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Juveria Bengaluru - Bangalore 7.05 Yrs

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Email-ID : juveria.smile@gmail.com
Cell : 0988 655 7636
Career Objective
To associate with an organization which progresses dnamicall and gives me a
chance to improve m !nowledge" enhance m s!ills in the state#o$#art
technologies and %e a part o$ the team that wor! towards the growth o$
Professioal !"o#sis
&ver 7' ears o$ e(perience in )o$tware development.
*urrentl +or!ing as Senior Consultant with Oracle Financial Services
Software Ltd.
)trong hands on e(perience in Java Technologies (Java/J2EE) .
*onversant with all the phases o$ so$tware development li$e ccle viz"
re,uirement" analsis" design" development" implementation and testing.
-%ilit to wor! e.ectivel in a team environment and leading teams in
stress$ul" deadline#oriented environments.
/ood !nowledge o$ 0esign patterns.
0emonstrated mentoring s!ills in guiding the junior associates.
1.6 ears e(perience in leading teams.
)el$# 2otivated and enjo wor!ing in a technicall challenging environment"
possess e(cellent *ommunication and 3nterpersonal s!ills.
Tec$ical Pro%ciec"
La&'a&es 4 5ava" 56)7" 5677" 89:);9 and );9.
Java Tec$olo&ies 4 5)8" )ervlets" 50<*" -+T" )wing"
-pplets" 5=nit.
!cri#ti& La&'a&es : 5ava )cript.
Tem#late E&ie : -pache >elocit.
(eb A##licatio )rame*or+s 4 -pache )truts ?ramewor!" 2>* 2odel#
*ontroller " )pring ?ramewor!.
Mar+'# La&'a&e 4 @T29" A29.
Databases 4 &racle 9i" &racle 10g.
Tools 4 7clipse " 89:);9 0eveloper and putt.
O#eratio !"stem 4 )un )olaris =ni(" +indows 6000:A8:7.
A##licatio !erver : +e%logic 8.1 :10.3" +e%sphere"
-pache Tomcat 6
Aca,emic -'ali%catio
./Tec$ 0C/!/E1 4 5awaharlal Behru Technological =niversit
C5.B.T.=D" ?irst 0ivision"
0istinction in Enal ear.
Iterme,iate 0M/P/C1 4 )t. 0omnics *ollege" <oard o$
3ntermediate" ?irst
0ivision with 0istinction.
I/C/!/E 4 )t. /eorges /rammar )chool" *ouncil $or
the 3ndian
)chool" ?irst 0ivision.
nti !one" Laundering *ertiEed.
Finance #rocess Certi$ed Cat &racle ?inancial )ervices )o$twareD.
-ttended 9ong Term Training on Java and J2EE at C!C Li%ited C - Tata
Scored &.' out of (.' )) 3nternational 7nglish 9anguage Testing )stem
Domai 3o*le,&e

8aments and cash management.
-nti 2one 9aundering.
3nvestment <an!ing .
?inancial *rime.
*ompliance 2anagement.
)uppl chain 2anagement.
@uman resource 2anagement.
Project E4#os're
*ompan 4 &racle ?inancial )ervices )o$tware 9td.
8roject Bame 4 *ust0
8roject Tpe 4 ?inancial -pplication
*lient 4 <arclas 9ondon" =F.
Team )ize 4 16
Gole 4 Team 2em%er.
7nvironment 4 )truts ?ramewor!" )pring" 5ava" 5677" >elocit" 52)" A29" &racle
10g " )+3?T 2essages C 2T9H0 " 2T950" 2T9H6D and <-36 ?ormats.
8eriod 4 Bov 6016 to Till 0ate.
<rie$ 0escription o$ the 8roject4
<arclas is a <ritish multinational %an!ing and Enancial services compan
head,uartered in 9ondon" =nited Fingdom. 3t has operations in over 50 countries
and H8 million customers. *ust0 is customer statement and data generation
sstem. *ust0 generates electronic statements $or the corporate
customers o$ <arclas. These electronic statement reports contain <alance
3n$ormation I -ccounting 7ntries $or the reported time $rame.
-nalsis o$ the re,uirements and speciEcations provided % the clients.
3nvolved in designing and creating mapping documents.
3nvolved in the 0evelopment activities.
0evelopment involving generation o$ )+3?T 2essage ?ormats li!e 2T9H0 "
2T950" 2T9H6 etc and <-3 $ormat C <-36 D.
3mplemented %usiness logic % incorporating 0-&" 0T& design patterns.
Gesponsi%le $or developing" owning and maintaining various documents.
Project E4#os're
*ompan 4 &racle ?inancial )ervices )o$tware 9td.
8roject Bame 4 *ompliance -29 0evelopment#&+)
8roject Tpe 4 ?inancial -pplication
*lient 4 *iti <an! " =)-.
Team )ize 4 H
Gole 4 Team 9ead.
7nvironment 4 )truts ?ramewor!" 5ava" 5677" &racle 10g
8eriod 4 2a 6016 to &ct 6016.
<rie$ 0escription o$ the 8roject4
The *ompliance -29 # &.shore +ealth )ervices 8olic has %een developed to
ensure that activities conducted with individuals who see! to hold a portion o$ their
wealth outside o$ the countr in which the reside are consistent with good
%usiness practices and in compliance with applica%le laws" rules and regulations"
and that associated ris!s are managed on a coordinated %asis within *itigroup.
-nalsis o$ the re,uirements and speciEcations provided % the clients.
Gesponsi%le $or developing" owning and maintaining various documents.
-ssigning wor! and guiding juniors.
3nteracting with the client. -nalsing" de%ugging and solving the %ugs.
3nvolved in wee!l status meetings.
-ssured that all arti$act are in compliance with corporate )09* policies and
3nvolved in testing.
Project E4#os're
*ompan 4 &racle ?inancial )ervices )o$tware 9td.
8roject Bame 4 -nti 2one 9aundering )stem.
8roject Tpe 4 ?inancial -pplication
*lient 4 *iti <an! " =)-.
Team )ize 4 H
Gole 4 Team 9ead.
7nvironment 4 )truts ?ramewor!" 5ava" 5677" &racle 10g
8eriod 4 -pril 6011 to -pril 6016.
<rie$ 0escription o$ the 8roject4
*iti%an!" a major international %an!" is the consumer %an!ing arm o$ Enancial
services giant *itigroup. -nti 2one 9aundering )stem C-29D assist the
*ompliance Team to e.ectivel monitor its *ustomer transactions $rom -29
perspective and it has $unctionalit $or generating alerts" wor!Jow $or investigation
and to the closure o$ the alert.
-nalsis o$ the re,uirements and speciEcations provided % the clients.
3nvolved in the 0evelopment activities.
Gesponsi%le $or 3ssue Gesolutions.
Gesponsi%le $or developing" owning and maintaining various documents.
3nteracting with the client. -nalzing" de%ugging and solving the %ugs.
3nvolved in enhancements to the e(isting sstem as per the client
3nvolved in testing.
-ssured that all arti$act are in compliance with corporate )09* policies and
Project E4#os're
*ompan 4 &racle ?inancial )ervices )o$tware 9td.
8roject Tpe 4 ?inancial -pplication.
*lient 4 )tate )treet <an! I Trust *o" <oston" =)-.
8roject Bame 4 2)tatestreet.
8eriod 4 5an 6010 to 2ar 6011.
Team )ize 4 6
Gole 4 Team 2em%er.
7nvironment 4 5ava" 5677" &racle 10g " 89:);9.
<rie$ 0escription o$ the 8roject4
-s the worldKs leading investment service provider in Enancial services" )tate
)treet provides a $ull range o$ products and services $or large pools o$ investment
assets. This project is called 2)tatestreet.
-nalsis o$ the re,uirements and speciEcations provided % the clients.
Gesponsi%le $or 3ssue Gesolutions.
Gesponsi%le $or developing" owning and maintaining various documents.
3nteracting with the client. -nalzing" de%ugging and solving the %ugs.
Project E4#os're
*ompan 4 &racle ?inancial )ervices )o$tware 9td.
8roject Tpe 4 ?inancial -pplication.
*lient 4 )tate )treet <an! I Trust *o" <oston" =)-.
8roject Bame 4 )ecurities lending.
8eriod 4 2ar 6008 to 0ec 6009
Team )ize 4 7
Gole 4 Team 2em%er.
7nvironment 4 5ava" 5677" &racle 10g " 89:);9.
<rie$ 0escription o$ the 8roject4
)tate )treet <an! is a =.). %ased Enancial services holding compan. )ecurities
lending -pplication is one o$ the %ac!%one sstems o$ )tate )treet. 3t 0eals with
)ecurit Transactions o$ the <an!. .)tate )treet acts as a glo%al )ecurities lending
agent" where in it has the in$ormation o$ all the <ro!er#dealers" -genc#lenders o$
all the securities.
-nalsis o$ the re,uirements and speciEcations provided % the clients.
Gesponsi%le $or 3ssue Gesolutions.
3nteracting with the client. -nalsing" de%ugging and solving the %ugs.
3nvolved in enhancements to the e(isting sstem as per the client
3nvolved in testing.
-ssured that all arti$act are in compliance with corporate )09* policies and
Project E4#os're
*ompan 4 -cumen so$tware technologies.
8roject 4 @G -utomation.
8roject 8articulars 4 -utomation o$ @G -ctivities.
Gole 4 Team mem%er.
Team )ize 4 5
7nvironment 4 5ava C)wingD" &racle 8i
8eriod 4 ?e% 6007 to 2ar 6008
<rie$ 0escription o$ the 8roject4
This is a standalone application developed $or our organization to automate
@G activities li!e maintaining emploee details" leaves and salar calculations.
-dministrator has the privileges to create su%#hrs and the have the privileges to
create the emploees o$ an organization li!e emploeeLs proEle" salar" pa#slips"
leaves etc. )u%#hrs also has the list o$ emploees who le$t the organizations this is
a standalone application developed using 5ava" emploees can appl $or leaves etc
and the can also re,uest $or pa#slips through intranet.
3mplemented %usiness logic % incorporating 0-&" >& design patterns.
0eveloped 3nter$aces using )wing pac!age
3nvolved in preparing documentation.
3nvolved in testing.
Project E4#os're
*ompan 4 -cumen so$tware technologies
*lient 4 Gane 3ndia.
8roject 8articulars 4 &pen )esame 8roject.
Gole 4 Team mem%er.
Team )ize 4 9
7nvironment 4 5ava" 5677" +e% 9ogic 8.1" &racle.
8eriod 4 2ar 6006 to 5an 6007
<rie$ 0escription o$ the 8roject4
&pen sesame is a we% %ased colla%orative so$tware application connecting all
constituents o$ sales and distri%ution chain through internet viz. corporate oMces"
2anu$acturing plants and +arehouses etc. &87B )7)-27N is developed on 5ava
3nvolved in the 0evelopment activities using 5)8Ls" connecting to &racle
0ata%ase using 50<*
3nvolved in writing 0-&Ls.
3nvolved in preparing documentation.
=nit Testing.
9eadership s!ill 4 <uild strong team environment and guiding the
junior associates.
*ommunication s!ill 4 *ommunicate ideas clearl and e.ectivel.
;uic! learner 4 9earn new concepts ,uic!l.
Technolog 4 @ands on e(perience on 5ava Technologies .
0ocumentations 4 *onnoisseur in preparing 0ocumentations.
-ttitude4 4 @aving positive attitude towards
wor!" hard wor!ing" sincere and accept
challenges. -lwas strive to add value in the concerned
area and achieve e(tra ordinar result $or the development
o$ concern and sel$.
Persoal Pro%le:
Bame 4 5uveria.
Bationalit 4 3ndian.
/ender 4 ?emale.
2arital )tatus 4 )ingle.
*urrent 9ocation 4 <angalore.
Gelocation 4 Oes.
2o%ile 4 '91#9886557636
7#mail 4 juveria.smile@gmail.com
3 here% declare that the in$ormation $urnished a%ove is true to the %est o$ m
8lace4 <angalore" 3ndia. CJ'veriaD

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