Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Name: _____________________
Todays Date: _______________
Class/Grade Level: ___________
Date Project is due: ___________
Project Proposal
The goal for this assignment is for you (the student) to take charge and create a project
that speaks to you while simultaneously having your message reach an audience of
your choosing. Following the 4 Education Standards, create an art project that gives a
message to your audience and follows the standards listed below. We will create a
rubric together after your proposal has been approved.
Education Standards/Objectives:
1. Observe and Learn to Comprehend
2. Envision and Critique to Reflect
3. Invent and Discover to Create
4. Relate and Connect to Transfer
Ms. Clay
Create a list of materials you will need to complete the project: (put a star next to the
materials you do NOT already have, and an idea on how you will acquire these
Ms. Clay
What goals do you have in mind
1. Regarding Your Ideas:
2. Regarding The Planning Process:
3. Regarding Materials you will be using:
4. Regarding your message to yourViewers:
5. Regarding Presentation of your Final Project:
Creating Objectives for your Project:
Objectives are used to grade student work. From the 5 goals you have written down,
create an objective. Use the sentence structure given for each objective- Using ______,
I Will______.......
1. Using______________________________________, I will _________________
2. Using______________________________________, I will _________________
3. Using______________________________________, I will _________________
4. Using______________________________________, I will _________________
5. Using______________________________________, I will _________________
Ms. Clay
Planning your work: IN YOUR SKETCHBOOK- Create at least 5 different
sketches/ideas for a final piece of artwork. Choose one and create 3 different views of
the final piece (if applicable).
Have teacher sign off on sketches before moving onto final piece:
Signature___________________________________________ Date ______________
Create a timeline for your project: (Be sure to include research time, creating, installing,
cleanup, and anything elseetc)
What issues or problems to you foresee having to work through during this project?
Cleanup- what will be your procedure for cleaning up your project/ storing your project
during the working process and after the project is complete?
During the process, and after your project has been all cleaned up, how will you reflect On your time spent on this project?
On your message to the viewer?
On the reactions you saw from the viewer?
On you reaction to the piece?
And anything else you want to share about your experience with the project?
Ms. Clay
2 Developing
3 Proficient
4 Advanced