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EDU 543 VAPA Lesson Plan Lesson Name and Content Area: Grade Level 3rd

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EDU 543 VAPA Lesson Plan

Lesson Name and Content Area

Grade Level 3rd
Candidate Name: Torey Gonzalez
Locate a VAPA lesson plan on WWW and work backwards to fill out this lesson plan form. Fill out the student information form
at the end of this lesson plan to help you know your individual students. Download TPA 1 and 2 and use as a reference as
you complete this lesson plan. This plan is intended to provide you with some of the major skills and types of writing needed
for completing TPA 1 and 2.
Learning about your students: Locate or develop an interest survey you could use to learn about your students: Google
interest surveys for elementary students and get ideas. Arts and PE are great areas of the curriculum to learn more about the
interests and attitudes of your students and helps you plan other content area lessons.

Describe the students in this class: Use your fieldwork school for information. (View their
web site and find supporting information)
Include the following:
Grade: 3rd
Average Age: 8
Boys: 12
Girls: 13
SES level
Likes/dislikes: they like to play kickball and basketball. They all like to color and do art
projects that go along with their writing assignments.
General Background experience in this content area: Not much background in this content
area, but being able to connect art to writing assignments is super fun and creative for the
Types of learning opportunities needed for this group: We have ELLs in the classroom
and we also have advanced learners in the classroom.
Developmental needs of this group in grade: One of the students is reading and writing in
the 1st grade level. Another couple of students is reading and writing at a late 2 nd early 3rd
grade level. They will need to be scaffold and given more examples or instruction than the
other students. For the advanced students they should be given a harder prompt in writing
and a more detailed art project than the other students. They should really be given an
opportunity to expand their imagination.
Any other specific information needed concerning the students who will be engaged in this

List potential high-risk (type of)

students, issues, or anticipated
difficulties with engaging
students in this learning
One of the students is reading
and writing in the 1st grade level.
Another couple of students is
reading and writing at a late 2nd
early 3rd grade level. They will
need to be scaffold and given
more examples or instruction
than the other students. For the
advanced students they should
be given a harder prompt in
writing and a more detailed art
project than the other students.
They should really be given an
opportunity to expand their

State Adopted Content Standard(s)

List full Standard with grade level and standard number.
RL.3.1. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring
explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
RI.3.3. Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or
concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time,
sequence, and cause/effect.
W.3.2.a-d Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
information clearly. (a) Introduce a topic and group related information together; include
illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. (b) Develop the topic with facts,
definitions, and details. (c) Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more,
but) to connect ideas within categories of information. (d) Provide a concluding statement
or section.
W.3.7. Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.
VAPA.2.3. Paint or draw a landscape, seascape, or cityscape that shows the illusion of
VAPA.2.4. Create a work of art based on the observation of objects and scenes in daily
life, emphasizing value changes.

Academic learning goals (objectives)

Students in grade 3 will fill out a KWL chart individually, but also receive feedback and
help from peers and the teacher
Students will create a model of the cell with the help of vocabulary and visual
Students will take down notes from two different sources; first source will be an
informational article, the second source will be the Magic School Bus Goes Cell-ular.

Materials, Technology, other Resources

Lined paper

Reading Literature Standards

(RL); Grade 3; Standard 1
Reading Informational
Standards (RI); Grade 3;
Standard 3
Writing Standard (W); Grade 3;
Standard 2 a-d
Writing Standard (W); Grade 3;
Standard 7
Visual and Performing Art
Standard (VAPA); Grade 3;
Standard 2.3
Visual and Performing Art
Standard (VAPA); Grade 3;
Standard 2.4.
What specifically will students
be able to know or do?
With the help of peers and the
teacher, students will fill out
KWL charts. Taking the
information that other students
or the teacher has as prior
knowledge, asking questions as
to what they want to learn, and
then filling out the information as
to what they have learned from
the lesson. The students will
take the information that they
gather and create a model of a
cell. They will have the
vocabulary to help them with the
descriptions of the cell parts that
they pick. They will also get the
assistance from the teacher and
their peers. I will do my best to
put up visual representations
around the classroom so they
can look around the walls to see
the different parts of the cell with
the names attached to it. The
notes that the students will be
taking will be done individually
and as a class. We will go over
what they find and do a class
work up of what important
information that they found from
the article and the video. During
the video I will stop during
appropriate parts so they can
take down their notes; and
rewind when need to so if they
miss something they can catch it
a second time.
Rationale: Why did you select
these materials?
I selected these materials

Magic School Bus video: Goes Cell-Ular
Magic School Bus Worksheet
Cell cut-outs
Construction papers

Key Academic Vocabulary

Cell: the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, typically microscopic
and consisting of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane. Microscopic
organisms typically consist of a single cell, which is either eukaryotic or prokaryotic.
DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material present in nearly all-living
organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic
Organelle: any of a number of organized or specialized structures within a living cell.
Nucleus: the central and most important part of an object, movement, or group,
forming the basis for its activity and growth.
Mitochondria: an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the
biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. It has a double
membrane, the inner layer being folded inward to form layers (cristae).
Golgi Apparatus: a complex of vesicles and folded membranes within the cytoplasm of
most eukaryotic cells, involved in secretion and intracellular transport.
Ribosomes: a minute particle consisting of RNA and associated proteins, found in
large numbers in the cytoplasm of living cells. They bind messenger RNA and transfer
RNA to synthesize polypeptides and proteins.
Cytoplasm: is the fluid that fills a cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum: While the function of the nucleus is to act as the cell brain,
the ER functions as a manufacturing and packaging system. It works closely with the
Golgi apparatus, ribosomes, mRNA, and tRNA.
Assessment: What evidence of learning will you collect during this lesson that will indicate
the extent the students has completed the lesson goals?
Individual Assessment: Students will turn in a completed KWL chart. This will tell the
teacher what they know, what they wanted to know and what they learned during the
video and note taking. Each student will then produce a cell on their own; the cell will have
key vocabulary in it and the definitions that go along with the key words. The diagram will
be colored and put together properly for a clear display of understanding.
Concept Understanding: Address that this is more of a language arts assignment. This
assignment is to bring creativity to the assignment through a more literary lens. The
students will be asked to write a paragraph describing one of the cell parts of their choice.
They will write in 1st person in the point of view of that cell part. They will also have friends
in the cell and describe two other parts of the cell that are their friends and how they help
one another.

because they will need to be

able to take notes and make an
art project with a group. I also
wanted to include the
vocabulary that is going to go
along with the assignment
because that is the core of the

Why did you select this

evidence of learning and how
will it show student
I used individual assessment to
show that the students
understand the root of the
material because that part of the
lesson is very straightforward.
Either they know the vocabulary
or they dont. It also tells me
how they decide what important
information is and if they were
paying attention to the video.
The concept understanding is
being included because the two
different activities are
connected. They are building
their knowledge to be able to
form a visual representation of
the information that they
**I found these Rubrics online,
They looked like I could adjust
them easily to fit the lessons
more clearly and directly.


Instructional Strategies: What content specific instructional strategies are you using to
teach this lesson?
Choose a topic to use in introducing basic research skills. (Herrell & Jordan)
Prepare a blank KWL Chart. (Herrell & Jordan)
Introduce the KWL Chart in a group lesson (Herrell & Jordan)
Provide students with books and resources to read about the topic. (Herrell & Jordan)
Demonstrate how to add new information to the L column of the KWL chart and make
corrections to the K column. (Herrell & Jordan)
Introduce the data chart as a way to organize the information they are gathering.
(Herrell & Jordan)
Demonstrate how to use the data chart to organize and write a report on the topic.
(Herrell & Jordan)

Rationale: Why did you select

these strategies?
The KWL chart was chosen
because it helps organize
student information. It is a good
template that helps the students
understands what they already
know and how it might be
different to the facts that are laid
out in front of them. It also
shows them what they learned
from the lesson.

Student Learning Activities:

List Activities and describe each of the teaching steps in the order that you will implement
each step.
Activity One:
Step 1: KWL Chart. First we will go over as a class what they already know about cells.
Then we will talk about what they want to learn about cells. We will fill these two sections
out together.
Step 2: Source one: An informative article. We will read the article in groups. Two
partners. They will take turns reading the paragraphs. Before the students start to read the
article we will go over key vocabulary so they will have knowledge before they start

Rationale: Why did you select

these activities?
I selected these activities
because it helps bring together
two big concepts. The
background information of cells
and the visual representation
that goes along with it.

Source 2: Magic School Bus: Going Cell-ular: They students will be asked to take notes
on the video. I will pause the video when something important has been mentioned so
they can take down notes. We will go over the notes that they took in class together.
Step 3: Filling out the L part of the KWL chart. The students will have information that
they have learned. They will be asked to fill out what they have learned in that part of the
Step 4: The students will be asked to write a paragraph as a part of the cell. A part that
they found interesting. They will write this in first person, they will have friends that they
write about and what their jobs are and how they help one another. It will be like a diary
All of this information is background information and knowledge that they learn before they
do their art project. In order for them to know how to make the cell they first need to know
what the parts of the cell do and how they interact with one another.

How will they help students

accomplish the lesson goal and
It helps students accomplish the
lesson goals by taking the
information that they know and
applying it to the new
information that they receive.
They will fill out their KWL charts
and display all the information
that they have learned from the

Activity Two:
Step 1: Picking out 2 parts of the cell that they want to focus on. The students will be given
a template of the entire cell. They will be given the nucleus and DNA. They will have to
pick other parts of the cell to focus on.
Step 2: Once they have the cell parts that they want they will decorate the part and label it.
They will put the name of the part of the cell and the definition underneath the label.
Step 3: All 4 people in the group will take the template of the cell and their individual parts
and put it together. They will use an actually picture (that will be provided to them) to go off
of. They will glue everything down and make it presentable to the class.
Student Work: Make the assignment/activity (use as a model).
KWL Chart. First we will go over as a class what they already know about cells. Then we
will talk about what they want to learn about cells. We will fill these two sections out
Source one: An informative article. We will read the article in groups. Two partners. They
will take turns reading the paragraphs. Before the students start to read the article we will
go over key vocabulary so they will have knowledge before they start reading.
Source 2: Magic School Bus: Going Cell-ular: They students will be asked to take notes
on the video. I will pause the video when something important has been mentioned so
they can take down notes. We will go over the notes that they took in class together.
Filling out the L part of the KWL chart. The students will have information that they have
learned. They will be asked to fill out what they have learned in that part of the chart.
The students will be asked to write a paragraph as a part of the cell. A part that they found
interesting. They will write this in first person, they will have friends that they write about

Explain how you will use this

work sample.
KWL Chart: I think sampling this
would be best done if I did it
along with the class. We go over
some information that they may
already know and put it in the
K column together. We will go
over some information that we
may want to know, have some
collective ideas be written down
on the class KWL chart. Then
we will go over the articles, have
them take notes independently
with their partners, have them
read the article a couple times.
Watch the video together; make
sure to stop when important

and what their jobs are and how they help one another. It will be like a diary entry.
All of this information is background information and knowledge that they learn before they
do their art project. In order for them to know how to make the cell they first need to know
what the parts of the cell do and how they interact with one another.
Picking out 2 parts of the cell that they want to focus on. The students will be given a
template of the entire cell. They will be given the nucleus and DNA. They will have to pick
other parts of the cell to focus on.
Once they have the cell parts that they want they will decorate the part and label it. They
will put the name of the part of the cell and the definition underneath the label.
All 4 people in the group will take the template of the cell and their individual parts and put
it together. They will use an actually picture (that will be provided to them) to go off of.
They will glue everything down and make it presentable to the class.

Student Grouping
How will students be grouped during this lesson? Keep in mind that the groupings may
change during the lesson (ex. begin with whole group and then divide into small groups).
They will use shoulder partners to do their pair reading assignment. They will use table
partners to do their cell art project. As a whole group we will go over the KWL chart and
modify what they have done individually as a class. We will share ideas as a class and
notes. When we are done with taking notes as pairs, we will go over the different notes
that we took from the article, and from the video. Go over any important information that
may have been missed, and talk about the information that we did find important as a
class. The art project will be done individually as well and collaboratively.

Progress Monitoring of Student Learning:

To monitor the students, I would have to do informal monitoring. A good informal
monitoring method is to have a checklist while I walk around the classroom. Are the
students staying on task and finishing up their KWL charts? Are they gathering the right
kinds of notes? How many notes are being taken on average? Are there some students
that are unclear with what the assignment is? Are the students staying on task? Just have
a general check off list to be used while monitoring their learning with pairs and as a
group. This lesson plan is an integrated lesson plan. They will be learning about the cell.
With that in mind I am going to have a KWL chart for them to fill out as a class and
individually. They will have to turn in their KWL chart once they are done, so I will be able
to see that they understand the concepts. The art assignment is going to be a group
assignment. They are going to break off into groups of 4, each of them are going to have
to pick parts of the cell and create a 2-D drawing of that part of the cell. Then the group as
a whole is going to have to build their cell based off the drawing that they made

information has been stated.

Rewind the video when
necessary for any information
that was missed. Go over the
notes as a class. Write down on
our class KWL chart the
information that we learned (in
the L section).
Paragraph: Go over how to write
a letter. What is a heading?
What is a signature? Where are
you supposed to write the date?
Have the students keep their
notes out as a reference while
they are writing their paragraph.
Art Model: Have an example of
the cell up on the board. Clearly
have the cell parts labeled for
the students to see one the
board. Go to the students to
check and make sure that they
are labeling their parts correctly
and the definitions on the cell
parts match what they have in
their notes.
Rationale: Why did you select
this type of grouping (ex. whole
group, small groups, boys, girls,
We have about 3 ELD students
in the classroom. I think that pair
reading helps the students
understand the text better. This
gives them an opportunity to
work with their classmates to
figure out the text. They have
someone that can help them
with word meaning and
understanding the sentence
structure. They also have
someone that helps them
summarize the text, decide
which information is important
and which information is not as
important to the notes.
How will you monitor how the
students are doing with learning
this lesson?
Individual Assessment: Students
will turn in a completed KWL
chart. This will tell the teacher
what they know, what they
wanted to know and what they
learned during the video and
note taking. Each student will
then produce a cell on their own;
the cell will have key vocabulary
in it and the definitions that go
along with the key words. The
diagram will be colored and put

Difficulties: List and explain the 2-3 difficulties or problems you anticipate that all students
might have with this content and these learning activities.
I think that the students would have trouble with the vocabulary of the material. There are
a lot of specific terms that they learn, and it could get confusing.
Another aspect that will be difficult is the note taking; I am going to give them 2 different
sources, an article and a video source. They are going to have to pick out key details and
write them down. This will be their text evidence.
Explain how you will solve these problems so all students will learn to full potential.
I will go over the vocabulary everyday, so there is familiarity to the vocabulary. This will
help them learn the terms and get them in the rhythm of learning scientific vocabulary.

together properly for a clear

display of understanding.
Why do you think these might
be potential problems?
I think that these will be potential
problems because all the
students will be at different
reading levels and have different
needs. If they are ELL students,
they will need to be scaffold a
little bit more than the students
that are at grade level. If the
students are advanced learners,
they will need material that is
more rigorous.

I will pause the video when something important was stated. This will give them a clue that
something important was said and they probably have to write that fact down. I will also
rewind the video so they can rehear the fact and take down the note.
Adaptations: List steps that you could take to ensure learning for specific students experiencing these difficulties in the
spaces below.
ELD Learner:
KWL Chart
Peer collaboration
Video source
Art aspect to help bring the concept together
Language ability
Reading levels: All the reading levels of the ELL students will be different. Some will
be level ones and others will almost be able to read English independently.
Your intervention or adaptation:
The students will be given many opportunities to work with one another. They will be able
to work with a peer to help explain things to them in a sense that helps them learn. They
will be working on the art aspect of the project with their table group so they can bounce
concepts and ideas off of one another. The KWL chart will help them organize their facts
and ideas.

Special Needs Learner:

Slightly different perspective on the assignment. They can bring some mixture into the
Creative in different aspects to their works.
Take pleasure in simple accomplishments in their work. This allows us to help build
their academic self-esteem so they feel good about the work they are providing.
Task difficulty
Level of understanding
Frustration comes easily when they do not comprehend the assignment very well.
Hard to get them to focus on the assignments.
Your intervention or adaptation:
Peer collaboration is a good intervention to use when dealing with special needs learners.
They will be able to talk things out with the people next to them and in their groups. The
idea is that if they do not fully understand how I am explaining the instructions on what to

I know that students that are

ELD learners need a little extra
support in their assignments. If
you scaffold to them, that also
gives the class some extra help
that will benefit in their favor. A
good way to scaffold for ELLs
would be to model for them on
how the assignment can be
done. You can also help by
going around to the groups that
have the ELL students and read
with them, asking them
questions as you read. This will
benefit the students that are
ELLs as well as the other
students. Filling out the KWL
chart with the class will also help
the students. They will have
examples of what the KWL chart
is and how it can be filled out.
Students that are struggling and
in need of extra help will work
well with more scaffolding and
collaboration with their partners.
This will give them an
opportunity to work with other
students on the material that
they do not understand. The
KWL chart is to help organize
their thoughts. Different
scaffolding methods that may
work with these students would
be the shared model, where
they are working with their
partners, also the interactive
model would help. IF I were to

do then they can ask their partners. When reading the article to take down notes, they will
be reading in pairs. The pairs are to help the students look at the words and see how their
partner is pronouncing them and how they sound while they read. If they need help with
any words while they are reading then their partner can help them sound out the word or
remind them what that word means.

Student with Behavior Issues:

The students will be given opportunities to work with their hands and be interactive
with the assignment.
Give out ideas on the assignment that may not have been noticed before.
Students could express verbally how they think the cells behave with one another.
Distracting while other students are concentrating.
Hyperactive; need to exert energy.
Your intervention or adaptation:
By being able to choose which parts of the cell that they want to color and decorate with
their group mates, it gives the students the choice of what they should do. They are going
to use their hands and be creative with the assignment. They will be able to walk around
the classroom, get ideas from other groups on how they did their cells and participate in
the activities.

ask questions, they will see

different versions of answers
that would work with the
assignment. IF I asked
something like What was an
important fact that you found
from the article? I could ask
multiple students that question
and tell them to write the
answers down that they may not
have noticed while they were
reading the article themselves.
Even students with behavior
problems are going to need
some extra time and energy to
get all their rambunctiousness
out of their system. Being able
to color and help create a cell
with their group mates should be
able to help these students exert
their energy.

Reflection: What have you learned about planning instruction for a diverse student population in this content area?
I have learned that every student is different and you have to plan for the unexpected. You need different articles for some
students and thats okay. If they are learning then that is what matters. Not every student is going to be at the same reading
level, and you have to modify to his or her needs.
What area of this instructional plan was easy to complete?
They art assignment was the easiest one for me to come up with because I knew that I wanted the students to work together
on something that explained the parts of the cell visually. And the best way to do that is for the students to build the cell
themselves so they can physically put the pieces together and see how they all fit with their hands.
What area will you need more knowledge/skill in order to do the task well?
I will need to assess how I will explain the vocabulary. I do believe that is the hardest part of the lesson. There is a lot of
vocabulary that goes along with this lesson and the students will need assistance in keeping the definitions in order. So I think
that I need to come up with a good plan as to how to teach the vocabulary in an interactive manner where they will learn the
Use form below for finding out about your students prior to planning your lessons/fieldwork
Getting to know your students - Work Backwards: What questions can you ask to get the information in this case study? Turn
each statement into a question and provide a source or a person you could ask to get this information.
Jaiden is an 8-year-old student in the 3rd grade. He is labeled as an ELL student at Ben Franklin Elementary. He reads a
couple levels below grade level, but he isnt completely behind. He goes to independent practice with an ELL instructor during
classroom time. He gets pulled out of class to spend time with the Instructor for 30 minutes a day. The student is a very active
participant in the classroom. He enjoys answering questions when he is called on, even if they are the wrong answer he is
never afraid to try.
When I was asking Jaiden these questions about himself, he had the biggest smile on his face the entire time. He liked
being able to describe himself to me. After I asked him a question he would take his time to come up with an answer. What

made it so special was that he mentioned that sometimes he has trouble with words but he still tries. He enjoys doing things
like playing basketball and riding his bike around his neighborhood. He thinks that reading is fun and he actively tries to get
better at it. He thinks education is important and it shows in his attitude in class and outside of class.
Question 1: How old is Jaiden? Jaiden is 8 years old
Who would you ask? Or what source would you check?
Learned directly from the student.
2. What grade is Jaiden in? Jaiden is in 3rd grade

Learned directly from the student.

3 Jaiden do you like to read? I love to read.

Learned directly from the student.

4 Jaiden do you think that you are a good reader? I think that I
am a good reader; I think Im the best when I read out loud.

Learned directly from the student.

5 Jaiden what is your favorite subject? My favorite subject is

multiplication. I became a multiplication master very fast, and I
like it a lot.

Learned directly from the student.

6 What is your favorite color? My favorite color is blue.

Learned directly from the student.

7 What is your favorite snack? My favorite snack is chips; I like


Learned directly from the student.

8 What do you like to do at home? I like to ride my bike around

my neighborhood.

Learned directly from the student.

9 How long does it take you to finish your homework? It takes me

like an hour a night.

Learned directly from the student.

10 Do you get any help with your homework at home, or at

school? I come to tutoring from my teacher on Thursday morning
before school. My mom and dad help me with the homework that
I dont understand.

Learned directly from the student.

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