Investment Banking: Basic Information
Investment Banking: Basic Information
Investment Banking: Basic Information
Basic Information
Batch PGSEM open to PGP
Quarter 2
Cap 50 students only for those ho !el"e#e th$t the %ourse $dds #$lue to the"r
$ppre%"$t"on of %orpor$te f"n$n%e $nd %$p"t$l &$r'ets(
Depth )d#$n%ed
Min GPA 2(50 "n *"n$n%e )re$
Instructor Pr$t$p G( Su!r$&$ny$&+ *C) + )CS
e,&$"l pr$t$p-"r".y$hoo(%o&
Mo!"le / 00102,00025
3h"s %ourse offers $n underst$nd"n- of h$t "s %$lled "C#$E INVESTMENT
BANKING% h"%h de$ls "th the &$"n $%t"#"ty prof"le $nd ser#"%e !$s'et of "n#est&ent
Nature of the Course and #&'ecti(es
1. Core Investment banking involves transaction origination and structuring. It does not
deal with secondary markets !ort"olios or trading. This course is not meant for those
interested in secondary markets.
#. $his is not a quantitative course. %t the same time it is also not a theoretical course. It
will have a combination o" "inancial strategy !roblems and cases. $he !ro&ect work will
involve "inancial modelling. Since i'banking is very regulated study o" regulations will
be involved. Those who are not comfortable or do not see value in the study of
regulatory perspective will not find the course interesting.
(. It !rovides an in de!th understanding o" the intricacies and transactions in core
investment banking consisting o" !ublic o""ers in national and international ca!ital
markets !rivate e)uity cor!orate restructuring mergers and ac)uisitions.
*. $o !rovide an overview the service as!ects o" management o" !ublic o""ers buybacks
and de'listings transaction advisory "or venture ca!ital !rivate e)uity restructurings
mergers ac)uisitions and takeovers.
Prata! G. Subramanyam +C% %CS
Course +aculty
Prescri&ed $eadin!
In#est&ent 4$n'"n- Con%epts+ )n$lyses $nd C$ses , Pr$t$p G( Su!r$&$ny$&+ C*M5M%Gr$
6"ll Profess"on$l Ser"es "n *"n$n%e+ 3$t$ M%Gr$ 6"ll+ 2001(
Genera) readin!
$he ,usiness o" Investment ,anking - .. $homas /iaw 0ohn 1iley 2 Sons Inc.
)dd"t"on$l PP3 re$d"n- &$ter"$l &$y !e pro#"ded !y the "nstru%tor dur"n- the %ourse $s &$y !e
found ne%ess$ry(
The end*term e+amination ,ou)d &e conducted under #pen Boo s-stem for a period of
./01 hours/ The end term ,i)) ha(e case ana)-sis2 short pro&)ems and o&'ecti(e t-pe
E(a)uation Criteria 4
Pro'ect Assi!nment 56 7Su&mission8 019
Pro'ect Assi!nment . 6 7Presentation8 019
End Term E+amination :19
Tota) 5119
Pro'ect 5 to &e su&mitted durin! the Course/ Pro'ect . shou)d &e presented at the end of the
P)ease note that participants ,ho do not fu)fi)) the minimum attendance criteria set &- the
administration ,i)) not &e a&)e to tae the e+amination and theri su&missions ,i)) not &e
Instruction Methodo)o!-
The participants are e+pected to read throu!h the re)e(ant chapters from the prescri&ed
te+t to fami)iari;e themse)(es ,ith the topics for discussion &efore attendin! the proceedin!s
in each session/ Theor- ,i)) not &e discussed in c)ass/
3h"s %ourse "s des"-ned to !e $n$lyt"%$l $nd pr$%t"%e,or"ented "th pro!le&s $nd %$ses here#er
$ppl"%$!le( A minimum )e(e) of fami)iarit- ,ith financia) concepts2 financia) statement
ana)-sis and corporate (a)uation is essentia)/ Those ,ith f)air for financia) strate!- and <or
fami)iarit- ,ith re!u)ator- re3uirements in capita) marets ,i)) find the course interestin!/
Su"t$!le "nputs on -lo!$l perspe%t"#es ould $lso !e pro#"ded( 3he pro7e%t $ss"-n&ents $nd end,
ter& e8$&"n$t"on ould !e fo%ussed on test"n- the p$rt"%"p$nts9 %$p$!"l"ty "n f"n$n%"$l str$te-y
$nd $n$lys"s( 3he %ourse lo$d ould !e re$son$!le(
Prata! G. Subramanyam +C% %CS
Course +aculty
Modu)e Contents
No/ of Sessions
7of =1 minutes
2( Business of
In(estment Banin!
Introduction to
Capita) Maret
Mechanics and
In(estment Banin!
Chapters 5 6 :2 >2 5?
6"story+ e#olut"on $nd stru%ture of C$p"t$l M$r'et(
Introdu%t"on to In#est&ent 4$n'"n-+ h"story+
Industry stru%ture $nd !us"ness portfol"o of
"n#est&ent !$n's
)ll"ed 4us"nesses
*"n$n%"$l %on%epts $nd Instru&ents
Pr"&$ry e<u"ty $nd de!t &$r'et prof"le+ role
pl$yers+ "nstru&ents(
Corpor$te V$lu$t"on ðodolo-"es $nd the"r role
"n "n#est&ent !$n'"n-
2 sess"ons for the
ent"re &odule
2( Transactions in Pu&)ic
Chapters ?2 @2
In"t"$l Pu!l"% Offers+ =e!t Offers
R"-hts $nd *ollo On Offers
O#erse$s C$p"t$l M$r'et Offer"n-s
Co&p$r$t"#e Models of Ind"$+ US+ U>
Offer ðodolo-"es+ pro%esses
C$se Stud"es $nd ="s%uss"ons
3 sess"ons for the
ent"re &odule
3 Issue Mana!ement
and Ander,ritin!
Chapters =2 51/
Underr"t"n- ðodolo-"es+ US &odel+ Ind"$n
Issue M$n$-e&ent In#est&ent !$n'"n-
perspe%t"#es+ pr"%"n-+ offer for&ul$t"on+ del"#ery
C$se Stud"es $nd ="s%uss"ons ? Pro!le&s
2 sess"ons for the
ent"re &odule
@( Transaction aspects
and ad(isor- in
Venture Capita) <
Pri(ate E3uit-
Chapters B2 @2 55
Venture C$p"t$l $nd Pr"#$te E<u"ty
Pl$%e&ents of unl"sted %o&p$n"es
PIPEs $nd AIPs
In#est&ent !$n'"n- perspe%t"#es+ role of
In#est&ent 4$n'er
C$se Stud"es $nd ="s%uss"ons ? Pro!le&s
3 sess"ons for the
ent"re &odule
5( Mana!ement of
Bu-&acs and De*
Chapter 5.
E<u"ty Repur%h$se theory+ &e%h$n"s&s+
re-ul$t"on+ role of "n#est&ent !$n's(
=e,l"st"n-s theory+ ðodolo-y+ re-ul$t"ons+ role
of "n#est&ent !$n's
C$se Stud"es $nd ="s%uss"ons ? Pro!le&s
2 sess"ons for the
ent"re &odule
B( Transactions and
ad(isor- aspects of
Chapter 50
O#er#"e $nd theory of Corpor$te Restru%tur"n-
Corpor$te re,or-$n"s$t"ons throu-h tr$nsfer of
Corpor$te re,or-$n"s$t"ons throu-h d"lut"on+
tr$nsfer of %ontrol
In#est&ent !$n'"n- perspe%t"#es
C$se Stud"es $nd ="s%uss"ons ? Pro!le&s
3 sess"ons for the
ent"re &odule
Prata! G. Subramanyam +C% %CS
Course +aculty
C( Transaction ad(isor-
aspects of Mer!ers
and Ac3uisitions
Chapter 5:
Introdu%t"on to Mer-ers
Methodolo-"es+ tr$ns$%t"ons+ "n#est&ent !$n'"n-
perspe%t"#es+ re-ul$t"ons
)%<u"s"t"ons $nd 3$'eo#ers
Methodolo-"es+ tr$ns$%t"ons+ "n#est&ent !$n'"n-
perspe%t"#es+ re-ul$t"ons
C$se Stud"es $nd ="s%uss"ons ? Pro!le&s
@ sess"ons for the
ent"re &odule
1 Conc)udin! Guest :e%ture $nd r$p up 2 sess"on
Tota) no/ of sessions .1
Prata! G. Subramanyam +C% %CS
Course +aculty