'osphere in a ,or-place$ the International Business A&'inistration .IBA/ Pro)ra' in the 0acult1 o+ 2cono'ics an& Business$ 3ni4ersit1 o+ Sa' 5atulan)i re6uires stu&ents to un&erta-e an internship pro)ra' in a reco)ni7e&8business or)ani7ation# 9he Internship ter' is sche&ule& on !ul1 until Au)ust +or a perio& o+ 2 'onths# 0or this purpose$ I ,oul& li-e to as- 1our -in& cooperation to )i4e opportunit1 to our stu&ent to ha4e an internship pro)ra' in 1our co'pan1# 9he propose& stu&ents are as +ollo,: (name o% s#uden#s) :our -in& cooperation is 'uch appreciate&# Shoul& 1ou nee& 'ore in+or'ation re)ar&in) this 'atter$ please &o not hesitate to contact 0er&inan& 9u'e,u / %el-1 Paen&on) to 0acult1(s a&&ress ,ith one o+ their na'e on it# I loo- +or,ar& to ,aitin) +or 1our -in& repl1# 9han- 1ou# 4n#e/nsh!p 5%%a!/ 6%%!)e/ 7e/d!nand J. Tume$u 849 197508292003121001