Teaching Skills
Teaching Skills
Teaching Skills
Speaking is :
The process of building and sharing meaning
through the use of verbal and non-verbal
symbols in a variety of contexts
3- Some Features of SPOKEN discourse in
daily life :
For many years , teaching speaking has been undervalued and English
language teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a
repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues
Only in that way students can express themselves and learn how to
follow the social and cultural rules appropriate in each
communicative circumstance
To be continued . . . .
By using this method in ESL classes, students will have the
opportunity of communicating with each other in the target
Making a presentation
Dialogues and
Role Plays
accompanied by pictures These will take some time to create, or you can scan the
student, and a conversation with the whole class. Give each pair the same dialogue
to practice, and then discuss the dialogues as a whole group and answer any
questions. Alternatively, you could give each pair a different dialogue to practice in
pairs first and then with the whole class. Make sure you rotate the dialogues so that
If you have more advanced students, give them role play contexts
rather than dialogues. Prepare a written context or give them a picture
with two people in a classroom and have them construct the dialogue
for this picture. If you give each pair the same picture and have the
students present their dialogues for the class. Going over the
similarities and differences between the dialogues can lead to some
great conversations about the variations of speech they may hear.