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Teaching Practicum II


DIRECTIONS: Write one entry (good stuff or puzzle) per each of the lessons you teach. Be sure each section of the chart D= description, A=Analysis and
PA= Plan of action does not exceed 100 words. Check the DAPA rubric for more details on how the DAPA analysis will be assessed.

Describe in an objective way Analyze Plan of Action

( no judgment, no feelings) (support your analysis with theories and concepts
related to second language teaching and learning)

GOOD STUFF (Activities that had the learning

What explanations can I offer? Why do I think this
outcome that you expected) OR
is important? How might this have helped or
PUZZLE (Activities that worked in a different way hindered student learning? So in my future lessons I will…
form expected)
Based on what I observed,I believe that ________
What exactly we’re students doing? What about the can help/ hinder student learning because ....
teacher? What was the environment like? What materials
were used?

Above expected average: Based on what I observed, I believe that students So, in my futures lessons I Will pay more
build the meaning of the content which they have attentions with the students who are not
1. Activity: Fill in the blank (Internalize).
process by themselvesbase on Cognitive Theory motivated in a high level, to participate in the
Students had to work individually and complete the created by Jean Piaget and Liv Vygotsky students class. The use of more realia I consider is a
worksheet assigned for each of them. The worksheet recognize similarities. Also, they act according to good aspect to take in consideration. I will
was related to the topoc “Reported Speech”. Students their level of development and knowledge. It can continue trying to use the corect time for
had to change a serie of sentences into reported help students to resolve problems and each stage because It is a good way to make
speech. At the end, students had to share voluntarily. communicate each other, because they have it interesting and not boring. I will
Teacher explianed very good the instructions. The confidence in their skills because when they demonstarte more confident while I am
instruction was clear. Teacher helped students and worked in groups. They share ideas to choose the giving the task because to the extent that I
monitored every of them to checked if they were best answer. However, evryone learn in different do, the class will be more efective. The
working. The environment of the class looked a little bit ways. we must remember that Howard Garnerd management of the class need to improve
boring. The materials used were the papers with the speaks that there are different types of every single day and for this I continue
worksheets. intelligences, called multiple intelligences, which learning and improving my knowledge,
means that the methods to be used during a class because of that is what I share to my
2. Activity: Speaking Time (Fluency) should not be limited to just one but create a lesson students.
Students had to stand up and create two lines of with stages focused on different intelligences for
students, one in front to the other. They were allowed different types of learners, to that at the end of one
to choose the sentences which they was going to use to way or another the objective of each lesson is
practicing their speaking time. One student had to say applied.
a sentences, and the student in the front had to do the
report in the right tense. Teacher was monitoring every
Teaching Practicum II
pair and was giving instructions for the ones who had
not understood. Teacher had problems with not paying
attention for the groups of the corners. They were
talking in spanish. Students felt confortable
apparebtly. There were not realia for this activity. Just
the board to write some specific instructions.
3. Activity: Feedback (Wrap Up)
Students were sitting down during this task. Students
needed to participate as a victim. They needed to talk
about what they had learned about a specific tense
teacher assigned. Teacher was listening carefully whay
they said anf after that teacher was giving feedback for
the previous students and in general. The materials
used were some papers with some numbers to call their
attentions. The wnvironment during this stage was
really nice. The objective of the activity was achieved.

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