Human Body: 2 Grade Science State Standards
Human Body: 2 Grade Science State Standards
Human Body: 2 Grade Science State Standards
Amanda Hammond
Grade Level: 2
• Science/Anatomy
• Technology
• Math
Description: Students will learn about body parts and systems of the human body. Each day,
students will be identifying and explaining a body part. Students will use tracings of their own
body parts to formulate a body model that will be displayed for others to see. The students will
use a camera to take pictures of each other’s human body parts model. They will also complete a
computerized game and print off their score sheet.
Goal: Students will identify various human body parts and the functions of these parts within the
larger system.
National/State Standards:
NETS –S Standards:
• Use input devices and output devices to successfully operate computers, VCRs, audiotapes, and
other technologies.
• Use developmentally appropriate multimedia resources to support learning.
• Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, family members, and others when using
technology in the classroom.
• Gather information and communicate with others using telecommunications, with support from
teachers, family members, or student partners.
• Body part stencils (make out of file folders for students to trace)
• Overheads with information and vocabulary about each body part (brain, heart, lungs,
stomach, intestines, pancreas, gall bladder, etc.)
• Large butcher block paper
• Markers
• Crayons
• Scissors
• Glue
• Computers with preferred game displayed
• Printer
• Paper
• Camera
Activity One
1. Teacher will prepare the classroom for the activity by collecting required materials and
resources for students to use.
2. Teacher will develop instructional materials for the lesson activity (e.g., overheads).
3. Each day, teacher will introduce a new body part and/or system to the students.
4. On an overhead projector, students will read and discuss facts and vocabulary related to
each body part or system.
5. After the class discussion, students will trace the particular body part on different colored
paper. "Parts" are cut out with scissors and to be saved in baggies belonging to each
6. At the end of the unit, trace each student's body on a large piece of butcher paper (do not
cut out).
7. Students can recall facts about the parts and write them on the backs of each of their parts.
8. Finally, students glue down their parts in the correct location on their paper body.
9. Hang these true-to-life representations of the human body around the school
Activity Two
1. The teacher will monitor the students as some groups take pictures of their
projects, while others are at the computers
2. The students will take pictures with a digital camera of their partner and their
completed, traced human body with “parts” attached.
3. The students will visit the classroom computer to play a game already displayed,
concerning the human body.
4. The students will print off the results of their participation in the game.
Activity One
Students accurately recall facts about each part using the following criteria concerning
their body part models:
Activity Two
Students are participating in the computer based educational game which will be assessed
by their ability to print-off their score sheet correctly, and their score of the body parts
Students will also be taking pictures of their partner’s body model, and this will be
assessed by the following:
1. The picture is centered
2. The picture is clear
3. The picture contains all of the information of the body model