Creating A Species Unit: 7 Grade Science
Creating A Species Unit: 7 Grade Science
Creating A Species Unit: 7 Grade Science
Samantha Geer
Fall 2018
Table of Contents
Unit Objective:.................................................................................................................................3
Curriculum Links.............................................................................................................................3
Lesson 1- Introduction to the unit....................................................................................................4
Lesson 2- Observation....................................................................................................................7
Lesson 3- Research..........................................................................................................................9
Lesson 4- Ecosystem....................................................................................................................11
Lesson 5- Museum Exhibit Presentation.......................................................................................13
Resource List.................................................................................................................................15
This unit is for a 7 grade science class. The students will learn about taxonomy, how
different species are classified, and how those classifications are used in the science community.
The students will then create their own unique species, which they will classify appropriately.
Finally, the students will also create a model of the ecosystem that the species would live in.
Unit Objective
By the end of the unit, SWBAT produce an individual species that will have a completed
taxonomy based on the structures of the species as well as a replication of the ecosystem that it
would live in.
Curriculum Links
Lesson 1- ELA
Lesson 2- ELA
Lesson 3- ELA
Lesson 4- Math & ELA
Lesson 5- Art & ELA
Lesson 1- Introduction to the unit
E1 Biodiversity
Students differentiate among organisms based on biological characteristics and identify patterns
of similarity.
Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as
they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
By the end of the lesson, SWBAT identify that objects/species can be classified through different
Process Skills- Classifying
Large poster paper for KWL chart
Projector or TV for video
Computer for video
Worksheet for classification activity
Pens markers
Glass beads
Stuffed animals
Popsicle sticks
Pipe cleaners
Exit slip
Anticipatory Set: As students enter the classroom, they will be asked to grab a worksheet and
work on the prompt that is on the board asking what classification is and how you can use it.
As the students are working on the prompt, the teacher is setting up the KWL chart, preparing
the items for the group activity, and preparing the video. After the students have taken a couple
of minutes to start thinking, they will be asked by the teacher to explain what classification is.
This will be written down on the KWL chart. Students will then be asked if they have any
questions about classification and this will be added to the KWL chart. After the KWL activity,
the teacher will add the terms Classification (a systematic arrangement in groups) and Species (a
group of that are more like each other than they are like any other group) to the KWL chart.
The students will then transition into three teacher chosen groups to do the activity. Each group
will be in a station that has a variety of objects. The students will have 5 minutes at each station
to determine multiple ways that the objects can be classified. They will work as a group but will
be expected to write down their findings individually. After each group has done all three
stations, they will go back to their desks. While the students are completing the task, the teacher
is observing and answering any questions the students have.
Following the activity, the teacher will ask each group how they classified the objects and write
the responses on a piece of paper. Questions that could be asked to prompt discussion: Were
there any ways to classify that your classmates though of that you didn’t? How could we use this
info to understand how we classify different species? What were some common characteristics
used for classification?
Following the activity, students will watch a brief four minute video to introduce the concept of
taxonomy. The close of the lesson will have the students filling out an exit slip that asks them to
explain what classification is, how it is used for different species, and what taxonomy is. It will
also ask if they have any questions about what they have learned.
Informal: Students will be observed on how they participate in the group activity as well as the
gathering of information.
Formal: Students will pass in their completed worksheet and an exit slip. This will let the teacher
know what information the students understand and what they might still be struggling with.
Lesson 2- Observation
E1 Biodiversity
Students differentiate among organisms based on biological characteristics and identify
patterns of similarity.
a.Compare physical characteristics that differentiate organisms into groups (including plants that
use sunlight to make heir own food, animals that consume energy -rich food, and organisms that
cannot easily be classified as either).
B Explain how biologists use internal and external anatomical features to determine relatedness
among organisms and to form the basis for classification systems.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are
defined in standards 1-3 above.)
By the end of the lesson, SWBAT observe different species and explain how they should be
Process Skills- Classifying and observing
Science Journal
Color pencils
KWL chart from previous lesson
When students enter the classroom, they will be asked to gather their science journal and answer
the prompt on the board (what do you remember about classification). Students will have several
minutes to answer this prompt as everyone settles. After the students are settled, the teacher will
ask the students what they recalled about classification and will do a quick review of the KWL
After the review, the teacher will explain to the class that they will be gathering their writing
supplies (pencils and color pencils) and will be going outside to make observations of species
around the school. The students will be asked to find a variety of species and document the
characteristics that could be used to classify (ex. Tree w/ pine cones, needle leaves, rough bark,
tree w/ big leaves, acorns, leaves that change color, black ant with antenna, small blue birds,
etc.). They will also be asked to sketch the species that they find. The teacher will be observing
the students work, asking questions to assist the students, and answering any questions that the
students have.
After the activity, students will be asked to briefly share a species that they found and the
characteristics that they thought would be helpful in the identification process. At the end of the
lesson, students will be asked to write any questions they still have in their science journal and
then pass it in.
Informal- Students will be assessed through classroom participation and through observations by
the teacher.
Formal- Students will turn in their science journal. The teacher will be able to see what they
recalled from their previous lesson, what they were able to do during the activity, and any
questions that they still have.
Lesson 3- Research
E1 Biodiversity
Students differentiate among organisms based on biological characteristics and identify
patterns of similarity.
a.Compare physical characteristics that differentiate organisms into groups (including plants that
use sunlight to make their own food, animals that consume energy -rich food, and organisms that
cannot easily be classified as either).
B Explain how biologists use internal and external anatomical features to determine relatedness
among organisms and to form the basis for classification systems.
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
By the end of the lesson, SWBAT determine the taxonomy of at least 3 different species through
Process Skills- Classifying
Science Journal
Scrap paper
As students enter the classroom, they will be asked to grab their science journal, computer,
paper, and pencil. After they gather their tools, the class will watch a brief video about
taxonomy. The students will have had a previous lesson on what each of the levels mean, so this
is just to be a reminder of what they will be looking for during the lesson.
After watching the video, students will be told that they will be using the species they found
around the school campus (plus added species if necessary) and will be finding the taxonomy of
each of those species. They will document their findings in their science journals. They will be
asked to explain why their species is classified as it is (example: why would an animal be in the
Mammalia category?) As the student are working on their research, the teacher will be walking
around answering questions, and if needed, doing mini lessons to help students better understand
what they are working on.
With about 10 minutes left of class, students will be told to clean up their work station. Now that
they understand how to map out the taxonomy of a species, they will use that information to
create their own species. As they are creating their species, they should think about how it
should be classified and which species it resembles. If they are creating an animal, they can use as a resource for determining the classification (example: if they are
creating a shark like species, they can investigate the taxonomy of different sharks). The teacher
will use the website to show the students how to use it to gather information. Students will be
asked to turn in their science journal at the end of the lesson.
Informal- Students will be assessed through classroom participation and through observations by
the teacher.
Formal- Students will have completed their taxonomy in their science journals and will pass
them in.
Lesson 4- Ecosystem
E2- Ecosystems
Students examine how the characteristics of the physical, non-living (abiotic) environment, the
types and behaviors of living (biotic) organisms, and the flow of matter and energy affect
organisms and the ecosystem of which they are part.
Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual
lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.
Apply grade 7 Reading standards to literary nonfiction (e.g. "Trace and evaluate the argument
and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is
relevant and sufficient to support the claims")
By the end of the lesson, SWBAT explain the ecosystem their species will live in by creating a
model of the ecosystem that includes prey, predators, vegetation, food source, and any other
relevant information.
Process Skills- Communicating & Measuring
Color pencils
Construction paper
Poster paper
Boxes of a variety of sizes
(possibly other craft supplies)
This will be the first of 2-3 lessons available for students to work on this model. The students
will have previously created a 3-D representation of their species and visited a museum, so they
will have plenty of knowledge needed to create their ecosystem. During this lesson, students will
start to create the environment that their species will call home. There will be ample supplies
available for them to create a scale version of the ecosystem. As the students are working on
their ecosystems, the teacher will be answering questions and helping students with any
additional research they may need to complete their ecosystem.
Informal- Students will be assessed through how well they are staying on task and working on
their ecosystem.
Formal- After the 2 lessons, students will have a completed model of their species’ ecosystem
that will include all the relevant information needed to have a quality ecosystem.
Lesson 5- Museum Exhibit Presentation
E1 Biodiversity
Students differentiate among organisms based on biological characteristics and identify patterns
of similarity.
E2 Ecosystems
Students examine how characteristics of the physical, nonliving (abiotic) environment, the types
and behaviors of living (biotic) organisms, and the flow of matter and energy affect organisms
and the ecosystem of which they are part.
Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and
findings and emphasize salient points.
B4 Exhibition
Students select and prepare art works for display in the classroom, school, or other community
location, and articulate an artistic justification for their selection.
By the end of the lesson, SWBAT explain what their species is, its taxonomy and related species,
and the environment it lives in (including any prey and predators, food source, interaction with
other species).
Process Skills- Communication
3D model of species
Completed ecosystem
Museum plaque
The class will have previously set up a museum exhibit that will be on display for the school
community. For this class period, there will be other classes that will visit the museum and the
students will be experts on their species and ecosystem. The students will explain what their
species is, its taxonomy, and ecosystem. They will answer questions from students and teachers
and should be able to clearly and effectively communicate their knowledge on the topic.
Formal: Students will be assessed on how well they explain their species, their taxonomy, and
ecosystem. They should show that they are well informed on their topic and can effectively
communicate their ideas, while answering questions that are asked. Students will also have a
completed ecosystem and 3D species with completed taxonomy.
Resource List
Large poster paper for KWL chart Science Journal
Marker iPad/Computer
Projector or TV for video Scrap paper
Computer for video Pen/Pencil
Worksheet for classification activity Markers
Pen/pencil Color pencils
Dolls Glue
Cars Paint
Rocks Paper
Trucks Construction paper
Pens markers Rocks
Crayons Poster paper
Cups Boxes of a variety of sizes
Spoons (possibly other craft supplies)
Glass beads 3D model of species
Stuffed animals Completed ecosystem
Sticks Museum plaque
Popsicle sticks
Pipe cleaners
Science Journal
Color pencils
KWL chart from previous lesson