ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Planning Form
ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Planning Form
ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Planning Form
Teacher: Annelise VanDyken Date: 4/26-28/17 Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Social Studies/Science
Note: This lesson will be divided up over the course of several days (about a week). The first two days will be for research, and the
next three days will be for construction of the circuit board, circuit, and quizzing each other.
I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
This is the final project/summative assessment for the Midwestern states unit.
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)
This is the final project for the unit.
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) I ndicate connections to applicable national or state standards. If
an objective applies to only certain students write the name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.
4 G1.0.1 Identify questions geographers ask in examining the United States (e.g., Where it is? What is it like there? Why is
it there? How is it connected to other places?)
4 G2.0.1 Describe ways in which the United States can be divided into different regions (e.g., political regions, economic
regions, landform regions, vegetation regions)
4-PS3-2 Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and
electric currents.
This project is the summative assessment for the Midwestern unit plan.
(formative and summative)
Options for Language/Symbols Options for Expression Options for Sustaining Effort & Persistence
Directions given aurally and left on the Students can choose their topic, choose Students are given a clear set of directions
document camera for students to use, the states they focus on, and research and regular reminders. Students recognize
teacher models the instructions she gives specific facts. Students build their own that they will be presenting their boards
circuit board, and they also can choose to their grandparents.
their colors.
Options for Comprehension Options for Executive Function Options for Self Regulation
Students are given directions of what to
Part 1 - Research
Computers for research, writing down state facts and information
Research sheet, pencils
Students have received reminders to bring in D or C-cell batteries for this project.
Do you need to set up your A few days, students will be working in the computer lab.
classroom in any special way for Make sure for the days when students are working on the board, all of the necessary
this lesson? If so, describe it. materials are laid out in the classroom.
For students that are finished, the teacher will laminate the finished board. Then, the teacher will hole
punch small holes for the brads to get placed in. This will be in prep for the next part of the project.
For students who are not finished, I will have my classroom teacher and/or class aid to be ready for
laminating boards for students who finish during the work time.
Students can keep their materials on a pile in the back table. If they have many materials that theyre
working with, they can put them in a plastic bag and store them.
Part 3 (Day 5, 6)
1) When students are finished with assembling the first part of the board, teacher explains what
will happen next.
a) Teacher tells students to keep working on their boards at wherever they are in the
process. She then explains the next part of the process, but leaves up directions for the
students depending on where they are at.
b) Teacher shows students how the laminated boards were hole punched and ready to
go. Teacher demonstrates how to put together the aluminium foil paths -- What is this
part like in a circuit? (the wire to carry the electric current)
c) Teacher explains that the aluminum foil should be folded in strips and connected -- the
brads will go through. Masking tape should THEN cover the entire strip (Why would
this be the case? -- because masking tape is an insulator and it will prevent electricity
from flowing through other aluminium pieces that may be crossing over -- this would
be a short circuit! Teacher reviews what a conductor is and what an insulator is)
d) When students finish taping down the aluminum foil wires, students should test
them to make sure they work well. Teacher has a few sample tester circuits that they
can use for this.
e) Students work on this and teacher assists. Teacher leaves up instructions and students
continue working on their project. All of the materials (aluminum foil, masking tape,
hole puncher if needed) are located in the back.
2) After this part, on the next day, the teacher continues giving instructions. At this point, the
students will be putting together the circuits.
a) Teacher tells students that they will be needing their batteries that they have been
bringing in. (If students havent brought batteries, have them bring one in the next day
-- if they cant bring one, teacher has extra batteries in the back for the students use)
b) Teacher shows students a circuit and reviews the parts of a circuit (source, load, and
path). Teacher shows how the students will assemble their circuits:
i) They need a bulb, bulb holder, three wires, and their battery. Teacher shows
how students will assemble their materials.
ii) -- if they need help using the materials, they can ask a teacher for help
(Especially using a screwdriver to put the light bulb into the holder).
iii) IF students have trouble getting their bulb to light, encourage the students to
attempt using multiple strategies to make it work (most likely, the bulb is not
c) When students are finished, they need to make sure that their circuits work by testing
them on their circuit boards.
d) Teacher instructs students to put their names/initials on a plastic bag and store their
materials within.
For students who havent finished within the given class time, they can keep working on their projects
during fix/finish time during the week.
*For Grandparents Day, the students will be presenting their circuit boards to their grandparents or
grandfriends. The Grandparents will attempt to make the bulb light by connecting the proper state
picture to the circuit.
Your reflection on the lesson including ideas for improvement for next time: