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Deeply Practical Project Management: Tools, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Author: William Stewart, PhD, PMP
Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e


(i )


All success is rooted in either luck or failure. If you begin with luck, you learn nothing but arrogance. However, if you begin with failure and learn to evaluate it, you also learn to succeed. Failure begets knowledge. Out of knowledge you gain wisdom, and it is with wisdom that you can become truly successful. Standish Group, Chaos Re ort, 1 !, "irst #omprehensi$e re$iew o% pro&e#t per%orman#e'

Or you can take a training course and learn from the e! erience of thousands of others. William Stewart, ()1('
2013-03-05 Per onal Single-! er #$%cational 2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e 1

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(Bio on last page)

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se an! Contact

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*n earlier $ersion o% this manual was appro$ed +, the Pro&e#t Management -nstitute %or a third.part, training organi/ation' Please #onta#t in%o0Deepl,Pra#ti#alPro&e#tManagement'#om i% ,ou wish the *uthor to deli$er this #ourse to ,our group an,where in the world'
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1his do#ument is pro$ided %or personal, single.user, and edu#ational use' Please respe#t the %ree a$aila+ilit, +, not using it %or #ommer#ial use' Want to use this do#ument %or ,our own training2 * $ersion is a$aila+le %or #ommer#ial use +, #ompanies, organi/ations, and indi$idual trainers at e3#ellent pri#ing #onta#t the a+o$e email address %or more in%ormation' Would ,ou li4e to +e automati#all, noti%ied when this manual is updated2 Simpl, send an email to pra#ti#alPM5su+s#ri+e0googlegroups'#om' 6i4e this do#ument2 *ppre#iate the wor4 that went into it2 Pro$iding $alue to ,ou2 7ou #an e3press ,our than4s +, ma4ing a small 8 ' ! donation here9 BillStewart'#om:than4s'html Pro&e#ts #an +e %un and satis%,ing, i% ,ou emplo, a %ew +est pra#ti#es to pre$ent the #omple3it, %rom getting awa, %rom ,ou' 1he in%ormation in this do#ument should signi%i#antl, help' ;n&o,<
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=omments %rom students who ha$e ta4en #ourses %rom the *uthor see man, more at Deepl,Pra#ti#alPro&e#tManagement'#om'

Tim e


>"ast amount of actual e! erience to draw from, and he used it e!tremely well to bring the course material to life and to kee it interesting. > ?ason *nderson, =anadian *ir 1ransport Se#urit, *uthorit,, De# ()1)' >"ery good real world e!am les and suggestions that we can a going back to work.> D' Glas+erg, Pu+li# @ealth *gen#, o% =anada, Sep ()1)' ly right away when
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>Instructor s oke with clarity, lain language, great e!am les, using a ace which is easy to follow, good listener and took the time to review # refresh im ortant details. One of the best instructors I have had to date anywhere. > =' =udah,, 1ransport =anada, A#t ()1)' >$!ceeded e! ectations. %est instructor I have ever had ... hands down& > B' *rmstrong, =anadian Broad#asting =orporation, De# ()1)' >Fantastic& Ama'ing&& %est course I have ever taken because of %ill& > M' M#@ale, @ealth =anada, De# ()1)' >A very leasant erson. (nowledgeable and wants to im art knowledge. Ran course e!cellently. A first rate instructor. > M' Da,, =anadian Department o% Bational De%en#e, ?an ()11'
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"in!s o# Projects & Si$e o# Projects

Tim e


@ow does this #ourse and pro#ess appl, to di%%erent 4inds o% wor42

1he +est pra#ti#es o% the world.wide standard PM- pro#ess are distilled %rom thousands o% pro&e#ts in all t,pes o% wor4, in#luding produ#t de$elopment, in%ormation te#hnolog,, #onstru#tion, pro#ess impro$ement, and man, others' 1he, help an, 4ind o% pro&e#t wor4 pro#eed more smoothl, and a##uratel,'
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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

1he $alue o% the pro#ess %or an, 4ind o% wor4 is to pro$ide the pro&e#t manager and team with the right num+er o% 4e, tools and #he#4points, not too man, and not too %ew, without too mu#h detail or too little' 1he pro&e#t team #an then wor4 produ#ti$el, towards the goal, and the Pro&e#t Manager #an plan, tra#4, #orre#t, and report on the pro&e#t, without either +eing o$erwhelmed +, #omple3it,'

@ow does this #ourse and pro#ess appl, to di%%erent si/e pro&e#ts2

1he pro#ess is independent o% the s#ale o% the pro&e#t, small or large the 4e, is to spend the right amount o% time in planning %or the pro&e#t si/e' *s a rule o% thum+, pro&e#t planning should t,pi#all, ta4e a+out ('!C to !C o% the anti#ipated pro&e#t time and +udget9 * one wee4 D) hour pro&e#t should spend one to two hours in planning' * one month 1E) hour pro&e#t should spend hal% a da, to a da, in planning' * one ,ear ())) hour pro&e#t should spend 1'! to ('! wee4s in planning' 1he up.%ront pro&e#t planning is &ust to estimate the time and #ost to within 5:. 1)C o% the li4el, realit, detailed planning #an +e done when the pro&e#t starts'
2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e


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A!ministration & %ntro!uctions

Tim e


Wel#ome "a#ilit, 1iming Start, ;nd, 6un#h, Brea4s =ell Phones Fi+rate or Mute Guestions2 6etHs Start<

1ell us ,our9

Bame Argani/ation =urrent &o+ 1,pi#al 4inds o% pro&e#ts ,ou wor4 on pro#ess, #onstru#tion, in%ormation te#hnolog,, %inan#ial''' Main #ourse o+&e#ti$e
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Course &'jecti(es

Tim e


=o$er the pro&e#t management 'est practices des#ri+ed +, the Pro&e#t Management -nstitute (PM-)I Pro&e#t Management Bod, o% Jnowledge (PMBAJ)I

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-nitiation Planning ;3e#ution Monitoring and =ontrol =losing

6oo4 at pro&e#ts %rom the Pro&e#t ManagerHs point o% $iew' =o$er the essential, practical thread appli#a+le to an, t,pe o% pro&e#t, industr, or go$ernment, large or small'


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2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com

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Chapter ) * Project Management &(er(ie+

),- * Processes 1K' Wh, Pro#esses *re Lse%ul ),. * Success & /ailure 1M' ;3er#ise )'1 Pro&e#t Su##ess N "ailure 1 ' =auses o% Pro&e#t "ailure ()' =auses o% Pro&e#t Su##ess (1' ((' (O' (D' (!' ),0 * /oun!ation Pro&e#t Management -nstitute Pro&e#t De%inition Program De%inition PMBAJI Guide Pro&e#t Phases PMBAJI Guide Jnowledge *reas

Tim e


),3 * Techniques & Tools ( ' Pro&e#t Management 1ools O)' Pro&e#t Management 1e#hniPues ),4 * Players O1' Pro&e#t Pla,ers O(' Qole o% Pro&e#t Manager OO' ;3er#ise )'O Pla,ers %or 7our Pro&e#t ),5 * Scala'ility OD' *ppli#ation 1o Small Pro&e#ts O!' OE' OK' OM' O ' D)' ),6 * Project Manager Skills Pro&e#t Manager *ttri+utes =ommuni#ations 1eam "ormation 1eam "oundations 1eam D,nami#s Begotiation N 6eadership

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),1 * Strategic Plan (E' 6in4 to Strategi# Plan (K' ;3er#ise )'( 7our Strategi# Plan ),2 * Triple Constraint (M' 1he 1riple =onstraint


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Phase - * Project %nitiation

-,- * %ntro!uction DD' Pro&e#t Manager Qole D!' Where Pro&e#ts =ome "rom -,. * Charter DE' Pro&e#t =harter Purpose DK' =harter =ontents
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DM' D ' !)' !1' !('

-,1 * 7usiness Case !O' 1he Business =ase !D' Bene%it =ost Qatio !!' Business =ase ;3amples -,2 * Stakehol!ers !E' Pro&e#t Sta4eholders !K' Sta4eholder *nal,sis -,3 * &ther 8lements !M' Ather =harter ;lements ! ' ;3er#ise 1'1 7our Pro&e#tHs =harter


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-,0 * Scope Pro&e#t A+&e#ti$e A+&e#ti$e Pro#ess =anadian "or#es @ealth -n%ormation S,stem A+&e#ti$e *ssumptions and =onstraints =on#eptual Solution

st Co

Phase . * Project Planning

.,- * %ntro!uction ED' Pro&e#t Manager Qole E!' Planning Pro#ess "low EE' =ore Pro&e#t 1eam EK' EM' E ' K)' K1' K(' KO' KD' K!' KE' KK' KM' K ' M)' M1' M(' MO' MD' M!' ME' MK' MM' M ' .,. * Requirements A+&e#ti$e to QePuirements QePuirements * 6ong 1ime =hallenge -mportan#e o% QePuirements Gathering QePuirements QePuirements ;3ample QePuirements *ttri+utes QePuirements Je, Points QePuirements Do#ument N *ppro$al ;3ample Bu,ing =hairs ;3er#ise ('1 A+&e#ti$e to QePuirements .,0 * Scope Solution De%inition 1he Wor4 Brea4down Stru#ture WBS ;3ample *n *ir#ra%t WBS ;3ample @iring WBS ;3ample Warehouse : PAS S,stem WBS ;3ample BanPuet WBS ;3ample Pro#ess -mpro$ement WBS @ierar#hi#al De#omposition WBS Phasing N =om+ined Methods S,stem -ntegration @ierar#hi#al De#omposition S,stem -ntegration Pro&e#t Phasing WBS Je, Points Brea4ing Down B, 6ength

Tim e


)' 1' (' O' D' !' E' K'

Brea4ing Down B, Qesponsi+ilit, Brea4ing Down B, -nterim Deli$er, Deli$era+lesWor4 Pa#4ages*#ti$ities WBS Di#tionar, Qelationship o% WBS N QePuirements WBS Pro#ess ;3er#ise ('( WBS WBS Drawing 1ool
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.,1 * 9ogic M' Betwor4 Diagram ' Jinds o% Pre#eden#e 6in4s 1))' 6eads and 6ags 1)1' Generi# ;3ample 1)(' Shed ;3ample 1)O' So%tware ;3ample 1)D' Pro#ess -mpro$ement ;3ample 1)!' Standards De$elopment ;3ample 1)E' Betwor4 Diagram Pro#ess 1)K' Betwor4 Diagram Patterns 1)M' -n#luding Waiting 1ime 1) ' ;3er#ise ('O De$elop a Betwor4 Diagram 11)' Betwor4 Diagram 1ool .,2 * 8stimating 111' ;3er#ise ('D 1he Power A% ;stimation 11(' ;stimating =ost and 1ime 11O' 1he Statisti#al Power A% Multiple ;stimates 11D' 1ime ;stimation *#ti$it, Brea4down 11!' *#ti$it, Brea4down *d&ustment


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Phase . :Cont;!< * Project Planning

11E' 11K' 11M' 11 ' 1()' 1(1' 1((' 1(O' 1(D' 1(!' 1(E' 1(K' 1(M' 1( ' 1O)' 1O1' 1O(' 1OO' 1OD' 1O!' 1OE' 1OK' 1OM' -n#luding Qesour#es ;%%ort R Produ#ti$e 1ime R Duration ;stimation Spreadsheet P;Q1 N O.Point 1e#hniPues P;Q1 N O.Point ;3ample Delphi 1e#hniPue ;3er#ise ('! 1ime ;stimation ;stimating =ost =ost Qoll.up Bill o% Materials ;3er#ise ('E =ost ;stimation @andling ;stimating ;rror .,3 * Critical Path 1he S#hedule =riti#al Path =riti#al Path Pro#ess Betwor4 Diagram ;3ample "orward Pass Ba#4ward Pass =riti#al Path With "loat ;3er#ise ('K Determine =riti#al Path .,4 * Sche!ule Betwor4 Diagram S#hedule Building the S#hedule Gantt =hart S#hedule Gantt =hart With Wor4 Pa#4ages Gantt =hart With *#ti$ities
.,6 * Resources

Tim e


1D1' Qesour#e Planning 1D(' Qesour#e 6e$eling

.,-) * Cost

1DO' =ost *##ounts 1DD' =ost Baseline

.,-- * Risks

1D!' 1DE' 1DK' 1DM' 1D ' 1!)' 1!1' 1!(' 1!O' 1!D' 1!!' 1!E' 1!K' 1!M' 1! ' 1E)'

Qis4 Management Qis4 Management Pro#ess Qis4 Management Planning Qis4 -denti%i#ation Standard Qis4 Statement "orm Qis4 Guali%i#ation Qis4 Guanti%i#ation Guanti%i#ation ;stimation Qis4 Qegister ;3ample Qis4 Budget *llo#ation Qesponse Planning Ather Qis4 ;lements Qis4, =ontingen#, N Management Qeser$es Positi$e Qis4s Apportunities -1 Qis4 N Se#urit, Standards ;3er#ise (' Prepare * Qis4 Qegister
.,-. * Communications

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.,5 * Milestones 1O ' S#hedule Milestones 1D)' ;3er#ise ('M =hoose Milestones
2013-03-05 Per onal Single-! er #$%cational

1E1' =ommuni#ations Planning 1E(' ;3er#ise ('1) =ommuni#ations Plan

.,-0 * Project Management Plan

1EO' 1he Pro&e#t Management Plan

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Phase 0 * Project 8=ecution

0,- * %ntro!uction 1E ' Pro&e#t Manager Qole 1K)' 1K1' 1K(' 1KO' 1KD' 1K!' 1KE' 1KK' 1KM' 1K ' 0,. * Project Team Building 1he Pro&e#t 1eam Pro&e#t 1eam Je, Points "un#tional Argani/ations Pro&e#ti/ed Argani/ations Matri3 Argani/ations Management o% Matri3 Argani/ations Matri3 Personnel *llo#ation Delegation 1eam Moti$ation Managing People =on%li#t

Tim e


1MD' 1M!' 1ME' 1MK' 1MM' 1M ' 1 1 1 1 )' 1' (' O'

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0,4 * Procurement Pro#urement Do#ument 1,pes =ontra#t 1,pes Sele#ting 1he Winner ;3er#ise O'( =ontra#t *pproa#h

0,0 * /irst Steps 1M)' 1he Ji#4.A%% Meeting 1M1' Pro&e#t QePuirements Qe$iew 0,1 * Communications 1M(' =ommuni#ation Modes 0,2 * Pro'lem %!enti#ication 1MO' "inding Qoot =auses

0,5 * Acceptance 1 D' =hange Management 1 !' S#ope Feri%i#ation 1 E' S#enario Based Feri%i#ation


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0,3 * Design & 7uil! Design Be%ore Build Build or Bu, De#isions ;3er#ise O'1 -denti%, Design ;lements So%tware De$elopment *3oso%t S#rum Diagram =ommon -'1' Pro&e#t Pro+lems

st Co

Phase 1 * Project Monitoring & Control

1,- * %ntro!uction ()1' Pro&e#t Manager Qole ()(' Managing ;3pe#tations 1,. * Control Meetings ()O' Pro&e#t Wee4l, @eart+eat ()D' Pro&e#t Monthl, @eart+eat
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1,3 * >uality (1M' Managing Gualit, (1 ' Peer Qe$iews (()' ;nsuring "it "or Lse 1,4 * Risk ((1' Managing Qis4 1,5 * 8arne! ?alue Management (((' ;arned Falue A$er$iew ((O' ;F =ost N S#hedule Metri#s ((D' ;arned Falue Meaning ((!' Pro&e#t Pro&e#tions ((E' ;arned Falue ;3ample 1,6 * Pro'lem Resolution ((K' Qesolution Aptions ((M' Persuasion 1e#hniPues 1,-) * Reporting (( ' Pro&e#t Qeporting (O)' Green, 7ellow, Qed Qeporting (O1' Ane Page Qeporting 1,-- * Summary (O(' Pro#ess "low#hart (OO' ;3er#ise D'O Monitoring N =ontrol
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()!' ()E' ()K' ()M' () ' (1)' (11' (1(' (1O' (1D' (1!'

1,0 * Scope Managing S#ope =hange =ontrol S#ope =hange =ontrol Betwor4 Diagram =hange =ontrol S#hedule =hange =ontrol =ost ;3er#ise D'1 =hange =ontrol 1,1 * Time Managing S#hedule Management o% =riti#al S#hedules =riti#al =hain Management =rashing N "ast.1ra#4ing ;3er#ise D'( "ast.1ra#4ing

1,2 * Cost (1E' Managing =ost (1K' =ost Qeports

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Phase 2 * Project Closure

2,- * %ntro!uction (OM' Pro&e#t Manager Qole 2,. * Contracts (O ' =ontra#t =losure
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(D)' (D1' (D(' (DO'

2,1 * 9essons 9earne! (DD' 6essons 6earned =apture 2,2 * Team Transition (D!' People 1ransition 2,3 * /inal Report (DE' "inal Qeport 2,4 * Team Closeout (DK' 1eam =loseout


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2,0 * Deli(ery Deli$er, Je, Points 1ransition to Aperations Pro&e#t @ando$er -'1' S,stem Deli$er,

st Co

Project Selection
=hoose a team name' =hoose a pro&e#t9

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Tim e


=onstru#t a +uilding hotel, o%%i#e tower, houseS @old an awards +anPuet' Build a we+ site %or online hotel +oo4ings' =reate a set o% %inan#ial standards' Mo$e a department %rom one lo#ation to another' @old a #on%eren#e on some su+&e#t'


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Something related to ,our wor4'

st Co

Chapter )

Tim e


Project Management &(er(ie+

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The /oun!ation

)he loftier the building, the dee er must the foundation be laid. 1homas Jempis, 1OM) . 1DK1'


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Chapter ) * Project Management &(er(ie+

),- * Processes 1K' Wh, Pro#esses *re Lse%ul ),. * Success & /ailure 1M' ;3er#ise )'1 Pro&e#t Su##ess N "ailure 1 ' =auses o% Pro&e#t "ailure ()' =auses o% Pro&e#t Su##ess (1' ((' (O' (D' (!' ),0 * /oun!ation Pro&e#t Management -nstitute Pro&e#t De%inition Program De%inition PMBAJI Guide Pro&e#t Phases PMBAJI Guide Jnowledge *reas

Tim e


),3 * Techniques & Tools ( ' Pro&e#t Management 1ools O)' Pro&e#t Management 1e#hniPues ),4 * Players O1' Pro&e#t Pla,ers O(' Qole o% Pro&e#t Manager OO' ;3er#ise )'O Pla,ers %or 7our Pro&e#t ),5 * Scala'ility OD' *ppli#ation 1o Small Pro&e#ts O!' OE' OK' OM' O ' D)' ),6 * Project Manager Skills Pro&e#t Manager *ttri+utes =ommuni#ations 1eam "ormation 1eam "oundations 1eam D,nami#s Begotiation N 6eadership
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),1 * Strategic Plan (E' 6in4 to Strategi# Plan (K' ;3er#ise )'( 7our Strategi# Plan ),2 * Triple Constraint (M' 1he 1riple =onstraint


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@hy Processes Are se#ul

Tim e

),- &(er(ie+ * Processes

st Co


*It could take some eo le a little while to get used to +,-digit dialing, according to a .niversity of /askatchewan sychology rofessor. 01eo le will find themselves having to have the number written down beside them more often.02 1heStarPhoeni3'#om, "e+ruar, (E, ()1O'

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Anl, three to %our this is wh, phone num+ers are split into sets o% O to D digits'

1' @uman +eings are the smartest animals on this planet''' +ut thatHs not sa,ing $er, mu#h . we should ha$e humilit, a+out our #apa+ilities' (' 1he simple written list is still our most power%ul and under.utili/ed tool' O' Writing down pro#esses #aptures tried.and.true +est pra#ti#es so we, and others, donHt ha$e to re.learn them'

1his pro&e#t management pro#ess #aptures +est pra#ti#es %rom thousands o% peopleHs e3perien#e a#ross man, 8B o% wor4 o$er se$eral de#ades9

-t is a simple %ramewor4 that #an a##ept an, 4ind o% pro&e#t' -t #an sa$e ,ou great amounts o% time, mone,, trou+le, and stress' -t greatl, in#reases the #han#es o% s#ope, #ost, and s#hedule su##ess'
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@ow man, items #an a person 4eep in their mind at the same time2

#.erci e 0.1 Project S%cce

" /ail%re

Tim e

),. &(er(ie+ * Success & /ailure

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3hat in your e! erience are the main causes of ro4ect failure5 3hat in your e! erience are the main causes of ro4ect success5

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Causes o# Project /ailure


Tim e

),. &(er(ie+ * Success & /ailure

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Standish Group =haos Qeport (1

"irst #omprehensi$e re$iew o% pro&e#t per%orman#e'

Qesults more than hal% o% pro&e#ts9

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=ost more than 1 )C o% the original #ost estimate' 1oo4 more than (((C o% the original s#hedule estimate'
Aigher 9e(el Summary: Top Three Causes o# Project /ailure - * %ncomplete Scope . * Scope Creep 0 * %nsu##icient ser Re(ie+s

Qan4ed #auses o% pro&e#t %ailure9

- * %ncomplete Requirements . * 9ack o# ser %n(ol(ement O 6a#4 o% Qesour#es D Lnrealisti# ;3pe#tations ! 6a#4 o% ;3e#uti$e Support 3 * Changing Requirements & Speci#ications K 6a#4 o% Planning M DidnHt Beed -t *n, 6onger (<) 6a#4 o% -1 Management 1) 1e#hnolog, -llitera#,


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Causes o# Project Success

Tim e

),. &(er(ie+ * Success & /ailure

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Standish Group =haos Qeport (1 Qan4ed 4e,s to pro&e#t su##ess9

( ;3e#uti$e Management Support 0 * Clear Statement o# Requirements D Proper Planning ! Qealisti# ;3pe#tations E Smaller Pro&e#t Milestones K =ompetent Sta%% M Awnership =lear Fision N A+&e#ti$es 1) @ard.Wor4ing, "o#used Sta%%


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- * ser %n(ol(ement

Project Management %nstitute

)he world6s leading not-for- rofit membershi association for the ro4ect management rofession. PM-I

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"irst PMBAJI Guide pu+lished 1 MO' More than a million mem+ers in more than 1M! #ountries' =erti%i#ations !))J mem+ers9

Pro&e#t Management Pro%essional (PMP)I =erti%ied *sso#iate in Pro&e#t Management (=*PM)I Program Management Pro%essionals (PgMP)I PM- Qis4 Management Pro%essional (PM-.QMP)I PM- S#heduling Pro%essional (PM-.SP)I


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;sta+lished 1 E '

Project De#inition

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A ro4ect is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a %ni0%e roduct, service, or result. PMBAJI Guide'
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When do ,ou 4now ,ou ha$e a pro&e#t, and the pro&e#t management pro#ess will +e $er, help%ul2

Temporary 1he team #omes together, plans the pro&e#t, produ#es something, deli$ers it, and then goes on to another pro&e#t' nique We start out not 4nowing how to do it s#ope, #ost, s#hedule, and:or ris4s and so ha$e to %igure it out and then monitor and #ontrol it'


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Program De#inition

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A rogram is a grou of relate$ project managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. PMBAJI Guide'

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Relate! Projects Share outputs, inputs, +udgets, people, et#' Coor!inate! @ay Beeds a Program Manager to o$ersee and ma4e de#isions to optimi/e the pro&e#ts as a group'

Communicate +ith the Program Manager to ensure they un!erstan! your project;s nee!s, Pro(i!e lots o# notice a'out your project;s sche!ule changes,

C A D 7 8

%# there nee!s to 'e lots o# interaction 'et+een the projects o# a program, e,g, +eekly, then it is pro'a'ly 'etter as one large project +ith se(eral area lea!s,


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Fer, important, +ut nowhere near as mu#h %un as pro&e#ts9

PM7&"C Bui!e Project Phases

T+o key gates,

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D2)E accuracy

D-)E accuracy

1he key point o# project management is to prepare a plan that impro$es the a##ura#, o% estimation o% s#ope, #ost, time, and ris4 %rom a+out 5: !)C at the -nitiation stage to a+out 5: 1)C %or management appro$al 'e#ore procee!ing' 1here must 'e a re(ie+ at the end o% planning where the Sta4eholders pro$ide %eed+a#4 on the plan, and, i% the, wish ad&ustments, so the plan #an +e updated to maintain a +alan#e +etween s#ope, #ost, time, and ris4 'e#ore procee!ing'
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PM7&"C Bui!e "no+le!ge Areas

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Pro&e#t management deals with nine 4nowledge areas9

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1he PMBAJ des#ri+es what wor4 is rePuired in ea#h o% these areas in ea#h o% the %i$e pro&e#t phases' We will #o$er ea#h o% these areas throughout this manual'
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-ntegration S#ope 1ime =ost Gualit, @uman Qesour#es =ommuni#ations Qis4 Pro#urement

Project Management pro'a'ly starte! +ith 'uil!ing o# the 8gyptian Pyrami!s,

9ink to Strategic Plan

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Strategic Plan

Risk 7u!get

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Risk 7u!get

1he Strategi# Plan is the leadershipHs identi%i#ation o% the O to ! 4e, o+&e#ti$es rePuired %or organi/ation su##ess o$er the ne3t O to ! ,ears' Jnow, do#ument, and #ommuni#ate the lin4, +e#ause pro&e#ts that are9

.nrelated to the Strategi# Plan #an easil, +e #an#eled' Related to the Strategi# Plan will +e supported +, senior management e$en when the, get in trou+le'
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1now t2e lin).


Risk 7u!get

#.erci e 0.2 3o%r Strategic Plan

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Class discussion7
8oes your organi'ation have a /trategic 1lan5

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Have you read it5 How does your organi'ation0s /trategic 1lan influence your ro4ects5


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The Triple Constraint

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Four Triangular Steering @heel

(i )
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The most important concept in PM: H"eep it 'alance!I


1 Baseline the +ottom o% the triangle, the s#ope, %irst9

Anl, then will ,ou +e a+le to get an a##urate time and #ost ' 1he ris4 +udget pro$ides a sho#4 a+sor+er to help the other three in +alan#e'

( * #hange in an, one o% these #onstraints will #hange one or +oth o% the others'

Al+ays reG'alance the triangle +, ma4ing #hanges as needed'

O When one or more is stressed, as4 the Sta4eholders %or dire#tion9

Whi#h #onstraint is the most important to ,ou2 1he, usuall, pi#4 two' Preser$e those as +est as possi+le' 7our pro&e#t will then +e an e##ecti(e su##ess, as good as possi+le in the #ir#umstan#es'
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:-< At en! o# planning +hen you recei(e Stakehol!er #ee!'ack, an! :.< !uring the project +hen scope increases,
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Project Management Techniques

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1wo %undamental te#hniPues are used throughout pro&e#t management9

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Brea4down #omple3 items into simpler parts, sol$e them, roll them up9
Brea4 the pro&e#t down into the %i$e phases' Brea4 the s#ope down into managea+le si/e deli$era+les' Brea4 the deli$era+les down into indi$idual a#ti$ities'
&ne o# the ol!est an! most po+er#ul tricks in the human tool'o=,
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Do one thing at a time to a$oid thrashing9

6ist all the possi+le Sta4eholders %irst, then de#ide how to #ommuni#ate

with them' 6ist all possi+le ris4s %irst, then shortlist them and Puanti%, them' Build the s#hedule %irst, then resol$e an, resour#e #on%li#ts'


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Project Management Tools

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Pro&e#t management #an +ene%it greatl, %rom the use o% so%tware appli#ation tools to handle a range o% tas4s9

1ools mar4ed "ASS are "ree Apen Sour#e So%tware ("reeApenSour#eSo%tware'org)'

QePuirements Management9

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* spreadsheet #an wor4 %or a %ew do/en, then need a data+ase tool' Spe#i%i# appli#ations9 Doors, QePuisite Pro, Q1M' Data+ases9 Mi#roso%t *##ess, 6i+reA%%i#e Base ("ASS)'

Wor4 Brea4down Stru#ture9

1he organi/ation #hart tool in Mi#roso%t Word and PowerPoint, Arg Plus' * mind mapping appli#ation li4e "reePlane ("ASS)'

Betwor4 Diagram9

*n, drawing tool with #onne#tors so lines mo$e with the +o3es' Mi#roso%t PowerPoint, Fisio, 6i+reA%%i#e Draw ("ASS)'

"ey tool,

Gantt S#hedule9

Mi#roso%t Pro&e#t, Prima$era, Gnome Planner ("ASS), Pro&e#t6i+re ("ASS)'

;stimates, Qis4 Qegister, =hange -mpa#t9

*n, spreadsheet su#h as Mi#roso%t ;3#el or 6i+reA%%i#e =al# ("ASS)'


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Project Players

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Pro$ides the %unding' Lsuall, sele#ts the Pro&e#t Manager' Pro$ides organi/ation le$el support' 6ead on solution o% pro+lems that ,ou #anHt resol$e'
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1he end.users o% the pro&e#t output the, ph,si#all, tou#h it'


*re a%%e#ted +, the pro&e#t and:or #an a%%e#t the pro&e#t'

Pro&e#t Manager (PM)9

Da,.to.da, manager o% the pro&e#t'

=ore Pro&e#t 1eam (=P1)9

@elps the PM plan the pro&e#t'

8ssential the project inclu!e a lea! #rom the 'usiness J area J !omain o# the project, someone that un!erstan!s the user;s point o# (ie+,

Pro&e#t 1eam9

-mplements the pro&e#t and deli$ers the result'

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Role o# Project Manager

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1he Pro&e#t Manager should +e one person with +oth the accounta'ility and authority to plan and implement the pro&e#t' 1he Sponsor should pu+li#l, assign the a##ounta+ilit, and authorit, in the #harter'

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ser or user representati(e,

1he, should ha$e the title Pro&e#t Manager %or #omplete #larit, o% their role throughout the organi/ation' 1he, must ha$e dire#t a##ess to the Sponsor : =ustomer'
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When there is one person with a##ounta+ilit, (the, will +e as4ed what went wrong i% there are pro+lems) then that person will ha$e the #ourage to ta4e the a#tions ne#essar, to wor4 towards pro&e#t su##ess'

#.erci e 0.3 Player 4or 3o%r Project

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3ho are these key layers for your ro4ect5


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/ onsor5 1ro4ect 9anager : ;ou. Core 1ro4ect )eam : what key eo le will you need to hel

lan and

estimate the ro4ect5


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Application To Small Projects

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@ow does the pro&e#t management pro#ess appl, to small pro&e#ts2

Don;t skip any steps, &ust donHt spend more time than rePuired in planning' 1he up.%ront pro&e#t planning is &ust to estimate the time and #ost to within 5:. 1)C o% the li4el, realit, detailed planning #an +e done when the pro&e#t starts'
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"or an, si/e pro&e#t, rule o% thum+ is to spend ('!C . !C o% the anti#ipated pro&e#t time and 8 during the planning phase9

"or a one wee4 pro&e#t, spend 1 to ( hours planning' "or a %our wee4 pro&e#t, spend )'! o% a da, to 1 da, planning' "or a three month pro&e#t, spend 1'! to O da,s planning'

Kot necessarily all at once,

Produ#e all the 4e, do#uments i% the pro&e#t is small then planning should +e Pui#4 and eas,, and %it in &ust a %ew pages<

=harter, rePuirements, deli$era+les, networ4 diagram, s#hedule, #ost roll.up, ris4 register, @Q plan, #ommuni#ations plan'

Bow ,ou ha$e a standard, organi/ed, +aselined plan9

;$en %or a $er, small pro&e#t, ,ou ha$e remo$ed signi%i#ant un#ertaint, and stress, and #onsidera+l, impro$ed the #han#es o% su##ess' 7ou ha$e a do#ument ,ou #an pro$ide to others to easil, e3plain the pro&e#t and plan'
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Project Manager Attri'utes

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Should ha$e management and organi/ation s4ills9

Most importantl,, 4eep an a#tion (todo) list, re.prioriti/e it on#e a da,, and then wor4 on the most important item %irst'
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Should ha$e PM training, s4ills, and e3perien#e'

Should ha$e e3pertise in the pro&e#t domain area e'g' -1, "inan#ial, =onstru#tion, et#'
Ar a Deput, Pro&e#t Manager in the area, and then lean on them %or


Should ha$e so%t.s4ills 19 is a communications 4ob29

=ommuni#ations' 1eam D,nami#s' Begotiation' 6eadership'

People !o projects * so these are make or 'reak #or signi#icant e##orts,


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Communications 8ssentials

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*#ti$e listening9

6istening is an a#ti$e, energeti# pro#ess' Qepeat internall, what ,ou hear'


Message /ee!'ack

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Basi# #ommuni#ations model9

=on%irm messages ,ou transmit9

6etHs ma4e sure we are on the same page : wa$elength : song.sheet, #an ,ou gi$e that +a#4 to me in ,our own words2 6et me ma4e sure - got that, so ,ou are sa,ing *B=D;"2

=on%irm messages ,ou hear9

Bum+er o% #ommuni#ations #hannels T n 3 (n.1) : (

"or team o% ! the #hannels are 1), %or team o% () the #hannels are -6)' Smaller teams are +etter si/e ! is optimal i% it %its the &o+9

6arge enough to get things done, small enough there is not too mu#h #ommuni#ations o$erhead, and an odd num+er so less deadlo#4'


*dding people to teams #an slow them down' *dd one e3tremel, s4illed person that has &ust done the same &o+'
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Team /ormation

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1u#4man Model9

*ll teams go through these %our stages9 "orming Storming Borming Per%orming

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@owe$er ,ou #an a##elerate the mo$ement through the phases with more meetings rather than less up %ront'

=ommuni#ate to the team important Borms ,ou want them to displa,9

Bo interruptions' Write down an, a#tions' @onest,' -ntegrit,' Mutual a##ounta+ilit,' ;t#'
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7ou #anHt s4ip these stages'

Team /oun!ations

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It0s O( to admit our mistakes, that0s how we learn. President Bara#4 A+ama, Spee#h to =-*, ()) '
Qemo$e -nterruptions9

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Lntil the team has a #ulture o% non.interruption, it will %un#tion at partial produ#ti$it,' -nterrupters usuall, are tr,ing to help, the, &ust #anHt stop themsel$es' 1e#hniPue to stop9

Apen hand 5 - want to hear ,our input 5 "irst let me get m, %ull thought out'

1ell ,our team this, then i% the, #anHt do it, ,ou must step in when needed'

1rust the most ne#essar, attri+ute o% a high per%orming team9

Be honest, or ,ou #an lose ,our team in se#onds' *dmit ,our own mista4es it ma4es ta4ing ris4 %or su##ess +, others AJ'

*dmit and letHs mo$e on ne$er +eat ,oursel% up in %ront o% the team'

Delegate and +e tolerant o% errors the onl, wa, to learn mentor +ut donHt do the wor4' Lse simple team +uilding e3er#ises at the start o% a #ouple earl, meetings9

1ell us ,our #hildhood dream &o+, not what ,ou are doing now' 1ell us a ho++, or interest ,ou ha$e that we donHt 4now a+out'

Lse #o%%ee +rea4s, pi//a "rida,s, to dis#uss elements o% #ommonalit,, no wor4 dis#ussion'


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Team Dynamics

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Apen =on%li#t (o% ideas)9

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Qe%le#t +a#4 what ,ou heard +e%ore disagreeing' So ,ou are sa,ing *B=2 *$oid the word ,ou' Sa, howe$er instead o% +ut'

Qotating 6eadership9

;$er,one #an lead whoe$er is most e3perien#ed in that area, regardless o% seniorit,'

Mutual *##ounta+ilit,9

1he highest le$el o% team per%orman#e' 1he entire pro&e#t depends on e$er, team mem+er meeting their #ommitments to ea#h other' -% a #ommitment genuinel, #annot +e met, pro$ide noti#e as %ar in ad$an#e as possi+le' @old ea#h other a##ounta+le %or ,our #ommitments, tra#4 ea#h other down and as4 %or deli$er, when rePuired +e%ore ta4ing to management'


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;n#ourage the team to raise an, #on#erns the, ma, ha$e a+out an,thing at an, time' "or 4e, su+&e#ts, as4 the team one +, one i% the, ha$e an, #omments or #on#erns +e%ore #losing it' Smooth the wa,9

Kegotiation & 9ea!ership

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Begotiating essentials9

Belie$e that win.wins are possi+le9

1he world is %ull o% them e'g' two sports teams trade o%%ense %or de%ense'

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*nd 4now a set o% items ,ou #an gi$e up along the wa, to a#hie$e agreement' -% - did this, #ould ,ou do that2 -% ,ou did that, - #ould do this'

1hen get into these 4inds o% #on$ersations the essen#e o% negotiation9

6oo4 %or !!C : D!C wins, or the deal wonHt +e sustaina+le'

6eadership essentials9

/rom a nonGsmiling la'or union negotiator #or the S Teamsters trucker;s union,

=ontinuall, emphasi/e the 4e, goals #lear one senten#e des#riptions' Moti$ate the team wh, is this wor4 worthwhile2 Sol$e the pro+lems ,our team #annot' Wor4 #onstantl, on in#reasing trust (see pre$ious pages)' Qesour#es9

=olin Powell 6eadership presentation Google' 1he "un Standard "unStandard'org'

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State that ,ou +oth want to o+tain a su##ess%ul agreement ,ou are on the same side' *gree simple issues %irst to esta+lish some momentum' Jnow ,our top line (what ,ou will as4 %or) and ,our +ottom line (will end negotiation and go awa, to thin4 a+out it i% ,ou #annot get it)'

Chapter Summary

Tim e

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Good pro#esses #apture +est pra#ti#es so we donHt ha$e to remem+er or rein$ent them' 1he Pro&e#t Management -nstitute (PM-)I is the world.wide standard %or maintaining the PM pro#ess and #erti%i#ations' Pro&e#ts are temporar, and uniPue thatHs when the PM pro#ess is reall, use%ul' Programs are sets o% inter.related pro&e#ts managed as a group' Both programs and pro&e#ts should %low %rom the organi/ation strategi# plan' 1he ! PM phases are -nitiation, Planning, ;3e#ution, Monitoring N =ontrol, and =losing' 1he pro&e#t management 4nowledge areas are -ntegration, S#ope, 1ime, =ost, Gualit,, @uman Qesour#es, =ommuni#ations, Qis4, and Pro#urement' S#ope, time, and #ost are %undamentall, inter.related9 whene$er one #hanges the other two must +e re+alan#ed the Pro&e#t ManagerHs main &o+' Pro&e#t management uses two 4e, tools9 (a) +rea4ing down #omple3 items into simpler parts, sol$ing the parts, and rolling upU and (+) doing one thing at a time to a$oid thrashing' 1here are se$eral power%ul automated tools to assist pro&e#t management, in#luding se$eral %ree open sour#e so%tware appli#ations, most importantl, Pro&e#t6i+re' 1he Pro&e#t Manager should ha$e the title Pro&e#t Manager, and the a##ounta+ilit, and authorit, to do the &o+ pu+li#l, assigned +, the Sponsor in the pro&e#t #harter' Pro&e#t managers need PM s4ills, management s4ills, domain e3perien#e, and so%t s4ills'
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Phase -

Tim e


Project %nitiation
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The /irst Bate

3e succeed only as we identify in life, or in war, or in anything else, a single overriding o5jecti6e, and make all other considerations bend to that one ob4ective. President Dwight D' ;isenhower, / eech )o <ation, *pril (, 1 !K


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Phase - * Project %nitiation

-,- * %ntro!uction DD' Pro&e#t Manager Qole D!' Where Pro&e#ts =ome "rom -,. * Charter DE' Pro&e#t =harter Purpose DK' =harter =ontents
Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

Tim e


DM' D ' !)' !1' !('

-,1 * 7usiness Case !O' 1he Business =ase !D' Bene%it =ost Qatio !!' Business =ase ;3amples -,2 * Stakehol!ers !E' Pro&e#t Sta4eholders !K' Sta4eholder *nal,sis -,3 * &ther 8lements !M' Ather =harter ;lements ! ' ;3er#ise 1'1 7our Pro&e#tHs =harter


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-,0 * Scope Pro&e#t A+&e#ti$e A+&e#ti$e Pro#ess =anadian "or#es @ealth -n%ormation S,stem A+&e#ti$e *ssumptions and =onstraints =on#eptual Solution

Project Manager Role

Tim e

-,- %nitiation * %ntro!uction

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1he prospe#ti$e Pro&e#t Manager %or the pro&e#t is o%ten 4nown at the -nitiation stage' -t is help%ul %or the Pro&e#t Manager ta4e the lead on preparation o% the #harter %or the Sponsor9

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6i4el, has pro&e#t management training get the o+&e#ti$e %irst< =an help a$oid the main pro+lem a #harter so large it loo4s impressi$e enough to &usti%, s4ipping planning, resulting in appro$al o% the pro&e#t +e%ore planning produ#es an estimate o% 5: 1)C'

Man, +ad things happen on#e the true time and #ost +e#ome apparent a%ter the pro&e#t is underwa,'

QePuirements gathering +, the Business *nal,st or ePui$alent person (see planning se#tion) should +e under the super$ision o% the Pro&e#t Manager9

@elp the B'*' a$oid the #ommon mista4e o% ma4ing the =ustomer happ, +, in#luding mu#h more than rePuired +, the pro&e#t o+&e#ti$e the se#ond most #ommon #ause o% pro&e#t %ailure'
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@here Projects Come /rom

Tim e

-,- %nitiation * %ntro!uction

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Pro&e#t sour#es and #auses9

1here is a Beed some pro+lem that needs to +e sol$ed9

1' (' O' D' !' Aperational #osts are too high' Senior management #annot o+tain timel, in%ormation' 1here is an unreali/ed opportunit, to sell a new produ#t' 1he #ompan, has no presen#e in the South *meri#an mar4et' 1he #ommunit, wants a lo#al +ase+all league'

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What to do i% there is not enough in%ormation to start a pro&e#t, to write a #harter and identi%, numeri#al targets %or the o+&e#ti$e2

=ondu#t a %easi+ilit, stud,9

1' (' O' D' !' *re there #ost.e%%e#ti$e wa,s to redu#e operational #osts2 =an de#ision in%ormation +e e3tra#ted %rom e3isting data2 Does the #ompan, ha$e the #apa+ilit, to de$elop the new produ#t2 =an entr, to the South *meri#an mar4et +e done at a##epta+le #ost2 =an enough resour#es +e %ound to +uild a #ommunit, +ase+all league2
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Project Charter Purpose

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-,. %nitiation * Charter

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"ormall, starts the pro&e#t planning not e3e#ution< *uthori/es the PM to #ondu#t the planning9
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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

A%ten pro$ides a spe#i%i# +udget and target date' PM #an use the +udget to o+tain internal assistan#e, and sometimes

e3ternal assistan#e i% #onsulting is needed in 4e, areas %or planning'

Do#uments support #ommitments %rom rePuired Sta4eholders9

A+tain e3pli#it sign.o%% or re$iew at a meeting with all Sta4eholders'

-s sent to all Sta4eholders +, the Sponsor' DonHt o$erdo the #harter #ontent this is &ust a gate to pro&e#t planning, not the plan itsel%'


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Charter Contents

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1,pi#al =harter 1a+le o% =ontents9

=ustomer end.user Sponsor pa,ing %or it

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A+&e#ti$e *ssumptions =onstraints =on#eptual Solution Business =ase Sta4eholders N Qesponsi+ilities Pro&e#t Manager N *uthorit, -nitial Qis4s
/irst topGle(el 'aseline o# the project scope,


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Project &'jecti(e

Tim e

-,0 %nitiation * Scope

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)his nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. President ?ohn "' Jenned,U Spee#h 1o Bation, Ma, (!, 1 E1

1he ultimate 'ene#its o% the pro&e#t desired +, the Sta4eholders, written down in #on#ise, #lear senten#es ideall, one senten#e, e$en i% with #ommas' Populari/ed +, Peter Dru#4er in +oo4 )he 1ractice of 9anagement, 1 !D9

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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

Single senten#es #on#ise enough to pro$ide a %o#used target' -denti%ies what needs to +e a#hie$ed without #on%using it with how'

SM*Q1 a#ron,m #an +e help%ul, espe#iall, S,M,19

Speci#ic' Measura'le Should ha$e num+ers' *greed' Qealisti#' TimeG'oun!'

&(erhear! !uring a planning session: H72at8 a great i$ea9 :owe6er it8 not in t2e o5jecti6e; an$ we aren8t going to $o t2at.I Scope creep stoppe! 'e#ore the project e(en starte!L


=apture new #hannels to in#rease sales +, ()C per ,ear %or O ,ears' De$elop impro$ed wor4%low pro#esses to in#rease produ#ti$it, +, 1)C +, 1! Septem+er' -mplement automated +oo4ing s,stem to de#rease #osts +, 1!C +, 1) ?une' *dd new se#urit, #ontrols to redu#e possi+ilit, o% +rea#hes +, )C +, (! Mar#h'
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&'jecti(e * Process

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=on$ene a meeting o% all Sta4eholders' Lse a laptop and pro&e#tor to triple the e%%e#ti$eness and hal$e the time9

Parti#ipants #an see the $ariations and pro$ide e%%e#ti$e %eed+a#4'

Start +, t,ping A+&e#ti$e9 on the %irst line %or the e$entuall, agreed result9

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*s4 the senior Sta4eholder (Sponsor, =ustomer, #ompan, e3e#uti$e) to pro$ide a %ull senten#e that de%ines the ultimate out#ome and +ene%it %rom ,our point o% $iew9 1,pe that senten#e on a se#ond line in the do#ument' *s4 the ne3t senior Sta4eholder %or their $iew, and t,pe that senten#e on a third line' *s4 i% an,one has an, other suggestions i% so t,pe those senten#es as well'

1hen state we ha$e enough to wor4 with, letHs see i% we #an #ome to agreement on one senten#e so we #an %i3 the pro&e#t target %or the planning team'

*s dis#ussion pro#eeds, and agreement is rea#hed on parts o% the o+&e#ti$e, t,pe those parts on the %irst line lea$e the se#ond and later lines untou#hed %or #onstant re%eren#e +a#4 to the %irst suggestions'

Stri$e %or S,M,1 %rom the SM*Q1 model spe#i%i#, measura+le, with a target date' 1his is the %irst pla#e that di%%eren#es in Sta4eholder $iews are #oordinated to get agreement on a single pro&e#t out#ome the most important step in the pro&e#t'
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Cana!ian /orces Aealth %n#ormation System * &'jecti(e

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="@-S will pro$ide the #apa+ilit, to manage health in%ormation e%%e#ti$el, and e%%i#ientl, in support o% de#ision ma4ing and enhan#ed operational e%%e#ti$eness to impro$e the Pualit, o% health ser$i#es throughout the =" +, supporting the %ollowing goals9

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Pro$iding seamless, integrated, automated heath in%ormation to !eploye! C/ #ormations, Too much #or one project, so later mo(e! to a separate phase, Ma4ing heath in%ormation a #orporate shared resour#e that is readil, a$aila+le %or !ecision making at all le(els resulting in impro$ed Gualit, o% 6i%e and enhan#ed operational e%%e#ti$eness' Re!ucing DKD current operations cost %or health #are in%ormation management'

Would ha$e +etter as one senten#e e3ample9

="@-S will implement an ;le#troni# @ealth Qe#ord #apa+ilit, %or all =" personnel that enhan#es the e%%e#ti$eness and e%%i#ien#, o% health ser$i#es, impro$es Pualit, o% li%e, supports de#ision ma4ing at all le$els, enhan#es operational e%%e#ti$eness, and redu#es operations #osts'
@oul! ha(e 'een e(e 'etter +ith a numerical target,


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;sta+lishing an 8lectronic Aeath Recor! #or all C/ personnel that will enhan#e the e%%e#ti$eness and e%%i#ien#, o% health ser$i#es'

Assumptions an! Constraints

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1ogether with the o+&e#ti$e, the assumptions and #onstraints pro$ide the %irst top.le$el de%inition o% the pro&e#t s#ope' *ssumptions9

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;lements to assume are true during the planning phase' ;'g9 -nternal resour#es ha$e all the s4ills rePuiredU A%%i#e spa#e will +e a$aila+le %or an, #onsultantsU 1he %eeder pro&e#t *B= will %inish in time' Might turn out not to +e true re$iew them during ris4 planning'


*re a+solutel, true now no assumptions are +eing made' 1he, limit planning %le3i+ilit, this #an +e $er, help%ul' A%ten +udget and:or s#hedule limits, #an also +e standards, poli#ies, et#' ;'g9 1he pro&e#t must #ost less than 81'(M, must ta4e less than 1) months, must +e #ompliant with e3isting poli#ies and pro#edures'


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Conceptual Solution

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Sometimes the =harter in#ludes a top.le$el identi%i#ation o% the #on#eptual solution' 1his se#tion #an also +e #alled Ma&or Deli$era+les'
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@owe$er, this should not +e too detailed a #ommon mista4e is to e3#essi$el, #onstrain the planning and spe#i%, e3a#tl, how to meet the A+&e#ti$e in the =harter9

6et the planning team appl, their #reati$it, later to identi%, the +est solution'



Best.in.#lass o%%.the.shel% medi#al in%ormation so%tware' Lpdated set o% impro$ed departmental pro#ess and new %loor plan' Stores opened in the three ma&or South *meri#an #ountries' Site identi%i#ation %or the new +ase+all league, leaders to assem+le teams, and a sour#e o% ePuipment' Design %or the new produ#t, list o% #andidate #ustomers'
2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e

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The 7usiness Case

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-,1 %nitiation* 7usiness Case

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)he =uestion should be 0is it worth trying to do50 : not 0can it be done50 *llard 6owenstein, A Maga/ine, Sep' ())('

Sometimes the +usiness #ase is eas, the pro&e#t must +e done9

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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

6egal, health, or sa%et, issues' 1he +usiness #ase has +een done at a higher le$el, e'g' program le$el'

1,pi#al +usiness #ase methods9

Bene%it =ost Qatio (B=Q) T Bene%its : =osts' Bet Present Falue T =osts and Bene%its normali/ed to this ,ear' Qeturn An -n$estment (QA-) T Per#entage return on e3penditure'

1he #ost and +ene%it estimates during initiation are a+out 5: !)C

*n appro3imate estimate is o%ten good enough to ma4e a hard de#ision' Sometimes #alled a Qough order o% Magnitude (QAM)' 1he whole point o% planning is to impro$e this estimate to 5: 1)C'
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7ene#it Costs Ratio

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=osts are relati$el, eas, to estimate to 5: !)C a##ura#,9

*nalogous estimate9 =ompare to a similar pro&e#t' Ar &ust estimate9 (People 3 1ime) 5 ;$er,thing else'
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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

Bene%its estimation #an +e more #hallenging9

A%ten9 V ,ears 3 (V in#iden#es : ,ear) 3 ( 8 +ene%it : in#ident)

O to ! ,ears %or pro#ess pro&e#ts, #an +e mu#h longer %or #apital pro&e#ts'

=ommon +ene%its ,ou #an put 8 on9

=ost de#reases' Pro%it in#reases' Produ#ti$it, in#reases' *$oidan#e o% #osts'

*t an a+solute minimum list the areas o% +ene%its what are the good reasons ,ou doing the pro&e#t2

*lso #onsider pa,+a#4 period : +rea4.e$en time9

More than O ,ears %or pro#ess pro&e#ts is a warning +ell9

1he world will #ompletel, #hange +, that time'

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7usiness Case 8=amples

Tim e

-,1 %nitiation* 7usiness Case

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@old wine and #heese %ood tasting e$ent9

=ost T 8()J %a#ilit, rental 5 8()J ad$ertising #osts T 8D)J Bene%its T (!)) ti#4ets 0 8() 5 (! $endors 0 81))) : +ooth T 8K!J B=Q T 1'MK! : 1 or QA- T MK'!C

-mplement automated pur#hase order s,stem to sa$e personnel time9

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=ost T 8(!J so%tware 5 8(!J people #osts T 8!)J Bene%its T Sa$e 1! minutes %or ea#h pur#hase order T O ,rs 3 !J pur#hase orders 3 81) time T 81!)J B=Q T O:1 or QA- T O))C

Lpgrade #omputers %rom Windows B1 to Windows WP9

=ost T 8D))J so%tware 5 81))J people #osts T 8!))J Bene%its T *$oid 8D))J:,ear in#reased support #osts T O ,rs 3 8D))J T 81'(M B=Q T ('D : 1 or QA- T (D)C

-n%ormation pa#4age to help #lean up to3i# dumps9

Real e=amples,


=ost T ( people 3 ( months T 8(!J Bene%its T less in%rastru#ture and health spending T O ,rs 3 ( )')!C 3 !)J dumps T (! ) 3 ( 81))J +ene%it per #leanup ) T 8K'!M B=Q T O)) : 1 or QA- T O),)))C L
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Project Stakehol!ers

Tim e

-,2 %nitiation * Stakehol!ers

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;$er, organi/ation and person that is a##ecte! 'y the pro&e#t or can a##ect the pro&e#t9

-n#lude those that oppose the pro&e#t<

7ou might +e a+le to address some o% their issues and redu#e opposition'

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*ssign one 4e, representati$e %rom ea#h Sta4eholder group to ease management' Determine what is most important to ea#h Sta4eholder S#ope, 1ime, or =ost'
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Sta4eholder anal,sis9

"or larger pro&e#ts this anal,sis #an +e e3tensi$e #areer histor,, li4es and disli4es, et#' "or an, si/e pro&e#ts re#ord at least this +asi# sta4eholder pro%ile as4 them9

What is most important to them9 S#ope, 1ime, =ost, ran4ed in order o% 1, (, and O' Je, need9 Ane senten#e de%ining pro&e#t su##ess %rom their point o% $iew'


1he, help de%ine the rePuirements to identi%, the %ull s#ope as %irst step in planning' *re who ,ou #ommuni#ate with regularl, during the pro&e#t to manage e3pe#tations' Pro$ide dire#tion when ,ou need to +alan#e the triple #onstraint'

Supporting Sta4eholders9

-denti%, and re#ord in the #harter the area o% responsi+ilit, %or those Sta4eholders whose support is ne#essar, to the pro&e#t' 1r, hard to o+tain their #ommitment in the #harter +e%ore planning +egins9

=an +e an email agreement, e$en a positi$e repl, to ,our email' =an +e agreement in a %inal re$iew meeting'
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Stakehol!er Analysis

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Sta4eholder anal,sis is per%ormed to9

Lnderstand the di%%erent points o% $iew o% the di%%erent sta4eholders' Lnderstand what is most important to them to assist meeting it' @elp manage their e3pe#tations as the pro&e#t pro#eeds' Lnderstand what le$el o% #ommuni#ation is rePuired'
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-nter$iew and re#ord9

1riple #onstraint priorities Je, needs' 6e$el o% #ommuni#ation desired'

Sta4eholder *nal,sis

Pro&e#t9 Departmental Pro#ess -mpro$ement Pro&e#t (DP-P)

Sta4eholder9 Da$id Smith, =;A Priorities9 Scope, 1ime, =ost' Beeds9 -mpro$ed e%%i#ien#,' =omms9 Plan appro$al, Pro&e#t %inal report' Sta4eholder9 =arol "raser, Dire#tor "a#ilities Priorities9 Cost, 1ime, S#ope' Beeds9 Minimum pur#hasing' =omms9 =ore team mem+er e$er,thing' Sta4eholder9 *nne Ba4er, Department @ead Priorities9 Time, S#ope, =ost' Beeds9 Minimal disruption' =omms9 Plan appro$al, Plan #hanges, Pro&e#t "inal Qeport' Sta4eholder9 Department Sta%% Priorities9 Time, S#ope, =ost' Beeds9 "ast implementation' =omms9 S#hedule, Pro#ess and %loor plan #hanges'
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&ther Charter 8lements

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Sponsor pa,s %or it9

-% +uilding a s#hool the s#hool +oard'

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=ustomer the end.user9

-% +uilding a s#hool the tea#hers, #hildren, and maintenan#e personnel'

Pro&e#t Manager and *uthorit,9

Bame and authorit, dire#tl, #ommuni#ate with the =ustomer, a##ess %inan#ial in%ormation, et#'

-nitial ris4s9

Signi%i#ant areas o% ris4 4nown at the #harter stage' ;'g'9 Dependen#ies on other pro&e#ts, e3ternal e$ents'


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#.erci e 1.1 3o%r Project8 '2arter

Tim e

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3hat are the following Charter elements for your ro4ect5

Customer / onsor

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Ob4ective Assum tions Constraints Conce tual /olution %usiness Case /takeholders > Res onsibilities 1ro4ect 9anager ?;ou@ Initial risks ?if any@


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Chapter Summary

Tim e

-, %nitiation * Summary

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1he signed #harter %ormall, starts pro&e#t planning, not e3e#ution' 1he most important part o% the #harter is the o+&e#ti$e no wor4 in#luding the +usiness #ase should pro#eed without the o+&e#ti$e agreed and +aselined'
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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

1ogether with the o+&e#ti$e, the assumptions and #onstraints are the top. le$el +aseline o% the pro&e#t s#ope' 1he +usiness #ase helps management de#ide i% the #harter should +e signed and planning done, and later pro$ides 4e, team moti$ation in%o' Sta4eholders help ,ou de%ine rePuirements, and pro$ide triple #onstraint dire#tion when rePuired' 1r, hard to o+tain supporting Sta4eholder #ommitment at the #harter stage to sol$e a lot o% #ommon issues later' Ather se#tions o% a t,pi#al #harter in#lude the Sponsor, =ustomer, Pro&e#t Manager, =on#eptual Solution (ma&or deli$era+les), and -nitial Qis4s'


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Phase .

Tim e


Project Planning
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The Secon! Bate

Ae +as e=aggerating to make the point, Ais point,

1lans are worthless, but planning is everything. President Dwight D' ;isenhower, / eech, Bo$' 1D 1 !K'


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Phase . * Project Planning

.,- * %ntro!uction ED' Pro&e#t Manager Qole E!' Planning Pro#ess "low EE' =ore Pro&e#t 1eam EK' EM' E ' K)' K1' K(' KO' KD' K!' KE' KK' KM' K ' M)' M1' M(' MO' MD' M!' ME' MK' MM' M ' .,. * Requirements A+&e#ti$e to QePuirements QePuirements * 6ong 1ime =hallenge -mportan#e o% QePuirements Gathering QePuirements QePuirements ;3ample QePuirements *ttri+utes QePuirements Je, Points QePuirements Do#ument N *ppro$al ;3ample Bu,ing =hairs ;3er#ise ('1 A+&e#ti$e to QePuirements .,0 * Scope Solution De%inition 1he Wor4 Brea4down Stru#ture WBS ;3ample *n *ir#ra%t WBS ;3ample @iring WBS ;3ample Warehouse : PAS S,stem WBS ;3ample BanPuet WBS ;3ample Pro#ess -mpro$ement WBS @ierar#hi#al De#omposition WBS Phasing N =om+ined Methods S,stem -ntegration @ierar#hi#al De#omposition S,stem -ntegration Pro&e#t Phasing WBS Je, Points Brea4ing Down B, 6ength

Tim e


)' 1' (' O' D' !' E' K'

Brea4ing Down B, Qesponsi+ilit, Brea4ing Down B, -nterim Deli$er, Deli$era+lesWor4 Pa#4ages*#ti$ities WBS Di#tionar, Qelationship o% WBS N QePuirements WBS Pro#ess ;3er#ise ('( WBS WBS Drawing 1ool
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.,1 * 9ogic M' Betwor4 Diagram ' Jinds o% Pre#eden#e 6in4s 1))' 6eads and 6ags 1)1' Generi# ;3ample 1)(' Shed ;3ample 1)O' So%tware ;3ample 1)D' Pro#ess -mpro$ement ;3ample 1)!' Standards De$elopment ;3ample 1)E' Betwor4 Diagram Pro#ess 1)K' Betwor4 Diagram Patterns 1)M' -n#luding Waiting 1ime 1) ' ;3er#ise ('O De$elop a Betwor4 Diagram 11)' Betwor4 Diagram 1ool .,2 * 8stimating 111' ;3er#ise ('D 1he Power A% ;stimation 11(' ;stimating =ost and 1ime 11O' 1he Statisti#al Power A% Multiple ;stimates 11D' 1ime ;stimation *#ti$it, Brea4down 11!' *#ti$it, Brea4down *d&ustment


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Phase . :Cont;!< * Project Planning

11E' 11K' 11M' 11 ' 1()' 1(1' 1((' 1(O' 1(D' 1(!' 1(E' 1(K' 1(M' 1( ' 1O)' 1O1' 1O(' 1OO' 1OD' 1O!' 1OE' 1OK' 1OM' -n#luding Qesour#es ;%%ort R Produ#ti$e 1ime R Duration ;stimation Spreadsheet P;Q1 N O.Point 1e#hniPues P;Q1 N O.Point ;3ample Delphi 1e#hniPue ;3er#ise ('! 1ime ;stimation ;stimating =ost =ost Qoll.up Bill o% Materials ;3er#ise ('E =ost ;stimation @andling ;stimating ;rror .,3 * Critical Path 1he S#hedule =riti#al Path =riti#al Path Pro#ess Betwor4 Diagram ;3ample "orward Pass Ba#4ward Pass =riti#al Path With "loat ;3er#ise ('K Determine =riti#al Path .,4 * Sche!ule Betwor4 Diagram S#hedule Building the S#hedule Gantt =hart S#hedule Gantt =hart With Wor4 Pa#4ages Gantt =hart With *#ti$ities
.,6 * Resources

Tim e


1D1' Qesour#e Planning 1D(' Qesour#e 6e$eling

.,-) * Cost

1DO' =ost *##ounts 1DD' =ost Baseline

.,-- * Risks

1D!' 1DE' 1DK' 1DM' 1D ' 1!)' 1!1' 1!(' 1!O' 1!D' 1!!' 1!E' 1!K' 1!M' 1! ' 1E)'

Qis4 Management Qis4 Management Pro#ess Qis4 Management Planning Qis4 -denti%i#ation Standard Qis4 Statement "orm Qis4 Guali%i#ation Qis4 Guanti%i#ation Guanti%i#ation ;stimation Qis4 Qegister ;3ample Qis4 Budget *llo#ation Qesponse Planning Ather Qis4 ;lements Qis4, =ontingen#, N Management Qeser$es Positi$e Qis4s Apportunities -1 Qis4 N Se#urit, Standards ;3er#ise (' Prepare * Qis4 Qegister
.,-. * Communications

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.,5 * Milestones 1O ' S#hedule Milestones 1D)' ;3er#ise ('M =hoose Milestones
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1E1' =ommuni#ations Planning 1E(' ;3er#ise ('1) =ommuni#ations Plan

.,-0 * Project Management Plan

1EO' 1he Pro&e#t Management Plan

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Project Manager Role

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@as all rePuired a##ounta+ilit,, responsi+ilit,, and authorit, to prepare a proper pro&e#t management plan' Super$ises the +usiness anal,st preparation o% rePuirements (i% internal pro&e#t)' *uthori/ed in the =harter to $isit all Sta4eholders %or in%ormation, #lari%i#ation, and %inali/ation o% support #ommitments' *uthori/ed in the =harter to $isit %un#tional managers and other departments to negotiate %or personnel and other resour#es rePuired during planning and e3e#ution' Qe$iews the plan during de$elopment with Sta4eholders to o+tain interim dire#tion i% needed e'g' a%ter rePuirement gathering i% #lear the #ost #onstraint #annot +e met' =hairs the planning meetings and %inali/es all elements o% the pro&e#t management plan s#ope, time, #ost, ris4s' Qe$iews the %inal pro&e#t management plan with Sta4eholders at the all important se#ond gate, o+tains an, dire#tion, and re.+alan#es the triple #onstraint as rePuired' @as a pro%essional and ethi#al rePuirement to ne$er propose or pro#eed with an in%easi+le plan one without enough time, #ost, and ris4 +udget to a#hie$e the planned s#ope in order to prote#t the Sponsor, pro&e#t team, and =ustomer'
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Planning Process /lo+

Response i# commercial R/P,

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Prepare! 'y Customer i# commercial R/P,

Requirements Complete Consistent Feasible Demonstrable -----Needs not wants W at not ow !" #W y, w y...$ !" #W at else...$ %rototypin&

Work Breakdown Structure Deliverables only. Documents, material, services, facilities. Max 6 levels.

Network Diagram Flow of deliverables. 0ust lo&ic, no numbers.


Project Plan 'cope ( W)' *ime ( +antt C art Cost ( Cost Curve ,is- ( ,is- ,e&ister -----Networ- Dia&ram ,e.uirements )usiness Case /, %lan Comms %lan C an&e Control %lan

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Cost Curve

Estimation *ime Costs ----1ctivity brea-down. %ert 2 3-point. Delp i.

Try to meet any time an! M constraints #rom the charter, Ao+e(er, i# they cannot 'e met, you ha(e a plan to present an! a!just 'e#ore you start,


Do a #omplete &o+, +ut onl, spend ('!C . !C o% the anti#ipated pro&e#t +udget ,ou are not doing detailed planning, onl, produ#ing a pro&e#t plan that is within X 1)C o% the li4el, out#ome' ;a#h step #an +e re$iewed with the Sta4eholders to get interim dire#tion e'g' the s#ope is too large'
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Core Project Team

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)here is no wider gulf in the universe than yawns between those on the hither and thither side of vital e! erience. Qe+e##a West, Bla#4 6am+ and Gre, "al#on, 1 D1'

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Ane 4e, representati$e %rom ea#h o% the pro&e#t areas +usiness, te#hni#al, %inan#ial, training, support, et#' @elps de$elop the Pro&e#t Management Plan deli$era+les, #ost and time estimates, ris4 register' Should +e either the team that will implement the pro&e#t, or their managers, so the, ta4e it seriousl,' Start +, re$iewing an, pro&e#t %inal reports and lessons learned %rom similar past pro&e#ts'


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Wor4s %or the PM'

&'jecti(e to Requirements

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7e CompleteL The most common mistake is missing a requirement essential to the o'jecti(e: H<t wa a cla ic ca e o4 not getting t2e re0%irement %44iciently $e4ine$ 4rom t2e 5eginning. =n$ o it re0%ire$ a contin%o% re$e4inition o4 re0%irement t2at 2a$ a ca ca$ing e44ect on w2at 2a$ alrea$y 5een $e igne$ an$ pro$%ce$.I * /7% %nspector Beneral Blenn /ine, /ailure o# M-4)M ?irtual Case /ile project,
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7ut Don;t Bol!GPlateL

&'jecti(e Lltimate pro&e#t +ene%its'

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/unctional Requirements
"un#tions N %eatures' Guantities' *ppli#a+le standards'

HWe tarte$ wit2 a 5ig 5ang approac2 an$ p%t e6ery po i5le re0%irement into t2e program; w2ic2 ma$e it 6ery large an$ 6ery comple..I * 8li$a'eth McBrath, S Air /orce Deputy Chie# Management &##icer, /ailure o# M-7 8=pe!itionary Com'at Support System project,
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Ao+e(er, the nice GtoG ha(e;s an! +hileG+eG areGatGits that aren;t essential to the o'jecti(e +ill #irst 'lo+ up your project, an! then sink it,

Requirements * A 9ong Time Challenge

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Circa -65)

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Requirements 8=ample

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;3tra#t %rom =anadian "or#es @ealth -n%ormation S,stem (="@-S) pro&e#t 1,()) rePuirements'

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%mportance o# Requirements !) main #auses o% pro&e#t

True Stories

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Standish Group =haos Qeport (1 %ailure9

1 -n#omplete rePuirements'

E =hanging rePuirements N spe#i%i#ations'

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JPMG =anada Sur$e, (1 #auses o% pro&e#t %ailure9

K) main

1 Ln#lear : #hange o% rePuirements'

N A hospital in >ue'ec 'uil!s a ne+ +ing, &n opening it is !isco(ere! the ele(ators are 1 inches too short, they cannot #it in a stretcher at all,

QePuirements ;rrors a##ount %or K)C to M!C o% rewor49

Dean 6i%%ingwell, =al#ulating the Qeturn on -n$estment %rom More ;%%e#ti$e QePuirements Management, *meri#an Programmer 1)(D)9 1O 1E, 1 K'

Poor rePuirements a##ount %or K1C o% pro&e#t %ailures9

Qo+ert Grad,, -nsights into So%tware Pro&e#t Management, Pro#eedings o% the *ppli#ations o% So%tware Measurement =on%eren#e, ((K(O , 1 '
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Y A hospital in &ntario 'uil!s a ne+ +ing, &n opening it is !isco(ere! that the ele(ator !oors are not +i!e enough to a!mit stretchers +ithout ha(ing to lo+er the sa#ety rails,

Bathering Requirements

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.,. Planning * Requirements

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Business *nal,sts are the pro%essional rePuirements e3perts' During planning we identi%, all the %un#tional rePuirements the whatHs9

1he design rePuirements are the how and de%ined later as the %irst step in e3e#ution'
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-nter$iew all Sta4eholders9

What is needed to meet the A+&e#ti$e Wh,2 Wh,2 Wh,2 What else do - need to 4now2 S#enarios : wor4%lows : use #ases'

%nternational %nstitute o# 7usiness Analysis * %%7A,org

-% there is great un#ertaint,, protot,ping #an help to +uild the outside Pui#4l, and #heapl,9

Mo#4ups' =ard+oard models' Drawings' Wal4throughs' ;3ample s#reens and reports'

-% there are no Business *nal,sts a$aila+le &ust do it ,oursel%<

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Requirements Attri'utes

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7ou #anHt alwa,s get what ,ou +ant, +ut i% ,ou tr, sometimes, well ,ou &ust might %ind, ,ou get what ,ou nee!' Qolling Stones, 6et -t Bleed, 1 E '

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1he Business *nal,sis must identi%, the needs, not the wants9

Lsers 4now what the, want, not alwa,s what the, need'
>< nee$ a (oll (oyce.? H@hyOI >Well; < 2a6e to 2a6e one.? H@hyOI ?< nee$ to tra6el.? H@hyOI >< nee$ to atten$ a meeting acro town once a mont2.? HThat;s the requirement,I

*ttri+utes o% a good rePuirements do#ument9

=omplete' =onsistent' "easi+le' Demonstra'le'

-denti%, the +oundar,, what is in and what is out9

Geograph,, organi/ations, training, et#'

=ommon mista4e donHt design the solution now9

-denti%, what is needed %un#tional rePuirements onl, not how to a##omplish it, whi#h will +e determined +, the team in design during e3e#ution'
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Requirements "ey Points

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@hat is needed to a#hie$e the pro&e#t o+&e#ti$e' 6ong time #on$ention is that ea#h rePuirement in#ludes the word shall9

1he something shall do somethingS

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=olle#ted related rePuirements together into se#tions9

Si/e, %inishing, inter%a#es, support, training, et#'

Lse a ma3imum o% two priorit, le$els9 Mandator, and Desira+le9

Ane le$el is +est onl, the essential rePuirements' -% two le$els, +e prepared to onl, get the Mandator,' * se#ond le$el #an +e used to in#lude non.essential rePuirements when a sta4eholder demands the, +e in#luded'

Lse an automated tool i% more than a %ew do/en9

=an tra#e ea#h rePuirement to deli$era+les, $eri%i#ation steps, do#umentation''' * spreadsheet #an wor4 up to a point, need a data+ase i% hundreds' QePuirements spe#i%i# tools9 Doors, QePuisite Pro, Q1M' Data+ases9 Mi#roso%t *##ess, 6i+reA%%i#e Base (%ree open sour#e so%tware)9

6ess e3pensi$e, and mu#h more %le3i+le espe#iall, %or reporting'

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Requirements Document & Appro(al

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@ow mu#h detail goes into the rePuirements do#ument2

More: -% in an, dou+t per%orm additional in$estigation, sin#e the most #ommon pro&e#t mista4e is missing essential %un#tional rePuirements' More: *round hal% the #ost and time o% the entire planning phase is #ommonl, spent during the rePuirements identi%i#ation pro#ess' 9ess: @owe$er, donHt in#lude an,thing not essential to the o+&e#ti$e the ni#e. to.ha$es and the while.we.are.at.its that will +low up and then sin4 ,our pro&e#t' 9ess: Stop a+o$e the le$el o% how no design< too #ostl, now, too mu#h in%ormation %or planning, too restri#ti$e on potentiall, +etter #reati$e solutions'

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Put in a %ormal do#ument and #ir#ulate to the sta4eholders9

1,pi#al name9 Pro&e#t QePuirements Do#ument (PQD)'

;ssential to ha$e the Sta4eholders re$iew and appro$e in writing9

@old a %inal re$iew meeting, wal4 through e$er, single rePuirement to o+tain an, %inal #hanges and appro$al hold another meeting i% man, #hanges' State more than on#e9 *n, rePuirement identi%ied now will +e %i$e to ten times less #ostl, to in#lude in the pro&e#t than one added on#e underwa,' @elp%ul i% ,ou #an state9 *n, additions later will #ome out o% ,our +udget<
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8=ample * 7uying Chairs

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-t does not matter how small the &o+ is i% ,ou donHt ha$e a good set o% rePuirements, ,ou will get into trou+le< ;3ample ,ou are +u,ing #hairs i% ,ou donHt get a list li4e the %ollowing #olle#ted, written down, re$iewed with the sta4eholders, updated as needed, and then appro$ed, ,ou will li4el, ha$e pro+lems later9
P 1 ( O D ! E Requirement 1he #hairs shall ha$e padded seats and +a#4 supports' 1he #hairs shall ha$e arm rests' 1he #hairs shall roll on #astor wheels suita+le %or use on #arpeted %loors' 1he #hairs shall +e ad&usta+le up and down with a #ontrol opera+le with one hand' 1he #hair +a#4s shall +e ad&usta+le +a#4 and %orth with a #ontrol opera+le with one hand' 1he #hairs shall +e a uni%orm dar4 #olor'

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*ppro3imate later return on in$estment %or ea#h minute and dollar spent on gathering a good rePuirements set %or an, pro&e#t9 1)) 1))) to one'
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#.erci e 2.1 @5jecti6e to (e0%irement

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3hat are the key re=uirements for your ro4ect5

<eeds not wants.

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3hat is re=uired not how. Auantities, /tandards, Functions, Features, Auality B


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Solution De#inition

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.,0 Planning * Scope

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-n order to pro$ide the =ore Pro&e#t 1eam with enough in%ormation to plan and estimate the pro&e#t, it is o%ten use%ul to %irst identi%, a top.le$el solution de%inition, +ased on the =on#eptual Solution %rom the =harter9

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A%ten a pi#ture or a list o% the ma&or rePuired deli$era+les'

;'g'9 =anadian "or#es @ealth -n%ormation S,stem pro&e#t9

1op.le$el s,stem ar#hite#ture diagram o% the ma&or #omponents o% hardware, so%tware, networ4s'

;'g'9 Department pro#ess impro$ement pro&e#t9

Ma&or deli$era+les9 Lpdated pro#ess do#uments, updated %loor plans, list o% ePuipment to +e pur#hased'

;'g' Bew lo#al +ase+all league9

Ma&or deli$era+les9 "ield identi%i#ation, league e3e#uti$e, list o% rePuired ePuipment, do#umentation (rule +oo4s, et#'), %inan#ing plan'
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1his is not the detailed design9 remem+er the purpose o% the planning stage is onl, to estimate the pro&e#t 5:. 1)C to o+tain sta4eholder %eed+a#4 and appro$al so the real wor4 #an +e done +, the %ull team i% the pro&e#t plan is appro$ed'

The @ork 7reak!o+n Structure

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.,0 Planning * Scope

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A $eli6era5le-oriented hierarchical decom osition of the work to be e!ecuted by the ro4ect team to accom lish the ro4ect ob4ectives and create the re=uired $eli6era5le . PMBAJI Guide'
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Deli$era+les are tangi'le outputs o% wor4 at points at whi#h ,ou #an unam'iguously tell something is %inished9

@ardware' So%tware' "a#ilities' Do#uments, do#ument, do#uments'

1he WBS is the o%%i#ial s#ope +aseline, +e#ause it in#ludes +oth the produ#t and all the other items that will ta4e time and #ost mone,9

Pro!uct Scope9 Deri$ed %rom the Solution De%inition (pre$ious page), #o$ers all the rePuirements' 8(erything 8lse9 -n#ludes all the rest o% the non.produ#t deli$era+les rePuired to #arr, out the pro&e#t the plans, designs, re$iews, appro$als, #he#4.lists, inspe#tions, tests, training, #ontra#ts, support do#umentation, et#'


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@7S 8=ample * An Aircra#t

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&ne o# the (ery #irst @7S, nee!e! #or organi$ation o# a (ery comple= en!ea(or,


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@7S 8=ample * Airing

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Shoul! this 'e t+o !eli(era'les or oneO


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@7S 8=ample * @arehouse J P&S System

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Shoul! this 'e 0 !eli(era'les, ., or -O

PM reaction: @hat is the !eli(era'leO Ao+ +ill +e kno+ it;s #inishe!O

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@7S 8=ample * 7anquet

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sually not on the @7S, since this is +hat +e are preparing no+, so +e +ill ha(e this +hen the project starts,

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@7S 8=ample * Process %mpro(ement

Department Pro#ess -mpro$ement Pro&e#t (DP-P)

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&'jecti(e9 De$elop more e%%i#ient department pro#esses and impro$ed %loor plan to in#rease produ#ti$it, +, ()C'
se! later in course,
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@7S Aierarchical Decomposition

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

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Classic metho!: Decompose the project into parts, then !ecompose those, repeat until o# Hmanagea'leI si$e, 7est #or large projects an! those +ith su'stantial material component,

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@7S Phasing & Com'ine! Metho!s

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

st Co


Phasing Boo! #or projects +here phases are a major characteristic,

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Com'ine! Boo! +hen project has some pro!uct, some phases,

7ottom 9ine: Try hierarchical !ecomposition #irst, 'e #le=i'le, an! then try to collect signi#icant num'ers o# !eli(era'les +ith an attri'ute in common together,
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System %ntegration Aierarchical Decomposition

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

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8=actly the same !eli(era'les in this (ersion o# this @7S an! the one on the ne=t page,


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System %ntegration Project Phasing

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

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8=actly the same !eli(era'les in this (ersion o# this @7S an! the one on the pre(ious page,
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@7S "ey Points

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

st Co


When in dou+t, ma4e a deli$era+le the name o% a do#ument that #aptures the output o# the +ork9

*nal,/e Qegulations *ppli#a+le Qegulations Do#ument'

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*dd a PM +ran#h to #at#h Pro&e#t Management a#ti$it, #ost and time, in#luding o% at least these deli$era+les9

1he Pro&e#t Plan #aptures the PMHs salar, and other PM %un#tions' 1he Qis4 Budget #aptures the #ost and time in the ris4 reser$e' =loseout #aptures all the wor4 in #losing the pro&e#t (=hapter !)'

Ma4e sure ,ou ha$e enough plans, re$iews, and appro$als9

;'g' add a plan deli$era+le +e%ore most su+stantial streams o% wor4 to gi$e the 6ead some time to do detailed preparation on#e the pro&e#t is underwa, remem+er the Pro&e#t Plan ,ou are preparing now is &ust a top.le$el do#ument with enough detail to +e sure the estimate is within 5:. 1)C'

Qule o% thum+ a WBS si3 le$els or more deep #an usuall, +e restru#tured to %latten it out e'g' si3 is su%%i#ient %or +uilding an airplane'
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;a#h deli$era+le is assigned to one =ore Pro&e#t 1eam mem+er during planning that is then responsi+le %or its time and #ost estimation'

7reaking Do+n 7y 9ength

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

st Co


1hree %a#tors guide how %ar ,ou +rea4down a deli$era+le9

6ength, Qesponsi+ilit,, and an -nterim Deli$era+le'

@ork packages must 'e a!!e! to the Bantt sche!ule #or tracking :see later sections<, 'ut are optional on the @7S an! net+ork !iagram * PM !ecision,

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Pro$ides smaller, more managea+le #omponents o% wor4 %or estimation, there%ore produ#ing longer, more a##urate estimates %or the whole deli$era+le' ;sta+lishes #he#4points %or later monitoring so ,ou #an tell e$er, month i% s#hedule is slipping'

;'g9 sa, preparation o% a do#ument deli$era+le will ta4e more than a month9

-t #ould +e +ro4en up into the %ollowing ele$en more managea+le, tra#4a+le wor4 pa#4ages (shown here in the networ4 diagram %ormat #o$ered in the ne3t se#tion)'
8=ecuti(e /ee!'ack 8=ecuti(e /ee!'ack Secon! Dra#t Stakehol!er /ee!'ack Stakehol!er /ee!'ack /inal 8=ecuti(e Appro(al Appro(e! /inal


8=ecuti(e %nput

/irst Dra#t


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9ength9 *n, deli$era+le longer than two wee4s must +e de#omposed into mini. deli$era+les #alled wor4 pa#4ages o% ma3imum two wee4s in length (up to %our wee4s %or large multi.,ear pro&e#ts)9

7reaking Do+n 7y Responsi'ility

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

st Co


-% di%%erent people or groups are responsi+le %or di%%erent parts o% a deli$era+le, it should +e +ro4en up into parts ea#h led +, a single person or group'

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;3ample the plan %or a #on%eren#e has three main parts, whi#h will +e led +, three di%%erent people9

Brea4 up the plan into the three di%%erent parts9

Speakers :Al'ert<

Con#erence Plan

Catering :7o'<

?enue :Cathy<


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Pro$ides #learer #omponents o% wor4 %or estimation' Pro$ides #learer #omponents o% wor4 %or later monitoring and #ontrol'

7reaking Do+n 7y %nterim Deli(ery

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

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-% another deli$era+le #an start part wa, through the #urrent deli$era+le, the #urrent deli$era+le should +e +ro4en up into two parts, with the %irst part +eing an interim deli$era+le %rom whi#h the other deli$era+le #an start9

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Pro$ides #learer #omponents o% wor4 %or estimation' ;na+les #lear presentation o% the pro&e#t logi# in the networ4 diagram' Qesults in a %aster and more a##urate s#hedule'

;3ample9 1he user manual %or an appli#ation is started a%ter the design, then #ompleted a%ter the %inal +uild'

Application Design Application ser Manual ser Manual Dra#t

Application 7uil!

ser Manual /inal


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Deli(era'les@ork PackagesActi(ities

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

st Co


Deli(era'les an! +ork packages are the Project Manager;s (ie+, Acti(ities are the team mem'er;s (ie+,

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%n Bantt sche!ule #or sure, optional on @7S an! net+ork !iagram,

Project Manager Team Mem'ers

Tasks J Acti(ities Do this Do that Do this Do that Do this Do that - !ay 0 !ays 2 !ays 1 !ays . !ays - !ay

H7asis &# 8stimateI :7&8< is the team mem'er;s estimate, ne(er on @7S or net+ork !iagram, possi'ly in Bantt sche!ule,
2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com

A secret to PM: !o not cross,

&on-'ommercial ! e -2


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@7S Dictionary

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

st Co


-n%ormation that #anHt %it on the graphi#al WBS9

LniPue deli$era+le -D' 1e3t des#ription' 6ead person' 1ra#4ing #ost a##ount'

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@7S %D Kame 1)() Lpdated Pro#esses 1)(! "loor Plan Lpdate 1raining Plan 9


Description 9ea! ?' Smith -mpro$ed pro#esses to remo$e dupli#ate and unne#essar, steps' Seating plan that maps to =' Broo4s impro$ed pro#esses and in#reases e%%i#ien#,' 1raining plan to +ring sta%% *' Dou#et up to speed on more e%%i#ient pro#esses 9 9
/inancial co!e #or later capture o# costs * can 'un!le more than one !eli(era'le i# con(enient,

Cost Acct !1(O)




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Prepare any +ay that +orks, as long as it is unique #or each !eli(era'le: -, ., 0,,, -)-), -).), -)0),,, AAAAA, AAAA7, AAAAC,,,

Relationship o# @7S & Requirements

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

st Co


QePuirements #o$er the produ#t the WBS in#ludes the produ#t and the rest o% the pro&e#t'

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8(ery requirement has a home in at least one !eli(era'le,

Requirements Shall !o this ,,, Shall !o that ,,, Shall not !o this ,,, Shall not !o that ,,, : :

&ther !eli(era'les e=ist 'ecause they are project scope,

2013-03-05 Per onal Single-! er #$%cational 2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e -*

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@7S Process
Once the what is decided, the how always follows. Pearl S' Bu#4, 1M (.1 KO

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

st Co


Meet with =ore Pro&e#t 1eam, e$er,one read the rePuirements +e%ore meeting, and ha$e a #op, hand,9

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"irst meeting9

Wal4 through the pro&e#t %rom +eginning to end' =o$er ea#h area o% the pro&e#t te#hni#al, mar4eting, support, et#' "ind a deli$era+le %or ea#h element o% wor4' Write down deli$era+les on post.it notes and paste onto a dra%t WBS %lip.#hart or wall' Mo$e the deli$era+les around into some logi#al grouping (not #riti#al<)'

Su+sePuent meetings9

Draw up the WBS with an organi/ation #hart tool, su#h as Mi#roso%t PowerPoint Arg =hart, Arg Plus, or mind mapping tool li4e "reePlane' =ome +a#4 %or at least two more meetings to re$iew and update'

-t is #ommon to add : %ind more deli$era+les when ,ou %low#hart the Betwor4 Diagram'
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;3pe#t three meetings +e%ore the WBS sta+ili/es'

&nce the !eli(era'les are i!enti#ie!, the project is 'roken into managea'le pieces, an! e(erything gets easy: assignment to team, estimating, sche!uling, risk i!enti#ication,,,

#.erci e 2.2 WAS

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

st Co


Identify the deliverables for your ro4ect : +C to D,. Include Customer end deliverables, and any interim ro4ect deliverables that will cost time and money7
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1lans 8esigns Reviews Ins ections A rovals $tc.

3rite on ost-it notes and arrange loosely in a 3%/7

8oes not have to be erfect, this is the first meeting.

)he 3%/ is not strictly chronological : 4ust the whats, not when.


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@7S Dra+ing Tool

Tim e

.,0 Planning * Scope

st Co


Microso#t Po+erPoint or @or! &rgani$ation Chart Tool, Can also use a min! mapping application like /reePlane :#ree open source so#t+are<,

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Ket+ork Diagram
Arriving at one goal is the starting oint to another. ",odor Dostoe$s4,, 1M(1.1MM1'

Tim e

.,1 Planning * 9ogic

st Co


7our most important pro&e#t management tool9

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* %low#hart showing the %undamental logi# o% the pro&e#t' Shows how the deli$era+les %low together' *lso 4nown as a Pre#eden#e Diagram' 7ou #an see the project, and e3plain it to others'

?ienna Con#erence ?isit

Trip Report: %ssues an! 9essons 9earne!

Stakehol!er Consultations

9essons 9earne! an! A!(ice

CommunG ications Plan

Sustainment Plan Dra#t

Steering Committee /orme! Project Coor!inator Assigne!

%SACS Section Dra#t

%SACS Section /inal

Sustainment Plan /inal

&##ice Space Agreement

@orkplan Agree!

8=isting Stan!ar!s Re(ie+

%SACS Section . Dra#t

Steering Committee Re(ie+

%SACS Section . /inal

Steering Committee Re(ie+

Consultants Recruite!

%SACS Section 0 Dra#t

%SACS Section 0 /inal

Shows the pre#eden#e relationships9

%SACS @e'site

Whi#h deli$era+les need to +e done %irst2 Whi#h deli$era+les are needed to start others2 Whi#h deli$era+les #an +e started a%ter others are done2

%SACS Document /inal

Steering Committee Appro(al


Presentation at 1;th 7iennial Meeting

Project Report: 9essons 9earne!

&ne year Assessment

Recc #or Ke=t Steps

%SACS &perational Bui!e

Stri$e %or parallelism9

1here are o%ten se$eral parallel paths that #an +e done independentl,' *dd hard dependen#ies onl, one reall, needs to +e done +e%ore the other' Qesour#e #onstraints will +e ta4en into a##ount later'
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"in!s o# Prece!ence 9inks

Tim e

.,1 Planning * 9ogic

st Co


/inish to Start9

Pre!ecessor Successor

Prede#essor must %inish, then su##essor starts'

Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

"inish to "inish9

Su##essor must %inish same time as prede#essor'


Start to Start9

Su##essor must start same time as prede#essor'

Pre!ecessor Successor

Start to "inish9

Su##essor must %inish when prede#essor starts'

Pre!ecessor Successor
&on-'ommercial ! e --


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9ea!s an! 9ags

Tim e

.,1 Planning * 9ogic

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"inish.to.Start is the most #ommon lin4, and #an +e ad&usted to show 6eads and 6ags in a Gantt s#heduling tool (see later se#tions)' 6eads9
MS Pro&e#t notation to o$erlap %i$e da,s9 F/ : Cd
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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

A$erlapping deli$era+les, t,pi#all, used %or %ast.tra#4ing'




*dd time in +etween deli$era+les %or waiting time' MS Pro&e#t notation to add ten da,s lead time9 F/ E +,d


Q-)! Successor


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Beneric 8=ample

Tim e

.,1 Planning * 9ogic

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She! 8=ample

Tim e

.,1 Planning * 9ogic

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So#t+are 8=ample

Tim e

.,1 Planning * 9ogic

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Process %mpro(ement 8=ample

Tim e

.,3 Planning * Critical Path

st Co



Department Pro#ess -mpro$ement Pro&e#t (DP-P)

&'jecti(e9 De$elop more e%%i#ient department pro#esses and impro$ed %loor plan to in#rease produ#ti$it, +, ()C'
@e 'uilt a @7S #or this project in the pre(ious su'section,
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Ke+ /loor Plan -st Dra#t 1 "icko## Meeting Ke+ Dept Processes -st Dra#t -) 8=ecuti(e Re(ie+ -

Ke+ /loor Plan .n! Dra#t 0 8=ecuti(e Appro(al Ke+ Dept Processes .n! Dra#t 5 Project 7u##er 4 %mplement Ke+ /loor Plan 0 Training Session .

&ne Page /A> .

Training Plan .

Training Manual -st Dra#t 2

Training Manual .n! Dra#t 1


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Stan!ar!s De(elopment 8=ample

?ienna Con#erence ?isit Trip Report: %ssues an! 9essons 9earne! Stakehol!er %nput Document CommunG ications Plan

Tim e

.,1 Planning * 9ogic

st Co


Stakehol!er Consultations

Sustainment Plan Dra#t

Steering Committee /orme! S

Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

&##ice Space Agreement

@orkplan Agree!

Applica'le Stan!ar!s Summary

%SACS Section . Dra#t

Steering Committee /ee!'ack

%SACS Section . /inal

Steering Committee /ee!'ack

Consultants Recruite!

%SACS Section 0 Dra#t

%SACS Section 0 /inal

%SACS @e'site

Real project #or the Cana!ian Department o# /oreign A##airs an! %nternational Tra!e :D/A%T<: %nternational Small Arms Consoli!ation Stan!ar!,
Presentation at 1;th 7iennial Meeting Project Report & 9essons 9earne! &ne Fear Assessment Re(ie+ Recc #or Ke=t Steps Report /

%SACS Document /inal

Steering Committee Appro(al


%SACS &perational Bui!e


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Project Coor!inator Assigne!

%SACS Section Dra#t

%SACS Section /inal

Sustainment Plan /inal

Ket+ork Diagram Process

Tim e

.,1 Planning * 9ogic

st Co


Meet with =ore Pro&e#t 1eam, with the WBS in hand9

@old at least three meetings a da, apart to get a solid +aseline'


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Put a Start +o3 at the +eginning, and a "inish +o3 at the end' Write the deli$era+les onto post.it notes' Mo$e the deli$era+les around to %ind the pre#eden#e relationships' Je, Puestions9 What do we need to start this deli$era+le, and What #an we start on#e it is done2 *dd arrows onl, %or hard dependen#ies where the prede#essor is reall, needed' ;nsure no dangling deli$era+les e$er,thing has a prede#essor and su##essor' Draw arrows in pen#il %irst, then with mar4er when sure it is %inished'

*dd newl, dis#o$ered deli$era+les as ne#essar,9

Plans, re$iews, #ontra#ts, appro$alsS

Draw up with an, tool with #onne#tor lines9

Fisio, PowerPoint, 6i+reA%%i#e Draw (%ree open sour#e so%tware)'

=ir#ulate %or #omment post where people see it impro$e as ne#essar,'

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Ket+ork Diagram Patterns

/loor Plan

Tim e

.,1 Planning * 9ogic

st Co


"icko## 7usiness Processes

8=ecuti(e Appro(al

Se(eral paths start in parallel, then they merge together 'y the en!,

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Training Plan %mplemG entation %mplemG ent Plan Closeout /

Comple= * high risk o# mistakes

Simpli#ying Comple=ity

More organi$e! 9ess risk



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%nclu!ing @aiting Time

Tim e

.,1 Planning * 9ogic

st Co


* pro&e#t o%ten has waiting time %or $arious e$ents

*ppro$als, pro#urement, deli$eries, paint dr,ing'

Sometimes the, are at the deli$era+le or wor4 pa#4age le$el, sometimes at the a#ti$it, le$el' -t is usuall, +est to +rea4 out a separate deli$era+le, estimate the waiting time, and allo#ate time +ut no resour#es to it'

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Mu#h #learer, easier to estimate, and highlights the waiting e$ent'


Request /or /acilities

Appro(al @aiting Time

%nitiate Mo(e

Purchase &r!er Sent

Procurement @aiting Time

%nspect Ke+ Material

Room Painte!

Paint Drying Time

/inishings %nstall


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#.erci e 2.3 De6elop a &etwor) Diagram

Tim e

.,1 Planning * 9ogic

st Co


Flowchart your ro4ect deliverables in a <etwork 8iagram. Add new deliverables wherever re=uired to make the ro4ect make sense. $very deliverable must have a redecessor and a successor, even if only the /tart and Finish.

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3hat do we need to start this deliverable5 3hat can we start once this deliverable is done5

.se a se arate arrow for every de endency : makes things much sim ler when calculating the critical ath. .se a encil or en first and get team agreement before finali'ing the arrows with marker&


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Ket+ork Diagram Tool

Tim e

.,1 Planning * 9ogic

st Co


Microso#t Po+erPoint Connector 9ines, Can also use any other !ra+ing tool * MS ?isio, 9i're&##ice Dra+ :#ree open source so#t+are<,

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#.erci e 2.* 72e Power @4 # timation

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


Any analysis can almost always roduce a better estimate than a single oint guess. $!am le7 estimate the number of iano tuners in )oronto7

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;ou have no in ut information at all. How did you break it down5 How close do you think it is5


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8stimating Cost an! Time

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


Pro&e#t #ost and time is simpli%ied as the #ost and time %or !eli(era'les9

Mu#h easier and more a##urate than estimating the pro&e#t as a whole' B, estimating man, deli$era+les, some o% the errors will #an#el out, leading to a mu#h more a##urate o$erall estimate'

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=ommon methods9

Analogous9 =omparison to similar pro&e#ts : deli$era+les' Acti(ity 7reak!o+n9 Brea4 the deli$era+le down into the a#ti$ities rePuired to implement it, estimate indi$iduall,, then roll.up the most a##ura#, and +est i% it #ounts' Delphi9 *s4 se$eral e3perts, ha$e them #ompare responses, dis#uss the reasons %or di%%erent estimates, then iterate until #onsensus %ound' P8RT J 0GPoint9 ;stimate the +est #ase, most li4el,, and worst #ase, then a$erage %ast and mu#h +etter than a single point guess, howe$er not as good as a#ti$it, +rea4down' Aistorical9 @ard data re#orded %or past pro&e#ts : deli$era+les need to ma4e sure ,ou are #omparing li4e items'
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Boo! #or QJG 2)E estimate #or 'usiness case !uring %nitiation stage,

The Statistical Po+er &# Multiple 8stimates

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


Sa, the #orre#t $alue o% something is 1))9

*n, one estimate, %rom a normal distri+ution, ma, ha$e #onsidera+le error'

@owe$er, the sum o% multiple estimates #on$erges to #lose to the #orre#t $alue' 1his prin#iple applies +oth to estimating multiple deli$era+les o% a pro&e#t, and to estimating multiple a#ti$ities o% a deli$era+le #om+ining +oth is the 4e, to o$erall pro&e#t estimates with a##ura#, o% 5: 1)C'
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9ess than -)E error

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Time 8stimation * Acti(ity 7reak!o+n

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


3hoever wants to reach a distant goal must take small ste s. Saul Bellow, 1 1!.())!'

%mplementation Plan:

Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

Prep 7asis &# 8stimate :7&8<

Three (ersions

1otal .0 !ays

Man, deli$era+les #an +ene%it %rom preparation time, #reation o% more than one $ersion, and more than one re$iew' ;stimate time li+erall, in this step to ma4e sure ,ou ha$e enoughS
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Qe$iew rePuirements Qe$iew +est prior plans Prepare plan outline "irst dra%t Peer re$iew T+o Se#ond dra%t re(ie+s PM re$iew "inal update

1 da, ( da,s 1 da, M da,s 1 da, ! da,s ( da,s ( da,s

Acti(ity 7reak!o+n A!justment

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


%mplementation Plan:

Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

Prep 7asis &# 8stimate :7&8<

Three (ersions

1otal -5 !ays

1hen do a gut #he#4 and #ut +a#4 i% the total is too high, or in#rease i% the total is too low9 =riti#all, important step a+out dou+les the a##ura#,'
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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

Qe$iew rePuirements Qe$iew +est prior plans Prepare plan outline "irst dra%t Peer re$iew T+o Se#ond dra%t re(ie+s PM re$iew "inal update

1 da, - da,s 1 da, 3 da,s 1 da, 1 da,s ( da,s ( da,s

%nclu!ing Resources

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


%mplementation Plan:

1 da, 1 da,s 1 da, E da,s 1 da, D da,s ( da,s ( da,s Mgr 1 1 1 E 1 D ( ( Rr Docs
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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

Qe$iew rePuirements Qe$iew +est prior plans Prepare plan outline "irst dra%t Peer re$iew Se#ond dra%t PM re$iew "inal update

1 O 1 1 1

1otal -5 !ays -5! 2! -! De#ide the team #omposition +e%ore estimating, sin#e the duration o% wor4 #annot +e %a#tored linearl, +, #hanging the num+er o% people later' -% it is apparent here that one group wor4s one part, and another group another part, it should +e split into two deli$era+les'
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8##ort *S Pro!ucti(e Time *S Duration

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


7our raw estimate is pure e##ort time9

;'g' 1)) hours assuming the personnel are tireless ro+ots'

1hen %irst %a#tor %or pro!ucti(ity no.one wor4s at 1))C9

Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

=ommon standard is e%%e#ti$e produ#ti$it, +etween K(C . M!C, depending on organi/ation' ;'g'9 Sun#or %a#tors outdoor winter wor4 at E)C produ#ti$it,' "a#tor all estimates +e%ore entering into the s#heduling tool' @a$e a standard %or ,our organi/ation or group, e'g' M!C'

1hen enter into s#heduling tool, along with personnel a(aila'ility9

-% a resour#e is a$aila+le !)C o% the time the tool will dou+le the time, i% a$aila+le OOC o% the time it will triple the time, et#'

Qedu#e i% s4epti#al the a$aila+ilit, is a##urate, e'g' redu#e OOC to (!C'


1he tool will ta4e a##ount o% length o% wor4ing da,, e'g' K'! h or M h' 1he tool s4ips wee4ends, holida,s and other non.wor4ing da,s' Autput is a#tual duration #alendar time'
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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

8stimation Sprea!sheet

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


1he %ollowing spreadsheet shows the estimate %rom the pre$ious pages as it would +e a#tuall, done in pra#ti#e9
%mplementation Plan %mpl, 9ea! 5 5 -3 1) 5 0. 5 .1 -11,) -5,) 52E -36,1 .-,. M-)) M-3,61-))E -36,1 .-,. 1 -3 %mpl, Rr, %D: Braphics %tem Ta=i #or site (isit -).2 @ork !ay hours: Material >ty Cost M02 Total M02
Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e 11,

Deli(era'le: Auman Resources Acti(ity Re(ie+ requirements Re(ie+ pre(ious +ork #or 'est practices De(elop outline /irst !ra#t Peer re(ie+ Secon! !ra#t PM re(ie+ /inal 8##ort hours 8##ort !ays Pro!ucti(ity /actore! hours /actore! !ays Rate J hour Costs A(aila'ility Duration hours Duration !ays
Per onal Single-! er #$%cational Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

-3 Telecon rental -3 5 1),) 2,) 52E 14,2,6 M3) M.,5.1 00E Total cost -1.,3 Ma= !uration hours -4,5 Ma= !uration !ays
&on-'ommercial ! e



.),) .,2 52E .0,2 .,6 M5) M-,55. 2)E 14,2,6

M202 M..,-5. -36,1 .-,.


2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com

P8RT & 0GPoint Techniques

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


;stimate the +est #ase (B), most li4el, #ase (M), and worst.#ase (W)9

Most people produ#e low estimates +e#ause the, are a%raid o% loo4ing in#ompetent' Je, $alue o% this te#hniPue9 it %a#tors in the worst.#ase'

Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

P;Q1 T ( B 5 D3M 5 W ) : E' -t multiplies M +, D to appro3imate a normal distri+ution' Sin#e W is usuall, RR M, this pro$ides a larger and there%ore more realisti# estimate' @owe$er the P;Q1 result o%ten still underestimates in pra#ti#e, so'''

Straight O.point a$erage with no weighting is o%ten re#ommended toda,9

O.Point T ( B 5 M 5 W ) : O'

7ou #an also pad the estimate with the standard de$iation SD T (W . B) : E

*dd one SD and the a#tual result should +e less than or ePual to the padded estimate EMC o% the time' *dd two SD and the result should +e less than or ePual !C o% the time' *dd three SD and the result should +e less than or ePual C o% the time'
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Ariginal Program ;$aluation Qe$iew 1e#hniPue (P;Q1) de$eloped %or the Polaris nu#lear su+marine pro&e#t in 1 !)Hs9

Pert & 0GPoint 8=ample

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


*n e3pert estimates that preparation o% a do#ument will ta4e 1) da,s in the +est #ase, most li4el, 1!, and #ould +e as mu#h as O) in the worst #ase'

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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

P;Q1 T (1) 5 DZ1! 5 O)) : E O.Point T (1) 5 1! 5 O)) : O

T 1E'K T 1M'O

Lsing O.Point, the standard de$iation is T (O) . 1)) : E T O'O 1here%ore9

EMC o% results should +e +etween 1! and (1'E !C o% results should +e within 11'K and (D' C o% results should +e within M'D and (M'(

"aster te#hniPue than a#ti$it, +rea4down, howe$er not as a##urate9

Qule o% thum+ this te#hniPue gi$es an estimate a##urate to within a+out 5: (!C'
2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e


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Delphi Technique
(now thyself. =ar$ed a+o$e the entran#e to the Ara#le o% Delphi'

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


Wor4s well %or time, #ost, and parti#ularl, pro+a+ilit, during ris4 Puanti%i#ation, espe#iall, when there is $er, little other in%ormation to go +,' Gather ,our #ore pro&e#t team (=P1) or a spe#i%i# group o% domain e3perts together' Brie% the group on the item +eing estimated, and pro$ide all rele$ant in%ormation a$aila+le9

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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

1hen ea#h e3pert writes down their %irst estimate on a pie#e o% paper' ;$er,one shows their estimate at the same time9

Qemo$es the signi%i#ant in%luen#e o% earl, estimates on later estimates'

1he group dis#usses wh, their estimates di%%er what are their di%%erent assumptions2 1hen iterate write down their ne3t estimate, show all at on#e, dis#uss'

Lsuall, O to ! rounds are enough to get a #onsensus estimate' Delphi is mu#h +etter and more de%ensi+le than an indi$idual estimate'

*+out 5: ()C a##ura#,, a#ti$it, +rea4down estimating is still +est'

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#.erci e 2.5 7ime # timation

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


$stimate the time for one $eli6era5le of your ro4ect using an activity breakdown7

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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

A good deliverable with some com le!ity, erha s re=uiring more than one erson.

)hen 4ust for this course come u with a ro!imate time estimates for the rest of the deliverables using abbreviated 8el hi : ask your team members for their estimates, and then average7

3e only need a ro!imate numbers for this course to show the rocesses we will take in the ne!t ste s.

3rite the estimates in the middle of the deliverable. .se common units7 all days.

<o half days, round u .


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2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com

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8stimating Cost

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


1he #ost estimate is o+tained %rom the a#ti$it, +rea4down estimate done earlier people #osts and an, other #osts %or the a#ti$ities' -n#lude all dire#t #osts, +ut not indire#t #osts9

Direct9 Dire#tl, #osted to ,our pro&e#t, part o% the o$erall +udget' %n!irect9 General and administrati$e, not dire#tl, #osted to ,our pro&e#t sin#e the, are alread, in#luded in the rates %or dire#t #osts9

Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

;'g' =ontra#ts, legal, G*, -1 support, shipping and re#ei$ing, et#' =al#ulated on#e a ,ear and in#luded in the dire#t #osts %or other personnel, material, and ser$i#es this is wh, rates are so mu#h higher than salar,'

;a#h deli$era+le #ost is the sum o% all estimated dire#t #osts9

Faria+le =osts dependent on the amount o% e%%ort9

People 3 time 3 rates' "a#ilities rental 3 time' Printing 3 #opies' 1ra$el 3 trips' Paint 3 sPuare %eet' =omputers, ePuipment, %urniture, et#'
2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e

"i3ed =osts one time #osts9


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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

Cost RollGup * 7ill o# Materials

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


1he BAM is a spreadsheet that #olle#ts all #osts +, WBS -D9

Sometimes personnel #osts are pro$ided in the Gantt =hart tool'

@7S %D 1)(! 1)(! 1)(! Su+total 1)OE 1)OE Su+total 1)DM 9 9 Total

Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

6aptops Qoom Printing 9 9

Qental Qental Su+#ontra#t 9 9

8K!) 8 !) 8D)) 9 9

se! #or #inancial processing * ta= reco(ery, etc,

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%tem *nal,st Graphi#s 1a3is

Type Personnel Personnel 1ra$el

nit Cost 8!) 8D) 8(!

>ty Total Cost 1D) 8K,))) 1E 8ED) 1) 8(!) M4,56) M 8E,))) ( 81, )) M4,6)) 1 8D)) 9 9 9 9 M0-,65)

#.erci e 2.+ 'o t # timation

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


1ick three deliverables. For each deliverable7

$stimate the eo le time, assuming any rate that0s close : in real life
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you would get this number from the finance de artment.

$stimate everything else re=uired : material, services, travel, etc. : and

assume a cost for each.

Roll u the cost for the deliverable.

Add u the total cost for the three deliverables.


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&on-'ommercial ! e

Aan!ling 8stimating 8rror

Tim e

.,2 Planning * 8stimating

st Co


1he +est prote#tions %or o+taining a##urate estimates9

Get the person who will do the &o+ later in e3e#ution to do the estimating in planning to o+tain a##ura#, and +u,.in'

Ar their +oss, who will still %eel responsi+ilit, %or a##ura#,'

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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

Lse a#ti$it, +rea4down to %ind the detail and get most realisti# results'

What #an ,ou do i% ,ou are #on#erned the estimate is in#orre#t2

"ind an e3isting independent #omparison9

*n a##epted industr, metri#' *n estimate %or similar wor4 %rom a past pro&e#t'

Get one to three independent estimates9

Pre%era+l, %rom a di%%erent department or di$ision %or o+&e#ti$it,'

-% ,ou are still #on#erned the estimate is in#orre#t usuall, too low9

*dd a line to the ris4 register #alled ;stimating ;rror and allo#ate an appropriate pro+a+ilit,, time, and #ost (see ris4 se#tion)'
2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e


Per onal Single-! er #$%cational

The Sche!ule Critical Path

Tim e

.,3 Planning * Critical Path

st Co


A ro4ect without a critical ath is like a shi without a rudder. D' Me,er, -llinois =onstru#tion 6aw'

=riti#al Path de%inition9

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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

1he longest path through the pro&e#t that dri$es the s#hedule' 1he shortest amount o% time in whi#h the pro&e#t #an +e done' -% the #riti#al path deli$era+les slip, the entire pro&e#t end date slips'

"loat (or sla#4)9

1he amount o% time a deli$era+le #an slip without impa#ting the end date' 1he di%%eren#e +etween the earliest and latest a deli$era+le #an %inish' =riti#al path deli$era+les ha$e /ero %loat'


1he PM %o#uses most o% their attention on the =riti#al Path, sin#e s#hedule slips dri$e in#reases in +oth #ost and +rand new ris4s' -% the s#hedule is slipping, ,ou #an mo$e resour#es %rom non.#riti#al path deli$era+les to #riti#al path deli$era+les (i% there is a s4ills mat#h)'
2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e


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Critical Path Process

Tim e

.,3 Planning * Critical Path

st Co


1' /or+ar! pass9 %ind ;arliest Start (;S) and ;arliest "inish (;")9

Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

A!! num+ers9 ;S 5 Duration T ;"' =hoose the greatest i% ,ou ha$e a #hoi#e to ma4e %rom two prede#essors'
/loat T 9/ * 8/ 8S Duration 9S 9/ 8/
Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e 12,

(' 7ack+ar!s pass9 %ind 6atest Start (6S) and 6atest "inish (6")9

Su'tract num+ers9 6" Duration T 6S' =hoose the least i% ,ou ha$e a #hoi#e to ma4e %rom two su##essors'

O' /loat is the di%%eren#e +etween 6ate "inish and ;arl, "inish T 6" ;"'
2013-03-05 Per onal Single-! er #$%cational 2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e

Ket+ork Diagram 8=ample

Tim e

.,3 Planning * Critical Path

st Co


Project: Department Pro#ess -mpro$ement Pro&e#t (DP-P) &'jecti(e9 De$elop more e%%i#ient department pro#esses and impro$ed %loor plan to in#rease produ#ti$it, +, ()C'
Project 'u##er is !e#ine! 'y the Risk Management process later,

Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

"icko## Meeting Ke+ Dept Processes -st Dra#t -)

8=ecuti(e Re(ie+ Ke+ Dept Processes .n! Dra#t 5

8=ecuti(e Appro(al -

Project 7u##er 4

%mplement Ke+ /loor Plan 0

Training Session .

&ne Page /A> .

Training Plan .

Training Manual -st Dra#t 2

Training Manual .n! Dra#t 1

Same project #or +hich +e 'uilt a @7S in the earlier section,

2013-03-05 Per onal Single-! er #$%cational 2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e 12-

Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

Ke+ /loor Plan -st Dra#t 1

Ke+ /loor Plan .n! Dra#t 0

/or+ar! Pass

Tim e

.,3 Planning * Critical Path

st Co


;arl, Start 5 Duration T ;arl, "inish =op, ;arl, "inish to ne3t ;arl, Start, #hoose the greatest i% se$eral prede#essors'
8/ T 8S Q Dur
2 -. -2
Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

) S ) "icko## Meeting -

Ke+ /loor Plan -st Dra#t 1



Ke+ /loor Plan .n! Dra#t 0









8=ecuti(e Re(ie+ --. .) Ke+ Dept Processes -st Dra#t -) Ke+ Dept Processes .n! Dra#t 5

Copy Breatest
.) ..

8=ecuti(e Appro(al -

Project 7u##er 4

%mplement Ke+ /loor Plan 0

02 /

Training Session .

&ne Page /A> .

. Training Manual -st Dra#t 2



Training Plan .

Training Manual .n! Dra#t 1


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2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com

&on-'ommercial ! e


7ack+ar! Pass

Tim e

.,3 Planning * Critical Path

st Co


6ate "inish Duration T 6ate Start =op, 6ate Start to pre$ious 6ate "inish, #hoose the least i% se$eral su##essors'

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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

) S )

) "icko## Meeting )

Ke+ /loor Plan -st Dra#t 1 4 --



Ke+ /loor Plan .n! Dra#t 0 -6 ..









8=ecuti(e Re(ie+ ---. -. .) .) Ke+ Dept Processes -st Dra#t -) -. Ke+ Dept Processes .n! Dra#t 5 -. .) . Training Manual -st Dra#t 2 .1 .6

8=ecuti(e Appro(al .. .. .0 .0

Project 7u##er 4 0)

%mplement Ke+ /loor Plan 0 0) 00

02 / 02

Training Session . 00 02

Copy 9east

&ne Page /A> . .) 4 ..




Training Plan . .. .1

Training Manual .n! Dra#t 1 .6 00

9S T 9/ G Dur


Per onal Single-! er #$%cational

2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com

&on-'ommercial ! e


Critical Path @ith /loat

Tim e

.,3 Planning * Critical Path

st Co


"loat T 6ate "inish ;arl, "inish 1he =riti#al Path runs through the deli$era+les that dri$e the s#hedule, those with /ero %loat, that i% late will push out the s#hedule end date'
:3< 2 -. Ke+ /loor Plan -st Dra#t 1 4 -:4< -2
Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e 132

/loat T 9/ * 8/
Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

:)< ) S ) ) ) "icko## Meeting -

:)< --.

Ke+ /loor Plan .n! Dra#t 0 -6 ..

:)< .. .0 .0

:)< 0) 0)

:)< 00 00 %mplement Ke+ /loor Plan 0 0) 0) 00

:)< 02 02 / 02

:)< -Ke+ Dept Processes -st Dra#t -) :..< . --

8=ecuti(e Re(ie+ --. -.

:)< .) .) Ke+ Dept Processes .n! Dra#t 5 -. .) .


8=ecuti(e Appro(al .. .. .0 .0

Project 7u##er 4

Training Session . 00 02

&ne Page /A> . .) :..< 4 Training Manual -st Dra#t 2 .. :1< .0 .4 Training Manual .n! Dra#t 1 .6 00

Training Plan . .. .1



The critical path shoul! 'e monitore! closely e(en +hen stakehol!ers !o not put it #irst, since sche!ule !ri(es cost an! 'ran! ne+ risks,
2013-03-05 Per onal Single-! er #$%cational 2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e

#.erci e 2.7 Determine 'ritical Pat2

Tim e

.,3 Planning * Critical Path

st Co


8etermine the critical ath for your ro4ect7

Forward ass.
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%ackwards ass. Calculate the float.

Highlight the critical ath ?'ero float@ in red marker. After seeing the critical ath, are their any u dates to deliverables or the network diagram you would like to consider5

)he lan has not been submitted yet, still time to make ad4ustments.


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2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com

&on-'ommercial ! e

Ket+ork Diagram Sche!ule

Tim e

.,4 Planning * Sche!ule

st Co


*dd the networ4 diagram to a Gantt #hart9

-n$ented +, @enr, 6' Gantt in 1 1K'

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1he planning done to this point pro$ides a straight%orward mapping9

1he deli$era+les are the Gantt #hart tas4s' 1he networ4 diagram dependen#ies (arrows) are the pre#eden#e lin4s'

Doing the networ4 diagram %irst means9

1he Gantt #hart in#ludes onl, deli$era+les' 1he num+er o% pre#eden#e lin4s is minimi/ed' 1he s#hedule is as simple as possi+le, maintaina+le, actually use#ul'


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7uil!ing the Sche!ule

Tim e

.,4 Planning * Sche!ule

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Put the networ4 diagram and deli$era+le estimates into a Gantt #hart s#heduling tool9
Mi#roso%t Pro&e#t' Prima$era' Gnome Planner %ree open sour#e so%tware' Pro&e#t6i+re %ree open sour#e so%tware, and reads and writes

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Mi#roso%t Pro&e#t %iles'

Spe#i%, a #alendar start date, and the tool ta4es into a##ount the spe#i%ied length o% the wor4 da,, s4ips wee4ends and spe#i%ied holida,s, and la,s out the pro&e#t a#ross the #alendar' *lmost ne$er use the e%%ort dri$en %eature un#he#4 the +o3<

Will #hange the duration e$er, time ,ou ad&ust resour#es'

1he tool automati#all, #al#ulates the #riti#al path9

But now ,ou 4now how to do it ,oursel% i% needed<


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Bantt Chart Sche!ule

Tim e

.,4 Planning * Sche!ule

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1he Gantt #hart is oneGtoGone with the networ4 diagram9

1he deli$era+les are the +ars' 1he lin4s are the pre#eden#e arrows'
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Department Pro#esses Pro&e#t (%rom earlier)

Critical Path sho+n in re!


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Bantt Chart @ith @ork Packages

Tim e

.,4 Planning * Sche!ule

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Wor4 pa#4ages rarel, go on the WBS or Betwor4 Diagram9

1he added #omple3it, o+s#ures the $alue o% a deli$era+le %o#us'

@owe$er, wor4 pa#4ages must go in the Gantt #hart to ena+le later monitoring and #ontrol9

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-ndent them underneath their deli$era+le %or eas, management'


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Bantt Chart @ith Acti(ities

Tim e

.,4 Planning * Sche!ule

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1he a#ti$it, +rea4downs #an also +e added i% appropriate9

Lsuall, +e#ause di%%erent a#ti$ities rePuire di%%erent personnel' -% all the a#ti$ities need the same people, then not needed, &ust add personnel to the deli$era+le or wor4 pa#4age'
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-% added, are indented under the deli$era+le or wor4 pa#4age'


Sche!ule Milestones

Tim e

.,5 Planning * Milestones

st Co


Milestones are a su+set o% the deli$era+les important to Sta4eholders that show a signi#icant achie(ement towards #ompletion' Purpose o% milestones9
Qedu#e the set o% all deli$era+les to a managea+le num+er %or reporting

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to the Sta4eholders' ;nsures the Sta4eholders #an do their &o+ o% pro$iding o$ersight o% pro&e#t progress' Pro$ide agreed #he#4points %or release o% partial pa,ments to #ontra#tors'

Qule o% thum+9
*+out one e$er, ( months, no longer than D months' 1his pro$ides enough %or Sta4eholder o$ersight, and %ew enough to +e

managea+le %or pro&e#t reporting'


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#.erci e 2., '2oo e Mile tone

Tim e

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/elect milestones for your ro4ect.

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9ark them on your network diagram with stars

Are they all on the critical ath : why or why not5


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Resource Planning

Tim e

.,6 Planning * Resources

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6oad all the personnel and other resour#e rePuirements into the Gantt #hart tool' *dd a human resour#e planning se#tion to the pro&e#t management plan9

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Put the #ustomer at the top<

-denti%, the deli$era+le responsi+ilities %or ea#h position'

*dd a 4e, material resour#es planning se#tion9

What 4e, resour#es are rePuired ePuipment, so%tware, %a#ilities2 Where will ,ou get them2 -% ,ou need resour#es e3ternall,, add a pro#urement plan se#tion'

*re an, @Q or material resour#es in high demand and need ad$an#e +oo4ing2

-% ,ou #annot miss those dates, then add some time +u%%er within the plan (see the later se#tion on =riti#al =hain Management)'


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What personnel are rePuired2 Where will ,ou get them internal %un#tional organi/ations, hire, #ontra#t2 @ow will ,ou replenish them i% the, lea$e the pro&e#t2 Do ,ou need a training +udget within the pro&e#t2 -n#lude a pro&e#t organi/ation #hart showing the PM and area leads9

Resource 9e(eling

Tim e

.,6 Planning * Resources

st Co


se the sche!uling tool to calculate the loa!ing o# personnel an! other resources,
- * %# the project is sche!ule constraine!:

. * %# the project is resource constraine!:

se #loat to mo(e !eli(era'les #or+ar!, %# not possi'le, must #in! more resources,

se #loat to mo(e !eli(era'les #or+ar!, %# not possi'le, must e=ten! the sche!ule,

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A, Al'ert is o(erloa!e!

Same Project9i're Bantt chart tool,


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Assigning Cost Accounts

Tim e

.,-) Planning * Cost

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1ra#4ing #osts in e3e#ution rePuires assignment o% a %inan#ial #ode #alled a #ost a##ount that is re#orded %or all e3penditures9

Personnel enter their time %or wor4 +, #ost a##ount in timesheets' Pur#hased material and ser$i#es are assigned to a #ost a##ount'
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=ontra#t pa,ments are assigned to a #ost a##ount'

* #ost a##ount #an +e assigned to a wor4 pa#4age, deli$era+le, or a set o% deli$era+les, depending on the desired le$el o% tra#4ing and reporting9

Fer, important elements o% wor4 ma, get a single #ost a##ount, e$en i% the e%%ort is relati$el, small e'g' %or an ine3pensi$e +ut 4e, #ontra#t' Man, deli$era+les #ould +e grouped under a single #ost a##ount e'g' all pro&e#t le$el re$iew meetings #ould +e #olle#ted in one #ost a##ount'

1he le$el o% granularit, and num+er o% #ost a##ounts is negotiated +etween the PM and the %inan#e department depending on ea#h part,Hs need %or tra#4ing and reporting9

1oo %ew a##ounts will not pro$ide good #ost tra#4ing later in e3e#ution' 1oo man, #ost a##ounts will dri$e the team #ra/, i% the, ha$e to enter wor4 under se$eral a##ounts in their timesheets e$er, da,'
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Cost 7aseline

Tim e

.,-) Planning * Cost

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"or a small pro&e#t the #ost +aseline is &ust a num+er, e'g' 8(!J' "or a larger pro&e#t it is a =umulati$e =ost =ur$e' Plug in the deli$era+le #ost estimates to a so%tware tool (e'g' ;3#el) and graph the rate o% spending a#ross time'

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;na+les identi%i#ation o% what spending %alls in whi#h %is#al ,ear' @elps the %inan#e department manage #ash %low'

Basis o% ;arned Falue Management (see Monitoring and =ontrol)'

Sometimes calle! an HSGcur(eI since it is o#ten in the shape o# a #lat letter S,


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Risk Management
1ro4ect Risk is an %ncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a ositive or negative effect on at least one ro4ect ob4ective. PMBAJI Guide

Tim e

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Prote#ting ,our pro&e#t %rom the negati$e ris4s (threats) is the main &o+' @owe$er, also 4eep tra#4 o% potential upside or positi$e ris4s (opportunities)'

"or small pro&e#ts, the %astest wa, to allo#ate a ris4 +udget is to set aside time and mone, as a per#entage o% the rest o% the pro&e#t, most #ommonl, 1!C' "or larger pro&e#ts, ,ou need an anal,sis to +a#4 up the +udgets9

;a#h ris4 has a Pro+a+ilit, C o% o##urring, 1ime -mpa#t, and =ost -mpa#t' Qoll.up the Pro+a+le 1ime and Pro+a+le =ost impa#t'

7a! Things Risks

*nal,sis ena+les proa#ti$e response planning to get ahead o% them' Management wants to 4now the ris4s ne$er, e$er minimi/e them' We also loo4 at positi$e ris4s (#alled Apportunities) to tr, and +alan#e the threat ris4s, +ut remem+er ,our main &o+ is to manage the threats'
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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e PMBAJ is a registered mar4 o% the Pro&e#t Management -nstitute, -n#''

Qis4 management is one o% the most important &o+s o% the Pro&e#t Manager9

Risk Management Process

Tim e

.,-- Planning * Risk

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Qis4 Planning9

1a+le o% #ontents is this #hart, should +e in a standard pro#ess do#ument'


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Brainstorm, use an histori#al ris4 #he#4list, list e$er, ris4 ,our #ore pro&e#t team #an en$ision'

Gualitati$e anal,sis9

Shortlist to meaning%ul ones, ! to 1), either +, remo$ing the smallest ones, or using ran4ing'

Guantitati$e anal,sis9

;stimate Pro+a+ilit,, 1ime -mpa#t, =ost -mpa#t, and then Pro+a+le =ost and Pro+a+le 1ime'

Qesponse planning9

*ssign owner %or da, to da, management, plan what are ,ou going to do to address it'

Monitoring and =ontrol9

Qe$iew at least monthl, during the pro&e#t, ta4e a#tion as ne#essar,'

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Risk Management Planning

Tim e

.,-- Planning * Risk

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7ou #an o%ten ma4e ris4s go awa, or at least redu#e their pro+a+ilit, or impa#t during the planning pro#ess &ust another +ene%it o% planning 'e#ore starting the pro&e#t'
Threats Response Planning *** A(oi!, Mitigate, Trans#er, Accept &+ner Trigger Due Date Secon!ary Risks Contingency Plan

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%!enti#y Risks Risk Statement /orm *** Risk Checklist S@&T

>uali#y Risks Shortlist to 2 * -) *** Ranking

>uanti#y Remaining Risks *** E, T, M E = T, E = M

p!ate Project Plan @ith Response Actions

Re(ise >uanti#ication *** E, T, M E = T, E = M

A!! /inal Risk Register To Project Plan

Put T an! M /or Smaller Risks %n Project Plan

&pportunities Response Planning *** 8=ploit, 8nhance, Share, Accept &+ner Trigger Due Date


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Risk %!enti#ication

Tim e

.,-- Planning * Risk

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Brainstorm with ,our #ore pro&e#t team (=P1) o% e3perien#ed e3perts9

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1wo 4e, tools are used to help identi%, an initial long list to ma4e sure as +est as possi+le that nothing has +een missed9

Risk Checklist 1he #omplete list o% e$er,thing +ad that has e$er happened to pro&e#ts in ,our organi/ation (see man, -nternet templates)' S@&T Strengths, Wea4nesses, Apportunities, 1hreats9

-denti%,ing pro&e#t and organi/ation wea4nesses, whi#h ma4es it easier to then identi%, threats that #ould arise %rom those wea4nesses' -denti%,ing pro&e#t and organi/ation strengths, whi#h ma4es it easier to then identi%, opportunities that #ould arise %rom those strengths9

Apportunities #an +e hard to %ind this is the main $alue o% SWA1'

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1hree +rains are se$eral times as use%ul than three times one' @old more than one meeting %or larger pro&e#ts' Qe$iew an, rele$ant ris4 registers and lessons learned reports %rom past pro&e#ts'

Stan!ar! Risk Statement /orm

Tim e

.,-- Planning * Risk

st Co


Write the ris4s in standard ris4 statement %orm9

-% Fulnera+ilit, then there #ould +e 1hreat #ausing =onsePuen#e'

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@elps to understand the separate #omponents o% the ris4, and pro$ides use%ul in%ormation to help manage them' ;3amples9

-% the %en#e is wea4 then the %o3 #ould get in and eat all the #hi#4ens' -% the team has no %un then morale #ould drop #ausing them to lea$e %or other &o+s' -% we donHt ta4e the time to de%ine all the rePuirements then we will miss essential s#ope #ausing #ostl, mista4es and rewor4' -% the distri+uted team does not ha$e good #ommuni#ation tools the, will not +e a+le to e%%e#ti$el, #oordinate #ausing loss o% produ#ti$it,'


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Risk >uali#ication

Tim e

.,-- Planning * Risk

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Short.list the %ull list o% ris4s to ma3imum top ten +, ran4ing %rom worst to least9

Management o% ten ris4s is enough %or an, ris4 manager, e$en on 8B pro&e#ts' 1he lower ran4ed ris4s should +e addressed +, putting time and mone, dire#tl, into the pro&e#t plan'

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Priority ! D O ( 1

Pro'a'ility 6i4el, E)C to M)C Possi+le D)C to E)C Pro+a+l, not ()C to D)C Lnli4el, 1)C to ()C Fer, unli4el, )C to 1)C

%mpact Fer, @igh pre$ents a#hie$ement o% the main o+&e#ti$e o% pro&e#t' @igh serious impa#t rePuiring large amounts o% time and mone, to address' Medium signi%i#ant impa#t rePuiring signi%i#ant time and mone, to address' 6ow * real impa#t +ut managea+le' Fer, low little impa#t, part o% the &o+'

Multipl, Pro+a+ilit, and -mpa#t %or ea#h ris4 to get a ran4ing %rom 1 to (!9

Qan4 all the ris4s %rom greatest to least' Shortlist to the top ten ma3imum'

This is the same quali#ication process as in the PM7&", slightly simpli#ie! to make it more practical,
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With ,our #ore pro&e#t team, estimate the Pro+a+ilit, and -mpa#t %rom the %ollowing ta+le (use ,our organi/ationHs ta+le i% the, ha$e a standard)'

Risk >uanti#ication

Tim e

.,-- Planning * Risk

st Co


Per%orm a detailed numeri#al anal,sis o% the remaining short.listed ris4s to o+tain a Puanti%ied time and dollar amount %or the ris4 reser$e' Putting aside the total #ost and time %or all ris4s, as though the, will all happen, would +e too mu#h9

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-% ,ou ha$e at least %i$e ris4s, some will happen, and some will not'

-nstead roll up the pro'a'le time and pro'a'le cost9

1his wa, we put time and mone, aside without allo#ating too mu#h' *s #lose as we #an get to the most li4el, amount that will +e rePuired'

"or ea#h o% the ! to 1) shortlisted (Puali%ied) ris4s9

;stimate Pro+a+ilit,, 1ime, and =ost' =al#ulate Pro+a+ilit, 3 1ime and Pro+a+ilit, 3 =ost' Qoll.up the pro+a+le time and pro+a+le #ost to get the total ris4 +udget'
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>uanti#ication 8stimation

Tim e

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Lse good histori#al in%o when a$aila+le, otherwise estimate as %ollows' Pro+a+ilit,9

Lse the Delphi method, the iterated #onsensus o% e3perts see estimating se#tion' -n#lude all personnel time needed to dire#tl, address the ris4 i% it happens9


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-% a #omple3 impa#t, prepare a WBS, a#ti$it, +rea4down, networ4 diagram, and Gantt #hart, similar to that %or #hange #ontrol (see Monitoring and =ontrol)'

Atherwise, use the Delphi method to get an iterated #onsensus o% e3perts' =al#ulate Pro+a+le 1ime T Pro+a+ilit, 3 1ime' *dd the dire#t #osts o% addressing the ris4 material, leasing, et#' *dd #osts %or personnel needed to address the ris4 3 the time estimate a+o$e' *dd #osts %or an, other personnel that must +e retained on the pro&e#t while the ris4 is +eing addressed9 -% the team is dedi#ated, this #ould +e the #ost o% the whole pro&e#t team at the point the ris4 o##urs' -% mu#h o% the team #an +e redeplo,ed while the ris4 is +eing addressed, then &ust those that must #ontinue to #harge to the pro&e#t PM, area leads, et#' =al#ulate Pro+a+le =ost T Pro+a+ilit, Z =ost
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Risk Register

Tim e

.,-- Planning * Risk

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@ere we use the worst #ase, a dedi#ated team, with a +urn rate o% 8!J:da,'

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Pro+a+ilit, ta4en %rom 1)C, ()C, ''' M)C ma3imum9

*+o$e M)C there is not enough un#ertaint, to reall, +e a ris4, instead put 1 and 8 dire#tl, into the pro&e#t'

Time 'u##er goes at the en! o# the project,

Min ! ris4s to get a statisti#al meaning%ul out#ome' Ma3 1) ris4s e$en %or $er, large pro&e#ts'

Money into a special account,

1hen do a gut #he#49 total time and 8 should +e a minimum o% !C o% the pro&e#t, 1)C.1!C is #ommon, and higher i% the pro&e#t is $er, ris4,'
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Risk 6ose team mem+ers *ppro$al dela,s Pro#urement dela,s Fendor per%orman#e QePuirements pro+lems Pro+lems at the end 7u!get

PE ()C !)C E)C D)C ()C !)C

T D) d 1M d 1( d () d 1E d 1! d

M 8())J 8 )J 8E)J 81))J 8M)J 8K!J

P=T P = M Response Md 8D)J Mitigate d 8D!J *$oid K'( d 8OEJ Mitigate Md 8D)J Mitigate O'( d 81EJ Mitigate K'! d 8OK'!J *##ept 1.,6 ! M.-1,2"

Risk 7u!get Allocation

Tim e

.,-- Planning * Risk

st Co


Time goes dire#tl, +e%ore the 4e, =ustomer e$ent (#riti#al #hain method) so the time +u%%er ta4es the hits %rom s#hedule slips, not the =ustomer or deli$er,<
Ke+ /loor Plan -st Dra#t 1 Ke+ /loor Plan .n! Dra#t 0 8=ecuti(e Re(ie+ Ke+ Dept Processes -st Dra#t -) Ke+ Dept Processes .n! Dra#t 5 8=ecuti(e Appro(al Project 7u##er 4 Training Session .
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"icko## Meeting -

%mplement Ke+ /loor Plan 0

&ne Page /A> .

Training Plan .

Training Manual -st Dra#t 2

Training Manual .n! Dra#t 1

Cost goes into a spe#ial ris4 a##ount held +, "inan#e (+ut it is ,our +udget<)9

7ou need to %ill out a %orm and spe#i%, whi#h ris4 ,ou are ta4ing the mone, %rom'

1he game is now not how mu#h will ,ou o$ershoot, +ut how mu#h o% the ris4 +udget will ,ou +e a+le to gi$e +a#4 a more realisti# and %un game to pla,'
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Response Planning
Risk is our business. =aptain Jir4, Star 1re4, 1 E '

Tim e

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A(oi! 1he Pro+a+le -mpa#t is too high, pre$ent it #ompletel,' Mitigate Qedu#e the Pro+a+ilit, and:or -mpa#t' Trans#er -nsuran#e is the onl, %easi+le trans%er method' Accept 1he Pro+a+le -mpa#t is too low to worr, a+out'

1he most e%%e#ti$e approa#h is to a$oid ris4s +e%ore the, happen9

Stri$e to ma4e it go awa, now during planning +, #hanging the pro&e#t plan now +e%ore ,ou start'

Most o% the a#tion is usuall, in mitigation9

See how mu#h ,ou #an mitigate now during planning +, #hanging the pro&e#t plan +e%ore ,ou start, and then redu#e the ris4 +udget a##ordingl,'
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"irst identi%, whi#h o% %our standard ris4 response #ategories +est applies to the threat9

&ther Risk 8lements

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I0ve come to believe the biggest risk is being too cautious. Da$id Spiegelhalter, =am+ridge -deas, ()) '

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&+ner 1he person responsi+le %or managing the ris4 da,.to.da,, #losest to the ris4 and +est a+le to address it' Trigger 1he earliest sign will +e that the ris4 is happening, so ,ou #an loo4 %or it later during the pro&e#t' Plan 1he steps ,ou will ta4e to address the ris4 during the pro&e#t, as +est as ,ou #an thin4 it through now' Secon!ary Risks *n, ris4s #reated +, the response plan itsel%' Contingency Plan 1he +a#4.up plan or plan B, what ,ou will do i% the ris4 happens an,wa,'


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During ris4 planning also re#ord in the Qis4 Qegister9

Risk, Contingency & Management Reser(es

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.,-- Planning * Risk

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1he Risk Reser(e (ris4 +udget) time and mone, is under the #ontrol o% the Pro&e#t Manager'
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An larger pro&e#ts the Pro&e#t Manager will also ha$e a small Contingency Reser(e9

1o address se#ondar, and residual ris4s and a#ti$ate #ontingen#, plans (the plan BHs)'

1here should also alwa,s +e a Management Reser(e9

Despite the name, it is not the Pro&e#t ManagerHs, and rather is 4ept +, the ne3t le$el up usuall, the Sponsor or Program Manager' Standard amount is 1)C o% the pro&e#t +udget more i% needed' Lsuall, it in#ludes the #ontingen#, reser$e' 1he Pro&e#t Manager should ne$er #ount on the management reser$e, mention it, or e$en let the ne3t la,er up 4now ,ou 4nows it e3ists<


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Positi(e Risks * &pportunities

9y friends, as I have discovered myself, there are no disasters, only o ortunities. And, indeed, o ortunities for fresh disasters. Boris ?ohnson, ())D'

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.,-- Planning * Risk

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Positi$e Qis4 an un#ertain e$ent that #ould impro(e the pro&e#t out#ome, or +ene%it another part o% the organi/ation9
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1his is a good idea, sin#e i% ,ou donHt 4eep loo4 %or opportunities, 4eep a list, and then do something a+out them, the, are mu#h less li4el, happen' A%ten the, are opportunities to #apture more +usiness, or sol$e more than one pro+lem at on#e' @owe$er donHt #hase opportunities at the e3pense o% ,our pro&e#t, and tr, to get someone else in the organi/ation to ta4e the lead whene$er possi+le'

"our opportunit, response #ategories %lip side o% the threat #ategories9

8=ploit 1he opportunit, is so good, do whate$er is ne#essar, to ma4e it happen' 8nhance -mpro$e the pro+a+ilit, or impa#t o% the opportunit,' Share Pro$ide to another organi/ation or group and then share the +ene%it' Accept Do nothing the +ene%it is too low to worr, a+out'

Per%orm a Puantitati$e anal,sis as %or negati$e ris4s, do response planning on how to e3ploit, enhan#e, or share, and assign an owner and trigger'
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%T Risk & Security Stan!ar!s

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.,-- Planning * Risk

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Information )echnology : /ecurity )echni=ues : Information /ecurity Risk 9anagement, -nternational Standards Argani/ation, -SA:-;= (K))!9()11, ()11.)!.1 ' Risk 9anagement Guide for Information )echnology /ystems, Bational -nstitute o% Standards and 1e#hnolog,, Spe#ial Pu+li#ation M)).O), ?ul, ())(' 9inimum /ecurity Re=uirements for Federal Information and Information /ystems, "ederal -n%ormation Pro#essing Standards, "-PS PLB ()), Mar#h ())E Common Criteria for Information )echnology /ecurity $valuation, =ommon =riteria Qe#ognition *rrangement, ==MB.()) .)K.))1, ?ul, ())
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#.erci e 2.- Prepare = (i ) (egi ter

Tim e

.,-- Planning * Risk

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Assume a burn rate for a dedicated team, such as HC( # day, for a worst-case cost of schedule sli s. Come u with I reasonable risks to your ro4ect, and write them in standard risk statement form.
1robability )ime Im act 8ollar Im act
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For each risk, estimate7

1robability ! )ime Im act 1robability ! 8ollar Im act

1ick a res onse category for each risk, and define a basic res onse lan : does the robable time and im act then reduce5 Roll-u a total risk budget of time and dollars. 8ecide where the time buffer goes : before the key delivery event. Assign an owner closest to each risk best to manage it.
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Communications Planning
1ro4ect 9anagement is a communications 4ob. *n#ient PM e3pression'

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.,-. Planning * Communications

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=an +e part o% the pro&e#t plan, or a separate do#ument %or a large pro&e#t'
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Do#ument the %ollowing elements to de%ine ,our #ommuni#ations plan9

@ho Qe$iew the Sta4eholders list' @hat S#hedule, s#ope, #ost, ris4s, =ustomer issues2 @hen Wee4l,, monthl,, +, spe#i%i# e$ent, ad.ho#2 Ao+ Wee4l, update, monthl, report, phone, in person2

Qegularl, re$iew the plan during e3e#ution, and ensure #ommuni#ations are #urrent and e3pe#tations are +eing managed9

Fisit the Sponsor, =ustomer, $endors, and other Sta4eholders in person' * hard &o+ +ut $er, important get the +ad news out when it happens' *s4 %or help earl,, and Sta4eholders will +e most responsi$e9 1he, %eel li4e part o% the pro&e#t su##ess' Mu#h easier than helping on#e it is almost too late'
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#.erci e 2.10 'omm%nication Plan

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.,-. Planning * Communications

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1re are the outlines of a communications lan for your ro4ect. $lements7
3ho should you regularly communicate with5 3hat should you communicate : sco e, cost, schedule, risks,
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Customer issues5
3hen should you communicate : 3eekly, monthly, by s ecific event,


How should you communicate : 3eekly u date, monthly re ort, hone, in erson5


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The Project Management Plan

A goal without a lan is 4ust a wish. *ntoine de Saint.;3up[r,, 1 )).1 DD'

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.,-0 Planning * Project Management Plan

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Do#ument the triple #onstraint and ris4s a +aseline li4el, within 5: 1)C a##ura#,9

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Lsuall, use%ul9

Re(ie+ the plan +ith Stakehol!ers, an! i# changes are requeste! * especially to scope, time, or cost * ask #or time to +ork them in, an! then 'ring them 'ack a 'alance!, #easi'le plan #or appro(al 'e#ore procee!ing to e=ecution, Protect yoursel#, the sponsor, an! the customerL

Business =ase (%rom =harter)' QePuirements' Betwor4 diagram' =hange #ontrol pro#ess' =ommuni#ations plan' @uman resour#es plan'

-n#lude, or re%eren#e, an, other plans as rePuired9

(i )

Gualit, Plan' Scope Pro#urement plan' 1he pro&e#t management plan ta4es pre#eden#e i% an, #on%li#ts'
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Scope T WBS' Time T Gantt =hart' Cost T =ost =ur$e' Risk T Qis4 register'

The "ey ?alue &# PlanningL

Chapter Summary

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., Planning * Summary

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Planning is the most important pro&e#t phase, where s#ope, time, #ost, and ris4s are +aselined, and ,our %uture a+ilit, to monitor and #ontrol the pro&e#t is determined' Planning should in#lude a #ore pro&e#t team (=P1) o% senior e3perts in the main pro&e#t areas to assist in preparation o% an a##urate plan' 1he solution to the most #ommon #ause o% pro&e#t %ailure is to ta4e the time to +aseline the pro&e#t rePuirements #omplete, #onsistent, demonstra+le, needs not wants, what not how' De%ining a wor4 +rea4down stru#ture o% the pro&e#t deli$era+les is the 4e, step in planning, pro$iding managea+le si/e pie#es o% wor4 %or the rest o% planning' Deli$era+les are tangi'le outputs o# +ork that ,ou #an unam+iguousl, tell later are %inished or not' Deli$era+les need to +e +ro4en up i%9 (a) the, are longer than two wee4s into wor4 pa#4ages %or later monitoring and #ontrolU (+) there is more than one person or group leading separate partsU (#) i% another deli$era+le #an start part wa, through the #urrent deli$era+leU (d) there is signi%i#ant waiting time within the deli$era+le'
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Chapter Summary :Cont;!<

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., Planning * Summary

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1he networ4 diagram o% deli$era+les shows the %undamental logi# o% ,our pro&e#t, and is ,our most important pro&e#t management tool' ;stimating is most a##uratel, done +, an a#ti$it, +rea4down per%ormed +, an e3pert in the area that will +e responsi+le %or the wor4 later' ;stimation with the O.Point te#hniPue is %ast, and +etter than a single point guess, a+out 5: (!C, howe$er not as a##urate as an a#ti$it, +rea4down' ;stimation with the Delphi te#hniPue is +etter than a single point guess, a+out 5: (!C, howe$er not as a##urate as an a#ti$it, +rea4down' ;stimating #an +e also done with analogous and histori#al methods' "a#tor personnel estimates +, a produ#ti$it, ratio, o%ten +etween K(C . M!C, and +, the a$aila+ilit, o% the resour#e (e'g' !)C a$aila+le)' Qoll.up #ost estimates ordered +, deli$era+le in a +ill o% materials (BAM), and i% not in the BAM then roll.up personnel #osts in the Gantt appli#ation' 1he #riti#al path dri$es the pro&e#t s#hedule length and gi$es ,ou in%ormation to 4now where to %o#us most o% ,our time and energ, remem+er the s#hedule #riti#al path dri$es +oth #ost and +rand new ris4s'
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Chapter Summary :Cont;!<

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., Planning * Summary

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1he o%%i#ial time +aseline is the Gantt s#hedule, the networ4 diagram applied to a #alendar so the s#hedule is minimall, #omple3 and the Gantt #hart maintaina+le' =he#4 the resour#e loading and per%orm le$eling to sol$e an, o$erallo#ation use %loat i% possi+le, adding resour#es i% time is the 4e, #onstraint, or e3tend s#hedule i% resour#es are the 4e, #onstraint' 1he #ost +aseline is &ust the total #ost %or a small pro&e#t, or %or a large pro&e#t is a #umulati$e #ost #ur$e that graphs the spending a#ross time' Qis4 planning adds time and mone, into the pro&e#t to ta4e a##ount o% un#ertain e$ents (less than M)C pro+a+ilit,) that might impa#t the pro&e#t' Should +e ! min to 1) ris4s ma3, totaling a minimum o% !C o% the rest o% the pro&e#t time and #ost, with 1!C #ommon, and more i% the pro&e#t is $er, ris4,' 1he ris4 time +u%%er goes at the end o% the pro&e#t +e%ore the 4e, =ustomer e$ent so it ta4es the hits %rom s#hedule slips instead o% the =ustomer' *lso identi%, an, opportunities, #al#ulate the potential time and 8, assign an owner, and see i% ,ou #an reali/e the opportunities to +alan#e the threat ris4s' *dd se#tions or separate plans %or #ommuni#ations, @Q, #hange #ontrol, Pualit, management, pro#urement, and an, other rePuired in%ormation to the pro&e#t management plan as needed %or the s#ale o% the pro&e#t'
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Phase 0

Tim e


Project 8=ecution
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Project is Appro(e!

)ake time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, sto thinking and go in. Bapoleon Bonaparte, 1KE .1M(1'


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Phase 0 * Project 8=ecution

0,- * %ntro!uction 1E ' Pro&e#t Manager Qole 1K)' 1K1' 1K(' 1KO' 1KD' 1K!' 1KE' 1KK' 1KM' 1K ' 0,. * Project Team Building 1he Pro&e#t 1eam Pro&e#t 1eam Je, Points "un#tional Argani/ations Pro&e#ti/ed Argani/ations Matri3 Argani/ations Management o% Matri3 Argani/ations Matri3 Personnel *llo#ation Delegation 1eam Moti$ation Managing People =on%li#t

Tim e


1MD' 1M!' 1ME' 1MK' 1MM' 1M ' 1 1 1 1 )' 1' (' O'

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0,4 * Procurement Pro#urement Do#ument 1,pes =ontra#t 1,pes Sele#ting 1he Winner ;3er#ise O'( =ontra#t *pproa#h

0,0 * /irst Steps 1M)' 1he Ji#4.A%% Meeting 1M1' Pro&e#t QePuirements Qe$iew 0,1 * Communications 1M(' =ommuni#ation Modes 0,2 * Pro'lem %!enti#ication 1MO' "inding Qoot =auses

0,5 * Acceptance 1 D' =hange Management 1 !' S#ope Feri%i#ation 1 E' S#enario Based Feri%i#ation


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0,3 * Design & 7uil! Design Be%ore Build Build or Bu, De#isions ;3er#ise O'1 -denti%, Design ;lements So%tware De$elopment *3oso%t S#rum Diagram =ommon -'1' Pro&e#t Pro+lems

Project Manager Role

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0,- 8=ecution * %ntro!uction

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Pro&e#t Management is a #ommuni#ations &o+9

;nsure the pro&e#t goals are #ontinuall, #lear with single senten#es' Moti$ate the team tell them wh, this is a worthwhile pro&e#t'

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-mplement the #ommuni#ations plan with the Sta4eholders9

Who, What, When, and @ow' Manage e3pe#tations what do the, #are most a+out2 Jeep them proa#ti$el, in%ormed a+out serious pro+lems' Sta4eholders want the pro&e#t to su##eed as4 %or help earl, when ,ou need it'

MBW* Management B, Wal4ing *round9

A+tain un%iltered in%ormation %rom team mem+ers that donHt report

dire#tl, to ,ou' *s4 Puestions, ne$er dire#t pass issues through their regular manager' -% distri+uted use MB=* Management B, =alling *round'

Pro$ide the resour#es and sol$e the pro+lems the team #annot so the, #an get the pro&e#t wor4 done'
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7uil!ing The Project Team

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0,. 8=ecution * Project Team

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A erson does not need to be rounded, but a team does. Ald team +uilding ma3im'

*ssem+le the +est pro&e#t team ,ou #an9

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Jeep planning personnel the =ore Pro&e#t 1eam to help #ontinuit,' Begotiate a#ross the organi/ation %or the +est team mem+ers' 6oo4 %or skills, energ,, team temperament, and ethi#s' Be$er +ring on people &ust +e#ause the, are li4e ,ou<

Di$ersit, in teams is pro$en to produ#e +etter results9


*nal,ti#al N strategi# thin4ers' -% all strategi#, then ,ou will ha$e great plans +ut no wor4' -% all anal,ti#, then ,ou will ha$e great wor4 +ut in the wrong dire#tion' Gender' ;thni#it,' ;3perien#e and age' @ow2 -nter$iew as widel, as ,ou #an to %ind the +est people %or the &o+s' Qesults in +etter identi%i#ation o% pro+lems, more #reati$it,, and more %un'
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Project Team "ey Points

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0,. 8=ecution * Project Team

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Part o% the Pro&e#t ManagerHs &o+ is to help +uild a team identit,9

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Put on do#uments, #o%%ee #ups, +ase+all #aps, warm.up &a#4ets' Trust +uilding e3er#ises and other so%t.s4ills (see =hapter ))' * team with a #ohesi$e identit, will per%orm at a mu#h higher le$el'

=ollo#ation is #riti#al %or important pro&e#ts9

;le#troni# #ommuni#ations ha$e higher ris4 o% misunderstandings' * s#hedule #an dou+le, triple, or e$en more due to the dela,s +etween #ommuni#ations'

;nsure ,ou in#lude a user or user representati$e %rom the +usiness : area : domain on the pro&e#t9

Someone that #ompletel, understands the user;s point o% $iew'

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* %ew o%%.site team.+uilding sessions dinners, pool, %a#ilit, $isits' 1eam training +ring in onsite training %or larger groups %or 4e, s4ills' Pi//a "rida,s e$er,one #ontri+utes a %ew dollars, and the main rule is no tal4ing a+out wor4' @a$e someone with artisti# a+ilities design a pro&e#t logo9

&rgani$ational Structures * /unctional

Tim e

0,. 8=ecution * Project Team

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1here are no Pro&e#t Managers' 1he %un#tional Managers #oordinate pro&e#ts as a #ommittee' Bot great %or getting pro&e#ts done on s#hedule'
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Project management 'y committee,


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&rgani$ational Structures * Projecti$e!

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0,. 8=ecution * Project Team

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Departments heads run pro&e#ts with no sharing o% personnel' Great %or #ontrol +, the department head' Bot great %or getting the +est people %or ea#h pro&e#t a#ross the organi/ation' Bot great %or personnel #areer de$elopment'
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Project management +ithin !epartments,


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&rgani$ational Structures * Matri=

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0,. 8=ecution * Project Team

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"un#tional Managers manage the personnel and allo#ate them to pro&e#ts9

1he, train and mentor personnel to +uild their s4ills %or #areer de$elopment'

1he Pro&e#t ManagerHs onl, &o+ is to %o#us on the pro&e#t' 1he PMHs and "MHs must wor4 well together who manages the per%orman#e2 *lthough this stru#ture has #hallenges, is usuall, the +est #ompromise9

Personnel should +e on 1 pro&e#t at a time, ne$er more than O'

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Project collects 'est team #rom across organi$ation,


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Management o# Matri= &rgani$ations

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0,. 8=ecution * Project Team

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1he "un#tional Manager needs a s#heduling tool to tra#4 the allo#ation o% their personnel a#ross the multiple pro&e#ts'

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Same Project9i're Bantt chart tool,

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Matri= Personnel Allocation

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0,. 8=ecution * Project Team

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1he "un#tional Manager #an then o+tain reports %rom the tool showing where their personnel are o$er.allo#ated or under.allo#ated, ena+ling them to plan to a$oid #on%li#ts +, allo#ating personnel %irst to the highest priorit, pro&e#ts'

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7, 7aker is sometimes o(erGallocate!, sometimes un!erGallocate!,


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0,. 8=ecution * Project Team

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1he PMHs &o+ is to manage +hat needs to +e done, the teamHs &o+ to manage ho+ it is done9

1he PM alwa,s retains accounta'ility must monitor and manage the team where rePuired' 1he, delegate responsi'ility %or deli$era+le per%orman#e to the leads'
The PM;s #ocus shoul! 'e on goal clarity, team moti(ation, the critical path, scope an! cost control, a(oi!ing risk, partnerships, an! communications,
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1ell the leads to9

-n%orm ,ou earl, i% there are an, pro+lems' *s4 %or help with an,thing the, #annot resol$e'

Bormal pro&e#ts will ha$e9

Qis4s ta4en +, the team to a#hie$e +etter per%orman#e, that sometimes %ail' 1eams ta4ing longer and not doing as good a &o+ as their leaders #ould'

Grow ,our leads where$er possi+le and gi$e #redit where due ha$e them present to =ustomers and senior management on su+&e#ts in their area' ;$er, le$el o% the team should ha$e a sign.o%% le$el, an amount o% mone, the, #an e3pend without authori/ation, to sa$e unne#essar, administration9

1he sign.o%% le$el %or the PM ma, +e in the thousands to ena+le them to o+tain material or ser$i#es rapidl, when rePuired' 1he le$el %or &unior wor4ers without an, sta%% ma, onl, +e 81))'
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Team Moti(ation

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0,. 8=ecution * Project Team

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* team that is passionate a+out their wor4 will wor4 %aster, +etter, and less e3pensi$el, whi#h translates to +etter pro&e#t per%orman#e' 1he +usiness #ase is the pla#e to start moti$ation9

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6et people 4now how the wor4 is +ene%iting them dire#tl,9

1he, are learning a new domain area, learning new s4ills' 1he, are impro$ing their #areer de$elopment and prospe#ts'

Sincere appre#iation is a pro%ound moti$ator9

Be$er institute an award that must +e gi$en to someone, i'e' on#e a month' Pro$ide pu+li# than4s %or good wor4 in a team meeting, in %ront o% the =ustomer' Gi$e pri$ate than4s when &ust passing in a hallwa,' 1ell their regular +oss or %un#tional manager a+out their great wor4' 1ell ,our +oss a+out their great wor4 and ha$e them pass on #ongratulations'


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We are helping +rea4 into a +rand new mar4et' We are ma4ing the organi/ation more produ#ti$e' We are #reating a new lo#al +ase+all league that will last %or ,ears' We are helping people get +etter health #are when the, need it most'

Managing People Con#lict

Tim e

0,. 8=ecution * Project Team

st Co


=ommon #auses9

Per#ei$ed la#4 o% respe#t' Poor #ommuni#ation' "ear a new mem+er is ta4ing their pla#e' Simpl, %ear o% organi/ation : +usiness : pro&e#t %ailure'
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=ommon solutions9

Mo$e people into a +etter role %itted to their s4ills and temperament' Separate people into di%%erent teams and ph,si#al lo#ations'

-% needed address the pro+lem dire#tl,9

=all the parties together into a room' Get the grie$an#es aired one +, one, then positi(e #omments ta+led one +, one' Ma4e #lear the negati$e impa#t on the team and the pro&e#t o% the #on%li#t' Demand the parties go awa, and resol$e themsel$es' Ma4e #lear other solutions will need to +e ta4en i% the parties do not resol$e'

-% hard de#isions are rePuired, remem+er the Star 1re4 prin#iple9

*)he needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one2. Prote#t the pro&e#t do not ris4 pro&e#t %ailure due to ina+ilit, to deal with one'
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The "ickG&## Meeting

Tim e

0,0 8=ecution * /irst Steps

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1he %irst all.team meeting o% the pro&e#t9

1he highest QA- meeting a%ter the lessons learned meeting'

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-n$ite the whole pro&e#t team and representati$es %rom all supporting departments #ontra#ts, -1, legal, G*, shipping and re#ei$ing, et#' Wal4 through the #harter, networ4 diagram, s#hedule, and ris4s'

"o#us the team on the o+&e#ti$e, e3a#tl, what the pro&e#t is to a#hie$e'

-n$ite and answer an, Puestions throughout the meeting'

=olle#t an issues list %or an, Puestions ,ou #annot answer on the spot, and then %ollowup to respond'

1his single meeting on da, one #an sa$e da,s or wee4s o% time later in the pro&e#t hold it e$en when ,ou thin4 e$er,one alread, 4nows e$er,thing'


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Project Requirements Re(ie+

Tim e

0,0 8=ecution * /irst Steps

st Co


1he most important prote#tion o% ,our pro&e#t is to get all the %un#tional rePuirements what is needed to meet the o+&e#ti$e +e%ore e3e#ution starts' @owe$er, sometimes the rePuirements #ome %rom an e3ternal sour#e and ha$e pro+lems, su#h as in #ompetiti$e +idding situations, or otherwise #annot +e %i3ed until the pro&e#t starts'
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;$en i% the rePuirements are per%e#t, alwa,s #ondu#t a Pro&e#t QePuirement Qe$iew (PQQ) in the %irst wee4 o% e3e#ution9 HThe PRR at the 'eginning o# e=ecution +as the

*ssem+le all rele$ant Sta4eholders'

num'er - #actor in success o# this project,I * C/A%S Phase - customer an! contractors,

Pro&e#t the rePuirements on a s#reen with a #lari%i#ation #olumn' Qe$iew e$er, rePuirement, and add #lari%i#ations to remo$e an, issues' 1his is legal e$en %or #ompetiti$e, %i3ed pri#e #ontra#ts' Requirement 1he room shall +e 1)m wide 3 ()m long 3 ('!m high' 1he room shall +e se#ure' 1he so%tware shall +e user.%riendl,' Clari#ication Bone' 1he room door shall ha$e a #erti%ied =ategor, 1 lo#4' 1here shall +e pop.up help in%ormation a$aila+le %or ea#h te3t entr, %ield'

%D ))( ))1 ))O :


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Communication Mo!es

Tim e

0,1 8=ecution * Communications

st Co


"a$or %a#e to %a#e, phone, and written #ommuni#ations in that order' Fer+al is +est %or9
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-ssues that are not ,et well de%ined' Pro+lem resolution and negotiating' "a#e to %a#e $er+al is +etter than the phone'

Meetings are +est %or9

Qegular team statusing (one hour ma3)' Brainstorming issues that need wide input' Qe$iews rePuiring presentations and wal4throughs'

;mail : written %orm is +est %or9

Data transmission' Qe#ord o% agreements' "ormal appro$als'


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/in!ing Root Causes

Tim e

0,2 8=ecution * Pro'lem %!enti#ication

st Co


1he -shi4awa or %ish+one diagram is a good tool %or ,our tool+o3' Wor4s well to %ind the root causes +ehind a pro+lem'

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Design 7e#ore 7uil!

Tim e

0,3 8=ecution * Design & 7uil!

st Co


1he %un#tional rePuirements +hat is needed were identi%ied during planning' 1he %irst wor4 o% e3e#ution is to +aseline the design rePuirements ho+ to meet the %un#tional rePuirements' Prepare #ost e%%e#ti$e design deli$era+les +e%ore doing the a#tual wor49

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;'g'9 Preliminar, ar#hite#ture diagrams, detailed ar#hite#ture diagrams' ;'g'9 * do#ument outline, %irst dra%t, se#ond dra%t, #op, %or #omment'

Protot,ping #an +e help%ul9

Mo#4up the outside o% the deli$era+le ine3pensi$el,' =an +e ph,si#al or $irtual +uilding model, o%%i#e la,out, we+site inter%a#e' =an in#lude $er, +asi# %un#tionalit, to show the #ore purpose' "or so%tware alwa,s mo#4up s#reens an! reports +e%ore #oding'

Get =ustomer re$iew o% the design at e$er, signi%i#ant point to greatl, impro$e the #han#es o% su##ess (see Gualit, in Monitoring and =ontrol)' @elps =ustomer pro$ide #riti#al %eed+a#4 +e%ore signi%i#ant spending'
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7uil! or 7uy Decisions

Tim e

0,3 8=ecution * Design & 7uil!

st Co


Build a pro&e#t deli$era+le internal to the organi/ation9

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Bu,ing e3ternall,9

When it is the least #ost and time solution' When ,ou donHt ha$e the internal resour#es %or an in.house +uild' Man, +ought produ#ts #an +e e3tensi$el, #on%igured to mat#h =ustomer needs' Qemem+er good +ought produ#ts alread, in#orporate $alua+le +est pra#ti#es' Al+ays #he#4 at least three re%eren#es to %ind others that ha$e used it' Be$er +u, on a presentation or demo, alwa,s trial the solution %irst' -% ,ou are the onl, =ustomer %or the produ#t, it is not reall, o%%.the.shel% and ,ou might ha$e to pa, %or all later support and maintenan#e'
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When ,ou need to retain the e3pertise in house' When ,ou ha$e the s4ills and tools to do it in house' =an o%ten +e more e3pensi$e than initiall, estimated ma4e sure there is no e3ternal solution that meets the needs at less #ost' ;nsure the total #ost o% ownership, in#luding the long term support #osts, is in#luded in the de#ision' =ustomi/ing e3isting solutions #an easil, +e#ome a #omplete re+uild'

#.erci e 3.1 <$enti4y De ign #lement

Tim e

0,3 8=ecution * Design & 7uil!

st Co


For your ro4ect7

Identify what you can design before you build. Can you a ly this rinci le to any documentation5
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Are there Customer reviews of design elements that could be useful5 /hould you add any new deliverables to your network diagram5


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So#t+are De(elopment

Tim e

0,3 8=ecution * Design & 7uil!

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He0s a lot like a 1ro4ect 9anager, but that0s such a boring title, we0ll call him a /CR.9 master to im ly he knows some 4iu4itsu. @amid Sho&aee, S=QLM Master -n 1) Minutes, ()1('

1he #omple3it, o% so%tware usuall, rePuires se$eral (O to !) +uilds9

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*llows the team to ramp up and get smarter a%ter ea#h +uild +etter per%orman#e' *llows #he#4points %or =ustomer %eed+a#4 and redire#tion +e%ore all #ost and s#hedule is e3pended (see Gualit, in Monitoring and =ontrol se#tion)'

1he S#rum methodolog, is the state.o%.the.art de$elopment method9

* %orm o% *gile so%tware de$elopment' Brea4s the wor4 into se$eral sprints o% &ust a %ew wee4s in length' ;stimates the #omple3it, o% ea#h sprint +e%orehand' Pro$ides dail, tra#4ing o% progress to determine the de$elopment team $elo#it,' Produ#es +urndown #harts to pro$ide unusuall, good s#hedule pro&e#tion'
8=ample System De(elopment 7uil!s

7uil! System 2)E o# Reqr

ser Re(ie+ & Comment

7uil! . Applications 0)E o# Reqr

ser Re(ie+ & Comment

7uil! 0 %ntegration 2)E o# Reqr

ser Re(ie+ & Comment

/inal 7uil!


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A=oso#t Scrum Diagram

Tim e

0,3 8=ecution * Design & 7uil!

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onal Single-! er "Lnported #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e \ *3oso%t ()1(, =reati$e =ommons Per *ttri+ution.BoDeri$e O') 6i#ense

Common %,T, Project Pro'lems

Tim e

0,3 8=ecution * Design & 7uil!

st Co


Sol$ing too man, pro+lems at on#e9

Most #ommon #ause o% -'1' pro&e#t #ost and s#hedule +low.up' =ontinuall, pare the s#ope down to meet the essential o+&e#ti$e, at the +eginning and throughout'

Per%orman#e issues with =PL, Q*M, storage, +andwidth9

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Per onal Single-! er " #$%cational &on-'ommercial ! e

-n#lude more resour#es in the design than ,ou thin4 ,ou will need' Bu, produ#tion hardware as late as possi+le' 6ess e3pensi$e, more per%orman#e' Assem'le an %T Risk Checklist * Building it ,oursel% instead o% +u,ing9 many e=amples on %nternet,

Fer, high #ost and s#hedule ris4' Lsuall, high ongoing maintenan#e and support #ost' Lse open sour#e so%tware where$er possi+le "reeApenSour#eSo%tware'org '

Se#urit, issues9

@a$e personnel with se#urit, e3pertise manage this domain %rom the rePuirements %orward' Build the %eatures in up.%ront, donHt add them a%terward' Bothing is 1))C se#ure donHt restri#t %un#tionalit, so mu#h it +e#omes pra#ti#all, unusa+le'

-nter%a#es +etween so%tware or s,stems9

@igh ris4 o% surprise in#ompati+ilities' Lse 4nown s,stems adhering to 4nown standards whene$er possi+le' 1est portions o% the inter%a#e #apa+ilit, in small pie#es as ,ou +uild it up'
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Procurement Document Types

Tim e

0,4 8=ecution * Procurement

st Co


QePuest %or Guote (Q"G)9

When ,ou need something straight%orward #hairs, #omputers, ser$i#e rates' =ustomer pro$ides a spe#i%i#ation and rePuests a pri#e' =ustomer usuall, #hooses the least e3pensi$e %rom se$eral Puotes'
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QePuest %or -n%ormation (Q"-)9

When ,ou are loo4ing %or industr, input on a potential later #ontra#t' 1his Q"- does not impl, that a #ontra#t will +e letS -ndustr, pro$ides in%ormation on the +est parts o% their o%%ering in the hope the, will +e in#luded in the rePuirements %or an, %uture Q"P'

QePuest %or Proposal (Q"P)9

Something #omple3 enough to need a pro&e#t plan as a proposal' -n#ludes a Statement o% QePuirements (SAQ) or similar name in#luding the =ustomer rePuirements %or the solution rePuested' -n#ludes a Statement o% Wor4 (SAW) with administrati$e items, points o% #onta#t, rePuired re$iews, mandator, standards, related in%ormation' -n#ludes an e$aluation approa#h %or how the #ontra#t will +e awarded, e'g' Meet the mandator, rePuirements then least #ost (not great), +est $alue (+etter)'


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Contract Types

Tim e

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=ost Plus9

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A+tain monthl, and possi+l, wee4l, reports as though part o% ,our organi/ation' Put in %ormal #he#4points %or noti%i#ation on spending, e'g' (!C, !)C, K!C, )C'

-% no pro%it, then #alled 1ime and Materials mainl, used %or short e%%orts'

"i3ed Pri#e9

Best %or small $alue #ontra#ts, or #ontra#ts where the s#ope is $er, well de%ined and unlikely to change' 1he parties agree on a pri#e %or a spe#i%ied produ#t or ser$i#e, and then the #ontra#tor #an ma4e or lose mone, without impa#ting the +u,er9 *lso %i3es the s#ope, so #hanges are o%ten mu#h more e3pensi$e' Small #ompanies will not +e a+le to pro#eed i% losing mone, sue me' -% trapped on a %i3ed pri#e #ontra#t and the s#ope #hanges, whene$er possi+le o%%set the additional s#ope +, remo$ing e3isting s#ope +est %or =ustomer and #ontra#tor'


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Better %or larger $alue and more #omple3 #ontra#ts where the s#ope will pro+a+l, #hange and the e3tra management is worth the e%%ort' Start +, o+taining a 6e$el A% ;%%ort (6A;) estimate o% the wor4' =ustomer agrees to pa, the #ontra#torHs #osts plus some pre.negotiated pro%it C' More pro&e#t management +, the =ustomer is needed9

Selecting The @inner

Tim e

0,4 8=ecution * Procurement

st Co


PM is responsi+le %or sele#ting the pre%erred #ontra#t t,pe and award pro#edure9

1he #ontra#t department will ha$e poli#es and pre%eren#es, o%ten pre%ers %i3ed pri#e e$en %or pro&e#ts where the s#ope is li4el, to #hange sin#e it sounds li4e least ris4' @owe$er the PM is a##ounta+le negotiate with #ontra#t personnel to %inali/e the +est t,pe and award pro#edure'
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Sele#tion approa#hes9

6owest pri#e9

"or those +idders that meet the rePuirements, #hoose lowest pri#e9 =an easil, get gamed on the rePuirements, re#ei$e the lowest possi+le Pualit,, and then pa, mu#h more %or an, #hanges to get what ,ou reall, want'

Best $alue9

1he Pro&e#t Manager needs to esta+lish a s#oring #riteria e'g' 1!C %or the e3perien#e o% the resumes o% the leads, ()C %or e3perien#e o% the %irm in this domain area, 1!C %or the support solution, !)C %or response to the rePuirements' 1hen di$ide the +idder s#ores +, their pri#e to get a $alue num+er' -ndustr, will now put their +est %oot %orward, +idding what the, are +est at' Lsuall, pro$ides the +est $alue solution, and ultimatel, usuall, the least #ost'


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#.erci e 3.2 'ontract =pproac2

Tim e

0,4 8=ecution * Procurement

st Co


/hould your ro4ect build everything in-house, or does it have any deliverables best done by contract5 For any contracts7
/hould they be cost- lus or fi!ed rice5 /hould the selection criteria be lowest rice, or best value5
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Change Management

Tim e

0,5 8=ecution * Acceptance

st Co


Pro&e#ts that introdu#e signi%i#ant #hange to an organi/ation rePuire #are%ul #hange management to a$oid resistan#e +, users' During planning or at the latest the +eginning o% e3e#ution, identi%, a user internal #hampion with #redi+ilit, inside the organi/ation a%%e#ted9

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-denti%, what is most important to them so the, #an sell their organi/ation impro$ed pro#esses, more #apa+ilit,, redu#ed errors, #ost sa$ings, et#' Pro$ide the #hampion with an, in%ormation and assistan#e that #an help sell internall, +rie%ing pa#4ages, demonstrations, +usiness metri#s, et#'

Lltimate goal the #hampion should %eel #on%ident in sa,ing9 1here might +e some issues when this is introdu#ed that we will need to resol$e, +ut when %ull, implemented it will +e worth it +e#ause o% the +ene%its' ;nsure the deli$er, is a##ompanied +, all rePuired training &ust in time +e%ore the #hange, and support personnel are on #all to help immediatel, with an, issues' *lwa,s implement user sur$e,s to o+tain metri#s so ,ou #an show most users li4e the #hange, or identi%, issues earl, and %i3 them, e'g' "rom 1 to ! how mu#h has this impro$ed ,our produ#ti$it,''' #ustomer responsi$eness''' pro%ita+ilit,''' et#' Whene$er possi+le pilot the pro&e#t in part o% the organi/ation and phase in the most use%ul parts %irst to o+tain an interim su##ess that #an +e +uilt on'
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-n#lude the #hampion in the pro&e#t design and de$elopment to o+tain their +u,. in %irst'

Scope ?eri#ication

Tim e

0,5 8=ecution * Acceptance

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Je, responsi+ilit, demonstrate the pro&e#t output is %it %or use9

-nspe#tions, tests, demonstrations, ph,si#al audit' =ondu#t demonstrations +ased on user s#enarios (ne3t page)'

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A+tain %ormal written agreement %rom the =ustomer that all the s#ope was deli$ered9

*ll rePuirements ha$e +een $eri%ied' *ll material and ser$i#es ha$e +een deli$ered' *ll do#umentation is deli$ered' *ll %a#ilities are +uilt to spe#i%i#ation' *ll rePuired training has +een held'

-t is o%ten #on$enient to hold a %inal administration meeting +ased on do#umentation o% se$eral past indi$idual $eri%i#ation e$ents


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Scenario 7ase! ?eri#ication

Tim e

0,5 8=ecution * Acceptance

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-deall, the =ustomer rePuirements were deri$ed %rom a set o% user s#enarios9

Do#umentation o% how the =ustomer wants to wor4 a t,pi#al hour : da, : wee4 in the li%e' An larger pro&e#ts the +aseline is also prepared how the, wor4 now (*s.-s)' Prepare user s#enarios a%ter the %a#t i% the, donHt alread, e3ist'
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Group the rePuirements into $eri%i#ation pro#edures that re%le#t the =ustomer s#enarios9

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*gree with the =ustomer that the $eri%i#ation pro#edures, i% the, %un#tion as intended, will $eri%, the rePuirements the, #ontain update as needed to get agreement' 1hen run the $eri%i#ation pro#edures to re%le#t how the =ustomer a#tuall, wor4s' Pro$ides mu#h greater =ustomer #on%iden#e the pro&e#t output is %it %or use than holding dis&ointed rePuirements $eri%i#ations'
Customer Scenarios :AsG%s<
:larger projects<

Customer Scenarios :ToG7e<

Customer Requirements

?eri#ication Proce!ures


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Chapter Summary

Tim e

0, 8=ecution * Summary

st Co


;nsure the 4e, pro&e#t o+&e#ti$e is #onstantl, #lear, moti$ate the team to do their +est +e#ause the pro&e#t output and their wor4 is worthwhile, and sol$e an, pro+lems the team #annot' *ssem+le teams +ased on s4ills, energ,, team temperament, and ethi#s, and #hoose %rom a wide set to ma3imi/e di$ersit,, #reati$it,, and per%orman#e' =ollo#ate the pro&e#t team in one room : %loor : +uilding i% the pro&e#t is s#hedule important in order to minimi/e #ommuni#ation dela,s and mista4es' "o#us on team +uilding to impro$e trust and %un, and there%ore s#ope, #ost, and s#hedule per%orman#e' Matri3 organi/ations are usuall, the +est #ompromise, howe$er the %un#tional manager needs a s#heduling tool to manage the personnel allo#ation, and personnel should ideall, wor4 on one pro&e#t at a time, three ma3' *ggressi$el, delegate responsi+ilit, %or the wor4 so the team #an learn, grow, do their +est wor4, and ,ou then ha$e time to do ,our management &o+' @old a 4i#4.o%% meeting e$en when ,ou thin4 e$er,one alread, 4nows e$er,thing, +rie% the pro&e#t plan, and answer an, Puestions'
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Chapter Summary :Cont;!<

Tim e

0, 8=ecution * Summary

st Co


@old a pro&e#t rePuirements re$iew the %irst wee4 o% the pro&e#t to #lari%, an, issues, e$en when the rePuirements are per%e#t' Prepare one or more designs ine3pensi$el, %irst, and get =ustomer re$iew and %eed+a#4 earl, +e%ore spending signi%i#ant %unds on the real deli$era+les' Build in.house when it is least e3pensi$e and ,ou #an do it +est, outsour#e when it is least e3pensi$e and others #an do it +est' =hoose %i3ed pri#e #ontra#ts onl, when the s#ope will not #hange, #hoose #ost plus whene$er the s#ope might #hange' Sele#t winning +idders +ased on low pri#e %or $er, simple wor4, sele#t +, +est $alue %or more #omple3 wor4' @old a %ormal =ustomer re$iew and o+tain written agreement that the pro&e#t s#ope was su##ess%ull, a##omplished, and whene$er possi+le hold $eri%i#ation e$ents +ased on user s#enarios'
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Phase 1

Tim e


Monitoring an! Control

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Status, Manage, Report

Have no fear of erfection7 you0ll never reach it. Sal$ador Dali, 1 )D.1 M


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Phase 1 * Project Monitoring & Control

1,- * %ntro!uction ()1' Pro&e#t Manager Qole ()(' Managing ;3pe#tations 1,. * Control Meetings ()O' Pro&e#t Wee4l, @eart+eat ()D' Pro&e#t Monthl, @eart+eat
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Tim e


1,3 * >uality (1M' Managing Gualit, (1 ' Peer Qe$iews (()' ;nsuring "it "or Lse 1,4 * Risk ((1' Managing Qis4 1,5 * 8arne! ?alue Management (((' ;arned Falue A$er$iew ((O' ;F =ost N S#hedule Metri#s ((D' ;arned Falue Meaning ((!' Pro&e#t Pro&e#tions ((E' ;arned Falue ;3ample 1,6 * Pro'lem Resolution ((K' Qesolution Aptions ((M' Persuasion 1e#hniPues 1,-) * Reporting (( ' Pro&e#t Qeporting (O)' Green, 7ellow, Qed Qeporting (O1' Ane Page Qeporting 1,-- * Summary (O(' Pro#ess "low#hart (OO' ;3er#ise D'O Monitoring N =ontrol
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()!' ()E' ()K' ()M' () ' (1)' (11' (1(' (1O' (1D' (1!'

1,0 * Scope Managing S#ope =hange =ontrol S#ope =hange =ontrol Betwor4 Diagram =hange =ontrol S#hedule =hange =ontrol =ost ;3er#ise D'1 =hange =ontrol 1,1 * Time Managing S#hedule Management o% =riti#al S#hedules =riti#al =hain Management =rashing N "ast.1ra#4ing ;3er#ise D'( "ast.1ra#4ing

1,2 * Cost (1E' Managing =ost (1K' =ost Qeports

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Project Manager Role

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1,- Monitoring & Control * %ntro!uction

st Co


Monitor the triple #onstraint9

S#ope are the deli$era+les getting done2 1ime is the wor4 +eing done on time2 =ost is the wor4 +eing done within +udget2
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Monitor the ris4s9

*re there warning signs, triggers, should ,ou ta4e proa#ti$e a#tion2

Manage #hange #ontrol9

*n, addition to s#ope rePuires appro$al o% the %ull additional #ost and time'

;nsure the wor4 is +eing done pro%essionall,9

Lse Gualit, Personnel to help where possi+le'

Being +ehind plan is not unusual the 4e, is to 4now how mu#h9

7ou #an o%ten %i3 the pro+lem i% ,ou 4now earl, enough to thin4 it through' 7ou #an e3trapolate and see where ,ou will end up, determine i% the ris4 +udget will +e su%%i#ient, and i% ,ou need to get Sta4eholder assistan#e or dire#tion'


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Managing 8=pectations

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1,- Monitoring & Control * %ntro!uction

st Co


Jnow the di%%erent priorities o% the di%%erent parties e3ample9

Sponsor Lsuall, #ost =ustomer A%ten s#ope then s#hedule Program Manager S#hedule and impa#t on other pro&e#ts, then #ost' "un#tional Managers S#hedule and impa#t on resour#e Beeds Pro&e#t 1eam Achie(ement, re#ognition, #areer de$elopment Senior Management 1he A+&e#ti$e +ene%it, e3ternal per#eptions =ontra#tors : Partners =ost, in#lusion in #ommuni#ation and planning'
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1he Pro&e#t Manager must 4eep out o% doing the a#tual pro&e#t wor49

Jeep time to implement the #ommuni#ations plan' Jeep time %or ad.ho# #ommuni#ations to manage e3pe#tations' Jeep time to deal with surprises and to resol$e pro+lems'
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Project @eekly Aeart'eat

Tim e

1,. Monitoring & Control * Control Meetings

st Co


1he wee4l, meeting %or status o% the issues list is the %irst pro&e#t heart+eat9

Meet e$er, Monda, morning with the pro&e#t leads to re$iew the issues list' Status important pro&e#t.le$el issues the leads ma, ha$e their own meetings with their teams and their own issues lists' Jeep the issues list in a simple word pro#essor ta+le or spreadsheet eas, to sort' 6ead, Due, Pri Due, Pri, 6ead Pri, Due, 6ead Most #ommon ordering'
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Qe.prioriti/e the issues list a%ter ea#h update with 1a+le : Sort or Data : Sort9

A +eekly one hour meeting is only .,2E o# a 1) hour +eek * cheap project insurance,

Je, purpose9 -denti%, and resol$e important pro+lems +e%ore the, get worse9

Ke(er, e$er #an#el this meeting to get wor4 done instead'

Pri %ssue 9ea! 1 "a#ilities Shortage B' *nderson 1 ( O : : Printing o% =' ?ones 1raining Manuals So%tware S#hedule D' Ba4er QePuirements "or ?' Smith Be3t Phase Kotes =on$erting meeting room ! to wor4ing area @a$e told printer need #opies +, "rida, or wonHt pa,' Des#oping the management %un#tions until ne3t phase Ansite session to +e held on 1hursda, Due ()1).)1.1) ()1).)1.1( ()1).)(.1D ()1).)O.1!


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Project Monthly Aeart'eat

Tim e

1,. Monitoring & Control * Control Meetings

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7ou need a %ormal pro&e#t status on a monthl, heart+eat to ensure ,ou ha$e timel, in%ormation9

Fer, high tempo, high ris4, and s#hedule #riti#al pro&e#ts might need statusing +i.wee4l, or e$en wee4l,'
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A+tain %rom ea#h 1eam 6ead the s#hedule status %or ea#h deli$era+le9

-s it done, when will it +e done, how mu#h is #omplete2

A+tain #urrent #ost status %or ea#h #ost a##ount %rom the %inan#e department' Ma4e ad&ustments as rePuired to +ring the pro&e#t +a#4 on plan' -% ,ou #annot ma4e ad&ustments to get +a#4 on plan, use some ris4 +udget' -% the ris4 +udget is +eing used %aster than the rate o% progress through the pro&e#t9

6et Sta4eholders 4now earl,' *s4 whi#h elements o% the triple #onstraint are the most important' Ma4e ad&ustments as rePuired to preser$e the Sta4eholder priorities'
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Managing Scope

Tim e

1,0 Monitoring & Control * Scope

st Co


%ecause things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are. Bertolt Bre#ht, 1M M.1 !E'

S#ope =reep is the se#ond most #ommon #ause o% pro&e#t %ailure9

Best solution is to sol$e the num+er 1 #ause o% pro&e#t %ailure get all the rePuirements up %ront'

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1he pro&e#t must ha$e a rigorous #hange #ontrol pro#ess9

"eep it 'alance!L

*n, #hange, no matter how minor, must +e written down on a #hange #ontrol %orm and su+mitted through the Project Manager' 1r, to implement in ne3t pro&e#t or phase whene$er possi+le'

=on$ene a =hange =ontrol Board (==B) to e$aluate #hanges9


Wide mem+ership with an, possi+l, a%%e#ted part, #ore and support %un#tions' (i ) "irst determine all the areas o% impa#t redesign, do#umentation, training, et#' *ppoint a lead person to #omplete the anal,sis a%ter the ==B meeting' 1he lead prepares a WBS to %inali/e the s#ope impa#t' Scope Prepare a networ4 diagram and s#hedule to %inali/e the time impa#t' Qoll.up the total #osts %or the s#ope impa#t, and an, team retention #osts' Su+mit the total #hange impa#t, with ,our re#ommendation9 Pro#eed, !elay to ne=t phase, or do not pro#eed' Whene$er possi+le, o%%set the additional s#ope +, remo$ing e3isting s#ope' Be$er start implementing until appro$al o% the additional time and #ost is pro$ided in writing<
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Change Control

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1,0 Monitoring & Control * Scope

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8=ample Change9 *dd an outdoor pool to the hotel'

"irst prepare a WBS to identi%, all the deli$era+les that will +e impa#ted'

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Change Control * Ket+ork Diagram

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1,0 Monitoring & Control * Scope

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-denti%ies what #an +e done in parallel' Stru#ture goes into the Gantt #hart'

Site Preparation
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Procure %nterior Cement

p!ate Design

Uoning Appro(al

Procure Deck Material

ConstrG uction


Procure 9a!!ers & Drains

Procure Paint


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Change Control * Sche!ule

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1,0 Monitoring & Control * Scope

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Prepare a Gantt #hart %or the #hange, add to the main Gantt #hart' Determines the total time impa#t o% the #hange and e%%e#t on main pro&e#t s#hedule'
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These are !one in parallel,


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Change Control * Cost

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1,0 Monitoring & Control * Scope

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1otal #ost T S#ope #hanges 5 1eam retention #osts %or personnel that #annot +e redeplo,ed %or the period o% the #hange'
Change %mpact Architecture G p!ate !esign Uoning appro(al G 9egal Site Preparation G Contractor Material G %nterior cement G Deck G 9a!!ers, !rains G Paint Construction G Contractor %nspection G City inspector Su'total Project Delay G Project Manager G /oreman Su'total Total Time :!ays< 2 5 1 . . . . 5 ),2 >ty 2 . 15)) .1)) 5 ),2 Cost nit Cost Total Cost M-,3)) M.,))) M3,2)) M2 M1 M.,2)) M.)) M-.,))) M-,))) M5,))) M1,))) M3,2)) M.1,))) M6,3)) M.,2)) M-,3)) M-.,))) M2)) M35,4)) M.3,2)) M.-,.)) M14,4)) M--3,1))
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Team retention costs,

.3,2 .3,2

.3,2 .3,2

M-,))) M5))


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#.erci e *.1 '2ange 'ontrol

Tim e

1,0 Monitoring & Control * Scope

st Co


Identify a reasonable change in sco e that could be re=uested by the Customer for your ro4ect. 1re are a 3%/ to list all areas of sco e im act. 8etermine the schedule im act by re aring a network diagram if com le!, 4ust a Gantt chart if very sim le. Add u the costs7

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)he direct ersonnel and material costs from the sco e im act. Retention costs for any ersonnel that cannot be rede loyed during the eriod of the change.

3hat is your best rofessional recommendation to the Customer7

1roceed with the change, allocate to ne!t hase, do not roceed5


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Managing Sche!ule

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1,1 Monitoring & Control * Time

st Co


An the %irst o% ea#h month, o+tain deli$era+le status %rom the leads9

What per#entage o% the wor4 is #omplete2 What was or will +e the estimated %inish date2

Same Project9i're Bantt chart tool,

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1he tool highlights an, slips %rom +aseline, and per#ent #ompleted'

7lack line sho+s E complete!,

&riginal sche!ule, a'out hal# o# 'u##er use! up,

Ke+ en! !ate, 'e#ore 'u##er is !ecrease!,

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1he Gantt tool will show #urrent status against the original +aseline'

Management o# Critical Sche!ules

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1,1 Monitoring & Control * Time

st Co


3e have a system that sends everyone an e-mail on 9onday that says7 03hat are you going to get done this week5 And what did you get done last week that you said you were going to do50 )hen that rolls u into one e-mail that the entire organi'ation gets. Q,an Smith, =;A Gualtri#s

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Start with the +asi#s9

;nsure the goals and the s#hedule are #onstantl, #lear' ;nsure e$er,one is empowered to ma4e de#isions in their area' ;nsure e$er,one is moti$ated a##ording to their needs'

-n#rease the num+er o% #he#4points as needed9

Manage down to the a#ti$it, le$el i% rePuired' =an rePuire dail, statusing +ut &ust on#e ea#h da,'

-nstitute a () minute standup meeting ea#h morning9

What did ,ou do ,esterda,2 What are ,ou going to do toda,2 -s there an,thing pre$enting ,ou %rom doing it2 6et me 4now immediatel, i% an,thing pre$ents ,ou %rom doing it'
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Critical Chain Management

Tim e

1,1 Monitoring & Control * Time

st Co


3ork e! ands so as to fill the time available for its com letion. =' Borth#ote Par4inson, Par4insonHs 6aw, 1 !K'

Most modern and e%%e#ti$e s#hedule management method +, ph,si#ist ;li Goldratt' ;nsure ,ou ha$e unpadded estimates, so no +u%%er within the deli$era+les9
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-% using a#ti$it, +rea4down, as4 ea#h lead to ma4e the deli$era+le estimate realisti#, +ut please s#ru+ to ensure we donHt ha$e an, padding within the deli$era+le' We will ha$e an o$erall pro&e#t +u%%er to deal with an,thing that happens on the +hole pro&e#t' -% using O.point, use the Most 6i4el, estimate'

*dd the time +u%%er at the end o% the pro&e#t +e%ore the 4e, =ustomer e$ent9

Lsuall, use the ris4 management pro#ess to allo#ate +u%%er (see Planning phase)' -% using O.point, a##umulate the di%%eren#es along the #riti#al path +etween the Most 6i4el, estimate and the O.point a$erage'

*lso add some time +u%%er within the pro&e#t +e%ore #riti#al resour#e rePuirements9

"or those resour#es that i% ,ou miss the window, the s#hedule will +e se$erel, impa#ted'

Argani/ation must also ma4e an important #ultural #hange9

Please do ,our $er, +est to wor4 towards ,our estimate, and tell me right awa, i% an,thing will pre$ent ,ou %rom ma4ing s#hedule donHt wait until the end o% the month' 1hen understand some slippage will happen +e#ause the s#hedule in#ludes unpadded estimates, use the o$erall +u%%er to deal with dela,s, and do not get mad when people are late on their unpadded estimates this will +e the t,pi#al situation'
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Crashing & /astGTracking

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1,1 Monitoring & Control * Time

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=rashing and %ast.tra#4ing #an +e emplo,ed i% the s#hedule is e3tending %aster than the pro&e#t +u%%er #an a+sor+ the slips' Crashing add people, resour#es, and mone, to the pro+lem areas9
*dd the most e3perien#ed indi$idual ,ou #an %ind that has &ust done the e3a#t same &o+ this #an +e $er, e%%e#ti$e'
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@owe$er, adding people #an a#tuall, ma4e the pro+lem worse (re#all =hapter ))'

/astGtracking o$erlap deli$era+les on the #riti#al path9

6oo4 %or ma3imum gain (longest deli$era+les) with the least ris4' 6oo4 %or deli$era+les that #an start +e%ore a prede#essor is #ompletel, %inished' =an easil, end up #osting more, #ausing rewor4, and not sa$ing time +e #are%ul' Aptions9 Anl, handle it on#e (A@-A) e'g' $isit a site on#e %or inter$iews N site sur$e,' Staggering plum+ing team starts on the %irst %loor, when the, mo$e to the se#ond %loor +ring in the ele#tri#al team on the %irst %loor, when the, +oth mo$e up a le$el +ring in the painters on the %irst %loor, et#' Do#umentation tell ,our team at the +eginning to get an earl, start on end do#umentation whene$er the, ha$e an, waiting time'
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#.erci e *.2 /a t-7rac)ing

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1,1 Monitoring & Control * Time

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3hen you submit the ro4ect management lan, the /takeholders ask you to reduce the ro4ect schedule by +CJ. .sing fast tracking alone ?no crashing and reducing deliverable time&@ determine which deliverables you can overla on the critical ath to com ress the schedule. Re ort back on what you did7

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Can you meet the +CJ reduction with 4ust fast tracking5 If not, do you need funds to crash as well, or do you need to cut sco e5 How much risk did your fast-tracking add to the ro4ect : low, medium, or high5


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Managing Cost

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1,2 Monitoring & Control * Cost

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"irst manage s#ope, s#hedule, and ris4s sin#e the, dri$e #ost' *ll material and ser$i#e #osts on ,our pro&e#t must +e #harged to the appropriate #ost a##ount (see the #ost +aseline se#tion in the planning #hapter)' People #osts are tra#4ed through timesheets, rolled up +, #ost a##ount, and reported on#e a month' 1imesheet ;3ample
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8mployee: Rohn Smith Day Monda, Cost Account Aours !1)(! 1')) !1)OE ('(! !1)DM O'K! 1uesda, !1)(! E')) !1)ED 1'K! 9 9 9
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Cost Reports

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1,2 Monitoring & Control * Cost

st Co


=ost reports #ome monthl, %rom the %inan#e department ordered +, #ost a##ount' =ost management responsi+ilit, is o%ten use%ull, delegated to the pro&e#t leads (while the pro&e#t manager alwa,s retains o$erall a##ounta+ilit,)'
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PM should %ormall, re$iew all #ost reports at least monthl,' Ma4e ad&ustments where$er possi+le i% spending is higher than planned'
Project: A7C Cost Account !1)(! Month: Ran %tem Smith, Q' *nderson, B' Brown, M' Morton, G' PrintsQLs 1otal Smith, Q' =rowle,, D' Grant, P' ?ohnson =onstru#tion 1otal =' Ma#intosh 9 Aours D')) 1DM'!) DO'(! E!'OO B:* D')) 1(')) (O')) B:* E!'!) 9 Cost 8()) 8!, D) 81,!1D 81, E) 8E(! 81),(O 8()) 8!D) 8M)! 81(,(K! 81O,M() 8O,(K! 9 81O(,KDD
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!1)DM 1otal
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Managing >uality

Tim e

1,3 Monitoring & Control * >uality

st Co


<o one has a greater asset for his business than a man0s ride in his work. @osea Ballou, 1KK1.1M!('

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* long.time legal rePuirement in #ommon law' 1he produ#t must ha$e the %eatures ne#essar, %or pra#ti#al use a #ar needs to ha$e +ra4es e$en i% not listed on the ownership agreement' "or pro&e#ts, this means the %inal output must +e a Pualit, produ#t, i'e' ,our responsi+ilit, is to ensure the =ustomer is a#tuall, happy with it<

Modern Pualit, pro#esses all #ome %rom 1otal Gualit, Management (1GM)9

De$eloped +, ;dward Deming in the middle o% the ()Hth #entur,' Je, o+ser$ation Gualit, must +e planned in, not inspe#ted in' Gualit, parts and pro#esses redu#e #osts, testing, and =ustomer returns' Stri$e %or #ontinuous in#remental impro$ement it adds up to large results' Ariginall, $er, in%luential in ?apanese Pualit, inno$ation in the ()Hth #entur,' Bow the %oundation o% Jai/en, Si3 Sigma, 6ean Pro#essing, et#S
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1he pro&e#t must +e more than &ust #ompliant to the rePuirements, it must +e "it "or Lse9

Peer Re(ie+s

Tim e

1,3 Monitoring & Control * >uality

st Co


*s4 ea#h deli$era+le lead how will ,ou ensure it is a Pualit, produ#t +hile ,ou are produ#ing it2

-% the answer is to inspe#t it at the end, whi#h is ne#essar, +ut insu%%i#ient, %ind a +etter method while the wor4 is a#tuall, +eing done on the deli$era+le'

Peer re$iews signi%i#antl, help ensure Pualit, output9

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Lsed to appro$e papers pu+lished in s#ienti%i# &ournals sin#e the 1K))Hs' 1he tele#ommuni#ations #ompan, Bortel %ound it redu#ed so%tware +ugs +, M)C' =an +e used %or an, 4ind o% deli$era+le plans, designs, protot,pesS

"ormal peer re$iews tra#4 all #omments and their disposition9

QePuired %or health, sa%et,, legal issues a lot o% o$erhead'

-n%ormal re$iews are easier to implement %or most wor4 and +etter a##epted9

Bo %ormal re#ords are 4ept other than a meeting noti#e to pro$e it happened' Ane hour ma3 %or ea#h re$iewer to re$iew the wor4 split up deli$era+le i% too large' Ane hour ma3 to gather all re$iewers %or a &oint re$iew meeting' *uthor goes around the ta+le, listens, re#ords, and ne$er wastes time de%ending'

"ormal in%ormal peer re$iew pro#ess sa,s author must sa, than4 ,ou a%ter ea#h #omment'

1hen the author #an a##ept or ignore an, %eed+a#4 as the, see %it the, will naturall, implement the +est input without #ostl, and time.#onsuming %ollowup'
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8nsuring /it /or se

Tim e

1,3 Monitoring & Control * >uality

st Co


6a#4 o% user in$ol$ement is a $er, #ommon #ause o% pro&e#t %ailure9

1hat might +e what - said we wanted, +ut now - see it is not what we need'

Solution9 ha$e user re$iews a%ter e$er, signi%i#ant de$elopment %irst dra%t design, se#ond dra%t design, initial mo#4up, protot,pe, model, +uildS' *$oid s#ope #reep +,9 ha$e the users prioriti/e the #omments, then the pro&e#t prioriti/es the #omments, and then the Sponsor ma4es the %inal de#ision9

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Anl, wor4 in priorit, 1 #omments a'solutely essential to pro&e#t su##ess' 1r, to trade out some s#ope ePual in time and #ost to +alan#e o%% the new wor4'
%ssue A!! this,,, Remo(e that,,, Change this,,, 8nhance that,,, A!! this,,, Remo(e that,,, A!! that,,, Change this,,, 8nhance that,,, : ser Priority . . . 0 0 : Project Priority . . . . 0 0 : Sponsor Decision . . . 0 0 0 :

HWe 5%il$ t2e new po tal o%tlet wit2 car$5oar$ 4ir t; t2en only a4ter a % er wal)t2ro%g2 an$ we wor) in t2eir comment $o we 5%il$ t2e real t2ing.I * PM at Cana!ian Post &##ice

- * 8ssential to o'jecti(e,

. * /or the ne=t project,

0 * /or later in(estigation,

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Managing Risk

Tim e

1,4 Monitoring & Control * Risk

st Co


Qe$iew the ris4 register with the pro&e#t leads at least on#e a month9

*t the wee4l, status meeting %or high tempo or #riti#all, important pro&e#ts'

6oo4 %or earl, warning signs, triggers that ris4 is #oming true9

1ra$el to the lo#ation o% ris4 whene$er possi+le to %ull, understand the status' De$elop a +a#4up : #ontingen#, plan in #ase the ris4 happens'
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Lse ris4 +udget %unds proa#ti$el, to redu#e the pro+a+ilit, and:or impa#t'

7ou need to %ill out a %orm and spe#i%, the ris4 ,ou are ta4ing the mone, %rom, identi%, whi#h ris4 has de#reased, or that it is a new ris49

Do not hesitate to tap the ris4 +udget i% needed the %inan#e department will tr, to 4eep the ris4 +udget, +ut it +elongs to the Pro&e#t Manager' 7ou alwa,s win these arguments, sin#e ,ou are a##ounta+le %or pro&e#t per%orman#e' HMr, ?P /inance: % am not com#orta'le gi(ing up much o# the risk 'u!get no+, as most o# the risks +ill likely hurt to+ar!s the en! o# the project,I

Lpdate the ris4 register9

De#rease or in#rease C, 1, and 8 o% ris4s as appropriate' *dd signi%i#ant new ris4s, Puanti%,, and plan responses' Qemo$e ris4s that are gone $er, #autiousl,, ne$er too earl,<

;3trapolate ris4 reser$e usage +ased on #urrent rate o% use9

-% the +udget is +eing used up %aster than the pro&e#t progress, sol$e it, as4 %or Sta4eholder assistan#e, or o+tain dire#tion on what is most important s#ope, s#hedule, or #ost'
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8arne! ?alue &(er(ie+

Tim e

1,5 Monitoring & Control * 8?M

st Co


Fer, use%ul o+&e#ti$e numeri#al te#hniPue that measures +oth =ost and S#hedule status in dollar terms, +ased on the amount o% wor4 a#tuall, done #ompared to the amount o% wor4 planned to +e done' Start +, assigned ea#h deli$era+le a Deli$era+le Falue (DF) ePual to the estimated #ost o% the deli$era+le %rom the pro&e#t plan9

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1he original estimated #ost is the +est measure we ha$e o% the deli$era+leHs $alue #ompared to other deli$era+les'

1he Planned Falue (PF) o% a deli$era+le is the C o% the Deli$era+le Falue planne! to +e #omplete on the status date' 1he ;arned Falue (;F) is the C o% the Deli$era+le Falue actually #omplete on the status date'

B, the end o% the pro&e#t, the entire planned +udget will +e earned'

1he *#tual =ost (*=) is the a#tual e3penditure on the status date' Qule o% thum+9 use on pro&e#ts R 8!M and one ,ear, as the administration o$erhead ma, not +e worth it %or smaller pro&e#ts'
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8? Cost & Sche!ule Metrics

Tim e

1,5 Monitoring & Control * 8?M

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Measure the pro&e#t status (t,pi#all, at the start o% ea#h month) and #al#ulate the %ollowing metri#s' S#hedule status9

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S#hedule Farian#e (SF) is the di%%eren#e +etween the total earned $alue at this point and the total planned $alue at this point9

S? T 8? * P?

S#hedule Per%orman#e -nde3 (SP-) is the ratio +etween the total earned $alue at this point and the total planned $alue at this point9

SP% T 8? J P?

Simply change minus to !i(i!e,

=ost status9

=ost Farian#e (=F) is the di%%eren#e +etween the total earned $alue at this point and the total a#tual #osts at this point9

C? T 8? * AC

=ost Per%orman#e -nde3 (=P-) is the ratio o% the total earned $alue at this point and the total a#tual #osts at this point9

CP% T 8? J AC

Simply change minus to !i(i!e,

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8arne! ?alue Meaning

Tim e

1,5 Monitoring & Control * 8?M

st Co


Positi$e num+ers %or =ost Farian#e or S#hedule Farian#e mean ahead o% plan, negati$e num+ers mean +ehind plan' * =P- or SP- R 1 means ahead o% plan, ] 1 means +ehind plan' Qules o% thum+ %or =P- and SP-9
)' ! to 1')! is a Green pro&e#t, all is well' )' ) to )' ! is a ,ellow pro&e#t, needs #orre#ti$e a#tion' 6ess than )' ) or more than 1'1) is a red pro&e#t, well o%% plan'
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* =P- or SP- that is too good, R 1')!, rePuires in$estigation to ensure the team is not #utting #orners or &eopardi/ing Pualit,9

-% e$er,thing is AJ, then the +est message to Sta4eholders is it turns out the team is per%orming +etter than originall, estimated'

1rue statement, and +etter than sa,ing the estimates were too high'
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Project Projections

Tim e

1,5 Monitoring & Control * 8?M

st Co


Start with9

Budget *t =ompletion (B*=) T simpl, the original total planned pro&e#t #ost'

1hen #al#ulate the ;stimate 1o =ompletion (;1=), how mu#h the pro&e#t will li4el, #ost %rom here to the end'

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;1= T ( B*= ;F ) : =P-

1hen #al#ulate the ;stimate *t =ompletion (;*=), how mu#h the pro&e#t will li4el, #ost in total'

;*= T B*= : =P-

1hen #al#ulate the Farian#e *t =ompletion (F*=), what will +e the li4el, di%%eren#e in #ost %rom the original plan'

F*= T B*= ;*=

1ogether with =P- and SP-, these pro&e#ts pro$ide the most o+&e#ti$e measurements ,ou #an pro$ide o% the pro&e#t per%orman#e'

Greatl, simpli%ies #redi+le pro&e#t statusing and reporting to Sta4eholders'

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8arne! ?alue 8=ample

Statuse! at en! o# this +eek,

Tim e

1,5 Monitoring & Control * 8?M

st Co


"ey metrics:-.E ahea! on cost, .3E 'ehin! sche!ule, #or the +ork !one,

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D? 8stimate Cost

AC Actual Cost

Planne! Percent Complete

Actual Percent Complete

P? Planne! ?alue

8? 8arne! ?alue

Cost C? CP% T 8?*AC T 8?JAC

Sche!ule S? SP% T 8?*P? T 8?JP?

Ji#4.o%% Bew "loor Plan 1st Dra%t Bew Dept Pro#esses 1st Dra%t ;3e#uti$e Qe$iew N =omment Bew "loor Plan (nd Dra%t Bew Dept Pro#esses (nd Dra%t Ane Page "*G ;3e#uti$e *ppro$al Pro&e#t Bu%%er -mplement Bew "loor Plan 1raining Plan 1raining Manual 1st Dra%t 1raining Manual (nd Dra%t 1raining Session Pro&e#t ;1= T ( B*= ;F ) : =P- T

8M)) 8E)) 1))C 1))C 8M)) 8M)) 8()) 1'OO 8) 8O,()) 8O,E)) 1))C 1))C 8O,()) 8O,()) .8D)) )'M 8) 8M,))) 8K,()) 1))C 1))C 8M,))) 8M,))) 8M)) 1'11 8) 8M)) 8K)) 1))C 1))C 8M)) 8M)) 81)) 1'1D 8) 8O,()) 8O,D)) 1))C 1))C 8O,()) 8O,()) .8()) )' D 8) 8M,))) 8O,E)) 1))C E)C 8M,))) 8D,M)) 81,()) 1'OO .8O,()) 81,E)) 1))C )C 81,E)) 8) 8) 1')) .81,E)) 8M)) 1))C )C 8M)) 8) 8) 1')) .8M)) 8!,E)) @hat shoul! the PM !o +ith this projectO 8M)) 81,E)) 81,()) 1))C 1))C 81,E)) 81,E)) 8D)) 1'OO 8) 8D,))) 81,D)) 1))C !)C 8D,))) 8(,))) 8E)) 1'DO .8(,))) 8O,()) (!C )C 8M)) 8) 8) 1')) .8M)) 81,E)) 8DO,()) 8(1,K)) 8O(,M)) 8(D,D)) 8(,K)) 1'1( .8M,D)) 81E,K() ;*= T B*= : =P- T 8OM,D() F*= T B*= ;*= T
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1 1 1 1 1 )'E ) )

1 )'! ) )'KD 8D,KM)


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Resolution &ptions

Tim e

1,6 Monitoring & Control * Pro'lem Resolution

st Co


Summar, o% some #ommon pro&e#t pro+lems and potential resolutions'

Cost or Sche!ule Cost or Sche!ule
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Crashing add resour#es, ideall, one $er, highl, s4illed person in the area that has &ust done the same &o+' DeGscope mo$e non.essential s#ope to a later pro&e#t or phase'
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>uality >uality Sche!ule Sche!ule

Peer re(ie+s as4 O to ! #olleagues to re$iew e$er, deli$era+le prior to #ompletion to %ind issues the author is too #lose to see' Re(ie+s add =ustomer re$iews and disposition %eed+a#4 into ;ssential, Be3t pro&e#t, 6ater in$estigation, then onl, wor4 in the ;ssential items' /ast tracking start some deli$era+les earl, +ased on partial #ompletion o% pre#eding wor4 (+e #are%ul ,ou wonHt need rewor4)' Stan! ups meet ea#h morning %or () minutes without #hairs9 What did ,ou do ,esterda,, what are ,ou going to do toda,, is there an,thing pre$enting ,ou %rom doing it, and let me 4now right awa, i% ,ou get +lo#4ed' Requirements tra!ing trade out some non.essential rePuirements that are ePual to the new s#ope +eing added to a$oid #ost and s#hedule growth' Su'contract trans%er the wor4 to an organi/ation, #ompan,, or group that has lots o% e3pertise in the t,pe o% wor4 rePuired' Pilot & phasing deplo, parts o% the solution to parts o% the organi/ation to e$aluate, %i3, and o+tain interim su##esses to then +uild on' &nsite status $isit the $endorHs site to o+tain status updates, at least monthl,, and as o%ten as wee4l, i% rePuired'
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Scope Creep Scope Di##iculty ser Acceptance ?en!or Management


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Persuasion Techniques

Tim e

1,6 Monitoring & Control * Pro'lem Resolution

st Co


Sometimes it is di%%i#ult to persuade people to mo$e to a rePuired position' Start +, %inding the issues o% most importan#e to them9

Simpl, as4 them what is most important to them write it down and re$iew with them' 1hen in$estigate how ,our proposal supports those issues, and re$iew with them'
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"ind a third part, person or organi/ation the, respe#t that supports ,our position' When the a+o$e does not wor4, esta+lish the, are standing on a +urning plat%orm9

@uman +eings are twi#e as moti$ated to a$oid %ailure as to o+tain additional su##ess' -denti%, the large downsides to their #urrent position health, legal, reputation, et#' Show that mo$ement %rom their position is urgentl, important to a$oid the downside'

*lwa,s put ,our position on one pie#e o% paper9

* disagreement +etween people is inherentl, su+&e#ti$e and #an #ontinue %ore$er' * pie#e o% paper summari/ing the +est presentation o% ,our position depersonali/es and greatl, simpli%ies the dis#ussion' -n#lude as man, num+ers and o+&e#ti$e third.part, in%ormation as possi+le'

Lnless it is a ma4e or +rea4 issue, loo4 %or a win.win #ompromise +, using negotiating te#hniPues (see A$er$iew #hapter)'

-% it is reall, a ma4e or +rea4 issue, go up the #hain o% #ommand and do what is ne#essar,'
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Project Reporting

Tim e

1,-) Monitoring & Control * Reporting

st Co


@old regular pro&e#t re$iew meetings with the Sponsor, =ustomer, Sta4eholders, Steering =ommittee, or similar group9

"ormal status is t,pi#all, on#e a month'

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Most importantl,, agree up %ront a one.page standard report %ormat9

S#ope progress towards milestones' S#hedule Gantt #hart showing progress relati$e to plan' =ost e3penditure #ompared to the plan' Qis4s status %or ma&or ris4s and a#tions +eing ta4en' =ustomer an, rePuests, issues, or #on#erns' * one page report is a managea+le amount o% wor4, and helps pre$ent the meeting %rom getting +ogged down in unimportant issues on earl, slides'

6et Sta4eholders 4now an, ma&or pro+lems +e%ore the meeting' 1his is ,our main opportunit, to pu+li#l, as4 %or help with an,thing ,ou #annot sol$e ,oursel%9

1his is one o% the main reasons +osses e3ist'

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Breen, Fello+, Re! Reporting

Tim e

1,-) Monitoring & Control * Reporting

st Co


Green, ,ellow, red is a short.hand reporting method to help the team and management understand Pui#4l, how the pro&e#t is doing9

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* #riteria %or grading must +e esta+lished or there will +e endless dis#ussions and o%ten in#orre#t status reported t,pi#al #riteria9

Green within !C o% plan' 7ellow within 1)C o% plan' Qed more than 1)C o%% plan'

=olors +e assigned to S#ope, =ost, 1ime, and Qis4 indi$iduall,9

Pro&e#t status as a whole is assigned the #olor o% the worst o% the indi$idual statuses i% one is red, the pro&e#t as a whole is red'


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Green Pro&e#t is doing well, #arr, on' 7ellow Pro&e#t has some issues, a#tion rePuired to get +a#4 on plan' Qed Pro&e#t has serious issues, needs ma&or a#tion to address'

&ne Page Reporting Template

Tim e

1,-) Monitoring & Control * Reporting

st Co


Ane page template used %or 8B pro&e#ts +, a glo+al aerospa#e #ompan,'

Scope & Sche!ule Milestone CP% SP% )' M )' E )' D
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Milestone 1 )' ( Milestone ( )' D Milestone O )'ME : &r just cost status : i# not using 8?M, Total ),54


7AC T M5,2M 8AC T M5,6M 8TC T M1,1M

%ssues ^ 1hree +ullets ma3 , , , , , , , ^ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ^ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Risks ^ 1hree +ullets ma3 , , , , , , , ^ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ^ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Scope: G Time: 7

Customer Status ^ So important the, get a Puadrant o% their own, ^ *n,thing on their mind , , , , , , , ^ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ^ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ^ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Cost: Q Risk: G
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Process /lo+chart

Tim e

1,-- Monitoring & Control * Summary

st Co


Meet %or issues status meeting wee4l,, get %ormal status monthl,' "i3 an, di$ergen#es %rom the plan where possi+le' Lse some o% the ris4 +udget to get +a#4 on plan i% there is enough' Ar as4 the Sta4eholders %or assistan#e and:or dire#tion on their priorities'
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Can PM /i= %tO

Do t2i an$ yo%r project will 5e %cce 4%l in t2e Sta)e2ol$er8 eye ; e6en i4 cope; c2e$%le; an$Bor co t i not ac2ie6e$ a planne$.

Solutions: N A!! e=perience, N Crashing, N /astGtracking, N Tra!e out scope, : :

8nough Risk 7u!getO

Dra+ !o+n risk sche!ule an!Jor M 'u!get,

Ask stakehol!ers: N /or assistance, N @hich is most important * scope, sche!ule, or costO


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#.erci e *.3 Monitoring " 'ontrol

Tim e

1,-- Monitoring & Control * Summary

st Co


Class discussion about work e! erience7

How is regular ro4ect monitoring and control erformed on your ro4ects5

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8oes every ro4ect have a one hour ma! weekly issues status meeting5 How is sco e, cost, time, and risk statused5 Could monitoring be im roved5

How is formal evaluations and re orting erformed on your ro4ects5

3ho does the 1ro4ect 9anager re ort to5 Are formal status re orting events held monthly5 Is the monthly re ort a single age5 3hat is communicated at the formal re orting event5 Could they be im roved5 Any use of earned value management5


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Chapter Summary

Tim e

1, Monitoring & Control * Summary

st Co


@old a wee4l, meeting with the pro&e#t leads, and status and update the pro&e#t le$el issues list ne$er #an#el this meeting to get wor4 done' "ormall, status the triple #onstraint (s#ope, time, #ost), and +urn rate o% the ris4 +udgets at least monthl,, and more o%ten %or shorter and #riti#al pro&e#ts'
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-% the ris4 +udget is +eing #onsumed too %ast, pro&e#t the impa#t, and as4 the Sta4eholders %or %eed+a#4 on what is most important to them s#ope, time, or #ost' 1a4e the time to #ommuni#ate regularl, with all Sta4eholders and manage their e3pe#tations' Sol$e s#ope #reep, the se#ond most #ommon #ause o% pro&e#t %ailure, +, instituting a rigorous #hange #ontrol pro#ess, and tr, $er, hard to either implement new s#ope in the ne3t pro&e#t, or trade out some s#ope ePui$alent in impa#t to an, added' "or s#hedule #riti#al pro&e#ts hold a stand.up () minute meeting ea#h morning, as4 ea#h lead what the, did ,esterda,, what the, will do toda,, i% there is an,thing pre$enting them %rom a##omplishing it, and to let ,ou 4now i% the, ha$e pro+lems' =riti#al #hain management is the most e%%e#t method o% s#hedule management9

Lse unpadded estimates %or the deli$era+les within the s#hedule' *dd the time +u%%er at the end o% the pro&e#t +e%ore the 4e, =ustomer e$ent' *dd some +u%%er +e%ore #riti#al resour#es that i% missed will +low up s#hedule'
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Chapter Summary :Cont;!<

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1, Monitoring & Control * Summary

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=at#h up s#hedule slips +, #rashing (tr, one e3perien#ed resour#e), and %ast tra#4ing (in areas o% least ris4 where no rewor4 needed), on the #riti#al path' 1ra#4 all #osts, material, ser$i#es, and personnel time with #ost a##ount #odes that map to one or more deli$era+les'
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Manage #ost +, managing s#ope #hanges, the #riti#al path, and ris4s' ;dward Deming . Gualit, must +e planned in, not inspe#ted in'

Lse in%ormal peer re$iews %or e$er, deli$era+le possi+le +e%ore #ompletion' =ondu#t %rePuent user re$iews, +ut onl, wor4 in the essential items'

Status the ris4s at least monthl,, loo4 %or triggers, use ris4 +udget to help manage them i% needed, and add, ad&ust, or remo$e (#are%ull,<) ris4s as appropriate' ;arned Falue Management pro$ides an numeri#al wa, to measure o$erall #ost and s#hedule per%orman#e dire#tl, related to the amount o% wor4 a##omplished, and ena+les o+&e#ti$e e3trapolations o% %uture per%orman#e' 6oo4 %or #ommon issues and #onsider standard solutions (see #hart)' @old a %ormal pro&e#t e$aluation with ,our management at least monthl,9

Lse a one page report %ormat eas, and helps pre$ent +eing sidetra#4ed' *s4 %or help %rom the Sta4eholders whene$er needed'
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Phase 2

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Project Closure
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"inali/e ;$er,thing

)he disci line you learn and character you build from setting and achieving a goal can be more valuable than the achievement of the goal itself. Bo Bennett, 1 OO .


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Phase 2 * Project Closure

2,- * %ntro!uction (OM' Pro&e#t Manager Qole 2,. * Contracts (O ' =ontra#t =losure
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(D)' (D1' (D(' (DO'

2,1 * 9essons 9earne! (DD' 6essons 6earned =apture 2,2 * Team Transition (D!' People 1ransition 2,3 * /inal Report (DE' "inal Qeport 2,4 * Team Closeout (DK' 1eam =loseout


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2,0 * Deli(ery Deli$er, Je, Points 1ransition to Aperations Pro&e#t @ando$er -'1' S,stem Deli$er,

Project Manager Role

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2,- Closing * %ntro!uction

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PM is responsi+le e$er,one else ma, s#atter to their ne3t &o+' Wor4 with the #ontra#ting department to ensure all #ontra#ts are appropriatel, #losed' ;nsure a smooth transition o% the pro&e#t output to an, operating and maintenan#e personnel' ;nsure pro&e#t lessons learned are do#umented' @elp team mem+ers transition to other pro&e#ts or +a#4 to their %un#tional organi/ation' Prepare a %inal report %or Sta4eholders' @a$e some 4ind o% a #ele+ration to +ring team #losure'
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Contract Closure

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2,. Closing * Contracts

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7ou are the =ustomer %or an, o% the pro&e#t #ontra#ts' @old a s#ope $eri%i#ation meeting9
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*re all deli$era+les re#ei$ed2 *re all do#uments re#ei$ed2 *re all tests : demonstrations satis%a#tor,2 -s all rePuested training #omplete2 *re all %a#ilities +uilt to spe#i%i#ation2

*s4 ,our #ontra#ts lead to send a written #losure noti%i#ation to all #ontra#tors this %ormall, pre$ents an, unne#essar, %urther wor4' *uthori/e pa,ment o% an, remaining in$oi#es the Pro&e#t Manager 4nows +est i% the #ontra#tor wor4 was su##ess%ull, done' 6oo4 to ,our #ontra#ts department %or assistan#e with this stage, as there are legal rami%i#ations to the pro#ess'
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Project Deli(ery "ey Points

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2,0 Closing * Deli(ery

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Lse a team approa#h to deli$er, more people rather than less9

;nsure all personnel 4now their role and are read, to respond' Distri+ute a #ard with e$er,oneHs #ell num+ers'
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;nsure there is an e3pert on logisti#s to lead the e%%ort whene$er there is deli$er, #omple3it,9
Manage tra$el, insuran#e, proper pa#4ing, +order issuesS

;nsure an, sites are %ull, read, +e%ore arri$al9

;nough room, %urniture, power, air.#onditioning, +andwidthS

Pro$ide &ust.in.time (?-1) training %or ma3imum e%%e#ti$eness9

1rain users immediatel, +e%ore the pro&e#t deli$er, or use' Be$er dou+le.up people on training aids (+oo4s, #omputers)'


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Transition to &perations

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2,0 Closing * Deli(ery

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Most #ompleted pro&e#ts need to +e sustained +, a di%%erent team than the pro&e#t team, o%ten #alled the operations group9
Ma4e sure %a#ilities are insured, #leaned, repaired'
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;nsure standards are regularl, updated to re%le#t new in%ormation' ;nsure so%tware is pat#hed, maintained, enhan#ed'

1he pro&e#t team must ensure the operations group #an do their &o+9
1he appropriate operations +udget has +een identi%ied and appro$ed' 1he rePuired operations people are in pla#e with the right s4ills' 1he appropriate training and do#umentation has +een pro$ided' ;nsure some pro&e#t personnel are 4ept a$aila+le %or a de%ined support

period to +ridge the hando$er'


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Project Aan!o(er
Project Team Documentation an! training, De#ine! han!o(er perio!,

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2,0 Closing * Deli(ery

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&perations Team
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Some pro&e#ts are #omple3 enough that hando$er #annot pra#ti#all, wait %or 1))C per%e#tion9

=onstru#tion o% a +uilding minor issues are resol$ed a%ter mo$e in' De$elopment o% a so%tware appli#ation minor usa+ilit, issues are %i3ed a%ter rollout'

=ommon hando$er #riteria9

1here must +e no =ategor, 1 issues a%%e#t the main pro&e#t o+&e#ti$e' 1here must +e less than n =ategor, ( issues a wor4around e3ists' 1here must +e less than m =ategor, O issues minor usa+ilit,' 1hese hando$er #riteria should +e agreed up.%ront during planning'
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%,T, System Deli(ery

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2,0 Closing * Deli(ery

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Big +ang9

-mplement or swit#h o$er to the entire new s,stem o$er a wee4end' @igh ris4 need a +a#4out plan i% it does not wor4'

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Qun old and new s,stems in parallel %or some period o% time to ensure usa+ilit,' 6ow ris4, +ut high #ost'


-mplement %un#tionalit, %or a small group %irst to +uild su##ess' 6ow ris4 ,ou #an %i3 issues +e%ore %ull roll.out' Beeds an internal #hampion to sell to the pilot organi/ation'
Can com'ine,


-mplement the s,stem in a serious o% smaller releases' 6ow ris4, howe$er needs #are%ul update management'
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9essons 9earne! Capture

$! erience is not what ha ens to a man. It is what a man does with what ha ens to him. *ldous @u3le,, 1e3ts and Prete3ts, 1 O('

Tim e

2,1 Closing * 9essons 9earne!

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=olle#t lessons learned during the pro&e#t i% at all possi+le9

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Lse a lessons learned Wi4i with one page per pro&e#t area, a##essi+le to the team during the pro&e#t (need to edit on#e a month to #olle#t related lessons learned together)' Pro$ide a lessons learned se#tion on an, regular reporting templates'

Atherwise #ondu#t a post.pro&e#t lessons learned re$iew9

-n$ite all a$aila+le pro&e#t personnel, e$er,one that parti#ipated' Wal4 through the pro&e#t %rom +eginning to end use the networ4 diagram' Qe$iew the ris4 register %or all ris4s en#ountered on the pro&e#t' Pro&e#t the e$ol$ing lessons learned do#ument on a s#reen %or ma3imum produ#ti$it,' 1hen %inali/e the do#ument and distri+ute to the team %or an, %inal #omments'

"o#us on what went well that ,ou want to repeat, and what did not go well to +e impro$ed'

@owe$er ne$er %o#us on the people who made mista4es no names, no +lame'

Most importantl,, ma4e the lessons learned a$aila+le to other pro&e#ts9

Pla#e in a widel, 4nown repositor, e'g' do#ument management lessons learned %older' Pro$ide to the organi/ation li+rarian or do#ument management group
2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e


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People Transition

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2,2 Closing * Team Transition

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Wat#h %or team morale issues as ,ou get #lose to the end9

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Pro$ide per%orman#e %eed+a#4 %or dire#t reports9

Pro$ide to their %un#tional manager i% the, are matri3 personnel' *s4 ,our dire#t reports to do the same %or their teams' A%%er to ser$e as a re%eren#e %or an, e3ternal resour#es' Pro$ide re%eren#es %or internal resour#es that ma4e #areer mo$es later'

Bring good personnel onto ,our ne3t pro&e#t where$er possi+le'


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Maintain the team identit,, 4eep up the "rida, pi//a lun#hes' Jeep wee4l, status meetings and monthl, %ormal re$iews going the, #an get shorter +ut ne$er #an#el' ;mphasi/e the pro&e#t is not %inished ,et, still a lot le%t to ensure su##ess'

/inal Report

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2,3 Closing * /inal Report

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Write up a %inal pro&e#t report %or the Sta4eholders9

7our opportunit, to %ormall, wrap up the pro&e#t'

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%ntro!uction +a#4ground in%ormation, usuall, =harter in%ormation su#h as the pro&e#t o+&e#ti$e' Scope, Sche!ule, 7u!get what happened #ompared to the plan, good or +ad' 7usiness Case whate$er ,ou #an tell at this point a+out whether it was reali/ed or not sometimes this will not +e %ull, 4nown until sometime a%ter the pro&e#t is %inished' Major Risks &ust those potentiall, o% interest to the Sta4eholders' Major 9essons 9earne! &ust those potentiall, o% interest to the Sta4eholders' Recommen!ations Suggestions %or ne3t steps, espe#iall, an, %uture pro&e#ts'

Send the %inal report to all the Sta4eholders' "or larger pro&e#ts sometimes hold a meeting with the Sta4eholders to re$iew the report and agree an, rePuired a#tions that should +e #arried out'
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Team Closeout

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2,4 Closing * Team Closeout

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Pro&e#t Manager responsi+ilit, to hold a meeting to pro$ide an agreed #losure point %or the team9

* %inish line is rePuired %or the e%%ort'

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@a$e some 4ind o% #ele+ration9

;nsure all pro&e#t personnel are in$ited 4e, mista4e is to miss someone' @a$e some %ood a$aila+le, e$en i% &ust pi//a or mu%%ins' Gi$e a $er, +rie% spee#h less than E) se#onds9

We did it, great &o+, it was a team e%%ort, than4 ,ou, lo$e to wor4 with ,ou again, +est wishes on whate$er ,ou do ne3t'

* small, short #ele+ration is mu#h +etter than none9

-t is ne$er too late to hold the e$ent #ould +e well a%ter pro&e#t ends' -% there are remote sites, hold a tele#on, and as4 them to +ring mu%%ins'


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Chapter Summary

Tim e

2, Closing * Summary

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PM is responsi+le %or #loseout a#ti$ities e$er,one else ma, s#atter' =lose all #ontra#ts, $eri%, all deli$eries, pro$ide written legal noti%i#ations' Lse more people than ,ou need %or deli$er,, and ensure #ell num+ers are distri+uted to all' 1ransition to operations, with a good hando$er in#luding appro$al o% su%%i#ient +udget, training, and rePuired do#umentation' Do#ument lessons learned, ideall, during the pro&e#t with a Wi4i, and ma4e them a$aila+le to others a%ter the pro&e#t' @elp transition team mem+ers to their ne3t pro&e#t, and pro$ide %eed+a#4 %or all pro&e#t leads and dire#t reports' Write a %inal report on what happened with the triple #onstraint, +usiness #ase, ma&or ris4s, and ma&or lessons learned, ,our re#ommendation %or ne3t steps, and distri+ute to the Sta4eholders' @old some 4ind o% #ele+ration to +ring the pro&e#t to a de%ined #lose %or the team, in$ite e$er,one, ha$e %ood, and gi$e a E) se#ond spee#h'
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Standish Group, Chaos Re ort, 1 !, "irst #omprehensi$e re$iew o% pro&e#t per%orman#e'

Or you can take a training course and learn from the e! erience of thousands of others. William Stewart, ()1('
6i4e this do#ument2 *ppre#iate the wor4 that went into it2 Pro$iding $alue to ,ou2 7ou #an e3press ,our than4s +, ma4ing a small 8 ' ! donation here9 7illSte+art,comJthanks,html


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All success is rooted in either luck or failure. If you begin with luck, you learn nothing but arrogance. However, if you begin with failure and learn to evaluate it, you also learn to succeed. Failure begets knowledge. Out of knowledge you gain wisdom, and it is with wisdom that you can become truly successful.

st Co

Author 7io
1 DM, Berlin Blo#4ade9 *ssistant Se#retar, o% State9 How do you remain so calm5 Se#retar, o% State George =' Marshall9 I0ve seen worse. Bill Stewart is a PM% #erti%ied Pro&e#t Management Pro%essional (PMP), spe#iali/ing in pro$ision o% high Pualit,, deepl, pra#ti#al Pro&e#t Management training to organi/ations large and small' @e has deli$ered more than 1!) training #ourses to more than 1,M)) people' 1his manual #ontains almost all the tools, tips, tri#4s, and te#hniPues he 4nows' Bill has wor4ed in go$ernment, large +usiness, small +usiness, a#ademia, and with the militar,' @e has wide e3perien#e in pro&e#t management, su+#ontra#tor management, s,stems integration, s,stems engineering, and training' Most re#entl,, he %ounded the #ompan, =irrus =omputing' @e has also ser$ed as a +ridging =hie% 1e#hni#al A%%i#er and te#hni#al due diligen#e lead %or a third part, as part o% merger and a#Puisition negotiations' Pre$iousl,, he spent 1( ,ears with the =anadian +ran#h o% a glo+al S,stem -ntegration #ompan,, where he ser$ed $ariousl, as the #ompan, So%tware Manager, #ompan, S,stem ;ngineering Manager, Pro&e#t Manager o% a 81DM =anada.wide medi#al s,stems integration #ontra#t, Pro&e#t Manager o% a 8()M in%ormation %usion #ontra#t, S,stem ;ngineering Manager %or pursuit o% a 8OB heli#opter integration #ontra#t, and ;ngineering 6ead on win o% 8K!M in new +usiness' Be%ore that, he wor4ed %or the =anadian Pu+li# Ser$i#e to esta+lish and manage the %irst =anadian "or#es +ase #omputing #entre, supporting D,!)) personnel, where he de$eloped and deplo,ed solutions to optimi/e +ase.wide #ourse s#heduling and resour#e management, sa%el, manage %iring range allo#ation, and pro$ide #ustom personnel and pa,roll solutions' @is te#hni#al %oundation is in so%tware de$elopment, in#luding e3perien#e +uilding appli#ations, algorithms, graphi#al user inter%a#es, data+ases, and we+ sites, and he has #oded in a do/en di%%erent programming languages' @e has e3tensi$e 4nowledge o% se#ure s,stems, held one o% =anadaHs top se#urit, #learan#es, and was ;ngineering Manager %or de$elopment o% the most ad$an#ed ta#ti#al in%ormation %usion s,stem in the B*1A allian#e' @e re#ei$ed a Ph'D' in =omputer S#ien#e %rom the Lni$ersit, o% Bew Brunswi#4 in 1 ( %or a thesis on #reation o% multi. dimensional geodesi# domes in optimum spa#e and time, whi#h (to his 4nowledge) has ne$er +een used %or an,thing pra#ti#al' @e taught ele$en #omputer s#ien#e #ourses %or the Lni$ersit, o% Bew Brunswi#4, and de$eloped two programming #ourses %or Sene#a =ollege' @is pro%essional training in#ludes QePuirements ;ngineering, S,stem ;ngineering, S,stem *r#hite#ture, Pro&e#t Management, and ;3e#uti$e 6eadership' Bill authored the %irst we+ pu+lished +oo4 9i(ing%nternet,com, with #ontri+utions %rom man, o% the de$elopers o% the -nternet, maintains the re%eren#e Wi4i /ree&penSourceSo#t+are,org, and is author o% the +est pra#ti#es do#ument /unStan!ar!,org' @e pu+lished a paper on pu+li# %inan#ing o% politi#al parties in Poli#, Aptions in 1 ), #redited +, MP Mar4 *ssad in Aansar! during the @ouse o% =ommons de+ate on the =anadian part, %inan#ing +ill passed in ())O' @e is married to a %amil, ph,si#ian and has two #hildren' @is interests in#lude pu+li# poli#,, -nternet histor,, and +i4ing'
2013-03-05 Per onal Single-! er #$%cational 2007-2013 William Stewart DeeplyPracticalProjectManagement.com &on-'ommercial ! e

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