Major Animal Groups Lesson Plan
Major Animal Groups Lesson Plan
Major Animal Groups Lesson Plan
Essential Question What are the major groups of animals and how are they different from
each other?
WIDA Standards (visit; then see Page 3) Select all that apply
☐ WS1: For Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting.
☒ WS2: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.
☐ WS3: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics.
☒ WS4: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science.
☐ WS5: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies.
Learning Outcomes (State what the student will be able to do. Align outcomes with the standards identified above.)
The students will be able to:
• Classify animals into major groups, such as insects, fish, reptiles, mammals, and
Language Arts
• Present information in a logical sequence, using the student’s mode of
communication with guidance and support.
Instructional Materials and Technology (List everything needed in order to implement this lesson.)
• Laptop
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Whiteboard
• Markers
• Paper
• Pencils
Implementation: Modified Gradual Release
Entry Event (Describe your opening activity that will activate prior knowledge and engage students.)
You do it alone.
1. Name the Groups (pre-assessment): 5 min.
My opening activity will be asking students what the 4 major groups of animals are and
what their characteristics are. Through this method, I will be targeting students' prior
knowledge and their understanding of the material. Questions I will be asking are:
The students will work in a whole group setting to determine the characteristics of the
animal groups and what makes them different from each other, I will ensure to write them
on the whiteboard for them to use as a guide on the next activity. I will make observations
of the student's knowledge of the material. Once the characteristics are written, we will
move on to the next activity
Direct Instruction (Describe how you will present the concept/skill to students.)
Guided & Focused Instruction: 10 min.
We do it.
1. Determine and Discuss- As a class, we will sort various animals into their respective
groups. We will do so by discussing their characteristics and comparing those to the animal
groups. As a class, we will determine why they fall into their categories. Questions we will
ask are: What are some key characteristics of mammals that help us identify them? Why is
it important to understand the differences between these animal groups? How are birds
different from mammals, what characteristics do they have that make them different? How
are fish different from reptiles, what characteristics do they have that make them different?
I do it alone.
2. Direct Instruction – Explain Content
After going over the entry event, I will open my Canva slides and will go over it as a whole
group instruction. In the slides, we will go over what the word “Characteristics” means and
how it can help us place the animals in the correct groups. After going over the meaning of
the word, I will go over 3 key characteristics of each animal group.
You do it alone.
3. Let’s Classify! After reviewing the animal groups' key characteristics, the students will
be asked to classify the animals on the board. A total of 8 pictures will be shown on the
slides, the students must use the key characteristics they learned about and use them to
classify the animals
We do it.
4. Read the Essential Question- The essential question will be asked at the end of the
“Let’s Classify” game. The question “What are the major groups of animals and how are
they different from each other?” will be asked and students will have to answer the
question to the best of their abilities.
Collaboration 10 min.
You do it together.
Students will complete the whole group activity by classifying the animals provided in the
slide show.
1. Students will be shown a picture of an animal.
2. They will then note the characteristics of the animal.
3. Students will be asked to classify the animal in the correct animal group.
4. Students will be asked why they came to the answer they have.
As the students work on the activity, I will monitor their progress, ask questions to activate
their critical thinking skills and help them examine their work for errors.
Closure (Describe the reflection methods and reinforcement strategies you will use to conclude the lesson.)
Closure: 5 min.
To conclude the lesson, I will:
• Revisit the Essential Question and have students share their answers out loud.
• I will have a memory match card game with animals from the four animal groups
discussed, place them in teams and work together to find the matching cards.
Evaluation and Monitoring
Accommodations and/or Modifications (Describe how you will accommodate students with special needs.)
To accommodate my students with special needs, I have reviewed their IEPs and noted
that they required similar accommodations for the lesson to be differentiated and
implemented with fidelity. For these students, I will:
• Repeat, clarify, and/or summarize my directions.
• Provide extra time to think about the animal's characteristics.
• Give verbal encouragement.
• Provide a slide of the key characteristics of the animals to use as a guide.
• Assistive technology for the students whose IEPs requires it.
ELL Strategies (List specific strategies you will use to support ELLs.)
There are no ELL students in the SVE classroom.
Differentiated Instruction (Describe how you will tailor instruction to meet individual student needs.)
For my below-level students: I will provide for them a list of characteristics that they can
use as a source during the “Let’s Classify” game. For the visually impaired student, I will
enunciate the names of the animals on the screen and all words and sentences on the
slides to ensure they understand the material. I will also ensure to have her sitting close to
where the material is being projected, to allow her the best view possible.
On-level students: They will complete the assignment as is, and they will be provided with
a peer to work alongside if needed. I will be sure to ask critical thinking questions to
continue challenging their skills to ensure full mastery of the material is taking place. As the
answers are being provided, I will also make sure to give them positive reinforcements for
their efforts.
Above-level students: These students will be allowed to discuss with their peers if
they cannot agree on the animal group. I will ask them to name animals and the group
they belong to not shown in the slides.
21st Century Competencies (Describe how students will demonstrate 21st century competencies throughout the lesson.)
Critical Thinking: Collaboration: Creativity: Communication:
Critical Thinking is a skill that Students are encouraged to Students will engage in Students will be asked to
will be challenged the most collaborate when determining creativity when describing the engage in a discussion with the
during this lesson. They will and classifying the animals into different characteristics of the teacher and their peers when
use these skills when looking their respective groups. animals and their groups. determining the group the
at the pictures of animals and animal belongs to.
determining what animal group
they belong to.
Integration of Literacy (Describe how you will integrate reading, writing, and oral language skills in the lesson.)
Reading: Writing: Oral Language:
During the lesson, I will ask students to When going over key characteristics with Students will be allowed to listen as the
read what the information on the slides the students, I will write them on the board teacher models read/think aloud, read and
says. for the students to read as we go with the listen to their peers as they read, ask
lesson. They can then later use it as a questions, and answer questions posed in
guide for the lesson activity. class.
Assessment (Describe how you will assess student attainment of the lesson objectives.)
▪ I will assess student attainment of the lesson objectives during the “Let’s Classify!”
activity. As students are classifying and discussing I will take note of their answers.
Formative: Summative:
I informally assess students as they are collaborating and Students will be formally assessed on mastery of the standard by
working independently, making mental notes on which taking a classifying quiz. The quiz will be modified to meet the needs
students are answering with little to no struggle and students of the students. One quiz will be made where the student will be asked
who are showing struggle in understanding the material. to draw a line from the picture of the animal to the group, they belong
in. The other quiz will be a cut-and-paste style, students will be asked
to cut out pictures of the animals and paste them into the correct
group animal.
Extension (Describe how you will re-teach, remediate, and enrich after lesson implementation.)
Re-Teach: Remediate: Enrichment:
I will Reteach this lesson by going over To teach this lesson to students who do For students who have demonstrated an
key terms such as characteristics and not understand, I will start by asking understanding of the lesson, I will assign them
their importance in this specific lesson. I them where they are the most confused. to a laptop and have them research an animal
will also go into further detail about what I will also provide them with videos that that falls into one of the 4 groups that were
makes each animal group different from go into detail about each animal group. talked about.
the others.
Reflection (Evaluate student learning outcomes and reflect upon your experiences. How would you modify this lesson?)
Students showed mastery in the lesson, however, there are many components I would
modify to best meet their needs. The main change I would have made was when it came to
the presentation and having students classify the animals, I would have had students
create 4 signs with each of the animal groups before classifying. That way they could hold
up the animal group name when they saw the picture of the animal. Another change I
would have made would be to had place them in smaller groups earlier on in the lesson
rather than waiting towards the end of the lesson.