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Unit 1: My New School: Lesson 1: Getting Started - A Special Day

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Lesson 1: Getting started – A special day

Lesson aim(s)

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- have an overview about the topic My new school;
- use the vocabulary to talk about school things.

Language analysis

Form Meaning Pronunciation

1. subject (n) the thing that is being studied /ˈsʌbdʒekt/

2. uniform (n) a set of clothes that has to be worn by /ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/

the members of the same group of

3. calculator (n) an electronic device used for /ˈkælkjəleɪtər/

mathematical processes

Materials (referenced)

- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 1, Getting started

- Projector/ pictures and cards
- sachmem.vn

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

Students may lack experience of - Encourage students to work in groups so

group/ team work. that they can help each other.
- Give short, clear instructions and help if

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 1: My new school
Lesson 1: Getting started

* Warm-up
Memorising game
I. Vocabulary
1. subject (n)
2. uniform (n)
3. calculator (n)
II. Practice
Task 1: Listen and read.
Task 2: Read the conversation again and tick (✔) T (True) or F (False).
Task 3: Write one word from the box in each gap.
Task 4: Match the words with the school things. Then listen and repeat.
Task 5: Write names of the things you can see around the class in your
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up - To activate * Memorising game: Team work 5

students’ - Teacher divides class into mins
knowledge on 2 teams.
the topic of - Teacher asks students to
the unit. close the books, shows
- To set the the picture (pages 6
context for and 7) and asks them to
the listening memorise every detail in
and reading the picture in 1 minute.
part. - Teacher hides the
pictures and asks
questions about the
picture. The team who
has more correct
answers is the winner.

1. How many people can
you see in the picture?
2. Who are they?
3. Where are they?
4. What are the two
students carrying on
their backs?
5. Where are they going to
Suggested answers:
1. I can see three people.
2. They are students.
3. They are at one of the
boys’ home.
4. They are carrying school
bags/ backpacks.
5. They are going to go to
- Teacher sets the context
for the listening and
reading text: Write the
title on the board A
special day. Explain the
meaning of special and
ask students to guess
what the conversation
might be about.

Presentation To prepare VOCABULARY T-Ss 5

(Vocab – students with Teacher introduces the mins
pre-teach) vocabulary. vocabulary by:
- giving explanations;
- showing the pictures
illustrating the words.
1. subjects (n)
2. uniform (n) [picture]
3. calculator (n) [picture]

Practice - To have Task 1: Listen and read. T-Ss 5
students - Teacher plays the mins
know the recording twice.
topic. - Students listen and read.
- Teacher checks students’
- Teacher calls 3 students
to read the conversation

- To have Task 2: Read the 7

students get conversation again and mins
specific tick (✔) T (True) or F
information of (False).
the text. - Teacher tells students to T-Ss
read the conversation
again and work
independently to find the
answers. Remind
students to underline the
information and correct
the false statements.
- Teacher has students pair Ss-Ss
compare before checking
with the whole class.
- Teacher calls some T-Ss
students to give the
Answer key:
1. T
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F

- To check Task 3: Write one word 5

students from the box in each gap. mins
understanding - Teacher has students
of the read the conversation S
conversation again, work
and help independently to put a
students use suitable word from the
the words in box to fill in the gap.
context. - Teacher calls one student
to share his/her answer T-Ss
on the board.
- Teacher asks students to
look at the board, check Ss-Ss
their mate’s answer.
Answer key:
1. wear
2. has
3. go
4. uniforms
5. subjects

- To provide Task 4: Match the words 7

students with the school things. mins
vocabulary. Then listen and repeat.
- Teacher divides the class
into 2 teams. T-Ss
- Teacher put two sets of
cards, one includes Ss-Ss
pictures of school things
and the other includes
their names. Members
from two teams take
turns and matchs the
names with the correct
pictures as fast as
possible. The team
matched faster and
correctly is the winner.

Task 5: Write names of the
- To check things you can see around 6
students’ the class in your Group mins
vocabulary notebook. work
and improve - Students work in groups
group work of four to look around
skill. the class and write down
things they can see in the
- Students may ask teacher
if they don’t know the
names of the items.
- Students share with the
whole class.

Consolidation To consolidate Teacher asks students to T-Ss 3

what students talk about what they have mins
have learnt in learnt in the lesson.
the lesson.

Homework To review the - Do exercises in the T-Ss 2

lesson and workbook. mins
prepare for the - Think of activities
next lesson. students can do at

Lesson 2: A closer look 1

Lesson aim(s)

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- use the lexical items related to the topic My new school;
- use the combinations: to study, to have, to do, to play + N;
- pronounce correctly the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/.

Language analysis

Form Meaning Pronunciation

1. science (n) a particular subject that is studied /ˈsaɪəns/

using scientific methods.

2. exercise (n/v) physical activity that you do to make /ˈeksəsaɪz/

your body strong and healthy.

Materials (referenced)

- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 1, A closer look 1

- Projector/ Pictures
- sachmem.vn

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may have difficulties Provide students some tips by identifying

in distinguishing two sounds the letters may include each sound.
/ɑː/ and /ʌ/.

2. Some students will excessively - Define expectation in explicit detail.

talk in the class. Have excessive talking students practise.
- Continue to define expectations in small
chunks (before every activity).
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 1: My new school
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
* Warm-up
Game: Hot seat
I. Vocabulary
1. science (n)
2. exercise (n/v)
Task 1: Listen and repeat the words.
Task 2: Put the words in the correct columns.
Task 3: Put the words in the blanks.
II. Pronunciation
Task 4: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/.
Task 5: Listen and repeat. Underline the words with the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/.
III. Production
Game: Who is faster?
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up To activate * Game: Hot seat Team work 5

students’ prior - Teacher divides mins
knowledge and students into 2 teams.
vocabulary Each team has a member
related to the standing against the
topic. board.
- Teacher shows pictures
of some activities one
by one and other
members use body
language to let their
team member guess
the names of the
- The team with the most
correct answers in the
fastest time is the

Answer key:

play football

listen to music

skip rope

drink water

watch TV

play video games

Presentation To enrich VOCABULARY T-Ss 3

(Vocab – students’ - Teacher introduces the mins
pre-teach) vocabulary. vocabulary by:
+ providing explanations
of the words;
+ showing picture
illustrating the word.
1. science (n) [picture]
2. exercise (n/v)

Practice To teach Task 1: Listen and repeat T-Ss 16

students some the words. mins
activities they - Teacher asks students
can do at to listen and repeat the
school. words.
- Teacher calls some
students to read the
words aloud.

To help student Task 2: Work in pairs.

identify which Put the words in Task 1
nouns go after in the correct columns.
which verbs to - Teacher asks students Pair work
make names of to work in pairs and use
school activities. the words in Task 1 to
put into the correct
- Students work in pairs
and do the task.
- Teacher calls some T-Ss
pairs to share their
answers with the whole
- Teacher gives feedback
and corrections (if
Answer key:
play do
football homework
music exercise
have study
school lunch English
lessons history
- Teacher explains which
nouns go with each
verb to make
meaningful names of
- Teacher asks students
to work in groups of
four and add as many

words into each column
as possible.
To help
students use the Task 3: Put the words in
vocabulary in the blanks. S
context. - Teacher asks students
to work independently
and put a suitable word
in each blank. Ss-Ss
- Teacher allows students
to share their answers
before discussing as a
class. T-Ss
- Teacher asks some
students to share the
answers and gives
Answer key:
1. homework
2. football
3. lessons
4. exercise
5. science

Presentation To help PRONUNCIATION T- Ss 5

(Pre-teach students have - Teacher introduces 2 mins
the sounds concept and sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/ to
/ɑː/ and /ʌ/) identify the students and lets them
sounds /ɑː/ watch a video about
and /ʌ/. how to pronounce
these two sounds.
- Teacher asks students
to give some words
they know containing

these sounds.
Suggested answers:
- /ɑː/: car, start, after,
- /ʌ/: cut, one, country
- Teacher draws students
attention to the letters
containing the sounds
and helps them identify
the sounds.

Practice To help Task 4: Listen and T-Ss 6

students repeat. Pay attention to mins
identify and the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/.
practise the /ɑː/ - Teacher asks students
and /ʌ/ sounds. to listen and repeat.
- Students work

Task 5: Listen and

To help repeat. Underline the
students words with the sounds
practise the /ɑː/ and /ʌ/. Pair work
sounds /ɑː/ - Before listening,
and /ʌ/ in teacher let students
sentences. discuss in pairs and find
the words with the
sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/. T- Ss
- Teacher plays the
recording for students
to check and repeat the

Production To give students * Game: Who is faster? Group 5

a chance to - Teacher divides work mins
apply what they students into groups of

have learnt. four, gives each group a
piece of paper, asks
them to write
sentences including 2
features: school
activities and one of the
sounds /ɑː/ or /ʌ/.
- (e.g: I usually play
basketball with my
- Teacher asks each
group to hand in their
paper and checks, the
group with more
correct sentences is the
- Teacher invites the
winner to read aloud
their sentences.

Consolidation To consolidate Teacher asks students to T-Ss 3

what students talk about what they mins
have learnt in have learnt in the lesson.
the lesson.

Homework To revise what - Rewrite the sentences T-Ss 2

they have into notebooks. mins
learnt. - Find 3 more school
activities that have the
sound /ɑː/ or /ʌ/.

Lesson 3: A closer look 2
The present simple

Lesson aim(s)

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the present simple tense.

Language analysis

Form Example
S + Vinf/ V(s/es) + … . I usually go to school by bike.
S + don’t/ doesn’t + Vinf + … . She doesn’t like school lunch very much.
Do/ Does + S + Vinf + … ? Do they live near here?
W/H + do/does + S + Vinf + … ? What do you often do after school?

Materials (referenced)

- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 1, A closer look 2

- Projector/Pictures, sets of word cards
- sachmem.vn

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may find confused Give short and clear explanations with
when to use the present simple legible examples for each case.

2. Students may have - Give clear instructions, give examples

underdeveloped speaking and before letting students work in groups.
co-operating skills. - Provide feedback and help if necessary.

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 1: My new school
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
* Warm-up
Game: Sentence puzzling
I. Grammar focus
1. Present simple tense
Task 1: Elicit the present simple tense
Task 2: Choose the correct answer A, B or C. (Ex. 1, p. 9)
Task 3: Write the correct form of verbs (Ex. 2, p. 9)
2. Adverbs of frequency
Task 4: Fill the blanks with usually, sometimes or never. (Ex. 3, p. 10)
II. Practice
Task 5: Choose the correct answer A or B to complete the sentences.
(Ex. 4, p. 10)
III. Production
Task 6: Work in pairs. Make questions then interview your partner. (Ex. 5, p.
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up To activate * Game: Sentence 5
students’ prior puzzling mins
knowledge - Teacher divides the Group work
related to the class into 4 groups.
targeted - Teacher delivers a set
grammar of of word cards which are
present simple jumbled sentences in
tense and to present simple to each
increase group.
students’ - Students will have to
interest. work in groups to
create as many correct
sentences from the
word cards as possible.
- The group with the
most correct sentences
will be the winner.
Suggested sentences:
1. live near
Peter s
his school.
2. g to
We o
the same school.
3. hav new
They e
4. alway look
We s
smar in our
t uniforms.
Lead in To introduce the - Teacher draws T-Ss 2
targeted students’ attention to mins
grammar of the the form of the
present simple sentences created in
tense. the game and asks
them whether they
know the target tense.
Presentation To help students 1. THE PRESENT SIMPLE 22
know and TENSE mins
understand the Task 1: Elicit the present T-Ss
use of the simple tense
present simple - Teacher provides or
tense. confirms the answers
and leads in the
grammar focus of the
S + Vinf/ V(s/es) + … .
S + don’t/ doesn’t + Vinf
Do/ Does + S + Vinf
Yes, S + do/does.
No, S + don’t/ doesn’t.
W/H questions
W/H + do/does + S +
Vinf + … ?
Use do/don’t with: I,
you, we, they and
singular noun forms.
Use does/ doesn’t with:
she, he, it and plural
noun forms.

- Teacher gives students

some time to study the
grammar box.

Task 2: Choose the

correct answer A, B or C.
- Teacher has students S
work independently,
look at the form and do
Exercise 1 – page 9.
- Teacher lets students Pair work
work in pairs and
exchange the answers
before checking with
the whole class (explain
each sentence if
Answer key:
1. A
2. C

3. B
4. A
5. C
Task 3: Write the correct
form of the verbs.
- Teacher asks students
to work independently. S
- Teacher calls 1 or 2
students to write their T-Ss
answers on the board,
checks their answers
sentence by sentence.
Answer key:
1. has
2. Do you have
3. like
4. Does Vy walk
5. ride
6. go

- Teacher asks students
to read the sentences
in Exercise 2 - page 9
again and asks them
when to use the
present simple tense,
drawing their attention
to the adverbs of
We often ride our
bicycles to school.

Task 4: Fill the blanks

with sometimes, usually T-Ss
or never.
- Teacher shows the

graph and lets students
fill in the blanks with
suitable adverbs of
frequency: sometimes,
usually or never
(Exercise 3 – page 10)

Answer key:
2. usually
3. sometimes
5. never
- Teacher lets students
work in groups of four
to make 5 sentences
using the 5 adverbs of
frequency above.
- Teacher calls some
groups to read aloud
the answers and gives
Practice To give students Task 5: Choose the 4
opportunities to correct answer A or B to mins
use the present complete each sentence.
simple tense - Teacher has students S
with adverbs of complete Exercise 4 –
frequency page 10 independently.
correctly in - Teacher then asks Ss-Ss
context. students to exchange
their textbooks to
check their friends’
Answer key:
1. B 2. A
3. A 4. B
5. A
Production - To help Task 6: Work in pairs. 7
students Make questions then mins
distinguish and interview your partner.
use correctly - Teacher has students Pair work
the present work on the Ex. 5, p. 10
simple tense. in pairs.
- To improve - Teacher checks the Team work
cooperative answers by playing a
skill. game. Teacher divides
students into 2 teams,
2 students in each team
choose a set of
questions (which are
the questions 1-5 in
Ex. 5, p. 10). Teacher
may add more
questions if necessary)
then interview each
other. The team with
higher score is the

10 points: you/ like/ your

new school
20 points:
Question 1: you/ often/
ride your bicycle/ to
Question 2: you/
sometimes/ study in the
school library
Question 3: your friends/
always/ go to school/
with you
Question 4: you/ usually/
do homework/ after
30 points: How often/
your mother/ pick you
up/ school
Answer key:
1. Do you like your new
2. Do you often ride your
bicycle to school?
3. Do you sometimes
study in the school
4. Do your friends usually
go to school with you?
5. Do you usually do your
homework after
6. How often does your
mother pick you up
from school?
Consolidation To consolidate Teacher asks students to T-Ss 3
what students talk about what they mins
have learnt in have learnt in the lesson.
the lesson.
Homework To review the Make 5 sentences in the T-Ss 1 min
knowledge that present simple tense,
students have using adverbs of
gained in this frequency.

Lesson 4: Communication
Lesson aim(s)

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- use the lexical items related to the topic My new school;
- know how to introduce someone;
- ask appropriate questions when making friends at school;
- know what good qualities a good friend should have.

Language analysis

Form Meaning Pronunciation

1. classmate (n) someone who is in the same class /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/
with you at school
2. share (v) to divide food, money, goods and give /ʃeər/
parts of it to someone else

Materials (referenced)

- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 1, Communication

- Pictures/ Projector
- sachmem.vn

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may have - Encourage students to work in pairs, in
underdeveloped speaking and groups so that they can help each other.
co-operating skills. - Provide feedback and help if necessary.

2. Some students will excessively - Define expectation in explicit detail.

talk in the class. Have excessive talking students practise.
- Continue to define expectations in small
chunks (before every activity).
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 1: My new school
Lesson 4: Communication
* Warm-up
Game: Who knows more?
I. Everyday English
1. Vocabulary
share (v)
classmate (n)
2. Introducing someone
This is … .
Nice to meet/ see you.
Nice to meet/ see you, too.
Task 1: Listen and read the dialogue.
Task 2: Work in groups. Practise introducing a friend to someone.
II. New friends at school
Task 3: Read and tick the questions you think are suitable to ask a new friend
at school.
Task 4: Friendship quiz.
III. Producton
Task 5: Work in groups. Take turns to interview the others, use the questions
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up To introduce * Who knows more? 5

the topic. - Teacher divides the class Team work mins
into 2 teams.
- Teacher shows pictures
of some famous pairs of
friends around the
world, asks students to
name them.
- The team thats give
more correct names is
the winner.

Tom and Jerry

Woody and Buzz

Lisa and Rose

Spongebob and Patrick

Harry Potter and

Hermione Granger

Leonardo DiCaprio and
Tobey Maguire

Lead in To lead in the Teacher leads students T-Ss 2

targeted into the lesson by telling mins
vocabulary about what they are going
and to learn:
pronunciation. Are people above good
friends? Why?
Let’s find out what make a
good friend in our lesson


Presentation To prepare 1. PRE-TEACH T-Ss 3

students with VOCABULARY: mins
vocabulary. - Teacher introduces the
vocabulary by:
+ giving situation;
+ giving explanation.
1. share (v) [situation]:
What action can you say
when you give your
food to poor children?
2. classmate (n)
[explanation]: What
word can you use to say
about people who are in
the same class with

the structure Task 1: Listen and read mins
of introducing the dialogue. (Ex. 1, p. 11)
someone. - Teacher lets students
listen and read the
dialogue, asks them
what the characters say
when they first meet
- Teacher calls some
students to share their
- Teacher gives more
explanations and writes
down the structure of
introducing someone.
This is … .
Nice to meet/ see you.
Nice to meet/ see you, too.

Practice To practice Task 2: Work in groups. 5

the structure Practise introducing a mins
of introducing friend to someone.
someone. - Teacher asks students to Group
work in groups of four, work
introducing themselves
to the group members,
using structures above.
- Teacher calls some T-Ss
students to introduce
their new friends to the
whole class.
- Teacher gives feedback
and corrections (if


Practice - To identify Task 3: Read and tick the 14

questions questions you think are mins
people suitable to ask a new
should ask friend at school.
when they - Teacher has students Group
first meet. discuss in groups of four, work
then asks them to add 2
more questions to the
- Teacher checks with the T-Ss
whole class.
- To identify Task 4: Friendship quiz.
qualities of a Students work S
good friend. independently and do the
quiz in Ex. 4, p. 11.

Production To apply the Task 5: Work in groups. 8

knowledge Take turns to interview mins
they have the others, use the
learnt in this questions above.
lesson. - Teacher ask students to Group
move to places of work
classmates they haven’t
got aquainted yet, form
a new group and
interview the new
mates, then give
feedback on their mates.
- Teacher calls some
groups to make models.

Consolidatio To consolidate Teacher asks students to T-Ss 3

n what students talk about what they have mins
have learnt in learnt in the lesson.
the lesson.
Homework To review Write down the results T-Ss 1 min

what students and feedback of the
have learnt in previous interviews.
the lesson.


Lesson 5: Skills 1
Lesson aim(s)
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- develop reading skill for general and specific information about schools;
- talk about different types of school;
- talk about things they like and don’t like at school and the reasons for that.

Language analysis
Form Meaning Pronunciation
1. international (adj) involving more than one country /ˌɪntəˈnæʃən.əl/

2. boarding school (n) a school where students live and /ˈbɔːdɪŋ ˌskuːl/
3. playground (n) an area designed for children to /ˈpleɪɡraʊnd/
play outside

Materials (referenced)
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 1, Skills 1
- Pictures, cards
- sachmem.vn

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may lack Provide students with the meaning and
knowledge about some pronunciation of words.
lexical items.
2. Students may have - Let students read the text again (if needed).
underdeveloped reading, - Create a comfortable and encouraging
speaking and co-operating environment for students to speak.

skills. - Encourage students to work in pairs, in
groups so that they can help each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.
3. Some students will - Define expectation in explicit detail.
excessively talk in the class. Have excessive talking students practise.
- Continue to define expectations in small
chunks (before every activity).

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 1: My new school
Lesson 5: Skills 1
* Warm-up
Game: Lucky number
I. Reading
Task 1: Look at the picture and quickly read the passages. Match 1-3 with A-C.
1. boarding school (n)
2. playground (n)
3. international (adj)
Task 2: Read the passages again and complete the sentences.
Task 3: Answer the questions.
II. Speaking
Task 4: Which school in Exercise 1 would you like to go to? Why/ Why not?
Complete the table.
Task 5: Discuss your choice with your friends.
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up To introduce the * Game: Lucky number 5
topic of reading. - Class is divided into 2 Team work mins
- Teacher prepares 7
numbers which
includes 5 questions
about their school,
and 2 lucky numbers.
- Each team takes turns
and chooses a number
and answers the
question behind the
number. If the team
answers the question
correctly, they will get
1 point. If the team
chooses the lucky
number, they get 1
point without
answering the
question and may
choose another
Suggested questions:
1. How many classes
are there in our
2. Do students have to
wear uniform when
they go to school?
3. How many computer
rooms does our
school have?
4. Name some clubs in
our school.
5. When was our school
Pre-Reading To lead in the Teacher leads students T-Ss 4
reading skills. into the lesson by mins
showing pictures of 3
schools Sunrise, An Son
and Dream and asks
them some questions:
1. What can you see in
these pictures?
2. Are these schools in
the same place?
3. Which school do you
think is in Viet Nam?
Suggested answers:
1. I can see three
different schools.
2. No, they aren’t.
3. The second school.
While- To develop Task 1: Look at the T- Ss 15
Reading reading skill for picture and quickly mins
general read the passages.
information. Match 1-3 with A-C.
- Teacher asks students
to open the book,
read through the text
and do Ex. 1 – p. 12.
- Teacher calls some
students to give the
answer, explain which
sentence give them
the information.
Answer key:
1. C
2. A
3. B

students with Teacher asks students T- Ss
some lexical to get the meaning of
items before the words boarding
reading the text. school, international
and playground in
1. boarding school (n)
2. playground (n)
3. international (adj)
To develop Task 2: Read the
reading skill for passages again and
specific complete the
information. sentences.
- Teacher asks students T-Ss
to read through the
sentences, predict
what information/
what types of words
they have to fill in the
- Teacher lets students S
work independently
and find the correct
- Teacher lets students Pair work
pair compare before
checking with the
whole class.
Answer key:
1. boarding
2. Sydney
3. mountains and green
4. Dream School
5. English-speaking

To identify Task 3: Answer the

different features questions.
of each school. - Teacher asks students T-Ss
to read the questions
and underline key
words, reminds them
to focus on the types
of information they

have to find (What/
Where/ Which
- Teacher asks students
to work in pairs and Pair work
find the answer.
- Teacher calls a
student to write T-Ss
his/her answer on the
board, then check
sentence by sentence
with class.
Suggested answers:
1. Sunrise is a boarding
2. An Son School is in
Bac Giang.
3. Yes, there is.
4. They join many
interesting clubs.
Pre-Speaking To help students Task 4: Which school in T-S 5
form the ideas Exercise 1 would you mins
for their like to go to? Why/
speaking. Why not? Complete the
- Teacher asks students
to work
independently and
complete the table.
- Teacher goes around
and offers help if
While- To help students Task 5: Discuss your Group 8
Speaking use what they choice with your work mins
have learnt so far friends.
to talk about a - Teacher tells students
school. to work in groups of

four and share the
answer, reminds them
to take note the
information from
other members.
- Teacher invites some
students to share
their preparation and
makes sure they
speak in full
- Students share their
ideas with the whole
Post-Reading - To help - Teacher allows Ss-Ss 3
and Speaking students students to give mins
improve next comments for their
time. friends and vote for
- Check students’ the most interesting
understanding and informative
about the presentation.
reading - Teacher gives T-Ss
passage. feedback and
Consolidation To consolidate Teacher asks students T-Ss 2
what students to talk about what they mins
have learnt in have learnt in the
the lesson. lesson.
Homework To review the - Teacher asks students T-Ss 2
lesson they have to write down their mins
learnt and opinion about a
prepare for the school in their books.
next lesson - Teacher asks students
Skills 2. to search for
information about
their school.

Lesson 6: Skills 2
Lesson aim(s)

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- use the lexical items related to the topic My new school;
- listen for specific information about school activities;
- write a passage about their new school.

Materials (referenced)

- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 1, Skills 2

- Pictures
- sachmem.vn

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may have - Play the recording many times if
underdeveloped listening skills. necessary.
- Encourage students to work in pairs,
in groups so that they can help each
- Provide feedback and help if
2. Some students will excessively talk - Define expectation in explicit detail.
in the class. Have excessive talking students
- Continue to define expectations in
small chunks (before every activity).

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 1: My new school
Lesson 6: Skills 2
* Warm-up
Crossword puzzle
I. Listening
Task 1: Guess the answers to the following questions.
Task 2: Listen again and choose the correct answer A or B.
II. Writing
Task 3: Write the answers to the following questions about your school.
Task 4: Use the answer in Task 3 to write a paragraph of 40-50 words about
your school. You can refer to the reading passages to help you.
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up - Check *Crossword Puzzle Team work 5
students’ Teacher divides class into mins
vocabulary 2 teams. Each team takes
from turns to choose a
previous crossword, reads the
lessons. clues and solves the
- To introduce puzzle.
the topic of

1. This is an area designed

for children to play in
outside, especially at
school or in a park.
2. This is an adjective
used to describe
people who have a
clean, tidy and stylish

3. Complete the following
sentence with a
suitable word:
Mrs Nguyen teaches all
my history _____.
4. What is this subject?
– [visuals]
5. What is this school
thing? – [visuals]
6. This is a small
electronic device that is
used for calculations.
Lead in To lead in the Teacher draws students’ T-Ss 1 min
listening tasks. attention to the word
PALMER – the name of a
school in America, lets
them know they are
going to listen to Janet, a
student from Palmer
Pre-Listening To help Task 1: Guess the answer T-Ss 4
students to the following mins
brainstorm and questions.
have an 1. Do you think the
overview students there wear
about what uniforms?
they are going 2. Do they learn
to listen to. Vietnamese as a
foreign language?
- Teacher lets students Pair work
work in pairs and
discuss the questions.
Encourage them to
speak English and feel
free to make guesses.
- Teacher plays the
recording once.

Students listen to check
their guesses.
Suggested answers:
1. Yes, they do.
2. Yes, they do.
While- To help Task 2: Listen again and 10
Listening students choose the correct mins
develop answer A or B.
listening skill * Read and find the key T-Ss
for specific words
information. Teacher asks students to
read the statements,
underline the key words,
reminds them to pay
attention to keywords
while listening.
* Listen and choose the
correct answer
- Teacher plays the
- Teacher asks students
to listen and choose the
- Teacher asks students Ss-Ss
to compare their
answer with the
- Teacher calls on some T-Ss
students to write their
answers on the board,
then play the recording
once again and check
with the class.
Answer key:
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
Audio script:
Hi. My name’s Janet. I’m
eleven years old. I’m now
in year 6 at Palmer
School. I like it here.
My classmates are
friendly. The teachers at
my school are nice and
very helpful, and my
favourite teacher is Mrs.
Smith. She teaches us
maths. I have two hours
to study Vietnamese
every week. I usually do
my homework in the
library. We wear our
uniforms every day, but
today we aren’t. We’re
going to have a biology
lesson on a farm.
Post-Listening To check * Summarize the Group 5
students’ information of the work mins
understanding listening part.
of the listening - Students work in groups
part. of four.
- Teacher asks students
to summarize the
information in the
listening part and talk
about it.
- Teacher helps if
Pre-Writing - To help Task 3: Write the 5
students answers to the following mins
have questions about your
information school.

about their - Teacher asks students S
school. to work independently
- To help to answer the
students questions.
write simple - Teacher encourages
sentences for students to write in full
the next sentences and tells
writing them that their
passage. sentences must be
grammatically and
logically correct with
the right choice of
words and correct
- Teacher allows students
to look back the reading
- Teacher asks students Pair work
to pair compare their
- Teacher invites one or T-Ss
two students to write
their answers on the
board and gives
feedback as models.
While-Writing To let students Task 4: Use the answer in Group 8
learn and help Task 3 to write a work mins
each other paragraph of 40-50
write a words about your school.
complete You can refer to the
passage about reading passages to help
their school. you.
- Teacher asks students
to work in groups of
four, gives them a large
piece of paper and asks
them to write the full
paragraph into the
paper in 6 minutes.
- Teacher asks students
to pay attention to
punctuation, structures,
word choice, linking
words, etc.
Post-Writing To cross check - Teacher has the groups Group 4
and final check swap and give feedback work mins
students’ on each other’s writing.
writing. - Teacher then gives
feedback on one writing
as a model.
Consolidation To consolidate Teacher asks students to T-Ss 2
what students talk about what they mins
have learnt in have learnt in the lesson.
the lesson.
Homework To allow - Rewrite the paragraph T-Ss 1 min
students in the notebooks.
finalize their - Prepare for the project.
versions after
being checked
by friends and

Lesson 7: Looking back & Project
Lesson aim(s)

By the end of the lesson, students can:

- review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 1;
- apply what they have learnt (vocabulary and grammar) into practice through
a project.

Materials (referenced)

- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 1, Looking back & Project

- Pictures, A0 paper
- sachmem.vn

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may have - Encourage students to work in pairs, in

underdeveloped speaking, groups so that they can help each
writing and co-operating skills other.
when doing the project. - Provide feedback and help if necessary.

2. Some students will excessively - Define expectation in explicit detail.

talk in the class. Have excessive talking students
- Continue to define expectations in
small chunks (before every activity).

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 1: My new school
Lesson 7: Looking back & Project
* Warm-up
Brainstorming: School things
I. Looking back
Task 1: Look at the pictures. Write the correct words in the gaps.
Task 2: Match the words in A with the words/ phrases in B.
Task 3: Complete the sentences with the present simple.
Task 4: Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Task 5: Put the adverb in brackets in the correct place in each sentence.
II. Project
School Convention
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up To revise the * Brainstorming 3
vocabulary - Teacher divides the Team work mins
related to the board, and divides the
topic and lead class into 2 teams.
in the next part - Members of each team
of the lesson. take turns and write as
many school things as
possible in 2 minutes.
- The group having more
correct answers is the
Looking back - To help Task 1: Look at the 17
students pictures. Write the mins
revise school correct words in the
things. gaps.
- Teacher encourages S
students to complete
the task individually.
- Students exchange their Ss-Ss

textbooks with their
- Teacher gives feedback T-Ss
as a class discussion.
Answer key:
1. uniform
2. pencil sharpener
3. notebook
4. compass
5. calculator
6. ruler

- To help Task 2: Match the words

students in A with the words/
revise the phrases in B.
combination: - Teacher encourages S
to study, to students to complete
have, to do, the task individually.
to play + N. - Students exchange their Ss-Ss
textbooks with their
- Teacher gives feedback T-Ss
as a class discussion.
Answer key:
1. e
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. c
- Teacher encourages
students to provide
more school activities.

- To help Task 3: Complete the

students sentences with the
revise the present simple.
present - Teacher has students
simple tense. complete the task S

- Students exchange their
textbooks and give Ss-Ss
feedback to each other.
- Teacher gives feedback
as a class discussion. T-Ss
Answer key:
1. comes
2. don’t
3. walks
4. do
5. teaches

- To help Task 4: Complete the

students text with the correct
revise the form of the verbs in
postion of brackets.
adverbs of - Students work in pairs.
frequency in - Teacher asks students Pair work
context. to read the sentences
carefully and give the
- Students complete the
task and discuss the
- Teacher gives feedback
as a class discussion. T-Ss
Answer key:
1. is
2. has
3. walks
4. study

Task 5: Put the adverb in

brackets in the correct
place in each sentence.
- Students work in pairs.

- Students complete the
task and discuss the
answers. Pair work
- Teacher gives feedback
as a class discussion.
Answer key:
1. I always remember to T-Ss
do my homework.
2. Nick usually gets good
marks in exams.
3. We do not often see a
rabbit in town.
4. I rarely read in bed at
5. Do you sometimes sing
in the shower?
Project To allow * My dream school 22
students to - Teacher sets the T-Ss mins
apply what context of a School
they have Convention that will be
learnt occurred right now in
(vocabulary and the classroom.
grammar) into - Teacher divides Group
practice students into 4 big work
through groups. Each group will
a project. act as a representative
of a school, come to the
convention to introduce
and enroll new
- Teacher lets the groups
discuss and summarise
the information and
design A0 size posters
about their school.
- Teacher asks the class
to listen to the reports Ss-Ss
and ask questions if
they would like to.
- Students will critically
evaluate all the posters,
then give 1 vote for the
most attractive poster.
- Teacher gives
comments and T-Ss
feedback to all 4
posters and awards
special prize to the
group which has the
most votes.
Consolidation To consolidate Teacher asks students to T-Ss 2
what students talk about what they mins
have learnt in have learnt in the lesson.
the lesson.
Homework To prepare for Prepare for the next T-Ss 1
the next lesson. lesson: Unit 2 – Lesson 1. min
Getting started.
* Pictures' source: From Internet


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