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To move up the corporate ladder through continuous learning, dedication and innovative thinking. I
am looking or!ard to "e a part o a d#namic, people oriented, proessionall# managed
organi$ation and use m# skills and kno!ledge in order to achieve organi$ational and proessional
%trong "ackground in ull lie c#cle o recruitment process including identi#ing, sourcing,
&uali#ing and negotiating.
5 ' #ears o e(perience in IT recruitments, consulting.
)roven a"ilit# to strategi$e, handle deined targets, multiple clients, volume recruitments and
*ust + in + time re&uirements.
,eveloping and maintaining e(cellent rapport !ith the practice, domain and "usiness leaders
to perorm various consulting activities.
-ective vendor management skills. recruitment consultants and staing vendors.
/ighl# skilled in Internet and *o" portals resume search. 0onducted several !alk1ins during
m# recruitment career to meet turn around time and attract talents.
2ith a ver# strong recruitment consulting "ackground, !orked across all the technologies and
3"ilit# to produce results independentl# and !ithin the team environment, %el1motivated,
resourceul, committed and enthusiastic. -(cellent coordinating and organi$ing skills.
Educational Qualiication!
4.%0 1 )0567rom 8arnataka 9niversit# ,har!ad:.
0ompleted ,;T0;5-< 0ourse67rom <adiant Inotech 4angalore:.
"ro#$$ional E%&#ri#nc#:
5=s ->;?I0 Technologies )vt >td6Team >ead + <ecruitment ,ivision:
,uration . 1
,ec 2005 to till date.
5=s @ital 0onsulting
,uration . 1A
Ban 2005 to C0
Dov 2005.
,esignation . /< -(ecutive
T#c'nolo(i#$ )or*#d )it':
IT Inrastructure .,esktop, /elpdesk, Det!orking, Det!ork %ecurit#, %erver, ,ata"ase.
IT %ot!are .0,0'', @4, Bava, .D-T, %3), ,ata"ase 3dmin, 5anual and 3utomation
testing.67rom Bunior level to )ro*ect 5anager positions:.
0lient interaction or re&uirement gathering, s#stem anal#sis and understanding=
inalisation o technical and unctional speciications 3nd in order to enhance corporate
communication and understanding the clientEs corporate culture, industr# ocus and
0oordinating clients and the candidates, understanding the re&uirements o clients and
candidates to make a match "et!een the client re&uirements and candidates potential.
%ourcing the candidates according to the itment o the candidates proile into
/andling initial level intervie! in order to *udge the candidateFs suita"ilit#, 3ttitude,
3cademic G proessional &ualiication, e(perience, communication skills etc, "eore
or!arding it to the client.
,iscussion over salar# e(pectation o the candidate.
Involved in telephonic=ace1to1ace screening o candidates.
0onducting /< intervie!s or screening o prospective emplo#ees at all levels G
coordinating the technical intervie!s.
)ost ;er ollo!1up to make sure the candidate *oins in time.
/ired IT proessionals till %r. level=Top 5anagement.
0reating and 5aintaining data"ase or tracking, measuring, monitoring and reporting
/uman <esource activities.
0arried out the screening and selection process.
0oordinated !ith <ecruiters or intervie!s "et!een 0onsultant and client and conducted
training programs or <ecruiters.
9pdated 0onsultants !ith eed"ack rom the client.
)repared and maintained dail# su"mission reports and anal#$ed recruitment statistics
)repared and maintained !eekl# hot lists.
-nsured that individual targets o the <ecruiters !ere met on time.
8eeping Track o <esponses G %hort listing )roiles.
)erormance as %r IT <ecruiter
%uccessull# concluded various re&uirements individuall#.
Independent screening and short listing o 0@s
0onstantl# devised measures to increase the data "ank o availa"le
)roessionals through various channels

Dationalit# Indian
>anguages 8no!n 8annada, -nglish, /indi
5arital status %ingle
)resent 3ddress. /arshan ? 8anagal
0=; % 5an*unath, Do 205
5ain, A
H3E cross, Dera %hruti )art# /all
/ampiDagar, @i*a#anagar nd %tage
@i*a#anagar, 4angalore.
/o""ies <eading 5aga$ines, )la#ing and !atching cricket.
<eerence !ould "e provided on re&uest.

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