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Resume 2: English Application Latter Contoh Surat Surat Lamaran Surat Lamaran Inggris Leave A Comment

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Sample Job Application Letter Mr. George Gilhooley XYZ Company 87 Delaware oa! "at#iel!

$ CA %8%&' ()%)* '''+'''' Date Dear Mr. Gilhooley$ , am writing to apply #or the programmer po-ition a!.erti-e! in the /ime- 0nion. A- re12e-te!$ , am enclo-ing a complete! 3ob application$ my certi#ication$ my re-2me an! three re#erence-. /he opport2nity pre-ente! in thi- li-ting i- .ery intere-ting$ an! , belie.e that my -trong technical e4perience an! e!2cation will ma5e me a .ery competiti.e can!i!ate #or thi- po-ition. /he 5ey -trength- that , po--e-- #or -2cce-- in thi- po-ition incl2!e6 , ha.e -2cce--#2lly !e-igne!$ !e.elope!$ an! -2pporte! li.e 2-e application , -tri.e #or contin2e! e4cellence , pro.i!e e4ceptional contrib2tion- to c2-tomer -er.ice #or all c2-tomer7ith a 8S !egree in Comp2ter 9rogramming$ , ha.e a #2ll 2n!er-tan!ing o# the #2ll li#e cycle o# a -o#tware !e.elopment pro3ect. , al-o ha.e e4perience in learning an! e4celling at new technologie- a- nee!e!. 9lea-e -ee my re-2me #or a!!itional in#ormation on my e4perience. , can be reache! anytime .ia my cell phone$ '''+'''+''''. /han5 yo2 #or yo2r time an! con-i!eration. , loo5 #orwar! to -pea5ing with yo2 abo2t thi- employment opport2nity. Sincerely$ :ir-t;ame La-t;ame <<<<<<<<<<

:ile! 2n!er6 =ngli-h > /agge!6 Application Latter$ Contoh S2rat$ S2rat Lamaran$ S2rat Lamaran ,nggri- > Lea.e a Comment ?

Resume 2
9o-te! on April '$ @%A@ by A!min

Allen Yan (8&*ABB8+AAAA+C@% yhna-aD44444.com =D0CA/,E; Sep 2002Present, Shanghai University, BE Can!i!ate #or 8achelor in Mechanical =ngineering !egree (M=*. Ma3or aca!emic co2r-e- highlight-6 Company 9roperty ManagementF Mar5etingF =conomic-F =ngli-h /echnology Comm2nicationF ,n#ormation Management Sy-temF Mo!ern :abrication Sy-tem.

May @%%&$ Certi#ie! 92blic Acco2nting /raining (C9A* ECC09A/,E; Dec 2005-present, ITT !ygt investment" #hina Application =ngineer$ Sale- G Mar5eting Application -2pport an! in!2-try pro3ect- tracing to -ale- o##ice to achie.e the -ale- b2!get an! new in!2-try mar5et application re-earch. 9ay -2itable .i-it- to en! 2-er- an! D, #or -eminar- an! technical pre-entation- with -ale-per-on or !i-trib2torwhile collect mar5eting in#ormation an! competitor in#ormation analy-i-. Application -2pport an! in!2-try pro3ect- tracing to -ale- o##ice to achie.e the -ale- b2!get an! new in!2-try mar5et application re-earch.

9ay -2itable .i-it- to en! 2-er- an! D, #or -eminar- an! technical pre-entation- with -ale-per-on or !i-trib2torwhile collect mar5eting in#ormation an! competitor in#ormation analy-i-.

J2ly @%%'H+Sep @%%'$ ,ntel 9ro!2ct- Co.$ Shanghai$china C90 A--embly =ngineer (,ntern-hip* AnalyIe! the yiel! ratio tren!$ !oc2mente! an! -ol.e! the c2rrent problem-. 9articipate! in the training o# mar5eting$ b2-ine-- proce-- mo!eling an! analy-i- at ,ntel 0ni.er-ity. Ji-2aliIe! a pro3ect re.iew with impre--i.e pre-entation an! m2lti+me!ia animation$ which wa- highly appreciate! by !epartment manager. AnalyIe! the yiel! ratio tren!$ !oc2mente! an! -ol.e! the c2rrent problem-. 9articipate! in the training o# mar5eting$ b2-ine-- proce-- mo!eling an! analy-i- at ,ntel 0ni.er-ity. Ji-2aliIe! a pro3ect re.iew with impre--i.e pre-entation an! m2lti+me!ia animation$ which wa- highly appreciate! by !epartment manager. J2ne @%%'H+J2ly @%%'$ G: :2n! Management Co.$ L/D. #ampus Intern AnalyIe! in.e-tment principle- an! mi-choo-e o# relate! #inancial !eri.e! pro!2ct :orm2late! the -cheme o# mar5et pop2lariIation an! networ5 mar5eting. A7A DS @%%B+@%%C$ Secon!+Cla-- Scholar-hip #or =4cellent St2!ent- o# Shanghai 0ni.er-ity. @%%C+@%%'$ the ,magine Amba--a!or o# Shanghai /enni- 9op2lariIation. CEM9=/=;C,=S G ,;/= =S/S Eng!ish $%i!ity& 8an! & an! the interme!iate te-t o# interpretation. 'ermany $%i!ity& &%% ho2r- o# Germany le--on- in /ongJi 0ni.er-ity. Comp2ter S5ill-6 ;ational Comp2ter Le.er Br! Certi#icate. ( ;etwor5 Comm2nication * 9ro#e--ional Certi#icate o# A--i-tant ,n#ormation E##icer (A,E*. CKK$ J8A$ 9ro.i-ion$ JM9$ A2toCAD$ BD-ma4$ 9hoto-hop$ Soli!wor5-$ A#tere##ect 9er-onal ,ntere-t-6 8a-5etball (S5ill-*F -5ating (Spee!*F =ngli-h (elegant*F Snoo5er (Stable* LLLLL

:ile! 2n!er6 =ngli-h > /agge!6 Contoh CJ$ CJ ,nggri- > Lea.e a Comment ?

$pp!icati(n )etter *Surat )amaran+ ,

9o-te! on Jan2ary '$ @%A@ by A!min

Yo2r Yo2r Yo2r Yo2r Yo2r =mail Date ;ame /itle ErganiIation A!!re-City$ State$ Zip Co!e Dear Mr.MM-. La-t ;ame6


State$ 9hone


;ame A!!re-Co!e ;2mber

, am writing in reply to the cla--i#ie! a! -ee5ing to #ill the po-ition o# Gra!2ate St2!ent A!.i-or #or the Ma-ter o# Art- in Liberal St2!ie- !egree program. , ha.e been awar!e! the !egree o# Ma-ter o# Art- #rom XXXX -o , 2n!er-tan! the nee! #or aca!emic a!.i-ement an! program planning in a nontra!itional higher e!2cation en.ironment. , ha.e al-o e4perience!$ #ir-t+han!$ the com#orting e##ect o# being able to contact an a!.i-er who gen2inely care- #or the -2cce-- o# -t2!ent-. D2ring my career a- an electrician , wa- electe! Chairman o# the =4ec2ti.e 8oar! which -at a- the 2nionN- repre-entati.e- to the apprentice-hip a!.i-ory boar!. ,n thi- capacity , wa- able to be an e##ecti.e a!.i-or to apprentice- who were e4periencing -chola-tic problem- which threatene! their #2t2re in the in!2-tryF e-pecially to ol!er apprentice- who were -ee5ing a career change an! ha! problem- a!32-ting to the obligation- o# wor5$ -chool an! #amily li#e. , belie.e my e!2cational bac5gro2n! in nontra!itional po-t+gra!2ate e!2cation an! my wor5 relate! !2tie- o# co2n-eling an! a!.i-ing -t2!ent- enrolle! in learning program- 12ali#ie- me #or con-i!eration #or the po-ition o# Gra!2ate St2!ent A!.i-or. , loo5 #orwar! to !i-c2--ing how my -5ill- can be o# .al2e to XXX a- it prepare- to mo.e into the new millenni2m. Sincerely$ Yo2r Signat2re Yo2r /ype! ;ame LLLLLLL

:ile! 2n!er6 =ngli-h > /agge!6 Application Letter$ Contoh S2rat Lamaran$ S2rat Lamaran ,nggri- >Lea.e a Comment ?

#- .(r Internati(na! #(mpany

9o-te! on Jan2ary '$ @%A@ by A!min

Downloa! CJ #or ,nternational Company (9D:*.. Clic5 here

:ile! 2n!er6 =ngli-h > /agge!6 ContohCJ$ CJ ,nggri-$ CJ ,nternational Company > Lea.e a Comment ?

Resume IT
9o-te! on Jan2ary '$ @%A@ by A!min

SA;/"ES".8 San5ar re!!y$ O''88$ 5onappa nagar$ =lectronic City$ 8angalore+'&%A%% Mobile ;o6 @A+)))))))) =+mail6 ----D----l.com E8J=C/,J=6 See5ing a po-ition to 2tiliIe my -5ill- an! abilitie- in the ,n#ormation /echnology ,n!2-try that o##er- 9ro#e--ional growth while being re-o2rce#2l$ inno.ati.e an! #le4ible. ,/ =X9ES0 = =D0CA/,E;6 Mahara3a =ngineering College P May$ @%%& 8./=C" (,n#ormation /echnology* 9ercentage -core!6 &7Q Shri Ganga "igher Secon!ary School P Mar$ @%%@ 9ercentage -core!6 88Q Go.t 8oy- "igher Secon!ary School P Mar$ @%%% 9ercentage -core!6 &8Q /=C";,CAL =X9= ,=;C=6 Lang2age-6 C$ C $ CE = JAJA$ J8 &.%$0;,X -hell -cript-$ "/ML 9lat#orm-6 7in!ow- 4pM)8M)'$@%%%$;/$ e! hat Lin24 ().%$ =S$ 7S*

Concept-6 networ5ing$ operating -y-temC= /,:,CA/,E;S6 e! "at Certi#ie! =ngineer ( "C=* +=nterpri-e Lin24 C O AAAC%%&7A)8@ACA8 =4perti-e in6 ,n-talling e! hat Lin24 con#ig2ring -er.er- (D;S$ :/9$ ;:S$ ;,S$ SAM8A$ A9AC"=$ D"C9$ MA,L*$ /ro2ble -hooting$ 2-er permi--ion- (LJM* 8rain+bench certi#ie! Lin24 A--e--ment O/@%AA%7AC%%AA 9 EJ=C/ =X9= ,=;C=6 A. :inal Seme-ter 9ro3ect a- 9art o# the 8./=C" C2rric2l2m. 9ro3ect ;ame6 R,ntegrate! Ja.a 8a-e! 7eb -er.erS De-cription6 /he power#2l web -er.er that enhance- 3a.a ba-e! application- an! pro.i!e- a2thentication. M,;, 9 EJ=C/S6 A. Creating a Man2al Dictionary in J.8. &. @. Deleting the #ile- conc2rrently 2-ing -hell -cript=L=C/,J=S /AT=;6 Lin24 Ser.er-$ Di-trib2te! -y-temE/"= AC/,J,/,=S G "E88,=S6 ErganiIing .ario2- c2lt2ral G 7E; 9riIe-. ea!ing =+boo5;et -2r#ing 9= SE;AL D=/A,LS6 ;ame6 Santho-h.8 Age G DE86 @A year-$ @A+%&+A)8' Se46 Male Marital Stat2-6 Single ;ationality6 ,n!ian 9ermanent6 A8MA@%$ G2r2-amy ;agar$ A!!re-- J.L. oa!$ 9eelame!2$ Coimbatore+%C /amil;a!2$ ,n!ia Contact ;2mber6 %AAA +AAAA@%@7 Lang2age- Tnown6 =ngli-h$ /amil Declaration , hereby !eclare that the abo.e written partic2lar- are tr2e to the be-t o# my 5nowle!ge an! belie#. (SA;/"ES".8* LLLLL

:ile! 2n!er6 =ngli-h > /agge!6 Contoh CJ$ CJ ,nggri-$ CJ ,/ > Lea.e a Comment ?

9o-te! on Jan2ary '$ @%A@ by A!min

Downloa! re-2me baha-a inggri-.. Clic5 !i-ini

:ile! 2n!er6 =ngli-h > /agge!6 Contoh e-2me$ Downloa!$ e-2me ,nggri- > Lea.e a Comment ?

Resume /
9o-te! on Jan2ary '$ @%A@ by A!min

C2rric2l2m Jitae 9er-onal Detail-

Full Name Sex Place, Date of Birth Nationality Marital Status Height, Weight Health Religion Address Mo ile Phone !"mail
=!2cational 8ac5gro2n!

# Florentina Putri # Female # Pro olinggo, August $, %&'& # (ndonesia # Married # %)$ cm, $* +g # Perfect # Moslem # Perum Bo,ong De-o+ Baru %, Blo+ ./ No0*, 1i inong %)&%* # 0817 9854 203 # 021 87903802 # -utri0flo2gmail0com # 8a,ahmada !lementary School, Pro olinggo # 9unior High School No0%, Pro olinggo # Senior High School No0%, Pro olinggo # Accounting De-artment at the :ni;ersity of Pancasila, 9a+arta # 1om-uter < (nternet 1ourse at Pus+om 8illand 8anesha, 9a+arta # !nglish =anguage 1ourse at =BA 8illand 8anesha, 9a+arta # /ax 1ourse >Bre;et A < B? di FA(:P, 9a+arta

%&3$ 4 %&&% %&&% 4 %&&5 %&&5 4 %&&' %&&' 4 677%

Co2r-e G =!2cation

%&&3 4 %&&& %&&& 4 6776 6775 4 6775


%0 Accounting < Administration S+ills >9ournal Printing < 1alculation, =edger, Petty 1ash Payroll < 1alculation, (n;entory 1ontrols, Pro,ect Data :-dating, /eller, Salary 1aldulation?0 60 /axation System0 *0 1om-uter =iterate >MS Word, MS !xcel, MS Po@er Point, MS Access, MS Autloo+?0 50 (nternet =iterate0
7or5ing =4perience

Wor+ing at PT. Flamboyan Bumi Singo, 1i inong Period # August 677% 4 A-ril 677& Pur-ose # Permanently @or+ing Position # Accounting < /axation staff 9o Bs Descri-tion # Payroll StaffC Pro,ectBs data u-datingC Business corres-ondencesC !x-atriates documentation filling < follo@ u-C /ranslationC A--ointment arrangementC

Filling anda data u-datingC Arranged of usiness tri- scheduleC Meeting udget arrangementC Procurement filling, in;entory control, and administration asistantC Pre-aring for rea+do@n statement for the -ro,ect, -re-aring intern finance circular corres-ondences, and -re-aring for the -resentation materialsC (ssuing in;oice < recei-t for ;endor and customersC (n;entory 1ontrollerC Pre-aration of -urchase reDuirement and -urchase orderC (n;oice < -ayment arrangement0
Cibinong$ April '$ @%%) :lorentina 92tri

:ile! 2n!er6 =ngli-h > /agge!6 Contoh CJ$ C2rric2l2m Jitae$ CJ ,nggri- > Lea.e a Comment ?

Resume ,
9o-te! on Jan2ary '$ @%A@ by A!min

Da#tar iwayat "i!2p Data 9riba!i

Nama 9enis +elamin /em-at, tanggal lahir Ee@arganegaraan Status -er+a@inan /inggi, erat adan Eesehatan Agama Alamat leng+a/ele-on, HP !"mail
9en!i!i5an ? :ormal

# Florentina Putri # Perem-uan # Pro olinggo, $ Agustus %&'& # (ndonesia # Meni+ah # %)$ cm, $* +g # Sangat Bai+ # (slam # Perum Bo,ong De-o+ Baru %, Blo+ ./ No0*, 1i inong %)&%* # 021 87903802, P ! 0817 9854 203 # -utri0flo2gmail0com

%&3$ 4 %&&% %&&% 4 %&&5 %&&5 4 %&&' %&&' 4 677%

? ;on :ormal

# SD 8a,ahmada, Pro olinggo # SMP Negeri %, Pro olinggo # SM: Negeri %, Pro olinggo # Program Sar,ana >S"%? A+untansi :ni;ersitas Pancasila, 9a+arta # Eursus Eom-uter dan (nternet di Pus+om 8illand 8anesha, 9a+arta # Eursus Bahasa (nggris di =BA 8illand 8anesha, 9a+arta # Eursus Pa,a+ >Bre;et A < B? di FA(:P, 9a+arta

%&&3 4 %&&& %&&& 4 6776 6775 4 6775


%0 Eemam-uan A+untansi dan Administrasi >Journal Printing & Calculation, Ledger, Petty Cash Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls, Project Data Updating, Teller, Salary Caldulation?0 60 Sistem Per-a,a+an0 *0 Eemam-uan Eom-uter >MS Word, MS !xcel, MS Po@er Point, MS Access, MS Autloo+?0 50 Eemam-uan (nternet0
9engalaman Ter3a

Be+er,a di PT. Flamboyan Bumi Singo, 1i inong Periode # Agustus 677% 4 A-ril 677& Status # Pega@ai /etaPosisi # Staf A+untansi dan Per-a,a+an :raian sing+at -e+er,aan # Mengontrol -ersediaan dan -em elian -eralatan +antor0 /urut mem antu -em uatan la-oran +euangan -erusahaan Mengatur ,ad@al -ertemuan isnis, -ertemuan internal, dan -er,alanan isnis0 Mela+u+an surat"menyurat isnis dalam Bahasa (ndonesia mau-un Bahasa (nggris >;ia internet mau-un non internet?0 Mela+u+an -erhitungan -a,a+ -erusahaan0 Mener it+an dan menerima fa+tur dari -emaso+0 /urut mem antu -elatihan -ega@ai aru0
Cibinong$ ' April @%%) :lorentina 92tri

:ile! 2n!er6 =ngli-h > /agge!6 Contoh CJ$ C2rric2l2m Jitae$ CJ$ iwayat "i!2p > Lea.e a Comment ?

Application Letter
9o-te! on Jan2ary '$ @%A@ by A!min

;,CT C"ALL=;G= Jl. /enggili- Me3oyo 7+@C / 6 %BA+@)8A%%% "96 %8ABB%@C'7'A e+mail6 nic5challenge@%%CDyahoo.com

27 February 2009
,wan Z2hriyanto "2man e-o2rce- Manager 9/ 8agi 8agi D2it (8@D* S2rabaya 8arat Dear Mr Z2hriyanto , wi-h to apply #or the po-ition o# Acco2nting Sta## that wa- a!.erti-e! in 82letin ,n#o Ter3a on @A :ebr2ary @%%). , ha.e o.er one year e4perience a- an Acco2nting with 9/. G2l2ng /i5aran! ha.e e4perience o# a wi!e .ariety o# pattern techni12e-. My comp2ter-5ill- are .ery goo!$ an! , ha.e an e4cellent recor! a- a reliable$ pro!2cti.e employee. , am loo5ing #or new challenge- an! the po-i-tion o# Acco2nting Sta##

-o2n!- the per#ect opport2nity. Yo2r organi-ation ha- an en.iable recor! inno.ation in in.e-tor #inancial co-2ltant$ an! an e4cellent rep2tation a- an employer$ ma5ing the po-ition e.en more attracti.e. , enclo-e my CJ #or yo2r in-pection an! loo5 #orwar! to hearing #rom yo2 -oon. , am a.ailable #or inter.iew at yo2r con.enience. Yo2r- -incerely$ ;ic5 Challenge

:ile! 2n!er6 =ngli-h > /agge!6 Contoh$ =ngli-h$ ,nggri-$ S2rat Lamaran > Lea.e a Comment ?

S2rat Lamaran @
9o-te! on Jan2ary '$ @%A@ by A!min

Ja5arta (tglMblnMthn* Tepa!a Yth$ " D Manager 9/. V Jl. V Ja5arta Selatan 9erihal 6 Lamaran 9e5er3aan Dengan hormat$ 8er-ama ini -aya -ampai5an 5einginan -aya 2nt25 melamar pe5er3aan -ebagaimana !ima5-2! !alam i5lan lowongan pe5er3aan !i harian 9o- Tota tanggal (tglMblnMthn*. 9en!i!i5an tera5hir -aya !i SMA ;egeri V Ja5arta Selatan telah !i-ele-ai5an pa!a tah2nV Saya memili5i 5en!araan -en!iri (-epe!a motor*$ !an telah memp2nyai S,M C !an A. Dalam -2rat lamaran ini -aya lampir5an A (-at2* lembar Da#tar iwayat "i!2p be-erta S2rat Teterangan Catatan Tepoli-ian (STCT* !an ,3aIah tera5hir 2nt25 !i3a!i5an bahan pertimbangan -elan32tnya. 8e-ar harapan -aya$ agar bapa5Mib2 ber-e!ia mel2ang5an wa5t2 2nt25 wawancara$ -ehingga -aya !apat memper5enal5an !iri -ecara lebih bai5 !an terperinci. Ata- perhatian bapa5Mib2$ -aya 2cap5an terima 5a-ih. "ormat -aya$ (nama an!a*

:ile! 2n!er6 ,n!one-ia > /agge!6 Contoh$ S2rat Lamaran > Lea.e a Comment ?

S2rat Lamaran A
9o-te! on Jan2ary '$ @%A@ by A!min

Ja5arta (tglMblnMthn* Tepa!a Yth$ Tepala 8agian 9er-onalia 9/. V Jl. V Ja5arta 92-at (5o!epo-* Dengan hormat$ Setelah membaca i5lan bapa5 pa!a harian Tompa- pa!a tanggal (tglMblnMthn* 2nt25 3abatan V*$ -aya menga325an !iri 2nt25 mengi-i po-i-i ter-eb2t. Saya telah menyele-ai5an program !iploma -aya !i bi!ang V !i A5a!emi V Ja5arta$ !an ber5eya5inan memp2nyai 5emamp2an yang !iperl25an 2nt25 pe5er3aan ter-eb2t. Saya ber2-ia V tah2n !an pernah be5er3a pa!a per2-ahaan V. Saya !apat berbicara !engan baha-a ,nggri- -ecara bai5 !an mamp2 mengopera-i5an 5omp2ter. Sebagai bahan pertimbangan$ -aya telah melampir5an !a#tar riwayat hi!2p$ -alinan S2rat 5eterangan Catatan Tepoli-ian

(STCT*$ i3aIah tera5hir -erta #oto -aya yang terbar2. Saya -angat menanti5an 5e-empatan 2nt25 wawancara$ !imana -aya bi-a men3ela-5an -el2r2h poten-i !an 5emamp2an !iri -aya 5epa!a bapa5. "ormat -aya$ (nama an!a*

Contoh Lain Surat Lamaran Kerja Bhs Inggris

East Kalimantan, 28 October 2003 Richar In ra!usuma Senior "anager #R$ %& B'(K CO""O()E'L&# )isma "etro*olitan II lt 2 +l, +en Su irman Ka- 2./30 +a!arta 02.20 $ear Sir, I am a S1stem 'nal1st2S1stem ' ministrator 3ith o-er 4 1ears e5*erience 3ith e-elo*ing in client ser-er, internet2intranet en-ironments, S1stem ' ministrator, S1stem Securit1 ' ministration, S1stem 'nal1st an $esign see!ing a ne3 *osition 3here m1 abilities can be utili6e , I learn 1our com*an1 nee an I& 'u itor Sta77 3ith strong bac!groun in I& technolog1, I can asure 1ou that I am 8uali7ie 7or the o**ortunities, #ere are some selecte achie-ements 7rom m1 career as an I& %ro7essional9 : 4 ;ears S1stem ' ministration e5*erience 3ithin multi*le o*erating s1stem an tools, 3in o3 base an uni5 base s1stem, : 4 ;ears 'nal1st an $e-elo*ment e5*erience 7rom client ser-er to 3eb a**lication *rogramming 3ithin multi*le *lat7orm ranging 7rom *c base to uni5 base s1stem, )ith this letter, I am also attaching m1 resume, I 3oul 3elcome a *ersonal inter-ie3 at 1our earliest con-enience to iscuss 1our nee s an objecti-es an the *ossibilit1 o7 3or!ing together to meet them, %lease 7eel 7ree to call me at m1 cell <42 80= >=0 24040, an email at ?E"'IL %RO&EC&E$@

Sincerel1, Aainul C )i o o

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