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Write Only The Letter of The Best Answer

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Write only the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following fields of study is a physical science?

a. biology c. zoology
b. botany d. physics
2. When you perform an experiment, what is the next step to do after defining a problem?
a. gather relevant data c. test the hypothesis
b. formulate the hypothesis d. formulate a conclusion
3. Jose saw big crabs crawling on the sand. He wondered where they came from so he started
investigating. What scientific attitude did Jose show?
a. open-mindedness c. curiosity
b. resourcefulness d. patience
4. All of the following are positive effects of technology on society EXCEPT one. Which is it?
a. improves industry c. gives comfort to man
b. pollutes the environment d. makes work easier
5. Which of the statements below is a scientific hypothesis?
a. Energy is the capacity to do work.
b. Physics deals with matter and energy.
c. The higher the temperature of the substance the faster its molecules move.
d. Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.
6. Which of the following steps involves giving an educative guess to the problem?
a. making predictions c. stating the problem
b. gathering observations d. formulating hypothesis
Arrange the different processes of the scientific method chronologically from numbers 7-13.
a. Formulate hypothesis.
b. Make predictions.
c. Accept hypothesis or theory conditionally.
d. Identify and state the problem.
e. Gather observations, facts, and data.
f. Pass all tests / fails completely or partially.
g. Test predictions by experiments.
7. 11.
8. 12.
9. 13.
14. Who formulated the laws of motion?
a. Sir Isaac Newton c. Albert Einstein
b. Robert Boyle d. Benjamin Franklin
15. Who was responsible for the discovery of geothermal energy in the country?
a. Melecio S. Magno c. Arturo P. Alcaraz
b. Christopher Bernido d. Henry Ramos
Give 5 scientific attitudes that scientists possesses (16-20):
16. 19.
17. 20.
1. Which of the following is related to energy?
a. time b. force c. heat d. speed
2. Which of the following refers to the capacity to do work?
a. power b. energy c. velocity d. momentum
3. Which of the following situations possesses kinetic energy?
a. a bouncing ball b. a car in a parking place c. a book on top on top of the table
d. a hammer raised at a certain height

4. Which quantity has the greatest influence on the amount of kinetic energy that the car
has while moving in a superhighway?
a. mass b. weight
c. velocity d. size
5. All of the following practices conserve energy EXCEPT
a. using firewood in cooking b. riding a bicycle to school
c. riding a bus for long trips d. using many electrical appliances at the same time
6. Which of the following energy changes take place in a hydroelectric power station?
a. potential kinetic electrical b. kinetic potential electrical
c. heat chemical electrical d. kinetic electrical potential
7. What are the energy changes that take place in a television?
a. electrical potential kinetic b. kinetic electrical potential
c. electrical light sound d. potential electrical kinetic
8. A photographer wants to determine the color of light he can use in the darkroom that will not expose
the films he is processing. In one trial, he used blue incandescent bulb. Which bulb can he use for
another trial?
a. red incandescent bulb b. green incandescent bulb
c. red fluorescent bulb d. blue fluorescent bulb
9. Why are cooking pans usually made of metal while their handles are often made of plastic?
a. Metals are good conductors while plastics are good insulators of heat.
b. Metals are poor conductors while plastics are good insulators of heat.
c. Metals and plastics are both conductors of heat
d. Metals and plastics are good insulators
10. Which of the following terms correctly describes the action of glass prism in splitting white light into
the colors of the spectrum?
a. deviation b. diffusion
c. dispersion d. image formation
11. Purple light is a mixture of red and blue light. Orange paint reflects only red and yellow light. When
purple light falls on orange paint, what color does the paint appear to be?
a. purple b. red
c. yellow d. orange
12. Which one of the following devices does NOT make use of electromagnetic waves in its operation?
a. camera b. loudspeaker
c. television set d. radio set
13. Which one of the following graphs shows what will probably happen to the supply of petroleum in
the years to come?

14. All of the following are alternative sources of energy EXCEPT:
a. wind energy b. natural gas
c. solar energy d. energy from the earths interior
15. Why does the greenhouse effect result to warmer temperature near the surface of earth?
a. Clouds trap infrared radiation. b. Ozone traps ultraviolet radiation.
c. Carbon dioxide traps infrared radiation. d. Soil absorbs incoming radiation.
16. Which of the following activities helps reduce water pollution?
a. throwing liquid wastes b. using organic fertilizers in farms
c. using soap instead of detergents d. treating wastewater before it is discharged
17. Atomic fission involves the splitting of atoms resulting in a tremendous release of energy. This is
used to produce steam in electric power plants. Which of the following is the MOST accurate energy
a. nuclearchemicalmechanicalelectrical
b. nuclearheatmechanicalelectrical
c. chemicalmechanicallightelectrical
d. chemicalnuclearelectrical-light
18. Which process does NOT involve release of heat?
a. explosion of bombs b. breakdown of food in the body
c. melting of butter d. burning of gasoline
19. What form of energy does an object produce, which is set into vibration?
a. compression b. rarefaction
c. electrical d. sound
20. What should be the speed of the object to convert mass to energy?
a. increasing speed b. decreasing speed
c. constant speed d. average speed
1. The theory that explains light as a particle.
a. corpuscular theory c. quantum theory
b. electromagnetic wave theory d. wave theory
2. When we see a tree, the light that reaches our eyes
a. has been reflected by the tree.
b. has been refracted by the tree.
c. has been separated into a spectrum by the tree.
d. has undergone interference in passing through the tree.
3. Enlarged image can be formed by
a. concave mirrors only c. either concave or convex mirror
b. convex mirrors only d. neither concave nor convex mirror
4. The image formed by a convex mirror is always
a. real c. bigger than the object
b. inverted d. smaller than the object
5. If you are looking obliquely on a fish under water, in what direction should you aim your arrow to hit
a. above the fish c. directly to the fish
b. below the fish d. either below or above the fish
6. The term refraction refers to
a. the bending of light rays when they strike a mirror.
b. the bending of light rays when they enter a different medium.
c. the fact that white light is made up of many colors.
d. the fact that light travels in straight line in uniform medium.
7. As the angle of incidence increases, the index of refraction of a medium
a. increases c. remains unchanged
b. decreases d. none of the above
8. If you look down on a pool of still water, you see your face clearly. Which one of the following gives
the best explanation for this observation?
a. Dispersion of light on entering water
b. Reflection of light by the surface of the water
c. Refraction of light by the surface of the water
d. Light is reflected from the surface of the water in different directions.
9. A diamond is a brilliant gem because
a. it has low index of refraction. c. most of the light is refracted.
b. it has big critical angle. d. most of the light is reflected internally.

10. A ray of light is reflected from a plane mirror. The angle of incidence is 20o. The angle between the
incident and the reflected ray is
a. 10o c. 30o
b. 20o d. 40o
11. When you stand 3 m in front of a full length mirror, your image is
a. real and 1 m behind the mirror c. virtual and 2 m behind the mirror
b. real and 3 m behind the mirror d. virtual and 3 m behind the mirror
12. The bottom of a clear and deep lake appears to be shallow because of ____________
a. diffraction c. reflection
b. polarization d. refraction
13. When sunlight strikes raindrops, it passes through them and produces
a. halo c. rainbow
b. heat d. shadow
14. Side mirrors of motor vehicles allow the driver to see wider areas. What best describes the images
compared to the real object in this kind of mirror?
a. bigger c. the same
b. smaller d. inverted
15. What do you call the separation of light into its component colors?
a. dispersion c. reflection
b. polarization d. refraction
16. Where does light travel fastest?
a. air c. vacuum
b. glass d. water
17. What do you call the bending of light around the corners of objects?
a. diffraction c. reflection
b. dispersion d. refraction
18. A beam of light traveling in air enters a glass medium. What changes does it undergo?
a. change in speed only c. change in wavelength only
b. change in frequency only d. change in both speed and wavelength
19. Which is the color of visible light with the longest wavelength?
a. blue c. violet
b. red d. yellow
20. Which of the following is a good description of a polarized light?
a. It is an ordinary light. b. It is a transverse wave.
c. It is a longitudinal wave. d. It is a wave that vibrates in all directions.
1. Which part of the human eye regulates the amount of light entering the eye?
a. cornea c. lens
b. iris d. retina
2. An eye forms the image on the retina while a camera forms image in the
a. diaphragm c. sensitive film
b. lens d. shutter
3. Which statement about the parts of the eye and their uses is true?
a. The pupil opens or shuts the eye.
b. The eyelid regulates the amount of light.
c. The iris enables the eye to see near object.
d. The retina serves as the screen where the image is formed.
4. The nearsighted person needs a concave lens. This lens can make the image fall
a. on the eyeball c. before the retina of the eye
b. on the retina of the eye d. beyond the retina of the eye
5. Which of the following can be done by a camera but not by the human eye?
a. form images of objects b. adjust to dim and bright lights
c. change focus from short to long distances d. give a permanent record of the scenes on which it is
6. Which of the following instruments form a magnified, virtual and erect image?
a. camera c. pinhole camera
b. human eye d. simple microscope
7. A compound microscope is an optical device. Which statement is TRUE about a compound
a. It consists of a single lens.
b. It is used to magnify distant object clearly.
c. It has an eyepiece that produces a smaller image.
d. It is used to view a very small object at very close distance.
8. A human eye forms an image which is
a. smaller and erect c. inverted and real
b. bigger and virtual d. inverted and virtual
9. A telescope is an optical device used to
a. view distant object c. diminish large object
b. view near object d. diminish small object
10. Which statement is NOT TRUE about hologram?
a. It is a recording of an interference pattern.
b. A laser light is needed to make a hologram.
c. It forms a true three-dimensional image of the object.
d. It is a photographic record of only one view of the object.
B. Identify the terms or phrases referred to in the following.
____________ 1. The part of the camera where the image object is formed
____________ 2. The part of the eye which corresponds to the diaphragm of the camera
____________ 3. The kind of lenses used to correct farsightedness
____________ 4. The ability of the eye to adjust the shape of its lens to focus on objects at different
____________ 5. An eye defect which focuses the image in front of the retina
____________ 6. A lens prescribed to correct astigmatism
____________ 7. An optical device that forms bigger, erect and virtual image
____________ 8. An optical device that views a small object at close distance
____________ 9. An optical device that views a large object at very far distance
____________ 10. Light used to create a hologram

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