Oracle Incentive Compensation
Oracle Incentive Compensation
Oracle Incentive Compensation
User Guide
Release 11i
September 2002
Part No. B10103-01
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1.4 What’s New .......................................................................................................................... 1-31
1.4.1 Collecting Revenue Adjustment from Oracle Receivables..................................... 1-31
1.4.2 Accumulation and Splits in Multidimensional Rate Tables................................... 1-32
1.4.3 Payment ......................................................................................................................... 1-32
1.4.4 Revenue Management Adjustments Automatically Collected ............................. 1-33
1.4.5 Import/Export Module Enhanced............................................................................. 1-34
1.5 What’s Obsolete ................................................................................................................... 1-34
3 Incentive Planning
3.1 Overview of Incentive Planning.......................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 The Incentive Planning Process.................................................................................... 3-2
3.2 Incentive Planning Enhancements in this Release............................................................ 3-3
3.2.1 Support for Non-Quota Based Components .............................................................. 3-3
3.2.2 Customization of Club Eligibility ................................................................................ 3-3
3.3 Setups for Incentive Planning.............................................................................................. 3-4
3.3.1 Associate Responsibilities with Responsibility Groups ........................................... 3-4
3.3.2 Define Default Contract Text........................................................................................ 3-5
3.3.3 Define User Access......................................................................................................... 3-6
3.3.4 Define Quota Components ........................................................................................... 3-7
3.3.5 Define Attainment Schedule......................................................................................... 3-8
3.3.6 Seasonality Schedules.................................................................................................... 3-9
3.3.7 Define Jobs .................................................................................................................... 3-10
3.4 Creating the Agreement ..................................................................................................... 3-11
3.4.1 Defining a Sales Role ................................................................................................... 3-11
3.4.2 Using Quota Estimates from Resources.................................................................... 3-14
3.4.3 Completing the Agreement ........................................................................................ 3-14
3.4.4 Computed Component Formulas.............................................................................. 3-18
3.4.5 Customizing On Target Earnings and Anchors for Individual Resources.......... 3-19
3.5 Allocating Quotas to Resources ........................................................................................ 3-21
3.6 Allocation Details - Quota and Pay Assignment ............................................................ 3-23
3.7 Approving Contracts .......................................................................................................... 3-25
3.7.1 Viewing the Contract................................................................................................... 3-26
3.7.2 Compensation Plan History ....................................................................................... 3-27
3.8 Distributing Contracts ........................................................................................................ 3-27
3.9 Salespeople Accept Plans Using Oracle Sales Online .................................................... 3-28
3.10 Activating Compensation Plans........................................................................................ 3-28
3.10.1 Regoaling....................................................................................................................... 3-29
4 Modeling Agreements
4.1 Overview of Modeling Agreements ................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 The Modeling Process.................................................................................................... 4-2
4.1.2 The Lifecycle of an Agreement Version...................................................................... 4-2
4.2 Modeling Enhancements...................................................................................................... 4-3
4.3 Creating an Agreement Version.......................................................................................... 4-3
4.4 Assigning Details to an Agreement Version ..................................................................... 4-3
4.5 Allocating Quotas to Quota Based Components .............................................................. 4-6
4.6 Comparing Agreement Version Contracts ........................................................................ 4-7
4.7 What-If Scenarios .................................................................................................................. 4-9
5 Creating Resources, Roles and Groups
5.1 Introduction to Creating Resources, Roles, and Groups ................................................. 5-1
5.1.1 Set Up Resources for Team Compensation ................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Assign Resources to Roles and Groups.............................................................................. 5-2
8 Collecting and Adjusting Transactions
8.1 Overview of Collecting Transactions ................................................................................. 8-1
8.2 Open Collections ................................................................................................................... 8-3
8.2.1 Identifying the Header and Line Tables ..................................................................... 8-4
8.2.2 Registering the Tables ................................................................................................... 8-4
8.2.3 Defining a New Transaction Source............................................................................ 8-5
8.2.4 Identifying Source Tables ............................................................................................. 8-7
8.2.5 Defining Notification and Collection Queries and Runtime Parameters .............. 8-8
8.2.6 Defining Mapping........................................................................................................ 8-12
8.2.7 Defining Pre-Notification, Post-Notification, and Post-Collection Actions ........ 8-15
8.2.8 Defining Filters ............................................................................................................. 8-17
8.2.9 Generate and Test Generate........................................................................................ 8-18
8.3 Standard Collection............................................................................................................. 8-21
8.3.1 How Direct and Indirect Mapping can Be Modified .............................................. 8-22
8.3.2 Special Features ............................................................................................................ 8-22
8.4 Submitting a Collection Request ....................................................................................... 8-26
8.4.1 Runtime Parameters .................................................................................................... 8-26
8.4.2 Submit a Request.......................................................................................................... 8-27
8.4.3 Viewing the Request Status and Logs....................................................................... 8-28
8.5 Collecting Adjustments ...................................................................................................... 8-30
8.5.1 Collecting Adjustments for Order Transactions...................................................... 8-30
8.5.2 Collecting Adjustments for Custom Transaction Sources ..................................... 8-30
8.5.3 Collecting Adjustments for AR - RAM ..................................................................... 8-31
8.6 Imports and Exports ........................................................................................................... 8-33
8.6.1 Defining Imports .......................................................................................................... 8-33
8.6.2 Mapping Source Fields to Target Fields ................................................................... 8-35
8.6.3 Reviewing Your Mapping........................................................................................... 8-36
8.6.4 Confirming your Mapping ......................................................................................... 8-36
8.6.5 Import Details and Results ......................................................................................... 8-36
8.6.6 Process Log.................................................................................................................... 8-37
8.6.7 Failed Records .............................................................................................................. 8-37
8.7 Adjusting Transactions....................................................................................................... 8-37
8.7.1 Create New Transaction.............................................................................................. 8-39
8.7.2 Move Credits................................................................................................................. 8-40
8.7.3 Deal Split ....................................................................................................................... 8-41
8.7.4 Split Transaction ........................................................................................................... 8-42
8.8 Loading Transactions.......................................................................................................... 8-43
8.8.1 Viewing Transaction Requests ................................................................................... 8-44
8.9 Using the Transaction Interface......................................................................................... 8-44
8.9.1 Validation Checks and Resolution Method.............................................................. 8-49
9 Calculating Compensation
9.1 Overview of Calculating Compensation............................................................................ 9-1
9.1.1 Two Types of Calculation ............................................................................................. 9-1
9.1.2 Two Methods of Calculation ........................................................................................ 9-2
9.1.3 Phases of Calculation ..................................................................................................... 9-2
9.1.4 Unprocessed and Failure Statuses ............................................................................... 9-3
9.1.5 The Calculation Process................................................................................................. 9-4
9.2 Calculation Enhancements in this Release......................................................................... 9-5
9.2.1 Rollup Summarized Transactions................................................................................ 9-5
9.2.2 Accumulation and Splits in Multidimensional Rate Tables..................................... 9-8
9.2.3 Batch Runners Automatically Cancelled after Failure............................................ 9-12
9.2.4 Calculation Resubmission ........................................................................................... 9-12
9.3 Preparing for Calculation ................................................................................................... 9-13
9.4 Submitting Calculation ....................................................................................................... 9-13
9.5 Using Incremental Calculation .......................................................................................... 9-17
9.5.1 Revert_To_State ............................................................................................................ 9-19
9.5.2 Action Column.............................................................................................................. 9-19
9.5.3 The Notify Log.............................................................................................................. 9-20
9.5.4 Customizing the Notify Log Search .......................................................................... 9-20
10. ................................................................................................................................................ 9-22
10.2.5 Recoverable and Non-Recoverable Manual Payment Adjustments .................... 10-6
10.2.6 Payment Worksheet History Page............................................................................. 10-6
10.2.7 Refresh Worksheet ....................................................................................................... 10-7
10.3 Using the Payrun Summary .............................................................................................. 10-7
10.4 Creating a Payrun................................................................................................................ 10-9
10.5 Using the Worksheet Summary ...................................................................................... 10-10
10.5.1 Current Estimated Payout Page............................................................................... 10-14
10.6 Using the Payment Transactions Page ........................................................................... 10-14
10.7 Approving a Payrun ......................................................................................................... 10-17
10.7.1 The Payrun Sign-Off Report ..................................................................................... 10-20
10.8 Submitting a Payrun for Payment .................................................................................. 10-21
10.8.1 View Requests............................................................................................................. 10-21
10.8.2 Submit Requests ......................................................................................................... 10-22
11 Reports
11.1 Overview of Oracle Incentive Compensation Reports .................................................. 11-2
11.1.1 Road Map of Reports from Version to Version ....................................................... 11-2
11.2 Reports Enhancements in this Release ............................................................................. 11-5
11.3 Incentive Planning Reports................................................................................................ 11-5
11.3.1 Quota Modeling Summary ......................................................................................... 11-6
11.3.2 Average Quota Report................................................................................................. 11-8
11.3.3 Quota Overassignment Report ................................................................................ 11-10
11.3.4 Quota Range Report .................................................................................................. 11-11
11.3.5 Compensation Contract Status Report.................................................................... 11-12
11.3.6 Overlay Report ........................................................................................................... 11-13
11.3.7 Vacancy Report........................................................................................................... 11-14
11.3.8 Transition Report ....................................................................................................... 11-15
11.3.9 Plan Activation Status Report .................................................................................. 11-15
11.3.10 Role to Compensation Plan Mapping Report ........................................................ 11-17
11.4 Compensation Reports ..................................................................................................... 11-18
11.4.1 Year To Date Summary ............................................................................................. 11-19
11.4.2 Transaction Details Report ....................................................................................... 11-21
11.4.3 Compensation Group Hierarchy Report ................................................................ 11-22
11.4.4 Classification Rules Report ....................................................................................... 11-23
11.4.5 Commission Summary Report ................................................................................. 11-25
11.4.6 Quota Performance Report ....................................................................................... 11-27
11.4.7 Commission Statement.............................................................................................. 11-29
11.4.8 Unprocessed Transactions ........................................................................................ 11-32
11.5 Configuring Reports.......................................................................................................... 11-33
11.6 Discoverer Workbooks ..................................................................................................... 11-37
11.6.1 Calculation Batch Process Report ............................................................................ 11-37
11.6.2 Compensation Plan Revenue Class Mapping ........................................................ 11-38
11.6.3 Resources Not Validated for Calculation ............................................................... 11-38
11.6.4 Resources with Pay Group Assignment Different than Compensation Plan Dates......
11.6.5 Commission Statement Report................................................................................. 11-39
11.6.6 Transaction Details Report........................................................................................ 11-40
11.6.7 Formula Definitions ................................................................................................... 11-41
11.6.8 Resource Assignments Overview ............................................................................ 11-41
Part V Administration
12 Administration
12.1 Overview of Administration.............................................................................................. 12-2
12.2 System Parameters .............................................................................................................. 12-2
12.2.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 12-3
12.2.2 General Ledger ............................................................................................................. 12-3
12.2.3 Collection....................................................................................................................... 12-3
12.2.4 Calculation..................................................................................................................... 12-4
12.2.5 Payment ......................................................................................................................... 12-5
12.3 Tables..................................................................................................................................... 12-7
12.3.1 Columns......................................................................................................................... 12-8
12.4 External Table Join Conditions........................................................................................ 12-11
12.4.1 External Table Join Conditions - External Columns ............................................. 12-12
12.5 Accumulation Periods....................................................................................................... 12-12
12.6 Pay Periods ......................................................................................................................... 12-13
12.7 Interval Types .................................................................................................................... 12-14
12.7.1 To View an Interval Type.......................................................................................... 12-14
12.7.2 To Create a New Interval Type ................................................................................ 12-15
12.8 Revenue Class .................................................................................................................... 12-16
12.9 Rulesets ............................................................................................................................... 12-17
12.9.1 Rules Hierarchy .......................................................................................................... 12-19
12.9.2 Create Rules ................................................................................................................ 12-20
12.9.3 Rule Attributes............................................................................................................ 12-21
12.9.4 Build Expression......................................................................................................... 12-22
12.10 Hierarchy Types ................................................................................................................ 12-23
12.10.1 Hierarchies Detail....................................................................................................... 12-24
12.10.2 Intervals ....................................................................................................................... 12-24
12.10.3 Adding and Deleting Hierarchy Nodes.................................................................. 12-25
12.11 Credit Types ....................................................................................................................... 12-28
12.12 Credit Conversion ............................................................................................................. 12-29
12.13 Collection............................................................................................................................ 12-30
12.14 Pay Groups ......................................................................................................................... 12-30
12.15 Payment Plan ..................................................................................................................... 12-31
12.16 Payroll ................................................................................................................................. 12-33
12.16.1 Pay Element Input Values Mapping ....................................................................... 12-34
12.17 Components ....................................................................................................................... 12-35
12.18 Attainment.......................................................................................................................... 12-37
12.19 Job Titles ............................................................................................................................. 12-38
12.20 User Access......................................................................................................................... 12-39
12.21 Settings................................................................................................................................ 12-40
12.21.1 Workday Calendar..................................................................................................... 12-41
12.22 Seasonality Schedules ....................................................................................................... 12-43
12.22.1 Create New Seasonality Schedule ........................................................................... 12-44
12.23 Rate Dimensions................................................................................................................ 12-45
Part VI Appendixes
B Customized Summarization Code Examples
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Incentive Compensation User Guide, Release 11i
Part No. B10103-01
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 11i of the Oracle Incentive Compensation User Guide.
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
■ The principles and customary practices of your business area.
■ Oracle Incentive Compensation
If you have never used Oracle Incentive Compensation, Oracle suggests you
attend one or more of the Oracle Incentive Compensation training classes
available through Oracle University.
■ The Oracle Applications graphical user interface.
To learn more about the Oracle Applications graphical user interface, read
the Oracle Applications User’s Guide.
See Other Information Sources for more information about Oracle Applications
product information.
and a breakdown of how its tab structure works. Also included is a section on
how Oracle Incentive Compensation relates to the Oracle E-Business Suite.
■ Chapter 3 begins Part 2 of the User Guide. It explains the purpose and usage of
Incentive Planning, and how it enables managers to apportion quotas
effectively and lets salespeople submit estimates to make that process more
■ Chapter 4 discusses the Modeling feature of Oracle Incentive Compensation
which allows you to compare proposed agreements to each other to determine
which one best suits your needs. It explains the steps used with the Modeling
■ Chapter 5 begins Part 3 of the User Guide by discussing how to create the
elements needed to build compensation plans. These include resources, roles,
and groups.
■ Chapter 6 is where the actual building of compensation plans gets underway. In
this chapter, you start by creating the expressions, rate dimensions, formulas,
and plan elements that make up a compensation plan.
■ Chapter 7 explains how to assign newly created compensation plans to roles
and how the roles are then assigned to individual resources.
■ Chapter 8 begins Part 4, which deals with processing of transactions and
payment of compensation. This chapter explains how to collect transactions,
including importing them into Oracle Incentive Compensation, adjusting them,
and loading them before calculation begins.
■ Chapter 9 continues the processing of transactions by outlining and explaining
the steps performed for calculation of commission.
■ Chapter 10 deals with the payment of compensation, including posting and the
setting up and payment of payruns.
■ Chapter 11 discusses the two sets of reports that are available in Oracle
Incentive Compensation. These include Incentive Planning reports and
Compensation reports. A table shows which reports are available to different
responsibilities within Oracle Incentive Compensation.
■ Chapter 12 details the administrative steps used in Oracle Incentive
Compensation. Many of these steps are performed just once a year, or
occasionally, to set up features such as system parameters or payment groups.
These activities are all performed using the Administration tab.
■ Appendixes provide additional information that may be of use to you as a
reference. This includes examples of typical formulas, plan elements, and
compensation plans and a map showing how different procedures are
performed in the current version of the product compared to previous ways
they were performed.
■ A Glossary of important terms and an Index are provided to it easier.
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Online help patches are available on MetaLink.
Related Documentation
Oracle Incentive Compensation shares business and setup information with other
Oracle Applications products. Therefore, you may want to refer to other product
documentation when you set up and use Oracle Incentive Compensation.
You can read the documents online by choosing Library from the expandable
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Document Library CD included in your media pack, or by using a Web browser
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Applications, the Oracle8 technology stack, and the Oracle8i Server technology
stack by automating many of the required steps. This guide contains instructions
for using Oracle Rapid Install and lists the tasks you need to perform to finish
your installation. You should use this guide in conjunction with individual
product user’s guides and implementation guides.
described in the Oracle Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based
Products. It also provides information to help you build your custom Oracle
Forms Developer 6i forms so that they integrate with Oracle Applications.
specific Oracle Applications product. This information helps you convert data
from your existing applications, integrate Oracle Applications data with
non-Oracle applications, and write custom reports for Oracle Applications
products. Oracle eTRM is available on Metalink
Oracle offers training courses to help you and your staff master Oracle Incentive
Compensation and reach full productivity quickly. You have a choice of educational
environments. You can attend courses offered by Oracle University at any one of
our many Education Centers, you can arrange for our trainers to teach at your
facility, or you can use Oracle Learning Network (OLN), Oracle University’s online
education utility. In addition, Oracle training professionals can tailor standard
courses or develop custom courses to meet your needs. For example, you may want
to use your organization’s structure, terminology, and data as examples in a
customized training session delivered at your own facility.
From on-site support to central support, our team of experienced professionals
provides the help and information you need to keep Oracle Incentive
Compensation working for you. This team includes your Technical Representative,
Account Manager, and Oracle’s large staff of consultants and support specialists
with expertise in your business area, managing an Oracle8i server, and your
hardware and software environment.
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Oracle Corporation develops and markets an integrated line of software
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Oracle is the world’s leading supplier of software for information management,
and the world’s second largest software company. Oracle offers its database,
tools, and applications products, along with related consulting, education, and
support services, in over 145 countries around the world.
Part I
Introduction and Overview
This chapter discusses the key features and process flows of Oracle Incentive
Compensation. Sections in this chapter include:
■ Section 1.1, "Overview of Introduction to Oracle Incentive Compensation"
■ Section 1.2, "Oracle Incentive Compensation Key Features"
■ Section 1.3, "Oracle Incentive Compensation Integrations"
■ Section 1.4, "What’s New"
■ Section 1.5, "What’s Obsolete"
force for online approval. When the sales force accepts, the new plans are activated
for commission processing in the application.
The application controls the ongoing task of determining incentive payments from
incoming transactions. The first step in this process is collecting transactions from a
source system. The Open Collections feature supports transaction information from
any source, including legacy systems, provided that the other system’s data can be
accessed in the same database instance. This is in addition to the collection abilities
from the out of-the-box integration with Oracle ERP systems, Order Management,
and Receivables.
A typical compensation plan consists of one or more modular components, or plan
elements. Plan elements may reflect variations of commission or perhaps a bonus
based on the accumulated achievement of the sales agent. Plan elements can also be
configured for tracking nonmonetary credits such as managerial points or
production credits.
All modular components used in the system can be configured and reused in
different combinations. Taking full advantage of this capability simplifies system
configuration as well as administration. For example, from a relatively small library
of plan elements, you can configure many compensation plans.
Plan elements consist of modular components that can be freely assigned in
different combinations. These underlying components have several distinct
■ Revenue Class is a user-defined category of business revenue used to classify a
transaction for compensation and calculation.
■ A Formula determines how the compensation will be calculated.
■ A Rate Table is part of a formula that determines the rate at which achievements
are commissioned.
The Oracle Incentive Compensation Payment process enables the application to
process all the calculated transactions and complete payment. An optional payment
plan can be set up to establish a minimum or maximum payment to a salesperson.
The enhanced payment process enables you to prepare your pay run for each pay
group when due, adjust the calculated pay as needed, and submit the pay run to be
paid. Use this procedure to edit scheduled compensation, hold payment on a
transaction, and submit for payment.
There are three types of payment:
■ Regular Payment: The application collects data, prepares it, and formats it to be
used by a non-Oracle Payable system.
■ Accounts Payable Integration: Used for vendors, this method prepares payment
for Oracle Accounts Payable by classifying the resources as suppliers.
■ Payroll Download File: The application collects data and creates a file that can
be used by Oracle Payroll
Pay Group assignment determines the frequency with which a salesperson receives
payment. You exercise control over the total amounts paid to salespeople through
Payment Plans. You can specify a minimum and/or a maximum payment as well as
whether any minimum payments are recoverable or not against future amounts
payable. In addition, there is control over commission payment for each transaction
by a salesperson. Payments to nonemployees such as agents, brokers, and suppliers
are automatically posted to Oracle Payable Invoice Interface Table.
In addition to timely and accurate transaction processing, Oracle Incentive
Compensation serves as a feedback mechanism for the sales organization and
management through eighteen different incentive planning and compensation
Granting online access to all professionals involved in compensation management,
such as sales planners, sales analysts, and internal and external salespeople, creates
a large, collaborative community of stakeholders who can both use and contribute
real-time information about incentive systems. Oracle Incentive Compensation
supports a wide variety of sales relationships and alternative sales channels, letting
sales representatives and managers access and view compensation information over
the Web. You can use the Year to Date Commission Summary Report to look at
achievements for each period until the current period in a given fiscal year. The
report also has a summary of payments made and outstanding balance for a given
salesperson. Salespeople can analyze their own performance and sales managers
can measure their teams’ performance using the Quota Performance report.
Overlay Salespeople
Checking the overlay check box enables you to segregate your salespeople into
either overlay salespeople or nonoverlay salespeople. Overlay salespeople are not
part of a distributed quota of a manager.
Some organizations define overlay as nonrevenue sales credits. The term
"nonrevenue sales" indicates that the value is not posted to General Ledger.
Consider the following example.
The Account Manager and the Hardware Salesperson of a company are the direct
participants and they are responsible for closing the sale. The Business
Development Manager is considered an overlay salesperson because he or she
made contact with the customer on more general sales activities but was not
responsible for price negotiations for example, that is specific to this sale. If the sale
value is 10,000, an extract of the transaction lines would look like this:
Overassignment Percentages
The table below shows a manager’s quota and how the manager can overassign the
quota to his subordinates at a rate more than 100 percent.
Approval Sequence
After a quota is locked by the sales manager, the sales manager needs to generate
the compensation plan. The compensation plan incorporates the quota allocated by
the sales manager to the direct salesperson, calculates the commission rates based
on the input of On-Target-earnings and quota, and incorporates the Terms and
Conditions text. The electronic document as a whole is referred to as a contract.
Next, using Oracle Sales Online, the Contract Approver reviews the contract and
either accepts or rejects it.
If the Contract Approver accepts the contract, then the sales manager distributes the
contract to the direct salesperson. The salesperson, using Oracle Sales Online, can
then view, accept, and print the contract.
If the Contract Approver rejects the contract, then the sales manager needs to adjust
the quota if that is the solution to the rejection. The approval process repeats after
the sales manager locks the quota for a specific resource again.
Oracle Workflow must be installed so Incentive Planning users can be notified by
email to prompt the email receiver that an action is required to move along the
approval process for the compensation plans. Refer to the Implementation Guide
for instructions on how to customize workflow notification messages for Sales Force
■ Your company can organize its sales strategy around expansion into new
markets, where each new market can be a separate revenue class.
■ Your company can use product–based incentive compensation, paying
compensation only for sales made in a salesperson’s assigned set of products.
For example, an organization awards compensation based on the types of products
or services its salespeople sell. At the broadest level, the company sells PCs,
peripherals, education services, consulting services, and support maintenance
services. While some types of salespeople, such as resellers, are authorized to sell
only a subset of this offering, the company awards compensation to some of its
salespeople for all types of products and services. Thus, for the company, each
product or service category is an Oracle Incentive Compensation revenue class.
1.2.7 Hierarchies
While the functions of hierarchies differ, the concepts and terminology used are the
same for all hierarchies.
The term dimension refers to a named and defined type of hierarchy. As many
hierarchies as needed can be created for each dimension. However, only one
hierarchy per dimension can be effective at any given time.
A dimension is a high-level hierarchy type that is based on a table, which must be
defined in Oracle Incentive Compensation. A dimension can be used
■ To create a hierarchy that you use to define rules, or
■ To hold the primary and foreign key links between Oracle Incentive
Compensation and other tables
Oracle Incentive Compensation provides one default dimension: Revenue Classes.
Create as many dimensions as you need, for example, for product code or customer,
to use for referencing in defining the rules classification. To define a dimension,
these criteria must be met:
■ The dimension must be based on an existing table in the database.
■ There can be only one dimension per base table.
■ The table must be defined in Tables in Oracle Incentive Compensation.
■ The database table must have either a numeric primary key assigned or have no
primary key and numeric columns in the table.
■ Table information defined in Tables must accurately describe the table.
once in the application for the parent rule of the two rules that differentiate
Standard Multimedia PC and the ATO Multimedia PC.
Multiple-Condition Rules
If any one of several conditions associated with a revenue class qualifies a
compensation transaction to be assigned to a class when the condition is true, you
can define multiple sibling rules in the hierarchy, one for each condition. Because
the application evaluates other sibling rules if a transaction does not satisfy the first
rule on a level in the hierarchy, the application processes these rules as if they were
joined by an AND operator. When a transaction fails a rule, the application
compares the transaction attributes with other sibling rules from left to right.
For example, suppose that an organization classifies products by ID number and
decides to sell its products via telesales in addition to its existing direct channel. The
organization can add a new rule:
■ PROD_TYPE BETWEEN 1201 and 1600 (existing condition or rule)
■ CHANNEL_TYPE is 03 (new rule)
Therefore, if a transaction’s attributes satisfy all rules, then the transaction will
classify against the revenue class. If the OR condition is used, then the transaction
will classify against that revenue class if the transaction attributes meet any of the
revenue class’ rules.
If several revenue classes share multiple conditions, you can minimize data entry by
creating a parent rule that includes the shared conditions, and by defining only the
unique conditions as child rules.
correctly. See Credit Sharing or Phases of Calculation for more information on credit
Credit Sharing
You can allocate sales credit for a commission transaction:
■ To one or more of a salesperson’s managers in an organizational hierarchy. This
type of credit allocation is called a rollup, because the application rolls credit up
within the sales organization.
■ When transactions are processed, the manager(s) automatically receive all sales
credit applied toward subordinate salespeople, provided that they have the
same revenue classes as their subordinates. Therefore, the manager need not be
named on the transaction.
■ To peers of a salesperson. To enable Oracle Incentive Compensation to process a
single transaction that credits more than one salesperson for a single
transaction, each transaction that is fed from feeder system(s) must identify all
the salespeople to be credited. Therefore, the system(s) must allow the user to
create orders and/or invoices with many transaction lines, each line crediting a
Salespeople need not be members of the same Compensation Group to share
credit for the same transaction.
Listing Notification
This feature makes a list of all individual transaction lines from the Transaction
Source for which compensation is payable. The feature stores the unique identifier
of each line in a Notification Table. In the example, the list of individual transactions
is obtained by examining the Order Lines table, L_ORDER_LINES, and the unique
identifiers of rows in this table are stored in the Notification Table.
There is no purge utility in this release of Oracle Incentive Compensation.
1.2.12 Calculation
Calculation is a process used by the system to calculate commission and bonus
plans for salespeople. This calculation section explains:
■ Types of Calculation
■ Phases of Calculation
■ Unprocessed and Failure Statuses
■ Calculation Process
Types of Calculation
■ Commission Incentive: Transaction based compensation.
■ Bonus Incentive: Compensation based on aggregated transactions.
Phases of Calculation
When you calculate a set of transactions, the application performs these steps:
■ Revert: This feature restores the transactions within your specified parameters
back to their original unprocessed state. When a full calculation is performed,
the application deletes any system-generated (rollup) transactions and reverts
the status of transactions to unprocessed.
■ Classification phase: The application checks the revenue classification rules
that have been defined for the affected transactions, and determines if the
transactions were successfully classified. Using the classification rules you
defined, the application is able to determine a unique revenue class for each
■ Rollup phase: Oracle Incentive Compensation runs a process to determine all
salespeople who should receive credit for this transaction based on the rollup
date, and the salespeople hierarchy effective for that date. For every credit
receiver, the application creates a new system-generated transaction for each
manager entitled to a rollup credit.
■ Population phase: Oracle Incentive Compensation identifies the appropriate
plan elements that are associated with the revenue classes that have been
matched with each transaction. The application updates each transaction with
the plan element information.
■ Calculation Phase: Based on the information gathered, Oracle Incentive
Compensation performs calculation on all transactions for salespeople during
the specified period.
■ Failed Classification: Indicates that the transaction did not have a matching
revenue class. Be sure that you have defined and synchronized revenue
classification rules before further investigation.
■ Failed Population: The transaction did not match the quota rules for the
credited salesperson. Although the transaction had a matching revenue class,
the credit salesperson did not have the revenue class assigned to his or her plan
■ Failed Calculation: The transaction failed to be calculated. Oracle Incentive
Compensation indicates a failed status for transactions that have failed the
calculation phase in the transaction status. Check your calculation rules, ensure
that your calculation expressions, rate tables (if applicable), plan elements, and
compensation plans are valid.
Calculation Process
Efficient calculation is accomplished by automatically recording in the Notify Log
every change in the system that affects the calculation. The log also lists what part
of the calculation is affected and therefore must be rerun as a result of the event.
For example, a new transaction is collected and all salespeople affected by that
transaction are recorded in the log. Other examples of events include changes made
to rate tables, compensation plans, and classification rules. The log also records the
point where calculation needs to restart.
When you perform an incremental calculation, the application calculates everything
in the notify log. For better performance, use the incremental calculation for your
normal calculation needs.
You can choose to perform a full calculation to recalculate everything within a given
date range. The full calculation takes longer than the incremental calculation.
1.2.13 Payment
In Oracle Incentive Compensation, payment is a multistep process. This release of
Oracle Incentive Compensation has a substantially upgraded Payment functionality.
The six major enhancements include automated posting, lockable payment
worksheets, the ability to add and track comments on payment worksheets, an
enhanced payment approval process, manual payment adjustments on the payment
worksheet, and a Payment Worksheet History page. See Section 10, "Payment with
Payruns", for detailed information.
1.3.1 Overview
Oracle Incentive Compensation exchanges information with other products within
the Oracle e-Business Suite. Transactions, the raw material that fuels Oracle
Incentive Compensation, are collected from the two standard transaction sources,
Oracle Receivables and Oracle Order Management, or from any legacy system
through open APIs.
Oracle Receivables and Oracle Order Management are out-of-the-box collection
packages that provide sales transaction information that forms the basis for
calculating incentive compensation.
Examples of the types of transaction data Oracle Receivables can provide include:
■ Invoices
■ Credit and debit memos
■ Payment postings
■ Write-off postings
■ Claw-back (Take-back) postings, which are generated when an invoice due
date goes beyond the set grace period. The credit for the sale is deducted
from the salesperson’s sales credit.
■ Give-back postings which are generated when a past due invoice that has
been deducted from the salesperson’s sales credit is paid. The salesperson
receives the credit.
■ Revenue Adjustment postings
From Oracle Order Management, you can collect booked orders and adjustments to
booked orders. In release 11i of Oracle Applications, Order Management replaces
the Order Entry system interface for collecting order information. Oracle Incentive
Compensation, as well as all other applications in the Oracle e-Business Suite, must
use the Oracle Capture module to interface to Order Management.
Resource Manager is the common source for resource definition, and the ability of
Oracle Incentive Compensation to read Resource Manager directly eliminates the
need to create commonly used definitions and relationships in multiple
applications. Use Resource Manager to:
■ Create resources (salespeople)
■ Create sales roles and assign salespeople to them
■ Create compensation groups, the basis of a sales hierarchy
System Administrator responsibility is required. This procedure is performed in the
Forms version of Oracle Incentive Compensation.
1. In the System Administrator Navigator, select Security.
2. Expand the Security menu by double-clicking on Security.
3. Double-click User.
4. Double-click Define.
5. Enter your User’s name in the User Name field. Start the search from the Menu
bar by clicking View > Query by Example > Run. (Pressing the Control key and
the F11 key together performs the same function.)
6. Assign Sales Online user responsibility to the user.
7. In Resource Manager, assign the role type of Sales to the user with a manager or
member role.
8. Assign Group usage Sales and Telesales for the group to which the user
You must have access to Oracle Incentive Compensation through Oracle Sales
1. Click the Compensation tab and click the Year to Date Summary subtab.
2. Select a credit type from the drop-down list. Functional Currency is the default
3. Select a reporting currency from the drop-down list. Functional Currency is the
default setting.
4. Select a fiscal year from the drop-down list.
5. Click Apply.
Planning allows both managers and salespeople to provide feedback about the
estimated sales amount that they feel is achievable.
A compensation plan must already be created.
1. Click the Compensation tab and click the Planning subtab.
The My Compensation Groups page appears.
2. Select an organization from the drop-down list.
3. Select an effective date. You can click the calendar icon to open a pop-up
4. Any compensation groups within the parameters is displayed below.
For more information, see Incentive Planning in Chapter 3.
Compensation Plan
This subtab is divided into two areas: My Compensation Plans and My Salespeople.
As a manager, you can see compensation plans for which you are responsible in the
first area and also the resources to whom the plans can be assigned. You can then
distribute compensation plans in the My Salespeople area.
In the Distribute column, check the check box for each plan you want to distribute.
Click Distribute.
Income Planner
Income planner enables salespeople to plan their sales volumes to reach their
commission earning goals. A salesperson can enter a Commission Forecast number
and see the amount of commission he or she will earn, based on their compensation
plan. Click the Compensation tab in Oracle Sales Online to access Income Planner.
To use Income Planner in Oracle Sales Online, you must have assigned a forecast
input expression and a forecast output expression to the formula used in your
Compensation Plan in Oracle Incentive Compensation. When you create a formula,
you can assign two input expressions and two output expressions. You can assign a
regular input expression for production and a forecast input expression for Income
Planner. You can do the same for the output expression.
To enable Income Planner in Oracle Sales Online, perform the following procedures
in Oracle Incentive Compensation.
To create Forecast expressions, do the following:
1. Click the Incentive tab and click the Expression subtab.
The Calculation Expression page appears.
2. Click Create to open a blank page.
3. Enter a name for the input formula.
4. In the Details area, enter Forecast Expressions from the Type drop down list.
5. In the Expression Block, select your Expression fields. Forecast Amount MUST
be one of the elements selected as part of your expression if it is to be used in
Oracle Sales Online.
6. Click Update to save your input expression.
7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to create an output expression.
Note: The output expression must contain Rate Table Result as the first element
selected and Forecast Amount should appear in the expression as well.
8. Click Update to save your output expression.
To assign your Forecast expressions to the formula in your plan element, do the
1. Click the Formula subtab in the Incentive tab.
2. Select the formula you want from the table or use the search parameters to
search by name, type, or status.
The Formula Definition page appears.
3. Click the Expressions link to open the Expressions page.
4. In the Input area, select your input forecast expression from the drop down list.
5. In the Output area, select your output forecast expression from the drop down
6. Click Update to save your work.
7. Perform this series of steps for each formula in your compensation plan.
For example, a salesperson’s compensation is based on a revenue quota and the rate
table tiers relate to achievement as a percentage of the quota. Because the forecast
results are hypothetical figures, the forecast formula does not affect the actual
achievement result. In this case, suppose the input forecast formula is Forecast
amount/TARGET and the output forecast formula is Rate Table Result*Forecast
amount. The input formula expresses the proportion of the forecast amount to the
quota, and the output formula applies a commission rate to the forecast amount.
The commission rate chosen depends on the salesperson’s achievements to date as
compared to the commission rate tiers.
A forecast amount based on each plan element is displayed if the Interest Type from
Oracle Sales is mapped to the plan element.
Users of Oracle Sales Online can click the Reports subtab of the Compensation tab
to see three Oracle Incentive Compensation reports:
■ Year to Date Summary
The Year to Date Summary is an overview of a salesperson's achievements,
commission and bonus earnings and advances or draws. This report is
accessible by default by the Manager, Salesperson, Incentive Compensation
Payment, and Incentive Compensation Super User responsibilities.
■ Quota Performance
This report is a snapshot of salespeople achievement and earnings.
Achievements are shown against interval to date quota and annual quota.
Earnings total are broken down by period to date and interval to date.
■ Commission Statement
This report shows transaction details broken down by period for a salesperson.
It is configurable and you can hide or show selected columns. You can use
search parameters to make the report specific to your needs.
1. Log in to Oracle Sales Online.
2. Click the Profile icon in the upper right.
A side panel menu opens.
3. Under Sales Online, click the Home Page link.
The Home Page Preferences page appears.
4. In the Narrow Bin Preferences area, any bins that have already been set up are
displayed. If no bins have been set up yet, the columns are contracted.
5. Click Add New Rows.
6. The Narrow Bin Preferences area expands and fields become available in the
Bin Name column.
7. Select a bin number in the Bin Number column.
This controls the order the bins are displayed on the Home page. This is a
required field. If this is the only bin on the Home page, select 1.
8. In the Bin Name column, select Top Performers from the drop-down list.
1. Click the Forecast tab.
The Forecast page appears.
2. In the Subordinate Forecasts area, click the icon in the Compensation column to
the far right of the table.
3. The Year to Date Summary page appears.
Defining Roles
A Role may encompass one or more job descriptions and job titles. Use Roles to
assign jobs to resources, resource groups and resource teams. Oracle Resource
Manager is delivered with pre-defined Roles for all CRM modules. Use this
procedure to define additional custom Roles for your enterprise.
Make sure that a Role Type exists with which you can associate the new Role.
1. In the CRM Resource Manager responsibility, navigate to Setup > Roles.
The Roles window displays fields you can use to define a role.
2. Enter your values in the Code and Name fields. Choose a Role Type from the
list of values. For Incentive Compensation choose Sales Compensation.
3. Select the Active box to make the Role active. Select one or more of the job title
boxes–Manager, Member, Admin, Lead–to associate the Role to job titles.
4. Use one or more of the Job lines to describe jobs associated with the Role.
5. Select File > Save to complete the Role definition.
The Liability Account will also be mapped to the Oracle Payable Interface. This will
be done using the account generator, accessible via the Ruleset Form or liability
account information entered at the plan element or revenue class level.
transaction line, such as an invoice, went through the two stages of collection,
Notification and Collection, subsequent collections would not identify or collect the
same transaction line if Revenue Management adjustments had been made. This
inability to collect Revenue Management adjustments into the application could
result in inaccurate compensation calculations unless manual adjustments were
performed in Oracle Incentive Compensation for each transaction on which
Revenue Management adjustments were made in Oracle Receivables.
Now, you can make transaction adjustments one time, in Oracle Receivables using
the Revenue Adjustment module (RAM), and eliminate the need to make
corresponding manual adjustments in Oracle Incentive Compensation. This saves
time and effort, and provides greater certainty of accuracy in compensation
calculation. See Chapter 8, section 8.5.3 for more details.
1.4.3 Payment
The Payment functionality is significantly revised in this release of Oracle Incentive
Compensation. See Chapter 10 for details on the following features:
■ There is a new, more flexible payment administrative hierarchy for approval of
payment worksheets.
■ Posting from the calculation tables to the posting tables is done automatically
before a payrun.
■ You can refresh a payment worksheet with most current commissions data.
■ You can freeze and unfreeze payruns to prevent adjustments.
■ You can lock and unlock payment worksheets.
■ You can create recoverable and nonrecoverable manual adjustments directly
from the payment worksheet before final payment, and can hold a transaction
or waive recovery before payment.
■ An Analyst Notes page, linked to the Worksheet Summary, enables you to add
or review notes connected with a payment worksheet.
■ A Payment Worksheet History page enables you to track the changes made to
payment worksheets and transactions.
Oracle Incentive Compensation uses a new system profile, OSC: Negate during
Revenue Adjustment Collection, to allow users to decide whether to negate the
corresponding transactions that have been collected before and re-collect them from
Oracle Receivables with the new RAM adjustment. This new system profile has a
YES/NO value. The default for this system profile is Yes. Choosing YES ensures
data integrity with Oracle Receivables, but you lose any Oracle Incentive
Compensation adjustments. Choosing NO preserves adjustments made in Oracle
Incentive Compensation on collected adjustments, but may result in the loss of data
integrity with respect to Oracle Receivables. The system profile can be modified
only by users with Incentive Compensation Super User responsibility.
This chapter provides an overview of the user interface and the major tasks you can
perform using Oracle Incentive Compensation. Sections in this chapter include:
■ Section 2.1, "Accessing Oracle Incentive Compensation"
■ Section 2.2, "Navigation"
■ Section 2.3, "How Oracle Incentive Compensation Relates to the E-Business
■ Section 2.4, "Summary of Oracle Incentive Compensation Tasks"
The Formula subtab is where you create formulas from input expressions, output
expressions, and rate tables.
The Rate subtab is where you can create rate dimensions and rate tables, and define
commission rates.
The Expression subtab is where you create expressions to be used in formulas.
The Resources subtab displays all resource assignments such as roles, compensation
plan, plan elements, customized quotas and rates, pay groups, payment plans, and
compensation summaries.
The Group subtab enables a view of compensation groups to which a logged in user
is a member. It also displays details about those groups. Click a group name on the
Groups page, and then you can view details and a hierarchy by clicking links on a
side panel menu.
request for a new collection. On the Runtime Parameters page you can narrow the
collection process by entering values for previously defined runtime parameters.
The Import/Export module has been enhanced to give users the ability to upload
and download additional setups. You can import data into Oracle Incentive
Compensation for hierarchies, classification rulesets, calculation expressions, and
revenue classes. You can export data from Oracle Incentive Compensation for
hierarchies and expressions
Use the Adjust subtab to correct errors in transactions or adjust sales credit
assignment for transaction information in the CN_COMMISSION_HEADERS table.
You can create a new transaction or load a transaction from the first page of the
Use the Load subtab to copy transactions from the Transaction Interface Table into
Oracle Incentive Compensation. This must be performed before calculation can take
Use the Calculate subtab to run calculation processes. The opening page enables
you to select a batch name or create a new batch by clicking the Create button.
Use the Notification Log subtab to view the Notify Log. The Notify Log
automatically records every change in the system that affects calculation and lists
what part of the calculation must be rerun as a result of an event.
Use the Payment subtab to create or view information on a payrun. A payrun pays
members of a pay group for a particular pay period.
Use the Report subtab to refer to the eight Compensation reports.
Calculation - Use the Calculation subtab to run calculation processes. The opening
page enables you to select a batch name or create a new batch by clicking the Create
button. See Chapter 9, "Calculating Compensation" for the complete process.
Payment - On this page you can delete a payrun, create a worksheet, or pay a
payrun. See Chapter 10, "Payment with Payruns" for details.
Settings - Set the Transaction Calendar and write Contract Text for a compensation
Seasonality - Set up a schedule to define the pattern of a product or service income
by period in the form of proportions expressed in percentages of the year’s total.
Rate Dimensions - View, edit, or create rate dimensions here that can be used when
building rate tables for formulas.
2.2 Navigation
This release of Oracle Incentive Compensation 11i uses two different technology
stacks: Java Server Pages (JSP) and Forms. Now, you can use an HTML based JSP
user interface for all Oracle Incentive Compensation functions. However, in this
release, you must use the Forms instance in some cases, for example, to access
Resource Manager, General Ledger, or AOL to set profile options or set lookups.
HTML pages use a Quick Find search field, located at the top of the page just below
the subtabs. Each subtab has a Quick Find, with a drop-down list and an Advanced
Search link. Many pages provide a wildcard search and drop-down lists in the
parameters area near the top of the page. A Go button is provided to initiate
searches of lists of values. Many of the pages that display tables use Update,
Restore, and Create buttons at the beginning and end of the display:
Update - Used to saving newly entered data
Restore - Returns the display to the original content before the last save
Create - Opens a new page on which to create new data
6. The Incentive Planning Contract Approver receives notification that plans are
generated. Approver reviews and approves them.
7. Managers of resources receive email notification that the plans are approved.
The managers distribute them to their directs using Oracle Sales Online.
8. The resource receives email notification that contract is ready for acceptance.
The resource responds to the email to accept it. The resource can also print out
the contract at this time.
9. Incentive Compensation Analyst activates accepted contracts. The contracts
then become compensation plans, ready to be used to calculate and pay
In this release, a new feature enables the Incentive Planning Finance Manager or
Incentive Planning Analyst to customize the default club amount for a resource that
is entered on the Plan Text page. This is done by entering a new number in the Total
Quota field in the Club Attainment area of the Allocation Details - Quota and Pay
Assignment page (Resource > Planning). The only components that are listed in this
area are components that have rate tables.
Forms Instance > Profile > System
System Administrator responsibility is required.
1. Log in to the Forms instance.
2. Select the System Administrator responsibility.
Administration > Incentive > Settings
Incentive Compensation Super User responsibility is required.
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click Settings in the side panel Menu.
The text in the Terms & Conditions text box can be made to refer to the location of
the Terms & Conditions. Example, “I accept the Terms & Conditions as set out in the
Company Handbook that is posted on the Notice Board or the Company Handbook
that was issued with the Employment Contract.” This text will appear at the bottom
of the Compensation Plan that will be generated later.
The Approver’s details will appear at the bottom of the Compensation Plan as well
Administration > Incentive > User Access
Users must be assigned Incentive Planning Financial Manager responsibility to
appear on the User Access screen.
1. On the Administration tab, click Incentive.
2. Click User Access on the side panel menu.
The User Access page opens.
Administration > Incentive > Component
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. In the side panel menu, click Component.
The Quota Components page appears.
3. Use the search parameters to find an existing component.
a. Enter one or more characters in the Name field to narrow your search. Or,
leave the percent sign (%) to display all components matching the other
parameters you select.
b. Select one of five types from the Type drop-down list.
c. Select Unit or Revenue from the Unit drop-down list.
d. Click Apply. The page refreshes and displays a list of all components that
match the search parameters.
4. To create a new component, enter a name in the first blank field in the Name
column. This field is required.
5. Optionally, enter a short description of the component.
6. Select a component type from the Type drop-down list. This is a required field.
7. Select Unit or Revenue from the Unit column drop-down list.
8. Check the Computed Flag check box if the value of the component is to be
derived from a formula.
9. Click Update to save your work. If necessary, click Restore to return to the
previously stored information.
10. If you want to delete a component, check the Remove check box and click
Component types are either fixed or variable. Variable component types are either
Quota Based or Non Quota Based, depending on whether there is a quota as part of
the compensation plan.
If the Quota for a Component is to be derived from using a formula, then check the
Compute Flag box.
Administration > Incentive > Attainment
Incentive Planning Analyst responsibility is required.
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
To delete an attainment schedule, check the Remove check box and click Update.
You cannot delete an attainment schedule that is already assigned to a role. To
change the name of an attainment schedule, create a new schedule with the same
percentages, assign it to the role, and remove the old schedule.
quota, the annual amount of variable non computed compensation would be more
than 50 percent of a full year’s total.
To create new seasonality schedules, go to Administration > Incentive > Seasonality.
Administration > Incentive > Job Titles
Incentive Planning Analyst responsibility is required. Resources must be set up in
Oracle Resource Manager.
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click Job Titles in the side panel menu.
The Job Titles page appears.
3. Use the search parameters at the top of the page to search for a job title by name
or by job code. Click Go to display the search results.
4. Click the link in the Job Titles column to go to the Resource Details - Job Titles
This page displays any roles that are already assigned to the job title.
5. To add a role, enter it in the Role column. You can click Go to open a pop-up
window listing roles from which to select.
6. Enter a start date and end date. Click the calendar icon to open a pop-up
calendar. A start date is mandatory; the end date is optional.
7. Click Update to save your work. If you are editing a role assignment, you can
click Restore to return to the previously saved version.
If using Oracle Human Resources Management System, the job title information
here is read from HRMS via Oracle Resource Manager. If you are not using HRMS,
please refer to Oracle Resource Manager for more information.
Incentive > Agreements
Sales Roles must already be created in Oracle Resource Manager. Rate tables,
components, and attainment schedules must be created in Oracle Incentive
1. Click the Incentive tab.
The Agreements page appears. It is the first page of the Agreement subtab.
2. Select a sales role name. Use the search parameter at the top of the page to
search if needed. Enter all or part of the sales role name before the percent sign
and click Apply to use the search parameter. Click the sales role to go to the
Sales Role Detail page.
3. If desired, copy the fields from an existing role by selecting a role from the
drop-down list. Click Apply.
4. In the On Target Earning field, enter Total Earnings if the Salesperson assigned
this role achieves 100% of quota.
5. Check the Club Eligible check box if this role is entitled to Club participation on
achieving Club rules.
6. Use the Rounding Factor field if you want to round the assigned quota. For
example, input 1000 if assigned quota is to be rounded up to the nearest 1000.
7. In the Quota Minimum and Quota Maximum fields, enter the range of quota
figures that this role should have.
8. Input the Compensation Plan Level to indicate the position of the role in the
sales hierarchy. For example, a street level salesperson will be assigned to Level
9. Select an Attainment Schedule from the drop-down list that is applicable to the
compensation plan for this role.
10. Select Fixed Pay Components and then enter numbers against each component
to indicate the sequence that it is to appear in the Assign Quota and My Quota
Estimate windows. Enter the fixed pay amount for each fixed component. (For
example: if the fixed salary of a salesperson is 50,000, then enter 50,000 against
the fixed salary component).
11. Select Variable Pay, Non Computed Components as in step 10:
Entering the Quota range enables the Quota Range Report to be run. The minimum
quota on the Sales Role Details window will be picked up on the Minimum Quota
field on the Quota Modeling window when the minimum function is invoked by
the user.
Compensation Plan Levels are used in the Quota Model Summary and Average
Quota Summary Reports where the quota for each Component are totaled for each
level of Salespeople in the Salespeople Hierarchy for the selected parameters
(example, Organization, Effective Date) of each Report.
Oracle Sales Online - Compensation > My Compensation Plans > My Quota
Resource access to Oracle Sales Online.
1. Click the Compensation tab.
2. Enter a quota estimate against each quota component and under the Quota
from Field column.
3. To erase an estimate, click Restore and the application will retrieve the last
saved estimate.
Click Update to save.
Incentive > Agreement > Sales Role Detail
Rate tables must be created. Rate tables must also be assigned to the component to
which you want to apply anchor values.
1. On the Sales Role Detail page, in the Variable Pay, Computed Components area,
click Define in the Anchors column.
The Agreement Details page appears.
1. Select a calculation method, Line or Step, from the Anchor Rate Calculation
Method drop-down list (See Guidelines).
2. In the Rate Range area, enter the Minimum Rate and Maximum Rate for each
tier of the Rate Table (optional).
3. In the Multi-Tier Rate Table Anchors area, enter the Percent of Attainment in the
first column. This is displayed based on the rate dimension definition. You can
change only the first and last values in this column (See Guidelines).
4. In the drop-down list of the Anchor Type column, select the method of
commission calculation to be used. Choose Amount if you are entering the
commission earnings amount for each attainment/achievement level. If the
percentage of quota is to be used, select Percent in the Anchor Type column and
enter the percentage of quota for each attainment level. See Guidelines for more
5. Click Update to save new information.
6. If necessary, click Restore to retrieve the last saved set of information.
There are two methods of Anchor Rate calculation, Line and Step. These
methods are used to fill in the Commission rates for the rate tables created in
the Administration part of Oracle Incentive Compensation.
Step calculation simply uses the amounts in the anchor (expected commission
column), with no calculation. When attainment reaches the percent in the tier,
the commission amount shown in the tier is paid. The Line method calculates
commission on a sliding scale, with commission depending on the exact rate in
each separate tier of the rate table, calculated on a sliding scale.
Here is an example of how Line and Step calculation works:
From To Commission
0 25% To be calculated
25% 50% To be calculated
50% 75% To be calculated
75% 100% To be calculated
100% 999% To be calculated
Step 3. Assign this rate table to a component in Incentive Planning and define
the anchors as follows:
% of Attainment Type Commission
0% Amount 0
25% Amount 100,000
50% Amount 150,000
75% Amount 180,000
100% Amount 200,000
999% Amount 200,000
If the step calculation method is used in Incentive Planning, the rate table in
step 4 will be used to calculation commission. If the line calculation method is
used, then the rate table in step 5 will be used to calculation commission.
In step 3 above, if the rate dimension for a rate table is defined as:
0 - 25%
20 - 50%
50 - 100%
then when this rate table is assigned to a compensation plan in Incentive
Planning, the multi-tier rate table percent of attainment column is displayed as:
You can change only the 0% and 100% values.
Note: If, during setup, you use a currency that is different from the operating unit’s
functional currency (for example, for setting On Target Earnings, a quota, and so
on), then you should use a rounding factor of 0.01 or lower (0.001, 0.0001) to disable
the effects of rounding.
Components must be created.
1. Select a component from the list of values.
2. Enter the percentage against this selected component. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until
all variables of the formula have been defined.
The percentages entered against each component selected will be multiplied with
the value of each component. The results of all multiplication will be added
Here is an example of a computed component formula:
A resource sells 2 types of products: computers and accessories; the compensation
plans will be based on the quota for computers and accessories. Computers is
broken up into desktops and laptops and accessories into printers and monitors. To
accurately define the computers and accessories quota, variable pay non computed
components are made for desktops, laptops, printers, and monitors. A Computers
and an Accessories variable pay computed component are created; the computed
component formulas defined for each are as follows:
Computers = 100% x Desktop + 100% x Laptop
Accessories = 100% x Printers + 100% x Monitors
If you want to the Total Quota to reflect the totals of individual quota components,
then you will define to configure the Total Quota Component formula
Total Quota is used to add up quota that has been allocated to plans at every level
of the sales force planning hierarchy.
Example: Company projects $11 billion in sales for upcoming fiscal year. Sales reps
are assigned $350k and $250K in desktops and laptop computers, respectively. The
$600K allocated to each sales rep needs to roll back up to the $11 billion that the
company projected. This is done by defining the Computed Component Formula
for the Total Quota to be ‘Desktops + Laptops.’ The Total Quota formula would be =
100% x Computers + 100% x Accessories
Resource > Planning > Resource Details - Main
The sales role must already be created in Resource Manager. The sales role details
must already be created in the Agreement subtab of the Incentive tab. Rate tables
must be created. Rate tables must also be assigned to the component to which you
want to apply anchor values.
1. Click the Resource tab and click the Planning subtab.
2. Use the Resource Search page to search for a resource.
The Resource Search Results page appears.
3. Click the name of the resource you need.
The Resource Details - Main page appears.
4. Click the amount in the On Target Earnings column.
The Resource Details - On Target Earnings page appears.
5. Enter revised amounts in the fields for the Fixed and Variable Amount fields.
6. To customize anchors, click Anchor in the Details column in the Variable, Quota
Based area.
The Resource Details - Customized Anchors page appears.
7. In the Rate Schedule Detail section, enter the commission rate range for each
tier of the Rate Table.
8. In the Quota Anchors Detail section, select Amount if entering the commission
earnings amount for each attainment/achievement level. For Percentages, select
percentage and enter the percentage for each attainment level (percentage of
quota). See Guidelines for more explanation.
9. To view rate tables for variable non-quota elements, click the Rate link in the
Details column of the Variable, Non-Quota area.
10. If you are editing previously created information, you can click Restore to
retrieve the last saved set of information.
11. Click Update to save your work.
In the example below, at 0% achievement of quota, the variable pay is zero. At
25% of quota, the additional variable pay is 5,000. At 50% of quota achievement,
the additional variable pay is increased to a maximum of 12,000. This means
that the earnings in the 25-50% tier of the rate table are compensated at a higher
percentage than the 0-25% tier. At the 100% level of quota achievement, the
additional variable pay is 20,000. Any achievements over 200% of quota are
capped by entering the same value as the previous tier (no additional variable
pay) against the highest rate tier.
0 Amount 0.00
25 Amount 5,000
50 Amount 12,000
100 Amount 20,000
200 Amount 50,000
9999 Amount 50,000
Quota > Allocate
Resource must be defined in Resource Manager. Incentive Planning Finance
Manager responsibility is required.
1. Click the Quota tab.
The My Compensation Groups page appears.
2. Enter a group name in the Group Name field. Or, use a wildcard with the
percent sign (%) after it.
If you leave the single percent sign (%) in the field, all compensation groups
display when you click Submit.
3. Enter an effective date. Today’s date is the default setting.
4. Click Submit. The My Compensation Groups page appears. Alternatively, click
Clear to change your entries.
5. Click the Compensation Group for which you wish to view details.
The Quota Allocation Details page appears.
6. Do an initial distribution of quota by using the fields at the bottom right of the
page. To enter quota figures individually for each of your directs, click the
hyperlink under the Planning Quota column.
7. To produce a compensation plan that you can view after you have updated the
quota that you have allocated to your directs, click Generate.
8. To create a vacancy or position to be filled by a new salesperson, Click Create
The draft Contract is made up of the agreement with Terms and Conditions added
at the end.
In step 6, Distribute Quota will work only if the % of Total Quota is given for the
components in the Sales Role Detail page for the resource.
In step 8b, the dates that the enter to add a To-Be-Hired must be in the future. For
example, on June 1, 2002, you cannot use a start dates of January 1, 2002 and an end
date of May 31, 2002.
In the Overassignment fields at the lower right:
■ Direct Level Overassignment is the total quota of your directs expressed as a
percentage of your own quota.
■ Street Level Overassignment is the total quota of the salespeople at the lowest
level of the hierarchy (subordinate to your Compensation Group) expressed as
a percentage of your own quota.
Once the draft Contract is approved, you can distribute the Contract to your directs.
Your directs will then have the opportunity to view their new Contracts and either
accept or print it. The approval status of the Contract can always be seen under the
column called Plan Status. Click the link in the Plan Status column to view the
Compensation Plan History page.
Resource > Planning > Allocation Details - Quota and Pay Assignment
The resource must already be created in resource manager and assigned a quota.
1. The top section of the Allocation Details - Quota and Pay Assignment page
displays read-only information about the resource. Check the Overlay check
box to exclude the resource’s quota from over assignment percentage
2. Check the Customize Quota and Pay check box to indicate that the final
prorated quota and pay have been customized for the resource (see Guidelines).
3. The names of the quota components and variable pay components are listed in
the first column of the upper and lower tables of the page. You can adjust the
annual quota in the Annual Quota field next to any listed component.
If you make any adjustments to the annual quota, click Prorate to display the
revised prorated quota in the Computed Prorated Quota field.
4. The data in the Quota from Field field was submitted by the resource by using
the Compensation tab in Oracle Sales Online. Use the data to evaluate and
determine the final prorated quota.
5. The Final Prorated Quota area contains three columns, Amount, Direct
Overassign and Street Overassign. In the Amount field, set the final prorated
quota for the resource based on the information displayed in the previous
columns. The two overassignment columns automatically display any
overassignments that have been assigned to the resource.
6. In the Variable Pay area, the already allocated annual amount is listed, with an
automatically computed prorated amount. You can adjust the final prorated
amount, changing it from the automatically generated prorated amount to
another amount that you choose.
7. Click Update to save any revised amounts on the page.
8. Click Lock to freeze the agreement before submitting it to the Contract
If you check the Customized Quota and Pay check box, the amount that you
entered in the Final Prorated Quota field for the resource is stored, and is not
prorated automatically if the annual quota is changed at a later time. For example, if
you assign an annual quota of $1,000,000 to a plan that lasts for six months, the
prorated amount is $500,000. If you then assign a final prorated quota of $550,000 to
a resource and check the Customized Quota and Pay check box, the $550,000
remains, even if you change the annual quota for the plan to $1,500,000 afterwards.
If you did not check the check box, the final prorated quota would change to
$750,000 when you changed the annual quota.
Quota > Approve
There must be a plan to be approved, and the plan must be locked. Incentive
Planning Contract Approver responsibility is required.
1. Click the Quota tab and click the Approve subtab.
The Resource Search page appears.
2. Enter one or more search parameters and click Apply.
The Resource Search Results page appears.
3. Click a name in the Resource Name column.
The Contract Approval page appears.
4. In the Action column, select No Action, Approve, or Reject from the drop-down
5. Click Update to make changes permanent.
6. Click Approve All to approve listed contracts.
7. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved version.
There must be an approved plan to distribute.
1. Click Name to view the Quota Allocation Details page or
2. Click Sales Role to view the complete contract, or
3. Click Plan Status to open the Compensation Plan History.
4. Check the check box in the Distribute column next to the plans that you want to
5. Click Distribute.
After a plan is distributed, the listing disappears from the Distribute Contract
6. Optionally, click Distribute All to distribute all contracts
7. Optionally, click Restore to return to the previously saved version.
Log in to Oracle Sales Online > Compensation > Compensation Plan
1. Log onto Oracle Sales Online.
2. Click the Compensation tab and click the Compensation Plan subtab.
3. Click the plan to be accepted.
4. Click the Accept button on the plan (contract).
Quota > Activate
Incentive Planning Analyst responsibility is required. There must be an approved
plan to activate.
1. Check the check box in the Activate column next to plans you want to activate.
2. Click Activate.
After a plan is activated, the listing disappears from the Compensation Plan
Activate page.
3. Optionally, click Activate All to activate all contracts.
4. Optionally, click Restore to return to the previously saved version.
3.10.1 Regoaling
Regoaling is a new functionality that enables managers to change the quota or
variable pay of a salesperson’s compensation plan at any time. These changes could
be required because of:
■ A change in business circumstances
■ A salesperson is receiving too much commission
■ A salesperson is receiving too little commission
■ A salesperson receives a promotion to a new role with a new goal
Regoaling can only be used if a plan is already accepted and activated.
Regoaling uses new seasonality and workday calendar features to calculate the
exact amount to be paid. Seasonality allows planners to assign different quotas to
each month to accommodate business cycles, and the workday calendar lets
planners count each workday of each month, accounting for holidays and
weekends. Seasonality can only be used on noncalculated plan elements, such as
Licenses and salary.
For example, a salesperson’s compensation plan has effective dates of January 1 to
December 31. The salesperson can receive a new compensation plan on the 24th of
July and the exact amount of compensation can be calculated for the rest of the year,
based on the quotas assigned to August through December and on the exact
number of work days remaining in July.
Log in as an Incentive Compensation Super User or Sales Manager responsibility.
Workday calendar profile must be set up in Forms. The transaction calendar must
be set up in General Ledger and selected from the drop-down list in Administration
> Incentive > Settings. Seasonality must be set up in Administration > Incentive >
1. Click the Incentive Tab and click the Agreement subtab.
2. Use the search parameter to list roles.
3. Click a role.
The Sales Role Detail page appears.
4. Select seasonality in the Variable Pay, Non Computed Components area.
16. Adjust any prorated amount that you want to manually. This is good for
rounding amounts to even numbers.
When you change the amounts manually, it changes the proration factor, which
changes the On Target Earnings (OTE) as well.
17. After you have made any changes you want to make, click Update to save
18. Click Lock.
21. Click the Single Tier Rate link to go to the Allocation Details - Rate page.
22. Check the Standard Rate button if you want to calculate based on the computed
figures. Click the Effective Rate button if you want to base calculations on
previous achievements.
23. Click Generate Effective Rate.
After the plan is submitted to the Contract Approver, it needs to be approved by
someone with the responsibility of Contract Approver or Incentive Compensation
Super User. This is the procedure:
1. Click the Quota tab and click the Approve subtab.
The Resource Search page appears.
2. Enter search parameters and click Go.
The Resource Search Results page appears.
3. Click the salesperson name link to go to the Contract Approval Page.
4. Select Approve in the drop-down list in the Action column next to contracts you
want to approve. You can also click Approve All to approve all of the submitted
contracts at once.
5. Click Distribute.
A manager can distribute a plan by using My Salespeople in Oracle Sales Online.
After the compensation plan has been distributed, the resource must log into Oracle
Sales Online to accept the plan, using the following procedure:
1. Click the Compensation tab and click the Compensation Plan subtab.
The plan status is Issued.
2. Click the Rate link to go to the Contract page.
3. Review the contract and click Accept to accept the contract.
The plan status changes to Accepted.
Log in as Incentive Compensation Super User responsibility. The compensation
plan must already be accepted by the resource.
1. Click the Incentive tab and click the Activation subtab.
The Role Activation page appears.
2. Check the Activate check box.
3. Click Update.
4. To activate all plans, click Activate All.
To activate the salesperson, perform the following procedure:
1. Click the Quota tab and click the Activate subtab.
2. Enter parameters in the Salespeople Search page to find the salesperson you
need. The Salespeople Found page appears.
3. Click the name in the Salespeople Name column.
The Compensation Plan Activate page appears.
4. Click the check box in the Activate column.
5. Click Activate.
Agreement versions are created in the Agreement subtab and can be activated to an
actual role in Incentive Planning or the commissions module of Oracle Incentive
Compensation from the Comparison subtab or Performance subtab.
Modeling > Agreement > Create
A sales compensation role must already be created in Resource Manager.
1. Click the Modeling tab. The Agreement Version Summary page appears.
2. Query for a role in the search parameter. Enter a name or four or more
characters and click Go to search.
3. Click Create. The Model Create page appears.
4. Enter a Version Name. This is a required field.
5. Enter a Version Description. This is a required field.
6. Enter a Start Date and End Date. Click the calendar icon to open a pop-up
calendar. This is a required field.
7. Click Create to save your new version.
8. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to create as many versions for the role as you need.
Click the View link in the Plan column to see the version of the modeled
compensation plan that was defined on the Agreement Version Details page. It
displays the agreement components, including rate tables and commission amounts
for each attainment level.
The version name is a hyperlink that brings you to the Agreement Version Details
page. It is here that you can define the compensation plan and how commissions
will be calculated. You can copy another version of an agreement. This saves time if
the new version you are creating differs in a minor way from another version.
Modeling > Agreement
Super User responsibility is required. Roles must be created in Resource Manager.
Attainment schedules must be defined.
1. Enter a role name in the Role Name field. Or, to search for a role, enter the name
in the Role Name field, or click Go to open a pop-up list. Click your selection on
the list.
2. Click Apply.
A list of role versions is displayed.
3. To assign details to a version, click the link the Version Name column.
The Agreement Version Details page is displayed.
4. If you want to copy another agreement version, select it from the Copy Version
drop-down list.
5. Click Apply.
6. Enter an amount for On Target Earnings.
7. Check the Club Eligible check box if the agreement includes club benefits at a
certain level of achievement.
8. Enter a rounding factor for calculation. The default is 1.00, but a lower setting
may be better under certain circumstances. See Guidelines.
9. Enter a Quota Minimum figure and a Quota Maximum, if there is one.
10. Select a Plan Level. This indicates the level in the salesperson hierarchy. Level 1
is the street level.
11. Select an attainment schedule from the Attain Schedule drop-down list.
Attainment schedules are defined in the Administration tab.
12. Click Submit to save your work.
Now, Enter components for the agreement version in the five sections following.
Fixed components are not calculated, so they require fewer fields of information.
The components can be sequenced by placing numbers into the Sequence column
starting at 1. This determines the order in which the components will appear on the
generated contract. In each section, you can remove components by checking the
Remove check box. The component will be deleted when you click Submit.
For all components, click Go to open a pop-up list. Click your selection to enter it
into the field. Also, you can click Submit to save or Restore to return to the
previously saved version at each section.
1. In the Fixed Pay components section, enter the amount in the Fixed Pay
Amount field.
2. In the Variable Pay, Non Computed Components section:
a. Enter an amount in the % of Total Quota field to indicate the importance of
a particular component in the resource’s compensation.
b. Enter the commission amount at 100% attainment. This is the amount that
will be paid out if the resource meets all of his or her sales goals.
c. If you need to use a calculation formula, select it from the list. Click Go to
open a pop-up list of selections.
d. If you selected a calculation formula, select a rate table from the drop-down
e. Anchors are also part of a calculated component. You can disable them by
checking the Disable Anchors check box if you want to assign rates directly.
Click Define in the Anchors column to go to the Resource Details -
Customized Anchors page where you can customize anchors for this
specific agreement version.
f. To use a plan element, enter it in the Plan Element Name field.
3. For Variable Pay, Computed components, enter information in the fields in the
same way as you did for Non Computed components. The only difference is
that because the amounts are computed, a formula is required, and it can be
edited. To make changes in the formula, click Edit in the Edit Formula column.
This takes you to the Computed Component Formula page.
4. The Variable Pay, Non Quota Components area has fewer fields, but you can
select calculation formula and rate table fields.
5. After the agreement version is approved and activated, it can be moved into a
compensation plan. To indicate the name of the future compensation plan, in
the Map to Compensation Plan area, enter the compensation plan name, along
with start and end dates.
In Incentive Planning, if you set up a different currency from the operating unit’s
functional currency (for example, for setting On Target Earnings, a quota, and so
on), then you should disable the rounding effect by setting the rounding factor to
0.01 or lower. This setting implies that the quota is not rounded in rate calculation
and contract generation. More information is available in Chapter 3, Incentive
Modeling > Agreement > Query for Role > Click figure in Total Quota column >
Assign Quota to Version
The agreement version must be in Pending state or later, but cannot be already
1. Click the Modeling tab. The Agreement Version Summary page appears.
2. Query for a role in the search parameter. Enter a name or four or more
characters and click Go to search.
3. Click the amount link in the Total Quota column. The Assign Quota to version
page appears.
The page displays the sales role, version name, version start date and version
end date.
4. Enter amounts in the blank fields in the Amount column. The Total rows are
automatically populated by the application.
5. When you are satisfied with the quota, click Update to save it.
Modeling > Comparison
Agreement versions must already be created and be in the Generated state.
1. Click the Modeling tab and the Comparison subtab. The Agreement Version
Summary page appears.
11. If necessary, before clicking Activate, click Restore to return to the previous
information. You cannot undo an activation, however.
Modeling > Performance
Agreement versions must already be created and be in the Generated state.
1. Click the Modeling tab and the click Performance subtab.
The Agreement Version Summary page appears. It looks like the Agreement
Version Summary pages for the Agreement and Comparison subtabs, but it
includes an Estimated Payout column and a Scenario column.
2. Select a role name.
a. Click Go to open a pop-up list.
b. Select a role.
c. Click Apply.
The agreement versions are displayed.
3. Click a name in the Version Name column to go to the Estimated Achievements
However, even though team members all receive credit for the transaction, the sales
credit rolls up a sales hierarchy only on the original transaction. For example, if
Steve, John, and Bill all report to Bob, Bob receives only $100 sales credit (from
Steve). If Steve reports to Bob but John and Bill report to Sally, only Bob receives
rollup sales credit. Even if Steve, John, and Bill each have different managers, only
Bob receives the rollup sales credit.
Refer to the Oracle CRM Application Foundation Implementation Guide for the specific
steps necessary for creating a team and adding resources to it.
Toolbar > Tasks > Import Resources
Access to Resource Manager as Super User.
NOTE: All items that have a reference of creating or assigning an item should be
noted as a prerequisite prior to adding a Supplier to Oracle Payable. The following
steps are in the Forms user interface.
1. In the Toolbar, click Tasks > Import Resources
2. In the Resource Category field, select Supplier Contact from the list of values.
3. Enter information into the Name and Contact fields or select from the list of
4. Click Search. This populates the Search Results field.
5. Click Create Resource.
6. Verify the start date, then click OK.
7. Click Save Resource, then click Details.
12. Click the Group tab and assign Group from list of values.
13. Click Save. Resources tab is displayed. Select desired sales credit type from list
of values. Save.
In some cases you may not be able to find Sales Compensation in the Role Type list
of values. If this is the case, try the following:
Run the following SQL query.
select table_name, nullable
from dba_tab_columns
where column_name = ’ROLE_MODEL_ID’
and owner = ’CN’ ;
All modular components used in the system can be configured and reused in
different combinations. Taking full advantage of this capability simplifies system
configuration as well as administration. For example, from a relatively small library
of plan elements, you can configure many compensation plans.
Plan elements consist of modular components that can be freely assigned in
different combinations. These underlying components have several distinct
■ Revenue Classes are used to classify a bundle of classification rules that
establishes the event eligible for compensation and the basis of calculation.
■ Formulas determine how the compensation will be calculated.
■ Rate Tables are the part of a formula that determines the rate at which
achievements are commissioned. Rate dimensions are the structural part of a
rate table to which values are added.
■ Calculation expressions are interchangeable, reusable parts that are used in
input and output expressions of formulas, expression-based rate dimensions,
and performance measures.
To build a compensation plan, you start at the smallest pieces and work up to larger
ones. That means that you build compensation plans in this order:
1. Create calculation expressions and rate dimensions
2. Create rate tables using rate dimensions
3. Build formulas out of expressions and rate tables
4. Set up revenue classes
5. Make plan elements containing formulas and revenue classes
6. Build a compensation plan from plan elements
There are 100 user definable column attributes. You can use these calculation
expressions as performance measures, input expressions, output expressions, or rate
table dimensions. You can also nest one calculation expression within another.
As part of the definition process you can select columns from a list of table columns
on the Expressions subtab of the Incentive tab to create expressions. Once they have
been saved the expressions can be assigned and reassigned to any number of
formulas you need.
Do this by selecting a valid expression from a List of Values at each of the pages for
performance measure, input and output.
You can place a formula inside a calculation expression if you want to be certain
that the expression is used after that formula. Sequencing plan elements in a
compensation plan can also assure that calculations are performed in the order you
A performance measure can be an accumulation of transaction values that are
captured by the plan element to which it is assigned. Performance measures serve
as a mechanism to gather cumulative information by plan element and group them
for use in reports that compare achievements to quota, goal and performance
An example of a performance measure is revenue. You can select and define the
columns where revenue information for transactions is held. As transactions are
entered and collected for the assigned plan element, the transaction values are
accumulated. An example performance measure is:
Note: Performance measures must use numeric expressions to work correctly. In a
formula, if no performance measure is assigned, the application uses the first (*)
input expression. If that expression evaluates to string values, the calculation will
fail. Therefore, it is important when using an input expression that is not numeric to
assign a numeric performance measure.
Input formulas tell Oracle Incentive Compensation what to evaluate from the
transactions and how to match the results to the corresponding rate table. Think of
the input expression as a sorter for all incoming transactions for Oracle Incentive
Compensation. An example input formula expression looks like this:
For example, as a condition, a company can establish that its sales force will be
compensated based on transaction amount. The input expression will merely state
$0 - $100 4%
$100 - $500 5%
$500 - $99,999 6%
As transactions are sorted by through the input expression they are matched to the
established rate table tiers. If a transaction is collected in Oracle Incentive
Compensation with the following attributes:
1. Customer X
2. Transaction Amount $100
3. Product Z
Oracle Incentive Compensation, using the input expression created matches the
above transaction of $100 with the rate table and determines that 5% will be paid on
this order.
Outputs of the formula instruct the application how much to pay salespeople. The
payment amount can either be tied to a rate table or not. This will be determined by
the users.
In this example above, business users determined that the salespeople will be paid
based on the rate table result, transaction amount, and a constant uplift/accelerator
factor of 1.035. Users will need to tell Oracle Incentive Compensation in which
columns this information resides and then apply the calculations.
Example of an output expression:
Using the above output expression, multiply 5% with the transaction amount
($100), event factor of 100% and 1.035 for the payment accelerator or payment
uplift. The 4% is multiplied by the result of the sum in the brackets. If the payment
factor is 1.05, then the result or commission is $5.25 ($100 x 4% x 1.05 = $5.25).
Use the following procedure to define calculation expressions.
Incentive > Expression
Table and column mapping is complete.
1. Click the Incentive tab and click the Expression subtab.
The Calculation Expressions page displays a list of already created calculation
2. To create a new calculation expression, click Create.
The Calculation Expressions page with blank fields appears.
3. Enter a unique name for the expression. This is a required field.
4. Optionally, provide a description for the expression.
5. Select a Type from the drop-down list. The seven selections represent groups of
calculation elements, such as expressions, formulas, and SQL functions. Only
the calculation elements in that selection are displayed in the Calculation Values
6. From the Calculation Values box, select the column to be used in the expression.
7. Click the right arrow button to move the element in the Calculation Values box
into the Expression box.
If you change your mind, you can click the left-arrow button to remove an entry
from the Expression box.
8. If your expression requires it, select an operand from the row below the
Expression box. It appears immediately in the Expression box without using the
right arrow button.
Again, to remove an item from the Expression box, click the left arrow button.
9. Optionally, numeric constants or string values can be added to an expression.
Enter the numeric value or string value desired and click the right arrow button
to move it to the Expression box. As above, click the left arrow button to remove
an entry from the Expression box.
10. Add elements and operands until the desired expression has been created.
13. The usage of the expression will also be displayed once it is saved. The usage
rules will determine where the expression may be applied.
A Bonus calculation expression cannot include an element from the table cn_srp_
period_quotas or any table that is mapped to this table. A Bonus calculation
expression cannot be used as an embedded formula and cannot be mixed with a
commission type formula. See Bonus Formulas for more information.
User table names are listed under External Elements. You join an external table to an
internal table by mapping them using Administration > External Tables.
Selected columns are accessible for use in building formulas and performance
measures. The user column name is listed rather than the actual column name.
The following Oracle Incentive Compensation tables are predefined in the system
and can be used as calculation values in defining performance measures and
A rate dimension calculation expression can only be defined from the following
An output expression cannot contain both ITD_TARGET and ITD_PAYMENT.
Your minimum and maximum values in the Rate Tiers section must be stated in
terms consistent with your input information.
You can change both the tiers and rates for a rate table. Any changes you make are
propagated to all plan elements to which those rate tables are assigned, and thus to
any salespeople that are assigned to roles that are assigned plans containing those
plan elements. If you change the levels of quota achievement in a tier, or add or
delete a tier in a rate table, those changes propagate to all salespeople, regardless of
whether their plans have custom quotas or rates.
The following table shows four columns of a Dimension and Rates Example.
Columns are License Revenue, State, Product, and Rate. Product is chosen as the
base dimension. There are 6 possibilities for each of the two tiers in the License
Revenue dimension, including all combinations with the other two dimensions.
Incentive > Rate
For an expression type dimension, the expressions must already be defined.
1. Click the Incentive tab and click the Rate subtab.
The Rate Tables page appears.
2. Click the name of the rate table for which you want to create or edit a
The Rate Table Details page appears.
3. In the Dimension area, click Details next to any already created dimensions to
open the Dimensions page. It contains the rate tiers assigned to the dimension.
4. To create a new dimension, click Create.
The Dimension page opens. The fields are blank.
5. On the Dimensions page, for a new dimension, enter a name in the Name field.
If you are editing an existing dimension, be sure the field contains the name of
the dimension on which you want to work.
6. Select or verify the type from the drop-down list.
7. Optionally, enter a description.
8. In the Rate Tiers area, enter numbers in the From and To columns to create rate
tiers. Follow the sequence, and do not leave any gaps between the tiers.
9. If you want to add a tier, use the blank fields at the bottom of the table.
10. To delete a tier, click the Remove check box next to the tier and click Update.
13. Click Back to return to the Rate Table Details menu, where you can assign the
dimension you created to the rate table.
If the application is unable to find a match in a string dimension in a rate table, the
application picks the last rate value by default. For example, suppose that in the
example above, a transaction has dimension values of 10,000, Iowa, and Service. No
matches occur, and the rate table result is 9.25%, the last value in the Rate column.
If you do not want non-matching transactions to receive commission, add "OTHER"
as the last string value to each string dimension with a corresponding commission
rate of 0, for example.
Another method of dealing with non-matching transactions is to use classification
rules. Transactions with attributes that do not match your classification rules will
have a failed classification status. You can correct these failed transactions’
attributes by changing their values and maintain a record of the adjustment through
the manual adjustments window.
Incentive > Rate
1. Click the Incentive tab and click the Rate subtab.
The Rate Tables page appears
2. Click Create.
The Rate Table Details page appears.
3. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the rate table.
4. Select a Rate Table type, either Amount or Percent, from the drop-down list.
5. Click Update to save your work.
6. To add an already created dimension to the rate table, on the Rate Table Details
page, enter four or more characters in the Dimension Name field and click Go
to open a pop-up list. See Guidelines.
7. Select a rate dimension from the list.
8. To assign or change commission rates, click the Assign Commission Rates link
to go to the Assign Commission Rates page.
9. To create a new dimension, on the Rate Schedule Detail page, click Create.
The Dimensions page appears.
10. After you have assigned the dimensions you need to the rate table, click Update
to save your work. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved
If a rate schedule is already assigned to a formula or plan element, it cannot be
deleted and the commission type cannot be updated. Dimension assignments
cannot be changed. An error message displays if you attempt to delete or change a
rate schedule that is already assigned.
Any expressions that you use in a formula must be created before you define a
formula. Expressions can be repeated in your formula and can be reused in other
formulas as well. See the Guidelines section of Defining Calculation Expressions for
more information on the types of calculation expressions that you can use for
commission and bonus formulas.
Any column from any table can be part of your formula, as long as the Calculation
Value check box for the column is selected in Columns and Tables.
To create formulas, perform the following procedure.
Incentive > Formula
Expressions must be created first.
1. Click the Incentive tab and click the Formula subtab.
The Formulas page appears.
2. Click Create to create a new formula.
The Formula Definition page appears.
3. Enter a unique name and a description for your formula.
4. Enter Commission or Bonus from the drop-down list in the Type field. (See
5. Select Individually or Group from the Apply Transactions drop-down list. (See
6. Make a selection from the Split drop-down list. (See Guidelines)
7. Check the Cumulative check box if you want to aggregate the transactions. (See
8. Check the Interval To Date check box if you want to base the calculation on a
period different from the plan element interval. (See Guidelines)
9. Check the Planning check box if this formula is used for plan modeling
10. Click Update to save your work. If you are making changes to a previously
saved formula, you can click Restore to return to the previously saved version.
11. Click the Expressions link on the side panel menu.
The Expressions page appears.
12. In the Input area, select an expression from the drop-down list to represent your
formula input. You can use more than one input expression, but the number of
input expressions must equal the number of dimensions in the rate table that
you select later.
13. Assign a forecast, if desired.
18. As with the input expression, you can select a forecast from the drop-down list.
19. In the Performance Measure area, select an expression from the drop-down list.
The performance measure, as well as the quota, is used in reports for
comparison with achievement.
20. Click Update to save your work. If you saved the expression before, you can
click Restore before you click Update to return to the previously saved version.
21. Click the Rate Tables link on the side panel menu to assign a rate table to the
The Rate Tables page appears.
22. Click Go in the first blank field in the Name column to open a pop-up box.
Select a rate table and click it.
23. Enter an effective start date and end date. You can view the rate table details
and rates by clicking Rate Table Details.
24. Click the Detail link on the side panel menu and click Generate. If you have
successfully created the formula, the status field above the Generate button will
change from Incomplete to Complete.
25. Click Update to save.
A Bonus Formula is a type of Formula where there are no links or references to
transactions. See the Guidelines section of Defining Calculation Expressions for
more information. Also see Bonus Formulas.
Do not split tiers if you want a rate from the rate table applied to the full amount.
Split tiers if you want portions of the full amount paid at each rate up to the top
qualifying rate. For example, the rate table shows 0-1000 at 1%, 1000-2000 at 2%.
The transaction amount is 1500. If you select No Split in the drop-down list, 2% is
applied to the whole transaction amount of 1500. If you select Non-Proportional in
the drop-down list, 1% is applied to 1000 and 2% is applied to 500.
The Proportional selection in the Split drop-down list is intended for use with
amount rate tables. For example, if the rate table shows 0−1000 at 100, 1000−2000 at
200. The first transaction amount is 200. The commission for this transaction is 20
because 200 is one fifth of the first rate tier and one fifth of the 100 rate is 20. If the
second transaction amount is 1300, the remaining four fifths of the first rate tier
pays 80, and half of the second tier [(1300−800)/(2000−1000)] pays 100 (half of the
rate 200). Total commission for the second transaction is 180.
Select the Cumulative check box if transactions are required to be aggregated in
total. The rate applied will be determined by the transactions-total achieved to date
within the interval.
Use interval-to-date quotas and fixed amounts if:
■ Calculation is to occur before the end of the plan element interval (for example,
if the interval is quarter and calculation occurs monthly)
■ Quotas are set cumulatively within the interval
■ Performance to date is to be compared to the quota to date
Note: Performance measures must use numeric expressions to work correctly. In a
formula, if no performance measure is assigned, the application uses the first (*)
input expression. If that expression evaluates to string values, the calculation will
fail. Therefore, it is important when using an input expression that is not numeric to
assign a numeric performance measure.
Dependency Notes
Commission Formulas
1. Individual Option for Transactions can be used with any Accumulate/Interval
to Date option.
c. By default Interval to Date and Accumulate options must be used together.
You cannot select Interval to Date by itself. Split options are selectable (each
is mutually exclusive).
d. Accumulate can be selected by itself. Split options are selectable (each is
mutually exclusive).
2. Group by Interval for Transactions can only be used with Accumulate. Split
options are selectable (each is mutually exclusive).
Bonus Formulas
Bonus formulas calculate only against Individual transaction options. Split options
are selectable (each is mutually exclusive).
Use interval to date quotas and fixed amounts if:
■ Quotas are set each period
■ Quotas are set cumulatively within the interval
■ Performance to date is to be compared to the quota to date
If the plan element includes a formula, then the formula must exist. (See Defining
If the plan element includes a rate table, then the rate table must exist. (See Defining
Rate Tables.)
If the plan element includes a revenue class, then the revenue class must exist.
1. Click the Incentive tab and click the Element subtab.
The Plan Elements page appears.
2. Navigate to the Plan Element Details page by performing one of the following.
■ To view or make changes to the plan element, click a plan element name in
the Name column. The Plan Element Details page will contain the
previously entered information.
■ To create a new plan element, click Create. The Plan Element Details page
will be blank.
3. Enter or verify the Name and Description at the top of the page. The Name field
is required.
4. Select a Quota Group from the drop-down list. See Guidelines.
5. Enter or verify Start Date and End Dates. The Start Date is a required field.
6. In the Parameters area, select an incentive type from the drop-down list.
Selections include Commission, Bonus, and Manual. See Guidelines.
7. Select an Interval Type from the drop-down list. See Guidelines.
8. Select a Credit Type from the drop-down list. The credit type is normally the
functional currency, but it can be any type that you define in the application.
9. Select a Formula Type from the drop-down list. This is a required field. See
10. If you select a Formula type of Formula, select a formula from the drop-down
list in the Choose Formula field. See Guidelines.
11. If you select Formula type of External, you must enter the package name in the
Package Name field. See Note in the Guidelines section.
12. Liability accounts can be identified at the plan element level. Earnings for the
plan element are assigned to the specified liability account. To assign a liability
account to a plan element, enter four or more characters in the Liability Account
field and click Go. From the Code Combination window, select the desired
liability account. See Guidelines.
13. Expense accounts can be identified at the plan element level. Earnings for the
plan element are assigned to the specified expense account. To assign an
expense account to a plan element, enter four or more characters in the Expense
Account field and click Go. From the Code Combination window, select the
desired expense account. See Guidelines.
14. Check the Eligible for Payee Assignment check box if you want the eventual
payment to be assigned to someone other than the salesperson credited with the
15. In the Variables area of the Plan Element Details page, enter the Target, Fixed
Amount and Goal figures. See Guidelines.
16. If you make a mistake, click Restore to return to the previously saved version.
The Quota Group drop-down list contains three choices. If you select:
■ None: The plan element name does not display in the Year to Date Summary.
■ Bonus: The plan element displays in the Bonus category of the Year to Date
■ Quota: The plan element name displays in the Quota category of the Year to
Date Summary.
In step 6, the Commission incentive type is based on formulas in a compensation
plan. Bonus incentives are additional compensation based on aggregated
In step 7, commonly used intervals are Period (month), Quarter, and Year. After a
compensation plan has been assigned to a sales role, you can change the interval
type of the plan element. If you have assigned the plan and you want to change the
interval for a plan element, you must remove the plan assignment, change the plan
element’s interval, then reassign the compensation plan. You should not change the
credit type of a plan element once the plan element is in use.
In step 9, if you choose an external formula type, you must enter the name of the
PL/SQL package in the Package Name field. If you select a formula type of
Formula, be sure to select a formula with a status of Complete.
Incentive > Element > Plan Element Details > Revenue Classes
Revenue classes must already be defined on the Administration tab. Plan element
details have been defined in the Plan Element Details page.
To assign revenue classes to a plan element, perform the following procedure:
1. Click the Incentive tab and click the Element subtab.
11. Click Details in the Details column to go to the Plan Element Details page. On
that page you can specify transaction factors and other factors that affect
commission payments.
Incentive > Element > Plan Element Details > Rate Tables
1. Click the Incentive tab and the Element subtab.
The Plan Elements summary page appears.
2. In the Name column, click the name of the plan element to which you want to
assign a rate table.
Child rate tables are referenced within embedded formulas. The following example
illustrates how child rate tables are used.
First, you create the formula to be embedded, and then create the formula that is
referenced by the plan element, which includes the embedded formula within it.
Assume that you want to calculate commissions based on percentage of quota, but
only for transactions where the sales credit is greater than $1,000. First you must
create an expression to determine if the sales credit is greater than $1000. The
expression looks like this:
Use this expression as the input expression for the embedded formula. If the result
is greater than 1, then you know that the sales credit is greater than $1000.
Next, configure an amount rate table with two tiers (one tier for values less than 1
and one tier for values greater than 1):
Amount Rate
0-1 0
1-999,999,999 1
In this example, the first tier with an amount of less than 1 has a rate of 0, and in the
second tier, anything greater than one has a rate of 1.
Create an output expression that references the rate table result. Select Others from
the Type drop-down list and click Rate Table Result.
Next, you need to configure the embedded formula out of the input expression, rate
table, and output expression you have just created. It will be referenced by the other
Now you can configure the formula that will be referenced by your plan element.
First, configure an expression to reference the formula that you just created. This
expression looks like this:
Commission Headers.TRANSACTION_AMOUNT/(SRP Period Quota.TARGET_
AMOUNT*<embedded formula>).
Next, create the rate table for your formula, as follows:
Percent Rate
0-100% 3%
100-9999% 4%
Finally, create an output expression that multiplies your rate table result by the
transaction amount:
Rate Table Result*Transaction_Amount
When you build this formula, use the expressions and the rate table you have just
created. Then, when you configure your plan element, reference the second formula
that you created.
When you save the plan element, the rate tables associated with the formula and
with the embedded formula are both associated with the plan element. When you
view the rate tables associated with the plan element on the Incentive > Element >
Rate Tables page, the Parent Rate Table section shows the rate table that was created
for the second formula, while the Child Rate Tables section displays the rate table
associated with the embedded formula. Because it is possible to create multiple
embedded formulas, OIC provides a drop-down menu that enables you to select
any one of the embedded formulas that you may have configured.
Date. Accelerators increase compensation during that time period, and can be used
as incentives for salespeople.
6.8.1 Accelerators
For each revenue class, at plan element level, you can define incentives known as
accelerators. Oracle Incentive Compensation provides you with two types of
■ Payment factor: Increases the salesperson’s commission payment without
affecting the level of quota achievement
■ Quota factor: Increases a salesperson’s quota credit without affecting the
When you want to provide an incentive without affecting a salesperson’s quota
achievement, you can define a payment factor. The payment factor is a percentage
factor multiplied against the net sales credit, resulting in compensation credit. The
application then applies the compensation rate to this compensation credit to
calculate the compensation. Thus, a payment factor results in a higher
compensation amount but no higher quota achievement.
For example, a payment factor of 200% has been put onto the revenue class of
LIC-DB compensation plans for field salespeople to promote sales of this type of
license. The application calculates the amount of sales credit due to Salesrep A and
which tier in the rate table should be used. It then calculates the net sales credit due.
The payment factor is then multiplied against this amount to get to the total
compensation amount due to Salesrep A.
How the Accelerators and transaction factors are used will depend on how your
calculation expression is defined. For example, a common input expression that
complements a percentage rate table is as follows:
A typical output expression looks like this:
You can change the rate table assigned to a plan element at any time, regardless of
the rate table assigned to the formula.
Steps 12, 13, and 14 only apply if you are integrated with Oracle Payroll and/or
Oracle Payables.
In steps 12 and 13, expense and liability accounts are used to transfer and post
information from Oracle Incentive Compensation to Oracle Payables. This function
is used for outside suppliers and vendors, not for internal employees, who are paid
through Oracle Payroll or a third party application.
Expense and Liability Accounts can be assigned at three levels: plan element,
revenue class, and classification. After the data is mapped to the interface table in
Oracle Incentive Compensation, the subledger is updated to reflect the amounts
paid. The liability account is also mapped to the Oracle Payables interface using the
account generator in Oracle Incentive Compensation.
In step 15, target, fixed amount, and goal are measurements that will be compared
against actual achievements. If you have target, fixed amount, and goal figures
against more than one revenue class assigned to this plan element, you can check
the sum amounts from the Revenue Classes check box and the totals from all
revenue classes will appear in these three fields. The Distribute function allows you
to seasonalize your quota, fixed amount and goals.
In general, you can assign multiple plan elements to a compensation plan, and you
can assign the same plan element to multiple compensation plans. When you
change the structure of a plan element, it applies to every compensation plan that
uses it and for every salesperson assigned to that plan. The affected compensation
plans must again be validated.
Revenue class is already created.
1. In the Accelerators area, enter a start date and end date for each accelerator.
Click the calendar icons to the right of each field to use the calendar pop-up
2. Enter numbers in the Payment% and Quota% fields to show the amount of
acceleration you want to assign. The default is 100, which is the full amount.
Entries can be above or below 100.
Make sure that your transaction factors add up to 100% in total. For example, you
can have 50% of the commission calculated upon order, 20% calculated at invoice
value and the final 30% calculated upon payment.
Items listed under Other Factors do not need to total 100%, and each can be over
100%. These items include Takeback, Credit Memo, Deposit, Debit Memo,
Giveback, Manual Transaction, Payment Plan, Payment Plan Recovery, Order
Return, Upgrade, and Write-off.
assign the already defined plan elements to the compensation plan. You also can
sequence the elements to run in a particular order. The third page, Sales Roles, is
where the compensation plan is assigned to sales roles. This is presented in Chapter
7, Assigning Compensation Plans.
Plan elements must be created.
1. Click the Incentive tab and click the Plan subtab.
The Compensation Plan page appears.
2. To view or change details for an already created compensation plan, click the
plan name in the Name column to go to the Compensation Plan Details page.
3. You can use the search field at the top of the page. Select a saved search from
the drop-down list, or click Personalize to create a new search.
4. To create a new compensation plan, click Create. This takes you to a blank
Compensation Plan Details page.
5. Check the Remove check box to delete a compensation plan.
6. If you are updating an existing compensation plan, you can click Restore to
return to the previously saved information.
7. Click Update to save your work.
Incentive > Plan > Click name link or click Create
1. In the Name field, assign a unique name to the new compensation plan.
2. Enter an objective description for this plan based on the associated sales role.
The description is used as part of a contract for the salesperson.
3. Assign a start date and end date to the plan. Click the calendar icon to open a
pop-up calendar.
4. Check the Allow Revenue Class Overlap check box if you want your plan
elements to share some revenue classes.
5. If you are updating an existing plan, you can click Restore to return to the
previously saved information.
6. Click Update to save your work.
7. Click Assign Plan Elements to go to the Assigning Plan Elements page.
8. To open the list of compensation plan names for the Name field, enter search
parameters and Click Go. This opens a pop-up list of available plan elements.
Click your selection.
9. Enter a sequence number in the sequence column. This tells the application the
order in which to process the plan elements.
10. You can remove a plan element by checking the Remove check box and clicking
11. If you are updating an existing compensation plan, you can click Restore to
return to the previously saved information.
12. When you are finished, click Update to save the plan element assignment. The
Description, Start Date and End Date fields will populate automatically.
13. Optionally, you can click Details next to any plan element to review the plan
element details.
14. After the plan elements are assigned and saved, click General to return to the
Compensation Plan Details page.
15. Click Validate to ensure that you have entered the plan information correctly. If
everything is correct, the status in the Status field changes from Incomplete to
Complete. See Guidelines.
16. To assign the compensation plan to a sales role, see Chapter 7, Assigning
Compensation Plans.
For easy identification, define plan names by job titles or area of sales you are
You can change or restructure any aspect of a compensation plan. Because you can
assign the same plan to many salespeople, however, be aware of how the changes
you are making impact individual salespeople.
When you change a compensation plan, the changes propagate to the salespeople
assigned to the plans. For customized plans, the salesperson receives all changes
except the customized changes.
When you validate a compensation plan, the following are verified:
■ The plan has a name and start and end dates.
■ The plan has one or more plan elements assigned with start and end dates
within the plan start and end dates.
■ Each plan element has a rate table with contiguous tiers and with start and end
dates within the plan start and end dates.
■ Each plan element has at least one revenue class and uplift factors assigned,
with start and end dates within the plan start and end dates.
■ Each plan element has a rate table structure that makes sense for the plan
element type.
■ Each revenue class has at least one key transaction factor and at least one other
transaction factor.
If each of the above conditions is met, then the Status field shows Complete. If the
Status field displays Incomplete, the plan cannot be used to calculate
A quota factor enables a salesperson to reach higher levels of quota achievement
more quickly, resulting in higher compensation payments. This is because Oracle
Incentive Compensation uses quota achievement to determine which rate to use.
For example, instead of a payment factor, a quota factor of 200% is put onto the
revenue class of LIC-DB compensation plans for field salespeople to promote sales
of this type of license. The application essentially doubles the amount of quota
credit towards quota achievement. This can move a salesperson up into a higher tier
of a rate table, and therefore a higher amount of compensation.
The payment factor or a quota factor is a percentage expressed as a whole number.
If there is no payment factor or quota factor, calculation defaults to 100%, which
means to multiply the calculated payment amount by 1. A factor of 200% (entered
as 200) means to multiply the commission amount by 200% or a factor of 2 (as in the
above examples).
If you enter a value for a payment or quota factor of less than 100, Oracle Incentive
Compensation reduces the incremental credit to the commission payment amount
for payment factors or the current quota performance level for quota factors.
Payment factors work only when they are used in the calculation output expression
assigned to the formula. For example:
(Rate Table Result*Transaction_Amount)*Payment_Factor
Quota factors work only when they are used by the calculation input expression
assigned to the formula. For example:
Payment factors can only be used when the Apply Txn Type is set to Individually as
they apply to each individual revenue class. Payment factors have no meaning if the
Apply Txn Type is set to Group by Interval.
Incentive > Plan
Sales roles are defined using Oracle Resource Manager and have the Oracle
Incentive Compensation role type. A valid compensation plan must already be
Super User responsibility is required.
1. Click the Incentive tab and click the Plan Subtab. Or, alternatively, you can click
the Resource tab and click the Role subtab.
The Compensation Plan page opens.
2. In the Name column, click the compensation plan that you want to assign. Click
Search or use a saved search for quick access to a list of plans.
The Compensation Plan Details page appears.
3. Click Sales Roles to go to the Sales Roles page.
The sales roles already assigned to the compensation plan are listed.
4. Click Go next to the first blank name field to open pop-up list of sales roles.
5. Select a sales role and click it.
6. Enter a start date and an end date for the role. If desired, use the calendar icons
to open pop-up calendars.
7. Enter additional sales roles in the blank rows provided.
8. As you work, you can click the eraser icon at the left to clear information in a
specific row.
9. To delete a sales role, check the Remove check box. The sales role is deleted the
next time Update is clicked.
10. If you are updating a compensation plan assignment, you can click Restore to
return to the previously saved information.
11. Click Update to save your work. If the sales role has a description, it will be
Resource > Role
Sales roles are defined using Oracle Resource Manager and have the Oracle
Incentive Compensation role type. A valid compensation plan must already be
Super User responsibility is required.
1. On the Role page, click a sales role to view it.
The Assign Compensation Plans page is displayed. Any plans already assigned
are listed.
2. To assign a new compensation plan, enter the name in the Compensation Plan
Name column of the first blank row. You can enter search parameters and click
Go to open a pop-up list.
Only compensation plans with Complete status may be used.
3. Select a start date and an end date to define the effective period for the
compensation plan to be assigned to this sales role. Click the calendar icon to
open a pop-up calendar.
4. If you want to remove a compensation plan, check the Remove check box.
5. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
6. Click Update to save your changes.
The date range used to assign a compensation plan to a sales role must be within
the start and end dates of the compensation plan itself.
Resource > Resources > Compensation Plan
1. Enter search parameters into the Role Name field at the top of the page and
click Go.
2. Click the sales role you need and click Apply.
The compensation plans and plan elements for the resource and sales role are
3. Check the check box in the Customized Flag column next to the plan element
to be customized.
Note: If you leave the Customized check box unchecked for a plan element,
then any changes you make to the quota or rates for that plan element are
inherited by the salesperson. If you check the check box, that element will not
be affected by any overall changes you make to it.
4. Click the plan element name.
The Plan Element Details page is displayed.
5. Edit the details to customize the plan. See the table under References for a list of
fields that can be changed and where they can be found on the Plan Element
Details page.
6. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
7. Click Update to save your changes.
Resource > Resources > Pay Group
The pay group must be defined in Administration > Incentive > Pay Group. A valid
resource has been selected from the Employees page that is generated from an
advanced search request.
1. In the Name field, enter the name of the pay group to be assigned. You can click
Go to open a pop-up list of values. Click the pay group name to select it.
2. Enter a start date and an end date. Click the calendar icons to open a pop-up
3. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
4. Click Update to save the pay group assignment.
A salesperson can be assigned multiple pay groups, but only one pay group can be
active at a time.
Pay groups can be assigned to multiple resources at the same time and you can start
and end pay group assignments by individual resource at any time within the
duration of the pay group. Therefore, the application does not default any dates in
the Resource Details > Assign Pay Groups table in the Resource tab.
When you assigned a pay group to a resource, the application automatically checks
to see if there are any conflicts between the start and end dates of the pay group and
the start and end dates for every resource to which the pay group has been
assigned. For example, if you define a pay group starting Jan 1 and ending on Mar
31 and you have assigned it to a resource, the application will not let you change the
end date for the pay group assignment beyond Mar 31.
Resource > Resources > Payment Plan
The payment plan must be defined in Administration > Payment Plan.
1. On the Assign Payment Plans page, review the salesperson’s payment plan
2. To assign a new payment plan, enter it in the Name column of the first blank
row. You can click Go to open a pop-up list. Select the plan from the list and
click it.
3. Enter a start date in the next column. You can click the calendar icon to open a
calendar. Enter the date and it will appear in the Start Date field. This field is
4. Optionally, enter an end date in the End Date column.
7.6 Regoaling
Regoaling enables managers to change the quota or variable pay of a salesperson’s
compensation plan at any time. These changes could be required because of:
■ A change in business circumstances
■ A salesperson is receiving too much commission
■ A salesperson is receiving too little commission
■ A salesperson receives a promotion to a new role with a new goal
Regoaling can only be used if a plan is already accepted and activated.
Regoaling uses new seasonality and workday calendar features to calculate the
exact amount to be paid. Seasonality allows planners to assign different quotas to
each month to accommodate business cycles, and the workday calendar lets
planners count each workday of each month, accounting for holidays and
weekends. Seasonality and workday calendar can only be used on variable
non-computed components, such as Licenses and salary.
For example, a salesperson’s compensation plan has effective dates of January 1 to
December 31. The salesperson can receive a new compensation plan on the 24th of
July and the exact amount of compensation can be calculated for the rest of the year,
based on the quotas assigned to August through December and on the exact
number of work days remaining in July.
Log in as an Incentive Compensation Super User or Sales Manager responsibility.
The salesperson must be activated. The OSC: Use Work Day Calendar profile must be
set up in Forms. The transaction calendar must be set up in General Ledger and
selected from the drop-down list in Administration > Incentive > Settings.
Seasonality must be set up in Administration > Incentive > Seasonality.
1. Click the Resource tab. The Resource Search page on the Planning subtab
appears automatically.
2. Use parameters to search for the resource.
3. Click the Resource name on the Resource Search Results page.
The Resource Details - Main page appears.
4. Click the Adjust Quota button.
5. Click Update.
The Resource Details - Quota Adjustment page appears.
6. Click the button next to an existing role to adjust it, or click the button next to
the blank row to enter information for a new role.
■ If you are regoaling an existing role, enter start and end dates for the new
quota. Be sure to set the end date of an old quota the day before the start of
a new quota.
■ You can end date a role and then assign a new role to a resource. Or, a
resource can keep the same role but move to new group or you can assign
the resource a new role in a new group.
7. Click the link to Quota Allocation Details.
The Allocation Details - Quota and Pay Assignment page appears.
8. Click Prorate.
9. Adjust any prorated amount that you want to manually. This is good for
rounding amounts to even numbers.
When you change the amounts manually, it changes the proration factor, which
changes the On Target Earnings (OTE) as well.
10. After you have made any changes you want to make, click Update to save
11. Click Lock.
14. Click the Single Tier Rate link to go to the Allocation Details - Rate page.
15. Check the Standard Rate button if you want to calculate based on the computed
figures. Click the Effective Rate button if you want to base calculations on
previous achievements.
16. Click Generate Effective Rate.
1. Click the Quota tab and click the Approve subtab.
The Resource Search page appears.
2. Enter search parameters and click Go.
The Resource Search Results page appears.
3. Click the salesperson name link to go to the Contract Approval Page.
4. Select Approve in the drop-down list in the Action column next to contracts you
want to approve. You can also click Approve All to approve all of the submitted
contracts at once.
5. Click Distribute.
A manager can distribute a plan by using My Salespeople in Oracle Sales Online.
1. Click the Compensation tab and click the Compensation Plan subtab.
The plan status is Issued.
2. Click the Rate link to go to the Contract page.
3. Review the contract and click Accept to accept the contract.
Log in as Incentive Compensation Super User responsibility. The compensation
plan must already be accepted by the resource.
1. Click the Incentive tab and click the Activation subtab.
The Role Activation page appears.
2. Check the Activate check box.
3. Click Update.
4. To activate all plans, click Activate All.
To activate the salesperson, perform the following procedure:
1. Click the Quota tab and click the Activate subtab.
2. Enter parameters in the Salespeople Search page to find the salesperson you
need. The Salespeople Found page appears.
3. Click the name in the Salespeople Name column.
The Compensation Plan Activate page appears.
4. Click the check box in the Activate column.
5. Click Activate.
You can also create your own Transaction Sources from the database tables of any
legacy application. This is called Open Collections, and is covered in section 8.2.
Data is collected on a periodic basis by submitting a concurrent request. The
concurrent request uses the mapping and rules that are defined to determine what
data to collect and how to collect it. See section 8.4 for steps to submitting a
concurrent request for collection.
A compensation transaction is a record which identifies a compensation event (such
as the sale of an item). It is the smallest unit of data on which a compensation
payment can be calculated. Each transaction comprises several attributes, for
example, the salesperson’s name, the amount of the sale, the sale date, the product
type, and so on. Some of the attributes can be user-defined during Implementation.
The main attributes of a transaction are the:
■ Type of compensation event
■ Order
■ Invoice
■ Payment
■ Takeback - The amount of sales credit that the application takes back from
the salesperson when an invoice due date grace period is exceeded. (Also
known as a clawback).
■ Giveback - The payment received for a takeback.
■ Credit and Debit Memo - Generated when an invoice is fully or partially
reversed and posted to Oracle General Ledger.
■ Manual
■ Writeoff
■ Identity of the person who is directly credited for the event
■ Value of the transaction
A transaction may optionally contain other attributes, such as transaction currency,
product identification, and customer identification.
Administration > Incentive > Tables
Tables, views, or synonyms must exist in the database.
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Tables link in the side panel menu.
The Tables page appears.
3. If you want, enter search parameters by Schema, Table Name, or User Name.
4. Click Apply.
5. Enter a Schema in the Schema field. Click Go to open a pop-up list from which
to select a name.
6. Enter a Table Name from which you want to collect data. Use the pop-up list if
7. Enter a User Name.
8. Enter a description if desired.
Administration > Incentive > Collection > Transaction Sources
Tables must be set up already in the transaction source.
1. Click Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Collection link in the side panel menu.
The Collections - Transaction Sources page appears.
3. Enter the name of the transaction source in the first empty field in the
Transaction Source column.
4. Enter a type, in the same format but not identical to the standard transaction
sources, which are AR (Accounts Receivable) and OC (Oracle Order Capture).
See Guidelines for restrictions.
5. Enter the Line Table name. Click Go to open a pop-up list from which to select a
line table name. Click your selection to enter it into the field.
6. Select a Key Column for the table. Click Go to open a pop-up list.
7. Click Update to save your work. If necessary, click Restore to return to the
previously saved information.
8. To remove a transaction source, check the remove check box and click Update.
When creating a new transaction source, the Type (for example, the short name of
the transaction source) has the following restrictions:
■ It cannot be empty.
■ It must be unique.
■ It cannot be the same type as any existing seeded transaction source, such as
OC - Order Booking, or AR - Receivables.
■ It cannot be the same as the type of existing receivables events, such as INV,
To define source tables for custom transaction sources, perform the following
Administration > Incentive > Collection > Source Tables
Tables must be registered in the Tables subtab before they can be used.
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Collection link in the side panel menu.
The Collections - Transaction Sources page appears.
3. Click the Source Tables link.
The Collection - Source Tables page appears.
4. Select a transaction source from the drop-down list.
5. Click Apply.
The Type and Status fields populate, and any tables that are already defined for
this transaction source populate in the fields below.
6. Enter information into the Line Table and Header Table areas.
7. Enter any extra direct tables in the Extra Direct Tables area below.
8. Click Update to save your changes. Click Restore to return to the previously
saved information.
Extra direct tables are used to attach additional information to the transactions so
that they can be calculated. This table information should exist for all of the
resources and may indicate Territory, Organization, or some other distinguishing
If you specify an optional Header table, you must specify a Key column for it and in
the Line Table Header Identifier you must specify the field in the line record which
allows it to be joined to the Key column of the Header table.
The Notification Query shows the exact query which will be used to create the
Notification list of line-level transactions which are eligible for compensation. The
query joins together the mandatory Line table and the optional Header table. The
optional Header table area is provided on the Source Tables page because many
times users want to restrict the collection using an AND clause, which makes the
Header table necessary.
The AND area is the only place where you can make changes; the FROM and
WHERE sections are read-only. They were defined earlier in during source table
definition. The AND area links the tables together and creates the exact conditions
for collecting the transactions needed for complete calculation.
The Parameters subsection of the Notification Query section allows you to narrow
your focus, for example, by start date and end date, if you are using a custom
transaction source. The parameters are registered here on the Queries page during
the collection setup process but the specific values are entered on the Transaction
tab during the collection submission process. This allows you to change the values
of the parameters whenever you need to without having to regenerate the collection
package. For example, if one of the parameters is the name of a month, then each
month you can change it on the Transaction tab while leaving the collection setup
The Collection Query area lists the exact tables and rows from those tables that you
need to perform a collection. These tables in the FROM clause include the Line
table, the (optional) Header table, and all of the tables listed as Extra Direct Tables
on the Source Tables page. The WHERE clause already contains the necessary join
information to get the right rows from the Line and Header tables. You must
complete the WHERE clause for any Extra Direct tables.
Perform the following procedure to change or enter new parameters.
Administration > Incentive > Collection > Queries
The Queries page is only accessible for nonstandard collection sources.
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Collection link in the side panel menu.
The Collection - Transaction Sources page appears.
3. Click the Queries link.
The Collection - Queries page appears.
Some of the Source Expression and Destination fields are prepopulated with the
mandatory mappings required to perform collection to the CN_COMM_LINES_
API. Some mandatory columns include Employee_Number, Transaction_Amount,
There are two types of indirect mapping, free-form and relationship. With free-form
mapping, you must manually type the exact FROM/WHERE clause in the
FROM/WHERE box in the Indirect Table Details section on the Mapping page. A
relationship indirect mapping requires that you set up a relationship on the External
Table page first and then select it in the Join Relationship field of the Indirect Table
Details section. The relationship type of indirect mapping is more restrictive, in that
you can only define simple equivalence joins (=). Free-form mapping can include
other tests, such as OR, BETWEEN, <, and so on. Relationship indirect mappings
also only allow a join to a single indirect table.
However, the benefits of relationship mapping are that it is simpler to set up, can be
reused in multiple mappings, and is easier to maintain.
To map data on the Mapping page, perform the following procedure.
Administration > Incentive > Collection > Mapping
Tables must exist in the transaction Source and the destination. For relationship
indirect mapping, a Join relationship must be set on the External Tables page of the
Administration tab for any tables you plan to use.
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Collection link in the side panel menu.
The API table in Oracle Incentive Compensation contains 100 seeded attributes that
you can use for direct or indirect mapping, for example, Attribute 1, Attribute
2...Attribute 99.
In the inherited column, if === is displayed, the mapping is standard. If it has been
changed, the display will look like this: =x=. Click Inherit to restore the original
standard setup.
User code blocks are single or multiple PL/SQL statements that you can insert at
defined points in the Collect procedure. User code blocks can be inserted at three
■ Pre-Notification: at the beginning of the Notification query
■ Post-Notification: between running the Notification and Collection queries
■ Post-Collection: after the Collection query has been run
To create a User Code Block, perform the following procedure.
Administration > Incentive > Collection > Actions
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Collection link in the side panel menu.
The Collection - Transaction Sources page appears.
3. Click the Actions link.
The Collection - Actions page appears.
4. Select a location for the user code block from the Location drop-down list.
5. Enter the code in the Code field.
The code can run up to approximately 2,000 characters.
6. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
7. Click Update to save your changes.
Administration > Incentive > Collection > Actions
1. Click Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Collection link in the side panel menu.
The Collection - Transaction Sources page appears.
3. Click the Actions link.
4. Select the method of filtering by clicking a radio button.
5. Enter the text of the action you want in the Filters area of the page.
6. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
7. Click Update to save your work.
The information about each transaction source in the Summary section of the
Generate page is as follows.
■ Transaction Source: The name of the transaction source
■ Type: The short name of the transaction source
■ Status: Complete / Incomplete. This tells you whether or not the Collection
package has been generated for the Transaction Source since the latest setup
changes were made.
■ Receivable Event: Events of the Oracle Receivables. This column is only
relevant to the Receivables Posting transaction source.
■ Collect Flag: This flag indicates whether or not to generate the package for the
corresponding Receivable Events. For a non-Receivable Transaction Source, the
value is always YES.
■ Test Package Name: This is the test version of the package. To distinguish it
from the actual package, the package name of the test version always ends with
■ Test Status: This field shows if there is an error in the test package. Click the
Error link to see the error message in the Details Section.
The Details section in the lower part of the page lists the detailed test result of the
selected transaction source, including Transaction Source, Test Package Name, Error
Text, and Package Text. It also contains two buttons--Test Generate and Generate.
A generated package replaces the existing version of the package, so in order to be
sure it is correct, you can create a test version of the package by clicking Test
Generate in the Details section for the transaction source you want to collect.
The Details section displays the lines where the errors are so you can fix them.
Mistakes are often due to invalid SQL that has been entered on the Queries or
Mapping pages or in a User Code Block.
The Package Text section of the Details area lets you review the entire generated
package to be sure it is working the way you intended it to work. If everything
looks fine, you can click Generate to finish the job.
Administration > Incentive > Collection > Generate
Collections setup must be complete.
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Collection link in the side panel menu.
The Collection - Transaction Sources page appears.
3. Click the Generate link.
The Collection - Generate page appears.
4. In the Summary area, click the button in the Select column next to the
transaction source for which you want to run a test generation.
5. Click Test Generate.
A test version is generated.
6. If Error appears in the Test Status column, click it to open the details area below
the Summary area.
The Error Text and entire Package text are displayed.
7. Fix the errors and rerun the test generation until you are satisfied with the
8. You can click Yes or No in the Collect Flag to return to the Transaction Sources
page and verify it or change it.
Click Generate to generate the actual Collection package.
Oracle Receivables
The predefined Receivables data source is slightly different from any other data
source because it really represents five transaction sources which have been
combined into one, so that they can share a set of mappings. The five sources are
referred to as Receivables Events and are as follows:
■ Invoices, Credit Memos, and Debit Memos
■ Take-backs (once an invoice due date goes beyond the set grace period, the
credit for the sale is deducted from the resource’s sales credit)
■ Payments and Givebacks (a giveback is a past due invoice that had been taken
back but has now been paid)
■ Writeoffs
■ Revenue Adjustment Posting
These events occur when the relevant transaction is posted to the Oracle General
Ledger application.
The transaction collection queries for these events are all based around the same
core set of Receivables source tables, but the tables are joined together in different
ways so five different transactions sources would normally be required. The five
have been combined into a single transaction source so that you only set up the
mappings that you want once and they are applied to the collection of
compensation transactions for all five events.
When you click the Generate button for the Receivables transaction source, five
packages are generated--one for each of the Receivables events. This generation
takes five times as long as for any other transaction source. However, you may not
be interest in all of those events. You can restrict the generation to only those
packages for the events that you require. Use the Collection - Transaction Source
page (Administration > Incentive > Collection) to select for which Receivables
events you want to generate transactions.
Use this table at the bottom of the Collection - Transaction Source page to select the
events in which you are interested. In the above screen shot, only Invoice, Credit
Memo Posting is selected. When the Generate button is clicked, the full package
will be generated for the collection of invoices, credit memos, and debit memos. For
the other four events (Writeoffs, and so on), simple stub packages will be generated,
which speeds up the Generation process.
Each Receivables event has a dedicated concurrent program. Each of these requires
two parameters: a Start Period and End Period. The parameter entry is supported
by a list of values. The concurrent programs are:
■ Collect Invoices
■ Collect Clawbacks
■ Collect Payments and Givebacks
■ Collect Writeoffs
■ Collect Revenue Adjustments
Order information can be, and often is, changed after the order has been set to the
status of Booked. Such changes, known as adjustments, can be automatically
applied to transactions which have already been collected. If a change is made to
any line on an order, then all of the sales credits (compensation transactions) for that
line are considered to be changed.
There are two possible scenarios:
1. The compensation transactions have been collected but have not been loaded
into Oracle Incentive Compensation.
2. The compensation transactions have been collected and also loaded into Oracle
Incentive Compensation.
In scenario 1, the transactions have only got as far as the CN_COMM_LINES_API
table. In this case the original transactions are marked OBSOLETE and they will be
re-collected into CN_COMM_LINES_API with their new values the next time
Collect Orders is run.
In scenario 2, the transactions are already loaded into the application in CN_
COMMISSION_HEADERS and may already have been used to calculate
commission for a resource. This requires a different approach. The original
transactions in CN_COMMISSION_HEADERS are marked FROZEN. For each of
these a reversing transaction is also created in CN_COMM_LINES_API. This is a
duplicate of the FROZEN line, but with an opposite polarity (usually meaning it
becomes negative) on the transaction amount. This transaction has the effect of
reversing out the original. Finally, as in scenario 1, the compensation transactions
for this line will be re-collected into CN_COMM_LINES_API with their new values
the next time Collect Orders is run.
Each time Collect Orders is run, the list of unprocessed updated Order Lines must
first be processed. This can take a long time. To avoid this, when running Collect
Orders it is a good idea to process this list of updated order lines at regular
intervals, perhaps daily. Use the Order Update Notification concurrent program to
do this.
The list of updates to Orders is maintained for Oracle Incentive Compensation by
the Order Capture application. This, however, only occurs if Order Capture has
been informed of this requirement. Order Capture just acts as an interface here. The
transactions actually originate in Oracle Order Management.
You must register Oracle Incentive Compensation with Order Capture in the Forms
instance as follows:
1. Switch responsibility to Oracle Order Capture.
Transaction > Collect > Collection Submission - Runtime Parameter
Parameters must already be created in the Collection setup process.
1. Select the parameter you want to change.
2. Enter a value in the Runtime Parameters field.
3. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
4. Click Update to save your changes.
Transaction > Collect > Submit Request
The collection setup must be completed and the collection package must have been
generated successfully.
1. Click the Transaction tab. The Collect subtab page opens automatically. Click
the Submit Request link. The Collection Submission - Submit Request page
2. In the Collection Type field, select a collection type from the drop-down list.
The collection types include:
■ Collect Clawbacks
■ Collect Custom Transaction Source
■ Collect Invoices
■ Collect Orders
■ Collect Payments and Givebacks
■ Collect Revenue Adjustments
■ Collect Writeoffs
3. Click Apply.
Note: If you select Collect Custom Transaction Source, the parameter changes to
Transaction Source. Specify the custom transaction source on which you want to
run collection and skip to step 5.
4. Select Start Period and End Period from the drop-down lists.
5. Click Submit Request.
A confirmation window appears.
6. Click OK to submit the request. Click Cancel to return to the current page.
If you clicked OK, the requested data is displayed below the search parameter
7. Click Refresh Data periodically to monitor the progress of the collection
The Collect Orders collection type collects data from Oracle Order Management.
The Collect Custom Transaction Sources collection type collects data from external
sources. The other events collect data from Oracle Receivables.
The Process Log page shows the details of the processing of a request.
Transaction > Collect > View Request Status
1. Click the Transaction tab. In the Collect subtab the Collection Submission - View
Request page appears automatically.
2. Select the type of collection event you want from the Collection Type
drop-down list. The list includes:
■ All
■ Clawbacks
■ Custom Transaction Source
■ Invoices
■ Orders
■ Payments and Givebacks
■ Revenue Adjustments
■ Writeoffs
3. Select one of five options from the Phase drop-down list:
■ All
■ Completed
■ Inactive
■ Pending
■ Running
4. Select one of 18 statuses in the Status drop-down list.
■ All
■ @@Normal
■ @Normal
■ @Waiting
■ Cancelled
■ Disabled
■ Error
■ No Manager
■ Normal
■ On Hold
■ Paused
■ Resuming
■ Scheduled
■ Standby
■ Suspended
■ Terminated
■ Terminating
■ Waiting
■ Warning
5. Optionally, enter a search string in the Request ID field.
The next time Collections is run for this Transaction Source, reversing transactions
will be created to nullify all of the sales credits associated with this transaction line.
All of the sales credits will then be collected again with the new values in. This
reversal and re-collection of the October transaction will occur even if you specify
that you want to collect only November transactions this time.
Note: to understand the p_org_id parameter, you need to first understand the
Oracle Applications ’Multi-org’ strategy, which allows data for multiple operating
units to exist, partitioned from each other, within a single database. Discussion of
Multi-org is beyond the scope of this document. If you don’t understand this
concept then please consult the appropriate documentation before trying to
understand the rest of this paragraph. If your procedure which calls CN_
NOTIFICATION_PUB.Create_Notification is running in a database session where
the Org-Id has been set, and your procedure is only dealing with transactions for
this Org-Id, then you can omit the p_org_id parameter. In any other situation (for
example where you have a single procedure or database trigger which detects
updates to transactions from multiple Org-Ids) you must specify the correct value of
p_org_id for the transaction when you call Create_Notification.
side should be negated or not. To do so, use the profile OSC: Negate During
Revenue Adjustments Collection. There are two possible values for the profile as
■ Yes: Revenue Adjustments Collection will negate the corresponding
transactions that have been collected before and then re-collect them from
Oracle Receivables with the new RAM adjustments. Any manual adjustment
that has been done in Oracle Incentive Compensation against the original
collected transactions will be negated. This option ensures the data integrity
from Oracle Receivables; however, you lose the manual adjustments made in
Oracle Incentive Compensation side if any.
■ No: Revenue Adjustments Collection will not negate any corresponding
transactions that have been collected before. Only the new RAM adjustment
transactions will be collected. This option preserves your manual adjustments,
which have been done on the collected transactions, but it may result in the loss
of the data integrity. In certain cases, the data in Oracle Incentive Compensation
may need to be manually synchronized with the data in Oracle Receivables
To set up and generate the package:
Administration > Incentive > Collection
To submit the concurrent request:
Transaction > Collect > Submit Request > Collect Revenue Adjustments
■ The collection setup must be completed and the collection package for Revenue
Adjustment Posting event must have been generated successfully.
■ The invoice transactions have been collected into Oracle Incentive
■ The adjustments have been done in Revenue Adjustment Module in Oracle
Receivables (Receivables Responsibility > Control > Accounting > Revenue
1. Click the Transaction tab.
The Collection subtab page opens automatically.
Transaction > Import/Export
The source file must have data delimited in one of the formats recognized by the
Transaction API (comma, double quote, single quote, semicolon, space, or tab).
1. Click the Transactions tab and click the Import/Export subtab.
The Imports Definition page appears.
2. Enter an import type. Select from Transaction API, Hierarchy, Expressions,
Rules, or Revenue Classes.
3. Enter a name for the import process. The Name field is required and must be
4. Optionally, enter a description in the Description field.
5. Click the Client or Server button to define your data source. If your source data
file location is from a Client, click Go to open a pop-up box and select the file
name from the list.
6. Select the column delimiter from the drop-down list (see Prerequisites for
complete list). Comma is the default.
7. Select how you want your fields to be enclosed from the drop-down list. Double
Quotation is the default.
8. Check the File Header Exists check box if there is a header on the source file.
Mapping begins at the first column, so it is important to specify if your source
file has a header.
9. Click Next to proceed to Step 2 Import Header Mapping.
Note: If the source file is created using Excel and saved with a .csv file extension,
the data will automatically be delimited with commas by Excel. If you want to
update the source file and remove any rows, select the row(s) and use Edit > Clear >
All to remove the data. This will clear the data and the delimiters. Manually
deleting each cell will not clear the delimiters. Failure to do so may cause the import
to fail. This issue may also arise when using other spreadsheet applications.
The table below shows an acceptable format for transaction data. It is a very brief
example of data that would work for a transaction API format.
Source fields must be defined in the file to be imported.
1. Optionally, use the fields at the top of the page to load an existing mapping or
save a new mapping.
a. To load an existing mapping, enter four or more characters, including the
percent sign wild card (%) and click Go.
A Select box appears, listing all available previously defined mappings.
b. Click the name of the mapping you want to use.
The mapping appears in the areas below.
c. To save a new mapping, after you have defined it, enter a unique name in
the Save New Mapping field and click Next.
The Import process moves to step 3.
2. To create a new mapping, click a source field in the first column to highlight it.
3. Click the target field in the second column. Target fields marked with an
asterisk (*) are required.
4. Click the right arrow button to move the mapping to the third column.
5. View the Preview window to see what your mapping looks like.
Source to target mapping must already be done.
1. Review the general information and mapping on the page.
2. If all the information is correct, click Import. The Confirmation page appears.
3. If the information is not correct, click Cancel, and then return to the Import
Header Mapping page to make corrections.
1. Click Finish to go to the Imports Search page. You can check there to see if your
import was successful.
2. If you want to perform another import, click New Import.
1. Click the Download to CSV File image icon to download the records to a .csv
2. Correct the data in the new .csv file.
3. Create a new import using the corrected .csv file to load the data into the
Correcting failed records individually is much more efficient than reimporting an
entire file. That is because reimporting creates an entire new set of records in the
database in addition to the old set.
Transaction > Adjust
Incentive Compensation Super User or Incentive Compensation Commission
Analyst responsibility is required.
The application has collected the transaction.
1. Click the Transaction tab and the Adjust subtab. The Transactions page appears.
2. In the Basic Search area, enter information in the fields as needed to find the
transaction you need. Search parameters include:
■ Resource Name: Enter all or part of the name and click Go to open a
pop-up list. Select from the list.
■ Resource Number: Enter the number.
■ Processed Date From: Click the calendar icon to open a pop-up calendar.
■ Processed Date To: Click the calendar icon to open a pop-up calendar.
■ Invoice Number: Enter the invoice number if it is available.
■ Order Number: Enter the order number if it is available.
■ Calculation Status: Select All (the default) or one of five other choices from
the drop-down list.
3. Click Apply.
A list of transaction records appears.
4. At the top or the bottom of the page, click the appropriate button for the type of
action you want to perform:
■ New Transaction
Click this button to go the Create New Transaction page, where you can
create a new manual transaction.
■ Load Transaction
You cannot split a nonrevenue, obsolete, frozen, or reversal transaction.
Transaction > Adjust > New Transaction
1. Enter the Resource Name and Resource Number. These are required fields. You
can enter some or all of the name and click Go to open a pop-up list.
Select the resource from the list and the fields on the page populate.
2. Enter a Processed Date. Click the calendar icon to open a pop-up calendar. This
is a required field.
All adjustments made with the above process must be loaded before they are
available for calculation.
Transaction > Adjust
1. In the Receiving Resource Name area, enter the Resource Name and Resource
Number. Click Go to open a pop-up list.
2. Enter a Customer Name and Customer Number, if available.
3. Enter your comments, if any.
4. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information
5. Click Update to save your work.
6. In the Attribute Columns area, enter any information that identifies your
The feature maintains the history of the original transaction or transactions while
displaying the corrected transactions.
All adjustments made with the above process must be loaded before they are
available for calculation.
Transaction > Adjust
1. In the Revenue Type column, select Revenue or Non Revenue from the
drop-down list.
2. In the Resource Name field, enter a resource name. Click Go to open a pop-up
Select page to search through existing resources.
The resource number populates automatically.
3. Alternatively, enter a resource number in the Resource Number field. Click Go
to open a pop-up Select page to search through existing resource numbers.
The Resource name populates automatically.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each resource.
5. In the split field, enter a percentage for each resource. The numbers should add
up to 100 percent.
6. Click Update to save. If you are making changes to an existing deal split, you
can click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
Deal split is used only for order and invoice type transactions. You cannot perform
a deal split for a manual type transaction with the order number or invoice number.
You cannot have only nonrevenue types in a deal split if the original transactions
are of revenue type. A deal split with only nonrevenue types is possible only if the
original transactions are of nonrevenue type.
All revenue transactions in a deal split must add up to 100%.
Transaction > Adjust
Transaction must already exist
1. In the Revenue Type column, select Revenue or Non Revenue from the drop-
down list.
2. In the Resource Name column, enter the name of resource with whom you want
to split the credit. Click Go to open a pop-up list.
3. You can use the Resource Number if necessary. The Resource Number column
populates automatically if you select a resource name.
4. Enter the percentage or amount of sales credit each person is to receive in either
the Split % or Split Amount column.
5. Enter User Comments if you wish.
6. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously stored information.
7. Click Update to save your work
The sales credit for split revenue transactions must equal 100%. If the original
salesperson is still eligible for sales credit he or she must be specified as a credit
receiver. Nonrevenue sales credit does not have the 100% constraint of revenue
All adjustments made with the above process must be loaded before they are
available for calculation.
Transaction > Load > Submit Request
Transactions must be collected.
1. Click Transactions tab and Load subtab. The Load Transactions - Submit
Request page appears.
1. In the Parameters area, enter Load Date From and To in the first two fields.
Click the calendar icon to open a pop-up calendar. These are required fields.
2. Enter a Resource Name in the next field. Click Go to open a pop-up list.
3. Optionally, enter the Resource Number.
4. Select a Load Method from the drop-down list.
5. Check the Perform Classification and Rollup check box if you want the
transactions to be processed and move up the compensation hierarchy.
6. Click Submit Request.
7. Click Refresh Data to display updated information as the concurrent
processing proceeds.
Transactions must be collected.
1. Enter parameters to narrow your search.
■ To select a Submission Date, click the calendar icon to open a pop-up
■ Use the drop-down list to select a Phase. All is the default.
■ Use the drop-down list to select a Status. There are 19 choices, but All is the
■ Search by Request ID number if you have the number available.
2. Click View Log in the Log column to display the Process Log.
UNLOADED: Status of the transaction when it is first loaded into the API table. It
also denotes that it has not been picked up for loading into the CN_COMMISSION_
HEADERS table.
ERROR - PRIOR ADJUSTMENT: This means that the value of the profile OSC:
Prior Adjustment has been set to No and the transaction processed_date has a
column value that is less than the last processed transaction processed_date. To
resolve this, perform the following:
1. Make sure to set the profile OSC: Prior Adjustment to Yes so that the system can
process prior period adjustments.
2. If the profile OSC: Prior Adjustment is set to No, change the processed_date on
the transaction to be greater than the date for which calculation was last run.
ERROR - TRX_TYPE: This means that the trx_type column value of the transaction
is not a system recognized transaction type. The possible values for this column are
Claw Back, Credit Memo, Give Back, Invoice, Manual Adjustment, Booked Orders,
Payment Received, or Write Off. To resolve this, fix the trx_type value on the
ERROR - REVENUE CLASS: This means that the revenue_class_id column value
provided on the transaction is not defined in the system. To resolve this, make sure
that the revenue_class_id value populated on the transaction refers to the revenue
class defined in the system.
ERROR - NO EXCH RATE GIVEN: This means that the transaction currency is
different from the functional currency defined for the system and the value of the
exchange_rate column is not populated. To resolve this, populate the exchange_rate
column with a value on the transaction.
ERROR - INCORRECT CONV GIVEN: This means that no value has been given to
the transaction_currency_code column and the exchange_rate column but the value
of the transaction_amount is not equal to acctd_transaction_amount. To resolve this,
make sure that the transaction’s transaction_amount column is not a functional
currency based value, and then provide values for the transaction_currency_code
and exchange_rate columns. This error should not occur if you are using
SQL*LOADER or importing a spreadsheet. This is because the acctd_transaction_
amount is not required in those cases.
ERROR - CANNOT CONV/DEFAULT: This is a catch-all bucket in case the process
cannot do currency conversion of transaction_amount column of the transaction.
Possibly the currency code has not been defined.
SALESREP ERROR: This means that the process did not find any resources defined
in the system for the given employee_number column value or salesrep_id column
value. To resolve this, perform the following procedure:
1. Make sure the employee_number or salesrep_id column is populated with a
value in the API table. If you are using SQL*LOADER or a spreadsheet, only
employee_number needs to be entered.
2. Make sure the employee_number or salesrep_id on the transaction is defined in
the system and active for the processed_date of the transaction.
PERIOD ERROR: This means that the given processed_date column value on the
transaction does not fall within the accumulation period start date and end date
that is defined in the system. To resolve this, perform the following procedure:
1. Provide a value for the column processed_date on the transaction for which the
accumulation period start date and end date are defined in the system and also
2. Verify that the accumulation period start date and end date are defined in the
system to include the processed_date column value on the transaction.
For example, if periods are defined as follows:
Jan-02 (1-Jan-02 to 31-Jan-02)
Feb-02 (1-Feb-02 to 28-Feb-02)
A transaction that is processed for 2-March-02 will create a period error message.
The transaction interface loader process does not pick up transactions in the API
that have the following load_status:
OBSOLETE: This means the transaction has been adjusted prior to the transaction
interface loader being run and cannot be uploaded into the system.
FILTERED: This means that as part of Standard collections, the post collection
process is defined to filter this transaction, therefore that it cannot be loaded into the
LOADED: This means the transaction is already successfully loaded from the table
CN_COMM_LINES_API into the transaction table CN_COMMISSION_HEADERS.
See Validation Checks and Resolution Method for more details.
Additional Note
The profile OSC: Reset Error Transactions allows you to decide whether or not to
attempt to load the unloaded transactions which failed to load in prior attempts.
The default value for this profile is No. When this profile is set to Yes, the
transaction interface loader attempts to load the transactions that failed to load in
prior loads.
If API transaction data are populated through Collection or created through
Maintain Transaction, the data is always valid. Invalid data, in most cases, are
introduced into the API table by a direct upload into the API table from an external
For example, suppose that the invalid salesrep_id, invalid employee_number or
both columns are null. For such invalid transactions, the loader sets the Load_Status
to SALESREP ERROR or PERIOD ERROR, respectively. To fix this problem, correct
the data and then turn on the OSC: Reset Error Transactions profile so that these
error transactions can be picked up again in the next run of the load process.
Because this is an expensive operation, the profile should be set to Yes only if errors
have indeed been fixed in the transactions that could not be loaded.
Nonincremental Calculation
Nonincremental Calculation calculates all transactions in a period, and it is the
default setting. Calculating all transactions is necessary if any major changes have
been made to the sales transactions database. For example, if a node or root is
added or deleted in the classification hierarchy or the effective periods of that
hierarchy, you need to recalculate every transaction. However, calculating the entire
set of transactions can take a long time.
Incremental Calculation
Incremental Calculation enables the calculation engine of Oracle Incentive
Compensation to process only transactions that are affected by a change. When you
run Incremental Calculation, the application uses the Notify Log, which tracks all
changes made in the system since the last calculation. See Section 9.5, "Using
Incremental Calculation", for more detail on this calculation method.
Check your calculation rules, and be sure that your calculation expressions, rate
tables (if applicable), plan elements, and compensation plans are all valid.
Transactions that fail calculation are marked XCALC.
■ Identifies the plan element and assigned Sales Role and Compensation Plan
(based on Plan Element to Revenue Class Mapping)
■ Uses the Revenue Class Hierarchy (traversing the hierarchy upwards to
determine the most general revenue class)
■ Handles revenue class overlap (The system generates a duplicate transaction
line record for any transaction that is associated with more than one Plan
Element due to revenue class overlap.)
■ Handles multiple roots (The system creates a system-generated duplicate
transaction line record for any transaction that is associated with more than one
sales role.)
■ Fails population. If the transaction does not find a matching revenue class in the
compensation plan for the credited resource then no commission can be
calculated. Oracle Incentive Compensation displays a status of Failed
Population (XPOP) in the transaction status column.
However, if the Rollup Summarized Transactions feature is turned on, then the
following occurs:
Before Rollup:
Total base transactions = 50 in CN_Commission_Headers (same as before)
Total summarized transactions = 5 in CN_Commission_Headers (one for
each base resource)
After Rollup:
Total number of transactions = 5 x 5 = 25 (five summarized transactions are
rolled up to each of the five managers)
The rollup summarization process results in huge reductions in the number of
transactions that need to be processed, which improves performance substantially.
You can summarize transactions if they share common definitions. The default set
of definitions includes the following fields:
■ direct_salesrep_id
■ processed_period_id
■ processed_date
■ rollup_date
■ comp_group_id
■ revenue_class_id
■ trx_type
Any transactions that match in these seven fields will be aggregated and processed
together. Therefore, it is very important to verify that your aggregated calculations
create the same result as when they are calculated separately. Some formulas can
generate different amounts of commission if aggregated transactions are used.
The following examples show a situation where aggregation does not affect
calculations and a situation where it does:
0-100 1%
100-500 3%
The first dimension measures the total quantity of the sales and the second
dimension measures the percentage achievement of the total transaction amount
against the target.
Assume the following formula is used:
■ Name: Formula 1
■ Type: Commission/Apply individual transaction
■ Cumulative: Yes
■ ITD: No
■ Split: No split
■ Input1: quantity (cumulative: Yes)
■ Input2: transaction_amount/target (cumulative: Yes)
■ Output: RateResult * transaction_amount
Suppose you have the following transactions.
is 1%. Now apply this rate to the current transaction’s transaction amount and you
get 1000 * 1% = 10.
For the second transaction, the cumulative total from input1 is 150 (adding 100 to
the previous total of 50 from transaction1) and the cumulative total from input2 is
20% + 2500 / 5000 = 70%. Comparing these two cumulative values against the rate
table, we find the rate to be 1.5%. Apply this rate to the current transaction’s
transaction amount and you get 2500 * 1.5% = 37.5.
For the third transaction, the cumulative total from input1 is 650 (adding 500 to the
previous total of 150 from transaction1) and the cumulative total from input2 is 70%
+ 4000 / 5000 = 150%. Comparing these two cumulative values against the rate
table, the rate is 3%. Apply this rate to the current transaction’s transaction amount
and you get 4000 * 3% = 120.
The total commission for all these three transactions will be 10 + 37.5 + 120 = 167.5.
Note that both input values are accumulated and the cumulative totals are used to
look up the rate from the rate table.
The first dimension measures the total quantity of the sales and the second
dimension measures the percentage achievement of the total transaction amount
against the target.
Assume the following formula is used:
■ Name: Formula 1
■ Type: Commission/Apply individual transaction
■ Cumulative: Yes
■ ITD: Yes
■ Split: Non-proportional split
Note that only the dimension marked to perform a split is traversed while splitting
the total amount. The other dimension(s) is only used to determine which set of
rates are used in computing the commission.
Transaction > Calculate
Transactions must be collected and loaded.
1. Click the Transaction tab and the Calculate subtab.
The Calculation Submission page appears.
2. In the search parameters, query for the batch by name or select Failed from the
Calculation Status drop-down list to list all failed batches.
3. Click Apply.
4. Click the batch name in the Batch Name column.
5. Click Calculate.
Calculation begins from the failed phase.
Use the following procedure to run or create a batch for calculation. To create a new
batch, start at step 1. To use a previously defined batch, click the link in the Batch
Name column and begin at step 8.
Transaction > Calculate
Transactions must already be collected and loaded.
1. Click Create. A new page appears, with blank fields.
2. Enter a batch name in the Batch Name field or click a link on the page in the
Batch Name column.
3. Select the dates of the transactions to be calculated. You can click the calendar
icon to open a pop-up calendar.
4. From the drop-down list, select the type of calculation to be submitted, either
Commission or Bonus.
5. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
6. Click Next.
Another page, also called Calculation Submission, appears, with the
information you entered displayed and new choices to make.
7. In the Resource Option field, select one of three options from the drop-down
■ All Resources
■ Resources Specified by You
■ Resources in Notify Log
This enables you to calculate compensation for everyone, for a specially selected
group, or limits it to just resources affected by recent changes to their
compensation plan (See Guidelines).
The following steps apply to batches that you have just created or previously
created batches.
8. Check any of the three check boxes as needed:
■ Entire Hierarchy
■ Concurrent Calculation
■ Incremental Calculation
See Guidelines for more information.
9. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
10. Click Previous to view the previous Calculation Submission page.
1. Enter the resources’ names.
Their employee numbers populate automatically.
To create more blank rows, place the cursor in the final field and press Enter.
The previous screen appears. Click Next to return to entering names.
2. When you have finished entering names, click Calculate.
3. If the calculation was successful, the Status field now shows Completed.
Note: To verify that the calculation was processed correctly, you can go to the
Year to Date Summary for the corresponding fiscal year (Transaction > Report >
Year to Date Summary). Search for the resource name and select the correct
fiscal year.
4. To view the Process Log, perform the following steps:
a. Return to the Calculation Submission page.
b. Enter the request ID for your transaction.
c. Click View Log in the Log column.
The Process Log appears and displays the information relating to your
calculation process.
The Status field displays the status of the calculation using these values:
■ Incomplete: The calculation has not been submitted.
■ Complete: The calculation has completed successfully.
■ Failed: An error has occurred. You can run the calculation again, if necessary.
■ In progress: The calculation is still in the processing of running.
Transactions with process dates that fall within the dates you specify are included in
the calculation.
If you have made a change that will affect the calculation, such as a rate table
change, then the application lists in the Notify Log all resources and periods that are
affected by the change. Select Resources in Notify Log to calculate all the resources
affected by the changes made.
Following is an explanation of the sort parameters:
■ Entire Hierarchy: Selecting this option submits calculation for resources on the
entire hierarchy. If you selected Resources Specified by You or Resources in
Notify Log, disable this option to perform the calculation on only the specific
resources you selected rather than their hierarchy.
■ Concurrent Calculation: If the calculation is large, select this option to run the
calculation as a background process in the Concurrent Manager. After you
submit a concurrent process, you can proceed to do other things while it
completes the calculation. You may want to make a note of the concurrent
request ID number in case you want to check the status of the process later on.
If a batch runner fails during concurrent calculation, the application
automatically cancels other running and pending batch runners. If you deselect
this option, then calculation is performed online.
■ Incremental Calculation: Use incremental calculations for most or all of your
calculations. This option calculates only newly added transactions. This option
also calculates the compensation for resources who are affected by events that
happened since the previous calculation.
■ Compensation Plans
■ Role plan assignment
■ Resource role assignment
■ Resource level plan element change
■ Interval number
■ New transactions
To use Incremental Calculation you must check the Incremental Calculation check
box on the Calculation Submission page when running the calculation. To enable
the Notify Log functionality you must set the profile option OSC: Mark Events to Y.
If you normally use Incremental Calculation for every calculation you do not need
to deselect the Incremental Calculation check box. The Notify Log keeps track of
changes and if a Nonincremental Calculation is required it will do this
automatically. You can check the Notify Log to see if it will run for all sales people
to get an indication of how long the calculation will take. However, making entries
into the Notify Log can impact performance so it is advisable to deselect the
Incremental Calculation check box for the first time when you are expecting to
make major changes to the classification rules or revenue class hierarchy.
Oracle Incentive Compensation can track notifications to the following four levels:
■ Resource Level: If an event causes re-calculation for multiple periods, then the
mark event creates an entry for a resource with a Null period and specifies the
date range.
■ Resource/Period Level: A resource usually has one entry per period with a
status of Incomplete in the Notify Log table. If the event causes a change to all
resources, then instead of adding an entry for all the resources, there is a global
entry, which tracks all resources for a period.
■ Resource/Period/Start Date Level: If an event causes the change at the specific
date level within a period, notification can track at specific date range level.
This allows recalculation to be done for transactions falling within the specified
date range instead of calculating for the entire period.
■ Resource/Period/Start Date/Plan Element Level: This level is the most granular
level that is captured, and it makes incremental calculation the most efficient.
For the events that cause the REVERT_TO_STATE to go only to the Population
phase, only the Calculation phase needs to be rerun. This makes sense if, for
example, the transaction is being rerun only because of a change in the
commission rate of a single plan element.
9.5.1 Revert_To_State
Revert_to_state determines the state to which all transactions will be reverted in the
Revert phase of the Calculation. For example, if revert_to_state is ’ROLL, then all
transactions created by Oracle Incentive Compensation after ROLL will be deleted
and all source transactions (transactions not generated by the application) will have
a transaction status of ’ROLL’. If a transaction has been reverted to ROLL, the
Rollup phase of the Calculation will skip Rolling up the transactions with ROLL
Revert_to_State alone does not determine which calculation phases to skip. The
Action column in the notification table, in conjunction with Revert_to_State,
determines which calculation phases are executed.
If there are multiple entries in the notify log for the same period then the entry with
the lowest revert_to_state will take precedence. For example, if an event creates an
entry with Revert_to_State ’CALC’ and ’ROLL’ then the revert phase of the
calculation reverts all the transactions for a resource to the ’ROLL’ status, and will
re-process the transactions from the Population phase.
Incremental calculation goes through all phases of the calculation, but the revert
phase based on the Revert_to_State intelligently figures out to what state the
different transactions for a salesrep need to be reverted. If the transactions are
reverted to POP status, the Population phase of the calculation ignores all the
transactions with the POP phase, which improves performance.
Resources must exist. An event must have taken place.
Transaction > Notification Log
1. To search, click Search to use the NotifyLogDefault parameters or any searches
you have already saved. To create a custom search, click Personalize (see
Customizing the Notify Log Search below).
2. Click any of the table headers that are links to sort the log on that particular
3. Use Previous and Next go move from the displayed rows to the ones before or
after them.
Transaction > Notification Log > Personalize
1. On the Search page, enter search parameters into the six fields in the Notify Log
area. Parameters include:
■ Resource Name (text)
■ Employee Number (text)
■ Start Date (text or click the icon for a pop-up calendar)
■ End Date (text or click the icon for a pop-up calendar)
■ Revert to State (drop-down list with 14 options)
– All (default)
– No Calculation
– Unprocessed
– Calculated
– Classified
– Obsoleted
– Payeed
– Populated
– Rolled Up
– Failed Calculation
– Failed Classification
– Failed Payee
– Failed Population
– Failed Rollup
■ Status (drop-down list with 5 options.)
– All
– Completed (default)
– Failed
10.1.1 Prerequisites
In order for resources to receive payment, they must be assigned to a pay group and
a compensation plan that are effective for the period for which the payrun is
created. This is how OIC determines if a resource is qualified to receive
To create a pay group, navigate to Administration > Incentive > Pay Group. See
Chapter 12, Administration, for information on how to create a pay group.
To assign a resource to a pay group, navigate to Resource > Resources, enter the
name of the resource, and click Pay Groups in the left-hand menu. See Chapter 7,
Assigning Compensation Plans, to assign a pay group to a resource.
The resource optionally can be assigned a payment plan, which is used to control
how much of the resource’s earnings are paid in each payrun. Some payment plans
contain minimum or maximum amounts per pay period. Minimum amounts are
used to pay resources compensation during periods in which they do not earn
substantial commissions, and maximum amounts are used to reduce payment when
a resource earns more commission than they can be paid.
Minimum amounts may be recoverable or nonrecoverable. Recoverable payments
need to be paid back, but nonrecoverable payments do not. The payback by the
resource can be scheduled and limited in various ways. Overpayments can be
carried forward or waived with the Pay Later feature.
To create a payment plan, navigate to Administration > Incentive > Payment Plan.
See Chapter 12, Administration for the steps for this process. Assign the payment
plan to the resource in the same way you assigned the pay group. Navigate to
Resource > Resources, enter the name of the resource, and click Payment Plans in
the left-hand menu.
All calculations for all resources for which you want to pay commission must be
completed for the appropriate date range before you can start the payrun process.
Calculation creates the commission amounts for transactions and updates the
commission due amounts. The Payment process then uses these amounts to
populate the payment amount for each resource. If any adjustments are made later,
they will be resolved the next time a payrun is run.
also appear in the Analyst Notes, such as holds, waives, adjustments, and refreshes.
See Section 10.6, "Using the Payment Transactions Page" for more information.
1. Click the Transaction tab and the Payment subtab. The Payrun Summary page
2. To create a new payrun, click Create Payrun. This takes you to the Create
Payrun page. See Section 10.4, "Creating a Payrun".
3. To list all payruns, click Apply in the search parameters section at the top of the
page. Or, you can use the parameters to narrow your search. The Payrun and
Paygroup parameters use a search feature, with a Go button. The other three
parameters use a drop-down list of values from which to select. The parameters
■ Payrun: Enter the full name or partial name and click Go.
■ Pay Period: Select from the drop-down list. All pay periods that are already
created in the Administration tab and are open are displayed. The default
setting is All.
■ Paygroup: Like the Payrun parameter, use the full or partial name, or enter
the percent sign (%) as a wild card. Enter at least four characters, and click
Go. To be listed, the pay group must be defined in the Administration tab.
■ Payrun Status: Select All, Frozen, Paid, or Unpaid from the drop-down list.
Payruns can be frozen only by the SuperUser. The default setting is All.
■ Incentive Type: Select All, Bonus, or Commission from the drop-down list.
The default setting is All.
4. Click Apply. Any payruns that match the parameters you selected are
5. Verify payrun information by checking the first four columns. They display
basic information that identifies the name of the payrun, the paygroup that uses
it, the incentive types (All, Bonus or Commission, and the pay period.
6. Click the link in the Payrun Status column to view the Payrun History page.
There, status changes are listed by:
■ Status Change Date - Date the action was performed.
■ New Status - Unpaid, Locked, Submitted, Approved, or Paid.
■ Updated By - Name of the person performing the status change.
7. Look at the Worksheet Statuses column on the Payrun Summary page to see the
quantity and status of worksheets that were in the payrun. This information
helps managers see the progress of their reporting analysts, so they can contact
the analysts to be sure they submit their worksheets in a timely manner.
8. Click the link in the Analysts Payrun Total column. The Worksheet Summary
page appears. Many actions can be performed on this page. See Section 10.5,
"Using the Worksheet Summary" for details.
9. The Payrun Total column displays the total amount for all payment worksheets
for the payrun.
10. If the Payrun Summary shows approved worksheets in the Worksheet Statuses
column, you can click Signoff Report to go to the Payrun Sign-Off Report page.
This page supplies additional details about the Payrun, and is used by
managers approve or reject a payment worksheet.
If you are logged in as a manager, the Analysts Payrun Total column displays the
sum of the payments due to resources assigned to you or analysts assigned to you.
If you are logged in as a Super User, the field displays 0.00.
The Payrun Summary can be sorted in ascending or descending order on any
column except Worksheet Status or Signoff Report.
In order to be paid, a resource must be created in Resource Manager, be assigned to
a pay group, and be assigned a payment plan.
1. Click the Transaction Tab and the Payment subtab. The Payrun Summary page
1. Enter a payrun name. This is a required field.
2. Select a pay group from the drop-down list. The drop-down list displays pay
groups that have been created in the Administration tab.
3. Select a pay period from the drop-down list. Pay periods are defined in the
Administration tab.
4. Select a payment incentive type from the drop-down list. Choices are All,
Bonus, or Commission. All is the default.
5. Select a Pay Date. Click the calendar icon to open a pop-up calendar.
6. Click Update to save the payrun. If necessary, click Restore to return to the
previously saved information.
You can only have one open payrun per pay group at any one time. The application
will not allow you to create a new payrun until the status of any previous payruns
for the pay group is Paid.
You can only create payruns for the last period paid or a future period. Once you
have paid a payrun for one period you cannot go back to the previous month to
create a payrun for the pay group.
It is possible to have more than one payrun for the same pay group in the same
period as long as you have paid the first one. This is known as an off-cycle
In addition, you can click five different links on this page to go to other pages for
additional information. The table below shows the column that contains a link in
the report and the page that appears when you click the link:
The payrun must already be created.
1. Use the search parameters at the top of the page to call up worksheet
■ Resource Name
■ Resource Number
■ Analyst
■ Worksheet Status: Select All, Approved, Locked, Submitted, or Unpaid
from the drop-down list. All is the default.
Note: Check the Unassigned Resources and My Analysts check boxes to
generate a list all data for all of your analysts and unassigned resources when
you click Apply Search.
As a business process, a payrun can be populated with resource worksheets in two
■ The Super User runs a concurrent program that creates all the worksheets for
the members of the paygroup for the specified payrun.
■ The Analysts manually add their resources’ worksheets.
You can sort the Worksheet Summary page on any column except for Current
Earnings Due or Analyst Notes. You can sort in ascending or descending order.
Payment worksheet must already be created. Analyst can work only on worksheets
assigned to him or her or unassigned.
1. Enter comments into the Analyst Notes in the Worksheet Header Comments
a. Select a reason code from the drop-down list.
b. Add any additional comments in the Additional Comments field.
c. Click the History link to see the Payment Worksheet History page.
2. Check the Hold Transaction check box to hold a transaction. This delays
payment for the transaction to a future payrun.
3. Check the Waive Recovery check box to waive recovery for a transaction. This
means that the resource does not have to pay back the payment for the
4. The Calculated Amount column displays the total amount calculated for the
resource at the time calculation was run.
5. The Payment Difference column displays the difference between the Calculated
Amount and Payment Amount, if any, for unpaid transactions. Values other
than ’0.00’ indicate that the earnings captured by the worksheet are not the most
current for the resource. A worksheet refresh obtains the most up-to-date
commission data.
6. To create a manual pay adjustment, enter the amount into the Payment Amount
column. Use the Waive Recovery check box to indicate if it is recoverable or
7. The Plan Element Name and Pay Element Name fields show information that
may be helpful when changing the payment amount.
8. Click Update to save any changes. Click Restore to return to the previously
saved information.
9. Click the Lock Worksheet button to lock the data on the payment worksheet for
the resource. This must be done to before submitting the worksheet for
approval by the manager, or it can be done to keep the information from being
10. Optionally, click Add Payment Plan to add a payment plan to the resource that
will be in effect for the pay worksheet.
The Payment Transactions page can be sorted on three columns, in ascending or
descending order:
■ Calculated Amount
■ Payment Difference
■ Payment Amount
The Payment Transactions page is a worksheet that displays all transactions for the
resource, including Transaction Type, Calculated Amount, Payment Difference, and
Payment Amount. Now, while looking at this information, you can add a payment
plan if the payrun has not yet been paid.
You can hold a transaction or waive recovery for a transaction by checking the
appropriate check box next to it. When you hold a transaction it is taken out of the
payment worksheet and is not paid in the current payrun. It can be paid in a future
payrun. A new feature allows you to create manual transactions that are recoverable
or non-recoverable. Check the Waive Recovery check box next to a manual
transaction if it does not need to be paid back later by the resource.
The Payment Difference column displays the difference between the Calculated
Amount and Payment Amount for unpaid transactions. Any changes to
transactions will affect the total payment amount to the resource.
After calculation is complete, payruns are created using the Run Create Worksheets
Concurrent Process. The payrun is opened and analysts begin reviewing the
commission information for resources assigned to them. Analysts can drill down on
the Current Earnings Due link on the Worksheet Summary to the Current Estimated
Payout page. There, analysts can see the resource’s overall performance to quickly
verify that the overall earnings match what the resource is supposed to receive. On
the Current Estimated Payout page, analysts review the resource’s annual
quota/target, YTD achievement, Period-to-Date data, and the earnings by quota or
If an analyst decides that some adjustments are necessary, he or she can make
manual adjustments to the payment amount using the Payment Transactions page.
These adjustments can be:
■ Adjustments to earnings
When all the worksheets for the payrun are approved by all levels of managers, the
Super User submits a Pay Payrun. The payrun status then changes to Paid. If the
Super User freezes the payrun, no changes can be made to the worksheets by
Payment worksheets must be submitted to the manager by the analyst.
1. Log in as a manager responsibility.
2. Click the Transaction tab and the Payment subtab. The Payrun Summary page
3. Click Signoff Report in the Signoff Report column next to the payrun you want
to work on. The Payrun Sign-Off page appears.
4. Click Select next to the payment worksheets that you want to reject or approve.
You can click Select All to select all of the worksheets.
5. Optionally, click the Analyst Notes link to see the Analyst Notes. Information in
the notes may be useful in determining whether to reject or approve a
6. Click Reject or Approve.
7. You can download the report to a .csv file by clicking the download icon to the
right of the Approve button. The file can be opened in a spreadsheet program.
Any adjustments performed at the payment plan level will be redone.
Payrun must be approved by Super User.
1. Click the Requests tab and click the Payment subtab. The Payment Requests -
View Requests page appears.
2. Select from the drop-down lists in the search parameters to narrow your
■ Request Name. Selections include:
– All (the default)
– Pay Payrun
– Delete Unpaid Payrun
– Create Worksheet
■ Phase. Selections include:
– All (the default)
– Completed
– Inactive
– Pending
– Running
■ Status. Selections include:
– All (the default)
– 18 other options, including Normal and Error
■ Request ID. Enter the number of the request, or sort in request ID order.
3. Click Apply.
Any records that match the search parameters are displayed, in reverse
chronological order, with the most recent record at the top.
Information displayed includes:
■ Request ID
■ Request Name
■ Phase
■ Status
■ Parameter
■ Submission Date
■ Requestor
■ Priority
■ Log (explanation of what happened)
This information is helpful in determining the status of your current payruns, and
in planning new payruns.
Payrun must be approved by Super User.
1. Click the Requests tab and click the Payment subtab. The Payment Requests -
Submit Request page appears.
2. In the Request Name field, select Create Worksheet, Pay Payrun, or Delete
Unpaid Payrun from the drop-down list.
3. Select a Payrun name from the drop-down list. All payruns that have been
created in the Transaction tab are listed.
4. Click Submit Request.
A new row appears at the top of the table, with a Request ID number in the first
5. Click Refresh Data to update the table to reflect any changes to the phase.
Reports 11-1
Overview of Oracle Incentive Compensation Reports
(Quota tab)
Quota Model x x x x x x Changed from Quota Modeling
Summary Summary in 11.5.6
Average Quota x x x x x x
Quota x x x x x x Changed from Overassign Quota
Overassignment Summary in 11.5.6
Quota Range x x x x x x Changed from Quota Range
Report Summary in 11.5.6
Reports 11-3
Overview of Oracle Incentive Compensation Reports
Reports 11-5
Incentive Planning Reports
Quota > Report > Quota Model Summary
The search criteria produces a list of Compensation Groups. You must select one
Compensation Group.
The first table of information
Reports 11-7
Incentive Planning Reports
Quota > Report > Average Quota Summary
The search criteria will produce a list of Compensation Groups and User is required
to select one Compensation Group.
First table of information:
Reports 11-9
Incentive Planning Reports
The last row displays the total number of salespeople for the role and the simple
mathematical average for each column.
Quota > Report > Overassign Quota Summary
The search criteria will produce a list of Compensation Groups and User is required
to select one Compensation Group.
Quota > Report > Quota Range Summary
The search criteria produce a list of Compensation Groups and you must select one
Compensation Group.
Reports 11-11
Incentive Planning Reports
Quota > Report > Compensation Contract Status
The search criteria produce a list of Salespeople Found. Select a name in the
salesperson Name column.
In the Compensation Contract Status report, the columns represent lines of
business, including a total. The rows represent stages in the contract process,
including Pending Approval, Pending Distribution, Pending Acceptance, and
Accepted. There is a total row for each line of business.
Quota > Report > Overlay Summary
The search criteria produce a list of Compensation Groups. You must select one
Compensation Group.
Reports 11-13
Incentive Planning Reports
Quota > Report > Vacancy Summary
The search criteria produce a list of Compensation Groups. You must select one
Compensation Group.
Quota > Report > Transitional Salespeople
The search criteria produce a list of Compensation Groups. You must select one
Compensation Group.
Reports 11-15
Incentive Planning Reports
processing. This report helps you to identify those compensation plans that have
not been activated for commission processing and to take action to investigate its
non-active status.
Prior to this release of Oracle Incentive Compensation, the components in Salesforce
Planning had to be identical to the plan elements in Oracle Incentive Compensation
used for commission processing, or the activation failed. In this release, activation
will succeed as long as each component in the Incentive Planning compensation
plan has a matching plan element in the compensation plan in Oracle Incentive
Compensation, even if additional plan elements exist in the compensation plan.
For example, an Incentive Planning compensation plan has three components
which match three plan elements in a compensation plan in Oracle Incentive
Compensation, but the latter plan has a fourth element allowing manual
transactions to be processed. In this case, the plan should be activated successfully.
Quota > Report > Plan Status
The search criteria produce a list of Compensation Groups. You must select one
Compensation Group.
Quota > Report > Role to Compensation Plan Mapping
The first table of information:
Reports 11-17
Compensation Reports
Incentive Compensation Online Super User responsibility is required.
1. Click the name of the report you want to view.
The Salesperson Search page appears.
2. Enter search parameters and click Go.
The Salesperson Search Results page appears.
3. Click the Salesperson Name to open the report.
These are the eight Compensation reports:
■ Section 11.4.1, "Year To Date Summary"
■ Section 11.4.2, "Transaction Details Report"
■ Section 11.4.3, "Compensation Group Hierarchy Report"
■ Section 11.4.4, "Classification Rules Report"
■ Section 11.4.5, "Commission Summary Report"
■ Section 11.4.6, "Quota Performance Report"
Salespeople Search
Use this page to search for a specific salesperson’s report.
Salesperson must exist in Resource Manager.
1. Select an analyst from the drop-down list. The default is All.
2. Enter a name or employee number.
You can use a partial name or number followed by a percent sign (%) to
perform a general search, such as for names beginning with the letter S. Or,
leave the percent sign alone in the fields to list all possible salespeople in the
search results.
3. Click Go.
4. The Salesperson Search Results page appears.
5. Click the Salesperson Name to open the report for that person.
6. To start over, click Clear to return the page to its original settings.
Reports 11-19
Compensation Reports
Transaction > Report > Year to Date Summary
Transaction > Report > Transaction Details Report
This standard report lists the transactions a salesperson is eligible to receive
commission for during a specified period. The columns visible are controlled by
the System Administrator. You can display up to 12 columns without having to
scroll left or right. You can customize the report by adding columns, such as
Attribute1 shown in the table. Below is a sample of the available columns for this
Reports 11-21
Compensation Reports
Transaction > Report > Compensation Group Hierarchy Report
1. Use the Salespeople Search window to search by Analyst, Name, or Employee
2. If multiple search results appear, click the name that you need.
The Compensation Group Hierarchy Report opens.
3. If the resource belongs to multiple compensation groups, select one from the
drop-down list.
4. Effective date defaults to today’s date. You may change it by clicking the
calendar icon to select a different date.
5. Click Submit.
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 with other names and compensation groups as
7. Optionally, click a resource name in the table body to display a Year to Date
Summary for that person.
Reports 11-23
Compensation Reports
Transaction > Report > Classification Rules Report
1. Select the ruleset name from the list of values, and enter a search key in the Rule
Name field, for example, FY01.
2. The Effective Date field populates with the current date, but any other date can
be selected by clicking the calendar icon to the right of the field.
3. Use Clear to start over, or click Go after you have entered all of the necessary
search information. The Rules Found page is displayed.
4. Click a rule to go to the Classification Rules Report for that rule.
The report generated displays the Rule Name, Revenue Class, and Expression.
Click Download to generate a .csv file that can be opened in a spreadsheet
Transaction > Report > Commission Summary
Reports 11-25
Compensation Reports
1. Select an Analyst from the drop-down list. The default is All.
2. Select a period from the drop-down list.
3. Select Functional Currency in the Credit Type field.
4. Select a Reporting Currency for the report from the drop-down list.
5. Click Apply.
The report appears.
6. Click the Personalize button at the end of the report to customize the report.
The Quota Performance Personalization page appears. Check check boxes to
select Display Quota Groups (Bonus or Quota) and Display Periods (Annual,
Year to Date, Period to Date).
7. Click the Download button at the end of the report to download the report as a
Transaction > Report > Quota Performance
Reports 11-27
Compensation Reports
Transaction > Report > Commission Statement
Also, you can drill down to this report from the Year to Date Summary.
This standard report lists the transactions a salesperson is eligible to receive
commission for during a specified period. The columns visible are controlled by the
System Administrator. You can display up to 12 columns without having to scroll
left or right. Below is a sample of the available columns for this report.
Reports 11-29
Compensation Reports
1. In the Period Type field select Period, Quarter, or Year from the drop-down list.
2. In the Period field select a period.
3. In the Compensation Category field, make a selection. The default setting is All.
4. In the Reporting Currency field, you can select from a list of currencies in
which to display the report.
5. Click Apply to display the report.
After the report is displayed, you can drill down on a amount in the Invoice
Number column to display the Invoice Detail page. This page displays the
following information:
■ Number
■ Payment Type
■ Receipt Date
■ Maturity Date
■ Customer Name
■ From Bank
■ From Account
Payment information includes the following:
■ Currency
■ Payment Amount
■ Amount Applied
■ On Account
■ Unapplied Account
The Line Details area displays eleven columns of information related to the
You can click the amount in the Order Number column to display the Order Detail
page. This page shows the following general information:
■ Number
■ Date
■ Type
■ Salesperson
The Order Detail page displays the following shipping information:
■ Ship to Person
■ Ship to Address
■ Ship Method
The area below the shipping information displays billing information:
■ Bill to Person
■ Bill to Address
■ Taxable
■ Currency
■ Freight Terms
■ Total
Reports 11-31
Compensation Reports
The Line Details area at the bottom of the screen shows nine fields of information
related to the order itself, including the product, quantity ordered, and extended
Transaction > Report > Unprocessed Transactions
This standard report lists the transactions a salesperson is eligible to receive
commission for during a specified period. The columns visible are controlled by
the System Administrator. You can display up to 12 columns without having to
scroll left or right. Below is a sample of the available columns for this report.
Reports 11-33
Configuring Reports
Three reports can also be configured to hide or display certain columns. These
reports are:
■ Transaction Details
■ Commission Statement
■ Unprocessed Transactions
See Steps for Hiding or Displaying Columns to perform this procedure.
NOTE: Some JSP reports share the same region in the Application Core Module.
Therefore, any changes you make in the region to hide or show a column affect all
reports that reference the same region.
For example, the Commission Summary report and Quota Performance report share
the Quota Summary region name. Also, the Commission Statement report and
Unprocessed Transactions report share the Adjustments Report region.
Reports 11-35
Configuring Reports
7. Find the Attribute or Column name in the list and then select the Node Display
check box to show the column or deselect the Node Display check box to hide
the column.
8. If you are setting a column to show, scroll over to the V Align column and select
Top from the List of Values.
9. Scroll over to the Long Label field and enter a descriptive name for the
10. Click Save.
The table below displays the Region ID, Region Name, and jsp Name for each
Table 11–1
Report Region ID Region Name jsp Name
Year to Date Summary CN1152_YTD_ Year to Date Summary cnytdsum.jsp
Transaction Details CN1152_ADJUST_DTL Adjustments Report cnadjdtl.jsp
Compensation Group CN1152_CG_HIER Group Hierarchy Report cncghier.jsp
Hierarchy Report
Classification Rules CN1152_RULES CN1152_RULES cnclrls.jsp
Commission Summary CN1152_QUOTA_ Quota Summary cnquota.jsp
Quota Performance CN1152_QUOTA_ Quota Summary cnquota.jsp
Commission Statement CN1152_ Adjustments Report cncomm.jsp
Unprocessed CN1152_ADJUST_DTL Adjustments Report cnunprdl.jsp
Quota Model Summary CN_QM_SUMMARY CN QM Summary cnranqms.jsp
Average Quota CN1152_REP_AQS Average Quota cnranaqs.jsp
Summary Summary
Table 11–1
Report Region ID Region Name jsp Name
Quota Overassignment CN1152_REP_OAS Overassign Quota Sum cnranoas.jsp
Quota Range Report CN1152_REP_QMR Quota Range Summary cnranqmr.jsp
Compensation Contract CN_ANAL_REP_ Plan Summary Region cnranpsr.jsp
Overlay Report CN1152_REP_OSR Overlay Summary cnrvaosr.jsp
Vacancy Summary CN1152_REP_TBH To be Hired Report cnrvatbh.jsp
Transition Report CN1152_REP_TSR Transitional SP cnrvatsr.jsp
Plan Activation Status CN1152_COMP_GEN_ Plan Generation Status cnrgests.jsp
Report STS
Role to Compensation CN1152_ROLE_PLAN_ Role Plan Mapping cnrgemap.jsp
Plan Mapping MAP
Reports 11-37
Discoverer Workbooks
11.6.4 Resources with Pay Group Assignment Different than Compensation Plan
This workbook identifies resources whose compensation plan assignments are not
correlated with their pay group assignments. This report should be run before
starting the calculation process. Columns include:
■ Analyst Name
■ Resource Name
■ Resource Number
■ Role Name
■ Compensation Plan Name
■ Compensation Plan Start Date
■ Compensation Plan End Date
■ Pay Group Name
■ Pay Group Start Date
■ Pay Group End Date
Reports 11-39
Discoverer Workbooks
■ Commission
■ Credit Receiver
■ Direct Credit Receiver
■ Total - Sales Credit
■ Total - Commission
■ Total - Commission
Reports 11-41
Discoverer Workbooks
Administration 12-1
Overview of Administration
Administration > Incentive > Parameter
12.2.1 General
1. Enter the name of your Oracle Incentive Compensation instance.
2. Select a Revenue Class Hierarchy from the list of values.
1. In the Set of Books field, choose a GL set of books from the list of values, which
Oracle Incentive Compensation obtains from all sets of books that have been
2. You will then see displayed this information obtained from the GL books:
■ Currency associated with this set of books (view only, cannot be edited)
■ Calendar associated with this set of GL books (view only, cannot be edited)
■ Period Type associated with this set of GL books (view only)
12.2.3 Collection
1. Select a Collection Batch Size. This affects the amount of time the application
requires to process the total transactions.
2. Select a Transfer Batch Size.
3. Select the number of Clawback Grace Days. This determines the number of
days allowed after the payment due date before sales credit is taken back.
Administration 12-3
System Parameters
12.2.4 Calculation
Within the Calculation area of the System Parameters page, there are five fields.
Four of the fields may affect calculation and its performance: Transaction Batch Size,
Latest Processed Date, Salesperson Batch Size, and Managerial Rollup. A fifth field
included under calculation, Rule Batch Size, does not affect calculation in any way.
This option is used when creating the Classification Rules Package.
The Transaction Batch Size and Salesperson Batch Size together determine how
many transaction batch runners get submitted for concurrent calulation.
Nonconcurrent calculation always uses one batch. During the transaction batch
processor phase, Oracle Incentive Compensation determines how many batches will
be run for the concurrent calculation process. For example, if you want to calculate
10,000 transactions and the batch size is 1,000, ten batches will be created.
The salespeople are first assigned to a PHYSICAL_BATCH_ID based on the
transaction batch size and salespeople batch size as defined on the System
Parameters page. During the assignment, calculation moves through each of the
salesrep_id sequentially (for example, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1010, and so on).
Calculation assigns each salesperson to a single physical_batch_id. It does not split
the salesperson across two batches.
Note: A good starting point for setting the values for salesperson batch size is a
rough equivalent to the maximum number of concurrent manager slots and the
number of server processors available. You can then fine tune the numbers to get
the best setting for your setup.
The Latest Processed Date field is a view-only field that indicates the date of the
latest transaction for which calculation has been run. If the system profile OSC:
Prior Adjustment is set to no, it allows all plan elements in a period to be calculated
incrementally. Before enabling the profile option, be sure that any transactions that
have a processed date earlier than the latest processed date showin in the System
Parameter window have been calculated.
Check the Managerial Rollup check box if you want sales credits to roll up through
the compensation group hierarchies. If the box is checked, Oracle Incentive
Compensation awards indirect credit for each transaction whose direct credit
receiver is in the compensation group hierarchy. This parameter affects all
transactions--you cannot selectively allocate indirect credit on a
transaction-by-transaction basis.
1. Configure a transaction batch size that is appropriate to your calculation
2. Configure a salesperson batch size that is appropriate to your calculation
3. Check the Managerial Rollup check box if you want sales credits to roll up
through the compensation group hierarchies.
12.2.5 Payment
1. Indicate whether Oracle Payable and Payroll are implemented.
2. Use the Account Generation field to instruct the application from what level
you want account codes to be generated. Select Revenue Class, Plan Element,
Custom, or Classification from the drop-down list.
Account Generation is an option you can use to populate account codes at the
appropriate detail level and then select from where the application pulls expense
and liability information.
There are four levels of detail where population can occur:
■ Classification - The application takes expense and liability accounts that are
provided on the Ruleset Details page and passes that information to Accounts
■ Plan Element - The application takes expense and liability accounts that are
provided on the Plan Element page and passes that information to Accounts
■ Revenue Class - The application takes expense and liability accounts that are
provided on the Revenue Class Summary page and passes that information to
Accounts Payable.
■ Custom - The Custom option provides flexibility for companies that want to
pass along expense and liability data which are independent of the normal
Oracle Incentive Compensation classification process. Mapping to this data is
Administration 12-5
System Parameters
Account Generation is set at the application level. Once it is set, the application
obtains all of the information from only that level. This means that regardless of
where you populate data, if it doesn’t match the system option, it cannot be used.
For example, if you set the system parameter to Plan Element and begin populating
expense and liability account information at the Revenue Class level, the
application ignores whatever you enter at the Revenue Class level.
If you select the Classification level from the Account Generation drop-down list,
you must perform the following setup, which is similar to the current classification
Ruleset procedure:
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive tab.
2. In the side panel menu, click Ruleset.
The Rulesets page appears.
3. Define the name of the ruleset
4. Enter a start date and an end date for the ruleset. Click the calendar icons to
open pop-up calendars.
5. Select the type of Account Generation from the drop-down list.
6. Click Update to save your work.
7. Click Rules in the Rules column.
The Rules Hierarchy page appears.
8. Click the name of the rule to go to the Create Rules page.
9. On the Create Rules page, click Create Child.
10. Assign a name to the rule that you are about to define.
11. Click Go to choose a revenue class from the list of values.
12. On the Rule Attributes tab, choose a user column name from the list of values,
choose the type of values from the drop-down list, and enter the value or values
that apply.
13. Optionally, enter additional attributes for the rule.
Note: Every attribute is assumed to be linked to other attributes with AND. If
you want any of the attributes to be related with OR, use the Build Expression
tab to relate the first two attributes with AND or OR.
14. An additional value of Result1 appears in the first column and is added to the
attribute list of values.
15. Continue to relate the remaining attributes. Use Result1 to relate a third
attribute to the first two.
16. Save the rule.
The expression appears.
17. To add rules in the rules hierarchy, position your cursor over the parent rule,
right click, and choose New Rule. Repeat from step 2.
18. Return to the Ruleset form for every ruleset that has new or changed rules and
click Synchronize.
The application checks to see what account generator level has been set. Based on
this level, the appropriate Accounts Payable accounts are associated to the line item.
The three levels are as follows:
Revenue Class: Each revenue class will be assigned a specific liability and expense
account. This option should be used if tracking expenses for each product is
Plan Element: Each plan element can be assigned a specific liability and expense
account. This option should be used if all products assigned to the plan element will
be assigned to the same expense and liability account.
Classification: An entire rule can be assigned a specific liability and expense
12.3 Tables
Use the Tables page to define tables from Accounts Receivable, Order Management,
or an external source that are used in collecting and calculating transactions in
Incentive Compensation. Tables must be defined before they can be used in
collection or calculation. To define tables, perform the following procedure.
Administration > Incentive > Tables
Administration 12-7
Tables must exist in the database.
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Tables link in the side panel menu.
3. The Tables page appears.
4. If you want, enter search parameters by Schema, Table Name, or User Name.
5. Click Apply.
6. Enter a Schema in the Schema field. Click Go to open a pop-up list from which
to select a name.
7. Enter a Table Name from which you want to collect data. Use the pop-up list if
8. Enter a User Name.
9. Enter a description if desired.
10. In the Usage column, select Collection, Calculation, or None from the drop-
down list.
11. Click Update to save your work.
12. Use the details field to add any useful information. Click Columns in the details
column to go to the Columns page.
13. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously stored information.
12.3.1 Columns
After you have defined tables for collection or calculation, use the Columns page to
define specific columns and relate them to columns in other tables.
There are four views of the Columns page, selected from the View drop-down list at
the top of the page. The four views have different fields of information that can be
■ The Columns view displays the column data type and data length, and contains
check boxes for Usage and Foreign Key.
■ The Dimensions view contains a field for Dimension Name and a Value check
■ The Classification view provides a Value check box, enables classification as
alphanumeric, date, or numeric, and contains a field for selecting a value set
■ The Primary Key view supplies a Primary Key check box. The Position column
is not used in the current release.
All four views contain the column name, the user name assigned to it, and a field
for an external call. The external call column is used only in the Column view. The
column name is set in the application, but you can assign a user name to it to match
your business process or for ease of use.
The external call column enables you to optionally enter the name of a jsp, which is
then invoked by Oracle Incentive Compensation as the source of data for the
Invoice Number and Order Number fields in the Commission Statement report. For
the Commission Statement drilldown to work, the Enable Commission Statement
Drilldowns profile should be set to Yes.
Administration > Incentive > Tables > Columns
1. The Columns view is the default display. To use a different view, select it from
the View drop-down list.
2. To use the Columns view, click Apply.
The Columns page display changes to the view you have selected.
3. For the Columns view, perform the following steps:
a. Change the name in the User Name field to assign a name that is used in
your business or is easy to understand.
b. Optionally, enter an external call (see previous information in this section).
c. The Data Type field indicates if the column contains alphanumeric material
(VARCHAR2), numerical data (NUMBER), or a date (DATE).
Administration 12-9
d. Check the Usage check box if you plan to use the column for calculation.
e. Check the Foreign Key check box if you plan to use the column as a foreign
key to relate the column to columns in another table.
f. Click Update to save your changes. If necessary, click Restore to return to
the previously stored information.
4. For the Dimensions view, perform the following steps:
a. Change the name in the User Name field to assign a name that is used in
your business or is easy to understand.
b. Select a dimension name. Enter four or more characters in the Dimension
Name field and click Go. A pop-up list appears from which you can make a
c. Check the Value check box next to the column to use that column’s value as
the basis for defining the hierarchy of the selected dimension.
d. Click Update to save your changes. If necessary, click Restore to return to
the previously stored information.
5. For the Classification view, perform the following steps:
a. Change the name in the User Name field to assign a name that is used in
your business or is easy to understand.
b. Check the Value check box next to a column to use that column for defining
classification rules.
c. Make a selection from the Classification drop-down list. Choices include
Alpha Numeric, Date, or Numeric.
d. Optionally, enter a name in the Value Set Name field. Enter four or more
characters in the Dimension Name field and click Go. A pop-up list appears
from which you can make a selection.
e. Click Update to save your changes. If necessary, click Restore to return to
the previously stored information.
6. For the Primary key view, perform the following steps:
a. You can change the name in the User Name field to assign a name that is
used in your business or is easy to understand.
b. Optionally, check the Primary Key check box. If a column is enabled as the
primary key, it will be used in the join condition with an external table
when doing an external table join.
Administration >Incentive > External Table
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the External Table link in the side panel menu.
The External Table Join Conditions page appears.
3. If the list is long, you can search for a join condition by entering a search string
in the Name field at the top and clicking Apply. Note: This search is case sensitive.
4. Enter a name for the condition in the Name column. This is a required field.
5. In the Usage column, select Collection or Calculation from the drop-down list.
This is a required field.
6. Enter the source table. You can click Go to open a pop-up list. Click your
selection to enter it into the field.
7. The Alias is system generated.
8. Enter a name of the destination table in Oracle Incentive Compensation. Click
Go to open a pop-up list from which to make a selection.
9. Click Columns in the External Columns column to another page where you can
specify source and destination columns.
10. If you want to remove a line, check the Remove check box and the line will be
deleted the next time Update is clicked.
11. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
Administration 12-11
Accumulation Periods
Administration > Incentive > External Table
External Tables must be joined.
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the External Table link in the side panel menu.
The External Table Join Conditions page appears.
3. Enter a source column name from an external table in the left hand column.
Click Go to search. You must enter a minimum of four characters. Choose a
column name from the results in the Select pop-up window.
4. Enter a destination column name in the right hand column.
This column uses the same search method as in step 1.
5. Continue adding pairs of columns as necessary.
6. Click Update to save your work. Click Restore to return to the previously saved
Administration > Incentive > Accumulation Period
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Accumulation Period link in the side panel menu.
The Accumulation Periods page appears.
3. Select a year from the drop-down list and click Apply.
The accumulation periods for the selected year are displayed.
4. Change the period status by selecting Open, Closed, or Permanently Closed
from the drop-down list.
5. Optionally, check the Freeze check box to enable a Year To Date summary.
6. Click Update to save your changes. Before you save by clicking Update, you
can click Restore to return to the most recently saved information.
You cannot close a period if there is a period before it that is open. For example, you
cannot close the June 2002 period if the March 2002 period remains open. If you
attempt to close a period that has an open period before it, a message displays at the
top of the page:
Cannot close a period when previous period is not closed.
If this occurs, click the browser’s back button and close any previous open periods.
You cannot open a period if the previous period is in Never Opened status.
When you are updating or changing accumulation periods to Open, update only
one date range at a time. Wait until the status changes from In Progress to Open
before changing the next date range.
Administration 12-13
Interval Types
Administration > Incentive > Pay Periods
Pay periods are set up already.
1. Click Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Pay Periods link in the side panel menu.
The Pay Periods page appears.
3. Select a calendar from the drop-down list.
4. Click Apply.
5. Activate a pay period that is currently inactive by selecting Active from the
drop-down list in the Period Status column.
Note: Active periods cannot be deactivated from this window.
6. If desired, select Previous Year or Next Year to view earlier or later pay periods.
7. Optionally, click Restore to return to the previously saved data.
8. Click Update to save your changes.
Administration > Incentive > Interval Types
1. Click Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Interval Types link in the side panel menu.
The Interval Types page appears.
3. To view details of an already created interval in the Name column click the
name of the interval.
The Interval Numbers page appears. It shows the interval numbers based on
the parameters of your selected interval. For example, If you selected a Quarter
interval, with a period of a Month, the months of January, February, and March
will display the same interval number.
As an example, for quarterly intervals:
JAN-01, FEB-01, MAR-01 are all numbered 2001001
APR-01, MAY-01, JUN-01 are all numbered 2001002, and so on.
For Monthly intervals:
JAN-01 is numbered 2001001
FEB-01 is numbered 2001002
MAR-01 is numbered 2001003, and so on.
Interval numbers are user definable.
Administration > Incentive > Interval Types
1. Click Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Interval Types link in the side panel menu.
Administration 12-15
Revenue Class
Administration > Incentive > Revenue Class
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Revenue Class link in the side panel menu.
The Revenue Class page displays all revenue classes that have been already
been defined.
3. To define a new revenue class, enter the name in the first blank Name field.
4. Optionally, enter a description. The description often is the same as the name.
5. Select a Liability Code and Expense Code if needed to integrate with Accounts
6. To search for liability codes and expense codes, click Go to open a pop-up list.
Use sort parameters in the field to narrow your search.
7. Click Update to save your work. If necessary, click Restore to return to the
previously saved information.
A Confirmation message displays across the top of the page when the save is
8. To define a revenue class hierarchy, start at the Hierarchy Types page. That is
also the place to add or delete nodes of the hierarchy.
12.9 Rulesets
A classification ruleset is used to classify sales transactions to determine the
appropriate revenue class for the transaction. Then, using the revenue class, a
transaction is matched with a compensation plan and a compensation amount to be
paid for the transaction is calculated.
Rulesets are of two types, Revenue Classification and Account Generation.
■ Revenue Classification defines the rules that are used to identify a revenue class
for each transaction that the system processes as part of calculating
■ Account Generation is used to integrate Oracle Incentive Compensation
automatically with Accounts Payable and to classify transactions to identify
Expense and Liability Accounts.
Create a rules hierarchy that accurately reflects your business requirements. Name
your rules after the revenue classes they describe. Rules do not require unique
The Rulesets page lists all rulesets that have already been created. To view or edit a
ruleset, find it and click Rules. Or, use the Saved Searches drop-down list. Click
Personalize to create a custom search.
Use the following procedure to create a revenue classification ruleset and account
generation rulesets for integration with Accounts Payable.
Administration > Incentive > Ruleset
Revenue Classes have been created and the user-defined flexfields of the CN_
COMMISSION_HEADERS table have been defined.
Administration 12-17
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Ruleset link in the side panel menu.
The Rulesets page appears.
3. In the first blank field in the Ruleset Name column, enter the name of the new
4. Enter a start and an end date for the ruleset. Click the calendar icons to open
pop-up calendars. These fields are required.
5. Select Revenue Classification from the Ruleset Type drop-down list. This is a
required field.
6. Click Update to save your ruleset.
Note: If the ruleset dates overlap the dates of another ruleset, an error message
displays at the top of the page and you cannot continue with creating the
7. Click the Rules link in the Rules column to display the Rules Hierarchy. See
Section 12.9.1, "Rules Hierarchy" for complete information on this page.
You can define multiple date-effective classification rulesets. Ruleset active dates
may not overlap.
When you make changes to a ruleset, you must synchronize it. When you check the
Synchronize check box and click Update, the application generates a database
package based on the revenue classes and revenue class rules and saves it in an
internal table. Before the status changes from Incomplete to Complete, it may
display Install Pending. You do not need to synchronize a ruleset if you only
rearranged the rules but did not otherwise change them.
A hierarchy of rules can be defined for each ruleset.
Every rule must have at least one attribute.
You can build expressions on the rules using the Build Expression page.
A rule may or may not have a revenue class. If the rule does not have a revenue
class, then its children rules must define the revenue class. If a rule has a revenue
class, then the revenue class is assigned to the transaction only if none of its child
rules match the transaction.
If you specify high and low values in a rule condition, the values can be
Every attribute is assumed to be linked to other attributes with AND. If you want
any of the attributes to be related with OR, use the Build Expression page to relate
the first two attributes with AND or OR.
Selecting the Hierarchy Values option allows you to enter the value in the hierarchy
you want to match. The fields that appear are Hierarchy and Hierarchy Values. If
the value of the transaction attribute rolls up the hierarchy to the value you specify,
then the compensation transaction satisfies the condition.
You can specify the exclusion of a value you defined by checking the Not check box.
The compensation transaction satisfies the condition if the attribute is not equal to
the specified value, is not between the range of values specified, or does not roll up
to the specified ancestor value.
Always customize the classification rules using the setup forms available. Do not
modify the generated PL/SQL code.
When a transaction fails classification for a rule that uses hierarchy values, the most
common problem is that the primary key value in the transaction attribute column
is not the same as the primary key value defined in the hierarchy (the value for the
Classification Ruleset has been created.
Administration 12-19
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Ruleset link in the side panel menu.
3. Click the Rules link in the Rules column.
The Rules Hierarchy page appears.
4. In the lower section of the Rules Hierarchy page, select Root from the Add Rule
column drop-down list.
5. Name the rule.
6. To assign the rule a revenue class name, enter at least four characters in the
Revenue Class Name field and clicking Go. Click the revenue class from the list
generated by the search. This step is optional. See Guidelines.
7. Click Update. The rule is displayed in the upper table of the Rules Hierarchy
page. A confirmation message appears at the top of the page.
8. To define attributes for the rule, click Attributes in the Rule Attributes column
next to the rule.
The Rule Attributes page appears. See Chapter 12.9.3, "Rule Attributes" for
more information.
9. To get to the Build Expression page, click Expressions in the Rule Expression
column. See Guidelines.
The Build Expression page appears.
10. If necessary, click Restore to return to the most recently saved information.
Administration > Incentive > Ruleset > Rules Hierarchy > Click Rule Name link
Ruleset must be created.
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Ruleset link in the side panel menu.
3. Click the Rules link in the Rules column.
The Rules Hierarchy page appears.
4. Click the link in the Rule Name column.
5. The Create Rules page appears.
6. Click Create Child or Create Sibling.
7. In the Rule name field, assign a name to the rule that you are about to define.
8. Enter a revenue class in the Revenue Class Name field. You can click Go to
open a pop-up window. Click a name on the list.
9. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously stored information.
10. Click Update to save your work.
Administration > Incentive > Ruleset > Rules Hierarchy > Click Rule Attributes link
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Ruleset link in the side panel menu.
The Rulesets page appears.
3. Click the Rules link in the Rules column.
The Rules Hierarchy page appears.
Administration 12-21
Administration > Incentive > Ruleset > Rules Hierarchy > Click Expressions link
The rule must have two or more attributes in order to enable the Build Expressions
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Ruleset link in the side panel menu.
The Rulesets page appears.
Administration > Incentive > Hierarchy
Dimension Base table, primary key, and hierarchy values must exist.
1. Click Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click Hierarchy in the side panel menu.
The Hierarchy Types page appears.
3. In the first blank Name field, enter the name of the new hierarchy.
4. Add the correct Base Table, Primary Key, and Hierarchy Values information.
Administration 12-23
Hierarchy Types
Administration > Incentive > Hierarchy > Details link
At least one hierarchy must exist.
1. Click Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click Hierarchy in the side panel menu.
The Hierarchy Types page appears.
3. To remove a hierarchy, check the Remove check box.
4. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously stored information
5. Click Update to save your changes.
6. Click the Details link to go to the Intervals page (following).
12.10.2 Intervals
This page shows start and end dates, among the name of the root node, for a
hierarchy. Perform the following procedure to make changes to hierarchy intervals.
Administration >Incentive > Hierarchy > Hierarchies > Details link
Hierarchy must be created.
1. Click Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click Hierarchy in the side panel menu.
The Hierarchy Types page appears.
3. Click the Details link to go to the Hierarchies page.
4. Click the Details link to go to the Intervals page.
5. To enter or change Start Date an End Date fields, type in new dates or use the
calendar icon at the right of the field. Click the icon to open a pop-up calendar.
6. Click Details to go to the Hierarchies page. This page is different from the
Hierarchies detail page. This Hierarchies page is where new nodes can be
added to or deleted from a hierarchy.
7. Check the Remove check box to remove an interval.
8. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
9. Click Update to save your changes.
Administration >Incentive > Hierarchy > Hierarchies > Intervals > Hierarchies
Hierarchy must be created.
1. Click Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
Administration 12-25
Hierarchy Types
Root node is the highest level of the hierarchy. In Oracle Incentive Compensation,
you can place as many nodes under the root node as necessary to meet the business
objective. Oracle Incentive Compensation provides you with the flexibility of
creating multiple root nodes. For example, you can create a root node for France
Products and another for Germany Products.
A parent node is a node that has at least one node that rolls up to it. A parent node
typically summarizes information concerning the nodes below it, referred to as
child nodes. An example of a parent node would be Western States and under it
child nodes called California, Oregon and Washington.
A child node rolls up to a parent node. A child node can roll up to only one parent
node. For example, under the parent node of California the child nodes could be
called San Francisco and Los Angeles.
You can create a new hierarchy under an existing hierarchy type, or you can create a
new hierarchy type and then build the hierarchy there. To create a hierarchy in a
new hierarchy type, perform the following procedure. For more information on the
structure of a hierarchy, see Guidelines.
This process is performed on the Hierarchies page, which is the main page for the
hierarchy tree. To see a list of all the hierarchies in your implementation of Oracle
Incentive Compensation, see Section 12.10, "Hierarchy Types".
By default, Oracle Incentive Compensation names the highest level root of every
hierarchy base node. You can change this name.
You can create as many hierarchies as you need. However, only one hierarchy can
be effective at any given time.
Hierarchy deletes are cascading. This means that if you delete a node, all children of
that node are deleted along with it.
Administration 12-27
Credit Types
You can import any portion of another hierarchy to become a child of your selected
node in the hierarchy you are building.
Administration > Incentive > Credit Type
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Credit Type link in the side panel menu.
The Credit Types page appears.
3. Use the search parameters at the top of the page if necessary.
4. Change the values in the Precision and Extended Precision fields if needed.
Precision defines how fine a grain the credit type can be divided.
5. The Functional Currency cannot be changed by the user.
6. If desired, check the Remove check box next to a credit type to remove it from
the listing.
7. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
8. Click Update to save your changes.
To add a new credit type, perform the following procedure.
1. Enter a name for your credit type into the Name column in the topmost empty
Click the eraser icon to erase any mistakes in the current row as you work.
2. Enter precision and extended precision information.
3. Click Update to save your work.
Administration > Incentive > Credit Conversion
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Credit Conversion link in the side panel menu.
The Credit Conversion page appears.
3. Enter a credit type in the From Credit Type column.
Click Go to select from a list of values.
4. In the To Credit Type Column, indicate the credit type to which you want to
convert the credit.
Click Go to select from a list of values.
5. Enter a conversion factor. For example, $100 credit can equal 10,000 Air Miles.
6. Enter effective dates in the Start Date and End Date fields.
7. To return to the previously saved version, click Restore.
8. Click Update to save your work.
Administration 12-29
12.13 Collection
For all information on Collection setups on the Incentive subtab of the
Administration tab, see Chapter 8, "Collecting and Adjusting Transactions".
Administration > Incentive > Pay Group
Calendars and related pay periods must be defined in GL and activated in Oracle
Incentive Compensation. (See Oracle Incentive Compensation Implementation Guide.)
The Pay Groups page lists all pay groups that have already been created. Use the
search parameter fields at the top to search for a pay group.
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Pay Group link on the side panel menu.
The Pay Groups page appears.
3. Enter a name, date range, or calendar name. You can use partial entries in the
name and calendar fields followed by a percent sign (%).
4. Click Apply.
5. In the Name field, assign a unique name to the pay group.
6. Enter a description.
7. Select an effective start date and end date for the pay group. Click the calendar
icon to use the pop-up calendar.
8. Select a calendar from the list of values. Click Go to open a pop-up window list.
9. Select a period type from the list of period types that were defined for the
selected calendar. Click Go to open a pop-up window list.
The period type defines the frequency of payments for the pay group. Even if a
period type, such as quarter or year, is displayed in the list of values, it must be
activated in Oracle Incentive Compensation before it can be used.
Note: In this release of Oracle Incentive Compensation, the period type must be set
to Month for values to roll over to the next year in Year to Date reports.
Each pay group can have one or many pay periods. A pay period is a range of dates
over which calculated commissions are summarized for payment.
Each pay group can be associated with one unpaid pay run at any time.
Pay groups can be assigned to multiple resources at the same time and you can start
and end pay group assignments by individual resource at any time within the
duration of the pay group. Therefore, the application does not default any dates in
the Resource Details > Assign Pay Groups table in the Resource tab.
When you assigned a pay group to a resource, the application automatically checks
to see if there are any conflicts between the start and end dates of the pay group and
the start and end dates for every resource to which the pay group has been
assigned. For example, if you define a pay group starting Jan 1 and ending on Mar
31 and you have assigned it to a resource, the application will not let you change the
end date for the pay group assignment beyond Mar 31.
See Resource > Resource Details > Assign Pay Groups to assign the pay group to
Administration 12-31
Payment Plan
The Payment Plans page lists all payment plans already defined in Oracle Incentive
Compensation. To search for a plan, enter all or part of the name in the Name field
at the top of the page and click Apply.
To define a new payment plan, perform the following procedure.
Administration > Incentive > Payment Plan
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Payment Plan link on the side panel menu.
The Payment Plan page appears.
1. In the Name column, assign a unique name to the payment plan.
2. Enter a Start Date and an End Date in the appropriate columns. Click the
calendar icons to use a pop-up calendar. The Start Date field is required.
3. In the Credit Type column, select a credit type from the drop-down list.
Functional Currency is the default, but you can select other, previously defined
credit types. The Credit Type field is required.
4. In the Payment Interval column, select a pay interval from the drop-down list.
Period is the default, but you can select any previously defined pay interval
from the list.
5. Optionally, establish a minimum amount to be paid at the end of each pay
interval. Check the check box in the Recoverable column if it is recoverable from
later earnings.
6. Optionally, establish a maximum amount that can be paid for any pay interval.
If you check the check box in the Pay Later column, any amounts over the
maximum to be paid can be rolled over and paid in future periods.
7. Select a recovery interval from the drop-down list. The default setting is the
same as the pay interval.
8. Check the Pay Against Commission check box if you want the payment plan to
apply its rules using earnings that have been collected in the application when
it calculates draw recovery at the end of the recovery interval.
9. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information
10. Click Update to save the payment plan.
The payment plan can be assigned to a salesperson in the Resources subtab of
the Resource tab.
The application checks first for the minimum amount and pays it. Recoverable
amounts are calculated after the minimum is met.
12.16 Payroll
Use this page to map the plan elements in Oracle Incentive Compensation to the
pay elements in Payroll. To add or change a record, perform the following
Administration > Incentive > Payroll
Plan elements and pay elements must already be created.
If you want to make a change in mapping or dates to an existing line, perform the
following procedure.
1. Click the Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Payroll link on the side panel menu.
The Payroll Mapping page appears.
3. Enter the changes. Click Go to open a pop-up list of choices, or the calendar
icon to open a calendar.
4. Check the Remove check box if you want to eliminate the plan element to pay
element mapping.
Administration 12-33
5. Check the Inactive Employees check box if you want to keep the mapping but
not use it now.
Steps 2 and 3 are completed when you click Update.
6. You can click the Element Input link to go to the Pay Element Input Values
Mapping page.
7. Click Update.
8. If necessary, click Restore before clicking Update to return to the previously
stored information.
To enter a new mapping, perform the following procedure.
1. Enter a plan element in the first blank plan element field. Click Go to use a
pop-up list.
2. Enter the pay element from Payroll that you want to use.
3. Enter a Start Date and an End Date.
4. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
5. Click Update to save your mapping.
Administration > Incentive > Payroll > Element link
Plan elements and pay elements must already be created.
1. Click Administration tab and the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Payroll link in the side panel menu.
The Payroll Mapping page appears.
12.17 Components
Use the Components page to create and edit quota components. These components
are used in building compensation plans in Incentive Planning. Components must
be created here before they can be used in Incentive Planning.
On the Quota Components page, you can provide a description of the component,
specify whether it is revenue or unit based, indicate if the compensation is fixed or
variable, and set the compensation to be based on a quota or simply on revenue
amount. A check box is provided to indicate if the component requires
To edit or create quota components, perform the following procedure.
Administration > Incentive > Component
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Component link on the side panel menu.
The Quota Components search page appears.
Administration 12-35
3. Enter a name or partial name with a percent sign (%) or select a type and unit
from the drop-down lists. Making no selection means that all components will
be displayed when you click Apply in step 4.
4. Click Apply.
A table appears containing any previously defined components that meet the
search parameters.
5. Edit component information as needed and click Update to save your changes.
If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
6. To create a new quota component, in the last line in the quota components list,
enter the name of the Component in the Name field.
7. Enter a short description for each component.
8. Select a type from the drop-down list. You can select Fixed or one of three
Variable types (See Guidelines).
9. In the Unit column, select Unit or Revenue from the drop-down list.
10. Check the Computed Flag check box if you want to use a formula to derive the
value of the component.
11. Click Update to save your changes.
12. To remove a component, check the check box in the Remove column and click
Update. You cannot delete components that are currently in use in
compensation plans.
Quota Components are parts of a compensation plan, and can be of different types.
Fixed components remain the same regardless of the salesperson’s performance.
Typical Fixed components include Salary and Car Allowance. Variable components
include calculations based on performance, and are based on a quota or can be
nonquota based.
Unit and Revenue, selected in the Unit column, indicate if compensation is revenue
based or unit based. Revenue can be used during currency conversion, but unit
based components are not currency converted as they are point based.
Fixed components can be of revenue type only. Therefore, the unit type of Revenue
is not displayed as a drop-down list.
12.18 Attainment
Attainment schedules are used in Incentive Planning to display anticipated payouts
for compensation contracts. Earnings for each level of achievement are calculated
based on the attainment percentages contained in the Attainment schedule. You can
create, delete, or edit attainment schedules on the Attainment Schedule Summary
Administration > Incentive > Attainment
To Create a new attainment schedule, perform the following procedure.
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Attainment link on the side panel menu.
The the Attainment Schedule Summary page appears.
3. Type the new name into the blank field in the Attain Schedule Name column
and click Update.
4. Click the new link in the Attain Schedule Name column to go to the Define
Attain Schedule page.
5. Fill in percent information in ascending order in the first two tiers, then, to add
more tiers, click Update. Two additional blank tiers appear.
6. Click Update to add more tiers until you have as many as you need.
7. Click Update when you are done to save your work.
8. If you have already saved your work, click Restore at any time to return all tiers
to the settings they had at the last update.
To edit or view an existing attainment schedule, perform the following procedure.
1. Click a schedule name in the right column of the Attainment Schedule
Summary page to open the Define Attainment Schedule page.
2. After making any adjustments, click Update to save your work. Or, click
Restore to return to the previously saved information.
Administration 12-37
Job Titles
3. To delete a tier, select the Remove check box beside that tier and click Update.
Administration > Incentive > Job Titles
Super User responsibility is required. Resources have been set up in Oracle
Resource Manager.
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Job Titles link in the side panel menu.
The Job Titles page appears.
3. Use the search parameters at the top of the page to search for a job title by name
or by job code. Click Go to display the search results. You can also simply find
the job title in the listing if the number listed is not too great.
4. Click the link in the Job Titles column to go to the Resource Details - Job Titles
This page displays any roles that are already assigned to the job title.
5. To add a role, enter it in the Role column. You can click Go to open a pop-up
window listing roles from which to select.
6. Enter a start date and end date for the role. Click the calendar icon to open a
pop-up calendar. A start date is mandatory; the end date is optional.
7. Click Update to save your work. If you are editing a role assignment, you can
click Restore to return to the previously saved version.
If using Oracle Human Resources Management System (HRMS), the Job Title
information is read from HRMS via Oracle Resource Manager. If not using HRMS,
please refer to Oracle Resource Manager for information on how to define
Administration > Incentive > User Access
Users must be assigned Finance Manager responsibility to appear on the User
Access screen.
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the User Access link in the side panel menu.
The User Summary page appears.
3. Select a User by clicking his or her name.
4. The User Access Detail page appears.
5. Enter a compensation group in the Compensation Group column, or click Go to
select one from the pop-up list.
6. In the Organization column, select an organization from the drop-down list.
7. Select an Access Level of Update or View from the drop-down list.
8. To remove a listing, check the Remove check box and click Update.
9. If necessary, click Restore to return to the most recently saved information
10. Click Update to save your changes.
Administration 12-39
12.21 Settings
On the Settings page, you can select the Transaction Calendar and write Contract
Text for a compensation plan.
Text from the Default Contract Text for the organization is carried over to the
agreement contract text. The text can be customized at the Agreement level for
individual resources as follows:
■ Display names for quota components
■ Display names for rate tables
■ Selection of displayed components for an attainment schedule
■ Unique text for title, terms and conditions, club eligibility
Administration > Incentive > Settings
The Transactions Calendar must be predefined so that it can be assigned through
the Settings page. Incentive Planning Super User or Incentive Analyst responsibility
is required.
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Settings link on the side panel menu.
The Settings page appears.
3. Select a Transaction calendar from the drop-down list.
4. In the Contract Text area, enter text as required into the fields. For club
eligibility, write out the details, such as 100% Eligible.
5. In the Approver area, enter your name, title, and organization.
6. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
7. Click Update to save your changes.
Administration > Incentive > Settings
To use a workday calendar, the profile option OSC: Use Work Day Calendar must
be set to Yes. Incentive Compensation Super User responsibility is required.
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Click the Settings link on the side panel menu.
The Settings page appears.
3. Select a transaction calendar from the drop-down list.
4. Click Update to save your changes. Before clicking Update, you can return to
the previously saved settings by clicking Restore.
To create a workday calendar, perform the following procedure.
1. Click the Administration tab.
The General subtab appears automatically.
Administration 12-41
11. Click Update to save your work. Before clicking Update, you can return to the
previously saved settings by clicking Restore.
This Transaction Calendar page does not start at the current year, and the listing of
dates is extensive. In the current release, dates begin at January 1, 1994 and run
through December 31, 2010. To get to the beginning of the year you want, use the
drop-down list and select the area that is approximately where you want to work.
Then, use the Previous and Next links to get to the exact dates you need.
If you use the Search field, the application displays only the single day you
Administration > Incentive > Seasonality
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Select Seasonality on the side panel menu.
The Seasonality Schedules page appears. Seasonality schedules that have
already been created are displayed.
3. If necessary, use the search parameters at the top of the page to search by fiscal
year or by schedule name. Select the fiscal year from the drop-down list or enter
all or part of the name before the percent sign and click Search.
4. Click the name for the schedule you wish to view or edit.
The Seasonality Schedule Details page for the schedule appears.
5. In the Seasonality area, the percentages for each month are displayed. To
change the numbers in the Percentage column, edit the field. Note: The
numbers in the Percentage column must add up to 100 percent.
6. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
7. Click Update to save your changes.
Administration 12-43
Seasonality Schedules
You must click Update to save a new seasonality schedule before clicking Validate. If
you click Validate without clicking Update first, it will return all of the percentage
entries to 0.
Be sure that after any changes are made, the Table Total adds up to 100 percent.
Administration > Incentive > Seasonality > Click Create
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Select Seasonality on the side panel menu.
The Seasonality Schedules page appears.
3. Click Create.
The Create New Seasonality Schedule page appears.
4. Enter a name for the new seasonality schedule in the name field. This is a
required field.
5. Enter a description. This is a required field.
6. Select a year from the drop-down list.
7. If necessary, click Restore to return to the previously saved information.
8. In the Seasonality area, enter the percentage of annual quota in each field next
to each month. Be sure that the percentages add up to 100 percent.
9. When the schedule is the way you want it, click Update to save your work.
10. Click Validate to verify that your percentages add up to 100 percent. If
validation is successful, then the Validation Status in the top area of the page
reads Valid.
You must click Update to save a new seasonality schedule before clicking Validate. If
you click Validate without clicking Update first, it will return the all percentage
entries to 0.
Administration > Incentive > Rate Dimensions
Dimensions must exist to be displayed on the Dimensions page.
1. Click the Administration tab and click the Incentive subtab.
2. Select Rate Dimensions on the side panel menu.
The Dimensions page appears.
Administration 12-45
Rate Dimensions
3. Use the Name search parameter at the top to locate a specific dimension
quickly. Enter one or more letters or number and click Apply.
All dimensions that fit that description are displayed.
4. The Dimensions page lists dimensions by name, and also by number of tiers
and type. A dimension must have at least one tier, but can have as many as you
need. See above regarding dimension type.
5. To view or edit details of a dimension, click the name of a dimension. The
Dimension details page appears.
6. To create a new dimension, click Create on the Dimension summary page. The
Dimension details page appears, but the fields are blank.
7. Enter a name in the Name field for your dimension. This is a required field.
8. Select or verify the type from the drop-down list. You can select Amount,
Percent, Expression, or String. This is also a required field.
Depending on which type you select, the lower part of the page refreshes to
provide the appropriate fields into which you can enter data.
9. Optionally, enter a description.
10. For Amount or Percent dimensions, in the Rate Tiers area, enter numbers in the
From and To columns. Follow the sequence, and do not leave any gaps in the
rates. These are required fields.
Enter numbers for the first tier. To add a tier, click Update and another blank
field appears. Repeat this process until you have as many tiers as you need.
11. For String dimensions, enter the string value for the rate tier. This is a required
12. For Expression dimensions, select expressions from the drop-down list for the
From and To columns.
13. Click Update to save your work. Or, If necessary, click Restore to return to the
previously saved values.
After you create a rate dimension with a type of String or Expression, you cannot
change the type with a future update. However, for rate dimensions created with a
type of Amount or Percent, you can update a rate dimension definition.
For expression rate dimensions, expressions must be defined in the application in
order for the drop-down list to contain any selectable values.
Administration 12-47
Rate Dimensions
Following are two examples with notes indicating the customization of the existing
packages. The Spec code is shown first, with the Package Body following. Areas in
the package body that can be customized for external packages are shown in
boldface type. Notes of interest are displayed in Italics. The Spec code cannot be
■ Section A.1, "Example 1"
■ Section A.2, "Example 2"
A.1 Example 1
-- Procedure Name
-- get_input
-- Purpose
-- This procedure gets the input values
-- History
-- 04-SEP-2001 APPS Created
-- Procedure Name
-- get_perf
-- Purpose
-- This procedure is to accumulate performance measure.
-- History
-- 04-SEP-2001 APPS Created
-- Procedure Name
-- get_commission
-- Purpose
-- This procedure is to calculate the commission
-- History
-- Procedure Name
-- calculate_quota
-- Purpose
-- This procedure is the hook to the calculation engine
-- History
-- 04-SEP-2001 APPS Created
-- Procedure Name
-- get_result
-- Purpose
-- This procedure is invoked if this formula is used as an
embeded formula
-- History
-- 24-SEP-01 APPS Created
END cn_formula_10510_pkg ;
g_commission_payed_ptd NUMBER;
g_commission_payed_itd NUMBER;
g_input_achieved_ptd NUMBER;
g_input_achieved_itd NUMBER;
g_output_achieved_ptd NUMBER;
g_output_achieved_itd NUMBER;
g_perf_achieved_ptd NUMBER;
g_perf_achieved_itd NUMBER;
g_intel_calc_flag VARCHAR2(1);
g_calc_type VARCHAR2(30);
g_select_status_flag VARCHAR2(30);
g_number_dim NUMBER := 3;
g_split_flag VARCHAR2(1) := ’N’;
g_trx_group_code VARCHAR2(30) := ’INDIVIDUAL’;
g_itd_flag VARCHAR2(1) := ’N’;
g_output_achieved NUMBER;
-- Procedure Name
-- get_input
-- Purpose
-- This procedure gets the input values
-- History
-- 04-SEP-2001 APPS Created
x_mul_input_tbl(1).input_string := l_input_string1;
x_mul_input_tbl(1).base_amount := l_input;
x_mul_input_tbl(2).rate_dim_sequence := 2;
x_mul_input_tbl(2).input_string := l_input_string2;
x_mul_input_tbl(2).base_amount := l_input;
x_mul_input_tbl(3).rate_dim_sequence := 3;
x_mul_input_tbl(3).input_amount := l_input;
x_mul_input_tbl(3).amount := l_input;
-- Procedure Name
-- get_perf
-- Purpose
-- This procedure is to accumulate performance measure.
-- History
-- 04-SEP-2001 APPS Created
-- Procedure Name
-- get_commission
-- Purpose
-- This procedure is to calculate the commission
-- History
-- 04-SEP-2001 APPS Created
-- Procedure Name
-- calculate_quota
-- Purpose
-- This procedure is the hook to the calculation engine
-- History
-- 04-SEP-2001 APPS Created
l_error_reason VARCHAR2(150);
l_trx_rec_old cn_formula_common_pkg.trx_rec_type;
l_trx_rec_new cn_formula_common_pkg.trx_rec_type;
l_trx_rec_null cn_formula_common_pkg.trx_rec_type;
CURSOR l_lines_csr IS
SELECT cl.commission_line_id,
cl.credited_salesrep_id salesrep_id,
FROM cn_commission_lines cl,
cn_commission_headers header
WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
AND cl.quota_id = p_quota_id
AND cl.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
AND cl.processed_period_id = p_period_id
AND cl.processed_date >= p_start_date
AND header.commission_header_id = cl.commission_header_
AND substr(header.pre_processed_code, 4,1) = ’C’
AND ((g_select_status_flag = ’PCX’ and cl.status in
OR (g_select_status_flag = ’P’ and cl.status =
AND ((g_calc_type = ’FORECAST’ and cl.trx_type =
OR (g_calc_type = ’BONUS’ and cl.trx_type =
OR (g_calc_type = ’COMMISSION’ and cl.trx_type NOT
ORDER by cl.processed_date asc, cl.commission_line_id
g_intel_calc_flag := p_intel_calc_flag;
g_calc_type := p_calc_type;
Open l_lines_csr;
l_trx_rec_new := l_trx_rec_null;
FETCH l_lines_csr into l_trx_rec_old;
EXIT WHEN l_lines_csr%notfound;
p_quota_id ,
l_commission := get_commission(l_trx_rec_old.commission_
l_perf := get_perf(l_trx_rec_old.commission_line_id,
x_latest_processed_date := l_trx_rec_old.processed_date;
l_trx_rec_new.status := ’CALC’;
l_trx_rec_new.commission_amount := l_commission;
l_trx_rec_new.commission_rate := l_rate;
l_trx_rec_new.rate_tier_id := l_rate_tier_id ;
l_trx_rec_new.tier_split := l_tier_split ;
l_trx_rec_new.input_achieved := l_input ;
l_trx_rec_new.output_achieved := l_input;
l_trx_rec_new.perf_achieved := l_perf ;
EXCEPTION when others then
l_trx_rec_new.error_reason := substr(sqlerrm,1,150);
l_trx_rec_new.status := ’XCALC’ ;
cn_formula_common_pkg.update_trx(l_trx_rec_old, l_trx_rec_
g_perf_achieved_ptd := g_perf_achieved_ptd+ l_perf;
g_perf_achieved_itd := g_perf_achieved_itd+ l_perf;
g_input_achieved_ptd := g_input_achieved_ptd + l_input;
g_input_achieved_itd := g_input_achieved_itd + l_input;
g_commission_payed_ptd := g_commission_payed_ptd + l_
g_commission_payed_itd := g_commission_payed_itd + l_
CLOSE l_lines_csr;
when others then
IF l_lines_csr%isopen THEN
CLOSE l_lines_csr;
cn_message_pkg.debug(’Exception in calculate_quota’ ||
cn_debug.print_msg(’calculate_quota<<’, 1);
END calculate_quota;
-- Procedure Name
-- get_result
-- Purpose
-- This procedure is invoked if this formula is used as an
embeded formula
-- History
CURSOR l_comm_line_csr IS
select credited_salesrep_id,
from cn_commission_lines
where commission_line_id = p_commission_line_id;
OPEN l_comm_line_csr ;
FETCH l_comm_line_csr into l_salesrep_id, l_period_id, l_
l_srp_plan_assign_id, l_processed_date;
CLOSE l_comm_line_csr;
l_commission := get_commission(p_commission_line_id,
return l_commission;
cn_debug.print_msg(’get_result<<’, 1);
END get_result;
END cn_formula_10510_pkg ;
A.2 Example 2
p_quota_id NUMBER,
p_srp_plan_assign_id NUMBER,
p_processed_date DATE,
x_mul_input_tbl IN OUT cn_formula_
p_endofinterval_flag VARCHAR2,
p_start_period_id NUMBER);
-- Procedure Name
-- calculate_quota
-- Purpose
-- This procedure is the hook to the calculation engine
-- History
-- 24-OCT-01 APPS Created
PROCEDURE calculate_quota(p_srp_plan_assign_id NUMBER,
p_salesrep_id NUMBER,
p_period_id NUMBER,
p_start_date DATE,
p_quota_id NUMBER,
p_process_all_flag VARCHAR2,
p_intel_calc_flag VARCHAR2,
p_calc_type VARCHAR2,
END cn_formula_10356_pkg ;
g_output_achieved_itd NUMBER;
g_perf_achieved_ptd NUMBER;
g_perf_achieved_itd NUMBER;
g_intel_calc_flag VARCHAR2(1);
g_calc_type VARCHAR2(30);
g_select_status_flag VARCHAR2(30);
g_formula_id NUMBER := 10356 ;
g_number_dim NUMBER := 3 ;
g_split_flag VARCHAR2(1) := ’N’ ;
g_itd_flag VARCHAR2(1) := ’N’ ;
g_output_achieved NUMBER;
-- Procedure Name
-- get_input
-- Purpose
-- This procedure is to calculate the input
-- History
-- 24-OCT-01 APPS Created
PROCEDURE get_input(p_commission_line_id NUMBER,
p_salesrep_id NUMBER,
p_period_id NUMBER,
p_quota_id NUMBER,
p_srp_plan_assign_id NUMBER,
p_processed_date DATE,
x_mul_input_tbl IN OUT cn_formula_
p_endofinterval_flag VARCHAR2,
p_start_period_id NUMBER)
l_input NUMBER;
l_input_string1 VARCHAR2(30);
l_input_string2 varchar2(30);
l_itd_target NUMBER;
--Note: the code to compute the aggregated values is removed
because they
-- are computed in the customized procedure calculate_
select ch.transaction_amount, ch.attribute3, ch.attribute1
into l_input, l_input_string1, l_input_string2
from cn_commission_headers ch, cn_commission_lines cl
where cl.commission_line_id = p_commission_line_id
and ch.commission_header_id = cl.commission_header_id;
l_input := nvl(l_input,0);
x_mul_input_tbl(1).rate_dim_sequence := 1;
x_mul_input_tbl(1).input_string := l_input_string1;
x_mul_input_tbl(1).base_amount := l_input;
x_mul_input_tbl(2).rate_dim_sequence := 2;
x_mul_input_tbl(2).input_string := l_input_string2;
x_mul_input_tbl(2).base_amount := l_input;
x_mul_input_tbl(3).rate_dim_sequence := 3;
x_mul_input_tbl(3).input_amount := l_input;
x_mul_input_tbl(3).amount := l_input;
cn_message_pkg.debug(’EXCEPTION IN GET_input, ’ || Sqlerrm);
END get_input;
-- Procedure Name
-- calculate_quota
-- Purpose
-- This procedure is the hook to the calculation engine
-- History
-- 24-OCT-01 APPS Created
PROCEDURE calculate_quota(p_srp_plan_assign_id NUMBER,
p_salesrep_id NUMBER,
p_period_id NUMBER,
p_start_date DATE,
p_quota_id NUMBER,
p_process_all_flag VARCHAR2,
p_intel_calc_flag VARCHAR2,
p_calc_type VARCHAR2,
x_latest_processed_date OUT DATE)
l_mul_input_tbl cn_formula_common_pkg.mul_input_
l_rate NUMBER;
l_rate_tier_id NUMBER;
l_tier_split NUMBER;
l_input NUMBER;
l_commission NUMBER;
l_perf NUMBER;
l_itd_target NUMBER;
l_itd_payment NUMBER;
l_processed_date DATE;
l_error_reason VARCHAR2(150);
l_trx_rec_old cn_formula_common_pkg.trx_rec_type;
l_trx_rec_new cn_formula_common_pkg.trx_rec_type;
l_trx_rec_null cn_formula_common_pkg.trx_rec_
l_endofinterval_flag VARCHAR2(1);
l_start_period_id NUMBER(15);
l_grp_trx_rec cn_formula_common_pkg.trx_rec_type;
CURSOR l_lines_csr IS
SELECT cl.commission_line_id,
cl.credited_salesrep_id salesrep_id,
cl.rate_tier_id ,
cl.input_achieved ,
FROM cn_commission_lines cl,
cn_commission_headers header
WHERE cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
AND cl.quota_id = p_quota_id
AND cl.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
AND cl.processed_period_id = p_period_id
AND cl.processed_date >= p_start_date
AND header.commission_header_id = cl.commission_header_
AND substr(header.pre_processed_code, 4,1) = ’C’
l_endofinterval_flag := ’N’;
x_latest_processed_date := l_trx_rec_old.processed_date;
l_trx_rec_new.status := ’CALC’;
EXCEPTION when others then
l_trx_rec_new.error_reason := substr(sqlerrm,1,150);
l_trx_rec_new.status := ’XCALC’ ;
cn_formula_common_pkg.update_trx(l_trx_rec_old, l_trx_rec_
new) ;
CLOSE l_lines_csr;
-- more than once. You can write any code you wish to
compute the right commission
cursor totals is
select ch.attribute3, ch.attribute1, sum(transaction_
amount) revenue
from cn_commission_headers ch, cn_commission_lines cl
where cl.credited_salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
and cl.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
and cl.quota_id = p_quota_id
and ch.commission_header_id = cl.commission_header_id
and cl.processed_period_id between l_start_period_id
and p_period_id
and cl.status = ’CALC’
and ((g_calc_type = ’FORECAST’ and cl.trx_type =
(g_calc_type = ’BONUS’ and cl.trx_type =
’BONUS’) or
(g_calc_type = ’COMMISSION’ and cl.trx_type not
in (’BONUS’, ’FORECAST’, ’GRP’)))
group by ch.attribute3, ch.attribute1;
l_commission := 0;
l_perf := 0;
for total in totals loop
l_input := nvl(total.revenue,0);
l_mul_input_tbl(1).rate_dim_sequence := 1;
l_mul_input_tbl(1).input_string := total.attribute3;
l_mul_input_tbl(1).base_amount := l_input;
l_mul_input_tbl(2).rate_dim_sequence := 2;
l_mul_input_tbl(2).input_string := total.attribute1;
l_mul_input_tbl(2).base_amount := l_input;
l_mul_input_tbl(3).rate_dim_sequence := 3;
l_mul_input_tbl(3).input_amount := l_input;
l_mul_input_tbl(3).amount := l_input;
l_mul_input_tbl(3).base_amount := l_input;
l_grp_trx_rec.status := ’CALC’;
l_grp_trx_rec.commission_amount := l_commission ;
l_grp_trx_rec.commission_rate := l_commission/l_perf;
l_grp_trx_rec.rate_tier_id := l_rate_tier_id;
l_grp_trx_rec.tier_split := l_tier_split ;
l_grp_trx_rec.input_achieved := g_input_achieved_itd;
l_grp_trx_rec.output_achieved:= g_output_achieved_itd;
l_grp_trx_rec.perf_achieved := l_perf;
l_grp_trx_rec.status := ’XCALC’;
l_grp_trx_rec.error_reason := substr(sqlerrm, 1, 150);
l_grp_trx_rec.trx_type := ’GRP’ ;
when others then
IF (l_lines_csr%isopen) THEN
CLOSE l_lines_csr;
cn_message_pkg.debug(’Exception in calculate_quota’ ||
cn_debug.print_msg(’calculate_quota<<’, 1);
END calculate_quota;
-- Procedure Name
-- update_revclass_perf
-- Purpose
-- To accumulate performance by revenue classes in group by
case.This is
-- a call back when updating plan element subledger
-- History
-- 24-OCT-01 APPS Created
PROCEDURE update_revclass_perf(p_salesrep_id NUMBER,
p_period_id NUMBER,
p_quota_id NUMBER,
p_srp_plan_assign_id NUMBER)
l_perf NUMBER;
CURSOR l_rev_classes_csr IS
SELECT revenue_class_id, srp_per_quota_rc_id
FROM cn_srp_per_quota_rc rc
WHERE rc.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
AND rc.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
AND rc.period_id = p_period_id
UPDATE cn_srp_per_quota_rc
SET period_to_date = l_perf
WHERE srp_per_quota_rc_id = l_rev_class.srp_per_quota_rc_
cn_debug.print_msg(’update_revclass_perf<<’, 1);
END update_revclass_perf;
END cn_formula_10356_pkg ;
END cn_aggrt_trx_pkg;
g_system_rollup_flag VARCHAR2(1);
g_roll_sum_trx_flag VARCHAR2(1);
g_srp_validation_flag VARCHAR2(1);
g_mode VARCHAR2(30);
g_event_log_id NUMBER(15);
l_start_date DATE;
l_end_date DATE;
l_start_period_id NUMBER;
cursor sum_trxs is
select ch.direct_salesrep_id,
nvl(ch.rollup_date, ch.processed_date),
from cn_commission_headers ch,
cn_process_batches pb
open sum_trxs;
fetch sum_trxs
bulk collect into
close sum_trxs;
forall i IN rep_ids.first..rep_ids.last
UPDATE cn_commission_headers
SET parent_header_id = header_ids(i)
WHERE direct_salesrep_id = rep_ids(i)
AND processed_period_id= period_ids(i)
AND processed_date = processed_dates(i)
AND nvl(rollup_date, processed_date) = rollup_dates(i)
AND nvl(comp_group_id, -999999) = nvl(group_ids(i), -999999)
AND revenue_class_id = rev_class_ids(i)
AND trx_type = trx_types(i)
AND status = ’CLS’;
update cn_commission_headers
set status = ’CLS_SUM’,
To customize the code, use one of the three examples below as a basis and make
only the changes you need. Then, add the code that follows example 3.
PACKAGE BODY cn_aggrt_trx_pkg AS Examples to Customize the Summarization
1. To add a summarizing criterion, for example, attribute12, add attribute12 into
select and group by of the summarization SQL, and modify the insert and update
statements accordingly.
cursor sum_trxs is
select ch.direct_salesrep_id,
nvl(ch.rollup_date, ch.processed_date),
ch.attribute12, --add attribute12
from cn_commission_headers ch,
cn_process_batches pb
WHERE pb.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
AND ch.direct_salesrep_id = pb.salesrep_id
and ch.processed_date BETWEEN pb.start_date AND pb.end_date
AND ch.status = ’CLS’
group by ch.direct_salesrep_id,
2. To get the total value of an attribute column, for example, attribute13, add
sum(attribute13) into the select part. This time, attribute13 is not the summarizing
criteria and should not be added to the group by clause. Modify the insert statement
cursor sum_trxs is
select ch.direct_salesrep_id,
nvl(ch.rollup_date, ch.processed_date),
sum(attribute13) -- add sum(attribute13)
from cn_commission_headers ch,
cn_process_batches pb
WHERE pb.physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id
AND ch.direct_salesrep_id = pb.salesrep_id
and ch.processed_date BETWEEN pb.start_date AND pb.end_date
AND ch.status = ’CLS’
group by ch.direct_salesrep_id,
nvl(ch.rollup_date, ch.processed_date),
This part of the code is used in all of the three customizations above. Add the code
after the code you customized. You can change the variables in the lefthand column
to suit your requirements, but you should leave the rest of the code as it is.
-- type declaration
type num_tbl_type is table of number index by binary_integer;
type date_tbl_type is table of date index by binary_integer;
type str_tbl_type is table of varchar2(30) index by binary_integer;
These are the terms most commonly used in Oracle Incentive Compensation.
Types of incentives that vary compensation. Payment accelerators are a multiplier
on the compensation rate without affecting the quota. Quota accelerators work on
sales credit, sometimes changing compensation amounts by moving calculation to a
different tier in a rate table
Accumulation Period
The time interval during for which commissions are collected. For example, a
salesperson can have an accumulation period of a month and a pay period of
An agreement is an early stage of a compensation plan used in the planning area of
Oracle Incentive Compensation. In the Modeling tab, incentive planners experiment
with creating an agreement and assigning it to a role before defining details and
associating a resource with a role in the Quota tab.
Attainment Schedule
Attainment schedules enable planners to pay different levels of compensation
depending on the percentage of attainment of a set sales goal. Attainment schedules
are used in the Compensation Contract where earnings for each level of
achievement are displayed.
Incentive compensation typically paid for meeting a goal, including quantitative
and qualitative goals.
Classification Rules
User defined categories used to classify sales transactions. The classified
transactions are part of a classification ruleset. Classification rules vary greatly from
one company to another, depending on the product or service provided and the
different ways that salespeople are compensated.
Classification Ruleset
A group of classification rules assigned to a specific time period or location that
sorts transactions into preset categories, so that they can be compared to revenue
classes in a salesperson’s compensation plan. Only one classification ruleset can be
active at a time.
The process of collecting transactions from feeder systems into Oracle Incentive
Compensation Group
A group of salespeople who share sales credit, directly or indirectly, when a sale is
made. They are placed together in a compensation group hierarchy to accurately
account for the payment of commission and sales credit. For example, at one
company, when salespeople close a sale, they receive commission, their managers
receive sales credit toward their quotas, territory sales managers receive sales credit
from the manager’s transactions, and territory sales consultants also receive indirect
credit for performing consulting work that helped to close the business.
Compensation Plan
A collection of one or more modular plan elements used to calculate a
compensation payment. One compensation plan is assigned to a sales role, which is
then assigned to a salesperson. Some parts of a compensation plan can be
customized for individual salespeople, such as a payment plan or pay group.
Concurrent Program
Concurrent programs run at the same time as other Oracle Incentive Compensation
functions. For example, you can run a concurrent program to collect transactions
from a transaction source while you are building compensation plans.
Credit Memo
A document generated when an invoice is fully or partially reversed. Credit memos
are later collected and applied against transactions.
Rate dimensions define the tiers that a rate table uses to apply rates. A dimension
contains rate tiers to establish different levels of achievement to be compensated at
different rates.
Draws are a mechanism to pay salespeople a minimum amount of compensation for
a specified period of time. As part of the agreement with salespeople, this amount
can be recoverable or nonrecoverable. You can define the period that the draw and
recovery will be in effect.
A set of instructions that determines how compensation will be calculated.
Formulas are built from input expressions, output expressions, and rate tables.
Intervals are time periods during which a compensation or a plan element is
effective. Plan element intervals must be contained within the effective interval of a
compensation plan.
Interval Type
The time period of the interval, for example, month, quarter, or year.
Job Title
Job titles are used by Human Resources to categorize employees. Oracle Incentive
Compensation uses Roles, and a Job Title can be assigned to a particular Role by
using the Job Titles page.
Manual Transaction
A user-entered transaction created for reversing or changing sales credit.
Rules defining collection that connect the table columns of a feeder system to the
transaction columns in Oracle Incentive Compensation.
Notification Log
The Notification log automatically records every change in the system that affects
calculation and lists what part of the calculation must be rerun as a result of an
Pay Group
An assignment that determines the frequency with which a salesperson receives
payment. A salesperson cannot belong to more than one pay group at a time.
There are three types of payment:
■ Regular Payment: The application collects data, prepares it, and formats it
to be used by a non-Oracle Payable system.
■ Accounts Payable Integration: Used for vendors, this method prepares
payment for Oracle Accounts Payable by classifying the resources as
■ Payroll Download File: The application collects data and creates a file that
can be used by Oracle Payroll
Payment Plan
An arrangement in affect for some salespeople who need to receive a minimum
payment regardless of their earnings. You can specify a minimum and/or a
maximum payment as well as whether any minimum payments are recoverable or
not against future amounts payable. Payment recovery can be on a separate
schedule from the pay period.
Performance Measure
An accumulation of transaction values that is captured by a Plan Element and
grouped for use in reports that compare achievements to Quota, Goal and
Performance Measure. Performance measures are not used to calculate commission.
Plan Element
Parts of a compensation plan that may reflect variations of commission or perhaps a
bonus based on the accumulated achievement of the salesperson. Plan elements can
also be configured for tracking nonmonetary credits such as managerial points or
production credits. Plan elements consist of modular components that can be freely
assigned in different combinations, including revenue classes, formulas, and rate
Push is a way of referring to the movement of an approved and accepted
compensation plan from the planning area into the administrative area of Oracle
Incentive Compensation.
Rate Table
Part of a formula, along with input and output expressions, that determines the
amount of compensation based on amount or percentage of achievement compared
to quota.
A new functionality that enables managers to change the quota or variable pay of a
salesperson’s compensation plan at any time. These changes could be required
because of a change in business circumstances, a salesperson is receiving too much
or too little commission, or if a salesperson receives a promotion to a new role with
a new goal. Regoaling can only be used if a plan is already accepted and activated.
Revenue Class
A user-defined category of business revenue used to classify a transaction for
compensation and calculation. Revenue classes are assigned to plan elements and
help Oracle Incentive Compensation determine whether classified sales credit is
applied toward a compensation payment.
A role describes a set of salespeople who share a common compensation structure.
Examples are Salesperson, Consultant, and Regional Sales Manager. In Oracle
Incentive Compensation, you assign each individual salesperson to a
predetermined role, which can be customized in some ways. Changes to a role
affect everyone assigned to that role who does not have the "Customized" check box
checked on the compensation plan. A resource can have more than one role at the
same time.
Ruleset Types
Rulesets are of two types, Revenue Classification and Account Generation.
■ Revenue Classification defines the rules that are used to identify a revenue class
for each transaction that the system processes as part of calculating
■ Account Generation is used to integrate Oracle Incentive Compensation
automatically with Accounts Payable and to classify transactions to identify
Expense and Liability Accounts.
Sales Credit
An amount of revenue or nonrevenue credit that is awarded to a salesperson.
Seasonality schedules show how a product/service income or cost/expense is
distributed throughout the year, expressed in percentages of the year’s total.
Seasonality schedules can be assigned to multiple agreements, and agreements can
use multiple seasonality schedules for different components.
The amount of compensation credited for a sale that Oracle Incentive Compensation
takes back when the invoice due date grace period is exceeded. If the invoice is
subsequently paid, then a giveback can be used to restore credit to a salesperson.
Takebacks are sometimes called clawbacks.
Transaction Factor
A multipler on sales credit that determines net sales credit given for each type of