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Activity 1: Reading Lesson Plan: Methods For Teaching EFL: Skills

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Course Personal details Date

Methods for Teaching Surname: Zuñiga Patiño

EFL: Skills Name: Natalia

Activity 1: Reading Lesson Plan

Teacher`s name: Natalia Zuñiga Patiño School: IED Nicolàs de Federmàn
(Guataquì, Cundinamarca)
Class grade: 9th grade- High School Time: 60 minutes.
Students: 16 Average age of the students: 14-16
Topic: Reading activity “Dealing with Bullies”. Level: Intermediate
OBJECTIVE: To understand what is bullying and how to face it, using the communicative
skills; specially reading as a vehicle.
I choose the reading “dealing with bullies”, because the theme of the text is about a topic that
could affect teenagers, and they can talk about their experiences relate with the topic and give
possible solutions to resolve the problem; in addition, the text is easily to understand, because
it doesn’t use difficult vocabulary and the grammar structures have been explained to the
students and understood by them.
-To read a t text to understand the topic “Bullying”.
-To recognize different vocabulary relate to the topic and different grammar structures such
as: simple past and modal verbs.
-To organize by pairs to develop some of the activities.
-To give different solutions in which teenagers can face bullies through speaking and writing.
-To think about a case of bully in the classroom and then write a paragraph where the student
explains how to give a solution to that bullying.
Through the activity students will practise the competences that must be develop in the
English class such as:
-Linguistic competence: to read the text is essential to understand certain vocabulary and
some grammar structures, so the reading could be understood. In addition, as the students are
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going to present some point of views is necessary that students us proper structures to express
their ideas.
-Sociolinguistic competence: To show how different age and different gender can show
different ways to resolve a problem.

Unit 3. Activities
Course Personal details Date
Methods for Teaching Surname: Zuñiga Patiño
EFL: Skills Name: Natalia

-Pragmatic competence: to generate a turn taking in order to generate a conversation and to

develop it about a topic and he is able to develop a topic (he is going to present a possible
solution (writing)).
-To know: To use properly the grammar structures and vocabulary, so the text is understood
and can be relate with their own context.
-Ability to learn: The student is able to express his ideas with awareness and use in a proper
way the four communicative skills to develop the topic.
-Existential competence: taking into account motivations, attitudes and beliefs of how we
must treat others.
-Critical thinking and resolving problems: to propose possible solutions to resolve the
problem that is presented in the text.
-Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and interests with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
-Can make basic inferences or predictions about text content from headings, titles or
-Can deduce the probable meaning of unknown words in a written text by identifying their
constituent part (e.g. identifying word roots, lexical elements, suffixes and prefixes).
-Can maintain a conversation or discussion but may sometimes be difficult to follow when
trying to say exactly what he/she would like to.
-Can initiate, maintain and close simple, face-to-face conversation on topics that are familiar
or of personal interest and can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward description of
one of a variety of subjects within his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear sequence
of points.
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Can convey information and ideas on abstract as well as concrete topics, check information
and ask about or explain problems with reasonable precision.
Through the text it will be develop the following contents:

Unit 3. Activities
Course Personal details Date
Methods for Teaching Surname: Zuñiga Patiño
EFL: Skills Name: Natalia

Grammar: simple present (explanation of the theme), simple past tense (the cases that are
shown in the text), modal verbs (can, might) to express possibilities (in the text is used to
express what can happen with the students that bully or are bullied by others.
The students will use the reading “Dealing with bullies”, which was taken from the website:
kids health. “https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/bullies.html”
Photocopies, notebooks, pencil.
To the develop of this reading it will be use Simple view of reading model in order that
students are able to identify the main topic of the text as they will easily recognize the
vocabulary that is presented in the text and the grammar structures, which will help them to
identify the theme that is introduce it. Though the activities students will work individually
and in groups.

Activities Classroom Time

As they are organized in groups students will do Students will be organized 5’
scanning of the text. They will look vocabulary by pairs.
relate with feeling and emotions. Then, they will
look for verbs (They must identify which are in
present and in past). They will have three minutes.
Then, they will say to the rest of the groups some
examples. (They will do this, because is a good way
to recognize vocabulary and grammar structures
that they have learnt before.)
Students will read the headlines and they will look Students will do this 10’
at the pictures, and they must try to guess the main activity individually.
idea of the text. They will write a sentence with the
possible main idea. Then, each student will share
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with the rest of the group (it will read aloud by
them). They will do that in order to practise and
develop a pre-reading process that may facilitate
that students understand the text.
Students will develop the reading of the text in Students will do the 15’
order in silent. (They will do in silent because the activity individually.
main objective in that students make a

Unit 3. Activities
Course Personal details Date
Methods for Teaching Surname: Zuñiga Patiño
EFL: Skills Name: Natalia

comprehensible reading of the text and get the

main points (what is bullying, types of bullying,
cases of bulling and how to face bully).
Students will develop a short worksheet that it will Students will work by 10’
include questions, and false and true statements (I pairs.
chose this activity because in this way, it could be a
mediation between what that have read
individually in order to have better answers).
By pairs students will thing in cases of bullying that Student will work by pairs 15’
they have seen in the school, they must choose one,
and write a paragraph in which they must explain
how to resolve the case of bullying. (This activity
involve thinking a problem, generate an oral
conversation where they decide which case are
going to use and how they are going to resolve, they
it will be turn taking between the group)
One of the students of the group will read the Group activity 5’
possible solution to the rest of the class. They
mustn’t mention any name.

Activity 4 link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lg96o8maxtfnwtm/bullying


Assessment criteria:
- The student easily works individually or in group.
- The student respects his/her partners’ ideas on point of views.
- The student expresses his/her ideas using a correct grammar structures and
- The student is able to develop a comprehensible reading and develop activities taking
the text as a base.
Assessment tool:
Reading Lesson Score proportion
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Plan Assessment criteria Score %
The student is able to develop a comprehensible
1 reading and develop activities taking the text as a 3,5 35%
2 The student expresses his/her ideas using 3,5 35%
a correct grammar structures and

Unit 3. Activities
Course Personal details Date
Methods for Teaching Surname: Zuñiga Patiño
EFL: Skills Name: Natalia

The student respects his/her partners’

3 ideas on point of views. 2 20%

4 The student easily works individually or in group 1 10%

© Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)

Unit 3. Activities

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