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LESSON TITLE: Conditionals Review Lesson #: 1

TEACHER NAME: Dailyn Brown DATE: 2/22/2018

Attach any handouts or materials required for this lesson.

ESL Course: Reading and
Writing for Non-Native Level Beginning Intermediate Advanced Multilevel
Speakers of English III □  □ X □
Topic/Theme: Review of all
forms of conditionals
Listening Students will be able to listen for general meaning of the plot/story and
Objectives: be able to understand what is going on during the clip because later on
By the end of the students will be using that knowledge to write 3​rd​ conditional
the lesson sentences. The film clip has British and Scottish English accents so a
students will sub-objective is to start to be comfortable with different accents
be able to because they will encounter them every day. There are many accents
identify even within our classroom.
different Speaking Students will discuss and negotiate their understanding of the
forms of the conditional sentences from the DBU worksheet with their groups and
conditional, share answers based on what they wrote during the film clip activity.
when and The main objective is for students to verbally communicate their
why to use thoughts about the activities clearly with group members, partners, and
them, and to when addressing the whole class. They will also use their speaking skills
be more to support other students by sharing their opinions about the meanings
confident of different forms of the conditional.
with using Reading Students will read the prompts, kahoot slides, and worksheet questions.
them in The objective is to understand the conditional sentences they are
writing reading and be able to explain what the sentences mean in context.
They will read and complete the review quiz.
Writing Students will be able to write sentences using the target grammar –
conditional sentences (0-3rd plus some irregular forms). One
worksheet will focus on meaning in context. Another worksheet will
focus on the meaning and form of the 3rd conditional. The homework
assignment will focus on the 2nd and 3rd conditional where students
will produce original sentences and focus on correct use of the form.
What background knowledge These students will have already read the conditional review in the
do the students already textbook for homework. The students in this advanced ESOL class
have? have seen this grammar in past in a variety of contexts but the review
in the textbook before the lesson will help refresh their memories.
What will you do to activate The lesson will begin with a kahoot warmer accessing prior knowledge
or link students’ prior of reasons to use conditional tenses. A sentence will be presented and
knowledge or experience to they will have to decide which form of the conditional is being used. It
upcoming content? will be done in groups to encourage support/shared knowledge and
for a more low stakes activity. It will also be clear that it is not graded
and just for me to see where they are with their past knowledge of
the conditionals and as a way to warm up.
Engagement with New Material
What will you do to engage After the kahoot, the class should be warmed up and have their
students in the active interested peaked to begin the conditional review. I believe the
learning of the new material? material will also be engaging because we will be using the novel that
the students have been reading to connect with the grammar and this
may be a new way of looking at grammar in class. The film clip will be
engaging because I find that students get excited when media is used
in the classroom.
What will you do to ensure When they use kahoot, they will be in groups. When they use the 1​st
that all students are worksheet (DBU) each student will be responsible for explaining and
engaged? sharing their sentence with the class. For worksheet 2 (Sliding Doors),
they will need to produce sentences and share them with a partner
and then a few volunteers will write one of their sentences on the
What opportunities will you Between the kahoot, the two worksheets, and the homework
provide students to practice students will have ample time to practice and to meet the objectives.
and apply their The kahoot will be a time to practice what they remember about the
knowledge/skill to meet the usage of 0, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd conditionals in groups. For worksheet 1
objectives for this lesson? To (DBU), they will review that knowledge by looking at sentences,
apply to other contexts? choosing which conditional they are and then writing and discussing
why that conditional was used (identifying and understanding
purpose). For worksheet 2 (Sliding Doors), they will be writing original
sentences by using the film activity as a prompt to review only 3​rd
conditional since it tends to be the most confusing and yields the
most errors. All of this practice will help them to be able to more
comfortably use the conditional forms and to support their future
writing by being more confident. They will able to communicate more
clearly with intention by using the correct conditionals for specific
meaning and clarity.
How will you assess their The assessments will be a mix of informal and ending in formal. Being
learning of the objectives? being present and doing the work will help them prepare for the
formal assessment. In the kahoot, I will keep track of which teams are
winning but also the general energy and confidence levels that
students have while answering. I will make note of this on my
attendance list. In this beginning activity, it will be important for me
to see how the students are doing because every student comes from
a different academic background and some may have had more
opportunities to practice conditionals than others. Based on how
difficult or easy this activity is for them will dictate how much time I
spend on my direct instruction piece with the PowerPoint. For the 1​st
worksheet (DBU), students will share their answers one at a time to
the whole class during this time I will assess if they were correct and
also if they really understand why the writer chose to use that form of
the conditional. I will be there for support and make corrections on
the spot if answers are incorrect. I will also allow other students to
help correct in a constructive, supportive way. For worksheet 2
(Sliding Doors), if time permits, students will write answers on the
board, if not, I will walk around and check them for accuracy, and if
there is not time to do that in class, I will collect them and hand them
back in the following class. Finally, the homework will consist of
original student answers regarding the topic of the characters in the
novel. They will write sentences in the 2nd conditional to give the
characters advice and in the 3rd conditional to imagine how the
characters lives could have been different. In this formal assessment, I
will check and see if the students constructed their conditionals
correctly and are connecting with the bigger picture of how and why
they should use the conditional.
How will you help students We will take some time at the end of the lesson to talk about what
recap the learning and link it the importance of really understanding why we choose to use certain
back to the original purpose conditional forms is and also how they felt about the experience and
of the lesson? what they plan to do with the knowledge. This will be done by asking
the students to lead this conversation. I will add additional support to
the conversation if necessary.
If applicable for your context I will integrate technology by using kahoot (Link to Kahoot:
and your lesson, how will you https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/b625b607-13c3-4ab4-acad-a7ad22e774c9​)
meaningfully integrate as an interactive warm up and a video clip (Sliding Doors DVD) to give
technology into your lesson? students a prompt to write about. It is meaningful because it helps
improve the quality of the lesson by making it more interactive and
incorporating authentic materials.

What went well? How do you All the tech worked and the lesson flowed and was completed in the
know? allotted amount of time. The students were engaged throughout and
did the work and everyone participated as asked. Because this lesson
was related to my action research, I had students complete a
feedback form and the majority of students’ felt that the use of the
novel and film clip during the grammar lesson made it easier to
understand why to use the grammar and also that it made the lesson
more memorable.
What didn’t go as planned? It rained so many students were late and it was disruptive to the first
What contingency plan did I had premade groups of 3 but knew that I could put students in pairs
you employ? if need be. When many students were not present, I started the
activity with pairs so that the students who were on time did not sit
and wait for the others. Only part of the activity was disrupted but I
had left a little extra time in my lesson for unforeseen things or
questions so I used that extra time to make sure the late students
knew what we were doing before we moved on.
What would you do I would allot more time at the end for reviewing objectives and
differently next time? making sure students felt comfortable with the homework before
ending the lesson. I would also like to do the kahoot again at the end
so that I can assess the difference in response time and correctness.
The first time was a low stakes warmer. I might even have them do it
individually at the end.
Did your students meet the Yes. It was very clear that this would be helpful for their writing and
purpose and objectives for understanding of why to use it not just how. We did the listening and
this lesson? What is your they wrote sentences based on what they saw and heard but
evidence for each? regarding the grammar point, I think they still need to practice it. I will
know more when I get their homework back and I can see if they
made the same mistakes or improved.
What do your students need We need to go over the homework and see if they are catching
next? How do you know? themselves in the common mistakes they made in class like using the
wrong verb form in perfect tense past participle or using past and not
past perfect. I know this because it happened in class.
What did you learn about I think I am good at keeping students engaged and making to explain
your glows and grows as a why we are doing things. I think that I tend to want to include many
teacher? What can you do to pieces in the lesson and when it gets close to the end, sometimes I
work on your areas needing have to rush a bit and there is less time for reflection.

My notes
8:00 am Greeting
8:05-8:15/20 Play kahoot(reasons why we use them) to refresh/assess prior understanding
8:20-30 Review ppt with general info-Discussion-Don’t be afraid of them/conditionals are like chemistry
equations -lingering questions
8:30-45 – DBU wkst – each student does one question and shares their answer and reasoning with the
class(assessment). Time for questions and support. Can ask a partner for help before sharing.
8:45-8:50 – Introduce clip and activity
8:50-9:05 – Watch clip
9:05-9:15 Worksheet/write 3 sentences
9:15-9:20 If time permits, share (have a few students write answers on board and correct at the moment or
add to homework
Homework: Give Reyna some advice based on what you have read so far about her life. Use the second
conditional to give at least 3 pieces of advice for her.
Use the third conditional to give 3 examples of how things could have been different for Reyna or anyone
in her family.

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