Aspects To Be Considered:: Select A Topic
Aspects To Be Considered:: Select A Topic
Aspects To Be Considered:: Select A Topic
preparing a science fair project that will save you time, and in the end help in the
creation process. By following this simple guide the ending outcome of your science
fair project will be astounding!
Select a topic
. Pick a topic that you are actually interested in. If you are enthusiastic about a
project that you have to show and display then it will show in your work as well.
. lso, be sure you pick a topic that is going to answer a !uestion not just a
display of your work.
Gather background inor!ation
. Put together the knowledge you already have about the topic and why you
choose this topic.
. "hat do you want to learn from this project#
. $esearch the topic from sources such as books and the Internet.
Deter!ine a h"pothe#i#
. %nce you are aware of what your topic is, you should already know what you
are trying to learn or test.
. Be sure to document what your hypothesis is because it may change as you put
together your project&keeping notes while you are working is also a good idea for
$ethod# and !aterial#
. 'ake an outline of the e(act steps you will do to perform the test)project.
. *rom making this list, produce another list of materials you will need to assist
. Be sure to take notes while setting the project up, while you+re performing the
e(periment, and any after thoughts you may have. This may later assist you in the
results and data analysis.
. ,aving visuals is also key in displaying your project, be sure to take
photographs or some other type of visual media to display your findings.
-ather and organi.e your results.
. $ead through your notes and compare the data to the e(periment.
. sk yourself if you answered your !uestions, was your hypothesis correct, what
did you learn#
Colegio Cuernavaca Science Fair Entry Form
Team Project (Elementary School Only)
Please print plainly
Team students name: _____________________________________________________
Title of the project: ________________________________________________________
Colegio Cuernavaca Science Fair Entry Form
Team Project ( Junior High School Only )
Please print plainly.
Team students name : ____________________________________________________
Title of the project: ____________________________________________________
Hypothesis of the project: __________________________________________________
Material employed: ___________________________________________________
due to may
We deeply believe that being part of a Science Fair, our
students will be able to develop plenty of valuable skills such as:
creativity, team work, learn more about how to use library and
searching devices, increase their talking time, self confdence and self
esteem. Thereby, we are sure that you are going to enoy this
wonderful and ama!ing e"perience of our First Science Fair.
#ll students will be able to participate divided in:
Cate"o#y A! $indergarten students.
Cate"o#y ! First, Second and third %rade, &lementary School.
Cate"o#y C: Fourth, Fifth and Si"th %rade, &lementary School.
Cate"o#y D! 'unior (igh School.
RULES! &ach team will have to work in their proect. They also have
to give a report to the teachers in charge of the Science Fair.
ENTRY FOR$! &ach ) team members has to fll in the entry form
with the information re*uired on it.
There will be pri!es for the fst, second, and third place in each
This Science Fair will take place in our school in order to give our
students all the help they could need during the process of their
SIGN IN WITH! Tea%&e# Edua#do' Tea%&e# (a#e) a)d Tea%&e#